WHAT A COLLEGE CLOCK her hair. Her eyes match the velvet fire EXCHANGES. versity, is being hunted by the police COULD TELL. of the stars. officers, An unpaid tailor bill amount­ College rules are not for them, for THE PARABLE OF THREE BEINGS. ing to forty dollars is the cause of the The college clock strikes eight, blos­ they live hy the rule of love. Lo, there are three kinds of Beings (rouble. soming stars twinkle softly in the field The moon shines but for them. On iu a great University; the first and fore­ Of hen veil. The lust notes of a sleepy they stroll until they are lost in the most and yea the most harmless, is he Harvard has severed its athletic rela­ lilveT fog of the night. tions with Yale iu all intercollegiate robin sound faintly among the trees, who (lunketh without provocation, who The hands of the college clock stop a S|HIIIS, including foot ball, bate ball, From an open window of the university iporteth and itudeth not and who re­ moment in sent imeiilal consideration for joiced! if he get a I) instead of an E. basket ball and track. eome long drawn sighs, mingled with the "worst eSSS in school." Yi i In- -iveth I am in hard luck; a the careless prattle of ti child. ess (loudly Student hath no show. I have The Harvard Crimson makes a net Within there sils a woman in the rich The college clock strikes twelve. no Graft) and he eusseth the profs and prolil of $5,00 per annum. Tim Yale prime of life. Time has touched her Through the streets of the city come writ eth for more money. News-nets $4000, dark hair hut lightly. Thought has •i oerelest group of fellows. They pause Then there is he of I he Wise Look stamped its sign U]MIII her gentle hrow. before the dormitory, There is a whis- who sliidyeth always that he may make To one piece Of dark piazza add a lit­ But now her countenance is seamed with pered consultation, then there floats into A and he g.-ttetli them. This knowledge tle moonlight ; lake for granted two peo­ agony. On her knee siN a pretty little the >nit night air the sound of rich • if book is Great) and whose horse sense ple. I'rc— in two strong ones a simill, girl of four years, pulling her hair and voices. Th<- gray shadow appear-. The as a dessert on an off day. lie pal let h soft hand. Sift lightly two ounces of prattling aneessiagrjr. Before her oa the eerenadert esses and itroll on down the himself all'eet innately and sayeth. "Hist; attraction, one of romance, add a I. (aide are books ami papers, at which -i int. what a (iuii am I L. I am of Large measure of folly; stir in a Boating ruf- she gUM with longing eye-. * » • Bore" and he continueth to dig and lle and OM or two whispers. Dissolve "How long, oh how long." she groans. The college clock strikes one. draft the profs and withal he knocketh half a doses glances in a well of -ilence; At la-t. with a grim determination, High up under the tower there gleams on the athletic-. duel iu a -mall quantity of hesitation, ihe lifts the little girl into her lap and from the window a dim light. Within The third is the College man. He one ounce of resistance, two of yielding; commandi her to go to sleep with such the room is hare and small. -tudicth dilligently and he pa—eth. He piece the kisses on a Hushed cheek or two lips; fiavor with a,slight scream, and Bereeneei thai she immediately closes A young man sits before a table which loveth a class fight and rejoiceth in her eyes. At last her toft and regular set aside to cool. This will tttCCSSd in i- tilled with l)ooks and papers. Deep foot ball. He graft eth imt the Profs, any climate, if directions are carefully breathing betokens thai the hi in the revery dissf his eye He heeds not tin- neither dm• he lay concerning them "Go followed.—Ex. land of dreams. swiftly passing moments nor the burn­ To." He keepeth open his eyes and A great light leaps iii the eyes of the ing of the midnight oil. Not a sound Berth hi- noodle. All men are his woman. Her lip- move in thanksgiv breaks the stillness, Suddenly he starts, friend- ami he i- popular. When he The director of a I'hiladclphia bank ing. she lays the child softly on • little The light of lofty ambition leaps to his talketh he sayeth no unseemly noise. no! long IgO spoke to his wife with bed and ttsaU -lowly awav. brow. With a proud unconcern of sleep, And Lo, when he graduateth he bucketh reference to her account, which had been 'she closet the window and locks the he funis eagerly to his pile of books. up against the other Beings and he overdrawn. To hi- suggestion that the doors. Then at SSSCt with Hod and The moment- pass on and still the Skinneth them; Yea verily, he getteth matter should be seen to at once, the man. she eagciT. seeks her own nightly null.