Ecsite Annual Report 2016 Common Ground on scienceengagement… andconference,debates manageonlineplatforms on exhibitions, runworkshops host andcourses, dialogue, provide toolsfor innovation. They put changing experiences, stimulatecreativity, enable than 40 millioncitizens peryear. They create life- Together, companies… societies, they reach more festivals, research foundations, bodies, learned membersareEcsite sciencecentres, museums, and topromote andshare theiractions. organisations thatengagepeoplewithscience, and empower sciencecentres, museumsandall Europe andworld-wide. Itsmissionistoinspire gathersmoreEcsite than350 organisations in to engagewithscience. thinking inEuropean society, emboldeningcitizens Ecsite’s visionistofoster creativity andcritical and museums. istheEuropeanEcsite network ofsciencecentres

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 41 4 Spokes, thepopularscience themarketplaceEXTRA, for touring Ecsite Move, anew peer platform platforms Communication andmember Rhizomes Curious gardeners – Breeding ground – GroundCommon engagement magazine scientific exhibitions Director by theEcsiteExecutive by theEcsitePresident 23 NANO2ALL SeeingNano ERC=Science2 EUSPACE-AWE Change Sea SYNENERGENE HEIRRI RRI Tools Hypatia Sparks EU-funded projects Seeds 45 8 Ecsite Directors Forum Ecsite ThematicGroups Mariano GagoEcsiteAwards Ecsite AnnualConference Events andprofessional development Soil Ecsite Executive Office tothegroundAn ear -Stories 2016 EcsiteBoard New Ecsitemembers A new membership structure Governance andmembership Roots from members 33 A lively secondyear ofpartnership Common trajectory withtheEuropean withzoos, aquaria Campaigning Getting ready for the2017 Science International ScienceCenterand Networking amongnetworks Brussels sprouts –Working with International actionsand Spores with HandsOn!International Space Agency: year 4 gardensand botanical Centre World Summit Science MuseumDay the European Commission partnerships

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 2 | 3 Ecsite President Michiel Buchel speaking at the Opening Common Ground of the Ecsite Directors Forum in Granada (Spain), 16 November 2016. Ecsite Annual Report 2016 © Ecsite / Parque de las Ciencias. Picture: Antonio Navarro. 4 | 5 organisations andindividuals. from alarger numberof generating astronger commitment representative andisalready our network’s governance more Thismakes andbenefits. rights bulk ofmembersreceive equal into anorganisation where the than ever andhave turnedEcsite membershipmoreEcsite open majority ofmembersare making approvedChanges by alarge Board membersinparticular. members ingeneral andEcsite for whichIwant tothankallEcsite in2016,rules amajorachievement network rethought membership its proudparticularly oftheway our President,As theEcsite Iam Amsterdam, TheNetherlands CEO, NEMOScienceMuseum PresidentEcsite Michiel Buchel Breeding ground GroundCommon germinate for our planet’s future. planet’s our for germinate will technologies brilliant and solutions smart substrate fertile this from and nutrients essential are thinking critical and Education societies. prosperous and open to democratic, contribute will and do can, organisations and practitioners engagement science beyond, and Europe in that convinced Iam mechanisms. fittest” the of “survival to brutal antidote apowerful as collaboration making. policy based evidence- of rejection fear, in the and rooted movements political of rise the change, like climate challenges global major facing weare time same At the democracy. in more and wars in involved are civilians Fewer food. and water, energy healthcare, to education, access progress, economic towards taken being are ever. steps Huge than shape abetter in is mankind today that afact is It conference. Ecsite the at workshop one-day acommon for time first the for engagement networks consolidated their ties, gathering Day. Museum &Science Centre Science International first the with field our on put was spotlight thematic special year, this a 2016: November 10 on Day Development and Peace for Science UNESCO during future to abrighter, sustainable more commitment collective our to demonstrate globe the around networks centre agencies. spatial to zoos and gardens to botanical museums children’s from ranging organisations of adiversity with 2016 in partnerships active develop and to nourish continued why Ecsite is This field. engagement science thriving to a essential are cross-fertilisation and Pollination ground. common our to cultivate short, in – afew to quote innovation and integrity inclusiveness, of values into practice to put platforms creative and dialogue of forums Together,citizens weoffer I trust humans’ capacity of adaptation and and adaptation of capacity humans’ I trust science regional and national level, At European science of members with forces joined also Ecsite

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 4 | 5 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 6 | 7 spontaneous growthspontaneous andbeauty. – andalsoleaving spacefor ofexperimentalpatches varieties combining rows ofoldclassics, fences. We are curiousgardeners, Our garden patchdoesn’t have intersection ofscienceandsociety. from adiversity ofsoilsatthe hybrid ground, drawing inspiration membersflourishon andits Ecsite Brussels, Belgium ExecutiveEcsite Director FrancheCatherine Curious gardeners to engage with science. with to engage citizens emboldening society, European in thinking critical and creativity to foster to vision: Ecsite’s true basis, daily a on into practice principles these putting to keep large at community engagement science the and members our from commitment astrong to witnessed have proud weare months few past the In openness. and debates evidence-based on built dialogues complex in participate should and can citizens that idea the championing world. the and Europe over all from engagement science in practices inspiring and reflections experiences, to share platforms creating to champion, ever, than more continue will, Ecsite that entity a cultural is Europe boundaries, political Beyond Kingdom. United the beyond way effect aripple had referendum Brexit the manifestations, its in tragic less Though earthquakes. or attacks as terrorist such events sombre by affected members with solidarity its expressed community Ecsite the 2016 In us. around world the shape actions our conversely, –and work our on impact a direct have society our in Changes observers. careful weare gardeners, As world. the around visits other toeach pay organisations participating of staff allows that () Viva, Ciência with together developed service members’ online an Move, Ecsite platform: cross-fertilization anew with peers Ecsite We provided exhibitions. touring scientific for marketplace EXTRA fertile the country. We re-launched adifferent in each venues, 29 and months 22 spanning tour a general on 2016, in members 8Ecsite at stopped exhibition the coordinating, weare project Sparks EU-funded the of part exhibition: touring Lab” the “Beyond the through Europe of corners four the in (RRI) Innovation and Research Responsible of seeds the We sowed rules. membership new our with endeavour along-lasting of fruits the weharvested yield: 2016 the of To highlights afew quote In recent years Ecsite and its members have been been have members its and Ecsite years recent In

Ecsite Executive Director Catherine Franche at the Speakers Reception Common Ground of the Ecsite Annual Conference on 8 June 2016 in Graz (Austria). Ecsite Annual Report 2016 6 | 7 Representatives of the Styrian Government, the host organisations and Common Ground Ecsite taking part in the giant “Ecsite for all” chain reaction that involved locals and Ecsite Annual Report 2016 participants of the Ecsite Annual Conference, 7 June 2016, Graz (Austria). 8 | 9 Witness thiscreative cycle inaction… pump incredible energy backintoit. Awards andThematicGroups –and Annual Conference, Directors Forum, fromnutrients therichsoilsofour Thousands ofpeersdraw vital the scienceengagementfield. practice the sharingofbest in crucial missionsistosupport As anetwork, oneofEcsite’s most development Events andprofessional Soil

CEO, Science-CenterNetzwerk Director, Universalmuseum President, Science-Center Joanneum, Graz (Austria) Children’s Museum, Graz FRida &freD –TheGraz Wolfgang Muchitsch Netzwerk (Austria) Barbara Streicher Margit Fischer Jörg Ehtreiber Quoteby: (Austria) (Austria) Colours ofcooperation AnnualConferenceEcsite Graz (Austria), on 9-11 June 2016 for the 27 the for 2016 June 9-11 on (Austria), Graz in gathered countries different 53 from participants 1,081 giant and memorable chain reaction. chain memorable and giant a of building the in –collaborated participants conference Ecsite course of –and companies and universities groups, kindergarten classes, schools inhabitants, Graz crowds. enthusiastic gathering into practice, theme conference together. meaning create they when visitors their with course, of – and, arts and policy economy, research, science engagement organisations, with stakeholders from other with teams, their within cooperate they work: daily communicators’ science of heart the at lies cooperation palette”. Indeed, individual own our enriching while goals common and challenges on work cooperatively to conference the to “use invitation an was theme Netzwerk. Science-Center nation-wide the and Joanneum Universalmuseum Museum, Children’s Graz –The & freD FRida theme: conference Cooperation” of “Colours to the true event, convivial and aspotless organised who hosts of trio to you the thank Awarm Europe. in event engagement science professional largest the Conference, Annual Ecsite The participative “Ecsite for all” public event put the the put event public all” for “Ecsite participative The conference Cooperation” of “Colours chosen The th edition of the the of edition “ results andlearnings.” ownits andmay tounexpected lead actor couldnothave achieved on thatanindividualit yieldsbenefits consuming andlaboriouseffort, yet compromises. Itatime- isoften expectations androles, agreeing on relationships, negotiating Cooperation requires respectful

