Saltford Community Association News

Issue No 109 April/May 2013

Saltford Village Festival Saturday 8 June 2013 7 to Sunday 16 June 2013 See the centre page spread for details of the packed programme of events.

COPY DEADLINE FOR JUNE/JULY EDITION OF SCAN: 10th May 2013 Copy sent by email to [email protected] will be very welcome.

1 Mechanical Repairs Car Recovery Vehicles Servicing MOT Testing Computer Diagnostics Car Sales

Crown Garage is a Saltford based family friendly business that have been repairing and maintaining cars throughout . We currently have 3 members of staff who hold over 40 years of experience between them Members of the Good Garage Scheme

Call Paul or Martin on 01225 873203

2 Saltford Community Association - Contacts SCA is a Registered Charity—Number 222157

Hon Chair SCA Steve Johnson 01225 872025 Hon Vice Chair SCA Peter Dando 01225 873917 Hon Treasurer SCA Chris Essex 01225 873878 Hon Secretary SCA Sheila Bateman 01225 873474 SCAN Distribution Jenny Herring 01225 874631 SCAN Editor e-mail: [email protected] 07770 750327 Hall Manager Christopher Pope 01225 874081 e-mail: [email protected] List of Sectional Organisation Contacts Saltford Drama Club Liz James 01179 863530 Saltford Short Mat Bowls Joan Hamblin 01225 872389 Saltford Village Choir Julie Latham 01225 872336

The opinions, advice, products and services offered herein are the sole responsibility of the con- tributors. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. SCAN takes no responsibility for the content of any images, screenshots or supporting graphics/visual data.

SALTFORD HALL BOOKING OFFICE 01225 874081 E-mail: offi[email protected]

Saltford Day Centre SALTFORD HALL

Can you drive and do you have a For more details of the facilities spare half hour a month? Saltford Day Centre requires drivers to on offer, room hire prices or collect and return local Saltford folk how to book, visit our website to their Thursday luncheon at: and social meeting. Alternatively email us at If you feel you can help please [email protected] contact Steve Seeley on 01225 or telephone 01225 874081 400155 or email (mornings only Monday-Friday) [email protected] 


Mon to Fri 9.15am “Here We Grow Pre-school Avon Mondays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Hall 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall 2.00pm Whist Club Avon 4.40pm Dance Factory & Zumba Hall 7.30pm Saltford Scrabble Club Kelston (in season) 7.30pm Saltford Drama Club Avon 7.45pm Saltford Badminton Hall Tuesday 10.00am Tuesday Morning Badminton Hall 10.00am Art Class Kelston 12.00pm Zumba Gold Hall 4.45 pm ‘Jumping Jacks’ Childrens Fitness Class Hall (1st & 3rd only) 7.00pm Saltford Parish Council Avon 7.30pm Avon Badminton Hall 7.30pm Saltford Village Choir Wansdyke Wednesday 9.45am Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Hall 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall 3.30pm Keyford Dancing School 7.30pm Belly Dancing Class Wansdyke 7.30pm Saltford Sequence & Old Time Dance Club Hall Thursdays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Hall 10.00am Baby Massage & Play Kelston 2.00pm Painting for Pleasure Avon 6.30pm Pilates Class Hall 6.30pm Kick Boxing Classes Wansdyke 5.45pm Hatha Yoga Class Somerset 7.30pm AA Group Kelston Fridays 10.00am Saltford Wind Chamber Group Somerset 10.00am Hatha Yoga Wansdyke (some) 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall 4.45pm Stamp Academy Somerset 6.15pm Taekwondo Class Somerset 6.30pm Saltford Shu-Ko-Kai Club (Martial Arts) Wandyke

4 An Update on The Hall

Since the last SCAN we have continued to make improvements to the Hall and address maintenance items, so that the Hall is even more of a pleasure for people to use now and for future generations.

Over the last couple of months we have installed a new set of outer entrance doors in white UPVC which have dramatically reduced heat loss and provided improved security when the hall is locked. They have also further smartened up the appearance of the Hall. We have also installed a new Fire Alarm system throughout the premises. On a smaller scale we have had the upstairs floors and stairs cleaned and sealed and they look much nicer now.

As mentioned in our last update, we have had significant water ingress issues in the below stage area for many years and we are determined to get this resolved. Work has now started to seal the outside of the building to ensure further water stays out and we apologise for the disturbance to the car park while this work is carried out. Our thanks again to local residents Clive Shipley, who runs Arris Construction, and John Blake a local architect, for getting this important work done.

We are also delighted to announce that by the time you read this, we should have installed a hearing loop in both the Main Hall and Avon Room. In both rooms there will be roving and tie clip microphones provided, that will also work in conjunction with our PA system. We would encourage all hirers of these rooms to make use of the hearing loop equipment to make their meeting more accessible to all. Our thanks to Francine Haeberling and Mat Blankley for providing the funding from their Ward Councillors Initiative.

We have now also started to look at the installation of a lift to allow better access for all to the upper rooms and to look at cladding the front exterior of the building to much im- prove insulation and appearance. We will also be replacing guttering at the rear of the building and around the Wansdyke Room, together with refurbishing the below stage area once the above external work has been completed.

As always, none of this work is possible without the donations you provide, the money we make on fundraising events and the income we derive from hiring out the Hall. In whichever way you may contribute, thank you so much for your support over the last few years which is now allowing us to tackle some of these long needed jobs.

Of course please do get in touch at [email protected] or ring the Office on 01225 874081 if you would like to help or get involved in any way in the future.




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6 Other News & Forthcoming Fundraising Events

Saltford Legend Retires Many people in Saltford and the surrounding area will have used Sinclair of Saltford Taxis over many years and know Ian Sinclair. After more than 20 years of serving our community, Ian has decided to stop getting up at 3am to do airport runs and to enjoy a more relaxing retirement around Saltford. We would like to wish Ian (and Sue) a very happy retirement and to thank him for looking after us so well. Darren Fallows, another Saltford resident, will be taking over the business from Ian and renaming it Fallows of Saltford - see back page.

