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Roswell Daily Record, 1903-1910 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-20-1909 Roswell Daily Record, 03-20-1909 H. E. M. Bear

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Meet the Herd at Cattlemen's Convention, Roswell, April 6-7- -8

A GROWING MARKET. '. he.. agreed7 to twenty year and the " who Independent Company Will Er- six voted for first degree murder New Bldg. agreed to this verdict. GOV. GURRY REVIVAL , . ect a Manufacturing COOPERS Nashville, Tenn March 19. The Cooper, Sharp trial, just completed, at the Christian Church Paifw The Independent Meat Company of one East Third street, and which has Iwllt has been of tho most remarkable up one most flourishing mark- murder eases In the history of the Closes w Night. of the soutb, not only because of the promi- ets in the entire valley, is- preparing GUILTY nence REBUKED 1 soap manufacturing de- of the principals In the tragedy to add to the but because of the reasons that led to partment and wlH immediately erect - the killing. .- a new building at the fear. This new department will be used for all of the Colonel Duncan B. Cooper, a former was about due started away with hla 20. being officer in the Confederate army under Washington, March 20. Territorial wife and children and outfit of goods meat cutting, and lard mak- Nashville, March After very and Addition ing machinery, a new meat cutter has out since Wednesday night, the- - Jury Forrest and a man prominent 1h officers In New. Mexico,' Arizona Deputy Finley found him over on the in the Cooper murder trial tills mora-in- g Democratic state politics once Hved other territories will receive a rebuke Sacramento river, in Otero county. brought in a verdict finding - Col. at Columbia, Tenn. In that town also in a few days when they receive an of When arraigned before Justice Welter - resided Edward Ward Carmack, a flclal order from Secretary of the In- yesterday,, Phone 65 mi 44. . 215 North Mat Duncan Cooper and- his son,- Robin, he waived examination guilty of murder In the second degree young lawyer who also did some news terior Balllnger informing them that and was bound over to the grand jury twenty years paper work. Cooper .bought the Nash In the future they roust remain In their under $300 bond. , Parsons, Son & Co. and fixing the penalty at To imprisonment. The Coopers were tried ville American Hud Induced Carmack territories except In oases of emer- - to come . gency. Grand Central Sunday Menu SELL YOU ANTH1NG 1 for .the murder of former U. S. Sena- to Nashville as its editor. Secretary Ballinger called at Whether the men were In thorough ac the White House today and the con- Cream of dery ; We are' Hot 'specializing on tor E. W. Carmack. The court fixed Olives $25,000, appeal. eoraVls-- i disputed point. Carmack' s templated order received the opprov-a- l India Relish town lots. liave some deslra-- the .bond at pending aa in- - friends say not. Colonel Cooper of President Taft. The order is Radishes tile acreage on either hill. A The jury yesterday acquitted Join. Salmon Croquettes - swore on the stand that they were tended to put an end to governors Egg Sauce half dozen of the most deslra- D. Sharpe, a and the close friends Taylor op officers coming to Saratoga Chips - a-si- until Governor and other territorial Kostiell ble homes in the city. Or- defense immediately moved' to Mt posed Carmack for to the Washington during the sessions of Broiled Teal Duck, Current Jelly ohards, Improved and unim- - the verdict because of the verdict congress Banana Fritters, Sherry Wine Sauce proved Ros-- and spending months there farm not only in of disagreement yesterday and asked (Continued on ngm Two. lobbying Cor their measures or for Choice Prime Rib of au Jus iwell itnft almost anywhere In the court to declare It a mistrial. Young Chicken Stuffed Natural the valley you want one. would listen to statehood. Judge Hart said he -- Salad Tho LABOR AGENCY NOTARY. the argument later In the morning. '. NOW (8 THE TIME. Turn to the .back page and read the Corn Bread The verdict coming as It did upon and; 143 N. Main street Is the place ad. that you will find near the center Snow Flake Potatoes Ask Parsons--H- e Knows the heels of 'Foreman Burke's decla- to get a strictly High Grade Piano at of the page it will prove of much bene Mustard Greens ration yesterday that "We are hope- our greatly reduced introductory Sale fit to. you, its Shepherd & Co.'s. Sugar Com lessly tied up as to the Coopers, waa frlce. We have on sale Two Solid Car Lemon Meringue Pie been power ueed to a complete surprise. loads of pianos of all prices In beauti- TAFT IN WASHINGTON; Green Apple Pie installed and the SHERMAN IS NOT SICK. operate it is electricity. The defendants took. . the '' verdict fully finished Mahogany, Walnut and Ice Cream and Cake Logical Mr. J. S. Townsend. the 'manager, eooly, almost without emotion. Mrs. Oak cases. Our Introductory Sale will Washington, March 20. President Fruit is of the progressive type that do np Burch and Mrs. Wilson, 'two young confinuel for 10 days only, after which Taft arrived in Washington from New Cheese and Crackers believe in standing etiil. daughters of. CoL Cooper, were brave we. win sell our pianos for the prices Haven this morning and was imme- Tea, Coffee, Milk. Buttermilk He atill has a bunch of one hundred and aside from tearful eyes, restrain- regularly charged everywhere for like diately driven to the White House in The looked Instruments. We have several hundred Che Taft automobile. Music Free. head of native steers at the L F. D ed their emotions. Jurors Vice-Presid- and at Greenfield. This is the fin- tired and disheveled and the copies of the Popular Lester March The widespread rumor that One sheet of music given away free est meat that has ever been offered on court dismissed - them, the entire and will give this music absolutely Sherman had met with an with each nickle purchase, while it Site the local market. twelve sprang from their seats as one free to the ladies who call at our accident was refuted today .by the re- lasts. We need the space this music home-rendere- fcf ceipt of a message from him saying occupies. Monday. The manufacture of d man and hurriedly left the court store as long as it last, not conven This starts Com lard is still an especial feature. room. ient to call at our store and you wish that he was at his home in Utica. early. Ingersoll Book, Stationery ft Call up. phone No. 94 and give the The jurors were not Inclined to talk to. know more of the Pianos we have Art Co. sale,: telephone Independent Meat Company a trial. but one of them said that on the first for No 56 and one of CHANGE OF LOCATION. our salesmen - on you. Pianos. You'll ibe thoroughly satisfied and the ballot John Sharpe was acquitted and will call This April 1st. We will sell for this month only a For you: the conspiracy theory was discarded. sale is m charge of Mr. Geo. J. Mauck high-grad- saving should interest . fit- e guilty C. W. Smith and O. Dr. Hunsberger, specialist in $350.00 piano, manufactur- This same ballot stood six for F. Amburn and ting glasses, who has been lo- ed by Hobart M. Cable for the ridicu- HAYWARO WILL NOT ENTER of murder in the first degree with mit- either of these gentlemen will take Jewelry Store you POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT igating circumstances, five for