- youth devour- the pages before the Coin. wife replied that she would immediate- couch. Boon silence reigni in the little 1 •-. :: ...... a'.v Vtw>vv ii !. adjust, iin difficulty. A ,!av Ol two apartment, The wife oi the dean of "erind." SOX. Y0TJ WASHED. after that the husband inquired whether theology sleeps on iii blissful forgetful- Pint thing when in sight. she had done what he suggested Best ot her hiisliaiid'- ab-.-iice. He is The college clock strikes two, then Hi the morning or at night, citainly," replied the wife; "I at­ off on another trip. three, The early hours of the morn are I'a .-alls out with all his might, tended to that matter the very next • » « • •. The professor of Reeves end Hell. the dim corner once more and the mo psychology turns for a last delicious do/>-. A pupil, undergoing an examination The on<> thing that makes crooked incuts pa— blissfully on. The determined youth dreams of his in English, was RatJSSSStd t<> write ex­ thing- straight and straight things • • • lady love. The "dorm" girl sleeps in amples of the indicitiv.-, subjunctive. crooked. The College clock strikes ten. The IWtei forget fulness of forbidding ghosts. potential and exclamatory moods. His I In- lies! evil on earth. twinkling lights iu the university are The love-lorn lad rises and gazes at efforts resulted as follows: "I am en­ Cupid- i rival. suddenly extinguish. young iiu-n the msriss. seeing his sweetheart's face deavoring to pass U Kngli-h examina­ The nod effective substitute foi hid reluctant good night lo iin-i i , in the roseate clouds. tion. If I answer ten questions, I shall brains. girl- Ihe scrcnaders sleep heavily, as ob­ : if I answer six, I may pass. The N.-w York idea. \t the head of the stairs there stands livion- to Ih.- splendor of the mom as Heaven help me!" The universal source of "intreet." a forbidding figure the] w.-re conscious ol the iM'auty of Ilii- A welcom. visitor, but is always on With stern words he silemes the merry night. The mcmlx-i- oi the Chinese Students' the run. laught.-r. Bash girl goes tiptoeing up The ambitious "grind" falls aoleep in Association a I the I niv.i-ity of Cali- The best talkii g machine. In with inppreessd whispers and •Sir, In the freshness of the morn- forttdl are editing a Chinese annual What yo> get into trouble for and get many hackward glaii.es. Lights are Bur­ ill trace* of the night have vanished. which aims fo -it forth the pui|swes and out of trouble with. den ly turned out, doora locked, while The college clock ticks mysteriously on, activities ot the Chinese students at that What I'm making a fool of myself the mischievous maidens wait silently .vei holding its secrets closely Ix-neath university. for. until the forbidding one disappears. its placid oountenam '08. Pittsburg's idea of success. Bileaet reigns in tin- donsHory for a Of the 1.000 women who have gia.lu A curst to sonic that have it and a lew moment*. The gray shadow sleeps. IMPORTANT NOTICES. at.-d from Chicago I'diversity since its . in-e to all thai haven't. Savory odors suggest chafing dish Let ev.-iv man who has ever played tablishnieiit in LIU, only 171, or What the ri.-h don't need and the poor -(.i.-ads, the little wil die- have gathered hall report at Troop II riding ground for aliout HI |M*r cent., have married. don't get. gaily around the loved and time-lion..i. >l practice at 3 p. m. each dav \ -alve of sorrow, a .over for Bin. chafing dish. The honor system has been so success­ Our private gad, see, Don't forget vour student's cards ful ill Ihe Senior Class at N.il. that It is Society's Indieatioos of vulgarity. The college clock nl likes el.v.ii when vou go shopping. Out tdVOrttSSTl now proposed to extend it to the other A troublesome comfort. With slow ste|w, arm in arm. there complain that there has been a great three .lasses. Money is a res|M)nsibllity no one re­ comes