to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. July 1, 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS WEATHER Cloudy sky tonight; Heimer a candidate Fireworks, barbecue Oilers stay alive BUSINESS same Wednesday for vacancy in 8th I make Fourth busy in LL tournament ... page 2 Are you unwittingly caught in the gray mlarket? ... page 10 ... page 11 ... page 15 may risk allergic reactions or other problems of distributor. Gray-market retailers may offer their When you have opened a new bottle of your favorite own warranties, but they may not conform to U.S. health they cannot anticipate. “ There are no consumer warnings for the gray perfume recently, have you noticed the fragrance is standards of quality and may not be for factory- market,” says Herbert Sax, execuUve director of the not as strong as you recall in the past? Or when your authorized service here. trusted name-brand watch suddenly has gone on the Your Coalition to Preserve the Integrity of American blink, has the jeweier told you the necessary part to fix • Some products, such assjjatteries, which require Trademarks, a U.S. trademark association. it is not available? What's the problem? Could it be Money's cool, dry storage, are being trah ^ rted in improperly “ Thus, we urge consumers to search for clues and that, in both cases, you have been caught in the gray ventilated cargo holds. Such shipments can result in ask questions to make sure they are purchasing market? '' Worth invisible damage to the products. \ trademarked products intended for U.S. consump­ tion. When buying a gray-market product, a Hanrh^atfr Mpralji Gray-market goods appear to be the same quality, I Sylvia Porter • Instructions for electronic items requiring ...... * Tuesdkv.Tuesd|ly. JuJuly 2, 1985 — Single copy: 254 trademarked products you're accustomed to b ^ in g assembly may ue written in other languages. Unless consumer may save a few dollars. But the consumer Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm — but actually they may differ in important reswcts. you’re multilingual or technically handy, you may also may be forfeiting a U.S. warranty and the assurance that the product conforms to H-S. safety In discount and certain chain stores, you-jpay be own a product you cannot operate. buying low-priced trademark goods that aren't what • The product may not meet U.S. environmental standards or labeling and ingredient laws.” they seem to be. The legalities of gray-mahket goods the trademark owners. The goods include hundreds of products purchased or used every day ranging from laws. This problem is commonly found in automo­ To protect yourself, ask questions about warranties are at the heart of major govemment-mdustry biles. As a result, the U.S. buyer may be forced to and instructions when buying noticeably price- Reagan discussions. \ such personal care items as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals to more expensive merchandise, spend several thousand dollars merely to comply with reduced trademark goods. But my point is that you, the consumer, hav^ the such as autos, watches and crystal. They reach the U.S. emission control standards. Deal with retailers well-known for their emphasis Superpower right to a bargain if you find one, but you also have the U.S. through unauthorized routes, and although they • There are potential safety problems with on customer service. gray-market foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. to greet right to know a gray market exists. And often, that's may suit the needs of buyers in foreign countries, Read labels carefully and comparison shop. where your “ bargains" are. purchasers in this country may find problems. For Seme may contain substances, dyes or additives that are allowed in other countries but are prohibited in the And don't be afraid to open the sealed package Gray-market products bear U.S. trademarks, are instance: before leaving the store. Buying in the gray market • The product, such as a camera, is not covered by United States. Such products frequently bear no manufactured for sale and use abroad and are can be a risky deal for you. ^ hostages ingredient Iphcis and consequently some consumers brought into the United States without the consent of a warranty for service by an authorized U.S. summit set By Danlela locono Loss of Navy contracts United Press International Business FRANKFI:RT. West Germany in November — Twenty-nine of the freed Am eri­ In Brief Shipyard’s future remains in iimbo 4 can hostages, some clutching By Helen Thomas observance. flowers and small American flags, But the Kremlin notified Reagan left West Germany with their loved In the past year. General Dynamics United Press Internatlonol QUINCY. Mass. (U PI) — The future project will be finished by Memorial bitter disappointment and a serious that Gorbachev would not be on ones today and flew to the United Blackwell has been under investigation for 2 of the General Dynamics’ shipyard in Day 1986. Observers said the shipyard setback." said Rep. Brian Donnelly, hand for either event. States and a presidential welcome. allegedly filing false claims, falsifying WASHINGTON - President Quincy, and its 4,500 workers, was in may be forced to close. D-Mass. jVhen he first came into o f f ^ . A red and white TW A L-1011 joins firm financial records and manipulating the Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail doubt today following the loss of two “ Once again, we must consider our Donnelly said he would arrange a Reagan rejected the concept of a aircraft, carrying 29 of the 39 1 T h e Carl A . stock market. Gorbachev will meet for the first major Navy contract bids. ability to remain an economically meeting “ as soon as possible" with “ get acquainted meeting” prefer­ hostages, departed from the U.S. Zinsser Agency, 750 time in a three-day get-acquainted The Navy on Friday awarded a $321 viable and competitive operation," the shipyard officials, the secretary of the ring a full-scale substantive sum­ Rhein-Main Air Base at 1:24 p.m. Main St., has an­ session Nov. 19-21 in Geneva, million contract for three oiler ships to company said in a statement. Navy and the Massachusetts congres­ It has also been probed for allegedly mit that would produce concrete (7:24 a.m. EDT). It was expected nounced that David Switzerland, site of the nuclear Avondale Shipyards Inc. of Avondale, “ We expect to make a decision sional delegation to discuss the yard's trying to bribe government officials results. In the past year, he has H. Blackweii has arms talks, administration offi­ to arrive at .Andrews Air Force La., and a $133 million contract for two regarding the future of the Quincy future. with gifts and charging personal been more amenable, some ob­ joined the real est­ cials said today. Base at 3 p.m. EDT. surveillance ships to Bethlehem Steel of Shipbuilding Division in the very near He said he would also meet with top expenses to overhead accounts of servers say anxious, for a meeting ate firm. The date and place of the first Ten of the 39, held as hostages for Sparrows Point. Md. future." General Dynamics officials to “ im­ weapons contracts. with Gorbachev to size him and Blackwell is a meeting between the two leaders 17 days in Lebanon after two Shiite A Navy spokesman said both con­ Since May. the shipyard has laid off press upon them" the importance of was nailed down Monday when to break the deadlock in the arms Moslem gunmen hijacked TWA graduate of East In May, Navy Secretary John Leh- tracts were awarded to the lowest about 1,500 workers, bringing employ­ finding new work for the Quincy Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Do­ talks. Flight 847 from Athens June 14, Catholic High men wrote a letter to General Dynarfi- bidder. ment down to just under 4,500. The shipyard. brynin visited the State Depart­ chose either to continue their School, Class of ics Chairman David S. Lewis, question­ Early this year, national secur­ The news was a blow to the Quincy layoffs were speeded up by the loss of The Quincy yard is currently building ment, officials said. travels in Europe or to return to the 1972. He is a ing “ the integrity and responsibility” of ity affairs adviser Robert McFar- shipyard, which has no other bids or another contract for an oiler ship. the last of three supply ships for the Negotiations for the summit United States separately. The member of the St. the company. Lewis has since retired. lane told reporters that if the two proposals pending and whose current "The loss of these two contracts is a military’s Rapid Deployment Force. meeting had been under way over hostages were released Sunday. Bridget Church leaders get together it would be a period of months. Reagan The departing hostages, some Parish Council. He described as a “ meeting" rather extended an invitation to Gorba­ carrying TWA travel bags and lives at 111 Baldwin than a “ summit.” chev to visit Washington with aides clutching flowers and small Am er­ Road in There was no immediate White noting that it was the Russian ican flags, received a rousing Manchester. David Blackwell House comment on the elevation of Search firm gives U.S.-SOVIET TRADE leader’s turn to come to the United sendoff from a crowd of about 400 veteran Soviet Foreign Minister States. Former Presidents Ri­ people at the airport. Andrei Gromyko to president of chard Nixon and Gerald Ford both “ Thank you very much," Allyn Rein’s Dell makes guide the Soviet Union. traveled to the Soviet Union during Conwell of Houston, a spokesman Business makes a comeback He has been replaced by Edward VERNON — Rein's New York Style Deli has execs ‘golden cuffs’ the 1970s and Jimmy Carter and for the group during the crisis, A. Shevardnadze, a 57-year-old Leonid Brezhnev met in Geneva to called to the crowd as he boarded been listed in the 1985 editions of the Mobil Travel Georgian leader who was named to sign SALT 2, the second strategic the plane amid cheers and Guide, its owners have announced. FORT WORTH, Texas (U P I) - As benefits, corporations ought to look at the Politburo replacing Grigory V, The deli, which is off Exit 96 of Interstate 84, is arms limitation pact that has yet to , applause. J J corporate raids in search of quality them carefully and decide what would Romanov, a Gorbachev rival. State Department terrorism spe­ among 20,000 restaurants, hotels, motels and be most attractive to executives it be ratified by the Senate. executives increase, a search firm says But Gorbachev apparently did Although the 75-year-old Gro­ cialist Robert Oakley, who was resorts listed in the seven-volume guide. Rein's companies are offering more “ golden wants to keep. A ^ not want to meet with Reagan in myko is moving out of direct J accompanying the group, told was selected for the guide after an inspector The more senior or more valuable the handcuffs” to retain an executive in the Washington, preferring instead control of foreign policy into a reporters about 40 family visited the restaurant. executive, the stronger the golden company. the neutral ground of Geneva more ceremonial role, he is members were on the flight but handcuffs. Once they reach a certain Paul R. Ray, Jr., president of an where three sets of arms negotia- expected to guide his successor, at TW A declined to say. Nothin’ touchin’ at car wash executive search firm bearitig his salary level executives really aren't A ttqnjJtrg continuing betweea the least in the initial stages due to his name, says the so-called golden hand­ looking so much for immediate cash as w e r s V — long time' exjiertence in de'fllfflg' THE WHITE HOUSE SAID A Broad Street car wash has installed what cuffs are designed to offer long-term for tax-deferred or tax sheltered plans p 0 Intermediate-range missilb^Jopg- with the United States. President Reagan would greet the makers claim to be the first completely incentive compensation plans, instead like vesting and company-matched main group of returning hostages U U (billioit^of dollars) $1 $2 $3 range strategic missiles and space U.N. Ambassador Vernon Wal­ to^hless car-wash system in New England. of one-time payouts like bonuses and 401K programs. Rav said. defense weapons. ters, commenting on Gromyko’s at Andrews (Related story, page Trie “ Nothin’ Touchin’" system made its debut stock options. ' “Many of today's top executives All of the talks have been presidency, said, “ I think it is a 4). last month at the Gentle Touch Car Wash at 344 He said the handcuffs are tied not only 1*77 already are in the $200,000-plus base stalemated over Soviet opposition reward for long and faithful Spokesman Larry Speakes said Broad St. and so far. its designers say. has to the employee’s performance but to compensation level and they are in that to the U.S. Strategic Defense service to a very ornamental job." Reagan was planning “a very attracted car owners who used to avoid car the length of his service. bracket because they are worth it," he Initiative, popularly known as Asked it it represented any loss simple greeting cerem ony" and washes for fear their cars would be damaged by “ The most important development in said. “ But most of them also are in their "Star Wars.” of power for Gorbachev, Walters that he wanted "as little disruption cloths or brushes. attracting and retaining top executives’ mid-40s and are looking for future There had been speculation that said, “ No. I think the fact that in their (hostages) lives as The initial stages of the system differ little from has been these handcuffs which tie an security." Gorbac)iev, still getting his feet Gorbachev could make him presi­ possible." those of most car washes. When S car first enters.. executive’s compensation package di­ L Unless management pays attention to wet in ifiternational affairs, might dent, could secure his approval as The departing hostages were L it is sprayed with water and detergent. rectly to his company’s performance those needs an executive may be make his debut at the United president, could secure a number bused to RheiVMain starting at But instead of being washes with cloths or over time, vulnerable, Ray said. But when an offer Nations General Assembly meet­ of other changes in the Politburo, is noon from Wiesbaden U.S. Air brushes, an arch with an infrared beam scans the "The idea is to make the executive's comes along, it will be more difficult to 1964 ing in Septeniber in New York or an indication that Gorbachev is Force, hospital, where they re- countour of the car, emitting high-pressure water decision to leave the company as decide if the offer matches current ' the 46th anniversary of the signing getting his power base firmly Herald photo by Tarquinio ceivecr physical checkups, stress streams. difficult as possible," Ray said.' benefits if they are long-term. Of the U.N. charter in San Fran­ settled." counselling and debriefing. Finally, it is sprayed with waxes and dried. The bonus packages, for example, "It is not the immediate compensa­ Officials said only three of the 39 The system was designed by Ken O'Neil and U.S. IMPORTS cisco in October. Reagan plans to Walters was interviewed on Roofllft are spread over a three-year period and tion but the total package where many (lo-from S ovM Union) attend the San Francisco men still had their passports after Jeff Dawson of Syndet Products Inc. of Bolton, NBC’s “Today" program. continue indefinitely once they start. of the benefits have tax-deferred U.S. EXPORTS they were freed and all had to be suppliers to Gentle Touch. The two have applied The executive would have to walk away consequences," he said. "The execu­ Crane operator Francis Reichle of material. Using a crane is fasterand less given special customs clearance, for a patent for the equipment, which they say will from that attractive package if left the tive in turn must carefully weigh what expensive than erecting scaffolding, Oakley had said some of the revolutionize the car wash industry. A.H.C. Construction of Manchester this company. the new company has in terms of (Source: U.S. Commerce Department) freed hostages had already left for “ This is the next generation,” said Dawson. NBA QRAPHIC morning hoists workers to the top of the Reichle said. The church is in the “ In the case of stocks, they could incentive programs that will benefit the home separately and a couple had The two men said the new equipment will Gromyko named Second Congregational Church on process of being reroofed. become grants instead of options over a individual in the long-run."' resumed their travels in Europe. replace the cloth systems being used by most car period of time,” Ray said. North Main Street to remove old roofing All 39 of the hostages underwent washes now, just as the cloth replaced brushes He said thrift and profit plans can also medical examinations at the hospi­ about eight years ago. Ray said both long-and short-term be tied to a vesting schedule based'dn U.S.