Trump Aumentan las defiende a muertes por “La Migra” sobredosis PasePase aa lala páginapágina B6B6 PasePase aa lala páginapágina B5B5


NORTHROP GRUMMAN OPENS NEW FACILITY IN OXNARD (805) 483-1008 CON MÁS DE 34 AÑOS SIRVIENDO A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD PleasePlease seesee pagepage B1B1 AÑOVida XXXV PERIÓDICO VIDA, AGOSTO 23, DEL 2018 NUMERO 1801 Arrestado por asesinato de su propio hermano VÍCTIMAS DE PEDERASTAS El 6 de abril de 2017, la policía ABUSE VICTIMS’ OUTCRY respondió a un llamado de auxilio a una casa en la cuadra 2200 de Marco Drive en Camarillo, en re- Pope Francis on Monday ferencia a un apuñalamiento. Los released a letter address- detectives de la Ofi cina de Delitos ing recent revelations of Mayores del Alguacil también res- a decades-long clerical pondieron y asumieron el control sexual abuse scandal in de la investigación. the northeastern United La investigación preliminar States, in which he said reveló que supuestamente dos that the outcry of victims hermanos, Luis Aceves y Gilbert was more powerful than Aceves, estuvieron involucrados all the measures meant to Luis Aceves Pase a la página A2 silence them. The pontiff said in his missive addressed “to the people of God” that no effort must be spared to Pena de muerte para prevent future cases of Please see page B2

La Corte Suprema de Pensilvania publicó un reporte que documenta 300 supuestos casos de “sacerdotes depredadores” sexuales en seis asesino de padre e hija de las ocho diócesis del estado, tras investigar denuncias de abusos de menores, y en el que identi ca a 1,000 menores como víctimas. La Corte Suprema de Arizona rridos en la población de Arivaca, “Cuando tenía 10 años llegó explica John Delaney, una de las nia publicó esta semana un reporte tras investigar denuncias de mantuvo la pena de muerte para en la frontera de este estado. a la parroquia y comenzó con víctimas de los abusos de curas de de un gran jurado que documenta abusos de menores, y en el Jason Bush, quien en 2009 partici- La corte rechazó así los argu- los tocamientos, a los 11 ya me la Iglesia católica, desvelados en 300 supuestos casos de “sacerdo- que identifi ca a 1,000 menores pó en los asesinatos de un hombre mentos de la defensa de Bush, que había violado (...) Destrozó mi un escalofriante informe. tes depredadores” sexuales en seis como víctimas desde 1940. hispano y de su hija de 9 años ocu- Pase a la página A2 alma y se llevó mi infancia”, La Corte Suprema de Pensilva- de las ocho diócesis del estado, Pase a la página A8 Policía de Oxnard busca aportes Oxnard Police seeks input sobre órdenes anti pandillas on gang injunctions En un esfuerzo por obtener la opinión El tema del futuro de los dos man- In an effort to get input from Oxnard two gang injunctions came to the com- de los residentes de Oxnard sobre 2 datos anti pandillas de la Ciudad llegó residents about two gang injunctions, mission’s agenda after the City Council órdenes judiciales anti pandillas, el De- a la agenda de la Comisión después de the Oxnard Police Department made a decided not to vote on a proposed ordi- partamento de Policía de Oxnard hizo que el Concejo Municipal en julio de- presentation before the Oxnard Commu- nance that would establish administrative una presentación ante la Comisión de cidió no votar sobre una propuesta de nity Relations Commission last Monday hearings to determine an individual’s Relaciones Comunitarias de Oxnard el ordenanza que establecería audiencias at 6 pm. gang involvement in July. lunes pasado. Pase a la página A3 OPD Chief Scott Whitney The issue of the future of the city’s Please see page B1 Gobierno busca a líder de cártel This Labor Day, and every day: Las autoridades mexicanas buscan para lograr su detención. Conside- en el estado de Jalisco a Rubén Ose- ramos que podría estar en Jalisco”, guera Cervantes, alias “el Mencho” y indicó el subprocurador Jurídico y de líder del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Gene- Asuntos Internacionales de la Procura- Drive sober or get pulled over ración (CJNG), el más poderoso del duría General de la República (PGR, país, informó el fi scal en funciones, fi scalía) y fi scal en funciones. As we enter the fi nal stretch the importance of celebrating re- Department is participating in a Alberto Elías. En declaraciones a Radio Fórmula, of summer spending time at the sponsibly by not driving or riding high-visibility national enforce- El Mencho “no está totalmente Elías explicó que el CJNG es el prin- pool or barbequing with friends a motorcycle impaired. ment campaign, Drive Sober or localizado; si lo estuviera, ya estaría cipal cártel del país porque es el que and family, the Oxnard Police From August 17 through Sep- Get Pulled Over. During this detenido, pero estamos acercándonos El Mencho Pase a la página A4 Department is driving home tember 3, the Oxnard Police Please see page B3 Página A2 PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18

ción de que Luis había regresadó horas, Luis fue localizado por bajo rejas. a Camarillo por razones aún detectives del sheriff en el área de Luis Aceves compareció en el desconocidas para los investiga- Las Posas Road y Arneill Road Tribunal Superior del Condado Arrestado por asesinato... dores. El 13 de agosto de 2018, en Camarillo. Luis fue arrestado de Ventura y su juicio continuará Viene de la página A1 no fueron graves y fue dado de de King para continuar la investi- aproximadamente a las 11:15 por la orden mencionada y puesto el 28 de agosto de 2018. en un altercado físico donde Gil- alta del hospital a la mañana gación. Los detectives fi nalmente bert sufrio múltiples heridas con siguiente. obtuvieron evidencia sufi ciente un cuchillo. El incidente ocurrió Durante los meses siguientes, para mostrar cómo el homicidio dentro de la casa de la familia y la policía siguió investigando el fue un asesinato con premedita- no hubo testigos presentes. incidente y recolectando pruebas ción por parte de Luis. Gilbert fue transportado inme- relacionadas con el homicidio. En agosto de 2018, el caso fue diatamente por ambulancia al Las actividades de Luis también presentado a la Ofi cina del Fiscal Hospital Los Robles para salvarle fueron monitoreadas de cerca du- de Distrito del Condado de Ven- la vida. Gilbert fue declarado rante el curso de la investigación tura para presentar cargos crimi- muerto poco después de su llega- y se descubrió que varios meses nales. Posteriormente, se emitió da a la sala de emergencias. Luis después del homicidio, se mudó una orden de arresto por felonía también sufrió heridas durante a Federal Way, en el estado de en contra de Luis por asesinato, el incidente y fue transportado Washington. con un cargo adicional por usar a otro hospital local para recibir En abril de 2018, los Detectives un arma mortal. Se le fi jo una tratamiento. Las lesiones de Luis de Delitos Mayores viajaron a fi anza por $ 3,000,000.00. Washington y trabajaron con la El 12 de agosto de 2018, los Ofi cina del Sheriff del Condado detectives obtuvieron informa-

VIDA Newspaper P.O. BOX 427 Pena de muerte para... OXNARD, CA 93032 Viene de la página A1 ban al narcotráfi co para poder Phone (805) 483-1008 alegó que Bush no tuvo un juicio financiar sus operaciones de Fax (805) 483-6233 justo ya que no consideraron sus vigilancia en la frontera. Lic. Manuel M. Muñoz problemas mentales y su pasado Forde reclutó a Bush y a un problemático al momento de Publisher/Director tercer involucrado, identifi cado sentenciarlo. como Albert Gaxiola para este Colaboradores: En su decisión, que no fue uná- propósito. El blanco del grupo Luis Hernández nime, la Corte Suprema también fue la familia de Raúl Flores. Carlos García mantuvo el veredicto de culpabi- Con armas y haciéndose pasar Ross R. Olney lidad en contra de Bush, quien en por agentes de la Patrulla Fron- Donna Davis ese entones era parte del Cuerpo teriza, los tres entraron a la vi- de Defensa Civil Minuteman, vienda del hispano y asesinaron Vida Newspaper is a total independent commu- nity newspaper published, by Vida Publications, una milicia civil integrada por a tiros a Flores y su hija Brísenla, every Thursday morning. hombres fuertemente armados de solo nueve años. Vida Newspaper is a legally adjudicated newspa- que vigilaban la frontera de per of general circulation for the City of Oxnard, La única sobreviviente del the County of Ventura and the Judicial District of Arizona y alertaban a la Patrulla ataque fue Gina Flores, madre SOLO PARA INTELIGENTES the Superior Court of Ventura County. Fronteriza sobre la presencia de de la menor a quien también Serving this community since September 1983. SOPA DE LETRAS Reproduction or use without permission of grupos de inmigrantes indocu- trataron de asesinar, pero quien 182 editorial or graphic content in any manner is mentados. pudo defenderse disparando e prohibited. Derechos reservados. La reproducción parcial o De acuerdo a la Fiscalía, Bush hiriendo a Bush. total de este periódico esta prohibida. El Periódi- formó parte de un plan organiza- Forde y Bush fueron sentencia- Adriana co Vida, no se responsabiliza por los artículos o columnas publicadas en este periódico, siendo do por Shawna Forde, fundadora dos a la pena de muerte, mientras Alicia responsabilidad total de su autor. de esa milicia, que pretendía que Gaxiola fue sentenciado con Berta Vida Newspaper, assumes no responsibility for articles written by writers or columnists robar a personas que se dedica- dos cadenas perpetuas. Carla appearing in Vida Newspaper. El Periódico Vida, no se responsabiliza por Cristina los anuncios o publicidad publicada en este periódico, ni se responsabiliza por la de la vera- Diana cidad de estos, siendo responsabilidad total del Elvira anunciante. Asi mismo se reserva el derecho de corregir o privarse de publicar informacion que Gloria afecta el contenido de la publicacion. Las opiniones vertidas son exclusivas de su Inés autor y no necesariamente refl ejan las opiniones de este periódico. Isabel Vida Newspaper, assumes no responsibility Julia for representations, warranties or offers made by individuals, companies, and entities in Laura publicity and paid advertisements appearing in Vida Newspaper, and makes no representations Lorena regarding the veracity thereof. Vida Newspaper, Lucía reserves the right to correct or refuse to publish information which could affect the content of Matilde this publication. Noelia Olivia Penélope /vida.newspaper Raquel Teresa Visite nuestra página web en BUSCÁ EL PERIÓDICO Busque las palabras de derecha a izquierda; de izquierda a derecha; arriba a abajo; de VIDA abajo hacia arriba y en forma diagonal. PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18 Página A3 bajo rejas. las preocupaciones de cada parte rescatamos y ayudamos a miles Whitney dijo que reciente- Luis Aceves compareció en el y encontrar soluciones. Vázquez de estos jovenes durante esos mente vio un video de un asalto Tribunal Superior del Condado aplaudió la oportunidad de discu- años con el Programa KAYS en el relacionado con pandillas fuera de Ventura y su juicio continuaráLa policía de Oxnard busca... tir los requerimientos, algo que centro de Oxnard”, dijo Vázquez. de Little Ceasars Pizza, 1450 el 28 de agosto de 2018. Viene de la página A1 judicial “, dijo el Sub-Jefe de de Oxnard y vi, también como se él y otros en CORE han estado Una madre de familia, sugirió Doris Ave. El asalto involucró administrativas para determinar Policia Eric S. Sonstegard a la aprobó, no quiero que eso vuelva peleando desde el principio. “Ne- durante la reunión pública que se a dos grupos de pandilleros que si alguien es pandillero o no. Comisión de Relaciones Comu- a ocurrir “. cesitamos poner dinero en pro- ofrezca alguna orientación a los iban en direcciones opuestas en el Alrededor de 40 personas asis- nitarias y a la audiencia. El debate se centró en si las gramas comunitarios que ayuden padres sobre jóvenes en riesgo callejón cerca del estacionamien- tieron a la reunión regular de la El proceso ha sido criticado por órdenes anti pandillas siguen a nuestros jóvenes a salir de las y estrategias para hablar con su to y después de algunos segundos Comisión de siete personas para los miembros de CORE Armando siendo necesarias o deseadas en pandillas o evitar que caigan en hijo, antes de que los miembros de pelearse entre si, uno de los escuchar las presentaciones del Vázquez y otros. Esos mismos la comunidad. “Cuando le infor- ellas. Administramos un progra- de pandillas hablen con ellos miembros de la pandilla sacó un Departamento de Policía de Ox- críticos también han dicho que las mamos a nuestra comunidad que ma para ayudar a los jóvenes en y proporcionen a estos su guía cuchillo y cuatro jóvenes fueron nard y su contraparte del grupo ordenes anti padillas se dirigen ya no íbamos a hacer cumplir riesgo durante más de 20 años y equivocada. apuñalados. activista comunitario Chiques injustamente a las minorías. “No los mandamientos, recibimos Organizando por los Derechos e estamos aquí para defender a los muchas llamadas de residentes Igualdad CORE. delincuentes, estamos aquí para preocupados que decían que te- Oxnard aprobó medidas contra asegurarnos de que el debido pro- nían miedo de salir de sus casas TRABAJO Colonia Chiques y Southside ceso se lleve a cabo y que algunos y que deberíamos seguir tratando Chiques en 2004 y 2005. Según miembros de nuestra comunidad de enforzar y hacer cumplir las la OPD, el crimen se ha reducido no sean discriminados o no se órdenes. Estos mandatos son solo drásticamente. En abril de 2017, basen en el color, la apariencia o una de las muchas herramientas las decisiones judiciales inicial- el vestido”, dijo Francisco Rome- que tenemos para reprimir el cri- mente indujeron a la policía a ro, activista local, organizador y men en nuestra ciudad y estamos enviar cartas a los enumerados en miembro de CORE. buscando más para que nuestros el grupo de pandilleros registra- La profesora de Oxnard Colle- residentes se sientan seguros, dos, informándoles de su derecho ge, Deborah DeVries, miembro al ir a los parques, caminar por a impugnarla. Solo unos pocos de CORE, dijo que Oxnard mere- las calles y seguir con sus acti- respondieron y esos desafíos ce paz y una solución alternativa vidades cotidianas sin miedo,” continúan siendo peleados en el al crimen en Oxnard. dijo el jefe de policía de Oxnard, Tribunal Superior del Condado El profesor Frank P. Barajas de Scott Whitney, a la comisión y al de Ventura. la Universidad Estatal de Califor- público. “No tengo ningún inte- “No todos los miembros de nia Channel Islands y miembro rés en imponer algo en nuestra pandillas están incluidos en el de CORE dijo durante la reunión comunidad cuando no lo quieren, mandato judicial. Somos muy pública: “Estamos aquí para ase- pero la mayoría de la gente a la selectivos sobre a quiénes inclui- gurarnos de que Oxnard respete que preguntamos quieren estos mos en estos mandamientos. Solo la constitución y los derechos de mandatos anti pandilleriles”, dijo el núcleo duro, los muy violentos todos los residentes de Oxnard. Whitney. y los que son más propensos a Estas ordenes anti pandillas son La policía, los críticos y los dañar a los miembros de nuestra anticonstitucionales y violan los comisionados dijeron durante comunidad. Hay más de 3000 derechos de las personas. Hace la reunión que todas las partes miembros de pandillas en Oxnard 14 años vi cómo se presentó bru- estaban dispuestas a comenzar y solo tenemos 368 en la orden talmente al Concejo Municipal un diálogo abierto para escuchar Página A4 PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18

presentada en un dúo con Ricardo Arjona en la canción llamada “Ni Paquita La Del Barrio se Tu Ni Yo” en su álbum de 2008 “5to Piso.” También ha actuado en el popular programa de Premios Latino “Premios Lo Nuestro” y en el “Somos El Mundo”, que era presenta en Chumash Casino la versión en español de “We Are The World”. La cantante de música latina No se pierda la oportunidad de Paquita La Del Barrio, cuyas can- ver a esta fi gura cantante cuando ciones populares en contra de los suba al escenario en uno de los hombres y defensa de las mujeres, lugares de música más populares se presentara en un concierto en el en el condado de Santa Bárbara. Samala Showroom de Chumash Ubicado en la autopista 246 en Casino Resort a las 8 p.m. el vier- Santa Ynez, California, el Chu- nes 14 de septiembre de 2018. Las mash Casino Resort es un lugar Por: Kami Nando entradas para el concierto cuestan para mayores de 21 años. Las en- $49, $54, $59, $69 y $79. tradas para todos los eventos están El 14 de septiembre, es proba- disponibles en el Club Indulge del A LOS DE OXNARD ble que los hombres que asisten Chumash Casino Resort o en línea Espero y se estén in formando muy bien porque ahorita se esta a Samala Showroom escuchen en debatiendo si se pone en acción la Gang Injunction o sea una la siguiente pregunta: “¿Me es- acción contra las pandillas de Oxnacuaro. Esa orden se dejo de tás oyendo, inútil?” que capta la esforzar y ahora la quieren poner de nuevo porque según que bajo esencia de la cantante ranchera mucho el crimen. Esa orden dicen los que saben es para que los mexicana Paquita La Del Barrio CHISTE pandilleros no se junten para cometer crímenes. entre las audiencias femeninas. Sus canciones son tocadas en las Entra un hombre a la sala de A LOS QUE VOTAN consolas de los clubes y cantinas cuidados intensivos de un Ya dijeron las autoridades que en noviembre de este año tendre- mexicanas, y por lo general toman hospital, ve que casi todos los mos elecciones en todo el condado y ahorita andas los candidatos una postura en contra de la cultura pacientes están conectados a hechos las mocha pidiendo el voto a la gente. Lo malo es que los sexista de México, especialmente diferentes aparatos respirato- canijos nomas ganan y se olvidan de la gente y de las promesas la canción “Rata De Dos Patas”. rios, y dice: que hicieron durante la campaña. Es por eso muy importante En la canción, usa una rata como votar y luego exigir a los que ganen que cumplan sus promesas. metáfora para un hombre, y se - A ver todos, respiren profun- rumorea que fue inspirada por su do. primer marido. (El matrimonio -Ah, usted debe ser el nuevo terminó cuando ella descubrió su doctor ¿Verdad? -pregunta uno infi delidad). de los enfermos. Paquita La Del Barrio nació -No, yo soy el electricista y voy con el nombre de Francisca Vi- Paquita La Del Barrio a cambiar los fusibles... veros Barradas en Alto Lucero, Veracruz en 1947. Comenzó su carrera como cantante en 1970 en la Ciudad de México, pero su primer álbum “Mi Renuncia” no fue lanzado hasta 1988. Ella de- mostró que es capaz de cantar con sus contrapartes masculinos al ser