along the familial avenues U tall falling off in the number of cards re fuses to share. youth ami a slender maiden. I. Anyone wishing MOTS cards can Walter Eckersall, hero of fifty grid­ What we all itch for and must do a The moon oasts a bright halo around • i them from their ecf steak another quality will stand the best chance for the Athens Department shock?" place-. II is nol yet too late to get Published on Fridays of every week at Athletics is on a lioom now. We have busy. To be proud of learning is the great­ Chattanooga, Tenn., by the students of two base ball learns, and they are get­ Grant University. est ignorance." TENNIS! TENNIS!! ting in some good practice between showers. Hurxthal is making the ten­ Your great fault may Is- that you have STAFF. nis go with the aid of the young ladies, No one seems to have not i 1 the fol­ so many small ones. Hubert Phillips, Editor-in-Chief. and Miss Selby. It's going to take an lowing in our lost edition, at least noth­ M. F. Bumgarner, Editor of Depart­ Immensity of exercise to keep some of the- ing more has been heard: ments at Athens. "If we CSnnot realist our ideals we boys in good shape when Ihe weather "The balmy dayt of spring seem lo lie W. H. Brown, Assistant Editor and can at least idealize our reals." gets warm, judging by the way they hen- lor keeps this time, and it is alx.ut Circulation Manager at Athens. have started out, but the athletic man­ time to think of the reorganization of R. II. Borcherding, Editor School of Dean Wright says the Caesar class agement is to be congratulated for the the Tennis Club. The courts an- in fair Liberal Arts. had a good lesson one Friday not long si might forward way in which they are condition, ami with a little work they C. E. Rogers, Editor School of Law. ago. doing things. We arc going to have can be made quite fast, but during Ihe C. C. Ellis, Editor School of Medi­ clean athletics. winter the wire netting was all torn cine. A composition on a famous Ameri­ down. Before wc can do anything we T. L Klutz, Editor School of The­ can, brought in the other day. ended as niti-t hart ;it least thirty students who \t the opening of this term a revival ology and Circulation Manager. follow*! "He was never married. He in the school wa- started by the pastor, will join (he Tennis Club and pay their Arthur Rueber, Athletic Editor. hated slavery." RST. B. M. Martin. At this meeting it dues in advance. This sounds like a C. J. B. Saxton, Exchange Editor. has been going on two week-. Much very -mall reipiesl — thirty out of five Elizabeth Davis, Social Editor. Prof. Phelan (in the American litera­ good lias beett accomplished. Twenty- hundred—but let every man and co-ed. 0. R. Tarwater, Business Manager. ture class)—"The author got only fifty live persons, mostly students, have been who i- in the least interested in tettttit dollars for writing this |s>ein." converted or restored from a bsckslidden who has ever played or ever hopes to, $1.50 per year, 8 months. Single St. John—"Oh, well, perhaps it was a condition of life. The spiritual life of hand iu hi- nam.- and do it now!" copies, 5 cents each. first offense. Did he psj the line." the school has been quickened. Much

Entered as second-class matter, Janu­ faithful work has bSSfl .lone, bu1 there JACKSONIAN NOTES. Mr-. Chapman (in the ollioe)—"Now, ary S, 1007, at the postoffice at Chatta­ remains a vast outlying Held practically The regular program which should Daisy, aren't you ashamed to make a nooga, Tenn., under the act of Congress untouched. A few of the students are have been rendered last Friday night face at nic':" of March 3, 1879. still in sin. Some of them will probably will is- taken up Friday, the 15th, the Miss Rosamond—"Yes, Mrs. Chapman, go out this spring never again to return. regular meeting having lieen jiostponed I tried to laugh, but my face slipped." The golden op]K)rtunity of life will soon EDITORIAL NOTES. on account of Senator Taylor's lecture have taken its flight forever. Hut we and the series of revival services. Miss Selby (teaching English)—"Ma­ still have hope. It is a dangerous thing Annis Prize Debate. bel, do vou have any trouble with "shall" to triflt with God. Every person interested in debate < OUrsge, prompted by genuine convic­ and "will?" The Is'st