-Soviet trade is of small financial importance to either tal and a team of eight doctors The two said the system took nearly a year to incentive compensation amounts to • years of service where the vesting country, but it indicates the state of diplomatic relations. Total number 2 man pronounced them none the worse design. more than 40 percent of a typical CEO's percentage increases with the length of trade (exports minus imports) hit a high of $4.5 billion in 1979, pay package these days. A decade ago, for wear despite their ordeal in the service. The perquisites and bonuses but fell sharply until last year — and the renewed interest in arms By Anna Christensen Gorbachev's confidence and grip Mall owner says restaurant it was around 20 percent. With so much hands of Shiite Moslem captors also should be calculated on the basis of on power. Soviet sources said the Feri^uson enters real estate of the total package taken up by seniority. talks. United Press International demanding the release of more decision to make Gromyko presi­ than 700 mostly Shiite Moslems Former town Director Vivian F. Ferguson has MOSCOW — Foreign Minister dent was taken around the time detained in . joined the real estate firm of ERA Blanchard it Andrei Gromyko became Soviet Gorbachev became leader three would help area’s night Rossetto, 189 W. Center St. More than video games president today and a protege of months ago. IN ISRAEL, DEFENSE MINIS­ A Manchester native, Ferguson was formerly Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev “ The Central Committee has C(iu.3C 1 I would need more than 60 TER Yitzhak Rabin said after a an insurance representative with National Life of was named to replace him in taken into account the solution of By Kathy Garmus Burkamp said, referring to opposi­ parking spaces. Under town zoning meeting of the inner Cabinet Vermont. For many years she wrote a food moves freeing Gorbachev to focus the taqks facing us now, which Assistant City Editor tion generated by his plans to use regulations, about 160 spaces Monday that 300 of the 735 mostly column for the Manchester Herald and had a on domestic problems. require some changes both in public parking spaces to satisfy would be needed for a 4,000-square- Shiite prisoners would be freed daily radio program on the former AM radio New York, LA tops in home computer Gromyko's appointment to the content and form of party and state Manchester Mall owner Kenneth parking requirements. “ We need today or Wednesday. Israeli media station WINF. activities and personnel activity," foot restaurant, town planning presidency, ending an era ofRoviet C. Burkamp has challenged critics more people.” reported the rest would be released She is a corporator of Manchester Memorial foreign policy, appeared a reward Gorbachev said. of his plans to put a restaurant in officials said. The PZC took no action on “ gradually.” Hospital and the Savings Bank of Manchester. Bv Harlhor Krlshnan She said the retail value of the 2.2 million units sold Commodore which accounted for 30 percent of the for his 28 years of dedicated As general-secretary of the the mall to find him a different kind Burkamp said downtown park­ Burkamp’s application Monday. It Col. Robert Gilmore, doctor In She was chairman and manager of the gift shop at United Press Internotlonal in 1983 was $1.2 billion. "But in 1984 Americans spent home market. Other top brands in New York were service, a Western diplomat said. Communist Party, Gorbachev still of tenant. ing is more than adequate and has 65 days to act on it. charge of the checkups, told the hospital for 15 years as a full-time volunteer. $1.8 billion that bought 1.75 million units. Texas Instruments, Apple, Atari and Radio Shack. He will be able to meet on equal has s'upreme authority, but he said “ If anybody has a better idea presented the commission with Monday’s appearance was Bur­ reporters “ all came through with She is a member, of the Republican Town DALLAS — The home mhrket for sophisticated “ What we are saying is that fewer computers are Commodore also was the leading brand in Los footing with foreign heads of state. that the needs of the nation had and can bring along somebody who kamp’s third before the PZC to newspaper advertisements taken selling but the end investment in each unit is much relatively good condition with Committee, a past president and life member of personal computers grew appreciably in 1984 despite Angeles, which ranks second nationally in the Eduard Shevardnadze, 57, who changed since 1977 and official can rent it, I would be glad to rent it request a special exception for a out by the Manchester Parking higher. minor stress problems." the Manchester Republican Women's Club, and a decline in number of PCs sold to households, says installed-home base for PCs. Commodore held 24 has almost no foreign experience duties must be divided to resolve for a different purpose,” he said restaurant at the mall. In 1983, the Authority proclaiming the availa­ Asked why some hostages ap­ vice chairman of the"Cheney National Historic Future Computing Inc. of Dallas. In another change, sales of computer have shifted percent of the Los Angeles base. Other leaders were but shares Gorbachev's goal of domestic problems. Monday night. bility of parking. PZC granted his request, but its parently chose not to return with District Commission. FCI, a unit of McGraw-Hill Information Systems from mass merchandisers to specialty stores, whose Texas InstrumenU, Apple, Radio Shack and Atari. reducing corruption, was named The presidency had been vacant Burkamp issued his challenge at But Burkamp said the downtown approval was overturned in court the main group for the presidential Ferguson lives at 78 Forest St. with her Co,, says the public perception that the home market numbers continue tp grow. “ In 1983, the driving force The IBM PC was not in the ranking is because of foreign minister. Shevardfadze since the death of Konstantin a public hearing before the Plan­ parking situation is so'mewhat after a group of downtown business welcome that was announced 2 for PCs is dead or dying fails to recognize the shift that for buying a computer was entertainment and husband, Thomas F. Ferguson. earlier consumer preference for low-end brand was only elevated from his non­ Chernenko was' announced on ning and Zoning Commission on his owners filed a lawsuit. unique. has occurred in the home computer market in the past education. Now the single biggest factor is word Monday night at the White House, names, Uribe said. She said this will change in 198S'as voting status to full membership in March 11. Gorbachev had been request for a special exception that The judge ruled the PZC’s action “ Pe'ople will go to the (Manches­ two years. processing,” Uribe said. Gilmore said: “ Some people don’t more people are expected to buy more sophisticated the ruling Politburo Monday. expected to l^ke the post himself In would allow a restaurant in the invalid because it was made ter) Parkade and walk 1,000 feet, “ People buying a home computer now are serious, Consumer use of computers for home banking also ' like big crowds. They are civilians. machines. As head of the Communist Party, line with a tradition followed by mall. without the benefit of a traffic but downtown, if they could drive they underetand its use and want the machine to do is growing, Uribe said. They can decide," Dollar lower In Europe “ In terms of units, there were a lot more low-end Gorbachev is still supreme leader, every Soviet leader since Nikita Burkamp said he has endured study. their cars into the stores, they much more than video games,” said Hilda Uribe, The lead here is clearly held by New York City, One former jiostage, who asked computers than IBM, ” she said. “ We are just and will meet with the more Khrushchev. criticism from several local busi­ L ^ year, Burkamp reapplied would," he said. LONDON — The dollar opened generally lower senior analyst at FCI. where major banks first introduced home banking not to be identified, took exception preparing a new study .about peoples Intentions in 1M6 Important foreign heads of state However, like Josef Stalin and ness owners and efforts by the and submitted a traffic study. But Main Street store owner George in Europe today and the price of gold also FCI has found that the New York metropolitan area and where their innovation is helping draw business to calls by some of his fellow and there IBM ranks pretty high. Of those planning to Including President Reagan at Khrushchev, who were never town to foreclose on the property the PZC denied him a special Marlow and his attorney, John D. declined. has the-nation's largest installed base of PCs in from outside the city and state, Uribe said. captives for understanding of their buy PCs In 1985, 32 percent sdid they will buy Apple tlieir proposed summit in Geneva, heads of state, it is certain since he bought the dilapidated exception after questions were LaBelle Sr., told the PZC Burkamp The greenback started trading in Frankfurt at households, at least in part because of New York Other major cities with large numbers of home captors’ motives and spoke of the and 26 percent said they will buy IBM .” Switzerland, November 19-21. Gorbachev will meet with the more building at 811 Main St. in 1975 and raised about the weather on the did not have the right to use public 3.0315 marks against 3.0375 and in London at City's lead in home banking and other data-based computeiT were Dallas, Washington, D.C., San “ We believe the home computer market will grow Washington announced the date important foreign visitors. renovated it. During the hearing, days traffic counts were taken. p a r k ^ spaces to satisfy zoning bitter ordeal. 1.3132 to the pound compared with 1.3087. services. As of Jan. I, 1985, there were more than Franciso-Oakland-San Jose, Salt Lake City and “ It wasn't a party,” said the as more services are added such as airline booking, and. site of the meeting today. Gromyko made clear In his Burkamp-gave PZC members a Burkamp submitted no new requirements. The dollar opened in Brussels at 61.35 Belgian 9(X),000 PCs in the city. Houston. man, one of the four held apart data base searches, law reports, Dow Jones, Stock Negotiations had been underway acceptance speech that he would scrapbook of photos showing the traffic data with his most recent Although-public lots might not be francs against 61.40 while in Milan the U.S. unit "The penetration of the PC at the end of 1984 was Uribe said the New York area's leading brand was from the main group of hostages by trading and even news,” Uribe said. for several months and the date continue his Involvement with renovations and a “ danger” sign application, but his attorney; Stan­ full now, by using 160 spaces for changed hands at 1,932.25 lire against 1,953. 12.3 percent of all households in the United States, gunmen of Hezbollah, the radical hnd place were nailed down foreign affairs, which began in that was ix>sted on the building ley M. Falkensteln of Manchester, restaurant parking, “ it begins to But the dollar edged marginally higher in compared to 8.3 percent in 1983,” Uribe said. “ That is Shiite faction believed to be Monday when Soviet Ambassador 1939, and speak out on the threat of when he bought it. defended the accuracy of the prejudice the other merchants and Zurich, opening at 2.5385 Swiss francs against projected to increase to 15.8 percent in 1985." Anatoly Dobrynin visited the State nuclear war. “ It's been a difficult journey for previous traffic reports. the other types of businesses," responsible for the hijacking. 2.5370. Uribe said the average investment per household in Department, administration offi­ It was not immediately clear the last 10 years,” he said. The reports showed that under LaBelle said. In Tokyo, the dollar closed at 248.25 yen against a personal computer in the fourth quarter of 1983 was CALDWELL ROBERT J. SMITH, inc. ^ cials said. how much authority Shevardnadze Burkamp said Monday after­ the worst conditions, between 60 Marlow is president of Purnell 248.95. $500 but it jumped to $1,060 in the fourth quarter of Gorbachev, greeted "with thund­ would have in formulating Soviet noon that he has no prospective and 70 percent of the nearly 600 Associates, which owns parking In Paris, the doliar opened,/loWer, changing 1984, indicating consumer preference for the more Inside Today erous applause by the 1,500 dele­ foreign policy, although his lack of tenants for the 4.000-square-foot public spaces in the area were areas that it leases to the Parking hands at 9.22 francs against 9.!2425. professional computers. OIL INC. INSURANSMITHS SINCE gates of the nation's parliament, experience in foreign affairs restaurant being proposed. But he ' occupied during peak evening Authority. When Burkamp’s appli­ Gold opened in London at $315/^ per ounce cation came before the PZC last In the fourth quarter of 1983, American households nominated'* Gromyko as the Su­ pointed to at least Initial coopera­ said at the hearing that a restau­ hours. No studies were done during 20 pages, 2 sections against >317.75 and in Zurich a t,(>315.50 against 1914 year, Marlow threatened to cancel bought 2.2 million computer units but that figure preme Soviet opened Its biannual tion with Gromyko. rant could help rejuvenate the the afternoon because the restau­ $318.50. Silver opened in Loildonat $6.09 per ounce 88.9 Artwina session. The move received the Gromyko as pres'tuent would be downtown area in the evening, the town's lease if the PZC granted __ 12 ObItuarlM. against $6.1550 and in Zurich at $6.10 against dropped to 1.75 million units in the fourth quarter of per gal. C. O. D. rant would operate mostly in the usual unanimous approval. able to ease Shevaranadze Into the when many stores close and people him permission to put a restaurant ButIndM . __ 20 Opinion ^ $6.15. 1984. evening, Burkamp has said. CiMtIfltd. 18-10 Pooplotalk. Rather than diminishing Gorba­ job so that the latter will be well . head home. in the mull. Com ics. 8 S p o rti. On Friday, the Canadian dollar notched up to 649-5241 The town planning staff made no Ent«rtalnm«nl “ While the total number of units sold decreased, the 649-8841 chev’s authority, diplomats said established by the time he has to .12 Ttitvitlon . 73.59 U.S. cents from 73.35 Thursday. 65 E. C«nt«r 8trt«l Lottsry picture changes dramaticaily when you look at the RrfcM Sub/set to Chang* ManchMtor, CL the appointment of Gromyko to the take full responslblity for foreign "IT’S NOT THE PARKING A SPECIAL EXCEPTION is recommendations Monday night ..2 WMthtr. dollar figure of the sales.“ Uribe said. presidency was further proof of affairs. that's the problem downtown,” required for the restaurant be- on Burkamp's latest application. 'MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, JuW 2. 1985 - 3 t - MANCHESTER HERAM). Tuegday, July 2. 198S ^ ^ A Singapore takes its time in finding a president Lawyer warns commission