murd- pleasure In showing our pianos to you cated In Zink's lous price of $175.00, provided you for the past two years, will be bring us within three months another Nebraska City, March 20. A tele- er in the second degree with twenty wnetner wish to purchase or not. new store of gram received from Washington says years as the maximum penalty and Mr. J. H. Marshall, superintendent of located in the customer. Cash or easy payments. We Judge our Tuning Boellner and Ingersoll after will show you that no new comers can that William Hayward who was one for acquittal. The ballots all day and Repairing department April 1st. compete us. tendered the position of first assist- Wednesday and - Thursday showed is also with us in Roswell will with Beautiful postmaster see ad Remember the new location, Bernard Pos, 420 N. Richardson. lCt3 ant general, has declined this result. Yesterday the man who that every piano sold is delivered 316 place secretary in perfect - just north of Price & Co.. the and will remain as vpted for acquittal went over to mur- tune and regulation. Dnr- North Main Street. When you have finished reading of the republican national committee. der in the second degree but demand- nam & Company, 123 N. Main St., this turn to the back page and read ed that only ten years be assessed Phone 66. Shepherd & Co.'s ad. that tells bout as. the penalty. Early this, morning Cows for Sale. Dr. Price's rolled Oats. ACCIDENT ON BRITISH BATTLE After the coming Saturday there SHIP KILLS THREE WORKMEN will be some high class milch cows TWO MEN CHARGED WITH Homes See HUGH LEWIS Jr. For , ELKS SATURDAY NIGHT., ' Barrow In Furness, Eng.. March 20. for sale at reasonable prices at the STEALING BOX OF GOODS. There will be a spec The gangway connecting the battle Roswell Trading Co. 12t5 J. AX. Hood and a Mr. Fitch, who are cial meeting of Ros snip vanguard with the wharf ' at doing contracting on the new railroad well well Lodge B. P. O. the Viekers-Maxt- m yards collapsed to- All kinds of fruit and shade trees and are camped out near Coaianche Lota in South Ros with day ready for immediate delivery at Fair-child-s Sewer Elks on . Saturday and fifty workmen were precipi- Draw, were arrested yesterday on a Water and Sidewalk. night, March 20, for tated to the dock, three being killed Nursery. 12tf charge of stealing a big box of sup- forty - - . Is The EASY TERMS , . the Initiation of and Injured. Now Is the time you should stock up plies, including dry goods, vegetables candidates. All mem on the celebrated Dr. Prices Rolled and ammunition from the Roswell biers are requested Oats "Best Ever" See Shepherd & store of the Joyce Prult Co., the al- Room 11 Oklahoma Block. to attend and visit Co.'s ad. on back page for prices. leged crime having occurred March 6. Most PHONE NO. 8 ing brothers' are cordially invited. t2 FOR TO-DA- The two men were arraigned this - C. HOBBS, CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF morning. Fitch pleaded guilty and E. R. Premium Corn Fed Beef. ACCUSED OF A CRIME. Hood not guilty. Fitch has not receiv W. J. King, who was a candidate ed Ms sentence and Hood's prelimi- . Fancy Fat Spring Lambs on the socialist ticket for sheriff of nary is set for four o'clock this after- Chaves County In the last election,, noon. Pen Fattened was ibrought in yesterday toy Deputy O. Z. Finley on a warrant Money to Loan. Sheriff $10,000 to loan on Improved real THE MORRISON BROS.' STORE. MrtBDicnN none ' cmuc Extra Select Gulf charging that he mortgaged a team tkIII. inWIIIIIWWII HIIVV ' VIUHk and then tried to take them out of the estate security. Optional payments. C. country. alleged See us for particulars. Roswell Ti- T. MARKET. It is that he secured & Co. $100 on the horses and when the note tle Trust At The U. S. WEATHER BUREAU. mm (Local Report Observation Taken at Beauty, Excellence and Price FT 6:00 a. m.) Roswell, N M.. Mar. 20. Tempera- ture, max. 63; mln. 34: mean 48. Pre cipitation in inches and hundredths. Most ARE THIi VIRTUES OF WOMEN'S 0. Wind, dir. SE. veloc. 6. Weather. clear. Forecast for Roswell and Vicinity. The Morrison Bros Fair and warmer to-nig- and Sun Reasonable HOUSE DRESSES day. Mar. 20. Comparative temperature Shoes and Oxfords data, Roswell. Extremes this date last U year, max. 59; mln. 40. Extremes this date 15 years' record, max. 95. 1907; Terms At S2.Q0 and $2.50 Min. 19,1906. I --And The Spring Styles Now Ready IN TRADING WITH US One piece house dresses neatly made of YOU ARE GOING TO A Variaty of Stylesfor nsn-- for Women Percale Chambry and Gingham. Cost of making is worth more than we ask you TJost for these dresses. Headquarters FOR YOUR Profitable Women's Oxfordo Supplies At $3X3 and $&0 ; New snappy styles, complete assortment of sizes - Misses' Ct Children's Dresses and widths YOUR ORDER OF ANY SIZE 200 in col-- About dresses dark and light Will be taken care of and in case Geo Those ors also white. Price from 60c to $4.50 stocks are broken we will take -- r: : It will pay you to see these before mak-v.- A pleasure in buying out in fact Hen's Oxfords ing the little ones Summer clothes. your requirements will be well $3XO '- At $&33 and ; Never before has there been such a taken care of. The same assortment - line shown in this city. No dust on our prices no exhorbitant margin charged a customer who might not know the market price. OUR QUOTATION'S TALK amnion Joyco - JPruit Co. DO, YOU WATCH TH EM r ROSWEUL'S GREATEST STORE -- CO-Groce- JoyCC PrUlt ry Department. not sfcnply for the .purpose of falling & Dunn on aomabodya neck or of bavins some ROSWELL DAI LY R ECO R D Hills body call upon his. There are honors and dignities and offices and substan- DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS. Erase Fcrnlsfcrrs end II::1-t"- tial rewards to tie distributed tilings 3 (hat go to heal the hurt that honor Sc:cr.d-Hr- feal and these things were talked of C. fc. MASON BitlntM Manager Kswand .i and considered. peptic Graps Cream ol qiohqi a. puckett , ,. Editor "But no .doubt, the main thins was that Governor Cox agreed to Join hin Tcrfcr fialsing Powder Eatored Mj 9, X9Q, at RoswU. IT. M.. andar the Ac of Oongie of Mrca S, 1879 self jwith Ban Murray, Done Cooper ana ejparreu tun ana ami uem in The cream of tartar used Dr. Baking Don't fail ,to see our Sultana . la Price's 4 their battle for the Holy Cause of Lo Powder In the exact composition TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT ON. ' Carpeting at...... dde yd. cal oau. bovemuiBuu is form and ta .Ily-Jaca- l etf ovarncneat. Carmack Mrfcich it occurs In the luscious, healSJnl -- erase. Daily, Per Week . . is a fast colored reversible meant the fight against prohibition. Daily. Per Month . .. 60o It The liquor interests led .by the Gover- Daily, Per Month. (In Advance) i".60c carpet that, costs less and will nor declared' In. favor of local option Improves the flavor Oaily, Oj" Tear (In AAtum) . . .5.0C wear twice as long? ; as jjnttiDg, and of letting each, community settle tne saloon question .ur itseu. ColonelXoQper upon this ed end adds to the healUi--f 'JSUSkKT BAaT fTCOKPT SRSOiYBY KEf JOIID PUBU8HIJTQ OO Mortal, sent the famous message to 69. 