International Delegates International Delegates
15th – 17th October 2015 International delegates International delegates 3 Brandon Young Sync ACTIVISION BLIZZARD DIRECTOR, MUSIC AFFAIRS Andrea von Foerster USA FIRESTARTER MUSIC MUSIC SUPERVISOR Activision Publishing, Inc. is a leading worldwide developer, USA publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment and leisure products. Andrea von Foerster is a music supervisor for film, television and As the head of music for Activision Publishing, Inc., Brandon Young online projects based in Los Angeles. Throughout her extended has been an integral part of each brands music direction and inte- time in the industry, her credits include independent films such as gration for the company for over 10 years, and has spent a great (500) Days Of Summer, From Prada To Nada, Bellflower, and Begin deal of time managing relationships and partnerships with top in- Again; studio films such as Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, Chron- dustry artists ranging from Aerosmith, Van Halen, and Metallica, to icle, Chasing Mavericks, Devil’s Due, and Fantastic Four; music doc- pop-country superstar Taylor Swift, to Jay-Z and Eminem among umentaries such as The White Stripes Under Great White Northern many others. In addition to this he and his team have been Lights and Butch Walker: Out Of Focus. Her television work includes responsible for licensing over 3,000 songs on more than 130 titles Dollhouse, Stargate Universe, Don’t Trust the B in Apt. 23 and nu- in his tenure with the company. Activision Publishing, Inc. is one merous MTV shows such as Run’s House
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