to fall short/n one respect or pore's neighbors. UNLIKE OTHER COUNTRIES, has long hoped for a Chinese nors until Lee founded the ruling another. By Arthur Richards An economic wizard, Goh holds SINGAPORE sees no urgency in president. Peoples Action Party (PAP) in Lee, 62, once hinted at the about shortage of space United Press International doctorates in economics and philo-, appointing a president because the Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew 1954 and wrested political power possibility of himself being presi­ sophy was deputy prime minister post is largely ceremonial. There allayed 4he fears of Singapore's with independence from Britain in dent while repeatedly stating that SINGAPORE — Nearly three for more than 10 years. He is a per day, local roads would not be is no constitutional deadline for the neighbors in 1959 by appointing a 1965. he would like to retire as Prim e est of the intersection of North months after President Devan close confidant of Lee. However, By Kathy Garmus overburdened. Many of the trips post to be filled. Malay Journalist, as the country’s E ver since the P A P won its first Minister in 1988 when he reaches Main Street and Tolland Turnpike Nair resigned as Singapore's third he may instead take a post as an Assistant City Editor into the shopping center would be The likely candidate must have first president. general election in 1958, the rezoned to Business HI from a head of state, admitting he had 65. y made by^ople who were at Burr ail requisite qualifications and One month after Yusof Ishak island-nation has been ruled by economic consul in China. “ If the presidency were open, I combination of Residence A, Busi­ become atvaicoholic, the search Lim, also an arts and economics Manchester faces a shortage of Corners 'afid were already on effectively represent ^ the fast- died In November 1970, Lee ap­ locals as presidents under the would not rule it out,” Lee said. ness I and Industrial. for the country’s fourth president graduate, received the Ramon commercial space that threatens nearby roads, he said. developing multi-racial island pointed a Eurasian gynecologist, British parliamentary democratic An analyst noted that before Lee The zone-change application goes on unhurriediy. Magsaysay award in 1965 for the ability of small businesses {o without offending any of its more Dr. Benjamin Sheares. When system. could become President, he would was one of three heard by the PZC The two shopping centers would Possible candidates for the post marshaling talent and resources to expand, an attorney who repres­ include former First Deputy powerful neighbors — Malaysia in Sheares died in May 1981, Lee's have to "first do away with its Monday night. Public hearings almost operate as one large center, IN AN E FFO R T TO make the provide low-cost housing to what at ents two shopping-center develop­ Prime Minister Goh Keng Swee, the north and Indonesia in the next choice was an Indian trade ceremonial garb, which is devoid were also conducted on Circle Morra said. He also said recent presidency a symbol of all Singa­ the time was a filth of Singapore’s ers told the Planning and Zoning former Minister for Finance Lim south. unionist — Nair — who became ^ of authority.” Associates' application to rezone improvements to the intersection pore, Lee is personally supervising population. Commission Monday night. Kim San and former Minister for "The next president must act as president in October 1981. Nair "Lee will certainly pack the II acres at Deming Street and Hale of Tolland Turnpike, Buckland the search for president and is Barker, a graduate of Law from Manchester attorney Leonard Law E.W. Barker, a symbol to show Malaysia and resigned in March due to presidency with powers before Road from Industrial to Business Street and Adams Street have expected to make an announce­ Cambridge University and Inner Jacobs, who represents developers But the list may be even longer Indonesia, both with powerful alcoholism. accepting the post,” said the III and on Herman Frechette’s made the intersection easily able ment soon, said a government Temple, was Law Minister for Richard Hayes and Myron Kauf­ and the search for a successful Chinese minorities, that Singapore Lee's multi-racial presidential analyst, referring to Lee’s recent application for a zone change from to handle any added traffic from official who declined to be about 20 years. man, warned town planning offi­ candidate may go on for months. does not represent a wedge of appointments were also a move to remarks for the need for a Residence A to Residence C at 756 the proposed center. identified. Judges, ministers, former am­ cials not to becdme "m allnotized.'' "The search for previous presi­ Chinese nationalism,” the ob­ guarantee minority rights as ensh­ constitutional amendment to make N. Main St. that would permit Goh, Lim and Barker are all bassadors and several professors The two developers are seeking a Despite the arguments pres­ dents also took weeks," an ob­ server said. rined in the country’s constitution. future presidents be elected by the conversion of an existing house highly respected and each strikes a are believed to be among those zone change that would allow a ented by Jacobs. Planning Direc­ server said. "This is uniqueiy More than 77 percent of the Singapore was ruled for more people and not by Parliament. happy equilibrium with Singa­ being considered. But each seems shopping center on North Main into professional offices. tor Mark Pellegrini told the PZC Singapore," said an observer. island's population.|s Chinese and than 150 years by British gover- Street. The change faces opposi­ No townspeople spoke on any of the zone change should be denied. tion from the town planning the three zone-change applications Pellegrini said the shopping director." and the PZC acted on none of them. center would encourage com mer­ "N ot all of our business can go Jacobs said the shopping center cial development on North Main Weather into malls.” Jacobs said during an proposed by Hayes and Kaufman Street. Planning officials have said Peopletalk hourlong public hearing at Lincoln would be about the same size as the during recent workshops on revi­ Center on the proposed zone Burr Corners plaza, located to the sions to the town's (jomprehensive Today's forecast change. northwest of the site. The center Plan of Development that they Will J.R. post bond? Royal ring "Everybody in the town of would be a "logical extension” of want to discourage that type of Connecticut, Massachusetts Manchester can't be a John business zones in the area and development. Look for Sue Ellen Ewing to fall off the wagon Princess Diana celebrated her 24th birthday and Rhode Island; Today; partly Finguerra," he said, referring to a would not detract from adjacent and maybe even end up in jail again on "Dallas,” Monday with a quiet, family-only outing at her sunny with a chance of a few member of the development part­ property values, he said. Pellegrini said commercial de­ Linda Gray and country home while Britons waited to see how afternoon showers developing nership that has proposed building “ The neighbors are going to look velopment should be encouraged other cast members Buckingham Palace would react to her accep­ over central and western areas. a large shopping mail in the across the street at either an closer to Interstate 84 and that like Barbara Bel tance of a $13,000 b^thday present from a High around 80 except near 70 Buckland area. "Everybody can’t industrially developed piece of adequate land exists for that Geddes, who is re­ jeweler. immediate shore points. To­ be a G. Fox & Co. But everybody properly or a business-developed purpose. He also said the Burr Corners plaza and the land north of turning to the series night; cloudy with a chance of needs a place to grow." piece of property." he said. The gold and diamond ring was from a North Main Street where Fin­ 2 as Miss Ellie this showers. Low around 60. Wed­ Most commercially zoned land is 2 comifiercial French jeweler, Louis Gerard, RONALD A. MORRA, a traffic guerra and his partners have year, and Howard nesday; considerable cloudiness either too large or too small for the Keel, who plays her which could have broken royal protocol about type of center being proposed by engineer from Springfield. Mass., proposed their mall provide ample with a chance of showers becom ­ husband, Clayton gifts to royalty from commercial organizations. the developers,. Jacobs said. hired by the developers, said that commercial opportunities. ing partly sunny in the afternoon Farlow, and several Gerard presented the ring to the princess in while the proposed 150.000-square- The PZC has 65 days in which to over central and western areas. production people Windsor while her husband. Prince Charles, was HAYES AND KAUFMAN are foot shopping center would gener­ act on any of the zone-change crowded onto the playing in a charity polo match Sunday. High around 80 except around 70 seeking to have 12.8 acres southw* ate more than 10,000 vehicle trips applications heard Monday night. closed set — a hal­ Buckingham Palace had no immediate com­ Cape Cod. lway and the old ment on the ring and Gerard refused comment. Maine; Variable cloudiness Dallas jail — during As for Charles, he crashed from his horse again today. High in the 70s to mid 80s. the weekend. on the losing side. Cloudy tonight fog near the coast Zoners OK conversion, condos " I t ’s all very se­ and a chance of showers west. cretive,” said a pro- . Low 55 to 60. Scattered showers The Planning and Zoning Com­ The PZC Monday night approved The partnership includes real duction crew or thundershowers Wednesday. a general plan for the conversion, estate brokers Herman M. member who re­ Mixed bag of weather mission Monday night granted High in the 70s to low er 80s. provided the developers meet the Frechette, Annette J. Frechette fused to give his separate zone changes that will Outlook for July 4 chance of Today: partly sunny with a 30 percent chance of showers developing town's flood-plane regulations. and Thomas A. Benoit, business-jjf name. " I can't tell Penn mightier than press? allow a former factory building to showers or thundershowers. this afternoon. High around 80. Light variable wind. Tonight: cloudy be converted to apartments and The building is located in a deep man Rogert Regius, and Manches­ you anything. It Sean Penn was keeping a low profile in High in the 70s to mid 80s. with a 50 percent chance of showers. Low around 80. Wind light permit the construction of condom­ depression that would be subject to ter police Lt. Samuel Kotsch. would cost me my Linda Gray Nashville, Tenn., Monday after being charged A New Hampshire; Variable south. Wednesday: cloudy In the morning with a 40 percent chance of flooding in a severe storm, town job." with assaulting two British photographers who iniums at St. James and Park At a public hearing on the plans clouds today. High mid 70s to mid showers then partly sunny In the afternoon. High temperature In the engineers have said. Another crew members said: “ You won't see were trying to take pictures of him and his Herald photo by Pinto streets. last month, several residents of the 80s. Chance of showers with low 80s. Fourth of July partly cloudy. High around 80. Today’s PZC member Leo J. Kwash was that many famous faces. Except Linda Gray. She fiancee, rock singer Madonna. With one dissenting vote, the area complained that the size of patchy coastal fog tonight. Low the only member to vote against (Sue Ellen) is on another drunken binge." weather picture was drawn by Sharon Almond, 10, of Croft Drive, who PZC agreed that apartments the site and its location next to the A breach in security provided a glimpse of the Penn. 24, in Nashville for filming of “ At Close 55 to 60. Showers or a few was a fourth grader at Robertson School. Masson the mason would be a*good use of the former the zone change. Kwash said he St. Bridget school made it inap­ filming and indicated Sue Ellen was drinking Range," Monday checked out of the Maxwell thundershowers likely Wednes­ Gammons Hoaglund building at thought apartments would be propriate for the proposed inappropriate in a largely com­ again and had been arrested. The scene showed a House Hotel, where the altercation occurred, and day. High 70 to 80. Outlook for Leo Masson, a stone mason, does his house on Hillstown Road. Masson is 395 Main St. development. police officer telling Miss Ellie and Farlow that a was not due on the set in nearby Franklin. July 4 chance of showers or part Monday in the construction of a from South Windsor. The commission granted Visions mercial area. In deciding to grant the zone woman matching Sue Ellen’s description had "His character is not working today.” said a thundershowers. High in the mid Unlimited of Tolland a zone change When it approved the zone- change but limit the number of been taken