100 Main St Carmack: "'If my name appears in the of food Phone No.. North Tennessean again, one of us must illness the VFM3ER SSSOCiAfKO PRESS die." The warning was delivered to Jfo Alum JVo limm ' that no man can ever become so vile, Senator Carmack by Ex-Stat- e Treasur n er Craig. Carmack said Colonel n that scant material at band tti so degraded, so . corrupt in its estima From the Is not ready to him Cooper's threat had made a cessation Is evident that the new tariff Mil will tion that it raise editorials impossible that if injury tne Dig up and load i with dignity and hon- of the do mighty little to COOPERS only give up everything the Tennessean never again used trusts. ors If he will be- serve with fidelity and single Cooper's .name, . the public would and It .paper been bluffed and The new tariff blU leaves the wool ness of heart. lieve the had i schedules, especially on the character "It will (be remembered that Gover- it would lose caste. So on Monday, r of wools grown In the territory, prac- nor .Patterson professed to have only November 9, the day of the killing, tically unchanged. Hides go on "the ARE GUILTY one great motive In seeking the office there appeared in the Tennessean this free list. of governor the wholly patriotic and editorial: - unselfish, desire to purge the state of "The Diplomat of the Sweibund." (Continued Page One.) - Even Payne, the great mogul of pro from the shame and Infamy brought upon "To Major- Duncan Brown Cooper, tection, admits that a panic has exist- bv Cox and the Cox machine. He who wrought the great coalition; who n ed for the last two years, and that senate. This flgbt was long and bit- openly declared that he wquld rather achieved the harmonious confluence under the .great Dingley MU the reve- was a of some other than be had the task and of incompatible elements; who wield Che expendi- ter. A feature of it series pewter handle to wooden If nues .were greatly below joint debates, and Car mack lost. Coop- the honor, but his soul would not con ed the the tures. er supported Taylor, but Robin, the sent that such a man as Cox should spoon; who grafted the dead bough to W living made to bloom M boy who killed senator, supported be the governorof Tennessee. He the tree and it , taking tree plant- the .bourgeon golden Albuquerque is a the latter. charged that Cox had degraded and de and and ibend with ing (boom and will endeavor to .beauti- bauehed .the poll tics of the state;' he fruit; who made playmates of the fy the city. iRoswell might well tafce Malcolm R. Patterson was governor lamb and tiie leopard and boon com- Car- - represented him as 4he pliant tool of a lesson from. this and endeavor to of the state at the time of the ; panions of the spider and the fly, who mack-Tayl- cr the saloon and the corpora tions he preserve the many "beautiful trees we 'fight, and he announced charged he was Democratic only made soda and vinegar to dwell pla- now have, Instead of permitting their his candidacy for Car- - that cidly In same ihattle and who mack, senate, was in name, a Republican in fact; he call the wanton destruction. just .beaten for the ed him a to tihe Democratic par taught oil and water how they might irgcd into the race for governor traitor agree to Major Duncan Brown Coop- against was ty. iNot only that .but he viciously as. Yuma, Arizona, Is boasting over the Patterson. This last June sailed his personal honor, his pecun er, the great diplomat of the political fact that the first strawberries of the '.nd the fight .between the men for the Sweibund be all honor and glory for- nomination was the most iary Integrity, and . from every stump season were brought Into that town democratic In Tennessee, he pictured him in the ever." this week. That's nothing. Roswell spectacular ever seen in Tennessee What happened next Is ihlstory. The Z Again joint debates were arranged bitterest words in his vocabulary as and working, and by all means make wards, that th.rc no alvano of people can eat strawberries all the a common grafter. And the whole states witnesses say that Carmack the congress as international in char- prices for an;. I. in wiiliin ih rity of year round, although mighty few of and again the feeling .between the fac was shot down from :beihind, while he grew very bitter. In these de crew joined their voices in one uni acter as possible. You ought to have Roswell duiiiiK the Caiilrii-'i- ' Con- them have the price. tions k, was in the act of raising his hat to a Cooper charged versal chorus of dacnnatJon--'croa- delegates from all the South American vention. bates that Camiack 'grafter,' 'corrupt .politician, 'caeap lady Mrs. Eastman. The Coopers republics, as well as from Europe. Resiwct fully submitted. If you have not cleaned up your assailed the colonel's good name swear that they walked across the Cooper was an man John Demagogue' such were the L. Bradford Prince of Santa Fe N. ti. A. KICHAItnSOX. premises and placed them In the ibest ardent Patterson words that flew thick and fast from street ,to reason witih Carmack and M., a of the executive com- Mayor of lae City of Ho-iwel- of condition for the coming convention the governor on the stand described he opened iflre at once, wounding nim.ber mm as "my personal po the mouths of Duncan B. Cooper and that mittee, writes that the questions to it is not yet too late to do so. A closest and all the leaders in the great movement RoMn Cooper, who, thereupon and in be discussed now relate more to meth cleaner Roswell would make a much litical adviser." Again, Carmack lost self defense fired the shots which kill- Buying a PianoT to reform and purge and purify the ods of administration the .best K better Impression than a dirty Ros- and, a month before the election, .be ed 'the editor. and If j'ou have never heard the Chlck-eriii- state, to destroy power of po- way to advantage y come editor of the Nashville Tennes- the the " ake of what has Uros. Capa-Conr;ti- c I'pr'.ght Ha-b- well. Do your .part of the good work. litical machine and Testore power to o been achieved. He advocates simpli- sean. He had made the race on the NEW SUITS FILED IN Grand you cannot say thai you prohibition platform, and while he did the people of Tennessee. The whole city with a view to keeping the con- have heard the nnest I'prisht piano Had It not been for the .betrayal of campaign was conducted with a view THE DISTRICT COURT. gress confined to its pproper business, their party by twenty-tw- democrats, not get the nomination, he did secure Tho following cases have been filed on the market. There W no contro- not only to defeat Governor Cox, but rather than have it made a center s the rules of the House would have enough representatives to assure the in district court, the name of the com- versy of disagreement amuii immic-ian- so-call- to load aim with infamy and drive him around which a lot of exhibitions and CaKi-Consti- c been Tevised and representative gov- passage of the state wide li plainant's attorney given in each case who have heard the now quor .MIL out of the politics of Tennessee. So entertainments revolve. Grand. It is the triumph of ernment would have superseded the was this carried, that Gover First National Bank, of Colorado o one-ma- n far after age and no upright piano government now in force in In the meantime, Governor Patter nor Patterson had been nominated for City, Colo., against James H. Bruce, CATTLEMEN'S CONVENTION. the other the lower body of the national con- son ana lormer Uovernor Cox, once and others, on note and mortgage for can stand up by the side of it for oo govern or and Cox had .been nominated To the Citizens of Roswell: or gress. deadly enemies, were