(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2014/202616 A2 24 December 2014 (24.12.2014) P O P C T

(51) International Patent Classification: 13 172714 1 I June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP C07K 14/37 (2006.01) 13 172724 0 I June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172685 3 I June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP (21) International Application Number: 13 172686 1 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP PCT/EP2014/062737 13 172683 8 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP (22) International Filing Date: 13 172672 1 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 17 June 2014 (17.06.2014) 13 172673 9 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172675 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP (25) Filing Language: English 13 172677 0 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP (26) Publication Lan ua e: English 13 172681 2 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172837 0 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP (30) Priority Data: 13 17261 1 9 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172700.0 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172784 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172812.3 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172821 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172758.8 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172615 0 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172757.0 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172624 2 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172842.0 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172680 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172756.2 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172623 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172759.6 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172618 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172793.5 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172718 2 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172795.0 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172645 7 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172797.6 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172638 2 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172800.8 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172639 0 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172715.8 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172649 9 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172777.8 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172655 6 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172805.7 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172719 0 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 17281 1.5 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172763 8 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172830.5 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172878 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172839.6 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172660 6 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172846. 1 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172728 1 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172723.2 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172665 5 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172847.9 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172701 8 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172684.6 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172669 7 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172850.3 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172695 2 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172852.9 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172761 2 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172853.7 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172670 5 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172856.0 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172755 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172727.3 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172754 7 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172654.9 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172752 1 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172659.8 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172691 1 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172667. 1 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 17275 1 3 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 17283 1.3 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172749 7 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172814.9 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172671 3 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172813. 1 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172613 5 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172626.7 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172735 6 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172747. 1 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172734 9 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172627.5 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172732 3 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172740.6 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172729 9 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172774.5 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172717 4 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172739.8 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172823 0 I S June 2013 (19.06.2013) EP 13 172641 .6 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 173072 3 20 June 2013 (20.06.2013) EP < 13 172766. 1 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP 13 172859.4 19 June 2013 (19 .06.2013) EP [Continued on nextpage] o (54) Title: RASAMSONIA AND USE THEREOF

(57) Abstract: The invention relates to apolypeptide which comprises (a) an amino acid sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to o 32240; (b) an amino acid sequence encoded by the nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500; (c) or a variant polypeptide, wherein the variant polypeptide (i) has at least 70% sequence identity with the sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, or (ii) has an amino acid sequence that differs in, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 amino acids from the amino acid sequence of SEQ o ID NO: 20501 to 32240. The invention also relates to methods for using the polypeptide in industrial processes. 1 Also included in the invention are cells transformed with a polynucleotide according to the invention suitable for producing these . w o 2014/202616 A2 1II III II II III I IIII II 11II I III I III III i ll

(71) Applicant: DSM IP ASSETS B.V. [NL/NL]; Het Over- TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, loon 1, NL-641 1 TE Heerlen (NL). VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (72) Inventor: WU, Liang; P.O. Box 4, NL-6100 AA Echt (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (NL). kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, (74) Agent: MATULEWICZ, Emil Rudolf Antonius; DSM UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, Intellectual Property, P.O. Box 4, NL-6100 AA Echt TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, (NL). EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, ΓΓ, LT, LU, (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, Published: DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, — without international search report and to be republished KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, upon receipt of that report (Rule 48.2(g)) MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, — with sequence listing part of description (Rule 5.2(a)) NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, RASAMSONIA AND USE THEREOF

Field of the invention

The present invention relates to DNA of Rasamsonia emersonii. This DNA contains nucleotide sequences such as genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. The present invention also relates to polypeptides having biological activity and comprising an amino acid sequence encoded by a nucleotide sequence.

Background of the invention The present invention relates to DNA of Rasamsonia emersonii. This DNA contains genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. This DNA may encode useful biologically active substances such as . These enzymes may be used in several industrial applications. Enzymes are for example used in the chemical industry and other industrial applications when specific catalysts are required, for example in the food or feed, textile, pulp or paper or detergent industries and other industries. Enzymes in general are limited in the number of reactions they have evolved to catalyze and their deactivation at high temperatures. As a consequence, engineering is an active area of research and involves attempts to create new enzymes with novel properties, either through rational design or in vitro evolution. These efforts have begun to be successful, and a few enzymes have now been designed to improve enzymatic reactions. For designing it is essential to have starting sequences from useful microorganisms especially thermophilic microorganisms like fungi.

Summary of the invention The present invention provides a polypeptide which comprises (a) an amino acid sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240; (b) an amino acid sequence encoded by the nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500; (c) or a variant polypeptide, wherein the variant polypeptide (i) has at least 70% sequence identity with the sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, or (ii) has an amino acid sequence that differs in 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 or 12 amino acids from the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240. Preferably the polypeptide of the invention has biological activity, preferably is a polypeptide such as an , more preferably is an , , , , or or is capable to alter or influence the expression of an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase and most preferably is a carbohydrate degrading enzyme and/or carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme, preferably has an activity mentioned in Table 1. Furthermore the present invention provides a polynucleotide having a nucleic acid sequence whereby the nucleic acid sequence is selected from the group consisting of: (a) a nucleic acid sequence having at least 70% identity with the nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500; (b) a nucleic acid sequence hybridizing with the complement of the nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500; (c) a nucleic acid sequence encoding (i) the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, (ii) an amino acid sequence having at least 70% identity with the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, or (iii) an amino acid sequence that differs in 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 or 12 amino acids from the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240; or (d) a nucleotide sequence which is the reverse complement of a nucleotide sequence as defined in (a), (b) or (c). Preferably the polynucleotide of the invention has a nucleic acid sequence coding for a polypeptide which has biological activity, preferably the polypeptide is a polypeptide such as an enzyme, more preferably is an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase or is capable to alter or influence the expression of an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase and most preferably is a carbohydrate degrading enzyme and/or carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme, preferably has an activity mentioned in Table 1. The invention also provides a nucleic acid construct or vector comprising the polynucleotide of the invention and a cell comprising the polynucleotide of the invention or a nucleic acid construct or vector of the invention. The invention further provides a cell wherein the polynucleotide according to the invention is mutated or deleted from the genome to obtain lower or no activity of the polypeptide or lower or no expression of the polypeptide encoded by said polynucleotide compared to the cell wherein the polynucleotide of the invention is not mutated or deleted from the genome. The invention further provides a mutant or recombinant cell wherein the polynucleotide according to the invention is lower or not expressed compared to the native or starting cell. Lower expression can be obtained for example by altering or deleting the promoter. The invention further provides a mutant or recombinant cell wherein the polynucleotide according to the invention is overexpressed compared to the native or starting cell. Overexpression can be obtained for example by altering the promoter or by introducing one or more copies of polynucleotide according to the invention in the cell. According to another aspect of the invention the cell of the invention is a fungal cell, preferably a fungal cell selected from the group consisting of the genera Acremonium, Agaricus, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, Chrysosporium, Coprinus, Cryptococcus, Filibasidium, Fusarium, Humicola, Magnaporthe, Mucor, Myceliophthora, Neocallimastix, Neurospora, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Piromyces, Panerochaete, Pleurotus, Schizophyllum, Talaromyces, Rasamsonia, Saccharomyces, Thermoascus, Thielavia, Tolypocladium, and Trichoderma. Preferably the cell of the invention is a recombinant cell.

In the cell of the invention one or more gene can be deleted, knocked-out or disrupted in full or in part, wherein optionally the gene encodes for a protease. The invention also provides a method for the preparation of a polypeptide according to the invention having preferably biological activity, which method comprises cultivating a cell of the invention under conditions which allow for expression of said polypeptide and, optionally, recovering the expressed polypeptide. The invention also provides a method of producing an enzyme or enzyme composition comprising the fermentation of the cell according of the invention and optionally recovery of the enzyme or enzyme composition Furthermore the invention provides a composition comprising: (i) the polypeptide of the invention and; (ii) a cellulase and/or a hemicellulase and/or a pectinase, preferably the cellulase is a GH61 , cellobiohydrolase, cellobiohydrolase I, cellobiohydrolase II, endo- β- 1 ,4-glucanase, β-glucosidase or β-(1 ,3)(1 ,4)-glucanase and/or the hemicellulase is an endoxylanase, β-xylosidase, oL-arabinofuranosidase, oD-glucuronidase feruloyl esterase, coumaroyl esterase, a-galactosidase, β-galactosidase, β-mannanase or β- mannosidase. Additionally the invention provides a method for the treatment of a comprising cellulose and/or hemicellulose, optionally a plant material, which method comprises contacting the substrate with a polypeptide of the invention and/or a composition of the invention. Another aspect of the invention relates to the use of a polypeptide of the invention and/or a composition of the invention to produce sugar from a lignocellulosic material. The invention also provides: a method for the preparation of a polypeptide having preferably biological activity, which method comprises cultivating a cell of the invention under conditions which allow for expression of said polypeptide and, optionally, recovering the expressed polypeptide; a polypeptide obtainable by such a method; and a composition comprising: (i) a polypeptide of the invention and; (ii) a cellulase and/or a hemicellulase and/or a pectinase. The polypeptides of the invention may have all kinds of use. For example the polypeptides of the invention having carbohydrate degrading and/or carbohydrate hydrolysing activity may be used in industrial processes. Optionally, the invention provides a method for the treatment of a substrate comprising carbohydrate material which method comprises contacting the substrate with a polypeptide or a composition of the invention. According to one aspect of the invention a method is provided for producing a sugar or sugars from lignocellulosic material which method comprises contacting the lignocellulosic material with a polypeptide or a composition of the invention. Sugars produced in this way may be used in a fermentation process. Accordingly, the invention provides a method for producing a fermentation , which method comprises: producing a fermentable sugar using the described above; and fermenting the resulting fermentable sugar, thereby to produce a fermentation product. A polypeptide or a composition of the invention may also be used, for example, in the preparation of a food product, in the preparation of a detergent, in the preparation of an animal feed, in the treatment of pulp or in the manufacture of a paper or in the preparation of a fabric or textile or in the cleaning thereof. The invention also provides: a processed material obtainable by contacting a plant material or lignocellulosic material with a polypeptide or a composition of the invention; a food or feed comprising a polypeptide or a composition of the invention; and a plant or a part thereof which comprises a polynucleotide, a polypeptide, a vector or a cell according to the invention. The invention further provides a polynucleotide coding for a signal sequence having a sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 32241 to 33730 or having a sequence that differs 1, 2 or 3 amino acids from the sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 32241 to 33730.

Brief description of the drawings Fig 1: Map of pGBTOP for expression of genes in A . niger. Depicted are the gene of interest (GOI) expressed from the glucoamylase promoter (PglaA). In addition, the glucoamylase flank (3'glaA) of the expression cassette is depicted. In this application a gene of interest is the coding sequence of the protein or polypeptide of the invention as defined hereinafter.

Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of plasmid pEBA1006 that was used in bipartite gene-targeting method in combination with the pEBA expression vector containing the protein of the invention with the goal to replace the RePepA ORF and approximately 1500 nucleotides upstream of the start ATG codon by the expression cassette of the protein of the invention in Rasamsonia emersonii. The vector comprises the 3' part of the ble coding region, the A.nidulans trpC terminator, a lox71 site, a 2500 bp 3' flanking region of the RePepA ORF, and the backbone of pUC19 (Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands). The £ . coli DNA was removed by digestion with restriction enzyme A/oil, prior to transformation of the R. emersonii strains. Fig. 3 shows a schematic diagram of pEBA expression plasmid containing the protein of the invention that was used in bipartite gene-targeting method in combination with the pEBA1006 vector with the goal to replace the RePepA ORF and approximately 1500 nucleotides upstream of the start ATG codon by the expression cassette of the protein of the invention in Rasamsonia emersonii. The vector comprises a 1500 bp 5' flanking region 1.5 kb upstream of the RePepA ORF for targeting in the RePepA , the protein of the invention-expression cassette consisting of R. emersonii promoter 2 , the protein of the invention-coding region and the A.nidulans amdS terminator (TamdS), a lox66 site, the non-functional 5' part of the ble coding region (5' ble) driven by the A.nidulans gpdA promoter. The E. coli DNA was removed by digestion with restriction enzyme A/oil, prior to transformation of the R. emersonii strains.

Fig. 4 shows the pEBADEL.1 vector. Part of the vector fragment is used in bipartite gene-targeting method in combination with the pEBADEL2 vector with the goal to delete the

ORF of the protein of the invention (GOI) in Rasamsonia emersonii. The vector comprises a 1200 bp 5' upstream flanking region of the ORF encoding the protein of the invention and the 5' part of the ble coding region driven by the A.nidulans gpdA promoter and the backbone of pUC19 (Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands). The E. coli DNA is removed by digestion with restriction enzyme Notl, prior to transformation of the R. emersonii strains.

Fig. 5 shows the pEBADEL.1 vector. Part of the vector fragment is used in bipartite gene-targeting method in combination with the pEBADEL.1 vector with the goal to delete the

ORF encoding the protein of the invention (GOI) in Rasamsonia emersonii. The vector comprises the 3' part of the ble coding region, the A.nidulans trpC terminator, and a -1200 bp 3' flanking region downstream of the ORF encoding the protein of the invention, and the backbone of pUC19 (Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands). The E. coli DNA is removed by digestion with restriction enzyme Notl, prior to transformation of the R. emersonii strains. Fig. 6 shows the strategy used to delete the ORF gene encoding the protein of the invention in R. emersonii. The deletion vectors comprise the overlapping non-functional ble selection marker fragments (split marker) flanked by loxP sites and 5' and 3' homologous regions of the gene encoding the protein of the invention (GOI) for targeting (1). The constructs integrate through triple homologous recombination (X) at the locus of the gene of the invention and at the overlapping homologous non-functional ble selection marker fragment (2) and replaces the genomic gene copy (3).

Brief description of the sequence listing SEQ ID NO 1 to 33730 see Table 1. SEQ ID NO 33731 Rasamsonia emersonii promoter 2 SEQ ID NO 33732 Aspergillus nidulans AmdS terminator Table 1

wild genomi type c DNA coding sequen sequen ce ce Amino mature signal (includi (includi acid protein peptide Gene of the ng stop ng stop sequen sequen sequen invention Function or activity codon) codon) ce ce ce Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, e01.g0001 0 putative 1 10251 20501 Re01 .g00020 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 10252 20502 Re01 .g00030 Reverse transcriptase, putative 3 10253 20503 Re01 .g00040 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 10254 20504 Re01 .g00050 MFS transporter, putative 5 10255 20505 Re01 .g00060 C6 zinc finger domain protein 6 10256 20506 Re01 .g00070 Uncharacterized protein 7 10257 20507 30751 32241 Re01 .g00080 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 10258 20508 Re01 .g00090 Transposase 9 10259 20509 Re01 .g001 00 Beta-ketoacyl synthase 10 10260 2051 0 Re01 .g001 10 Putative cytochrome p450 protein 11 10261 2051 1 Re01 .g001 20 Uncharacterized protein 12 10262 2051 2 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g001 30 Fragment 13 10263 2051 3 Re01 .g00140 Uncharacterized protein 14 10264 20514

RNA polymerase II mediator Re01 .g001 50 complex protein (Med7), putative 15 10265 2051 5 Re01 .g001 60 PAP2 domain protein 16 10266 2051 6 Re01 .g001 70 Alpha/beta hydrolase, putative 17 10267 2051 7 Re01 .g001 80 Uncharacterized protein 18 10268 2051 8 Re01 .g001 90 hypothetical protein 19 10269 2051 9 Re01 .g00200 hypothetical protein 20 10270 20520 Re01 .g0021 0 Uncharacterized protein 2 1 10271 20521 Re01 .g00220 Putative uncharacterized protein 22 10272 20522 F-actin capping protein alpha Re01 .g00230 subunit, putative 23 10273 20523 Re01 .g00240 PEX1 1 domain protein 24 10274 20524 Re01 .g00250 Putative uncharacterized protein 25 10275 20525 D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid Re01 .g00260 dehydrogenase family protein 26 10276 20526 Re01 .g00270 Pc20g 15520 protein 27 10277 20527 Re01 .g00290 Putative uncharacterized protein 28 10278 20528 Oxidoreductase, short chain Re01 .g00300 dehydrogenase/reductase family 29 10279 20529 Patched sphingolipid transporter Re01 .g0031 0 (Ncr1 ), putative 30 10280 20530 30752 32242 Re01 .g00320 Importin beta-4 subunit, putative 3 1 10281 20531 Re01 .g00330 Putative uncharacterized protein 32 10282 20532 Re01 .g00340 Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase 33 10283 20533 e01.g00350 Predicted protein 34 10284 20534 Re01 .g00360 Uncharacterized protein 35 10285 20535 FAD dependent oxidoreductase Re01 .g00370 superfamily 36 10286 20536 Sexual differentiation process Re01 .g00380 protein ISP4 37 10287 20537 Re01 .g00390 Predicted protein 38 10288 20538 Re01 .g00400 Putative uncharacterized protein 39 10289 20539 30753 32243 Similar to MFS alpha-glucoside Re01 .g0041 0 transporter 40 10290 20540 Short-chain dehydrogenases/reductase, Re01 .g00420 putative 4 1 10291 20541 Re01 .g00430 hypothetical protein 42 10292 20542 Re01 .g00440 Uncharacterized protein 43 10293 20543 Re01 .g00450 hypothetical protein 44 10294 20544 Re01 .g00460 hypothetical protein 45 10295 20545 Re01 .g00470 Putative uncharacterized protein 46 10296 20546 Re01 .g00490 Uncharacterized protein 47 10297 20547 BZIP transcription factor AP- Re01 .g00500 1/Yap1 , putative 48 10298 20548 Re01 .g0051 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 49 10299 20549 Re01 .g00520 Uncharacterized protein 50 10300 20550 30754 32244 Re01 .g00530 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 1 10301 20551 Re01 .g00540 Nucleotide binding protein, putative 52 10302 20552 Re01 .g00550 Lipase/esterase family protein 53 10303 20553 Zinc alcohol dehydrogenase, Re01 .g00560 putative 54 10304 20554 Siderochrome-iron transporter, Re01 .g00570 putative 55 10305 20555 Re01 .g00580 hypothetical protein 56 10306 20556 Re01 .g00590 Putative uncharacterized protein 57 10307 20557 Re01 .g00600 Uncharacterized protein 58 10308 20558 Translation release factor eRF3, Re01 .g0061 0 putative 59 10309 20559 Re01 .g00620 RanGTP-binding protein 60 1031 0 20560 Re01 .g00630 Uncharacterized protein 6 1 1031 1 20561 Re01 .g00640 Putative uncharacterized protein 62 1031 2 20562 Re01 .g00650 DNA repair protein Rad4, putative 63 1031 3 20563 Re01 .g00660 Pyruvate dehydrogenase, putative 64 10314 20564 30755 32245 Re01 .g00670 Cell wall biogenesis protein 65 1031 5 20565 30756 32246 Re01 .g00680 Uncharacterized protein 66 1031 6 20566 Re01 .g00690 hypothetical protein 67 1031 7 20567 Re01 .g00700 Putative uncharacterized protein 68 1031 8 20568 Viral A-type inclusion protein Re01 .g0071 0 repeat protein 69 1031 9 20569 Conserved glutamic acid-rich Re01 .g00720 protein 70 10320 20570 Re01 .g00730 Phosphotyrosyl phosphatase 7 1 10321 20571 activator e01.g00740 Methyltransferase, putative 72 10322 20572 Re01 .g00750 Pc22g1 7460 protein Precursor 73 10323 20573 30757 32247 Re01 .g00760 hypothetical protein 74 10324 20574 Re01 .g00770 Uncharacterized protein 75 10325 20575 Re01 .g00780 Uncharacterized protein 76 10326 20576 30758 32248 Re01 .g00790 Putative uncharacterized protein 77 10327 20577 Re01 .g00800 Uncharacterized protein 78 10328 20578 Re01 .g0081 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 79 10329 20579 Re01 .g00820 Uncharacterized protein 80 10330 20580 Re01 .g00830 Pc1 6g10840 protein 8 1 10331 20581 Re01 .g00840 MFS aflatoxin efflux pump, putative 82 10332 20582 Re01 .g00850 Pc1 6g10860 protein 83 10333 20583 Re01 .g00860 Uncharacterized protein 84 10334 20584 Re01 .g00870 Uncharacterized protein 85 10335 20585 30759 32249 Re01 .g00880 Uncharacterized protein 86 10336 20586 Re01 .g00890 Uncharacterized protein 87 10337 20587 Re01 .g00900 Putative uncharacterized protein 88 10338 20588 Re01 .g0091 0 Uncharacterized protein 89 10339 20589 Re01 .g00920 Pc1 6g10790 protein 90 10340 20590 Re01 .g00930 Pc1 6g10820 protein 9 1 10341 20591 Re01 .g00940 Pc1 6g10830 protein 92 10342 20592 Re01 .g00950 Uncharacterized protein 93 10343 20593 30760 32250 Re01 .g00960 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 94 10344 20594 Re01 .g00970 Putative uncharacterized protein 95 10345 20595 30761 32251 Re01 .g00980 Putative uncharacterized protein 96 10346 20596 Re01 .g00990 Putative uncharacterized protein 97 10347 20597 Re01 .g01 000 DUF455 domain protein 98 10348 20598 Re01 .g01 0 10 Pc1 5g01 570 protein 99 10349 20599 Re01 .g01 020 hypothetical protein 100 10350 20600 Re01 .g01 030 Predicted protein 10 1 10351 20601 Re01 .g01 040 Uncharacterized protein 102 10352 20602 Re01 .g01 050 Uncharacterized protein 103 10353 20603 Re01 .g01 060 Uncharacterized protein 104 10354 20604 Re01 .g01 070 Uncharacterized protein 105 10355 20605 Re01 .g01 080 hypothetical protein 106 10356 20606 Re01 .g01 090 Predicted protein 107 10357 20607 Phosphotransferase enzyme family Re01 .g01 100 protein 108 10358 20608 Re01 .g0 10 Uncharacterized protein 109 10359 20609 Re01 .g01 120 Putative dehydrogenase 110 10360 2061 0 Re01 .g01 130 hypothetical protein 111 10361 2061 1 30762 32252 Major Facilitator Superfamily Re01 .g01 140 protein 112 10362 2061 2 5'-methylthioadenosine Re01 .g01 160 phosphorylase (Meu1 ), putative 113 10363 2061 3 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating Re01 .g01 170 EC=1 .1 .1 .44 114 10364 20614 Re01 .g01 180 3-dehydroshikimate 115 10365 2061 5 Re01 .g01 190 hypothetical protein 116 10366 2061 6 Re01 .g01 200 hypothetical protein 117 10367 2061 7 Re01 .g01 2 10 hypothetical protein 118 10368 2061 8 Re01 .g01 220 Uncharacterized protein 119 10369 2061 9 Delta-1 -pyrroline-5-carboxylate Re01 .g01 230 dehydrogenase PrnC 120 10370 20620 Re01 .g01 240 Proline-specific permease 12 1 10371 20621 C6 transcription factor (PrnA), Re01 .g01 250 putative 122 10372 20622 Re01 .g01 260 Uncharacterized protein 123 10373 20623 Re01 .g01 270 Protein PrnX 124 10374 20624 Re01 .g01 280 Proline oxidase PrnD 125 10375 20625 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase Re01 .g01 290 EC=1 .1 .1 .169 126 10376 20626 Re01 .g01 300 Amidases 127 10377 20627 30763 32253 Re01 .g01 3 10 Pc1 6g08650 protein 128 10378 20628 Re01 .g01 320 Putative uncharacterized protein 129 10379 20629 Re01 .g01 330 Putative uncharacterized protein 130 10380 20630 Re01 .g01 340 Similar to An01g00290 13 1 10381 20631 Re01 .g01 350 hypothetical protein 132 10382 20632 Re01 .g01 360 ATP-binding cassette transporter 133 10383 20633 Re01 .g01 370 Uncharacterized protein 134 10384 20634 Re01 .g01 380 hypothetical protein 135 10385 20635 Re01 .g01 390 Uncharacterized protein 136 10386 20636 Re01 .g01400 Uncharacterized protein 137 10387 20637 30764 32254 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re01 .g0141 0 304 kDa subunit 138 10388 20638 30765 32255 CCR4-NOT core complex subunit Re01 .g01420 Not4, putative 139 10389 20639 Re01 .g01430 Sarcosine oxidase 140 10390 20640 30766 32256 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase complex alpha subunit, putative Re01 .g01440 EC=1 .2.4.4 141 10391 20641 Re01 .g01450 Beta-mannosidase 142 10392 20642 30767 32257 Re01 .g01460 PHP domain protein 143 10393 20643 30768 32258 Re01 .g01470 hypothetical protein 144 10394 20644 30769 32259 Re01 .g01480 Predicted protein 145 10395 20645 Re01 .g01490 Uncharacterized protein 146 10396 20646 Re01 .g01 500 Putative uncharacterized protein 147 10397 20647 30770 32260 Re01 .g01 5 10 Cytochrome P450, putative 148 10398 20648 30771 32261 Re01 .g01 520 Hexose carrier protein, putative 149 10399 20649 Dimeric dihydrodiol Re01 .g01 530 dehydrogenase, putative 150 10400 20650 Peroxisomal 2,4-dienoyl-CoA Re01 .g01 540 reductase, putative 15 1 10401 20651 30772 32262 Re01 .g01 550 hypothetical protein 152 10402 20652 Re01 .g01 560 Uncharacterized protein 153 10403 20653 30773 32263 Re01 .g01 570 hypothetical protein 154 10404 20654 Re01 .g01 580 Predicted protein 155 10405 20655 Ankyrin repeat-containing protein, Re01 .g01 590 putative 156 10406 20656 Aspergillus niger contig An08c0230, genomic contig Re01 .g01 600 EC=1 .1.1 .91 157 10407 20657 Re01 .g01 6 10 AMP-binding enzyme, putative 158 10408 20658 Pheromone processing Re01 .g01 620 endoprotease Kex2 159 10409 20659 30774 32264 Re01 .g01 630 Uncharacterized protein 160 1041 0 20660 Re01 .g01 640 NmrA-like protein 16 1 1041 1 20661 30775 32265 Re01 .g01 650 Putative uncharacterized protein 162 1041 2 20662 Re01 .g01 660 Putative uncharacterized protein 163 1041 3 20663 Re01 .g01 670 DEAD/DEAH box helicase, putative 164 10414 20664 PhosphatidylinositoLUDP-GlcNAc Re01 .g01 680 transferase subunit PIG-A 165 1041 5 20665 Re01 .g01 690 Uncharacterized protein 166 1041 6 20666 ADP-ribosylation factor family Re01 .g01 700 protein 167 1041 7 20667 Re01 .g01 7 10 Uncharacterized protein 168 1041 8 20668 mRNA splicing factor (Prp1 8), Re01 .g01 720 putative 169 1041 9 20669 Re01 .g01 730 Uncharacterized protein 170 10420 20670 Re01 .g01 740 Putative uncharacterized protein 17 1 10421 20671 Re01 .g01 750 Putative uncharacterized protein 172 10422 20672 Re01 .g01 760 FYVE domain protein 173 10423 20673 Re01 .g01 770 Uncharacterized protein 174 10424 20674 NOL1/NOP2/sun domain protein, Re01 .g01 780 putative 175 10425 20675 Re01 .g01 790 Putative uncharacterized protein 176 10426 20676 Re01 .g01 800 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 177 10427 20677 Long-chain-alcohol oxidase Re01 .g01 8 10 EC=1 .1.3.20 178 10428 20678 Re01 .g01 820 Uncharacterized protein 179 10429 20679 Sphinganine hydroxylase Sur2, Re01 .g01 830 putative 180 10430 20680 Re01 .g01 840 TCTP family protein 18 1 10431 20681 Re01 .g01 850 Zn(ll)2Cys6 transcription factor 182 10432 20682 Signal recognition particle 19 kDa Re01 .g01 860 protein homolog 183 10433 20683 Re01 .g01 870 Uncharacterized protein 184 10434 20684 Re01 .g01 880 Putative uncharacterized protein 185 10435 20685 Cleavage and specifity factor, 73 kDa subunit, Re01 .g01 890 putative 186 10436 20686 Re01 .g01 900 Uncharacterized protein 187 10437 20687 Re01 .g01 9 10 Protein kinase 188 10438 20688 Re01 .g01 920 Uncharacterized protein 189 10439 20689 Re01 .g01 930 Mitochondrial cation transporter, 190 10440 20690 putative e 01.g01 940 Amidase 19 1 10441 20691 Feruloyl esterase A EC=3. 1.1.73 Re01 .g01 950 Precursor 192 10442 20692 30776 32266 Alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase, Re01 .g01 960 putative 193 10443 20693 30777 32267 Re01 .g01 970 Uncharacterized protein 194 10444 20694 Re01 .g01 980 PHD finger domain protein 195 10445 20695 Re01 .g01 990 Putative uncharacterized protein 196 10446 20696 Re01 .g02000 Uncharacterized protein 197 10447 20697 Re01 .g0201 0 hypothetical protein 198 10448 20698 Re01 .g02020 Uncharacterized protein 199 10449 20699 Re01 .g02030 Carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 200 10450 20700 Re01 .g02040 hypothetical protein 201 10451 20701 Re01 .g02050 hypothetical protein 202 10452 20702 Re01 .g02060 Putative uncharacterized protein 203 10453 20703 Re01 .g02070 Mis1 2 domain protein 204 10454 20704 Re01 .g02080 Putative uncharacterized protein 205 10455 20705 Re01 .g02090 Uncharacterized protein 206 10456 20706 Swrl p complex component (Swc5), Re01 .g021 00 putative 207 10457 20707 Re01 .g021 10 Actibind 208 10458 20708 30778 32268 Re01 .g021 20 hypothetical protein 209 10459 20709 Re01 .g021 30 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 2 10 10460 2071 0 C2H2 type conidiation transcription Re01 .g02140 factor BrIA 2 11 10461 2071 1 Re01 .g021 50 hypothetical protein 2 12 10462 2071 2 Re01 .g021 60 hypothetical protein 2 13 10463 2071 3 Re01 .g021 70 Uncharacterized protein 214 10464 20714 Re01 .g021 80 Uncharacterized protein 2 15 10465 2071 5 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor subunit elF2B-gamma, Re01 .g021 90 putative 2 16 10466 2071 6 30779 32269 Re01 .g02200 hypothetical protein 2 17 10467 2071 7 Re01 .g0221 0 hypothetical protein 2 18 10468 2071 8 Re01 .g02220 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 19 10469 2071 9 Re01 .g02230 Uncharacterized protein 220 10470 20720 Re01 .g02240 Fatty acid elongase 221 10471 20721 Re01 .g02250 hypothetical protein 222 10472 20722 30780 32270 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Re01 .g02260 dehydrogenase EC=1 .2. .12 223 10473 20723 Pseudouridine synthase Re01 .g02270 TruD/Pus7, putative 224 10474 20724 Re01 .g02280 Putative uncharacterized protein 225 10475 20725 30781 32271 Re01 .g02290 Putative uncharacterized protein 226 10476 20726 ADP-ribose 1"-phosphate Re01 .g02300 phosphatase EC=3. 1.3.84 227 10477 20727 Macrophage migration inhibitory Re01 .g0231 0 factor family protein 228 10478 20728 e 01.g02320 Putative arginase family protein 229 10479 20729 30782 32272 SUN domain protein (Adg3), Re01 .g02330 putative 230 10480 20730 30783 32273 Benzoate 4-monooxygenase Re01 .g02340 cytochrome P450 231 10481 20731 Re01 .g02350 DUF292 domain protein 232 10482 20732 Re01 .g02360 MFS transporter, putative 233 10483 20733 Re01 .g02370 Putative uncharacterized protein 234 10484 20734 30784 32274 Re01 .g02380 Uncharacterized protein 235 10485 20735 Re01 .g02390 AP-2 complex subunit sigma 236 10486 20736 Re01 .g02400 Diphthine synthase, putative 237 10487 20737 SAGA-like transcriptional Re01 .g0241 0 regulatory complex subunit Spt3 238 10488 20738 Re01 .g02420 Blue light-inducible protein Bli-3 239 10489 20739 Re01 .g02430 hypothetical protein 240 10490 20740 Re01 .g02440 F-box domain protein 241 10491 20741 C2H2 finger domain-containing Re01 .g02450 protein 242 10492 20742 Re01 .g02460 Uncharacterized protein 243 10493 20743 Re01 .g02470 Putative uncharacterized protein 244 10494 20744 Histidinol-phosphate Re01 .g02480 aminotransferase 245 10495 20745 Re01 .g02490 hypothetical protein 246 10496 20746 Re01 .g02500 hypothetical protein 247 10497 20747 Re01 .g0251 0 hypothetical protein 248 10498 20748 Re01 .g02520 Putative uncharacterized protein 249 10499 20749 Integral membrane protein, Re01 .g02530 putative 250 10500 20750 Catalytic activity: Nucleoside triphosphate + RNA(n) = Pyrophosphate + RNA(n+1 ) Re01 .g02540 EC= 251 10501 20751 Nuclear segregation protein (Bfr1 ), putative (AFU orthologue Re01 .g02550 AFUA G141 20) 252 10502 20752 Re01 .g02560 Uncharacterized protein 253 10503 20753 30785 32275 Phosphatidylglycerol specific phospholipase C, putative Re01 .g02570 EC=3.1 .4.3 254 10504 20754 30786 32276 Re01 .g02580 Uncharacterized protein 255 10505 20755 Re01 .g02590 Uncharacterized protein 256 10506 20756 Re01 .g02600 hypothetical protein 257 10507 20757 Re01 .g0261 0 Uncharacterized protein 258 10508 20758 30787 32277 Re01 .g02620 Beta-galactosidase EC=3.2.1 .23 259 10509 20759 30788 32278 Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, Re01 .g02630 putative 260 1051 0 20760 Re01 .g02640 Methyltransferase (Ncl1 ), putative 261 1051 1 20761 Re01 .g02650 Alpha/beta-Hydrolase 262 1051 2 20762 Re01 .g02660 Class II aldolase/adducin domain 263 1051 3 20763 protein e 01.g02670 Uncharacterized protein 264 10514 20764 Adenylosuccinate synthetase Re01 .g02680 EC= 265 1051 5 20765 Re01 .g02690 DnaJ domain-containing protein 266 1051 6 20766 C6 transcription factor (UaY), Re01 .g02700 putative 267 1051 7 20767 Re01 .g0271 0 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 268 1051 8 20768 Re01 .g02720 GTP-binding protein Obg 269 1051 9 20769 30789 32279 Re01 .g02730 JmjC domain protein, putative 270 10520 20770 Re01 .g02740 DUF1 014 domain protein 271 10521 20771 Re01 .g02750 Methyltransferase, putative 272 10522 20772 Peroxisome biosynthesis protein Re01 .g02760 (Peroxine-7), putative 273 10523 20773 Re01 .g02770 Putative uncharacterized protein 274 10524 20774 Re01 .g02780 CUE domain protein, putative 275 10525 20775 Re01 .g02790 Uncharacterized protein 276 10526 20776 Re01 .g02800 hypothetical protein 277 10527 20777 30790 32280 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, Re01 .g0281 0 putative 278 10528 20778 Re01 .g02820 Putative uncharacterized protein 279 10529 20779 Homeobox and C2H2 transcription Re01 .g02830 factor, putative 280 10530 20780 Re01 .g02840 carboxylase 281 10531 20781 Re01 .g02850 Lactam utilization protein LamB 282 10532 20782 Re01 .g02860 F-box domain-containing protein 283 10533 20783 Re01 .g02870 Uncharacterized protein 284 10534 20784 30791 32281 Cell division control protein 45, Re01 .g02880 putative 285 10535 20785 30792 32282 Re01 .g02890 Mannosidase MsdS EC=3.2. 1.1 13 286 10536 20786 30793 32283 Transcriptional regulatory protein Re01 .g02900 moc3 287 10537 20787 Phosphoribosyl-AMP Re01 .g0291 0 cyclohydrolase 288 10538 20788 U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated Re01 .g02920 protein Utp1 1, putative 289 10539 20789 Re01 .g02930 Putative uncharacterized protein 290 10540 20790 Transcription initiation factor TFIID, Re01 .g02940 3 1kD subunit, putative 291 10541 20791 Re01 .g02950 Lipin Smp2, putative 292 10542 20792 Re01 .g02960 Fibronectin type III domain protein 293 10543 20793 TRNAHis guanylyltransferase, Re01 .g02970 putative 294 10544 20794 Re01 .g02980 Putative uncharacterized protein 295 10545 20795 Re01 .g02990 WD domain protein 296 10546 20796 30794 32284 Re01 .g03000 hypothetical protein 297 10547 20797 Re01 .g03020 WD domain-containing protein 298 10548 20798 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Re01 .g03030 EC= 299 10549 20799 e 01.g03040 Putative uncharacterized protein 300 10550 20800 30795 32285 DNA repair protein Dds20/Sfr1 , Re01 .g03050 putative 301 10551 20801 Beta-glucosidase EC=3.2.1 .21 Re01 .g03060 EC=3.2.1 .21 302 10552 20802 Re01 .g03070 Kelch motif domain protein 303 10553 20803 Re01 .g03080 WD-repeat containing protein slpl 304 10554 20804 Transcription factor TFIIA complex Re01 .g03090 subunit Toa1 , putative 305 10555 20805 Re01 .g031 00 C6 transcription factor 306 10556 20806 Re01 .g031 10 Uncharacterized protein 307 10557 20807 C2H2 transcription factor (Sfp1 ), Re01 .g031 20 putative 308 10558 20808 Re01 .g031 30 tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase 3 309 10559 20809 Re01 .g03140 BAP31 domain protein, putative 3 10 10560 2081 0 30796 32286 Mitochondrial inheritance Re01 .g031 50 component mdm1 2 3 11 10561 2081 1 Re01 .g031 60 Predicted protein 3 12 10562 2081 2 Re01 .g031 70 hypothetical protein 3 13 10563 2081 3 30797 32287 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re01 .g031 80 (Kin4), putative 314 10564 20814 Re01 .g031 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 15 10565 2081 5 Re01 .g03200 Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, putative 3 16 10566 2081 6 30798 32288 Re01 .g0321 0 BZIP transcription factor, putative 3 17 10567 2081 7 Re01 .g03220 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 3 18 10568 2081 8 Re01 .g03230 Uncharacterized protein 3 19 10569 2081 9 Re01 .g03240 Uncharacterized protein 320 10570 20820 Re01 .g03250 Amidase 321 10571 20821 CAMP-specific phosphodiesterase, Re01 .g03260 putative 322 10572 20822 Re01 .g03270 hypothetical protein 323 10573 20823 Endosomal SPRY domain protein, Re01 .g03280 putative 324 10574 20824 Probable Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase Re01 .g03290 ACLA_020440 EC=3.4.1 1.9 325 10575 20825 Protein translocation complex Re01 .g03300 componenet (Npl 1), putative 326 10576 20826 Re01 .g0331 0 C6 transcription factor 327 10577 20827 Re01 .g03320 Uncharacterized protein 328 10578 20828 Re01 .g03330 Sugar 1,4-lactone oxidase, putative 329 10579 20829 Re01 .g03340 Gelsolin repeat protein, putative 330 10580 20830 Re01 .g03350 Uncharacterized protein 331 10581 20831 Re01 .g03360 Uncharacterized protein 332 10582 20832 Re01 .g03370 Putative uncharacterized protein 333 10583 20833 2-isopropylmalate synthase Re01 .g03380 EC= 3 334 10584 20834 AMP binding domain protein, Re01 .g03390 putative 335 10585 20835 Re01 .g03400 40S ribosomal protein S5 336 10586 20836 e 01.g0341 0 SDA1 domain protein 337 10587 20837 Re01 .g03420 Uncharacterized protein 338 10588 20838 Hsp70 family chaperone Re01 .g03430 Lhs1/Orp1 50, putative 339 10589 20839 30799 32289 MtDNA inheritance protein Dml 1, Re01 .g03440 putative 340 10590 20840 Re01 .g03450 Uncharacterized protein 341 10591 20841 Re01 .g03460 Putative uncharacterized protein 342 10592 20842 Re01 .g03470 EBP domain-containing protein 343 10593 20843 Re01 .g03480 Putative uncharacterized protein 344 10594 20844 DsDNA-dependent ATPase Re01 .g03490 (Rad54b), putative 345 10595 20845 Re01 .g03500 Choline transport protein, putative 346 10596 20846 Re01 .g0351 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 347 10597 20847 Polysaccharide deacetylase family Re01 .g03520 protein 348 10598 20848 30800 32290 Heat shock protein Re01 .g03530 Hsp98/Hsp1 04/ClpA, putative 349 10599 20849 Re01 .g03540 Putative uncharacterized protein 350 10600 20850 Re01 .g03550 Autophagy protein Atg27 351 10601 20851 30801 32291 Prefoldin subunit 4 , putative Re01 .g03560 (AFlLorthologue AFUA G 15240) 352 10602 20852 Re01 .g03570 C6 transcription factor, putative 353 10603 20853 Re01 .g03580 Uncharacterized protein 354 10604 20854 30802 32292 Re01 .g03590 Putative uncharacterized protein 355 10605 20855 Re01 .g03600 Putative uncharacterized protein 356 10606 20856 Re01 .g0361 0 Hsp70 family protein 357 10607 20857 Re01 .g03620 hypothetical protein 358 10608 20858 Re01 .g03630 Putative uncharacterized protein 359 10609 20859 30803 32293 Re01 .g03640 Putative uncharacterized protein 360 1061 0 20860

