ELLSWORTH, MAINE, MAY _\()LlMK 35-__ THURSDAY, 16, 1889. Number 20. The Vow of Lath. second, Washington Mary Ixorn April 24, 1817, Frederick, I personally acquainted. I of our men fainted while eating supper (From our regular ( orrenpotKlent.) of Our tfllsu'otili married Dr. Hall, Nov. Remarki by People in Dentists’ Chairs. Sayings Neighbors. Lyman 20, 1834, Hut, alas! As passing Is written to Hmmran. MY away up- and fell the floor, the cook Washington Letter. .mils t.HKKM K A ¥ WIIIT1IKK. who was frightening X M I.I.KH i'M r*M.lTI« AL -lot KN 41. a successful in I. AM* physician Hluehill on of an nature, KXPKHIKXCK WITH IWTIF.XTS t'XI>KI< TIIK IN- everything earthly they who happened to be passing by him with a TIIK “GRAND BANKS” OF HANCOCK. I III.IS|| E|> pV Till K*l»Ai III THE in N»*w Voik. at for EK\ ;Uead April :10th, \$s<\ the several years. She is still Al- are living. now, nearly all, their last tin baker full of bread, the FIX KXCK OF GAS. H * -•• -*U C Publishing Company Centennial < elehratiou of the of sleeping demolishing Washington. D. [Lewiston Journal.J .iiniy Inauguration mira. born Sept. 4, 1810. married, first, a’ 0., May <>, *89. j sleep in their graves, where, in a ! baker. We the [ New York The tieorge \N Islington a* the first President except all felt need of rest that Press.] “Hancock Agricultural is J. C. Chilcott. Editor. of Mr Lord. The President had some Society” Aug. 17, 1847; second, few very pleasant an the United George very cases, there is not anything to i night. “Open your mouth, please. Just a trifle innovation for that county. Heretofore Mates.) visitors in the In Somes, June 30, 1842. She died Jiln. 1. show where is their to-day persons of tbeTippe- more. Ah. that’s better. Now, do not be it has hail no county fair, no member of The I ai orilr |*s|*at Haiiroek earthly testing place. The next morning. March 1st, after par- I I*. .*. 50 cauoe Veteran Club of afraid; it will hurt for the small- the Hoard of and has drawn unlit) aged years. Kmily. born Aug.^5, Hut it is a York. Pennsylva- only you Agriculture, The sword w as *noatbed : in sun pleasant, cheering and inspiring awhile. left us and I \MM£I \n rccommened a* April’s ading Major Darling est fraction of a second.” This was the no share of the state There are i-eontldently the fields hi ls21. married John Oct. nia. They were escorted to the White bounty. ■ Lay green Freedom won; Langdon. idea that all -i ip Ii. ap.-t .as il is the oldest and largest Henry that constituted tlicit real be- returned home. I think Clark be- a hundreds of fishermen but inon s. Capt. reassuring way prominent dentist many in. ... «*»u \n-l venal seetioiis, of House spoke a per pul i-lied In M k eouutx It- weary dehate*. M, 1852, died Pec. 1, ls70, aged 40 by Hie Pennsylvania republican as- years. ing—the spirit, the soul, that immortal came with so the other to the of a well hundreds of farmers in Hancock, and a •«-a-ing hiil'-citpllon It-t proxe- that .Joined bands at last and w« re l tided Stale*. 'M-gusted hearing much pro- day daughter sociation of this w -1 11*: li"i it ..uni Harriet, horn Feb. 23. 1824. city. The club known banker near the Lotus farmers' ill do The “Grand It.. ha- maintained for married, first. principle, that luextingtiishable spark that for after presented residing society good. the I faulty Major Darling left us, ir.iiN the rest** u|*on < > the club on Fifth as she Hanks” of Hancock are the upon popular regard * it sitting by the >e« ! Lily 12. D47, a Mr. second. its President with a very handsome ban- avenue, leaned in the grass banks, ha-.- "t genuine merit. Rowe;married, Uod, author, lighted up when lie gave Clark railed the attention of his com- H"W the that daw Capt operating chair. after all. proud day n*a| on thee. gentleman iu San Franciso, where she is them ner, which lie received with a few feeling I KKM» lit Ht t».M RII TtoN When the new both their ami be- Jo see if era. long desired. Iiegan, earthly spiritual | p my swearing could not l»e dis- “Why, gracious goodness!” suddenly PROHIBITION IN IOW A. «* if in #1 •'*' »t remarks that affected the veterans py p »id strictly adt.tiue. And. m its need, the hour had found the present residing. ing. is still and is as endless and in greatly the tooth extractor, with well man! living priced with, and requested all who were ejaculated A11 1<>r xxhatexei of time lire | Mr j of as well as [Portland Press.J arrearage- length poc^ge. the father of the above a* 1840, everybody else present. feigned astonishment at his for- destructible is His infinite in f.iv*r with it seeming There are r< konetl at the rate of fi.no per year. » Mu thoucht the cannon perfections ; of dispensing to hold lip fewer convicts in the Iowa salio* spoke; tamed of The club has received attention since getfulness, I had almost forgotten to in- from the aUxve family ehildren, soon after lie Jonathan one every than there were three Then will »he no dextaltoi- I he resonant Udl-tower’s vibrant stroke. Kilis, of the early settler** their guns. gun went No penitentiaries to-day F.vcry up. pro- its arrival this quire what tooth it was that had been ach- u.iin. d term- I In loieeful street*, the 'ame to Hluehill, became a celebrated of morning; everybody seems years the State has been in- plaudit echoing hall*. the town, was born in Mu**** was so ago, though \ u iiM oiitiiiue.! until all arrearage* Beverly. fanity heard from any one in the com- ing long.” Vu-I pray r and hi inn le.rtu tnawnward from ichool teac her, ami to want to do something for its members. creasing in population in that time. The :i | l.« epl at tin- publisher's option atldatiV such were his cduca- June, 1771 married 'siisaunah. of It's at ’un 'ark on is side," the M Paul’s! daughter pany that day. Capt Clark s detachment replied lowa State thinks this is \* .. must e no Register change papi-t -topped, glx iotml ml Secretary Blaine lias recovered young evincing a slight in > vantages, together with iiis plcas- iVter Parker, 11. she entirely lady, difficulty ; ere- at tin \pir.dioii ,.t tin term whether September 1735; I was made up from five viz due to the of the saloons of tin* companies, as she her on closing « a- been or lift. felt the land in ng. from his recent and pronunciation, placed Huger .-Ijs Moll. g’.xen How every part yet dignified deportment. excellent horn 1772. died 17. 1*03. indisposition resumed State through the law. There > July, Hancock. Franklin. Sullivan Trenton and the prohibitory XI \l '"rum l'tl'N"S« I he strong thiob of a nation August troublesome molar, to indicate its ex- heart, •haracter. and toned moral his duties at the Department of State. are a few like Keokuk where, on a \ •■-. take-:» from high ami relig- aged 31. He died December l*on. act places pa|htregularly \- it* great h ader gave, with reverent awe. 23. aged Mt Df'crt. But little progress was made locathm. -I**.! let It** ure. t.d t«* his Him* or an °Us influence. Proctor left Sat- square test, a majority votes against en- II pledge to I moll. Liberty and Law ! that In soon lxccaine quite a Children. Jonathan, Jr., botn Dee Secretary Washington Vh, yes. I thought it was there,” ob- xiof.. In ha-suhs.-ril*et| or not 1-re this day on aeeount of the lameness of the the law. Hut Iowa is on a tour of the Wes- served the dentist forcing prohibition -lid. t", tin pay iistir.guishcd citizen among his fc-lloxv- 1*. urday inspection of unblushiiigly. 1735, died in 1*15. aged 20; Charles, soldier* We as far as Columbia. a Stale of few cities, and as in I -r 1 hut p lgi tin In aveus alsive him got •It won't large l«-r-hi- paiHT dl-eotitlnued, heard. ownsinen. teru He was hurt me much,will it, doctor?” and from the records of the i < Military posts. ; sentiment is so in -t a >t ti,e max I hat vmv t he sie* of » iitui u** born In 13. 1737. died in accompanied Maine, public pa'. re.arage-. pntdisher j POWDER p stirred; Cambridge port. I eleven miles, and put up at Mr Peterson's the as she strongly anxiously queried patient firmly .1 -• i. it outs) pay incut S- ina»le. and e.J j 11 a ■ -i id-w i-U" wonder listening bent own it that he was by Adjutant !teneral Drum and Col. Bane ; favor of that in four-lifllt* of people appears refmatedly j Mar 3, 1".';!. aged 7*1: Almira, born both arms of the chair and prohibition t x» :• am iiit xx bet her it i- taken from the April for the night. At Columbia I saw a grasped opened Pure. II.*;: -ii F reedom'* great experiment. « lect«*d to and the will b< at the counties t law is well enforced. oftii'e or Mot the most offices, and 5 company joined Chicago her mouth a wee bit. Absolutely important 1*0). di*-d in Sear^port. \pril 11. 1**1. who school just ■' gentleman had formerly taught *• •!!< tost lt-1 K1 111 K* .'hi* !*•»%» I: 'HlH >;i a c are tien. ••pshaw, of course the MAIM CAPITAL TO liril.D I'P MAINK. < ►> ful examination I notice by Schofield. not,’’ responded « 1 ou t It sueert d: I >f honor that he *3; Amos I**" I'he dat* ..ii tin address latiel on eaeh -uh-< rib *tn-n*;:l. a vx :■ M Mild aged Hill, born 14 ’, ii Mr. William Bowen. July Mount Desert. He of the at the same time 1 ■ •“ < u knight forceps, time to xx hieh the .<>. *. •. \n-l -I- in -1 all told. ld the* office of Noble has called the (iov- [Hath Times.] paper -hoxx-the HUbwcrtp than thr .>»•.l h--p* history clerk 24 years, and was and now living in at the of Secretary upon | '■ rt Searsport age vve were a firm on an I ai. ..WrllnTs in arrears are with th» t .. " \ th- wr-ek-that inquired where going and 1 told taking grip the steel tweezers, Parties from abroad ha'c been pan: strewed’the mournful u»e of the I visiting 1 1 1 selectmen, and for the most eminent officials in to ii—te. 1 11 pax tip a- *o.‘n a- possible, aliiin of *0 a merchant and Oklahoma which he Held in his hand, i^rht. j,»*t. ; years, highly respected him we had volunteered to go to Calais to explain right discreetly Winslow with the purpose in view of es- h a. mil' :.tn n- t*‘ rail* K«n It t. n ! '• M 1. » he relating subscription* N i* time, chairman -'l tli< i.g -It- am of ag- true at last? of the broad. 31 years, a brother of their connection with the fraudu- plac behind his bat k out of sight of lus a saw mill there. tr. re« jue-ted, to -tale the »t. V > Vespasian, Jonathan, senior, defend the Doutier. Said lie. You have alleged tablishing $40,000 iiid r -I »' to XX J.;. ii tile is, or Is to lie sent, treasurer 15 He was. withal. died lent location of town lots and homesteads. ! patieut. that so many Maine paper years. in Philadelphia in 173* Nathan, an- volunteered into Strange capitalists > are: ..t. U nki. ■!' fli- ■* elioiee VV a* ; I xxrit* all pn»|M‘r name* plain |hop1. just, ii yourselves difficulty say, doctor.” observed the young in their out of the excellent and if not and unless the are lady persist sending money I 'in ii; ll! to III* tru*t. penman, superior. other brother, born March 7. 1777. came to explanations prompt .,11.* That was pool encouragement, but I had j suddenly, “bow do dentists acquire State when find ,of ■ 1 s sUungers opportunities nd.lres-alxx ays give VV « and u ithout w eakm ** was to and be good, "riling equal that «»f any man Bluehil! with Iti-» first wife, Hass satisfactory there will a sudden strength to xtract teeth?" such pti'-elil xx «■ a the n.e t x hleh x ou Mary '■united the cost At the commencement for paying investments here. Hut •!,. -tii i.gth f Haw les* rectitude! j n eastern j xx -!■• the pa per afterxx ard.s -i iit. Maine. It lias ever becu a F.llis. i<. whom lie was 14. falling of official heads in the new conn- Swing Indian dubs in the back yard of “distance lends cm hantun ut to their plea*- married. Aug and concluded the was as able to Mad* by post office Almighty their the re to me to re ad the records he and 1*01 she lrv- private gymnasiums,'' replied den- view.” let. d .he murmured, with a ■- — up Longfellow's being Saturday Ii \ \\ a-f g* V Ito-toli j rexiou* to the* time that he has not far oft look, but Not alone the Good but 1 111 o', aioii- vi hich *iries the ruled, i* I Joshua W Hath- kind and charitable and .and yet been able t<» get awav. .seeming to recollect all at Templars every- r I X X x ’.<4 \\ -11:: gt *t !• -t-Mi bly quiet. quite 'i .:htwe over the Sabbath, ami I O stopped 1 •hum* that she was in a in the State, is to be d < I ll\U \ Mi I IM J wax came to He is not dentist s U»dy eongrutulatt M I’1 I l.N .11 I A Vale.*;.. iloMton, just Hluehill.nearly all of the leg- literal in the of the town schools being lionized, not only by the large gym- support tluc were, the nasium. on the w mad.* Id .. l\x Nexx X oik pe qle tlpv especially lady continued progress hich that order lias 1 business, such a* of Ohio in Ii x » \A *t II• »-ton. deeds, mortgages, ami of the and of Ids h in ■ contingent people Washington -sc :•••!•!•. a-ii::.gfoi; 1 I i.. in _• ii-!• -u* i*. hut strong ministry, ue-sty f the house, w ho tried to make us as com- Well, doctor. I guess you hail better and is yet making in Maine, as shown •> xx i. *t \ xx i.i' ! id s A -pr ^ ork *• W V *‘l*. tint he ll. hat* f fraud :dni .tish rolig. lca*es, xxnts. execution*, etc., xvere all his no one ever a by everybody else; has been twice the tooth out and have the tie at the annual at Port- I! lun 4. 1 ’a5 k K. xx XX y •! k dealings had doubt fortable as she could pull nasty ago- report meeting 1' -i i.: !iat turn* her truth* to lies, V \A \ H K A *"N Itnl i!! I’hila. Fancy ( h"!y "lie to suc invited to the White in the even- over with.” land, An encour- T g. by him.yet previous that time h H*» in mercantile am! coin House, ny Wednesday. especially rockery V »V1 ** *. ll a*k:t g III her guise. early engaged Them\ttnorning. Monday. March 4, we ind of “Now I knew you were brave, because aging feature is the progress <»f the work business wa* done niercial built a store in h« ings and Ohio office-seekers are all in the — by KsquliY* pursuits, which ,\Mi left Mai hi.isjmd going a northeast course \oiir papa lias told nn- so among the children. Hoys and girls 'll A --in •hn throes frequently." DIRECTORY. I. il- i of Jji- ! th g U'l voii Deter* and KJx-nc/cr Floyd, who had a trad* for ami of “great exudations" therefrom pro- large many ye&r*. also ac crossed a small lake and went as far as Mid believing lie had said to up to slum and abhor the rum- Let .it *i*ti rh-*»d enough allav brought thy gri rejoice; t • ded Mr on F\ (iov. Dodge in the* holding of the built a large two house Saturday Foster of Ohio ar- the young lady's fears, the dentist slowfv shop and all avenues of approach thereto, ■ \ ii* i: *un* thee have n*on and art. story dwelling M R. N JUKI T*At o’er j Inxiiy s\ille ami put up at Allan's house, ■xx are not of -. s *1 1 n offices rived. He was raised his hand, in which were in much into its x Pr» A« f I •>* a w Sabbat b \: i. i ra;*' -1. w ar< on*- nation yet. for several w hicli is also ^ appointed a mem- grasped danger lulling year* ••till standing. IP- built one but we had no beds line to on. Our recently s *er\ ic« »t T r. M sleep A 1. 4 M bo u & Mr ber of the those ugly forceps. I’hc young lady’s snare later in life. public educated in 1 lodge dies! p.-< 1 r.. ] sjo. la- or two and at one commission to treat with the • !' M *« x Ice* at -K«>K lilh deeply vrs*el* time he with with a 1.’,;* At--i*t tru*t. th* ii.tr* to be t -wnhad provided each of us • yes in a measure seemed to the sit- temperance principles is a public in little ■ grasp » V f M I'rax*: MeetjU.I i.< stlay *x eti ^ lented the whole »■* Sioux Indians for the of a w ;»* by community and George St« veils owned the whole of purpose pmtion uation at th»‘ same of into ■*:! j i. tii* pc -h'stmv Long ■ hipie of half blankets, pretty well worn time. Nearer and danger straying so-called "pci- I ng flag w -I n t- add* *1 *tar* | « the member* "f of their lands asked one «»f nearer drew those of soual or of tin- !.. i’r. a m rx at tla at } p Trade. daily by Congregational Island, from » took a Somebody steel, liberty by-ways opening ;rig- hap*•: | Holiday which large quan- i out. si* vve •took one half for a pillow and ^its polished | rio*. ••» wmm* rnuw* and l i, M 5 i. -ij tu-1 uu*ta>in-d war*’ a of In by hur« li of which hew a* an the Ohio whether were when, lo! the path-lit changed her mind, gates for deluge free rum. bring- \x active and <>f lumber Sn- li were his natural ami party they j M k Prayer ::»•-* ng. tity tin* other half for a covering. The weath- after, ■ Her clo>e \ I lips suddenly deternrna- ing public apprci ■ «*rthv member from In* manhood s any particular office lie answered ask- I ; w !.• n w th ; atii iit t■ In- nursed early acquired ability that hy the records of er was we* had no Are. by tion to he the of the g at 7 I XL *T«»\h- «hind tfM-k of \n-i tta;i.* -s : I,- A t ant i*t tir*t. u p to the time of Id* death. the town it ing the inquirer if he ever saw an Ohio appear* lie was repeated It was a box stove in the room but no tire- I guess I won t have tin* tooth extract- ! l'cmptars are doing a work that make-, I 11 .• I. !-g .!• -f J *•.*■• tree 1> man that did not want an office. « d she their sue< ess the concern of til eiti/eu-v s N"ii Kron the r< t«d t.» tin- m0*1 office* with- to-day." s.-ud. It has ach- t:»• t>» *un«* t *ea. paper* and *rdslcft " VI 1 >» stopped * at 1 k Sabbat?. Sc hoc. at !, fr-»iii -.tut;- the important ii in IU if 111 Igu1 wnr I'luin and hrcoralnl (nx-kin (•ov of ing. wa v ■ •' Indiana in any ) it ..ii in !h- hi- b\ Hovey ... K gif* of fellow town-men ami us stopped «'»u!fl endure It no longer; so some of Gr the hU-v\«>i\h Aim man v •.» y l'ravrr ■>’opped idling, you Well I am Mntin*: < And hr id and -In Mmng -had- Washington on hi- wav home to his say? !* «. I’ *r!r. t. P I w. r- 1 much tlnu co»- a \ain:nali'*n of tin nr.ii *- v » M*. ATI Mi i»r> >ur la> at ft 34 U "• -w :u ■** 1« rable in !n* researches f.»r I N an a* *tial and careful count. 1 notice fop I smile, and a -ar- I. i. -sent. thr -ugh !i might) im-ney hy \Vc found some of old hoard* which slight r*uch of %. 'IN' *tn pieces * a: Gov H<»v« v U \* am! .1-111 .11 III- Voire t •i '• a 1 matter, •<» that he ll» ! the ..flier of town clerk f *r 1* ry popular here. par 1 liell the VollH- especially appertaining ami made a lire and warmed lady 1 w vv MlId the rat-* "f split up to -.ng ( so with the old soldiers for whom •a lie.; for water to hr. p tier f r< m fain tin-. Rev K. H. hapin thus al.ndes pro- m«i 'ir n 1 *e settlers of Hluehtli. amt trn* ar* ami t**w n treasurer l"\.»r-. and a ticularly him. early in >- the room, hut we hut little *• r*i ti« un got sleep te\» ri-lllv elljiehed the a-- when !ih. N- f 1 very never brought. fane in one of hi> discourses on look w he tired working He was a mein swearing ... .* d E:itsrs ii the few vrar* a* one ■ V g of of 0 .a genealogy the podge and P* ! the selectmen. Itv that March 5th, I11i'■ kI\ -wallowed the « ontent-.arose from night Tuesday morning. the Lord’s If w- n»u!d use the * NV rp «'ur lir-l mid !>• *' ;t-h* ••-* her of the House of pray-r *t rs and to hi* tir*t w if.- h* id one a -on. Representatives the at in- hair was -oon —— families which anti hut chihl. ojwi and on her > -of all kinds. paper* we took our march and came to the an.*. VUfc’U*!. B< ticnith Iii- w u \ ;rgMilan -kv up t raver sine,-n-iv. WeliiUst !ia.b»W 1 s has given the contract x\ a v Imiue -till the of a v cord* and also to hi* for born .Ian. 11. l*o-.». Tnis *«m Secretary Tracy po-.-e-.-or promi- 1‘ r* Tlur»d*v cvrry f ?■ Igcl «* trill- ami n-t Hid brnv• family their Vespasian. t >vtn -.f at noon and were fur- nent iek name our never K* a for the construction <>f the monster armor- tooth xxith a tender nerve and upon lips. Ii will I h- m t :..M -w .iImiv • -a* red grave k 11idness in me in I * inherit*--d main of the 'rail* j pi lby assisting what have !'**.ingui-hing ni*heil with dinner at a house public "ik ii"t at all toroid air. word It will never ed coast defence vessel for at partial light there. dropout ritteij r< Mr Reuben and •d h:- character fr*»m h:- win* provided *per:mg podge father, gave 1 hat afternoon we went a* far as the town Hie reporter all* d upon a xx.--? -idc Tin l r! :c.v fu’ -!nfe in or ;n I wish to Ware the session je>t. ring All > ? hp h s « last of to the I ni-m blasphemy. da? -nr- 1 am niwh indebted it ar« him an \cellent education II** wa- f**r Congress, 1' iiti-r who told him that he \iid 1 teacher, price any '■ podge grand- over The next y at>d ) tunf 'i ndaja stopped nighty morning. •brain h of the bu-im-- against the common sin of .1. .. la to he 81 JPJs.ooo. Five m> strongly pr«>- h-'k. I.i I.,g ..I ,:i k; =1- •! Ubl t it her of W and al-o •.is• ■>{ th- S s* Committee nu n. years ago 'T n a ■! Third l heir fatln-r v \ rrni < hodren heard! Reuben, whose name was li- »i. we left an«l arrived in March Bating !>" >ou know," -aid the dentist a- he Are me who •< and Au£u»t. one would have Udieved it to fanene.ss. there any before nn * ame first to this from an*l elected town rk *nc« f**r possible an 1 r*t M dav. country Kng- e*-iwly Calais about noon. I think We hail for grabbed otninoii- lo-.km- bhn k ha- Prices. are accustomed to use Hod's natm-as an Try My I:-- It _• f-rwlil h he ed and build such a vessel on the Pacific coast, fr-"n iv i.p VV k < N ■- li—Fir*t and third (ru) >u.U/lit iii* year ;n \<:ir- and f r-* \* rai v- ar- w a- rna-- | an h<>.-k in the 1. during th« H1, emigrant p«»-t k* an u* adjaeent opnatin- In’! i* n w .1- vv harrai old house and sixteen of k. M standard -.11 r-Might. »• ami to it a bv-word. y owing to lack of facilities. But this eon room and pr •. te! in- and xx itm-s-in- the s ft.. I » »ji at' h' «r> (•Mil ! iron in America. and throw it about in every place? per- a nd w ok* written on a* I lia\>- shipbuilding ■ ■ ■ | I:.