reconciled. The for the state senate. Major Cooper $7,000, by EJd S. Glbbany. For three days 'beginning on April minute, no matter what Its name Tennessean charged that Col. Cooper Journeyed to Bristol for purpose Wagnon Lumber Co., against J. H. 6th, and continuing and including reputation be. There is but one best It Is now less than three weeks un- brought this reconciliation about, and the Pox and others, on an account for Checkering Bros, is the heat ami thai of getting out an independent candi April 8, 1909, we will have as a guest prices which competition til the Cattlemen's Convention meets referred to it in a humorous and sar date against him. $385.06, by Reid and Hervey. of the City of Roswell the members at defeat In Roswell, the dates being the 6th, castic vein in Its editorial columns ' serve" Ida jane Williamson against- Jesse See it at Bernard IW. 420 N. Richard "Those facts will to glorify of the Panhandle Cattlemen's Associa son M the recent past of peace. It shows J. Williamson, for divorce, by J. T. tion in convention at this place. Nat street. how far Governor Patterson had to Evans. only the members of said Association stoop ; how much Governor Cox had In the estate of Lenora M. Carter, but their friends, and many strangers to forgive and matches an Infinite con application for order to deed real es- will be within our gates. I trust that descension with an infinite humility. tate, .by X. W. JEUIott. each and every citizen of Roswell will Of, course there are other details W:G. --Thompson agjalnst Frank L. endeavor to make this occasion a suc- Arsenate of Lead When Governor Cox was summoned Hill and others, on note for $3,500, by cess and that those who come to at- Ullery to Nashville, some weeks ago, 4twas J. G. Osborne.' tend this Convention will be recip- Furniture Co. John C. Jordan against Nancy Thur ients of the well known hospitality of Big toy & Another Shipment ber, to quiet title Gatewood the citizens of Roswell, and each will I Graves. - vie with each to make the occasion Received oday. All . W. P. Lewis Hardware Company which all desire; and I as- Undertaker and Embalmer against on further Sized Package from Lee Eddleman, account for sume to suggest it is very much de- 100 :: :: :: MR. JONES $186.75, by Richardson, McClure & sired .by the committee in charge that i lb. to lbs. Heflm. all prices of commodities sold or for James M. Miller against Bert Shipp, Ambulance Service. Telephone No. ' services rendered, will be the usual 75 for injunction to restrain defendant and customary prices within this city Paid for a Home but did from Interfering with use of windmill for like commodities and like services Roswell Seed Co. and Interfering .witii property, by Ed upon ordinary occasions. In other S. Glbbany. , Valley Construction & Mfg. Co., not get it. against Elizebeth Hunter and others, on an account of $331.63, by Reid & Ttb, and 8th of April. The prospect 1s Carmack also intimated that, to save Hervey and J. M. O'Brien. good for a larger attendance than two Governor Patterson, the Democratic """Atchison, Topetea & Santa Fe rail-roa- d Glenwood Sanatorium years ago people and the of Roswell leaders were preparing to trade Bry Why, how was1 that? and others against It. C Smith, A private home for the treatment of Chronic, Nervous and Men- will have to .be up and doing to pro- an for the governorship. Col. Cooper for $68 claimed as a balance due for Diseases, and selected cases of Alcohol and Drug adiiu perly care for the expected tihrongs. was chafing .under the comment, and carrying goods from Dexter to Lyons, tal tion. oecoming more incensed every day. Kansas, toy W. C. Reid. Climate high and dry. Invigorating air, plenty of ozone, strict- On Sunday November 8, the day Well, paid the Landlord the George W. against ly Ethical, Efiic ent service and modern methods. The latest piece of fine work by tiie be Crawford Cornie ( wa3 the passage of an act re- fore the killing, the following editorial J. Crawford, for divorce . and adjudi- Dr. R. L. McMeans, Dr. J. K. Wrather and Dr. A. J. nldwell. moving the county seat of Sierra coun appeared in the Tennessean: full cost of a house and lot, cation" of property rights, by Reid & Attending Physicians. ty from Hillsboro, - to a place called Hervey. The Land of Sunshine and Cloudless Sky. Cutter, the latter place being said to "ACROSS THE MUDDY CHASM." but the Landlord still owns Kemp Lumber Co., against Walter For full particular adilreim have but one house in It. The act "We trust there will be no 'unseemly the property, and intends to Lk Todd and others, .for $116.27 and GLENWOOD SANATORIUM Z'&2 was put through in a hurry. and on ribaldry on the part of the base vul- foreclosure of mortgage on property the quiet and rushed to the governor gar concerning the happy reunion of keep it. HE RENTED, In 34 and 35-8-2-1. for his signature. Luckily the Hills- long sundered hearts which was ac- tNew Mexico Land & Investment Co., boro people got onto the deal and complished in the Joyous reconcllla-atio- n We see people every day against Elmer S. Wllkey, for $300 made strong objections to the gover- of his Excellency, Hon. M. R. for finding purchaser tor .property, by nor who refused to sign the bill, and Patterson and His Excellency, Hon. who have paid enough motl- James Derden. later vetoed it. T,he Hillsboro people John, Isaac Cox. All honor to that no- Oliver Pearson against' The Grani- claim that the deal was engendered ble spirit. Major Duncan Brown Coop- ey for rent receipts to .buy a toid Mfg. & Const. Co.. on debt for iy W. H. H. Llewellyn and a mining er, who wrought this happy re-uni- labor and materials, $378.17. gft5f Good Plumbing 2j?rv promoter by the name of Hopper and of congenial and confluxible spirits Home, and many of thefai Joseph F. York against Elvira C. was Intended to clean up a goodly separated by evil fates although born York,, for divorce, by J5. W. Elliott. -- Railway Mexi- . sum for them. for each otljer. AU honor to Major will pay for another Home The Eastern of New Dune, and may the .blessing of the co against J. F. McMurray, for $296.08 INJUNCTION AGAINST Peacemaker upon May for freight on lumber from Kinta, Ok-l- a, be him. ' he be the same way if Jhey jkeep PROHIBITION 18 ASKED. heir to-a- ll the .beatitudes, and espec- ; .to Roswell, and demurrage on oar - James Derden went to Portales to- ially to the blessing reserved for those on renting. by W. C. Reid. ' Shirley against T. .Wells day to 'file a petition in district court who hunger and thirst after righteous Frank W. asking for an injunction against the cess. And there goes also a blessing for damages ofy$17.5Q0, by V. S. Bate-ma-n. authorities who might attempt to put to His Excellency for as he has been ' Into effect the new prohibition ordi- merciful to Cox, so shall he obtain Ten Thousand Rent Receipts May Roos Heeth against ,.V. M. nance passed by the governing ibody mercy. " .l Beeth. ?for 'divorce and .Judgment for of that village. The request will be But the choicest Messing as is $8,000 alleged to have-bee- spent ty made on the claim that an incorporat- ripht and proper, are for Governor POSTAGE defendant, by Reid & Hervey. Won't Buy a STAMP, - Kemp Co., es village,; such as Portales. has not Cox himself. For If there be any re- Lumber" against Andrew the power to establish proMbition, ward for meelmess. and any for endar Johson, on note for $902.95, by "J. B. The raloon men of Pcrtales, are back persecution Atkeson. for righteousness wny nsl get SGiroiblag far the 5 of the move for tie Injunction and are sake, he 6hall inherit the earth and Ed S. Seay against Frank A. Archi- represented .by Gatewood. & Graves &13 is the kingdom of heaven. Yet bald, an attachment ffor$270 for mon- and Mr. Pexdeo. - While up the' road such is the meekness of his spirit that Money?" ey loaned, by Ed S. Glbbany. Mr. .Derden win also go to Clovis. his we doubt not that Governor Cox would Roswell Title & Trust' Cd against old home, to look after .basin ess. be entirely comforted with the mean Joseph D. Lea, for $115 for finding pur x- jEd man's reward. .. a ... chaser for property, by s. Glbbany. "If we pause here briefly to review the unhappy differences that have arm Lots in South Roswell NEW MEXICO PEOPLE ed these valiant souls against each oth $485.00 ON BIQ EXPOSITION. er. It is for no purpose of renewing Spokane, Wash., (March 19. W. S. Have the strife, bnt rather of emDhasizing with Water Sewer and Hopewell of Albuquerque N. M--, sec- Scientists by contrast the felicity of the present SitoX ond vice president and general mana- situation. serve .bring ger of the Albuquerque Eastern Rail- room in the home deserves more attention than It will also, to - Proven out in bold relief the gracious spirit on easy payf.:ets way company, write - to '. R. flnstnger, NO the bath room, because your health may depend which enables Governor Patterson to chairman of the local (board of control condescend to men of low estate; lift of tbe National Irrigation Congress upon the quality of the fixtures and the plumbing. De- that absolutely pure candy up where he .has trampled down and that he expects to be present at tne fective dumbing creates sewer gas and sewer gas brings L one of the" Best things lay a poultice of warm words upon the seventeenth sessions in Spokane the typhoid fever and malaria. that has yet been discover reputation he bas so fearfully bruised. You buy the lot," and we will second week In August,' adding: Sanitary plumbing and Stejfclaj!" Porcelaia Enameled It will teach also those who most un- "1 want to congratulate yon on the ed for the nerves and for fixtures make your bath room modern, beautiful and ' justly have regarded Governor Cox as Furnish the Money to position yon are holding and I have no people are thin. I 5 Build fixtures, that a man of proud and haughtey spirit, doubt In what you win make a great . healthy. , We sell these do ihis class of work Cur Cesiy is the Purest ; that , ha is in fact, a man of modest Your.Home. success. I believe that the people and charge no more than you pay for the other kind. ' stillness and humility, one who can from New Mexico going to the Alaska Let us estimate for you and prove the truth of this. Ton may know that when forget injuries the most grievous, for Yuk on-Pa- ai flc exposition at Seattle you buv from ns you get give InsuHa the most flagrant, in dure will go on to attend the irrigation con i Prompt and reasonable repair service - " 0 0 - every assault upon his honor and good gress." ' .' '.' y " the best Totzek-Finnega- name without resentment, and. In gen n Oeclly Go "Conditions there are .so different eraL humble himself may from conditions here that It is dim-- 1 ROSWELL HARDWARE COMPANY. i I that he be L.....-J- . exalted. It will also show that no one Phone 304. 215 N. Main cult to offer even a suggestion, and .v.... can ever away St, the only thing can say Is - to ..keep, sin bis day of Krace -- I ' - - with the present all merciful machine ' Ths Office With the Whit Face" on working and- boosting and boosting I tS A r . . -- ik4u. e tatuae uii german.stejiday. ,.. . rt,umi R.QGH.ELL I U.J'.-1- !" One . jHoaen "2 .year Told boshes roo.- - -. The Misses McWbirt oame un from Bl.50 .sx uetty;s weennonse. xows- HAgerman' this morning to ' spend a lew oays with many trieaas. On A .middle aged lady .wishes .employ i german ment to care .for an" Infant' or - to dp J5r..E..iM. Fisher returned this mom wmsm -- general aouse work. Call at Roswell ing crom tap ttown tze valley. Hotel. - .W ' HARDWARE Ky. ABSTRACTS. STORES. Board la .xfflTa?,e ABSTRACT CO ROSWELL HARDWARE: CO. Wools LOTS. LOT8. LOTS. TO. . SmJ- 4tf. CHAVES COUNTY J We have some of the best bargains F. P. Gayle, manager. Reliable and sale and hardware, gasoline In Ahat "now offered In Prompt. engines, pipe, pumps, fencing. lots' are ithe Mr. and Mrs. JBd --Ktnalnger In WE MOW OFFER FOR SALE city. Have some splendid .front- ctoe RQ3WELL TITLE & TRUST CO. INDEPENDENT HARDWARE CO. lot' from the north last ightod will be " ing on Main street; eocne lots in the here nd. n fthis ylcarty several days. ABSTRACTS, real estae and loans Wholesale and retail everything la West part of town; some on eitner - hardware, tinware, buggies, wagons - !" ...... highland aad some of the very 'beat - THE BONDED ABSTRACT AND SE . implements water supply goods anJ Lots of Any Size in Lea's subdivision. See va. - Roswell NOTICE. v.s CURITY CO --Capital $50,000. Ab plumbing. ' Title Ml Tflwt' Co. ' A fresh supply JEtrestone rubber stuacw And titles guaranteed, Joans goods for oarrlages and tnigrlan lut Oklahoma Block, Phone 87. From Five Acres Up received. R.-- F. --Cruse. x iatf JEWELRY STORES. .NOTICE. ..vP ..." ADVERTISING teaSug .A citizens .mass .meeting, po be .ad . Francis Divers came night HARRY MORRISON. The dressed iby Kev. G. W. lonng or uuo, in last The Successful Business Man Is an and exclusive jeweler. Watches, dls from Kansas City, where be has been Advertising Man. Let the people! Lecturer' and Assistant .Supt. Nation spending tfte .wjhter Jwljh Mrs. piyers. monds, Jewelry, Hawk's Cut Glass Anti-Saloo- n wuat you nave to seat. hand-painte- d al League, will be held wno is mere xreaunent. s3iow and Plckard's China. on Tuesday . night', next. March 23rd, jiner Sterling and plated silver LIBERAL TERMS IF YOU LIKE 1809, In the First Christian church of SHOPS. -- King, horse-shoe-r. L. B. BOELLNER. Roswell'a best Roswell, at ,8:00 o'clock .Silver Col W. W. practical U. (MARKET. Keeps located m old Fire House Und. M9tM S. MEAT noth Jeweler. A full line cut glass, hand lection. Mr. Young is an exceedingly Ing but .the .best. "Quality" Is our painted china, diamonds, etc. able Lecturer, profoundily Acquainted mono. - with his. Subject and rated as one of Rev. Charles Maltas returned last the best eoAiipped Advocates In all the night Cram a ,trp to ,Portales.: BILLIARD-POO- L HALLS. LUMBER YARDS. cent on Deferred Payments West. , .... ts. PECOS 6 per interest - C.-Ev- BOWLING, BALL, BILLARDS VALLEY LUMBER CO. Lum Mrs.- Wm." Eyster and son. s BOX J. regula- iber, shingles, doors, lime, cement, ; terarrlyed night Deca- - rHjLt. lunure equipment John R. Joyce and C.--F. Joyce re- last from New ball! paints, cur, Aia.. a wnn Mrs. isysters tion. Private bowling and box varnish and glass. night iot visit -- turned last from, - a business trip room lor ladles. Geo. B. Jewett. to Clovls. daughter, Mrs. W. C. Buchly. Mr. Eye- - ROSWELL LUMBER CO. The Old- ster win be here Only a few days but .BOOT BLACK. est lumber yard in RoswslL See us his mother will niake a more extend HENRY Is back ar the old stand for all kinds of building materials Wallace Byrne left last .night for ed ' '" ! and paints. Abilene. Texas, where he has" a posi visit """T"? Jewett's Billiard Hall. An expert pn pin jhoes. KEMP LUMBER CO. Give your W. G. Hamilton, Agent. tion with , the Ahilene Printing Con C. C. Hill returned last Bight from us ; for iauy. - a trip through the", northern 'part of orders Pecos White Sand. r : P . the county, where he has Ibeen looking CONTRACTING & ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 256. ROSWELL N. M. ,,Mlss , Ballard, , who teaches ' JJernlce alter his duties as eounty superinten- RIRIE & MUSSENDEN. 