A LOS QUE TIENEN PIOJOS Gobierno Tiene que andar con mucho cuidado y sobre todo ser muy limpios y más las mujeres de pelo suelto, porque dicen los que saben que anda una plaga de piojos súper fuertes. Lo peor de todo es que esos piojos son súper fuertes, ya hasta los llaman súper piojos busca... porque no los matan casi ni los balazos. El problema es a nivel nacional y se teme más ahora que los estudiantes están por regre- Viene de la página A1 genera más violencia. sar a clases, que es donde más se pegan estos bichos. Dicen los “Es el único cártel que se con- científi cos que ocurrió una mutación en los piojos y que ahora sidera en México que está ope- son más resistentes que las mismas cucarachas que ni una bomba rando; los demás son células de atómica acaba con ellas. otras organizaciones que se han A LOS MENTIROSO venido debilitando con el tiempo”, Más vale que dejen de decir mentiras, porque recuerden el viejo agregó. refran: “La mentira dura hasta que la verdad aparece”, no les valla Esta semana, la PGR anunció un a ocurrir como a los nadadores americanos que compitieron en las aumento de la recompensa para in- Olimpiadas Rio 2016, que dijeron que los asaltaron en Brasil y formación que lleve a la detención luego resulto que fueron puras mentiras para ocultar un desmadre de este capo, al pasar de 2 millones y destrucción que hicieron ellos en un establecimiento. de pesos (unos 105,200 dólares) a 30 millones de pesos (unos 1.6 A LOS QUE ESTAN EN LA CÁRCEL millones de dólares). Ya dijeron los que saben, que el gobierno americano dejará de usar “Es muy importante la captura cárceles privadas para encarcelar a la gente porque según, como de este tipo, y es la misma recom- las cárceles son negocio privado, los dueños de ellas buscan la pensa que en otro momento se manera de poner más leyes para que más gente caiga en el bote y ofrecía por ‘el Chapo’ Guzmán”, así ganar más feria. Con el Trump como presidente yo dudo que indicó el funcionario. eso sea cierto porque ahora meten a más gente en el bote. Estados Por ello, indicó que las autorida- Unidos es el país que más gente pone en la cárcel a nivel mundial. des mexicanas trabajan arduamen- te para dar “golpes contundentes” y debilitar este cártel. Esta semana fallecieron dos civiles en un enfrentamiento en- tre militares y hombres armados en una carretera en los límites de los estados de Jalisco y de Gua- najuato. Derivado de este choque, se incendió al menos un camión para evitar que las fuerzas de seguridad pudieran avanzar. Una acción que se conoce como narcobloqueo. Asimismo, el fi scal de Distrito Fronterizo Sierra del suroriental estado de Chiapas, Javier López, anunció este jueves la detención de 48 sujetos presuntamente re- lacionados con este cártel que se dirigían a Guatemala. “Este grupo delictivo no se en- cuentra operando ni establecido en el estado de Chiapas”, agregó. Treinta y ocho de ellos fueron detenidos en Frontera Comalapa, en los límites con Guatemala, con dos vehículos y 84 cartuchos, y otros 10 hombres fueron arres- tados en la capital estatal, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, con armas de fuego y 75 cartuchos. PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18 Página A5 presentada en un dúo con Ricardo Arjona en la canción llamada “Ni Tu Ni Yo” en su álbum de 2008 “5to Piso.” También ha actuado en el popular programa de Premios Latino “Premios Lo Nuestro” y en el “Somos El Mundo”, que era la versión en español de “We Are The World”. No se pierda la oportunidad de ver a esta figura cantante cuando suba al escenario en uno de los lugares de música más populares en el condado de Santa Bárbara. Ubicado en la autopista 246 en Santa Ynez, California, el Chu- mash Casino Resort es un lugar para mayores de 21 años. Las en- tradas para todos los eventos están disponibles en el Club Indulge del Chumash Casino Resort o en línea en

Entra un hombre a la sala de cuidados intensivos de un hospital, ve que casi todos los pacientes están conectados a diferentes aparatos respirato- rios, y dice: - A ver todos, respiren profun- do. -Ah, usted debe ser el nuevo doctor ¿Verdad? -pregunta uno de los enfermos. -No, yo soy el electricista y voy a cambiar los fusibles... Página A6 PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18

pero lamentablemente pensó que de maquillaje. Nuevamente la tenía tiempo de hacerlo, y no fue estrella mexicana compartió una así”. Por su parte, Joao Gabriel selfi e completamente al natural, asegura que él buscó a su medio con sus seguidores para festejar hermano Iván después de la muer- el inicio de la semana. Sin una te de su padre, pero que nunca gota de maquillaje y con el pelo obtuvo respuesta, y dijo: “Yo creo mojado, la foto de la actriz recibió TACO DE OJO PARA LOS HOMBRES LO BAJARON DEL AVIÓN POR CUETE que un día será necesario hablar miles de ‘likes’ y comentários de todo lo que pasó”. sobre su belleza. La bella y sensual Salma Ha- Bueno mi querida raza de bron- yek no le teme a las cámaras, ce, me afi lo las aletas y los espero ni cuando no está maquillada y la próxima semana con su colum- arreglada, no como otras vieja nota favorita, para traerles mas que primero muertas antes de chimes de las estrellas y de uno verse en publico sin la mascara que otro baboso estrellado.

Aracely Arámbula ya informo que podría incorporarse a la narco Alejandro Fernández podría ingresar a una clínica de rehabilitación. serie: El Señor de los Cielos. CHABELO DICE QUE NO YA SACÓ LAS UÑAS

Xavier López ‘Chabelo’ niega lo declarado por Verónica Castro. Consuelo Rosales y su hijo Joao Gabriel, hijo de Juan Gabriel, impugnarán el testamento del cantautor. Por "El Tiburon" Mata ‘El Señor de los Cielos’, con el fi n de que si Rafael Amaya ya no ¡Que pachocha tan escasa mi puede regresar a grabar, la histo- NO LE TEME A LAS CÁMARAS querida raza! ¿Cómo anillo las ria gire en torno al personaje que cosas? ¿Como les fue de fi n de interpreta Arámbula. Desde que semana? Yo como siempre, tra- ‘Aurelio Casillas’ dejó de apare- tando de sobrevivir después de cer muchos fans de la narco serie un activo fi n de semana. El vier- han estado muy inconformes, y nes me fui a ver una exhibición Telemundo teme perder raiting, de arte, y entre arte y amolarte, por lo que recurrió a la bella Chule acabé rendididisisisisimo y ahora para que el público no abandone me estoy echando unos cocteles a esta historia. de ostiones con camarones para El ruqito chillón Xavier López recargar el rifl e. Por cierto que ‘Chabelo’ niega lo declarado por estos días ando bien quemado Verónica Castro, y asegura nunca del sol, y es que últimamente me haberla ofendido, ni a ella ni a ha dado por andar playando, con nadie. En una entrevista Verónica Salma Hayek no le teme a las cámaras, ni cuando no está estos mendigos calores que nos reveló que cuando se embarazó maquillada y arreglada. han azotado estos días, pero eso de su hijo Cristian, ella era ede- si, me ando echando unos tacazos cán en el programa de Chabelo, del paciente. Se llevó toda la in- sus bienes a una sola persona, y de ojo con el viejerio que usa unas y que cuando le dijo que estaba formación y fotos de los lugares menos sabiendo cómo es Iván”. tanguitas que caben en una cajita panzona, él le dijo: “¿Cómo que visitados, así como una revista La mujer asegura que el artista iba de cerillos de tan chiquitas y que estás embarazada? Pendeja”. Sin de la Asociación de Alcohólicos a poner en orden todas sus cosas, no dejan nadita a la imaginación. embargo, el actor dice que eso Anónimos, según los que sa- Me cae, que bonitas son las mu- nunca sucedió: “Yo creo que hay ben. El más reciente escándalo jeres ajua. Pero como dice “El una equivocación. Yo nunca me que protagonizó Alejandro, fue Chief” a lo que te truje chencha, expreso así de ninguna mujer, ni durante un vuelo comercial de no sea que me castigue el cheque de ninguna persona. La verdad yo Aeroméxico que se dirigía de otra vez por hocicón jajajajajaaa. no me acuerdo. No creo haberle CDMX a Guadalajara, mostrando Ahora si los machos podremos dicho ninguna mala palabra ni ha- un video del accidente ocurrido en echarnos un buen taco de ojo con cer ningún mal comentario de eso. Durango, tratando de crear pánico la buenota Aracely Arámbula ya Nunca he sido capaz de criticar a entre los pasajeros diciéndoles que se informo que podría incor- una persona, y mucho menos con que eso mismo les podría pasar, porarse a la nueva etapa de la nar- malas palabras”. por lo que fue obligado a bajar co serie ‘El Señor de los Cielos’, El que salió como el frijol vallo, del avión junto a su novia Karla para llenar el hueco dejado por bien bue no pal pedo, es Alejan- Laveaga. Rafael Amaya y ‘Aurelio Casi- dro Fernández ya que las malas La que ya se cargo la pilas es llas’. Dicen los que saben que la lenguas han dicho que podría Consuelo Rosales y su hijo Joao buenota y bella actriz publicó un ingresar a una clínica de rehabi- Gabriel, hijo de Juan Gabriel, video en el que está con el actor litación, tras varios escándalos ya que según las malas lenguas Matías Novoa, quien tomara el que ha protagonizado en estado impugnarán el testamento del lugar de Amaya con su personaje alcohólico. Carlos de la Torre, cantautor, pues creen que podría de ‘El Águila Azul’, hermano de representante del Potrillo, visitó ser falso. Según Rosales, hay mu- ‘Aurelio Castillas’. Aracely ade- personalmente las instalaciones chos motivos para pensar que ese lanta que su personaje de ‘Alta- de algunas clínicas especializadas testamento es falso: “Yo conocí y gracia’ llamada ‘La Doña’, tendrá para dar terapias a adictos, por conviví con Juan Gabriel, y él no una importante intervención en supuesto que sin decir el nombre pudo haber decidido dejar todos PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18 Página A7

El Departamento de Policía de de conducir una motocicleta. sobrio. de maquillaje. Nuevamente la Oxnard mostrará tolerancia cero Hay tantas opciones para llegar • Use el transporte público o un estrella mexicana compartió una para conductores que tomen alco- a casa de forma segura. No hay servicio de viaje compartido para selfie completamente al natural, Este Día del Trabajo, y todos los días: hol o consuman drogas y se une a excusa para ponerse detrás del llegar a casa. con sus seguidores para festejar los esfuerzos de la Oficina de Se- volante cuando está discapacitado. • ¿Tiene un amigo o un fami- el inicio de la semana. Sin una guridad Vial de California (OTS) Para evitar un DUI y poner en liar que está a punto de conducir gota de maquillaje y con el pelo para educar a los conductores que peligro a otros y a usted mismo, medio tomado o con un disca- mojado, la foto de la actriz recibió “DUI no solo significa alcohol”. el Departamento de Policía de pacidad? Quite las llaves y haga miles de ‘likes’ y comentários Conduzca sobrio o será arrestado Si toma medicamentos recetados, Oxnard tiene algunos consejos arreglos para que lleguen a casa sobre su belleza. es posible que esté incapacitado para mantenerse a salvo en las de manera segura. Bueno mi querida raza de bron- para manejar y podrá recibir un carreteras: • Reporte a los conductores ce, me afilo las aletas y los espero DUI. La marihuana también puede • Siempre designe un conductor ebrios: llame al 911. la próxima semana con su colum- ser perjudicial y provocar un DUI, nota favorita, para traerles mas especialmente en combinación chimes de las estrellas y de uno con alcohol u otras drogas. que otro baboso estrellado. En los diez años transcurridos entre 2005 y 2015, el porcentaje de conductores en choques fatales con una droga o alcohol en su sistema ha aumentado del 26.2 por ciento al 42.6 por ciento. Ya en 2012, una encuesta en las ca- rretera en California mostró que más conductores daban positivo por drogas que pueden perjudicar el manejo (14 por ciento) que las causadas por el alcohol (7.3 por ciento). Durante esta campaña nacional de aplicación de la ley, también habrá un aumento de los mensajes nacionales sobre los peligros de manejar de personas con disca- El fin de semana festivo del Día del Trabajo, que es uno de los tiempos con más muertes del pacidad, que combinado con la año, un tercio de todas las muertes en accidentes de tráfico involucran conductores ebrios. aplicación, tiene como objetivo re- A medida que entramos a la andar en estado de discapacidad, tráfico involucrado en el consumo ducir drásticamente la conducción última parte del verano para pasar será detenido y arrestado. de alcohol. Tristemente, un tercio de personas ebrias o con drogas en el rato en la piscina o reunirse con El Departamento de Policía de de todas las muertes de tráfico las carreteras de nuestra nación. amigos y familiares, el Departa- Oxnard pondrá un énfasis especial involucran conductores ebrios. Los motociclistas requieren mento de Policía de Oxnard se esta durante esta movilización de 18 De acuerdo con la Administración entrenamiento y habilidad espe- enfocando en la importancia de días para hacer cumplir todas las Nacional de Seguridad del Tráfi- cíficos. Cuando un ciclista agrega celebrar responsablemente al no infracciones de tráfico mantenien- co en las Carreteras (NHTSA), alcohol, marihuana o los medica- conducir o andar en motocicleta do retenes de transito durante los 10,497 personas murieron en cho- mentos recetados a la mezcla, no mientras esta tomado. días: 18 de agosto, 25 de agosto ques relacionados con el alcohol solo es ilegal, sino que también Desde el 17 de agosto hasta el y 1 de septiembre. Además de las o una persona cada 50 minutos. aumenta la naturaleza arriesgada 3 de septiembre, el Departamento patrullas estarán vigilando más las de Policía de Oxnard está partici- calles, el Departamento de Policía pando en una campaña nacional de de Oxnard llevará a cabo un punto alta visibilidad, Conducir sobrio o de control de DUI / Licencia de será arrestado. Durante este perío- Conducir el 30 de agosto de 2018, do, los departamentos de policía y en un lugar no revelado dentro de alguaciles en todo el estado, junto los límites de la ciudad entre las con la Patrulla de Caminos de Ca- horas de 6:00 p.m. a las 12:00 a.m. lifornia, aumentarán el número de La campaña de aplicación se lle- oficiales en el camino para detener va a cabo durante el fin de semana a los conductores y motociclistas festivo del Día del Trabajo, que es borrachos o con problemas de dro- uno de los días más mortales del gas. Si lo detienen conduciendo o año en términos de muertes de Alertan de riesgos de la enfermedad de Chagas La Asociación Estadounidense los proveedores de servicios de del Corazón (AHA, por sus siglas salud y sistemas de salud fuera de en inglés) alertó de los riesgos de América Latina a reconocer, diag- la enfermedad de Chagas en países nosticar y tratar la enfermedad de como EE.UU., donde tradicional- Chagas y prevenir la transmisión mente esta afección no se había de otras enfermedades”, añadió visto, de acuerdo a un estudio pu- Pereira, cardióloga de la Univer- blicado en la revista especializada sidad Federal de Minas Gerais en Circulation. Belo Horizonte (Brasil). “Esta declaración tiene como La infección ocurre cuando las objetivo aumentar la conciencia heces del insecto transmisor ingre- global entre los médicos que atien- san a la piel a través de la picadura den pacientes con la enfermedad o del ojo de la persona. de Chagas fuera de los entornos La enfermedad también se pue- tradicionalmente endémicos”, de transmitir a través de alimentos apuntó una de las científicas o bebidas contaminadas, de ma- encargadas del informe, Maria dres embarazadas a sus bebés y Carmo Pereira. mediante transfusiones de sangre La enfermedad de Chagas, que y trasplantes de órganos. se transmite por la infección del Aunque entre el 60 y el 70 por parásito Trypanosoma cruzi (T ciento de las personas infectadas cruzi), provoca una enfermedad con T cruzi nunca desarrollan cardíaca crónica en aproximada- ningún síntoma, las que sí lo mente un tercio de los infectados. hacen pueden desarrollar enfer- El tratamiento y los riesgos medades del corazón, incluyendo asociados a ella son ampliamente insuficiencia cardíaca, accidente conocidos en países latinoame- cerebrovascular, arritmias ventri- ricanos como Brasil, Argentina, culares potencialmente mortales y Bolivia, Paraguay, México y El paro cardíaco. Salvador, lugares donde se ha Sin embargo, si se detecta tem- batallado contra esta enfermedad prano, una infección se puede cu- a lo largo del tiempo. rar con medicamentos que tienen Sin embargo, en EE.UU., donde una tasa de éxito de entre el 60 al se han identificado un estimado de 90 por ciento, dependiendo en qué 300,000 casos, o en España, con estado se encuentra. al menos 42,000 personas con ese “La detección temprana de la mal, su conexión con la enferme- enfermedad de Chagas es fun- dad cardíaca es menos conocida. damental, permitiendo el inicio Otras naciones, como Italia, inmediato de la terapia cuando la Francia, Suiza y el Reino Unido evidencia de curación es fuerte”, también han detectado casos en señaló la coautora Caryn Bern, de las últimas décadas. la Universidad de California en “Este documento ayudará a San Francisco (CA). Página A8 PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18 Víctima de cura pederasta: "Destrozó