to the drunk tank. spokeswoman for Orion Pictures, "W e are 70s to jn jd 80s. to Planned Residence Develop­ change application and general J plan submitted by a local partner­ units, PZC members agreed the J shooting as per normal.” ^Yermonl; Considerabie cloud­ ment to permit the conversion. The land is now zoned a combination of ship for condominiums at St. 2.7-acre site was too small for 25 The paparazzi said they were waiting in the iness and warm through Wednes­ Town inventor wins game suit Business III and Residence B. James and Park streets, the PZC units. hotel parking lot when Madonna went out for a day. Scattered showers today Visions Unlimited plans to put 10 limited the number of units to 15. The zone-change granted by the jog. When she returned, Penn was there, picked and tonight. Scattered thunder­ Surfs up, stars are out by the inventors in 1980, Barylick apartments in the building," which The developers had planned to put PZC Monday was from Residence up a rock and threatened them. showers Wednesday. Highs to­ A Manchester game-board in­ Coleman could not be reached said. was previously considered and in 25 units, including four that C to P lan n ^ Residence Develop­ Hurricane Delores off Baja California created "H e went for us like a madman," said Ian day and Wednesday near 80. ventor and his partner have won for comment this morning. On May 30, the 1st U.S. Circuit rejected as the site of a town .would be built in an existing ment. Kwash voted against that an ocean swell last weekend that brought 6-to Markham-Smlth. "He went berserk, like a Lows tonight 60 to 65. $1.3 million in a four-year-old Coleman and Burten sued Milton Court of Appeals in Boston rev­ shelter for homeless people. four-family house. change as well. 8-foot waves and lured celebrity surfers to whirlwind,” lawsuit against the Milton Bradley Bradley in federal court in May Malibu's Surfrider Beach. Among them was Gary The photographers said Madonna watched Co., which was charged with ersed Selya's judgement. The 1981 for theft of a trade secret. The appeal was argued in February, U Butey, still carrying the weight he put on for his o a o 4 r (m Extended outlook stealing the design for an elec­ while Penn went at it, allegedly hitting in independent inventors claimed the role as Alabama football coach Bear Bryant |n tronic board game. Barylick said. the back with the rock. Penn was released from Extended outlook for New company stole the idea for its n the movie "B ear." After the May 30 ruling, Coleman Developers blast erosion rules custody after ^stihg $500 bond. England Xlttirsday through Allen K. Coleman of Manchester "Dark Tower” board game from a Reb Brown, who co-starred with Busey and and Burten met with Milton Saturday: and Roger Burten of Newport, game they had presented to Milton Bradley representatives and Jan-MIchael Vincent in the classic surfing movie Representatives of two develop­ hour public hearing on them. is. is an overkill," he said. Connecticut, Massachusetts R.I., will split the money remain­ Bradley for possible development worked out the $1.3 million settle­ "Big Wednesday," John Mlllus of "Appocalyse ers urged the Planning and Zoning Although the town’s existing Both Prignano and Jay J, Giles and Rhode Island: Partly sunny ing after 40 percent of the award and marketing in 1980. ment, Barylick said. The increase Now" fame and tennis player Vince Van Patten Commission Monday night to regulations do not call for specific of the Andrew Ansaldi Co. called on on the Fourth of July. A chance goes to the Providence law firm A jury verdict in U.S. District from the original award was the also tried the waves. Long live the king delay adoption of state-mandated erosion-control measures, it has M ianchester planning officials to showers Friday and Saturday. that represented them, their law­ Court in Providence in the spring result of pre- and pOst-judgment regulations on the control of soil been standard practice for engi- / apapply for a one-year extension to Yul Brynner abdicated as the king of Siam after S^elhtej^w yer said today. of 1984 ruled in favor of the interest and other factors, said L Highs in the 70s to mid 80s. Lows erosion until their impact could be neers to include them with their give them more time to meet with L a 34-year reign, making his final appearance in Attorney John P. B arylick.of inventors and awarded them Barylick. in the upper 50s to mid 60s. fully studied. plans and for the town planning developers and engineers about "The King and I,” and then going across the Commerce DepartaRmf/atellite photo taken at 4:00 a.m. EDT shows Wistow, Barylick and Bruzzi said $737,000. That verdict was over­ Milton Bradley stopped market­ Glimpses of the stars Vermont; Fair July 4, scat­ Manchester attorney Pascal A. staff to review them, according to the impact of the regulations. street and taking a final bow at Studio 54. Brynner Hurricane Doloros l|i the Pacific west of Mexico. Scattered showers his clients both "feel they h ^ e turned by U.S. District Judge ing “ Dark Tower” in 1984, but tered showers Frday and Satur­ Prignano, who represented devel­ Assistant Planning Director Carol " I think we have a good set of A 1965 Rolls-Royce with a psychedelic paint job had insisted this year’s "farew ell" engagement and thunderstorms with widespread cloudiness can be seen from the been vindicated after a long and Bruce M. Selya in August 1984, some of the games may still be in day. Quite warm Thursday and oper William B. Thornton and his A. Zebb. — once owned by ex-Beatle John Lennon — was Tennessee and Ohio Valleys to the Mid-Atlantic Coast, over Florida difficult struggle.” based on a disclosure form signed the stores, Barylick said. regulations in the town now," said take place where the king's career began — on F riday with highs 80 to 85. Cooler The regulations brought before sold for about 10 times its appraised worth at a company, Manchester Sand and Giles, a former town public works Broadway — and it came before a packed house Saturday with highs near 80. and eastern Georgia, and from the Rockies Into the Plains. the PZC Monday were patterned rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia auction at Sotheby's in Gravel, at Monday's public hear­ director, Sunday. Thunderstorms can be also be seen over southern Arkansas and Police roundup after mod.el regulations drafted by New York. Canadian businessman Jim Paulson, Lows 55 to 65 through the period. ing on the proposed amendment to Prignano said that because few northwest Minnesota. A band of cloudiness Is visible from California zoning and subdivision regula­ the state. The Legislature passed chairman of Expo '86 in Vancouver who also owns After the show he went out the back stage door New Hampshire and Maine; parcels in town contain less than to Idaho. Manchester tions. told the commission that an act requiring all towns to have Ripley's Believe-It-Or-Not, paid 82.29 million and to a waiting limo and. with his wife and entourage Chance of showers Friday and one-half acre, an erosion-control complying with the regulations regulations in place by July 1 of said he would have bid "whatever it cost” ... Liza of bodyguards, drove some 60 feet to the Saturday. Lows 50 to 60. Highs in plan would have to be submitted this year to help stem what it saw Minnelli’s weekend performances in Costa Mesa. nightclub's back door. > the mid 70s to mid 80s. would be costly to developers. The for just about every building In Brief as the increasing problem of soil Calif., lured celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor Brynner, who won both a Tony and an Oscar in Pickup chase additional costs would be passed activity. on to homeowners, he said. erosion and pollution from devel­ and Michael Jackson, who arrived together in a the role, had some champagne at Studio 54 and "There is no exemption.” he Across the nation MHS registration recommended Prignano also challenged an opment. Pellegrini said. limousine and made a backstage visit. Shirley took the stage for a final bow but said nothing to said. The state has since decided to MacLalne, Gene Hackman and Rosemary the crowd before leaving after a stay of only 15 Showers and thunderstorms Students in grades 10 through 12 who will be leads to charges assertion by Planning Director Some commission members Clooney also attended ... minutes. will extend from the mid Atlantic transferring to Manchester High School in Mark Pellegrini that the proposed allow towns to seek extensions on were critical of the provision for states across the lower Great September should call Carol Hunt during the regulations could be enforced the deadline of up to a year, he the exemption of some single­ Lakes and the upper Ohio Valley. summer at 647-3537 to make an appointment for Two brothers from Vernon were arrested on a solely by town staff. said. family homes. Showers and thunderstorms will registration and selection of courses. variety of charges Sunday evening after they tried to Under the proposed regulations, Manchester has applied for an "You could have a single-family 00 be scattered from the southern At registration, the students must present a run a car off Main Street and then led police on a chase a soil erosion and sedimentation extension through September and home on 10 acres on top of a hill at Almanac Atlantic states and the Tennes­ ar-end report card from the most recent school that ended in the East Cemetery, police said today. control plan would be required for has received verbal assurances the head of a watercourse and it see Valley to the central Gulf ley attended or have a transcript forwarded to . Police said they stopped Shawn and Devon Driscoll, any developrhent involving one- from the state that its request will would be exempt. I think that’s a is half acre or more. The plan would be granted, Pellegrini said. coast and over the Great Lakes. the high school prior to the appointment. A both 23, inside the cemetery at East Center and failing,” said PZC member Wil­ HIOHEST Harrison streets after a chase that began when a have to be certified by an engineer. Prignano said the regulations Today is Tuesday, July 2. the Thunderstorms will also extend transcript is required for students entering grade liam A. Bayer. EMPERATURES poPice office officer spotted them chasing the car on Only single-family houses that would only "add a layer of 183rd day of 1985 with 182 to follow. over the southern plains into the 12. Proof of immunization must also be provided. Pellegrini said he knew of no Main Street. were not built as part of a bureacracy” to existing controls. The moon is full. northern plains. Students who have left Mancnester High School towns that have enacted the A police report said that when the pair spotted a subdivision would be exeihpt from He called on Manchester officials soil-erosion regulations proposed The morning stars are Venus Rain will be scattered over and wish to return in September must register and see Principal Jacob Ludes during the week of police cruiser, they turned east onto Brainard Place the plan requirements. to join neighboring towns in efforts by the state. About 70 have applied and Jupiter. northern New England. High 30.00 Aug. 19. They should call Pat Garoppolo at and then onto Bissell Street. With police in pursuit, the The PZC did not act on the to amend the state act. for extensions on the deadline for The evening stars are Mercury, temperatures over much of the Mars and Saturn. 647-3530 for an appointment. pickup truck driven by the brothers ran through proposed regulations after a half- "This act, as well-meaning as it adoption, he said. nation will be in the 80s and 90s. Those born on this date are under Appointments should be made between 9 a.m. several stop signs and traffic lights, the report said. Highs will be in the 70s from [^^SHOweRs' the sign of Cancer. They include sum and noon or 1 and 3 p.m., Monday through When the truck turned onto the circular driveway southern New England across UPI WEATHER FOTOCA8T ® German novelist Herman Hesse in Thursday and until 2:30 p.m. on Fridays. inside the cemetery, one of the pursuing officers set up the upper Ohio Valley to the 1877; King Olav V of Norway in a road block and stopped them, the report said. 1903 (age 82); Supreme Court Great Lakes. Temperatures will National loracaat The report said Shawn Driscoll resisted efforts to Justice Thurgood Marshall in 1908 reach higher than 100 degrees PZC tablet rule change take him into custody, threatening one officer and from the Rio Grande Valley of During Wednesday, showers will move from the Plains Region to the pushing him away. It took three officers to handcuff SUMMER CLEARANCE (age 77). comedian Dan Rolvan in The Planning and Zoning Commission Monday 1922 (age 63), and actor Jimmy southwest Texas across the lower Great Lakes Region. Elsewhere, weather will be fair. Maximum ■ night tabled proposed changes to zoning regula- him, the report said. McNichol in 1961 (age 24). desert southwest to interior temperatures Include: Atlanta 87, Boston 80, Chicago 84, Cleveland tions that would allow some housing projects for Officers on the scene said Devon Driscoll, the 2 portions of California. driver, "appeared highly intoxicated," the report 2 Iq 1776, the Continental Congress 81, Dallas 94, Denver 88, Duluth 78, Houston 91, Jacksonville 81, elderly people to be built more than one-half mile formally approved a resolution Kansas City 84, Little Rock 88, Los Angelos 80, Miami 87, Minneapolis from shopping and prescription drug services. said. O/o n C C ORIGINAL that became the Declaration of Air quality 78, New Orleans 92, New York 84, Phoenix 114, St. Louie 88, San The amendment, proposed by owners of the Police later administered sobriety tests and. Independence from Britain. It was Francisco 77, Seattle 84, Washington 88. Crestfield-Fenwood nursing home, would also charged the driver with operating a motor vehicle urr PRICE ■Ign ^ two days later. The state Department of En­ expand the allowable sources of financing for under the influence of alcohol, reckless driving, In 1881, President James Gar­ vironmental Protection provides such housing projects. engaging police in pursuit, breach of peace and field was shot by Charles Giteau in daily air pollution reports and The owners want to build congregate housing third-degree criminal mischief. Washington. Garfield died Sep­ seasonal pollen count informa­ Manchester Herald for elderly people behind the nursing home on Shawn Driscoll was charged with breach of peace, tember 19. criminal mischief, interfering with an officer tion from the Department of Richard M. Diamond, Pubiisher Vernon Street. MENS—WOMENS—CHILDREN In 1937, American aviator Ame­ Health Services. The recorded In other business Monday, the PZC voted resisting arrest. Police said the driver of the car the pair had been lia Earhart and co-pilot Frederick message is provided at 566-3449. Penny Sadd