-.; Nrvp many marines and 1 planters and aN ing the-.I-gv. and !«■ We had of ft re-wood, bur i!> f -a- --n all -ort- of people than J. P. pt. plenty m their hearts consider ,t a- an of < haps they N o and third F.x-Congressman Ryan, Kansas the hi. vx 11i< 1 ima-ine A felloxx rame to me A F.— Find j Eldridge, (•« ixw *.i doubt Ihv* ii l. i g-uits I he whole number of persons ti inform' d j*r*-pai:»tor\ for the mim- <•(-!• no bed*. Fifteen of us on the rioor. lay ..i-' — think it a, u a\" Ill- name -l. t.i h* our l'nuii>-l».ind : new minister to Mexico was a fart- xx. k xx i!h a heek 1 in.-ail a sxvellrd accomplishment! manly !. N*ardthe s».:;»wa* It a'.s.. appears trv Having never tnarri* *1 he i* -till a given :{.» "• one had to *tafid guard outside. heek. ..f ■ oiir-e to Main Sired. ift "ur hand- to lira'l l), and In n well dinner friends advi-in-m»* that he xva- swear Let me say to them that pr iat s u ii .md r- Friday by admiring li« *w. ih Wiliiam Podge married Mary, single being remarkably t»-mp« S onetime the tlr*t of the tlie oxvin r of a lar-c and ulcerated iii part night I faneness is a brutal \ i<*« He who mdu g- I •- --ii i-u: 1t \ ow. Repn-s. ntative Cannon, of Illinois was the iiji- the■ Ynti nnia! aught.-r ■ f R- g« r < onant. in 1 •*•77 atc in ad hi- habit- he i- -till living bark tooth, xxhirh In- xxi.-ln d extracted. of came into our s the "ilieer the guard iii it is n > I care not what presiding genius. II*- -ml Ik- gentleman. GEO. W. BRAGDON. D. D. \im*ng the settler* of Hlu< h 11 B. W 1> rouldn't -leep with it and 1 early room was a man in I -r ri; and tru-t nai-t nn o ■■hexed him. 1 t.»!d him that it would an v er« s.\eialof it.. and ! eho-en Im.iJi are ;• vver- Parker families, an room. I got be adjacent up immediately much for hardly -afr to pull the tooth then, lit Despite all his retineim*nt, the light ai. : f 1*1 N F -TRKKT f ... in rv I a- .n right- : tin aim Secretary Wimlom. H» has tin reeords ..f t»nn it in-i-i* • • y the appear* t ll.«- I :•%« on Aim ri- »n and in where the sick man wa* and ! however, and I. xxith much I l »u t r* -’ ii .e !t an in the support of an old ai of mine • companv quaiulance h m-e!f in tie- admits that it img.-ir !• man 'ur h.tnm float.- ui *un and a r. Joshua Hill of North Carolina, for tin ehair. when 1 -uddenlv silently y ? i«* ministry, the common schools the a* 1 w *tretched on a c.»u**h, f-r breath I -in ?h* irin | aMn mil- to \ ■ old. gasping thou-ht <»f the -a- The not ob- lb- restrains h's oattis the : 1 eastern district of North patient in pr-n- GRANITE I r ir\ n Is-'*. F ftv \-r:r* ago Carolina Carter j K* (:* at w ith u« tin j .i -ig* oM. /.cal and interest manifest but he did not dir tin- to the inhalation. I -oon a K -eiitury li\ely they and jr. placed > Stuart, apparently flying, B Harrison of Tennessee, brother of tin- ladies; and he win* fears not to n.'h in’ °ak thi- .lav th. « it /* n-of Mount I>* -* rt liable sinal; of ork between the Kindi, Danvers, M:i —. e 1 in the gen- ral rif of town and him pi.-.-e teeth of pr«**p« I staved by him awhile then left the of Heaven and swear th * t" president for the middle district ami In- aud lower and teu seconds chancery by M.M.un ■ T .:•>•: .«! •! I :i nd to - Mi re !.e»t wokii.i: _• **t. •• "1 !•••* f -t .* th. oiu: i- a -••!*|it required by We ! Lind, _re.it 1 xx hat 1 had w k* I*-«" tl- ltd to Sketches sp.. that night. were trampled upon by .Jeho-opliat job ness is him; U+ of the Early of Bluehiii* nited Mates fam unmanly and silly h -itain- History t to t*» pointed .I Marshals. to ”. t bi- molar out. ..id 1* tt* -v am! *otne of th< m often eh cted to tioverm*! match iintne liately that Kvery time 1 dishing it> the officers of the guard • with Notes and a passing through j of the ly is not a grace in -ouversati**n and it. Inctdei.ts of Later P* « ^superintendent census Porter has tu-_* ! the lau-hed. and the hard., r COUNSELLOR at LAW. fin "f trust and honor. It also li to f. : d the frontier »»f Ui«- State, patient «p|wnr* the room and the next day I wa* *ick and adds no to if. HATER ELLSWORTH.MAINE. nod. the < « imus 1 puh.d the harder he lau-hed. Tim.- xva- strength profan**- ; STREET. 1 regularly "pem-d bureau. 1'hr Finaiiy v ** t at tl.os, i: i »\ »- th** n-ternation among it. fain.oes yy.-re but gnat -♦ KIL-nvortii. Me. quite pr-*ii!h *orc enough. pa--.u- and if did not ein f•» me ich a m ss is an ~~ awful vice, ‘hue work f »r months to come more I ask tm t.M * of and many will be :i t *.! present lime there ar» but a \«-r\ j»* ij >!<■ I*j*-ntv invalid* crlppl*-- lau-hin- mat;, r as it to the man Soon after this the ladies of Calais fur- appeared whose name it is \on so u».-? I !..- \.e — merely lightly ■ tle r*- w*• ir But. however, wo a preliminary under the iullueticr of the ana -theti. { w f their »h -ceiidant* liy mg then. ni*hed u* with straw bed* one bed for Blaine has fo * I thou-ht. til.- fellow uaim of Hod! Ha\* you eu r tj .ugnf Tin ii ai.« at **f the :: a* rs at the me* t- Secretary mally presented Suppo-in-. shoulil early -etth rs < Nathan Parker via* born Jan *■'.••£ cording t*» «»r«l* | ->■ v»tv ami we hail more com- oin, to w hat it is \ on w ii h x <.»;• t-- DR. H. GREELY. * two sohUers, the new British minister to tin- President before I haxr pulled the tooth, ininga-tluis j of Him hid wa- Jonah imrii m !i*• u*i "ii Beech Hill I think It wa* at Dodge mar r ied Wood. pe< i-mlw r 1?" g xx,.. n. 30 YOU WANT Mary fortable We were in Cal- then there fun. I xvent at it a-ain sions and It is natm | tie* f quarters kept and once more is smooth be- yourwit? Ih virlv Ms- Nov. : m*- * I-aa* Sonic* everything -. I**. 1711 married, i •1 died July b l*P». aged s«»; children, th* ling h*»u*e apt and txxo ..nd-later out it am--, but at DENTIST. ai* about five weeks and were drilled daily tween the Great Britain t Him whom angels woj-si, aiel w :n w a* i* tlfteeti ami he Greater. tin la-t t .x itch the nt as if in 1 tirst. Mary Edward-. Feb. 22. 17..7 and '♦ph. Joshua. Molly. Lydia. PI.me .Vi- presided T! or*!, r a*! for patn yelled 1 most least and sometime* bad a mu*ter >.f all heaveil of he.a\ n- cannot coir a: n. :* 1 ‘rni.i * he floods for (lie general Britain. mortal a- 1 >:d feel I -« to mar* h imme- »ny. you any pain?' -re,md. Sarah Thorndyke. May 2', 177«» \ •'•ail. >me.m. Ruth and pr at* ami or.** rg* ant Lydia the There were two a-k« d. l- lie d hi- e\r- ■ 5 so troops. compauic* are ..pe|ii .. ’: i- If go to I. Great efforts made friends I! M -t-.n noney? Joy's !!«• name to Blu* hill. June 17-4. Their the records into *. r v.* ami f f**ur minute being by H> of the town it ap|H-ar* diate!) of militia and two of the rendez- Why. let a bit .' he replied I infantry of the President to him to tak.- a we« k A 1 that will »-vi r he km»w n .iici a He wi-r* *- w u * for. An get aal 1 larness and trunk store. children Jonah. Abraham. Itenoni. t hat « o) Nathan Parker the land mi n to I r* ad\ h« ailed op- thought I xxa- iu heaven and that txxo gave vou*ei| at 'alai* At tlr*t the rations fur- ! he or ten vacation, but he r« • could only known from “tie- in-id* in i* wa* veu for who w* re days' basso far d.armin- an-. 1- xx.-1.- feediu- me inola-s- ins Hie stock and Al»ner Benjamin John l’ ami KeuLen: k ilere the toyy n located the old portunity g tlio-e largest cemetery. nished (iovermuent did not our to w hat d .i* itoi by *ati*fy fused to do so ow to the mass xxifh il >hovel- and -rent heaven**! gard ha-hem **th- I*-.»t and the were: ami the wa* ing of impor- daughter- Mary. Abigail I aN.. notic. ;m article m a warrant. Mar. willing to \olunt*«r quota iiMcst in the market, and some of us hail the idea that wlu-t. am I:’ * mated the in modern I- r •! in A prices appetite* tant business that he wants to -uddenly ja. fel- journalism" and Sarah. Mr Dodge died March v in -h<»rt time th* offit r straighten l)r. : IT.cj “tost-, if will to tilled xccpt loxx. fioin tin- chair ami look- from M* imcrs." Mr. Fatten lai iicsses of all front they agree pur- the eommi>*ary kept back part of our al- I jumpin- up hluipter my grades : 1 7 77. and to the record-* « Jonathan Norwood. Jr taking th«- lead. in- xx a it •: I am in aged according base land of 11be*I Johnson as will make “P; Idly y< the blowitz. in Ilnry r's M t r May. :V --t.t In *j iowatiee. How that was I do not know j Hie 10 to *10. Tile best is the t wa- one following appointments have been deiiti-l 1- it out? »>!,. thank I of the »wn. he buried m ar the old t he road Col There were tweutv volunteer*, but be- you. The Paris correspondent -f th* L*uid*-u / by Nathan Parker's eight When a man is cut short on hi* food, it made the President since his return feel rxei !.. ;• 1, relieved. II" x\ milch? Mason's Indian which wim and he cried by deNcrilH-s how he s, ,‘ur***l wh.it l‘.i«mai-K i e in the end. camping ground,” place the r >mis wide, for the of a ing a foreigner rejected | Block, heapest purpose training make* him savage, and some were for lies- I- that all Why h-.xx r. a- uiahle 1 With were | from New York: I'id ted States Attor refused him an **! th*- 1 '>! ! « tii town had .-elected and because he could not g«* Fifteen advan* eopy I’. ■’ .. previou-ly quite id and to accommodate the a lar^e -i/.'d t""th .-d in a *#-lf you w :11.t a fa. I- harm you meeting- rung, but I l»a«l no such intention. The j pkn carefully S. N. Hawkins of Term for tin- for in th- / o... on ,< a- Vw a a ■> * lit:,. M.iU Trunks of nil voted two A -cr- ueys. b..x flu man on Treaty publication the early “To spend days for to J •>use. Put I find no then drafted out of nineteen youii- put hi- hat and de- record of any action \Uv most of the soldiers were laboring men I western ami John for iu a day that tile document Wa* sji-.-I :tid h [ u *• and to the ti with tin- Rulnn of Teiin.. parted happy frame of mind. w- «. ! irit« clear for fence burying ground." I e.ug taken vva- th* drafted tog** pri- oi.mkels. HMllllIv a.g'. :j by the town on that article. grant were we had ! Dr. and our appetite* keen After the middle district 'I her '-1- "Ik- that do it appeared in any other m •urn.i!. Lewis d a\i«- ‘..rs4 *..• ( of 1>. S. point many pt Kur*-p- oil-. tliii.a! per- Mr son. t vva- taken from Tennessee; ople Hodgkins Dodge's youugc-t lietiben. who >ut it the a vate- A contribution up :■ :U a. it war- :tp{kear* record of deed.that I’hc same -* in:; g ■»> pi... and by been there awhile the rations furnished A notch-ally understand.” ob.-erved the dcu- number ..f the Ma_ i/m pi. n:- ,• at amount- lexander of New'York, for the northern IIt■ l;. .ug d..iu at -tiort nutlet*. was born in Beverly. Feb. l‘J, 1773. and to ( -»i. Nathan those who were to stay home, 1 li-t. xx ho thi- time had bei "in*- eii- Park-r. with l apt. Joseph Us were sufficient and when we were di*- by quite tiist paper on "Soeial Life in Pu-'ia" h; T« i'- j. r f ♦ -; r: a 1 n »■»•«* t > the district of New York Mr. Alcxamler whom his father had given a goo educa- \ ‘>od ami to S'-‘ "r > Frederick Allen, a col- fhu-ia-t.i- oxer the -ubj.-et "f i- It i- of the other* gave an acre of land t*> ing we hail some left. Forty Immortals, tie* \ ini- l.u_ n* hlUwurih ami Nn charged provisions was Fifth Auditor of the when thi- Nitrou-oxide -a-and lau-hin- -a- pi, inity. came to Bluehiii when a live dollar- *>f it for the Treasury _ * i- tion. quite young t he town to accommodate the ored mam giving mecting- are not the -am. Tin r.irin «» )■< * m) HFMIIK.K E Ur. Very little occurred worthy of note i the Cleveland administration came in. Af- t term t«*r t man and married Sally, daughter of John [ 1 soldier-. »f the brilliant court -if tin Tsar i!um-t I 44 I oiise." where in front of the old meet- the latter i- nifroii- in uk>\ d* wha h i- might HOIK. Ba \ we were in One of the sol- ; were while Calais. ter his resignation h« went to Buffalo. V to tid-. A. Peters. noticed in these i The mum of the volunteers who j dilutin- tlie mti<>u- -aid beggar realit \. L. E.-q g made o\id» with JOY, —previously house." the militia company of the by diers in Y and a law office. When sketches Jan. -erviee were Jonathan Nor- indulging pretty freely liquor opened Gen. air. which produce-a nio-t exi diratin- 3 8. MAIN STREET, ELLSWORTH. quite fully. IG, 1700. She, t »wn wa> always warned to armed taken into IH.Vi. 1HS9. appear over on the side of the Ifiei «.ill. Jonas strayed F.nglish Harrison was uninitiated he requested Mr clfivt. pi actually n»t«*.\:< a’mg t !*•- p:i*i»-nt, born Feb. 2. l7*o ami died in. 1*50. ml as wood. Jr.. William ). Carson, The May St Nicholas 1880. Sept. equipped the law directs for mili- *r I the river ami got into a row with the soldier* Alexander to come to and might say subjirt. when the an- aged 70 reared a in- John M Clark Jame* Cott, Indianapolis year- They highly t ary duty." until the house yva* burnt*I. Kdmund Day. :i"tli. !ir i> administered. Tie- stationed there and was taken tMli. clk«rirn rtf 1^ .i-i-...... I...._ ft. .. ordinary & Saloon. N-i w— d Samuel prisoner, , telligeiit and much of 1., mu* N ittei Samuel ga> isiiiudc from ammonium nitrate, which <. Oyster Sating respected family lVter. norn Jan. *. 1741. married Phebe The fronli-pi. is a < harming drawing •»>• but was soou released ami brought back tiie election Mr Alexander returned to hi- J. %1 € OR)| sons Abraham j bring heated in a ivtort breaks into IIS. I'roprirlnr, thirteen children, three and ten ! larble. June .1 17«'.i; He diet I June ld.lsgg. l.urvev. Jr.. Benjamin Sawyer. j by up Mary Hal lock Finite, showing neither and -mil ivi* L-fitt under - enjoying -unshiny iinnk. I han- PETERS' Patents \V«* sometimes had an exercise of at i ! o\nir ga^ is free from in fant- «»r offensive for the eastern | BLOCK, ami James firing Va., district ot Virginia: dler Harris, m tin first, who died when quite young, he | lannah. I -aml.r Kichanl-**n. May**. as concluding “D.eidv dak. •» Susanna. Marble. Joanna and is inhaled a> air, :.n a Mils Asia:) h.^wokih Mary. Oue while at this exercise A. J. properties readily j targets. day Evans ol Texas for the western dis- ■ an academic education. Their name- l.zra I>. 1 wa> ':r:uuu | j but im of in Kunaway ,*’ inlrmni. es one «>f the most barn and Trade Ma k- dt.iln* 1 and all gave mi Paae. tlie latter sou. at the time of being apable decomposition ivc.v*. one soldier was to tire his and trict \V. •— trying gun of Texas : II. iI. of Ar- the it furnishes no teri-tie of **Fnele Ueimis'* -tor. win itcl.t I.-Il,-- on dueled !••!■ Moderate K« were: Addison, born Feb. 25, 1700, died' ..ixtccu ill all- in Somesville ,Clayton body for the | ...... ill, ''IK "k '■'II Ml lilt Wbulged [ ** Patent • »iV■ « " |>< flashed in the was a l- <*pjs*-ite the powder pan (it kansas for the western district of Arkan- masK of the blood. By inhaling the gas excellent that it would spoil by eontra-t any direct, hence Sent. 4. Isos, Charlotte. born Feb. 3. IsoO. that anil started the next morning, Lemuel Ward Peters. nei." *u!r .i;eiM’i««, ail hu-lne-i- own. Win" HI years old. night the usual of is tlun* and at flint lock and the gun did not go off imme- I sas. supply oxygen temporarily narrative less delightful than the tale of Dud Iv n tnuiioit't patent business in lea* Somes. F'ranklin and arrived in married Isaac Sept. 5, 1*26, died February I'M, for ■ lit ott. Imt is not h it — interfered viioinry it oiiu.rlor ■( l.a v«, y is j than those remote from \V;,-*>n,gi..n. The father of thi** Peter, >rn- the a little respiration Jake’s return. Sarah orne Jewett eontinn family were furnished diately, powder being damp, s. m-nj. draw tug. or photo, u ith rn Franklin about noon and with. The becomes as- U M.. Kihiiii It. Sept. *r, subject quickly “A Kit of a a«lilngtuu Kogrn le .r not. free of locatrd on a of land, on tlu* w« >t and w hile his down it went off Color,’* and with perl'e»-rion *>! un- NS. adtisc if paienta point in- taking gun into unconsciousness -•-< un 1-eb. *0 married Sabin Jordan. Nov. w dinner. We were then mustered j Patents phyxiated complete Building, liiitlou, >U»«. large < »ur f«*e not li.i*-tl! i-at* nt J* d. 1802, ith liranted art a ide of the narrows, into little and the bullet went a and the is then to pretentious develops stroug and healthful A b.mk. ••II..w t*r obtain Patents," with re leading ( through dwelling ; operator ready proceed." 114 1832. died Jan. 2'.». 1879, 76. She to service under the command of apt. w or 11, aged story of N'. England life. Octave Thain-t. as J i. -tee- t.» actual clients in your state, county, lluehill bay. at the head of whieh is the house, but no one was hurt. After mat- free was a school teacher. Elvira, born W. Clark of Franklin. “humble wn, sent Address April Daniel To citizens of the New States ehronieler.** notes the amu-ing feat- r*E»TQIONS ! illage.and Jouathau Darling located on the ters were adjusted concerning the north- England How Old Michael 0 Was- 17. 1""4. married Jeremiah Nichols, Dec. About the middle of the afternoon of Rafferty ures of an amateur ot *Th«* a>t side. This the past w eek, and representation >••!• point is and ever lias been eastern w e w ere mustered before during reported express- -1 tfuliy policlt# the boundary Land of on a 2*. 1825, died Dec. 4, 1*04. aged 00. that we took up our march for Cher- Noth* Plantation.4' ring ;t??i?tance, and C. A. SNOW & CO.. Sally, | mown as day for tiiis C. A. Snow i Co., Parker's point,” alw>ut a mile Central Foster and off and ly paper by piat- An Irishman once a an ■ paid discharged. got from _■ !i..-i* \. > «*r »n horn Dec. 12. ( distant. Then com- job original 1*00, married, first, apt. ry field, sixteen miles ent I'tnd"!- ..nd !.• -I- mwi!- in the mthrast of the and to one one- lawyers, opp. C. S Patent Office. undertaker to make a coffin. the to in- village, whieh I received eighteen dollars, and job —A new volume of i'kteot «Hi C. NVaaliiugfoif. IU Moses lit* died at of war. The snow was The t'rntvry begin- t t! -ami', in .• tiie rule- and leg Dponit!? Clough, Aug. 9, 1820, menced the tug C.: clude the on the lid. ^ lu re has been built a road. half mouth's We were Washington, I). painting inscription j t « g< ■ < i:•■!<• t.i. .. rtnient at Wa-ti good carriage pay. discharged with the May number, the of s*a: mariied second, Weston Merritt. deep and we marched iu order in sec- This he was too ignorant to do, nut did frontispiece md for the e»ta i-il?l*cd by law that t nr more than She is >till Addison horn miles. We had come from it. By dint of experience twenty year? living. second, tions. four A. H. « that i» a to Haim? he ummer resort and w here some or ten afoot down river before as far ! ing; Carpenter, Waterford. Vt., the I* ar West, The most he hie present JUST RECEIVED eight that about daylight ing written copy given him.lie managed “Cinching Cp.’’ timely in varied Jan. 10, married Mt. Desert to F'ranklin day, :h- department ihetr legal a#|*ect*. 1809, Mary Newall; mower; C. H as in the a ottages liave 1 >een built at a cost of from as tlie Devil's Head where an j Cooley, Hartford, Ct., valve to gel far as "Michael O'liafiYrty, aged" papers number are series on “Samoa : w ith more dispatch than attorney# residing a cargo of of the (3 miles,) drowned river, June 27, 1804, twenty miles and afoot, part way, —; but. a> he would, he could The Isles of the ■a lstance. At home you ran consult your at- iu£'uion t hree to twelve thousand dollars each, and old schooner partly loaded with lumber ! operator for scales; C. Cummings. New try Navigators.” The readers of in and with hi# a*siataucv can 55. as well educated and a laud and rested at noon. We were kept not imitate the tw« At last, War literature will be •rney person, aged k only C. nty-eight. especially interested in vnur In the w here liere also is a steamboat w harf. was to us to South West Haven, Ct., cement; II. Field, Provi- is- up proof eommunity you we marched waiting convey he remembered that he could write must, iu of much and in the oil our feet after dinner .until the of the Lincoln churl* s r. I. ami where your evidence tliemain, surveyor experience, dence, R. I., H. It Flint, Beth- chapters History, aud Robert, born March m&rritd Harbor. engraving; seven, ami that four sevens made twenty- ? und, among your friend? acquaintance# 13, 1745, field and were somewhat tired «!»• writes this mouth, in his employ of the Messrs. Black for several for Cherry Me., heater; H. Freeman. So he the Kay Irish serif-, w are most tamillar with y«»ur eircun»#tawe«. AM tuth March We had for officers Daniel W. Clark, el, Hartford.Ct., eight. finished inscription,“aged •LOIR died Feb. on Wood, 12, "The < m# All LORA, the wild lands north of 29, 1773, we left f»r Therefore, Monasteries of Ireland.” Mr. able and dependencies. correspondence years, surveying when Chcrrytiehl. seven thousand seven hundred and we will sell in addition to our type case; M. (Hines, Ct., seventy- will lie answered without which 81s, N. S. Swan, Lieutenant, both of Bridgeport. > laimaid? delay aged 73; children, Samuel, four miles, Captain; to tells the strange true story of dome Muller, a talk with all iu stock of Oroceries for the next Ellsworth, and as their Nabby, when we had marched breaking seven.” When they came bury Michael, i, 1 -had U' pleased to #©» and j acting agent, gen- blade securer to W, H ’loses. Franklin; Moses McFarland, Fus gn of handles; Holmes, w hite woman sold into hum* the Robert, Simeon, Frederick and the for it was the coffin stood at the grave-side, and the slavery; and Mr. Ken- ten-led iu upon gmcrnmenL erally. Julia, horn Nov. 22, 1810, married a road through snow, my j ^ ^ Trenton; Samuel Clerk ami Charlotte, Vt., lifting jack ; F. T. Lcilich, as follows:— nan in his series on the Siberian Exile ^ hlith. He built a house of the if Scammons, priest spoke System, I s Pension Ellsworth.Me. William 1*. AbVott, March 7, 1837, moved large two-story lot to lie on the outside section, Attorney, Samuel bass both of Bridgeport, Ct., sewing machine feeder; All, he was a tine lad. He’s lying there dt -cribes “A Ride the Trans-Baikal.” h IT, 1«*L ibout from the Falls to the \il- walk Springer, drummer, through .