Charity Pamper & Relaxation Day Saturday 13th April 2013, 10am-3pm, Free Entry at Saltford Hall

Enjoy a relaxed day browsing a selection of stalls, having a reading or experiencing ho- listic or beauty treatments. With a cafe available throughout the day, you can also enjoy a fresh bacon roll, cheese roll or indulge in some cake. Taster treatments include: indian head massage, reflexology, back massages, reiki, manicures & much more Everyone is welcome with treatments available for ladies, men and children For further information contact Liz on 07805 845310 or email contact@beyondthehori- . Ladies Night Saturday 13th April 2013, 7pm for 7.30pm

After being pampered during the day why not then come along and be naughty in the evening! Following the huge success of the Ladies Night in 2011 we are once again organizing this event at Saltford Hall. A night of puddings, disco dancing and cocktails. What more could a lady want!! Tickets are just £10 with unlimited pudding consumption! As usual they are available from the Booking Office on 01225 874081 or via e-mail at [email protected] . Saltford Village Festival Saturday 8 June 2013 through to Sunday 16 June 2013

See centre page spread for details of a packed programme of events running morning, afternoon and evening over these 9 days and spread across a wide number of venues around the village. As in 2011 it’s a great chance to enjoy and appreciate Saltford and the people who live here. If you want to get involved in helping over these 9 days then please see our website at or e-mail [email protected] . We’d love to hear from you.

7 Saltford Festival Photographic Competition Theme:           Entries can depict any aspect of Saltford  Photographs must be at least 300 dots per inch; this is about 3 megapixel or 1984 by 1488 pixels or roughly 8 inches by 5 inches.  Photographs can be in any common format e.g. JPEG, BMP, EPS, TIFF or RAW but not be watermarked.  Digital photographs should be mailed to [email protected] : please include your name, age if under 18 and phone number. If the photograph is printed then please use the form below.  Entry fee 50p per photograph by PayPal to [email protected] or cash to the Hall  By entering the competition you agree that the images you submit may be used by the SCA, without further notice, for the SCA either to promote events or other use as the SCA may decide.  The judge's decision is final  Certificates will be awarded  THOSE UNDER 18 YEARS ARE WELCOME TO ENTER (indicate age on the form below) and ask your parents to agree to the disclaimer.  Judging will take place at Saltford Hall on Saturday June 8th  Closing date Saturday May 25th  Any queries mail [email protected]


Saltford Photographic Competition

Name Email address

Number of photos at 50p Total cost Telephone number

Tick or add age as Under 18? Adult appropriate Age


Job Vacancy Following the resignation of our current clerk, Mrs Jennifer Evans, who has served the school for the last few years, The Governing Body is seeking to appoint a Clerk to the Governors to play a vital role in supporting the Governors in their contribution to the life of the school and education of pupils. The Clerk is accountable to the Governing Body, working effectively with them, the Chair of Governors, the Executive Headteacher and the Head of School. The Clerk will need to attend 6 full Governing Body meetings a year, and provide a professional clerking service to the governing body. There maybe the opportunity for the clerk to do additional hours as part of sub-committee meetings - to be dis- cussed with successful candidate.

The Clerk will need to : t Take accurate minutes. t Collate and distribute agendas and associated paperwork in advance of meetings. t Keep accurate and up to date records and ensure that all committees do the same. t Be available to take minutes at 6 Full Governing Body Meetings spread through- out the year - these are usually held from between 6 and 7:30pm. t Be available for agenda setting meetings. t Provide procedural and legal advice and guidance - attend relevant local authority training events.

We would like to thank Jen for her splendid work for the Governing Body and wish her well with her new role at the Teaching School Should you be interested in this most important job, then please contact the school.

Applications must be received by 4pm Friday 5th April

SALTFORD Short Mat Bowls Club Why not come along and enjoy the social aspect i.e. pleasant roll-up, tea and biscuits and a chat. Or play more competitively and be included in our teams, the Scallywags, Scamps and Sorcerers who play against other clubs in the Bristol and District League. Then we have those who are really keen and have been chosen to represent Avon playing in Inter-county matches. We have eight players (you may have seen their photo in the last edition of ‘Keynsham Voice’, very smart in their blazers ) who yesterday played against a team from Herefordshire in Bristol. So a comprehensive mix of abilities and we all play happily together at the Hall. We are always looking for new people to come and enjoy our sport. We offer an encouraging approach and coaching. No equipment is needed to start (just clean socks). Why not come along a give it a try. If you ‘phone our Secretary, Joan Hamblin on 01225 872389, she will arrange for some- one to greet you and guide you through the initial stages. Look forward to seeing you.

9 Interested in learning new skills or have existing skills that you want to put to good use?

The SCA are keen to train up a couple of people to become familiar with the lighting and sound systems in Saltford Hall. Do you have existing skills in this area or want to develop new skills in this area?

If so, please get in touch with the Hall on 01225 874081. Training will be given and you will get to occasionally see future shows for free!! We will obviously provide the necessary training.

10 SALTFORD ENVIRONMENT GROUP Make it Magic - 21st March, 18th April.... A Craft Group With a Difference Did you know that spare wallpaper can be turned into picture frames and old magazines, pretty paper bags and plastic carrier bags can be made into waste paper bins, desk tidies, Christmas decora- tions and jewellery? Would you like to do more for our environment, meet some fellow enthusi- asts, enjoy a cuppa and chat then the Make it Magic group may be just the thing for you. Join us and learn together how to make useful and funky items from your recycle waste. You don’t need to have any particular skills as we are all there to help each other. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Signs of Saltford, 559 Bath Road, Saltford Tel: (Tina) 01225 874037 for directions or further details from 6 -9pm so that young people can join in.

Just drop in, you don’t need to bring anything along, we have some ideas to get you started and Tina and Frances are looking forward to seeing you.

For the latest information on the work of the Saltford Environment Group Including the Station Campaign, go to

Saltford Station Campaign Network Rail’s Strategic Business Plan for Control Period 5 (2014-2019) and Network Rail Specifica- tions (Western) both make reference to a station at Saltford as part of the Greater Bristol Metro project with half-hourly services. This is the first time that a station at Saltford has appeared in public rail industry documents. This confirms that Network Rail has the expectation of a station at Saltford for all its ongoing work. At the B&NES special meeting of the full council (4th March) to agree changes to the Core Strategy, the Conservative Group tabled the following amendment headed “Changes to Core Strategy - Land at Keynsham East”: “To request that Cabinet investigate all possible locations for a re-opened Saltford Station, includ- ing those with adequate parking facilities and which could also be accessible to residents of East Keynsham.” This amendment was accepted by the ruling LibDem Group. The Saltford Station Campaign, while unaware that the B&NES Conservative Group had tabled this amendment, was already aware of the proposition. The Station Campaign has no problem with all possible locations being considered but the focus at this time is the existing Saltford Station site on Bath Hill. We feel that good access on foot for the majority of Saltford’s residents is an important consideration. The Station Campaign was represented at the AGM of TravelWatchSouthWest which is a forum for transport user groups. The meeting was addressed by Mark Hopwood, Chief Executive, of First Great Western. Duncan Hounsell, Chris Warren

11 Operates throughout Bristol & Bath Tel: 07552 644141

12 MONTHLY ACTIVITIES AT SALTFORD HALL Please note:- Dates, times and venues may change. Please check with the contact named elsewhere in this newsletter, and note that these are booking times - event times may differ.