Re01 .g03650 Acyl-CoA thioesterase II 361 1061 1 20861 Re01 .g03660 Uncharacterized protein 362 1061 2 20862 Re01 .g03670 hypothetical protein 363 1061 3 20863 Re01 .g03680 Uncharacterized protein 364 10614 20864 Re01 .g03690 hypothetical protein 365 1061 5 20865 Alpha-amylase, putative Re01 .g03700 EC=3.2.1 .98 366 1061 6 20866 30804 32294 Mitochondrial phosphate carrier Re01 .g0371 0 protein (Mir1 ), putative 367 1061 7 20867 30805 32295 Re01 .g03720 Uncharacterized protein 368 1061 8 20868 Re01 .g03740 Uncharacterized protein 369 1061 9 20869 Re01 .g03750 Uncharacterized protein 370 10620 20870 Re01 .g03760 Putative uncharacterized protein 371 10621 20871 30806 32296 Homoserine acetyltransferase Re01 .g03770 family protein 372 10622 20872 Re01 .g03780 Poly(A) polymerase Pap 373 10623 20873 Re01 .g03790 Uncharacterized protein 374 10624 20874 Manganese superoxide dismutase Re01 .g03800 AAC36583-Penicillium 375 10625 20875 chrysogenum e01.g0381 0 Uncharacterized protein 376 10626 20876 Re01 .g03820 Uncharacterized protein 377 10627 20877 Re01 .g03830 Amidase signature (AS) enzyme 378 10628 20878 Oxidoreductase, short-chain Re01 .g03840 dehydrogenase/reductase family 379 10629 20879 Re01 .g03850 Putative uncharacterized protein 380 10630 20880 Re01 .g03860 Putative uncharacterized protein 381 10631 20881 Re01 .g03870 Putative uncharacterized protein 382 10632 20882 Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide Re01 .g03880 oxidoreductase, putative 383 10633 20883 30807 32297 Re01 .g03890 Methyltransferase, putative 384 10634 20884 Re01 .g03900 Adenylate cyclase, putative 385 10635 20885 Re01 .g0391 0 Predicted protein 386 10636 20886 Re01 .g03920 hypothetical protein 387 10637 20887 30808 32298 Re01 .g03930 Ankyrin repeat protein 388 10638 20888 Re01 .g03940 Putative uncharacterized protein 389 10639 20889 Re01 .g03950 Aminotransferase, putative 390 10640 20890 Re01 .g03960 Putative uncharacterized protein 391 10641 20891 30809 32299 Re01 .g03970 Uncharacterized protein 392 10642 20892 Re01 .g03980 Metalloreductase 393 10643 20893 2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3- Re01 .g03990 dehydrogenase, putative 394 10644 20894 3081 0 32300 Re01 .g04000 Uncharacterized protein 395 10645 20895 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase, putative Re01 .g0401 0 (AFU orthologue AFUA G14380) 396 10646 20896 Zinc-dependent alcohol Re01 .g04020 dehydrogenase, putative 397 10647 20897 Hydroxyisocaproate Re01 .g04030 dehydrogenase 398 10648 20898 Re01 .g04040 Uncharacterized protein 399 10649 20899 Re01 .g04050 Cation diffusion facilitator 1 400 10650 20900 Re01 .g04060 Putative uncharacterized protein 401 10651 20901 Re01 .g04070 Ankyrin repeat protein 402 10652 20902 Re01 .g04080 ABC transporter 403 10653 20903 Re01 .g04090 UBX domain protein 404 10654 20904 Re01 .g041 00 hypothetical protein 405 10655 20905 PAB-dependent poly(A)-specific Re01 .g041 10 ribonuclease subunit pan3 406 10656 20906 Re01 .g041 20 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 407 10657 20907 Re01 .g041 30 hypothetical protein 408 10658 20908 Re01 .g04140 hypothetical protein 409 10659 20909 Re01 .g041 50 Uncharacterized protein 4 10 10660 2091 0 Re01 .g041 60 Catechol dioxygenase, putative 4 11 10661 2091 1 TGF beta receptor associated Re01 .g041 70 protein 1, putative 4 12 10662 2091 2 Golgi membrane protein (Coy1 ), Re01 .g041 80 putative 4 13 10663 2091 3 e01.g041 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 414 10664 20914 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 .g04200 CAC28784.2 4 15 10665 2091 5 3081 1 32301 Re01 .g0421 0 Fibrillarin 4 16 10666 2091 6 Re01 .g04220 Monooxygenase, putative 4 17 10667 2091 7 Nucleoside-diphosphate-sugar Re01 .g04230 epimerase, putative 4 18 10668 2091 8 Mitochondrial processing peptidase Re01 .g04240 beta subunit, putative 4 19 10669 2091 9 Oxidoreductase, zinc-binding Re01 .g04250 dehydrogenase family, putative 420 10670 20920 Succinate dehydrogenase subunit Re01 .g04260 CybS 421 10671 20921 Re01 .g04270 Septum formation protein Maf 422 10672 20922 Re01 .g04280 Pc06g01 830 protein 423 10673 20923 Re01 .g04290 Uncharacterized protein 424 10674 20924 Putative endoglucanase v-like Re01 .g04300 protein 425 10675 20925 3081 2 32302 Re01 .g0431 0 hypothetical protein 426 10676 20926 Re01 .g04320 hypothetical protein 427 10677 20927 Re01 .g04330 Uncharacterized protein 428 10678 20928 3081 3 32303 Re01 .g04340 Predicted protein 429 10679 20929 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g04350 An04g04080 430 10680 20930 Re01 .g04360 Putative uncharacterized protein 431 10681 20931 Re01 .g04370 Uncharacterized protein 432 10682 20932 Re01 .g04380 Putative uncharacterized protein 433 10683 20933 Re01 .g04390 Importin beta-1 subunit 434 10684 20934 Re01 .g04400 Remark: YS24 is part of the small 435 10685 20935 Phosphoglycerate mutase family Re01 .g0441 0 protein 436 10686 20936 Re01 .g04420 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 437 10687 20937 Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase, Re01 .g04430 putative 438 10688 20938 Re01 .g04440 Retrograde regulation protein 2 439 10689 20939 Re01 .g04450 Uncharacterized protein 440 10690 20940 Anaphase promoting complex Re01 .g04460 subunit 10 (APC1 0), putative 441 10691 20941 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase Re01 .g04470 Leu2A 442 10692 20942 Re01 .g04480 Uncharacterized protein 443 10693 20943 Re01 .g04490 Uncharacterized protein 444 10694 20944 Re01 .g04500 Putative uncharacterized protein 445 10695 20945 30814 32304 Re01 .g0451 0 Uncharacterized protein 446 10696 20946 3081 5 32305 Re01 .g04520 Predicted protein 447 10697 20947 Re01 .g04530 Putative uncharacterized protein 448 10698 20948 Re01 .g04540 Polyketide synthase 449 10699 20949 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold Re01 .g04550 containing protein 450 10700 20950 3081 6 32306 e01.g04560 Uncharacterized protein 451 10701 20951 Re01 .g04570 Putative uncharacterized protein 452 10702 20952 Re01 .g04580 Putative uncharacterized protein 453 10703 20953 RNA splicing factor (Pad-1 ), Re01 .g04590 putative 454 10704 20954 Ceramide very long chain fatty acid Re01 .g04600 hydroxylase SCS7 455 10705 20955 Re01 .g0461 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 456 10706 20956 Re01 .g04620 Ferrooxidoreductase Fet3 457 10707 20957 3081 7 32307 Re01 .g04630 Uncharacterized protein 458 10708 20958 Re01 .g04640 Putative uncharacterized protein 459 10709 20959 Re01 .g04650 Uncharacterized protein 460 1071 0 20960 Re01 .g04660 Coatomer subunit delta, putative 461 1071 1 20961 Conserved glutamic acid-rich Re01 .g04670 protein 462 1071 2 20962 Re01 .g04680 Uncharacterized conserved protein 463 1071 3 20963 Re01 .g04690 Sacl domain protein 464 10714 20964 Re01 .g04700 Importin beta-2 subunit, putative 465 1071 5 20965 Re01 .g0471 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 466 1071 6 20966 Re01 .g04720 Dockerin type 1 467 1071 7 20967 Re01 .g04730 MFS hexose transporter 468 1071 8 20968 Re01 .g04740 Predicted protein 469 1071 9 20969 Re01 .g04750 Uncharacterized protein 470 10720 20970 3081 8 32308 Re01 .g04760 Ubiquitin hydrolase, putative 471 10721 20971 Re01 .g04770 Choline kinase, putative 472 10722 20972 Re01 .g04780 Non-hemolytic phospholipase C 473 10723 20973 3081 9 32309 Re01 .g04790 Multicopper oxidase, putative 474 10724 20974 Re01 .g04800 Auxin Efflux Carrier superfamily 475 10725 20975 MAP kinase kinase (Pbs2), Re01 .g04820 putative 476 10726 20976 Glutathione oxidoreductase Girl , Re01 .g04830 putative EC=1 .8. 1.7 477 10727 20977 Re01 .g04840 MFS transporter 478 10728 20978 Re01 .g04850 Uncharacterized protein 479 10729 20979 Re01 .g04860 Enoyl-CoA hydratase 480 10730 20980 Re01 .g04870 Uncharacterized protein 481 10731 20981 Re01 .g04880 hypothetical protein 482 10732 20982 Re01 .g04890 Putative uncharacterized protein 483 10733 20983 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g04900 An1 1g 10270 484 10734 20984 Re01 .g0491 0 Choline dehydrogenase 485 10735 20985 30820 3231 0 Re01 .g04920 Uncharacterized protein 486 10736 20986 30821 3231 1 Re01 .g04930 Uncharacterized protein 487 10737 20987 Re01 .g04940 Uncharacterized protein 488 10738 20988 Re01 .g04950 Uncharacterized protein 489 10739 20989 Re01 .g04960 Thioredoxin reductase GliT-like 490 10740 20990 Re01 .g04970 hypothetical protein 491 10741 20991 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g04980 Fragment 492 10742 20992 e 01.g04990 Putative uncharacterized protein 493 10743 20993 30822 3231 2 Re01 .g05000 Predicted protein 494 10744 20994 Re01 .g0501 0 Putative transporter 495 10745 20995 Re01 .g05020 Uncharacterized protein 496 10746 20996 Re01 .g05030 Transposase 497 10747 20997 Re01 .g05040 Putative uncharacterized protein 498 10748 20998 Re01 .g05050 Lectin C-type domain protein 499 10749 20999 Re01 .g05060 Uncharacterized protein 500 10750 2 1000 Peptidase family M20/M25/M40 Re01 .g05070 protein 501 10751 2 1001 Re01 .g05080 hypothetical protein 502 10752 2 1002 NADPH:adrenodoxin oxidoreductase, mitochondrial Re01 .g05090 EC=1 .18.1 .6 503 10753 2 1003 Re01 .g051 00 GABA permease, putative 504 10754 2 1004 Re01 .g051 10 Predicted protein 505 10755 2 1005 30823 3231 3 Re01 .g051 20 Uncharacterized protein 506 10756 2 1006 30824 32314 Re01 .g051 30 hypothetical protein 507 10757 2 1007 30825 3231 5 Re01 .g05140 Putative uncharacterized protein 508 10758 2 1008 Re01 .g051 50 Uncharacterized protein 509 10759 2 1009 Re01 .g051 60 Uncharacterized protein 5 10 10760 2 10 10 Re01 .g051 70 DUF726 domain protein 5 11 10761 2 10 11 Re01 .g051 80 Vesicular-fusion protein sec1 7 5 12 10762 2 10 12 Small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein Re01 .g051 90 complex subunit, putative 5 13 10763 2 10 13 Pre-rRNA processing protein Tsr1 , Re01 .g05200 putative 514 10764 2 1014 Re01 .g0521 0 accessory protein ureG 5 15 10765 2 10 15 Re01 .g05220 hypothetical protein 5 16 10766 2 10 16 Re01 .g05230 PtaB protein, putative 5 17 10767 2 10 17 Re01 .g05240 Spastin 5 18 10768 2 10 18 Re01 .g05250 hypothetical protein 5 19 10769 2 10 19 Re01 .g05260 Uncharacterized protein 520 10770 2 1020 Re01 .g05270 hypothetical protein 521 10771 2 1021 Re01 .g05290 Uncharacterized protein 522 10772 2 1022 Re01 .g05300 hypothetical protein 523 10773 2 1023 30826 3231 6 PAPA-1-like conserved region Re01 .g0531 0 protein 524 10774 2 1024 30827 3231 7 Peroxisomal membrane anchor Re01 .g05320 protein, putative 525 10775 2 1025 Protein transport protein (SEC31 ), Re01 .g05330 putative 526 10776 2 1026 30828 3231 8 Peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase Re01 .g05340 Cyclophilin, putative 527 10777 2 1027 Re01 .g05350 Uncharacterized protein 528 10778 2 1028 Re01 .g05360 Putative uncharacterized protein 529 10779 2 1029 FAD dependent oxidoreductase, Re01 .g05370 putative 530 10780 2 1030 30829 3231 9 Re01 .g05380 Putative uncharacterized protein 531 10781 2 1031 e01.g05390 Uncharacterized protein 532 10782 2 1032 Re01 .g05400 Putative uncharacterized protein 533 10783 2 1033 Mitochondrial co-chaperone GrpE, Re01 .g0541 0 putative 534 10784 2 1034 Re01 .g05420 Uncharacterized protein 535 10785 2 1035 Calcineurin binding protein, Re01 .g05430 putative 536 10786 2 1036 Arginyl-tRNA—protein transferase 1 Re01 .g05440 EC= 537 10787 2 1037 Re01 .g05450 Uncharacterized protein 538 10788 2 1038

Re01 .g05460 RNA polymerase II subunit 3 539 10789 2 1039 Re01 .g05470 Putative uncharacterized protein 540 10790 2 1040 Re01 .g05480 Putative uncharacterized protein 541 10791 2 1041 Re01 .g05490 Putative uncharacterized protein 542 10792 2 1042 Re01 .g05500 3' exoribonuclease family protein 543 10793 2 1043 Re01 .g0551 0 Meiosis induction protein kinase 544 10794 2 1044 Re01 .g05520 Uncharacterized protein 545 10795 2 1045 Re01 .g05530 Putative uncharacterized protein 546 10796 2 1046 Re01 .g05540 Uncharacterized protein 547 10797 2 1047 Re01 .g05550 Putative uncharacterized protein 548 10798 2 1048 OB-fold nucleic acid binding Re01 .g05560 domain-containing protein 549 10799 2 1049 Cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase zinc-binding domain Re01 .g05570 protein 550 10800 2 1050 Re01 .g05580 DnaJ domain protein 551 10801 2 1051 Universal stress Re01 .g05590 domain protein 552 10802 2 1052 Re01 .g05600 Uncharacterized protein 553 10803 2 1053 Re01 .g0561 0 Reverse transcriptase, putative 554 10804 2 1054 Re01 .g05620 Uncharacterized protein 555 10805 2 1055 Re01 .g05630 Salicylate hydroxylase 556 10806 2 1056 Re01 .g05640 Uncharacterized protein 557 10807 2 1057 30830 32320 Re01 .g05650 Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit B 558 10808 2 1058 Bifunctional Re01 .g05660 TRPB 559 10809 2 1059 Re01 .g05670 Transcriptional regulator Medusa 560 1081 0 2 1060 Re01 .g05680 Putative uncharacterized protein 561 1081 1 2 1061 Re01 .g05690 Pc22g 13390 protein 562 1081 2 2 1062 Re01 .g05700 GYF domain protein 563 1081 3 2 1063 Re01 .g0571 0 Aminotransferase family protein 564 10814 2 1064 Re01 .g05720 Pc21 g22720 protein 565 1081 5 2 1065 RING finger domain protein, Re01 .g05730 putative 566 1081 6 2 1066 Mitochondrial membrane fission Re01 .g05740 protein 567 1081 7 2 1067 Re01 .g05750 Putative uncharacterized protein 568 1081 8 2 1068 Re01 .g05760 Uncharacterized protein 569 1081 9 2 1069 30831 32321 Re01 .g05770 Uncharacterized protein 570 10820 2 1070 RNA polymerase II transcription mediator complex subunit Srb7, e01.g05780 putative 571 10821 2 1071 Re01 .g05790 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase 572 10822 2 1072 Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type