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 8 | 9 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 10 | 11 hour on Friday on night. hour Happy Bistro Business popular the during delicacies and demonstrations with attendees entertaining and services and techniques latest the presenting floors, ample centre’s congress the on booths their spread had exhibitors 50 Bistro Business spaces. GameLab and MakerSpace dedicated the forget to Not co-creation… objects, smart making, pre-school dioramas, thinking, systems science, spectacular research, participatory ownership, data digital exhibitions, student-curated refugees, with and for initiatives marketing, centre science technology, mobile topics: To afew quote spectrum. thematic awide on workshops and sessions 80+ from pick could attendees Meanwhile, Conference sessions Party. Farewell afunky with building alien” “friendly Kunsthaus’ the of dancefloor the on conclusion its found programme social conference’s The demonstrations. and shows with participants entertained professionals engagement science Austrian where quarter Joanneum at Nocturne the at day next the and crowds, Ball Gala glamourous the among evening same that again spotted were They opening. to this touch apoetic gave dancers costumed colourfully of Aquartet Netzwerk. Science-Centre the of President long-standing Margit, wife his of work the praising speech, amoving delivered He orchestrated ceremony on Thursday 9 June. abeautifully at opened conference main the declared officially Republic, Austrian the of President Fischer, Heinz eventsSocial exhibits. out trying while specialities local enjoyed they where museum, children’s &freD FRida at reception to adedicated invited were convenors and speakers 400 almost 8June of evening the On to facilitation. science citizen from networks, to trans-national participation community from Topics ranged engagement. science of week to abusy introduction an as acted 7 &8June over spread workshops pre-conference in-depth Eleven Pre-conference Thank you, conference dear sponsors Turbo Tape Games new 2017 Goldsponsor! … andwelcome toour SC Exhibitions 2016 Silver sponsor Techniquest Sky-Scan MUSEKO Imagine Exhibitions Bruns Archimedes 2016 Goldsponsors Network &Tempora IEN-Italian Entertainment 2016 Platinumsponsor

”Developing, prototyping & hacking science games” pre-conference Common Ground workshop at the Ecsite Annual Conference, 7 June 2016, Graz (Austria). Ecsite Annual Report 2016 10 | 11 Dr. Elizabeth Rasekoala delivering her keynote speech Common Ground at the Ecsite Annual Conference, on 10 June 2016, Graz (Austria). Ecsite Annual Report 2016 12 | 13 Ecsite Annual Conference. Annual Ecsite 2017 the for workshop pre-conference in-depth an developed group working The field. our of development the support could that success for indicators measurable with framework” diversity and inclusion a“social devising of idea the up working group emerged from these conversations, following international An to start? Where keynote. her after session a‘debrief’ in her told participants elephant”, like an “eating feel may inclusion and equity diversity, on change Institutional museums”. and centres science “truly inclusive, and gender-balanced ‘colourful’ to create field our challenged she Western, and male white, dominantly still are communication science and science that Convinced June. 10 on keynote speech on commented amuch delivered Communication, Science and Technology & Science of Popularization the for Network Pan-African communicator. ascience as experience his sharing before goals, common achieve they which ways in many the and animals in fairness of sense the discussed also He helping. targeted and perspective-taking of levels to higher linkage emotional of mechanism core a from range which animals, in empathy of expressions reviewing theme, conference the on spin a zoological participants. conference from feedback online collecting westarted since rated highly most the by far were keynote speeches 2016 two The Keynote speeches Dr. Rasekoala’s keynote had a catalysing effect. effect. acatalysing keynote had Dr. Rasekoala’s the Gong, African of President Rasekoala, Dr. Elizabeth put primatologist, Pr. world-famous Waal, Frans de Amsterdam Netherlands) (The NEMO ScienceMuseum, Deputy Director, Amito Haarhuis until September Munich (Germany) – Officer, Museum, Deutsches Curator andCooperation HagmannJohannes-Geert (Switzerland) –from September naturelle deGenève, MuséumExhibition, d’histoire Head Publicengagementand Hervé Groscarret (Portugal) –from March of Porto (MHNC-UP),Porto Museum oftheUniversity Natural andScience History Interim Executive Coordinator, Maria João Fonseca Lisbon (Portugal) –from March Knowledge -CiênciaViva, Board Member, Pavilion of Alves Catalão Carlos Trento (Italy) –untilNovember Collaborations &PR, MUSE, Head ofInternational Antonia Caola (France) –untilSeptember La Casemate, Grenoble Director, CCSTI Grenoble - Laurent Chicoineau Gallery, Dublin(Ireland) Programme Manager, Science Ian Brunswick Vantaa (Finland) –Chairperson Director,Experience Heureka, Mikko Myllykoski Programme (ACPC) Committee The Annual Conference Pollinators Brussels (Belgium) Executive Director, Ecsite, FrancheCatherine (Belgium) Manager, Ecsite,Brussels Communications andEvents Julie Becker (Czech Republic) Director, Techmania, Pilsen VolakVlasta (France) –from September Curator, universcience, Dorothée Vatinel Vienna (Austria) Science-Center Netzwerk, Executive Manager, Association Barbara Streicher (Austria) –untilSeptember Graz Children’s Museum, Graz Projects, FRida&freD –The &International Exhibitions Gerlinde Podjaversek (Slovenia) –from September Ljubljana of Experiments, Project Manager, TheHouse Vesna Pajić Netherlands)(The Museon, TheHague Communications Manager, Maarten Okkersen (Denmark) Copenhagen Experimentarium, and Learning Projects, Head ofInternational Sheena Laursen Kingdom) –untilSeptember College, London (United Research Associate, King’s Heather King (Germany) –from September Outreach KiSOC, Campus Kiel Scientific staff, Kiel Science Lorenz Kampschulte Warsaw (Poland) Copernicus ScienceCentre, Senior SponsoringSpecialist, Joanna Kalinowska Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 12 | 13 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 14 | 15 “ exchanges.“ Forum gatheringfor isthebest such to putthingsright.TheDirectors as you andsharinghow they try grappling withthesameissues encouraging toseecolleagues We allmake themandit’s really andtoadmitmistakes.honest me, ispeoplebeingprepared tobe good one. Thekey for tosuccess, I thoughtthenew format was a (United Kingdom) Newcastle uponTyne International Centre for Life, Chief Executive, Linda Conlon as part of its 20 ofits as part Granada (Spain)on16-18 November 2016 Directors Ecsite Forum in Parque delaCienciashostedthe alliances Unusual strategic partners, DirectorsEcsite Forum concerns?” andnew ideas emotions, thoughts, totriggerwith peopleandobjects creators findaplacetointeract policymakers, and industrialists philosophers, artists, scientists, institutions ascrossroads where models dowe needtopositionour strategic andbusiness partners Páramo Sureda toask:“Which from Parque’s Director Ernesto strategic alliances” –aninvitation the theme“Unusual partners, andnetworkinglearning on together for 2.5 days ofpeer Fullof Ecsite Members came celebrations. 55+ SeniorManagers th anniversary a view on the mangrove. the on a view with serrano Parque’s jamón greenhouse: new “Biodomo” in served adinner and tours exhibition a show, special with Ciencias, la de Parque at Nocturne acolourful forget to Not Sacromonte. del Cuevas troglodytic authentic the in performance flamenco aprivate and cross-fertilizations, cultural and art-science of apinnacle itself Alhambra, the exchangepeer session. a in board on teams getting and re-branding of tales told leaders four and aworkshop; delivered representatives Award winner Ecsite Gago Mariano two keynote; Miaoulis’ Ioannis enriched respondents three event; opening the at scene the set studies case partnership unusual seven programme: to the touch own their brought relationship. donor-institution the underpinning questions” “big the to unpick attendees urged Miaoulis Ioannis Boston Science of Museum the of President institution”,your the for philanthropy of aculture “Building keynote entitled second the In Blanco. Ángel Miguel by artist expedition” a“scientific-artistic exhibition, Histories” “Natural joint their keynote on first the delivered Madrid-CSIC of Museum History Natural the from Merino Santiago and learning. peer and discoveries local members, Ecsite from contributions keynotes, of mix acareful is format Forum Directors new the Full members, Ecsite with conducted survey online an and edition 2015 the at run aworkshop from ideas on Based gathering. the on spin apoetic putting and touch Andalusian an adding format, new event’s the pioneering for team Ciencias las de Parque to you the thank A warm Local highlights included an exclusive tour through representatives member Ecsite 15 than less No Prado del Nacional Museo the from Villareal Lucía

