The Eagle 1907 (Easter)
Afay Term 1907. , NOTES FROM THE COLLEGE RECORDS. (Colltilluedjrom page 163). E give a further instalment of documents relating to the surplice controversy at St john's. These are from the State Papers, Domestic, in the Record Office. Two letters from Longworth are from Baker's collections. The first document however is taken from Strype's Life and Acts of Archbishop Parker, appendix No. xlii. It would appear that Longworth signed this apology or recan tation before Cecil, undertaking to read it publicly in the College; but when he came to do this he introduced certain verbal changes, which seem to have been duly noted and recorded. The words which he omitted are printed in italics, those which he added are enclosed in brackets. It is clear that his proceedings were subjected to the closest scrutiny by his opponents. I, Rychard LonglVorth, Master of the Collc:ge of S. John's of Cambridg , being called before Sir William . �, " in the University Cecyl, K night. Chancellor of the same University, and one of � the Quenes Miljeslies Privy Councd. and charged by him, ill hir r-liljesties name, wilh the breaking of cerlen ordonances and VOL. XXVIII. LL the College Records. 253 2j,Z Notes ./ro1JPtat College Recorcis. Notes ./nJ1ll without alteratiolt ullctions and ltSages, in the same college, inJunctions, given· by hir- I\Iaje&ly to the s-aid University and inj same as of late time, before the violation of the college, amongst other t'hings or inllovation, for certen eJ!<ternal rites and wet'e bound to h I have been charged), th.ey han� and c llstomes to be rdeyned in certen ecclesiastical actions, for (wherewit T e r shalbe given.
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