of the story is for you who ibould be looking ahead to the annual tion, is the thing that counts in the Miss Wheatley—"No; Mrs. Chapman have accepted Christ, you who have lives of all great men, but in the lives of contest on April -<>. Thi- event i- made •ays I shall, and I sa\ I will, and that been saved from sin. You may have a all great men who OOttSt to us in history, possible through the geiicio-ity of Mr. ends it." struggle, you may stumble, you may -oiind judgment has oOOtlibuted chiefly make a thousand blunders, but a clean •i. E. Annis, of the board <»f trust set, to their success. H is one thing to have Miss (ictlys kept figuring and figur­ heart is the test of a life. Vast fiields of Each department i- allowed one repre­ courage and another to have dogged ob­ ing. At last John Bsasttsrnsr asked opportunity open before you. The Great sentative, who will lie choSSS by a pre stinacy, but sound judgment ought to what problem sh«. was trying to solve. Leader is rallying his forces and bid­ liininary contest. Any student has the teach thai in this age of deliberation the 11 a hundred programs cost etfSU dol­ ding you march to conquest. He is call­ right to compete to represent his de­ majority ml.-s. lars, who much would one program cost?" ing vou to lives of tMTvfcue. Me is call­ partment, so then- ibOttld l»- plenty of Ask Henri what constitutes a ma- They l*>th blushed wit li dillieulty. ing you to proclaim his fOSSSl through contest.nit- tor the places. Even though ioritj. kindly deeds and virtuous life, to estab­ vou should not win one of the prizes, John Hay (to his room-mate, Joseph lish homes where Christ is honored, it is an honor to have represented your COLLEGE SPIRIT. Brown)—"if we abolish foot ball, what homes that will radiate an influence to can wc substitute for it?" department, and even if you do no' The following was written by -I. B. save the communities |sj which you live. Brown- "Vou might siilntitute prize to represent your department, you are Il.ii ii-. the student editor of the West- The Opportunity it yours. Will you make all tin- stronger for having tried. Let't minster Monthly: lights or dueling or bSSSb throwing or the most of it? not IH- sfrsid <>f work. liege -pirit is a much u«<-d and something else <>! a tame and compara lively innocent nature." Last veil, a- will lx- remembered, wri­ much abused term. It is a term that LIBERAL ARTS NEWS. the tir-t year for thi- eonte-t. At the n.-i-ds defining. Many have wrong ideas Who want- to play tennis? debate given then the medical depart about il. To some it i- t.. veil for an I'rof. Phelan (in Old IksSSUSMBst his­ tory class)—"Mr. Ellis, who killed lei meet had no representative, is all the athletic tSSSl or support a college eti- Mi-s I'lorciice Linn was our guest on li.it li vviiii a stone?" medical ttudeutt had gone home but t.ipii-e. To others to play on some I in -dav. the ssniors, and they tSSSSSd to think t.-ain and try to win honors for the eol- Kllis I don't know, professor. 1 saw they vver. too bu-v. The -am.- conditions in that way. Hut theSS things alone Klut/ Stephenson throwing stone- down If then- is to be a Dramatic Club, why exist, oi course, thi- rear, but sMoetthe do not constitute college spirit. Winning on the campus this morning, Imt I didn't i- it not orgsnissdi le*« ll ilepaitinellt should IH- i.-pie bessnji t.-i the tolksjt in isuatoM of any see him hit anybody." tasted, i>-t some enterprising senior kind is of small consequence compared No Jacksonian will dispute that Henri The following sentence is i-opied from medieO brSOt Up and make as good a with keeping the standi id of college •S I filibuster is equal to Snator Car- showing for his ilejwrtmenl as was made Ihe preface to Holmes' Autocrat of the honor high. A man with true college mack. in the annual oratorical. -puit will IH- v. lul about doing r.i,,iLi.i-t Table. Can you reed it intel ligibly the first time you try? "It would .invthing that will bring SSSsOttSf to Miss Vainer "just hates to go home by s|>oil any character these re<-ords may nine befort we made a few statements' his college. A man might be the means li.-i-clf." When- are all our gallant (?) have to alt.mpt to adjust them to the about general article.-. It seems to us of winning a great vi.