Ecsite Directors Forum participants discovering Parque de la Ciencias’ Common Ground exhibitions, 16 November 2016, Granada (Spain). Ecsite Annual Report 2016 14 | 15 2016 Mariano Gago Ecsite Awards winners Tekniska Museet Common Ground with Jury Chairperson Sharon Ament at the Awards ceremony, Ecsite Annual Report 2016 9 June 2016, Ecsite Annual Conference, Graz (Austria). 16 | 17 Amsterdam Netherlands) (The Rijksmuseum,Department, Head PublicandEducation for Children inMuseums | On! InternationalAssociation Former President ofHands BroekgaardenAnnemies Chairperson (United Kingdom) – Director, Museum ofLondon Sharon Ament Ecsite Awards of theMarianoJury Gago Pollinators themselves alone. of themcouldhave reached by them toachieve goalsneither whose work togetherenabled member andanexternal partner collaboration between anEcsite Award, recognising extraordinary Strategicthe Ecsite Partnership memberswereEcsite runningfor sector. For thissecondedition, informal scienceeducation and impactful work withinthe AwardsEcsite encourage creative Created in2015, theMariano Gago 2016 edition Mariano Awards GagoEcsite Cardiff (United Kingdom) HonoraryEcsite Fellow, Colin Johnson Copenhagen (Denmark) Lundbeck Foundation, Director ofResearch, Anne-Marie Engel (United Kingdom) Wellcome Trust, London Director ofCulture &Society, Simon Chaplin

honour the Ecsite Awards are named. are Awards Ecsite the honour whose in -2015) (1948 Gago Mariano by José founded (Portugal), Physics Experimental and Instrumentation of LIP, of Laboratory the support the with out carried partners’ mission and vision. both reinforces that activities of programme a continuing University, Northumbria the with built partnership their for - Kingdom) (United Newcastle Life, for Centre International card game. a through problems planet’s the tackling or challenge machine versus to aman thanks block writer’s fighting candies, with music coding exercises: to creative them challenged and Arts) for Astands (where to STEAM STEM from to transition attendees invited They Forum. Directors Ecsite 2016 the at Lidbo Håkan artist with together workshop” a “provocation ran Museet Tekniska of Director stated. Jury the community,” engagement science the for co-creation of example inspiring an is it us: with achord struck project This side. centre’s science the on and artist’s the on both learning profound of evidence the and collaboration, this of openness by the impressed were “We creativity. to dedicated space exhibition anew MegaMind, of part is exhibit The visitors. impaired physically of needs the into account taking and children with co-created Body”, Your with Whole Music “Make exhibit interactive the on Lidbo Håkan artist with undertaken partnership its for won (Sweden) Stockholm & Technology), Science of Museum (National Museet Tekniska The 2016 Mariano Gago Ecsite Awards were were Awards Ecsite Gago Mariano 2016 The project: commended aHighly nominated also Jury The Skogh, Peter project, winning the Representing

“ have usedinallourcommunications innovation andcreativity thatwe with andattheMuseum. Asign of recognition for everyone working Award hasbeenahighlyvaluable Winning theMariano GagoEcsite Stockholm (Sweden) Tekniska Museet, Director, Peter Skogh throughout theyear.”

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 16 | 17 Resonances Ecsite Annual Report 2015 18 | 1918 contributors! members–thankyouEcsite toall energy, and initiative ideas of groupsThese form solelyonthe withinthefield. on specifictopics professionalsEcsite toexchange of practice bringingtogether Thematic groups are communities Thematic Groups Ecsite REV Group Center Technorama, Winterthur (Switzerland) Roy Schedler,HeadMarketing andPartnerships, Swiss Science Copernicus ScienceCentre, Warsaw (Poland) IlonaI łowiecka-Tańska, Head oftheResearch Department, (United Kingdom) Jennifer DeWitt, Researcher, King’s CollegeLondon Bergen (Norway) -Co-Chair Nils Petter Hauan , Head ofDevelopment, Vilvite, Netherlands)(The – Chairpersonfrom June VSC network ofsciencemuseumsandcentres Marjelle van Hoorn, AssociationManager, Chairperson untilJune The Natural Museum, History London (United Kingdom) – Marie Hobson, Learning andAudience Research Manager, Steering Committee Pollinators Twitter: Europe across museums and centres science in evaluation and research facilitate help and stimulate Aim relationships afterwards”. “the you questions needtoaskbeforehand for goodworking a “what aproject” whenstarting checklist,or toaskdesigners published intheSpokes July-August issue.contains Thearticle ofinterviewsthe scienceengagementcommunityviaaseries concept.Theworkshop’scapital were outcomes shared with and practice andfamiliarised themselves withthescience exhibition discussedhow designers tointegrate research research findings”. Academics, museumevaluators and Annual Conference, entitled“Accessing andimplementing The REVGroup ran atwo-day workshop atthe2016 Ecsite @Ecsite_REV

Participants in the “Accessing and implementing research findings” Common Ground pre-conference workshop organised by the REV Group Ecsite Annual Report 2016 18 | 19 at the Ecsite Annual Conference, 7 June 2016, Graz (Austria). Participants in the “Shaping the future of facilitation in science museums” Common Ground pre-conference workshop organised by the Facilitation Group at the Ecsite Ecsite Annual Report 2016 Annual Conference, 7 June 2016, Graz (Austria). 20 | 21 Netherlands) Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden (The Ilse Van Zeeland, Senior contentdeveloper, national d’histoire naturelle, Paris (France) Jean-Marie Sani,Project Director, Musée (Belgium) Institute ofNatural Brussels Sciences, Pisani,Director,Camille Royal Belgian NaturalsCiències deBarcelona (Spain) Director,Anna Omedes, Museu de Trento (Italy) Michele Lanzinger,Director, MUSE, Chairperson Museum,History Aarhus(Denmark)– Henrik Sell,DeputyDirector, Natural Steering Committee Pollinators withnaturetions whoengageaudiences bring togetherprofessionals andinstitu- Aim newsletter inDecember2016. The Nature own Group its started GardensBotanical International(BGCI). of Zoos andAquaria and (EAZA) campaign withtheEuropean Association It Grow”, Ecsite’s jointlocalbiodiversity actively insettingup“Let participated Nature Group representatives also in man-made, settings. artificial make visitorscare aboutnature… and sciencecentres thatendeavour to mission ofnatural museums history outdoor paradox”, i.e. thechallenging Conference, exploring the“indoor- workshop atthe2016Annual Ecsite The Nature Group hostedaone-day Nature Group

the Ecsite website! Look Groupon Space members upthe120+ Coordinator for ESA Fiorella SpaceGroup Coliolo,Ecsite Viva, Lisbon(Portugal) –Co-Chairperson Ana Noronha, Executive Director, Ciência Co-Chairperson Cité del´Espace, Toulouse (France), Marc Moutin , Director of Exhibitions, Agency, Paris (France) –Co-Chairperson andEvents,Exhibition European Space Maria Menendez , HeadofCorporate Steering Committee Pollinators programmes joint projects topromote European space practices andexpertise for developing offer aplatform toshare information, ideas, Aim inspiring days. and collaborative project work filledtwo tour,Behind thescenes spaceupdates Centre (EAC), inCologne, Germany. held attheESA European Astronaut in Decemberfor theirAnnual Meeting, SpaceGroupEcsite membersmetagain and onemore willfollow in2017. wasSpace Station released inDecember bitions. ThefirstkitontheInternational andexhi activities including learning - a setofthree thematicresource clusters Conference. Together, shaped attendees held duringthe2016 Annual Ecsite toatwo-daynon-specialists workshop science centres, spaceprofessionals and European SpaceAgency (ESA) invited SpaceGroupThe Ecsite andthe Space Group

tinkering interactions. ordigital impact ofnew toolsandtrends suchas professional development, exploring the interrogated current infacilitators’ shifts the nature offacilitation. Attendees tothinkafresh about participants the Facilitation Group challenged the 2016 AnnualConference, Ecsite two-dayIn its workshop heldat Facilitation Group Leonardo daVinci, Milan(Italy) Nazionale edellaTecnologia dellaScienza and InternationalRelations, Museo Maria Xanthoudaki, HeadofEducation Netzwerk, Vienna (Austria) Barbara Streicher, CEO, Science-Center Manager, SISSA Medialab, Trieste (Italy) Paola Rodari, SeniorResearch andProject ParisGennes, (France) Pierre-Gilles Sciences de Espace des Matteo Merzagora, Director, TRACES/ Paris (France) of l’Ecole delaMédiation, universcience, Anne-Lise Mathieu, Project Coordinator Ciência Viva, Lisbon(Portugal) Sofia Lucas, Commercial Director, Ljubljana(Slovenia)Experiments, Miha Kos, Director, TheHouse of King’s College London (United Kingdom) Heather King, Research Associate, Exploratorium, SanFrancisco (USA) Ryan Jenkins, Learning StudioCoordinator, Lisbon (Portugal) inScienceCommunication, Consultant , Independent daCosta Antonio Gomes (United Kingdom) –Chairperson Manager, Natural Museum, History London Brad, Partnerships Irwin Development Steering Committee Pollinators Twitter: who deliver experiences learning build acommunityfor allstaff Aim @Ecsite_TFG