Re01 .g05800 II subunit alpha, putative 573 10823 2 1073 GATAtranscription factor (AreB), Re01 .g0581 0 putative 574 10824 2 1074 Re01 .g05820 MFS transporter, putative 575 10825 2 1075 Similarity to hypothetical Re01 .g05830 membrane protein YDR1 05c 576 10826 2 1076 30832 32322 DNA mismatch repair protein Re01 .g05840 (Pms1), putative 577 10827 2 1077 Re01 .g05850 Uncharacterized protein 578 10828 2 1078 Re01 .g05860 Chitin synthase 579 10829 2 1079 30833 32323 Re01 .g05870 Chitin synthase ChsE 580 10830 2 1080 Re01 .g05880 KH domain protein 581 10831 2 1081 Re01 .g05890 Uncharacterized protein 582 10832 2 1082 Re01 .g05900 Pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase, putative 583 10833 2 1083 Re01 .g0591 0 Dynactin, putative 584 10834 2 1084 Re01 .g05920 Uncharacterized protein 585 10835 2 1085 Re01 .g05930 Uncharacterized protein 586 10836 2 1086 30834 32324 Re01 .g05940 DUF300 domain protein 587 10837 2 1087 Re01 .g05950 Uncharacterized protein 588 10838 2 1088 Translation elongation factor EF-2 Re01 .g05960 subunit, putative 589 10839 2 1089 CCCH zinc finger and RRM Re01 .g05970 domain protein 590 10840 2 1090 Re01 .g05980 Uncharacterized protein 591 10841 2 1091 N-terminal nucleophile Re01 .g05990 aminohydrolases (Ntn ) 592 10842 2 1092 Re01 .g06000 Predicted protein 593 10843 2 1093 Re01 .g0601 0 Myo-inositol transporter 594 10844 2 1094 Benzoate 4-monooxygenase Re01 .g06020 cytochrome P450 595 10845 2 1095 NADPH-cytochrome P450 Re01 .g06030 reductase EC=1 .6.2.4 596 10846 2 1096 30835 32325 Lactoylglutathione lyase (Glo1 ), Re01 .g06040 putative 597 10847 2 1097 Re01 .g06050 Putative uncharacterized protein 598 10848 2 1098 Ribosome biogenesis protein Re01 .g06060 (Bms1), putative 599 10849 2 1099 Meiotic segregation Re01 .g06070 protein 600 10850 2 1100 Re01 .g06080 Putative uncharacterized protein 601 10851 2 110 1 Re01 .g06090 Uncharacterized protein 602 10852 2 1102 Mitochondrial pyruvate Re01 .g061 00 dehydrogenase kinase, putative 603 10853 2 1103 Re01 .g061 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 604 10854 2 1104 30836 32326 Thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring e01.g061 20 enzyme 605 10855 2 1105 Aromatic aminotransferase Aro8, Re01 .g061 30 putative 606 10856 2 1106 Re01 .g06140 hypothetical protein 607 10857 2 1107 Serine/threonin protein kinase, Re01 .g061 50 putative 608 10858 2 1108 Endonuclease/exonuclease/phosp Re01 .g061 60 hatase family protein 609 10859 2 1109 Re01 .g061 70 hypothetical protein 6 10 10860 2 1110 30837 32327 Re01 .g061 80 Uncharacterized protein 6 11 10861 2 1111 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent Re01 .g061 90 protein kinase 6 12 10862 2 1112 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, Re01 .g06200 putative 6 13 10863 2 1113 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re01 .g0621 0 49 kDa subunit, putative 614 10864 2 1114 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I and III subunit Rpc40, putative Re01 .g06220 EC= 6 15 10865 2 1115 NEDD8 activating enzyme (UbaC), Re01 .g06230 putative 6 16 10866 2 1116 Re01 .g06240 Uncharacterized protein 6 17 10867 2 1117 Re01 .g06250 Uncharacterized protein 6 18 10868 2 1118 Re01 .g06260 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 19 10869 2 1119 Re01 .g06270 Putative uncharacterized protein 620 10870 2 1120 Re01 .g06280 Putative uncharacterized protein 621 10871 2 112 1 Re01 .g06290 Uncharacterized protein 622 10872 2 1122 Re01 .g0631 0 hypothetical protein 623 10873 2 1123 30838 32328 Re01 .g06320 Putative uncharacterized protein 624 10874 2 1124 30839 32329 Actin cytoskeleton organization Re01 .g06330 protein App1 , putative 625 10875 2 1125 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g06340 An1 1g0041 0 Precursor 626 10876 2 1126 Serine/threonine-protein Re01 .g06350 phosphatase EC=3. 1.3.1 6 627 10877 2 1127 Short chain Re01 .g06360 dehydrogenase/reductase family 628 10878 2 1128 Re01 .g06370 Pc21 g20680 protein Precursor 629 10879 2 1129 Re01 .g06380 Zinc finger protein, putative 630 10880 2 1130 Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase, Re01 .g06390 putative 631 10881 2 113 1 Re01 .g06400 Carboxylesterase 632 10882 2 1132 Re01 .g0641 0 hypothetical protein 633 10883 2 1133 Re01 .g06420 MFS transporter 634 10884 2 1134 Re01 .g06430 Carboxylesterase, putative 635 10885 2 1135 Re01 .g06440 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 1 636 10886 2 1136 HAD superfamily hydrolase, Re01 .g06450 putative 637 10887 2 1137 Re01 .g06460 hypothetical protein 638 10888 2 1138 e01.g06470 hypothetical protein 639 10889 2 1139 30840 32330 Re01 .g06480 hypothetical protein 640 10890 2 1140 Re01 .g06490 Putative uncharacterized protein 641 10891 2 1141 Nucleoporin NUP49/NSP49, Re01 .g06500 putative 642 10892 2 1142 Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent Re01 .g0651 0 taurine dioxygenase 643 10893 2 1143 Re01 .g06520 ARS-binding protein 1 644 10894 2 1144 Re01 .g06530 Putative uncharacterized protein 645 10895 2 1145 Re01 .g06540 Predicted protein 646 10896 2 1146 Re01 .g06550 Chaperonin, putative 647 10897 2 1147 Re01 .g06560 Endoglucanase, putative 648 10898 2 1148 30841 32331 Re01 .g06570 Putative uncharacterized protein 649 10899 2 1149 Re01 .g06580 Putative uncharacterized protein 650 10900 2 1150 30842 32332 Re01 .g06590 Putative uncharacterized protein 651 10901 2 115 1 30843 32333 Re01 .g06600 Ubiquitin-protein ligase 652 10902 2 1152 30844 32334 Re01 .g0661 0 Uncharacterized protein 653 10903 2 1153 Ubiquitin-like activating enzyme Re01 .g06620 (UlaA), putative 654 10904 2 1154 Re01 .g06630 Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A 655 10905 2 1155 Nuclear pore complex subunit, Re01 .g06640 putative 656 10906 2 1156 Re01 .g06650 ATP binding protein, putative 657 10907 2 1157 Re01 .g06660 Rpp14 family family 658 10908 2 1158 ATP citrate lyase, subunit 1, Re01 .g06670 putative 659 10909 2 1159 ATP citrate lyase subunit (Acl), Re01 .g06680 putative 660 1091 0 2 1160 Re01 .g06690 Alpha-L-rhamnosidase 661 1091 1 2 116 1 30845 32335 Re01 .g06700 Uncharacterized protein 662 1091 2 2 1162 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g0671 0 Fragment 663 1091 3 2 1163 30846 32336 DNA polymerase delta subunit 4, Re01 .g06720 putative 664 10914 2 1164 Re01 .g06730 Acetamidase 665 1091 5 2 1165 Re01 .g06740 Uncharacterized protein 666 1091 6 2 1166 Re01 .g06750 Uncharacterized protein 667 1091 7 2 1167 Ubiquitin-like activating enzyme Re01 .g06760 (UbaB), putative 668 1091 8 2 1168 Re01 .g06770 Pc21 g20220 protein 669 1091 9 2 1169 Re01 .g06780 Putative uncharacterized protein 670 10920 2 1170 Predicted tRNA-splicing Re01 .g06790 endonuclease subunit 671 10921 2 117 1 Re01 .g06800 Uncharacterized protein 672 10922 2 1172 Re01 .g0681 0 Arrestin domain protein 673 10923 2 1173 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, Re01 .g06820 putative 674 10924 2 1174 30847 32337 Re01 .g06830 Zinc finger protein ZPR1 675 10925 2 1175 Re01 .g06840 Uncharacterized protein 676 10926 2 1176 RNA lariat debranching enzyme, e01.g06850 putative 677 10927 2 1177 Re01 .g06860 Protein required for cell viability 678 10928 2 1178 Re01 .g06870 hypothetical protein 679 10929 2 1179 30848 32338 Re01 .g06880 Chitin deacetylase, putative 680 10930 2 1180 30849 32339 Re01 .g06890 Putative uncharacterized protein 681 10931 2 118 1 Vacuolar protein sorting protein Re01 .g06900 (VPS1 1), putative 682 10932 2 1182 Re01 .g0691 0 Uncharacterized protein 683 10933 2 1183 Conserved leucine-rich repeat Re01 .g06920 protein 684 10934 2 1184 Inositol hexaphosphate kinase Re01 .g06930 KCS1 , putative 685 10935 2 1185 MFS monocarboxylic acid Re01 .g06940 transporter, putative 686 10936 2 1186 Re01 .g06950 Putative uncharacterized protein 687 10937 2 1187 Re01 .g06960 hypothetical protein 688 10938 2 1188 Re01 .g06970 Kinesin family protein 689 10939 2 1189 Re01 .g06980 Agmatinase, putative 690 10940 2 1190 30850 32340 Re01 .g06990 Putative uncharacterized protein 691 10941 2 119 1 Re01 .g07000 Putative uncharacterized protein 692 10942 2 1192 WD domain, G-beta repeat Re01 .g0701 0 containing protein 693 10943 2 1193 Re01 .g07020 Chorismate mutase 694 10944 2 1194 Re01 .g07030 Protein BCP1 695 10945 2 1195 Re01 .g07040 GMP synthase 696 10946 2 1196 Re01 .g07050 hypothetical protein 697 10947 2 1197 Re01 .g07060 hypothetical protein 698 10948 2 1198 Alpha- 1,2-mannosyltransferase, Re01 .g07070 putative 699 10949 2 1199 30851 32341 Re01 .g07080 Putative uncharacterized protein 700 10950 2 1200 Re01 .g07090 DUF1 275 domain protein 701 10951 2 1201 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g071 00 Fragment 702 10952 2 1202 Re01 .g071 10 Uncharacterized protein 703 10953 2 1203 Re01 .g071 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 704 10954 2 1204 Histidinol dehydrogenase Re01 .g071 30 EC=1 .1.1 .23 705 10955 2 1205 Re01 .g07140 Uncharacterized protein 706 10956 2 1206 Re01 .g071 50 hypothetical protein 707 10957 2 1207 Re01 .g071 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 708 10958 2 1208 Re01 .g071 70 hypothetical protein 709 10959 2 1209 Re01 .g071 80 hypothetical protein 7 10 10960 2 12 10 Re01 .g071 90 hypothetical protein 7 11 10961 2 12 11 Re01 .g07200 WD domain, G-beta repeat protein 7 12 10962 2 12 12 Endo-1 ,3(4)-beta-glucanase, Re01 .g0721 0 putative 7 13 10963 2 12 13 Oxidoreductase, short chain Re01 .g07220 dehydrogenase/reductase family 714 10964 2 1214 30852 32342 e01.g07230 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 7 15 10965 2 12 15 Re01 .g07240 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 7 16 10966 2 12 16 Function: PIP of B. coagulans has a higher activity toward small Re01 .g07250 peptides EC=3.4. 11.5 7 17 10967 2 12 17 30853 32343 Re01 .g07260 Oligopeptide transporter 7 18 10968 2 12 18 Re01 .g07270 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 19 10969 2 12 19 Re01 .g07280 hypothetical protein 720 10970 2 1220 Re01 .g07290 Putative uncharacterized protein 721 10971 2 1221 FAD-binding oxidoreductase, Re01 .g07300 putative 722 10972 2 1222 30854 32344 Re01 .g0731 0 Short-chain dehydrogenase 723 10973 2 1223 Re01 .g07320 Putative uncharacterized protein 724 10974 2 1224 30855 32345 Putative oligopeptide transporter 6 Re01 .g07330 protein 725 10975 2 1225 Re01 .g07340 Predicted protein 726 10976 2 1226 Re01 .g07350 Pc21 g031 20 protein Precursor 727 10977 2 1227 30856 32346 CCCH finger DNA binding protein, Re01 .g07360 putative 728 10978 2 1228 Re01 .g07370 Uncharacterized protein 729 10979 2 1229 Re01 .g07380 Putative uncharacterized protein 730 10980 2 1230 Re01 .g07390 Putative uncharacterized protein 731 10981 2 1231 Re01 .g07400 hypothetical protein 732 10982 2 1232 30857 32347 Re01 .g0741 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 733 10983 2 1233 RNA polymerase II holoenzyme Re01 .g07420 cyclin-like subunit 734 10984 2 1234 Calcium dependent mitochondrial Re01 .g07430 carrier protein, putative 735 10985 2 1235 Re01 .g07440 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 736 10986 2 1236 Gamma-tubulin complex Re01 .g07450 component GCP4, putative 737 10987 2 1237 Short chain dehydrogenase/oxidoreductase, Re01 .g07460 putative 738 10988 2 1238 30858 32348 Re01 .g07470 Uncharacterized protein 739 10989 2 1239 Re01 .g07480 Putative uncharacterized protein 740 10990 2 1240 Re01 .g07490 Putative uncharacterized protein 741 10991 2 1241 Hexokinase family protein XprF, Re01 .g07500 putative 742 10992 2 1242 Re01 .g0751 0 hypothetical protein 743 10993 2 1243 Re01 .g07520 Uncharacterized protein 744 10994 2 1244 Re01 .g07530 Uncharacterized protein 745 10995 2 1245 Re01 .g07540 Amine oxidase 746 10996 2 1246 30859 32349 Re01 .g07550 Putative uncharacterized protein 747 10997 2 1247 Aldehyde dehydrogenase family Re01 .g07560 protein, putative 748 10998 2 1248 Re01 .g07570 Putative uncharacterized protein 749 10999 2 1249 Re01 .g07580 N-methyltransferase, putative 750 11000 2 1250 Re01 .g07590 Putative uncharacterized protein 751 11001 2 1251 30860 32350 Pyruvate formate lyase activating e01.g07600 enzyme, putative 752 11002 2 1252 30861 32351 Re01 .g07620 Uncharacterized protein 753 11003 2 1253 30862 32352 Re01 .g07630 Uncharacterized protein 754 11004 2 1254 Sulfite reductase [NADPH] subunit Re01 .g07640 beta 755 11005 2 1255 Re01 .g07650 Putative uncharacterized protein 756 11006 2 1256 30863 32353 Function: Rab6 of H. sapiens is probably involved in vesicle traffic Re01 .g07660 targeting 757 11007 2 1257 Re01 .g07670 Uncharacterized protein 758 11008 2 1258 30864 32354 Re01 .g07680 Putative uncharacterized protein 759 11009 2 1259 30865 32355 Re01 .g07690 DDHD domain protein 760 110 10 2 1260 Re01 .g07700 Uncharacterized protein 761 110 11 2 1261 Re01 .g0771 0 FAD monooxygenase, putative 762 110 12 2 1262 30866 32356 Re01 .g07720 DUF866 domain protein 763 110 13 2 1263 Re01 .g07730 Putative uncharacterized protein 764 11014 2 1264 Re01 .g07740 Putative uncharacterized protein 765 110 15 2 1265 Re01 .g07750 Putative uncharacterized protein 766 110 16 2 1266 Re01 .g07760 Pc21 g03020 protein 767 110 17 2 1267 Re01 .g07770 Rho GTPase Rho4, putative 768 110 18 2 1268 Sphingosine-1 -phosphate Re01 .g07780 phosphohydrolase 769 110 19 2 1269 Re01 .g07790 Protease 770 11020 2 1270 Endo-1 ,3(4)-beta-glucanase, Re01 .g07800 putative 771 11021 2 1271 30867 32357 Re01 .g0781 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 772 11022 2 1272 Re01 .g07820 HIT finger domain protein 773 11023 2 1273 Re01 .g07830 Putative uncharacterized protein 774 11024 2 1274 Re01 .g07840 Putative uncharacterized protein 775 11025 2 1275 Re01 .g07850 Uncharacterized protein 776 11026 2 1276 Re01 .g07860 Uncharacterized protein 777 11027 2 1277 Re01 .g07870 Citrate synthase EC= 778 11028 2 1278 Re01 .g07880 RNA annealing protein Yra1 779 11029 2 1279 Re01 .g07890 SNF7 family protein 780 11030 2 1280 Hsp90 binding co-chaperone Re01 .g07900 (Sba1 ), putative 781 11031 2 1281 Re01 .g0791 0 HET-C domain protein HetC 782 11032 2 1282 30868 32358 Re01 .g07920 Putative uncharacterized protein 783 11033 2 1283 Re01 .g07930 Alpha-galactosidase A 784 11034 2 1284 30869 32359 Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase family Re01 .g07940 protein 785 11035 2 1285 Re01 .g07950 Uncharacterized protein 786 11036 2 1286 Re01 .g07960 Predicted protein 787 11037 2 1287 Re01 .g07970 Uncharacterized protein 788 11038 2 1288 Re01 .g07980 Importin beta-5 subunit, putative 789 11039 2 1289 Mitotic spindle checkpoint protein Re01 .g07990 (Mad2B), putative 790 11040 2 1290 Re01 .g08000 hypothetical protein 791 11041 2 1291 e01.g0801 0 RING finger protein, putative 792 11042 2 1292 Re01 .g08020 Uncharacterized protein 793 11043 2 1293 Re01 .g08030 Uncharacterized protein 794 11044 2 1294 Re01 .g08040 Vanadate resistance protein 795 11045 2 1295 Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family Re01 .g08050 oxidoreductase 796 11046 2 1296 30870 32360 Re01 .g08060 Putative uncharacterized protein 797 11047 2 1297 Pepsin-type protease Re01 .g08070 EC= 8 798 11048 2 1298 30871 32361 Cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly Re01 .g08080 factor NBP35 799 11049 2 1299 30872 32362 Phosphatidylethanolamine N- Re01 .g08090 methyltransferase EC=2. 1.1 .1 7 800 11050 2 1300 Re01 .g081 00 3' exoribonuclease family protein 801 11051 2 1301 Re01 .g081 10 Predicted protein 802 11052 2 1302 Re01 .g081 20 hypothetical protein 803 11053 2 1303 Re01 .g081 30 Uncharacterized protein 804 11054 2 1304 Prolyl-tRNA synthetase Re01 .g08140 EC=6.1 .1 .1 5 805 11055 2 1305 Re01 .g081 50 T-complex protein 1 subunit alpha 806 11056 2 1306 Re01 .g081 60 WD domain protein 807 11057 2 1307 rRNA biogenesis protein RRP5, Re01 .g081 70 putative 808 11058 2 1308 Re01 .g081 80 Uncharacterized protein 809 11059 2 1309 Re01 .g081 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 10 11060 2 13 10 Re01 .g08200 Urease accessory protein UreD 8 11 11061 2 13 11 Nuclear cohesin complex subunit Re01 .g0821 0 (Psc3), putative 8 12 11062 2 13 12 Re01 .g08220 Karyopherin alpha subunit 8 13 11063 2 13 13 Re01 .g08230 Uncharacterized protein 814 11064 2 1314 C-x8-C-x5-C-x3-H zinc finger Re01 .g08240 protein 8 15 11065 2 13 15 Re01 .g08250 Uncharacterized protein 8 16 11066 2 13 16 30873 32363 Re01 .g08260 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 17 11067 2 13 17 Re01 .g08270 DEAD/DEAH box helicase, putative 8 18 11068 2 13 18 G2/mitotic-specific cyclin (Clb3), Re01 .g08280 putative 8 19 11069 2 13 19 Re01 .g08290 C6 finger domain protein, putative 820 11070 2 1320 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III Re01 .g08300 RPC4, putative 821 11071 2 1321 Re01 .g0831 0 Uncharacterized protein 822 11072 2 1322 30874 32364 Re01 .g08320 Putative uncharacterized protein 823 11073 2 1323 Chromosome condensation protein Re01 .g08330 (CrcB), putative 824 11074 2 1324 Re01 .g08340 Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase 825 11075 2 1325 Re01 .g08350 Function: AmdA 826 11076 2 1326 Re01 .g08360 Putative uncharacterized protein 827 11077 2 1327 Re01 .g08370 Cell division control protein Cdc25 828 11078 2 1328 C0P9 signalosome complex e01.g08380 subunit 5 829 11079 2 1329 Microtubule associated protein Re01 .g08390 (Ase1 ), putative 830 11080 2 1330 Re01 .g08400 Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 831 11081 2 1331 DnaJ domain protein (Mas5), Re01 .g0841 0 putative 832 11082 2 1332 Re01 .g08420 Predicted protein 833 11083 2 1333 Dihydroxy acid dehydratase, Re01 .g08430 putative EC=4.2. 1.9 834 11084 2 1334 Re01 .g08440 Putative uncharacterized protein 835 11085 2 1335 Re01 .g08450 Thioesterase family protein 836 11086 2 1336 Re01 .g08460 Pseudouridine synthase 837 11087 2 1337 Re01 .g08470 60S ribosomal protein L32 838 11088 2 1338 NAD-binding Rossmann fold Re01 .g08480 oxidoreductase family protein 839 11089 2 1339 Sister chromatid cohesion and Re01 .g08490 DNA repair protein (BimD), putative 840 11090 2 1340 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g08500 An03g00600 841 11091 2 1341 Re01 .g0851 0 SWI-SNF complex subunit 842 11092 2 1342 Endonuclease/exonuclease/phosp Re01 .g08520 hatase family protein 843 11093 2 1343 30875 32365 Re01 .g08530 Curved DNA-binding protein 844 11094 2 1344 PHD finger domain protein, Re01 .g08540 putative 845 11095 2 1345 Lectin family integral membrane Re01 .g08550 protein, putative 846 11096 2 1346 30876 32366 Re01 .g08560 Putative uncharacterized protein 847 11097 2 1347 30877 32367 Re01 .g08570 hypothetical protein 848 11098 2 1348 Re01 .g08580 DDT domain protein 849 11099 2 1349 Mitochondrial carrier protein Re01 .g08590 (Leu5), putative 850 11100 2 1350 Re01 .g08600 hypothetical protein 851 1110 1 2 1351 Re01 .g0861 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 852 11102 2 1352 60S ribosomal export protein Re01 .g08620 NMD3 853 11103 2 1353 Re01 .g08630 Uncharacterized protein 854 11104 2 1354 Peroxisome biosynthesis protein Re01 .g08640 (PAS1 0/Peroxin-1 2), putative 855 11105 2 1355 Re01 .g08660 Uncharacterized protein 856 11106 2 1356 Postreplication repair E3 ubiquitin- Re01 .g08670 protein ligase rad1 8 857 11107 2 1357 Vacuolar sorting protein SNF7 Re01 .g08680 family protein, putative 858 11108 2 1358 Re01 .g08690 Uncharacterized protein 859 11109 2 1359 30878 32368 Function: M. grisea Pth1 1 is a Re01 .g08700 pathogenicity gene Precursor 860 11110 2 1360 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g0871 0 Fragment 861 11111 2 1361 e01.g08720 Uncharacterized protein 862 11112 2 1362 Remark: the multifunctional Re01 .g08730 polyketide synthase 863 11113 2 1363 Re01 .g08740 RTA1 domain protein 864 11114 2 1364 MOSC domain-containing protein Re01 .g08750 1, mitochondrial 865 11115 2 1365 Re01 .g08760 Putative uncharacterized protein 866 11116 2 1366 Re01 .g08770 Putative uncharacterized protein 867 11117 2 1367 Re01 .g08780 Uncharacterized protein 868 11118 2 1368 Re01 .g08790 hypothetical protein 869 11119 2 1369 Re01 .g08800 Uncharacterized protein 870 11120 2 1370 Re01 .g0881 0 GPI anchored cell wall protein 871 1112 1 2 1371 30879 32369 Re01 .g08820 Allantoicase Ale, putative 872 11122 2 1372 Re01 .g08830 hypothetical protein 873 11123 2 1373 Re01 .g08840 hypothetical protein 874 11124 2 1374 Re01 .g08850 Uncharacterized protein 875 11125 2 1375 ATP :tRNA-specific tRNA Re01 .g08860 nucleotidyltransferase 876 11126 2 1376 Polyphosphoinositide phosphatase Re01 .g08870 Fig4 877 11127 2 1377 Re01 .g08880 Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 878 11128 2 1378 Re01 .g08890 hypothetical protein 879 11129 2 1379 Re01 .g08900 Protein kinase, putative 880 11130 2 1380 Re01 .g0891 0 C6 transcription factor, putative 881 1113 1 2 1381 Re01 .g08920 DNA polymerase EC= 882 11132 2 1382 Re01 .g08930 Putative uncharacterized protein 883 11133 2 1383 Re01 .g08940 hypothetical protein 884 11134 2 1384 Re01 .g08950 Uncharacterized protein 885 11135 2 1385 Re01 .g08960 Uncharacterized protein 886 11136 2 1386 Re01 .g08970 Uncharacterized protein 887 11137 2 1387 Re01 .g08980 Putative uncharacterized protein 888 11138 2 1388 Re01 .g08990 hypothetical protein 889 11139 2 1389 Re01 .g09000 Uncharacterized protein 890 11140 2 1390 Re01 .g0901 0 hypothetical protein 891 11141 2 1391 Re01 .g09020 Putative uncharacterized protein 892 11142 2 1392 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re01 .g09030 putative 893 11143 2 1393 Re01 .g09040 Cyanate hydratase EC=4.2.1 .1 04 894 11144 2 1394 Re01 .g09050 Putative uncharacterized protein 895 11145 2 1395 Re01 .g09060 Uncharacterized protein 896 11146 2 1396 Whole genome shotgun sequence Re01 .g09070 assembly, scaffold_4, strain Mel28 897 11147 2 1397 Re01 .g09080 Transposase 898 11148 2 1398 Re01 .g09090 Predicted protein 899 11149 2 1399 DHHC zinc finger membrane Re01 .g091 00 protein 900 11150 21400 Re01 .g091 10 Palmitoyltransferase EC=2.3.1 .- 901 1115 1 21401 Re01 .g091 30 hypothetical protein 902 11152 21402 30880 32370 Re01 .g09140 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 903 11153 21403 (UbcF), putative TFIIIC transcription initiation factor Re01.g09150 complex subunits Tfc3 904 11154 21404 Re01.g09160 Uncharacterized protein 905 11155 21405 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01.g09170 encoded by An06g02540 906 11156 21406 Re01.g09180 Putative uncharacterized protein 907 11157 21407 Re01.g09190 Putative uncharacterized protein 908 11158 21408 Re01.g09200 Putative uncharacterized protein 909 11159 21409 Re01.g09210 Translation initiation factor 4B 910 11160 21410 Re01.g09220 Putative uncharacterized protein 911 11161 21411 Re01.g09230 Uncharacterized protein 912 11162 21412 Re01.g09240 Heme-binding peroxidase 913 11163 21413 Re01.g09250 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 914 11164 21414 Re01.g09260 hypothetical protein 915 11165 21415 Re01.g09270 Putative uncharacterized protein 916 11166 21416 PHD and RING finger domain protein, putative (AFU orthologue; Re01.g09280 AFUA_2G16870) 917 11167 21417 Re01.g09290 Putative uncharacterized protein 918 11168 21418 Re01.g09300 Uncharacterized protein 919 11169 21419 RNA export mediator Gle1 , Re01.g09310 putative 920 11170 21420 Cell wall biogenesis protein Re01.g09320 phosphatase Ssd1, putative 921 11171 21421 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2, Re01.g09330 putative 922 11172 21422 Re01.g09340 hypothetical protein 923 11173 21423 30881 32371 Re01.g09350 hypothetical protein 924 11174 21424 Re01.g09360 Uncharacterized protein 925 11175 21425 30882 32372 Re01.g09370 Elongation factor 1-beta 926 11176 21426 Heat shock protein/chaperonin Re01.g09380 HSP78, putative 927 11177 21427 DNA mismatch repair protein Re01.g09390 Msh5, putative 928 11178 21428 Re01.g09400 Putative uncharacterized protein 929 11179 21429 Fungal transcriptional regulatory Re01.g09410 protein 930 11180 21430 Re01.g09420 Glycerol dehydrogenase 931 11181 21431 Re01.g09430 Putative uncharacterized protein 932 11182 21432 3-ketosphinganine reductase Re01.g09440 (TsdO), putative 933 11183 21433 Re01.g09450 Sterol desaturase family 934 11184 21434 Re01.g09460 60S ribosomal protein L6 935 11185 21435 Re01.g09470 Uncharacterized protein 936 11186 21436 Re01.g09480 Calcium channel subunit Cch1 937 11187 21437 Re01.g09490 Putative uncharacterized protein 938 11188 21438 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re01.g09500 putative 939 11189 21439 Histone H3 methyltransferase e 01.g0951 0 SUV39H1/Clr4 Fragment 940 11190 21440 Re01 .g09520 Uncharacterized protein 941 1119 1 21441 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re01 .g09530 Kin1 , putative 942 11192 21442 Re01 .g09540 G-patch domain protein, putative 943 11193 21443 Re01 .g09550 Ubiquitin domain protein, putative 944 11194 21444 Ribosomal RNA processing Re01 .g09560 protein, putative 945 11195 21445 Re01 .g09570 Uncharacterized protein 946 11196 21446 Re01 .g09580 Coatomer subunit beta 947 11197 21447 Re01 .g09590 Mago nashi domain protein 948 11198 21448 Vesicle-mediated transport protein Re01 .g09600 Vid24 949 11199 21449 MAP kinase kinase kinase SskB, Re01 .g0961 0 putative EC=2.7.1 1.25 950 11200 21450 Ammonium transporter (Mep2), Re01 .g09620 putative 951 11201 21451 Nuclear mRNA splicing factor- Re01 .g09630 associated protein, putative 952 11202 21452 Beta-1 and beta-2 tubulin Re01 .g09640 Fragment 953 11203 21453 Re01 .g09650 Putative uncharacterized protein 954 11204 21454 Re01 .g09660 Purine-cytosine permease, putative 955 11205 21455 P-type calcium ATPase, putative Re01 .g09670 EC= 956 11206 21456 Cyanamide hydratase family HD Re01 .g09680 domain-containing protein 957 11207 21457 Nuclear pore complex protein Re01 .g09690 Nup1 07 958 11208 21458 Ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO, Re01 .g09700 putative 959 11209 21459 30883 32373 Re01 .g0971 0 Uncharacterized protein 960 112 10 21460 Re01 .g09720 CoA-ligase 961 112 11 21461 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g09730 Fragment 962 112 12 21462 Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit c Re01 .g09740 EC= 963 112 13 21463 Adenylyl-sulfate kinase Re01 .g09750 EC=2.7.1 .25 964 11214 21464 Re01 .g09760 Uncharacterized protein 965 112 15 21465 Re01 .g09770 hypothetical protein 966 112 16 21466 30884 32374 Re01 .g09780 hypothetical protein 967 112 17 21467 Re01 .g09790 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 968 112 18 21468 Aminomethyltransferase Re01 .g09800 EC=2.1 .2.1 0 969 112 19 21469 30885 32375 Neutral amino acid permease, Re01 .g0981 0 putative 970 11220 21470 CCAAT-box-binding transcription Re01 .g09820 factor 971 11221 21471 e01.g09830 Prolyl-tRNA synthetase 972 11222 21472 Re01 .g09840 Prefoldin subunit 5, putative 973 11223 21473 Re01 .g09850 Similar to An08g02820 974 11224 21474 Origin recognition complex subunit Re01 .g09860 Orel , putative 975 11225 21475 mRNA splicing protein (Prp5), Re01 .g09870 putative 976 11226 21476 Proteasome regulatory particle Re01 .g09880 subunit (Nas6), putative 977 11227 21477 Re01 .g09890 M protein repeat protein 978 11228 21478 Re01 .g09900 Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit H 979 11229 21479 Re01 .g0991 0 Predicted protein 980 11230 21480 Re01 .g09920 Putative uncharacterized protein 981 11231 21481 Re01 .g09930 hypothetical protein 982 11232 21482 Re01 .g09940 Putative uncharacterized protein 983 11233 21483 Re01 .g09950 Uncharacterized protein 984 11234 21484 Re01 .g09960 Transposase 985 11235 21485 Re01 .g09970 Putative uncharacterized protein 986 11236 21486 30886 32376 Re01 .g09980 Ferric-chelate reductase 987 11237 21487 30887 32377 Re01 .g09990 Putative uncharacterized protein 988 11238 21488 Re01 .g1 0000 ATP binding protein, putative 989 11239 21489 S-adenosylmethionine synthase Re01 .g1 001 0 EC=2.5.1 .6 990 11240 21490 Re01 .g1 0020 Uncharacterized protein 991 11241 21491 Re01 .g1 0030 hypothetical protein 992 11242 21492 Re01 .g1 0040 Nuclear localization protein 993 11243 21493 Re01 .g1 0050 GPI anchored protein, putative 994 11244 21494 30888 32378 Re01 .g1 0060 Uncharacterized protein 995 11245 21495 Re01 .g1 0070 Glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase 996 11246 21496 Re01 .g1 0080 GTP binding protein, putative 997 11247 21497 Re01 .g1 0090 Uncharacterized protein 998 11248 21498 SIR2 family histone deacetylase Re01 .g1 0 100 (Hst4), putative 999 11249 21499 Re01 .g1 0 110 Uncharacterized protein 1000 11250 2 1500 Re01 .g1 0 120 60S ribosomal protein L35, putative 1001 11251 2 1501 Golgi SNAP receptor complex Re01 .g1 0 130 member 1 1002 11252 2 1502 F 1F O ATP synthase assembly Re01 .g1 0140 protein Atp1 0, putative 1003 11253 2 1503 Re01 .g1 0 150 DNA polymerase POL4, putative 1004 11254 2 1504 Re01 .g1 0 160 Uncharacterized protein 1005 11255 2 1505 Re01 .g1 0 170 Putative uncharacterized protein 1006 11256 2 1506 Re01 .g1 0 180 Uncharacterized protein 1007 11257 2 1507 Re01 .g1 0 190 Hyaluronidase EC=3.2. 1.35 1008 11258 2 1508 Re01 .g1 0200 Putative uncharacterized protein 1009 11259 2 1509 Re01 .g1 021 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 10 11260 2 15 10 Re01 .g1 0220 Predicted protein 10 11 11261 2 15 11 DNA repair protein RAD51 , Re01 .g1 0230 putative 10 12 11262 2 15 12 Re01 9 ' 0240 Uncharacterized protein 10 13 11263 2 15 13 Re01 g ' 0250 MSF drug transporter, putative 1014 11264 2 1514 Mitochondrial outer membrane Re01 g ' 0260 protein iml2 10 15 11265 2 15 15 Re01 g ' 0270 hypothetical protein 10 16 11266 2 15 16 Phosphoglycerate kinase Re01 g ' 0280 EC= 10 17 11267 2 15 17 Re01 g ' 0290 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 18 11268 2 15 18 Re01 g ' 0300 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 19 11269 2 15 19 Re01 g ' 031 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1020 11270 2 1520 RNase L inhibitor of the ABC Re01 g ' 0320 superfamily 1021 11271 2 1521 Re01 g ' 0330 Chromodomain helicase 1022 11272 2 1522 C2H2 finger domain protein (Gli3), Re01 g ' 0340 putative 1023 11273 2 1523 Pyridoxal reductase (AKR8), Re01 g ' 0350 putative 1024 11274 2 1524 Re01 g ' 0360 hypothetical protein 1025 11275 2 1525 30889 32379 Re01 g ' 0370 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 1026 11276 2 1526 Re01 g ' 0380 Uncharacterized protein 1027 11277 2 1527 Re01 g ' 0390 TIM-barrel enzyme family protein 1028 11278 2 1528 Re01 g ' 0400 hypothetical protein 1029 11279 2 1529 Re01 g ' 041 0 Predicted protein 1030 11280 2 1530 Re01 g ' 0420 UPF0261 domain protein 1031 11281 2 1531 Re01 g ' 0430 Putative uncharacterized protein 1032 11282 2 1532 Re01 g ' 0440 Putative hydrolase 1033 11283 2 1533 Adenosylhomocysteinase Re01 g ' 0450 EC=3.3.1 .1 1034 11284 2 1534 GNAT family acetyltransferase, Re01 g ' 0460 putative 1035 11285 2 1535 Re01 g ' 0470 Putative uncharacterized protein 1036 11286 2 1536 Pre-mRNA splicing factor (Prp31 ), Re01 g ' 0480 putative 1037 11287 2 1537 Cell cycle control protein (Cwf4), Re01 g ' 0490 putative 1038 11288 2 1538 Re01 g ' 0500 Uncharacterized protein 1039 11289 2 1539 C2H2 transcription factor (Egr2), putative (AFU orthologue Re01 g ' 051 0 AFUA G 10230) 1040 11290 2 1540 Re01 g ' 0520 Putative uncharacterized protein 1041 11291 2 1541 Re01 g ' 0530 Putative uncharacterized protein 1042 11292 2 1542 3-hydroxyisobutyrate Re01 g ' 0540 dehydrogenase, putative 1043 11293 2 1543 Re01 g ' 0550 Alcohol dehydrogenase, putative 1044 11294 2 1544 Early growth response protein, Re01 g ' 0560 putative 1045 11295 2 1545 4-carboxymuconolactone Re01 g ' 0570 decarboxylase, putative 1046 11296 2 1546 Re01 g ' 0580 3-hydroxyisobutyrate 1047 11297 2 1547 dehydrogenase, putative e01.g1 0590 Uncharacterized protein 1048 11298 2 1548 30890 32380 Re01 .g1 0600 Uncharacterized protein 1049 11299 2 1549 High-affinity nicotinic acid Re01 .g1 061 0 transporter, putative 1050 11300 2 1550 Re01 .g1 0620 Putative uncharacterized protein 1051 11301 2 1551 Re01 .g1 0630 Laccase, putative 1052 11302 2 1552 30891 32381 Re01 .g1 0640 Pc1 6g 1620 protein Precursor 1053 11303 2 1553 Re01 .g1 0650 hypothetical protein 1054 11304 2 1554 Putative carbohydrate Re01 .g1 0660 acetylesterase 1055 11305 2 1555 30892 32382 Re01 .g1 0670 Putative uncharacterized protein 1056 11306 2 1556 3-oxoacyl-(Acyl-carrier-protein) Re01 .g1 0680 reductase 1057 11307 2 1557 Re01 .g1 0690 hypothetical protein 1058 11308 2 1558 Re01 .g1 0700 Multicopper oxidase 1059 11309 2 1559 30893 32383 Re01 .g1 071 0 Predicted protein 1060 113 10 2 1560 30894 32384 Re01 .g1 0720 Uncharacterized protein 1061 113 11 2 1561 Re01 .g1 0730 C2H2 transcription factor, putative 1062 113 12 2 1562 Pre-mRNA-processing ATP- dependent RNA helicase prp5 Re01 .g1 0740 EC= 3 1063 113 13 2 1563 Probable alpha-N- arabinofuranosidase C Re01 .g1 0750 EC=3.2.1 .55 Precursor 1064 11314 2 1564 Re01 .g1 0760 MFS sugar transporter, putative 1065 113 15 2 1565 Re01 .g1 0770 Putative uncharacterized protein 1066 113 16 2 1566 Glycerol dehydrogenase Gcy1 , Re01 .g1 0780 putative 1067 113 17 2 1567 Re01 .g1 0790 Putative uncharacterized protein 1068 113 18 2 1568 Casein kinase 2 beta' regulatory Re01 .g1 0800 subunit Ckb2, putative 1069 113 19 2 1569 Kynurenine formamidase Re01 .g1 081 0 EC=3.5.1 .9 1070 11320 2 1570 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re01 .g1 0820 factor 3 subunit H 1071 11321 2 1571 Mitochondrial carrier protein, Re01 .g1 0830 putative 1072 11322 2 1572 Re01 .g1 0840 BTB/POZ domain protein 1073 11323 2 1573 Re01 .g1 0850 Uncharacterized protein 1074 11324 2 1574 Re01 .g1 0860 Putative uncharacterized protein 1075 11325 2 1575 Re01 .g1 0870 BTB/POZ domain protein 1076 11326 2 1576 Re01 .g1 0880 Putative uncharacterized protein 1077 11327 2 1577 Re01 .g1 0890 Putative uncharacterized protein 1078 11328 2 1578 Re01 .g1 0900 Uncharacterized protein 1079 11329 2 1579 Re01 .g1 091 0 hypothetical protein 1080 11330 2 1580 Re01 .g1 0920 Uncharacterized protein 1081 11331 2 1581 Re01 .g1 0930 hypothetical protein 1082 11332 2 1582 Re01 .g1 0940 Uncharacterized protein 1083 11333 2 1583 e01.g1 0950 Putative uncharacterized protein 1084 11334 2 1584 Re01 .g1 0960 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 1085 11335 2 1585 Re01 .g1 0970 Putative uncharacterized protein 1086 11336 2 1586 Re01 .g1 0980 Pc20g 13930 protein 1087 11337 2 1587 Re01 .g1 0990 HMG box protein, putative 1088 11338 2 1588 Re01 .g1 1000 Uncharacterized protein 1089 11339 2 1589 30895 32385 Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase family Re01 .g1 10 10 protein 1090 11340 2 1590 Re01 .g1 1020 Uncharacterized protein 1091 11341 2 1591 Re01 .g1 1030 Uncharacterized protein 1092 11342 2 1592 Re01 .g1 1040 Uncharacterized protein 1093 11343 2 1593 [NiFe]-hydrogenase-3-type complex, small subunit/NADH:quinone Re01 .g1 1050 oxidoreductase, subunit NuoB 1094 11344 2 1594 Re01 .g1 1060 hypothetical protein 1095 11345 2 1595 30896 32386 Re01 .g1 1070 VPS9 domain protein 1096 11346 2 1596 30897 32387 37S ribosomal protein S 11, Re01 .g1 1080 putative 1097 11347 2 1597 30898 32388 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g1 1090 An08g01 650 1098 11348 2 1598 Hsc70 cochaperone (SGT), Re01 .g1 1100 putative 1099 11349 2 1599 Re01 .g1 10 DUF1 339 domain protein 1100 11350 2 1600 Re01 .g1 1120 Predicted protein 110 1 11351 2 1601 Re01 .g1 1130 Putative uncharacterized protein 1102 11352 2 1602 Re01 .g1 1140 Predicted protein 1103 11353 2 1603 Re01 .g1 1150 Predicted protein 1104 11354 2 1604 Re01 .g1 1160 Glycerol uptake facilitator, putative 1105 11355 2 1605 Re01 .g1 1170 hypothetical protein 1106 11356 2 1606 Re01 .g1 1180 Reverse transcriptase, putative 1107 11357 2 1607 Similar to MFS monocarboxylate Re01 .g1 1190 transporter 1108 11358 2 1608 PUA RNA binding domain protein, Re01 .g1 1200 putative 1109 11359 2 1609 Re01 .g1 12 10 GTP-binding protein YchF 1110 11360 2 16 10 Re01 .g1 1220 Pc1 3g01 350 protein Precursor 1111 11361 2 16 11 30899 32389 Re01 .g1 1230 Thioesterase domain protein 1112 11362 2 16 12 Re01 .g1 1240 hypothetical protein 1113 11363 2 16 13 Histone transcription regulator Hir1 , Re01 .g1 1250 putative 1114 11364 2 1614 Re01 .g1 1260 Stomatin family protein 1115 11365 2 16 15 Re01 .g1 1270 Putative uncharacterized protein 1116 11366 2 16 16 Re01 .g1 1280 Protein rmd1 1 1117 11367 2 16 17 30900 32390 Re01 .g1 1290 Predicted protein 1118 11368 2 16 18 Re01 .g1 1300 DUF636 domain protein 1119 11369 2 16 19 Re01 .g1 13 10 Predicted protein 1120 11370 2 1620 Uncharacterized protein conserved Re01 .g1 1320 in bacteria 112 1 11371 2 1621 3-oxoacyl-(Acyl-carrier-protein) e01.g1 1330 reductase EC=1 .1. 1 . 1 00 1122 11372 2 1622 Aldehyde reductase (AKR1 ), Re01 g 1340 putative 1123 11373 2 1623 Re01 g 1350 PAP2 domain protein 1124 11374 2 1624 Re01 g 1360 Putative uncharacterized protein 1125 11375 2 1625 Re01 g 1370 Ankyrin repeat protein 1126 11376 2 1626 Re01 g 1380 tRNA ligase 1127 11377 2 1627 Re01 g 1390 Golgi traffic protein SFT2, putative 1128 11378 2 1628 Re01 g 1400 hypothetical protein 1129 11379 2 1629 Re01 g 141 0 Uncharacterized protein 1130 11380 2 1630 Efflux pump antibiotic resistance Re01 g 1420 protein, putative 113 1 11381 2 1631 Re01 g 1430 hypothetical protein 1132 11382 2 1632 Mitochondrial 2-oxodicarboxylate Re01 g 1440 carrier 1, putative 1133 11383 2 1633 Re01 g 1450 Pc1 6g03370 protein Precursor 1134 11384 2 1634 30901 32391 Re01 g 1460 Uncharacterized protein 1135 11385 2 1635 Re01 g 1470 Actin-interacting protein 1136 11386 2 1636 Re01 g 1480 Uncharacterized protein 1137 11387 2 1637 PAB1 binding protein (Pbp1 ), Re01 g 1490 putative 1138 11388 2 1638 Re01 g 1500 Protein kinase family protein 1139 11389 2 1639 Re01 g 15 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 1140 11390 2 1640 Re01 g 1520 Uncharacterized protein 1141 11391 2 1641 Re01 g 1530 Putative uncharacterized protein 1142 11392 2 1642 30902 32392 N-acetyltransferase complex ARD1 Re01 g 1540 subunit, putative 1143 11393 2 1643 Re01 g 1550 hypothetical protein 1144 11394 2 1644 Re01 g 1560 Putative uncharacterized protein 1145 11395 2 1645 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 g 1570 An08g01 140 EC= 1146 11396 2 1646 Re01 g 1580 Vacuolar transporter chaperone 1 1147 11397 2 1647 Re01 g 1590 Methyltransferase, putative 1148 11398 2 1648 Re01 g 1600 Uncharacterized protein 1149 11399 2 1649 Re01 g 16 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 1150 11400 2 1650 Re01 g 1620 Deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase 115 1 11401 2 1651 GPI anchored serine-threonine rich Re01 g 1630 protein 1152 11402 2 1652 30903 32393 Putative e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Re01 g 1640 hula protein 1153 11403 2 1653 Re01 g 1650 Polyadenylate-binding protein 1154 11404 2 1654 Vacuolar protein sorting 29, Re01 g 1660 putative 1155 11405 2 1655 Re01 g 1670 Aminotransferase, class V , putative 1156 11406 2 1656 Re01 g 1680 NIF domain protein 1157 11407 2 1657 Re01 g 1690 Translation regulator GCD7 1158 11408 2 1658 Ribosomal protein of the small Re01 .g1 1700 subunit rps28-Aspergillus niger 1159 11409 2 1659 Re01 g' 17 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 1160 1141 0 2 1660 Re01 g' 1720 Putative uncharacterized protein 116 1 1141 1 2 1661 30904 32394 Re01 g' 1730 50S ribosomal protein L 17 1162 1141 2 2 1662 Re01 g' 1740 R3H domain protein 1163 1141 3 2 1663 Re01 g' 1750 Putative uncharacterized protein 1164 11414 2 1664 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 g' 1760 Fragment 1165 1141 5 2 1665 Re01 g' 1770 Uncharacterized protein 1166 1141 6 2 1666 Complex: S. cerevisiae TFIID is Re01 g' 1780 composed of TBP 1167 1141 7 2 1667 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re01 g' 1800 factor 3 subunit F 1168 1141 8 2 1668 U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated Re01 g' 18 10 protein 25 1169 1141 9 2 1669 Re01 g' 1820 DUF6 domain protein, putative 1170 11420 2 1670 Re01 g' 1830 Uncharacterized protein 117 1 11421 2 1671 Re01 g' 1840 Uncharacterized protein 1172 11422 2 1672 Cholinephosphate Re01 g' 1850 cytidylyltransferase , putative 1173 11423 2 1673 Protein phosphatase 2C, putative Re01 g' 1860 EC=3.1 .3.1 6 1174 11424 2 1674 Transmembrane glycoprotein, Re01 g' 1870 putative 1175 11425 2 1675 30905 32395 Acetyltransferase, GNAT family Re01 g' 1880 family 1176 11426 2 1676 Re01 g' 1890 CUE domain protein, putative 1177 11427 2 1677 Re01 g' 1900 Putative uncharacterized protein 1178 11428 2 1678 Re01 g' 19 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 1179 11429 2 1679 Re01 g' 1920 Putative uncharacterized protein 1180 11430 2 1680 AAA family ATPase/60S ribosome Re01 g' 1930 export protein Rix7, putative 118 1 11431 2 1681 Re01 g' 1940 Ribosome biogenesis protein erbl 1182 11432 2 1682 Arginine/serine-rich splicing factor, Re01 g' 1950 putative 1183 11433 2 1683 Re01 g' 1960 Uncharacterized protein 1184 11434 2 1684 Re01 g' 1970 Acetamidase 1185 11435 2 1685 Re01 g' 1980 Uncharacterized protein 1186 11436 2 1686 Golgi transport complex Re01 g' 1990 component Cog5, putative 1187 11437 2 1687 Re01 g' 2000 hypothetical protein 1188 11438 2 1688 Re01 g' 201 0 C2H2 transcription factor, putative 1189 11439 2 1689 Re01 g' 2020 Putative uncharacterized protein 1190 11440 2 1690 30906 32396 Re01 g' 2030 Uncharacterized protein 119 1 11441 2 1691 DNA mismatch repair protein Re01 g' 2040 Msh2, putative 1192 11442 2 1692 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase Re01 g' 2050 complex, subunit PIG-Q/GPI1 1193 11443 2 1693 Re01 g' 2060 Uncharacterized protein 1194 11444 2 1694 Re01 g' 2070 Putative uncharacterized protein 1195 11445 2 1695 Mitochondrial distribution and Re01 g 2080 morphology protein, putative 1196 11446 2 1696 Re01 g 2090 hypothetical protein 1197 11447 2 1697 MFS monocarboxylate transporter, Re01 g 2 100 putative 1198 11448 2 1698 GTPase activating protein Sari , Re01 g 2 110 putative 1199 11449 2 1699 Re01 g 2 120 hypothetical protein 1200 11450 2 1700 Phosphatidylinositol transporter, Re01 g 2 130 putative 1201 11451 2 1701 Re01 g 2140 Uncharacterized protein 1202 11452 2 1702 Re01 g 2 150 Putative uncharacterized protein 1203 11453 2 1703 Re01 g 2 160 Putative uncharacterized protein 1204 11454 2 1704 Re01 g 2 170 Uncharacterized protein 1205 11455 2 1705 Phospholipid:diacylglycerol Re01 g 2 180 acyltransferase, putative 1206 11456 2 1706 Aureobasidin resistance protein Re01 g 2 190 Aur1 1207 11457 2 1707 Re01 g 2200 hypothetical protein 1208 11458 2 1708 Re01 g 221 0 Uncharacterized protein 1209 11459 2 1709 Vacuolar iron transporter Ccc1 , Re01 g 2220 putative 12 10 11460 2 17 10 Phosphatidylglycerol specific Re01 g 2230 phospholipase 12 11 11461 2 17 1 1 30907 32397 Re01 g 2240 Pc1 2g1 5490 protein Precursor 12 12 11462 2 17 12 30908 32398 Re01 g 2250 hypothetical protein 12 13 11463 2 17 13 30909 32399 Re01 g 2260 Predicted protein 1214 11464 2 1714 Re01 g 2270 hypothetical protein 12 15 11465 2 17 15 Re01 g 2280 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 12 16 11466 2 17 16 Re01 g 2290 Putative uncharacterized protein 12 17 11467 2 17 17 cAMP-dependent protein kinase Re01 g 2300 regulatory subunit 12 18 11468 2 17 18 Re01 g 231 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 12 19 11469 2 17 19 Re01 g 2320 Cytochrome P450, putative 1220 11470 2 1720 3091 0 32400 Re01 g 2330 Putative uncharacterized protein 1221 11471 2 1721 Re01 g 2340 Forkhead domain protein 1222 11472 2 1722 Re01 g 2350 CTP synthase EC= 1223 11473 2 1723 Re01 g 2360 Vacuolar-sorting protein SNF7 1224 11474 2 1724 Re01 g 2370 Putative uncharacterized protein 1225 11475 2 1725 Re01 g 2380 MFS multidrug transporter 1226 11476 2 1726 Glucose-methanol-choline (Gmc) Re01 g 2390 oxidoreductase, putative 1227 11477 2 1727 Re01 g 2400 hypothetical protein 1228 11478 2 1728 Re01 g 241 0 BCAS2 family protein 1229 11479 2 1729 Neutral/alkaline nonlysosomal Re01 g 2420 ceramidase, putative 1230 11480 2 1730 3091 1 32401 Autotransporter-associated beta Re01 g 2430 strand repeat protein Precursor 1231 11481 2 1731 3091 2 32402 Re01 g 2440 Zn(ll)2Cys6 transcription factor 1232 11482 2 1732 Re01 .g 12450 Putative uncharacterized protein 1233 11483 2 1733 Re01 .g 12460 Haloacid dehalogenase, type II 1234 11484 2 1734 Re01 .g 12470 Uncharacterized protein 1235 11485 2 1735 Re01 .g 12480 Putative uncharacterized protein 1236 11486 2 1736 Re01 .g 12490 Elongation factor Tu 1237 11487 2 1737 3091 3 32403 Mitochondrial carrier protein Re01 .g1 2500 (Ymd), putative 1238 11488 2 1738 Re01 .g1 251 0 Predicted protein 1239 11489 2 1739 Re01 .g 12520 Uncharacterized protein 1240 11490 2 1740 Neutral alpha-glucosidase ab (Glucosidase II alpha subunit) Re01 .g1 2530 (Alpha glucosidase 2) 1241 11491 2 1741 Re01 .g 12540 40S ribosomal protein S2 1242 11492 2 1742 Re01 .g 12550 37S ribosomal protein MRP4 1243 11493 2 1743 60S ribosome biogenesis protein Re01 .g 12560 Rrp14, putative 1244 11494 2 1744 NADH-quinone oxidoreductase, 23 Re01 .g1 2570 kDa subunit, putative EC=1 .6.99.3 1245 11495 2 1745 30914 32404 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated Re01 .g1 2580 protein 1246 11496 2 1746 Zinc-binding oxidoreductase, Re01 .g1 2590 putative 1247 11497 2 1747 Re01 .g1 2600 hypothetical protein 1248 11498 2 1748 Re01 .g1 261 0 hypothetical protein 1249 11499 2 1749 Re01 .g 12620 Putative uncharacterized protein 1250 11500 2 1750 Re01 .g1 2630 CBS domain protein 1251 11501 2 1751 Re01 .g 12640 hypothetical protein 1252 11502 2 1752 Re01 .g 12650 Putative uncharacterized protein 1253 11503 2 1753 Re01 .g 12660 VHS domain protein 1254 11504 2 1754 RLI and DUF367 domain protein Re01 .g1 2670 (AFU orthologue AFUA G06690) 1255 11505 2 1755 Re01 .g1 2680 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 1256 11506 2 1756 Re01 .g1 2690 C6 transcription factor, putative 1257 11507 2 1757 Re01 .g1 2700 Uncharacterized protein 1258 11508 2 1758 T-complex protein 1, eta subunit, Re01 .g1 271 0 putative 1259 11509 2 1759 Histone acetyltransferase Spt1 0, Re01 .g1 2720 putative 1260 115 10 2 1760 Lanthionine synthetase C family Re01 .g1 2730 protein, putative 1261 115 1 1 2 1761 Leucine Rich Repeat domain Re01 .g 12740 protein 1262 115 12 2 1762 Re01 .g1 2750 40S ribosomal protein S26 1263 115 13 2 1763 Re01 .g1 2760 CBS and PB1 domain protein 1264 11514 2 1764 Re01 .g1 2770 Importin beta-3 subunit, putative 1265 115 15 2 1765 Re01 .g1 2780 Putative uncharacterized protein 1266 115 16 2 1766 Re01 .g1 2790 Predicted protein 1267 115 17 2 1767 NACHT and Ankyrin domain Re01 .g1 2800 protein 1268 115 18 2 1768 Fe-containing alcohol e 01.g1 281 0 dehydrogenase, putative, partial 1269 115 19 2 1769 Re01 .g1 2820 Aconitate hydratase, mitochondrial 1270 11520 2 1770 Re01 .g1 2830 Putative uncharacterized protein 1271 11521 2 1771 Re01 .g1 2840 60S acidic ribosomal protein P 1 1272 11522 2 1772 3091 5 32405 Vacuolar membrane PQ loop Re01 .g1 2850 repeat protein 1273 11523 2 1773 Re01 .g1 2860 Uncharacterized protein 1274 11524 2 1774 Re01 .g1 2870 Uncharacterized protein 1275 11525 2 1775 Protein phophatase 2C family Re01 .g1 2880 protein 1276 11526 2 1776 Re01 .g1 2890 Putative uncharacterized protein 1277 11527 2 1777 Alpha- 1,2-mannosyltransferase Re01 .g1 2900 (Alg1 1), putative 1278 11528 2 1778 3091 6 32406 C2H2 transcription factor Crz1 , Re01 .g1 291 0 putative 1279 11529 2 1779 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re01 .g1 2920 putative 1280 11530 2 1780 Re01 .g1 2930 hypothetical protein 1281 11531 2 1781 Re01 .g1 2940 Uncharacterized protein 1282 11532 2 1782 Re01 .g1 2950 Putative uncharacterized protein 1283 11533 2 1783 3091 7 32407 Lipoyltransferase and lipoate- Re01 .g1 2960 protein ligase, putative 1284 11534 2 1784 Re01 .g1 2970 Chorismate synthase EC= 1285 11535 2 1785 Re01 .g1 2980 Putative uncharacterized protein 1286 11536 2 1786 Re01 .g1 2990 Glycosyltransferase family protein 1287 11537 2 1787 Re01 .g1 3000 Short chain dehydrogenase 1288 11538 2 1788 Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase Re01 .g1 301 0 family protein, putative 1289 11539 2 1789 Re01 .g1 3020 Putative uncharacterized protein 1290 11540 2 1790 Re01 .g1 3030 Rho GTPase Rho1 1291 11541 2 1791 Re01 .g1 3040 KOW motif domain protein 1292 11542 2 1792 Re01 .g1 3050 Histone chaperone rtt1 06 1293 11543 2 1793 Re01 .g1 3060 Casein kinase, putative 1294 11544 2 1794 Re01 .g1 3070 Putative uncharacterized protein 1295 11545 2 1795 Re01 .g1 3080 Pc1 6g05520 protein 1296 11546 2 1796 Re01 .g1 3090 Pc1 2g1 6 160 protein 1297 11547 2 1797 Re01 .g1 3 100 hypothetical protein 1298 11548 2 1798 Regulator of G protein signaling Re01 .g1 3 110 domain protein RgsD 1299 11549 2 1799 Re01 .g1 3 120 DUF647 domain protein 1300 11550 2 1800 Re01 .g1 3 130 Putative uncharacterized protein 1301 11551 2 1801 Mediator of RNA polymerase II Re01 .g1 3140 transcription subunit 18 1302 11552 2 1802 DNA 3'-phosphatase Tpp1 , Re01 .g1 3 150 putative 1303 11553 2 1803 Re01 .g1 3 160 Uncharacterized protein 1304 11554 2 1804 Endosomal cargo receptor (Erp5), Re01 .g1 3 170 putative 1305 11555 2 1805 3091 8 32408 DNA methyltransferase 1- Re01 9 ' 3 180 associated protein DMAP1 1306 11556 2 1806 Re01 g ' 3 190 Putative uncharacterized protein 1307 11557 2 1807 Cobalamin-independent Re01 g ' 3200 methionine synthase MetH/D 1308 11558 2 1808 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4- Re01 g ' 321 0 dehydrogenase family protein 1309 11559 2 1809 3091 9 32409 Re01 g ' 3220 Ubiquitin conjugation factor E4 13 10 11560 2 18 10 ER associated DnaJ chaperone Re01 g ' 3230 (Hlj1 ), putative 13 11 11561 2 18 11 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 g ' 3240 B23I1 .140 13 12 11562 2 18 12 Re01 g ' 3250 Uncharacterized protein 13 13 11563 2 18 13 Re01 g ' 3260 hypothetical protein 1314 11564 2 1814 30920 3241 0 Re01 g ' 3270 Uncharacterized protein 13 15 11565 2 18 15 30921 3241 1 Re01 g ' 3280 Uncharacterized protein 13 16 11566 2 18 16 Re01 g ' 3290 hypothetical protein 13 17 11567 2 18 17 30922 3241 2 Cell morphogenesis protein Sog2, Re01 g ' 3300 putative 13 18 11568 2 18 18 Re01 g ' 331 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 13 19 11569 2 18 19 Re01 g ' 3320 37S ribosomal protein Rsm25 1320 11570 2 1820 Re01 g ' 3330 Pentatricopeptide repeat protein 1321 11571 2 1821 RecQ family helicase RecQ, Re01 g ' 3340 putative 1322 11572 2 1822 Re01 g ' 3350 KH domain-containing protein 1323 11573 2 1823 Mitochondrial acetolactate Re01 g ' 3360 synthase small subunit, putative 1324 11574 2 1824 30923 3241 3 Re01 g ' 3370 Uncharacterized protein 1325 11575 2 1825 Re01 g ' 3380 Ornithine carbamoyltransferase 1326 11576 2 1826 Re01 g ' 3390 Pc22g 18380 protein 1327 11577 2 1827 Re01 g ' 3400 Quinone oxidoreductase, putative 1328 11578 2 1828 Re01 g ' 341 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1329 11579 2 1829 Methyltransferase LaeA-like, Re01 g ' 3420 putative 1330 11580 2 1830 Tethering factor for nuclear Re01 g ' 3430 proteasome stsl 1331 11581 2 1831 ATP dependent RNA helicase Re01 g ' 3440 (Dob1 ), putative 1332 11582 2 1832 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 g ' 3450 An04g01 560 EC=1 .9.3.1 1333 11583 2 1833 30924 32414 Re01 g ' 3460 IKI3 family protein 1334 11584 2 1834 Diphosphomevalonate Re01 g ' 3470 decarboxylase EC=4. 1.1.33 1335 11585 2 1835 Re01 g ' 3480 Cytochrome heme lyase 1336 11586 2 1836 Re01 g ' 3490 Putative uncharacterized protein 1337 11587 2 1837 Re01 g ' 3500 Nuclear envelope protein, putative 1338 11588 2 1838 30925 3241 5 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re01 g ' 351 0 putative 1339 11589 2 1839 Re01 g ' 3520 C2H2 finger domain protein 1340 11590 2 1840 Re01 9 ' 3530 hypothetical protein 1341 11591 2 1841 Re01 g ' 3540 Uncharacterized protein 1342 11592 2 1842 Re01 g ' 3550 Putative uncharacterized protein 1343 11593 2 1843 Re01 g ' 3560 Acyl-CoA thioesterase 1344 11594 2 1844 Re01 g ' 3570 L-lactate dehydrogenase 1345 11595 2 1845 Aspartic-type endopeptidase Re01 g ' 3580 (CtsD), putative 1346 11596 2 1846 30926 3241 6 Re01 g ' 3590 hypothetical protein 1347 11597 2 1847 30927 3241 7 Re01 g ' 3600 Putative uncharacterized protein 1348 11598 2 1848 Mitochondrial cytochrome b2, Re01 g ' 361 0 putative 1349 11599 2 1849 Hydrolase, TatD family protein, Re01 g ' 3620 putative 1350 11600 2 1850 Re01 g ' 3630 Putative uncharacterized protein 1351 11601 2 1851 Re01 g ' 3640 Amino acid transporter 1352 11602 2 1852 Re01 g ' 3650 Uncharacterized protein 1353 11603 2 1853 Re01 g ' 3660 RAD52 DNA repair protein RADC 1354 11604 2 1854 Re01 g ' 3670 UBX domain protein, putative 1355 11605 2 1855 Integral ER membrane protein Re01 g ' 3680 Scs2, putative 1356 11606 2 1856 Re01 g ' 3690 Sphingolipid desaturase, putative 1357 11607 2 1857 Methionine aminopeptidase, type Re01 g ' 3700 II, putative 1358 11608 2 1858 Re01 g ' 371 0 DnaJ domain protein 1359 11609 2 1859 Outer mitochondrial membrane Re01 g ' 3720 protein porin 1360 116 10 2 1860 Re01 g ' 3730 EC= 1361 116 11 2 1861 Re01 g ' 3740 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 1362 116 12 2 1862 G-patch DNA repair protein Re01 g ' 3750 (Drt1 1), putative 1363 116 13 2 1863 Peroxisomal-coenzyme A Re01 g ' 3760 synthetase 1364 11614 2 1864 Glycosyltransferase family 69 Re01 g ' 3770 protein 1365 116 15 2 1865 30928 3241 8 Re01 g ' 3780 Uncharacterized protein 1366 116 16 2 1866 Re01 g ' 3790 Uncharacterized protein 1367 116 17 2 1867 30929 3241 9 Mannan polymerase II complex Re01 g ' 3800 ANP1 subunit 1368 116 18 2 1868 30930 32420 Re01 g ' 381 0 Uncharacterized protein 1369 116 19 2 1869 DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase, Re01 g ' 3830 putative 1370 11620 2 1870 Cytochrome b- complex subunit Re01 g ' 3840 7 1371 11621 2 1871 Re01 g ' 3850 Putative uncharacterized protein 1372 11622 2 1872 Re01 g ' 3860 Uncharacterized protein 1373 11623 2 1873 30931 32421 Mitochondrial carrier protein, Re01 g ' 3870 putative 1374 11624 2 1874 Re01 g ' 3880 hypothetical protein 1375 11625 2 1875 30932 32422 Re01 g ' 3890 hypothetical protein 1376 11626 2 1876 30933 32423 Ubiquinone biosynthesis protein, Re01 g 3900 putative 1377 11627 2 1877 30934 32424 Re01 g 391 0 Serine-threonine kinase SepH 1378 11628 2 1878 Re01 g 3920 Dihydrofolate synthetase Fol3 1379 11629 2 1879 Re01 g 3930 Uncharacterized protein 1380 11630 2 1880 Re01 g 3940 Uncharacterized protein 1381 11631 2 1881 Re01 g 3950 Kinase-related protein 1382 11632 2 1882 Re01 g 3960 Predicted protein 1383 11633 2 1883 30935 32425 Re01 g 3970 hypothetical protein 1384 11634 2 1884 30936 32426 Ribonucleotide reductase large Re01 g 3980 subunit RNR1 , putative 1385 11635 2 1885 Re01 g 3990 Putative uncharacterized protein 1386 11636 2 1886 30937 32427 Terpene synthase metal binding Re01 g 4000 domain protein 1387 11637 2 1887 Re01 g 401 0 Allergen Asp F7 1388 11638 2 1888 30938 32428 Re01 g 4020 MFS transporter, putative 1389 11639 2 1889 Re01 g 4030 hypothetical protein 1390 11640 2 1890 Re01 g 4040 Predicted protein 1391 11641 2 1891 Glutamate/Leucine/Phenylalanine/ Re01 g 4050 Valine dehydrogenase, putative 1392 11642 2 1892 Re01 g 4060 Aldo-keto reductase, putative 1393 11643 2 1893 Re01 g 4070 hypothetical protein 1394 11644 2 1894 Re01 g 4080 Uncharacterized protein 1395 11645 2 1895 Mediator of RNA polymerase II Re01 g 4090 transcription subunit 5 1396 11646 2 1896 Ras guanine-nucleotide exchange Re01 g 4 100 protein, putative 1397 11647 2 1897 Re01 g 4 110 Predicted protein 1398 11648 2 1898 Re01 g 4 120 Putative uncharacterized protein 1399 11649 2 1899 BZIP transcription factor (MetR), Re01 g 4 130 putative 1400 11650 2 1900 Re01 g 4140 Uncharacterized protein 1401 11651 2 1901 Re01 g 4 160 DUF974 domain protein 1402 11652 2 1902 Re01 g 4 170 hypothetical protein 1403 11653 2 1903 30939 32429 Re01 g 4 180 DDENN domain protein 1404 11654 2 1904 Pentafunctional AROM Re01 g 4 190 polypeptide, putative 1405 11655 2 1905 Re01 g 4200 Pc22g 17270 protein 1406 11656 2 1906 pH signal transduction protein Re01 g 421 0 PalA, putative 1407 11657 2 1907 Mitochondrial carrier protein, Re01 g 4220 putative 1408 11658 2 1908 Re01 g 4230 Sterol carrier protein, putative 1409 11659 2 1909 Re01 g 4240 hypothetical protein 141 0 11660 2 19 10 30940 32430 Re01 g 4250 Putative uncharacterized protein 141 1 11661 2 19 11 30941 32431 Re01 g 4260 Predicted protein 141 2 11662 2 19 12 Re01 g 4270 rRNA processing protein gar2 141 3 11663 2 19 13 Re01 g 4280 Uncharacterized protein 1414 11664 2 1914 Re01 g 4290 Protein getl 141 5 11665 2 19 15 30942 32432 e01.g14300 Putative uncharacterized protein 141 6 11666 2 19 16 Re01 .g1431 0 Kinesin 141 7 11667 2 19 17 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 .g14320 CAC28557.1 141 8 11668 2 19 18 Re01 .g14330 Putative uncharacterized protein 141 9 11669 2 19 19 Re01 .g14340 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 1420 11670 2 1920 30943 32433 Re01 .g14350 Uncharacterized protein 1421 11671 2 1921 30944 32434 Re01 .g14360 Putative uncharacterized protein 1422 11672 2 1922 Mating-type switch/DNA repair Re01 .g14370 protein Swi1 0/Rad1 0, putative 1423 11673 2 1923 Ribosome biogenesis (Nop4), Re01 .g14380 putative 1424 11674 2 1924 Progesterone binding protein, Re01 .g14390 putative 1425 11675 2 1925 Re01 .g14400 hypothetical protein 1426 11676 2 1926 Re01 .g1441 0 JmjC domain protein 1427 11677 2 1927 Re01 .g14420 Uncharacterized protein 1428 11678 2 1928 Fungal specific transcription factor, Re01 .g14430 putative 1429 11679 2 1929 ReOl .g 14440 Casein kinase II beta subunit CKB1 1430 11680 2 1930 Re01 .g14450 Ankyrin repeat protein 1431 11681 2 1931 Re01 .g14460 hypothetical protein 1432 11682 2 1932 Re01 .g14470 Uncharacterized protein 1433 11683 2 1933 Re01 .g14480 hypothetical protein 1434 11684 2 1934 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re01 .g14490 putative 1435 11685 2 1935 Branched-chain amino acid Re01 .g14500 aminotransferase, cytosolic 1436 11686 2 1936 Re01 .g1451 0 Protein kinase Scy1 , putative 1437 11687 2 1937 Re01 .g14520 Dipeptidyl peptidase, putative 1438 11688 2 1938 Re01 .g14530 SNF5/SMARCB1/INI1 protein 1439 11689 2 1939 Re01 .g14540 Predicted protein 1440 11690 2 1940 Re01 .g14550 Putative uncharacterized protein 1441 11691 2 1941 Re01 .g14560 Protein transport protein sec1 3 1442 11692 2 1942 Re01 .g14570 MFS myo-inositol transporter 1443 11693 2 1943 Translation initiation regulator Re01 .g14580 (Gcn20), putative 1444 11694 2 1944 Re01 .g14590 Putative uncharacterized protein 1445 11695 2 1945 30945 32435 Re01 .g14600 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 1446 11696 2 1946 Re01 .g1461 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1447 11697 2 1947 Re01 .g14620 Uncharacterized protein 1448 11698 2 1948 30946 32436 Re01 .g14630 Ankyrin repeat protein nuc-2 1449 11699 2 1949 Peptide alpha-N-acetyltransferase Re01 .g14640 Nat2, putative 1450 11700 2 1950 Re01 .g14650 50S ribosomal protein L3 1451 11701 2 1951 Cytochrome oxidase complex Re01 .g14660 assembly protein 1452 11702 2 1952 Re01 .g14670 Uncharacterized protein 1453 11703 2 1953 Re01 .g14680 JmjC domain protein, putative 1454 11704 2 1954 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyl transferase family protein Re01 g 4690 EC=2.5.1 .- 1455 11705 2 1955 Re01 g 4700 Putative uncharacterized protein 1456 11706 2 1956 Re01 g 471 0 Monothiol glutaredoxin-5 1457 11707 2 1957 30947 32437 Re01 g 4720 Putative uncharacterized protein 1458 11708 2 1958 Re01 g 4730 Putative uncharacterized protein 1459 11709 2 1959 Re01 g 4740 Protein MSF1 1460 117 10 2 1960 Disrupter of telomere silencing Re01 g 4750 protein Dot5, putative 1461 117 11 2 1961 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re01 g 4760 2 1 kDa subunit, putative 1462 117 12 2 1962 Re01 g 4770 Putative uncharacterized protein 1463 117 13 2 1963 30948 32438 Re01 g 4780 Putative uncharacterized protein 1464 11714 2 1964 U3 small nucleolar Re01 g 4790 ribonucleoprotein protein Mpp1 0 1465 117 15 2 1965 Oxidoreductase, short-chain Re01 g 4800 dehydrogenase/reductase family 1466 117 16 2 1966 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re01 g 481 0 subunit B, putative 1467 117 17 2 1967 Re01 g 4820 Putative uncharacterized protein 1468 117 18 2 1968 Malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein Re01 g 4830 transacylase, putative 1469 117 19 2 1969 Re01 g 4840 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 1470 11720 2 1970 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re01 g 4850 putative 1471 11721 2 1971 Re01 g 4860 Retrovirus polyprotein, putative 1472 11722 2 1972 Re01 g 4870 Putative uncharacterized protein 1473 11723 2 1973 Re01 g 4880 Putative uncharacterized protein 1474 11724 2 1974 Re01 g 4890 Uncharacterized protein 1475 11725 2 1975 Re01 g 4900 hypothetical protein 1476 11726 2 1976 Re01 g 491 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 1477 11727 2 1977 Re01 g 4920 Predicted protein 1478 11728 2 1978 Re01 g 4930 Putative uncharacterized protein 1479 11729 2 1979 Re01 g 4940 Putative uncharacterized protein 1480 11730 2 1980 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 g 4950 Fragment 1481 11731 2 1981 Fe-S cluster assembly protein Re01 g 4960 DRE2 1482 11732 2 1982 Delta-aminolevulinic acid Re01 g 4970 dehydratase EC=4.2. 1.24 1483 11733 2 1983 Re01 g 4980 C6 zinc finger domain protein 1484 11734 2 1984 Re01 g 4990 Exportin KapK 1485 11735 2 1985 Re01 g 5000 Uncharacterized protein 1486 11736 2 1986 Re01 g 501 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1487 11737 2 1987 Re01 g 5020 hypothetical protein 1488 11738 2 1988 30949 32439 Re01 g 5030 hypothetical protein 1489 11739 2 1989 30950 32440 Type 1 phosphatases regulator e01.g1 5040 ypil 1490 11740 2 1990 Re01 9 ' 5050 Shugoshin family protein 1491 11741 2 1991 Re01 g ' 5060 Putative uncharacterized protein 1492 11742 2 1992 Re01 g ' 5070 Uncharacterized protein 1493 11743 2 1993 Re01 g ' 5080 Putative uncharacterized protein 1494 11744 2 1994 Glycerol-3-phosphate Re01 g ' 5090 dehydrogenase, mitochondrial 1495 11745 2 1995 30951 32441 Re01 g ' 5 100 Putative uncharacterized protein 1496 11746 2 1996 Re01 g ' 5 1 10 Putative coiled-coil protein 1497 11747 2 1997 Re01 g ' 5 120 Guanylate kinase 1498 11748 2 1998 Re01 g ' 5 130 Guanylate kinase 1499 11749 2 1999 Re01 g ' 5140 Septin 1500 11750 22000 Meiotic recombination protein Re01 g ' 5 150 Ski8/Rec14, putative 1501 11751 22001 30952 32442 Re01 g ' 5 160 Uncharacterized protein 1502 11752 22002 Re01 g ' 5 170 Uncharacterized protein 1503 11753 22003 Iron/copper transporter Atx1 , Re01 g ' 5 180 putative 1504 11754 22004 Re01 g ' 5 190 Putative uncharacterized protein 1505 11755 22005 CHY and RING finger domain Re01 g ' 5200 protein, putative 1506 11756 22006 MFS transporter, SP family, Re01 g ' 521 0 sugar:H+ symporter 1507 11757 22007 Re01 g ' 5220 Putative uncharacterized protein 1508 11758 22008 Re01 g ' 5230 Uncharacterized protein 1509 11759 22009 Cytosolic iron-sulfur protein Re01 g ' 5240 assembly protein 1 15 10 11760 2201 0 Pheromone-processing carboxypeptidase kexl Re01 g ' 5250 EC=3.4.1 6.6 Precursor 15 1 1 11761 2201 1 30953 32443 Re01 g ' 5260 DUF431 domain protein 15 12 11762 2201 2 CAMP- regulated phosphoprotein Re01 g ' 5270 family protein lgo1 , putative 15 13 11763 2201 3 Re01 g ' 5280 Uncharacterized protein 1514 11764 22014 30954 32444 Re01 g ' 5290 Uncharacterized protein 15 15 11765 2201 5 Nuclear pore complex protein Re01 g ' 5300 (SonA), putative 15 16 11766 2201 6 Re01 g ' 531 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 15 17 11767 2201 7 Re01 g ' 5320 Pc1 6g1 271 0 protein Precursor 15 18 11768 2201 8 30955 32445 Intermediate filament protein Re01 g ' 5330 (Mdm1 ), putative 15 19 11769 2201 9 Re01 g ' 5340 Phospholipid methyltransferase 1520 11770 22020 Re01 g ' 5350 Putative uncharacterized protein 1521 11771 22021 Re01 g ' 5360 Putative uncharacterized protein 1522 11772 22022 Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family Re01 g ' 5370 protein 1523 11773 22023 Re01 g ' 5380 Glutaredoxin domain protein 1524 11774 22024 30956 32446 60S ribosomal protein L9, putative