-worth, ->ept. w ith ner husband to Illinois ami died half-way I recollect and had to outside so in the there, rightly, F. L. Lewis, Providence. H. I still, taken away very prime of age. where his sou Fiederick lived Franklin; .John S. Finery of Sullivan, tlfer, jeweler’s Dec. 30, 18s4, aged 74. He still living at up of the track and the snow about one foot loife. Young he was, too, only”— Here Sixty — Days W. tine cutoff; H. Ct., but- Steam and o the time of his and near the all men. Some may think that it re- Lyon, Bridgeport. the looked at the to see A new serial story, by Edwiu Lussetter Ellsworth Laundry At low for cash, as we intend mak in an death, 1 w as. as I thought, very tired and priest coffin-plate very prices Marengo, that State,at quite advanced deep. ton J. M. a change in **ur buxines-. Aar-All per-m- in Holt farm." quired but little courage or heroism to en- strips; Merrow, Merrow, Ct., how old Michael was. “He was Byuner, opens the Atlantic M uthly for May. ng told that we had twelve miles far- only,” House, ! rant of such will sa\* on age. Of their children 1 am not informed, being his reverence and he Dye go«ids money by railing list at such a time but when we take into border former; J. H. Murdock, Wood- said again, put his It is called “The Begum's Daughter,” the was to I felt • one who is now a Joseph born Jan. 11, 1706. died to travel to get went to see w 1 KIVF.K W« KTH.M h son, Arthur P., Aug. ther Cherryfleld, on, and nearer, how is laid in KM* NION BRIlM,K.ELL# excepting consideration the tHat was iu cirtu- stock. Vt., invalid lifter; K. W. Nelson, glasses scene of the novel old New York h Our report old he was. Tie was he con- \d kind# of Garment* cleansed and successful merchant at Sioux Falls. South 1801, agetl 35, married Elizalieth, daugh- much discouraged. captain really only," some of the familiar dyed. pretty war F. about 16*9, and Knicker- ~ EPPES & latiou that had that Hartford, Ct., setter; 1. Peek, and Ostrich ather# a [). H. SON, already begun, type “seven thousand seven hundred Kid i.iov* specialty. er of Deacon Ebenezer us to march at ease. But there tinued, notice. Dakota. Without of de- Hinckley, May 9, then told bocker names appear in it. It is a new field I.aundrv ork of ail kind? done at short detracting aught there was fighting at the Aroostook, and Providence, K. I., wrench; I F. Palmer, and seventy-seven years! How did he L. J. children. ease about it. for we bad IvrfO F1LE6, Prop’r served from member of this fam- 789; Malinda. Peggy, Spoflord, was not much the flood?”—Christian for modern fiction, and a good one. This is Main praise any the haste that was made to get troops to Middletown, Ct., hammock stringer; II. L. escape nt Work. Street, ami follow a on all of the first, ,amus—killed by a falling tree. Oct 3, our gnus, cartridge boxes knapsacks ed by paper “Temperance Legisla- ily. (with whom—excepting J the frontier, it required some nerve to take Norris, Providence, K. L. harness buckle. 1796, and Seneca. and nothing to eat on the way A Good of Lincoln. tion, its l acs ami Limits,” particularly neces- Maine. who died at the age of 9 was per- to carry, Story LAMOINE Ellsworth, years—I such a step. 1 took into consideration the at ou the road. But we sary to study just present, written by Chas. tft» and been a stu- Ezra, born married and not a habitation _ — sonally acquainted, having July 15, 1767, Lois, there but I AND danger might be, knew that of Juvenile* Worcester ( lark. M~. Fi*ke contributes one ou: there was no alternative, we must Marriage There in a dent in our where received laughter of Israel Dec. 27, 1791 ; kept appeared Washington paper academy, they Wood, some one must go and I thought that I other the of his valuable historical papers on or down and die. Some of the day following advertise- “Brandy- with all of them. I >ue who died Jan. get through lie their education, son—Kimball, 21, 1820, — nearly might as well as any one. 1 was young ment wine, Germantown and .Saratoga.” MOUNT DESERT had on new boots that morn- whereof I affirm it is 28. our men put [St. Johnsbury {Vt.} Caletlouian.; a For Sale! know especially pleas- iged and had no family and after I Had enlisted “Wanted.—By gentleman and wife, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. made their feet sore. to that Julia tv as indeed a band- Samuel, bom March 1774, married ing which Major Charles N'ourse and Nellie Shattuek got old residents of Washington, half a pew, ! ing >ay very 9, I could not have been persuaded to stop at rode ahead, and the teams which married town meeting day. The interest- or two seats, in St. John’s The estate of the late Nahum II. Hall on Water some woman, and with her beau- daughter of Col. Nathan Parker, Darling Episcopal —Srribner's for will together Lydia, home, if I could have been released. of this is the The Magazine May inter- street. For information of went ou before us. ing part story reported fact Church. best of social references giv- inquire 1818, he died Decendwr 2, 1831, had our provisions est readers of many and varied LAND CO. she inherited from her grandmother Pet- May 28, I recollect that after we were that the is but 14 old and the en.’’ tastes. Men ty mustered boy years was much used of lovers of J. Hall. ; a 57. Peter and Robert were There profane language 13. The is the of This letters, good fiction and Spencer ers. before noticed, remarkably iged Nathan, into service and were marching out of girl ouly girl daughter willingness to give social reference poetry, 6moa2* hut it did no amateur Iucorpoiated under the law# of Maine. and from her brothers. Peter died Oct, by some and hard talk, good the late Samuel Shattuek, both parents be- to secure the of in railway men, and professional photo- and lovely disposition father, Parker, senior, Franklin and a certain a privilege worshiping passing by house, dead. She lived with her St. John’s of and at about to curse and it never dots, it only makes a ing aged grand- Church reminds me a story graphers. sportsmen will find articles her intellectual endowments. >4 1822, aged 81; his wife died came out Suliacrtber highly lady and seeing her son in the mother on the old Shattuek in the of President the w w ill hereby give* public notice to all all place Lincoln. One day during hich to them. va- j of 80 one of his bad matter worse. Our company got strongly appeal The Stock, 8x.000,000 iDDOined, that she Iras Itcea born 24, 1813, died Oct- 25, the age years. Hannah, of Wheelook. a Capital rHE duly appointed Mary, April ranks, she ran and caught him by the arm south part The boy is a son war, young officer called upon him to riety and excellence of the nd has taken uiH>n herself the trust .'.f Executrix but pretty well used up. engravings will de- 2 Reuben G. horn daughters and who never was married, through safely, of F rank N'ourse who lives secure an in the and Par Value share, 85-00 « >f the last will and testament of Itichard I^af- 1815, aged years. W., and tried to pull him away ; site just opposite appointment army, light those who per in the real appeared appreciate good art. The End 1 In, late of Ellsworth, in the County of Hancock, died Oct. 27, 84 and bur- Tw o of our men coming along tue Shattuek place and is employed to ear- brought with him letters of recommenda- _ March 15, 1815, married, first. Betsey, 1855, aged years, in distress. Some of the soldiers Paper, Charles Eliot | lereased, by giving l>ond ns the law directs; she great ou the farm. The children went to tion F. V.’s in the Dis- by Norton, on “The Lack of her saw two men lying down by the sideot ly signed by all the F. Halset J. Pres. 1 herefore all persons who are indebted to of John 8, ied in our new cemetery by the side of Old Homes in Hon. Boardmam, requests daughter Chcver, Sept. 1847, made sport of her entreaties, but I pitied West Concord to get married and w hen trict of Columbia. There had been no America,” recalls, w ith deli- aid deceased’* estate, to make iminerliate pav- the road who had given out and were not Edward Prescott, 7Wwi. brother, Peter, Jr., who married Sally, came home told cacy and the oent, and those w ho hare any immediate demand* second, Laguna Morgan, Aug. 29, 1851, her. Hut all her efforts were in vain. We they what they had done application for office before President Lin- feeling, sentiments, grace, depth, A horse team came Melvin s. smith. Clerk. to exhibit the same for settlement. of able to go any faither. and the elder N’ourses have and , hereon third, Caroline Allen, Nov. 16, 1862, she one of. the daughters Jonathan Darling, all arrived at home however and undertaken the coln so strongly supported by the aris- charm of life which we miss by our mi- JANE F. LAFFIN. about the same time safely noticed in these along with wheels job of uursing them till they are of age. tocracy, and, turning to the young man, he gratory habits and in Ellsworth, Apr. 10th, 188P. 3wl8* still living at the old homestead of her hus- previously quite fully lias since granted a of rapid changes material refused to take the two lan Congress bounty The Sbattucks are a nice family. The told him that he would him the as one of the most influen- and the driver give ap- affairs which lead to the of band’s father. He died 29, sketches, being and acres abandoning home- notice May 1886, aged oue hundred sixty of* land to Nourses came from the pine scrubs of Lit- and handed him back the su'jarrilier hereby gives public to ail ones on his cart, his wheels were pointment, pa- steads. AMERICAN LOAN AND TRUST COM- men the settlers, as to the guishcd rHEconcerned, that she has been dul~ appointed, | 71. He was a very active, indostrious and tial among early each surviving soldier. Most of those tleton a year ago. and some think the old pers. taker herself, the trust of an Ad- well- so w ith snow. “Take them,” sayi TRANSFER AGENT. nd has upon an excellent land schools, the church and the general clogged man engineered this whole business. The “Don’t you want to place the on RANT, of the estate of Sarah K. Hutton intelligent man, survey- who went from Mount Desert are now j papers linistratrix our “oi of of the town. Gilley, one of men that stood by, guardian of the girl is looking the matter file?" asked the office-seeker. “I —It is a blessed ite of Ellsw orth, in the county Hancx.ck, de or of practice. He built several being and prosperity Mount Desert in 1839 j supposed attainment when we OFFICES ! law large living. comprised Either the children or a that was the custom." eased, by giving bond as the directs; she the above I will when ] se up. lied, forged can so associate the truths of Bar Harbor. Maine, C. Block. the saw mill built Geo. With some of the children of report you get through,” God's word Henry Spruill's t iierefore requests all persons w ho are indebted to vessels, bought by what is now7 Mount Desert and Tremont. certificate, or the one who married them “Yes, that is the custom,” said President with natural Last *• Fountain estate, to make immediate with all he toeik them out. We all bt objects, that one is, in a man- Lamoine, La Val Avenue. t le said deceased’s and with it he built named Paiker familes and nearly got through committed some trivial errors not demands there- Stevens, in connection I may have did realize what he was doing. The Lincoln; “but you had better take them ner, his Bible in Mass., 1 avment, and those who have any reading flowers,in forests Boston, their with the very muen exhausted and weri in w but it is cor- is strict with as 4 n to exhibit the same for eettletnent. a mill and ran them both, of grandchildren, especially midnight riting this, substantially law quite about giving certificates you, you might want to St. m and at Globe 244 j grist together join sunlight twilight, always, everv- Building, Washington 8t. 8 A UAH E. JOY, Admr’x. uinislied with and 0n< rect. One. to or minors. John’s I a to the time of his children of Peter, Jr., Marble, Isaac and sapper lodging. marrying Church.—Chicago News. where, and in tar EU*worth, April 10, 1869. *w!6* with large farm, up everything.—Star 'Papers .— -.. .“■■■■ .. ---- l:——.. — ■ ... — — m, m ■ • .'.ill .1^.1 ! Lettei irom Block Island. Maine Freemasons. no in for DRY Sc Block I*i vSi». Ma\ 10, 1m*9. CLOSING SKSSION OK MIK GRAND I.OIHtK. A. H. Waste time looking FANCY />»-*; r rican : NORRIS, GOODS The Gram) Council of Koval ami Select 1 have m-v* r seen a letter from.or about, Masters chose the following officers: WARES this Island in the A wi ki* v\ and p* rhaps a and SMALL anywhere else. Grand Master Albert M. & Summer Goods, iTbf c>:IIslumil) Amman. few items 1 have picked up in my walks ! Penley.Auburn. Spring’ THE GREAT MAGGI 1 Grand Master Denison E. and talks over the Island may lx* of inter- Deputy Sey- noiir, Calais THDRSDAY. MAY 16. 1889. est to s.nue of your readers who know ; AN a Grand — Inch is such bisr very little about tins little lone Mr of the j Principal I'oinluctor of Work causing the William K G Estes, Henrietta, Albatross, Tricots We carr\ the have Best Assortment and the i owe sea. represented on the school maps by a Skowhegan. Largest Stock, t \V. .In n*4 xnrtiiyiiiKii* Ifth’i-- and rommu prju>s littl* dot. t«» th* State of Bh«*de Grand Treasurer I zander W Kobe*. and in cream and M il ■- In. ii.vni'iiiKi aiMror «»f the w riter Ix-longing j Mohair, York Portland. excitement in New nre in a .t-e- lu.l.-peii-xliU’. not wcee.-«ariiy for | hlaud. It is twenty the miles from New- 'i; t» Grand colors, what is de- I iti t.»:t guar:mt«i t£«*.*d faith. port and fr>*m the high land tin* main- Kecorder Ira Betry. Portland. light just " •• eatiMot undertake t.’ return <*r preserve e*»tn j Grand land can be »een on a clear Chaplain William J. Burnham, sirable for and sum- Citv at the .tii> ttMiir-that are not used. day. spring ; Lewiston present It is n'm* miles from the extreme n »rth SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT Grand Master 1 mer. point to tin- southern point and four miles of Ceremonies—Joseph M Hayes. Bath Arbor Day, with* at the widest place, anda more up- Toile tin Xord, Ginghams,Sat- time, and-down hill island it would M hard to Grand Captain of Guard—Albert I Ma- — ('bailies and Batiste find It looks like the wave* of the ocean. ther. Kockland. ines, 1 t\ Wedm lay is \r‘•«ir Pay. a Grand Conductor William C. Butt whole Nland is un hr a high state Mason. goods, all carefully selected i. w<- tru-t which ;- to Nr more ami more f cultivation and has tin* most neatly Bangor. s Grand Steward Samud F. Bt an <• .Port- and seasonable a ;r< atr*! n-the ear- I.-t \v kept f ai in I cut saw end. -ed with high styles. i y go by. land stone walls and not a rock, to be m-. h in Babies’ that are sure to bor Pay. loo. he -the day we celebrate.** Grand Caps th .1 or pasture Sentinel W. C. G Carney. Port- and let « adi of u> celebrate it land the most by planting l!.. Isi.-tnd when discovered in 1:4 was satisfy fastidious. w A *n »u- f«»r a new GALLER a tree, in.! in ar> be a ntu-e on M. after y. may up!, d by a tr of the M dm gall lll.lk- d:sp«uisati granted We believe we are at Gteen's Jackets. tns a! n• ■ ; nil V'.O WHS It bv MX* lodge Lan lilli;. DiHT Isle f -r pn«l a l pleasure if not to tis. to bought \n invitation m* n« ♦ lved from the Sol- the correct at t «-«• ti in* u who had it sur\ \ ed and div ided selling tho-e who conn- after us. we styles may To-day diers’and Sailor-*' Monument association w»• rail vour attrition amongst th«’tnseives and ts growth was lower than Boston 1'iu* Bargains OUR SILK-WARP HENRIETTA Mettles toms with ■ •f Opaque may -how our appreciation "f the good t s7" is ! Portland, the Graml Lodge juices slow 1 it had no arbor and land- requesting to for this spring art* all fresh i»e» r the rn.-r st »nc of am! 1 -•*> are tin- « It,.lit in. w rk w h .eh i- been done the was to tin- Jteavv mi f lay their monument markets. •it $1.00 $ by Village .ng difficult owing hv us direct from the ."th invitation whs good* purchased ’>< > line ■> wK.< jC.w av s its'!..im 1'. i. «* May Th* accepted m N« w I Boston bo ihi -k t ; 11. t -it ^ 1 m 1 v ’mi ut > i. in tli at upon We r,_'i uifi ty .ty. plant- < have from the \\ 1 ! and the raft at will V invited to manufact m»n*rs and importer*. a »eiid making in to the land on the large purchased '*.t rent nt«> t\ tInn .• iih» it and quit* 11.r |l'r -mm* per ing a tree to an! cheer tliein. in th< ecrcmofiv which were tie- asicrn and it about two in .- ■* fro.n join manufacturers one ra-e found M*\cral ht* they I e ! f: >•• tm-rs* t I h«- officers were .wg tie the ouvr ot one Und t*» the other. installed, th f'dlow- of out in and to do po-nt et. goods that are known to sirious closing lump ■s ing made rf* r so to the that we In i 7 th* < •overnmetit to build a appointments tudng —LADIES' j• is mil'h point iH’gan this were r«ad\ to sacrith e to a house French Grand Set r« breakwater from the southern tn- Corresponding tar\ Gorge be honest, reliable and ex- Beiges it in thi- oiiuri't i- >n point ipmde \ Callahan. Lewiston which had ait outlet Htillieieiitlv large w aids »he ii-.rth.-rn as a harbor of 1 refuge s»\a- *. .* ! :.e f tree-, not of t values. Call and ot n ;i| In* ihi** >11. pi ic» planing although "> Distn. Grand Masters to handle for a. aught n.-ar li'-r* in a storm, Deputy ceptional great quantities good*. popular COTTON UNDERWEAR •r»at thit ;t i- .n v,a*e- not -■ 1 lit ury «» Fort Fairtl. Id see our t: '* nml 7 » t s but after blind. J 1.*.'*" feet the scheme Ferry. them. We, with several branches, have * 1 \\ a l saint' n a- Maine wort! y of the l? F < >n :tl in w a- v ii aid it's of us u -w to Benjamin hadbourne. Prineet g up no any that outlet, we are in con- "• : -m- ration of a « it .yens of our tow n a- F '.ward K Held, <>ur I’arasols and I’mbrclla- eoii-erjuently '» ", go 'I mu; •' tustiU- .*u*n \. * pt th* lii-M k Island, and from Wingate. Cherry v i- -« r t w;- a .if to offer goods as as t g og. \ Wheehr Castine. dition cheap any 'i S' •' that .lit* Bi>. k I' and U-gan to Mb up s. have been selected in view DRESS SILKS. .1 aa ||„. , I.,• Mate ■ New and do s Hannibal llamlen. Mil" retail home in v r* n. A is a lealtli and »mtn*T resort and Tngland 1„, 1 I'm 'f Maine i- field- •• of both -t \ le.inty green William C Mason. service and lc. r so. < hn stock in h**«mtnicnt fair to a N* w p.*rt .*r Bar Hat r Bangor. oth them , 'TS' I , •- grai : me-:- grove- an i ai- t- 7 g. >rg- B < hina 1 y have .nit a dock >*r has.n >ti Pray. l lie of bandies is is n al to anv in the '"fate. Velvets & Plushes. l :‘ ig •- ami : w itu -tr* :- ;,i,,■ w .i w variety cq \ 7 ', .s tlie ins. i,- of break water :!e ;r Li ard P. Hahn. Lmc..’r # t •• N i am! pu gr imi-m-aut: ft v mag- Hillard W K**!• in--»n Warren and rca-ona- .... mg rm but v uni.juc jiriee- I :i. ellt flee- the f for- m ■ p.allied > lliam l List Rhadames ( licit) | >st by people e \danis. •ll*’ ess. t lie s ./ of 111111* i: a •.11 B.othbay. ble. Satin .• r g:-n« rati .ns. It i- bit yislnv that the II Daniel p B M mmouth m t .ynton. >1 li\\ v i t*e l at on. and »!if lias t |V th** :ll im. #! 2"', 51 «ml ^1 T.'i. I ] •! g* Herat i> m -hah *e a- I'd » iri-s \ Sulson Vasvalboro SPRING in a steamer ■> berth. JACKETS, to > g t f of tip-ejifort and welfare of H nrv c p iwer-, \ >rr ..ek V e w 111»t e l a Igew FAILLES. _• p- «-ter i- w r< i: jm- 'g f..|- : I Fred W Kideout. Bath gu. s's w < *-ig it other Ictel^ and a hi #1 imi. 51 •.».i. mill 51 r : •! e-t and : n- ; ‘.anting L .swell c Boothhv. Livermore score •! *> .aiding u--* take 1 .ire of .'"O" » & Garments. .- e ,, Long; tree- :1 Wraps ••!' :ijn::rr A.H. of -.-lit un NORRIS. til Samuel K h-. w and. N rw tv only u s at 'ii' lb i\ at*- .t s are be- liMFANTV'WEAR. rag. I '/i.tta: .an CHINA prim p.- erit. r- into it in F: am s \ ‘has. W .dfords SILKS, SATINS, ing nil over t' Island that 1 Jackets, t .my wav- I .estion .*f the t'mber 1" K aris.a Jersey v. "i > Walin' l Fryehiirg stcrdiv idiiig I t Mr hi.*- I Uhl' **'f 4 ; v •!' if -n. o tai.t “one .»m a. itched SLADES' AMBER SILK VENETIANS up ■ IFm M dr h Oti, J.' .'iil, (Ml, $1.00, $.'..00, t! c m.irr i Mark Hopkins’ \\ w the tery SOAPS! •d Because It contain* no r-.-in rtn.- .; I r. *!orw mui'T ration 1 he mo-! m a Harris >n Lincoln. t«> in n-- ri< st w.'iii:i;i in \iii*• rt< » is to *st Piper. wimUttiv whatever. It nuMtM .1 lather il fh.Oo, up $10 00 The Boston Inr^r t- 'll- of tip \treme- heat uneqa WILL POSITIVELY VISIT "f ami eld. the < -•. K’ O.M s’ Gn i b'd snr *•?h«'r It «<.ften* the *kin In!.,: sjtio It j,, ,k* ;:k. |1"V o *hap!aiiis by »p it for the "Mine i" from $*T/»o to -. • < *.■ price OUR DRESS SILKS. g t’ 11 .-f drought t!ie. :l f to K* v .1 din Gibson. Eliot I* an ii'HM. .»! »p. f.-r tt w»-ar* t-> * n.if» r#WE WARRANT prevent s. w.t !ioi(><- from tin* i's j.;; ;«-iJ v» .’' 1 M ■ -sing it* rrnix'rtiew. |t i* 1 ,f) I. by K://ard in w vr an cy K.-v 'itarit \ 11. h. nil. ink cleansing $ loin.* r.s ng from 11:* » enter, wn 1- large a* a *havtng **»ap. In fact, tt;«aclean. I llt.'i •;!-' i ltil ■ ->i: ii.-r tm bem tiv i.al eft? et m c tip K. v s L-ulingwell. Bai Harbor. wet, one artl< dmiruhla' w ngs on tin-• sides m irk a very roomy 'e, in evorv Cloth th. : ■ v *tv. Convince v»»nr*e friend*. VJ' i L, 'ai p tr: the hav e u ma W t- p.runt ui Yarmouth your from $■! "(I io !?10.00. I, f,„ ts' 1 i• v ii is do a t iiriv b.js.n, s^ 1W uiiibet :i:g I» t.» g am: of water. rmithp 1 > purity K« v Crnrl.