Resonances Ecsite Annual Report 2015 20 | 2121 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 22 | 23 “ but we’re very happy withhow the the exhibition. It wasn’t aneasy task, was central totheproduction of experience for me. Collaboration ‘Beyond theLab’, was aunique Working ontheSparks exhibition, (United Kingdom) at ScienceMuseum Group ProjectExhibition Leader Louis Buckley exhibition turnedout!” tour ofour2016 nursery. branches innew directions. Take a dozens memberstogrow ofEcsite andallowstools andlearnings economic policy, results inprecious as apowerful lever for socialand reputation ofscienceengagement EU-funded projects strengthens the beyond. in participation Ecsite the four cornersofEurope –and novelseeds ofthese varieties to practices, andtodisseminatethe and science engagementconcepts practitioners tobreed new andtest membersin2016,45 Ecsite allow projects,These directly involving funded by theEuropean Union. collaborative projects, mostly isinvolvedEcsite innumerous EU-funded projects Seeds Sparks research linked toResponsible Research andInnovation. 2020 project asasuccessful inpromoting excellence inEuropean PointsContact for Sciencewithand for Society(Swafs) inHorizon The Sparks project was selectedby theNetwork ofNational 2017-2018 itwillvisit21more locations. 2016 theexhibition was hostedby membersandin 8Ecsite exhibition In turnsaconceptintotouchinghumanstories. andmedicine, inhealth theSparkstopic oftechnologyshifts Responsible Research andInnovation (RRI).Focussing onthe of engagingEuropeans from withtheconceptof 29countries to theresearch process. and allow exploration further ofcitizens’ active contribution and “Reversed sciencecafés” runparallel totheexhibition suchas“SciencePublic engagementactivities espressos” developed by 29touringvenues. ofits each also showcases three works anda localcasestudy ofart Sparks touringexhibition. OpenedinJuly2016, theexhibition featured in“Beyond theLab:DIYScienceRevolution”, the London’s neighbourhoods. quality monitoringdevices pollutedroutes tomapless through into herown hands;orShazia,whoequippedprams withair an expert patientwhotookhertreatment ofParkinson’s disease Meet Pieter, abiohacker crowdsourcing new Sara, antibiotics; 2016 highlights More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 22 Coordinator: Ecsite European programme: Horizon 2020 Timeframe: July2015 –June2018 focusing andmedicine inhealth ontechnologyshifts citizens withResponsible Research andInnovation (RRI), Creating atouringexhibition toengage andactivities In short Coordinated by Ecsite, Sparks theambitiousgoal setitself Sara, ShaziaandPieterare three oftheseven DIYscientists’

“Beyond the Lab: the DIY Science Revolution”, the Sparks touring exhibition. Common Ground Picture © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum. Ecsite Annual Report 2016 22 | 23 Roundtable on ”The future of RRI” as part of the RRI Tools project, Common Ground Brussels, 19-20 November 2015. Picture: Reimar Ott Ecsite Annual Report 2016 24 | 25 60+ European leaders. breakfast andworkshop thatgathered hostedanindustry inJuneEcsite least, Lastbutnot andindustries. institutes stakeholders, research authorities, parents, formal andinformal education 2016, bringingtogetherteenagers, kick-started inSpring theiractivities 13 nationalhubsledby members Ecsite to contributeaswritersandeditors. targeted atteenagersandinviting them Everything”, asocialmediacampaign In AprilHypatia launched“Expect 2016 highlights and More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 14 leader, incharge ofdissemination role:Ecsite Partnerandwork package Amsterdam Netherlands) (The Coordinator: NEMOScienceMuseum, European programme: Horizon 2020 Timeframe: August 2015 –August 2018 Maths) (Science, Technology, Engineeringand engageteenagegirlsinSTEMindustry institutionsand research museums, Changing theway science schools, In short Hypatia European programme: 7 2014January –December2016 Timeframe: Innovation (RRI) implement Responsible Research and advocate, train, and disseminate Developing to digitalresources In short RRI Tools what RRIlooks like inpractice. offers inspiring real-life examples of for scienceengagementorganisations guide” developed members withEcsite other usefulresources. A“quick start manuals,andmany cases, guidelines, online repository ofprojects, tools, of theRRIToolkit, animpressive The project’s finalyear saw thelaunch 2016 highlights More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 8 and constraints ofRRIstakeholders leader, incharge theneeds ofassessing role:Ecsite Partnerandwork package Barcelona (Spain) Coordinator: Foundation, LaCaixa Programme (FP7) th Framework HEIRRI in highereducation. topromotematerials designed RRI and begandrafting academictraining a comprehensive review oftheart state basedon of 23in-depthcasestudies November, launchedadatabase partners RRIinhighereducation.In teaching strategies, practice andthebest to advancements, discuss theobstacles, in Barcelona inApriltoexplore and involved inhighereducationgathered 150 andprofessionals academics 2016 highlights More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 3 Ecsite members piloting ofcoursesundertaken by two tools andincharge ofoverseeing the for theproject’s conferences andonline role:Ecsite Partner, work package leader Barcelona (Spain) Coordinator: University Pompeu Fabra, European programme: Horizon 2020 September 2015 –August 2018 Timeframe: Embedding RRIintohighereducation In short Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 24 | 25 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 26 | 27 representatives andpolicymakers. civil societyorganisations, industry in Amsterdam, includingscientists, citizens attheNEMOScienceMuseum brought together stakeholders and hands-on workshops. InJuneaForum science cafés, and dialogueactivities Europe andinBrazil in2016, including synthetic biologytookplaceacross on Public engagementactivities 2016 highlights European programme: 7 Timeframe: July2013 –June2017 of synthetic biology collaborative “shaping” inthenew field Fostering and publicparticipation In short SYNENERGENE More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 7 Involvement work package role:Ecsite Partner, incharge ofPublic Technology (Germany) Coordinator: KarlsruheInstituteof andMutualLearning)(Mobilization Programme –MMLproject (FP7) th Framework mended by socialinnovation experts. recomsocial changemethodologies - following behavioural, systems and members’Ecsite tookplaceinBulgaria, ofpubliceventsof aseries plannedat material inschools.InOctoberthefirst an e-bookthatwillbeusedasastudy literacyonline courseonocean and resources aswell and activities, asan Edge, acollectionofeducational Project launchedOcean partners 2016 highlights More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 5 co-organising project legacy action. Ecsite members and for runby publicengagementactivities inBelgium,responsibleconsultation literacy,on ocean coordinating apublic education andlifelong activities learning role:Ecsite Partner, contributingto Association, Plymouth(United Kingdom) Coordinator: TheMarineBiological European programme: Horizon 2020 Timeframe: March 2015 –February 2018 between andhuman health theocean Raising awareness oftheintrinsiclinks In short Change Sea EUSPACE-AWE also offered oftheproject. aspart traininga teacher workshop were projects andevents. AMOOCand resources, news, citizen science of free space-related highquality andparents,teachers itoffers plenty in Spring2016. Speciallytargeted at The project’s website was launched 2016 highlights and More information: 2 &theEcsiteSpaceGroup membersinvolved:Ecsite node for theproject’s dissemination role:Ecsite Partner, actingasamultiplier Netherlands) (The Coordinator: Universiteit Leiden European programme: Horizon 2020 Timeframe: March 2015 –March 2018 technology attract young and peopletoscience Using theexcitement ofspaceto In short