Mark F. Abraitis unanimously to deny John Mitchell and Leon 50 Noonan were reported lost over the chasing was a 28-year-old woman. Information on Associate Publisher Business Manager Lech a deferment of granite curbs and sidewalks Pacific Ocean. They were never at East Middle Turnpike and Cook Street, and why the suspects were allegedly chasing her car was found. unavailable this morning. ' - USPS 327-500 VOL. CIV, NO. 231 tabled the application of Michael J. Sirak (or a In 1974, President Richard Nixon deferment of curbs and sidewalks at 1422 Tolland Devon Driscoll posted a $500 bond following his Lottery arrest and Shawn Driscoll posted a $1,000 bond. Both and Soviet Communist leader Publlshtd dally except Sunday Suggested carrier roles are SI.20 Turnpike. Leonid Brezhnev agreed in Yalta and certain holiday! by the Man­ weekly, S5.12 for one month, S15.3S are scheduled to appear in court Wednesday. chester Publishing Co., 14 Bralnard for three months, S30.70 tor six on limitation of undergound nu­ Place, Manchester, Conn. 06040. R«c Department ropee riders months and S61.40 tor one year. Mall A Bolton woman was reported in satisfactory clear testing and on a lower ceiling Connecticut daily Second class postoge paid at Man­ rates qre available on request. for defense missiles. chester, Conn. POSTMASTER: The Manchester Recreation Department is condition at Manchester Memorial Hospital today Send address changes to the Man­ sponsoring a townwide bicycle rodeo Wednesday after her car struck a utility pole on Birch Mountain Monday: 527 chester Herald, P.O. Box 591, To ploce a claulfled or display at the McDonald's Parking lot on West Center Road Saturday, police said. A thought for the day; In a UPI photo Manchester, Conn. 06040. advertisement, or to report a news speech following the assassination Play Four: 7261, Item, story or picture Idea, coir Street. Events Include speed, slalom, maneuver­ Kim S. Armstrong, 29, suffered a severe cut to her GUARANTEED DELIVERY: It of President Abraham Lincoln, 643-2711. Office hours are 1:30 a.m. ing and start-stop courses. forehead in the crash, which occurred at about 5 p.m. Other numbers drawn Kionday you don't receive your Herold by S to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. presl^nt-to-be James Garfield Today In history in New England; p.m. weekdays or 7:30. a.m. Satur­ Prizes will be awarded for each event. Saturday, a police report said. said/ “For mere vengeance I Maine daily; 724 day, please telephone your carrier. Participants will be separated by age into several The accident occu r^ when Armstrong's 1973 Buick In 1984, President Reagan appointed o ^ te d EPA If you're unable to reach your The Manchester Herold Is o categories. LeSabre went off the right side of Birch Mountain would do nothing. 'This nation is too New Hampshire dally; 9629 carrier, call subscriber service at administrator Anne Burford to head the government's subscriber to United Press Interno- The rodeo will begin Wednesday at 10 a.m. The Road as it rounded a curve near the intersection with great for mere revenge. But for the Rhode Island daily; 7022 643-2711 by 7 p.m. weekdays or 10 tlonol news servIces-Aand Is a o.m. Saturdays for guaranteed rain date Is Friday. Coopsaw Mill Road, the police report said. security of the future, I would do Oceans and Atmosphere committee, bringing heated Vermont daily; 620 member of the Audit aursow af delivery In Manchester. Circulations. Armstrong was charged with failure to drive right. everything.” criticism from environmentalists. Massachusetts daily; 9222 « - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. July 2, 19»5 Prisoners taken hostage Day of jubilation U.S./W orid In Brief Inmates rebel over dress rules Reagan to meet ex-hostages Agca hoped to dupe police made to slown the prison. By Jim Lewis "This is not vtdmt the inmates want," them to fly home without too much States does not "know who pulled ROME — Mehmet All Agca testified today he United Press International he said at the memngwith reporters — By Helen Thomas deliberately left identifying objects behind in his United Press International fanfare. the trigger.” which the convicts had'demanded. In what a State Department Secretary of State George Shultz Rome boarding ONLY, Tenn. — Hundreds of convicts Lack said several guards who were WASHINGTON* - President official called "the beginning of a said Monday the United States room to make it — enraged over Tennessee’s new able to see the damage told him the knows the identities of the original appear as if his striped jail uniforms — seized control of convicts ripped fixtures out of the walls, Reagan goes to welcome the campaign,” Reagan Monday or­ attempt to kill Pope hostages from ill-fated TWA flight dered a termination of both U.S. two hijackers of TWA Flight 847 Turney Center prison, torching the tore up plumbing, slashed mattresses John Paul II in 1981 chapel and cafeteria and holding fellow and overturned beds inside the living 847 today, having made good on his landing rights for the Lebanese and would take legal or "other” was the work of a vow to crack down on the airport in carrier Middle East Airlines and steps to bring them to justice. inmates hostage for several hours early units. single man. today. Prisoners were stationed on rooftops, Beirut, Lebanon, and destroy it as authority for air cargo service Shultz made the statement in an The 27-year-old a safe haven for terrorists. betwen the two countries by either interview on the McNeilLehrer Five people^were injured, including under buildings and throughout the In retaliation^for the 17-day U.S. or Lebanese carriers. NewsHeur, but declined to name Turk told the court one prisoner who had a heart attack. prison, while Luck and other officials A senior administration official the two hijackers or describe all that leaving the arti­ Officials said a prison guard was were holed up in a small administration hostage ordeal, Reagan took steps cles behind in his to close down the Beirut airport said, "Beirut International Airport steps that would be taken to bring taken hostage shortly after the rioting building near the entrance. Armed and to encourage other nations to will be off-limits until Beirut puts them to justice. room the day of the erupted Monday night, but he was guards were in prison towers but were join in the crackdown by barring terrorists off-limits." The airport sanctions were des­ shooting was actu­ released about an hour and a half later. instructed not to shoot. In Beirut, MEA Chairman Selim cribed as "a clear signal” that the ally part of a plan Ten inmates — all in "protective Officials said four unidentified in- ■ their airlines from flying to worked out by two Lebanon. Salam said, "If anyone wants to White House is determined to custody” cells at their own request — mates were injured in the riot and a fifth The moves were aimed at close the airport, that's his busi­ combat air piracy and “a first M Bulgarian diplo- were taken hostage by the rioting suffered a heart attack. Three pri.son- making good on his vow to "fight ness but I don’t think it will have step” toward denying terrorists ~ mats and at least convicts, but Warden Larry Lack ers were treated- for severe head back" against terrorism after the much effect on Lebanon. Other what Secretary of State George ''-4 _ ,^rec other Turks to negotiated into the early morning hours injuries and one inmate was treated for release of 39 American hostages ways will be found to bring the Shultz called "a safe haven” in the ‘ . cover up their con­ for the release of nine, who were freed stab wounds. All are listed in serious held by Shiite Moslems in Lebanon essentials in." Middle East. spiracy to assassi- one by one. , V condition, Taylor said. since the hijacking of the Trans Administration officials had In hailing the release of the , nate the pope, St’ate Correction spokesman John Bragg, who has served 10 years at World Airlines Boeing 747 June 14. been hinting for days that a boycott hostages Sunday, Reagan Issued a j But when later Taylor said there was "extensive Turney for armed robbery and would be Before going to Andrews Air of the airport was in the works. warning; "Terrorists, be on no­ questioned by lawy­ damage" to the units housing the eligible for parole Aug. 13, said the riot Force Base in the afternoon to Reagan approved the restric­ tice. We will fight back against you Mehmet Agca ers for the other inmates and the prison cafeteria and erupted when 30 inmates were turned welcome the hostages who come to tions after two high-level White in Lebanon and elsewhere. We will defendants, Agca commissary were gutted by fire. He away from the dining hall because they Washington, Reagan arranged to House meetings in which Reagan fight back against your cowardly switched into the "crazy man” act he has adopted said the convicts had also burned the were not wearing prison uniforms. brief a group of business leaders on reviewed the hostage crisis, the attacks on American citizens and uutor lines of questioning disagreeable to him chapel at the medium-security prison Taylor said five inmates started the tax reform. fate of seven Americans still held property.” n claimed to be Jesus Christ. about 55 miles west of Nashville. disturbance about 6 p.m. in the prison White House spokesman Larry in Lebanon and possible steps to The senior official said MEA has V Agca, already serving a life term for his attack Taylor said the next step jn regaining kitchen and "it gathered steam after Speakes said Reagan was planning combat terrorism. twice wedkiy passenger service to on the pope on May 13, 1981, is the state’s star control of the prison was to obtain the that” "a vdry simple greeting cerem­ The official said the action is New York. TWA and Pan Ameri­ witness in the trial of four other Turks and three release of the last hostage and get the He said the inmates were upset about ony" and he said he expected most "designed as a pressure on the can World Aicw^s have authority Bulgarians accused of plotting the assassination inmates back in the housing units. the new uniforms with striped pants and of the 39 former hostages would be community of Lebanon" to find the for cargo flights^^mU are not attempt. But the rioters — angry because of UPI photo shirts stenciled "Department of Cor­ aboard the airliner. killers of Robert Stethem, the making the flights. Also''with The trial is now in its sixth week in a specially new striped uniforms, tiny cells and rections" that were mandated by the 2 reinforced "bunker” courtroom at Rome’s Foro poor food — warned authorities there He said the president "wants to young Navy diver slain the first authority to fly to Beirut are Air TENNESSEE INMATE JAMES BRAGG legislature last year after a rash of have as little disruption in their day of the hijacking. Fradce, the Belgian airline Sabena Italico sports complex. would be violence if they attempted to prison escapes. lives as possible" and to permit But he conceded the United and Cyprus Air. reclaim the facility. . . spokesman witi3 Michael Garrard, left Bragg said the convicts had des­ At a news conference with about 15 troyed all the toilets and windows in the Acid rain getting worse? reporters, two spokesmen for the Clarksville — said the Garrard said "there will be people prison’s 26 cellblocks, which each house WASHINGTON — Environmentalists say a rioters — James Bragg, 32, of Akron, killed on both sides" if an attempt was 22 inmates. closer look by the Environmental Protection Ohio, and Michael Garrard, 29, of prepared to fight. Joy mitigated for reiatives Agency at damaged lakes and streams shows an acid rain problem in the Northeast and upper Midwest that is worse than originally believed. The National Clean Air Fund, an arm of the Brushfires In California National Clean Air Coalition, Monday released of 7 ‘forgotten’ hostages copies of EPA regional maps showing wide areas where lakes and streams had been harmed by acidity. Record heat continues to sear West E^v United Press International she said. "He’s praying for an end rence Jenco, 50, kidnapped Jan. 8 "The maps show that surface waters suscepti­ to (the administration’s) t a 1 k of by gunmen in Beirut, said he, too, ble to daiViage from acid rain are more seriously The sister of an American still retaliation and 1 hogp that eve­ might take matters into his own endangered and distributed over a broader Bv Gary Silverman held hostage in Lebanon wants ryone who’s thinking on those lipes hands. geographic area than previously reported," said United Press International Syrian President Hafez Assad to will think about what they’re ” If, in a few days, nothing fund spokeswoman Susan Buffone. meet with on efforts to win her saying. Individuals need tbv ejops in term s^f my uncle’s The maps are more detailed versions of a San Francisco endured its warmest July day in brother's freedom — something punished but societies don’t neeo to Fel^se, we will pucsue private UPI photo national EPA map that in 1982 showed areas more than a half century and firefighters battling she charges President Reagan has be bombed." initiatives for his releMe," Mihe­ where lakes and streams had been damaged by California brushfires worked in 100-degree tempera­ been unwilling to do. Say said she will be joined by lich said. Captain Johft Testrake waves goodbye the U.S. Testrake's wife, lower left, and high acidity. Releasing its analysis of the regional tures as the West remained in the gripof a record heat Peggy Say, sister of Associated John Weir, son of the Rev. The kidnapped Americans are maps, the fund said the EPA documents had been wave. Press Beirut bureau chief Terry Benjamin Weir, a Presbyterian believed to be held by groups or to the staff and patients of the U.S. crew members are behind him. Other available for the past year but had not been highly Record highs in the 90s and 100s were reached Anderson, met Monday with Sy­ minister kidnapped May 1984, and individuals connected to the Shiite military hospital in Wiesbaden, .West former hostages were staying behind to publicized. Monday at 13 locations in Arizona, Montana and rian Ambassador Rafic Jouejati in Jeremy Levin, former Cable News Moslem group Hezbollah in the Germany, today as he and 28 other vacation or wait for medical test results. With Congress mired in a fight over how to cut California. Early-morning readings today were in the Washington to obtain a visa and J Network Beirut bureau chief who Syrian-controlled Bekaa valley in former hostages leave for the final trip to the federal deficit, legislation to find a way to pay 80s and 90s in the Southwest and forecasters predicted plead for the release of her brother was kidnapped in Lebanon and Lebanon near the town of Baalbek. for an acid rain cleanup is stalled. The it would remain hot. and six other Americans. escaj^ in February after. 