-s Whittier. D ! ■ • vn n t !*• ItT JA FEW I K and of jj~, M in.f ---—- 1 my t be Grand Mars' *! G-- »rge K Shaw port- Inside *-n ugh to last tlu in t!i;s y.-ar Jerseys, In an s O'' T.. » g v» n r >r*am e attached to thi- mat I !if-iii!o.n«*r !|. ttrv Consisting of Table Linens, nnp laud. H Me* k’f. Vm ■ There are now !..<*•> r* s dent inhabitants front -V'l'ts. to $.”» oo, T -i tv 11rf.-rent ter \. I ft -s' si,Mis. a „| Gram! S< n:.»r D* » n B«ui Moon North alhav.ti f it w \.n tin of liu. ... ha> H it r >iltir.|:iy Sh« h>-? lt« r i styles. Napkins. III!,.a-s' , people *- rod the roost .: t"W;. ;m : !■ heed the advice v 1 main-ail. an-* -u-taim-.i other s « r Dca (ford jihhoim :>« .. f th. ..I* ban. r;.. from the mam- lied and from 'I giv, !: the >. iamat.-m of liovernor ilamrtt:. in IVn-.h- ... Bat IT i\ mo!:* ((nills. Spreads pr land •r FaruuiiiTHm Ii e v g r« gn: '. ay ugag «irand S***'\ rtr<|s t• r X 1 I- ml. i- ar* a Ii -nmii and far II T!t*-n.a- I ro-t, w!, -m the lilankets, will lie sold at lower mg ".in 1 p.anting of tree-, -uru1*- ami l-rd K Par.- ir »ti* r un r-and it i- a -;-ht t-> -**• 1-**- "irr f *un ! tru \ of -»n; rnttitig' e- pretty in tin adorumeut "f and J * ».. « .• than c\ei pu'-.- pri- •• F er, :iU rim nal t». on 'stt w A. W. Ila V H t* CUSHMAN -at- !«: the liar- *r f-Te m- it malpra. I. & CO. prices quoted. inak:n.' if. ■' 1- f. »>:...... f ■ du 's->n B I>Tiiit»2*r I’.TtUis 1 'm f .r»- < w t ti th< r i uni- f < and had ! k. l hey arraigned Kn .>r«h r r.tm it. tin- '••■au’.ti ng r *• wu* and mm.vns in i nk. h.oini- .hag*■*. park* j N’t* »!i 15 K i-tniaii, Warren iv i. tin- on a -ay tlier- *-nt tl- at all tun* municipal eouri .th, Curtains. a ay u? a.-* 5or :• »•: mrag* t»rand >44 r tin- na- »rd 15* tr. 1 ;.\aid M* Mur -.f m-sr h r H* : :• ad.-d Draperies f the year around I-land The guilty ■ • INti. HOMHtN. I NOUtW | tit > ii)* tit .»f f«»r« *! an th* ■ of mixtures and small *- uiture 1 growth >f 1-* w pit .‘itn» \ar«U ii.»• »I wrriin- at 1 ve- are -tru* rale and of r«*ur-e Vlasta wa.ved examination amt »- hound over j*t > tly temp, a and : .. >• a a *»»• .’•** r. ii »»f inest,- S 1 ’> tot1,. and !>• im he" in w .1th. rtH. are h. an- hut the foreign element May term »»f the supreme** t.urt at plaid** WoH», !.') \N0 (il.ONEs in iiiiiiieiiM* ilia1 d* 'rt.me. to the fert health :n]»- '1 » o ?t dr >.ir hmo »'» ;;ty \ 1 fr* d 1 hiUji for th New Bosf•»: f- -• » a- p»*r t“ and tlr.uk ami eu- report. Goods! price 7'' rIs r mi' it ! \\ t ;*r; i future r• rit of : :..* i\tin*\. pi* < nj,.-n ] -p. y n and Pursuu ants m* nl w t< .! un*l* r :-ojids asMirtmrul. •!. 1 nun*crati- I'ln y are all pi for appear- Spring tom.ary vif*. :j m -nw eaitli. ** ‘2.* N ru S 1 >; >i)ii an<-. a; that < --. •< ami ill Os. ■- court *m >f th- witm Ours 2.i Ha; and have a nice ehur* h ati-1 one W V’:, * 1 \ P r \If»i«*n I < '.■•*', >r £* r< re. W .. vvI Kr-*%t ■•" our Seamless. : I Hapt.-t etiapel a» commodate- I lie Finest Iiim* in Eastern pi of same in .'l iru h 1*. Figured China silks. Buy ist -: ■* Maine, ti — i I .* turer p m >nd -ailed !o the W. :n al. \* ; ■ .* the mail -teann-r Kay attend patient ju-t In-fore James Davis. B*»"tot, 7.’» rts. a. I Sl.oo, l> Hose it 25 cts ’t in -■•*- Portland death, and t whom she mad* a price 7.’> .mill 51 per p.i.r, I N.up ri one day and hack the living <*r:ir.d *r_:a st < harle* F d uu-> Pot- stab tm I >: 1 w i- Ami as low a-can Ih n .• tak* i. t*» found < V \t. hut w U -. a-on a da. V prices anywhere. hir Stock eon- Ours ouh io cts. M» n, "S and C’ Is \V. p: :, t < .«.* a : -re an v.■ t;< .- land. Figured Turcomans. nary -t* am* r from New l.u >n one from countyjad -i>t- o| c\, n-na!ls in a Fir-t-c|a — u *. v i.rail : W,;- h«> P rt rvtliin^r '22 in loh.r.d diagonal al! f v. \V 1 »ar.*. f ; .m i Pros i* r e ai 1 on- mu will Tyr I'army kept jdt 51 ., ., .1 5! fr Newport < ity Mars! il Tar‘ .»f p. Id. f.-rd. -- lan* I Store. e w •> i: iii w a ru-: -n- i-.n* « Furniture We li.i\ a tin.- line of ■••»!, «•!)»•" !t!i. •mi;-.- that n*-thing more n-ed* !•* be learn- Friday inght that h.pior had Ue:i I I- a :i a • t 1 .*f Boston 7 » nt- Nottingham Curtains. *** : ar- *m tra.** wh h t h,- -hspjM-.! from h v r \ Ii W. 11- M*. pn •he Inland, a -team f. w -tl. two life _• S'■ !.: -r? W a:; i 000 an*: trial two Hid I* ford t m 7.'i "N. $ 1.00. 51 •_*.'> *i :*i I de *>a- 1 \ •• i h:* E.jih: tmd-J $29 Cap- men ha start**! ? life-Time f..r -as. !i- -tat on- an. a «.v-- t- tie Ours io ris. tured for \V'« i.s ..ui ,ij. after d In.' I .liars a .. '. a had u fe. g 1m,ration in tin ti. at. I the -nni -« rs h ha- an th* .'»•» It 1 IM. LON I >. «r!:t ll« dr I the J PLUSH PARLOR Jo j rh ii rn 'fa a: rts -• : « e = ;%\ t w irn SUITS It gar a* a a 1, IfT. and d -j jn.tl- pa-- w , iZ ay hotn* II- turned and worth 7.‘» rt- mi; isii.t.Kvr drinks on. n.: \e--< 1- f -a. iri -torm- I I • s \ri/ 'tin M.n !.'■ I.a*, r ad Por SIO nnd a i* 1 appr hey start, d after and g;v* t :. *v for all that .*• them when h.s carrta^.- UpwnrdH. ■’ 1 ■ .- s ii;t at :«• ts.. 7 -? l.U #| hast a of water w ok- .n- r.-u-tr i.niT the T" tv of 1 nit.-d In 1 IrnricMa 7« -y-tern ipplv pi--. ! ;r- •... y r* n.-d m e \. Lace lied Nets. g at " *» * ai. tin ii 1- 1 lief are t;\ -• •••!- r P :i. i*;.T U nan: Saturday -...-vt M "I til $1 .' **•« k* 1 wheel-. I !ie mar-!ial was thrown tr<*m $- 7>o t<> ?7».0O. :. ir\ a* .r* hi :ng an : a 11 _•...... -o; 1- i. N i.l N * n oil.’ of tin tn .st 1* sju rate Ash, Oak, Walnut and Painted Chamber ; j 'If T Uf .11 the ||. P‘ inch Henrietta, t. **"t _• >ds. at \ v- •»:' r t.» m •r law s. r lu re •H* ! sii* sMh ro d., rn s and fights tn the ag me p.. a*an* >.in- got another !.ors. h->w< v* r. <-tittnu*-d th** s S Lace Pillow ■ rt-nts worth 1 ‘J*» Shams. GAUZE UNDERWEAR Your- tr e\ f \ Major d \\ W!i tru s' sf'- r: Augu-t. a found mr ov.rtakiii; lh*-m aft* r t: y htd SUETS, ■ Inmi 7»o r:- j »u> er •loll N \ I.ol.T* a .» rk ti iui. d «. n and an es* rt ^ j ] arrived n Hid l*-ford, wh* :r •■!)»■ "f a irg. r of .it arriag. Plaids «£ people : e\ r«. « i> on 44*4 fr nr is uiku* is m in: umi.iiT iwmiikkl Stripes wa- .v. rturn* •! vv: turmti^ a * on., r ^ n -n? a in as—■rinient Imni .’»<» et**. t>* Poles with Fixtures. ih In .r an i* ring* 1 rt l»rai»T t.. p.»y Til. u j.s :i- Fort large Curtain Arbor 1 h* r and «*ne ->f j,n n .! », Day Suggestions. w ar we *m i*. i m a r **’k a re- 1. 'in- In a narrow ^.r^*- the v er«- at $l.0o up ■ pt : ail SI illoA\ M ;i re. Ii;il»\ < 'ji rriti•> «»x, ’a k* *•-, a-. ;,rr.hus|i,-d iram: <*f s. ,*n **r s •>' f -hade 1\ vv a- irr.i in 4 our' * ; gr.it of --raped piiii _:n.-d >t > : \ '«\. r J *1 Ther. a *.m• to It- and a tiun- to .t n. ,* i j ; _ tn* 1 soMters. tin- |i.ivtin»i<-r I »I « *)«•. M lull nol s. S Holland shades with Hollers. i* an«l j t.d a l!n* of $.**.» and *..-•* ji|,>|»o;i lals, i:.g :.g ran M—*r* lame* \V Kr’day 1 k up that wh. h planted -ay- the and h;s ass:^taut open, d lire upon the !.ri- «•«-•!•» in k t r i.i.iic- ,i n and d to for the i. nl •' prom pay tnar-i. N. a v g ig. arne-t rrea.ljef; and -'im-ntne- tin t in* f..r -af. is all l Vt* lasted half au hour brok«-n carriage it ( 4 II II- f: T t a o m; s. ■ k .and the and \ *:• :ra* .*u .,f that time W !. w 11 * ". s l fohiMTs su* reeded III cheap grad's at 50 „•• Ttie i!*t- Worm i.en.-ral I "I.-ti. Id -ay- that tun!* r in n «-.!■ n»ii r *.!.• -a- 1 ti Mi.r n- \t W« ■ s In*-day 'ii _• .hi of £_»•• and makin.' tiietr th*- a* of 1 p I.iw- of 1 --.* hap- A * •- !■ draw tie III 1. tfi-1-•.:>«■ tr*-. and -hrub-wh mountain*. M -r Wham .- ay ou» Many i;- ij t*-r 177. it not tie am ut upon tie g ,v -• .»ut and an burd-n k and es. d ••rt.oi Paper 1 ? nam.ut f ■> h many un-.-htly aj- uninjured to a m-w hoard f att;.- Hangings, app**iut >pc l l!*-w :; \ lii. h. an* M rv -th w :.l -appear fr«*m r->ad-ide. an {».■»!!»•: sellll;^ lew. « A v: f< ar. and un*** d i »ubt*. and w bat c*itums-s;oner- 3000 SHEETS OF , t* ry r -< h-nddnui — -r ind-. i' :• ’•»i ■ i< id t wa* not ." the M'i;u Reader 1 i.e vv ;11 >f th, la*. \V in, 11 M.Cr 11- \Y. .hear a al a1, mt th- —rv Bishop ■ \ »r \\ * ■ ••! '• % \.- v\ -• •• 1 of v *-- ell?.re < -! (11 v cii :\- :i st»ii\ i »■ to all w li< lit .» ••.ill !• if. To 11 ! i f }»«•-• _• t .i •',. r„ < .r v*-’- ran ■. * H.llljor g -U*« fr: \; :*•** d them*elvt ’.*• <*f the man w mak- th.rnmundy ..... ■ * ii»ir I**-"? i^»*. 1 iii> inuMc i* u«ii:dl\ at tip r- irular imi'i'' -t *r»* f u .-t-* : ?? I. * » :> a* i :. X' v. *-lit t!,.- ;.-a*t -ha !*■ tw< lad.- -l -ra-- -r >w wh.u-ot.- had I'll' "l ii v -i I HI* 4 ! • 4 I 4 r- v -!* r Mr- Kiifu- ( rj-w old ip r -r' e n- -•• ! a’ a' *ut in i. & ~ Pictures Frames. « •• an* Id. ..ad :. ung t *a. i. Nkw i <*i:k l: Wash .n Irv- Curtains, < hir >f o* k i- t he tnn«t v i* i I .»ipl p\?»Mi«*i\ »l v b M d r S u«r »m»* i».• 1. v aey May J Jr,% a r th*** :---i piall* in-ph .laritlirop: pI 1 i-* a:, i :. ■■* a .'1 < Jr r " ; ."a* »:.* 15.' f, .• glad :.ad *-umbered th. -r and It they pres -u-ly ■ — ^ n i. H ;s d. a*.\4 a* an** d hy hy st*ri. al NO. X FnANItLIN ST. |*i; h>\\. than an\ «*ip-‘> at •! ur a rl ti»«*i ►! a- ^ ,i- n ..at : -ir a i. ] *n t » -h it:, ivh a in tru- at Mi. d th*- wav n-u:< a" :ia Mr |>sy Bishop auie to this eity "Hie I’re-.detd ha- W aram th mm:- an ; r.ar- ;- Flank *-\*■• «.f -' appointed th i.a: ."a -r l* r -f :- 4. i i.-app- >•. an*! i *.n.y a Fr. lay a! the II JTinau I'alm-r »f ; 1::\ ;it«* -om*.• t!i::.- w *rra -:r.j Illinois. public printer; I'heo- 1 »s*. it !.« was in\ited to the •v.ty a:. ! n a- k t ren* w.- \ tii«r of New w 1. *rn an 1 -. I !..;n »w th* iii Yol high S p-.ta?o. lam ;.j 44 r. »ri entertainment and e J'-:. I: v r. a -« ■ l le of South Caro r,a. »-i\ I rv Instantly y gard* d ith greater and never r* 1 \. a in -h*» *r >■* th p-oii Relieve 44, i* n Mr to.,k sup| ^.4. Bishop .•omm.--ton.-r-. h 'ii even than i fe. f *r winch had m> *a-k *f p.ar.’ :._r 1;:- far:: two they •■ii* in th* envr’a Mn.-nt and y;a\. a -uc* a N D «< 0* ’- :.. » w w. w w M. I. Id- -row t I.M. d II n Vn unkn n t f* n up s theight have ;-* :.ur. ...: y j a*an*, ant.* ssf11• \ >r» of I famous .'a-.vr tramp, GALLERT, r: t :<■ m.ak !.•- n- >r in *w n h. .|jo, .j in Portland, wa- ;n-taiitiv k ... d tr k IF t. it another triek. entail- an v. -or* and a v. vt'hoi of r:t th* Ilav. rhi -- ie ar an **' ri.* ad Bar Harbor and Rockland. -p .»' •; ,,’al ti »rl. and 44 as hy t-xpr- Ellsworth, Th* hirg .. r f a atu ml- B an- ;ii tvv*, \\ j.. ph ho -Min pla*■*•- tin a-»n ha- •• hrhd1* n Heading. M i--, an ! 1- CURES 1- t in. ... and j ut t.» Ud. MU r. *1 1 * 1 *fn: ra. *• -1 a far -a iled -MI :t- U-U il r* c«»rd a- T. m t:gt*»n Satunl.iv m*»rti;i,g vvlni.- walking l *un .ng 4 *• s 44 Sort* < « <• ! t. ! I- aha- to <;*> tlirou^h Throat, ramp*, < To tl i 1 11• r;xi»i«- Judge *d I’r"! ate t -i tin- ounty uiak Tr-> n- a'h*- i- * on the tra< k h.,dv w in- -• n l ie ill held of .< .. L ‘•'f th'e .n Adi .j Mr wi* plant impraeti. 44 ith 11 tr k a«r*4: He 4vas taken ill hy H l»avi* 1l11«• 11 in a t i * 111, \ «• m i r« a- Mi w i\ tht -h--uld not be •>' -• m the authorities f.-r i*l«-ntili. at.*»n h ^ i, ut. Mar. K !>■ -tr.v day 1:1 11. .1 > 4. r 4%’irn lioetors Horn aud hy npin VIETH'S t ■ l I- f HOTEL, F:i* r* not a town fr.« in Mains wh* ■ ml-. Sriat I.aim- ILn lit; I.* * i in and pronoun* ed Mr. ica, L. spi >• m.i* und.-r wh-***. a an n -t be well in bani-hm- 245 Tremont Boston. wool: wool: fraternity, day -pent •• r. -€•: !• vti ■ arid Street, !*. 1; .a 1 danger ti* condition. I w a-th«- hottest *lav llruiM's, 'Throat ami p«« t?»• g.M-l- 1 halt. i-. rights ~ litirsday experi- l.mitr 'ii *r* h** a a* l'-iri* 1 The the mi. ra 1 >r i! in-.-td* »r- II—.-1 f r. d’l. .d «.i:d .i««-d ... -'itl'nlcM f.. pay prayer >y 1 i!*s rerun n.-.i 4\t!» him all enced than n.n* Restaurant in Ho-ton f.-r m«*re mouth- lit- !.v Unsurpassed. w.. .- on and -r*»und- Trouble*, ami Pain of n-t d*-i*ts ami ,-hnrg. of adm:i.i*tr»tl>»n vnera I'r pub. hi-hwuy- _• u >. I and th. a i Ire** by 1 th*‘ -,1M, ..f i,. hundred :vrd thl.-tv -hdlal- k\o ivi.t .1 f-.r _• •- ar*- tree- tnaf -a ii.-ed tninrir.' j. \l li..\* rand Nashua N II I burs.lay lly k to he iK'eame u h.-T. tore »r w •• .r n '• Ito-f'li the.? 1* ut« M « mo Ih* W H wh n fr**tn S -nth nay inueh worse the r\«*r> il«*srrlj>tion. pel:?I pr -lioppiii* Sivary be .. d therinoim-t«-r indi* ate*I d*g an I nllVi'll,,';.! ■ Sonic, of i-l.-- that -!io;iId tr* from li* .i t-• -« at .>r tn I.. .1 IV* :.l. I,. I, liing away at. : .s •;« at foil »wed as Mated. grant .1. putun prtvali liupo*kmu •'N.urli tn H «r Ii *ton t <*.Ti« at- w.-re I. f«• 11•■.•- that in < d ami deg in the -hade an ! .■!»»» a -.i- ill -t •■( «nd .t I g the ... eminently appro- walk-, repair- M l.io I f •"'•'*!■ ad d .a I Mar. K 1».• g'a — lit Ige ■ ml') Ilk Vk\ I* \ I k til !'. pi wrt .-- that ii.t tlraiiiMi-. There ar- — The hu-ine-- of th* v <»f I »an- to blowers of \\ ooI! priate-. and ive hear w.th a*ure that the pla. hlage v. * p.- part I ! U w •tree* !, -.Il It .. k*. rt, -it'iat.-d at .. nth and v-t tre- -• out 1-ui- a-o. that f-*r has*- a u iu Shot « \ilh-. \ t.. wa- *»ut fin- in one r.-mark* rn » i a t:, H >n John year- h Brother-in-Law wiped hy grave by i'.I -tn.• M -tru--h d a-aMi-* :nlv*T-*- -ir. uin-tam- hour 'I lmr-day afternoon. only tie- hank u*. V the deceased. Including the rev .-r-i n of tin* wld INSECT DESTROYER ■ *• 1 1 15 I. imau. wi. had ,arg< -f tn*- uu* m- \ in- i. r- .. ■ -1..VVIT Il.er. ■!:. t.. -at;- -a debts and ! W I I I; ( It. I -> an : a few hour-' w -rk in .li--in- or * n and hotel « -. aping. 1 vv buiid- ,u„ win 1 4tisi.,.,k urn >1: 4 in i:<»! or. .-nty-thn-e l. :iarg■ id idinliji-tratlou 1*1 HI 1.4 III I » VI II HI (.« -r r: w cer- :n m.« *.vvere \- <• ding w. Si _■ s t of thes were r\< R0M1N y root* iin;- burned. hiding liarus. and OF Hm .*• adapt- ALL V M -« REMEDIES* .,i I Oi •! m vki i; i»«n v- kllllK |||% %% 4lrr Hu** P fl.l .ill It*** ^ 1 to tat o.-< a*; *n and i. may r< -alt eseii t»etter than the -ame turn* si i:in..111:1 !». Mass ] James families ar. Inum-l* -*« ltm M -th isv* ghiy nppr* iated. May tvvi-nty-seven It is a Valuable r and k-jH>rt. Preparation fo External Internal to?. < > ii w s\ B -* ». -IMF F MAIN! in otm- svliere ill Sll.;! h. I*., al .t.pir *.f the '-It- — k- were th w »rd* *».li* .if .» ii .f«-«l t.eriii.m * gentlemen successfully us. cl for II V>« K. -- « .rt .d I’: Mat !’■ rm, -1 are the of tho-e -* t was shot and killed at .’5 experience* already instantly I .a eiitim; t he neirrot-s over A l> 1— named the r -aved famiii I.afay.tte, hy pr*v GO years. A Failure to Curi ‘vas Never Known. by While .ii most part- of our State then o'* lock this morning his hrotiier-in- i by from \ otiug. I thi* f**reg 111«• rt. • if•', -r»*d I hat -.v! r/nr'on poll a p«'f no >ueh ur-ent ne**d <»f tree :n la4v. B Sturt* vant. at tin* FOR SALE BY J ILL ID THUG GISTS -■ yet plantin- home **f n...... ! ter poyal — [u-tit: give t- Forest fires an e&UMUg nm I sti p p, nia--* a- .- the * a-e In -otm other his father-iii-liw. W F Stiirtevant. on csted. h. r.i •: g a f the —The following .* an c.\< elieiit com- p**r- ?.»1: opv pclltiou ill .t'llal; li >n in the N*>rtbwest. and tin- order "ii- of the yet even here public Elliott stre* t. H* 4>as mistaken for a thereon. < country, j <• mentary el a ertaiu la.** of men i\ lio are to p «*<1 tilt* Weeks -U* e-s!v e!> I>r P H Cronin, a Irish North Han. <» attention ha- been called to the impor- burglar In the absence of Smith s fath«*r- prornimuit I ii-v. CO MPA NY. Pc in ik«- i.• !■ •.* fli >>l_■ fi Mf. w ■ In The .«rth Am.rb.ui, a new-pa ai a .ng for is in ay •niething wrong ami tance of for. -t culture none too soon. in-law Warren F Sturt. 4 ant. who is ut Nationalist, missing fr*»m hi- horn** -• or in P '. :*h. -aid Sunday hool com me red on Sum lat w 11 li v i; r.k. om of 4 .rt.r* Little Liver per printed pwhw-dird and ,- t*> have in-ell mur i*U'.lv that t!..-\ uia >. > 11 at a :rt d Pro of c ur* lin luig it man wli •. .*ut \ .1 tln ie f-»r ! lakes. Mr. Smith ami his 44 if** Chieago. thought -tli i! f.. > p; .■ I.very i-alssay-room improvement Kan^eUy the with M r. Win ! If. >< I' iftrr »riiii'i:; it vv m r. !i» v d> aid ,i. ... *p« p*ia, I ate t -aid c.iuntv to In Id at F ,. w rt It ->n -o far a- i- eon- erin d. Fln iv are ami infant wa r** a l**vv dered. .*" daughter nr Mr. >. li_' «ti"n. ivt- ton,- mi vi_- .r to the *** *■ 1 b.-auty spemlinj; pi-rinteml* John Mi *>*tctn. the tueiith of June next, at ten of day f •>*. ,-M villa-- in w ad m Smith sold home. liov.ro ,r II II v.I.i.il t \ vv X'.trlt |t. Maine which have a ide--pr« lays Mrs. Early this Irving M- I'ar.ti; ! Librarian; M: ILr r the !o< k In the f..r* o.. t.. -hi.it if any U“j j• corruption, r. : iV mi :r -haded m entered have. w h v I In f -a: for tin hand-om.-, well >rninit burglars Mr Sturtevant's C Police and Park Dill**, t they prayer petitioner ti I (■ r* » i. r.. ity Departments Shute, >rganist ***• Rr*»vvt»’* In-tant Relief w itti iii- f«.. .v ** jwrfert should not he granted up'U man i:* iR-rallv :ij. r» «t* <*r ;r n* In.iise ami \4as ■ tin gardt-n* and law vmin^ Sturt**vant arotis,-*! and signed the p »lir.- Justice* hill. Mrs. Sarah Norris has gone to Bar I v and in mi « !.;*» lowly ILu taint ..f being I'm Defiled. » I- 1 NMM.lt VM. .1 edge. w !i arc I ■ r* !* n<> ua*on tin* servants who had tH*«r. awakened quaiitio m*»>t promiucut m hi-* g-».»d why every village by —The International Y M \ f'-uiven- h«»r to vi-it h.-r-on. \!r i':il\in ii N -ir.- Alt' I < II »- 1* IH.UK, llegl-t. Ifvounr. nervou* or l ur- and dv*peptic try v- hamlet should not more nearly re*ein- by tin* Hoist* ma by tin* burglars. He Mr- Be'i.-r. Iiuthr ha- b en r\ l! A true eopv, Attest ( ii I* I»**itK. K. gt-t* r. own heart. tion was opened in Philadelphia, Wednes- h -Liit N tv. 1' |)v make* < *p. ji.» you isv .V* Para !.- in th r*-*|»eet Every |>er*on looked out of lie window and saw a man hut i- now. under tin- -killful tr< atrnent I An ol«.i gentleman from Scarhop*. wiicn- day. h.-rv oti*. -itid !;• r\" in ik>« you d> *pep- j wh<» *«•.•* *om€thing to in that in the and <»*•«> \ ALL WOOL improve yard Hr. til; cith.-i on. r* inter* and CLOTHS the /.* “aid t-. :.«• used a» the —One man was killed and were Phillips. iinpt.o t; you miserable, At a « ourt I |*roi-.ite holden it I’.urk i-*rt within Ar:; family -*f the world that come* under hi* ! many these part jur- sKl/.Ino ms HI S Mr- Kstrlla Sha has been dangerutisl illto pill* cure both. illnl for the ei.untv .f II i.. •■ek. Il tin- -ccoud h i- no a d.“<- »\. ry on a l'.utland ; hurt a tornado iu Stafford Kan ; t * do. hy County. : — *•-'* f noth la ! :»•- .r gent eiuen *ii. ha* a work One day in ill during the p: -( f.w week-; we hen Wedtie I iv ..f Mr. \ l» 1 hM I ad day e general throughout l»V*p.;.*l4 prav. bloutl, \M In *V 1 F.. In i', u thr- hundred and i* none too How i- n t- r which, named Executor a HATS *:xty-tlw -he bet AND CAPS H Ii \ ,, were wrath. Iu ti:i“ aiar ear. a t!i( and Mrs. Smith aroused and had Northwest. in tiui affect* organ WILLIcertain Inst ument to t*- the !a-t parti v every and function of purporting to d< ote to such a ta*k Hut when I Mr Liiii rj l).,w move I many out of room and fatnilv ha\. will nn-i ti’-iau.e!it of J* tin itw of metallic braeo through which the Nil Hepped their into the hall. — t‘ In.yle. \ rh- »tie i* thus it i* A number «*f men. aceused <»f attempt- tiic “l'. A* a remedy for lhe*e trouble*, F.ll-vv VT TH!; STORK of day well-spent, prob- not Into tlie !ioii-e owned and formerly orru >.rtn. in -aid .••untv .hi.a-ed, having pre were tie 1. tiers. a“t inetai V 'ung Sturtevaut knowing that his •• ptrap pa>“c in ed assassination, have bceu m-tiled the -anie I. d !•• I' ,.r«l ill V ,1 l! a* : k>iu w found for more such ; arrested at Dunbar. nothing eat) approach Ayer’s It f«»r prol-ate tj. wa- n tie- h an I pied by .lo-eph Sarsapatilla. a- a a A. B The old gentleman eyed tii«- 1 brother-in-law sup- Ark. OKI»FKF.I>, That the -aid William In.vlr I I Ih. v% «* Evei f but < oe r* >n in Pluramerville, vitali/o* the *? r> .i* loing jk Mr-. Abbie Bvi Ighatn of \V,iitu* v\iile Mood. tigf h» the stomach, •alb,' am »»e :t. ■,? U tter* for a moment, an 1 then posing him-elf t<> *.#■ tin* on \ tu tu there, give notice to ftll pi-r-oli- intefe-ted, hv .lU-ti.g a C. B PARTRIDGE, ejaculated r « aeii w n *jn iid* tlie day in accordance j —Two men were killed and ten hurt in a on returning from the K t-t Maim- t'oiifer •'•lid eoiTf.-i* all disorder* -*f the and kid- of till- order to he three Weeks di<* » a .•) n > "H'm 1 don't think inueh o' this it once tired and sm.tl* f. d*-»-l v tin- liver copy puhh.-hed railroad, <-r " nr »-h > ■ I with th* Governor'* in*truction*. much railroad accident in Cleveland. Ohio; one enre at Dexter made a \i-it t » h- -Ueee--ivelv in tin- F.d-vv orth A un ;• an pr.ilcd for g even run a side of his wife. Mi s n.i s, in living ney*. can't horse ar with- pt at Kli-worth, that thev ma. nowadays w ill U 3< < and it i* not unlike- man was killed and rive hurt in an accident brother. appear MAIN Mtnpli'hed. Mr Luther H -all-fa. > '. out having .Jim Blaine's name mi it!*' The liis own lious* iirtil last t a emt Springer at a Pr ate 4 otm to he in id it F d-worth. m -aid ST., _ 11 p that tiie « the here on ly xample of pioneer* | the Cincinnati Southern railroad. Mr-. Kli/a Mean- of i •«» -ei W " -.1 nr-,. I I tie -a in** i|ji\ > m- was if the lateness of hts *v a- ft Voting Surry, county the olid ediic- June when !iis at- " lio ha' I't r, ■ gentleman assuaged I.,I 1 U , < .. •' will :.«■ ;i* < .ntagioti* a* was that of trio** \ i-iting relative- here. next, at ten of the ta: ii > a ft" I -aim.!. tention was < last '■» .aw —Wind, hail and did ailed to the faet that the ear lutjr night though hit* K 14u lightning damage ir U# ^ A •' r : *t introduced clematis. dahlias or < ike cause, any tliey have, why the -ant instrument < it in various of the a Mr- Klmira la of B< -'o-i. Ma—.. i Hancock Hall. ionnhle 'tui h In lli.it lino, in was built .1. »* Brill vV of Philadel- ill not know it Mur:. „•» uata-d at parts country Friday: should not I-c nroved, am! allowed as will l-e taken l.» tiic mill ai by !ion-\ *uekle* into some Ellsworth, approved, village*. Each] nuinlMT of were making a vi-it to her old home. w te-t.intent d ■' «r for whom the letters were H arvard in l-vi and ha- n d on workmen badly hurt iu the last ill ami -aid <1.-. ease*I phia. intended a i* *ure hi* '"I I in c* iinii'clinii n nil iinpr*>\eiueut in place to be fol- Mr. Hutchins We- »» 1* (l NMM.II VM. Judge «* 'a’ll I <.f w-.j K a id I to stau l. the sin,, that 11in* !!• was a New Haven. Joseph left for the lowed others.—I.» irigton ■/•-urn il. firpuhlir.in Wednesday Even'g, May 22, Atti-t Cllvs |* ItnKK. Uegl-tir w fit ng t. riln in I by on the 2i>lh in-t. liii stuck ,*i young man <4 good abdits at gn char- —The three Raid Knobber murderers A true Attest —Cll.v- !’ I !:ir_.,* eopv, >«*KK. Ib-gl-ter » m *s m Mr. (i**o. Butler lias taken the ii The hrainain- Event of the Season N ^ wp% acter. His brother-in-law is tw