Synenergene workshop, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw (Poland), Common Ground 1-4 September 2016. Picture: Wojciech Surdziel / Copernicus Science Centre Ecsite Annual Report 2016 26 | 27 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 28 | 29 Picture: Reimar Ott Hypatia project on2016 inBrussels(Belgium). workshop organised by ofthe aspart Ecsite 60+ intheindustry European tookpart leaders Picture: Digidaan. oftheHypatiaas part project, May 2016. Museum inAmsterdam Netherlands) (The PlayDecide workshop attheNEMOScience

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 28 | 29 ERC=Science2 action, Lõunakeskus Shopping Centre, Tartu (Estonia), Common Ground 29 September 2016. Picture: Laura-Maria Kiiser / AHHAA Science Centre Ecsite Annual Report 2016 30 | 31 the Czech Republic, Poland andBulgaria. and conferences inEstonia,France, experiments, multimediapresentations ran publicevents suchashands-on human cityandfood. members Ecsite on two frontier research areas: the communications campaignfocused In 2016 theERC=Science 2016 highlights More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 10 members together withEcsite delivery ofpublicengagementactivities, leader, coordinating and thedesign role:Ecsite Partner andwork package Brussels (Belgium) Coordinator: ScienceIBusiness, European programme: Horizon 2020 Timeframe: October2015 –March 2019 greater publicinterestinscience whilestimulating stories and success achievements, research, scientific its Research (ERC) Council by highlighting Raising theprofile oftheEuropean In short ERC=Science 2 2

More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 5 visualisation tools piloting, validating andlaunchingof role:Ecsite Partner, managingthe Association (NIA),Brussels(Belgium) Coordinator: Nanotechnology Industry European programme: Horizon 2020 2016 Timeframe: December2014 –November raise awareness aboutnanotechology Creating new visualisation toolsto In short SeeingNano Ecsite website’sEcsite Resources section. count amongthem–available from the game, aNano AppandaNano Profiler A Nano Memory Origami,adigital to“seeaudiences atthenanoscale”. visualisation experts toallow different by and nanoscientists socialscientists, piloting visualisationtoolsdeveloped more than2,000 in participants Participating membersinvolved Ecsite 2016 highlights

NANO2ALL participating Ecsite members’ Ecsite participating staff. Joint Research Centre); andtrained building gamedeveloped by theEU Exploration System’ (aseriousscenario- adaptedthe‘Scenariomethodologies; Europe. They developed dialogue the future in ofnanotechnologies and multi-stakeholder on dialogues preparations for upcomingcitizen Project focused partners on 2016 highlights More information: membersinvolved:Ecsite 6 dialogue events membersorganisingaction ofEcsite role:Ecsite Partner, coordinating the Inovação (SPI),Portugal Coordinator: SociedadePortuguesa de European programme: Horizon 2020 Timeframe: October2015 –March 2019 ecosystem for nanotechnology and Innovation (RRI)governance Cultivating aResponsible Research In short Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 30 | 31 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 32 | 33 (MSCA). Actions Sklodowska-Curie Marie the for Group Advisory the on and area Society for and with Science the in Points Contact National 2020 by Horizon created Group Experts Innovation. and Research DG of Unit Bioeconomy the with connections new made also Ecsite 2016 In Unit. Society for and with Science the with particular in General, Directorate Innovation and Research the with relationship asolid built -Ecsite scheme 2020 Horizon current the -including frameworks funding several over and years the (EC). Over Commission European the with dialogue in particular in level, European at engagement science of voice the to be is missions Ecsite’s of One Working withtheEuropean Commission sprouts Brussels our diplomaticspores. 2016 internationaltrajectory of neighbouring fields…Follow the centre networks, associationsin trans-national andnationalscience otherinternational,and agencies, of stakeholders: EUinstitutions collaborating withadiverse range engagement field,interacting and body for theEuropean science asarepresentative acts Ecsite and partnerships International actions Spores Ecsite’s Executive Director continued to sit on the the on to sit continued Director Executive Ecsite’s

5. 4. 3. 2. 1. priorities: five identified Ecsite members, its with former, the For together (August). Policy Youth and (June) Society and Science about consultations, EC public two in participated Ecsite Furthermore, the way for a second workshop in 2017. in workshop wayasecond for the opened that Asuccess synergies. and agendas common build and other each from learn ideas, to exchange aplatform as acted workshop The diversity. membership and advocacy specificities, network strands: three to explore networks &transnational national European of quarters three than more of representatives together the most of national and trans-national networks” brought “Making network. Polish the SPiN, with Netzwerk Center Science- Austrian the and by Ecsite initiated Graz, in Conference Annual Ecsite 2016 the at to them dedicated was workshop pre-conference aspecific time, first the science centre or science engagement networks. For regional or national count countries European Many Networking amongnetworks their networks. their and institutions local and European in building Capacity adults for engagement science innovative of Stimulation settings informal in careers and learning STEM in people young of Engagement process innovation the in society and citizens of Integration public to the adapted formats in research funded publicly from outcomes of Accessibility

National and regional science engagement network representatives at the Common Ground “Making the most of national and trans-national networks” pre-conference workshop Ecsite Annual Report 2016 32 | 33 at the Ecsite Annual conference, 8 June 2016, Graz (Austria). International Science Center and Science Museum Day event Common Ground at Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw (Poland) on 10 November 2016. Ecsite Annual Report 2016 34 | 35 trails, hands-on smog analysis to climate quizzes. to climate analysis smog hands-on trails, to special shows from ranging celebrations for up teamed centres science 34 Poland in while Vienna, in Museum History Natural the at lounge” “travel SDGs ahands-on up and exhibitions. programmes, events, special of range adiverse presenting zones, time 20 covering continents six on countries 55 than more from participated, museums science and centres science 300 than More SDGs. or Goals Development Sustainable UN the event. special this for forces joined globe the around networks centre science of Members (ISCSMD). Day Museum &Science Centre Science International day, that first on the with field our on put was spotlight thematic aspecial Day. 2016, In Development and Peace for Science UNESCO is year,Every November 10 Museum Dayand Science International Center Science The Science-Center Netzwerk in Austria for instance set set instance for Austria in Netzwerk Science-Center The towards contribution field’s our weshowcased Together “ Centre, Warsaw (Poland) CEO, Copernicus Science Robert Firmhofer participation incitizenparticipation science.” highly popularandencouraged programme, whichproved international cloudobservation Polish publictotake inan part For we instance invited the global actionsare connected. how muchourlocal and a great toshow opportunity Participating inISCSMD was

Centre World Summit Getting readyfor the2017 Science Sustainable Future”. Sustainable a for World the “Connecting theme: edition’s 2017 the around programme Summit’s the building on concentrated Committee the 2016 In IPC. the on sit Franche Catherine Director Executive Ecsite as well as Vargas Rosalia (or IPC). Committee Planning International the via preparation Summit’s the on collaborating are globe the around from networks centre year. third Science every place takes that event an Summit, World Centre Science the for Tokyo in (Japan) Miraikan Innovation and Science Emerging of Museum National the at gathering be will field centre science the of decision-makers 2017 14-17On November Former Ecsite Presidents Robert Firmhofer and and Firmhofer Robert Presidents Ecsite Former

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 34 | 35 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 36 | 37 on 22 May 2017. May 22 on Diversity Biological for Day International during actions Barcelona. of Area Metropolitan the and Council Barcelona of Area Mobility and Planning Urban Ecology, the with partnership in Barcelona de Naturals Ciencies de Museu the of initiative an BioBlitzBcn, during Barcelona in Hill Montjuïc the at possible as species many as to identify clock the against raced volunteers and naturalists scientists, 1,000 nearly instance, for April 15-17 On world. the around actions public run and resources biodiversity-related of apool to constitute forces joined members Ecsite and BGCI EAZA, 150 Over protection. its in involvement direct citizens’ encouraging and biodiversity local of importance the of awareness Grow’, It raising ‘Let sustainably.” it use and to conserve take can they steps the and biodiversity of values the of aware are people latest, the at 2020, Target “By 1:that AICHI Diversity’s Biological on Convention the of implementation the enhancing target, acommon towards to work understanding of amemorandum signed International) Conservation Gardens (Botanic BGCI and Aquaria) and Zoos of Association (European EAZA Ecsite, 2014 In gardensaquaria andbotanical ‘Let It Grow’ withzoos, campaigning Another campaign highlight will be a series of of aseries be will highlight campaign Another entitled campaign public ajoint of launch the saw 2016

“ Museum Strategic Subject.” ‘Nature isnow intheCity’ anew to the‘Let It Grow’ campaign, priority attheMuseum: thanks decided togive themhigher local biodiversity and activities institutions. We builtonexisting us tofindnew localpartner Joining thecampaignallowed Naturals deBarcelona (Spain) Director, Museu deCiencies Anna Omedes

