Electricity & Lecture 5:

Today... Ø Recap of Unit 19 grading Ø This unit’s (21) wrien Homework Ø Electric Potenal Energy Ø Unit 21 session Gravitaonal and Electrical PE

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 1 Stuff you asked about:

Ø recap all the formulas so far and how they can be used in difficult quesons please. And do so perhaps every 5 lectures (if we have me) because a lot are popping up. I'll buy a dozen donuts for the class if need be. There’s now a directory of Main Points

Ø In the first prelecture queson: where did come from? Isn't gravity perpendicular to the moon, thus has no effect. Ø And don't we have a 10minute break at 1.20? My schedule says so • ;(

You can take a break, if you want.


Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 2 CheckPoint Result: EPE of Point Charge

A charge of +Q is fixed in space. A charge of +q was first placed at a distance r1 away from +Q. Then it was moved along a straight line to a new posion at a distance R away from its starng posion. The final locaon of +q is at a distance r2 from +Q. What is the change in the potenal energy of charge +q during this process?

A. kQq/R 2 B. kQqR/r1 2 C. kQqR/r2 D. kQq((1/r2)-(1/r1)) E. kQq((1/r1)-(1/r2))

“kQq/r is the potenal at a point so the difference in these two potenals will be found by doing kQq((1/r2)-(1/r1))”

“Since the parcle is moved away from the fixed charge, the potenal energy must increase. The part 1/r1-1/r2 would yield a posive answer because 1/r1>1/r2”

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 12 CheckPoint Result: EPE of Point Charge

A charge of +Q is fixed in space. A second charge of +q was first placed at a distance r1 away from +Q. Then it was moved along a straight line to a new posion at a distance R away from its starng posion. The final locaon of +q is at a distance r2 from +Q. What is the change in the potenal energy of charge +q during this process?

A. kQq/R 2 B. kQqR/r1 2 C. kQqR/r2 D. kQq((1/r2)-(1/r1)) E. kQq((1/r1)-(1/r2))

Note: +q moves AWAY from +Q. Its Potenal energy MUST DECREASE ΔU < 0

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 13 Recall from Mechanics:

~r2 W = F~ d~r · ~r1 R F dr W > 0 Object speeds up ( ΔK > 0 )

F dr or W 0 F < Object slows down ( ΔK < 0 ) dr

F dr W = 0 Constant speed ( ΔK = 0 )

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 3 Dot Product (review)

• If you know A and B in rectangular coordinates, then you can find the angle between them.

If gravity does negave , potenal energy increases! Same idea for … if Coulomb force does negave work, potenal energy increases.

+ + F

Δx Coulomb force does negave work + + Potenal energy increases

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 4 CheckPoint: of Point Charge Electric

A charge is released from rest in a region of electric field. The charge will start to move

A) In a direcon that makes its potenal energy increase. B) In a direcon that makes its potenal energy decrease. C) Along a path of constant potenal energy.

It will move in the same direcon as F

F Work done by force is posive

Δx ΔU = −Work is negave

Nature wants things to move in such a way that PE decreases

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 5 Clicker Question

You hold a posively charged ball and walk due west in a region that contains an electric field directed due east.

FE FH East dr West

WH is the work done by the hand on the ball

WE is the work done by the electric field on the ball

Which of the following statements is true:

A) WH > 0 and WE > 0

B) WH > 0 and WE < 0

C) WH < 0 and WE < 0

D) WH < 0 and WE > 0 Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 6 Clicker Question

Not a conservave force. Conservave force: ΔU = − WE Does not have any ΔU.

FE FH E dr

B) WH > 0 and WE < 0

Is ΔU posive or negave?

A) Posive

B) Negave

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 7 Example: Two Point Charges

Calculate the change in potenal energy for two point charges originally very far apart moved to a separaon of “d”


q1 q2

� is another epsilon

Charged parcles with the same sign have an increase in potenal energy when brought closer together.

For point charges oen choose r = infinity as “zero” potenal energy.

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 8 Clicker Question

Case A d

Case B 2d

In case A two negave charges which are equal in magnitude are separated by a distance d. In case B the same charges are separated by a distance 2d. Which configuraon has the highest potenal energy?

A) Case A B) Case B

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 9 Clicker Question Discussion

As usual, choose U = 0 to be at infinity:

Case A d Case B 2d


UA > UB U(d) U(2d)

0 r

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 10 Potential Energy of Many Charges

Two charges are separated by a distance d. What is the change in potenal energy when a third charge q is brought from far away to a distance d from the original two charges?


d d

(superposion) Q1 q d

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 14 Potential Energy of Many Charges

What is the total energy required to bring in three idencal charges, from infinitely far away to the points on an equilateral triangle shown. A) 0 Q B) C) d d D) E) Q d Q

Work to bring in first charge: W1 = 0 Work to bring in second charge :

Work to bring in third charge :

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 15 Potential Energy of Many Charges

Suppose one of the charges is negave. Now what is the total energy required to bring the three charges in infinitely far away? Q 2 A) 0 B) d d C) D) Q d Q E) 1

Work to bring in first charge: W1 = 0 Work to bring in second charge :

Work to bring in third charge :

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 16 CheckPoint: EPE of a of Point Charges 1

Two charges which are equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign, are placed at equal distances from point A as shown. If a third charge is added to the system and placed at point A, how does the electric potenal energy of the charge collecon change? A. Potenal energy increases B. Potenal energy decreases C. Potenal energy does not change D. The answer depends on the sign of the third charge

If the new charge has a potenal energy caused by charge 1 equal to charge 2, when we sum them up, it will add up to 0, resulng in no change in total potenal energy. third charge will add kq1q3/d and kq2q3/d to the total U, unless q3 is zero, it will definitely change the total potenal energy of the system.

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 17 CheckPoint: EPE of a System of Point Charges 2

Two point charges are separated by some distance as shown. The charge of the first is posive. The charge of the second is negave and its magnitude is twice as large as the first. Is it possible find a place to bring a third charge in from infinity without changing the total potenal energy of the system?

A. YES, as long as the third charge is posive B. YES, as long as the third charge is negave C. YES, no maer what the sign of the third charge D. NO HOW? LET’S DO THE CALCULATION! ““As long as the third charge is twice as far from the larger negative charge as it is the smaller positive charge, the total potential energy of the system will be unaffected. “

“The potential the third charge will contribute to the system have opposite signs but NOT equal magnitudes. So the net potential energy will not equal 0.”

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 18 Example

A posive charge q is placed at x = 0 and a negave charge −2q is placed at x = d. At how many different places along the x axis could another posive charge be placed without changing the total potenal energy of the system?

Q −2Q x X = 0 X = d A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 19 Example

At which two places can a posive charge be placed without changing the total potenal energy of the system?

Q −2Q A x X = 0 B C X = d D

A) A & B B) A & C C) B & C Let’s calculate the posions of A and B D) B & D E) A & D

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 20 Lets work out where A is

r d

Q −2Q A x X = 0 X = d

Set ΔU = 0

Makes Sense! Q is twice as far from −2q as it is from +q

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 21 Lets work out where B is

r d − r

Q −2Q x X = 0 B X = d

Seng ΔU = 0

Makes Sense! Q is twice as far from −2q as it is from +q

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 22 What about D?

Can you prove that is not possible to put another charge at posion D without changing U?

d r

Q −2Q x X = 0 X = d D

1 2 (r must be posive) r+d = r Summary

For a pair of charges: r Q Just evaluate 1 Q2

(We usually choose U = 0 to be where the charges are far apart)

For a collecon of charges:

Sum up for all pairs

Electricity & Magnesm Lecture 5, Slide 23