i _ L)

— -— Mr. S. K. I* bis resi- 1 and Whiting repainting —The steamer Sobenoa is now hauled C:ty County. up for —Sewall B. one of the most ing at East Surry and lias the first week MulliiH Harbor. dence ou Main street. Swazey. Ksq., I rep*i~a. more than prominent anti res greeted citizens of Books port registered fifty scholars. This community has known more of Rev. F. W. Hubbard ha* been a Ease* Pain A taking —Mr. Wm. H. Freeman has died at his Mrs. Reuben is sorrow Instantly. completely.™ received his residence in that town Monday Osgood again very sick, j during the last six months than Weak Parts ^ *,ck. COLLECTOR’S NOTICE! brief trip to New York. as Strengthens Speedily commission postmaster at Marsh. evening of last week at 10 o’clock, very sud- perhaps in any like period. Sickness and ^ ^k Pretty The deith of Mr. James W. Davis cast a Ou.ets Nervousness. B ■ p* r-otik w ho ha'*-i oi p?-;d tbeir Tax- Or. Patten ha* been Mr. had not death ha\ e saddened homes and made making marked im- —The Bangor denly. Swazey been feeling well over this many Hemlock (Jam and ^B B^ CURES K&V- !• High school team will gloom community, where he was Fn**h Hops. ^B Shoulder. VI,Le-f lsss. :«> e h. e* liried that they pla\ one after another more intimate *‘1 *•'»■» provement* in hi* office over Mason’s store. the for about ten but had been about town well known aud family Pine lUlum pr-.p.™1 .11J M Ne, k. ■ .n- iv. I -a me before June Ellsworth nine in some days, much respected. ^^^B "f £»*"■■W enk b* j dine Bangor time this with grief. Mrs who went to Bos- iiprviil. nil n*ml> to apply B B ^^^B *>‘'r',‘"'“ all the time. Bixhy u 1-‘. 1W. Look out for F. S. Smith’s uew **ad.’ month. Monday be was seen at the us- Rev. F. A. Palmer of Ellsworth will dc- ”""*m Mu ton for medical treatment returned last Best Plaster Erer Made. B Y B^^^ A i: i t.\ I !. II \. i' Jlfctor. ual places in the town all and a _ which i* to next week. It will be a — day seemed as i liver short oration at the on lWlf appear The uewly at Bar cemetery week not much lieneflted by the change KllkW. lltl. May l-t. 1^ appointed postmaster well as usual. I ad. for it will contain About t» n o’clock he was sit- Decoration Day at ten o'clock, A. M. and advice received there Mrs. Bueknam ••gospel** “glad tidings** Harbor. John is a new Sutninsby, building ting in his with to those w ho it. house his wife, reading the Mrs. Lydia ami Nathaniel Means Chllcott was taken ill Wednes- read building to be used for the Morgan suddenly of and Aldermen. exclusively post- evening s In Board Mayor oflh*e p»|H>r when he suddenly fell back in came on Saturday boat. day nioruing with alarming symptoms of —The bouse and outbuilding* of Hartley business. his chair May 13. 1889. and expired without a word. His paralysis. Mr ,1.8. Foster has also suf- S&m^k death was a Reed's Kllswortb,were burn- terrible shock t*> his Boynton. Brook, Hr. L. S. ( hiicott of Bangor, has been wife who -at Klaohill. fered a shock of and can survive try- near him and was paralysis ed Los* about $ 1.000; no the by undoubtedly the result Saturday morning. ing festive trout at Moowhcad Lake. of The season is three weeks ahead ot last but a few hours. KNKI» MFF1 IM1. heart disease. Mr. Swazcv was about 73 insurance. Mr. is over ^ Boynton eighty year* t of and was a The Sullivan Harbor Land Co. or in tie chair. I»r. red A. Havis lias moved from Scars- year* age native of tlx* town in year. have de- Look for the proprietor's signature May Sold and VKfo old and resided there alone. which his life had been cided to bnild an some- by Dru* storm. HOP PLASTER CO.. BOSTON, to In earlier attractive \ '■ J. in* ii nt. < u-hinaii. M«H»re. P°rt Boston, where hois now msaged in the passed. Work has commenced on the ; cottage ( t*. ft for Madudcoopt// fv*r pro-* Joy. ear* he wh- *t highway 2«> MAS^fcSI* price. i;; y the head of the firm of S. B. of genuine goods. La*t week while t«cn. J. I>. Ru*t wa* «et- tice of his the road machine satisfaction. thing after the style an old F.nglish inn W a-catt and < pra« profession. A* Co., gives good aniptH-ll. Swazey shipbuilders, and later was the to Ik1 used as a hotel in connection out fruit son his laud at Ballard with of No. ting tret — senior nu mber of the firm of s. It. »\ Mrs. |L W. has made needed Roll account'. ft, bavin been allowed Park, We hear that the schooner Etuilv. which and ,1. Hinckley their cafe and will be connected with it 6m 1 nr in Bui he *tnii k a vein of coal Swazey. who carried on the same at the Blue the committee on amount* ami it k*port. eight inches loaded for H. business. In Improvements Hill house,” by claim**, M. A B Hall is ashore and these \elitures by a covered arcade. It w ill occupy lot 7 under tin- surface of the ground. The he ae.-timnIated a handsome and in better prepared for summer com- w a** layer full of water, in the vk-luitv of Vinalliatcn. to the time at the head of Chalet street at an elevation property. I'p of his death lie w as pany than ever. uf coal w a* alniut three inches in thickness. a of one hundred ami — feet. Mr Order*-*! by tb* Board of Vldernier: That Mr. S. heavy ship owner ami was member of flu forty Aaron M. Smi'h who has been confined to At a »h• Mai oi draw hi- w Masters parish meeting of the has the contract arrant a.'atn-t tin* prop- \ telegram was received at Bar Harbor, Ship Association of New York eity Congrega- Gould ami commenced bis bou«e and a of the time to bis ami tional or fui**l for ib*- ■ mount- i.miii* *1 tie r* ii.ui a part bed, Inspector for the Brcord of Foreign and society held April U7. it was voted work p > I,ra«*i Fox, from Hon. James Thursday morning. in*nt *'f lb* bib- audiictl l*\ tb*- committ*-t- .>u ituiday by for w’Hmlilay* by illness, has so far recovered American Shipping established in ||e to extend an invitation t«» the Rev. F. L | Mrs Kimball will take of * (i B that Mr. Blaine will was president of the possession .1* ami iini». K V. ain**unt«-d in one.-aving occupy »s to Im* able to In* out Bangor A Hinksport rail- Drew to remain another as their again. year pas- new ■-*« **ir .'mi wa\ at iIn* time of the her cottage here early in June. Tl».- fhi.f Keii**»n f<»r the Trarre’.!• •ccrecate t*» £»4v I. Bai list bor cottage this summer. organization ot the com- tor. — The seized two barrels and had Mr. Mitchell of Bar Harbor i- the s :a in th** f»*‘* police of beer at pan\ been President of the grading f..,» : ii,,. >,rvi|.«ri I* found V oted to tb* i»-i.*n *ti«*n of A If Bangor A accept w as • on < a si Mrs. L J. Osgood returned from Boston <•» *•• Then veiling runaway Main Bar Harbor. inc I eiegraph for veurs of that and the Wainwright cot- ..a ..ue a. :ua!!y a*v.imp!>' !>e\cr«-UX a** I :t \ e.i cct.ir to Ism* It. I. Friday, that came off the steam- Company many ground* Mi. sw:ize\ was la-t week with a stock of ■...-i it. Its real merit h*j» « *tieet. evening, and though danger very well known m Bangor large millinery tage lie has also done some nice work v..ti .» w w a- then * !*•» t. d c. :• «d la\< for Saturday r Mount 1>* si rt. The officers arc af- j looking business circles ami his widow will have and |V«». w a- serious trouble dry goods. about Hotel Cleaves. imminent and expia ted, ter the runisellers nowadays. the : sharply sincere synu by of a wide circle of friends, Miss ober has Merit Wins c May I leal Green a V*'!»-d, That tb* tsi was stopjied without any serious lie left no chi Mr* n opened lodge” Col. and party of gentlemen than that cf a: <•!' h -*d r »rltler. A Los fal.. dated for the season. fT.M-. It. I "-..w *. r -i ..ft -. f..r ; fu’a. a 1 H .n I»v»per‘ in I ♦. FT nkrai. ok thr Lair Skwai.i. It. ami that tii* Vl;*y«.r draw i.i- warrant pay- says Deo. A Clough. Esq and wife of Bos- among the departures on the steamer c' 1. luwu A Co., Lo»eH M*»i v Sap- epared oii.y by nun t of til*’ -alii*-. foi,;..! coi »•**» '. »_ i'll-t t tie lb Frank Y Healey at the t’nl- >w i/i v. preached The Senate commission on trade relations F'.sq. The funeral services of tin ton were in town over Sunday. pho. fund. 11/ il ch.* .i. i*4. -id**- with < proper $_"dl tariaii church morning and evening on Sunday ana.la arrived her. this afternoon Sen- lat. Sr wall B. were held at Mrs S V ami Swazey. Ksq.. his The donors t*f the bank bills received In Beunis family left for - w a k. *»T ; hi ?■ it 4 ator Hale had his 11’-- last. The of his discourse was right leg in a late ANY OTHER.- subject morning badly injured residence in Hucksporf, Thursday after the collection forenoon at the Chester. I’a Monday afternoon. UNLIKE V otf.1. l b it tn* -uin ! k iiu* ii t•» rollisjon of trains near San Jose, Sunday PimMIvHv run* Hli-Mhrrta, Ouup. A*thm«, Hronchlll*. ( Vld*. H«*arv-cin os. Hu. ('onurh. \\h-»>?>!n.: ESTABLISHED 1S65. < »ui yesterday king; touch of nature make* the whole world noon, and then was a attendance of Un- church have Miss Juliet is with her LV*ut,h, atari ti, InTlu. n-,i. « h.-l< ra Mortal*. Iharrfi-i a, Khcuniat -•»» Nctiru. ;a. T'* thaebe, Karachi■, vv m H U i; > mi S k>. G. A K W'c large Congregational thethatiksof Simpson sister by most sincerely hope that Senator Hale's friends N« n "Us ihadactn, S iuii. a, Lame iia. k. and s«*rvn> ■*» in IW.Iv <-f Limbs. kin." and of his Man’s and of thcdccea-11*. Mr lb a!i returned to Boston Bragdon arrived in this I’he has received It i* mani li>iK h<>w dlfT. n nt * It will cun*. It* lit** In tin* fn- t li net.* Mon- city. dav the flags at Buck-jnvrt wa re at half-mast, Congregational society many c<>n.plaint r orler dlM-et rr-tn n-e. and il. *h.»l| r. 1 .• a *., a' t th«> ■ j«. ah all *••• a dentistry. Vot.d. That W I If. in k I* On WiiIimsiIhv evening last tti*- Free Bangor, the architecture of which is much r* '•••id r n**i :I .ill's ml ilk I Ketall •- * « < u vP ipp.*ii.te«l Bap — We notice d great help. prill .-N prepaid ; ih anti St C\ > .1 l!or*>' hl>. of the ulled Mate*, or iiiae.*. \ I liable m nt -lit! * .if ..! il k. t 'ts H«»n. l>. has been confined to publist- J,r jhuiipi five. I. S. Js •llN.'w-N !v <. », 1->fo: M.i* bad a very enjoyable envelop** sociable at Hopkins 1 J. St iisrm ik admired. * »‘d by Botx-rt Luce A «>., Boston, has e-tab- May \ I 1 Hill k. liis house for several davs received their vestry. The envelope* contained letter* by Injuries Many improvements are being made lished a Maine It is tin- intention GENERATION AFTER GENERATION HAVE USED AND BLESSED IT. APOTHECARY. front a fall. Hi* hurt is not serious and ilcparttiieiit. ft from many friend*. 1 which wen* read 1 and en- be all It am throughout the town, such as painting, of the editor to give it least two lvrLVhlp :i 1. will In* pages < I. V\ VJ .1 il V i.e ■ out again in a few weekly etc and i> at apt. Min of to the amount of about probably days c grading, everybody work. money s Mrs. harlotte has to to home new in this >tat. w itli cuts of some Kingman gone I'in* -tie* t and* ut». Kcv .1 K. Bowler has j A vi ry entertaining mu«ical and There were three cases In the B "ton to v isit her son returned from library pro- Municipal of our noted stallions and brood marcs. The Franklin ami will hold services in this in i- n*'W rmin'ii. grim vu. well carried out and a i*«»iirt Tucsdav. Tin liaxt* collation of William Fox is v. ry sick. department h under the charge of V I'. Max- town ami in Franklin on alternate Sun tin- in tb* Bar llarlmr /. -f"rti-*. cik- and 1 ode, wa* served. 1st. Woodruff vs. an action of its- pre—♦•*» Havey. im. South Paris. Me. Emma McFarland of Hancock com- Mr ■ ] days Bowler is a very popu’ar speak *» bv a to n-cov er .1 — parent wage* due in- ne.-s I., *.* rt I making R* '. J. T our new Methodist 1 oimpsit school to .lav•. Monday, in distrn t er and we will remain with u* 1’rosby, — il» VT I Col. .1. N. i»t«-f nc of the Shore hope perma- ■ minor child. The in Franklin. proposed N 1 » -iir\. of tie p: "p* rty «*! Hi* VV H in in *t« r. arriv ♦ d in t!.:» cit y. Monday evening, parties belong nently Line railroad has a tariff Verdict for pbnntifl. very advantageous Mr- W B A new ilioti is to be constrm « •*.. and iai:tic nt -fr* *t- •*n• i an-nu**** X with 11 fmni v. from (iuilford. 1 are at Hastings left on Saturd y pax ted in hey [ contract w ith tin* Maine entral and the Bos- 2d. State vs ltonne]!; la-longs morning** train for her home in Boston rotineetioii with the larratine, p! ill of the 11 -■*•*11 be pu?'' —'led pro*. nt _-iii -t* p, ]' vv !i but Xpert r<*s|>ondent containing property F*ij ton A Main, railroad-, and it is that in Franklin. for threats to reported Carrie a library, dance hall ami billiard room, to .* t s.-u ! at Itic arsou ige in the course of complaint making Hastings closed a very hucos- Tb- -Green M i. If w :n b* put v mg in lew of thi- contra, f, w hich i- good for tif- which will doubtless Ik* an additional at- th* wk. kill. etc. He paid costs and gave £.’*o Imnds fill term of school. Sin* was very much JCew tit-* are living laid teen 'ears, and tin large amount of -inch sul*- traction to the hotel. fo k* ep the peart*. liked by parents and pupils ami with a already popular sol 'I. lb v \ lb di m. who ha* bei n Mr". Dr I.arrabee of Harbor Uzr-~ wbei »j pastor at -erdnd for hy the towns, that the little more will make a first Prospect Id. K> y nolds Bradbury an action of »«• capitalists, experience ** i* Mr's. s. N tb* old one**. ul 11 w • -t 11 • atlsiro. .tiid will In L u. (i P 4. the officers p:i-1*• r of t’i« M. I.. bur* !. at Bar IIari**»r. ha- accept. prospiets f.,r biisine-s eom* up to their pres- May following under the direction of Mrs. .1 K Bowler. I > r: J Mrs. b M \. "tevchs. State Pres|>|. -nt .»f tiles, f: V ♦ « .11 Mr. R. has attended HM" ::n-» t- ent expectation*. I ln i» that Col were elected for the next W S b* n transferred i' 'a hi ’it* a* »n **f the feeling quarter School has commenced in :he W T. I organized at Bluehill, Tin- t.reem sl|..,, I,:lie road MU 1 \i »• rt W <» prosperously r- 1 Jong w r tlm*e time* on ilais to >u Pettingell; KntiaDiles; W. V! un« ■-nf.-r.-tv r. ■ y b- i a* I* \t< r. -.j Minday district No. under the instruction of Miss lay, a W • T. I. of tw. nty -eight in* minis liv ail w ill s.M.n b. built, and a.tiv e operations M Willie Jordan; W l> M Bertha a* d fb ri 1 i* j •. ha* att* tided .V* funeral* Agnes Wood of Kllsworth. The school- Kditor a aiidit u. v. T Stephen Jor j In !in« traveled J.vt-J mile*. large repain d and much improv ed in appearam e. nnal m* tn .- ■>; t*r : d I !_•• "f i A X 1 litor VYardwe;! aiinouno in the last W S \hbi* Hash ra; W. A 8., Susie Bv the of a the May 13. H <• "■ i\ breaking whipple-tree • Ha W. \ M. M 1. Vr*. Henry Sti-v- numb* ..f the Bu. ksport l»/-/" rtliat his con- r; 1 I. D Woodi ch k W kora of Mr ill f l *• n- Fn North R I! s. Let tie Jordan; W L 11 S "un%» t d >f. ;h. n. h* :itd a «ii«d nn |ui-iti»i), ami I*. .11.am by Gray ^ > fS >. *,.v ,»ri. .11. vs o.t.v.1 •* M «*>».. wb Gn etdaw district Nfi"" Viola Webb, and I»r I» Ii Browi. f It k* -t w; h *!n tuv r* ;:*tIon- withth« patron- hai** t>- n \eri by do this without the stomach or the hit the hawk, disabled him. then Mr P r* d Wrote has the They disturbing purging )► a t ii bought Sj>*»f- Sfwikt district N* tfi- ^ b-* f* w d.«-» n t*.w u. r* pl-a-ant, or*te grave- on Memorial — tip Tip. have made -oiim ini-take- I am *rri. I ex- R* v. s \v a <»• rh.xpin will preach Men ! 1. was ARE with l"land Horn.- »lg. i are » k Saturday, the *11 Memorial the Post will I ^ pills, \ \ .«•' ■ i ■ ‘■•in' "I vs 'ik \f tt»e annual me« fu.g of th*- Orand L-**Le body. Pay NTI- l’OI*I.E< TINE l* p* .-hing. They vel to .ill who «•'• them. Thrv are vt ry sni.dl. stru vt.. i s B it- lto mnn-on dr Tilt* * : soldiers' graves 111 town M* dy from tin M. :. B* in-fit A*- -n 1 — ndu-tn fo*-ni- ^ i’ltrf.' r. System In'lg rat or through hiv* -< id < of Ma-I*n- tie id Ml Portland !:»«t Week, a d' Quarry 1. !• n *i»»l«*nt nvu* < orreet a* j iiionutn* t»d f«-r Yr .. \ are >: > ..inp'< u ial s, rv i-■ s vv be n»rn—p on!* two iht mken !•-. ur I ■ iat. m ill held at the pil rcadii;. T kn w Examine tt list it' ■: l I' 1 • -. k f r rnaii.*.-» <1 l»i th. .1 II -rim-on. i« tmw village 'i v\ •*-- ai w a- gt a .tid for a new at Ui the location'of Sunset, whtcli is situ" M d Mr. !i ward. th< Minor |.en-»tion ktdgc m the a of the of metiictne. If them k w M h Indicate it- use I cemetery afternoon. thought presence you try y Uzziness, 'It* fu * x h*’ *{ represented hi hi- n id oi md tuana^. d her te!•!<• ■ f Deer Isle. about t‘J t} by of the firm, left bc-t w*-ek for WiHb* I*recti’* Landing. Among the officer- in-tail* I by i be used. In vials at cents or S'1! '. 1’r— '.n He.i S;- t- It f re Fte*. 1’ain Anutn partner Mrs I.*mi Burrill has to t<» pl< 25 each 5 for $1.00. Dn L broth, r. W H 1 it.*n l'!u- concern gone Surry I ■ at by I)*-r llU'bulid ill til* a’-ox.- w r*- does tin ly between No Deet Ar .r.Heart .-•■m;.al)\ am i" « I :« ha — ar* d v ta H* l- the follow ing or st ir mail. -Idpp visit friend* 1 A i everywhere by Address, k ii..-t t.u-:ne— n th* ». It 1 I S t is ^ '* :t ::»• f Suff-wati.-r s-un-l* !n t p ha- -bipp*d Ringing otol.ii* It-*. : i• -! i* u* M il w ard be-k w him. I»i-triet I*• | ret\ <»raii*l Muster- di-fri< 5, itb *. CAltTKlt MKIMCIXK 1 .mu 11 a t" n { New York a ; of j in.' bi k- r*. who ri k here arh vr.ir CO., City. I «r» ne— prick. > sen-ati -n*. f l.:n:t*. r family £ W* .1 « LdwardK W L• rr*. fi• ! ■ k Mr. I’.r -f 1 — ingat* •• •. k«; ■•■!••' h..» < « a-t tu ir- and ai.i ..•••I m ►•*• «oi the '.'th nisi atne its Ik :" SI, iVr- ’.j. s le in Sn.ai. f Ha k «.»;:.<* I 11 k <»mnien« d dr iv l | »y injt gor Mr Hollis for re*t amoii; quiet retreat* i £ f L t \ W ti«'« i* r. < i-Mne. n •• I>i-trl* 4.iie.»rg* in* tiir- ii.il that tun- I inonth pa\-r" h- 11 >m S< ■ •' ;a four years u: H:, fr.: with Smarting Sen- ;ii.' ; ng f ■ 11 new wharf w hi< h he i« to Nova nearly I.ettie ami Main \nnU two littl* tent em Mention this T < ]- ilmut Jo.»»«i I'm »m ... a-1. d T‘» 4 receipt of stump. }\iper. sail r. V T'nne. dumid tin _lit bx : w D’\-f.-ur ti\ Unod ( ; tin Bev. I 0i m Bai $ tom; ago ling pid-. : i" **u't"ii'- »t> a-* *1 !l ami have ki.it *1 1-Sand. wtn-rethe sin- r -• i-t i* »t n Mi ir,’..* ni.'in.- from ‘iJo to r»-*pe*-ti\ely iamb'. Tw .. x ai d f !!r k:’f«-;i' Harbor. vi 1 *• 1 v in B. Merrill Is a new in 11t ii* wn.t- r Agm-wi makt regular Sanding* th* I ! ntrart- -la building piirs during the pa*- during Illustrated Illuminated Book mailed 011 ns abov 1 — u i. ! N. n rk h"-;s. 11 Reed’s P oe! It will !>e one application w •• The art re—. Mi— Maude h Ho*'• k. parti* and an* f.>r *»f I Ii* r*- a* a ti m *mm fax n t.-rn n in f ;»ny a-ti. voung Bank-, Mr* Km ly Stinson of Stitwm * N'eek amount- • th. n i\ fr..m non t• ■ «*> tie ties? in tills sei-fion- l> \' £> pl'et •* NChfp ,, i«;. t:. _•!:• •/• ?,• r---f of thr who w i'! ajijo .ir in Hme*• k If n* xt d- v i*i»inu her 'i.ni^ht*1r. Mr* l h l’ .v.t YOU lie i*-t .; i* .iv in.; blether in ItJuc- ratitree ,V lino hai«' t*eeu ill the hll-ine-- .•••■I t‘■ it- vc •- Otand 11 li! is now t*» be or cjmj.tt’ti,!. by taking < W w -* n* >■* !»»n*t.il N. Army \ 1. of Mr. ha; I h* Tir* * x- -day evening. dnighBr al"*»|t etl-hteen l. .ir- Utld noil To III* II ready ti: ;»r* M-. .Hid Mr-. K"Ih rt < art* r. U lUpiol %NTI-A 1*01*LEC TINE. ing > ■» u ■ by tlie P*ist. It is neat, convenient V\.r Ii i*l |»p :»M"i» m-»r^ «• •* !’. Ma--a* liu-• it-. I >• -b •{ fort 1 -r Itr .•*• .Ml';'... % ear. u;>!<-% hr ti:»*» t In- AS I I ><•■•!(IA4 t •i._Mi!'h* •! w ;h hut _ 1 it d.tnia to iu* •' ** Hank-of pp* 1 i- f tinci-and- wfa. harp te, n tin-;*r« aj.-i i\ I an«l **7 Mr*. « »r- Slow » lllmiil ii mu .iidI hi m I., un ••-;*•? y y.sr- ■«> «’ and «•onuiodious il* ii ■ I i»rt« .[ ifr* _• af'n.* i'..,(it |o ton-, J.-eph II \\ — If i* state-1 that the l llite.l Mate* a* pi; iif 11. ill \ I I n; \ U n I’arah-i-. Heart llisrair. lihru- i'* '. Mi--I. I |Mi* Im ii ;* to! 1 *r« the bottom, i>ut him ilonu a* it fraud. t* i- v ■: h* :*.'*!». i» * ntir* biim! and Ip-ha- d •• tin. II* o\ ki !a-» ry ; ly .listing. tu; till'll and liistru* t« *l its H. rim < ommi.**i«ni* to tin ii r\ itrl- S< •'•mi. ufi-. l.1 hv .li-- tnuli«in, |m ( omplnint f Long Standing. 