First Monday (usually) 10.00am Beading Course Wansdyke Second Monday 7.30pm Saltford Quilters Somerset First Tuesday 9.30am Saltford Ladies Gardening Club Wansdyke First Tuesday 2.00pm Saltford Afternoon WI Avon Second Tuesday 7.30pm Saltford Women’s Institute Avon Fourth Tuesday 2.00pm Saltford Floral Club Hall Second Thursday 9.45am Saltford Morning Townswomen’s Guild Wansdyke Second Thursday 8.00pm Book Club Kelston Second Friday 7.30pm Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle Avon First Saturday 7.30pm Saltford Sequence & Old Time Dance Club Hall One Saturday per month 10.00am Farandole Dance Club Please contact June Simpson for exact dates on 01225 872586 Wansdyke Fourth Saturday 2.30pm Historical Model Railway Society Wansdyke

D.W.BOWEN Plumbing & Heating KEYNSHAM Gas Safe Registered Installer Registration No: 95352 & SALTFORD 2 Montague Road, Saltford BUILDERS Tel 07778 776568 *30 Years Experience *Conservatories * Extensions * Roofing * Driveways * Patios * Property Maintenance * Wall, Brick, Block, Stonework Specialist

Please call: 01225 422234 07767 641260 / 07798 643104

13 YOGA in Saltford Hall New: Slow and easy Yoga Thursdays 16.30 – 17.30h For all those who like it slow and easy; also suitable for students with limited physical ability; starts on April 18, 2013 Monday –Saturday Breakfast 10 – 12pm * Lunches 12 - 2.30pm Thursdays 17.45 – 19.15h Sunday Lunch 12 - 3.30pm Fridays 10.00 – 11.30h Every Evening 6 - 9.30pm For all abilities, including beginners. For further information or to reserve a * * * * * place, please contact me or visit my Daily Lunch Special website; 2-courses Monday-Friday £8.95 booking is essential. “Early Bird” Menu available Saturdays & Sunday afternoons * * * * * Our Chefs’ “SPECIAL SUPPERS” the last Tuesday of the month Andrea Hoelzemann, 01761 472 619 or APRIL-CURRY NIGHT * MAY-CHINESE NIGHT 07929 520 680 or [email protected] MONDAY NIGHT IS CURRY & QUIZ FOR £6 (Or, of course, just the Quiz for £1)


Keynsham & Saltford Local History Society Friday 23 August Elm Farm, Burnett from 7-9pm to Keynsham & Saltford Local History Society’s see where bats live and feed. Wear warm clothes, take a torch amd binoculars. season of illustrated talks concludes with the Drinks supplied. Own cars meeting on Monday 15th April. The subject is The To confirm your attendance ring nearer the time - Post World War 2 Architecture of Bath and the Philippa Paget, 0117 986 4276 speaker is Lyndon Hughes. The venue is The Key Centre, Victoria Methodist Church, Charlton Road, Sunday 13 October 2pm Dapps Hill, Keynsham, Keynsham. Prospective members and visitors are River Dipping – bring your grandchildren with their very welcome to attend; the talk starts at 7.30pm. wellies! Dave Sage 0117 940 7968 After the summer break next season’s talks will commence on Monday 21st October. The Society also has a programme of visits during the summer months. Although these are primarily intended for members, if there are spare places non-members may attend for a small additional charge. For details of this summer programme, which includes coach trips to Hampton Court Palace and Kenilworth Castle, see the Society’s website at

Avon Wildlife Trust, Saltford and Keynsham Branch

All talks at 7.30pm in the Baptist Church Hall, Keyn- sham. Entrance £2.50, children £1 Bring and buy bookstall. Coffee. All welcome

Friday 12 April. Last indoor meeting at the Baptist Church Hall, Keynsham, 7.30pm “Brown’s Folly” – the Reserve with a view by Richard Pooley, Warden. Followed by a Field meeting there on 8 June. Ffi Cynthia Wilson 874259

FREE field outings: Sunday 21 April 5am The Shallows, Saltford. Dawn Chorus. Leader Dave Sage 0117 940 7968

Tuesday, 18 June Orchids and wildflowers, a short Mendip walk and picnic.. Shared cars. Leader Edna Price 01275 838503:

15   %S  %  

Advertise your business STO here from  £15 Keynsham Cars OOD   Contact Chris Essex Your local taxi service 01225 874081 % [email protected] Cars available for all areas listed as well as Airports and other Cities L 

JANIE MOBILE HAIRDRESSER  % 4, 6, 8 seater available

Lady driver available on request ELL Have your hair cut in the comfort

of your own home %

Call us no on: 

Cut and Blow Dry from REEN £16 0117 986 8444 or 0117 986 9666

Tel: 07840 344555    H    %  O       %  CHURCH

Marilyn Allen Dip CFHP MVR MPS Pract Foot Health Practitioner CARING FOR YOUR FEETFEET Do youyou find it difficult to manamanagege yyourour feet? Help is available in the cocomfortmfort of your own homehome at a time that suits yyou.ou.

 Foot health check and advice  Nail trimming and filing  Reduction of thickened toe nails  Corns  Callus reduction (hard skin)  Advice of fungal infections  Minor in-grown toenails  Verruca treatment  Cracked heels  Athletes foot  Diabetic and elderly foot care treatment and advice Contact Marilyn on...         CRB Checked Member of The Alliance of Private Sector Practitioners

16 Keynsham & District Twinning Association

Come to our   Friday 22 March

7.30 for 7.45 start

St Dunstan’s Church Hall, Are you missing the company of a dog? Bristol Rd, Keynsham, BS31 2BQ Z Would you be able to care for a dog £5 per person on a regular basis? Z Includes nibbles & hot dog or filled Due to the high demand for our services Barking Mad Bristol roll are looking for host families to care for a dog whilst their Z Teams of up to 6 owners are away on holiday. We provide all the benefits Z Raffle & PRIZES! of dog ownership but without the full time emotional and Z financial commitment. Whatever your circumstances, if you BYO drinks & glasses are a dog lover and interested in providing a loving home then Z Book your table now & pay on the door I would really like to hear from you. Carole 0117 9865350 or Sue 0117 9862119 We will make a donation to Butterflies-Haven, a local charity which supports autistic children & their families


The draft programme for the Saltford Festival, June 8th - June 16th has been inserted in the centre pages of this edition. The festival covers a 9 day period starting on Satur- day June 8th with an open morning in Saltford Hall. The famous Saltford Cafe will be open with food and light refreshments. Radio Bristol will be there to track events and will be anxious to interview visitors. The winners of the Short Story Competition will be awarded their prizes.

