Here's the Low Down on Last-Hour Ford-UAW Nullified Threat Of
! i' - f •ill f - - 6 Ths WMtlta. l%< ;%•■" Ataftgs DMily Net Pxsss Raa Forecast o< V. S. WeaMtai I vpyK^nnr.rotnt IH U ^ A Y. IBPTBMBSft IT, m i Jte WMh BtaM II'(V,^i'.' jBiwi iimtrl|»0t«r ^Q^nbtg H^rall) ' 8. IS M -^ - laeraaalag sisadiBaM ■ tonight, lew W «s of the hutldlng, \o an area hous al hundred patntinge, drawings, 13,6S1 cktodlneas, ehaaea af i I’ni. Chapman Court, Order of Amaranth, will meat tomorrow Selective Thief ing vending machines, and aap- Lions Announce enameled works, aeulptura and r eC tha Aitait wans toEBorraw, high arated from the statiaa itself. |4boutTowii idght at 7:45 at the Maeonlc photographa, all dona by pro- o< Manehmter-—A City o f ViUago Chmtm Pry marks were also found on Art, Craft Show feaakwil and mmataur aroeta. Tm pla The associate matrons Rifles Machine VALUE m «i 9t S t Uwffn a soft-frink machlna, but no en Many of tha woriu are offarad and patrons night has been __ Church will apoaaor try was mad# in thla Instance. for sals. au Page 1 8 ) m C E SEVEN ■kraoeption Sunday at 10:S0 postponed and the teacup auc Police are seeking a selective The third annual Arts and (TWENTY PAGES) ]|^CH EStER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1964 tion has been canceled. Officers thief who last night pried o|ien Crafts Festival, aponsored by Craftamao will damonatrate YOL. tX X X m , NO. 298 da& in N«U1 .HpU to meat and their skUls d ii r ^ the festival.
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