Re01 g ' 5390 (AFU . orthologue AFUA G091 00) 1525 11775 22025 Re01 g ' 5400 Patatin-like serine hydrolase, 1526 11776 22026 30957 32447 putative e01.g1 541 0 Predicted protein 1527 11777 22027 Re01 .g1 5420 Transcription factor btf3, putative 1528 11778 22028 Re01 .g1 5430 Putative uncharacterized protein 1529 11779 22029 ReOl .g 15440 Amino acid permease, putative 1530 11780 22030 ReOl .g 15450 Rhomboid family protein 1531 11781 22031 30958 32448 ReOl .g 15460 Uncharacterized protein 1532 11782 22032 Cell cycle-associated protein Re01 .g1 5470 Mob1 - 1 1533 11783 22033 Re01 .g1 5480 Uncharacterized protein 1534 11784 22034 Re01 .g1 5490 C6 finger domain protein 1535 11785 22035 Re01 .g1 5500 Pc1 2g15770 protein 1536 11786 22036 30959 32449 Re01 .g1 551 0 Uncharacterized protein 1537 11787 22037 Integral plasma membrane protein, Re01 .g1 5520 putative 1538 11788 22038 Cleavage and polyadenylylation Re01 .g1 5530 specificity factor, putative 1539 11789 22039 ReOl .g 15540 Uncharacterized protein 1540 11790 22040 Re01 .g1 5550 Uncharacterized protein 1541 11791 22041 30960 32450 Re01 .g1 5560 Uncharacterized protein 1542 11792 22042 Re01 .g1 5570 hypothetical protein 1543 11793 22043 Re01 .g1 5580 hypothetical protein 1544 11794 22044 30961 32451 Extracellular thaumatin domain Re01 .g1 5590 protein, putative 1545 11795 22045 30962 32452 Re01 .g1 5600 hypothetical protein 1546 11796 22046 30963 32453 Re01 .g1 561 0 Sec23/Sec24 family protein 1547 11797 22047 Re01 .g1 5620 Amino-acid permease, putative 1548 11798 22048 Re01 .g1 5630 ABC efflux transporter, putative 1549 11799 22049 ReOl .g 15640 C6 transcription factor OefC 1550 11800 22050 Re01 .g1 5650 Uncharacterized protein 1551 11801 22051 Re01 .g1 5670 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 1552 11802 22052 Re01 .g1 5680 Reverse transcriptase, putative 1553 11803 22053 DSB repair complex subunit Ku70, Re01 .g1 5690 putative 1554 11804 22054 Re01 .g1 5700 Ferrochelatase EC=4.99. 1. 1 1555 11805 22055 Tetracycline-efflux transporter, Re01 .g1 571 0 putative 1556 11806 22056 Re01 .g1 5720 Pentatricopeptide repeat protein 1557 11807 22057 Re01 .g1 5730 Squalene epoxidase 1558 11808 22058 Re01 .g1 5740 PAP/25A associated domain family 1559 11809 22059 Re01 .g1 5750 Uncharacterized protein 1560 118 10 22060 Re01 .g1 5760 Putative membrane protein 1561 118 1 1 22061 Re01 .g1 5770 DUF625 domain protein, putative 1562 118 12 22062 Re01 .g1 5780 Uncharacterized protein 1563 118 13 22063 30964 32454 Inositol polyphosphate 5- Re01 .g1 5790 phosphatase 1564 11814 22064 Re01 .g1 5800 Decapping enzyme Dcp1 1565 118 15 22065 Re01 .g1 581 0 Uncharacterized protein 1566 118 16 22066 Re01 .g1 5820 hypothetical protein 1567 118 17 22067 Re01 g 5830 Uncharacterized protein 1568 118 18 22068 Re01 g 5840 Uncharacterized protein 1569 118 19 22069 30965 32455 Single-stranded DNA-binding Re01 g 5850 protein 1570 11820 22070 30966 32456 Re01 g 5860 Putative uncharacterized protein 1571 11821 22071 Re01 g 5870 Putative uncharacterized protein 1572 11822 22072 Re01 g 5880 AP-2 complex subunit mu 1573 11823 22073 Re01 g 5890 80 kD MCM3-associated protein 1574 11824 22074 Re01 g 5900 Uncharacterized protein 1575 11825 22075 Re01 g 591 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1576 11826 22076 Re01 g 5920 ABC metal ion transporter 1577 11827 22077 Re01 g 5930 PfkB family kinase, putative 1578 11828 22078 Re01 g 5940 Uncharacterized protein 1579 11829 22079 Re01 g 5950 Uncharacterized protein 1580 11830 22080 Re01 g 5960 Putative uncharacterized protein 1581 11831 22081 30967 32457 C2H2 finger and ankyrin domain Re01 g 5970 protein, putative 1582 11832 22082 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 g 5980 An1 2g09560 EC=1 .14.-.- 1583 11833 22083 Re01 g 5990 Putative uncharacterized protein 1584 11834 22084 30968 32458 Re01 g 6000 HLH DNA binding protein 1585 11835 22085 Re01 g 601 0 Pc22g 15850 protein 1586 11836 22086 Re01 g 6020 hypothetical protein 1587 11837 22087 Re01 g 6030 Emopamil binding protein 1588 11838 22088 tRNA splicing 2' Re01 g 6040 phosphotransferase 1 1589 11839 22089 Re01 g 6050 hypothetical protein 1590 11840 22090 Re01 g 6060 Uncharacterized protein 1591 11841 22091 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re01 g 6070 putative 1592 11842 22092 Re01 g 6080 Putative uncharacterized protein 1593 11843 22093 Re01 g 6090 Putative uncharacterized protein 1594 11844 22094 Re01 g 6 100 Putative uncharacterized protein 1595 11845 22095 30969 32459 Re01 g 6 110 Putative cutinase 1596 11846 22096 30970 32460 Re01 g 6 120 Putative uncharacterized protein 1597 11847 22097 Oligomycin resistance ATP- dependent permease yorl , putative Re01 g 6 130 EC=1 .3.1 .74 1598 11848 22098 Re01 g 6140 Putative uncharacterized protein 1599 11849 22099 30971 32461 Exocyst complex component Sec8, Re01 g 6 150 putative 1600 11850 221 00 Probable Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase Re01 g 6 160 P EC=3.4.1 1.9 1601 11851 221 0 1 Re01 g 6 170 Importin 13 1602 11852 221 02 Re01 g 6 180 Pyridoxine biosynthesis protein 1603 11853 221 03 Re01 g 6 190 Putative uncharacterized protein 1604 11854 221 04 30972 32462 Origin recognition complex subunit Re01 g 6200 2, putative 1605 11855 221 05 Re01 g 621 0 Arginine biosynthesis bifunctional 1606 11856 221 06 protein ArgJ, mitochondrial EC=2.3.1 .35 EC=2.3. 1. 1 Precursor Protein transport protein Sec61 e01.g1 6220 alpha subunit, putative 1607 11857 221 07 Re01 .g1 6230 Uncharacterized protein 1608 11858 221 08 Re01 .g1 6240 Putative uncharacterized protein 1609 11859 221 09 Re01 .g1 6250 Uncharacterized protein 16 10 11860 221 10 Re01 .g1 6260 Cyclin, putative 16 11 11861 221 11 Re01 .g1 6270 Autophagy-related protein 3 16 12 11862 221 12 Re01 .g1 6280 hypothetical protein 16 13 11863 221 13 Re01 .g1 6290 hypothetical protein 1614 11864 221 14 30973 32463 Re01 .g1 6300 Putative uncharacterized protein 16 15 11865 221 15 Re01 .g1 631 0 Uncharacterized protein 16 16 11866 221 16 Dolichyl-phosphate beta- Re01 .g1 6320 glucosyltransferase, putative 16 17 11867 221 17 Re01 .g1 6330 Putative uncharacterized protein 16 18 11868 221 18 Re01 .g1 6340 Uncharacterized protein 16 19 11869 221 19 Re01 .g1 6350 C3HC4 finger protein 1620 11870 221 20 Nucleoside diphosphate-sugar Re01 .g1 6360 hydrolase of the MutT 1621 11871 221 2 1 Re01 .g1 6370 MutT/nudix family protein 1622 11872 221 22 HAD superfamily hydrolase, Re01 .g1 6380 putative 1623 11873 221 23 tRNA a64-2'-o-ribosylphosphate Re01 .g1 6390 transferase 1624 11874 221 24 Re01 .g1 6400 Aldo-keto reductase 1625 11875 221 25 Re01 .g1 641 0 Uncharacterized protein 1626 11876 221 26 Re01 .g1 6420 RNA binding protein, putative 1627 11877 221 27 Re01 .g1 6430 WD repeat protein 1628 11878 221 28 Polyubiquitin binding protein ReOl .g 16440 (Doa1/Ufd3), putative 1629 11879 221 29 Re01 .g1 6450 AI-BP family protein 1630 11880 221 30 Re01 .g1 6460 37S ribosomal protein S 16 1631 11881 221 3 1 Re01 .g1 6470 hypothetical protein 1632 11882 221 32 30974 32464 Re01 .g1 6480 RNA binding protein 1633 11883 221 33 Re01 .g1 6490 Uncharacterized protein 1634 11884 221 34 Re01 .g1 6500 60S ribosomal protein L30, putative 1635 11885 221 35 HLH DNA binding domain protein, Re01 .g1 651 0 putative 1636 11886 221 36 Re01 .g1 6520 Response regulator, putative 1637 11887 221 37 Re01 .g1 6530 PQ loop repeat protein 1638 11888 221 38 Re01 .g1 6540 Putative uncharacterized protein 1639 11889 221 39 High osmolarity signaling protein Re01 .g1 6550 shol 1640 11890 22140 Nuclear distribution protein RO1 0, Re01 .g1 6560 putative 1641 11891 22141 Re01 .g1 6570 Putative uncharacterized protein 1642 11892 22142 Re01 .g1 6580 AMP-binding enzyme, putative 1643 11893 22143 Re01 .g1 6590 Serine/threonine protein kinase 1644 11894 22144 PRR2 Re01 g 6600 Putative uncharacterized protein 1645 11895 22145 Re01 g 661 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1646 11896 22146 30975 32465 Re01 g 6620 Dynein light intermediate chain 1647 11897 22147 Re01 g 6630 RNA binding domain protein 1648 11898 22148 Remark: the ORF contains WD- Re01 g 6640 re peats 1649 11899 22149 30976 32466 Re01 g 6650 Septin AspA, putative 1650 11900 221 50 30977 32467 Rho1 guanine nucleotide exchange Re01 g 6660 factor 1 1651 11901 221 5 1 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 g 6670 An07g05080 EC= Precursor 1652 11902 221 52 cAMP-dependent protein kinase Re01 g 6680 catalytic subunit, putative 1653 11903 221 53 Alpha- 1,6-mannosyltransferase Re01 g 6690 subunit (Och1), putative 1654 11904 221 54 30978 32468 Re01 g 671 0 Homoserine O-acetyltransferase 1655 11905 221 55 Re01 g 6720 ThiF domain protein 1656 11906 221 56 30979 32469 Re01 g 6730 Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family 1657 11907 221 57 Re01 g 6740 LCCL domain protein 1658 11908 221 58 Re01 g 6750 Uncharacterized protein 1659 11909 221 59 Re01 g 6760 Monooxygenase, putative 1660 119 10 221 60 30980 32470 Re01 g 6770 hypothetical protein 1661 119 11 221 6 1 Re01 g 6780 Putative uncharacterized protein 1662 119 12 221 62 30981 32471 Re01 g 6790 Integral membrane protein 1663 119 13 221 63 Re01 g 6800 Uncharacterized protein 1664 11914 221 64 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 g 681 0 BAA90881 .1 1665 119 15 221 65 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase Re01 g 6820 EC=2.7.1 .1 37 1666 119 16 221 66 Cyclohexanone 1,2- Re01 g 6830 monooxygenase 1667 119 17 221 67 Re01 g 6840 Putative uncharacterized protein 1668 119 18 221 68 Re01 g 6850 Similar to alcohol dehydrogenase 1669 119 19 221 69 30982 32472 Re01 g 6860 Pc1 6g00330 protein 1670 11920 221 70 Re01 g 6870 Polyketide synthase, putative 1671 11921 221 7 1 Re01 g 6880 Polyketide synthase 1672 11922 221 72 Re01 g 6890 Uncharacterized protein 1673 11923 221 73 Re01 g 6900 C6 finger domain protein GliZ 1674 11924 221 74 Re01 g 691 0 Uncharacterized protein 1675 11925 221 75 Re01 g 6920 Salicylate hydroxylase, putative 1676 11926 221 76 30983 32473 Re01 g 6930 Alternative oxidase EC=1 1677 11927 221 77 30984 32474 Re01 g 6940 hypothetical protein 1678 11928 221 78 MFS monocarboxylate transporter, Re01 g 6950 putative 1679 11929 221 79 Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase Re01 g 6960 type 5, putative 1680 11930 221 80 30985 32475 Re01 g 6970 Uncharacterized protein 1681 11931 221 8 1 Re01 g 6980 Putative uncharacterized protein 1682 11932 221 82 Re01 9 ' 6990 Uncharacterized protein 1683 11933 221 83 Arsenic resistance protein ArsH, Re01 g ' 7000 putative EC= .5.1 .- 1684 11934 221 84 Arsenite efflux transporter (ArsB), Re01 g ' 701 0 putative 1685 11935 221 85 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re01 g ' 7020 putative 1686 11936 221 86 Re01 g ' 7040 Putative uncharacterized protein 1687 11937 221 87 Putative myo-inositol 2- Re01 g ' 7050 dehydrogenase protein 1688 11938 221 88 Re01 g ' 7060 Vegetative cell wall protein gp1 1689 11939 221 89 Glycoside hydrolase family 3 Re01 g ' 7070 protein 1690 11940 221 90 Re01 g ' 7080 Predicted protein 1691 11941 221 9 1 30986 32476 Putative umta methyltransferase Re01 g ' 7090 family protein 1692 11942 221 92 Re01 g ' 7 100 Putative uncharacterized protein 1693 11943 221 93 Re01 g ' 7 110 Predicted protein 1694 11944 221 94 Re01 g ' 7 120 Methyltransferase type 12 1695 11945 221 95 Re01 g ' 7 130 hypothetical protein 1696 11946 221 96 Re01 g ' 7140 hypothetical protein 1697 11947 221 97 WGS project CABTOOOOOOOO data, Re01 g ' 7 150 contig 2.1 8 1698 11948 221 98 Re01 g ' 7 160 hypothetical protein 1699 11949 221 99 Re01 g ' 7 170 Uncharacterized protein 1700 11950 22200 Re01 g ' 7 180 Predicted protein 1701 11951 22201 Re01 g ' 7 190 hypothetical protein 1702 11952 22202 Re01 g ' 7200 Putative uncharacterized protein 1703 11953 22203 30987 32477 Re01 g ' 721 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1704 11954 22204 Re01 g ' 7220 Putative uncharacterized protein 1705 11955 22205 Re01 g ' 7230 hypothetical protein 1706 11956 22206 30988 32478 Re01 g ' 7240 Predicted protein 1707 11957 22207 Re01 g ' 7250 Putative uncharacterized protein 1708 11958 22208 Re01 g ' 7260 Putative uncharacterized protein 1709 11959 22209 Re01 g ' 7270 Uncharacterized protein 17 10 11960 2221 0 Re01 g ' 7280 Monooxygenase 17 11 11961 2221 1 Re01 g ' 7290 Putative uncharacterized protein 17 12 11962 2221 2 Re01 g ' 7300 Anion exchange protein, putative 17 13 11963 2221 3 Re01 g ' 731 0 Uncharacterized protein 1714 11964 22214 Re01 g ' 7320 Isy1 -like splicing family protein 17 15 11965 2221 5 Re01 g ' 7330 Myosin type II heavy chain 17 16 11966 2221 6 Re01 g ' 7340 Uncharacterized protein 17 17 11967 2221 7 Re01 g ' 7350 Flavin oxidoreductase 17 18 11968 2221 8 Phospholipase/carboxylesterase Re01 g ' 7360 family protein 17 19 11969 2221 9 Re01 g ' 7370 Putative uncharacterized protein 1720 11970 22220 Re01 g ' 7380 Uncharacterized protein 1721 11971 22221 Re01 g ' 7390 hypothetical protein 1722 11972 22222 Re01 g ' 7400 Palmitoyltransferase EC=2.3.1 .- 1723 11973 22223 30989 32479 e01.g1 741 0 hypothetical protein 1724 11974 22224 Re01 .g1 7420 Putative uncharacterized protein 1725 11975 22225 Re01 .g1 7430 Ribosomal protein L24E 1726 11976 22226 ReOl .g 17440 Cell wall glucanase, putative 1727 11977 22227 Re01 .g1 7450 Uncharacterized protein 1728 11978 22228 Re01 .g1 7460 Putative uncharacterized protein 1729 11979 22229 30990 32480 Re01 .g1 7470 Putative uncharacterized protein 1730 11980 22230 30991 32481 Woronin body protein HexA, Re01 .g1 7480 putative 1731 11981 22231 30992 32482 Transcriptional regulator (Cti6), Re01 .g1 7490 putative 1732 11982 22232 Re01 .g1 7500 Putative uncharacterized protein 1733 11983 22233 Re01 .g1 751 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1734 11984 22234 Re01 .g1 7520 Uncharacterized protein 1735 11985 22235 Putative nad dependent epimerase Re01 .g1 7530 protein 1736 11986 22236 D-arabinitol dehydrogenase ArbD, Re01 .g1 7540 putative 1737 11987 22237 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase Re01 .g1 7550 subunit alpha (MccA), putative 1738 11988 22238 Re01 .g1 7560 Putative uncharacterized protein 1739 11989 22239 Catalytic activity: AtlVD activity requires FAD as a Re01 .g1 7570 EC=1 .3.99.1 0 1740 11990 22240 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase, Re01 .g1 7580 beta subunit (MccB), putative 1741 11991 22241 Re01 .g1 7590 Ras-related protein RSR1 1742 11992 22242 Triglyceride lipase-cholesterol Re01 .g1 7600 esterase, putative 1743 11993 22243 30993 32483 Re01 .g1 761 0 Pc21 g 17330 protein 1744 11994 22244 Oligosaccharyl transferase subunit Re01 .g1 7620 (Beta), putative 1745 11995 22245 30994 32484 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re01 .g1 7630 9.5 kDa subunit, putative 1746 11996 22246 Re01 .g1 7640 Uncharacterized protein 1747 11997 22247 Re01 .g1 7650 Transcription factor RfeG, putative 1748 11998 22248 Re01 .g1 7660 hypothetical protein 1749 11999 22249 30995 32485 Re01 .g1 7670 DNA polymerase eta (Eurofung) 1750 12000 22250 Re01 .g1 7680 Uncharacterized protein 1751 12001 22251 Re01 .g1 7690 hypothetical protein 1752 12002 22252 ER membrane protein Wsc4, Re01 .g1 7700 putative 1753 12003 22253 30996 32486 Re01 .g1 771 0 NTF2-like protein 1754 12004 22254 Re01 .g1 7720 Uncharacterized protein 1755 12005 22255 Re01 .g1 7730 Uncharacterized protein 1756 12006 22256 Re01 .g1 7740 Putative uncharacterized protein 1757 12007 22257 Re01 .g1 7750 hypothetical protein 1758 12008 22258 Re01 .g1 7760 Putative uncharacterized protein 1759 12009 22259 Re01 .g1 7770 Ankyrin repeat-containing protein, 1760 1201 0 22260 putative Re01 g ' 7780 Uncharacterized protein 1761 1201 1 22261 30997 32487 Re01 g ' 7790 RNA binding protein, putative 1762 1201 2 22262 Re01 g ' 7800 Putative uncharacterized protein 1763 1201 3 22263 30998 32488 Transcription factor (SPT8), Re01 g ' 781 0 putative 1764 12014 22264 Re01 g ' 7820 Uncharacterized protein 1765 1201 5 22265 Re01 g ' 7830 hypothetical protein 1766 1201 6 22266 Re01 g ' 7840 Putative uncharacterized protein 1767 1201 7 22267 Re01 g ' 7850 Cytochrome P450 1768 1201 8 22268 30999 32489 Permease of the major facilitator Re01 g ' 7860 superfamily 1769 1201 9 22269 Re01 g ' 7870 ATP-dependent bile acid permease 1770 12020 22270 Re01 g ' 7880 Putative uncharacterized protein 1771 12021 22271 Re01 g ' 7890 Uncharacterized protein 1772 12022 22272 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (UbcC), putative (AFU orthologue Re01 g ' 7900 AFUA_5G09200) 1773 12023 22273 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 g ' 791 0 An07g03750 1774 12024 22274 Transcription factor (Snd1/p1 00), Re01 g ' 7920 putative 1775 12025 22275 Re01 g ' 7930 hypothetical protein 1776 12026 22276 Re01 g ' 7940 Uncharacterized protein 1777 12027 22277 Re01 g ' 7950 Similar to o-methyltransferase 1778 12028 22278 Re01 g ' 7960 NmrA-like family protein 1779 12029 22279 3 1000 32490 Re01 g ' 7970 Endochitinase Fragment 1780 12030 22280 Re01 g ' 7980 Putative uncharacterized protein 1781 12031 22281 Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] Re01 g ' 7990 EC=1 .15.1 .1 1782 12032 22282 Re01 g ' 8000 Putative uncharacterized protein 1783 12033 22283 Re01 g ' 801 0 Uncharacterized protein 1784 12034 22284 Re01 g ' 8020 Transaldolase EC=2.2. 1.2 1785 12035 22285 Re01 g ' 8030 Beige/BEACH domain protein 1786 12036 22286 Re01 g ' 8040 Autophagic serine protease Alp2 1787 12037 22287 3 1001 32491 Re01 g ' 8050 Uncharacterized protein 1788 12038 22288 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 g ' 8060 An02g14730 Precursor 1789 12039 22289 3 1002 32492 Re01 g ' 8070 Uncharacterized protein 1790 12040 22290 3 1003 32493 Re01 g ' 8080 DUF1479 domain protein 1791 12041 22291 NAD-dependent 15- hydroxyprostaglandin Re01 g ' 8090 dehydrogenase 1792 12042 22292 Re01 g ' 8 100 Amino acid transporter, putative 1793 12043 22293 Re01 g ' 8 110 Bax Inhibitor family protein 1794 12044 22294 Signal transduction protein Syg1 , Re01 g ' 8 120 putative 1795 12045 22295 Re01 g ' 8 130 Predicted protein 1796 12046 22296 Re01 g ' 8140 CipC-like antibiotic response 1797 12047 22297 protein, putative Phospholipase/Carboxylesterase Re01 g ' 8 150 superfamily 1798 12048 22298 Re01 g ' 8 160 Uncharacterized protein 1799 12049 22299 3 1004 32494 Re01 g ' 8 170 Calcineurin catalytic subunit CnaA 1800 12050 22300 Re01 g ' 8 180 Similar to An07g0361 0 1801 12051 22301 Re01 g ' 8 190 Putative uncharacterized protein 1802 12052 22302 Re01 g ' 8200 Putative uncharacterized protein 1803 12053 22303 3 1005 32495 Re01 g ' 821 0 Carbonyl reductase, putative 1804 12054 22304 Re01 g ' 8220 Putative uncharacterized protein 1805 12055 22305 Clock controled protein (Ccg-8), Re01 g ' 8230 putative 1806 12056 22306 RNA-directed RNA polymerase, Re01 g ' 8240 putative 1807 12057 22307 Cytochrome P450 alkane Re01 g ' 8250 hydroxylase 1808 12058 22308 3 1006 32496 Ketoacyl-synt-domain-containing Re01 g ' 8260 protein 1809 12059 22309 Re01 g ' 8270 Uncharacterized protein 18 10 12060 2231 0 3 1007 32497 Similar to EF-hand calcium-binding Re01 g ' 8280 domain protein 18 11 12061 2231 1 Re01 g ' 8290 hypothetical protein 18 12 12062 2231 2 Synaptic vesicle transporter SVOP Re01 g ' 8300 and related transporters 18 13 12063 2231 3 Re01 g ' 831 0 Uncharacterized protein 1814 12064 22314 Re01 g ' 8320 Putative uncharacterized protein 18 15 12065 2231 5 Re01 g ' 8330 Amino acid transporter 18 16 12066 2231 6 Re01 g ' 8340 Isoflavone reductase family protein 18 17 12067 2231 7 1,3-beta-glucanosyltransferase, Re01 g ' 8350 putative 18 18 12068 2231 8 3 1008 32498 Re01 g ' 8360 Putative uncharacterized protein 18 19 12069 2231 9 Re01 g ' 8370 Uncharacterized protein 1820 12070 22320 Re01 g ' 8380 Uncharacterized protein 1821 12071 22321 Re01 g ' 8390 Uncharacterized protein 1822 12072 22322 3 1009 32499 Re01 g ' 8400 Reverse transcriptase, putative 1823 12073 22323 Vacuolar aspartyl aminopeptidase Re01 g ' 841 0 Lap4 1824 12074 22324 3 10 10 32500 Re01 g ' 8420 Integral membrane protein 1825 12075 22325 Proteasome maturation ans ribosome synthesis protein Nop1 0, Re01 g ' 8430 putative 1826 12076 22326 H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex Re01 g ' 8440 subunit 3 1827 12077 22327 Re01 g ' 8450 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 1828 12078 22328 Re01 g ' 8460 Ribosomal protein 1829 12079 22329 3 10 11 32501 Long chronological lifespan protein Re01 g ' 8470 2 Precursor 1830 12080 22330 3 10 12 32502 Re01 g ' 8480 Putative uncharacterized protein 1831 12081 22331 Re01 g ' 8490 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2- 1832 12082 22332 18 kDa Meiosis-specific topoisomerase Re01 9 ' 8500 Spoi l , putative 1833 12083 22333 Re01 g ' 851 0 Oxidosqualene:lanosterol cyclase 1834 12084 22334 Re01 g ' 8520 SGT1 and CS domain protein 1835 12085 22335 Re01 g ' 8530 PQ loop repeat protein 1836 12086 22336 Re01 g ' 8540 Transaldolase EC=2.2. 1.2 1837 12087 22337 Re01 g ' 8550 Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 1838 12088 22338 tRNA methyltransferase subunit Re01 g ' 8560 GCD14, putative 1839 12089 22339 Re01 g ' 8570 UBA/TS-N domain protein 1840 12090 22340 Re01 g ' 8580 Conserved fungal protein 1841 12091 22341 Re01 g ' 8590 Small monomeric GTPase 1842 12092 22342 Re01 g ' 8600 Predicted protein 1843 12093 22343 Adaptor complexes medium Re01 g ' 861 0 subunit family protein 1844 12094 22344 Re01 g ' 8620 RNase III domain protein 1845 12095 22345 Succinate dehydrogenase Re01 g ' 8630 cytochrome b560 subunit 1846 12096 22346 BZIP transcription factor (HapX), Re01 g ' 8640 putative 1847 12097 22347 Glutathione-dependent Re01 g ' 8650 formaldehyde dehydrogenase 1848 12098 22348 Mitochondrial 54S ribosomal Re01 g ' 8660 protein IMG1 1849 12099 22349 Re01 g ' 8670 Putative uncharacterized protein 1850 12 100 22350 Re01 g ' 8680 Uncharacterized protein 1851 12 10 1 22351 Re01 g ' 8690 Putative uncharacterized protein 1852 12 102 22352 Re01 g ' 8700 Pc22g14360 protein Precursor 1853 12 103 22353 3 10 13 32503 DNA damage response protein Re01 g ' 871 0 Rtt1 09, putative 1854 12 104 22354 Ceramide glucosyltransferase, Re01 g ' 8720 putative 1855 12 105 22355 3 1014 32504 Ankyrin repeat protein (Yar1), Re01 g ' 8730 putative 1856 12 106 22356 Re01 g ' 8740 WW domain protein 1857 12 107 22357 Re01 g ' 8750 Conidial hydrophobin Hyp1/RodA 1858 12 108 22358 3 10 15 32505 Re01 g ' 8760 hypothetical protein 1859 12 109 22359 3 10 16 32506 2-nitropropane dioxygenase family Re01 g ' 8770 oxidoreductase, putative 1860 12 110 22360 Re01 g ' 8780 Uncharacterized protein 1861 12 111 22361 Mitochondrial fusion protein Re01 g ' 8790 (Ugo1 ), putative 1862 12 112 22362 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding Re01 g ' 8800 domain protein 1863 12 113 22363 Re01 g ' 881 0 Pc22g 13900 protein 1864 12 114 22364 Signal recognition particle protein Re01 g ' 8820 SRP54 1865 12 115 22365 Re01 g ' 8830 Alkaline phosphatase family protein 1866 12 116 22366 3 10 17 32507 Class III chitinase, putative e01.g1 8840 EC=3.2.1 .14 1867 12 117 22367 Re01 .g1 8850 Putative uncharacterized protein 1868 12 118 22368 3 10 18 32508 Re01 .g1 8860 hypothetical protein 1869 12 119 22369 Re01 .g1 8870 Uncharacterized protein 1870 12 120 22370 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 .g1 8880 AAH28592.1 1871 12 12 1 22371 Isopenicillin N-CoA epimerase, Re01 .g1 8890 putative EC=5. 1.99.4 1872 12 122 22372 Re01 .g1 8900 WW domain protein 1873 12 123 22373 Re01 .g1 891 0 Gibberellin 20-oxidase, putative 1874 12 124 22374 Re01 .g1 8920 Chitinase 1875 12 125 22375 3 10 19 32509 Re01 .g1 8930 Uncharacterized protein 1876 12 126 22376 3 1020 3251 0 Spindle pole body associated Re01 .g1 8940 protein SnaD, putative 1877 12 127 22377 Conidiation-specific protein Con- Re01 .g1 8950 10, putative 1878 12 128 22378 3 1021 3251 1 Re01 .g1 8960 Tyrosinase, putative 1879 12 129 22379 3 1022 3251 2 Re01 .g1 8970 Uncharacterized protein 1880 12 130 22380 Re01 .g1 8980 hypothetical protein 1881 12 13 1 22381 Re01 .g1 8990 Pc1 7g0031 0 protein 1882 12 132 22382 Phosphotransferase enzyme family Re01 .g1 9000 protein 1883 12 133 22383 Re01 .g1 901 0 Predicted protein 1884 12 134 22384 Retrotransposable element Tf2 Re01 .g1 9020 protein type 1-like protein 1885 12 135 22385 Re01 .g1 9030 Uncharacterized protein 1886 12 136 22386 Re01 .g1 9040 Putative uncharacterized protein 1887 12 137 22387 Re01 .g1 9050 Uncharacterized protein 1888 12 138 22388 Re01 .g1 9060 Putative uncharacterized protein 1889 12 139 22389 Re01 .g1 9070 Uncharacterized protein 1890 12140 22390 Re01 .g1 9080 Uncharacterized protein 1891 12141 22391 3 1023 3251 3 Re01 .g1 9090 Uncharacterized protein 1892 12142 22392 MYB DNA-binding domain- Re01 .g1 9 100 containing protein 1893 12143 22393 Re01 .g1 9 110 hypothetical protein 1894 12144 22394 Re01 .g1 9 120 Pc1 7g0031 0 protein 1895 12145 22395 Re01 .g1 9 130 Putative uncharacterized protein 1896 12146 22396 Re01 .g1 9140 Putative uncharacterized protein 1897 12147 22397 Re01 .g1 9 150 Putative uncharacterized protein 1898 12148 22398 Re01 .g1 9 160 Putative uncharacterized protein 1899 12149 22399 Re01 .g1 9 170 Predicted protein 1900 12 150 22400 Re01 .g1 9 180 Uncharacterized protein 1901 12 15 1 22401 Re01 .g1 9 190 Uncharacterized protein 1902 12 152 22402 Re01 .g1 9200 Putative uncharacterized protein 1903 12 153 22403 Re01 .g1 921 0 Uncharacterized protein 1904 12 154 22404 Re01 .g1 9220 hypothetical protein 1905 12 155 22405 3 1024 32514 Re01 .g1 9230 Uncharacterized protein 1906 12 156 22406 3 1025 3251 5 Re01 .g1 9240 CRAL/TRIO domain protein 1907 12 157 22407 Transcription initiation factor TFIID e 01.g1 9250 complex 60 kDa subunit 1908 12 158 22408 S-adenosylmethionine Re01 .g1 9260 decarboxylase proenzyme 1909 12 159 22409 Transcription initiation factor TFIID Re01 .g1 9270 subunit beta 19 10 12 160 2241 0 Re01 .g1 9280 Salicylate hydroxylase 19 11 12 16 1 2241 1 Re01 .g1 9290 hypothetical protein 19 12 12 162 2241 2 Re01 .g1 9300 Uncharacterized protein 19 13 12 163 2241 3 Re01 .g1 931 0 Uncharacterized protein 1914 12 164 22414 Re01 .g1 9320 Putative uncharacterized protein 19 15 12 165 2241 5 Re01 .g1 9330 Putative uncharacterized protein 19 16 12 166 2241 6 Re01 .g1 9340 Putative uncharacterized protein 19 17 12 167 2241 7 Re01 .g1 9350 hypothetical protein 19 18 12 168 2241 8 Mitochondrial export Re01 .g1 9360 Oxa1 , putative 19 19 12 169 2241 9 Re01 .g1 9370 Putative uncharacterized protein 1920 12 170 22420 Cdc48-dependent protein degradation adaptor protein Re01 .g1 9380 (Shp1 ), putative 1921 12 17 1 22421 Re01 .g1 9390 hypothetical protein 1922 12 172 22422 3 1026 3251 6 Re01 .g1 9400 Uncharacterized protein 1923 12 173 22423 3 1027 3251 7 Re01 .g1 941 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1924 12 174 22424 Re01 .g1 9420 Predicted protein 1925 12 175 22425 3 1028 3251 8 Re01 .g1 9430 hypothetical protein 1926 12 176 22426 Re01 .g1 9440 Nucleotide binding protein, putative 1927 12 177 22427 Re01 .g1 9450 Uncharacterized protein 1928 12 178 22428 Re01 .g1 9460 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 1929 12 179 22429 Mitochondrial large ribosomal Re01 .g1 9470 subunit protein L 1 1930 12 180 22430 Similarity to several cytosolic glutamate-tRNA from different species EC=6.1 .1.1 8 Re01 .g1 9480 Precursor 1931 12 18 1 22431 3 1029 3251 9 Hydrophobic surface binding Re01 .g1 9490 protein A 1932 12 182 22432 3 1030 32520 Re01 .g1 9500 Putative uncharacterized protein 1933 12 183 22433 3 1031 32521 Re01 .g1 951 0 Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 2 1934 12 184 22434 Re01 .g1 9520 hypothetical protein 1935 12 185 22435 Plasma membrane H()ATPase, Re01 .g1 9530 putative EC= 1936 12 186 22436 Glutathione-dependent Re01 .g1 9540 formaldehyde-activating 1937 12 187 22437 Re01 .g1 9550 Class III chitinase, putative 1938 12 188 22438 3 1032 32522 Re01 .g1 9560 Putative uncharacterized protein 1939 12 189 22439 Re01 .g1 9570 Putative uncharacterized protein 1940 12 190 22440 Re01 .g1 9580 HypA-like protein, putative 1941 12 19 1 22441 Aldehyde reductase (AKR1 ), Re01 .g1 9590 putative 1942 12 192 22442 TFIIH complex helicase Ssl2, Re01 9 ' 9600 putative 1943 12 193 22443 Re01 g ' 961 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 1944 12 194 22444 Similarity to EST SEQ ID NO:6052 Re01 g ' 9620 from patent WO200056762-A2 1945 12 195 22445 Re01 g ' 9630 Putative uncharacterized protein 1946 12 196 22446 Re01 g ' 9640 hypothetical protein 1947 12 197 22447 3 1033 32523 Re01 g ' 9660 hypothetical protein 1948 12 198 22448 Re01 g ' 9670 Erp2,4 1949 12 199 22449 3 1034 32524 Re01 g ' 9680 Uncharacterized protein 1950 12200 22450 Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, Re01 g ' 9690 putative 1951 12201 22451 Re01 g ' 9700 Uncharacterized protein 1952 12202 22452 Re01 g ' 971 0 Uncharacterized protein 1953 12203 22453 Microsomal signal peptidase Re01 g ' 9720 subunit (Gp23), putative 1954 12204 22454 Disease resistance protein Aig2, Re01 g ' 9730 putative 1955 12205 22455 Re01 g ' 9740 Ulp1 protease, putative 1956 12206 22456 Translation initiation factor elF4E3, Re01 g ' 9750 putative 1957 12207 22457 Re01 g ' 9760 Putative uncharacterized protein 1958 12208 22458 Re01 g ' 9770 Pc21 g 16030 protein 1959 12209 22459 3 1035 32525 Re01 g ' 9780 Putative uncharacterized protein 1960 1221 0 22460 Conidial pigment polyketide Re01 g ' 9790 synthase PksP/Alb1 1961 1221 1 22461 Conidial pigment biosynthesis Re01 g ' 9800 oxidase Arb2/brown2 1962 1221 2 22462 3 1036 32526 SH3 domain protein (Cyk3), Re01 g ' 981 0 putative 1963 1221 3 22463 Re01 g ' 9820 Uncharacterized protein 1964 12214 22464 PHD transcription factor (Rum1 ), Re01 g ' 9830 putative 1965 1221 5 22465 Structure-specific endonuclease Re01 g ' 9840 subunit slx1 EC=3.6.1 .