Throughout the week there is a well thought out series of events to suit all ages and interests. Planning the Street Fair on the Old Village Day on Sunday June 16th, costum- ing The Village Crier and Brunel, organising the Fun Dog Show and collating speakers, exhibitions, concerts, dances, walks, the quiz and finding stall holders for the Country Market are still some of the tasks ahead of us! We are very pleased that so many Salt- ford organisations are to be involved. The hard work by so many people is, however, being rewarded as the posters fly off the printer providing visual recognition that it will be all right on the week - no rain!

If you would like to help in any way over the 9 day Festival or would like to offer an open garden in the old village area or would like a stall at either the Country Market or Street Fair on final Sunday, please e-mail us at [email protected] or ring me on 01225 872489, as we’d love to hear from you.

The first tickets will be available at the start of April. They will be on sale at a variety of venues, including the Post Office, Saltford News and Saltford Hall.

For more information visit our website at . Alternatively e- mail [email protected] for more information or for tickets.

Jill Williams Chair, Festival Committee

18 19 Jolly Sailor Feel Good Festival


Bath Spa Band Saturday 26 January 2013 We once again welcomed the Bath Spa Band who started off our New Year by entertaining many with a programme of traditional Band and Big Band music. The event made £130 for the SCA. Caribbean Evening Saturday 23 February 2013 Following the sellout success of our Mexican themed evening last year, we decided this year to hold in the depth of our winter a Caribbean themed evening to warm things up. And things certainly got warmed up with hot food and everyone dancing till well past 11pm. As you can see from the photos many came suitably attired as pirates and the like! There were great cocktails put on by the Saltford Fair- trade Group, a wonderful school steel band and very topical (and tropical!) music from Nosy Parker. With over 150 people present the evening was a huge success and we raised over £1500 on the event. Our thanks to everyone.

Jumble Sale Saturday 2 March 2013 This now annual event was again well attended with nearly 200 people taking away dozens of bargains. Our thank to all those who attended as well as all those who supported in terms of donating items. A major attraction was the smell of Newton Farm bacon wafting through the Hall from the café. Over £750 was raised and our thanks to an army of volunteers who made this such a success again. More photos from all these events can be seen on our Facebook page at

23 Newton Farm

Well known for high quality English, local, home grown and traceable meats. Do call in and browse our farmshop on our working Duchy of farm. Enjoy a delicious coffee or a proper English tea in our vintage china. We have the best local cheeses, organic jersey milk & creams, beautiful locally made ice cream, cakes and breads. We sell local free range hen and duck eggs, Cavendish cooks frozen ready meals made in Bath from Newton Farm meats, Bread made in Bath, Somerset chocolate and Lovett Pies, made in Bath with Newton Farm meats. We sell rapeseed oil grown and pressed in Wilmington, just next door to Newton St Loe, and as many other locally sourced goodies as we can fit in! Enjoy the ambience of our working Duchy of Cornwall farm. Tel: 01225 873707 Newton Farm, Newton St Loe, Bath BA2 9BT

24 Saltford Festival 8 - 16 June 2013

We would like people to make and display a scarecrow during the week of the festival. We need to know where your scarecrow will be so please collect a free entry form from Saltford Hall office or the Post Office.

If you have any queries please ring Eileen on 01225 873224

Prizes for the best exhibits.

WARMLEY CLUB Every Wednesday 8pm £3 on the door WARMLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE 20 Deanery Road, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 9JB

Apr 3rd Tom Whittingham’s Wonderland Band May 1st Dennis Armstrong’s ‘Bristol Blue Six’ Apr 10th Paul Buck Jazz with May 8th The Panama Jazz Band Jane Christie (vocals) May 15th Jazzolafive featuring Sarah Thatcher Apr 17th The Cass Casswell Trio May 22nd Dave Martin Jabbo Five Apr 24th Bob Reynolds - New Society Jazz Band May 29th Manhatten Orchestra featuring Catherine Sykes (vocals) (Tickets £7)

25 Looking for a new hobby with Some exercise among friendly folk?

Come and try the great game of Short mat bowls At Saltford Hall Everyone welcome - No equipment needed to start Ring Joan on 01225 872389 for further information about Saltford short mat bowls

26 KEYNSHAM LIGHT OPERA GROUP presents “ANNIE” At Saltford Hall Tuesday 30th April to Saturday 4th May 2013 Evenings at 7.30 pm Saturday Matinee at 2.30 pm Keynsham Light Opera Group are well into rehearsals for the block-busting show “Annie”. It promises to be another great hit with a very gifted team of girls to play the orphans and Scott Rogers to direct it as well as the usual company and orchestra with Lee Tesdale as Musical Director. When tickets become available in February make sure you book yours early to get the best possible seats. ‘Annie’ is one of the world’s best loved and best known musicals! It is set in the year 1933 during one of the most difficult periods of American history – The Great Depres- sion. Annie is a fiery, brave young orphan who is forced to live a life of misery under the cruel rule of the matron, Miss Hanigan. Fed up with this kind of life, and determined to find her parents, she decides to run away… The musical is full of well known songs including: “Tomorrow”, “Hard Knock Life”, “Easy Street”, “N.Y.C.” and many others. You won’t want to miss this show. KLOG have now been nominated 5 times for the Rose Bowl competition and this is sure to be another block buster. Tickets are going fast. Tickets are available from the Box Office, telephone Emily on 07580 259757 or email: [email protected] or contact any member of the society. Concessions are available for Tuesday evening and Saturday matinee for £7.00 You can now order tickets on-line from our web-site

BEAT SURGERIES AT SALTFORD LIBRARY Sat-March 23rd, Sat-May 4th, Sat-June 22nd, Sat- August 10th. The times are from 10am to midday. This is just so that any members of the community can come and visit to discuss any issues, and for me to offer any advice if needed etc.

