A place where people are moved, bridges built and w dialogue promoted in an effort for peace. w w Inter - ethnic dialogue . between Serbs and Albanians in p Serbia / Kosovo 1996—2008 e a c article by Steinar Bryn e Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsonsgate 2, 2609 Lillehammer, Norway . Tel: 61265430 -
[email protected] - www.peace.no n o Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsonsgate 2, 2609 Lillehammer, Norway Tel: 61265430 -
[email protected] - www.peace.no 1 In this chapter, I will tell a story. It begins with how the Nansen Dialogue, which developed from 1995 to 1997 with participants from ex-Yugoslavia in Lillehammer, Norway, was introduced in Priština in the fall of 1997. I will show how this method stimulated Serbian-Albanian dialogue up until March 1999 and how it was reintroduced already in 2000, in spite of the painful memories on both sides from the war and its aftermath. These dialogue meetings focused mainly on understanding what happened and why. As the conflict spread into South Serbia (2000) and northwest Macedonia (2001), so did the dialogue seminars. Through showing patience and commitment, as well as sustainability, Nansen Dialogue built its reputation and slowly became able to recruit more strategically selected participants on a high municipal level. These individuals were chosen because of their connection to local institutions and because they therefore had an arena where they could implement change (a school, a newspaper, the local municipality etc.). This chapter will describe some of the particularities of the Nansen Dialogue that made both sides feel more secure to share their stories, and how this increased the feeling of equality and respect among the participants.