HORÓSCOPOS mi alma y se llevó mi infancia" Aries. El amor Leo. Los amores Sagitario. La nunca es igual, que realmente no seguridad de las cada día que pasa son nada prove- palabras que vie- se va transforman- chosos para ti sue- nen de tu pareja do hasta conver- len ser los que más es algo que ahora tirse en algo totalmente nuevo. Es te gustan. Si en algún momento mismo no tienes. Empieza una imposible correr y esperar que el quieres disfrutar al lado de una competición para ver quien mien- salto sea el mismo que ayer. Llega- persona que ha estado en todo te más. Con la idea de conseguir rás a un lugar nuevo cada vez que momento haciendo lo imposible que gane solo uno de los dos, las decidas poner a prueba tu relación. para alejarse de ti, piénsatelo dos mentiras pueden ser algo fuera de Sería maravilloso si te adaptarás veces. Si alguien no te conviene control. Cuidado porque realmente Continued from page A1 y disfrutarás de cada uno de estos lo único que te provocará es más estarás creando un precedente nada About forty people attended a cambios. La relación avanzaría dolor. Evita las incompatibilidades bueno. Las parejas deben decirse regular meeting of the seven-per- muchísimo. y busca las compatibilidades. siempre la verdad. son commission to hear presen- Dinero y trabajo. La vuelta a la Dinero y trabajo Dinero y trabajo. Un trabajo en . En el trabajo tations by the Oxnard Police rutina puede ser realmente ines- será mejor que no hagas demasia- cualquier empresa es un auténtico Department and the community perada cuando arranca a mitad de dos amigos. Las conversaciones lujo. Todos los miembros que hay activist group Chiques Organizing la semana. En el momento en que muy íntimas pueden convertirse actualmente son necesarios. No te sientes perdido o simplemente en un nido de cotilleos nada be- menosprecies lo que haces porque for Rights and Equality (CORE). fuera de lugar, recuerda que es nefi ciosos ni para la empresa ni realmente es imprescindible. Si una Oxnard approved injunctions una situación transitoria. Cuando para ti. Puede que conviertas estas de estas piezas falla, todo lo demás against the Colonia Chiques and empieces a visualizar que será una palabras en un arma arrojadiza. No caería como un castillo de naipes. Southside Chiques in 2004 and semana más corta, podrás volver a es un buen momento para dedicar Es bueno que te empieces a valo- 2005 respectively. According to la rutina y sentirte en plena forma tiempo a cosas superfl uas, céntrate rar un poco más y exijas respeto the OPD the amount of crime laboral. en lo que realmente importa. y reconocimiento por tu esfuerzo. has been reduced drastically. A court decision initially prompted Tauro. La forma Virgo. La sole- Capricornio. El El Papa Francisco llega a una reunión con los jóvenes en la plaza de San Pedro, Ciudad del Vaticano.police in April 2017 to send letters en que un Tauro dad puede resultar amor de verdad to those listed on the injunctions ama es algo so- si no se no se mide por Viene de la página A1 nía demasiados informing them of their right to brenatural. Nadie trata de la manera los números que Delaney, que ahora cuenta con recuerdos. Me challenge it. Only a few respond- más que tú conoce que necesita ser hay en el banco, 48 años, fue uno de ellos. era imposible ed and those challenges continue todos los secretos de un fi nal de tratada. Pasar tiempo contigo mis- el amor de verdad no se demuestra “Se llevó mi infancia, y eso es estar en deter- to be fought in Ventura County película con todo lo que hay que mo tiene ciertos peligros. Todo con regalos caros, va mucho más algo que no se puede recuperar. minados luga- Superior Court. tener. Realmente dispones de un lo verás perfecto no habrá nada allá de ese mundo material que Me convenció de que mis padres res, desperta- “Not all gang members are sexto sentido que te lleva a apuntar que te detenga y eso se notará en parece que tienes marcado a fuego. sabían lo que estaba haciendo y ban emociones included in the injunction. We todo aquello que necesitas incluir la manera de interactuar. No será Si de verdad quieres sentir lo que lo aprobaban, que era algo que terribles”, su- signifi ca que a alguien le importas, en tu relación como ingrediente necesario ninguna confrontación no estaba mal”, agrega en una braya. básico a la hora de disfrutar de podrás verlo todo bajo un mismo tienes que guiarte por otros aspec- entrevista telefónica al recordar “Y todavía encuentros especiales. Sabes qué punto de vista, sin ningún matiz tos también relevantes. La belleza los abusos del cura James Brzys- tengo que li- hacer, ahora ponlo en práctica. reseñable. y el saber estar te seducirán en ki, considerado uno de los más diar con ello Dinero y trabajo. Tienes un dolor Dinero y trabajo. La manera que segundo lugar. Northrop Grumman opens new facility de cabeza que te hará empezar la tienes de ganarte la vida puede que Dinero y trabajo. Los gastos de brutales de la archidiócesis de -añade-, está semana laboral un tanto más corta no sea como esperabas, pero resulta estos días pueden haberte llevado a Pensilvania. conmigo todos con cierta inquietud. Hay algunos de las más dignas que existe. Obte- lanzar un ataque masivo a tus tarje- Los abusos se produjeron en la los días”. rumores que han sido infundados o ner recursos y poder invertirlos en tas de crédito y ahorros. Puede ser década de 1980 en el barrio del Delaney car- están presentes para desestabilizar lo que más te gusta es una forma de peligroso que tengas tantos frentes noreste de Filadelfia, donde el ga contra la impunidad gene- se disculpan ahora porque les bringing innovation and jobs to Oxnard al equipo. Una serie de pruebas disfrutar de la vida. No hace falta abiertos. Empieza haciendo cuen- nuevo párroco comenzó a reclutar ralizada en la Iglesia católica, descubrieron”, denuncia. irrefutables serán las causantes de que pienses en otros trabajos o for- tas, descubre lo que te han costado a los monaguillos que le asistirían puesto que al sacerdote “lo habían Especialmente frustrado se en- Rep. Julia Brownley (D-West- que tengas que ver la realidad con mas de conseguir los mismos fi nes. realmente estos días libres. Estás en la misa. trasladado previamente de tres cuentra con la inacción del papalake Village) joined Northrop otros ojos. No te dejes llevar por la Lo que tienes es más que aceptable, a tiempo de hacer horas extras y “Fui uno de los escogidos: a los parroquias, con sigilo, pese a que Francisco: “Tenía esperanzas conGrumman Corporation (NYSE: depresión postvacacional. deja de castigarte por ello. de poner remedio a tu presupuesto 10 años me tocó, a los 11 ya me sabían que abusaba de niños y era este papa, pensé que iba a actuar.NOC), executives and local offi - antes de que termine el mes. había violado”, indica. un pedófi lo confeso”. Pero solo he visto palabras, máscials today for the formal opening Géminis. Tener a Libra. Los cam- Delaney dice que su comporta- “Honestamente, creo que los se- de lo mismo”. of Astro Aerospace’s new facility alguien enamora- bios en las rela- Acuario. Un cam- miento cambió totalmente tras los minarios son criaderos de pedófi - Por eso, a juicio de Delaney, lo in Oxnard. The 140,000 square do puede ser una ciones son casi tan bio de vida que te abusos de Brzyski, quien falleció los. Los pederastas se encuentran más doloroso es el encubrimiento,foot manufacturing center will sensación inespe- visibles como los hiciera tener una en 2017 sin ser condenado, ya en un lugar seguro dentro de la que considera que “es casi peorincrease effi ciency and help Astro relación senti- rada. Cuando ves de tu ropa. Un día que pasó de ser un chico tímido y Iglesia. Tienen acceso a niños, y que el abuso”. Aerospace manage its growing que a tu llegada todo cambia, le te levantas en busca de un color y mental fi ja puede estudioso a ser violento y faltar a la gente confía en los sacerdotes. Como consecuencia de ello, yportfolio of work. cuesta expresarse o incluso se al siguiente quieres otro. Es impo- ser una manera de alejar esos mie- clase constantemente. Los pederastas se esconden tras de que casi todos los casos son “I am so excited to have the muestra miedoso, sabes qué algo sible que salga mal si eres sincero dos que te rodean. Ves a una pareja “Mis padres me llevaron a este sus sotanas y saben que la Iglesia demasiado antiguos como para seropportunity to welcome Northrop sucede. Te hará gracia volver a con la ropa que te pones y la actitud y piensas que han acabado con la sacerdote para que me aconseja- les va a proteger si se meten en juzgados ya que son anteriores al provocar estas sensaciones, en el que demuestras frente al amor. Será libertad de poder hacer lo que cada Grumman’s new Astro Aerospace se. No sabían que justamente me problemas”, refl exiona. pasado era mucho más frecuente, mejor que busques a una pareja uno quiera. Las relaciones moder- año 2000, no habrá justicia parafacility to Ventura County,” Rep. ahora no le prestarás demasiada encantada de volver a replantearse nas son mucho más abiertas de lo estaban enviando al depredador”, Tras más de 15 años traba- las víctimas. Julia Brownley said. “This truly atención. No te producirá una gran en la relación una y otra vez. que crees. Solo hay que determinar lamenta aún emocionado. jando en la organización SNAP, Aunque sigue rezando la misma impressive, high-tech center will felicidad pero te sentirás halagado. Dinero y trabajo. No estás dis- la manera de vivirla, sin ser una Como muchas otras víctimas, que ayuda a víctimas de abusos oración al irse a dormir, afi rmabring nearly 300 employees to Dinero y trabajo. Las responsa- puesto a perder ni un segundo de prolongación del otro. Delaney sufrió problemas de al- sexuales, critica la hipocresía de que se ha distanciado del senti-Oxnard and makes an important bilidades en tu trabajo pueden ser una vuelta al trabajo que puede Dinero y trabajo. Lo que las per- coholismo y drogadicción en los la jerarquía católica y desconfía miento religioso. investment in our local economy. un poco abrumadoras nada más resultar memorable. Es hora de sonas de tu entorno te dicen de tu años posteriores, y tuvo que aban- de las disculpas vertidas tras el “No creo en el Dios que la Southern California has a long and empezar de nuevo. Tendrás que contarse las experiencias y de trabajo parece que no te importa donar Filadelfi a abrumado ante el informe en Pensilvania. Iglesia católica me enseñó a proud history as a leader in aero- agarra las riendas para ir generando mostrar fotos a todo el mundo, pero demasiado. Tú estás encantado de recuerdo del sacerdote pederasta. “Sabían perfectamente que se creer. Dios no estaba a mi lado space technology, and I am very buenas vibraciones. Si reconoces sin incitar a la envidia o al odio. hacer lo que haces, sin ninguna “Me mudé hace más de 11 estaba abusando y violando a cuando fui violado. Grité pidiendopleased that Northrop Grumman las ventajas e inconvenientes de Comparar precios de viajes es el duda has encontrado un sitio en el años. Era demasiado. No podía niños, y no hicieron nada. Las ayuda, y no me ayudo”, terminohas chosen to further invest in our una nueva situación vas a poder siguiente paso, si hay gente que que divertirte. El único problema pasar por delante de la iglesia, te- oraciones no signifi can nada. Solo diciendo. community.” afrontarla mucho mejor. Haz un vive mejor seguramente tendrá su es que no son demasiado serios a Astro Aerospace has tripled DAFO de los que hacen las grandes forma de hacer las cosas. Hay que la hora de pagar. Cuidado porque its workforce since 2017 and is empresas para analizar la compe- ahorrar con más antelación. puedes tener algunos contratiem- expected to employ nearly 300 tencia. pos de tipo fi nanciero esperando SE ATRINCHERO EN PARÍS employees and contractors next cobrar. Escorpión. Tienes year. The new facility at 2601 Cáncer. Hay al- la idea de que una Camino Del Sol in Oxnard, en- gunos manuales relación libre pue- Piscis. Las rela- compasses approximately 140,000 para encontrar el de ser la solución ciones virtuales amor muy intere- a tus problemas. pueden ser ideales santes. Algunos Te imaginas disfrutando de quién para ti. El miedo tienen una base tú quieras, pero cuidado porque la a que te puedan pseudocientífica que se basa en otra persona puede disfrutar de la hacer daño es algo que está muy una serie de historias románticas y misma libertad, algo que no podrías presente. La distancia es una biológicas. La genética puede que aguantar. Si tus celos no te dejan manera de asegurarse una barrera tenga mucho que decir en temas conseguir lo que quieres, necesitas de seguridad. La realidad es que sentimentales. Si realmente te ayuda para poder controlarlos o puede incluso que sufras más que sientes atraído por alguien con las replantear el tipo de relación que si tuvieras a la persona adelante. mismas características, busca esa estás buscando. Puede que realmente ese ser esté compatibilidad que a simple vista Dinero y trabajo. La obsesión demasiado lejos de tus pensa- se puede ver. por las horas trabajadas está dán- mientos. Dinero y trabajo. Sabes que el dote algunos problemas. Con o sin Dinero y trabajo. No te compli- tiempo vuela cuando haces algo vacaciones no sueltas el teléfono ques la existencia en exceso. Lo que te encanta. Estos días puede por nada del mundo. Prefieres que puedas tener simplemente que hayas encontrado la manera buscar la manera de seguir online cógelo y lo que no, olvídalo. Si de sentirte mucho más en forma disfrutando de las conversaciones te lías intentando conseguirlo con en tu trabajo. Llegar con una mente y los mensajes de tu esfera laboral. créditos o fi nanciación supuesta- positiva y disfrutar de todo lo que Tanta obsesión puede desembocar mente a tu medida, puedes tener haces es una forma perfecta de en una dependencia que no sería serios problemas a largo plazo. sentirte bien. Conseguirás que la demasiado buena para tu salud a Abarca simplemente lo que esté al semana laboral desaparezca en un largo plazo. alcance de tu mano con tus propios Policías y miembros de las Brigadas de Investigación e Intervención (BRI) asegurar el perímetro durante abrir y cerrar de ojos, todo fl uirá. medios, no le busques los cinco una operación policial para tratar de neutralizar a un sospechoso armado que se atrincheró en el Passage pies al gato. Brady, un callejón cerca de la estación de tren Gare de l’Est en el centro de París, Francia. SERVING VIDA OUR COMMUNITY SECTIONSECTION FOR OVER Víctima de cura pederasta: "Destrozó 34 YEARS BB mi alma y se llevó mi infancia" IN OUR COMMUNITY (805) 483-1008 VIDA NEWSPAPER 08-23-18 PAGE B1 Lifeand member of CORE. that they were afraid and that money in community programs Oxnard College professor Deb- we should continue having and that help our youth to get out orah DeVries, a CORE member enforcing the injunctions. These of gangs or prevent them from Oxnard Police seeks input... said that Oxnard deserves peace injunctions are only one of many falling in to them. We managed Continued from page A1 gang members in Ox- and alternative solutions to the tools we have to suppress crime a program helping kinds at risk About forty people attended a nard and we have only crime in Oxnard. in our city and we are looking for over 20 years and rescued and regular meeting of the seven-per- 368 in the injunction,” Professor Frank P. Barajas for more to make our residents helped thousands of these kids son commission to hear presen- said Assistance Chief from California State University feel safe, to go to the parks, walk during those years with KAYS tations by the Oxnard Police Eric S. Sonstegard to the Channel Islands and a member the streets and go on with their program downtown Oxnard,” Department and the community Community Relations of CORE said during the public day to day activities free of fear,” said Vazquez. One parent during activist group Chiques Organizing Commission and to the meeting: “We are here to make said Oxnard Police Chief Scott public comment also suggested for Rights and Equality (CORE). audience. sure Oxnard respects the consti- Whitney to the commission and having some guidance offered to Oxnard approved injunctions CORE members Ar- tution and the rights of all its resi- to the public. “I have zero interest parents about at-risk youth and against the Colonia Chiques and mando Vazquez and dents. These gang injunctions are in imposing something on our strategies for talking with your Southside Chiques in 2004 and others have criticized anti-constitutional and violets the community when it doesn’t want child, before gang members talk 2005 respectively. According to the process. Those same rights of people. Fourteen years it, but almost everybody that we to them and provide wrongful the OPD the amount of crime critics have also said that ago, I saw how it was brutally pre- asked, wants these injunctions,” guidance. has been reduced drastically. A the injunctions unfairly sented to the Oxnard City Council said Whitney. Whitney said he recently court decision initially prompted target minorities. “We and approved, I do not want that Police, critics and commission- watched a video of a gang-relat- El Papa Francisco llega a una reunión con los jóvenes en la plaza de San Pedro, Ciudad del Vaticano.police in April 2017 to send letters are not here to defend to happen again.” ers said throughout the meeting ed assault outside Little Caesars to those listed on the injunctions criminals, we are here to The debate was centered into that all sides were willing to Pizza, 1450 Doris Ave. The as- Chief Scott Whitney informing them of their right to make sure the due-pro- whether the gang injunctions are start an open dialogue to listen sault involved two groups of gang challenge it. Only a few respond- are very selective as to who do we cess takes place and that some still necessary or wanted in the to each side’s concerns and fi nd members traveling in opposite ed and those challenges continue include in these injunctions. Only members of our community are community. “When we informed solutions. Vazquez applauded the directions in the alley near the to be fought in Ventura County the hard core, the very violent and not discriminated or profi le based our community that we no longer opportunity to discuss the injunc- parking lot. After a few seconds Superior Court. the ones that are more prompt to on their color of skin, the way the were going to enforce the injunc- tions, something he and others in into the group fi ght, one of the “Not all gang members are do harm to the members of our look or dress,” said Francisco tions, we received many calls CORE have been fi ghting since gang members produced a knife included in the injunction. We community. There are over 3000 Romero, a local activist, organizer of concerned residents stating the beginning. “We need to put and four young men were stabbed. Northrop Grumman opens new facility se disculpan ahora porque les bringing innovation and jobs to Oxnard descubrieron”, denuncia. Especialmente frustrado se en- Rep. Julia Brownley (D-West- square feet, enabling concurrent place at the Astro Aerospace fa- cuentra con la inacción del papalake Village) joined Northrop manufacturing of large satellite re- cility with remarks by Congress- Francisco: “Tenía esperanzas conGrumman Corporation (NYSE: fl ectors, and other space hardware woman Brownley and Mayor Pro este papa, pensé que iba a actuar.NOC), executives and local offi - and deployable structures. Tem Carmen Ramirez. The event Pero solo he visto palabras, máscials today for the formal opening “This new building allows us was attended by other area leaders de lo mismo”. of Astro Aerospace’s new facility to better serve our customers and as well as Northrop Grumman Por eso, a juicio de Delaney, lo in Oxnard. The 140,000 square their missions, and demonstrates employees más doloroso es el encubrimiento,foot manufacturing center will the company’s continued com- Since 1958, Astro Aerospace que considera que “es casi peorincrease effi ciency and help Astro mitment to a strong presence in has helped enable complex mis- que el abuso”. Aerospace manage its growing Southern California,” said Chris sions to Earth orbit, Mars and Como consecuencia de ello, yportfolio of work. Yamada, vice president and gen- beyond with its innovative de- de que casi todos los casos son “I am so excited to have the eral manager, aerospace products, ployable space structures and demasiado antiguos como para seropportunity to welcome Northrop Northrop Grumman. “Customers mechanisms. The business unit’s juzgados ya que son anteriores alGrumman’s new Astro Aerospace who place a high value on perfor- products have been successfully año 2000, no habrá justicia para facility to Ventura County,” Rep. mance and reliability choose Astro deployed on hundreds of space las víctimas. Julia Brownley said. “This truly Aerospace products for critical fl ights with a 100 percent success Rep. Julia Brownley, alongside Northrop Grumman executives and other guests, celebrates the Aunque sigue rezando la misma impressive, high-tech center will missions – as we offer the only rate, a testament to Northrop opening of the new Astro Aerospace facility in Oxnard, Calif. (L – R: Chris Yamada, vice president oración al irse a dormir, afi rmabring nearly 300 employees to mesh refl ector available with a Grumman’s commitment to reli- and general manager, aerospace products; Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26), Carmen Ramirez, Oxnard que se ha distanciado del senti-Oxnard and makes an important fl awless record of performance.” ability, quality and affordability. mayor pro tem and Michael Cross, general manager, Astro Aerospace). miento religioso. investment in our local economy. Astro Aerospace celebrates its “No creo en el Dios que la Southern California has a long and 60th year anniversary this year Iglesia católica me enseñó a proud history as a leader in aero- and expects continued growth creer. Dios no estaba a mi lado space technology, and I am very due to increased customer de- cuando fui violado. Grité pidiendopleased that Northrop Grumman mand. The company specializes ayuda, y no me ayudo”, terminohas chosen to further invest in our in deployable structures with diciendo. community.” unmatched 100 percent success Astro Aerospace has tripled performance on-orbit including its workforce since 2017 and is extendable/retractable boom and expected to employ nearly 300 mast subsystems, deployable employees and contractors next mesh refl ectors, and other deploy- year. The new facility at 2601 able planar structures, solar arrays Camino Del Sol in Oxnard, en- and antennas. compasses approximately 140,000 The opening ceremony took