A ‘Let It Grow’ action: BioBlitzBcn in Barcelona (Spain), Common Ground on 15-17 April 2016. Picture: MCNB/Dacha Atienza Ecsite Annual Report 2016 36 | 37 Participants in the “Space for Life” workshop Common Ground organised by the Ecsite Space Group in collaboration with ESA Ecsite Annual Report 2016 at the Ecsite Annual Conference, 7 June 2016, Graz (Austria). 38 | 39 Aerospace Centre (DLR), in Cologne (Germany). Cologne in (DLR), Centre Aerospace German the of facilities the and Centre Astronaut ESA the to visit opportunity the had 2016 December in (Denmark). Copenhagen Tycho Planetarium, (France) and Toulouse Brahe l’Espace, de by Cité created ISS, the about kit first the of release the saw Space’. 2016 from Oceans and Atmosphere Monitoring Change: ‘Climate there?’; and out life there ‘Is Space’; in Working and Living Station: Space International ‘The topics: three on developed being are Resources ESA. and Group Space Ecsite by the led programme thematic achievements. and programmes space European to share order in 2012 since capabilities and networks strengths, their combining Agency, been have Space European the ESA, and Ecsite Space Agency: year 4 trajectorywiththeEuropeanCommon Participants of the Space Group’s Annual Meeting Meeting Group’s Annual Space the of Participants Life” for “Space year three the of second the was 2016 “ ESA –European SpaceAgency Head Communication Department, Franco Bonacina & Technology. & “ Telecommunications, Operations Launchers, Exploration, Navigation to in Spacescience, Observation, Earth andpromoteaudiences ourprogrammes and expertise toreach differenttarget centres andmuseumsasthey have skills share ourachievements withscience December. It for isfundamental usto at Ministeriallevel inLucerne last thedecisionstakenafter atESA Council the future of European spaceactivities Meeting inCologneandtopresent them the SpaceGroup Annual attheEcsite It was areal privilegefor metomeet

in picking children-related sessions. Committee Programme Conference Annual the assisted also Frankfurt, in museum kinder the of Director Gesser, Susanne Award jury. Museums in Children the on Ecsite represented Kingdom), (United Group Museum Science the at Learning of Toby Head and Parkin, jury Awards Ecsite Gago Mariano 2016 the on sat On!, Hands of President Former Broekgaarden, Annemies Jury. Awards other’s to each participation night. same that on Ball Gala Ecsite the during announced Academy, was Museum European the and On! Hands between venture a joint Award, Museums in Children the and 9June on conference main the of day first the through ran strand thematic children-related Aspecial (Austria). Graz in Conference Annual Ecsite the at On! by Hands organised workshop pre-conference field” museums children’s the “Advancing one-day the in part took professionals 44 Museums. in Children of Association International the On!, Hands and Ecsite between partnership of year second the was 2016 with Hands On! International A lively year second ofpartnership As in 2015 the partnership also included cross- included also partnership the 2015 in As

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 38 | 39 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 40 | 41 who helped refine and test the service as it was developed. was it as service the test and refine helped who members to Ecsite too you Thank members. to Ecsite a gift as platform the developed team whose Portugal), (Lisbon, guests. and hosts both are organisations participating All exchange. professional informal an for person in to meet encouraged also are guests and Hosts Europe. around organisations participating other to visit tickets free book can organisations participating of staff platform, online an Via visits. study and encounters peer to facilitate is aim Its 2016. June in launched was Ecsite, of to Full members open service anew Move, Ecsite Ecsite Move, anew peerplatform EXTRA. and Move Ecsite branches, new two grew website Ecsite the and bloom full its reached magazine Spokes our 2016 In platforms… services member curating trends, setting news, rhizome”, spreading “information into its energy considerable invests Ecsite channels? communications its without be anetwork would What and memberplatforms Communication Rhizomes Warm thanks to Ciência Viva – Pavilion of Knowledge Knowledge of –Pavilion Viva to Ciência thanks Warm

scientific exhibitionsscientific EXTRA, themarketplace for touring SC Exhibitions Museumspartner GmbH Mobull Imagine Exhibitions SiteManagementExhibition Ltd Thank you, EXTRA dear sponsors redevelopment. platform’s the in role acrucial played and years for Administrator EXTRA exhibitions. advertised 350+ counted platform the 2017 Early members. to Ecsite reserved aservice became exhibitions promoting while to all, accessible remains function search The Conference. Annual Ecsite the at launched was website, Ecsite the on rejuvenation! aserious for time age... its to show starting was framework technical database’s the popular, remained service the While exhibitions. touring scientific for database online THE became soon EXTRA project, European e-Castex the of part as 2000s the in Developed Special thanks to Olivier Retout, who served as the the as served who Retout, to Olivier thanks Special hosted EXTRA, re-designed and streamlined entirely An

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 40 | 41 In its March 2016 issue, Spokes published “The end of neutrality: A modest manifesto” Common Ground by Robert R. Janes, urging museums to take a stance on climate change. Here: one of Ecsite Annual Report 2016 the article’s illustrations: Liberate Tate stages a protest at Tate Britain (2011). 42 | 43 and of course to readers. course of and – news contributing members Ecsite interviewees, authors, to too Thanks niches. thematic spotting and issues pressing identifying trends, anticipating for talent Committee’s Twitter. on voice Spokes’ @SpokesEcsite, with addition anew counted family Spokes the 2016 autumn In 2016. in printed was edition first whose Panorama, Spokes volume, annual paper online contents into a members-only accessible freely of best the by distilling benefits member exclusive providing of imperative the with audience possible the most popular ones. were post-truth of question the or Brexit the crisis, refugee like the questions societal pressing addressing issues Those bold. to be magazine the expect readers Spokes that and more. capital science STEM, in approaches gender shops, museum cafés, science mainstreaming, space participation, citizen included 2016 in covered topics Other communicators. turned ex-scientists of tales personal the telling interviews of aseries and museums history natural for agenda learning anew proposing article in-depth an both contained instance for issue 2016 February The stories. human community’s professional our celebrating contents, emotional more and pieces journalistic features, conceptual of mix unique time. months’ 18 -in scene communication science European the on amust-read publication new our made has design, elegant and line editorial abold with combined online, to all available freely contents quality high to make decision The vision. Ecsite’s advancing change, social of actors as profile organisations’ engagement science to raise agent apowerful become has magazine Spokes the mission, society-wide ambitious an itself setting and membership its widening in by Ecsite taken turn astrategic from Born 2015. Spring in form online monthly current its in relaunched magazine, Ecsite’s is Spokes magazine Spokes, engagement thepopularscience Spokes’ success is largely due to its Editorial Editorial to its due largely is success Spokes’ widest the to reach ambition the reconciled We elegantly reveal and by up 24% 2016 in were numbers Readership a developed has Committee Editorial Spokes The Pollinators Ecsite, Brussels(Belgium) Officer, Events andCommunications Raquel daCunha from July London (United Kingdom) – The Natural Museum, History Interpretation Manager, Raphael Chanay (Ireland) –from May International,Dublin Gallery Executive director, Science Andrea Bandelli Spokes Editor Ecsite, Brussels(Belgium)– Events Manager, Communications and Julie Becker Chairperson Netherlands)(The – Museon, TheHague Marketing, Head ofCommunicationand Maarten Okkersen Spokes Editorial Committee da Vinci, Milan(Italy) e dellaTecnologia Leonardo Museo Nazionale dellaScienza and InternationalRelations, Head ofEducation Maria Xanthoudaki Barcelona (Spain) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Associate Professor, Gema Revuelta Lisbon (Portugal) –from July in ScienceCommunication, Independent Consultant daCosta Antonio Gomes Pallini (Greece) Ellinogermaniki Agogi SA, Project Manager, Aliki Giannakopoulou Warsaw (Poland) Copernicus ScienceCentre, Director, EventsScience andArt Wiktor Gajewski Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 42 | 43 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 (United Kingdom) Monkeys exhibition by Nomad Edinburgh Exhibitions, K4 ClubattheKersnikova Institute, Ljubljana(Slovenia) K13 SteelPark, Košice (Slovakia) Magic Cityexhibition by SC Bayreuth Exhibitions, (Germany) Kairòs Studio, Collecchio(Italy) for Optoelectronics INOE2000, Magurele (Romania) National InstituteofResearch andDevelopment

