ANO1 Plays a Critical Role in Prostatic Hyperplasia
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COMMENTARY COMMENTARY ANO1 plays a critical role in prostatic hyperplasia Umamaheswar Duvvuria,b,1 which Ano1 is regulated and (ii)whether aDepartment of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; and chloride flux through this channel is re- bVeterans Affairs Pittsburgh Health System, Pittsburgh, PA 15240 quired for the growth-promoting phenotype that is ascribed to ANO1 overexpression. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a trou- phenomenon was ascribed to chloride Cha et al. (2) shed light on these important bling problem that affects many older men transport across the epithelium, which is issues in the context of BPH and prostate worldwide (1). This condition poses a treat- controlled by calcium-activated chloride cell proliferation (Fig. 1). Through an ele- ment challenge because current pharmacologic channels (CaCCs) (see review in ref. 3). gant set of experiments, the authors dem- therapies can have untoward side effects. A The molecular identity of these channels onstrate that ANO1 plays a crucial role in the development and progression of benign better understanding of the pathogenesis of had eluded scientists for several decades prostatic hyperplasia. It is well known that BPH would allow for the development of until the anoctamin family of proteins the prostate gland is sensitive to testoster- novel therapies for this condition. The prostate was described in 2008 (4–6). The identifi- one and its active form dihydrotestosterone gland functions to secrete fluids that nourish cation of Anoctamin 1 (ANO1/ TMEM16A) (DHT). DHT is the active form of testoster- and protect sperm. One of the key mecha- as a bona fide CaCC was met with great in- one that is generated by 5α-reductase. nisms that facilitate fluid secretion is chloride terest. Interestingly, ANO1 is also frequently Therefore, 5α-reductase inhibitors, such as transport. This, therefore, provides a rationale amplified and overexpressed in epithelial can- finasteride, are used to treat BPH. Cha et al. to study molecules that regulate chloride se- cers (7–10). Although it remains unclear as to (2) show that treating prostate cells with cretion in the context of prostate (dys)func- why a CaCC should be overexpressed in ma- DHT in vitro leads to a significant increase tion. In PNAS, Cha et al. (2) elucidate the role lignancies, several studies have investigated in Ano1 protein expression. Importantly, in- of Anoctamin1 (also known as ANO1 or theroleofANO1/TMEM16Ainprocesses hibition of ANO1 using either siRNA or TMEM16A) in the development of prostatic such as renal cyst formation and cancer pro- small-molecule inhibitors abrogated the ef- hyperplasia. gression (11). fects of DHT on cell proliferation. Fluid secretion is a fundamental biologic Despite recent advances in the field, there They subsequently interrogated the mech- process that occurs in all secretory epithe- are still several unanswered questions. We still anism by which DHT induces ANO1 expres- lia. The molecular underpinning of this do not understand (i) the mechanism(s) by sion. Using an ANO1 promoter assay and ChIP, they identified the presence of andro- gen-responsive elements (AREs) within the Ano1 promoter. The authors then went on to show that treatment of prostate cells with DHT for 18–24 h caused an increase in CaCC currents as measured by electrophysiology. These experiments demonstrated that not only was the magnitude of the current larger in treated cells (about sixfold increase) but a greater percentage of cells were responsive to calcium stimulation after DHT treatment (in- creased by sixfold). These data suggest that DHT treatment leads to the production of functional ANO1 that acts as a CaCC via reg- ulation of ANO1 transcription. To ascertain the biological consequence of these observations, the authors used an established model of BPH. Male rats were first subjected to castration and then treated with exogenous testosterone, which led to a consistent effect of prostatic hyperplasia. Author contributions: U.D. wrote the paper. Fig. 1. Model describing the role of Ano1 in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Testosterone is converted to the The author declares no conflict of interest. active DHT and subsequently interacts with the androgen receptor. AREs in the Ano1 promoter lead to increased Ano1 expression, and eventually greater expression of functional channels. There is subsequent activation of AKT and cell See companion article 10.1073/pnas.1423827112. proliferation. The exact role of chloride ion flux through the channel still remains unclear. 