Policías y miembros de las Brigadas de Investigación e Intervención (BRI) asegurar el perímetro durante una operación policial para tratar de neutralizar a un sospechoso armado que se atrincheró en el Passage Brady, un callejón cerca de la estación de tren Gare de l’Est en el centro de París, Francia. Page B2 VIDA NEWSPAPER 08-23-18 2019 Grant application now open Abuse victim’s outcry $20,000 available in grant funding Rebozo Festival, Inc., is qualifi ed organization/institution. the Ventura County Chapter of pleased to announce that awards The application and addition- Parents of Murdered Children, of up to $20,000 will be granted al information are available at Educational and Employment to qualifi ed non-profi t organiza- Resources Development/Café tions that focus on the cultural, The 2019 Rebozo Festival, Inc., on A, Centro Mujer (CAUSE), social and/or educational needs grantees will be honored at the Performing arts programs (Ma- of the Ventura County commu- 15th Annual Rebozo Festival to riachi classes) for the Oxnard nity. The application process be held on Sunday May 19, 2019, Union High School District and will open September 1st and at the Camarillo Ranch. the United Way Community will close September 28th, Action Fund. 2018, at 5:00 pm. Past recipients include: Casa De The Rebozo Festival is a Rebozo Festival, Inc., encour- Vida, Future Leaders of Amer- unique cultural event that pro- ages non-profi t organizations ica, Inc., United Parents, Assis- motes the rich heritage of the that meet the following require- tance League of Ventura County, area by highlighting the colorful ments to apply: Nominated ANIMO Theatre Co., Battle- Mexican rebozo (shawl) as the organizations must be located Ground, Inc., Mixteco/Indigena theme. Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with the youths in Saint Peter’s square, Vatican City, in Ventura County serving pri- Community Organizing Project For further information about Continued from page A1 the suffering endured by many is urgent that we once more reaf- marily Ventura County Latino (MICOP), the Heart 2 Heart Pro- the 2019 Grant Application, abuse and cover-ups, less than a minors due to sexual abuse, the fi rm our commitment to ensure residents and must be an IRS gram, Inlakech Cultural Center, please contact week after a grand jury in the state abuse of power and the abuse the protection of minors and of 501©(3) non-profi t organiza- United Farm Workers Freeze Yolanda Plascencia at of Pennsylvania released a report of conscience perpetrated by a vulnerable adults.” tion/institution or operate un- Relief Fund, the Oxnard College 805.500.3292 or email: grants@ detailing the systematic rape of signifi cant number of clerics and “Priests were raping little boys der the fi scal sponsorship of a Foundation Scholarship Program, children by clergymen in six dio- consecrated persons,” Francis and girls, and the men of God who ceses over a period of at least 70 said. were responsible for them not years, with more than 300 Catho- “The heart-wrenching pain of only did nothing; they hid it all. lic priests allegedly involved and these victims, which cries out to For decades,” the grand jury had many high-ranking ecclesiastical heaven, was long ignored, kept written in its report, adding that it offi cials being knowingly com- quiet or silenced,” he added. had identifi ed 1,000 child victims, plicit in the crimes. “The pain of the victims and their although there were “probably “I acknowledge once more families is also our pain, and so it thousands more.” US public-sector trade unions take a hit Public-sector unions in the In New York, which has the For some unions, agency fees United States are facing steep highest rate of public sector had made up 5 percent or more of falls in revenue and trying to pre- union membership, the state revenue, and some have trimmed vent the loss of members in the stopped collecting agency fees budgets and staff. Unions had wake of a recent Supreme Court in July from 31,000 state workers tried to shore up members ahead ruling, according to a report by which totaled between $9 mil- of the court decision in June. Dow Jones Newswires supplied lion and $10 million last year, a Jessica Lapp, a 41-year-old on Sunday. spokeswoman for the New York fi fth-grade teacher in Lancaster, In New York, Pennsylvania and State Comptroller said. That tally Pa., has seen a bump in her pay as Illinois, state governments have is also expected to grow because Pennsylvania stopped collecting stopped collecting millions of it doesn’t include local agency about $400 a year she paid to the dollars in agency fees following fees. Pennsylvania State Education a high court decision banning the By one estimate, unions in Association. practice. New York state overall will lose Lapp, who describes herself as Before the ruling, public work- $112 million in agency fees from a conservative Republican, earns ers in 22 states who didn’t want to 200,000 state and local workers, about $60,000 a year and says she join a union were often required based on what workers paid in opposed the politics of the union to pay agency fees, which cover 2016, according to the Empire and its parent, the National Ed- collective bargaining costs and Center, a conservative think tank ucation Association, which has can equal as much as 90 percent in Albany. consistently backed Democratic of dues paid by members. These are the fi rst signs of how candidates. She declined union Pennsylvania stopped collect- the high court’s decision is hitting membership but was required to ing agency fees from 24,000 state union coffers. The ruling could pay an agency fee. workers that totaled $6.6 million erode the fi nancial and political “I feel great,” said Lapp. last year, a state offi cial said. The clout of public-sector unions, in “We’re always talking to our kids fi gure is expected to grow be- part by prompting unions to di- about not being a bully and here cause it doesn’t include workers vert funds once used for politics I was forced to pay something I at municipalities across the state. to the costs of running a union. was morally opposed to.”

SUPERIOR COURT once a week for four successive that includes the reasons for the Department 43, located at: of this court for a decree chang- OF CALIFORNIA, weeks prior to the date set for objection at least two court days SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- ing the applicant’s name from (a) COUNTY OF VENTURA hearing in a newspaper of general before the matter is scheduled to IFORNIA, County of Ventura, OSCAR DANIEL SANCHEZ IN THE MATTER OF THE circulation, printed in the County be heard and must appear at the 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, MARTINEZ to Ex-boxing champion APPLICATION OF: of Ventura. hearing to show cause why the CA 93009. OSCAR DANIEL JOAQUINA ALTERMAN Filed: AUG 15 2018 petition should not be granted. Any person objecting to the GUTIERREZ MARTINEZ ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Dated: AUG 15 2018 If no written objection is timely name changes described above THE COURT ORDERS that all FOR CHANGE OF NAME /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT filed, the court may grant the must file a written objection persons interested in this matter CASE NUMBER: MICHAEL D. PLANET petition without a hearing. that includes the reasons for the appear before this court to show 56-2018-00516280-CU-PT-VTA Ventura Superior Court A copy of this Order to Show objection at least two court days cause, if any, why the petition TO ALL INTERESTED Executive Offi cer and Clerk Cause shall be published at least before the matter is scheduled to for change of name should not Chavez encourages kids PERSONS: By: ELIZABETH MULLER once a week for four successive be heard and must appear at the be granted on: THE COURT FINDS that Deputy Clerk weeks prior to the date set for hearing to show cause why the 9-28-18, at 8:30a.m. in Depart- Petitioner(s): JOAQUINA Published: hearing in a newspaper of general petition should not be granted. ment 42, located at: SUPERIOR Mexican ex-boxing champion the retired 56-year old boxer talk- Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio (now ALTERMAN has/have fi led a VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 circulation, printed in the County If no written objection is timely COURT OF CALIFORNIA, Julio Cesar Chavez, who won ed about his life and how on the Pope Francis). petition with the clerk of this SUPERIOR COURT of Ventura. filed, the court may grant the County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- court for a decree changing the OF CALIFORNIA, Filed: AUG 16 2018 petition without a hearing. toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. world titles in three different basis of hard work, discipline and In May, Chavez met via video applicant’s name from (a): COUNTY OF VENTURA Dated: AUG 16 2018 A copy of this Order to Show Any person objecting to the weight divisions, offered words of ambition he managed to become conference with the pope at the JOAQUINA ALTERMAN to IN THE MATTER OF THE /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT Cause shall be published at least name changes described above JOAQUINA APPLICATION OF: MICHAEL D. PLANET once a week for four successive must file a written objection encouragement to young children world champion for the fi rst time gym, located at the Central de COSBY-GOLBERG ROSALIE NISHIMURA Ventura Superior Court weeks prior to the date set for that includes the reasons for the and teenagers who have trained (as a super featherweight) on Abastos on Mexico City’s east (b) ROBERT MICHAEL ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Executive Offi cer and Clerk hearing in a newspaper of general objection at least two court days COSBY to ROBERT FOR CHANGE OF NAME By: ELIZABETH MULLER circulation, printed in the County before the matter is scheduled to for weeks at a gym in Mexico Sept. 13, 1984. side. MICHAEL BLACKBURN CASE NUMBER: Deputy Clerk of Ventura. be heard and must appear at the City. Chavez was the guest of honor Other Mexican ex-boxing COSBY 56-2018-00516353-CU-PT-VTA Published: Filed: AUG 16 2018 hearing to show cause why the THE COURT ORDERS that all TO ALL INTERESTED PER- VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 Dated: AUG 16 2018 petition should not be granted. Chavez, who currently works at the close of the Scholas Oc- champions like Lupe Pintor, persons interested in this matter SONS: SUPERIOR COURT /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT If no written objection is timely appear before this court to show THE COURT FINDS that OF CALIFORNIA, MICHAEL D. PLANET filed, the court may grant the as a TV commentator, told the currentes Foundation’s BoxVal Rafael Herrera, José “Pipino” cause, if any, why the petition Petitioner(s) ROSALIE COUNTY OF VENTURA Ventura Superior Court petition without a hearing. aspiring boxers to “follow their (Boxing with Values) program, Cuevas, Rafael Limon and Isaac for change of name should not NISHIMURA has/have filed IN THE MATTER OF THE Executive Offi cer and Clerk A copy of this Order to Show be granted on: a petition with the clerk of this APPLICATION OF: By: ELIZABETH MULLER Cause shall be published at least dreams and fi ght for them.” created for children worldwide Bustos also were on hand for the 10/10/2018, at 8:30 a.m. in court for a decree changing the MY LE LAM Deputy Clerk once a week for four successive In his brief speech on Thursday, in 2001 by then-Buenos Aires close of the program. Department 40, located at: applicant’s name from (a) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Published: weeks prior to the date set for SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- JAVIER GASPARE FOR CHANGE OF NAME VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 hearing in a newspaper of general IFORNIA, County of Ventura, SANTIAGO to JAVIER CASE NUMBER: SUPERIOR COURT circulation, printed in the County JERRY RAHIM THE COURT ORDERS that all before the matter is scheduled to MICHAEL D. PLANET Deputy Clerk 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, SANTIAGO NISHIMURA 56-2018-00516370-CU-PT-VTA OF CALIFORNIA, of Ventura. ABDOLI DORMANI persons interested in this matter be heard and must appear at the Ventura Superior Court Published: CA 93009. THE COURT ORDERS that all TO ALL INTERESTED PER- COUNTY OF VENTURA Filed: AUG 15 2018 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE appear before this court to show hearing to show cause why the Executive Offi cer and Clerk VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 Any person objecting to the persons interested in this matter SONS: IN THE MATTER OF THE Dated: AUG 15 2018 FOR CHANGE OF NAME cause, if any, why the petition petition should not be granted. By: ELIZABETH MULLER name changes described above appear before this court to show THE COURT FINDS that APPLICATION OF: /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT CASE NUMBER: for change of name should not If no written objection is timely must file a written objection cause, if any, why the petition Petitioner(s) MY LE LAM has/ ADRIANA MARTINEZ MICHAEL D. PLANET 56-2018-00516511-CU-PT-VTA be granted on: filed, the court may grant the that includes the reasons for the for change of name should not have fi led a petition with the clerk MENDOZA Ventura Superior Court TO ALL INTERESTED PER- 10/09/2018, at 8:30a.m. in petition without a hearing. objection at least two court days be granted on: of this court for a decree chang- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Executive Offi cer and Clerk SONS: Department 21, located at: A copy of this Order to Show before the matter is scheduled to 10-10-2018, at 8:30a.m. in ing the applicant’s name from (a) FOR CHANGE OF NAME By: SUSANNE LEON THE COURT FINDS that SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- Cause shall be published at least Every Thursday be heard and must appear at the Department 41, located at: MY LE LAM to LE MY LAM CASE NUMBER: Deputy Clerk Petitioner(s) JERRY RAHIM IFORNIA, County of Ventura, once a week for four successive hearing to show cause why the SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- THE COURT ORDERS that all 56-2018-00516336-CU-PT-VTA Published: ABDOLI DORMANI has/have 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, weeks prior to the date set for petition should not be granted. IFORNIA, County of Ventura, persons interested in this matter TO ALL INTERESTED PER- VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 fi led a petition with the clerk of CA 93009. hearing in a newspaper of general read If no written objection is timely 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, appear before this court to show SONS: SUPERIOR COURT this court for a decree changing Any person objecting to the circulation, printed in the County filed, the court may grant the CA 93009. cause, if any, why the petition THE COURT FINDS that OF CALIFORNIA, the applicant’s name from (a) name changes described above of Ventura. VIDA Newspaper petition without a hearing. Any person objecting to the for change of name should not Petitioner(s) ADRIANA COUNTY OF VENTURA JERRY RAHIM ABDOLI must file a written objection Filed: AUG 21 2018 A copy of this Order to Show name changes described above be granted on: MARTINEZ MENDOZA has/ IN THE MATTER OF THE DORMANI to RAHIM that includes the reasons for the Dated: AUG 21 2018 Cause shall be published at least must file a written objection 10-11-2018, at 8:30a.m. in have fi led a petition with the clerk APPLICATION OF: ABDOLI DORMANI objection at least two court days /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT is free VIDA NEWSPAPER 08-23-18 Page B3 Abuse victim’s outcry Paquita La Del Barrio to perform at Chamash Casino Resort Latin recording artist Paquita La Del Barrio, whose popular songs and advocacy for women have built a loyal female fol- lowing, brings her entertaining show to the Chumash Casino Resort’s Samala Showroom at 8 p.m. on Friday, September 14, 2018. Tickets for the show are $49, $54, $59, $69 & $79. On September 14, men in attendance at the Samala Show- room are likely to hear the following question: “¿Me estás Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with the youths in Saint Peter’s square, Vatican City, oyendo, inútil?” It translates is urgent that we once more reaf- to, “Are you listening to me, fi rm our commitment to ensure you good-for-nothing?” and it the protection of minors and of captures the essence of Mexi- vulnerable adults.” can ranchera singer Paquita La “Priests were raping little boys Del Barrio’s popularity among and girls, and the men of God who Murder suspect in female audiences. were responsible for them not Her songs are staples on only did nothing; they hid it all. jukeboxes in Mexican clubs For decades,” the grand jury had and cantinas, and they usually written in its report, adding that itbrother’s murder take a stance against Mexico’s had identifi ed 1,000 child victims, On April 6, 2017, deputies from In August, 2018, the case was sexist culture, especially “Rata although there were “probablythe Camarillo Police Department presented to the Ventura County De Dos Patas” (Two-Legged thousands more.” responded to a residence in the District Attorney’s Office for Rat). In the song, she uses a rat 2200 block of Marco Drive in criminal fi ling considerations. A as a metaphor for a man, and it’s rumored to be inspired by Camarillo, in reference to a re- felony warrant for Luis’ arrest was Latin star Paquita La Del Barrio. ported stabbing. Detectives from subsequently issued for murder in her fi rst husband. (The marriage the Sheriff’s Major Crimes Bureau