-lorv Im (In- ool- young imn'r • bat. oast to drop t large portion I then eonduet himself iu such nl agip of the world or of Ihe au a w.iv as to do the college mole h.iini thor." of the pertonalt with which we have Mr. Kobinson says it is necessary to bees tilling The Echo and substitute iii than he could coiiip. e-.'«- t<»r with any mart itt I foreign language iu the library their place fetters! H'li 1st 'd number of rlctoi h BsdgSS "HI were ss lesy sa you I'd not to dltturb those v\ ho II Wc wish that bath the students end mem go ami hang myself in my barn." Some seem to think that collcg. -pint ing to studv ben "I the la.iiltv would hand in articles ess i-:- in "doing dirt" <>n every possi­ Bttetatl "\". roa wouldn't cither." Hodge- "W hal's the reason I would each week without bttttg tolieited (Ol ble occasion t" a iiv.il organization or \fter the adjournment of the V. W. them. We ere anxious for The Echo to Institution, Thi- i- II rorj trisnsstji i \ mi Wedii.--.lav the messbsrt went pro i in ..uh i ioi it t<. do HO it id.-a. Any little dishonorable act on Lena i-peaking upi "If lie was as to \li-s Lillie's rOOm, while a must have the hcaity bucking of the Ihe pa it ot .mv -indent makes against las) ,i- vou. AosssU, he wouldn't have , Djoysd. whole school. Ami this lacking must the college or Ihe oigani/.il ion. One any barn." Consist not only ol WoM- ot i h.-.-l and man mav not IM- abh- to do the college I'loic—oi I'.icil.-v met his class iu subscriptions, but also of contributions much good, hut he can do it gn-ai harm. Will Kay (taking bis Iii 1 al peiiineiital psychology on time MM day • i brains in the school We h.ivc to adv.His. ..ui g.nnl piintH; II.,Hi.Id hall) "I don't know whether we. k. Woiid.-i if he did without Now jttSt a word to the student- alone. om i.ad on.-.- ideori IH US. I shall board hen- m ie breakfast tbs! morning 1 There will ls< several v. io III. ie- on the I ollsgs -pn H i - not fsot ioii.il. i Mcdiiian "I'd like Ioi fOU to it editorial -tail oi Fat UM to Iw Hied • l Alwayt th.- g.sal of ihe aol everything ie the bssi I ssa buy, std \ii-- Winchester (is French eiass) — i Tbs plan of choosing should b idered, rathei thai HM th. "-.king i- |u-t ait if it wa- asm "What is the I. li.-. ol Ihe Veil. those who will (ill these v h.i - I ol illlV olg.llil/.il loll . I.-.•! i icily." s|M.nd?"' not yd been decided upon, but it is quite IM II- t J \ to cultivate the Inn college II,iv i li v ing h his fork into a Mi-s Lilli. "Why, that Is fenni.ii.. probable that t! 0 have IMI'II in.ml pll I! ill W I pi." ol -i.-.ik)—"Is that so'.' I h. n will • ." BOYS, Go to the Miss Shutan—Mr. Weaver can you Overall would do well to start a eor- mention another subterranean i'n.sect reepondenee school and teach Acme Antiseptic which does much toward disintegrating wrinkles in advertising, W'e give a few — The — barber Shop the soil? samples: "You need a pair of Overall's Mr. Weaver (after a thoughtful pause) —saddle-bags." "Do you neeil Over­ American It's on your way to town Make 11 your down town headquarters The —Beg pardon, r think ihe ground hog all's—sec Crum." (No. that's g mis­ only antiseptic shop in the city. Ev­ erything up to date, has much to do with disintegration. take. If yon want to see ('ruin's just Laundry Bath Club Rates $1.00 Per Month look over Overall's overalls.) "Fresh­ Satisfaction Guaranteed . Mr. Pmter while practicing with the men who Intend to practice this summer Stacy Nelson and J. C. Overall, Agents ICO Bast Eighth Street should ii-e Overall's—drugs." "Seniors Phone 2274 l>ase hall candidates on the eampus sus­ tained a -erious accident by getting in starting in practice this year need cases." Chas. E. Schryver, Proprietor the way of the moving sphere. His 624 Marhet St. Phone 216 glasses w.-re broken, lips mashed and THEOLOGICAL NOTES. R. 0. CARL1N nose bruised. Quitt serious, hut we oo hope that lw may recover. Most encouraging arc the reports that Title Guaranty and Trust Co. Practical Plumber, Steam .-ome to us from our suhurhirn churches W'e would like to see some original regarding the splendid revival work Chattanooga Abstract Co. and Gas Fitter 619 Walnut Street Phone 392 poems by (Irani students in Tlie Echo. which has been in progress for the peel Estimates Furnished on Titles Guaranteed. Abstracts Prepared. While it is said thai "|MM'IS are born two weeks. Ks|H'cially marked has IMS-II All hinds of Conveyancing Done. Hot Water Heating and not made," we feel that some of the the interest in Hill City, Alton Pnrk and We pay the loss if the Title fails-others Rive All Kinds of Pump, Pipe and Sewer Work students could produce some creditable Avondsle. Some folly or more profes­ their opinion and let you suffer the loss. eSTSO. Anyway, when your muse ls'gin« sions have bets recorded in the first Repair Work Promptly Done to whisper, don't turn a deaf ear to Ihe ALBIN HAJOS PHONE 661 voice. named place.