1 *lrid <»f tb* ^ P < L. in of IP v i ar t* < ii ►•'— .*-■ K«»t HIHfhllI 1 f Mr. '••!.* M -.- 11 at 1 \> M t arter »- -mart and a< tive and place y. »h pp* d ll It Ii„' |*m Kulnev and Bladder T f Years I>u maml t n* <>f the Samoan I*lan Is i_- -*r in t. tin- -III --ni_' art- p ntuhli "*** t utrality Hi;; • W -■ I sun: *’"!l'- lid 1‘. fe* of .|4* * i xx a* >•; ii.-k '!' •!_• r- a t-.ii;» *• * Hubbard, reigned; M«- \li** H -tt. -< J aft* 1 d .'I llii* nmn to "h\-r*e Mr V] p Hutchins is at -. Dj«ppp»i«. iaiim, and t.corral b> ■ his hf. t a— \ \ rw mill stopping K nu l.- hi* prop.*** ! another nf\\.«l !j..- p. -otli.it tin- hair -e, — «p-*M A f-our n i. ! ut \x .- not im*< h dm. .?• d. \\ a- and M M H McFarland. ii*one at this week Debility. !,«»« of Appetite* well w ami 4 month-old piani-t North Biuehill -- y.-sr- -I, •! '.lit :. pa !' k* Im III. II. -1 j Coll;' 1 oiiferem e -nn Ilf h .■? if- vmithfili f:i M. an ! ill- MoiBiirli and Flatulence. 11.cMmmon dl>- o VI K a ler of m a !»• w k. *: w h h> lm-ther from Or.ainl < »n snd aft# r 'iimlu .the R*th "f thi* m ■ n?li. i-t »« :»r II* h.- .. •;' f..r th* com- Baker F.lNworth id \\ v ridge .«*r t f I: ! Three -trikmi; miner* at 1. 11. ii..* rn. ■ \v. I*, t* a ii oi b f v sit it his home list _ *. a * w tup Sunday t" 1 In !_• •ii-tali*-*1 **f UUi* «. 'h- train No 11’* Bangor Bar Haite*r. train 114 *• N'U It -• wen kllle*! ami ral woumh 'l in V NTI-\rtll'I.H TINE. > ur dm*- Bn. rt. ar» to ji-*; i.> i,:m* nt to Ill' ll and d til rf\ ,.r •,%» i< ,r ■ i: many. k', -to; p« VI: ii, VI.'S I. 'urtis are « x Sen 1 «>i»t ng t r« -t. «nit of a of -i\ B»r Halted to Bangor will t**gin their tr occupying a -u.rliet w ith the $1.00 N>ttle-$5.00. ti the \a* an* **f f-*r the ••or*] -topp family pa pn-lll. .bout k'«»H."»m UU' 1dm k-. In mini military Mn rim- I ^i-»l. > In-peetor K* pal use 1 11. 1. s. Hi 7- HISS' 'N A CO.. En-w-l>urgh the ie known as Walter chl.dnn ha- ••u’.y tw living. He ha- nil f*-r tin -un in* r. The tra:n w ii l» i\e Bangor ■.ip. m aril % th"ii-aud men .r»- employed in Hoyle’s. .- Vt. f rtf--. A m* ri- .m iinl I i.'ii >li ,i»d. ft »nt ui.il- and circular-regarding ; •• i« ar11:11. t*» Mr R rt I'midon went home last Sat- nt i. vd.w k '.'7 \• ar- d. st v \J .and retuin i.g w arm*- there at i»r*'.*t indu-try. froili^l" t?k*'' Their Business ll*M»miiur. 1.11 %« Mrt Ii l*o. l. a remedy that will cure That feeling f being *»* xx !•} th* death -f th* i'*■ B. >wa/*x. week ami th. I* -r i-Hftei- -ff in.' ijm.', ’| be urday and w ill not eturn until he finishes AKIM V hi* — »*•..-* |- M no one ■ an** *u< h a I Mr. Horace ft. Jacob*. form* of < lu r- a if. out ] it.or !- 7N0 .»*•-. :i .• l'rohahl* tiling ha* I rly paid fur £ eg H plant »t S. I' U i -•!;,% M., * ** !• Mon- thill Mir*-** hundred Ve-«. -alleal out an t ;-*n an t ii*- x * M'l ry h d. !i.a» l*e* n It*-id.-nt H «r- Marshal ( ro< kett of K kland. ft u at of i* of Belfa*?, ippoint*-*! by ity •' h :u t.ituk. r. P.M-t iii'i'*-* VI r Frank tJrav of Biooksvllle has M"l a* lh- ir _•:% IW IN P > t !l* ll‘ U*l"lll' f j .•i.r a i. I- utih i.: nut.' durin.' tl.* !li_' r -'ii i- iid< nt of th* ««»n-trm ti-m «*f tl»:.« with a in r nam* i < tiari* « Mi l* for th*- of r* dt>tn. -uperintr city Fr.day pri- "ii' our VIr »' — > t !>■•• I: K,. r:. •. f l»r Kin_-* N« w TIRED? pur}"*'* « nd ill.- f !>• '.il-t of I-t M a r h. t !(•-*• -ugh! store-man. Staples many iit ti M an June '• mi *• •* IP it u hug- at I. Ailgeie*. I ai. urlin **f l’oint. -t■ ■,« abo.il s |»i*. on r\ f«»r I In ir tral. ,* I'n'ii M K ith* rin- *•;,•!• nt m th* I >t >ai»*ly >putiin -* i- infill.' fiojn -mall in .-u».i-t« d — boom r« iii live at the rlitti*. * ami an throat am .un: uk Point. rk»htp tn-pri-**n* it*. I roup, -. t, h, tan It Ho-t..n r. w a» tie I a-urv I>ej artin* nt and afterw ar.j- < ur- 1 *u ’I for I > I 1* Iff. It -I-Ml — x\ « i" 1 h. f !■ k it; th< rv K* x. I F White of Bath f.-i Fu- pr -up« I-i»*_: in; K^ltiuK a tria. l*ottl* free. i.u»i «i/r i?l. ti h ;h. -...• i. SLEEPER’S Mr. an ! Mrs I. (' (’urtis were v by :«r. ! it* rti w M vi Id. Bvnk- Mr J 'I ’Vail tuk* ry -• hieh ;***-ition he resigned in great bottle nn ar rant* <1. .. \\ 1.0 .• .1 ... It -!••! rope tin- UJth to **pend a f. xx ni* i,11.- \\ xx Obituary Kv*-r> ii v v* much last evening m hit,- of < 1* land'- ar I.. .i-t t w o ar- ha* been liv- imk.s mvm. a lot of tir-t > ami then !»•:* you roll* W. L. DOUGLAS | y w Mu- 'or;!! mt \ men* an house, leaving .piite presents. m> i.t- here*-;. i:.g « * -• h V !■ ; I’l.t I. )..■ \ll.ei in I. *. sMpiteil. alter l.ittn l.ivar l*ili* reirulat* xx to ing An;. < n. them were some ones Amkku an ith fr* nt t:«i- it- > >ur eiti/f-n- r. -hocked on h* ar- Vmong valuable pr. -. ’ll:.. h. *ju« a ire-- M le Hank-. uc> ••inpai.ic.t nv tt gifted j»r* itly how n ou M:n tin i* ami inak nv**1I. l»o*r. on* ■ — i»t#- I > B I) and A II ■>, h I -tillait, Ii. lit b 11.k SHOE CENTIME*. UtUtP*. M lit i**ii i- made •'-♦•where Of th* -ad a \ 11 Urar, and ih_ of tin d. ath of Mr .lame- \\ Pavi* from by »yle Briggs. $3 pill. -*• Il -..'• 1 It -t fh-*t in lo- »urM. ! x »i '* W vv w In flv- ;»■!* I N S — x •h ath laine- I»a\|«; but a f> more ar- il pres*-ut the ,*'»•(!' j*l y ngoiiiar n -tr-k- of ii.'htuin.- on F afternoon. M ! I V I P *V4M» 4,| | | | It S S H >1 SS » ! K* an.l Mr*. \ P Wsrdw .ft fi- J riday May \ fair trial of Ho.*«C* * f..r S >ul Ii wrs! liar bur vir-apai II \ N|i s| SS » |> SS I » olii'l b* ii ar- v\ d>*ubt ••-- l«* tie lUrbarta il n i- born in tin- :ti *• .tx f r < anel* n on lax * xeunjo ! xx h of inten-t to our ]<* Mr. Ihiii- Feb. TJ, r*»fu: i. *a!f rheum, or no «ft- t; n m*nl Nn «!.'•«» 1» *1 I < t \ N I» I \ f: I I I; '! Pri i't. \t k l: to r-ad*:- < -kill xt W .IV). \ brisk aiii'-iint of gardening has been f*!ooi|. or i"N\ *tai. -f the *t»-m. \n ’. \ i; v s \ 4 \ xm «>! r! to r*- Mi the aft*TUoon of Jo. l-_*o. and f-.r-.t. ral >ear-filled the office of import *> Ml hi* th*-intention of'topping in Bangor Friday. 'lay ss 4»i; k I \ 4. si \ s x -, i.. :?.•!- ik f M ■ It.* ilk ara- ten/a d ne th*- most of our citizens, women be *urtiri* nt t«» «a»riN inre om -?!!.- ,< by any -up. M M x- > Mr. I hi\ i- w a- at work on hi- farm at Sur l: .i-t* r ..f I»erd- with honor to him*. !f and » :.4H4 urn I •fcl '% 1.4 »S m IIIII It J | | a. main ox.-r Mitidtx. 1 h* h*»U'«hoid ry < N. w ri *r am! wiiur cii'ativr r* f tin* im 1- -• .: ^1.1 1 1*1 It A t O. I ai loiy. ltd«ton. I: of 1‘arth* nU. th* n.-ide «*1*-* girl as eli a* men, during these delightful .Mav p* p-.\N. h 1 M.i. U nttak. i: .r en.M_ d in a to our tti/'ii-. on v xx ere I :•* « utid* n t-x x**"*-l. -vvins gr.t-ecd. S.-eing that n eptab’i retiring from i. in*- Buv if of your directed hi* hired man rim. he • d in the am *^e *»ni- I>..i ir. — ! ha\« ixci accu-l"Uicd to bright arm-, tnanufactory. W. L. DOUGLAS WOODBURY, LATHAM & CO, In th*- tio|) *.f (iran-i M iM* r Work- 1 he church i*« 11s were rung on doth M W. \ '*t, \\ iffakt-r, Ii n :t U jur!'*!,. it April 11*»I. E A I.E A*.I \T>, to tak*- tb» h -r-* to th barn and h*-vv ni!*.i fob I -eem to lull* id In my Mo**d. w hi.di In d -ui e* and built a \ \ \ i. 1 pur-u. —fully Up ami a few at the eni. i.li. 1 hi* i* trm -f II.* .1 M K. U ..»U ii !. li. fi »t man Parker -fl-.rd -f Bu* of th* An- h ■■•in in’, b ar father patriotic people gathered k*port. 1 hast i.< 1 \M !* —••ti. I’>> i-toli S3 SHOE lafd°.res. -w. *■ ou- n r*ortlanrl, Maine. 1 Tic mat) put up h*»r«* but a- Af r. !.in:e .md pto-pei bu-im--. 11. a- the l 11;..11 to an Hair li«-m w. r. for it i* th* _r- .it ror f la-t i. a- he: la and listened ompi* I tout AI Iirrirtl. I'.rxt Sf\h Hot I yr'*- -nrin eieut i»rd»rof l tided W. iknnii. wl.i l, roin- I t.- -pak* Mail'll1 Banks gtd Part rhapcl elo.jueut -■ IV |. .1 1. M itt.ng. j i- not w the Pali- ir i» '•(',*> l»av del ..me. },.• >-nt in **-arch of him in ••|:*g*'inar It.* B.vi1 it ah' She k*- ltn 'inn* ori.'inatoi of fattioU- huekhoard and most r\« client remarks or f.»*h -1 hair, making it look tin .in*- .'—i-lt \ -t.n. I .i tia!., the xx h*-.* .*f N* xv F and. th*1 or.I* r prayn appro- Kray 'tip-on, AS. I.. M j-ri*** -ns. th it 1>(»|4.1A>. !tl:«K K14»V sxS, like one «lo wa- not .-I the farA n ate to the and found him *!• ad. dy ing in-tautly .a. cording ivh'.-e r* put »tmu i- Id-wide, and in tbi— pr the day. by Rev. Ann** Red e\* n color of > until. Doiur-t Ir 1'itrf «. now numb* r- more than r*.ooO m* mb* r*. a:, -fie wa- ti.*- laughter a fatter. t»* n N P. loll ... :• a ... IV Z::an:r.: W. L. Z:„- a'i a -* a- bu-iiie»» h* -f ithli-h*-l f«»r hiui-elf an eui ialiie H. \ Mav I i. | tax 1 It. Jr II ir $200 app'-sram •from lightning strok*. Bank- u«*t t down in the t*ut w ti«v dl*l > in* r* »'♦• of ni* ut 1 .d"" play | The n* w i-oinhination of *m *rf H « -i ami *in.-*-th*- tir't of Janu- ...... Ill' 1 I- Nl\X C« III a. ai — a- * • *r»« k I M t rx; f> hi* did * <»' ( Ml. — Num* r- u- mark- indicative of lightning were country reputation for vdl.-nce work and hotie-t apt l'lioinas Milan and wife of lblltnlolllia, a* u**-«l in * al ter'* Ha* k:n In- I', far ar.d 4 A at P«i.. '*', ot. ha*» l ti for tu« In.. I»r. I- Skacs gantlcaes ary. Iodide Main*-. s» !*i 1>. rt Rock l.igv Station, made a brie! f« r*. t* l>. om* of the h* »t that •• found "U hi- r-on Hi- watch which wa- v I• ■ J. ihiij*. do-e attention to bti-itie-- ami an hasprov**! \r M.t II M II.. lit- *t I, in K) S 11.1. « p« Mi-# Bank *U I’.V 'tabii*lie*l during the ,r I : d dr-ox ?!, s l» om of *e •'. I'm I'. rap whlih the v idem e >*f tlvtul 1 id a*, nithw* Harbor, on tln-ir r* turn eoiil*l mail*-. Try th* popular pla- h I I I-..- ‘ti'iii k. th*- cry-ial broken and one of the rjvrrte- With It hit. .'nit oint.redn n-i 'ii of the w mt- of hi* ter* in nun » a-i of NNeakor lallleha* (•:*• k- II. M 1 J. u b hi li.akr. Turk- of the order xx ii pi -bablx r.'Ultin ri,*- d;xi- stu i' nn I training, die ro-c abai- nil thought from a trip to the centennial at New York, k. C. 15. mi itron-. He irrn d -m < Vouiix, V 44*11!. ! hand- tm It*-*! ort. at Js o'clock. We of -eif. and Ik-* am*- f*-r th*- time the reek maiden P hi-hu-itie— fully a-In*. rbeumafi-m. muraliria. *or*-m-- of th* I- -• -topped w hu h had them immense i"ii of N*-xv Kudland ’.tdo **exel a u- given satisfac- V — "i parate for a father -! n o in* u an 1 nn It. In.ni \r Mi;. 7. b. a:na firm. umi* r-tand that the coroner " a- called. hut h< fud of !<•**• -a.ag* through th- tinami.il etnbarra—ment- tint * h* *t or Inin:*, ami you i 11 !>• -urpri-«l am! cock. j t ion. fioth in a and -n ii- riwli«-tion«*. iiei ra >- > n Iter v \* patriotic sightseeing l for uitary captivity ii •.. ki d mmi "!i- Imu-e- from HTU Hie relief. In ba*l ea*« of deemed an uun*-* pr..»; pi*-a*e»l by pr-xiipt S P k \ M.i .1 I t. impu*M e—ary. I tig- in.ir, w he n -I.*- !* ll ■ the tn* ai i.g "f iov *■, sent me a v aim >1 I. !. to 1*-m* \ft-r main »r- ti th- Int-im -- lie way riioiigli they kindly hroiiie a **N*-r the of the Clark \ Parker. So. WeM .ly *j»*-p-ia. pla-ter pit 1: .. ti I: ... mi ,1. \ i: ! * xx xx an*J with artful arti*---ne«- make- th rui*-r «»I s Tile ,-idtad* :. h !..»« h* u I »u i 11 at m. im nto a bbl«- from Oni (»rant tomb, < rr< nto w.llf>hai i-. ami pr■ -foiipnh -top* th*- pain at mi *-. \*k for ar- ra'-t U .. -.. i. an I*.tin mi, ll.i-krll, wugi men ulwy tier slight*-t <'oiiiinand.ua- a Harbor. Bar Har}Hjr for Mr. A « Barn* ', of ( in* in- t:i -d to a’, lit-. At the tain- of hi- 1 < .;? *1, '.triT ( i. is Irn tiati. duriiid the »'t xx nt* r. at of to a: .' amli*-n«-* and elicit***! mark-■ f i he w a-iiti* nd;nj ork hi-f V York ik tier*. N-w cottage-are reeled \ M.i v m- < Ita 1' :: .t. ! Ilml^kiiiN. being i"iii tt.*- time when -he in.-* am*- a In -. f..r h* -urn ; a- he had I* ft hoiu*' in th- tnoriiim: in eouid not take notes on the details of the M;. i* ;i LA IIIKS WIIO HLOVT. A. a -< ri ^7'MKmi. »itu:it«-d H:.Oibr*M*k IP.**!, north < iiavru Ma. a, !i l*i Mu-.-tmi, hniv, I. and an arm* \ t the af* i- Ic ing added. Ho- father till tue eiose «if U■*■ La-t ac», when -lie and _-or.*u- h-aith. hi-death ea-t a ^I-muii oi-r pleasant exciirs.on, but learn that they It.n n. A .ok of M-."le\ and te ar th* turn* I lire* k. an* )h*iIi in id*- ap a Hall, t!i* Whe* l*-r un i Bari-.in*n. .nt: r. rnmuniti Mr 1»m- n a- a man What at number th*-re u* how un- ■ tel *-orr* nto i- to l>e June 1-t to Octo- th* a at on kt* ; !’ •! \ Mav 11 Pa*?‘.nr op-n*-*! in* t*> ■ a* I. ..tiler 'V*1. -h# !"-«• -hadilv made 1:111* stay several their Tu.-r, tiray. hlgtu-r i-t ion- and for \.-ar- places comfortable it ;n *k< Un-m it i* a‘mo-t B aiin- eottad* It ,« x. rx and xx ..! rank ..f v-ri d.« id*'d eoni main ; nnj- n \ \n Mw It-., ki n .arr'r ber 1-t Tti* Frenchman’* Bay A Mount !>*— mii*1 higher In the estimation «*f h»-r mntiior-. utnl mute. \t ( lielsea were entertained ami ht I t M.k an a* ti\* in -. -ih.e for th"-**- aflli* te«| to if.4. In min '1 .'. — -I* l*.n. inn. « Pa*‘.lnr. xv it! th.-lw-'t u '* at liar n**tablx when the urtrtlu fed f.»r th*- la-t time it el*»iw*«t part Ib-pubiiraii politi. enjoy iptwjv, Harbor. « rt and Water around t hief Frank -• I.and Company, proprietor* of tbou.'b for -.»m*- ar- h- bad l<*-t guided by F.ugiueer private < l Ii.in*- fouml \ i\m.. it .m.ii. ;. FACTORY f '.in her v lew an audl**iiee mta t » d applauding pa-t. praetn ulway >ulphui GIRLS^ the IIo.vh!*1. Hunt. <*u; n* an-l P.*,w!«*r « of v V '! ». i.- It minr. ottad- thi- beautiful -umiiier will run their i» l«« worn of hi- intere-t in affair-. F' >t ; l.uivey the Marine Hospital, also isjt- Hitter* to Im* tin h* *t retneilv. All who ur* Harp* r, ikintuii; Tia r»--ort. Ml-- Bank- fa.-*-and forma autlfnl much p-ditiral ! | ra. I’l-t k;i.It AVI-It to »)•).• -• F.x * x ihuid u«* -: in th*- * *»f an. and tn character a of culture an 1 re line leal- be Wa- a d'. ra! of tin ed relatives in i oniiecticut, am! were ac- tliu* trouhle*! *houl*l u*«* it. oii'tru* ti*iii •t.-aui'-r lady m.ilil -Upport'T ■ SS 11*«\- v, .i •{, I v hourly I«-tvv.-*-n Soria-nto ami Bar Har- 1‘p.v ;• \rM.i -r!i <.. n Hank- KU'h.iM ant ii»- t!u’11 n iti silent -one of whom tt can Ik* -aid, -he adds * hur. n in tin- : all reform- in M its Du. nm.i>\ ltustoii. the ju-tly rmturiaii ity home their Bertha, -■ •' I ... a. mu.. Ci- h**U'.- i« ti r-t-*- *v.n to the 'hind)*- I eoiupanieo by daughter. -n il V .1 i. iiIxIm 1: bor. the -aii I** minute*. Lot- *•.» honor t*« the w hl*-ti -he has ing only twenty profe-don u. r--ure of eticour- 1 tin* int*Te-t of humatiity who the winter in the \ .m '• tr \ M -. ,r »• t»• ■ kit.-in-!, tint III c 1 naib. xx ii h w* I passed Nutmeg I.a/y IVople Ii I l, -lev bcfmv hist was in i«-^aix .mize*l e>pe« ia)lx for th* adopted. 1 Nijrlit ar« being rapidly taken up for occupancy aud .i^-ni. nt fr.on him. \ _'oo«i citiz-n. a kind rli- Ii «• state. a **»» * l- an excellent .-..m. 1 I ar*- ham- to !*ul man of u* f* i 1*/n — V Mi-- Banks w • i*-ty 11 'll.' \ *:' i\ terrible distn-- Job. inv* -tm*nt. supj*orte*l l»y neighbor, Im ill h- inm b mi--, d. and our nj- 1 M <, .1 li-> 'ii-. KatU'.r for U> caused bv lead (. w u**-• quiriiid reputation —The new advertim-ment of the ... -- session tike drain! (iuud -imply l'«»rrlir*« l*o rl*. colic. 1 Used Brown’s Instant **MiggiM Wntt**' ir. SjMK 'al M*enery. magiiMi.a-iit ..f bu-im durinsr the fun- tile of Lodge of /'-/«(- rh*-*e l*a»l fi call Im tali tal ««-n'ii— [•*"!: :i* v\ a* an angoug- ttm ntlH'J llll::* I-: t \ J ^ w hich in our column-tin- week « -rai -erihe-. and filling Fuitniian at Portland aud Turk- -trwart. appear* come* turn*-#, br’lliaut calcium *-lf* t-. and a jM.w. rful by Templars recently, report Harry I.n tin-u-*4 of one hot tie '• 1 1 U Relief to -■ «•- w* nt- oi tie, it M I \l A K according directions, ground f r men. arc laudlock- .'hurcli, w here th. rii< i# held, to it- an interesting and instructive Auti-Apopleet Aolicc. They catching from a very p liable-ouree. Mr. Lewi- Friend, *a-t will all len»l a tiaud to make tin* a memorable exceedingly I in- 'r* .-«t si.rin Me«!i.-me s,.1,1 ,* ,n• .'in-. i.'il ni'h :zm.’ friend-. j -.1.1 Ar N| ; Ir-'in.inf. I if.-plr, Car Pauper er* in Lak- in"-! iap y -y tnpath course of meetings their return and it worked like It Eagk who i- a number of event in the history of ttie Klisworth .Irauiatb j 1'pon gist’s for "0. Auli-Miockim- Pill* < ur> n 1.1 I- Thr i:m!. -:_ rna^ie. preparing large magic rtiou_'h loi._* pa-t the prim- of life Mr. I>.tvi« $1 Psual will home Mrs. Lurvey was happily surprised Mi** Atinit* Mum li« *!« r. r..!itr:t* »•••! \\ :t I. tin- I -i card- lonlaining the moat wonderful informa- -. pri«*es prevail. Reserved retain. •! hi- tin ntal ami t ln-i. al i^'or t*» a re- j stipatiou. >.mford, is tin- be-t I ever A <.f Boston dwk re- *• *rt ns tin* r.r: _ 11 i>-».:i._ .i tliintr used company brokers to tirnl a nice with hamlsouie M'\.*UV*: li\ e done llie ^ d !*• |.r a cheerful di — easy chair, Tile) illllcll tion for tho-e w ho seek to know w hat For- seat# at i*ar«*her's. tnarkah!*- decree; po--e--. d of 1 Sol’ll. centlx dined on lw<» Nitistcr* *> lb*.. i and cushion its and are invaluable for *irk headache.” f<>I‘ ei die. weighing he lou d tin- *a»lllprtllioll-hip of 1011111: tidy complete, extending I t > * t i.l | tum. fi* kle g in stor** f*»r then). po-ition aught at -n ,i% an. above the Fal -. It is in hi- In- children h« i arms in welcome, a from the May t<> in: »aid A Fight with a Bear. p«>opl> and relation-with friendly gift 11'Ti' I-.' Mr. ii.-1 Mr*. I». W Turtvv a Fi:i i> L. m,. TIi* -. raru« In* to to su< h «>f a fath- tell It r, lie \\ ! YOM'«. present -cell lei I more lik« an elder brother than members of Ocean Kcho Lodge as a slight A Fortunate and tirateful Woman. r. larger lob*t« not taken j l.m.'liti I- a wife who ha- been an II \Klik -M If'l our Won*** itefunilMl ta > to • -cw In- cusloiu. r- a- mav call on him. er. Mr. Pali- leal*.- token of their of her valuable | here i« that a* reach appreciation j Mrs. II. (Milea, of Everett. Pa..-ax* *1 V 1 1 — :; they maturity they Another good b**ar story comes to u**. tliis invalid f.*r mouth- and at tin* time of hi* Kllswi.rth, | j. 1 *>nt i. «:..•! -tr-: a- mrerted ou in- many »uttered fur year* from and .rm go into deeper water w here cannot be While schooner Pvfhon, Capt. N. W. kidney they time from the of the On or mediein at imim I >i«*«l. ► wr:< r. n-k m tn :njr :t. region# log-driver*. Temple. trouble. No physician* caught. \* it i* difficult for < han* «*n her from Salem to thi- I break the -ad intelligence to her. and it is now | them to get over y. trip city. afternoon la-t. Bernard Ritchie of did ui«* am good. I finally vi-dted tux furim-r ***l«l In all Dmlrri Saturday so On the at- '• that the tie sundered will Saturday. May 23th, punctual 1tbit a -i > f-'l- l\: rir till A -u Hi van Fal 1* the*, mongers fall into the was off < ape Ann. a beautiful carrier pigeon apparent lately home at Itoudout, N. Y.. and began using |>r. at work on the drive at ■ Aurora.while Bog dam. « of .lamo M. Par- Ay* must ..•/» trn « /.t* a line. hands of the fi*beruien t flew on board, uu the It David Kennedy*s Favorite Kenedy, of IJun- here. lighting jib stays. and a are left ti si rid I * Business. on the wc-t branch of iiioti river. UlM-ovt r««1 parting. Five sons daughter ker Post i» requested to make final arrauge- dotlt. N. Y. A few word* tell the result. I hil>worth May 1:1, Miilic 1. Mu .-h. a-ed 1.*. vv a- to this 1 caught and home mourn loss of a kind father and a wisi ** — The brought city, by close to the river's bank a and look- the mcnls for Memorial services and it is am u well and woman onn in uu'I l'> linin’h-. Wh i' ft **: fi < Who cottages at liar Harts.r w i!: *,»on huge ugly Day perfectly happy <>ni|»anv' open. ( Oil tile feathers of the bird counselor. <* 1". Mr. \V. WbMeIIE>T IN ■ all can more. .laities l>a\i- >f THE WOK I D. "-*• '• apt. Chaney. her two cubs. Mr. i also requested that who spare flow- Surry May ii.l t.I- it :» Mr*. Tie,*. A tl of p t,c ing bear ;ip-trnp wiii u- ao-ompauied by Its wi-iirlng quaiitliM ar«* .in- -. nrr ... 1 iiiadeiphia wa- found the name of a Mr. Wetx ers will hand them in to the Kll-worlh, a^*d (S9\i:ir-,2 uioiiili- and 1" y } :• nt rn« •! !.* !i; F';_ L-otten UJ- I'l flirrivf < stamped Kitcbie attacked the trio with tin- following outlaating IW" !>• xi-a f anv ps the cottage. Mr. a only weapon * KM) Ladies Wanted, *• atiary Tilliugbast. KlUwurfh Falls. day a!.•! t:.:ik'- n Hi 1 *!,. j„..j These b«-r of Salem, the street and number al-o lx*- comrades, detailed in their respective sec- Not effected by h. at. GIT Till, bl.M IM. w j be had at an of And 100 men to call on anx for a hast h minim- 27. M I.m S. S.\T F. I V ■ N, hand, iudi-peti-able adjunct log druggist \pril Fi»R i--us w k -it -w ••red tbe of- wealthy Yorker, has Iea*ed Dr. Hel- I t. »ns: P». T. Bar pic-t by given. Tin- Sahbath school at East Ellsworth Soniesville, Atherton; trial of wifi-of Merchant* and Dt-ult-r* GcncriiMt. mut b*s ing drivers, a common which is a fn* package Lane’s Family Med ein Thmua<*. Henry Hodgkin-. a^»d 7s ti- .lie! i' /••>.- !* and State. cottage, and will come early. Mr*. “peavy" long with Mr. Albert Lord Harbor. K. C. Parker; Cove, has been re-opened, Salisbury the great root ami herb remedy, discovered i»y y ii ami 9 months. * Maude Banks, the gifted young actress,who with a iron at on** suc- All*--: \.. N’>v. 111. 