11 Hezbollah — Arabic for "Party of administration has refused to push for a cleanup "I don’t see any relief through the Fourth of July," Say said she expects to go to months. God" — is also believed to have program, arguing that more research is needed, said Jan Null, a meteorologist with the National Syria in "about a week” and Jean Sutherland, wife of kidnap masterminded the TWA hijacl^g,- Weather Service in San Francisco. criticized Reagan for not taking victim Thomas Sutherland, 53, The other missing Ame/fcans Israeli writer says culprits A temperature of 99 degrees in San Francisco -7^ . - time to meet with the families of said she will go to Beirut "if it were are: ■ / Stabbings shock quiei suburb Monday tied the record for July and was the warmest the seven "forgotten hostages" productive for Tom’s release." ' f William Buckley, 56/of Med- ORLANDO, Fla. — Neighbors say "you don’t recorded in the month since 1931. A reading of 107 in captured before the hijacking of Sutherland was kidnapped June fort. Mass., political offiom-^Mhe hear of too much trouble" in their peaceful Los Angeles was eight degrees higher than a record TWA Flight 847. 9 as he was being driven to the U.S. Embassy in Beirutr-wHowas were Nabih Berri’s rivals suburb where four bloody, pajama-clad bodies for the day that had lasted since 1884 and just three U "I’ve given up," she told Cable American University of Beirut. abducted March 18, 1984, from his were discovered in a middle-class home after degrees shy of the city’s all-time mark. News Network. "I don’t think he’s "I have kept open from start the dar in Moslem west Beirut, iV. going to see me any other time " "somebody just wpnt nuts.” More than a half million people Monday fled to Los possibility of going back to Bei- • Peter Kilbum, 60, of the San JERUSALEM (UPI) - An Is­ An unidentified neighbor and co-worker of one Angeles-area beaches, while those indoors used 4,693 She said she is "praying that irut,” she said. "We’re really Francisco area, librarian at the raeli military writer said today President Assad" will have the of the victims Monday discovered the bodies, megawatts of power at 3 p.m., 189 megawatts short of working with a lot of unknowns American University of Beirut, that two of Amal leader Nabih repeatedly stabbed with a kitqhen knife, police the record demand reached last Sept. 5, when the time. now. The government is continuing believed kidnapped Nov. 30, 1984, Berri’s rivals in the of^nization Anderson was captured by gun­ said. \ temperature was 105. with doubled and re-doubled ef­ in west Beirut. were responsible for the TWA A police spokesman said tl^^jdj^tifris were Brief power outages were reported Monday night in men March 16. forts, and perhaps a new environ­ • David Jacobsen, 54, of Hun­ hijacking June 14. ■She called Jouejati "encourag­ . w ■■■' middle-aged women and a child, who neighbors Los Angeles and Orange County. Utility officials ment of negotiations has been tington Beach. Calif., administra­ Zeev Schiff, writing in Ha’aretz said was a 5-year-old girl. The bodies were found asked that customers conserve electricity by setting L ing and supportive." established." tor of the American University newspaper, said the two are Aakal "He hasn’t received word yet on by a co-worker of one of the women, worried thermostats no lower than 78 degrees. Andrew Mihelich of Joliet. 111., Hospital in west Beirut, who was Hamiyeh, military commander of about her absence from the office. Temperatures as high as 117 were recorded at whether Assad will meet with us,’’ nephew of the Rev. Martin Law­ kidnapped May 28. Amal in West Beirut; and Mustafa w : Friends and relatives were called to identify Thermal and Palm Springs, Calif. Near Palm UPI photo Dirani, chief of the organization’s the victims Monday, but because of the gruesome Springs, in the San Jacinto Mountains, a brushfire z _iL security apparatus. nature of the crime scene, a decision was made to that has consumed 20,600 acres raged for a fifth day. Diana Gottmann, right, and her sister The girls’ grandparents have lived there In Washington, a State Depart­ The blaze was one of a rash of fires that have ment spokesman declined to com­ wait until today. sift through the ashes of their grandpar- 28 years and their grandfather, Harry destroyed 70 homes and scorched more than 35,000 ent’s home Monday after a weekend Gottman, 72, said, "It's a hell of a time to Terrorist Bombings Plague Europe ment on the accuracy of the acres in Southern California, Dozens of minor injuries identifications except to acknowl­ Globe faces libel suit have been reported, most to firefighters suffering in brush fire swept up canyons and start ail over.” Three bombs exploded around Europe Monday killing at least one edge that Hamiyeh is recognized the heat. destroyed at least 60 homes in the area. as military commander of Amal in DEDHAM, Mass. — Jury selection is under person and injuring many others. way in former Republican gubernatorial candi­ In Northern California, seven homes were damaged West Beirut. and 1,000 acres were scorched by a fire in the hills near In New York, however. Secre­ date John R. Lakian’s $50 million libel suit Monday, lightning set a house ablaze, hail damaged knocked out power and overturned a mobile home, against The Boston Globe. Palo Alto. A section of the Challis National Forest in tary of State George Shultz Mon­ Idaho was closed because of a fire. In Arkansas crops and winds of up to 54 mph ripped off roofs, slightly injuring three people. day said the administration knows In the lawsuit, first filed in August 1982, Lakian r Athens the identities of the original two - claims the newspaper's front-page article PORTUGAL Car bomb explodes in parking hijackers of TWA Flight 847 and pointing out alleged inconsistencies between his will tak^ legal or "other" steps to resume and his actual past was libelous and Government cracks down lot and destroys cars bring them to justice. invaded his privacy. STEADFAST belonging to U S military Shultz made the disclosure in a Lakian’s suit centers on an Aug. 18,1982, story personnel. televised interview on the McNeil­ in which the Globe claimed to have uncovered Lehrer NewsHour, but declined to "what appears to be a pattern of discrepancies on oral chelation products You are invited to 90 minutes of SPAIN name the two hijackers or to between what (Lakian) says and what the discuss just how the United States records show about his upbringing, schooling, Bv Jan Ziegler that therapy, physicians inject FDA- laughter, tears, hope and decision. military service and business career." TURKEY planned to ”go after" the United Press International approved chelating drugs. GREECE. hijackers. Lakian claims the article was factually flawed However, the agency has neither re­ Join us for an evening with Steadfast, ^ "You’ll see... You’ll see,” said and contained distorted quotations. The Globe WASHINGTON — The government has ceived nor approved any marketing appli- M adrid^ Shultz when asked what action the maintains the article was accurate and fair. The begun a crackdown on "chelation therapy" catims for a non-prescription oral chelation a music ministry of Oral Roberts University Bomb explodes in crowded United States planned to take to newspaper’s lawyers also say the information in capsules and tablets, which it says are product nor has it approved clinical trials in British Airways ticket office. bring the hijackers to justice. the story is protected under the Constitution fraudulently sold for the prevention or humans for any such formulation. on Wednesday, July 3rd at 7 p.m. Rome "Evidently they wanted to em­ because it deals with matters of public concern. treatment of heart disease and circulatory The FDA began its investigation of the barrass Berri and force the organi­ The Globe’s story on Lakian said he claimed to disorders. products a year ago. Brown said. Suitcase bomb explodes on have been a Republican since 1970, but actually 300 zation into an extreme act. They UPI photo The Food and Drug Administration began Those most vulnerable to the manufac­ Church of the Living God baggage cart at airport. didn’t consult with Berri or with joined the party 10 years later. It also said Lakian warning manufacturers that chelation turers’ claims are the elderly, he said, who miles others in the leadership, but acte

Ruble (W 2-3) 6 1-3 7 2 1 1 2 Center Court crowd, she couldn’t deal it was playing Virginia until Sullivan Landscaping dumped Ste­ Minnesota 33 39 .458 7 Barkley (SI) 22-300000 . . . . IP. H. RERBBSO Kepshire p 2 0 0 0 Lucas p 0 0 0 d tlie game was not related to drugs. Center Court, against a top player down the stairs and my father was phenson's Texaco, 12-6, at Nike Field. Minnesota CalHomkl Jorgnsn ph 1 0 0 0 Wohifrd ph 0 1 0 0 take advantage. everyone I saw in the last two days Texas 29 46 .386 12’A Allen p 0 0 0 0 (No. 5 seed Pam Shriver), and she reading the newspaper. He said, Dan Chapman cranked a three-run Monday's Results Schrom (L 76) 4 6 3 3 2 0 Slaton (L 67) 2 5 7 2 2 1 ’You’re playing on Center Court ” I felt that I could win this was making comments that I’ll be homer, o solo shot and a single to spark New York 4, Toronto 1 Sanchez 34221 1 Landrm ph 1 0 1 0 won a set. Broiw 3 3 2 2 )1 Campbll p 0 0 0 0 playing most of England and the winners. Dwight Peterson and Transactions Seattle 3, Chicago 1 Wardle 2 1 0 0 0 4 Clements 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Owen Is AL Player of Week “ I cannot feel sad,” Wade said today,’ match, but I was not mentally Charlie Russo also had three hits each, Detroit 7, Bialtimore 1 Schrom pitched to 2 batters In 5fh. Cllbum 1 2-3 3 1 1 1 I Lahti p 0 0 0 0 prepared to do it, which you must suddenly I realized, wow, this is DeJess 3b 0 0 0 0 following the 6-2, 5-7, 6-2 decision ” I nearly fell down the stairs. I while Steve Bania, Barry Goodwill and Mllwoukee 5, Boston 1 HBP—by Ruble (Hatcher). WP— Corbett 1 0 0 0 0 1 NEW YORK — Switch-hitting shoUtop Spike Owen of the had to phone up and say I could not have to get that extra adrenalid some sort of big deal,” Shriver Mark Paganl added two apiece. Mike Cleveland 5, Mlnnesoto2 Ruble. PB—W illard. T—2:48. A—22,729. Texas Totals 16 1 0 1 Tetals 11 1 4 1 that sent Shriver into the fourth Zotta and Jim Purcell banged two Oaklond 4, Kansas City 3 Cook (W 26) 6 10 Seattle Mariners, who collected nine hits in 19 at-bats last week, round. " I ’ve had more out of tennis go to school that day. I played an going.” she said. "Sometimes you said. safeties each tor Stephenson's. BcudMiM Texas 10, California 5 Rozemo 216 2 TWO outs When Winning run scored. Monday was named American League Player of the Week. Chicago (A D — Optioned right-handed Tuesday's (3omes Schmidt (S 2) 26 0 St. Louis 000 000 300 0— 1 Rac pitcher Bruce Tanner back tp their (All Times RDT) Sanchez pitched to 2 batters In 6th. Montreal 000.0110001— 3 Owen hit .474 for the week with two triples, a homer, 16 total trlp l A form team In Buffalo; recalled New York (Whitson 36) at Toronto Tlgara 7 , Orlolaa 1 Game-winning RBI —TXiwsan (7). 6 National League raaulta bases, three runs scored and three RBI. He had an .842 slugging Jon Neuner knocked In. the only run right-hander Steve Rreovld. (Key 62), 7:35 p.m. DP—St. Louis 1. Montreal 1. LOB—St. percentage ami on-base percentage of .474. as Nelson Frelohtwav blanked Man­ Cleveland — Purchased pitcher Jerry Detroit (Tanond 67) at Baltimore Louis 10, Montreal 7.2B— McGee, Clark.' ' Stars send Generals marching home chester Pizza, 1-0, at Nike. Doug Griffin Reed from Maine ot the International (Davis 46), 7:35 p.m. DETROIT BALTIMORE PIrataal.MataO 3B—O. ^ I t h , Raines. HR—McGee led Nelson with two hits, while Don League; placed pitcher Rick Behenno on Seattle (Snyder 61) at Chlcogo (Lollar ObrhM ObrhM (3). SB—Herr 2 (16), McGee (29), Greenwood had a pair for Pizza. 15-day disabled list. 26), 8 p.m. Whltakr 2b 3 0 0 0 Dwyer If 2 0 0 0 PITTSBURGH NEW YORK Coleman (51). By Gerry Monlgan ' back Cbuck Fusina not thrown an Los Angeles — Placed reliever Steve Boston (Clemens 66) at Milwaukee Brookns 3b 4 0 1 2 Roenicfc If 1 0 0 0 ObrhM ObrhM Track and football for Nehemlah Howe on the restricted list; called up (Hlguera 65), 8:35 p.m. Gibson rf 4 111 Lacy rf 4 0 11 Almon iHf 4 0 0 0 Backmn 2b 1 0 0 0 IP H RERBBSO United Press International interception with two minutes left. Northarn pitcher Dennis Powell from Albuquerque California (M cC^III 25) at Texas Parrish c 5 110 Ripken ss 4 0 1 0 Orsulak If 0 0 0 0 Chapmn 2b 1 0 0 0 St. Louis ' SAN FRANCISCO — Renaldo Nehemiah, freed to run track Most of the crowd of 26,982 at (Sebra 60), 8:35 p.m. Lemon cf 4 110 Murray 1b 4 0 0 0 Manchester Oil Heat shaded Man­ of the Pacific Coast League. Roy 2b 4 0 0 0 Heep rf 3 0 0 0 K e p ^lre after an epic decision by the lAAF, said Monday he would EAST RUTHERFORD. N.J. - Giants Stadium thought the big­ Montreal — Optioned pitcher Dick Cleveland (Heaton 4-9) at Minnesota Herndon If 3 1 2 2 Lynn cf 4 0 10 Pena c 4 0 0 0 Wilson cf 1 0 0 0 Allen chester Property Maintenance, 6-5, In (VIolo 96), 8:35 p.m. Evans 1b 3 2 12 Sheets dh 3 0 10 attempt to be the first athlete to become a force both on the track Midway through their season, the gest mistake of all was Michaels’ eight Innings at Robertson. Jln\ Fox Gropethln to Indianapolis of the Hendrck rf 4 0 2 0 Hrnndz 1b 4 0 10 Compbell 26 1 American Association. Oakland (Longford 61) at Konsos City Sanchz dh 1 0 0 0 Shelby ph 1 0 0 0 AAodlck 1b 1 1 0 0 Carter c 1 0 0 0 Lahti 16 0 and the gridiron. Baltimore Stars returned to the decision to start Reeves and keep loshed three hits tor Oil Heat, while (Lelbrandt 65), 8:35 p.m. Grubb dh 0 1 0 0 Cross 3b 2 0 0 0 Pete PonzIonI, Buel Grant and Rick New York (NL) — Placed center Morrisn 3b 3 0 0 0 Strwbrr cf 4 0 0 0 Horton (L 0-2) An arbitration committee of the lAAF, the international ruling right course. Early in their first- Doug Flutie on the bench. Flutie, fie ld s Mookle Wilson on 21-dav disabled Wednesday's Gomes Flynn ss 4 0 10 Connlly ph 1 0 0 0 Wynne cf 4 0 11 Foster It 4 0 10 Forsch Hurta chipped In w ith two apiece. Far list; recalled outfielder Len Dvkstrafrom New York at Toronto Rayfwd c 3 1. 