Ohio Sea Grant Fact Sheets Harmful Algal Blooms in Ohio Waters Eugene C. Braig IV Ohio Sea Grant College Program 614.247.6684 What is
[email protected] Joseph Conroy Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife 740.928.7034, Ext. 226 this stuff?
[email protected] Frank Lichtkoppler Ohio Sea Grant Extension 440.350.2582
[email protected] William E. Lynch Jr. OSU Extension School of Environment and Natural Resources Center Erie Lake Toledo, of University Bridgeman, Tom Dr. 614.292.2265
[email protected] Linda Merchant-Masonbrink Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water 614.644.2001 linda.merchant-masonbrink@ epa.state.oh.us Lyngbya bloom on Maumee Bay near Toledo. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are so named because to grow in colonies. Blooms can look like slicks of many produce poisons (or toxins) that can cause illness opaque, bright green paint, but closer inspection often ATMOSPH ND ER A IC IC A N D A M or irritation—sometimes even death—in pets, livestock, reveals the grainy appearance of individual colonies. E I C N O I S L T A R N A and humans. An algal bloom is an abundant or excessive While most HABs in Ohio will appear greenish or T O I I O T N A N U growth of algae. Most HABs are caused by planktonic sometimes black, cyanobacterial blooms can have a wide E .S . C D R E E P M A M bacteria, which are suspended in the water and rely variety of appearances; some may appear blue-green, RT O MENT OF C on currents to move them.