1Email: [email protected]. PNAS Early Edition | 1of2 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Ano1 expression was increased in the hyper- BPH, by implicating ANO1 as a key modulator it is difficult to extrapolate data using these plastic glands compared with vehicle-treated of prostatic cell growth and response to testos- pharmacologic inhibitors, to conclude that controls, recapitulating the in vitro observa- terone. Previous studies have investigated the chloride flux is the mechanism by which tion. Similarly, the authors observed increased role of ANO1 in cancer cell lines, and therefore ANO1 regulates cell proliferation. In fact, ANO1 expression in 51% of BPH tissue cores in the context of genetically instability. This is it is possible that the main mechanism by on a tissue array. They further went on to the first study (to my knowledge) to investigate which these inhibitors retard cell growth is investigate the expression in whole tissue sec- the role of ANO1 in benign cell proliferation, by enhancing the degradation of protein. A tions obtained from patients undergoing sur- suggesting that ANO1 expression alone may be detailed understanding of ANO1 biochemistry gery for BPH, finding that 75% (six of eight) sufficient to induce cell proliferation. would help to delineate the mechanisms that of tissues express ANO1. Taken together, The results of this study will undoubtedly regulate ANO1 stability and membrane inser- these data bolster the argument that ANO1 stimulate future experiments to further char- tion. Recent studies have shown that ANO1 plays a crucial role in BPH. acterize the reported findings. As the authors interacts with several membrane-associated The next important question is whether discuss, there are several questions raised by proteins including IP3R, CAMK, EGFR, and ANO1 can serve as a viable therapeutic target this study that remain unanswered. For the cytoskeletal ezrin–radixin–moesin proteins in BPH. To address this question, the authors example, how exactly does Ano1 promote (13, 17, 18). It is not out of the realm of pos- treated animals undergoing chronic testoster- cell proliferation? sibility that Ano1 exerts its progrowth effect by one exposure with siRNA targeting ANO1. ANO1 was identified through high-reso- potentiating the signaling effect of receptor ty- ANO1 knockdown almost completely abro- lution sequencing and in silico analysis of rosine kinases, such as EGFR. gated prostate growth induced by testoster- the 11q13 amplicon from oral cancer cells As the authors discuss, CaCC activation one treatment, suggesting that testosterone- (7, 14). Since that time, gene amplification can affect cell volume and/or membrane induced ANO1 expression was crucial for the has been considered to be the major mecha- depolarization. These phenomena could in development and progression of BPH. In- nism that regulates ANO1 expression. Cha turn impact RTK signaling and provide a terestingly, the effect of ANO1 knockdown et al. (2) now provide evidence that gene mechanism by which Ano1 induced AKT on reducing prostate size was comparable to transcription can be regulated by extracellular activation. Further work is clearly needed to that of finasteride (a commonly used clinical signals and therefore provide new insights dissect these molecular mechanisms. treatment for BPH). into the mechanism of gene regulation. Con- Cha et al. (2) clearly implicate ANO1 as a Small-molecule inhibitors against ANO1, tinued work is needed to elucidate the path- crucial player in prostate cell growth and im- when delivered to these animals, also reversed ways involved in the regulation of ANO1 plicate Ano1 as a potential therapeutic target. the hyperplastic phenotype. However, due to transcription, translation, and trafficking. These data may eventually be generalized to the lack of pharmacodynamic/kinetic data for The effects of small-molecule inhibitors other hyperproliferative pathologies including these tool compounds, the drugs were de- against ANO1 to prevent testosterone-induced cancer. There is now a need to develop clin- livered via stereotactic injection into the pros- BPH suggest that chloride flux through ically relevant small molecules that can in- tate gland. This is not yet clinically translatable. ANO1 is required for the observed pheno- hibit ANO1 for potential translation into However, these data further suggest that type. However, these data should be inter- the clinical setting. inhibiting the chloride transport function preted with caution. The specificity of these of Ano1 may have therapeutic benefit in chloride channel inhibitors remains unclear ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work was funded in part by ameliorating prostatic hyperplasia. (15). Furthermore, treatment with ANO1 in- the Department of Veterans Affairs Biomedical Laboratory Ano1 Research and Development (BLR&D), the PNC Foundation, Elevated expression has been de- hibitors leads to a reduction in