(Switzerland) Raumschiff – Kulturzentrum derAstronomie, Wallisellen Netherlands)(The Geofort project by MMEK’ experience BV, Utrecht The OlympicMuseum, Lausanne(Switzerland) members. Ecsite with consultations and discussions of and months, 18 of aperiod over Board Ecsite the from consideration careful of result the were changes These 2016. June 10 on (Austria), Graz in held Meeting General Annual Ecsite the at members voting of 85% by over approved were membership Ecsite of structure to the Changes A new membershipstructure ground. Board from andlistentostories the make withtheEcsite acquaintance how, take atourofnew members, in revising hear membershiprules: memberstookacrucialstep Ecsite reaching roots system. In2016 withadeeperandfurther-Ecsite in scienceengagement,providing stakeholders have becomeactive networks. Agrowing variety of private orprofessional companies now countinguniversities, festivals, of numbersandintermsdiversity, grown considerably, bothinterms founded, membershiphas Ecsite members. Sincethenetwork was wouldEcsite benothingwithoutits membership Governance and Roots

organisations and individuals”.organisations of number alarger from commitment astronger generating already is and representative more governance network’s our makes This benefits. and rights equal receive members of bulk the where organisation into an Ecsite turned has and ever than open more membership Ecsite “[this is] making Report: Annual present to the introduction turnover. yearly members’ on based created, were categories fee membership Full different four system: fees afairer for called to Full membership organisations of range diverse amore Welcoming Full members. now are eligible those all 2017 January since simpler: become have rules membership Ecsite governance. Ecsite in participate can) (and still could Full members only member; Associate and Full member categories: membership two between choose could Europe in based organisations engagement science non-profit then, Until As Ecsite President Michiel Buchel wrote in his his in wrote Buchel Michiel President Ecsite As “ Ljubljana (Slovenia) Director, TheHouse ofExperiments, Miha Kos and address proactively.” challenges the significantmajoritythinkcritically healthy democracy, asocietyinwhich vision: tolive ina andparticipate ourownechoes sciencecentre’s Itconcepts. empowers Ecsite.It contributors offreshand ideas andequalengaged partners members tobecomeactively andempowersthat enables more for thenew membershipstructure science centre, Istrongly advocated Ecsite! AstheDirector ofasmall Be thechangeyou want toseein

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 44 | 45 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 46 | 47 Vitenparken, Ås (Norway) Museum, Neanderthal Stiftung Union, Gama–TESLA Science Gallery Science AnimationMidi-Pyrénées, Nobel Museum, Stockholm(Sweden) Mobilis ScienceCenter, Gyor (Hungary) Latvian AssociationofScienceCenters- CERN, Geneva (Switzerland) Blue World InstituteofMarine Research to Full member They tochangefrom Associate chose University ofBath,Bath(United Museu deHistóriaNatural e daCiência Luxembourg ScienceCenter, INL –InternationalIberian Groninger Forum, Groningen New Full members Welcome! New 2016 members Mettmann (Germany) Pardubice (Czech Republic) Toulouse (France) LZCA, (Latvia) Cēsis and Conservation, Veli Losinj (Croatia) Kingdom) (Portugal) da Universidade doPorto, Porto Differdange (Luxembourg) Braga (Portugal) Nanotechnology Laboratory, Netherlands)(The Zavod Kersnikova (Kersnikova Institute), Training Center“Computeria”, The OlympicMuseum, Lausanne The Milwaukee PublicMuseum, Philips Museum, Eindhoven (The National InstituteofResearch and K13 -Košické kultúrne centrá (SteelPark), Institutul National pentruFizica Laserilor, Institutul National deCercetare- Institutul deFizica Atomica, Magurele –CentroExpoLab deCiênciaViva, Centro SicilianodiFisica Nucleare e Centro deCiênciadoCafé, Brorfelde Observatorium, Tølløse Agóra Tudományos Élményközpont New Associatemembers Observatorium; ©Pernille Tofte; ©University ofBath de CiênciadoCafé; ©Agóra Tudományos Élményközpont; ©NLArchitects; Museum; ©Neanderthal ©INL;Brorfelde © Kairòs Studio;©MMEK’; ©Nomad ©Rainer Exhibitions; ChristianKurzeder for SC ©; Exhibitions; ©Centro Credits for pictures onp. 43&45: ©K13 SteelPark; ©INOE2000; ©InternationalOlympicCommittee; ©Kersnikova Archive; Ljubljana (Slovenia) Tver (Russia) (Switzerland) Milwaukee (United States) Netherlands) INOE 2000, Magurele (Romania) Development for Optoelectronics Košice (Slovakia) Magurele (Romania) Science EducationandTraining, Plasmei siRadiatiei -Centerfor Magurele (Romania) Nucleara Horia Hulubei (IFINHH), Dezvoltare pentruFizica siInginerie (Romania) Lagoa (Portugal) (Italy) Catania Struttura dellaMateria (CSFNSM), MaiorCampo (Portugal) (Denmark) Debrecen (Hungary) (Agora ScienceCenter), Peter Trevitt Consulting,Penarth Raumschiff – Kulturzentrum der Audrey O’Connell +Associates, in –Consultant daCosta Antonio Gomes fromExhibitions Europe /Exhibitions New company One-person members SC (SemmelConcerts Exhibitions Nomad Edinburgh Exhibitions, MMEK’ experience BV, Utrecht Kairòs Studio, Collecchio(Italy) GMC+A (Geoffrey MCurley +Associates, (Turkey)Asal Bilim,Istanbul Archimedes Interactive Museum, New Sustainingmembers (United Kingdom) Astronomie, Wallisellen (Switzerland) Bainbridge Island(United States) Education, Lisbon(Portugal) Science Communicationand for Europe, Maaseik (Belgium) (Germany) GmbH),BayreuthEntertainment (United Kingdom) Netherlands)(The LLC), SaintPaul (United States) Kato Polemidia (Cyprus) Brorfelde Observatorium, Tølløse (Denmark) do Porto, Porto (Portugal) Museu deHistóriaNatural edaCiênciaUniversidade Centro deCiênciadoCafé, Maior Campo (Portugal) Stiftung Neanderthal Museum, Neanderthal MettmannStiftung (Germany) Agora ScienceCenter, Debrecen (Hungary) Nobel Museum, Stockholm(Sweden) Braga (Portugal) International IberianNanotechnology Laboratory, Groninger Forum, Groningen Netherlands) (The University ofBath,Bath(United Kingdom)

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2014 Ecsite Annual Report 2016 48 | 49 learn, comparelearn, andbenchmark. to butalsoanopportunity colleagues, due totheinspiringcompany ofgreat isnotonlypleasant member ofEcsite “Getting achancetoserve asaBoard Vantaa (Finland) Science Centre, CEO, Heureka -TheFinnish Tapio Koivu high esteem.” capability tojoinEUproject in Heureka alsoholdsEcsite’s 15 8 1 individuals. dedicated organisations and A warm thankyou tothese maximum ofsixyears. renewable twicefor a serve for atwo-year period sations. Board members from Full Member organi­ composed ofrepresentatives governing bodyofEcsite General Assembly, the are electedby theAnnual BoardEcsite members BoardEcsite 2016 16 9 2

From June Until June Vice-Presidency Treasury 6 5 4 3 2 1 Presidency Executive Committee Ecsite ExecutiveEcsite Director Past Presidency

Executive Officer - Svein AndersDahl,Chief Vilvite (Bergen, Norway) President Portugal) -Rosalia Vargas, of Knowledge (Lisbon, Ciência Viva –Pavilion Catherine FrancheCatherine Muender, General Manager Germany) -Herbert Universum (Bremen, Director ExecutiveDesbois, France) -Jean-Baptiste Cité del’Espace (Toulouse, Michiel Buchel,CEO Netherlands) - (Amsterdam, The NEMO ScienceCentre 17 10 3 11 4 Continuing theirmandatesContinuing Until June Trustees 8 From June 7 12 11 10 9 Experimentarium Experimentarium

AHHAA ScienceCentre AHHAA Chief Executive Officer Italy) -Vincenzo Lipardi, (Naples, dellaScienza Città Director - MicheleLanzinger, Scienze (Trento, Italy) Museo delle MUSE, or re-elected Finland) –Tapio Koivu, CEO Science Centre (Vantaa, Heureka -TheFinnish DirectorAnna Omedes, (Barcelona, Spain)– Naturals deBarcelona Museu deCiències Management Board Kolk, Member ofthe (Tartu, Estonia)-Pilvi Executive Director Kim GladstoneHerlev, (Hellerup, Denmark)- 12 5 13 6 14 13 17 16 15

