June 2010 Phone 044-620-3338 Fax 044-620-3176 Email:
[email protected] www.greatbrakriver.co.za Editor3B Rene’ de Kock Dear Museum Friends Issue 6 of 2010 The Museum is open from Monday The annual museums workshop took place in Worcester in early May to avoid – Friday between conflict with the World Cup. As usual the workshop was well attended and a tremendous amount of new work was covered. An interesting sideline was a visit 9 am and 4 pm. to a hitherto unknown section of the museum at ‘Kleinplaasie’ which houses a and on Saturdays complete railway workshop. Shown here is part of their collection of old between 9.30 am tractors and traction engines. and 12 Noon The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry reports that during the fourth week in May 2010, our Wolwedans dam is 24.00% full. The bottom 12% layer is presently not suitable for purification. The Great Brak River Museum Association had its AGM on the 19th May 2010. The museum has had an eventful year and achieved much with the 150 year birthday Great Brak River’s celebrations. What was particularly pleasing is the large number of additional Wolwedans dam committee members voted in. The new committee are wall. Chairman and Heritage; René de Kock The only other dam Secretary; Hope de Kock of importance in the Treasurer; Rodney McRobert Wolwedans Museum representatives to the board; Nisde McRobert & Hope de Kock catchment area is the very small Additional members representing: Ernest Robertson 2) Education Coralie van Heerden dam which due to 3) Voluntary Guides Kitty Munch the light rain is 4) Fund Raising-Accessing funding Pierre Villian, Hope de Kock 79.20% full.