- 1966 1221 6 22466 Re01 g ' 9850 Thymidylate kinase 1967 1221 7 22467 tRNA-guanine transglycosylase Re01 g ' 9860 family protein 1968 1221 8 22468 Re01 g ' 9870 Uncharacterized protein 1969 1221 9 22469 Re01 g ' 9880 Uncharacterized protein 1970 12220 22470 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase Re01 g ' 9890 EC= 1971 12221 22471 Alpha glucosidase II, alpha subunit, Re01 g ' 9900 putative EC=3.2.1 .84 1972 12222 22472 3 1037 32527 Re01 g ' 991 0 PQ loop repeat protein 1973 12223 22473 3 1038 32528 Re01 g ' 9920 Putative uncharacterized protein 1974 12224 22474 Re01 g ' 9930 hypothetical protein 1975 12225 22475 Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Re01 .g1 9940 synthetase 1976 12226 22476 3 1039 32529 e01.g1 9950 NADH pyrophosphatase, putative 1977 12227 22477 Re01 .g1 9960 Protein kinase, putative 1978 12228 22478 3 1040 32530 Re01 .g1 9970 Putative uncharacterized protein 1979 12229 22479 Re01 .g1 9980 GTP cyclohydrolase I 1980 12230 22480 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g1 9990 An09g05300 1981 12231 22481 Re01 .g20000 Exonuclease Kem1 , putative 1982 12232 22482 Re01 .g2001 0 MFS transporter, putative 1983 12233 22483 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 .g20020 CAE761 69.1 1984 12234 22484 Re01 .g20030 Uncharacterized protein 1985 12235 22485 3 1041 32531 Re01 .g20040 WD repeat protein 1986 12236 22486 Re01 .g20050 Septin 1987 12237 22487 Small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein Re01 .g20060 complex subunit (Pwp2), putative 1988 12238 22488 Re01 .g20070 Uncharacterized protein 1989 12239 22489 3 1042 32532 Re01 .g20080 Putative uncharacterized protein 1990 12240 22490 Re01 .g20090 Putative uncharacterized protein 1991 12241 22491 3 1043 32533 Transcriptional regulator Re01 .g201 00 Cwf1 3/SkiP, putative 1992 12242 22492 Re01 .g201 10 DnaJ domain protein 1993 12243 22493 Re01 .g201 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 1994 12244 22494 Re01 .g201 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 1995 12245 22495 Re01 .g20140 Uncharacterized protein 1996 12246 22496 Re01 .g201 50 Uncharacterized protein 1997 12247 22497 Re01 .g201 60 60S ribosomal protein L4 1998 12248 22498 Re01 .g201 70 Uncharacterized protein 1999 12249 22499 Re01 .g201 80 Uncharacterized protein 2000 12250 22500 3 1044 32534 Re01 .g201 90 hypothetical protein 2001 12251 22501 Re01 .g20200 hypothetical protein 2002 12252 22502 Re01 .g2021 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 2003 12253 22503 Re01 .g20220 Impact family protein 2004 12254 22504 Aromatic amino acid Re01 .g20230 aminotransferase 2005 12255 22505 Re01 .g20240 LCCL domain protein 2006 12256 22506 Re01 .g20250 Predicted protein 2007 12257 22507 Re01 .g20260 Putative uncharacterized protein 2008 12258 22508 Re01 .g20270 SNARE domain protein 2009 12259 22509 Re01 .g20280 Uncharacterized protein 201 0 12260 2251 0 Re01 .g20290 hypothetical protein 201 1 12261 2251 1 3 1045 32535 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g20300 An09g0491 0 201 2 12262 2251 2 Lysophospholipase, putative Re01 .g2031 0 EC=3.1 .1 .47 201 3 12263 2251 3 Putative high affinity methionine Re01 .g20320 permease protein 2014 12264 22514 Re01 .g20330 Uncharacterized protein 201 5 12265 2251 5 3 1046 32536 Re01 .g20340 Uncharacterized protein 201 6 12266 2251 6 Re01 .g20350 hypothetical protein 201 7 12267 2251 7 3 1047 32537 Glycoside hydrolase family 18 e01.g20360 protein 201 8 12268 2251 8 3 1048 32538 Re01 .g20370 Putative uncharacterized protein 201 9 12269 2251 9 3 1049 32539 Re01 .g20380 Uncharacterized protein 2020 12270 22520 Re01 .g20390 Methyltransferase, putative 2021 12271 22521 Putative nad dependent epimerase Re01 .g20400 dehydratase protein 2022 12272 22522 Re01 .g2041 0 Serine palmitoyltransferase 2 2023 12273 22523 Re01 .g20420 Putative uncharacterized protein 2024 12274 22524 3 1050 32540 Re01 .g20430 hypothetical protein 2025 12275 22525 Re01 .g20440 Citrate synthase EC= 2026 12276 22526 Re01 .g20450 Pc22g07740 protein 2027 12277 22527 Re01 .g20460 Putative mfs protein 2028 12278 22528 Re01 .g20470 Uncharacterized protein 2029 12279 22529 3 1051 32541 Re01 .g20480 Related to methyltransferase 2030 12280 22530 Re01 .g20490 Aldo/keto reductase, putative 2031 12281 22531 Re01 .g20500 Uncharacterized protein 2032 12282 22532 Re01 .g2051 0 Predicted protein 2033 12283 22533 3 1052 32542 Re01 .g20520 MFS sugar transporter, putative 2034 12284 22534 Re01 .g20530 Uncharacterized protein 2035 12285 22535 Re01 .g20540 Putative uncharacterized protein 2036 12286 22536 Re01 .g20550 Integral membrane protein 2037 12287 22537 Re01 .g20560 Amino acid permease, putative 2038 12288 22538 Re01 .g20570 Uncharacterized protein 2039 12289 22539 Re01 .g20580 Uncharacterized protein 2040 12290 22540 Nicotinamide nucleotide Re01 .g20590 transhydrogenase, putative 2041 12291 22541 3 1053 32543 Re01 .g20600 Major facilitator superfamily 2042 12292 22542 3 1054 32544 Gamma-tubulin complex Re01 .g2061 0 component GCP5, putative 2043 12293 22543 Alpha-1 ,2 mannosyltransferase Re01 .g20620 KTR1 2044 12294 22544 3 1055 32545 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit Va, Re01 .g20630 putative 2045 12295 22545 Fatty acid elongase (Gns1 ), Re01 .g20640 putative 2046 12296 22546 Re01 .g20650 Putative uncharacterized protein 2047 12297 22547 Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine Re01 .g20660 synthase EC= 2048 12298 22548 Efflux pump antibiotic resistance Re01 .g20670 protein, putative 2049 12299 22549 Re01 .g20680 C6 transcription factor, putative 2050 12300 22550 Re01 .g20690 hypothetical protein 2051 12301 22551 Re01 .g20700 Uncharacterized protein 2052 12302 22552 3 1056 32546 Endoplasmic reticulum-resident Re01 .g2071 0 kdel protein 2053 12303 22553 3 1057 32547 20S cyclosome subunit Re01 .g20720 (Cut9/Cdc1 6), putative 2054 12304 22554 Re01 .g20730 hypothetical protein 2055 12305 22555 e01.g20740 Uncharacterized protein 2056 12306 22556 Re01 .g20750 Transcription-associated protein 2057 12307 22557 Protein phosphatase regulatory Re01 .g20760 subunit (Ssc1 ), putative 2058 12308 22558 RNA polymerase III transcription Re01 .g20770 factor (TF)IIIC subunit 2059 12309 22559 Re01 .g20780 Uncharacterized protein 2060 1231 0 22560 Re01 .g20790 Ribokinase 2061 1231 1 22561 DNA replication licensing factor Re01 .g20800 Mcm5, putative 2062 1231 2 22562 GARP complex component Re01 .g2081 0 (Vps54), putative 2063 1231 3 22563 Re01 .g20820 hypothetical protein 2064 12314 22564 Re01 .g20830 Uncharacterized protein 2065 1231 5 22565 Re01 .g20840 Uncharacterized protein 2066 1231 6 22566 Re01 .g20850 Uncharacterized protein 2067 1231 7 22567 Zinc-binding oxidoreductase, Re01 .g20860 putative 2068 1231 8 22568 Re01 .g20870 Glycogen synthase Gsy1 , putative 2069 1231 9 22569 Thiamine biosynthesis protein Re01 .g20880 (Nmt1 ), putative 2070 12320 22570 Re01 .g20890 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2071 12321 22571 3 1058 32548 Re01 .g20900 Uncharacterized protein 2072 12322 22572 Re01 .g2091 0 20S cyclosome subunit 2073 12323 22573 Re01 .g20920 hypothetical protein 2074 12324 22574 ATP dependent DNA ligase Re01 .g20930 domain protein 2075 12325 22575 Splicing factor 3a subunit 3, Re01 .g20940 putative 2076 12326 22576 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re01 .g20950 factor elF-4A subunit, putative 2077 12327 22577 Re01 .g20970 F-box domain protein 2078 12328 22578 Re01 .g20980 Putative uncharacterized protein 2079 12329 22579 Re01 .g20990 Ankyrin repeat protein 2080 12330 22580 Re01 .g21 0 10 Carnitinyl-CoA dehydratase 2081 12331 22581 Re01 .g21 020 Putative uncharacterized protein 2082 12332 22582 Re01 .g21 030 4-coumarate-CoA ligase 2083 12333 22583 Endo-1 ,3(4)-beta-glucanase, Re01 .g21 040 putative 2084 12334 22584 Re01 .g21 050 Putative uncharacterized protein 2085 12335 22585 Re01 .g21 060 hypothetical protein 2086 12336 22586 Re01 .g21 070 Uncharacterized protein 2087 12337 22587 Re01 .g21 080 Glycoside hydrolase, putative 2088 12338 22588 3 1059 32549 Re01 .g21 090 Putative uncharacterized protein 2089 12339 22589 Potassium ion transporter (Trk1 ), Re01 .g21 100 putative 2090 12340 22590 3 1060 32550 Monocarboxylate transporter, Re01 .g21 110 putative 2091 12341 22591 Re01 .g21 120 Hydrolase, carbon-nitrogen family, 2092 12342 22592 putative Vacuolar dynamin-like GTPase ReO' .g21 130 VpsA, putative 2093 12343 22593 Vacuolar ATP synthase catalytic ReO' .g21 140 subunit A , putative 2094 12344 22594 MFS transporter, ACS family, ReO' .g21 150 allantoate permease 2095 12345 22595 ReO' .g21 160 Uncharacterized protein 2096 12346 22596 ReO' .g21 170 Auxin Efflux Carrier superfamily 2097 12347 22597 3 1061 32551 ReO' .g21 180 WD40 repeat-containing protein 2098 12348 22598 Inositol polyphosphate ReO' .g21 190 phosphatase, putative 2099 12349 22599 ReO' .g21 200 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 100 12350 22600 Proteasome subunit alpha type ReO' .g21 2 10 EC= 2 10 1 12351 22601 ReO' .g21 220 Uncharacterized protein 2 102 12352 22602 ReO' .g21 230 RNA binding protein (Arp), putative 2 103 12353 22603 Nuclear condensin complex ReO' .g21 240 subunit 3, putative 2 104 12354 22604 ReO' .g21 250 Cysteine synthase 2 105 12355 22605 ReO' .g21 260 Sulfite oxidase, putative 2 106 12356 22606 ReO' .g21 270 Methyltransferase, putative 2 107 12357 22607 ReO' .g21 280 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 108 12358 22608 ReO' .g21 290 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 109 12359 22609 ReO' .g21 300 Uncharacterized protein 2 110 12360 2261 0 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit ReO' .g21 3 10 (TIM22), putative 2 111 12361 2261 1 ReO' .g21 320 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 112 12362 2261 2 3 1062 32552 ReO' .g21 330 Mst3-like protein kinase, putative 2 113 12363 2261 3 Podospora anserina S mat+ genomic DNA chromosome 2, ReO' .g21 340 supercontig 2 2 114 12364 22614 ReO' .g21 350 Uncharacterized protein 2 115 12365 2261 5 ReO' .g21 360 Uncharacterized protein 2 116 12366 2261 6 ReO' .g21 370 Actin interacting protein 2 2 117 12367 2261 7 3 1063 32553 ReO' .g21 380 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 118 12368 2261 8 NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family ReO' .g21 390 protein 2 119 12369 2261 9 ReO' .g21400 hypothetical protein 2 120 12370 22620 ReO' .g2141 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 12 1 12371 22621 ReO' .g21420 UPF0047 domain protein 2 122 12372 22622 ReO' .g21430 Uncharacterized protein 2 123 12373 22623 ReO' .g21440 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 124 12374 22624 Golgi apparatus membrane protein ReO' .g21450 tvp38 2 125 12375 22625 CCCH zinc finger and SMR domain ReO' .g21460 protein 2 126 12376 22626 e01.g21470 Citrate lyase beta subunit, putative 2 127 12377 22627 Clathrin-coated vesicle protein, Re01 .g21480 putative 2 128 12378 22628 Re01 .g21490 Uncharacterized protein 2 129 12379 22629 Re01 .g21 500 hypothetical protein 2 130 12380 22630 Re01 .g21 5 10 Uncharacterized protein 2 13 1 12381 22631 Re01 .g21 520 hypothetical protein 2 132 12382 22632 Re01 .g21 530 Predicted protein 2 133 12383 22633 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 .g21 540 CAD1 1379.1 2 134 12384 22634 Re01 .g21 550 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 135 12385 22635 U 1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re01 .g21 560 C 2 136 12386 22636 Re01 .g21 570 Uncharacterized protein 2 137 12387 22637 3 1064 32554 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re01 .g21 580 hasl EC= 3 2 138 12388 22638 Re01 .g21 590 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 139 12389 22639 Metallo-beta-lactamase family Re01 .g21 600 protein 2140 12390 22640 Re01 .g21 6 10 hypothetical protein 2141 12391 22641 3 1065 32555 HAD superfamily hydrolase, Re01 .g21 620 putative 2142 12392 22642 Re01 .g21 630 Zinc knuckle domain protein 2143 12393 22643 Unfolded protein response protein Re01 .g21 640 Orm1 , putative 2144 12394 22644 Re01 .g21 650 Uncharacterized protein 2145 12395 22645 Re01 .g21 660 Calponin homology domain protein 2146 12396 22646 Re01 .g21 670 Putative uncharacterized protein 2147 12397 22647 Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent Re01 .g21 680 sulfonate dioxygenase, putative 2148 12398 22648 Re01 .g21 690 Uncharacterized protein 2149 12399 22649 Re01 .g21 700 Uncharacterized protein 2 150 12400 22650 Re01 .g21 7 10 hypothetical protein 2 15 1 12401 22651 Re01 .g21 720 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 152 12402 22652 Endosomal cargo receptor (Erv25), Re01 .g21 730 putative 2 153 12403 22653 3 1066 32556 Re01 .g21 740 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 154 12404 22654 Re01 .g21 750 Uncharacterized protein 2 155 12405 22655 Succinate dehydrogenase Re01 .g21 760 assembly factor 2 2 156 12406 22656 Re01 .g21 770 Vitamin H transporter, putative 2 157 12407 22657 Plasma membrane protein Pth 11- Re01 .g21 780 like, putative 2 158 12408 22658 Re01 .g21 790 Acetolactate synthase, putative 2 159 12409 22659 G-protein complex beta subunit Re01 .g21 800 CpcB 2 160 1241 0 22660 Re01 .g21 8 10 TPR domain protein 2 16 1 1241 1 22661 Re01 .g21 820 DUF1 59 domain protein 2 162 1241 2 22662 Re01 .g21 830 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 163 1241 3 22663 Re01 .g21 840 Uncharacterized protein 2 164 12414 22664 Re01 .g21 850 EC=6.3. 1.2 2 165 1241 5 22665 Re01 .g21 860 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 166 1241 6 22666 MFS monosaccharide transporter, Re01 .g21 870 putative 2 167 1241 7 22667 Zinc knuckle transcription factor Re01 .g21 880 (CnjB), putative 2 168 1241 8 22668 Re01 .g21 890 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 169 1241 9 22669 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehyrogenase, Re01 .g21 900 putative 2 170 12420 22670 3 1067 32557 Re01 .g21 9 10 Actin-related protein ArpA 2 17 1 12421 22671 Glycosyltransferase family 28, Re01 .g21 920 putative 2 172 12422 22672 Re01 .g21 930 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2 173 12423 22673 Re01 .g21 940 Uncharacterized protein 2 174 12424 22674 Re01 .g21 950 Uncharacterized protein 2 175 12425 22675 Re01 .g21 960 Uncharacterized protein 2 176 12426 22676 3 1068 32558 Chromatin remodeling complex Re01 .g21 970 subunit (Chd3), putative 2 177 12427 22677 RNA methyltransferase, TrmH Re01 .g21 980 family 2 178 12428 22678 3 1069 32559 Aspartic endopeptidase (AP1 ), Re01 .g21 990 putative 2 179 12429 22679 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase, Re01 .g22000 putative 2 180 12430 22680 Re01 .g2201 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 18 1 12431 22681 Re01 .g22020 Uncharacterized protein 2 182 12432 22682 AP-3 adaptor complex subunit mu, Re01 .g22030 putative 2 183 12433 22683 Re01 .g22040 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 184 12434 22684 Re01 .g22050 Isocitrate lyase EC=4.1 .3.1 2 185 12435 22685 Re01 .g22060 Neutral trehalase 2 186 12436 22686 Short chain Re01 .g22070 dehydrogenase/reductase family 2 187 12437 22687 Re01 .g22080 Uncharacterized protein 2 188 12438 22688 Re01 .g22090 Thiol methyltransferase 2 189 12439 22689 MFS multidrug resistance Re01 .g221 00 transporter, putative 2 190 12440 22690 Kinetoplast-associated protein-like Re01 .g221 10 protein Fragment 2 19 1 12441 22691 Re01 .g221 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 192 12442 22692 Re01 .g221 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 193 12443 22693 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re01 .g22140 putative 2 194 12444 22694 Re01 .g221 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 2 195 12445 22695 Re01 .g221 60 Uncharacterized protein 2 196 12446 22696 3 1070 32560 Threonyl-tRNA synthetase, Re01 .g221 70 putative 2 197 12447 22697 Re01 .g221 80 Uncharacterized protein 2 198 12448 22698 e01.g221 90 Uncharacterized protein 2 199 12449 22699 Re01 .g22200 WSC domain protein, putative 2200 12450 22700 3 1071 32561 Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid- coenzyme A transferase (ScoT), Re01 .g2221 0 putative 2201 12451 22701 Re01 .g22220 Putative uncharacterized protein 2202 12452 22702 Re01 .g22230 Metal homeostatis protein bsd2 2203 12453 22703 Re01 .g22240 Uncharacterized protein 2204 12454 22704 Mitogen-activated protein kinase Re01 .g22250 spm1 2205 12455 22705 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal Re01 .g22260 hydrolase, putative 2206 12456 22706 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re01 .g22270 2 13 kDa subunit 2207 12457 22707 Re01 .g22280 PH domain protein 2208 12458 22708 Re01 .g22290 Uncharacterized protein 2209 12459 22709 Re01 .g22300 Putative uncharacterized protein 221 0 12460 2271 0 Similarity: the ORF is much shorter than igA of N. meningitidis Re01 .g2231 0 Precursor 221 1 12461 2271 1 Re01 .g22320 WD domain protein 221 2 12462 2271 2 GTPase activating protein Re01 .g22330 (BUD2/CLA2), putative 221 3 12463 2271 3 Re01 .g22340 Autophagy protein Apg9, putative 2214 12464 22714 Re01 .g22350 Class I alpha-mannosidase 1A 221 5 12465 2271 5 Re01 .g22360 Putative uncharacterized protein 221 6 12466 2271 6 Re01 .g22370 Pc1 6g11450 protein 221 7 12467 2271 7 Cell wall glucanase (Scw4), Re01 .g22380 putative 221 8 12468 2271 8 3 1072 32562 Serine palmitoyl CoA transferase Re01 .g22390 subunit LcbA EC=2.3. 1.50 221 9 12469 2271 9 Re01 .g22400 Uncharacterized protein 2220 12470 22720 1,3-beta-glucan synthase catalytic Re01 .g2241 0 subunit FksP 2221 12471 22721 Re01 .g22430 Uncharacterized protein 2222 12472 22722 3 1073 32563 Re01 .g22440 Uncharacterized protein 2223 12473 22723 Re01 .g22450 Uncharacterized protein 2224 12474 22724 Re01 .g22460 Uncharacterized protein 2225 12475 22725 Re01 .g22470 Uncharacterized protein 2226 12476 22726 Ran-interacting protein Mog1 , Re01 .g22480 putative 2227 12477 22727 Re01 .g22490 Putative uncharacterized protein 2228 12478 22728 Chaperone/heat shock protein Re01 .g22500 Hsp12, putative 2229 12479 22729 Re01 .g2251 0 Uncharacterized protein 2230 12480 22730 Golgi transport complex subunit Re01 .g22520 Cog6, putative 2231 12481 22731 NGG1 interacting factor Nif3, Re01 .g22530 putative 2232 12482 22732 e01.g22540 BolA domain protein 2233 12483 22733 Re01 .g22550 AhpC/TSA family protein 2234 12484 22734 3 1074 32564 Stress response regulator/HFS Re01 .g22560 transcription factor, putative 2235 12485 22735 Translation initiation factor eif-2b Re01 .g22570 epsilon subunit, putative 2236 12486 22736 Re01 .g22580 RING finger protein 2237 12487 22737 Re01 .g22590 Putative uncharacterized protein 2238 12488 22738 Mitochondrial carrier protein, Re01 .g22600 putative 2239 12489 22739 AAA family ATPase, putative Re01 .g2261 0 EC= 2240 12490 22740 Re01 .g22620 Uncharacterized protein 2241 12491 22741 Re01 .g22630 Putative uncharacterized protein 2242 12492 22742 3 1075 32565 Alpha.alpha-trehalose-phosphate Re01 .g22640 synthase 1 2243 12493 22743 Metallo-beta-lactamase domain Re01 .g22650 protein, putative 2244 12494 22744 Mitochondrial aconitate hydratase, Re01 .g22660 putative EC=4.2. 1.3 2245 12495 22745 Re01 .g22670 Putative uncharacterized protein 2246 12496 22746 DsDNA-dependent ATPase Rad54, Re01 .g22680 putative 2247 12497 22747 Re01 .g22690 Mitochondrial carrier protein 2248 12498 22748 Vacuole-associated complex component Re01 .g22700 (Vac14), putative 2249 12499 22749 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase Re01 .g2271 0 EC=1 . 1 . 1 . 169 2250 12500 22750 Re01 .g22720 Uncharacterized protein 2251 12501 22751 Iron-sulfur clusters transporter Re01 .g22730 atml 2252 12502 22752 Altered inheritance of mitochondria Re01 .g22740 protein 24, mitochondrial Precursor 2253 12503 22753 3 1076 32566 Re01 .g22750 Uncharacterized protein 2254 12504 22754 Re01 .g22760 Kinesin family protein 2255 12505 22755 Protein transport protein Sec24, Re01 .g22770 putative EC=2.7.1 1.24 2256 12506 22756 Re01 .g22780 MAP kinase MpkB 2257 12507 22757 Re01 .g22790 Uroporphyrinogen-lll synthase 2258 12508 22758 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re01 .g22800 39 kDa subunit, putative 2259 12509 22759 3 1077 32567 Re01 .g2281 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 2260 1251 0 22760 Proteasome regulatory particle Re01 .g22820 subunit (Rpnl), putative 2261 1251 1 22761 Re01 .g22830 Predicted protein Fragment 2262 1251 2 22762 Re01 .g22840 Rhomboid protein 2 2263 1251 3 22763 3 1078 32568 Re01 .g22850 Uncharacterized protein 2264 12514 22764 Re01 .g22860 Uncharacterized protein 2265 1251 5 22765 Re01 .g22870 Integral membrane protein 2266 1251 6 22766 3 1079 32569 Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase e01.g22880 Ubp8, putative 2267 1251 7 22767 Re01 .g22890 DASH complex subunit Dam1 2268 1251 8 22768 Re01 .g22900 CRAL/TRIO domain protein 2269 1251 9 22769 Re01 .g2291 0 HIT domain protein 2270 12520 22770 Re01 .g22920 Putative uncharacterized protein 2271 12521 22771 3 1080 32570 Re01 .g22930 Beta-alanine synthase, putative 2272 12522 22772 40S ribosomal protein S 10-B, Re01 .g22940 putative 2273 12523 22773 Re01 .g22950 Putative uncharacterized protein 2274 12524 22774 3 1081 32571 Re01 .g22960 EH domain binding protein epsin 2 2275 12525 22775 Anthranilate synthase component I, Re01 .g22970 putative EC=5. 1.3.1 2276 12526 22776 Re01 .g22980 Putative uncharacterized protein 2277 12527 22777 Re01 .g22990 WD repeat protein 2278 12528 22778 Re01 .g23000 Rhomboid family protein 2279 12529 22779 3 1082 32572 Re01 .g2301 0 50S ribosomal protein Mrp49 2280 12530 22780 Re01 .g23020 Leucyl-tRNA synthetase 2281 12531 22781 3 1083 32573 Putative uncharacterized protein Re01 .g23030 An06g01 840 EC= 2282 12532 22782 Re01 .g23040 Putative uncharacterized protein 2283 12533 22783 Re01 .g23050 Uncharacterized protein 2284 12534 22784 Re01 .g23060 Nuclear distribution protein PAC1 2285 12535 22785 Spindle pole body component, Re01 .g23070 putative 2286 12536 22786 Re01 .g23080 60S ribosomal protein L8 2287 12537 22787 GTP binding protein (EngB), Re01 .g23090 putative 2288 12538 22788 DEAD/DEAH box DNA helicase Re01 .g231 00 (Mer3), putative 2289 12539 22789 Re01 .g231 10 Udp-galactose transporter 2290 12540 22790 Re01 .g231 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 2291 12541 22791 Re01 .g231 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 2292 12542 22792 Re01 .g23140 Cell division control protein Cdc4 2293 12543 22793 Re01 .g231 50 Leucine rich repeat protein 2294 12544 22794 Magnesium dependent Re01 .g231 60 phosphatase, putative 2295 12545 22795 Transferase hexapeptide domain Re01 .g231 70 protein 2296 12546 22796 Filament-forming protein Re01 .g231 80 (Tpr/p270), putative 2297 12547 22797 Re01 .g231 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 2298 12548 22798 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4- Re01 .g23200 phosphate synthase EC=4. 1.99.1 2 2299 12549 22799 Re01 .g2321 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 2300 12550 22800 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re01 .g23220 putative 2301 12551 22801 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Re01 .g23230 (UbcK), putative 2302 12552 22802 e01.g23240 H+/nucleoside cotransporter 2303 12553 22803 Re01 .g23250 hypothetical protein 2304 12554 22804 CECR1 family adenosine Re01 .g23260 deaminase, putative 2305 12555 22805 Autophagy regulatory protein Atg2, Re01 .g23270 putative 2306 12556 22806 Re01 .g23280 hypothetical protein 2307 12557 22807 Re01 .g23290 Uncharacterized protein 2308 12558 22808 Re01 .g23300 Uncharacterized protein 2309 12559 22809 3 1084 32574 Re01 .g2331 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 231 0 12560 2281 0 3 1085 32575 Re01 .g23320 60S ribosomal protein L31 231 1 12561 2281 1 Re01 .g23330 RanBPI domain protein 231 2 12562 2281 2 Re01 .g23340 Putative uncharacterized protein 231 3 12563 2281 3 Re01 .g23360 Uncharacterized protein 2314 12564 22814 Re01 .g23370 Uncharacterized protein 231 5 12565 2281 5 Re01 .g23380 Uncharacterized protein 231 6 12566 2281 6 Putative gtp-binding nuclear protein Re01 .g23390 gspl ran protein 231 7 12567 2281 7 26S proteasome non-ATPase Re01 .g23400 regulatory subunit Nas2, putative 231 8 12568 2281 8 Re01 .g2341 0 Uncharacterized protein 231 9 12569 2281 9 Re01 .g23420 RNA binding protein, putative 2320 12570 22820 Uracil DNA glycosylase Re01 .g23430 superfamily protein 2321 12571 22821 Re01 .g23440 Putative uncharacterized protein 2322 12572 22822 3 1086 32576 Re01 .g23450 NADPH oxidase (NoxA), putative 2323 12573 22823 Re01 .g23460 Uncharacterized protein 2324 12574 22824 Re01 .g23470 Uncharacterized protein 2325 12575 22825 Re01 .g23480 Putative uncharacterized protein 2326 12576 22826 Re01 .g23490 Urea active transporter, putative 2327 12577 22827 Arrestin (Or S-antigen), N-terminal Re01 .g23500 domain protein 2328 12578 22828 Re01 .g2351 0 Tat pathway signal sequence 2329 12579 22829 Re01 .g23520 Uncharacterized protein AN0679 2330 12580 22830 Pyridine nucleotide-disulfide Re01 .g23530 oxidoreductase class-2 2331 12581 22831 3 1087 32577 Re01 .g23540 Uncharacterized protein 2332 12582 22832 Choline sulfatase, putative Re01 .g23550 EC=3.1 .6.6 2333 12583 22833 Multispanning membrane protein, Re01 .g23560 putative 2334 12584 22834 3 1088 32578 Ubiquitin-like protein DskB, Re01 .g23570 putative 2335 12585 22835 Nuclear mRNA splicing factor, Re01 .g23580 putative 2336 12586 22836 Phosphotransferase enzyme family Re01 .g23590 protein 2337 12587 22837 Re01 .g23600 Nitrilase 2338 12588 22838 Re01 .g2361 0 hypothetical protein 2339 12589 22839 e01.g23620 Uncharacterized protein 2340 12590 22840 Re01 .g23630 Putative uncharacterized protein 2341 12591 22841 Re01 .g23640 Putative uncharacterized protein 2342 12592 22842 Re01 .g23650 Putative uncharacterized protein 2343 12593 22843 Re01 .g23660 Putative uncharacterized protein 2344 12594 22844 Glutamate decarboxylase Re01 .g23670 EC=4.1 .1 .1 5 2345 12595 22845 Re01 .g23680 hypothetical protein 2346 12596 22846 SIR2 family histone deacetylase, Re01 .g23690 putative 2347 12597 22847 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 .g23700 SPAC57A7.05 2348 12598 22848 Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase .cytoplasmic Re01 .g2371 0 EC=6.1 .1 .5 2349 12599 22849 Re01 .g23720 O-methyltransferase, putative 2350 12600 22850 Cytochrome P450 Re01 .g23730 CYP3/CYP5/CYP6/CYP9 2351 12601 22851 3 1089 32579 Re01 .g23740 Putative uncharacterized protein 2352 12602 22852 Re01 .g23750 Putative uncharacterized protein 2353 12603 22853 Re01 .g23760 Glyoxalase 2354 12604 22854 Re01 .g23770 Uncharacterized protein 2355 12605 22855 3 1090 32580 Re01 .g23780 Uncharacterized protein 2356 12606 22856 Carboxypeptidase CpyA/Prc1 , Re01 .g23790 putative 2357 12607 22857 3 1091 32581 Re01 .g23800 Ribosomal protein S 13 2358 12608 22858 Re01 .g2381 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 2359 12609 22859 Re01 .g23820 Putative uncharacterized protein 2360 1261 0 22860 3 1092 32582 Re01 .g23830 MFS transporter 2361 1261 1 22861 Re01 .g23840 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2362 1261 2 22862 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re01 .g23850 CAF061 0 1.1 2363 1261 3 22863 3 1093 32583 Re01 .g23860 Putative uncharacterized protein 2364 12614 22864 3 1094 32584 Re01 .g23870 Uncharacterized protein 2365 1261 5 22865 Re01 .g23880 Uncharacterized protein 2366 1261 6 22866 Re01 .g23890 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 2367 1261 7 22867 Re01 .g23900 C6 finger domain protein, putative 2368 1261 8 22868 Re01 .g2391 0 PHD finger protein 2369 1261 9 22869 3 1095 32585 Re01 .g23930 Uncharacterized protein 2370 12620 22870 3 1096 32586 Re01 .g23940 Major facilitator superfamily 2371 12621 22871 Re01 .g23950 Putative uncharacterized protein 2372 12622 22872 GTPase activating protein (Evi5), Re01 .g23960 putative 2373 12623 22873 Re01 .g23970 DNA topoisome rase II 2374 12624 22874 APSES transcription factor Xbp1 , Re01 .g23980 putative 2375 12625 22875 Re01 .g23990 Reticulon-like protein 2376 12626 22876 Re01 .g24000 Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase NM 2377 12627 22877 Re01 .g2401 0 Inner centromere protein, ARK 2378 12628 22878 binding region protein e01.g24020 Putative uncharacterized protein 2379 12629 22879 Re01 .g24030 Putative uncharacterized protein 2380 12630 22880 Re01 .g24040 Putative uncharacterized protein 2381 12631 22881 Re01 .g24050 Putative uncharacterized protein 2382 12632 22882 Re01 .g24060 Putative uncharacterized protein 2383 12633 22883 Re01 .g24070 Putative uncharacterized protein 2384 12634 22884 Re01 .g24080 Putative uncharacterized protein 2385 12635 22885 Pro-apoptotic serine protease Re01 .g24090 nma1 11 EC=3.4.21 .- 2386 12636 22886 Re01 .g241 00 hypothetical protein 2387 12637 22887 Re01 .g241 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 2388 12638 22888 Re01 .g241 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 2389 12639 22889 Similar to cytochrome P450 Re01 .g241 30 monooxygenase 2390 12640 22890 3 1097 32587 Re01 .g24140 hypothetical protein 2391 12641 22891 Re01 .g241 50 TPR repeat protein 2392 12642 22892 Cation diffusion facilitator family Re01 .g241 60 metal ion transporter, putative 2393 12643 22893 3 1098 32588 Re01 .g241 70 Uncharacterized protein 2394 12644 22894 Re01 .g241 80 Uncharacterized protein 2395 12645 22895 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re01 .g241 90 EC= 2396 12646 22896 Re01 .g24200 Cytochrome c peroxidase 2397 12647 22897 Re01 .g2421 0 Uncharacterized protein 2398 12648 22898 Re01 .g24220 Putative uncharacterized protein 2399 12649 22899 Re01 .g24230 Uncharacterized protein 2400 12650 22900 Re01 .g24240 Uncharacterized protein 2401 12651 22901 Dehydrogenase with different Re01 .g24250 specificitie 2402 12652 22902 Re01 .g24260 Putative uncharacterized protein 2403 12653 22903 Re01 .g24270 Cytochrome P450, putative 2404 12654 22904 Re01 .g24280 Pc1 6g10990 protein 2405 12655 22905 Short-chain dehydrogenase, Re01 .g24290 putative 2406 12656 22906 Re01 .g24300 Pc1 6g11000 protein 2407 12657 22907 Oxidoreductase, short chain Re01 .g2431 0 dehydrogenase/reductase family 2408 12658 22908 Re01 .g24320 Uncharacterized protein 2409 12659 22909 Re01 .g24330 CFEM domain-containing protein 241 0 12660 2291 0 3 1099 32589 Re01 .g24340 Predicted protein 241 1 12661 2291 1 Re01 .g24350 Flavin carrier protein 2, putative 241 2 12662 2291 2 3 1100 32590 Re01 .g24360 Putative uncharacterized protein 241 3 12663 2291 3 Re01 .g24370 5'-nucleotidase, putative 2414 12664 22914 Re01 .g24380 Putative uncharacterized protein 241 5 12665 2291 5 Re01 .g24390 Flavin-binding monooxygenase-like 241 6 12666 2291 6 protein e01.g24400 Uncharacterized protein 241 7 12667 2291 7 Re01 .g2441 0 Bleomycin hydrolase, putative 241 8 12668 2291 8 Kinesin family protein (KinA), Re01 .g24420 putative 241 9 12669 2291 9 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 2 Re01 .g24430 EC= 9 2420 12670 22920 Acetyl-CoA-acetyltransferase, Re01 .g24440 putative 2421 12671 22921 Re01 .g24450 Zinc transporter (Msc2), putative 2422 12672 22922 Beta-1 ,4-mannosyltransferase Re01 .g24460 (Alg1 ), putative EC=2.4.1 .142 2423 12673 22923 3 1 10 1 32591 Re01 .g24470 Uncharacterized protein 2424 12674 22924 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, Re01 .g24480 putative 2425 12675 22925 Re01 .g24490 Putative uncharacterized protein 2426 12676 22926 Re01 .g24500 Carnitine/acyl carnitine carrier 2427 12677 22927 Re01 .g2451 0 Uncharacterized protein 2428 12678 22928 3 1 102 32592 Re01 .g24520 Carboxylesterase EC=3. 1.1. 