816 Georgia Ave. : Chattanooga, Tenn. it is confidently expected that l>r. HIGH - GRADE "PHOTOGRAPHS SITTINGS BV APPOINTMENT MEDICAL NOTES. Hugh K. Smith, directly from St. 711-713 Georgia Ave. Studio Phone 2747 Paul. Minn., will lie here to begin a ser­ Read House Cafe Dr. J. McChesney Hogshead has re­ CHATTANOOGA. TENN. ies of special service- in the First M. E. sumed his lecture work after a consider­ Chattanooga, Tennessee Church on Sunday evening, March 17. lion hy which the isioont are to go out able interruption. Special prices to small parties. Mer­ His laliors have recently been attended of Knoxville: also the people of Knox­ chants' lunch room just nack of cafe. with remarkable success, and wc U-lieve ville. The victory for temperance there DPJMJW and Evans have been stricken he will find here a ready field. May we is not the result of chance, hut the direct Bast hall is very popular with the with spring fever, but arc conscientiously have the united effort of everyone that result of well directed and ISSOSSSlBg coeds Tlu-v take a gresi ileal of in­ -t iving withhi doors. can contrihute anything to the success clTort on the jmrt of the people. terest in the practices. As Nelson says. of these meetings. "It is nice to Is- populsr with the It is rumored that an afternoon dance Our dear Dr. Freeman, iu refusing the LAW DEPARTMENT. lndi' will IM? one of the social features to oc- call to a huge and Influential church of the east iu favor of Chattanooga, has BUr before the month ends. \\alk.-r"s hack. 'N'uf ted. Porter is going irbess tin' Esquimau certainly paid First Church and Orant dwell next vcar, not as a missionary, W'e are glad to hear that Freshman University a gresi eompHment. We can If you can't find Sir/thing to do, re- Sha.idix. who has heeii dangerously ill not overrate the worth of such a man hut that he nuiy get sullicieiit sleep. Ihe View. nights are too short for him in the lent at BHanger Hospital, is much improved. associated with our Khool and as a leader perate zone. iu the highest development of our beau tiful city. Now it is our turn to plsdgt Wanted—Sijnis, tag! and labels for use It is rumored that a certain junior is to him our most loyal lUpport. This you on s<-.-im.l eest) first row, east end. PFe note th.-t Mr. Grant Wagner's an tspert on Jacksonian epilepsy. W'e have already, doctor. W'e are with you, hand now parnttM him to write. No will divulge bis name on payment of heart and soul. Major—Of course you can get out an doulil In- will IK> eager to take a few of voui subscription. injunction on (he pauper's oath, f have thorn- examinations he was so unfortun- The union services now in progress at done it myself often. ftte as to miss. Senior Hanks has bSSB guilty of ask the City Auditorium under the direction lag in class for a remedy to cure "heart of Messrs. smart and Exoell an- being •. 1.1.i 11.• 1 • - next year will have two \\e satin that Mr. Turner has gotten burn" in the cpigaMi iuni. He ought to largely attended by all clasps. The in- more rabjeejte to msster: "The Princi­ hack in thool again. We hail just beta lie txiled on n chicken farm, where we t grOWt apace, and we bstioVt much ples of Insanity" and The I'nwritten considering whether or SOi a reward for know be would Is- assured of success. |s'iinanciit good will rtSttll to the i Law." hi- return tbould is- offered. It is fatnl W'e arc fortunate to have these noted to study though, isn't it? Prof. Frank Trester Smith has lx-.ii Dgelistl with us at this time when so .Mr. .1. K. Keating was suffering dur out of town for several days. lie i a light is bshSJ vvag.il for civic ing the ialtei part of tin- week with a Miss Li I lie—"There won't be any base brought back some examination questions righteousness and the overthrow of in­ sever.