violation of California Penal Code ended when she discovered his counterparts by being featured er when she takes the stage in US public-sector trade also responded and assumed con- section 187(a), with an additional infi delity.) in a duet with Ricardo Arjona in one of the most popular music trol of the investigation. count for a special allegation of Paquita La Del Barrio was a song called “Ni Tu Ni Yo” on venues in Santa Barbara County. The preliminary investigation using a deadly weapon during the born Francisca Viveros Barra- his 2008 album “5to Piso.” She Located on Highway 246 revealed that apparently two commission of a felony in viola- das in Alto Lucero, Veracruz in has also performed at the popular in Santa Ynez, California, the brothers, Luis Aceves and Gilbert tion of California Penal Code sec- 1947. She started her singing Latin award show “Premios Lo Chumash Casino Resort is an unions take a hit career in 1970 in Mexico City, Nuestro” and in the “Somos El age 21-and-older venue. Tickets Aceves, were involved in a phys- tion 12022(b)(1). The bail for the For some unions, agency fees ical altercation which resulted in Luis Aceves warrant was set at $3,000,000.00 but her fi rst album “Mi Renun- Mundo,” which was the Spanish for all events are available at had made up 5 percent or more ofGilbert sustaining multiple stab Major Crimes Detectives contin- by the Ventura County Superior cia” wasn’t released until 1988. version of “We Are The World.” the Chumash Casino Resort’s revenue, and some have trimmed wounds. The incident occurred ued to investigate the incident and Court. She proved that she’s capable Don’t miss an opportunity to Club Indulge or online at www. budgets and staff. Unions hadinside their family residence and process evidence related to the On August 12, 2018, detectives of playing nice with her male see this one-of-a-kind entertain- tried to shore up members aheadno other witnesses were present. homicide. Luis’ activities were obtained information that Luis of the court decision in June. Gilbert was immediately trans- also closely monitored during the had traveled back to Camarillo for Jessica Lapp, a 41-year-oldported by ambulance to Los course of the investigation and reasons still unknown to investi- fi fth-grade teacher in Lancaster,Robles Hospital for life-saving it was discovered that several gators. On August 13, 2018, at Pa., has seen a bump in her pay as This Labor Day, and every... measures. Gilbert succumbed to months following the homicide, approximately 11:15 hours, Luis Pennsylvania stopped collectinghis injuries and was pronounced he moved to Federal Way, Wash- was located by Sheriff’s detectives Continued from page A1 about $400 a year she paid to thedeceased shortly after his arrival ington. in the area of Las Posas Road period, police and sheriff’s depart- Pennsylvania State Educationin the emergency room. Luis In April, 2018, Major Crimes and Arneill Road in Camarillo. ments statewide, along with the Association. also sustained injuries during the Detectives traveled to Washington Luis was arrested for the men- California Highway Patrol, will Lapp, who describes herself asincident and was subsequently and worked with the King County tioned warrant and booked into increase the number of offi cers on a conservative Republican, earns transported to another local hos- Sheriff’s Offi ce to continue the the Pre-Trial Detention Facility the road to stop suspected drunk about $60,000 a year and says she pital for treatment. Luis’ injuries investigation. Detectives ultimate- without incident. or drug-impaired drivers and opposed the politics of the unionwere deemed non-life threatening ly obtained sufficient evidence Luis Aceves appeared in Ventu- motorcyclists. If you are caught and its parent, the National Ed-and he was discharged from the to showcase how the homicide ra County Superior Court and his driving or riding impaired, you ucation Association, which has hospital the following morning. was an act of murder with malice arraignment was continued until will be pulled over and arrested. consistently backed Democratic During the following months, aforethought on the part of Luis. August 28, 2018. The Oxnard Police Department candidates. She declined union will have membership but was required to SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF VENTURA COUNTY OF VENTURA APPLICATION OF: TO ALL INTERESTED commenced to transact business under a special pay an agency fee. OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE ANNA KOK PERSONS: the fi ctitious business name or names COUNTY OF VENTURA APPLICATION OF: APPLICATION OF: ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE THE COURT FINDS that listed above on N/A. This statement emphasis “I feel great,” said Lapp. IN THE MATTER OF THE KAREN CITLALI CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH FOR CHANGE OF NAME Petitioner(s): MONDOS was fi led with the County Clerk of during this APPLICATION OF: JACOBSON CARLINE CASE NUMBER: XIMON AYMS has/have fi led Ventura County on August 14, 2018. On Labor Day holiday weekend, which is one of the deadliest times “We’re always talking to our kids By signing below, I declare that all 18-day mo- GABRIELA ALEJANDRA ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 56-2018-00515472-CU-PT-VTA a petition with the clerk of this of year in terms of alcohol-involved tra c deaths. Sadly, one-third about not being a bully and here BELTRAN FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED court for a decree changing the information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares bilization ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CASE NUMBER: CASE NUMBER: PERSONS: applicant’s name from (a): of all tra c deaths involve drunk drivers. I was forced to pay something I FOR CHANGE OF NAME 56-2018-00516189-CU-PT-VTA as true information, which he or she 56-2018-00515792-CU-PT-VTA THE COURT FINDS that MONDOS XIMON AYMS knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. to enforce was morally opposed to.” CASE NUMBER: TO ALL INTERESTED TO ALL INTERESTED Petitioner(s): ANNA KOK has/ to MONDOS BARÁBBAZ (B & P Code § 17913) all traffic campaign runs through the Labor impair driving (14 percent) than 56-2018-00515974-CU-PT-VTA PERSONS: PERSONS: have fi led a petition with the clerk AIMS-APODACA /s/ AETHOS LLC TO ALL INTERESTED THE COURT FINDS that THE COURT FINDS that of this court for a decree chang- THE COURT ORDERS that all ANALUISA SANCHEZ violations Day holiday weekend, which did for alcohol (7.3 percent). PERSONS: Petitioner(s): KAREN Petitioner(s): CHRISTOPHER ing the applicant’s name from (a): persons interested in this matter MANAGER by deploy- is one of the deadliest times of During this national enforce- THE COURT FINDS that CITLALI JACOBSON has/ JOSEPH CARLINE has/have ANNA KOK to SOKHA KOK appear before this court to show NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Petitioner(s): GABRIELA have filed a petition with the fi led a petition with the clerk of THE COURT ORDERS that all cause, if any, why the petition vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious ing DUI year in terms of alcohol-involved ment campaign, there will also be ALEJANDRA BELTRAN has/ clerk of this court for a decree this court for a decree changing persons interested in this matter for change of name should not name statement generally expires at have fi led a petition with the clerk changing the applicant’s name the applicant’s name from (a): appear before this court to show be granted on: the end of fi ve years from the date on saturation traffi c deaths. Sadly, one-third of increased national messages about Ex-boxing champion of this court for a decree chang- from (a): KAREN CITLALI CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH cause, if any, why the petition 8-24-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- which it was fi led in the offi ce of the patrols on all traffi c deaths involve drunk the dangers of riding impaired, ing the applicant’s name from (a): JACOBSON to KAREN CARLINE to CHRISTOPHER for change of name should not ment 40, located at: SUPERIOR county clerk, except, as provided in ANJELINA EVELYN KEILANI STORMI JOSEPH AGUILERA be granted on: COURT OF CALIFORNIA, subdivision of section 17920, where it the follow- drivers. According to the National which combined with enforce- BELTRAN TORRES to JACOBSON THE COURT ORDERS that all 9-20-2018, at 8:30 a.m. in County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- expires 40 days after any change in the ing date(s): Highway Traffi c Safety Adminis- ment, aims to drastically reduce ANJELINA EVELYN THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter Department 21, located at: toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. facts set forth in the statement pursuant BELTRAN VELA persons interested in this matter appear before this court to show SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- Any person objecting to the to section 17913 other than a change in August 18, tration (NHTSA), 10,497 people drunk or drug-impaired riding on residence address or registered owner. THE COURT ORDERS that all appear before this court to show cause, if any, why the petition IFORNIA, County of Ventura, name changes described above persons interested in this matter cause, if any, why the petition A new fi ctitious business name must August 25, were killed in alcohol-involved our nation’s roadways. Chavez encourages kids for change of name should not 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, must file a written objection be fi led before the expiration. The appear before this court to show for change of name should not be granted on: CA 93009. that includes the reasons for the fi ling of this statement does not itself and Sep- crashes or one person every 50 Motorcycles require specific cause, if any, why the petition be granted on: 9•11•18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- Any person objecting to the objection at least two court days authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- tember 1. minutes. training and skill. When a rider Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio (nowfor change of name should not SEP 24 2018, at 08:30 a.m. ment 41, located at: SUPERIOR name changes described above before the matter is scheduled to tious business name in violation of the Pope Francis). be granted on: in Department 40, located at: COURT OF CALIFORNIA, must file a written objection be heard and must appear at the rights of another under Federal, State, In addition The Oxnard Police Department adds alcohol, marijuana, or im- 9-25-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- that includes the reasons for the hearing to show cause why the or Common Law (see section 14411 In May, Chavez met via videoment 43, located at: SUPERIOR IFORNIA, County of Ventura, toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. objection at least two court days petition should not be granted. ET SEQ., Business and Professions to the DUI will show zero tolerance for im- pairing prescription medication conference with the pope at theCOURT OF CALIFORNIA, 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, Any person objecting to the before the matter is scheduled to If no written objection is timely Code). PUBLISH: saturation paired driving or riding and joins to the mix, it is not only illegal County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- CA 93009. name changes described above be heard and must appear at the filed, the court may grant the VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 gym, located at the Central detoria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. Any person objecting to the must file a written objection hearing to show cause why the petition without a hearing. patrols, the efforts by the California Offi ce of but increases the risky nature of Any person objecting to the name changes described above that includes the reasons for the petition should not be granted. A copy of this Order to Show Oxnard Po- Traffi c Safety (OTS) to educate riding a motorcycle. Abastos on Mexico City’s eastname changes described above must file a written objection objection at least two court days If no written objection is timely Cause shall be published at least side. must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the before the matter is scheduled to filed, the court may grant the once a week for four successive lice Depart- drivers that “DUI Doesn’t Just There are so many options out that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days be heard and must appear at the petition without a hearing. weeks prior to the date set for ment will Mean Booze.” If you take pre- there to get home safely. There is Other Mexican ex-boxingobjection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to hearing to show cause why the A copy of this Order to Show hearing in a newspaper of general champions like Lupe Pintor,before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the petition should not be granted. Cause shall be published at least circulation, printed in the County Every be conduct- scription drugs, particularly those no excuse for getting behind the be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the If no written objection is timely once a week for four successive of Ventura. Rafael Herrera, José “Pipino”hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. filed, the court may grant the weeks prior to the date set for Filed: JUL 10 2018 ing a DUI/ with a driving or operating ma- wheel when you are impaired. Cuevas, Rafael Limon and Isaacpetition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely petition without a hearing. hearing in a newspaper of general Dated: JUL 10 2018 Driver’s chinery warning label, you may To avoid a DUI and putting If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the A copy of this Order to Show circulation, printed in the County /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT Thursday Bustos also were on hand for thefiled, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Cause shall be published at least of Ventura. MICHAEL D. PLANET License be impaired enough to get a DUI. others, and yourself, at risk, the close of the program. petition without a hearing. A copy of this Order to Show once a week for four successive Filed: JUL 26 2018 Ventura Superior Court Checkpoint Marijuana can also be impairing Oxnard Police Department has a A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least weeks prior to the date set for Dated: JUL 26 2018 Executive Offi cer and Clerk Cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive hearing in a newspaper of general /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT By: JOAN FOSTER read on August and result in a DUI, especially few tips to stay safe on the roads: once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for circulation, printed in the County MICHAEL D. PLANET Deputy Clerk 30, 2018, in combination with alcohol or • Always designate a sober weeks prior to the date set for hearing in a newspaper of general of Ventura. Ventura Superior Court Published: hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the County Filed: AUG 03 2018 Executive Offi cer and Clerk VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 at an undis- other drugs. driver. circulation, printed in the County of Ventura. Dated: AUG 03 2018 By: JOAN FOSTER closed loca- In the ten years from 2005- • Use public transportation or a of Ventura. Filed: AUG 13 2018 /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT Deputy Clerk FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME VIDA Filed: AUG 08 2018 Dated: AUG 13 2018 MICHAEL D. PLANET Published: STATEMENT FILE No. 20180814- tion within 2015, the percentage of drivers ride-sharing service to get home. Dated: AUG 08 2018 /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT Ventura Superior Court VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 10014910-0 The following person(s) /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT MICHAEL D. PLANET Executive Offi cer and Clerk SUPERIOR COURT is (are) doing business as: the city lim- in fatal crashes with an impairing • Have a friend or family mem- MICHAEL D. PLANET Ventura Superior Court By: JESSICA BROWN OF CALIFORNIA, RŪTZ Newspaper its between drug other than alcohol in their ber who is about to drive buzzed Ventura Superior Court Executive Offi cer and Clerk Deputy Clerk COUNTY OF VENTURA 2511 GRAPEVINE DRIVE Executive Offi cer and Clerk By: ALBERT VILLEGAS JR. OXNARD, CA 93036 the hours of system has risen from 26.2 per- or impaired? Take the keys away Published: IN THE MATTER OF THE COUNTY OF VENTURA By: SUSANNE LEON Deputy Clerk VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 APPLICATION OF: Full Name of Registrant(s): 6:00 p.m. to cent to 42.6 percent. As far back and make arrangements to get Deputy Clerk Published: MONDOS XIMON AYMS AETHOS LLC is free Published: VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 SUPERIOR COURT ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 2511 GRAPEVINE DRIVE 12:00 a.m. as 2012, a roadside survey in them home safely. VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 OF CALIFORNIA, FOR CHANGE OF NAME OXNARD, CA 93036 The en- California showed more drivers • Report drunk drivers - call SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF VENTURA CASE NUMBER: This business is conducted by a Limit- OF CALIFORNIA, OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE 56-2018-00514597-CU-PT-VTA ed Liability Company. The registrant forcement tested positive for drugs that may 911. Page B4 VIDA NEWSPAPER 08-23-18