117 W. 2nd PIANO TUNING. at The Farms school ,.east. of "town, dent of schools. " r St.. '.phone 464. Land surveying went to Lake Arthur last night to and mapping, concrete foundations, BERNARD POS. Expert tunat. spend .two days wtth-he- r .parents. years Am- " sidewalks, earth work and general experience in E irope and O ' - - .J. . . I contracting. erica. Reference, Josse French. Mrs. .John.D, Adenand daughter, Baldwin, Chickering Bros., and Kim is still unconscious from the effects Mrs. Margaret Aden, ""who spent Tthe DEPARTMENT STORES ball factories. 420 N. Richardson of her- - recent stroke "of paralysis. The winter In Roswell, left last, might ?ior JAFFA, PRAOER & CO. Dry Goods Ave., Telephone 321. telegram last night expressed hopes their home In Austin, Texas. clothing, groceries rand ranch sup-- of iher recovery and this caused the plies. W. S. MURRELL, PIANO TUNINO LOCAL NEWS boys to leave for her bedside. J. R. Dendlnger went to Lake Ar and Repairing. Graduate Chicago J thur last jUghton,a;h.usin&ss,trip. 8L Andrew's Mission. JOYOE-PRUIT.C- Dry goods, cloth Conservatory of Piano Tuning. Am- Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. mg, groceries, etc. xne largest sup- ple experience. Work is guaran- CONCENTRATED FOOD- -i "LUC- - DL. New"kij&"and J.' W. Turknett Sunday Scb,Qol,,V9: 45 a. m. ply house in ther Southwest. Whole teed and Is my best advertisement. ERNO" FOR SHEEP, HORSES AND passed through, lasCnight .on.their re Holy , Comn),uni(m ,and .Sermon, 11 sale and Retail. 348 E. 5th St., Phone 669. MUa" Boellner, the jeweler. has It cheaper COWS. ROSWELL WOOL & HIDE turn to' Artesia after spending several a. tik ' COMPANY. weeks working for a new Vespers, 4:30 p. m. G. T. McQutUon went to Eli-d- today county. Vespers, Wednesday, 4 p. m. DRUG STORES. REAL ESTATE. on hmsiness for the telephone co. Mrs. M. B. Updyke and daughter. Litany, Friday, 4 p. m. ROSWELL DRUG & JEWELRY CO A. CHOICE SELECTION OF BOTH Miss Alma, who have been .here sev- Oldest t drug store In 'Roswell. All city and farm property at good flg-ure- s CONCENTRATED FOOD "LUC-ERNO- " eral days, left this morning for Par First Presbyterian Church. to buyer. Also money to loan. FOR SHEEP, HORSES AND tales and Amarillo. Their home is In 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Miss Nell R. Moore , , 11: 00 A. Preaching Service. COWS. ROSWELL WOOL . HIDE California And they are traveling to Classified Ads. , Fy RNITURE STORES. see the country. . 3.00. psm. Junior C. E. COMPANY. t DILLEY FURNITURE COMPANY. READY-TO-WEA- 6 p": m. R :iS Senior C. E. The sweUest line of ifumiture in APPAREL. 1714,5 p.-m. Breaching Service. THE MORRISON BROS.' STORE. C. NOTICE. 1 Roswell. High qualities and low Elder C. Hill will preach at the FOR : ' Wednesday, March 24. Outfitters In ready-to-we- a apparel . 500 1 year 150 SALE. Mid-wee- prices. Nutter school house 4 miles Northeast Jonathan old and i7:45 p. in. k Service. All for man, women and children. And of Roswell afternoon at 3 Mammoth Black Twtg, trees Ifor sale. - Cordially FOR SALE: Farm wagon and har are invited to these services. GROCERY, STORES. Millinery a specialty. o'clock. R. F. CRUSE. Iltf. ness. Phone No. 55. 8tf. Southern Presbyterian Church. JAS.jFORSTAD GROCERY CO. The , Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Johnson, who FOR .sSALE: Driving Horse, gentle. Cor. Penn a. and 4th Sts. leading grocery , store, . nothing but TAILORS. Geraniums 75c doz. at Getter's Green with good speed, sold of 4yie house. 15t2 spent the winter here, snaking their for want Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. nest. F. A. MUELLER. Merchant Tailor home at. .the J. M. Hervey place on useTelephone J3pL aker,407..tf3 Public worship at 11 a. m., and at All work guaranteed. Also does Mr. and Mrs. H. K. HiUbem arrived Missouri .avenue, left this morning for FOR SALE:. Two.suburban places a-- ; 7:45 p. m. GRAIN, FUEL & HIDE DEALERS cleaning and pressing. In the rear last night from Chicago tor a visit of their home in Marion, Ohio. a bargain plenty of water - and ui Subject for morning study: "The ROSWELL WOOL & HIDE CO. Let of The Wigwam Cigar Store. a rs. cultivation. These places will-hrln- Three Crosses." Evening: "What us furnish you your grain, few weeks with Mr. and Jtf H.'J. Ye' 4 " with coal Schwartz. Pansies 15c per dos at Getty's 15 per cent on Investment- - this year Think of Chrlsi?" ' ana wood, we buy bides, phone 30. Greenhouse. 15t2 Room 4 Oklahoma Block. 3 If. Good music. The public Is Invited. UNDERTAKERS. o BfOSWELL TRADING CO. Coal, hay DILLEY & SON. Undertakers. Pri AGENTS ATTENTION : D dozo Cabl- - FOR SALE : New combined sutky ana grain. Always tne pest, iiiast Mls9 to . M. C. Church South. vate ambulance. Prompt Service. Nellie Cruey.went Elida lister and drill $26. I. E. Thomp-on- (2nd at. and Penn. Ave., H. M. Smith, .Second t., Phone 126. end disease. Require no attention--. thls jaornlng, foravt jwith friends. , , Iltf. ,)Past,or.) ULIJ2RY FURNITURE CO. Under up. b Peo 75 111. Just bang them That' all. FOR SAXS:r-r2- 0 jacressubiirhaji home Sunday school 9:45 a. m. HOUSE FURNISHERS. takers. Phone No. or No. jle are buying them by the thous- CONCENTRATED FOOD "LUC-ERNO- " Preaching m., hy G. A. good ranch Owner -100 33. Bland. Ua. Rev. HILLS & DUNN. Furniture, Stoves, ands. Send at once for sample and FOR SHEEP, HORSES AND Jones proprtetor the-Rac-ket Store. " 15t3. of ranges, matting, quilts; everythin READ DAILY terms. Montana Disjxl? L--A. PEOPLE WHO THE Sales Gx, COWS. ROSWELL WOO HIDE FOR SALE: Two to. Memphis Junior League 3:00 p jn. ibutors, Butte, Mont. Sat X2 COMPANY. tickets ""Senior League": 45 p. m. you need .to fit up your house. New Record, subscribe and pay for tt, Tenn., Inquire Best & Torian trans- - second-hand- . O Preaching 7:45 p. m. and 100 N. Main. Tele and have money to buy the goods JterjCo. - 5t3. phone Number 69. paper. . Percy iHagerman left this morning M. Z. Miller left this morning on va tPrayer fneetlng 7;45 Wednesday ev advertised in the for his home in Colorado (Springs, af- trip to Wichita, Kansas. FOR SALE: or trade Vose & Sons ehing." ' ter spending several days rwlth-hi- s Uptight piano in good order, tor, tent Judge Popes lecture on "Japan" on Tom Callaway, left jthls morning on horse, cow, ,,wagon harness, ,.cattle, Friday"., 8 .p,.m. ' his return to the.; 80 ranch after spend farm implements. $85.on easy; pay- Miss Mason will sing iSunday morn- - v. ' 'Ben and Cooley Urton. left this ing a few days here on business. Tom ments. Bernard Pos. .J5t. in special .music Sunday and Wednes 80 for.-abo- day eveaIng8,aiso. , morning for Los Angeles, Calif.," hav- has been working at the FOR SALE QR - TRADE: Two , new ing received word mother four months. machines, that their Edison talking 935.00 and First Methodist, Episcopal. i $50 will trade for anything; . need a tent. Bernard Pos, 420 N. Richard (Fifth St. aodKy. Ave.O.F. Lucas, Lucerne Mixed Alfalfa Sfoch Food son ave. 15t6. Pastor.) Sunday. School . 