Head ofMuseum Daniel Wetterskog, (Stockholm, Sweden) - of Performing Arts Swedish Museum Páramo Sureda, Director (Granada, Spain)-Ernesto Parque delasCiencias Strategy andInternational - Helen Jones,Head of (London, United Kingdom) Science Museum Group Miha Kos, Director (Ljubljana, Slovenia) - The House ofExperiments Andersson, Manager (Oslo, Norway) -Jan Alfred Science andTechnology Norwegian Museum of Vitensenteret, the 14 7

Ecsite Board members applauding their President at the Opening Common Ground of the Ecsite Annual Conference, 9 June 2016, Graz (Austria). Ecsite Annual Report 2016 48 | 49 “Familyologies” workshop at the The House Common Ground of Experiments, Ljubljana (Slovenia). Ecsite Annual Report 2016 50 | 51 ground andlisten… Let’s to the putour ears seriously.audiences stakeholders and took inputfrom their organisations who professionals or science engagement listened”: of stories were “proud tohave inwhich theyinstances asked them toshare practice. In2016 we science engagement oftheirdaily stories handful ofthemtotell year invites Ecsite a each activities, incredibly diverse members’of Ecsite readers aglimpse To give Annualreport members fromStories tothegroundAn ear “ Dublin (Ireland) Science Gallery Programme Manager Ian Brunswick exhibition todate.” it, didn’t getsued,andhadourmostpopular high. We trustedinouraudience, exhibited legal riskwas low were andthebenefits in favour ofshowing it,concludingthatthe discussion andvote. voted Theattendees on whatwe shoulddo, plusanaudience engineering professor andalegalscholar decided tohostapublicdebatebetween an Between arock andahard place, we legal reform. public awareness toprecipitate necessary piece mightinitiatethekindofdiscussionand there was anargument thatshowing the theimpactonartistic So between archaic laws andnew technologies, raised aboutthemismatch questions mightbreaksnippets Irishlaw. Theartwork The onlyproblem was thatshowing these illegally) over peer-to-peer sharingnetworks. livesnippets asthey are distributed (often used BitTorrent technologytoscreen video Nicolas Maigret’s “Pirate Cinema” which deception, andprivacy, we wanted toshow Science Gallery’s exhibition oncryptography, irresponsible nottoshow it?InSECRET, of legality, isitirresponsible toshow it,or theboundaries butmight skirt questions, When anexhibit social raises important “ feed theirown curiosity. as an“excuse” tovisitourexhibitions and grandparents andaunts, uncles usechildren 2-3 hoursofvisitisnotrare. Many parents, after their parents outofourestablishment only. However seeingchildren dragging that sciencecentres are for meant children girlfriend) onadate. Parents believe often or where you take your boyfriend (or place where families spendtheirafternoon Our sciencecentre isapopularrelaxing Ljubljana (Slovenia) The House ofExperiments Project Manager Vesna Pajić rewarding.” familiesparticipating isamazingand and dialogueare tighteningbondsin feeling Igetfrom how observing exploration again. It isalow budgetproject –butthe and exploring ofscience thebeauties and they getreally excited aboutlearning backtothesurface comes adults’ hearts burieddeepinsidethese is sometimes called “Familyologies”. Thecuriositythat together asapairwiththeirchild.It is where parents solve tasks working we developed afamily-oriented workshop, theneedsofadultvisitors After observing Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 50 | 51 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 52 | 53 “ Paris (France) Universcience of ourbody’s mostunder-rated organ” curatorExhibition of“Gut, theinsidestory Dorothée Vatinel and for myself!” around theglobe. What apleasure for him… “dream exhibitions” from withPhDstudents and hissparklingeyes ashebrainstormed ofClément,a2016a vividmemory student, their“impertinence”.and sometimes Ihave generation’s perspective, theirquestions return they enrichmy projects withtheir professional experience withthem,andin It’s always very rewarding: Ishare my and delivered. show themhow anexhibition isdeveloped of providing toculture access for all,andto them, toraise awareness oftheimportance curator’s jobtoexplain my profession to year:each ofmy Iseeitaspart exhibition youngsters.these Imentorseveral ofthem Palais deladécouverte welcome many of etdel’industrie sciences Cité des andthe complete aone-week work placement.La 14 year oldFrench needto students “ The Hague (The Netherlands)The Hague (The Museon Communications Manager Maarten Okkersen are platforms for socialinnovation.” creative andtoshow students thatmuseums ofthisevent,to bepart towork withyoung Itthe Court. was awonderful experience social mediatodisseminatethework of to discusstheirinnovative aboutusing ideas Yusuf from ofJustice theInternationalCourt theyafter managedtoinvite Vice-President ofJustice’,Court was Theweek bigsuccess. the CommunicationsofInternational The event, ambitioustitle‘Innovating withits we decidedtosponsorthem. have any money butalotofgreatso ideas, eventtheir IDEALAB inMuseon. They didn’t Pax Initiative asked meifthey couldorganise when agroup whoformed ofstudents The ”Practice whatyou preach” iswhatIthought on theother. city ontheonehandand‘ordinary’ citizens to bridgethegapbetween theinternational approach. We ofourmission seeitaspart and Justice, withaninclusive imageand Hague, theInternationalCityofPeace The Museon isalively socialhubinThe “ part intheBoard.part take whosestudents one oftheteachers was benefits its relayed tomelastyear by 2010. of Oneofthemostgratifying stories Children’s Board beginningsin sinceits technician Ihave beeninvolved inour As aSciencecommunicatorandEducation Valencia (Spain) Ciències iles arts deles Ciutat Science Communicator José AntonioGordillo Martorell completed.” The “Board Chain” was hencehappily the firsttime-guidedby theirown children. to spendonculture) visitedourMuseum for families (with nofinancialresources atall andopinions.Severaltheir ideas ofthese they were collaborating toimprove with Museum was aninteresting placethat They explained totheirfamilies thatthe positive impactontheirown families too. and more confidentandthisishaving a Board Members have becomemore polite their relationships withtherest ofthe bettercaretaking oftheirappearance, of thecityhave ofthemselves: they are from students that these deprived areas has hadatremendous impactontheimage Playing arole intheMuseum’s governance

Visitors at Museu de les Ciències Príncep Felipe, Common Ground Ciutat de les arts i les Ciències, Valencia (Spain). Ecsite Annual Report 2016 52 | 53 Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016 54 | 55 Project Manager Andrea Troncoso Lia Tedeshvili andDaphnieDaras. A warm thankyou toour2016 interns: Senior Project Manager Maria Zolotonosa Administrative Executive Mariette Wennmacher Administrator Anne Urger Project Manager Tomas Rehacek Project Manager Antonina Khodzhaeva Project Assistant Suzana Filipecki Martins Project Manager FenollosaCarmen Events andCommunicationsOfficer Raquel daCunha Communications andEvents Manager Julie Becker Executive Director –1 FrancheCatherine ExecutiveEcsite Office –9 –6 –8 –7 –5 –4

–11 –10 –3 –2 [email protected] General enquiries +32 2647 50 98 Fax +32 2649 73 83 Phone Belgium B-1050 Brussels 89/7 Avenue Louis–Louizalaan Ecsite

7 1 4 8 5 10 2 11 3 9 6 permission from Ecsite. -ThisAnnualReport isapublicationfor members. Ecsite Responsible Editor: Franche, Catherine Executive Director, -Copyright: Ecsite Reproduction ofthisAnnualReport inwholeorpart isprohibited without Common Ground -2016 AnnualReport Ecsite -Written by: JulieBecker, assisted by Raquel da CunhaandDaphnieDaras - Graphic design: join thenetwork! inEuropeanparticipate projects… science engagementconference, Europeanmeet upatthebiggest spread theirnews andevents, the scienceengagementfield, up todatewithcurrent in issues Through Ecsite, memberskeep of scienceengagementadvocacy. a powerful voice, attheforefront members’ collective strengths into As anetwork, its catalyses Ecsite Expected 2017 highlights at Summit World Centre Science profile Ahigh • Universcience at Forum Directors connected Ahighly • East Middle and Euro-Mediterranean Acollaborative • Natural by the hosted Conference Annual Alively • Simple” and “Smart Awards: Ecsite Two Gago Mariano • Full members Ecsite becoming organisations 175+ • Miraikan in Tokyo (Japan) on 14-17 November 14-17 on Tokyo November in (Japan) Miraikan October 4-6 (France) on Paris in September 10-15 on (Italy) Naples in Communication Science of School Summer (EMME) June 15-17 on (Portugal) Porto in Viva Ciência and Porto of University the of Museum Science and History & “Sustainable Success” rules to membership changes to 2016 thanks

Common Ground Ecsite Annual Report 2016