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME on N/A. This statement was fi led with DEANA ORTIZ Code). PUBLISH: on 7/1/2018. This statement was fi led subdivision of section 17920, where it 1874 GALWAY LANE and correct. A registrant who declares fi ling of this statement does not itself EL GALLO NURSERY STATEMENT FILE No. 20180802- the County Clerk of Ventura County CEO VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 with the County Clerk of Ventura expires 40 days after any change in the NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 as true information, which he or she authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- CORNER OF LEWIS RD 10014069-0 The following person(s) on July 30, 2018. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME County on August 21, 2018. facts set forth in the statement pursuant COUNTY OF VENTURA knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. tious business name in violation of the AND CA 118 is (are) doing business as: By signing below, I declare that all vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious STATEMENT FILE No. 20180815- By signing below, I declare that all to section 17913 other than a change in Full Name of Registrant(s): (B & P Code § 17913) rights of another under Federal, State, SOMIS, CA 93066 CASABLANCA HAIR information in this statement is true name statement generally expires at 10015008-0 The following person(s) information in this statement is true residence address or registered owner. ARMEN GAZANTCHIAN /s/ ESMERALDA CRUZ or Common Law (see section 14411 COUNTY OF VENTURA AND NAIL SALON and correct. A registrant who declares the end of fi ve years from the date on is (are) doing business as: and correct. A registrant who declares A new fi ctitious business name must 1874 GALWAY LANE NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- ET SEQ., Business and Professions Full Name of Registrant(s): 1560 NEWBURY RD, SUITE E-2 as true information, which he or she which it was fi led in the offi ce of the REALEZA VIDEO as true information, which he or she be fi led before the expiration. The NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious Code). PUBLISH: (1) MARIA LUZ DURAN NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. county clerk, except, as provided in Y FOTOGRAFIAS knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. fi ling of this statement does not itself This business is conducted by an name statement generally expires at VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 5016 CALLE CUESTA COUNTY OF VENTURA (B & P Code § 17913) subdivision of section 17920, where it 128 HUGHES DR (B & P Code § 17913) authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- individual. The registrant commenced the end of fi ve years from the date on STATEMENT OF ABANDON- CAMARILLO, CA 93012 Full Name of Registrant(s): /s/ EDGAR CAMPUZANO expires 40 days after any change in the OXNARD, CA 93033 /s/ CARNITAS EL REY, INC. tious business name in violation of the to transact business under the fi ctitious which it was fi led in the offi ce of the MENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS (2) JOSE L DURAN STEVE VAN HONG DIAZ facts set forth in the statement pursuant COUNTY OF VENTURA GRICELDA ZAVALA rights of another under Federal, State, business name or names listed above county clerk, except, as provided in BUSINESS NAME File No. 5016 CALLE CUESTA 1560 NEWBURY RD, SUITE E-2 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in Full Name of Registrant(s): PRESIDENT or Common Law (see section 14411 on N/A. This statement was fi led with subdivision of section 17920, where it 20180814-10014855-0 CAMARILLO, CA 93012 NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious residence address or registered owner. (1) PLACIDO REYES NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- ET SEQ., Business and Professions the County Clerk of Ventura County expires 40 days after any change in the THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) This business is conducted by married This business is conducted by an name statement generally expires at A new fi ctitious business name must FLORES vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious Code). PUBLISH: on August 09, 2018. facts set forth in the statement pursuant HAS(HAVE) ABANDONED USE couple. The registrant commenced to individual. The registrant commenced the end of fi ve years from the date on be fi led before the expiration. The 128 HUGHES DR name statement generally expires at VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 By signing below, I declare that all to section 17913 other than a change in TO THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS transact business under the fi ctitious to transact business under the fi ctitious which it was fi led in the offi ce of the fi ling of this statement does not itself OXNARD, CA 93033 the end of fi ve years from the date on FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME information in this statement is true residence address or registered owner. NAME: business name or names listed above business name or names listed above county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- (2) LORENZO REYES which it was fi led in the offi ce of the STATEMENT FILE No. 20180808- and correct. A registrant who declares A new fi ctitious business name must AC NURSERY on N/A. This statement was fi led with on 08/02/2018. This statement was subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the FLORES county clerk, except, as provided in 10014490-0 The following person(s) as true information, which he or she be fi led before the expiration. The 1531 E HUENEME RD the County Clerk of Ventura County fi led with the County Clerk of Ventura expires 40 days after any change in the rights of another under Federal, State, 128 HUGHES DR subdivision of section 17920, where it is (are) doing business as: knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. fi ling of this statement does not itself OXNARD, CA 93033 on July 26, 2018. County on August 02, 2018. facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 OXNARD, CA 93033 expires 40 days after any change in the THE TRICAMO COMPANY (B & P Code § 17913) authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- The date on which the fictitious By signing below, I declare that all By signing below, I declare that all to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions This business is conducted by Copart- facts set forth in the statement pursuant 537 CONSTITUTION AVE STE I /s/ ARMEN GAZANTCHIAN tious business name in violation of the business name being abandoned was information in this statement is true information in this statement is true residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: ners. The registrant commenced to to section 17913 other than a change in CAMARILLO, CA 93012 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- rights of another under Federal, State, fi led: 03-02-2016. The fi le number and correct. A registrant who declares and correct. A registrant who declares A new fi ctitious business name must VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 transact business under the fi ctitious residence address or registered owner. COUNTY OF VENTURA vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious or Common Law (see section 14411 to the fi ctitious business name being as true information, which he or she as true information, which he or she be fi led before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME business name or names listed above A new fi ctitious business name must Full Name of Registrant(s): name statement generally expires at ET SEQ., Business and Professions abandoned: 20160302-10004021-0. knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. fi ling of this statement does not itself STATEMENT FILE No. 20180820- on 8/15/2018. This statement was be fi led before the expiration. The MILLENNIUM POWER the end of fi ve years from the date on Code). PUBLISH: The county where the fictitious (B & P Code § 17913) (B & P Code § 17913) authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- 10015314-0 The following person(s) fi led with the County Clerk of Ventura fi ling of this statement does not itself SYSTEMS INC. which it was fi led in the offi ce of the VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 business name was fi led: VENTURA /s/ MARIA LUZ DURAN /s/ STEVE VAN HONG tious business name in violation of the is (are) doing business as: County on August 15, 2018. authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- 537 CONSTITUTION AVE STE I county clerk, except, as provided in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME COUNTY. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- rights of another under Federal, State, SOLE TOUCH FOOT SPA By signing below, I declare that all tious business name in violation of the CAMARILLO, CA 93012 subdivision of section 17920, where it STATEMENT FILE No. 20180726- Full Name and Residence of Reg- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious or Common Law (see section 14411 525 E LOS ANGELES AVE information in this statement is true rights of another under Federal, State, This business is conducted by a Cor- expires 40 days after any change in the 10013733-0 The following person(s) istrant(s): name statement generally expires at name statement generally expires at ET SEQ., Business and Professions SUITE B and correct. A registrant who declares or Common Law (see section 14411 poration. The registrant commenced facts set forth in the statement pursuant is (are) doing business as: MARIA ISABEL TORRES the end of fi ve years from the date on the end of fi ve years from the date on Code). PUBLISH: MOORPARK, CA 93021 as true information, which he or she ET SEQ., Business and Professions to transact business under the fi ctitious to section 17913 other than a change in BELLISSIMA HAIR 487 SISKIN PL which it was fi led in the offi ce of the which it was fi led in the offi ce of the VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. Code). PUBLISH: business name or names listed above residence address or registered owner. BY GIO SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 county clerk, except, as provided in county clerk, except, as provided in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): (B & P Code § 17913) VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 on N/A. This statement was fi led with A new fi ctitious business name must 212 VILLAGE COMMONS THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED subdivision of section 17920, where it subdivision of section 17920, where it STATEMENT FILE No. 20180813- HAILUN NI /s/ PLACIDO REYES FLORES the County Clerk of Ventura County be fi led before the expiration. The BLVD #15 WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF expires 40 days after any change in the expires 40 days after any change in the 10014740-0 The following person(s) 3231 SAN GABRIEL BLVD NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME on August 08, 2018. fi ling of this statement does not itself CAMARILLO, CA 93012 VENTURA COUNTY ON AUGUST facts set forth in the statement pursuant facts set forth in the statement pursuant is (are) doing business as: APT L vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious STATEMENT FILE No. 20180808- By signing below, I declare that all authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- COUNTY OF VENTURA 14, 2018. to section 17913 other than a change in to section 17913 other than a change in HERNANDEZ COLLEGE ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 name statement generally expires at 10014483-0 The following person(s) information in this statement is true tious business name in violation of the Full Name of Registrant(s): This business is conducted by an residence address or registered owner. residence address or registered owner. BOARD 2018 This business is conducted by an the end of fi ve years from the date on is (are) doing business as: and correct. A registrant who declares rights of another under Federal, State, GIOVANNA F BASTONE individual. By signing below, I declare A new fi ctitious business name must A new fi ctitious business name must 398 SIMON WAY individual. The registrant commenced which it was fi led in the offi ce of the A D TRUCKING as true information, which he or she or Common Law (see section 14411 922 COMANCHE COURT that all information in this statement be fi led before the expiration. The be fi led before the expiration. The OXNARD, CA 93036 to transact business under the fi ctitious county clerk, except, as provided in 601 PERTH PLACE knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. ET SEQ., Business and Professions CAMARILLO, CA 93010 is true and correct. A registrant who fi ling of this statement does not itself fi ling of this statement does not itself COUNTY OF VENTURA business name or names listed above subdivision of section 17920, where it OXNARD, CA 93035 (B & P Code § 17913) Code). PUBLISH: This business is conducted by an declares as true information which he authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- Full Name of Registrant(s): on N/A. This statement was fi led with expires 40 days after any change in the COUNTY OF VENTURA /s/ MILLENNIUM POWER VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 individual. The registrant commenced or she knows to be false, is guilty of a tious business name in violation of the tious business name in violation of the ARTURO D. HERNANDEZ the County Clerk of Ventura County facts set forth in the statement pursuant Full Name of Registrant(s): SYSTEMS INC. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME to transact business under the fi ctitious crime. (B & P Code § 17913) rights of another under Federal, State, rights of another under Federal, State, 398 SIMON WAY on August 20, 2018. to section 17913 other than a change in ABEL DIAZ IRENE E. TRICANO STATEMENT FILE No. 20180803- business name or names listed above /s/ MARIA ISABEL TORRES or Common Law (see section 14411 or Common Law (see section 14411 OXNARD, CA 93036 By signing below, I declare that all residence address or registered owner. 601 PERTH PLACE CFO/SECTR TREAS. 10014190-0 The following person(s) on 3/19/2018. This statement was NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- ET SEQ., Business and Professions ET SEQ., Business and Professions This business is conducted by an information in this statement is true A new fi ctitious business name must OXNARD, CA 93035 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- is (are) doing business as: fi led with the County Clerk of Ventura vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious Code). PUBLISH: Code). PUBLISH: individual. The registrant commenced and correct. A registrant who declares be fi led before the expiration. The This business is conducted by an vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious (1) 5-STAR THEATRICALS County on July 26, 2018. name statement generally expires at VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 to transact business under the fi ctitious as true information, which he or she fi ling of this statement does not itself individual. The registrant commenced name statement generally expires at (2) 5-STAR ACADEMY OF By signing below, I declare that all the end of fi ve years from the date on FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME business name or names listed above on knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- to transact business under the fi ctitious the end of fi ve years from the date on PERFORMING ARTS information in this statement is true which it was fi led in the offi ce of the STATEMENT FILE No. 20180720- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180806- 8/13/18. This statement was fi led with (B & P Code § 17913) tious business name in violation of the business name or names listed above which it was fi led in the offi ce of the 2100 THOUSAND OAKS and correct. A registrant who declares county clerk, except, as provided in 10013346-0 The following person(s) 10014301-0 The following person(s) the County Clerk of Ventura County /s/ HAILUN NI rights of another under Federal, State, on N/A. This statement was fi led with county clerk, except, as provided in BLVD. #B as true information, which he or she subdivision of section 17920, where is (are) doing business as: is (are) doing business as: on August 13, 2018. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- or Common Law (see section 14411 the County Clerk of Ventura County subdivision of section 17920, where it THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. it expires 40 days after any change IHN CRYO SERVICING JCG WEALTH By signing below, I declare that all vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious ET SEQ., Business and Professions on August 08, 2018. expires 40 days after any change in the COUNTY OF VENTURA (B & P Code § 17913) in the facts set forth in the statement 3391 LANDEN ST MANAGEMENT information in this statement is true name statement generally expires at Code). PUBLISH: By signing below, I declare that all facts set forth in the statement pursuant Full Name of Registrant(s): /s/ GIOVANNA F BASTONE pursuant to section 17913 other than CAMARILLO, CA 93010 51 COOLWATER ROAD and correct. A registrant who declares the end of fi ve years from the date on VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 information in this statement is true to section 17913 other than a change in CABRILLO MUSIC NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- a change in residence address or COUNTY OF VENTURA BELL CANYON, CA 91307 as true information, which he or she which it was fi led in the offi ce of the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME and correct. A registrant who declares residence address or registered owner. THEATRE, INC. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious registered owner. A new fi ctitious Full Name of Registrant(s): COUNTY OF VENTURA knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. county clerk, except, as provided in STATEMENT FILE No. 20180726- as true information, which he or she A new fi ctitious business name must 2100 THOUSAND OAKS name statement generally expires at business name must be fi led before the HAROLD W MCDANIEL Full Name of Registrant(s): (B & P Code § 17913) subdivision of section 17920, where it 10013714-0 The following person(s) knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. be fi led before the expiration. The BLVD #B the end of fi ve years from the date on expiration. The fi ling of this statement 3391 LANDEN ST JEFFREY CLAY GOODRICH /s/ ARTURO D. HERNANDEZ expires 40 days after any change in the is (are) doing business as: (B & P Code § 17913) fi ling of this statement does not itself THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 which it was fi led in the offi ce of the does not itself authorize the use in this CAMARILLO, CA 93010 51 COOLWATER RD NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- facts set forth in the statement pursuant 4 WAY MEAT MARKET /s/ ABEL DIAZ authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- This business is conducted by a Cor- county clerk, except, as provided in state of a fi ctitious business name in This business is conducted by an BELL CANYON, CA 91307 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious to section 17913 other than a change in LA REYNA #1 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- tious business name in violation of the poration. The registrant commenced subdivision of section 17920, where it violation of the rights of another under individual. The registrant commenced This business is conducted by an name statement generally expires at residence address or registered owner. 508 E. DATE ST vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious rights of another under Federal, State, to transact business under the fi ctitious expires 40 days after any change in the Federal, State, or Common Law (see to transact business under the fi ctitious individual. The registrant commenced the end of fi ve years from the date on A new fi ctitious business name must OXNARD, CA 93033 name statement generally expires at or Common Law (see section 14411 business name or names listed above facts set forth in the statement pursuant section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and business name or names listed above to transact business under the fi ctitious which it was fi led in the offi ce of the be fi led before the expiration. The COUNTY OF VENTURA the end of fi ve years from the date on ET SEQ., Business and Professions on 1) 9/1/2017 2) 7/26/2018. This to section 17913 other than a change in Professions Code). on N A. This statement was fi led with business name or names listed above county clerk, except, as provided in fi ling of this statement does not itself Full Name of Registrant(s): which it was fi led in the offi ce of the Code). PUBLISH: statement was fi led with the County residence address or registered owner. PUBLISHED: the County Clerk of Ventura County on N/A. This statement was fi led with subdivision of section 17920, where it authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- JOSE JR. CARBAJAL county clerk, except, as provided in VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 Clerk of Ventura County on August A new fi ctitious business name must VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 on July 20, 2018. the County Clerk of Ventura County expires 40 days after any change in the tious business name in violation of the 1921 IVANHOE AVE. subdivision of section 17920, where it FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 03, 2018. be fi led before the expiration. The By signing below, I declare that all on August 06, 2018. facts set forth in the statement pursuant rights of another under Federal, State, OXNARD, CA 93030 expires 40 days after any change in the STATEMENT FILE No. 20180718- By signing below, I declare that all fi ling of this statement does not itself FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME information in this statement is true By signing below, I declare that all to section 17913 other than a change in or Common Law (see section 14411 This business is conducted by an facts set forth in the statement pursuant 10013210-0 The following person(s) information in this statement is true authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180725- and correct. A registrant who declares information in this statement is true residence address or registered owner. ET SEQ., Business and Professions individual. The registrant commenced to section 17913 other than a change in is (are) doing business as: and correct. A registrant who declares tious business name in violation of the 10013654-0 The following person(s) as true information, which he or she and correct. A registrant who declares A new fi ctitious business name must Code). PUBLISH: to transact business under the fi ctitious residence address or registered owner. COYOTE CRYSTALS as true information, which he or she rights of another under Federal, State, is (are) doing business as: knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. as true information, which he or she be fi led before the expiration. The VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 business name or names listed above on A new fi ctitious business name must 95 N PACIFIC AVE knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. or Common Law (see section 14411 AQUATIC DREAM (B & P Code § 17913) knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. fi ling of this statement does not itself FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 7-26-18. This statement was fi led with be fi led before the expiration. The VENTURA, CA 93001 (B & P Code § 17913) ET SEQ., Business and Professions SUPPLY CO. /s/ HAROLD W MCDANIEL (B & P Code § 17913) authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180725- the County Clerk of Ventura County fi ling of this statement does not itself COUNTY OF VENTURA /s/ CABRILLO MUSIC Code). PUBLISH: 2617 VISTA LOOP NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- /s/ JEFFREY CLAY tious business name in violation of the 10013652-0 The following person(s) on July 26, 2018. authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- Full Name of Registrant(s): THEATRE, INC. VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 OXNARD, CA 93036 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious GOODRICH rights of another under Federal, State, is (are) doing business as: By signing below, I declare that all tious business name in violation of the NASEEM NAGHDI BART LEININGER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME COUNTY OF VENTURA name statement generally expires at NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- or Common Law (see section 14411 CITICUTS CAMARILLO information in this statement is true rights of another under Federal, State, 95 N PACIFIC AVE BOARD CHAIR STATEMENT FILE No. 20180718- Full Name of Registrant(s): the end of fi ve years from the date on vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious ET SEQ., Business and Professions 5245 MISSION OAKS BLVD and correct. A registrant who declares or Common Law (see section 14411 VENTURA, CA 93001 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- 10013206-0 The following person(s) LETICIA CANTALUPO which it was fi led in the offi ce of the name statement generally expires at Code). PUBLISH: VENTURA, CA 93012 as true information, which he or she ET SEQ., Business and Professions This business is conducted by an vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious is (are) doing business as: 2617 VISTA LOOP county clerk, except, as provided in the end of fi ve years from the date on VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. Code). PUBLISH: individual. The registrant commenced name statement generally expires at (1) NTL MOBILE OXNARD, CA 93036 subdivision of section 17920, where it which it was fi led in the offi ce of the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): (B & P Code § 17913) VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 to transact business under the fi ctitious the end of fi ve years from the date on LOCKSMITH This business is conducted by an expires 40 days after any change in the county clerk, except, as provided in STATEMENT FILE No. 20180820- CITICUTS /s/ JOSE JR. CARBAJAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME business name or names listed above which it was fi led in the offi ce of the (2) PACIFIC COAST individual. The registrant commenced facts set forth in the statement pursuant subdivision of section 17920, where it 10015257-0 The following person(s) 5345 MISSION OAKS BLVD NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180808- on 5/31/2018. This statement was county clerk, except, as provided in LOCKSMITH to transact business under the fi ctitious to section 17913 other than a change in expires 40 days after any change in the is (are) doing business as: CAMARILLO, CA 93012 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious 10014509-0 The following person(s) fi led with the County Clerk of Ventura subdivision of section 17920, where it 2137 N VENTURA ROAD business name or names listed above residence address or registered owner. facts set forth in the statement pursuant (1) PETRELLI REVIEWS This business is conducted by a Cor- name statement generally expires at is (are) doing business as: County on July 18, 2018. expires 40 days after any change in the OXNARD, CA 93036 on 7/9/2018. This statement was fi led A new fi ctitious business name must to section 17913 other than a change in (2) ONE HOUR LIFE poration. The registrant commenced the end of fi ve years from the date on LA RAZA TOWING By signing below, I declare that all facts set forth in the statement pursuant COUNTY OF VENTURA with the County Clerk of Ventura be fi led before the expiration. The residence address or registered owner. SKILLS to transact business under the fi ctitious which it was fi led in the offi ce of the 632 PACIFIC AVE information in this statement is true to section 17913 other than a change in Full Name of Registrant(s): County on July 25, 2018. fi ling of this statement does not itself A new fi ctitious business name must (3) STYLING CURVES business name or names listed above county clerk, except, as provided in OXNARD, CA 93030 and correct. A registrant who declares residence address or registered owner. NIV THE LOCKSMITH By signing below, I declare that all authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- be fi led before the expiration. The (4) PLUS SIZE on 6/14/2018. This statement was subdivision of section 17920, where it COUNTY OF VENTURA as true information, which he or she A new fi ctitious business name must 2137 N VENTURA ROAD information in this statement is true tious business name in violation of the fi ling of this statement does not itself INFLUENCER fi led with the County Clerk of Ventura expires 40 days after any change in the Full Name of Registrant(s): knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. be fi led before the expiration. The OXNARD, CA 93036 and correct. A registrant who declares rights of another under Federal, State, authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- (5) PHOTOGRAPHY County on July 25, 2018. facts set forth in the statement pursuant (1) AGUSTIN HERNANDEZ (B & P Code § 17913) fi ling of this statement does not itself This business is conducted by a Cor- as true information, which he or she or Common Law (see section 14411 tious business name in violation of the INFLUENCE By signing below, I declare that all to section 17913 other than a change in HERNANDEZ /s/ NASEEM NAGHDI authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- poration. The registrant commenced knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. ET SEQ., Business and Professions rights of another under Federal, State, 1772-J E. AVENIDA DE LOS information in this statement is true residence address or registered owner. 2529 COLONIA AVE NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- tious business name in violation of the to transact business under the fi ctitious (B & P Code § 17913) Code). PUBLISH: or Common Law (see section 14411 ARBOLES #150 and correct. A registrant who declares A new fi ctitious business name must OXNARD, CA 93036 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious rights of another under Federal, State, business name or names listed above /s/ LETICIA CANTALUPO VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 ET SEQ., Business and Professions THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 as true information, which he or she be fi led before the expiration. The (2) PEDRO HERNANDEZ name statement generally expires at or Common Law (see section 14411 on N/A. This statement was fi led with NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Code). PUBLISH: COUNTY OF VENTURA knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. fi ling of this statement does not itself HERNANDEZ the end of fi ve years from the date on ET SEQ., Business and Professions the County Clerk of Ventura County vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 Full Name of Registrant(s): (B & P Code § 17913) authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- 2529 COLONIA AVE which it was fi led in the offi ce of the Code). PUBLISH: on July 18, 2018. name statement generally expires at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME DEANA PETRELLI /s/ CITICUTS tious business name in violation of the OXNARD, CA 93036 county clerk, except, as provided in VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 By signing below, I declare that all the end of fi ve years from the date on STATEMENT FILE No. 20180730- INTERNATIONAL LLC ALMA DELIA MENDOZA rights of another under Federal, State, This business is conducted by a subdivision of section 17920, where it FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME information in this statement is true which it was fi led in the offi ce of the 10013838-0 The following person(s) 1772-J E. AVENIDA DE LOS VICE PRESIDENT or Common Law (see section 14411 General Parnership. The registrant expires 40 days after any change in the STATEMENT FILE No. 20180814- and correct. A registrant who declares county clerk, except, as provided in Every is (are) doing business as: ARBOLES #150 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- ET SEQ., Business and Professions commenced to transact business under facts set forth in the statement pursuant 10014856-0 The following person(s) as true information, which he or she subdivision of section 17920, where it CHARGED UP LAWN THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious Code). PUBLISH: the fi ctitious business name or names to section 17913 other than a change in is (are) doing business as: knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. expires 40 days after any change in the MAINTENANCE This business is conducted by a Limit- name statement generally expires at VCVN AUG 23, 30, SEPT 6, 13, 2018 listed above on 2008. This statement residence address or registered owner. AC NURSERY (B & P Code § 17913) facts set forth in the statement pursuant Thursday 2350 PEACOCK AVE #106 ed Liability Company. The registrant the end of fi ve years from the date on FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME was fi led with the County Clerk of A new fi ctitious business name must 1531 E. HUENEME RD /s/ NIV THE LOCKSMITH to section 17913 other than a change in VENTURA, CA 93003 commenced to transact business under which it was fi led in the offi ce of the STATEMENT FILE No. 20180821- Ventura County on August 08, 2018. be fi led before the expiration. The OXNARD, CA 93033 VIV LEVY residence address or registered owner. COUNTY OF VENTURA the fi ctitious business name or names county clerk, except, as provided in 10015391-0 The following person(s) By signing below, I declare that all fi ling of this statement does not itself COUNTY OF VENTURA PRESIDENT A new fi ctitious business name must Full Name of Registrant(s): listed above on 1.) 8-10-18 2.) 8-10-18 subdivision of section 17920, where it is (are) doing business as: information in this statement is true authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- Full Name of Registrant(s): NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- be fi led before the expiration. The read (1) EDGAR CAMPUZANO 3.) 8-10-18 4.) 8-10-18 5.) 8-10-18. expires 40 days after any change in the CARNITAS EL REY and correct. A registrant who declares tious business name in violation of the ESMERALDA CRUZ vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious fi ling of this statement does not itself DIAZ This statement was fi led with the facts set forth in the statement pursuant 124 E 5TH ST. as true information, which he or she rights of another under Federal, State, 827 MORADO PL name statement generally expires at authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- 2350 PEACOCK AVE #106 County Clerk of Ventura County on to section 17913 other than a change in OXNARD, CA 93030 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. or Common Law (see section 14411 OXNARD, CA 93030 the end of fi ve years from the date on tious business name in violation of the VIDA VENTURA, CA 93003 August 20, 2018. residence address or registered owner. COUNTY OF VENTURA (B & P Code § 17913) ET SEQ., Business and Professions This business is conducted by an which it was fi led in the offi ce of the rights of another under Federal, State, (2) ERIC ORLANDO By signing below, I declare that all A new fi ctitious business name must Full Name of Registrant(s): /s/ AGUSTIN HERNANDEZ Code). PUBLISH: individual. The registrant commenced county clerk, except, as provided in or Common Law (see section 14411 CAMPUSANO information in this statement is true be fi led before the expiration. The CARNITAS EL REY, INC. HERNANDEZ VCVN AUG 16, 23, 30, SEPT 6, 2018 to transact business under the fi ctitious subdivision of section 17920, where it ET SEQ., Business and Professions 1490 NOMA ST and correct. A registrant who declares fi ling of this statement does not itself 124 E 5TH ST NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME business name or names listed above on expires 40 days after any change in the Code). PUBLISH: Newspaper CARPINTERIA, CA 93013 as true information, which he or she authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- OXNARD, CA 93030 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious STATEMENT FILE No. 20180809- 8-14-18. This statement was fi led with facts set forth in the statement pursuant VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 This business is conducted by Copart- knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. tious business name in violation of the This business is conducted by a Cor- name statement generally expires at 10014577-0 The following person(s) the County Clerk of Ventura County to section 17913 other than a change in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ners. The registrant commenced to (B & P Code § 17913) rights of another under Federal, State, poration. The registrant commenced the end of fi ve years from the date on is (are) doing business as: on August 14, 2018. residence address or registered owner. STATEMENT FILE No. 20180726- is free transact business under the fi ctitious /s/ DEANA PETRELLI or Common Law (see section 14411 to transact business under the fi ctitious which it was fi led in the offi ce of the SUBURBIAN TEES AND By signing below, I declare that all A new fi ctitious business name must 10013760-0 The following person(s) business name or names listed above INTERNATIONAL LLC ET SEQ., Business and Professions business name or names listed above county clerk, except, as provided in PRINT COMPANY information in this statement is true be fi led before the expiration. The is (are) doing business as:

Published VCVN: 08/23/18 Published VCVN: 08/23/18 PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18 Página B5 Aumentan las muertes por sobredosis de drogas Las muertes a causa de sobre- nado por las altas tasas de casos de Este reporte se da a conocer en dosis de drogas siguen incremen- sobredosis por opiáceos sintéticos, un contexto de crisis de opiáceos tándose en el país tras registrar en como el fentanilo, que sumaron en el país, donde más de cuatro 2017 más de 72,000 casos, una ci- 29,418, cerca de 9,000 más que el millones de estadounidenses son fra que refleja un aumento de más año anterior y muy por encima de adictos a analgésicos de prescrip- de 6,000 decesos, casi un 10 %, la segunda droga que más muertes ción médica -de los que 250,000 según un informe preliminar del ha generado, la heroína, que regis- son adolescentes- y la sobredosis que dan cuenta medios nacionales. tró 15,950 casos. se ha convertido en la causa más En concreto, de acuerdo con da- West Virginia, el distrito de común de muerte violenta, por en- tos de los Centros para el Control Columbia, Pensilvania, Ohio y cima de los accidentes de tráfico o y Prevención de Enfermedades Maryland son las zonas que enca- las armas, de acuerdo con la DEA. (CDC) de EE.UU., en 2017 mu- bezan la lista donde más muertes El presidente de EE.UU., Do- rieron 72,287 personas a causa de por sobredosis se han registrado, nald Trump, declaró en 2017 la una sobredosis de drogas, de esas mientras que Nebraska presenta crisis de los opiáceos una emer- cifra 49,060 correspondieron a los porcentajes más bajos, a la gencia nacional de salud pública opiáceos en general. vez que Massachusetts y Vermont y destinó un fondo de 1,000 mi- El incremento de muertes du- han visto descensos considerables, llones de dólares para abordar la rante el año 2017 ha estado domi- según el estudio de los CDC. problemática. Joven de 21 años muere a manos de la policía La Policía de Austin (Texas) dos individuos portaban armas”, confirmó la detención de la segunda confirmó la muerte por herida de narró Gay. persona que portaba un arma. bala de un joven de 21 años, quien El oficial aseguró que en el suceso, “Los agentes involucrados en este presuntamente sostenía un arma, en recogido por las cámaras de segu- incidente tienen una experiencia de un tiroteo con los propios agentes en ridad de los alrededores y de los entre uno y seis años (...) como parte el exterior de un club nocturno de la propios dispositivos de la policía, los del protocolo han sido apartados (del capital texana. sospechosos dispararon varias veces servicio) y están siendo interrogados El jefe asistente de la Policía, Troy mientas los agentes emitían “múlti- para avanzar en la investigación”, Gay, explicó en una rueda de prensa ples órdenes” para que se detuvieran. manifestó el jefe asistente de la que varias unidades de su depar- En ese momento, según la Policía. tamento acudieron al aviso de una versión oficial, el joven fallecido, Este es el octavo tiroteo mortal en pelea multitudinaria en el interior de un afroamericano cuya identidad el que el Departamento de Policía de un establecimiento de ocio situado no se reveló, apuntó con su arma a Austin se ve involucrado esta año y en el centro de la ciudad. un grupo de ocho policías que acto el segundo en lo que llevamos del “Esta noche tuvimos una situación seguido abrió fuego contra él. mes. caótica, poco después de mediano- El sospechoso fue trasladado de El 3 de agosto, un policia disparó che recibimos tres llamadas sobre inmediato a un hospital, pero horas contra Craig Anthony Carter, de 27 disturbios en la zona; al llegar se más tarde falleció debido a las le- años, tras una persecución que se produjo otro problema en el callejón siones que sufrió. produjo cuando trataba de huir de la trasero del local, donde al menos Ningún policía resultó herido ni se policía por agredir a su madre. Página B6 PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18 CRISIS EN VENEZUELA CON NUEVOS BILLETES Trump defiende a “La Migra” El presidente, Donald Trump, cierre de esa autoridad migratoria, detenidos y propició con ello la censuró la campaña nacional “desean la anarquía” en la frontera separación de más de 2,000 niños contra las autoridades migratorias con México. de sus progenitores en la frontera. organizada por numerosos grupos En los últimos meses, nume- Ante esta situación, Trump de defensa de los derechos civiles rosas organizaciones por los exigió respeto hacia el ICE y la y de los inmigrantes, y exigió res- derechos civiles y líderes políti- Patrulla Fronteriza (CBP, en sus peto a estos cuerpos de seguridad. cos, como la senadora demócrata siglas en inglés) y pidió en su “Trágicamente, los valientes Elizabeth Warren, y el alcalde de misiva a los líderes locales (al- hombres y mujeres de ICE (Ser- Nueva York, Bill de Blasio, han caldes, gobernadores, legisladores vicio de Inmigración y Aduanas) liderado un movimiento para pedir estatales y sheriffs) que expresen han sido recientemente objeto de la desaparición de esa agencia, que públicamente su apoyo a estos una campaña nacional de calum- califican como “una máquina de cuerpos migratorios. nias, insultos y ataques por parte odio que aterroriza comunidades “Sin vuestra cooperación, cri- de políticos sin vergüenza”, señaló y no tiene ningún control”. minales violentos de la Mara Trump en una carta enviada a los La idea de desintegrar esa agen- Salvatrucha (MS-13), cárteles líderes locales y estatales del país cia ganó adeptos en medio del re- de droga y otras organizaciones y difundida por la Casa Blanca. chazo generalizado a la política de criminales transnacionales segui- El presidente aseguró que las “tolerancia cero” con la inmigra- rán exportando terror, sangre y organizaciones y políticos demó- ción ilegal que la Administración sufrimiento entre nuestras comu- cratas encargados de la campaña Trump impulsó en marzo, que nidades más vulnerables”, agregó criminaliza a los indocumentados el mandatario. Vista de billetes del nuevo cono monetario en un banco en Caracas (Venezuela). Venezuela “Abolid el ICE”, que aboga por el estrenó una nueva familia de billetes con cinco ceros menos, en el marco de una reconversión monetaria que arrancó en un día decretado como no laborable y en medio de la hiperinflación en la que se encuentra sumergido el país desde finales de 2017. TRABAJO VIOLENCIA EN BRASIL CON 4000 SOLDADOS