9; 45. FOR SALE: Single and double driv Preaching," 11 a. m. Subject, ''The ing horses. See Mansell, T. C. Self-respe- ct and Dignity of a Christian Market. 153. Class Meeting 12:00 noon. ....A Perfectly Balanced Ration For Horses and Cow.... FOR, SALE :- -r 2. dark green ehades, 54 Junior League, 2 p. m. . 1 inches, wide. Good as. new,. 310 .N. Senior, League 8 P-- , to. Laind ' ' or Sale Penn. 16t3 FOR SALE: 'Red Pennsylvania., can- - . pats. . nas, 3.00 per hundred. inquire at Better and cheaper than Contains every '210 S. Ky. Avenue. ' " tl nutrient found in oats and in larger proportion. JXiR SALE ver typewriter, used by all Grocery .a few. months only. . Will .sell Cheap . old and Grain dealers at $1.40 per for cash. Baldy, care Record. l6t2 hundred pounds : : : : : : . 40 acres nice alfalfa near town. FOR RENT. More than nine out of every net, -- Will rent for cash at $20 per acre FOR RENT: 5 room furnished house ten cases of --rheumatism are 601 Sputh Main $25 per month. re simply rheumatism of the more 10 per cent on investment; fit Record jp$ce. ,6tC than muscles flue o cqia.priqarpp, 1 Roswell Wool & Hide Comp'ny FOR SAJJE:-r-20- 0 extra fine or chronic- - rheumatism, in , dapple with .nice building .stone, prjee. 20 acre orchard jtadrd;? Mjach WP,Turauir.7 s icales po internal treat- S'IW requiredT Phone 30 Manufacturers ;;WiUpayabQut 15 per F0R.RENT: 6joom .house, .C. -- P. ment is The free improvements. .Chfkavman . 'nhmtA M lit cent on investment. , FOR RENT: Office room South ex-- poeosre. Texas Block, Apply to B. Preachinsr . 7:30 d. m. Subject 8:00 p. m. Old time salvation meet- V. Estill at Roswell Hardware Co. 3 Chamfoerlaink -- Peace" with Honor." ing led by Captain and Mrs. Clement. RrkAf4al Tnn sriA At .tfiA mornine and Everybody is cordially 10 acres orchard , and ialfalfa at ?a FOR RJQNT:r-2,o- r3 JTumlhed oqms invited. light housekeeping, .good locat- evening .worship. Prayermeetlng Wed Cap. Simpson and Lieut. Stenmark ..or t " 4iirtimeiTt r. apply 509 it. Lea, , 15tf. oesaay. eveums officers in charge. bargain. : ion i.a you FOR JtENT: Furnished rooms, 'apply is all that is needed and it is cer- We welcome everybody and will j be welcomed. -- tain to jve'vck; relief . 4 Give it Baptist Church Services. 200 acres nice land, cheap, splen- aad ee alar yoiuself how .Pastor Vermll'ion will preach at 11 Christian Church Services. a. m. and at 7:45 p m. The subject surrounded by fine ar- JYANTED 35c; lange. size, 50c. The Revival Services close at the of the morning sermon will be, "The did investment, soreaessTfrics Christian" Church tomorrow. Kind of Preaching that a P.reacber WANTI7D; An experienced caxdner 9:45 Bible School. Supt. J. E. Car Ought to Preach." The evening sub- -- tesian wells and well located. I Oasis- - Kcn Co. v Ogtf. per. ject will be. 'Golden Rule Salvatioa." - . . r A T J --.1 WANTED: A girl to gwnera.1 I. f. There will be special music at each to 'Drj service. - housework 204 W. 8th St. lOtf. Tinder 3:00 Baptismal Service at the See us- if interested Jn lands .of Eye, Ear, Noao and Throat Church. The public Is welcome to all the Sptelist. yCU4 Aoqafaliey 6:30 - Christian Endeavor, Pres. K. services. Strangers and visitors are Smith. - " cordially invited. any kind. " Sunday ( s lost. Ramona Bid. 7:30 Preaching Service. Theme: School at 9:45 a. m. i , -- XJonvicted . hut Not Converted." Teacher Training Class at 3 p. m. LOST: Child's, blue sense ' - cned with white braid and Snffrial music at mr nreachine- ser , B. Y. P. V. at 6:30 p. m. buttons. to Swift Co. St vices. Mr. White 6hoir conductor. Sunday School Teachers meeting Return ft Minister, Geo. Fowler. at 7 p. m. and prayer meeting at 7:4S - '' ' PHONE-NO- . -- 91 IXffiTStrayedor.jStolen one bay p. m. Wednesday. horse branded oross S on left thigh o . The Salvation Army. return to Watsonfnley Grocery J ,ye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Tonight 7 o'clock openalr srvlce led INSTITUTE GETS ANNUAL LAND UEIilALEjABSTAG-TS- . (1 SCRIP. ; 15tf-- by Captain Henderson. APPROPRIATION Of 120,400. " good L06T:A lady's gilt belt with goW 4UImmm Block.. phot G9 I 8:00 o'clock, indoor vmeeting E. A. Cahoon last night received a , hucklecr.-Uilng2fia- Jl cameo singing and music. " t telegram from W. M. Atkinson, at San heads. jvttrn to&seord office tor W, SUNDAY SERVICES : , ta Fe, stating that the appropriation reward. 14tf 10": 15" a. m." Openalr srvice t bill passed by the legislature carried a 4 JrJt ; - of the Grand Central Hotel. a clause giving the New Mexico Mil 11:00 a. m. meeting. , re-one- Holiness Sub itary Institute $20,400 per year for the ice Miccnern nouse m Gift FpUND ject: "The of Power." ' next two years, ror maintenance. . .The ziJBO p. munday School. annual appropriation for the " "vail' school FOUND: Blue butterfly fcairpln calr LOO 'per day? y Meals 25 eta. S:W p. Openair service at the tor the past two years has heen.tl7.-00- 0 at. B.mrddpax.fPjgL .M- - JONES. Mron. ooort house yard led .by Howard Craw and for maintenance the 'school FOUND; hunch of key. Inquire at 70S Sorti Kilm Be ford.-SpeeU- staging and- innate,., -- . edll.4ke S3.400 per year in better c;aii-Uo-n Record and vt ior d,--l- 7:00 p. m. Openalr service. daring the coming two years. ELK PARTY LAST MIGHT waa the guest of Honor a St. iPat-rick'-a ARTESIA BASKET BALL View IUwweO. at - - adIUon to . i ENJOYED BY ,YOONQ. ELKS. Day party given toy ber daugh- TEAM PU.Y8 ROSWIUL .at. O. Mills and wife to W. JL. The d&aelag wi card party given ter Mrs. Fred C. Bunt, at Iter home on The High schools of RosweU and Parker, for $150. six acres la l at the Elk club last night waa attend- North Pennsylvania Avenue, Military Artesia. represented ' by their respec- and a small tract adjoining. ed .by the usual crowd of young peo- Heights. Saint .Patrick and hia native tive girls' Jjasket ball teams, contested W. 1 Parker to S. II. Garrison and There Is Mo Shortage ple, some playing bridge or fire hun Erin were the feature points of the for honors at Amusement Park here wife, for 400 six acres in MM dred down stairs and the greater nam day, and no opportunity was overlook this afternoon. Representing Artesip K. S. Woodruff and wife and C. W. her spending the evening dancing In ed to remind me forty ladles In at- in the city today iwere Miss Winifred DeFreest to W. R Virkers. for $1,500 tendance that It was-Ireland- day. Tattle and W. S. Hicks, teachers, and 6.63 the lodge room upstairs. The Norvell ' a tract of acres In orchestra' furnished splendid onasie i Everywhere -- abouCtbe bouse were the following players:' Misses Rose Wllttameua B. Daniel to Sam H. and the JoUty of the occasion was to be seen shamrocks and green and Wetigi Sara ,Owen, Ruth Brainard, Thompson, for 41.100. tots IX 13 and marked. Every person present seem white carnations, m the parlor were Ruth Ash, Bertha Speck, Bstelle Mail 14. block 5. North Spring River addi- ed to have a good time. the pigs that are said to be found In din and Pauline Kuyrkendall. The Ar tion to RosweU. x the truly Irish home and their occas- testa girls came up on the ' morning ' S. P. Johnson and C. P. Shearntaa Che seen Gas Y S. Gordon, m peace ional grunting made . afternoon train and will go home tonight. The and their wives to Wm. F. Greenwood Have you those beautiful little Heaters, just the Justice of ; - ' at Melrose, tN. M., arrived last night most realistic. w was attended by a large crowd! for $10 and other consideration, lots thing for these mild Spring Mornings". No kindling, When it came time for .refreshments of school students and their friends. 