CHARITY HELPS LOCAL PEOPLE TO REDUCE HEATING OIL BILLS With the weather getting colder and heating bills rising, many people are looking at ways to try and reduce their heating costs. If you have oil fired heating you may be worried about the cost of oil, which is relatively expensive compared with mains gas. The West of Rural Network (WERN) have created a community oil buying scheme to help local people reduce the cost of heating oil by placing a collective order once a month. Many oil suppliers are willing to accept a lower price when they are given a large order from geographically close customers. Placing a single order also reduces the number of lorry movements in and around your town or village. In January 2013 members of the scheme paid just 60.08 p per litre. This compared with an aver- age price of 64p and the highest price of 72p. WERN even managed to negotiate this low price during a very busy period for oil suppliers. For more information about the oil buying group please contact Jill Baker at WERN on 01275 333701 or visit

27 SALTFORD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - Affiliated Organisations 2013 1st Saltford Scout Group. Sue Hutchings 01225 873153 Avon Badminton Club Tony Dicker 0117 330 8510 Avon County Rowing Club Penny Senior 0117 986 7934 Craft & Natter Club Daphne Rahn 01225 873349 Farandale Dance Club June Simpson 01225 872586 Grace Bible Church Steve Greedy 07901 601232 Here We Grow Yvonne Goodall 0117 986 2578 Historical Model Railway Society Mr Gerry Nicholls 0117 973 1862 Keynsham & Chew Valley Rotary Club Rob Hales 01225 872456 Keynsham & District Tangent Club Mrs Sue Cooper 01225 872132 Keynsham & District Twinning Association Carole Duckett 0117 986 5350 Keynsham & Saltford AA Group Tony Williams 01225 340964 Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle Alan Dummott 01225 873493 Keynsham Light Opera Group Mr Steve Drew 07557444364 Keynsham Rotary Club John Griffiths 07581 202264 Lions Club of Keynsham Peter Dando 01225873917 N.A.F.A.S. (S.W. Area) Mrs Sue Gaskin [email protected] N.A.F.A.S. Teachers (SWA) National Auricula & Primula Society Roger Woods 01455 272 377 N.E. Somerset Conservative Assoc. Mrs Margaret Brewer 0117 987 2313 Painting for Pleasure Mrs F. Sheppard 01225 873773 Saltford Afternoon WI Yvonne Watson 0117 986 8842 Saltford Badminton Club Vend Waterman 01225 345169 Saltford Business Network David Hewitt 0117 944 4949 Saltford C.of E, Primary School PTA Andy Butterworth 01225 872185 Saltford Day Centre 07505178520 Saltford District Guiding Mrs Laine Willis 01225 873852 Saltford Environment Group Ben Eve 01225 345178 Saltford Floral Club Mrs Eve Hessey 01225 873380 Saltford Golf Club Mike Penn 01225 873513 Saltford Intergenerational Group Lyndsey Harris 01225 874279 Saltford Ladies Gardening Club Mrs Debra Jewell 01225 872450 Saltford Lawn Tennis Club Mo Smallwood (Sec) 01225 400164 Saltford Morning Townswomen’s Guild Mrs Audrey Lewis 01225 873434 Saltford Orchestra Carol Mills 01225 837972 Saltford Parish Council Tricia Golinski, Parish Clerk 01225 873300 Saltford Scrabble Club Mrs F. Sheppard 01225 873773 Saltford Sports Club Mrs Jo Ball 01225 874804 Saltford Tuesday Morning Badminton Club Andrea Cooper 01225 872402 Saltford Walkers Miss Helen Gilroy, 0117 986 8794 Saltford Whist Club Malcolm Pearce 01225 872555 Saltford W.I. Mrs S. Dando 01225 873917 Saltford Wind Chamber Group Liz Harvey 01761 462208 St. Mary’s Church Rev. G.R.W. Hall 01225 872275 Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Caroleann Gratton 01225 873898

Saltford Hall web site address. Visit for information about events and activities in the Hall, look at past issues of SCAN, or download the latest issue. You can also view photographs on our Facebook pages or join us on Twitter.


Our February seminar on “Social Media for Business” held at Saltford Golf Club was an informative and surprisingly entertaining evening. There were 20 members and potential members in attendance at the event, led by social media expert and sometime comedian Jon Payne from the agency Noisy Little Monkey. The seminar focused on how social media such as Twitter and Facebook can be used to promote businesses, to either communicate directly with customers or potential customers, and also to assist your website’s Google rankings. Our next event is on Thursday 25th April 7:30pm at Saltford Golf Club. There will be a short AGM followed by a presentation on implications of the Chancellor’s Budget for business. We are holding our bi-monthly social event on Thursday 30th May 7:00pm at Saltford Sports Club. Dates and venues are subject to change. Details of SBN events can be found on the SBN web-site. Whatever your business, however large or small, join SBN either by contacting us via the web-site or by simply turning up at an SBN event. The web-site highlights business training opportunities in the area and members can announce their own business news such as recent successes, job vacancies and apprenticeship opportunities.

THE MENDIP SOCIETY You will be well aware of the , but have you heard of the Mendip Society?

Set up in 1965, we campaign to achieve a balance between commercial developments and main- taining the unique character of the Mendip landscape. For example, we recently fought hard to persuade National Grid to lay part of their new high voltage transmission line, which will cross the Mendip Hills AONB, underground instead of via 150 foot high pylons.

In addition, the Society sees fostering enjoyment and knowledge of Mendip as key aims; throughout the year, weekly walks are arranged on Saturday afternoons. These give members an opportunity to discover new places; some are nearby, with recent starting points at Compton Dando and Pens- ford. During the winter months talks are arranged on a wide range of local topics and these are held at Wells, Cheddar and Winscombe.