1 2429 12679 22929 3 1 103 32593 Re01 .g24530 hypothetical protein 2430 12680 22930 U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein Lcp5, Re01 .g24540 putative 2431 12681 22931 Re01 .g24550 Uncharacterized protein 2432 12682 22932 3 1 104 32594 Endosomal integral membrane Re01 .g24560 protein (P24a), putative 2433 12683 22933 3 1 105 32595 Re01 .g24570 Pc22g00390 protein 2434 12684 22934 Similarity: shows also similarity to Re01 .g24580 N-terminal half of An08g01460 2435 12685 22935 Re01 .g24600 hypothetical protein 2436 12686 22936 Putative multicopper oxidase Re01 .g24620 protein 2437 12687 22937 Re01 .g24630 Allergen Asp f 15 Precursor 2438 12688 22938 3 1 106 32596 Re01 .g24650 Predicted protein 2439 12689 22939 Re01 .g24660 Putative uncharacterized protein 2440 12690 22940 Re01 .g24670 MFS transporter, putative 2441 12691 22941 Re01 .g24680 Integral membrane protein 2442 12692 22942 Re01 .g24690 FAD binding domain protein 2443 12693 22943 3 1 107 32597 Putative major facilitator Re01 .g24700 superfamily transporter protein 2444 12694 22944 Re01 .g2471 0 Pol Fragment 2445 12695 22945 Re01 .g24720 Putative uncharacterized protein 2446 12696 22946 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re01 .g24730 TYA 2447 12697 22947 Re01 .g24740 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2448 12698 22948 Re01 .g24750 Putative uncharacterized protein 2449 12699 22949 Re01 .g24760 Retrovirus polyprotein, putative 2450 12700 22950 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re01 .g24770 putative 2451 12701 22951 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, e01.g24780 putative 2452 12702 22952 Re02.g0001 0 Uncharacterized protein 2453 12703 22953 Re02.g00020 Putative uncharacterized protein 2454 12704 22954 3 1108 32598 Re02.g00030 Arylsulfotransferase 2455 12705 22955 Re02.g00040 Urea transporter (Dur3), putative 2456 12706 22956 Related to 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA Re02.g00050 dehydrogenase 2457 12707 22957 Re02.g00060 Disulfide oxidoreductase, putative 2458 12708 22958 Re02.g00070 Uncharacterized protein 2459 12709 22959 Glycoside hydrolase family 2 Re02.g00080 protein 2460 1271 0 22960 GNATfamily acetyltransferase, Re02.g00090 putative 2461 1271 1 22961 1-aminocyclopropane-1- Re02.g001 00 carboxylate oxidase, putative 2462 1271 2 22962 Nitrilase/cyanide hydratase Re02.g001 10 conserved site 2463 1271 3 22963 Re02.g001 20 Aldo-keto reductase 2464 12714 22964 Re02.g001 30 Proline racemase, putative 2465 1271 5 22965 Re02.g00140 Uncharacterized protein 2466 1271 6 22966 Re02.g001 50 hypothetical protein 2467 1271 7 22967 3 1109 32599 Re02.g001 60 Beta-lactamase family protein 2468 1271 8 22968 Re02.g001 70 Maltose permease, putative 2469 1271 9 22969 Re02.g001 80 Putative uncharacterized protein 2470 12720 22970 Re02.g001 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 2471 12721 22971 Re02.g00200 Putative uncharacterized protein 2472 12722 22972 3 1110 32600 Re02.g0021 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 2473 12723 22973 Re02.g00220 Putative uncharacterized protein 2474 12724 22974 Re02.g00230 Putative uncharacterized protein 2475 12725 22975 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase-like Re02.g00240 protein 2476 12726 22976 Re02.g00250 Pantothenate transporter, putative 2477 12727 22977 Re02.g00260 Uncharacterized protein 2478 12728 22978 Re02.g00270 hypothetical protein 2479 12729 22979 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g00280 An08g 10450 2480 12730 22980 Re02.g00290 Uncharacterized protein 2481 12731 22981 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g00300 Fragment 2482 12732 22982 Re02.g0031 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2483 12733 22983 Re02.g00320 Uncharacterized protein 2484 12734 22984 Re02.g00330 Uncharacterized protein 2485 12735 22985 3 1111 32601 Re02.g00340 Glycosyl transferase family protein 2486 12736 22986 Re02.g00350 Uncharacterized protein 2487 12737 22987 3 1112 32602 Re02.g00360 Putative uncharacterized protein 2488 12738 22988 Re02.g00370 Uncharacterized protein 2489 12739 22989 Re02.g00380 Uncharacterized protein 2490 12740 22990 Re02.g00390 MFS transporter, putative 2491 12741 22991 Re02.g00400 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2492 12742 22992 Re02.g0041 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2493 12743 22993 Re02.g00420 Putative uncharacterized protein 2494 12744 22994 Re02.g00430 Uncharacterized protein 2495 12745 22995 Re02.g00440 DNA repair protein rad5 Fragment 2496 12746 22996 Re02.g00450 Alcohol dehydrogenase 2497 12747 22997 Re02.g00460 Uncharacterized protein 2498 12748 22998 Re02.g00470 Putative uncharacterized protein 2499 12749 22999 Re02.g00480 Transposase 2500 12750 23000 Re02.g00500 Predicted protein 2501 12751 23001 Re02.g0051 0 Uncharacterized protein 2502 12752 23002 Re02.g00520 Putative uncharacterized protein 2503 12753 23003 3 1113 32603 Re02.g00530 Putative uncharacterized protein 2504 12754 23004 Re02.g00540 Uncharacterized protein 2505 12755 23005 Re02.g00550 DUF1 275 domain protein 2506 12756 23006 Re02.g00560 C6 transcription factor, putative 2507 12757 23007 Amino-acid N-acetyltransferase Re02.g00570 subunit Mak1 0, putative 2508 12758 23008 Re02.g00580 Uncharacterized protein 2509 12759 23009 Re02.g00590 Putative uncharacterized protein 251 0 12760 2301 0 Antigenic mitochondrial protein Re02.g00600 HSP60, putative 251 1 12761 2301 1 Re02.g0061 0 Glutathione S-transferase, putative 251 2 12762 2301 2 Re02.g00620 Cofilin 251 3 12763 2301 3 Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide 5, mitochondrial EC=1 .9.3.1 Re02.g00630 Precursor 2514 12764 23014 ATP synthase subunit beta Re02.g00640 EC= 251 5 12765 2301 5 3 1114 32604 Re02.g00650 Putative uncharacterized protein 251 6 12766 2301 6 1,4-alpha-glucan-branching Re02.g00660 enzyme 251 7 12767 2301 7 Re02.g00670 Proline permease PrnB 251 8 12768 2301 8 Re02.g00680 Putative uncharacterized protein 251 9 12769 2301 9 Re02.g00690 Uncharacterized protein 2520 12770 23020 Re02.g00700 Putative alpha-1 ,2-mannosidase 2521 12771 23021 3 1115 32605 Protein kinase domain-containing Re02.g0071 0 protein 2522 12772 23022 Re02.g00720 Uncharacterized protein 2523 12773 23023 Re02.g00730 Pc1 6g02830 protein 2524 12774 23024 Re02.g00740 Putative uncharacterized protein 2525 12775 23025 Re02.g00750 Ras GTPase Rab1 1, putative 2526 12776 23026 Re02.g00760 Putative uncharacterized protein 2527 12777 23027 Chromo domain protein Chpl p, Re02.g00770 putative 2528 12778 23028 Re02.g00780 ATP-dependent Clp protease 2529 12779 23029 3 1116 32606 Dienelactone hydrolase family Re02.g00790 protein 2530 12780 23030 Re02.g00800 Magnesium ion transporter (Mrs2), 2531 12781 23031 putative Actin associated protein Wsp1 , Re02.g0081 0 putative Fragment 2532 12782 23032 Re02.g00820 DNA repair protein RAD1 , putative 2533 12783 23033 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re02.g00830 factor elF-1 A subunit, putative 2534 12784 23034 Re02.g00840 Uncharacterized protein 2535 12785 23035 Chitin biosynthesis protein (Chs5), Re02.g00850 putative 2536 12786 23036 Re02.g00860 hypothetical protein 2537 12787 23037 3 1117 32607 Re02.g00870 hypothetical protein 2538 12788 23038 Re02.g00880 Putative uncharacterized protein 2539 12789 23039 Re02.g00890 Uncharacterized protein 2540 12790 23040 Re02.g00900 Putative uncharacterized protein 2541 12791 23041 Cytochrome P450, putative Re02.g0091 0 (Eurofung) 2542 12792 23042 Re02.g00920 hypothetical protein 2543 12793 23043 3 1118 32608 Re02.g00930 Putative uncharacterized protein 2544 12794 23044 Re02.g00940 Putative transposase Fragment 2545 12795 23045 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re02.g00950 putative 2546 12796 23046 Re02.g00960 Putative uncharacterized protein 2547 12797 23047 Re02.g00970 Uncharacterized protein 2548 12798 23048 Re02.g00980 Putative uncharacterized protein 2549 12799 23049 Re02.g00990 Carboxylesterase, putative 2550 12800 23050 3 1119 32609 Re02.g01 000 Putative uncharacterized protein 2551 12801 23051 3 1120 3261 0 Related to integral membrane Re02.g01 0 10 protein 2552 12802 23052 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re02.g01 020 putative 2553 12803 23053 RNA-directed DNA polymerase Re02.g01 030 Fragment 2554 12804 23054 Re02.g01 040 Putative uncharacterized protein 2555 12805 23055 Re02.g01 050 Putative uncharacterized protein 2556 12806 23056 Re02.g01 060 Non-ribosomal peptide synthetase 2557 12807 23057 Re02.g01 070 hypothetical protein 2558 12808 23058 Re02.g01 080 Putative uncharacterized protein 2559 12809 23059 Re02.g01 090 Putative uncharacterized protein 2560 1281 0 23060 Re02.g01 100 Uncharacterized protein 2561 1281 1 23061 Re02.g01 110 Putative uncharacterized protein 2562 1281 2 23062 Re02.g01 120 hypothetical protein 2563 1281 3 23063 MYB DNA-binding domain- Re02.g01 130 containing protein 2564 12814 23064 Re02.g01 140 Putative uncharacterized protein 2565 1281 5 23065 Re02.g01 150 Putative uncharacterized protein 2566 1281 6 23066 Re02.g01 160 Uncharacterized protein 2567 1281 7 23067 C-3 sterol dehydrogenase/3-beta- Re02.g01 170 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2568 1281 8 23068 Re02.g01 180 Putative uncharacterized protein 2569 1281 9 23069 Re02.g01 190 Putative uncharacterized protein 2570 12820 23070 Re02.g01 200 hypothetical protein 2571 12821 23071 Re02.g01 2 10 Uncharacterized protein 2572 12822 23072 Re02.g01 220 Uncharacterized protein 2573 12823 23073 Re02.g01 230 Uncharacterized protein 2574 12824 23074 Re02.g01 240 Uncharacterized protein 2575 12825 23075 Re02.g01 250 Putative uncharacterized protein 2576 12826 23076 Re02.g01 260 Putative uncharacterized protein 2577 12827 23077 Re02.g01 270 Predicted protein 2578 12828 23078 Re02.g01 280 Uncharacterized protein 2579 12829 23079 Re02.g01 290 Putative uncharacterized protein 2580 12830 23080 Re02.g01 300 Putative uncharacterized protein 2581 12831 23081 Re02.g01 3 10 Pc1 7g0031 0 protein 2582 12832 23082 Re02.g01 320 Putative uncharacterized protein 2583 12833 23083 Re02.g01 330 Uncharacterized protein 2584 12834 23084 Re02.g01 340 Acetyltransferase, GNAT family 2585 12835 23085 Re02.g01 350 Phosphate:H symporter 2586 12836 23086 Re02.g01 360 hypothetical protein 2587 12837 23087 Re02.g01 370 Putative uncharacterized protein 2588 12838 23088 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g01 380 Fragment 2589 12839 23089 Re02.g01 390 Uncharacterized protein 2590 12840 23090 Re02.g01400 Putative uncharacterized protein 2591 12841 23091 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g0141 0 An1 2g08800 2592 12842 23092 Phospholipid-translocating P-type Re02.g01420 ATPase domain-containing protein 2593 12843 23093 Re02.g01430 Uncharacterized protein 2594 12844 23094 Re02.g01440 Pc22g24360 protein EC= 2595 12845 23095 Re02.g01450 DUF803 domain protein 2596 12846 23096 Re02.g01460 hypothetical protein 2597 12847 23097 3 112 1 3261 1 Re02.g01470 MCMA 2598 12848 23098 Re02.g01480 Uncharacterized protein 2599 12849 23099 Re02.g01490 Putative uncharacterized protein 2600 12850 231 00 Re02.g01 500 Putative uncharacterized protein 2601 12851 231 0 1 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g01 5 10 Fragment 2602 12852 231 02 Re02.g01 520 C6 transcription factor, putative 2603 12853 231 03 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re02.g01 530 TYA 2604 12854 231 04 3 1122 3261 2 Re02.g01 540 Putative uncharacterized protein 2605 12855 231 05 Putative copper-translocating p- Re02.g01 550 type atpase protein 2606 12856 231 06 Re02.g01 560 Similar to An1 2g08720 2607 12857 231 07 3 1123 3261 3 Rab geranylgeranyl transferase Re02.g01 570 escort protein, putative 2608 12858 231 08 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Re02.g01 580 EC=5.2.1 .8 2609 12859 231 09 Re02.g01 590 Signal peptide peptidase, putative 261 0 12860 231 10 Re02.g01 600 3' exoribonuclease family protein 261 1 12861 231 11 Ferric reductase transmembrane Re02.g01 6 10 component 7 261 2 12862 231 12 GNAT family acetyltransferase, Re02.g01 620 putative 261 3 12863 231 13 Re02.g01 630 SAGA-associated factor 11 2614 12864 231 14 Re02.g01 640 Pc1 2g12330 protein 261 5 12865 231 15 Putative major facilitator Re02.g01 650 superfamily protein 261 6 12866 231 16 Re02.g01 660 C2HC5 finger protein 261 7 12867 231 17 Benzoate 4-monooxygenase Re02.g01 670 cytochrome P450 261 8 12868 231 18 Peroxisomal membrane protein 2, Re02.g01 680 pxmp2, putative 261 9 12869 231 19 3 1124 32614 Re02.g01 690 Uncharacterized protein 2620 12870 231 20 3 1125 3261 5 Re02.g01 700 Glucokinase GlkA, putative 2621 12871 231 2 1 Re02.g01 7 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 2622 12872 231 22 Ribonuclease P complex subunit Re02.g01 720 Pop1 , putative 2623 12873 231 23 Re02.g01 730 Peroxiredoxin pmp20 2624 12874 231 24 Re02.g01 740 Putative uncharacterized protein 2625 12875 231 25 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re02.g01 750 (Kcc4), putative 2626 12876 231 26 Re02.g01 760 C6 transcription factor, putative 2627 12877 231 27 Re02.g01 770 hypothetical protein 2628 12878 231 28 Re02.g01 780 Putative uncharacterized protein 2629 12879 231 29 3 1126 3261 6 Re02.g01 790 DUF207 domain protein 2630 12880 231 30 Re02.g01 800 Putative uncharacterized protein 2631 12881 231 3 1 ARP2/3 complex 20 kDa subunit, Re02.g01 8 10 putative 2632 12882 231 32 3 1127 3261 7 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal Re02.g01 820 hydrolase EC=3.4. 19.1 2 2633 12883 231 33 Re02.g01 830 Thioesterase family protein 2634 12884 231 34 Re02.g01 840 MFS drug efflux pump, putative 2635 12885 231 35 3 1128 3261 8 Re02.g01 850 WD repeat protein 2636 12886 231 36 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Re02.g01 860 (UbcM), putative 2637 12887 231 37 Re02.g01 870 Uncharacterized protein 2638 12888 231 38 Re02.g01 880 Ribosomal S30/ubiquitin fusion 2639 12889 231 39 Glucosamine 6-phosphate Re02.g01 890 acetyltransferase, putative 2640 12890 23140 Re02.g01 900 Uncharacterized protein 2641 12891 23141 3 1129 3261 9 Re02.g01 9 10 Flavoprotein 2642 12892 23142 Re02.g01 920 Putative uncharacterized protein 2643 12893 23143 Re02.g01 930 Uncharacterized protein 2644 12894 23144 Similarity to Sulfolobus solfataricus esterase P 1-8LC patent Re02.g01 940 WO97301 60-A1 EC=3.1 .1 .- 2645 12895 23145 Re02.g01 950 Aspartate transaminase, putative 2646 12896 23146 EC=2.6.1 .1 Re02.g01 960 Endo-beta-1 ,6-glucanase, putative 2647 12897 23147 3 1130 32620 Re02.g01 970 Putative uncharacterized protein 2648 12898 23148 Re02.g01 980 hypothetical protein 2649 12899 23149 Re02.g01 990 hypothetical protein 2650 12900 231 50 3 113 1 32621 Re02.g02000 C6 transcription factor 2651 12901 231 5 1 Re02.g0201 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 2652 12902 231 52 Re02.g02020 Putative uncharacterized protein 2653 12903 231 53 Re02.g02030 Uncharacterized protein 2654 12904 231 54 Re02.g02040 Putative uncharacterized protein 2655 12905 231 55 Re02.g02050 Putative uncharacterized protein 2656 12906 231 56 Re02.g02060 Putative uncharacterized protein 2657 12907 231 57 Re02.g02070 hypothetical protein 2658 12908 231 58 Re02.g02080 hypothetical protein 2659 12909 231 59 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re02.g02090 putative 2660 1291 0 231 60 Re02.g021 00 hypothetical protein 2661 1291 1 231 6 1 Vegetative incompatibility protein Re02.g021 10 HET-E-1 2662 1291 2 231 62 3 1132 32622 Re02.g021 20 hypothetical protein 2663 1291 3 231 63 Re02.g021 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 2664 12914 231 64 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re02.g02140 encoded by slr031 8 2665 1291 5 231 65 Re02.g021 50 Predicted protein 2666 1291 6 231 66 Re02.g021 60 Ankyrin repeat-containing protein 2667 1291 7 231 67 Re02.g021 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 2668 1291 8 231 68 Re02.g021 80 Putative uncharacterized protein 2669 1291 9 231 69 Re02.g021 90 Nuclear distribution protein PAC1- 1 2670 12920 231 70 Para-aminobenzoate synthase Re02.g02200 PabaA 2671 12921 231 7 1 Re02.g0221 0 Uncharacterized protein 2672 12922 231 72 Re02.g02220 Hypercellular protein HypA 2673 12923 231 73 Re02.g02230 Uncharacterized protein 2674 12924 231 74 Re02.g02240 DEAH-box RNA helicase 2675 12925 231 75 Re02.g02250 RNA binding protein, putative 2676 12926 231 76 mRNA binding protein Pumilio 2, Re02.g02260 putative 2677 12927 231 77 Re02.g02270 Uncharacterized protein 2678 12928 231 78 Re02.g02280 Uncharacterized protein 2679 12929 231 79 Re02.g02290 GTPase activating protein 2680 12930 231 80 Re02.g02300 Importin-alpha re-exporter 2681 12931 231 8 1 Re02.g0231 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2682 12932 231 82 Re02.g02320 Putative uncharacterized protein 2683 12933 231 83 Re02.g02330 Putative uncharacterized protein 2684 12934 231 84 Re02.g02340 Uncharacterized protein 2685 12935 231 85 Re02.g02350 Cell cycle control protein Cdc1 23 2686 12936 231 86 Re02.g02360 Uncharacterized protein 2687 12937 231 87 Re02.g02370 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2688 12938 231 88 Re02.g02380 HEAT repeat protein 2689 12939 231 89 Re02.g02390 DUF28 domain protein 2690 12940 231 90 Re02.g02400 Mis6 domain protein 2691 12941 231 9 1 Re02.g0241 0 Transmembrane protein 2692 12942 231 92 Short-chain dehydrogenase, Re02.g02420 putative 2693 12943 231 93 Re02.g02430 Putative uncharacterized protein 2694 12944 231 94 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g02440 An1 5g01 380 2695 12945 231 95 Killer toxin sensitivity protein (Iki1 ), Re02.g02450 putative 2696 12946 231 96 Re02.g02460 Glycosyl transferase, putative 2697 12947 231 97 3 1133 32623 Re02.g02470 Glycosyl transferase, putative 2698 12948 231 98 3 1134 32624 Glycan biosynthesis protein (PigL), Re02.g02480 putative 2699 12949 231 99 Re02.g02490 Putative uncharacterized protein 2700 12950 23200 FAD dependent oxidoreductase, Re02.g02500 putative 2701 12951 23201 Mannosyl-oligosaccharide Re02.g0251 0 glucosidase, putative 2702 12952 23202 3 1135 32625 Re02.g02520 Putative uncharacterized protein 2703 12953 23203 Re02.g02530 Uncharacterized protein 2704 12954 23204 Re02.g02540 RING finger protein 2705 12955 23205 Re02.g02550 PAP2 domain protein 2706 12956 23206 Transmembrane hyphal Re02.g02560 anastomosis protein Ham2/Far1 1 2707 12957 23207 Re02.g02570 Uncharacterized protein 2708 12958 23208 3 1136 32626 Ribosomal large subunit Re02.g02580 biogenesis protein MAK1 6 2709 12959 23209 tRNA splicing 2' Re02.g02590 phosphotransferase 1 271 0 12960 2321 0 Re02.g02600 Uncharacterized protein 271 1 12961 2321 1 3 1137 32627 Re02.g0261 0 Uncharacterized protein 271 2 12962 2321 2 Re02.g02620 Uncharacterized protein 271 3 12963 2321 3 Re02.g02630 MFS sugar transporter, putative 2714 12964 23214 Phospholipid-translocating P-type Re02.g02640 ATPase, putative 271 5 12965 2321 5 COPII vesicle coat protein Sec1 6, Re02.g02650 putative 271 6 12966 2321 6 Re02.g02660 Cell cycle checkpoint protein 271 7 12967 2321 7 Re02.g02670 Hexokinase, putative 271 8 12968 2321 8 Re02.g02680 GAS2 domain protein 271 9 12969 2321 9 GTPase activating protein (Gyp7), Re02.g02690 putative 2720 12970 23220 Re02.g02700 Alpha/beta hydrolase fold protein 2721 12971 23221 Re02.g0271 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2722 12972 23222 Integral membrane protein, Re02.g02720 Mpv1 7/PMP22 family, putative 2723 12973 23223 3 1138 32628 Re02.g02730 hypothetical protein 2724 12974 23224 Re02.g02740 F-box domain protein 2725 12975 23225 Re02.g02750 Catalase EC=1 .11.1.6 2726 12976 23226 Re02.g02760 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 2727 12977 23227 Re02.g02770 MFS transporter, putative 2728 12978 23228 Re02.g02780 Putative uncharacterized protein 2729 12979 23229 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g02790 An1 8g01 0 10 2730 12980 23230 Re02.g02800 GNAT family acetyltransferase 2731 12981 23231 Re02.g0281 0 Uncharacterized protein 2732 12982 23232 Re02.g02820 ER to Golgi transport protein Yi 2733 12983 23233 Re02.g02830 Ribosomal protein L14 2734 12984 23234 Nascent polypeptide-associated Re02.g02840 complex (NAC) subunit, putative 2735 12985 23235 ATP synthase D chain, Re02.g02850 mitochondrial, putative 2736 12986 23236 Re02.g02860 Reverse transcriptase, putative 2737 12987 23237 Re02.g02870 Uncharacterized protein 2738 12988 23238 Re02.g02880 Putative uncharacterized protein 2739 12989 23239 Re02.g02890 Oxidoreductase (Msc7), putative 2740 12990 23240 Similarity to the apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease Re02.g02900 III family Precursor 2741 12991 23241 Re02.g0291 0 Amidophosphoribosyltransferase 2742 12992 23242 3 1139 32629 C-5 cytosine methyltransferase Re02.g02920 DmtA 2743 12993 23243 2-methylcitrate dehydratase, Re02.g02930 putative 2744 12994 23244 3 1140 32630 Re02.g02940 hypothetical protein 2745 12995 23245 3 1141 32631 Re02.g02950 Uncharacterized protein 2746 12996 23246 3 1142 32632 Re02.g02960 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase 2747 12997 23247 Onanonoxo-7-onima-8- Re02.g02970 eninoihtemlysoneda 2748 12998 23248 Re02.g02980 synthase EC=2.8. 1.6 2749 12999 23249 Re02.g02990 Uncharacterized protein 2750 13000 23250 Integral membrane protein (Pth1 1), Re02.g03000 putative 2751 13001 23251 Benzoate 4-monooxygenase Re02.g0301 0 cytochrome P450, putative 2752 13002 23252 3 1143 32633 Re02.g03020 Pc20g1 3500 protein Precursor 2753 13003 23253 3 1144 32634 Re02.g03030 Citrate synthase 2754 13004 23254 Re02.g03040 Isocitrate lyase Precursor 2755 13005 23255 3 1145 32635 mRNA-nucleus export ATPase Re02.g03050 (Elf1 ), putative 2756 13006 23256 Re02.g03060 Putative uncharacterized protein 2757 13007 23257 Re02.g03070 Urease accessory protein UreD 2758 13008 23258 High-affinity nickel transport protein Re02.g03080 ni , putative 2759 13009 23259 3 1146 32636 Re02.g03090 Putative uncharacterized protein 2760 1301 0 23260 3 1147 32637 Re02.g031 00 Pc22g25260 protein 2761 1301 1 23261 3 1148 32638 Re02.g031 10 hypothetical protein 2762 1301 2 23262 3 1149 32639 Re02.g031 20 Choline transport protein, putative 2763 1301 3 23263 Re02.g031 30 Uncharacterized protein 2764 13014 23264 Re02.g03140 hypothetical protein 2765 1301 5 23265 Re02.g031 50 hypothetical protein 2766 1301 6 23266 3 1150 32640 Re02.g031 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 2767 1301 7 23267 Glutathione-dependent Re02.g031 70 formaldehyde-activating, GFA 2768 1301 8 23268 Re02.g031 80 hypothetical protein 2769 1301 9 23269 Re02.g031 90 IgE-binding protein 2770 13020 23270 3 115 1 32641 Beta-glucosidase, putative Re02.g03200 EC=3.2.1 .21 2771 13021 23271 Re02.g0321 0 Acetamidase, putative 2772 13022 23272 Re02.g03220 Putative glutamine synthetase 2773 13023 23273 Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family Re02.g03230 protein 2774 13024 23274 5',5"'-P-1 ,Ρ-4-tetraphosphate Re02.g03240 phosphorylase, putative 2775 13025 23275 Re02.g03250 hypothetical protein 2776 13026 23276 Re02.g03260 Putative uncharacterized protein 2777 13027 23277 Rad21/Rec8 N terminal domain Re02.g03270 protein 2778 13028 23278 3 1152 32642 Re02.g03280 hypothetical protein 2779 13029 23279 Re02.g03290 Acetylglutamate kinase, putative 2780 13030 23280 Re02.g03300 Pc22g23260 protein 2781 13031 23281 Glycosyl hydrolase family 76 Re02.g0331 0 protein 2782 13032 23282 3 1153 32643 Re02.g03320 Protein disulfide-isomerase 2783 13033 23283 3 1154 32644 Re02.g03330 Uncharacterized protein 2784 13034 23284 3 1155 32645 Re02.g03340 Assembly factor cbp4 2785 13035 23285 Re02.g03350 Putative uncharacterized protein 2786 13036 23286 Re02.g03360 hypothetical protein 2787 13037 23287 Re02.g03370 hypothetical protein 2788 13038 23288 Remark: sequencing error at Re02.g03380 position 15524 2789 13039 23289 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re02.g03390 105 kDa subunit 2790 13040 23290 Re02.g03400 UPF0041 domain protein 2791 13041 23291 Re02.g0341 0 hypothetical protein 2792 13042 23292 3 1156 32646 Re02.g03420 Uncharacterized protein 2793 13043 23293 3 1157 32647 Re02.g03430 Predicted protein 2794 13044 23294 Re02.g03440 Putative uncharacterized protein 2795 13045 23295 Re02.g03450 FAD binding domain protein 2796 13046 23296 Re02.g03460 Predicted protein 2797 13047 23297 Re02.g03470 Pc22g22790 protein 2798 13048 23298 C2H2 finger domain protein Re02.g03480 (Zms1 ), putative 2799 13049 23299 Short chain Re02.g03490 dehydrogenase/reductase, putative 2800 13050 23300 Re02.g03500 Uncharacterized protein 2801 13051 23301 Exopolygalacturonase X-1 Re02.g0351 0 EC=3.2.1 .67 Precursor 2802 13052 23302 3 1158 32648 Re02.g03520 hypothetical protein 2803 13053 23303 3 1159 32649 Re02.g03530 hypothetical protein 2804 13054 23304 3 1160 32650 Re02.g03540 hypothetical protein 2805 13055 23305 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re02.g03550 putative 2806 13056 23306 Ankyrin repeat and BTB/POZ Re02.g03560 domain protein 2807 13057 23307 G2-specific protein kinase NimA, Re02.g03570 putative 2808 13058 23308 Re02.g03580 Putative uncharacterized protein 2809 13059 23309 Re02.g03590 Uncharacterized protein 281 0 13060 2331 0 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g03600 An1 2g08040 281 1 13061 2331 1 ATP dependent RNA helicase Re02.g0361 0 (Sub2), putative 281 2 13062 2331 2 Re02.g03620 hypothetical protein 281 3 13063 2331 3 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase, Re02.g03630 putative 2814 13064 23314 3 116 1 32651 Re02.g03640 Putative uncharacterized protein 281 5 13065 2331 5 Phosphoglycerate mutase family Re02.g03650 protein 281 6 13066 2331 6 Re02.g03660 Putative uncharacterized protein 281 7 13067 2331 7 Re02.g03670 Putative uncharacterized protein 281 8 13068 2331 8 Re02.g03680 Putative uncharacterized protein 281 9 13069 2331 9 tRNA (Uracil-0(2)-)- Re02.g03690 methyltransferase 2820 13070 23320 Re02.g03700 Putative uncharacterized protein 2821 13071 23321 Re02.g0371 0 Uncharacterized protein 2822 13072 23322 3 1162 32652 Re02.g03720 Uncharacterized protein 2823 13073 23323 Re02.g03730 Putative uncharacterized protein 2824 13074 23324 3 1163 32653 Re02.g03740 Lipase, putative 2825 13075 23325 Re02.g03750 Oxidoreductase 2826 13076 23326 Multiple inositol polyphosphate Re02.g03760 phosphatase 2827 13077 23327 3 1164 32654 Re02.g03770 Uncharacterized protein 2828 13078 23328 Nascent polypeptide-associated Re02.g03780 complex subunit beta 2829 13079 23329 Re02.g03790 Uncharacterized protein 2830 13080 23330 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g03800 An1 2g07760 EC=3. 1.1.5 2831 13081 23331 Re02.g0381 0 Uncharacterized protein 2832 13082 23332 3 1165 32655 Re02.g03820 Ctr copper transporter, putative 2833 13083 23333 Re02.g03830 Metalloreductase, putative 2834 13084 23334 Sterol delta 5,6-desaturase, Re02.g03840 putative 2835 13085 23335 Re02.g03850 Putative uncharacterized protein 2836 13086 23336 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re02.g03860 putative 2837 13087 23337 Ethanolamine utilization protein Re02.g03870 (EutQ), putative 2838 13088 23338 Re02.g03880 C6 finger domain protein, putative 2839 13089 23339 Glutamate decarboxylase, putative Re02.g03890 EC= 2840 13090 23340 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re02.g03900 putative 2841 13091 23341 Re02.g03910 hypothetical protein 2842 13092 23342 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re02.g03920 putative 2843 13093 23343 NAD binding Rossmann fold Re02.g03930 oxidoreductase, putative 2844 13094 23344 Re02.g03940 Uncharacterized protein 2845 13095 23345 Re02.g03950 Putative uncharacterized protein 2846 13096 23346 Re02.g03960 Putative uncharacterized protein 2847 13097 23347 Re02.g03970 Pc22g24530 protein 2848 13098 23348 Re02.g03980 C6 finger domain protein 2849 13099 23349 Re02.g03990 Putative uncharacterized protein 2850 13100 23350 Re02.g04000 Haemolysin-lll related protein 2851 13101 23351 Re02.g04010 hypothetical protein 2852 13102 23352 GATA transcriptional activator Re02.g04020 AreA 2853 13103 23353 Re02.g04030 Glutathione S-transferase, putative 2854 13104 23354 Re02.g04040 Aminotransferase 2855 13105 23355 rRNA processing protein Ipi1, Re02.g04050 putative 2856 13106 23356 Similar to FAD binding domain Re02.g04060 containing protein 2857 13107 23357 31166 32656 Re02.g04070 NCS1 allantoate transporter 2858 13108 23358 Re02.g04080 Putative uncharacterized protein 2859 13109 23359 31167 32657 Re02.g04090 Similar to An12g02300 2860 13110 23360 Re02.g04100 G1/S-specific cyclin Pcl5, putative 2861 13111 23361 RNA polymerase II transcription mediator complex subunit (Med6), Re02.g04110 putative 2862 13112 23362 Re02.g04120 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 2863 13113 23363 Re02.g04130 hypothetical protein 2864 13114 23364 31168 32658 Re02.g04140 Lysine decarboxylase-like protein 2865 13115 23365 Proteasome subunit alpha type Re02.g04150 EC= 2866 13116 23366 Vacuolar protein sorting 55 Re02.g04160 superfamily 2867 13117 23367 Re02.g04170 Putative uncharacterized protein 2868 13118 23368 Re02.g04180 UPF0220 domain protein 2869 13119 23369 Hsp70 nucleotide exchange factor Re02.g04190 (Fes1), putative 2870 13120 23370 Re02.g04200 Actin, gamma 2871 13121 23371 Bifunctional purine biosynthetic Re02.g0421 0 protein Ade1 , putative 2872 13 122 23372 Mitochondrial mRNA processing Re02.g04220 protein PET1 27, putative 2873 13 123 23373 Re02.g04230 Putative uncharacterized protein 2874 13 124 23374 3 1169 32659 Re02.g04240 Putative uncharacterized protein 2875 13 125 23375 Imidazoleglycerol-phosphate Re02.g04250 dehydratase 2876 13 126 23376 Re02.g04260 Uncharacterized protein 2877 13 127 23377 Re02.g04270 Uncharacterized protein 2878 13 128 23378 Putative alpha-1 ,6- Re02.g04280 mannosyltransferase 2879 13 129 23379 3 1170 32660 ER-associated proteolytic system Re02.g04290 protein Deri 2880 13 130 23380 Re02.g04300 Histone 3-like protein 2881 13 13 1 23381 Re02.g0431 0 Similarity to other proteins 2882 13 132 23382 Re02.g04320 Putative uncharacterized protein 2883 13 133 23383 Re02.g04330 Putative uncharacterized protein 2884 13 134 23384 Similarity to 14.8 kD subunit of Re02.g04340 NADH:ubiquinone reductase 2885 13 135 23385 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I Re02.g04350 and III 14 kDa polypeptide 2886 13 136 23386 Re02.g04360 hypothetical protein 2887 13 137 23387 Re02.g04370 MFS monocarboxylate transporter 2888 13 138 23388 Homeobox and C2H2 transcription Re02.g04380 factor, putative 2889 13 139 23389 Re02.g04390 Threonine dehydratase 2890 13140 23390 Re02.g04400 Putative uncharacterized protein 2891 13141 23391 Translation factor gufl , Re02.g0441 0 mitochondrial EC=3.6.5.- Precursor 2892 13142 23392 Mitotic spindle checkpoint Re02.g04420 component mad2 2893 13143 23393 Re02.g04430 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2894 13144 23394 Re02.g04440 Putative uncharacterized protein 2895 13145 23395 Golgi transport protein Sly1 , Re02.g04450 putative 2896 13146 23396 Re02.g04460 FHA domain protein 2897 13147 23397 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g04470 An03g04790 2898 13148 23398 Re02.g04480 Uncharacterized protein 2899 13149 23399 Re02.g04490 MSF1 domain protein 2900 13 150 23400 Re02.g04500 Uncharacterized protein 2901 13 15 1 23401 3 117 1 32661 Re02.g0451 0 hypothetical protein 2902 13 152 23402 3 1172 32662 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re02.g04520 (Sn p), putative 2903 13 153 23403 Re02.g04530 Putative uncharacterized protein 2904 13 154 23404 Re02.g04540 Uncharacterized protein 2905 13 155 23405 Miscellaneous Zn(ll)2Cys6 Re02.g04550 transcription factor 2906 13 156 23406 Re02.g04560 Uncharacterized protein 2907 13 157 23407 3 1173 32663 Re02.g04570 Cell wall glucanase, putative 2908 13 158 23408 3 1174 32664 Re02.g04580 Lipase/thioesterase family protein 2909 13 159 23409 Flavin-binding monooxygenase, Re02.g04590 putative 291 0 13 160 2341 0 Re02.g04600 Putative uncharacterized protein 291 1 13 16 1 2341 1 Re02.g0461 0 Sugar transporter, putative 291 2 13 162 2341 2 Re02.g04620 Putative uncharacterized protein 291 3 13 163 2341 3 Re02.g04630 Putative uncharacterized protein 2914 13 164 23414 Re02.g04640 PLC-A 291 5 13 165 2341 5 3 1175 32665 2,4-dichlorophenol 6- Re02.g04650 monooxygenase EC=1 .14. 13.20 291 6 13 166 2341 6 Re02.g04660 Putative uncharacterized protein 291 7 13 167 2341 7 Alpha-glucosidase/alpha-amylase, Re02.g04670 putative 291 8 13 168 2341 8 Re02.g04680 Alpha-amylase 291 9 13 169 2341 9 Re02.g04690 hypothetical protein 2920 13 170 23420 3 1176 32666 Re02.g04700 Uncharacterized protein 2921 13 17 1 23421 Re02.g0471 0 Rad4 family protein 2922 13 172 23422 Re02.g04720 HIT domain protein 2923 13 173 23423 3 1177 32667 Re02.g04730 Uncharacterized protein 2924 13 174 23424 Re02.g04740 Putative uncharacterized protein 2925 13 175 23425 Re02.g04750 CobW domain protein 2926 13 176 23426 Re02.g04760 Mob1 family protein 2927 13 177 23427 Re02.g04770 hypothetical protein 2928 13 178 23428 Protein kinase domain-containing Re02.g04780 protein 2929 13 179 23429 Re02.g04790 Signal transduction protein BroA 2930 13 180 23430 Mitochondrial DnaJ chaperone Re02.g04800 (Mdj1 ), putative 2931 13 18 1 23431 3 1178 32668 Lon protease homolog, Re02.g0481 0 mitochondrial EC=3.4.21 .- 2932 13 182 23432 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase Re02.g04820 EC=1 .1 .1 .169 2933 13 183 23433 Re02.g04830 Uncharacterized protein 2934 13 184 23434 Re02.g04840 Uncharacterized protein 2935 13 185 23435 Re02.g04850 Catabolite repressor CreT 2936 13 186 23436 Re02.g04860 Uncharacterized protein 2937 13 187 23437 Re02.g04870 Putative uncharacterized protein 2938 13 188 23438 3 1179 32669 Re02.g04880 Putative uncharacterized protein 2939 13 189 23439 Re02.g04890 Putative uncharacterized protein 2940 13 190 23440 Re02.g04900 Putative uncharacterized protein 2941 13 19 1 23441 Podospora anserina S mat+ genomic DNA chromosome 6, Re02.g0491 0 supercontig 4 2942 13 192 23442 Re02.g04920 Purine permease, putative 2943 13 193 23443 Stearic acid desaturase (SdeA), Re02.g04930 putative 2944 13 194 23444 Re02.g04940 Metallopeptidase MepB 2945 13 195 23445 EC= Re02.g04950 Uncharacterized protein 2946 13 196 23446 Re02.g04960 Predicted protein 2947 13 197 23447 Re02.g04970 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 2948 13 198 23448 3 1180 32670 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re02.g04980 putative 2949 13 199 23449 mRNA transport regulator (Mtr1 0), Re02.g04990 putative 2950 13200 23450 3 118 1 32671 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re02.g05000 SmE, putative 2951 13201 23451 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo- Re02.g0501 0 ligase, putative 2952 13202 23452 Re02.g05020 Uncharacterized protein 2953 13203 23453 3 1182 32672 Re02.g05030 Uncharacterized protein 2954 13204 23454 Re02.g05040 Non-repetitive nudeoporin, putative 2955 13205 23455 Re02.g05050 WD domain protein 2956 13206 23456 Sterigmatocystin 8-0- Re02.g05060 methyltransferase, putative 2957 13207 23457 Re02.g05070 Predicted protein 2958 13208 23458 Re02.g05080 Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 1 2959 13209 23459 GNAT family acetyltransferase, Re02.g05090 putative 2960 1321 0 23460 Re02.g051 00 hypothetical protein 2961 1321 1 23461 DNA damage-inducible v-SNARE Re02.g051 10 binding protein Ddi1 , putative 2962 1321 2 23462 Re02.g051 20 Integral membrane protein 2963 1321 3 23463 3 1183 32673 Re02.g051 30 hypothetical protein 2964 13214 23464 Re02.g05140 Uncharacterized protein 2965 1321 5 23465 3 1184 32674 Re02.g051 50 hypothetical protein 2966 1321 6 23466 3 1185 32675 Re02.g051 60 Uncharacterized protein 2967 1321 7 23467 3 1186 32676 Re02.g051 70 hypothetical protein 2968 1321 8 23468 Re02.g051 80 hypothetical protein 2969 1321 9 23469 Re02.g051 90 Choline dehydrogenase, putative 2970 13220 23470 3 1187 32677 MFS monosaccharide transporter, Re02.g05200 putative 2971 13221 23471 Re02.g0521 0 hypothetical protein 2972 13222 23472 Re02.g05220 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase 2973 13223 23473 Re02.g05230 Ergosterol biosynthetic protein 28 2974 13224 23474 3 1188 32678 Re02.g05240 hypothetical protein 2975 13225 23475 Galactose-1 -phosphate Re02.g05250 uridylyltransferase EC= 2 2976 13226 23476 Re02.g05260 Putative uncharacterized protein 2977 13227 23477 Re02.g05270 Acetylglutamate synthase 2978 13228 23478 3 1189 32679 Re02.g05280 Uncharacterized protein 2979 13229 23479 Re02.g05290 Putative uncharacterized protein 2980 13230 23480 3 1190 32680 Re02.g05300 Putative uncharacterized protein 2981 13231 23481 Mandelate racemase muconate Re02.g0531 0 lactonizing protein 2982 13232 23482 Re02.g05320 Putative uncharacterized protein 2983 13233 23483