1SS8. Leeds'* cottage ou pole pointed end. He Jellison; Town Hill, Melvin (J. % Highbrook Road has been as superintendent. Henry Joy; hr. Silas Lane while in the lto* kr Mountains I>uck-port May «i. \ ry -ml.I, n!y. Si w all It. will at Hancock Hall, next We ktut'.' th- ir t:, ti leased for the season to appear Wednesday ceeded in killing tin* two cubs in a abort time, Kden Bridge. J. P. t >ak Hill. For diseases of the liver and it >w airi d 72 w > r i: x». r May ...Mr Stillman sp. ••iiipatj) prominent Fry. of Boston. The Devon cottage. Mis* for last Saturday evening. positive constipation (.lip- ii- of «»ur ii.rn in. au-and inspection the it does wonders, t hi I* till. ahout 92 I.ocnl autl ^nl* f her marvelous of .loan w son; cast side Sound, Albert and Daniel ing up complexion year-. »int it tor I nil Wilkins’s new house on goer-b> performance w as obliged to take to the ater to save his TiatrUli^ burb eb:ir n*ter and Eagle Lake Road, has j dreii like it. raises if. Tret*. Small f ruit*. Orumiirulal ii<< -tending. of W. A. White- Mr. McLaren preached in Union Hall it Brown; Northeast Harbor, Gilbert Hodg- Everyoue i I.arge-*ur been leased to Dr. of Arc. The Maid Orleans. j life. The old bear escaped before could .V) nutl U \ Hi mi mi 1 *\ Keating of N» w Y- rk lor help package, cents. At all druggist.*’. | Hhrulilirr> Bank. with Mr. Young last Sunday don: Southwest Harbor, south side, of ear. the handsome young actor, who will ap- !>e summoned. exchange (’apt. r4 lie-I Stock at I air Itatt i 11. I*•»I: t I R Pr» V r. bant"- Bank the *eason. Mr Edmund Pendleton's cottage, ly j evening. W. Moore; Southwest Harbor, north #«, f.llu-ial Tt rnu autl M* atlj I a* the Barbarian, to Maude m|»ln>- 1’*! I BnVi *Rt Vi.-.-Pr#-* At nl a N at. Bank. the lugoinar, j — limit for Barnacles, will Ik- occupied this summer pear anti side. G. L. Bass Harbor, Maurice If you want u custom suit made from th.» j ICt-lialtlt Writ. til.lit-.- ». I. Two of ouryoung men,Edward Finn Purvey; I .1 Hit 1 I’r* tie it> Nat. Bat)k. Banks* Parthenia. was formerly the leading lie*t of ami workman- i by Mr. J. Bleaker Banks and A Card. a Seal Carlton Dow. Coutri- material. trimmings A. S. CHADBOURNE, HALLOWELL. ME. ■f no. B. < o *RI* »n < ».»* * ri'.nr of < family of Alba John H. Nevils have inaugurated new in- Rich; Cove, ivorgia. man in the Sal vini-Booth aud Booth-Barrett ship in the highest style of art. and to til like Al.KRKi* 11 « «*t HI. 1 v nv. N Y. Mr. Katie of N» w in this in the character of a ! but ions of flowers will be gratefully re- u' Seuator. DeLancy York, dustry place the on the leave vonr measure at he is au actor of paper wall, .1. T run The most popular Rangeev PARALYSIS-™:"- will arrive for the season experience. tin*sympathy the Finn, these, and more, at low Ik* probably about prices «“H lb « A-Idrr*.* K.. of were i|f «. I I II! ■ ( ■ Tile Ikst in the World. Bank-* elu»x>rnte production Ingomar. rendered their friends in this, their hour of on the Mrs. Seth lias returned shown in the country. lotf the first week in June. Mr*. Pulitzer wiit not by Repairs are being made engine Purvey recently L.x k Uo\ .’.>4. lb I. ini. KAItMKK* i: \Mi, Swift's rifi i» the l*e«t and made Ewes of New York, the and to the was left unfinished last fall. from a visit to her at *w IT Altl li \*.t >«>ilth l»ak«.l;i I think blood be here Ibis season. Mr. Joseph Pulitzer ha* designed by affliction, especially Masonic frater- house which daughter Bangor, BK KLKVS AKNH A SALVE. r> tiled* in ;b* world. I have known it to an the effects de- for their tribute of ! where she became a happy grandmother. unfortunately lost his ey< *ight. and the scenery painted by Voegbtlln nity beautiful respect, ami Mr. A. E Moore has started a millinery make v»rn» w »n-l« rful cure* of wbo family The little new-comer, Mildred Ellis Mon- The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. patient* Geo. E. Lank. Miss Banks’ tour ia with store. ! will remain abroad this season. -ign.-d by their solemn and impressive services at the shop In connection his Suit were considered incurable. roe,had for the first month of her life jour- Bruise's. Sores, Ulcers, Kht-um. Fever If M. ( row*ille. La. under the direction of Cbas. E. Cook. ou the occasion of their father's fun- in front of Whitcomb. Sores, Tetter, Hands. Chilhlaius. Grayson, cemetery The reservoir i a of relatives under Chapped —The annual meeting of the Hancock Coun- ney surplus residing Corns, and all Skin and -• has been F>uplion*. positively Tr- f It w*«! and skin I>i*ea*e« mailed —Work at the -hoe-factory has been delayed eral. Hay nes & Co’s store, undergoing the same roof, a father and a Bank was mother, cures or no It is < <>.. Lrawer ty Saving* held at the banking rooms Piles, pay required. guaran- f. J ill *W1FT SPECIFIC during the week the non-arriv al of W. H. Davis. repairs. i and a on past by grandfather grandmother, great- teed to give perfect satisfaction, or re- 3. Atlanta. Ga Monday of this week and the following Abbie D. Partridge, money flwr boards which though shipped from A lire in the mill of Whit grandfather and great-grandmother, uncle funded. Price 25 cents per box. F'o|{ SALFJ board of trustees was elected .1. A. Davis, slight yard ^ for the ensuing and aunt, great aunt ami great uncle, and BY S. I). Wiggin j Portland several days ago. cannot now be (t. W. Davis. couib, Haynes & Co., caused the taking ol 1>22 Advertised Letters. year: James F. Davis, Mirick John aunt. ns»r Avery. Arc wa* heard from. Mr. Stratton has been obliged to Henry K. Davis, Ticonic engine to the place. The great-great —Dr. McGill’s Famops Specific, or- '>BEST F. Whitcomb, N. B. Ellsworth; Coolidge. La- A. soon has a ange a cure for fe- a of his crew in conse- F. Davis, M. D. tinder control. Mr. E.J. Hersey bought house lot of Blossom, positive all fi.i.swouth is»st okkk f. 11. ls>9. discharge large part May tuoine aud Eugene B. Richards, Bar Harbor. Mr. Samuel a male diseases. FIverv can treat herself. fonBLAGi< feels much The concert bv the members ol Purvey, very sightly location, lady Mr*, 'f .1, Atwood. Mr. quence, and naturally perplexed. given I have sold this medicine for two years and Cyrus Clark. The trustee* elected James E. Davis. Presi- the “Golden Hours Pleasure Club No. 1,’ and has commenced to build a cottage; for Mrs. M try Ann Fletch- The is nearly completed, with the ex- Card of Thanks. can recommend it. Boxes containing one 5 dent, and Charles C. Burrill. Treasurer. factory al a contented old bachelor this looks a trifle STOCKINGS er, The of the city, Tue day evening, May 7, month's treatment, #1.00. Circulars free | ception of the laying of the floors. : by standing of this Bauk i* first this*, and Union Hall, consisting of reading, singing suspicious. to Fine(5lorsThat Mr.Christopher K.Gan- though The uudersigned do not feel that they can apply log ."either to be a O. SM LIT non. it i* now in the seventeenth year of its exis- —The following officers of Neal Dow Lodge recitations and sketches, proved I A Gilley has commenced building on S. K. Wiggin. Apothecary. A. Kief, | leave Ellsworth without giving this formal ex- Wash out Mrs. Ada Mr. G**o. Lynch, the success, 'the parts were all wel his lot at the corner. Mr. Levi lias May 16.1SS7. tf 20 | fence it has never lo*t a dollar oo its loans by of Good Templars have been installed for graud Purvey F. Lampson. F. J. Lampson. pression of tbeir thanks for and appreciation anil those found in it considerable FADE : rendered present made improvement in his motheks. r..,NOR Frank L. K<*bin*on. Mi*- C. poor securities or otherw ise. The Treasurer’s present quarter by N. II. Page, Lodge Deputy ADVICE to BE Mary Sbav, of the many kindnesses and courtesies received rare occasion for enjoyment. Great cred house bv enlarging and a ONLY Mis> K Fi* suilivan, Louis Treworgv. E. W. Lord.C. T.: Mrs. Maria V. extending piazza report for the year ending May 1. 18*9, which Armstrong. Grand Post and Woman’s Re- for the tool around the front and sides. Are you disturbed at night and broken of The sales of the Royal Clarion BY Erwin Wcblier. Kev. J. B. j from the Army it is due the club pains they ; great ^MADE Morrisou, was read shows the fol- T.; E. L. Curtis. P. C. W. A. re»i a sick child suffering and erving at Monday’s meeting, T.; Bousey of this That God bless in this a to their audience your by prove the fact that it is the Mis. C barles Mat mis. Mr. lief Corps city. may making pLasure The Rev. Amos Redlon has a *< Mcquinly. accepted with paiu of cutting teeth? If so. nd at lowing: Amouut ou deposit May 1. 1888, Chap.; Mrs. Mary Bousey, S. J. T.; Mrs’ r\rS*-^-UsiNG Please cal! for ad\ertised letters. them and piosper them is the prayer of their call to Scarboro, and will soon move bis once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow’s $183,345.63. from 1888 to Sec.; Elby Asst. Sec.; W. II. Most Successful and Most A. W. Grekly. P. M. Deposited May 1, Mayo, Mayo. friends, Ssrry. family there, greatly to the regret of their Soothing Syrpp for ( iiilhkkn Teeth- Pop- 1889. Butler, F. S.; Miss Jennie Mason, Treasurer; friends here. ing. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve i May 1, $86.265 45. Total. $209,611.08. V. P. Wardwell. R. H Swett has sold his homestead a many ular in the Market. Geo. Barron. Miss Carrie Mrs. James Ross has a fine collection of the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend Range wJ&£SSjfrP Post-office Clerks Arrested. Withdrawn from May 1. 18*8 to May 1. 1889. M.; Floyd, Dept. Lucy J. Wardwki l. Surry village to Capt. Harry Young am Sold by druggists. of all shades of upon it. mothers, there is no mistake about it. ALSO $05,955.25. Balance on M.: John Thomas, Sent.; John Armstrong, Ellsworth, May 10, 18b9. will soon Comma to live with hii thrifty geraniums nearly deposit May 1. 1889. goto ,| It cures dysentery and diarrba-a. regulates the Its great superiority is acknowledge! PEERLESS PUNTS-8 Colors, Macomber. j bloom, besides many other kinds of house $203,655.81. Gain during the $20,310.20. Guard. daughter, Mrs. Cora stomach ami bowels, cures wind colic, softens by all experts and the thousands PEERLESS I.UNDRk BI CINO. Boston. May 13. Linens E. Clark and year, a sunset many plants ;one, notably beautiful pink, the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives PEERLESS INK POWI>KUs T, Kinds 7 Color*. \ The amount of interest received the —Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, State President S. H. Barbour has decided upon a The remains of Edward Jarvis, win who have this range in use. Made of the Edward Palmer, employes of the Bos- past year —Capt. is in its rich and to the whole PKKRI ESS SHOE AND HARNESS DRESSING. very striking beauty pro- tone and energy system. Mrs. me- was The new steamer which ha* died In New York last winter, wen very best materials by thorough PEERLESS EGG DIES- S Colors. ton post-office, were arrested Saturday $10,640.41. amount of dividends paid of the W. C. T. U., arrived in this city Tues- nauiejor the elegant fusion of -lossoms. Winslow’s Soothing Syrpp for chil- home for I chanics. We warrant the with a addressed out the vear was in Brewer th« brought interment, accorapanle* to ltoyal lyrlO charged openiug package past $6,789.55. day forenoon, via Bar Harbor. As she and been building at bis yard during On with the contribu- 1»REN TEETHING is pleasant the taste, and his wife, children and mother, Mrs Saturday night, is the of oneof the oldest and best Clarion to comprise more improve to others. They ap|Kart»d before United left our after season. It will be called the ‘•Castine” by prescription —J. E. the county President residence, past tions of comrade Fred Smith and Mrs. £. incuts than other make. We fhrnish States Commissioner Hal let this Savage, the government engineer James Jarvis. female nurses ami physicians in the United any morning. driven a the historic old town down the bay < u E. Bahson the aid of other ladies of who is to look diuner, for Bluehill.their carriage by after and States, ami is for sale bv all druggists them with Plain Lears, Cabi- Clark is superintendent of the money order after the construction of the Miss Susie Arcy, teacher at the village tluough- man who wore a G. A. K. on his hat, tbe & Bar Harbor route. Capt. Bar- the W. R. C., James M. Parker Post was out the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. or Low Hot a clerk in breakwater, has badge Bangor was bitten last while return net It iso. Top department an*I Palmer is the arrived a; Bar Harbor mod will Thursday in; well corned M M we saw in the we a that the hour has named one or two steamer* pretty sociably (hulled cornet!). Iv40. End W office. Both, it is said, were remain there fact, trust, symbol already from school a cross and her ham | Closets, Elevated Shelves, SALESWANTED IR order until the dog, money present contract has a Harbor on the li»C by to a Hfter Bangor and bas Bar Officers of Diamond lloor ami Pedal canvas for the sale * \NI> morning day low *tate of it. Sufferers mii«M' from .111 impure nr which the Oratorio was to he My little girl, ten year* of age, wa* taken sick in He who plant* a tree, given, Mac h. IS*, with scarlet fever. When recovering Stoma*-h ami Liver derange- Plants a hope. and went at once to a hotel. 'Hie OF ME., SHOP. she took a severs cold, which developed It right’s ELLSWORTH, MACHINE FROMin. nts Biliousness, Siek- Rootlets tibers grope : small who acted as and bell- Dysp* psia, up through blindly hoy porter r>i*e.v*.> of the Kidneys. Tier ankle*, feet and eyes H, ad.u he, and t oust i ion find a safe Leaves unfold into horizon* free. — I Bl'RRII.l. BANKER. pat boy all in one attended them to the wore terribly swollen she ha! a burning fever, and Sl’tXESSOR TO HAKI.KS C THE SPRING and «i Main relief in So man's life must climb all the symptoms < f an aggravated case of bright’* |. I hr Him- t.. ritifflp.n lltr Min,'- n. i-r«l t:«. .a< lm ami their travel ing HI" *•:«»«» l" III |.i I’ills. In all From the clod* of time parlor, carrying bags. Disease. Four of our bast physicians attended her, rininli -. t I, ,T.< Ayer's lilo-imi :m,l T<* l.nll.t up Hi, tool-t*l tin- Mrs. West in her not man- but without success, and BANKING. Hon.,. i. -nil eases an here a ca- I nto heavens sublime, dignified for EVERY KIM) of LEGITIM ATE .1 FILLY EQIIPPEI) »..»k in, I .iiffi-rliiK Hi' «r-llM,(t,. thartic is needed, k'anst thou prophesy, thou little tree. ner a>ked that their looms might be Her Life was Despaired of.i Eouinln ami >la- What the ol -hall Ik*? a Ellsxoirlli them* 1 ’ills are recom- glory thy hough- prepared. The Imy starter! out ot the Put mother’s love and prayers surmount all diffi- and I determined to mended by leading then a culties. try I>r. David Kennedy's lie who plant a tree. parlor, seemingly impelled by Favorite made at fhiiu* Mmp. physicians. Remedy. Rondout, N. Y. This was Dana’s Plant- a ; force that lie could not resist he walked a last resort. and I hoped, although little Dr. T K joy my daiurh- i-oti- Hastings, Paid -< *o ri.a a tlr-t a-- I’. frr’a rase was a V\ -hop Plants a comfort that will nexcr cloy: hack into the room, am the two very severe one, that the Favorite Up Capital. $50,000.00. ••;»!*»tmr- «>! anx ■ an hurt* of Baltimore. sa\>; Ycyed x\ a t;• .h—oriptlon. a frr-h realitv. Remedy wonlddo f her what it hadd nef others •» A a it ’> are the X ui xxitti •!« a- 'X »• tx.i «* a!1 t hi pattri n- Fills F.vcry day ladies with the interest and pi'rli. grea.est whose condition had not t-een. seemingly, aa hope. |it\, x.t math thru- iiffic*’ ill -tojv hi -t eathartie and Hcautiful and strong. : Na How I am that I •' broke out with the happy determine.! upon thia 1,,-vt .. ■. I', • xx hoi a (.M1!I.| a tiu» lino an ithin the To whose shelter throng suddenly question a|*erient course for an was once ^ nr Y ■ E ♦•«••!. 1 *rx improvement at perceptible. ,.r.It M. il. n a. h of •>- blithe with be the show f" my prof* Creature* song. “Say, you The 1ever left Business Men. ... • an*1 Kurnitnr* all of xxhirh her- her appetite mprovsd-she gai ned Wo solicit accounts of Bankers, Merchants, Lumbermen. arponit;:- sion.** It thou o>uld-t hut thou tree, respectfully .1 1 M ! hi ii« >11 x know, Sallu II hif*'< lie/* .1*. i/.-. •1* a XX VI Mill a. II happy .Ay .l/'iy pounds in short time, and one by one the well *»f Oc. \X 1 V I' I Or. John W. Fr aah. ana. W. Ot the bliss that shall inhabit thee! known and with souml Banking. _ dreaded symptoms of the disease left anti will favor consistcn* ** her. others, anti cheerfully externl every ) lx on an rit* > * r.U rvHim rv hutt**r xx Iii< h i- k« p* .nistant ham!. Va 1 pn-v. d Ayer* V rda fail to express my gratitude, and I cannot too ■ t ». eontin — Will-allow lti« Ilf** m In*' j»11 null?- \\ ix h.ol a 1* XX I.*rt'x "I 11 ntw FilU in inv » and find tin m * \- a A S l ps He who tree. WHAT RAILWAY PER IX TEXD- earnestly recommend the Favorite it was i*>xx plant* Remedy, lifl li-e. will riire lh most I'HW'- Ita)•!xx m ai ph r.•in*- xx lm xv .if -oiiiiur eelh-nt. I urg« hit general use in -« lie peace. T' n..- p* r .nfi. H in -i-lltut: plant* EXT HAS TO DO r families.” cease. A MARVELOUS RECOVERY. i. ■ < I. <•! onr \x 'i Lnder it* curtain ti:. 11 itup.-flat *• green jargons Japan ?. I’AHSOXS, ■ For r» ■" I an as and is due to CIUS. ('. nr nil ILL, l‘rr*Mrnt. JAl 1 ’• fnt ( IIIf « .nil « i'.i llu-nori. I T.al ',1- ..1 ilu ami ntitnbe, years aftiirted Lea! and n.urmui ; entirely the Favorite Remedy which ) \ .'» I. !•> jMifirtioii prow—, .1 ',•< an \n zcplivi -oothingly was the ,!y me taken after her .am •* lit aim, Mini all -'Inr In m. xxtnrh in-tin** a pmv an ith hdioiiMie-.s hi, h almost destroyed m.sjn was x-rolula. ftl'< put nj prri.ftioii shadows soft with The of a in aland Ted by the pliyst. Ians, *«* > low J " an •• an »"•'» Down tire.I this l«*i us three |. \ \ A Ml \ P Mill Mipei « a a me 11 but nothing afforded me any relief until eyelids c»eep. country who has. say. The diseases that f i) w SVarb t lever. Measles w :th w hi* h I mil in I Auoilu : th"- hi.-. x aj»*>n»t« >! p a« In S Halm of slumber Diphtheria and van- -is ih^r complaint* ften have re met i «pmiute. I liegan take Amt’s Fills.t». deep. hundred miles of in s • -Ml road his t» hind th«*ui wuuclla* f the most f ar l»l .1. ei chutge. danger’it* E >RN. .KH1V B KEDMAS. \\ S- \r\ ha-t thou di earned, thou hh -sed tree. ! (’MAS. <’. BlHltlLL, F HABTS1L 1 an.lerli. h. tantoii. Fa. a. ter To eii» l ail trw .■* of *„«■h < »< r- ami < an has as a disorder*. tone B0 spr. i.»:t*t pel h tp« great of occu- n, the various ■Tgatia. and Oil His vein* 1 have used Am '** l‘ills f.«r the Ot the benediction thou -halt be. variety with pure b cleaves newei.l b. cihh.iim;k. v. n \ -k f«•»' ami past and nutritious blood, use Dr. David James f. davis. 11 fur I) at d as Kennedy's t :tv years, and am satisfied I should pation. many different questions BUY\NT BRADLEY ti •? I*. ali\e if it had m-t lns*n He wltn a tree. to-day plant- of importance depending upon his de- for tb* m. They iTired me of 11c vocth ; ! < <)uitEsv<>\i>h:\< k i\vin;i> dyspepsia plant- cision. as other business or Dr. Favorite an lien all other i, tin dies and their any pro- Kennedy's ift* failed, \ c* Remedy. igor won toi ntmic-. m -ooth ; 1 “repared by as nal use has m< in a h« altliv f< s-ional man in the community, kept Lite ct time, that hint* eternity ! bully PK. DAVID KRNNKDYi HONDO IT, N. Y. ----- <'ondition Her s:n>*."—T. F Browu, DANA’S their one halt ■ tit fr> their y plan!- he to .. Ill v F?rm. will have pas- judgment lie 90 N .• Egypt Poultry pas*, 1 ha\ • tin*' |.f Tl 1 S 1 Ic plants love ; inu-t know intim everv foot of his ♦ r\ irght Is f. r. ug 1 nn i i-. t l< ut- «>t coolnc-- spieaiiing out aboxe itrvy 1^‘J. AN 1 •• NN 1 \\ W track. and in cases of or I HIM SEASON. l.;iig|\ ixt.ii*.! -. hr n.a v not lix t«» -ee emergencx & Wilson. I nn man, *..*»• I Ma >' t arlis Fa Kilgore (lift- that glow aie best juvid'-nt, know ju-t what ivmiiiihs !.c r's L I n" 1h eti iis.-d in ti v \yi• d- hie-- a: e hie-t ••• Har that Maine. -- ir » x. •: .1. •Mil d« to Max W. ro I is ,f aim pend upon, aid how make j Belfast, family npvNa- twenty years, ! t«- XX "l.illi’l : > 111 m I *• :•••■: Plant I doc- the rc-t ! a* pm.,:: l.?:]•••■ > *• l'« d it IS | them ino-t immciliatclv useful. H will jtl"t -hail ili-lrax. n ha v «■ a pm.lit tain, xx Imp 1L axen and e til him who a « laitned hr r!>e*u In atta-ks.f help plant- -1 .t .-mill !■ II.i k ):!.■«, Vl-it tlie a: d imitid ho'i- e> tl fr. ni an hielt 1 si tfered tl*. v tree. shops i Imv. ^- t.o ’i frmn -i hij. J Harn-.l many years, \ ow a- d know the c •u-tim ti n Nee eireiilars c uiaiii- 1 m.r i. 1'.* xx 1 rn-. I •• 1 " -> aff.Tiled me _!. r* f th »i a: :: e.j- work its ijm ntly. will Hxf •l'-lt« an-: •*!'.. r- I lav* r< v 11 r..rn th« i« n. 1 n «-r r.i I II' lie* 1 Adams, and condition of e\erv locomotive, > -. daily of N 11 dh Springs, i. \,i* t inu testimonials genuine YAH Vo/;A* A.t>A//o\ s excry pa-sctiger and baggage car He XX !.. ••.. " .'•• I lltll tl. 1 I will coiiMilt with his master nn* lianie. cures. IP- k- I’ll. ? H w i. r lm IP k-, *. and often will decide which ear or Hainhiir Ayer’s Pills, n < oxt xt K\< t xtl M fi.-ll Xtl Itltll'AI shall and which -hall not be t or I.. \\ vai mu, ! I I.FI NKFT* BY engine JUST RECEIVED r^Ed H tag Ki'iil for Sale. Han* 1 l*iximnih IP•• k* taken in for etc. t<» 1 *UK--K> XI XV Sort -. repair, lb* has Hr.'xxn I.whm..- ’•'* Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Mass. Hie -;•>•- » tr. r every an « s plug 1 the wok ■ '' plan organize of \ny .• i: 11 •. i1 of III iti I J- ail 1 itlid 1 *••;»;« r* in M«-dlrin«*. Ft'inthfr to -i \ Si; TON-IX O y »ruKfct*t# t mi; ISSIIRTIIKH (It nut* I on t «e*t i;. Old Honesty i:; ac i*aja- station. He must know Y 1 1 I Mi- tm yard, every Ini h t cl' *t 11 m ix a tailor made hM I tailor pit! !■ complete to be the pmrn. i. the duties <«f each employe on Ins 1 1 edged purr .. it » IP ;\n \M. T .-•• _• ■■xxii. ot indept ndent. may be gay !»I: !