2 0 body of amateur track and field, last Tuesday voted to return round playoff game against the who had suffered a broken collar the losers, Rick Bordeou and Dave Sakota 2b 2 0 0 0 Khalifa ss 1 0 1 0 Knight 3b 4 0 1 0 Tidewater of the International Boston at Mllvraukee Reuschel p 3 0 0 0 Santana u 4 0 1 0 Youmans 6 26 6 2 2 5 5, amateur status to a number of professional football players who New Jersey Generals Monday bone a month ago, declared Sloan poked three hits each, while League. Detroit at Baltimore, night Young ph 1 0 10 Dave Kav, Pat Irish and Joe Tetrault Dauer 2b 0 0 0 0 Candelar p 0 0 0 0 Fernndz p 2 0 1 0 Burke 1 16 0 0 0 1 1 night, their "return right” put himself fit to play and practiced Oakland— Recalled right-handed pitcher Seattle at ^ Ic o g o , night Johnsn ph 1 0 1 0 Lucas (W 60) 2 2 0 0 0 0 were also former track and field stars. added two each. Steve Mura from Trlpl6A Tocomo; sent Colltornla at Texas, night Tetals 33 7 0 7 Totals 11 1 7 1 them on course toward defending with the team last week, but the $5 DehrMt 031I00119— 7 McDowll p 0 0 0 0 Forsch pitched to 1 batter In 10th. catcher Charlie O'Brien to Slngl6 Cleveland at Minnesota, night Chrstns ph 1 0 0 0 WP—Kepshire 2. T-3:03. A—22,711. their U.S. Football League million 1984 Helsman Trophy A afflllate Modesto. Oakland at Konsos City, nliiht Boltiffiere 000100 010— 1 TetalsSl 1 4 1 T e ta ltn 0 6 0 CeHeee Game-winning RBI— Herndon (4). Warriors Ink J.B Carroll championship. winner watched from the sidelines. DP—Detroit 2. LOB—Detroit's, Balti­ Pittsburgh 010100110— 1 Iona — Appointedilnted IRichard Quinn NewYfirti 100 01110»-0 Return specialist Garcia Lane While Fusina threw three inter­ assistant othletichletlcdf director. ELatandInga more 6. 2B— Parrish, Flynn, Sheets, Rayford. HR—Evans (15), Gibson (17), Gam6wlnnlng RBI— Wynne (1). OAKLAND, Calif. — Center J.B. Carroll picked up his signing set a pair of records with two-first- ceptions, he did manage to throw Feetboll E—Knight. LOB—Pittsburgh 7, New PadraaB.AatroaS|10) Little Miss Houston — Signed running back Mike Herndon (6). SF—Herndon. bonus check for “ over $1.5 million” Monday as part of his new quarter punt returns to the right (or one touchdown and run for W L Pet. GB _ IP HRERBBSO York 9. 2B—Wynne, Foster, Hendrick, 1 ^ " Rozler. Albany 47 30 .610 — Knight. SB—Hendrick (1). contract with the Golden State Warriors, a team spokesman said side, giving the Stars a leg up on another, enabling the Stars to hold New England — Signed defensive bock HOUSTON New Britain 43 31 .501 2'/i O'Neal (W 61) 7 6 1 1 2 1 IP H RERBBSO SAN DIEGO Carroll, who rebuffed the Warriors’ offer sheet last year and their 20-17 victory. their lead throughout. Audrey McMIllon oil the University ot Woterburv 42 34 .553 m Pittsburgh ObrhM ObrhM Houston to series of 1-year contracts. Hernandez 210003 Doran 2b 4 111 played in Italy, reluctantly came to terms with the club last week “ That definitely set the tone for “ We’ve had a lot of turmoil on LIttIa Mlaa aoftball Vermont 37 39 .407 r/i Bolthnere Reschl (W 61) 6 26 5 0 0 2 7 Flonnrv 2b 5 1 2 0 Hockey Glens Falls 35 42 .455 12 Condetarl (S 8)2 1 6 1 0 0 1 3 Reynlds ss 5 1 3 2 Gwvnn rf 5 0 10 after Golden State decided to match a $7 million contract offered the first half,” said Lane, whose this team this year, ’ ’ said Fusina of Monday action at M artin School saw Minnesota — Named Les Jackson McGrgr (L 67) 116 5 5' 5 0 1 New Yeib Walling 3b 5 1 2 2 Nashua 34 41 .453 12 Stewart 5 63 3 2 2 6 2 Garvey 1b 5 0 0 1 to the 7-footer by the Milwaukee Bucks. 91-yard touchdown return and the Stars, who won the champion­ Hour Gloss Cleaners beat Westown, assistant coach. Reading 32 41 .438 13 Fernandez (L 65) 7 4 1 l Cruz 3 s If 5 0 10 Kennedy c 4 0 1 0 21-14; Manchester Sewing Machine NY Islanders — Signed right wing O'Neal pitched to 2 batters In 8th. 127-yard return total are both ship last season as a Philadelphia PlttstlMd 31 45 .423 14’/ti T—2:31. A—27,109. McDowell 2 0 0 0 0 2 Mmphry rf 4 0 2 0 Brown d 10 0 0 Center nip Fuss A O'Nell, 17-16; Krause MIkko AAokela ot Finland to a multl-yeor Mendov’s Results T—2:21 A—2U10. Boss cf 4 0 0 0 McRvnI d 4 0 0 0 league playoff records. “ A big play franchise. “ If we get to the Florist shode Army and Navy Club, contract. Albany 12, Woterburv 4 GDovIs 1b 4 1 1 0 Bochy c 1111 like that gets everybody pumped championship, it will say a lot 10-V; and Monchester State Bonk and NY Rangers — Named Jack Birch and Glens Falls 7, Nashua 4 Marlnara3.WhltaSox1 Dodgara 8, Rada 1 Cobell 1b 0 0 0 0 Nettles 3b 2 1 0 0 Schmidt warms up In drag N assiff Arm s battle to a 10-all Reg Higgs assistant coaches. up.” about the character of this team.” New Britain 11, Vermont 3 Bailey c 4 1 1 0 Royster 3b 0 I 0 0 n i l deadlock. Sacetr Reading 4, Pittsfield 3 CINCINNATI LOS ANGELES Ryan p 3 0 0 0 Mortinez If 4 1 2 2 'PHILADELPHIA — Mike Schmidt of the Philadelphia The Stars, who battled back Maurice Carthon, whose 3-yard Kathy Shuts stroked three hits, Kerl ObrhM ObrhM Dallas (MISL) — Signed goalkeeper Tueedov's Gomee SEATTLE CHICAGO jo o v is If O f)o r Phillies, who recently criticized local fans, muted the expected from a 1-3-1 start this season to TD run 46 seconds into the final Watson added two ond Corvn Shannon Billy Phillips to a 1-vear contract; fired Woterburv at Albany ObrhM ObrhM Redtn If 4 0 0 0 Andersn 3b 2 2 1 1 Temgitn u 3 1 10 pitched well for Hour Glau. Michele director ot player personel Bill Nuttoll. Glens Falls at Nashua Percent 2C 4 0 0 0 Law cf 4 0 2 1 Milner d 3 0 11 Duncan u 4 1 1 1 Hoyt p 10 11 boos Monday night by appearing for infield practice in a long, make Sunday’s semifinal round quarter pulled New Jersey within Connelly led Westown with three hits, Vermont at New Brltlon, 2 Bradley cf 3 0 0 0 (iomMe dh 2 0 0 0 Rose 1b 3 0 11) Landrex cf 5 1 2 0 Bmbry ph 1 0 0 0 against the Stallions at Bir­ 20-17, thought the loss told much while True Nguyen and Sarah HIbler Porker rf 4 0 0 0 Guerrer If 2 2 0 0 unsightly wig. Reading at Pittsfield Calderon It 2 1 1 0 Kittle ph 1 0 0 0 Thuimnd p 0 0 0 0 'Schmidt’ s condemnation of the Vets Stadium fans appeared mingham with an 11-7-1 record, about the Generals. added a pair of safeties each. For Thomas dh 3 1 0 0 Baines rf 4 0 10 Knicely c 4 0 10 Maldond If 1 0 0 0 Bevoeq ph 0 0 0 Sewing Machine, Jennifer Cyr and Wedn sedgy's Gomee 1 Woterburv at Albany Cowens rf 1 1 1 1 Walker 1b 4 0 0 0 Conepen ss 3 0 0 0 Brock 1b 3 12 3 Saturday in a Montreal newspaper and then was carried on jumped out to a 13-0 first-quarter "We didn’t gel as a unit,” he . * NIcolle Cyr each reached base four Glens Falls at Nashua Davis 1b 4 0 1 0 Rsk c 3 0 10 Kmchc 3b 3 1 1 0 Reynlds rf 4 TetaN 1 3gsiis?^'>3S:$2 2 1 lead and were never headed. The times and Cheryl Irwin added three Ooster 2b 3 0 0 0 Scloscta c 4 0 1 0 weekly baseball show on national television. said. “ We let things happen to us; Vermont at New Britain Presley 3b 4 0 1 0 Podorek If 4 0 0 0 Generals, by virtue of committing hits. For Fuss A O'Nell, Cindy Wild Basketball Reading at Pittsfield Kearney c 4 0 1 0 Hulett 3bTibbs 3 0 p 1000 10 Sax 2b 4010 The gag apparently worke(i. The crowd roared with laughter at interceptions (two), fumbles (five, r e i^ three hits. Including two homers, Owen St 4 0 0 0 Guillen ssVenoM 1 0 ph 1\p 0 0 0 Horshlsr p 4 0 0 0 (Twe eut When wbNiing run scared) his masquerade and the cheers outnumbered the jeers by far the greater number of blunders two lost). A combination of all and Kristie Pastula also yanked three Fletchr 2b 2 0 0 0 Robinson p 0 0 0 0 Heu^ 2308801808-1 Monday, ended their season 11-8. those things beat us.” hits and pitched well. Emily Loppen Hairstn ph 0 0 0 0 Walker ph 1 0 0 0 Son DIeoe 830080011 1— 8 when he came to bat In the first inning. chlpo^ In with two hits and ployed USBLatandInga Cruz 2b 0 1 0 0 Stager p 0 0 0 0 Gome-Winning R B I— Bochy (3). _ “ It was one of those games Herschel Walker, who set a solid defense. Tetalt 31 3 s 1 Tetale 10 1 s i TeloN 30 1 4 1 Tetals S3 0 n 8 E-Nettles. DP-Son Diego I LOB— * where whoever made the last professional record with 2,411 Jennifer Long, Andrea Relscherl and Sooltio 11011|0SS-1 dncbm oll 880000010-1 Houston 5, San Diego 6 2G—O. Davis, mistake would be the team that yards in the regular season, Allyson Irish each slammed two hits to L Pet. GB Radio, T V CMcoge INloiow—1 Los Angelee nooillEi— 0 Reynolds, Flannery, Mortinez. 3B— - Murphy Is NL’s top vote-getter spark Krause. Jane Tllden led Army Springfield I .014 — Oome-wlnnlna R BI— Cowens (1). Gome^wlnnlng RBI — None. Temgletan. HR—Walling (4), Marttnez lost the game,” said Generals head injured his neck on a 1-yard and Navy with a homer -and two New Jersey 6 .625 IW OP—Seattle 1, Chicago 1. LO B -6eorttle E—Tibbs, Oester, Anderson. DP— (11), Bochy (3). SB—Doran (13), Bass - NEW YORK — Atlanta Braves center fielder Dale Murphy coach Walt Michaels. “ Of course, scoring plunge that pulled the Connecticut 6 600 4 TODAY singles. Oebrie Pease cracked o triple 7, CMcogo Cincinnati 1, Los Angolot 1. LOB— (7), Brown (1). S—Ryan, Hoyt. SF— leads all National Leauge votq;getters by over N0,00g with we had to make it.” ono single and sparkled with the Rhode Island 9 .400 7 5:00 Wimbledon tennis, HBO Cowens ( I ) . SB—Bradley (1), Crus (3). Cincinnati 5, Los Angoles 8.2B—Duncan. Doran, Bevoeoua. General to 13-7 in the second leather, os did Ann O'Brien and Jane Long Island 9 .400 7 7:15 Yankees vs. Blue Joys, Channel IP H RERBBSO HR—Anderson (3), Brock (12). SB— IP H RERBBSO balloting for this year’s All-Star Game entering its final six days ’The last mistake was an inter­ quarter, and was not his usual, Tllden. Marianne Loto belted tour hits W lld w ^ 10 .131 1 11, WPOP Londreoux (7), Walker (1). Murphy, with 821,16$ votes, is the outfielder leader over New ception thrown by Ron Reeves dominating self thereftaer. He UFI gliolo for State Bonk, while Vicki Simmons Westchester II .167 9 . 7:15 Mets vs. Pirates, Channel 9, Wills (W 61) 7 26 I IP H RERBBSO Rvan^86) 961 9 6 6 3 7 and Jennifer Parelack played well y’s l WKHT Vande Bera 26 d n d n lia n Son Mege York’s Darryl Strawberry and San Diego’s Tor,y Gwynn when the Generals were driving (umbleil ^ c e after Incurring a Herschel Walker of the Generals dives over Stars’ dtfm ively. Stephanie Smith pitched Na.Oomes Scheduled 1:00 USBL All-Star Game, Channel 61 Nunez (S 12) 26 Tibbs (L 610) 5 4 4 4 4 1 Hoyt 7 11 5 5 0 V Itrawberry had trailed Gwynn since the outset but moved into (or a potential game-tying or neck injufy when he landed on his well and hit o double and single for Tgesdgy's Game 1:30 Red Sox vs. Brewers, WTIC CMOObO RoMnson 2 5 4 3 2 1 Thurmond 2 0 0 0 0 0 defense Into end zone for touchdown In second quarter USBLAU^tarGome radio. dMmd by more than 60,000 votes after coming off the disabled winning score with 1:03 remaining. head on the scoring dive, and was NcMSlff. Katie Ouellette line a homer aSSSr IL 67) 7 26 Stager 1 1 0 0 1 0 OosMwe (W M ) 1 0 0 0 0 8 New Jersey would not even have action. Walker's score‘went for naught as Stars won, and two singles and Liz Conklin added ^ wfidnssdeysBgwisi 11 :X Wimbledon highlights. Chan­ Solllner 116 Balk—H ^ . PB—Kennedy. T—9;2L HM last week. ' ' held to 66 yards on 25 carries in the two singles ond a walk. No Gomes Scheduled nels 22, 30. T—3:07. A-30JM1. H w S ise iM W 62) 9 4 1 0 2 6 A-36JI01. had their shot had Stars quarter­ game. 20-17. MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. July 2, 1985 — 19 U - MANCHESTER HERAIID. Tuesday. July 2. 1985

k it ‘N’ CARLYLE ’ by Larry Wright r u u u v n I I I tfiMWfwwtw / ^ Destruction In Indonesia HOMES STORE AND FOR SALE OFFICE SPACE ( I'M ^ury 21 window, formal dining South Windsor. Informa­ New rebuilt carburetor AFPL. NO. 10S2 - BRUCE J. CURRIER - Variance approved with give the half-sizer a home, such as afghans, NItss Dr. all Park 8L 73-157 659-2187 evenings. stool. Excellent condi­ o p t n in g t ces, 646-5081. Jackston-Showcase, 646- room and 3 huge bed­ tion, phone 644-2478. for 1978 Plymouth Volare, a condition; The exiitina porch shall ba rebabllllated In ac­ smart look. An alternate tablecloths, spreads, lace Chaatnut 81 142-108 Pina 81 1-168 Fulltlma, axparlencad tion, $100. Call 649-7379 2-barrel, 6 cylinder. $65. cordance with the Cennacticut Basic Building Code at the collar is included. doilies, plus bazaar ideas prafarrad. Installation of 1316. rooms. Extras such as time of deck construction - 57 Oxford Street. No. 8308 with Photo- Elm 8t. III Walnut 81 1-17 for 2nd shift Dental Receptionist — central air and vac. Inter­ Manchester — 3 bedroom anytime. Call anytime, 647-1372. — including the frosty Stora fronts, shower and apartment, stove In­ AFPL. NO. toss - QERALD S. CAMPBELL - Variance denied Guide is in Sizes 12^ to basket shown. You’ll freezer selectors. Manchester Oral Sur­ Meant To Impress You com & telephone In every 24V4. Size 14Mi, 37 bust, mirror doors and closst geons. Experienced cluded, parking, and cel­ Gas Stove — 30" copper- I ANTIQUE&. without preludice -16 West Street. want to have a copy of vinyl shelving. Valid driv­ and It will. Come see this room and a 3 car garage I lar storage, $465 monthly. tone. Magic Chef. Five 2% yards 45-inch. this handy book. Manchester Herald Please apply In per­ preferred, 647-9926 for Call for private showing. AFPL. NO. 10S4 - OEORQE J. MANCINI ET AL - Variances ap­ owner built 4or 5bedroom INVITATION TO BID proved with the following conditions: (1) The variance will ers license required. Cell son at 40 Tolland Interview 649-2871. burners, griddle, clock, Sealed bids will be received TO ORDER, stnd $2.50 for sact Call Circulation Dept Stanley Wleaan, Inc. at •Ci>' Colonial with 2 car gar­ Blanchard & Rossetto minute timer and other Dolls for Sale — Selling be void unless certification by the Town Building Official of pattarn, plus 50p tor postais and Real Estate, 646-2482, In the General Services' ot­ To order, send 13.25, includes Stage Rd. between age, 2 full 8. 2 half baths, Manchester - 4 room features. $175. Coll 242- Collection of dolls — Old tlce, 41 Center SI., Manches­ compliance with the Connecticut Basic Building Code requi­ nandlini. 527-8293.10-6 dally. 10-1 Short Order Cook Needed rements for zero lot line single fam ily ottoched unit Is mode suii BURNEn posUge and handling. 647-9946 8:30 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. wood stove, fully ap­ apartments, 2 bedrooms 8142. Bisque, Composition, ter, CT until Julv 16, 1905 at Saturday.______— Apply In person, The within 100 days ot this variance opprovol. (2) The two lots os Mseahealtr NersM ANNE CABOT pllanced kitchen, solar Manchester — South Alexander's, Glnny’s, etc. 11:00 a.m . tor the tollowino: ' Maackatlar HaraM Main Pub, 306 Main available Immediately. (1) 3M REFLECTIVE MATE­ proposed must be surveyed by a registered land surveyor, o il5 0 Asa.'olAntrlcai system tor hot woter, Forms - 4 bedroom Raised 649-4291. Class A-2 survey plan shall be returned to the Board for sig­ Ntw Taili. N.V. nso Ave. ot Americas Street, Manchester. $425 plus gas heat. Call Color Television 19" Syl- RIAL, SIGN BLANKS & loose New Yerk, N.V. t003S central vac., fireplaced Ranch, 2'/j baths, formal Rose 647-8400 or 646-8646. vanla GTE Super Condi­ CHANNEL POSTS nature, and then recorded In the Town Clerk's office - 1S-20 Print Nama, Addrtis ttllk ZIP Jackson Street. COUE, Styia Numatr and Slia. Print Name, Address w ith ZIP family room, 4 zone heat, dining room, family room tion. Call 649-8607. $98 or (2) TWO (2) HORIZONTAL COUE and siyle Number. 