- aita.k of the gout. Too much bell team. It will IM- just like that bas­ which he ohtelnsd from consulting some temperance. We bslieve Chattanooga prosperity for the deputy clerk of the ket ball." eliciiii*try authorities. sYoohaSSS, take will rssogBJM her dej of opportunity I ml. d Btstflt court. Mr. I'ort.-r "Oh, now, knoeker: notii and rise to meet it as she should. wheie'd vou get your hainnier?" I, I lows, let Us lake advantage of these Major "Mr LeSCB, what plea would The medical department is being few day-, .-v.-n ,,i th. -aerilice of MIIIH- strongly represented on the MUM bell dia­ you put iu iu deieiise lor tresp , Mr. Dielaey, he-Lies being a great thing else. mond. It is expected that a team will LtseS "I don't just recall the LstiS OsrSSM -Molar, i- an uniisiially good U- picked Ibis week from the enthusiastic phrase, major." skater. It is said that he takes great \\c an- greal ly Indebted bo the local I.ui- iu order to assure a game for Sat­ Major "li'~ .1 very dillicult one—'not pleasure in assisting young ladies who. V. M. 0. A. for the splendid li.-at urday. guilty.' " while eager to learn to skate, are unable sfforded us last Sunday in the illu- to keep on their feet. brsttd lecture ^iv.ii si the BIJOU. The I'. ('. Chadwick had the misfortune msgnifloeni eeileetios of vi.-ws won- Wagoner tin moot court argument! lo tall and dislocate his shoulder at the doubtless as fine is hav.- .-v.-i been "When a man mak.-s an assignment Dr. Ilixi|«-r Mr. Klutz, what is Shel HippodrOtttS last USSk. Though IMWllllg his outetending notes boeomt dne at l.-v's definition <»f poetry t hihiled ill the eitv, and I I • and a thoroughly bandaged shoulder and continuity with which the operator pn. ones." Mr. Kluts (scratching his head—Ah— arm, Chadwick is able t<» attend lee i-ceded w in.l. • • !. Doubt sfsjoi 'Hav.- vou anv authority to fin ah lioetor, I believe I .lo not TO support that ttstsmeni Ie-- onlv a sni,,|| pio|«.itioii .,| the Luge member Sbellev'- altitude. auiiicnce present were thoroughly famil­ Wagoner- "Well, that ease I tOttl There is a farm for .very fourteen pSO iar vvitli the vanoiis phaSSt "I lie w.. 11 lind supports it." IM eveiv man who does not play base pie iu (he I lilted States, ami the average being 'Ion.- i.v tii.it orgsniiatios and bull, iind all the pSUttg ladies, folk leu -i\. Is 117 ;ic|i- ,\s «,- an- not one of with H- iipni progrett iu all net! The melllliels of the law department Ills. \M us not talk it long, hut let u- lilt- lucky fourteen, now is the linn- to and tin- prSSSttl itrengtll of it. Certainly W.-le VelV lllllch c\cileil |SVS| Illd.lV pl.iv it loon. I h. court MM he |.ui in pav up voui dues Rural Kxchangc. ev.-rvone who h.aid lh.it lesturs must Bight bv tin- prOSptet of tin-.-.- additional good condition with small , les, I "It can't lose?" said I. thought it was a nnile." "It can't lose." he replied. "I rose and took my hat. I thanked fore the i-lo-e ol the school year wc the lawyer, and told him that I wouldn't wish to publish in Tin- Kcho the names bring tuit, alter all. And then I <-\ of the graduates and the places where plained that it was my opponent's side, Grant University, wens, Tenn. each will locate. This will show to our and not my own. which T had laid before readert not onrj the varum- itstss and him." The departments of Grant University, located at Athens, Tenn., territories represented in the law de­ offer excellent advantages for thorough work. The prepara­ Moot Court. tory courses fit students for entrance into the best colleges of PURE MILK. CREAM C. B Evans, C. J. the country. The diploma courses embrace in condensed form sad BUTTER. TRY w. II. Bowlin, .1. those branches most essential to a practical education. Music, OUR NKOPOLITAN c. w. Robinson, J. Art and Elocution receive special attention. Expenses are very Ice Cream ICE CREAM. . . In OH case "f Nancy .loin- vs John moderate. For catalogue or other information address J. II. EAST TENNESSEE DAIRY CO. ^iiiixit, administrator of Saras Jones, the RACE, President, or W. A. WRIOHT, Dean. 815 CHERRY SRTtIT : PHONE 1893 opinion of the oonrl \\;is rendered by Robinson, •'.. Bowlin, J., concurring, and