• V i:w IN S [I \ and instruct all new or and rr.ost la Sml" pay-rolls, men, K’Uu .nth. V-u > l"s- t! : ittng piece I»\ n i*on ot contracting colors and sec that it is properly done. Ib must H _A_ JVC BURGS of Standard Chew T.i f of gilt »r fringe. -g MR NUT. passementerie k-en mcessatit and vigilant watch..it LtMl HI!! SU E. Velvet or xclutii .i in -:\li-h color- is onthemarKet TV./-I I •• *Tt ?: a-1 r* lit In I: the movement ot all trains, noting the H) \ ■ Fi (mi 1 cciil to 1.1 aril. a •• tin I !*«r tile ni ..f f'«■< » -a in much f. vor tor ami a* 5 per better test .ranan.y ah Th. ~T: ’" "fT r- .1 -ah I..' t capes. * la-i a l. I' I fr >m the schedules DYEING•• It- t )■: non. slightest I e. I w h. 1 f f. it It. ai «• -1 .•? th. Sit b.uli mate! ml* xx ill L« worn in pi* aoout it. G I \N- -Till, r to the s;, { » |, | V. J O | ., largely Mi. H \ which la* has *u i looking ll ■ I a, t*-t ma. • prepared. ! I •• .t I. Aim a On*. ml it at ion or at sumtm r resorts, for Well, aUo optl Yo :.r deal-' ha*, it. u \ ot ro*\. i :t•» the causes so as it < IIIIJ OTT. carefully therci.r, phtllils written ■:i a I;;■ -f p »p« r. w |th t! a h entile dt« -*«•-. tin little max he Torchon Swiss Mar. •». ISsm tflo eaj.es Laces, Embroideries, y..ti want 1 •■«. t- a I »• \ 4. ifl-* to avoid its ivrurn.'iHv. The first thr g p::,';.- os « n 1111 !i ? iii i. *i! I ailr ii iin 1 II It*. | Oil. lti tiie morning !e* IS gi ected with a re vi m nt not si t sii.ri u-« 1 iii rotnpleti''ll. !.mv or net l*ort In ml Mnliir. rapes it izmiii! the «*ituati*>:. <1 !>U"in» -" »n !*• Irish I •! I *' II M HANCOCK COUNTY are without end and differing in minor Trimmings. km J lie r*»a*I. tin* es.-nt* of Hie nijht. Icta;.-. are -h«»it in the hark, while linn cfin nt • ■! tr:11* ". an I location ami «**!ix* im\e lor.g end- cios-ing in trout I ii uic ot tr.-ijht to hr lmi.']ir«i. The Bank. and ft-!rm*d at tlx* huh .let ran Is* * Savings ln»'« tlmijj at ni*»lit hr j. t a final I* B. T. X e SOWLE, In intermixed with 1 or net. a ml S I port j the location ami movement ! NO 14», SI \ I I ! 1C I I < A l ihhoi -ilk or "/ >l< i- as w ell. WHITE COUNSELOR LAW. important train"; nai in- ne\ei cl APRONS, *• » I .s N medium ]• nglhs nope:**- and fa-h- Dr Wll U "l kit It..- t *t Ml ... U flit limn sTATK l liKK ii" r\*-s without that thinking p.-»hap" -• \ « >t ", At lei 1 iioci 1 Ii'inii l."> (■(•nt> to ."»<> icut' I'.icli. •u tab* a wide «!*• j. trm*e from -m h pi'ii-i J t i> r the telephone will rinj ami ca i him -mall garment- to eiiVe ping cloaks of het-.rr flaw n. i hiring tin «ia\ la hi* : 1 a t- r w at t.r mohair for div-sy .; MONEY TO LOAN ! •flirt* lie !. i* ?•] to make *;t, re- 1 \ K MW. tra\ ling. I he ■ a -hr- ■ ...*• l*. o\ » a V.irie*l "'in •|tli*ltioH" appl Tinsel ha 4 up,:’,, Man so Ji- Braid a >m;ii v \ \ M M KA ■ I Ml NT •-! I Ml ’.'I•' ■ I)..; Embroidery ts her* i” n r-. nt "p- r. a’.waV" ljn .ahr. to m:e.| ! 1 \ | W | are ell a tK of w him w > d. but t bin an"wa• r* at •" silk liom ''1m h i^ht-* (immimrnli Stair. ami »r »n : xt -:Ik i- in 1 R ■ ■!•• M. t \ ... a: (ouiitj "f'wstortw « s^ a isrted to children’-hat I Ctltoria r*;-** c C ,-m** ^** favor, e-periallv vice,” bv l> \ \ \RIKTY OF FOI.OKS. -■ :. I irr- i. F s t rrcon.a.c: :;m super ;^rtoatr prwer.paun I Sour Ftorr. the huge MX'-hed lo t hceail-e giving May 3 4" MakB a ;--r- Municipal llomK H a arum M D. I •pport i: 1 r\ f winning of “hthv lii bo. Uileru bk, N. Y medication. l• *M f \ \ u | } Lrootij-a, | Without injurious lid*. Ii I II Ii -t\ h* a lead- //.M/N/v.. m.n y.i:< d ItOt l.ll l \ M» 'I \ -i Tus Cetta u (. wa'T Fu!ton V Y HIE l». t’reet, g idea amt one becoming m *rr ap- ■■■• ■ >' Cases \ f-e V ; an i.' ten .a.v a* \ < M s ! ■ Stamped Slipper «lay b-th millinery and lie* him hi inj’ appli- i to r.•-'nine- I iii- -«-a-on moreover ded- I»C

f-*r comimticeuxTit or •» ■ dres-e- even ajj'-m- iil t ih'v Irim-ii A cai: or * -■ ■: t’.gu ■ 1 !ii f if- *w oit *»h .111 '«■ <* (Ill’S Mir ... tii- st two .its "tain "*i\e kimi ami A UK UKIM'(’Kl) in I’UK'K to tnkiti” >T< X K. ^-nd to m-. For ; y« I litve mif* projri* piv\imi> I M r nrii n* wra. f tin. Ii- art il -•* t<»r aft« r <• 'all lofed. gray «»t hia rul l.olistcrs \ gran e- -.!■ ■< NTtC \ are { tht \ l»e natural in**! m« ti \ »• !.• t mi .- to h. iiuuaii'Jliuhiio fv^AS } I Ua.-. it La h Ip. 1 I/.ru. A liiag- it. may preltilv pv a t d at t he t w i: h |!.V **. Op Ii nhhoi! «ir If ia-} r. i aa-i *)». trra!r.| thi" i- tli Paine’s tlx- -ha ve- are longer, wrinkled inoll-- linn- to hr jin. before tie- j.-r m* of t ln*"« GQTT SL mOCEE'S. -1 I Uf | r< most All '<• — * * Celery Compound styit-l) has*- ha*i «»p|H >i limit \ jiaov iat- a 41 l*|N| ( | I. ( O.. ( n n n it 11. h: I hav I*. n pr>'ar,> TA t«M ultli acute gIo\ *• are no v dt la af- !y fii i-hed on habit. 11 Ti ■ ,i a ! "h*m 1 no* he r’ .11st.:. and ouid •'nd ».<• n'id until I IIAXOYKR tlx* hack. ’■ "ii»*k the «Inm ami "h-? i!«1 -l »• tj* 1 r> a: Ali- r u>l»g permitted si a t:is tii'Mii Ui*- I am bow cumd of i.i:!i» \i 1 mo.--i !•* ta;i jht to *M ." H»n>ti \< im. v r it. .*«». hsu. sa*i kl i::>> s. "0. X. Il a !• at n-r * oi!,»i t-> i Hit C.irnfeh. *»»•« <• *tr! it. w .» I lit *«ww in if. all I a .* i:h J lope -4- + 4 + 4-K Effects Lasting Cures. lieiinc. -ci. a -/ a d KNOW THYSELF vs I til a •■■*% a" I'-.a- i f • A 1»IFTI ValL. ryt -Ur..’. {«*-rf- r::.-.! many i*r cade li--. ! iin or 1- ap TIIW CaCIKIVCfeJ OF crepe } rmhloi 1 t r'T i- I'i-i —«• l* I \ir. i.ir ! a M Jicil Treat < TRAINS RUN SUNDAY EX r ; of 1 tin* 1 I! i- IIi i I. h Oi i i A DAILY. •- .r,v n, usant t Tike. fx*il ! g a1 p.Mi I ih. I’ri I N» r\ • eeptahle snniilurc*, -• { !i \ t. ! C£PT£D, AS FOLLOWS: ht -i i* h.-fer ! h t -ir an ! rttlr* f th« <«> .rb.: ,;u stl :: ,.lr»‘- -* -o ( m*h !’hv*lr*l In.; .. ill it of a w j pi Debility, t: u • * f x * '«;gii .t, 1 If-. d f tin »i|. '• l' t a L.:l i lIi t K<- it AA1. / the '. t i ii i* .*• i to ami m -w m» f r- ¥ M ! to no a- a w \ !c* !; » » II »• M VI *i*t:» ■ 1 -nt I a Ii- 1 i io K t 4 * AA uxj. l.K iUBi«sr«N*r Huriiri^ton.v i. .• •• A v -i : » .Props 1* --«• and di d« -ign- are i: i:. ■ * * * .• I ;•••. » M »- » ■ _ .SV* air It mhi a i *|i i ; -1 a I«• I I it.-, w r 11! g train. i .111 j >| p -.irp 45 DIAMOND DYES a* il ...... BASIES', be inhih -i ami j iiic*i ia muKimj t k i. r le-- \p* c-i\c fa* !•-- -*|.-!| a- ( lea a I •' \ t- ?-• -•••>! '•» f 1 hi" Hot onlv tnak* It *i*>« ! hut |1 .!-w.rt-. or « •••• cap*- -iik, tin emp.iv outline- aie 1: »• !r :i K 11 y. V irt>. Ii.ni- r.it.r, hi -! ’! M U ‘i \ "i T" y ♦ » he j-" the of 1 < r ‘a: :j. !.• atir.if i- •! in n x I’ ■ j*!if' :rci|. wi no. h -hoi' tram. «lrVelopm*-nl d HI-, par > ami in* *- i". ii* future ■ \ 1 ulh* cut -.nooth n the edge- i- stiij apaeils Avtil l un#kilful •r*t*,o«l»-r# I’ •*< ll nr rk. ■ « i. ii it* r mas Ik* hio.jj t t-* mi k ia t 11 r»’.«■: 1k’*'». ■■■} ... t: : i> : the l« \« ii and :i- it * *. i.... L I gnlafII Vore. at- rut' full I’r. o. n.‘\ ! ! I, ifht. IN »£ > a V -a \ rk u I I l: v It H was l.rj'otr »t ha* ha*l f, uii-i ill- mi .«• 1 net. <•-■ ka r lain wra tac.'c-l to .•ange h!< mu -. huf fine | pal '• *«• *• P.t V v • FfM< 1 vj "t r M *: « ih'cs *■! :iii" act- a iv a-*- -• I*, -i !- : Brothers, }*i.-- •• IHN.ioH Whiting face i- r metinx-s «hos.-n hy wealth'* I author, \ III M. 1 ■* M.o U- .■ 1 r. i..-i ... not inf*« a nt m srm:i-:r. from the National Medical Assoc at ~n. are to *u*-k ra.-h !i>*a. It : * f howav. c, e'jual the soft jsaetic fall p-rmilte*} for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and R- v «• •. ; •-• a y :i».vrth -. ait h* mi j h thi" I* a jr* a: mistake an.I i* PHYSICAL DEBILITY, briar-, ;■* : : J,, , of e’.veh !- Tf ping tulle and it therefore f AmInUM l'hysiciaii* u.av U* c e .!" pm\ocatlVe *»f \icn-U" habit*, *n< i» a* d* :.t;...iy, by cu:I or In j.r*• ri. at th y •"*' R- •• >. : :: ii _• » <- .: far lli« ino-t tVx nt -election. ft -■ t -l hy «px 1 III. I I \ltODV Mhl*l( \l. INsTl 1 11. Ur.I »»•.- : •« I. » v. .1 ami -ilckl other < <*vs" 7-3 *elf-Ml* rvinJ J |'r» Ml! it!;-. II I *• -• > I*i ide-uiaids wear color- that .No. 4 r.ulfiiu h st., Ituntoii. Mu***., "h ad ! MRS. '!< ! t y rr 7 | I group \ t l-5 \N th* la-tier 11a* a :alf it i" airs a is r.J. r» for t R vl{ II UiHoH ir I | ; : In-n « ; well, am! th -ct-m c utia-ts -m h »- ? \ "fl.i !*:■ \< ’o4NEW~C6bDS:b» directed oa abo ve. R“« '• 11 n '• •• hi* h ...... -her trainerr. I*t• popular. worn; Main I .. ■ 1 not lie ro■ —. I men i tn !•■ I ;. ii. v Rock PRICE are cic,- ■ ! h t.. K i- .rt (Chicago, Island & Pacitic and Kan is The Kirghiz among the mo-t I t’t ELLSWORTH ME Chicago, <& I.'.-l uka R-, tlx* fa-hi< nahle of to-dnv i* -n 11 « perfume 11 f 1, ni• • ur*• fr• ■« r M r« id k 1.1:, Its -creative of the Central Asian trite p* V main branches and ext n u ■. I’re- Hi.| V ;_er lines, SI.(Mi. sl.L'.-,. SI.."in. Sl.7.">. >!_’.(mi. Si!..~ii .uni S.‘!.(Mi The image of fie-hm-s and by n »T> or;.- w I;.. i- r. •• U.it: r; ,.r I- I.* .1:- |K-r spring-like K 11 Mil H I' a-- ido.tg,, Joli.-t 1'. pair. over wilolu Russia's dominion extend-, ai. d deb'illUl- January 1-t. !"*:». BV i'i : k. t \g Oti.r.vi, -t IL-.I-sOla Mu- v.:. O’. ... fragiance which it bring- is more \ 1 Vi 1V n-ir.-m.ort, ■, : k up rinii it »: Mins ( t Des 1 hut even among them tiiere are -,gn- >, Moln.-i, Knox--iIlo, Wm-.-r- \ ,.r,■: : TIh'm1 lire realized Middle tun 11 pants made from tin* lu si of stock mill are than by the perfume itself 69th Semi-Annual Financial Statement Bt'irtk 1:1 : H.V.. ■. < ',l-nd of A willing 01111 FOrA-W atci-.'ii-n and ion:-;!- in ;v. w Inch I- a remarkable odor— | progress. correspondent \ a trade at llu* we offer (hem. Have also really and iv tn.-as great price receiv- : n-ov «u I til. pt. Jo.-it*ph, City ML- from< file—asav- \n attempt lias in NE more delightful Ilian any I ever used BRASKA Horton, To] ed our line of Spring iicl’A'"!!, in '- spring heetl made to break the hither- Arrangement KANSA .1.: t ;• .> That it i- I>v tli >-e through 1 r*‘» fully appreciated t it .r-a.-v : r. of r: » to w all of » III di 1880. ,« *•' 'v‘l.f impenetrable prejudice a..- rdmu -ho uu-ihtie of u.tero ( w ho have heen fortunate enough to huv x *p r::mur;’.< excludes female children from all ed 59 Southern N it is shown it- enormous sale which • < >• x... by *F II \K rFulih «»NN I.errit T. ... ueatiomil culture. The wife of a coudt■/ and trana-oceanic Car I am told tar lalor Seaports. exceeds ever by any /. \t ..r bu-'ne*-. I»*M ru»l.i*r 3!, l--v Kirghiz chief named AND distilled. In any case it is well worth C.aiseh-v-kaya SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPRLSS TRAINS Inis overborne all native 1 *•» IMMI ■»«» 141 tried bv those the opposition. Meainhuat Of Palace Court:.' !“ rf.::r all being who know \ Company compet:' >rs In rndo- ... l with the of the govern- l'.xnrv o! accomtnod .non r .11 a and, permission -hroug. k..y k'k.V. value of delicate perfume as the ad- 1>u,''nl°- a A" I •!.! • >W" Sit il.tr 'Mr. IFICt-Mi V- ment, few months ago a < Tn‘?l4P«pSf?»TS§ni'‘,''iI.iAIN *Sa "WALL opened oiiiine.ji .ig :• -r SERI ICE be’ ivnm ■ r PAPER ami o." a fashionable vitur»kty. Mari \,.tt daily .1 r. junct completion •’ 1 1 b* tv.een Chica, H <-.•!. in It.n.lv. u ifli Dm, ■ ->t, Chicago and Kansas pirv school for girl- in the little town of l*| ■(•.'.it .1 ... toilet. n7 h.M Chair Cars WITH Airrut-, '.77 lining FREE and Palai ?!.- g < Irgis. Thus far she lias only succeed- I »<;:*- 1 "i.cti .>...t ■suite "t- k- siono da.i.v. Choice ot t." waists are shown in routes mil •„ -i ! p:-v 'r.i Independent It..i.|- San Ran ed in fifteen girl-, all Angeles, Diego, Pranci -ro. .nd it- -t v. .. \ as to bringing together llartloi'd Bank "t<« k-. connections w such niimlie!' outrival jerseys. BLUEH ILL. prompt and trans-era in Un: .:. To : of w hoin are ol n.itn e Ml- ..- M k "l.H K-. Kvert of fabric is daughters sultans, variety used, fiom < -•! point!.Ml ail.I Kailc.i'l "t« k- ami hut there is reason to that tier THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA TO MATCH. thickest to thinnest. and diversi- hope I.OIH.S. J,.’ Uylill IN) ROUTE BORDERING every « oaiif. < itv a.id \\ at* r It if ) .. ,» will he followed shortly Rune superbly- Exnr- Train. ., ot color and example by ISral I -tat.'. : t equipped n For ( AMI we are selling cracked (OKA and MEAL ty pattern. '•.I.v.d Rock Island, Atchison, St. Jos-pl. Lc.iv [pcf the of similar schools in other l.oan." on ra ► : * There never has been such combina- opening ollaP .922 apolis and St. Paul. The Favorite 1 U« al 1.-1 ale L .aii-, 7 ...'i'hi tut»taiiding I.**--,’21 ,17 27 at iiiti-rv nig .an eg- Itolh v\ a; a ml splendid added -r INVALUABLE coining -ii »u 1 :• .m ! «-t \liierie.m review" ■t 11 11 -u> hrongh I n kets on Uounl. Baggage t heeketl Agent. Color is. this season, an enno- ed ••seizure” ot the National Temper- through A Assimilated Food jcrt», :v>n| tump It- -ntriMit-«l are ••! tin* Total Assets, 5.0KI *4*. 17 Quickly » A I. V IN N I.ict Carter. ance last The lea Hi _• unli-r-it! !:»■ w»rM It 1 vi*- a;,'■rita- AI ''Tl ineralM an tger. Boston 1 roN bling study. Hospital January. Total Paid since Organization Dyspeptics, t. II A" l \\ I LK., I n ami Ktn klain 1. nc-' ! of t 'oiiipanv, #-4,4*3 *3 Agent, Consumptives, I says: “Here are some facts I N "i k Hi 1 V llAf.E Agent. E'l-worth. Convalescents. .1011X 11:*• 1 > Mu- .- an «-\ .1 II Mil, hell. 2d Vice Pre-’t. I for reader of the Rcouines NO COOKING. under laws which she has no voice in ceptlonal opportunity every *.*■> il Itnrdii-k, "ecretarv. SAMPLES BV MAIL, American to seenrt* the E-»ut m. tf2 C’has. h. t-alaear, A.--’t in "eeretarj _____ Keeps All Climates. Mr. During Whittier’s recent birth- framing or changing, before a bench tUgT^ 0 fun fnr oar honk. Tht < 'ark celebration lie was visited and a on which no woman is ■QH ^k WM A fiAj n HI * day among jury per- ** Goods. llHiS -Mm ;S; 'Mi 3gg "fez FA>TS.”mAiI«d to ahj »*ldr»?ws. otliers by Mrs. Julia Houstou West, mitted to serve." \4>lifc* of Foreclosure. MUSIC STORE. D>yard Fancy Doliber-Goodale Co., America’s most celebrated oratorio The shallowest of all arguments 1 A* lle:;r\ M Hall of Klsuorth Han WHEREe.wk county. Maine. I.y hi- m-*il a^«* deed, WKTER SERVICE. S c One Prict j Boston, Mass. After dinner Mrs. West was woman C. C. BURRILL, Strictly singer. against sutlrage is the assertion dated F- iruurv >, i. i» l-T*’., record* I in tin lb _• Agt. I ha\f i.jM-’ud M :-i '•!•■:. in the new || .■ k lTiT.Minn of |i.« -aid II in .1 k 1 :.'v in \ I. asked to and istrv l-’f-r Bio* ,i sing, seating herselt at that no woman to he allowed to k,l; llarh r.n-.-I ar re min'd t*> f■ 1 ri.t \\ I. |. -t;,i.|.jrt; a«1'. ought |W I* ape *2*4.1 .»n\e\pd t«» tlie Hancock ! Mivlnp- in ihi- '< < t.. > peoph* null •' •. x ~ the piano she liegau the beautiful bal- vole the of women wish Rauk of -aid Fili-worfh a ain i*.f or earcel of ELLSWORTH, MAINE. every- aii‘1 '\C v i!! mi '.Uiij,lt i»i;i t majority ui.oe i thing In the nui-o- 1.i!t*. land x*. :th the Imii Imp- thereon in F.::- wMUi Of »••!. < lad of “Robin it as • i Avei.t I..r the h lirat. d «,1 p, Adair,” singing it. 1 and C are all ot them citizens and S ribc*! a- n.l» 1*I\N‘» worth, afore-aid, w ■* Hcox A w hite and ■ t mu Print*}, t Ci* .. u !••, mn .• w '• »" she can with all the aud low-, vi/. I.< pmninp at the m-nliea-t earner organs stand sewing longing heart- and A and B do not IfANGOK •''hines. I' »*> rent tax-payers. R home-:* .el Jot on -tat. -to LINE. anop, Organ- and Machine-* Hr. M Rulsifer's 1 pits. break of the words and inusie in THE STATEMENT OF Sonic g*.*>d bargain-in .-or*.nd hand piano- “■«* Read This! her care to vote.therefore C should oefurbid- theneo vvc.-terlv 1. -aid Rul-ifcr’- line >i\ 1 .1-, THE Comnien-ing \lon«l:iy, i*ee :t|s|, iksm, stea.»ir r- instrument- and marhii m taken e\ei.. -■ l"» then- northeiH fl\ 1 -I- f.. * ctral -tre* t tin 1 will leave Itiiek-port, weather !•>! Bel ui voice. Mte had before den to do so. If A. B and C stand for |M*rm)tUng. ; new. hardly begun | ©asterlv n lb*- -..nth hue of tral street six CONDITIONOF THE UNITED STATES fa-U atn 'eh. Koektaint ai. 1 Bo-ton, M nnlav- ami Mr. Whittier’s came to Mate tin .. -outlier' n at 11 A. M. pet dog into the Asa. Benjamin and Charles, everybody rods street :ifore-aid BRANCH OF THE Thur-ilays ( the weal iin« ul l State str* rials A stock of Violins. room and himself his would call such absurd. KETIKNIM,. good Banjos. | seating by side, reasoning e of bepinninp and contain!, p thirty -•i-.iaiv pin* From Bo-ton. *• MONEY -aid Hail's tiome-tead. lad the Tuewlay- ami Fri'lavs at 1‘ M Sheet IS SCARCE! as r»*d-, tip Guitars, Mandolins, watched her if fascinated, and listen- is it more sensible if the same meaning Music, I < \ »i » Why any W From K.K-klaml, We iue-lav * ami I «»IK l» And I aru to same ■••»ro ev ed to him by -Etui*** r hitmore by >atuniav* going sell goods for the next 30 T> A VB. w a at altfjul ♦. A. M accordingly ed ith delight unusual iu un animal. initials stand for Alice. Barbara and deed dated dull l \ i>. l-b-.n eonled in -aid Rep taurhiii# at all river laml Instruction Books, and Mu- lng». Strings When she finished he came istrv of Heed* fn Vol I T. Rape I>4. Ai.dul erea- and put his Charlotte?— Woman’s Journal. MOUNT sical Merchandise of all kinds. Fine j said mortpape and debt thereby -eenred ua« duly I)E>EKT AND KUENUIIMAN’S BAY — .n-s « •><:;«t^ Hank 1 paw very gravely into iter hand aud a-sipned hi -aid IIsiim Navinp* LINES. A F. Drink water of -aid Ellsworth 1*' '—i-i imported strings for Violin and Ban- licked her cheek. **> Commenefng Momla SETTLING AN OKLAHOMA DIFFI- iiu-nt dated \upu-t 14. I* 1 record* : in -aid .. Dee. :j|-t. *teamer will leave Bar vm ath« Sheet Music and sent Dress takes as a of Heed- in Hook ■>». Rape >7. an HarU.r. r |H*rmitting. a* r..|lmv- jos. Goods “Roliiu that Repistry Strings by & tribute to 3. or >onthvve-t 3_ ,A_. Trimmings, CULTY. vrherea- -aid mortpape • d de’t t crehy -e.-sired llarlmr. -vun'- l-lai -l, i.rn-n’i Mr. i.amnng a ml mail LADIES’ and GEYTS' himself," said Whittier; “lie also was further a-dsrned b\ Julia E. Hrlnkuater. ad- Kix-klaml, onm-eting with -teainer postpaid. MKA \> J HAT SHAWLS, UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY, f..r Boston, ministratrix of the estate of-aid \ F Drink w a- Momlays ami Thur*.la>t at about :> is ‘Robin Adair.’ A I or RsrCan furnish music or mu- ter. to Arthur Drink water and William Drinkvva- upon arrival of -teanier from >orix*nto. any And in fact everything that, can be found in a rtrst-class and the or Dry Fancy Goods Store It was true. That was the [From Chicago Tribune.] ter. minor heir- of -aid A F. Drinkuater. hi a- **orret*t*», WeilneiMlavs ami >atunlav* at will be sold at dog’s 9 aliout 1 I*. M. sic bocks at short notice. The usual , greatly reduced prices. sipnnn rit dated Deccml»er 9. a. 1* 1^2. record' d 8mm mw name, aud he considered that is claim.” of Sateens for 12 1-2 evidently “This my in -aid Kepi sir* of In-ed- iu I took 2iki, Rape ::*cs, NO. 1 case cts. 1 Case RETURN! discount to teachers. — only of Percale. has on the first of I* a* ( IIKAI-KU AT ** was hero of the a and whereas the condition of said mortpape January, 1889, follows: Cochico Print. he the song. From have sweet time From Boston. Tues lav* ami at 51*. M k 1 II Print. “Well.you’ll getting l>een and i- now broken, hi reason of sai«l breach ASSETS. Frblay* «H.OItKKM*t<\l»hNl INVITkO. • » Indigo l-Tom Roeklaml. We.lne-ilay ami that moment, during Mrs. West’s visit, me off it. Do vou know who I sin?" of eoodltion we « *. a fon*cb»6ur»* of said mort- Satumay Kestl Estate, $\ ,.y*i,o<*, no mornings, upon arrival of steamer from Boston KOLT'S IN pape and this notice for that purpose. SHEETING ALL WIDTHS. he was her devoted attendant. He “No.” pive Loans tut Bond and Mortgage, n'hi (Ni rum Sorrento, am' at s A Dated at said Ellsworth. 21*. a t» 1.KJ2 Siouilaya Thursdays April I'. S. Government Bonds, ^1- side when she was the A KTHt'R DRINKWaTKR. 2.WM, 187 50 her indoors •‘I’m Bloody Pete, North Platte State ami kept by William Diunkwatek. City Bonds, 347,7*7 50 ROCKLAND AND ELLSWORTH LINE. w Ca."liin Banks. and her hen she went Terror, with a record of seventeen inen C. their Guardian* 713,134 20 Steamer FRANK M. accompanied 3wl8 Hy Hiram Vauphan, Other admitted Assets, l* withdrawn until opening of naviga- JOY. went 56a,s.>» 71 tion in the of JaHli. lkr<3 STORE out to When she Bar Hr. mum walk. away he You’ll make the eighteenth if you don't spring Harbor, HAMBURGS! ('HAS E. VV EEKs, Agent, Roeklaml. carried her satchel in his mouth to the out in ten seconds.” $6,»>3,811 91 in skip just subacrilier hereby pives publ* notice to all CALVIN AUSTIN, Agent, Bout on. Than at any other Store LIABILITIES: VV ILLlAM II. and saw her with vou don’t know who I am ?” THEeom-erned, that he has been duly appointed HILL, (ieneral .Manager, fioston. From 6 to 12 inches vide for 2d gate, depart every “Perhaps lHtf only cts., just half price. and has taken upon himself the trust of an execu- Unearned Premiums, $2,968,4*4 79 For Sale. the evidence of reluctance and distress. “Naw!” tor of the last will and testament of lienjamin Unpaid I^tsses, 429,119 88 city. A farm In on .Iordan's River, C'rofthv, lute of Aurora. In the county of Han- l*en*etual Polit y L ability, 33H.315 K'» Trenton,bordering IS YOUR Another of which Mrs. West “I’m a member of the Iudiana containing i75 sere* more or le».«, convenientJv THIS CHaNCE! story Leg- cock !>ond ns the law directs; All other Liabilities, 229,:kS4 H deceased, by pivinp divl4ed into feld, ami woodland, with afi (all anti see for is one of the heroines is isla- he therefore reoue-ts all who an* Indebt- surplus, $3.0