2nd C O O K Driller — Experienced EDDY CURRENT DRIVE New FASHION with too many extras! Call and fireplaced rec room, Two Bedroom Flat, fully best offer. Leave message 0 3 TAG SALES APPL. NO. toss • GERALD CAMPBELL ■ Vorlonce opproved -11- SPECIAL: Over 200 se- MACHINISTS Driller and Drill Sharpen­ today. Century 21 covered patio, 2 car gar­ If no answer. SYSTEMS FOR SECON­ 17 West Street. Photo-Guide patterns in FIm o ’ s RMtaiiraiit ers wanted for second and appllanced kitchen, wall DARY PLANT RETURN all size ranges, has a lectionk and a F R E E PICTURE THIS Two Openings Jackston-Showcase, 646- age. By Owner, $125,000. to wall carpeting, laundry SLUDGE PUMPS APPL. NO. toss - COX CABLE GREATER HARTFORD - Variance Pattern Section in the special Grace Cole Collec­ third shifts. Experienced 1316. Call 646-7672 or 282-9061 for Kitchen Table, 6 chairs — Thursday, Friday and Sat­ (3) ONE (1) INCLINED approved - SOI Parker Street. ALUUM. Just $3.00. is seeking person operating N.C. equipment connections In basement. tion for larger sizes; plus Must have own tools appointment. $600 per month, heat 8, hot Grey formica and urday, 10am-6pm, 2 man SCREW C O N VEYO R FO,v APPL. NO. 1007 - JOSEPH L. EWENESON JR. INC. - Variance of BOOKS at T3.2S each In relqted fields consi­ GRIT REMOVAL SYSTEM 2 BONUS Coupons I for 2nd position, and ability to sat up and water Included. Peter- chrome, plus one leaf, saw, electric tans, 2 child­ Article II, Section6.02.01(b) topermltlesslotareaforJdwel- 0129— DOLLS—Old and New. Hew oparata Bridgeport and dered. Apply In person. East Hartford — $91,900. ren’s desk and chair sets. (4) FUR. & INS. TW O (2) UL- llng units and A rticle II, Section 6.02.01 (d) to perm it exterior Price .... $2.00 to dress tnem; how to make them. some baking ex­ Price reduced on this Manchester — Leisure f man Agency, 649-9404,647- overall 36 x 60. $99 or best TRASONIC RETURN structural change to construct a 2-unlt residential addition tt-130 — nctrsAKE o u ik fi. 24 Engine Lathe. Firatahitt. Circuits, Inc., 59 Deming offer. 568-5926 or 647-9828. 460 Hlllstown Road. SLUDGE METERING SYS­ perience helpful. Road, Berlin. attractive 7 room Colon­ Time. $94,900. That’s what 1340 or 647-0080. to an existing 2-famllv dwelling denied. Variance of Article pieced and apehqued oasiint, Call AIrflo Inatrumant TEMS II, Section 6.02.01(d) to permit exterior structural change to 9131— HEIRLOOM HANDIWORK- $ EXTRA MONEY $ ial with 3 bedrooms, IV2 you’ll hove, living In thls3 The Town of Manchester Is construct a one-unit residential addition to on existing 2- 20 types ot needlework skills. Apply In person. Company lor confidantlal baths, fireplace, farnlly bedroom, 2 bath condomi­ Bolton — "Very Nice Vh TV Set — Black and white. WANTED an eoual opportunltv em­ tomllv dwelling approved with condition: The one unit shall Interview. 833-94SS. room, first floor laundry nium. This lovely unit Rooms". Large kitchen, 16". Very good condition. ployer, and requires an affir­ be attached to the existing dwelling space and shall not ex­ TOWN OF MANCHEBTER TO BUY m ative action policy for all of Flaiio's Raetaarairt EOE and fenced yard. Call for features central air, a fireplaced living room, $30. Call 643-5314. N ceed 22 feet In length on the North Street frontage. - 43-45 LEGAL NORCE With Your Own Part-Time Job.' slate patio, and treed Its Contractors and Vendors North Street. Arbor Acres Farm, Inc. an appointment. Sentry deck oft the kitchen, a as a condition ot doing busi­ Tha Planning and Zoning Commloolon will hold a public Bolton - See Tony yard. $500 monthly with Full size bedroom and Wanted — Dog House, All variances shall haveon effective dote In accordance with hearing on Monday, Julv IS, 19SS at 7:00 P.M. In the Hearing seeks 3 part time poultry Real Estate, 643-4060. spacious finished rec ness with the Town, as per An excellent opportunity for room with many bullt-lni, heat I Coll 646-9700. mattresses, 75" dresser- Good size and In good Federal Order 11246. Connecticut General Statutes. Notice of these decisions hos Room, Lincoln Canter, 494 Main Street, Moncheoter, Con­ 2 farm workers In Glaston­ /mlrror, man's chestla- condition. Call 649-4630. Bid forms, plans and specifi­ been filed In the Town Clerk's office. necticut to hear and conolder the followine pelltlono; 2 pool, tennis court. Call bury and Columbia area East Hartford — $138,000. molre). Excellent condi­ cations ore available at the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS BLANCHARD AND R O IIIT T O CONSTRUCTION • ZONR today. Joyce G. Epstein Rockville. Newly reno­ General Services' office. Housewives and Mothers with for weekend work. Call Don't miss this excep­ v a te 4 room apartment, tion. Call Mary, 646-9035. EDWARD COLTMAN, SECRETARY CHANOI • W R TH IR ILL STRRRT (B-SI) - To chonoe the ^TOCK ROOM ATTENDANT Brent Lacy for an appoint­ Real Estate, 647-8895. TOWN OF zoning cloulficotlon from Rural Reoldence to Planned Real- tional J-t- Room Raised appliances and carpeting MANCHESTER, CT Dated at Manchester, CT this 2nd day ot Julv, 19SS. dence Development for land of opproxlmately 17.7ocretand ment, 633^4681. ROBERT B. WEISS, young children ® M B ^bring them It you have a knowledge of stock Crib Ranch with 3 bedrooms, ~ Included. $365 a month, For Sale — 12 x 16 Rust AutomotivB 0164)7 to approve a (teneral Plan ot Development for the site at Manchester — A Rare GENERAL MANAGER ihown on tha mapi Included In the petition - 4S6V Wetherell systems and procedures, organizational 2V] baths, fireplaced fam­ security required. 646- and brown toned carpet. Receptionist — 4pm-7pm. ily room, 2 car garage and Find. $86,900. Newly deco­ 1509. ______Excellent condition. $150. 012-07 Street and land to the rear of 456V Wetherell Street. with you and save on (Ills, good figure aptitude, a knowledge of rated and remodeled 6 .Two evenings per week, unique fence and above 647-1061. CARS/TRUCK8 eURDY CORPORATION, ANDRRW ANSALDI, AND AN- paiis/equipment, the ability to lift up fo 70 very light duties, students ground pool. Call for an room, 3 bedroom, 2 bath 3 Rooms, 3rd Floor, heat ORRIW ANSALDI, JR. - ZONI CHANOI ■ ADAMS S TR U T RETURN DATE: JULV ZS, I t (e-44) - To Change the lonlita cloulflcotloh from Rotidonco babysitting . costs. lbs., and prior experience with Inventory/ welcome. Please call 646- appointment. Sentry Real Cape on large wooded lot and appliances. $375. J fo r s a le : EUPERIOR COURT near highway, busline & A and Plonnod Rotidonco Dovolopmont to Induitrlol nino Stock Control, you may be just the person to 0129 between 8:30am to Estate, 643-4060. Adults, no pets. Call 649- MISCELLANEOUS WALTER C. QRAHAM : JUDICIAL OlETRICT OF INVITATION TO BID *7B2 PprMlf totolllne opproxlmotoly 11.64 ocroa, known 01 329, fill this position. Ability to operute a forklift 5pm. Manchester Manor shopping. Call today for a 2236 after 6pm. 1983 4 X 4 Chevrolet HARTFORD/NEW BRITAIN REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT nS^7,3$5, 361,365-367,371-373, 375-377, portions Of 331V and Nursing Home, 385 West private showing. Joyce G. FOR SALE Blazer. Excellent body VB. VINYL COMPOSITION 'RLE ■ M l V Adoma Stroot, m shown on tho mop Includod In thopeti­ and computer familiarity a definite plus. ( ; AT HARTFORD HOCKANUM SCHOOL tion. Center Street, You’ll Be In Seventh Epstein Real Eitate, 647- and running condition. Heaven I If you need a 8895. CAROL A. QRAHAM ; JUNE 11, ises The Board of Education, 110 Our high technology company offers an Manchester. 8TDRE AND Swim pools warehouse Call after 6pm only, 643- Long HIM D rive, East Hort- home priced In the 60’s. ford, Ct., will receive sealed •JJ.CRLANO STRRRT (R-1S) • To chongo tho zoning clotsifl- excellent benefits package, which includes OFFICE SPACE forced to dispose of new 6322. APPLICATION FOR FIRET ORDER OF NOTICE Counselors for Girl’s resi­ Adorable 4 rooms, great bids for REMOVAL/REPLA­ cotiM from flurol Rttldtnct ond Induitrlol to tutlntM III medical, dental and life Insurance, pension Manchester — Nevy List­ on/ground, 31 foot long The Plilntltt hereby reprtMnts that the above entitled action praying CEMENT VINYL COMPOSI- IVstS.® R«''9«l»,tatalllno approxlmotolyis.f ocrot, at shown dent camp In Stafford yard, lots of potential and tor a diaaolutlon of marriaga on tha ground of Irratrlavabla braak- on fh# moo Includod In tho potitlon -109 ond 201V Bucklond plan and tuition reimbursement. ing. $108,900. Newer split pools complete with huge 1981 Datsun 280ZX — Mint TON T IL E - H O CKANUM Springs. 684-7821. aluminum siding. Call Us condition, very low mi­ down la raturnabla to tha Suparlor Court within and lor tha Judicial SCHOOL. Bid Information strum. level In prime location, . sundecks, fencing, hl-rate DIalrIct ot Harttord/Naw Britain to be held at Hanford at 95 Waahlng- TodayI Jackson & Jack- 6 + rooms, IV2 baths, 3 leage, one owner, never and specifications are avail­ CATHOUC CRMRTBRIBt ASSOCIATION OP THR ARCH- 22 Hours Per Week Qualified candidates should apply at our filters, pump, ladders, lon Straat on July 23,1965, and raquaata that notice be givan tha Da- able at the Business Office. son Real Estate, 647-8400 bedrooms, plus rough warranty, etc. Asking $978 seen snow, always gar­ tandant. Carol A. Graham, by publication In tha Manchaatar Herald • x^Rcial rxcrption • facility or send a resume with salary history Remove mineral buildup or 6464646. 1JXX) sq. ft. of Business Sealed bids will be received JARLANO STRRRT (C-69) • AppllCOtlM Uhdor Articio II, plumbing for full bath and complete. Financing aged. Call 643-1456. bacauaa her raaldanca la unknown and all raaeonabla ettorte have until 1:00 p.m..Tuesday, July Salary Plus Gas Allowance from your teakettle by space available Imme­ bean made to aacartain tha aama and have tailed. Mctlon 2.02.06 to oormit additional dovoRiamont of on oxltt- pouring In half a cup of unfinished family rooml'l available. Call Stan, toll-' 16, 1905, at which time they Ins c o m o t^ alto and to pormit dovolopmont of two odlot PERSONNSL DEPARTMENT diately. Alto office spoce. WHEREUPON, the Pleintitf movee lor an ordar diracting that notica will be publicly opened and white vinegar and one Just Listed — Commer­ Century 21 Lindsey Real free, 1-800-S244B95. Hond Civic, 1977, 1300, 4 cont porMls for comotorv uto In conlunctlon with tho oxiat. SOUND INTERESTINQ? GERBER SaENTinC PRODUCTS, INC. Estate, 649-4000. Call 649-8920. speed, very good condi­ ot tha Inatitutlon of thia action be given to the aeld CarofA. Oriham, read aloud. The Board of Ins comoto^alto on land totalling aporoxlmotoly 33.64 You can be a Herald Area AdviMr and handle and quart of top water. Heat to cial Zone, Rt. 44. Excel­ whoae addreaa la unknown, by publlahing a copy of an Ordar ot No­ Education reserves the right oerti - Rural Rotidonco Zono - 1S0V and 206V Oakland Stroot, 151 Batson Drive rolling boll and let stand lent Coventry location. Smith Corona electric ty­ tion. $950. Coll 569-4976. tice In tha Mencheeter Herald for the reeeon that the PItInUff hee to occept or reject any or all tuparvlaa our carrier boya & girla. If you Ilka kida - made reeaonebic eftorta to obtain tha Defandant'a addraaa. which et­ bids or the right to waive At thii hMMno Intoroatod poroont moy bo hoard ond writton Manchester, CT 06040 for one hour. Pour out Older Colonial now on ■UIKHESTEII pewriter — 3 years old. want a little Indapandanca and your own Income... - Priced bight. o t BirBlIablB In mini ofUca park oH Electro, C/T. $85. Coll 78 Subaru 4 door wagon. 4 torte hava baan unauccsaalul. Tha Oalandant'a laal known addraaa technical form alities If It Is In uminu^eatloni rocolvod. Coplot of thoto potitlont h o^ solution, fill with water, property. Additional com­ M e l M 4 Affile pvtUnQ. a/c, waa 106 Spring Trail. Covantry, ConnactIcuL but aha no longar re- t EOE. M/F Picturesque ) 4. Air, A M /FM , root the best Interest to do so. S ?!"-! iwiJlL*!!* Town Clork't otilco and moy bo Intpoctod boll oooln and discord. mercial lot comes.with ••ttlng of 9 room contem- r oefpe8id, prlvelt Im . B ro ke r* 643-SB32. aldaa thara aa that la tha raaldanca of tha Plaintitl to Ihia action. Richard A. Huot, during offico hourt. i Add buildup to your this packope also I Many ruck, 96JXX) miles, new D irector oorary, 2'/i baths, 4 bed- • 2.3000 en offloe transmission, clutch, PLAINTIFF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION budget by sellino no- poulbllltlesll Coll for the • 1.M0 en 0^ Typewriter Portable man­ BY THOMAS P. KANE Busineu Services 2 llreolocas, dK k muffler, tires. Good con­ 013-07 Loo Kwoth, Socretory longer used furniture and specifics. Jackson & Jack-' 822-3579 ual and case. Olivetti KANE S HARTLEY, PXi. CALL 647-9946 or 647-9947 HIS A-rrORNEY Dotod at Monchottor, CT tnit 2nd day of Julv, 118R appliances with a low-cost son Real Estate, 647-8400 __Mr. Normen_____ Underwood. $30. Call 649- dition. $975. 528-2973 or M lu HI I Century n-Und- 646-4674. 01$4)7 ocMn Cloulfled. 643-3711. or 6464646. sey Real Esterta, gimi 9540. 077-06 ' ...... 0 to MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday. July 2, 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS BOLTON WEATHER BUSINESS MACC gets $127,000 Put some cool into Cheney takes helm j I Mostly fair tonight; to help with shelter those summer meals on Board of Selectmen j sunny on Thursday Apartment leases/Tandmine for unsuspecting ... page 4 ... page 13 ... page 4 ... page 2

put In writing to the landlord, or the landlord may learned this lesson the really hard w a y !) Do you feel queasy whenever you have to sign a Of course, everything written above refers to what abrogate the lease. lease because you fear that, more often than not, the is known in the trade as a landlord's lease. And a landlord has language in the lease that lets him walk SUII another common clause, says Bates "is like a sneak rider on a piece of legislation." You, the tenant, landlord can no more absolve himself of liability for all over your rights? Your negligence than can the owner of a parking lot. But if Do you realize that one of the toughest clauses in the agree that the storerooms are provided and Money's mainUined gratuitously by the landlord; you, in turn, you are desperate for a place to live, at least find out standard lease agreement provideslhat you, a tenant, what you are getting into. may be evicted with five days notice if your landlord agree that if you or your family use the storerooms, it Worth shall be at your own proper risk; the landlord is not to In addition to prohibitions against children and deems your conduct objectionable or improper? And pets, you might be handed a lease that restricts what another toughie is that even if such essential services Sylvia Porter be or become liable thereby for any loss or damage to persons or property because of such use. But then the you can do with and on a balcony (no hibachi cooking, as operation of elevators and furnishing of heat cease for instance); prohibits you from placing radios or TV due to accident, repair, maintenance or the like, you paragraph goes on, "whether such Manchester, Conn. — A ’City of Village Charm Wednesday, July 3, 1985 — Single copy: 25