Currently the Society is expanding its activities and is seeking to enlarge membership in the areas around the hills. Saltford is only a short drive away and you probably have your favourite spots on Mendip. To find out more about the Mendip Society and join some of our activities, find a leaflet in Saltford Library, visit our website or contact the Membership Secre- tary: Richard Dyson, on 0117 9864453 or [email protected]


The second Wansdyke Scouts’ Nightmare Night Hike held at the beginning of February saw eighty-two Scouts aged between ten-and-a-half and fourteen, navigate challenging conditions in the Mendip Hills. The event, built on the success of 2012, achieved a team entry from every Scout Group within Wansdyke District, was organised by leaders of 1st Midsomer Norton Scout Group, and staffed on the night by other scout leaders, explorer scouts, network members and parent helpers keen to be involved in the event. Several months of planning to ensure safety was undertaken and scouts put through training within their individual Troops on how to navigate over unfamiliar terrain. Adults arrived early to prepare the site for the event, with youngsters arriving from 4 pm when they set up their overnight accommodation and prepared themselves for the challenge ahead. A full kit inspec- tion was undertaken to ensure that the scouts had come fully prepared for the event, and a briefing was held to ensure they were all familiar with the route they would be taking. Each of the teams, sixteen in total, was given a departure time and signed out to start its route, two teams at a time, one in each direction; the other teams followed at ten-minute intervals thereafter. The route followed a fourteen kilometre figure-of-eight course through a variety of terrains. The teams had to navigate their way round the course and check in at each of the fourteen bases along the way to earn themselves points. There were also activity bases along the way. At the end of the exercise at 2.30 am, they all returned to the Mendip Raceway to spend the rest of the night under canvas. Ten out of sixteen teams completed the course. Teams from 1st Saltford took first and second places, and teams from 1st Midsomer Norton and 1st Chew Stoke shared third place. Organisers of the event Matt Horler, Chris Dando, Jenny Ellor and Adrian Miles said, “The hike was a real challenge for these children, and temperatures were below freezing for most of the time. The hours of preparation and training meant that everyone who took part had fun.” Ryan, an eleven year-old Scout from 2nd Paulton summed up the event by say- ing, “It was awesome. I have never hiked and camped in sub-zero tempera- tures before, and I loved every minute.” “Keeping it Local” Business Directory – News – Events [email protected]

30 Argus Explorers visit Kandersteg Scouts from the Argus Explorer Unit based in Saltford have recently returned from a skiing adventure in Switzerland. The party was made up of 35 Scouts and leaders from Saltford and 17 from Bath District. They arrived after dark at the International Scout Centre in Kandersteg after a flight and two-hour coach journey from the UK. They awoke the following morning to discover stunning alpine scenery. Everyone completed the red and blue ski runs at Kandersteg, then moved on to more challenging runs at nearby Lauchernalp. In addition to skiing, the young people enjoyed a variety of other activities during their week, ranging from curling, tobogganing, to making snow angels. Tom aged fifteen, said, “We had a sauna night in the centre’s wood-fired sauna. Twenty-five of us crammed in, got all sweaty, then went and ‘swam’ in the snow, it was freezing!!!” Seventeen year-old Alice said, “What an amazing week at Kandersteg: one of the best weeks of my life!” Anyone wishing to find out more about Explorer Scouting in Saltford should visit the Unit’s website:

AFFLIATED ORGANISATIONS Three Village Coffee Morning Raised £372 on the 11th February. The proceeds Saltford Golf Club will be divided between Dorothy House Hos- The Lady Captain Mrs Polly Grigg and the Ladies of pice and Clic Sargent. We would like to thank the Saltford Golf Club would like to thank all those everybody who attended, and those that made who gave so generously for the Coffee Morning on the delicious cakes for the sale to help raise this Thursday 28th February. amount of money The total raised was over £3000 for MENCAP Saltford Townswomen’s Guild Keynsham & District. It is only the generosity of After many years this group sadly decided to close people that this was possible. on 14 March 2013. However, a new group will be Saltford Choir starting up on 11 April 2013 called Ladies Together. This new group will meet monthly for a chat, tea/ The choir is working hard for their concert on coffee and a variety of social activities. New Saturday June 8th the start of the Saltford Festival members are very welcome and they should ring week. We will be singing some songs new to Mrs Marion Smith on 01225 872789. the choir, and some loved oldies. Please make a note in your diaries, it should be a great start to a busy and enjoyable week. If you would like more information about the choir phone 873349. 31 Saltford Afternoon WI Saltford Orchestra Workshop At our February meeting Olive Woolcott, who is a We meet twice a term on a Friday morning in the member of the Afternoon WI, gave a talk about her Main Hall. experiences whilst working for the Foreign Office We play major Symphonies/works under the baton at the beginning of the 1960s.She was recruited of guest professional conductors. after a shorthand test and a personality test to Competent upper strings are very welcome. ascertain her ability to cope with living alone in a foreign country. She was then sent on a cargo Saltford Scrabble Club ship (the cheapest form of transport) to Helsinki This is a very friendly Club that meet once a week where she was given a clothing allowance which to enjoy a game of Scrabble. We can now take on enabled her to buy a fur coat. She then talked a few new members and there is a warm welcome about the political history of Finland and its rela- for anyone who would like to join us. tions with its close neighbour Russia in a period We meet on Monday evenings at 7.30 pm in the not far removed from the second world war. She Kelston Room, Saltford Hall or ring 01225 873773. concluded that it had been a very interesting and Why not join £7 single membership / £10 couples beneficial experience. membership Our March meeting was a celebration of our first Saltford Craft & Natter Club anniversary. Thirty six members celebrated with a lunch at Saltford Golf Club which was enjoyed by A great deal of “crafting and nattering “ took place all. We were even blessed with beautiful weather at our February meetings. Several of us are trying and were able to spend time outside on the ter- our hand at making a bag which involves the craft race enjoying the sunshine. of patchwork,embroidery, hand and machine sewing and and the fitting of a zip. A great way to Forthcoming Events learn with a useful item when completed. For more April 2nd “ Love Food Hate Waste” information about the club phone 843349. by Hannah Oakley April 9th Coffee morning at 6 Witney Close, KEYNSHAM & SALTFORD WINE CIRCLE Saltford at 10.00am New members are welcome, come and join us at The Annual General Meeting passed quietly in our next meeting. February with last year’s Officers and Committee standing once again. The result of the election Saltford Brass Mill was: Last year the Brassmill had a very successful President: Percy Mellor season: Over 300 visitors during the National Chairman: Alan Dummott Heritage event in September when we welcomed Secretary: Peter Church members of the Art Trail, and during B&NES Herit- Treasurer: Angie Dummott age in October/November there were 208 visitors Committee: Tessa Lesser, Sheila Whittle together with many groups booking in. Currently and Pat Woodman. the Mill is undergoing a safety check and, will be closed until the necessary repairs are complete... The evening was rounded off enjoyably with an However, groups are invited to enquire about American Supper. booking a visit between June to October. Please make contact as below. We presented a bottle of champagne and a bou- Watch out for advertisements re open times for quet to Diane and David O’Neill who celebrated the public. their Golden Weeding on the 23rd February. Congratulations to them! email - [email protected] The Ron Ward Trophy Dance, hosted by Timsbury 01225 872954 Wine Circle at Conygre Hall, Timsbury was held 32 on the 2nd March. There were six wine circles crafted and lovingly accomplished ready to be completing for the Trophy and the winners were forwarded on to Africa. Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle and Mendip Wine Circle jointly. We also won the salver for Our speakers, a husband and wife, told us heart- the “Best Wine in the Show”, which was a white rending stories concerning the children at Kan- sweet wine. amai, Kenya. On being shown slides of life in this All wines were made by Percy Mellor particular part of the globe it was hard to imagine Congratulations! that people live in such poor and hard conditions. The little children had nothing but the clothes they In March, Majestic Wines of Bath gave us a were photographed in and yet most were smiling. superb wine tasting presented by Allison and Joe. One particular young child was born an Albino The wines were mainly from the Loire Valley but and had to be constantly guarded as witch-craft we had comparisons of the same grape, in wines is still sometimes practised. Sadly, he could be from Chile and South Africa. They were thorough- kidnapped at any time. ly enjoyed by all.