Soldados patrullan calles en el Complexo do Alemão, en Río de Janeiro (Brasil). Más de 4,000 efectivos del Ejército brasileño y de la Policía mantuvieron, por segundo día consecutivo, un megaoperativo en tres complejos de favelas de la zona norte de Río de Janeiro que dejó un saldo de siete personas muertas, entre ellas dos militares. PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18 Página B7 Trump defiende a “La Migra” AVISOS CLASIFICADOS detenidos y propició con ello la TRABAJOS VENTAS CASAS AUTOS separación de más de 2,000 niños de sus progenitores en la frontera. USTED PUEDE PONER SU ANUNCIO AQUÍ Ante esta situación, Trump ES FÁCIL, ECONÓMICO Y MUY EFICAZ 483-1008 exigió respeto hacia el ICE y la Patrulla Fronteriza (CBP, en sus siglas en inglés) y pidió en su misiva a los líderes locales (al- AUTOS AUTOS TRABAJOS TRABAJOS caldes, gobernadores, legisladores estatales y sheriffs) que expresen SE VENDE FOR SALE CONSTRUCTION ROOFERS WANTED públicamente su apoyo a estos TOYOTA CAMRY CADILLAC DEVILLE GENERAL LABOR (For a well established company) cuerpos migratorios. JT Resources, a non-union com- - full time “Sin vuestra cooperación, cri- pany, is hiring. Looking for - must have tools and individuals with min. 1 year ex- transportation minales violentos de la Mara perience in general labor to work Salvatrucha (MS-13), cárteles in L.A. and Ventura County. Call: 805-523-2461 de droga y otras organizaciones Starting Pay: $14.25/hr criminales transnacionales segui- For sale 2004 Cadillac DeVille. Call (661) 367-6827 for Toyota Camary del año 2000. Ca- Gold trim, 4 Door, many extras, ti- information. ¿Busca Empleados? rán exportando terror, sangre y rro economico de 4 cilindros con res excellent and runs good. Asking sufrimiento entre nuestras comu- 91,000 millas, llantas semi nue- $2,900. For more info call vas. Lo vendo por $3,450. Para Ponga aquí su anuncio nidades más vulnerables”, agregó (805) 384 8481 #1011 más información puede llamar al SERVICIOS el mandatario. (805) 341-1867. OPORTUNIDAD y los encontrará. #0927 SE VENDE LLAME AL 483-1008 HONDA CIVIC SE VENDE SE VENDE PLOMERO FORD F150 Un compresor y un amplificador Se hacen trabajos de plomería, de 5 mil Watts. Llame al (805) destapado de drenajes, limpiamos 205-0798. muy bien, si se necesita cortamos SERVICIOS tubos o usamos agua a presión. También detectamos fugas de SE VENDEN CLEANING agua. Arreglamos o cambiamos Lavadora, secadora y unas bo- llaves de agua. Cambiamos cinas para dj. Llame al (805) HOUSE & OFFICE calentadores de agua (boilers), 228-9865. Deep cleaning for residential también reemplazamos tazas Honda Civic del año 2000. En & commercial de baño. Nuestros trabajos Ford F150 del año 2002. Bonita, están garantizados. Para más 4 puertas, automática. Corre exce- excelentes condiciones estándar, • Deep Cleaning • House • Office 4 cilindros. Todo funciona. Lo SE VENDEN • Apartment información y presupuestos lente manéjela. Baratísima, Tiene Licuadora, un micro ondas, aspi- gratis llamar al 890-8931. placas nuevas hasta el 2019. La vendo por $1,950. Para más in- Call for a free estimate. vendo por $5,000 o mejor oferta. formación puede llamar al (805) radora y una TV. Llame al (805) Hablamos español. 775-9884. 422-9331. (805) 760-3586, (805) 815-2777 Para más información puede lla- #0830 mar al (805) 246-0502 #0830 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME and correct. A registrant who declares Aurora’s name statement generally expires at STATEMENT FILE No. 20180717- as true information, which he or she HOUSE CLEANING the end of five years from the date on 10013033-0 The following person(s) knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. V which it was filed in the office of the is (are) doing business as: (B & P Code § 17913) SE VENDE PONGA aquí su anuncio. SERVICIOS county clerk, except, as provided in CHIVAS MARKET /s/ JUAN JOSE ENRIQUEZ subdivision of section 17920, where it MULTISERVICIOS NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- NISSAN ALTIMA GENERAL CLEAN-UP I expires 40 days after any change in the 3728 SAVIERS RD vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious En venta: Autos, Camionetas, facts set forth in the statement pursuant OXNARD, CA 93033 name statement generally expires at JARDINERO GARDENING D to section 17913 other than a change in COUNTY OF VENTURA the end of five years from the date on Vans, Suv's y Camiones. ¡Usted residence address or registered owner. Full Name of Registrant(s): which it was filed in the office of the DISPONIBLE Yard, Sprinklers repairs, installa- A A new fictitious business name must CARMEN CARRILLO county clerk, except, as provided in puede poner su anuncio aquí! es Servicios de jardinería con más de tion, fake grass installation, concrete be filed before the expiration. The 1811 SANFORD ST APT E subdivision of section 17920, where it work, tree trimming, tree remov- filing of this statement does not itself OXNARD, CA 93033 expires 40 days after any change in the fácil, economico y muy eficaz. 20 años de experiencia. Podamos al and tree plant. Stump grinding, authorize the use in this state of a ficti- This business is conducted by an facts set forth in the statement pursuant árboles, cortamos pasto y ofrece- fence painting. Marin Landscape for tious business name in violation of the individual. The registrant commenced to section 17913 other than a change in mos servicio de jardinería comple- rights of another under Federal, State, to transact business under the fictitious residence address or registered owner. LLAME AL 483-1008 more info: 390-7822 or visit N or Common Law (see section 14411 business name or names listed above A new fictitious business name must Nissan Altima del año 2009. Tie- to. También instalamos sistemas de ET SEQ., Business and Professions on 04/01/2018. This statement was be filed before the expiration. The ne 125 mil millas, smog listo. Lo irrigación. Trabajo bueno, bonito y E Code). PUBLISH: filed with the County Clerk of Ventura filing of this statement does not itself vendo por $5,950. Para más in- barato. Para más información co- VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 County on July 17, 2018. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME By signing below, I declare that all tious business name in violation of the formación puede llamar al (805) muníquese con Gilberto Ramírez 758-7792. W STATEMENT FILE No. 20180727- information in this statement is true rights of another under Federal, State, #0823 H llamando al (805) 814-5133. 10013784-0 The following person(s) and correct. A registrant who declares or Common Law (see section 14411 SERVICIOS #0419 SERVICIOS is (are) doing business as: as true information, which he or she ET SEQ., Business and Professions S MELOS CARE HOME knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. Code). PUBLISH: 348 W AVENIDA DE (B & P Code § 17913) VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 YO ECHO SERVICIO DE P LOS ARBOLES /s/ CARMEN CARRILLO FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SERVICIOS SE CORTAN THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180730- ARBOLES CEMENTO JARDINERO COUNTY OF VENTURA vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious 10013856-0 The following person(s) Se ofrece servicio de Limpieza gen- A Full Name of Registrant(s): name statement generally expires at is (are) doing business as: Se cortan arboles de todos tipos y Yo ofrezco mis servicios, echo EDWIN OYASAN the end of five years from the date on CHACMOOL STUDIO eral, yarda, reparación e instalación 2697 TENNYSON STREET which it was filed in the office of the YO SOY JARDINERO de todos tamaños. Buenos precios cemento, lizo o estampado, con P 2323 ROOSEVELT BLVD #2 color o al natural. Hago buen de rociadores, instalación de sácate THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 county clerk, except, as provided in OXNARD, CA 93035 Yo ofrezco mis servicios como y hacemos muy buen trabajo. Para artificial, trabajo de concreto, podar This business is conducted by an subdivision of section 17920, where it COUNTY OF VENTURA más información llamarme al 487- trabajo y a bajos precios y con E individual. The registrant commenced expires 40 days after any change in the Full Name of Registrant(s): jardinero. Hago buen trabajo mucha calidad. Tambien hago árboles, remover y plantar árbo- to transact business under the fictitious facts set forth in the statement pursuant HIDALGO JOSE y a precios módicos. Para más 7641 o al celular 827-2444. bardas de bloque de cemento. les molienda muñón y pintar cer- business name or names listed above to section 17913 other than a change in ALVIZAR AKE información llamarme al 487- Para más información llamarme cas. Llame a Marin Landscape al R on N/A. This statement was filed with residence address or registered owner. 751 DIAZ AVE 390-7822 o visite the County Clerk of Ventura County A new fictitious business name must OXNARD, CA 93030 7641 o al celular 827-2444. al 487-7641 o al celular 827-2444. on July 27, 2018. be filed before the expiration. The This business is conducted by an Periódico VIDA #DE 0212-0430 By signing below, I declare that all filing of this statement does not itself individual. The registrant commenced information in this statement is true authorize the use in this state of a ficti- to transact business under the fictitious FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME name statement generally expires at BIKE RENTAL county clerk, except, as provided in 2020 PLATFORM PL the end of five years from the date on is (are) doing business as: and correct. A registrant who declares tious business name in violation of the business name or names listed above STATEMENT FILE No. 20180801- the end of five years from the date on 510 W. BEVERLY DR. subdivision of section 17920, where it OXNARD, CA 93035 which it was filed in the office of the (1) HYBRID LAWNS as true information, which he or she rights of another under Federal, State, on 8-08. This statement was filed with 10014003-0 The following person(s) which it was filed in the office of the OXNARD, CA 93030 expires 40 days after any change in the COUNTY OF VENTURA county clerk, except, as provided in (2) HYBRIDLAWNS.COM knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. or Common Law (see section 14411 the County Clerk of Ventura County is (are) doing business as: county clerk, except, as provided in COUNTY OF VENTURA facts set forth in the statement pursuant Full Name of Registrant(s): subdivision of section 17920, where it 29111 VILLAGE 29 (B & P Code § 17913) ET SEQ., Business and Professions on July 30, 2018. P & J AUTO SALES subdivision of section 17920, where it Full Name of Registrant(s): to section 17913 other than a change in R & A INTERIOR expires 40 days after any change in the CAMARILLO, CA 93012 /s/ EDWIN OYASAN Code). PUBLISH: By signing below, I declare that all 2440 E THOMPSON BLVD expires 40 days after any change in the WILLIAM A SCHOTTLER residence address or registered owner. DETAIL, INC. facts set forth in the statement pursuant COUNTY OF VENTURA NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 information in this statement is true VENTURA, CA 93003 facts set forth in the statement pursuant 510 W. BEVERLY DR. A new fictitious business name must 2020 PLATFORM PL to section 17913 other than a change in Full Name of Registrant(s): vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME and correct. A registrant who declares COUNTY OF VENTURA to section 17913 other than a change in OXNARD, CA 93030 be filed before the expiration. The OXNARD, CA 93035 residence address or registered owner. HYBRID GROUNDS name statement generally expires at STATEMENT FILE No. 20180726- as true information, which he or she Full Name of Registrant(s): residence address or registered owner. This business is conducted by an filing of this statement does not itself This business is conducted by a Cor- A new fictitious business name must MANAGEMENT the end of five years from the date on 10013712-0 The following person(s) knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. PEDRO C MANRIQUE A new fictitious business name must individual. The registrant commenced authorize the use in this state of a ficti- poration. The registrant commenced be filed before the expiration. The 29111 VILLAGE 29 which it was filed in the office of the is (are) doing business as: (B & P Code § 17913) 719 LAZARO LN be filed before the expiration. The to transact business under the fictitious tious business name in violation of the to transact business under the fictitious filing of this statement does not itself CAMARILLO, CA 93012 county clerk, except, as provided in CARNICERIA 4 CAMINOS /s/ HIDALGO JOSE OXNARD, CA 93035 filing of this statement does not itself business name or names listed above rights of another under Federal, State, business name or names listed above authorize the use in this state of a ficti- This business is conducted by a Cor- subdivision of section 17920, where it LA REYNA #3 ALVIZAR AKE This business is conducted by an authorize the use in this state of a ficti- on N/A. This statement was filed with or Common Law (see section 14411 on July 1st, 2018. This statement was tious business name in violation of the poration. The registrant commenced expires 40 days after any change in the 1730 E 1ST ST NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- individual. The registrant commenced tious business name in violation of the the County Clerk of Ventura County ET SEQ., Business and Professions filed with the County Clerk of Ventura rights of another under Federal, State, to transact business under the fictitious facts set forth in the statement pursuant OXNARD, CA 93030 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious to transact business under the fictitious rights of another under Federal, State, on August 06, 2018. Code). PUBLISH: County on July 11, 2018. or Common Law (see section 14411 business name or names listed above to section 17913 other than a change in COUNTY OF VENTURA name statement generally expires at business name or names listed above or Common Law (see section 14411 By signing below, I declare that all VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 By signing below, I declare that all ET SEQ., Business and Professions on 3/12/2018. This statement was residence address or registered owner. Full Name of Registrant(s): the end of five years from the date on on N/A. This statement was filed with ET SEQ., Business and Professions information in this statement is true FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME information in this statement is true Code). PUBLISH: filed with the County Clerk of Ventura A new fictitious business name must JOSE JR. CARBAJAL which it was filed in the office of the the County Clerk of Ventura County Code). PUBLISH: and correct. A registrant who declares STATEMENT FILE No. 20180803- and correct. A registrant who declares VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 County on July 20, 2018. be filed before the expiration. The 1921 IVANHOE AVE county clerk, except, as provided in on August 01, 2018. VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 as true information, which he or she 10014229-0 The following person(s) as true information, which he or she FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME By signing below, I declare that all filing of this statement does not itself OXNARD, CA 93030 subdivision of section 17920, where it By signing below, I declare that all FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. is (are) doing business as: knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. STATEMENT FILE No. 20180711- information in this statement is true authorize the use in this state of a ficti- This business is conducted by an expires 40 days after any change in the information in this statement is true STATEMENT FILE No. 20180803- (B & P Code § 17913) OJAI RETREAT (B & P Code § 17913) 10012751-0 The following person(s) and correct. A registrant who declares tious business name in violation of the individual. The registrant commenced facts set forth in the statement pursuant and correct. A registrant who declares 10014168-0 The following person(s) /s/ WILLIAM A SCHOTTLER CULTURAL CENTER /s/ R & A INTERIOR DETAIL, is (are) doing business as: as true information, which he or she rights of another under Federal, State, to transact business under the fictitious to section 17913 other than a change in as true information, which he or she is (are) doing business as: NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- 160 BESANT ROAD INC. (1) PLANT CONNECTION, knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. or Common Law (see section 14411 business name or names listed above residence address or registered owner. knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. WALTER AND BRANDEN vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious OJAI, CA 93023 ALEJANDRA ESPEJEL INC. (B & P Code § 17913) ET SEQ., Business and Professions on 7-26-18. This statement was filed A new fictitious business name must (B & P Code § 17913) DICKEY INVESTMENTS name statement generally expires at COUNTY OF VENTURA PRESIDENT (2) PLANT CONNECTION /s/ HYBRID GROUNDS Code). PUBLISH: with the County Clerk of Ventura be filed before the expiration. The /s/ PEDRO C MANRIQUE 2639 LAVERY COURT #7 the end of five years from the date on Full Name of Registrant(s): NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- (3) P.C.I. MANAGEMENT VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 County on July 26, 2018. By signing filing of this statement does not itself NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 which it was filed in the office of the HILLTOP EDUCATION vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious (4) PLANT CONNECTION KURT SCHEUER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME below, I declare that all information authorize the use in this state of a ficti- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious COUNTY OF VENTURA county clerk, except, as provided in CENTER name statement generally expires at (5) PLANTCONNECTION.INFO PRESIDENT STATEMENT FILE No. 20180726- in this statement is true and correct. tious business name in violation of the name statement generally expires at Full Name of Registrant(s): subdivision of section 17920, where it 160 BESANT ROAD the end of five years from the date on 1074 N 5TH ST NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- 10013743-0 The following person(s) A registrant who declares as true rights of another under Federal, State, the end of five years from the date on (1) BRANDEN DICKEY expires 40 days after any change in the OJAI, CA 93023 which it was filed in the office of the PORT HUENEME, CA 93041 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious is (are) doing business as: information, which he or she knows or Common Law (see section 14411 which it was filed in the office of the 2639 LAVERY PLACE #7 facts set forth in the statement pursuant This business is conducted by a Cor- county clerk, except, as provided in COUNTY OF VENTURA name statement generally expires at AURORA’S HOUSE to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B & ET SEQ., Business and Professions county clerk, except, as provided in NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 to section 17913 other than a change in poration. The registrant commenced subdivision of section 17920, where it Full Name of Registrant(s): the end of five years from the date on CLEANING P Code § 17913) Code). PUBLISH: subdivision of section 17920, where it (2) WATTER DICKEY residence address or registered owner. to transact business under the fictitious expires 40 days after any change in the PLANT CONNECTION, INC. which it was filed in the office of the 1143 N. LOMBARD ST /s/ JOSE JR CARBAJAL VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 expires 40 days after any change in the 2639 LAVERY PLACVE #7 A new fictitious business name must business name or names listed above facts set forth in the statement pursuant 1074 N 5TH ST county clerk, except, as provided in OXNARD, CA 93030 PRESIDENT facts set forth in the statement pursuant NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 be filed before the expiration. The on N/A. This statement was filed with to section 17913 other than a change in PORT HUENEME, CA 93041 subdivision of section 17920, where it COUNTY OF VENTURA NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in This business is conducted by a filing of this statement does not itself the County Clerk of Ventura County residence address or registered owner. This business is conducted by a Cor- expires 40 days after any change in the Full Name of Registrant(s): vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious residence address or registered owner. General Partnership. The registrant authorize the use in this state of a ficti- on August 03, 2018. A new fictitious business name must poration. The registrant commenced facts set forth in the statement pursuant AURORA HERNANDEZ name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must commenced to transact business tious business name in violation of the By signing below, I declare that all be filed before the expiration. The to transact business under the fictitious to section 17913 other than a change in NIEVES the end of five years from the date on be filed before the expiration. The under the fictitious business name rights of another under Federal, State, information in this statement is true filing of this statement does not itself business name or names listed above residence address or registered owner. 1143 N LOMBARD ST which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself or names listed above on November or Common Law (see section 14411 and correct. A registrant who declares authorize the use in this state of a ficti- on (1) N/A (2) N/A (3) N/A (4) N/A A new fictitious business name must OXNARD, CA 93030 county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 2013. This statement was filed with ET SEQ., Business and Professions as true information, which he or she tious business name in violation of the (5) N/A . This statement was filed with be filed before the expiration. The This business is conducted by an subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the the County Clerk of Ventura County Code). PUBLISH: knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. rights of another under Federal, State, the County Clerk of Ventura County filing of this statement does not itself individual. The registrant commenced expires 40 days after any change in the Every rights of another under Federal, State, on August 03, 2018. VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 (B & P Code § 17913) or Common Law (see section 14411 on July 11, 2018. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- to transact business under the fictitious facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 By signing below, I declare that all FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME /s/ HILLTOP EDUCATION ET SEQ., Business and Professions By signing below, I declare that all tious business name in violation of the business name or names listed above to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions information in this statement is true STATEMENT FILE No. 20180730- CENTER Code). PUBLISH: information in this statement is true rights of another under Federal, State, on N/A. This statement was filed with residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: and correct. A registrant who declares 10013840-0 The following person(s) ULRICH BRUGLER VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 and correct. A registrant who declares or Common Law (see section 14411 the County Clerk of Ventura County A new fictitious business name must VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 as true information, which he or she is (are) doing business as: CEO FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME as true information, which he or she ET SEQ., Business and Professions on July 26, 2018. be filed before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. MARKED FITNESS NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180726- knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. Code). PUBLISH: By signing below, I declare that all filing of this statement does not itself Thursday STATEMENT FILE No. 20180718- (B & P Code § 17913) 1952 KELTIC LODGE vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious 10013702-0 The following person(s) (B & P Code § 17913) VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 information in this statement is true authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 10013154-0 The following person(s) /s/ BRANDEN DICKEY DRIVE name statement generally expires at is (are) doing business as: /s/ PLANT CONNECTION, INC. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME and correct. A registrant who declares tious business name in violation of the is (are) doing business as: NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- OXNARD, CA 93036 the end of five years from the date on HANDYJUAN OR LAURA ALVARADO STATEMENT FILE No. 20180719- as true information, which he or she rights of another under Federal, State, DRAGONFLY BIRTH vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious COUNTY OF VENTURA which it was filed in the office of the JUANDYMAN VICE PRESIDENT 10013228-0 The following person(s) knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. or Common Law (see section 14411 SERVICES name statement generally expires at Full Name of Registrant(s): county clerk, except, as provided in 876 PHOENIX AVE NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- is (are) doing business as: (B & P Code § 17913) ET SEQ., Business and Professions 117 JERANIOS COURT the end of five years from the date on MARK ANTHONY MURILLO subdivision of section 17920, where it VENTURA, CA 93004 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious TIGER’S PAINTING /s/ AURORA HERNANDEZ Code). PUBLISH: read THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 which it was filed in the office of the 1952 KELTIC LODGE DRIVE expires 40 days after any change in the COUNTY OF VENTURA name statement generally expires at 114 FONTANA DR NIEVES VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA county clerk, except, as provided in OXNARD, CA 93036 facts set forth in the statement pursuant Full Name of Registrant(s): the end of five years from the date on OXNARD, CA 93033 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): subdivision of section 17920, where it This business is conducted by an to section 17913 other than a change in JUAN CURIEL CASTILLO which it was filed in the office of the COUNTY OF VENTURA vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious STATEMENT FILE No. 20180730- ERIN FRITZ expires 40 days after any change in the individual. The registrant commenced residence address or registered owner. 876 PHOENIX AVE county clerk, except, as provided in Full Name of Registrant(s): name statement generally expires at 10013869-0 The following person(s) 117 JERANIOS COURT facts set forth in the statement pursuant to transact business under the fictitious A new fictitious business name must VENTURA, CA 93004 subdivision of section 17920, where it ISMAEL CHAVEZ LEMUS the end of five years from the date on is (are) doing business as: THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 to section 17913 other than a change in business name or names listed above be filed before the expiration. The This business is conducted by an expires 40 days after any change in the 114 FONTANA DR which it was filed in the office of the TACOS LOS CAZADORES VIDA This business is conducted by an residence address or registered owner. on N/A. This statement was filed with filing of this statement does not itself individual. The registrant commenced facts set forth in the statement pursuant OXNARD, CA 93033 county clerk, except, as provided in 200 WEST ROSA STREET individual. The registrant commenced A new fictitious business name must the County Clerk of Ventura County authorize the use in this state of a ficti- to transact business under the fictitious to section 17913 other than a change in This business is conducted by an subdivision of section 17920, where it OXNARD, CA 93033 to transact business under the fictitious be filed before the expiration. The on July 30, 2018. tious business name in violation of the business name or names listed above residence address or registered owner. individual. The registrant commenced expires 40 days after any change in the COUNTY OF VENTURA business name or names listed above filing of this statement does not itself By signing below, I declare that all rights of another under Federal, State, on 07/02/2018. This statement was A new fictitious business name must to transact business under the fictitious facts set forth in the statement pursuant Full Name of Registrant(s): on 07/18/2018. This statement was authorize the use in this state of a ficti- information in this statement is true or Common Law (see section 14411 filed with the County Clerk of Ventura be filed before the expiration. The business name or names listed above to section 17913 other than a change in JUAN JOSE ENRIQUEZ filed with the County Clerk of Ventura tious business name in violation of the and correct. A registrant who declares ET SEQ., Business and Professions County on July 26, 2018. filing of this statement does not itself on N/A. This statement was filed with residence address or registered owner. 4411 SOUTH F STREET Newspaper County on July 18, 2018. rights of another under Federal, State, as true information, which he or she Code). PUBLISH: By signing below, I declare that all authorize the use in this state of a ficti- the County Clerk of Ventura County A new fictitious business name must OXNARD, CA 93033 By signing below, I declare that all or Common Law (see section 14411 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 information in this statement is true tious business name in violation of the on July 19, 2018. be filed before the expiration. The This business is conducted by an information in this statement is true ET SEQ., Business and Professions (B & P Code § 17913) and correct. A registrant who declares rights of another under Federal, State, By signing below, I declare that all filing of this statement does not itself individual. The registrant commenced and correct. A registrant who declares Code). PUBLISH: /s/ MARK ANTHONY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME as true information, which he or she or Common Law (see section 14411 information in this statement is true authorize the use in this state of a ficti- to transact business under the fictitious as true information, which he or she VCVN AUG 9, 16, 23, 30, 2018 MURILLO STATEMENT FILE No. 20180711- knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. ET SEQ., Business and Professions and correct. A registrant who declares tious business name in violation of the business name or names listed above knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- 10012722-0 The following person(s) (B & P Code § 17913) Code). PUBLISH: as true information, which he or she rights of another under Federal, State, on N/A. This statement was filed with is free (B & P Code § 17913) STATEMENT FILE No. 20180806- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious is (are) doing business as: /s/ JUAN CURIEL CASTILLO VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. or Common Law (see section 14411 the County Clerk of Ventura County /s/ ERIN FRITZ 10014299-0 The following person(s) name statement generally expires at (1) R & A INTERIOR NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME (B & P Code § 17913) ET SEQ., Business and Professions on July 30, 2018. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- is (are) doing business as: the end of five years from the date on DETAIL vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious STATEMENT FILE No. 20180720- /s/ ISMAEL CHAVEZ LEMUS Code). PUBLISH: By signing below, I declare that all vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious HIGHWAY ONE which it was filed in the office of the (2) R A BODY SHOP name statement generally expires at 10013309-0 The following person(s) NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- VCVN AUG 2, 9, 16, 23, 2018 information in this statement is true Página B8 PERIÓDICO VIDA 08-23-18 Lo arrestaron cuando llevaba a su esposa a dar a luz Un inmigrante indocumentado pasará al esposo”, agregó García. mexicano que fue detenido esta El abogado agregó que “la fami- semana cuando llevaba a su espo- lia se ha quedado sin su fuente de sa a dar a luz al hospital continúa ingresos, ya que el esposo era el privado de libertad, mientras fa- único que trabajaba” y pidió la co- miliares y amigos buscan recursos laboración de la comunidad para para ayudar a la familia. ayudar a Venegas y sus 5 hijos. “Sobre este lamentable caso, García aseguró que SBCSC se- el esposo aún está detenido y la guirá suministrando ayuda legal al esposa y su hijo recién nacido, mexicano, que se encuentra en un aún en el hospital”, señaló Emi- centro detención para inmigrantes lio García, director ejecutivo del en Los Ángeles. Centro de Servicios Comunitarios En el año fiscal 2017 el Servi- de San Bernardino (SBCSC), en cio de Inmigración y Control de una declaración. Aduanas (ICE) realizó “143,470 Joel Arrona Lara, de 36 años, arrestos administrativos, lo que llevaba a su esposa el miércoles representa el mayor número de a una cita en el hospital para que los últimos tres años fiscales”, le realizaran una cesárea para informó la entidad federal. el nacimiento de su quinto hijo, De estos arrestos, “el 92 % tenía cuando detuvo el vehículo en una orden criminal, un cargo cri- una gasolinera de la ciudad de minal pendiente, eran fugitivos de San Bernardino, al este de Los ICE o fueron procesados con una Ángeles. orden final reinstalada”. Según informó Emilio García, que es abogado y representa a Arrona, en ese momento agentes de inmigración les pidieron docu- CHISTE mentos de identidad. Una viejita moribunda estaba María del Carmen Venegas, la esposa, mostró su identificación, heredando sus cosas a su nieta y pero Arrona no tenía y las autori- le dice: dades lo detuvieron. - Hijita, te dejo un rancho que “La esposa estalla en llanto y le tengo con 3 casas, 6 tractores, 1 ruega a los oficiales que lo dejen granero, 1 gallinero, 20 vacas, 10 con ella, no tiene antecedentes cri- caballos, 10 ovejas, 10 chivos y minales, nunca ha sido deportado, 10 coches. es una persona trabajadora, pero La nieta sorprendida le dice: a los oficiales no les importa. Se - ¡ Increíble abuelita !... ¿y dónde lo llevan y dejan a la esposa en la tienes ese rancho que no lo sabía? esquina, con sus dolores de parto Y la abuelita le responde: y la preocupación de lo que le - ¡En el Facebook!