FF II CC SS SS FF II CC SS SS Railway Field Information and  Capital Coordination Support Section Elevation Division of Operational Services UNHCR Sub office  (Above mean sea level) UNHCR Field Unit  3,250 to 4,000 metres Sources:  Morocco_Atlas_A3LC.WOR UNHCR, Global Insight digital mapping Refugee camp 2,500 to 3,250 metres © 1998 Europa Technologies Ltd. 1,750 to 2,500 metres !! Main town or village 1,000 to 1,750 metres

As of December 2009 The boundaries and names shown ((( Secondary town or village 750 to 1,000 metres and the designations used on this 500 to 750 metres map do not imply official endorsement International boundary or acceptance by the United Nations. 250 to 500 metres 0 to 250 metres ((( Main road ((( ((( ((( ((( Qued Fodda ((( ((( ((( ((( Below mean((( B seaerrouag level hia ((( ((( Secondary road ((( ((( ((( Oued Rhiou ((( ((( ((( ((( (Spain) Arzew ((( Relizane Ksar el Boukhari !! Tanger !! ((( ((( Mediterranean Sea ((( ((( Zemmora !! ((( Oran ((( ((( ((( El Fendek((( ((( Tissemsilt Souk el Had el Rharbia ((( !! Tétouan Mohammadia ((( ((( ((( ((( Dar Ben Karricha el Behri ((( Aïn Oussera  (((  Mascara (((  (((  (((  (((  ((( Tiaret  (((  (((  (((  ((( ((( Al Hoceïma ((( ((( Souk Khemis du Sahel ((( (Spain) ((( ((( ((( ((( Beni-Saf ((( ((( ((( Tleta Rissana ((( ((( ((( (( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( Ksar-Chellala Bou Larache ((( Chechaouèn (((((( Sidi-bel-abbes ((( Segangane Nador ((( ((( Ghazaouet ((( ((( ((( Frenda ((( Hassi Bahba Beni Boufrah ((( ((( Ksar el Kebir ((( Nedroma ((( ((( ((( Ahfir ((( Berkane ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( Saïda ((( Ouezzane Tlemcen ((( Le Telagh ((( ((( ((( Souk El Arbaa du Rharb ((( Oujda ((( Djelfa ((( ((( Sebdou ((( El Aïoun ((( ((( ((( Taourirt Taza (((Jerada ((( ((( ((( ((( Sidi Kassem ((( ((( Guercif Fès Aflou ((( ((( !! RABATRABAT  !!  (((  (((  ((( (((  ((( (((  ((( (((  ((( ((( Meknès  ((( (((  (((  ((( Tiflet ((( ((( ((( Sefrou ((( Laghouat

((( ((( Mohammedia ((( El Hajeb Casablanca !! ((( ((( Rommani ((( Mecheria ((( Azrou

((( ((( ((( El Gara ((( (((

((( ((( Khenifra Khouribga ((( ((( ((( Qued Zem ((( ATLANTIC OCEAN ( Boujad ((( Aïn Sefra ((( Midelt ((( Kasba Tadla ((( ((( El Borouj(((

((Beni( Mellal ((( Safi ((( Dar Ould Ziduoh(((

((( Figuig

((( Ksar es Souk

((( ((( Demnat Béchar ((( Sidi Zouine ((( !! !! ((( Marrakech ((( ((( ((( Bechar Djedid ((( Kenadsa ((( Erfoud

MOROCCO ((( ((( Rissani

((( Ouarzazate

((( Oulad Barrehil

((( ((( ((( Inezgane ((( ALGERIA

((( Tata (((

((( ((((( Orzola

((( ((( ((( (((Tinajo ((( Tarhjicht ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( ((( Goulimine ((( Playa Blanca


((( SPAIN ((( Assa ((( ((( ((( Antigua ((( Tan-Tan ((( ((( (((

((( Gran Tarajal

((( Adrar TindoufTindouf ElEl AiunAiun !! AwserdAwserd 00 100100 200200 Western Sahara RabouniRabouni SmaraSmara KilometresKilometres ((( !! In Salah ((( LaLa 'Youn'Youn Printed: 07 December 2009 [email protected]