The new year began for us in March and the However, a Doctor and his wife, Paul and Pearl, Programme for the Wine Circle is: visit a few times a year and have managed to make life just a little bit easier. Paul spends many April: Casualties Union - talk and demon- hours in the clinic and also at the School they have stration helped to set up. A collection was made at the end May: Long Weekend away - Peaks of the evening when almost £100 was raised. No- and Lake District one could help but be touched by the plight of the May: Members recipe people and little ones in this part of Africa. June: “Filming in Bath” July: Beer Tasting Our President then told us of any matters arising August: Summer Dance with Supper and a visit to Adam’s Farm in the Cotswolds is September: Charity Bottle Auction something we can all look forward to. Also two October: Commercial Wine Tasting walks have been arranged, one to Clifton Downs November: Tristan da Cunha Revisited. and village, the other to see the bluebells at Skittles evening at The Crown, Stantonbury. Saltford December: Members Recipe Competition. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 9th April when our Christmas cake plus speaker will be talking of South Africa but more on Port/Cream liqueur this in the next Scan edition. Christmas Dance January: Port Tasting February: AGM and American Supper SALTFORD HALL If you would like any further information For more details of the facilities on regarding the Wine Circle, please contact offer, room hire prices or how to Alan Dummott on 01225 873493 book, visit our website at: SALTFORD EVENING W.I. We had a packed hall despite the cold weather Alternatively email us at and a display of vividly coloured little jumpers knit- offi[email protected] ted by some of our W.I. knitting group brightened or telephone 01225 874081 what was a cold evening. They were beautifully (mornings only Monday-Friday)


Raising Money for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research

From Sunday 7th to Saturday 13th April 2013 I will be taking on the toughest foot race in the world, the Marathon des Sables which entails running a total of 156 miles across the Moroccan Sahara desert over 6 stages covering 7 days. I am a triathlete, however in September 2005 I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukeamia and underwent 6 months Chemotherapy resulting in a successful remission. I have since completed 2 Ironman Triathlons and 3 Atlantic Coast Challenges comprising of a marathon a day for 3 consecutive days along the north Cornwall coastal path, finishing 8th (2010), 2nd (2011) and 1st (2012) overall respectively. I am now taking on my biggest “sporting” challenge, for which I am raising sponsorship funds for this charity. Through Virginmoneygiving, you can sponsor me. Virginmoneygiving is a not for profit organisation and will claim gift aid on the charity's behalf where the donor is eligible for this. I would very much appreciate your support and you can make any donations– 1. At - 2. Search - Andy Brooks 3. My page is headed ‘’Andys Marathon des Sable fundraising page’’ For those who would like to see more information on this challenge and maybe follow my progress over the 7 days, you can do this on the following website My competitor number is - 616 Once again your donation, however big or small, will be much appreciated in order to help this research to successfully help others, as it did me. Many thanks, Andy Brooks


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For more information email [email protected] or ring the booking office on 01225 874081

34 Saltford Parish Council News

Sign up for our e-newsletter at

The cost of restoring the ‘Lord of the Manor’s’ grave in Saltford Churchyard is to be met by the Parish Council. The Flowers family lived in the Manor House from 1645 to the early 1900’s. Lamorack Flowers is buried in a large plot with elegant decorative Victorian railings. Restoring the grave in time for Saltford Festival will allow this part of Saltford’s history to be recognised within the extensive festival programme.

The Parish Council is giving a grant of £551 to Saltford Football Club for equipment for their new under 18’s team, a combined venture with Saltford Stars Junior section.

The Parish Council is hosting a Neighbourhood Watch public meeting in conjunction with the Neighbourhood Policing team on Monday 20 May 2013 from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm in the Avon Room, Saltford Hall. The meeting will provide an opportunity for exist- ing Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators to meet and exchange views and information, and to encourage anyone interested in starting a new Neighbourhood Watch scheme in Saltford.

There is a problem of speeding at the bottom of Bath Hill, Saltford, where the 50mph limit and the 30mph speed limit meet. Saltford residents and all drivers are urged to observe the speed limit.

From 2 April 2013, B&NES residents will need to either register for a free electronic per- mit, or show their Discovery Card, in order to enter any of B&NES’ Recycling Centres. Register for a permit online at or by phone on 01225 394041 or by visiting Keynsham Riverside One Stop Shop.

Report litter offences, over-filled bins, fly-tipping, abandoned vehicles and graffiti to B&NES Council Connect on 01225 394041 or email [email protected].

Tricia Golinski, Parish Clerk, Saltford Parish Council Office Saltford Library, 478a Bath Road, Saltford BS31 3DJ 01225 873300 8 [email protected]