4, 6. 12. 13, 14. 15. 22. 23, and 27 Po for a few days, visit srlth his friend tt was nothing green everywhere no dirt, no ashes, no coal to bring in, jusa match that's H. Hi"1- Whitehead and: to look after but mona Farms in all 255.74 acres. - about the tables. Green punch waa ... H. - land matters. ' .. ., Wm. Park and wife, of Artesia, F. Smith and wife to Albert Has all. Special prices for a few days only. :: . :: :: v. served throughout the afternoon, spent today in RosweU ny, for $500, lot 13 Military Heights along with green . candy snakes. addition to RosweU. PROVISIONAL ORDER urewi auprei witu suuuw Real Estate Transfers. C. P. Shearman and S. P. Johnson FOR PAVING TONIGHT. roons, nad cake were daintily served. Th6 foltowin t.tA and their wived to Charles F. White-ma- n, With a bare quorum, the city coun- Five hundred was the game of the .7Z . , trlfar- for $12,000. 21 acres In 13 11-- 2 cil held a short session last night to afternoon, nine tables .being filled. Mrsi" pTI ow4 and water right thereto. discuss paving Main street and Fifth Dr. Hetanlg won the prize, a green Lyman A. Sanders to Rose A. Bird was cup F. P. Gayle street to decided Havilan and saucer and Mrs. G. John B. Albert - to Wim. F. Dutton, for $10 a lot l33bY34S fwt or ?.H5 that paving should be done and ano M. Slaughter received the consolation plot acres near corner of Second to-nig- ; for 3200 a small in lot 62. BeUe ' ther meeting was called for favor, a snake. Guesfavors in the Plaine addition to RosweU. ' and Kansax avrnue. rl RosweU Gas Company when it is hoped there will be a full form of top bat and pig candy boxes George A. -- J. D. Be'l and wift to C. P. Shea . White and wife to L. W. "SWEET, THE COAL MAN'' attendance of the members, and when were given Mcsdames A. Teepie Garner, for $850, lot 1, block 15 Ha- man and S. P. Johnson, for 310. their a provisional order for the improve and W. A. Viekers of Hagerman. german. one-thir- interest in lot 3 and 4 of enjoyed by sub-divisi- ment will be made. This provisional The party waa greatly Sarah L. Beaver and husband to Al- the Jaffa, Prager Co., to order sets a date when property own- all and a thorough success. bert Hanny, for 33,000 twenty acres RosweU. ers are to appear and show cause, if S. K. and wife to JC P. any, why improvement not Four Old Maids. in Halln the should - Shearman to S. Johnson and AUSTRIA AND SERVIA WILL 7.50; . western eteers, 4.80 6.50; Lady Quartet Charles, F. Whlteman and wife to P. J. & be put In. To bear the Schubert C. Levers for $10 and other couMdirailon NOT GO TO WAR NOW. western cows, 3.25 5.25. The council. by resolution, changed sing their "Old Maid Song," one of P. Shearman and S. P. Johnson, for Belgrade. Servia, March 20. The Hog receipts, 4,000; market strong many specially them) wiH 312,000 a tract of 255.74 acres in Po the east fifty feet of lot 4. Lea's sub- the name of Pecos avenue to Virginia written for mona Farms. division. alarm over the possibility, of war be- to 5c higher. Bulk, 6.40 6.70; heavy, avenue ordi- make a rise in the matrimonial mar- Austrla-tHungary- , and amended the city J. C. Piatt and wife to W. J. C. Rat- tween Servla and Is 6.55 6.75 ; packers and .. 6.50 anywhere. This is one of their J. B. Howard and wife to trustees nance to conform to the territorial or ket M. E. South, A lin for $1 and other consideration, a subsiding rapidly and there is every 6.70: light, 6.206.60; pigs. 5.1 dinance which permits lotteries for most fetching encores; and as the la- of church. of Lake reason to believe In a peaceful settle- 5.60. dies are many years removed from tbur, for $100, lot 1, block 48 Lake plot 227 by 150 feet in block i9 Ros- fairs, churches, and education and Arthur. weU. ' ment of the controversy. Sheep, none. charitable Institutions. belne old maids themselves, they can Development to Servla Agrees to Disarm. ' enjoy singing of besetting Mrs. Allle Daugherty and husband Kenna Co.. Rnbrt s the trials Ren fro. for $72, lots 2, 4. and C block 20. ; to the trustees of .the M. E. church St. Petersburg, Russia.. March Private 8ale. the four maidens of their song' Their 41 The Belgrade correspondent of the PARTY FOR MRS. A. HUNT date is March 31st. South, of Lake Arthur, for $S0, lot Kenna. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY. here 48, Henry Diven to W. R. Bourse Gazette says In a dispatch that day of next week Mrs. Bernard Gun-su- l block Lake Arthur. Cummin, for M. Milovanovleh, the 'foreign minister will sell part of her household Mrs, Alexander Hunt, formerly of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Chambers were J. J. Brown and wife to T. Jil. Rabb, $100 a half interest In ten acres In told him today that Servla had accept- goods at her home on North hill. Call Fort Scott, Kans., and now of RosweU here from Dexter today . for 31 lots 13 and 17, block X Valley 4. dis- ed the advice of the powers to afternoons at 1312 N. Ky. ave. .. It. arm. Servla considers the action of the powers to be a guarantee and that she no longer has reason to fear an NO NEW8 OF THE any KIDNAPPED BOY. armed attack from source. Sharon, Pa., March 20. Sobbing and crying. James P. Whitla, father of J Buy your carnation blooms at Get-- the kidnapped boy broke down today ty's Greenhouse, only 50c a doz. 16t3 when no word was received from the abductors and in a statement to the IDNR. OJJEE) AYS BOB Associated Press said he wanted to PKOCES The Kansas City Stock Market. impress on every one. interested in I Kansas City, March 20. Cattle re- the recovery of the boy that all he THE BEST PUT UP ceipts, 200, market steady. Southern wanted was to see the child safe at steers, 4.606.15 southern cows, home. He said he was ready to pay 3.00 4.75; native cows and heifers, the $10,000 ransom any time and had 2.606.00; stockers and feeders, 3.75 authorized Ma agents to pay over the 5.75; bulls, 3.00 4.80; calves, 3.75 money.' Although every clue is being run down, nothing has developed to The regular size packages we are now of- give the searchers the slightest ray 15c of hope. fering 1 -- per or per SUBURBAN PROPERTY at 8 3c package $2 case Music Frae. : : : : : Build you a home on a 5 One sheet of music given away free while they last, now is your chance. with' each nickle .purchase, while tt or 10 acre tract as others lasts. We need the space this music are doing. Artesian water, occupies. This starts Monday. Come close to town, easy terms. early. Ingraoll Book, Stationery-Ar- We have the only desirable Co. Rub-divM- property wrb & water, close Roswell. The fire at one - o'clock this after-- SHEPHERD COMPANY to noon was at the barn of I. B. Rose, at the corner of Fourth street and Lea QUALITY GROCERS PHONE NO. 444 Woodruff & DeFreest. avenue. The department responded FKST NATT BANK BUttDNG. promptly and put out the blaze after a small hole had burned in the roof. .


The Pianos offsrerl daring cor Great Introfaetary Safe are carefully Selected Instaents from the World's Best Factories REMEMBER: Our Pianos are of the Highest --TypeT of the Piano Makers Art Our Prices are Lowest Ever Offered in Rosweifon Standard Hijrri Grade Pianos HANDSOME SCARF AND STOOL FREE WITH EACH PIANO

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