EMSR379: Forest fire in , EMSR381: Forest fire in Cazadores, Spain EMSR382: Forest fire in , , Spain - Information Bulletin 120

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Gran Canaria, one of Spain’s , was struck by forest fires in two locations recently – in Artenara on 10 August, Cazadores on 12 August and Valleseco on 17 August (in the same area as the Artenara fire). The Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping module was activated for each of these forest fires and tasked with providing delineation and grading products.

Media reports state that these forest fires were caused by human actions but were aggravated by drought conditions and strong winds. The situation was unfortunately predictable due to the prolonged heatwaves during summer 2019, which have affected the territory of Gran Canaria. According to media reports, around 10,000 people at a single point in time have been evacuated as a result of these forest fires, while the number of first responders engaged rose above 1,000, supported by 16 aircraft.

On 13 August the EMS Rapid Mapping module was activated by the Operational Coordination Center of the Directorate General of Civil Protection and Emergencies in Spain following a request from the Government of the Canary Islands for the forest fire in Artenara. The next day, one grading product was produced using optical imagery acquired from the SPOT6 satellite to get an overview of the forest fire situation in the area. This grading product showed that 1,163.3 ha (11.63 km2) of land, 308 residential buildings and 2,453 people were affected by the fire. The product also highlighted that most of the land affected is covered by forests, arable land and pastures.

On 14 August, the Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping module was activated to provide grading products for the area of Cazadores. Optical imagery acquired from SPOT6/7 satellite on the same day was used to produce one grading product. The grading product showed 90.6 ha (0.96 km2) of land, consisting mainly of shrub, had been damaged or destroyed by the fire.

The fires in Artenara and Cazadores were officially declared “controlled” on 13 August.

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On 17 August, the Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping module was activated again to provide delineation and grading products for the new and very threatening fire affecting the municipality of Valleseco, in the vicinity of Artenera.

Optical imagery acquired on 20 August by the SPOT7 satellite was used to produce a delineation product which showed 8,481.3 ha (84.8 km2) of the burnt area at the time of image acquisition. A first Monitoring product was delivered with fresh imagery acquired on 21 August. It showed the fire was largely stabilised as it had only progressed by 271 ha in 24 hours to 8,751.7 ha. This stabilisation was later confirmed by local and regional authorities. A further delineation product was delivered on 22 August which shows the burnt area to have further progressed by 473 ha to an area of 9,224.7 ha (92.2 km2). The grading product of Valleseco delivered on 26 August shows the final burn scar covered 10,453 ha (104.5 km2), having damaged or destroyed 2,622 ha (26.2 km2) of forest and affected over 13,000 inhabitants.

Copernicus Emergency Management Service’s Rapid Mapping products are generated by comparing reference information (pre-event satellite imagery, acquired prior to the event) with information derived from post-event satellite imagery acquired by Copernicus Sentinel satellites and/or so-called Contributing Missions.

Upon request by the authorised user, preliminary information on a disaster (as in the case of Artenara) can be delivered through a First Estimate Product (FEP). The FEP is a new item in the Rapid Mapping product portfolio and has been available since April 2019. It provides an extremely fast (with 2-3 hours from image acquisition), general assessment of the emergency situation within the AoI. The FEP helps to further refine the specific requirements of the requested delineation or grading products as well as to support the coordination of emergency relief actions. In the case of a wildfire, it enables to provide a preliminary idea of the affected perimeter and any hotspots of active fires.

The maps and vector data are available for viewing and download on the EMS Website: EMSR379: Forest fire in Artenara, Spain, EMSR381: Forest fire in Cazadores, Spain and EMSR382: Forest fire in Valleseco, Gran Canaria, Spain.

For updates on our activations, follow Copernicus EMS on Twitter.

Learn more about the Copernicus programme and its Emergency Management Service.

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On 10 August, a large part of the Gran Canaria island, including the area where the Artenara and Cazadores fires started, was subject to extreme fire danger according to EFFIS, the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), a module of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service.

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The grading map of the area around Artenara, showing 1,163.3ha (11.63 km2) of the burnt area at the time of satellite imagery acquisition (Copernicus EMS © 2019 EU, [EMSR379: Artenara: Grading Product])

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The grading map of the area around Cazadores, showing 90.6ha (0.90 km2) of the burnt area at the time of satellite imagery acquisition (Copernicus EMS © 2019 EU, [EMSR381: Cazadores: Grading Product])

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The grading map of the area around Valleseco, showing 10,453.4ha (104.53 km2) of the burnt area at the time of satellite imagery acquisition (Copernicus EMS © 2019 EU, [EMSR382: Valleseco: Grading Product])

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[email protected] +32 495 544 844 (European CET time)

Follow our Twitter feed @CopernicusEMS where maps and vector data are posted automatically in near real-time


Copernicus is the European Union Earth Observation and Monitoring Programme.

The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) uses satellite imagery and other geospatial data to provide free of charge mapping service in cases of large natural disasters, human- made emergency situations and humanitarian crises throughout the world. The maps are produced in

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Rapid Mapping consists of the provision of geospatial information in support of emergency management activities immediately following a disaster. Different types of maps are produced, for example, to ascertain the situation before the event (reference maps), to assess the geographical extent of the event (delineation maps) or to evaluate the intensity and scope of the damage resulting from the event (grading maps). Risk & Recovery Mapping consists of the provision of geospatial information in support of disaster management activities that are not related to immediate emergency response but rather to pre-disaster risk assessment or post-disaster recovery monitoring. This applies to activities dealing with prevention, preparedness, disaster risk reduction and recovery phases.

The EMS can be triggered only by or through an Authorised User (AU). Authorised Users include the National Focal Points (NFPs) of the EU Member States and countries participating in the Copernicus programme, as well as European Commission services and the European External Action Service (EEAS), including the EU Delegations. Beneficiary end users of EMS include entities and organisations at regional, national, European and international level actors in the field of civil protection and humanitarian aid.

Interested Users may trigger the service by sending a Service Request Form (SRF) directly to the European Response Coordination Centre (ERCC): [email protected].

The Copernicus EMS also provides Forest Fire (EFFIS), Floods (EFAS) and Drought (EDO) Early Warning products for Europe as well as at global level.

The Copernicus programme

Copernicus, the European Earth Observation and Monitoring Programme, is served by dedicated satellites (the family of Copernicus Sentinels) and a set of Contributing Missions (additional satellites from existing commercial and national agencies). Since the launch of Sentinel-1A in 2014, the European Union set in motion a process to place a constellation of almost 20 more satellites in orbit before 2030. Today, seven fully operational Sentinel satellites (Sentinel-1A and -B, Sentinel-2A and -B, Sentinel-3A and -B and Sentinel-5P) are in orbit to continually provide operational satellite information. This satellite data is complemented by and validated with in situ data.

Six Copernicus Services transform the full, free and open data into value-added information by processing and analysing the data to transform them into services and products such as informative maps, data sets and reports.

These six services are:

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service The Copernicus Land Monitoring Service

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The Copernicus Climate Change Service The Copernicus Emergency Management Service The Copernicus Security Service

Copernicus is coordinated and managed by DG GROW in the European Commission. It is implemented in partnership with the EU Member States, the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), EU Agencies and Mercator Ocean. The European Commission Joint Research Centre offers the technical support of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service whilst the Emergency Response Coordination Centre of DG ECHO assists civil protection actors with the handling of the EMS mapping requests on a 24/7 basis.

For more information

Copernicus website: copernicus.eu

Copernicus Emergency Management Service website: emergency.copernicus.eu

On Twitter @CopernicusEMS

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