Evans, ('. J., being absent. In tlic opin­ T. H. PAYNE & CO. ion of (lie court tin' mere entrj in Sarah LAW DEPARTMENT, GRANT UNIVERSITY Jones' sots i>ook of 11»«• nsme of bet Book Sellers and Stationers Two years course leading to the decree of LL. B. and thorough preparation daughter Nancy, followed bj the wori Engraved Visiting Cards and for admission to the bar of the State and the bar of the United States. Invitations. "Biggs National Bank stock," under FACULTY 803 MARKET STREET which account appeared dividends of tbs (JHAKI.K* It. KVANri, A.B, DEAN. stock as receipts and expenditures on Unfed State* Dlntrict Judge C. I), (lark. A. M., I.L. B. Judge Lewis Shepherd, LL. M. behalf of the daughter as disbursements, Bobsti FrltchHrd, LL. M. W. B. KWIIIMV, B 8., I.L. B. W. ti. M. Thomas. LL. B. oot sufficient evidence thsl the stock W. L. Kherson. A.B. B. B. Cooke. A.B. I). H. Bloom, A.B . LL.B. Churl, s B 11. nd.I.L.B. W.B. Uarvin.A. B. I I, I milk, LL. B. W. II. Bowlin. A. B., I L. B. THE belonged to tlic daughter. Tbs stock was C. W. Kol.inHon, 1,1.. B. left in tin- bands of the administrator as STUDENTS MAY DI: SELF-SUPPORTING part of tbs estate of S;irnh Jon Place for Shoes For illust rated ('ataloKue ,II1(j Terms mldrcHM Chattanooga Shoe Co. MAJOR C. R. EVANS, Depi. N.i, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. 803 Marhet St. M.iry Ann Sprightly, plaintiff, \ -. ! TELEPHONE 2275 man Kodak, defendant. A school with eighteen years of history as a High Grade Training School for Mi. Kodsk takes without psrmissios Methodist preachers and Christian workers. SHARON & BURTON M snapshot of • lady and a man in a REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL boai under some trees, The gentleman AGENTS liad hi- MIIII MIOIIIKI tlic 1 oh'- waist, SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 17 East fttH St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Thil photograph Mr. Kodak is in tlic CHATIANOOGA, TtNN. habit of showing to hi- bsohssat Mends who visit him in hi- chanil.cis. Mi. Courses of Study Chattanooga Transfer Co. Sprightly has for sons time past l>ccn This school offers four distinct courses of study, each requiring three yesrs: I. TheDegreeCoumefort/'olleKHUriMluale-i III The (ireek Knglish Diploma Course. Present your t i<*k.-t ut our (iencriil ' '111'' \i i\ suspicious of a certain Mr. Brown. II. The Hebrew Ureck Diploma*'on IV. The KntdUh Diploma Course. Corner Georgia Ave. and Tenth St. who he considers i- fix* attentive to Mrs, Special regard is had for the English Bible and the Conference Course of Sprightly. A Mr. Smith, in company study. niid have your lia^Kii^f ohsefced from y«ur For cmlogu* »nd Particular* write W. S BOVARD, Dean, ChatUnoog*, Tenn. residence to deetinstion. with Major Sprightly, calls at Mr Kodsk's ehambsrs one evening, ni Majoi Sprightly i- Introduced to Mi. Kodsk, Eventually Mr. Kodak showt V0IGT BROS. his collection of .snapshots, Including that of the gentleman and the lady in a Chattanooga Medical College DRUGGISTS boat. Major Sprightly recognizes his Medical Department of Orant University wife and Mr. Hrown, and Mrs. Sprightly SESSION OF 1906-1907 9th and Market Sts. when charged ha- to sdatil that -lie has KiSTltSSnttl Annual Session Began October ad, 19m;, < .II rled on a foolish hut iii m.i* nt lliit.i and endB April 29, 1907. Surgical Instruments a Specialty lion with Mr. Hrown. Major BprighU) rw EDWARDS OHUMON decline- to cohabit any LosgSf with his New Buildings. Large Patronage. Every Facility. A Full Tesching Corps. wife. Laboratories with the latest equipment and salaried teachers. Modern li.i- Mis Sprightly an\ right of M methods of instruction. Excellent hoBpital. Minimum living expenses. %e*#* lion against, Mi. Kodakf Requirements those of the Southern Medical-College Associstion, of S/hich i..i I'laintiir c I, Sogers, f, Wa this institution is a member. Equable climate. Scenic Burronndings unex­ R celled on this continent. Expenses of living moderate. OI3 MARKET -»T gOOSr, W. A. Amcml. Rates of tuition, reasonable. G. U. and Fraternity Pint oi All Kindt i Dssfsadsat stisi i rsn Lush, A. For Further Particulars Addrsss li. Littleton. J. R. RATHMELL, M. D., Dean, -- Chattanooga, Tennessee. Special Attention to Repairing. Trial set for March It, 1»()7.