Re02.g05700 Uncharacterized protein 3021 13271 23521 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] Re02.g0571 0 reductase FabG 3022 13272 23522 Re02.g05720 Pc1 3g03500 protein 3023 13273 23523 Re02.g05730 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 3024 13274 23524 Re02.g05740 hypothetical protein 3025 13275 23525 Alpha-1,3-glucan synthase Ags2 Re02.g05750 EC=2.4.1 .1 83 3026 13276 23526 3 1196 32686 Re02.g05760 Alpha-1,3-glucan synthase Ags2 3027 13277 23527 Re02.g05770 Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase 3028 13278 23528 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Re02.g05780 reductase 2 3029 13279 23529 Re02.g05790 Putative uncharacterized protein 3030 13280 23530 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase Re02.g05800 EC=4.2.1 .33 3031 13281 23531 Re02.g0581 0 Dihydroorotase, homodimeric type 3032 13282 23532 Re02.g05820 Uncharacterized protein 3033 13283 23533 Xenobiotic compound Re02.g05830 monooxygenase, DszA family 3034 13284 23534 Re02.g05840 hypothetical protein 3035 13285 23535 Re02.g05850 Polyketide synthase, putative 3036 13286 23536 O-methyltransferase, putative

Re02.g05860 (AFU. orthologue AFUA_4G14580) 3037 13287 23537 Re02.g05870 O-methyltransferase family 2 3038 13288 23538 3 1197 32687 Re02.g05880 Uncharacterized protein 3039 13289 23539 Re02.g05890 Putative mfs multidrug protein 3040 13290 23540 Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family, putative (AFU orthologue Re02.g05900 AFUA_5G01 040) 3041 13291 23541 3 1198 32688 Podospora anserina S mat+ genomic DNA , Re02.g0591 0 supercontig 10 3042 13292 23542 Cytochrome P450, putative Re02.g05920 (Eurofung) 3043 13293 23543 Re02.g05930 hypothetical protein 3044 13294 23544 Oxidoreductase, zinc-binding Re02.g05940 dehydrogenase family 3045 13295 23545 Re02.g05950 Uncharacterized protein 3046 13296 23546 Re02.g05960 DUF895 domain membrane protein 3047 13297 23547 Re02.g05970 hypothetical protein 3048 13298 23548 Re02.g05980 hypothetical protein 3049 13299 23549 Re02.g05990 Putative uncharacterized protein 3050 13300 23550 Re02.g06000 Methionine permease, putative 3051 13301 23551 Xenobiotic compound Re02.g0601 0 monooxygenase, DszA family 3052 13302 23552 UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine-1-P transferase Alg7, putative Re02.g06020 EC= 5 3053 13303 23553 Re02.g06030 Nuclear pore protein 3054 13304 23554 Re02.g06040 hypothetical protein 3055 13305 23555 Re02.g06050 Uncharacterized protein 3056 13306 23556