35 New electronic Recycling Centre Resident’s Permit introduced A new, fairer scheme should ensure Bath & North East Somerset Council residents save time and money. From 2 April 2013 you will need a free electronic Recycling Centre Resident’s Permit. Without this permit you will not be able to enter any of our three centres at Bath, Keynsham and Old Welton. We pay a significant amount of money each year for non-Bath and North East Somerset residents to dispose of their waste for free at our recycling centres. We cannot continue to subsidise this. This new permit should make it fairer for all – your Council Tax pays for you to dispose of the household rubbish and recycling you create and not that of residents living in other authority areas. As well as helping us save costs, we hope that this will also reduce queuing times for you at our cen- tres. Our neighbouring authorities have already introduced similar schemes. Registration details Registration is free and for residents of Bath and North East Somerset only. Once authorised, your vehi- cle licence plate will be recognised electronically when you drive into our centres and prove automati- cally that they are a resident. The new Resident’s Permit will last for three years. The permit is not something physical that you have to carry with you – it is an electronic authorisation based on your vehicle licence plate. You do not need to apply for a permit if: t :PVBMSFBEZIBWFBOFMFDUSPOJD7BO1FSNJUBOEBSFVTJOHUIJTWFIJDMFUPWJTJUUIFDFOUSF t :PVIBWFBSFTJEFOUT%JTDPWFSZ$BSEBOETIPXUIJTPOTJUF UIJTBMMPXTGSFFPSEJTDPVOUFEBENJTTJPO to various museums and other heritage sites in Bath and North East Somerset) discoverycard How to register for your permit Registering is easy and will only take a couple of minutes. We just need to know your name, address and vehicle registration(s) – you do not need your Council Tax account number or any other details. Only one person in your household must register - you must supply registration numbers of all the vehicles you wish to register on your household’s permit The easiest and most convenient way to register is online at If you do not have access to the internet, Council Connect can help you with your application: t #ZQIPOFQMFBTFDBMM$PVODJM$POOFDUPO t *OQFSTPOQMFBTFWJTJUZPVSOFBSFTUPSNPTUDPOWFOJFOU$PVODJM$POOFDU0OF4UPQ4IPQ t #BUI0OF4UPQ4IPQ .BOWFST4USFFU t 5IF)PMMJFT .JETPNFS/PSUPO t 3JWFSTJEF,FZOTIBN At your local library: You can register at your local library by using the ‘Free Access’ facility available on the computers in all libraries. Recycling Centres are located at: t 1JYBTI3FDZDMJOH$FOUSF ,FZOTIBN #451 t .JEMBOE3PBE3FDZDMJOH$FOUSF #BUI #""5 t 0ME8FMUPO3FDZDMJOH$FOUSF 3BETUPDL #""" Find out more 36 St. Mary’s Saltford Pram Service 10.30am, monthly on third Fridays, except August. Next meetings on 19th April and 17th May. A short service in church followed by refreshments in the church hall. All pre-school children and their parents/carers are welcome. Children and Youth Groups First Steps – for 0-3 years from 9.30 – 10.40 in the Church Hall, each Sunday (except 1st Sunday). We want even the smallest children to be taught about the Lord in a loving, safe and welcoming environ- ment. Climbers and Scramblers (3-7 yrs) Explorers (7-10 yrs) 9.30 - 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month. Pathfinders (10-13yrs) 9.30 - 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall on 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. 2nd Sunday in church. On first Sundays our 9.30am service is for all ages so children and young people worship together with adults in church. St. Mary’s After-School Club (7-11 yrs) 3.15 – 4.45 pm weekly in term time on Wednesdays in Saltford Primary School. This new after-school club is open to all children from Saltford School aged 7-11 and includes Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks and prayer. Contact: Sue Cooper – tel: 872132 Teen Church 11.15am on a 1st Sunday in St Mary’s Church Hall, for teenagers. For more information follow the link on our church website. Coffeeshop 10.30 - 11.30am every Friday in the Church Hall. All are welcome. Hot beverages and biscuits only 30p! Holiday Bible Club We shall be running a Holiday Bible Club again this summer, from Monday 22nd July to Friday 26th July, followed by a special Family Service at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday 28th July. All primary school-age children are welcome (age 5-11). Invitations will go out through Saltford School and our Youth Groups.

Services You are welcome to come to any of our services. We meet at the following times: First Sunday Third Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion 9.30 a.m. Family Service 6.30 p.m. Evening Praise 6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer Second Sunday Fourth Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion 9.30 a.m. Family Communion 6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer

37 GRACE BIBLE CHURCH FRIDAY - CHILDRENS CLUBS Rocket Kidz: 6:30-7:30pm Norman Road, Saltford Aimed at 4-8 yr olds, fun and games, crafts and singing followed by refreshments with a Bible We are a warm- hearted bible believing Church story. So come along meet Rocket and start col- and would be pleased to welcome you at any of lecting your points for prizes. the following meetings. REGENERATE: 6:30-8:00pm (New Time) SUNDAY SERVICES Designed for 8-15 yr olds to have fun; including 11 am - Family Service for all age groups. We traditional bible teaching, refreshments and games believe church should be enjoyed NOT endured. (table tennis, table football or snooker) and for Junior Church (ages 3 upwards) including a those who like it quieter, we offer crafts and com- variety of bible based crafts & stories. puter games. The evening ends with a brief Q&A 6.00 pm - Teaching Ministry open for anyone to at- session where relevant issues are discussed. tend who want a slightly more serious bible study. Both services are followed by refreshments and So for either club why not have some peace for friendly fellowship in an informal atmosphere. a while, drop your children off, and let us do the (Crèche facilities available during both services). rest! (Contact forms required prior to attending) ------Other weekly meetings include: EASTER SERVICES MONDAY - FOOD FOR THOUGHT 1ST Monday of the month Good Friday Service at 10:00. 12:30pm - 1:30pm - Lunch club run by members Easter Sunday Service at 11:00. offering a variety of soups, cakes and fresh coffee or tea, aimed at those retired or any adults (50+) Please join us as we worship and praise our risen who wish to get out for friendly conversation over LORD and Saviour. Who took our sins, paid the lunch, including a 5 minute thought from the Bible. price, died and rose again to restore us to the TUESDAY - MUMS & TODDLERS and SALTFORD Father. UNDER 3’S 9.30am - 11.30am - Mums and dads, grandparents For by grace you have been saved through faith, and child minders - why not join us for a cup of tea and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of GOD, not or coffee while your children play in a safe and of works, lest anyone should boast. (Eph 2:9-8) friendly environment. Please contact Steve Greedy on WEDNESDAY - PRAYER MEETING & BIBLE STUDY 07901601232 or 01225 874520 A more in depth study of the bible and related We do not charge for any of our meetings or matters, including vibrant discussion and practical activities. application. We firmly believe that prayer works and unashamedly pray for our community and the needs of those who attend and others.

SCA is on Facebook! Association/186494898072876


Zumba Gold® is the low impact easy-to-follow Latin inspired  dance-fitness party. %1 :GCV`Q`:R%C  Q`:J7:$V1.Q 1:J :`%J:JR :HHV1GCV1:7 Q FIRST CLASS V6V`H1V8 IS FREE! Advertise your business SALTFORD HALL here from TUESDAYS 12:00 Gabrielle Stanley 07980 858176 £15 [email protected] Contact Chris Essex

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