RNA polymerase II assessory Re02.g06060 factor Cdc73p 3057 13307 23557 Re02.g06070 Developmental regulator FlbA 3058 13308 23558 Origin recognition complex subunit Re02.g06080 Orc4, putative 3059 13309 23559 Re02.g06090 Uncharacterized protein 3060 1331 0 23560 Secretory pathway gdp dissociation Re02.g061 00 inhibitor 3061 1331 1 23561 54S ribosomal protein L4, Re02.g061 10 mitochondrial Precursor 3062 1331 2 23562 Re02.g061 20 Putative transcriptional regulator 3063 1331 3 23563 Re02.g061 30 Uncharacterized protein 3064 13314 23564 Re02.g06140 Protein AMFR 3065 1331 5 23565 DNA replication complex GINS Re02.g061 50 protein PSF2 3066 1331 6 23566 Glucosyltransferase (Die2), Re02.g061 60 putative 3067 1331 7 23567 3 1199 32689 Re02.g061 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 3068 1331 8 23568 Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase, Re02.g061 80 putative 3069 1331 9 23569 Re02.g061 90 Uncharacterized protein 3070 13320 23570 Re02.g06200 U-box domain protein 3071 13321 23571 Ribose/galactose isomerase, Re02.g0621 0 putative 3072 13322 23572 Re02.g06220 Triosephosphate isomerase 3073 13323 23573 Dihydroorotate reductase PyrE, Re02.g06230 putative 3074 13324 23574 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g06240 Fragment 3075 13325 23575 3 1200 32690 Re02.g06250 NAD-binding protein 3076 13326 23576 Re02.g06260 Uncharacterized protein 3077 13327 23577 3 1201 32691 Re02.g06270 Putative uncharacterized protein 3078 13328 23578 Re02.g06280 Putative uncharacterized protein 3079 13329 23579 3 1202 32692 C2H2 transcription factor (RfeC), Re02.g06290 putative 3080 13330 23580 Re02.g06300 Uncharacterized protein 3081 13331 23581 Re02.g0631 0 Amino acid permease 3082 13332 23582 Re02.g06320 Disulfide isomerase, putative 3083 13333 23583 3 1203 32693 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re02.g06330 299 kDa subunit, putative 3084 13334 23584 Vesicle coat complex COPI, beta' Re02.g06340 subunit 3085 13335 23585 Re02.g06350 Putative uncharacterized protein 3086 13336 23586 3 1204 32694 Re02.g06360 Uncharacterized protein 3087 13337 23587 Re02.g06370 Putative uncharacterized protein 3088 13338 23588 SAGA complex subunit (Ada2), Re02.g06380 putative 3089 13339 23589 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re02.g06390 (YPK1), putative 3090 13340 23590 Re02.g06400 hypothetical protein 3091 13341 23591 NADP(+)-dependent Re02.g0641 0 dehydrogenase, putative 3092 13342 23592 3 1205 32695 Re02.g06420 hypothetical protein 3093 13343 23593 Re02.g06430 hypothetical protein 3094 13344 23594 3 1206 32696 MFS phosphate transporter, Re02.g06440 putative 3095 13345 23595 Alpha-tubulin suppressor protein Re02.g06450 Aatsl , putative 3096 13346 23596 Re02.g06460 Uncharacterized protein 3097 13347 23597 Re02.g06470 Uncharacterized protein 3098 13348 23598 Re02.g06480 DNA polymerase EC= 3099 13349 23599 Re02.g06490 Pc22g21 020 protein 3 100 13350 23600 Re02.g06500 RNA helicase (Dbp), putative 3 10 1 13351 23601 Re02.g0651 0 hypothetical protein 3 102 13352 23602 C2H2 transcription factor (Con7), Re02.g06520 putative 3 103 13353 23603 Re02.g06530 Pentatricopeptide repeat protein 3 104 13354 23604 Re02.g06540 Uncharacterized protein 3 105 13355 23605 Nuclear protein export protein Re02.g06550 Yrb2, putative 3 106 13356 23606 Re02.g06560 DEAD/DEAH box helicase, putative 3 107 13357 23607 Re02.g06570 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 108 13358 23608 Re02.g06580 C6 finger domain protein, putative 3 109 13359 23609 Re02.g06590 hypothetical protein 3 110 13360 2361 0 Phosphoribosylglycinamide Re02.g06600 formyltransferase 3 111 13361 2361 1 Re02.g0661 0 RING finger protein 3 112 13362 2361 2 Re02.g06620 Uncharacterized protein 3 113 13363 2361 3 3 1207 32697 Re02.g06630 Uncharacterized protein 3 114 13364 23614 Re02.g06640 VPS9 domain protein 3 115 13365 2361 5 Re02.g06650 Putative lipase atg1 5 EC=3.1 .1.3 3 116 13366 2361 6 3 1208 32698 Re02.g06660 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 117 13367 2361 7 3 1209 32699 Re02.g06670 Catalase isozyme P 3 118 13368 2361 8 Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase Re02.g06680 family protein 3 119 13369 2361 9 Re02.g06690 Protein rerl 3 120 13370 23620 Re02.g06700 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 12 1 13371 23621 ADP ribosylation factor A Re02.g0671 0 (Eurofung) 3 122 13372 23622 Chromatin remodeling complex Re02.g06720 subunit 3 123 13373 23623 Re02.g06730 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 124 13374 23624 Re02.g06740 Cellobiose dehydrogenase 3 125 13375 23625 3 12 10 32700 Re02.g06750 Prephenate dehydrogenase 3 126 13376 23626 Re02.g06760 40S ribosomal protein S 11 3 127 13377 23627 Re02.g06770 Uncharacterized protein 3 128 13378 23628 Re02.g06780 40S ribosomal protein S9 3 129 13379 23629 Re02.g06790 50S ribosomal protein L 13 3 130 13380 23630 Re02.g06800 Uricase EC=1 .7.3.3 3 13 1 13381 23631 Cytosolic regulator Pianissimo, Re02.g0681 0 putative 3 132 13382 23632 Re02.g06820 ATP-dependent protease 3 133 13383 23633 Re02.g06830 Uncharacterized protein 3 134 13384 23634 Re02.g06840 Predicted protein 3 135 13385 23635 Re02.g06850 Predicted protein 3 136 13386 23636 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re02.g06860 factor 3 subunit L 3 137 13387 23637 Iron-sulfur cluster assembly Re02.g06870 accessory protein Isa2, putative 3 138 13388 23638 Re02.g06880 Kynureninase 3 139 13389 23639 Re02.g06890 Uncharacterized protein 3140 13390 23640 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g06900 An1 6g04640 3141 13391 23641 AP-2 adaptor complex subunit Re02.g0691 0 beta, putative 3142 13392 23642 Re02.g06920 SH3 domain protein 3143 13393 23643 Re02.g06930 DUF408 domain protein 3144 13394 23644 Re02.g06940 40S ribosomal protein S 17 3145 13395 23645 Re02.g06950 Uncharacterized protein 3146 13396 23646 3 12 11 32701 Re02.g06960 Pc22g20490 protein 3147 13397 23647 TOR pathway phosphatidylinositol Re02.g06970 3-kinase TorA 3148 13398 23648 Re02.g06980 Putative uncharacterized protein 3149 13399 23649 NAD binding Rossmann fold Re02.g06990 oxidoreductase, putative 3 150 13400 23650 UDP-glucoronosyl and UDP- Re02.g07000 glucosyl transferase family protein 3 15 1 13401 23651 3 12 12 32702 Re02.g0701 0 Glycerol dehydrogenase, putative 3 152 13402 23652 Localization: the C. gloeosporioides homolog alr6 is a Re02.g07020 putative peroxisomal protein 3 153 13403 23653 Re02.g07030 Siderophore iron transporter 3 154 13404 23654 Re02.g07040 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 3 155 13405 23655 Re02.g07050 hypothetical protein 3 156 13406 23656 Re02.g07060 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 157 13407 23657 Re02.g07070 hypothetical protein 3 158 13408 23658 Re02.g07080 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 159 13409 23659 3 12 13 32703 Integral peroxisomal membrane Re02.g07090 protein 3 160 1341 0 23660 Re02.g071 00 Putative integral membrane protein 3 16 1 1341 1 23661 Re02.g071 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 162 1341 2 23662 Re02.g071 20 Cochaperone Pam1 6 3 163 1341 3 23663 L-galactose dehydrogenase (L- Re02.g071 30 GalDH), putative 3 164 13414 23664 Re02.g07140 Pantothenate transporter, putative 3 165 1341 5 23665 Topoisomerase family protein TRF4, putative (AFU orthologue Re02.g071 50 AFUA_7G041 30) 3 166 1341 6 23666 Re02.g071 60 DUF636 domain protein 3 167 1341 7 23667 3 1214 32704 Re02.g071 70 hypothetical protein 3 168 1341 8 23668 3 12 15 32705 Re02.g071 80 hypothetical protein 3 169 1341 9 23669 Protein kinase C substrate, Re02.g071 90 putative 3 170 13420 23670 3 12 16 32706 Re02.g07200 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 17 1 13421 23671 Re02.g0721 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 172 13422 23672 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (POT1 ), putative (AFU orthologue Re02.g07220 AFUA_7G04080) 3 173 13423 23673 Re02.g07230 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 174 13424 23674 Phospho-2-dehydro-3- deoxyheptonate aldolase Re02.g07240 EC=2.5.1 .54 3 175 13425 23675 Re02.g07250 Uncharacterized protein 3 176 13426 23676 Re02.g07260 Uncharacterized protein 3 177 13427 23677 Re02.g07270 Hexokinase-1 EC=2.7.1 .1 3 178 13428 23678 Re02.g07280 hypothetical protein 3 179 13429 23679 Re02.g07290 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 180 13430 23680 Re02.g07300 Lipase, putative 3 18 1 13431 23681 Peroxisome biosynthesis protein Re02.g0731 0 (PAS1/Peroxin-1 ), putative 3 182 13432 23682 DNA replication licensing factor Re02.g07320 Mcm7, putative 3 183 13433 23683 Re02.g07330 Transposase 3 184 13434 23684 Re02.g07340 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 185 13435 23685 3 12 17 32707 Re02.g07350 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 186 13436 23686 Re02.g07360 Phenylacetyl-CoA ligase, putative 3 187 13437 23687 Re02.g07370 hypothetical protein 3 188 13438 23688 Cyclopropane-fatty-acyl- Re02.g07380 phospholipid synthase, putative 3 189 13439 23689 Re02.g07390 Uncharacterized protein 3 190 13440 23690 Re02.g07400 Uncharacterized protein 3 19 1 13441 23691 Re02.g0741 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 192 13442 23692 Re02.g07420 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 193 13443 23693 3 12 18 32708 Re02.g07430 Putative uncharacterized protein 3 194 13444 23694 3 12 19 32709 Re02.g07440 hypothetical protein 3 195 13445 23695 Similarity to CSI2 like protein CAC28732.1 -Neurospora crassa Re02.g07450 Precursor 3 196 13446 23696 Protein-ER retention protein (Erd1 ), Re02.g07460 putative 3 197 13447 23697 Peroxisome biosynthesis protein Re02.g07470 (Peroxin-1 0), putative 3 198 13448 23698 Re02.g07480 Uncharacterized protein 3 199 13449 23699 Re02.g07490 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 3200 13450 23700 (LSM5), putative Amino acid permease (Gap1 ), Re02.g07500 putative 3201 13451 23701 Re02.g0751 0 Uncharacterized protein 3202 13452 23702 Cell division control protein Cdc6, Re02.g07520 putative 3203 13453 23703 Re02.g07530 Putative uncharacterized protein 3204 13454 23704 Re02.g07540 hypothetical protein 3205 13455 23705 3 1220 3271 0 Re02.g07550 Serine/threonine-protein kinase 3206 13456 23706 Re02.g07560 C6 transcription factor, putative 3207 13457 23707 Mandelate racemase/muconate Re02.g07570 lactonizing enzyme family protein 3208 13458 23708 Re02.g07580 Alcohol dehydrogenase 3209 13459 23709 3 1221 3271 1 Re02.g07590 Putative uncharacterized protein 321 0 13460 2371 0 Alcohol dehydrogenase 2 Re02.g07600 EC=1 .1.1 .1 321 1 13461 2371 1 Re02.g0761 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 321 2 13462 2371 2 Re02.g07620 Putative uncharacterized protein 321 3 13463 2371 3 Re02.g07630 SAP domain protein 3214 13464 23714 Re02.g07640 hypothetical protein 321 5 13465 2371 5 3 1222 3271 2 Re02.g07650 C2H2 zinc finger protein 321 6 13466 2371 6 Re02.g07660 Putative uncharacterized protein 321 7 13467 2371 7 Re02.g07670 Putative uncharacterized protein 321 8 13468 2371 8 Alpha.alpha-trehalose phosphate Re02.g07680 synthase subunit TPS3, putative 321 9 13469 2371 9 3 1223 3271 3 Re02.g07690 Putative uncharacterized protein 3220 13470 23720 Re02.g07700 Thioesterase family protein 3221 13471 23721 Re02.g0771 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3222 13472 23722 Re02.g07720 Putative uncharacterized protein 3223 13473 23723 3 1224 32714 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re02.g07730 factor 3 subunit M 3224 13474 23724 Re02.g07740 Uridylate kinase Ura6 3225 13475 23725 Re02.g07750 hypothetical protein 3226 13476 23726 3 1225 3271 5 Re02.g07760 Uncharacterized protein 3227 13477 23727 Re02.g07770 Uncharacterized protein 3228 13478 23728 3 1226 3271 6 Re02.g07780 Putative uncharacterized protein 3229 13479 23729 Re02.g07790 Condensin complex subunit 2 3230 13480 23730 Re02.g07800 Sodium/calcium exchanger protein 3231 13481 23731 3 1227 3271 7 Re02.g0781 0 Uncharacterized protein 3232 13482 23732 DNA-directed RNA polymerase II Re02.g07820 subunit RPB1 1a , putative 3233 13483 23733 Oxidoreductase, 2-nitropropane Re02.g07830 dioxygenase family, putative 3234 13484 23734 3 1228 3271 8 Re02.g07840 Putative uncharacterized protein 3235 13485 23735 Re02.g07850 hypothetical protein 3236 13486 23736 Re02.g07860 DNA repair protein Rad7, protein 3237 13487 23737 DNA excision repair protein Rad1 6, Re02.g07870 putative 3238 13488 23738 Re02.g07880 C2 domain protein 3239 13489 23739 ARF GTPase activator (Csx2), Re02.g07890 putative 3240 13490 23740 Re02.g07900 Putative uncharacterized protein 3241 13491 23741 Re02.g0791 0 Uncharacterized protein 3242 13492 23742 Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase Re02.g07920 (STT4), putative 3243 13493 23743 Cell-cycle checkpoint protein Re02.g07930 kinase, putative EC=2.7.1 1.1 7 3244 13494 23744 14-alpha sterol demethylase Re02.g07940 Cyp51 B EC=1 .14.1 3.70 3245 13495 23745 Re02.g07950 Putative uncharacterized protein 3246 13496 23746 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Re02.g07960 KIN28 3247 13497 23747 Kinesin family protein (KipA), Re02.g07970 putative 3248 13498 23748 Re02.g07980 Putative uncharacterized protein 3249 13499 23749 Re02.g07990 Uncharacterized protein 3250 13500 23750 Re02.g08000 Protein pxrl 3251 13501 23751 Re02.g0801 0 Uncharacterized protein 3252 13502 23752 Re02.g08020 Uncharacterized protein 3253 13503 23753 Re02.g08030 Putative uncharacterized protein 3254 13504 23754 AP-3 complex subunit delta, Re02.g08040 putative 3255 13505 23755 Re02.g08050 Putative uncharacterized protein 3256 13506 23756 Re02.g08060 Putative uncharacterized protein 3257 13507 23757 Re02.g08070 Putative uncharacterized protein 3258 13508 23758 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g08080 Fragment 3259 13509 23759 Re02.g08090 Putative uncharacterized protein 3260 1351 0 23760 Re02.g081 00 Putative uncharacterized protein 3261 1351 1 23761 Histone-lysine N- methyltransferase, H3 lysine-4 Re02.g081 10 specific 3262 1351 2 23762 AdoMet-dependent tRNA methyltransferase complex subunit, Re02.g081 20 putative 3263 1351 3 23763 Re02.g081 30 Uncharacterized protein 3264 13514 23764 Re02.g08140 Uncharacterized protein 3265 1351 5 23765 Methylthioribose-1 -phosphate Re02.g081 50 isomerase EC=5.3.1 .23 3266 1351 6 23766 Glucosamine~fructose-6- Re02.g081 60 phosphate aminotransferase 3267 1351 7 23767 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine Re02.g081 70 synthase EC=2.5.1 .78 3268 1351 8 23768 Proteasome subunit alpha type Re02.g081 80 EC= 3269 1351 9 23769 Re02.g081 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 3270 13520 23770 NAD(+)-isocitrate dehydrogenase Re02.g08200 subunit I 3271 13521 23771 Re02.g0821 0 Uncharacterized protein 3272 13522 23772 Re02.g08220 Putative uncharacterized protein 3273 13523 23773 3 1229 3271 9 Rho GTPase activator (Bem3), Re02.g08230 putative 3274 13524 23774 3 1230 32720 Re02.g08240 Uncharacterized protein 3275 13525 23775 rRNA processing protein (Rrp20), Re02.g08250 putative 3276 13526 23776 Proteasome component Prs3, Re02.g08260 putative 3277 13527 23777 Re02.g08270 Pc14g01 240 protein 3278 13528 23778 Proteasome subunit beta type Re02.g08280 EC= 3279 13529 23779 Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase Re02.g08290 family protein 3280 13530 23780 Re02.g08300 30 kDa heat shock protein 3281 13531 23781 Re02.g0831 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3282 13532 23782 Re02.g08320 Putative uncharacterized protein 3283 13533 23783 U 1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re02.g08330 A 3284 13534 23784 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex Re02.g08340 subunit 1 3285 13535 23785 Extracellular triacylglycerol lipase, Re02.g08350 putative 3286 13536 23786 3 1231 32721 Re02.g08360 WW domain protein 3287 13537 23787 Re02.g08370 Putative uncharacterized protein 3288 13538 23788 3 1232 32722 Proteasome component (Ecm29), Re02.g08380 putative 3289 13539 23789 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase, Re02.g08390 putative 3290 13540 23790 Re02.g08400 Putative uncharacterized protein 3291 13541 23791 3 1233 32723 Putative Short-chain dehydrogenase TIC 32, Re02.g0841 0 chloroplastic 3292 13542 23792 Mitochondrial protein FMP32, Re02.g08420 putative 3293 13543 23793 Re02.g08430 Phosphomannomutase 3294 13544 23794 Similar to G protein coupled Re02.g08440 receptor family protein 3295 13545 23795 Re02.g08450 DnaJ chaperone (Caj1 ), putative 3296 13546 23796 Re02.g08460 Putative uncharacterized protein 3297 13547 23797 Re02.g08470 DnaJ domain protein 3298 13548 23798 3 1234 32724 COPII vesicles protein Yip3, Re02.g08480 putative 3299 13549 23799 Re02.g08490 FK506 suppressor Sfk1 , putative 3300 13550 23800 3 1235 32725 20G-Fe(ll) oxygenase family Re02.g08500 oxidoreductase, putative 3301 13551 23801 Re02.g0851 0 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 3302 13552 23802 Flavin-containing amine oxidase, Re02.g08520 putative 3303 13553 23803 Re02.g08530 Uncharacterized protein 3304 13554 23804 Re02.g08540 Putative uncharacterized protein 3305 13555 23805 3 1236 32726 Re02.g08550 MFS transporter, putative 3306 13556 23806 Re02.g08560 Uncharacterized protein 3307 13557 23807 3 1237 32727 Re02.g08570 Uncharacterized protein 3308 13558 23808 3 1238 32728 Geranylgeranyl transferase beta Re02.g08580 subunit, putative 3309 13559 23809 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re02.g08590 putative 331 0 13560 2381 0 Re02.g08600 Uncharacterized protein 331 1 13561 2381 1 Endoplasmic reticulum calcium Re02.g0861 0 ATPase, putative 331 2 13562 2381 2 Re02.g08620 hypothetical protein 331 3 13563 2381 3 3 1239 32729 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g08630 An1 8g06270 3314 13564 23814 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re02.g08640 factor 3 subunit J 331 5 13565 2381 5 Re02.g08650 /allergen Asp F 22 331 6 13566 2381 6 26S proteasome regulatory Re02.g08660 complex, ATPase RPT4 331 7 13567 2381 7 Mannosyl-oligosaccharide alpha- Re02.g08670 1,2-mannosidase 331 8 13568 2381 8 Re02.g08680 Peptidase, putative 331 9 13569 2381 9 3 1240 32730 Sensor histidine kinase/response Re02.g08690 regulator, putative 3320 13570 23820 Re02.g08700 Epoxide hydrolase 3321 13571 23821 Re02.g0871 0 60S ribosomal protein L36 3322 13572 23822 Re02.g08720 UBX domain protein, putative 3323 13573 23823 Proteasome subunit beta type Re02.g08730 EC= 3324 13574 23824 Re02.g08740 Putative uncharacterized protein 3325 13575 23825 Cytochrome c oxidase-assembly factor cox23, mitochondrial, Re02.g08750 putative 3326 13576 23826 Re02.g08760 Uncharacterized protein 3327 13577 23827 Re02.g08770 Predicted protein 3328 13578 23828 Re02.g08780 Putative uncharacterized protein 3329 13579 23829 Re02.g08790 rRNA processing protein RRP9 3330 13580 23830 Re02.g08800 Proteasome component C 11 3331 13581 23831 Re02.g0881 0 SnRNP assembly factor, putative 3332 13582 23832 Re02.g08820 Uncharacterized protein 3333 13583 23833 Re02.g08830 Uncharacterized protein 3334 13584 23834 G-patch domain protein (Spp2), Re02.g08840 putative 3335 13585 23835 Re02.g08850 Uncharacterized protein 3336 13586 23836 60S ribosome biogenesis protein Re02.g08860 Mak1 1, putative 3337 13587 23837 Translation initiation factor EF-2 Re02.g08870 gamma subunit, putative 3338 13588 23838 Re02.g08880 60S ribosomal protein L34 3339 13589 23839 3 1241 32731 Re02.g08890 Uncharacterized protein 3340 13590 23840 CAAX prenyl protease, putative Re02.g08900 EC=3.4.-.- 3341 13591 23841 Re02.g0891 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3342 13592 23842 3 1242 32732 Re02.g08920 Uncharacterized protein 3343 13593 23843 Re02.g08930 Predicted protein 3344 13594 23844 Ribosome biogenesis protein Re02.g08940 YTM1 3345 13595 23845 40S ribosomal protein S 13 Re02.g08950 Fragment 3346 13596 23846 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Re02.g08960 EC=5.2.1 .8 3347 13597 23847 3 1243 32733 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re02.g08970 dedl EC= 3 3348 13598 23848 INO80 chromatin remodeling Re02.g08980 complex 3349 13599 23849 Re02.g08990 Putative uncharacterized protein 3350 13600 23850 Re02.g09000 IMP cyclohydrolase 3351 13601 23851 Plasma membrane stress response Re02.g0901 0 protein 3352 13602 23852 Re02.g09020 Clathrin heavy chain 3353 13603 23853 Re02.g09030 Pyruvate carboxylase EC=6.4. 1.1 3354 13604 23854 Re02.g09040 Transposon, putative 3355 13605 23855 Re02.g09050 hypothetical protein 3356 13606 23856 Re02.g09060 Carboxylesterase, putative 3357 13607 23857 3 1244 32734 Re02.g09070 Pc1 3g07250 protein 3358 13608 23858 Re02.g09080 60S ribosomal protein L 1 1 3359 13609 23859 Re02.g09090 Uncharacterized protein 3360 1361 0 23860 Re02.g091 00 Uncharacterized protein 3361 1361 1 23861 Re02.g091 10 Amino acid transporter, putative 3362 1361 2 23862 Cation chloride cotransporter, Re02.g091 20 putative 3363 1361 3 23863 Re02.g091 30 Mevalonate kinase 3364 13614 23864 Re02.g09140 Putative uncharacterized protein 3365 1361 5 23865 Re02.g091 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 3366 1361 6 23866 Re02.g091 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 3367 1361 7 23867 3 1245 32735 CaaX farnesyltransferase alpha Re02.g091 70 subunit Ram2 3368 1361 8 23868 Re02.g091 80 L-serine dehydratase, putative 3369 1361 9 23869 Methionyl-tRNA synthetase, Re02.g091 90 putative EC=6. 1.1 .10 3370 13620 23870 Complex: human NXT1 binds to RNA binding mRNA-export factor Re02.g09200 TAP 3371 13621 23871 Re02.g0921 0 Uncharacterized protein 3372 13622 23872 3 1246 32736 Re02.g09220 60S ribosomal protein L38 3373 13623 23873 DNA polymerase delta subunit 2, Re02.g09230 putative EC= 3374 13624 23874 Oxidoreductase, 2-nitropropane Re02.g09240 dioxygenase family, putative 3375 13625 23875 3 1247 32737 Re02.g09250 Putative uncharacterized protein 3376 13626 23876 Pitrilysin family metalloprotease Re02.g09260 (Cym1), putative 3377 13627 23877 Re02.g09270 Putative uncharacterized protein 3378 13628 23878 Re02.g09280 Pc1 3g07470 protein 3379 13629 23879 Oxidoreductase, short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family Re02.g09290 superfamily 3380 13630 23880 Re02.g09300 Putative uncharacterized protein 3381 13631 23881 Re02.g0931 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3382 13632 23882 Re02.g09320 Ornithine decarboxylase 3383 13633 23883 Re02.g09330 CobW domain protein 3384 13634 23884 2-hydroxychromene-2-carboxylate Re02.g09340 isomerase, putative 3385 13635 23885 Re02.g09350 Putative uncharacterized protein 3386 13636 23886 3 1248 32738 Re02.g09360 Uncharacterized protein 3387 13637 23887 3 1249 32739 Re02.g09370 Uncharacterized protein 3388 13638 23888 Re02.g09380 Putative uncharacterized protein 3389 13639 23889 Re02.g09390 Uncharacterized protein 3390 13640 23890 Formation of crista junctions Re02.g09400 protein 1 Precursor 3391 13641 23891 Re02.g0941 0 RAB GTPase Ypt5, putative 3392 13642 23892 Phosphoinositide phosphatase Re02.g09420 (Sa ), putative 3393 13643 23893 Folylpolyglutamate synthase Re02.g09430 EC= 7 3394 13644 23894 Glycylpeptide N- tetradecanoyltransferase Re02.g09440 EC=2.3.1 .97 3395 13645 23895 Restriction of telomere capping Re02.g09450 protein 5 3396 13646 23896 Re02.g09460 Uncharacterized protein 3397 13647 23897 Re02.g09470 Putative uncharacterized protein 3398 13648 23898 Elongation factor G, mitochondrial Re02.g09480 Precursor 3399 13649 23899 3 1250 32740 Re02.g09490 Ribosomal protein 3400 13650 23900 Threonine dehydratase, Re02.g09500 biosynthetic 3401 13651 23901 Altered inheritance of mitochondria Re02.g09520 protein 3 1, mitochondrial 3402 13652 23902 Re02.g09530 Uncharacterized protein 3403 13653 23903 3 1251 32741 Re02.g09540 hypothetical protein 3404 13654 23904 Succinate-semialdehyde Re02.g09550 dehydrogenase Uga2, putative 3405 13655 23905 Re02.g09560 Putative uncharacterized protein 3406 13656 23906 Re02.g09570 Pescadillo homolog 3407 13657 23907 GPI transamidase component PIG- Re02.g09580 LI, putative 3408 13658 23908 3 1252 32742 Re02.g09590 Putative uncharacterized protein 3409 13659 23909 Re02.g09600 Putative uncharacterized protein 341 0 13660 2391 0 Re02.g0961 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 341 1 13661 2391 1 Raffinose synthase protein Sip1 , Re02.g09620 putative 341 2 13662 2391 2 Re02.g09630 Uncharacterized protein 341 3 13663 2391 3 DNA mismatch repair protein Re02.g09640 Msh6, putative 3414 13664 23914 Re02.g09650 Histone h 1.3., putative 341 5 13665 2391 5 Re02.g09660 Uncharacterized protein 341 6 13666 2391 6 Re02.g09670 Glutaminyl cyclase 341 7 13667 2391 7 3 1253 32743 Re02.g09680 Uncharacterized protein 341 8 13668 2391 8 3 1254 32744 60S ribosomal protein L27a, Re02.g09690 putative 341 9 13669 2391 9 Re02.g09700 hypothetical protein 3420 13670 23920 Re02.g0971 0 Uncharacterized protein 3421 13671 23921 3 1255 32745 Re02.g09720 Putative uncharacterized protein 3422 13672 23922 Re02.g09730 Uncharacterized protein 3423 13673 23923 3 1256 32746 Re02.g09740 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, putative 3424 13674 23924 Re02.g09750 hypothetical protein 3425 13675 23925 Re02.g09760 Uncharacterized protein 3426 13676 23926 Putative phosphatase like proteins to the carbon terminal domain of Re02.g09770 histone macroH2A1 3427 13677 23927 Re02.g09780 Nuclear movement protein NudC 3428 13678 23928 Re02.g09790 Uncharacterized protein 3429 13679 23929 Re02.g09800 hypothetical protein 3430 13680 23930 3 1257 32747 Re02.g0981 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3431 13681 23931 Re02.g09820 Histone deacetylase RpdA/Rpd3 3432 13682 23932 Proteasome regulatory particle Re02.g09830 subunit (RpnK), putative 3433 13683 23933 Mitochondrial translocase complex Re02.g09840 component (Tim50), putative 3434 13684 23934 Re02.g09850 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 3435 13685 23935 Re02.g09860 L-allo-threonine aldolase, putative 3436 13686 23936 Re02.g09870 C6 transcription factor, putative 3437 13687 23937 Re02.g09880 F-box domain protein 3438 13688 23938 Re02.g09890 Uncharacterized protein 3439 13689 23939 Re02.g09900 C6 transcription factor 3440 13690 23940 3 1258 32748 Re02.g0991 0 Uncharacterized protein 3441 13691 23941 Re02.g09920 Predicted protein 3442 13692 23942 Deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase Re02.g09930 Phr1 , putative 3443 13693 23943 Re02.g09940 Uncharacterized protein 3444 13694 23944 Calcium/calmodulin-dependent Re02.g09950 protein kinase, putative 3445 13695 23945 Re02.g09960 Macrolide phosphotransferase k 3446 13696 23946 Re02.g09970 Uncharacterized protein 3447 13697 23947 Re02.g09980 Predicted protein 3448 13698 23948 Re02.g09990 Sugar transporter 3449 13699 23949 Re02.g1 0000 Putative uncharacterized protein 3450 13700 23950 MFS monocarboxylate transporter, Re02.g1 001 0 putative 3451 13701 23951 Re02.g1 0020 hypothetical protein 3452 13702 23952 3 1259 32749 Re02.g1 0030 Putative uncharacterized protein 3453 13703 23953 Re02.g 10040 Histidine kinase J7 3454 13704 23954 Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta Re02.g1 0050 chain cytoplasmic 3455 13705 23955 Methyltransferase LaeA-like, putative (AFU orthologue Re02.g1 0060 AFUA_8G01 930) 3456 13706 23956 Re02.g1 0070 40S ribosomal protein S21 3457 13707 23957 Re02.g1 0080 NUDIX family hydrolase, putative 3458 13708 23958 lnosine-5'-monophosphate Re02.g1 0090 dehydrogenase EC= . .1 .205 3459 13709 23959 Re02.g1 0 100 Pc1 8g05300 protein 3460 1371 0 23960 Re02.g1 0 110 Putative uncharacterized protein 3461 1371 1 23961 Ras GTPase activating protein, Re02.g1 0 120 putative 3462 1371 2 23962 Re02.g1 0 130 ENTH domain containing protein 3463 1371 3 23963 Re02.g1 0140 Cell polarity protein, putative 3464 13714 23964 Re02.g1 0 150 Putative uncharacterized protein 3465 1371 5 23965 Re02.g1 0 160 HMG-CoA reductase 3466 1371 6 23966 Re02.g1 0 170 hypothetical protein 3467 1371 7 23967 Re02.g1 0 180 Uncharacterized protein 3468 1371 8 23968 3 1260 32750 Re02.g1 0 190 Uncharacterized protein 3469 1371 9 23969 Re02.g1 0200 SH3 domain protein 3470 13720 23970 Re02.g1 021 0 Uncharacterized protein 3471 13721 23971 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Re02.g 10220 EC=5.2.1 .8 3472 13722 23972 Re02.g1 0230 Putative uncharacterized protein 3473 13723 23973 3 1261 32751 Exosome complex endonuclease Re02.g 10240 1, putative 3474 13724 23974 DNA excision repair protein Re02.g 10250 (Rad26L), putative 3475 13725 23975 Re02.g 10260 Uncharacterized protein 3476 13726 23976 Transcription/RNA-processing Re02.g1 0270 factor Ssu72 3477 13727 23977 Re02.g1 0280 Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, putative 3478 13728 23978 Isochorismatase family hydrolase, Re02.g1 0290 putative 3479 13729 23979 Re02.g1 0300 Putative uncharacterized protein 3480 13730 23980 Oxysterol binding protein (Osh7), Re02.g1 031 0 putative 3481 13731 23981 Re02.g1 0320 Histone deacetylase EC=3.5. 1.98 3482 13732 23982 Re02.g1 0330 Allergen Asp f 4 3483 13733 23983 3 1262 32752 Re02.g 10340 Amidase signature (AS) enzyme 3484 13734 23984 Re02.g1 0350 Allantoin permease 3485 13735 23985 Re02.g1 0360 Uncharacterized protein 3486 13736 23986 Re02.g1 0370 CobW protein 3487 13737 23987 Re02.g1 0380 Uncharacterized protein 3488 13738 23988 Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase Re02.g1 0390 EC=4.3.1 .24 3489 13739 23989 Re02.g 10400 Metabolite transport protein GIT1 3490 13740 23990 Plasma membrane low affinity zinc Re02.g1 041 0 ion transporter, putative 3491 13741 23991 Mitochondrial import receptor Re02.g 10420 subunit (Tom37), putative 3492 13742 23992 3 1263 32753 Re02.g 10430 Uncharacterized protein 3493 13743 23993 3 1264 32754 Re02.g 10440 FK506-binding protein 2 3494 13744 23994 3 1265 32755 Heme/steroid binding protein, Re02.g 10450 putative 3495 13745 23995 3 1266 32756 Re02.g 10460 Protein phosphatase 2C, putative 3496 13746 23996 3 1267 32757 Re02.g 10470 hypothetical protein 3497 13747 23997 Acetamidase/formamidase family Re02.g 10480 protein 3498 13748 23998 Re02.g 10490 ATP-dependent DNA helicase 3499 13749 23999 Re02.g1 0500 hypothetical protein 3500 13750 24000 Re02.g1 051 0 hypothetical protein 3501 13751 24001 Re02.g 10520 Putative uncharacterized protein 3502 13752 24002 3 1268 32758 Re02.g1 0530 Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 3503 13753 24003 Re02.g 10540 G1/S-specific cyclin Cln1 , putative 3504 13754 24004 Re02.g 10550 hypothetical protein 3505 13755 24005 3 1269 32759 Small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein Re02.g 10560 complex subunit, putative 3506 13756 24006 Serine/threonine-protein Re02.g1 0570 phosphatase EC=3. 1.3.1 6 3507 13757 24007 Re02.g1 0580 Uncharacterized protein 3508 13758 24008 Re02.g1 0590 Putative uncharacterized protein 3509 13759 24009 Re02.g1 0600 Predicted protein 351 0 13760 2401 0 Re02.g1 061 0 DUF52 domain protein 351 1 13761 2401 1 Alpha- 1,3-glucanase/mutanase, Re02.g 10620 putative 351 2 13762 2401 2 3 1270 32760 Catalytic activity: gentisate 1 Re02.g1 0630 EC=1 .13.1 1.4 351 3 13763 2401 3 Re02.g 10640 C6 transcription factor, putative 3514 13764 24014 5-carboxymethyl-2- Re02.g 10650 hydroxymuconate isomerase 351 5 13765 2401 5 Re02.g 10660 Putative uncharacterized protein 351 6 13766 2401 6 3 1271 32761 Re02.g1 0670 Uncharacterized protein 351 7 13767 2401 7 Re02.g1 0680 Putative uncharacterized protein 351 8 13768 2401 8 Re02.g1 0690 Uncharacterized protein 351 9 13769 2401 9 Re02.g1 0700 NRPS-like enzyme, putative 3520 13770 24020 Re02.g1 071 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3521 13771 24021 Re02.g1 0720 Putative uncharacterized protein 3522 13772 24022 Benzoate 4-monooxygenase Re02.g1 0730 cytochrome P450, putative 3523 13773 24023 3 1272 32762 Re02.g 10740 hypothetical protein 3524 13774 24024 Re02.g1 0750 Peptidase (PNG1 ), putative 3525 13775 24025 Re02.g1 0760 hypothetical protein 3526 13776 24026 Alpha.alpha-trehalose-phosphate Re02.g1 0770 synthase subunit, putative 3527 13777 24027 Alpha.alpha-trehalose phosphate synthase subunit, putative Re02.g1 0780 EC=2.4.1 .1 5 3528 13778 24028 Re02.g1 0790 Pc21 g14030 protein 3529 13779 24029 Chromatin assembly factor 1 Re02.g1 0800 subunit B, putative 3530 13780 24030 Re02.g1 081 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3531 13781 24031 Re02.g1 0820 Putative uncharacterized protein 3532 13782 24032 NADH:flavin oxidoreductase/NADH Re02.g1 0830 oxidase family protein 3533 13783 24033 Re02.g 10840 Putative uncharacterized protein 3534 13784 24034 Re02.g1 0850 Uncharacterized protein 3535 13785 24035 Re02.g1 0860 GPR/FUN34 family protein 3536 13786 24036 Re02.g1 0870 Putative uncharacterized protein 3537 13787 24037 Re02.g1 0880 Predicted protein 3538 13788 24038 Re02.g1 0890 Predicted protein 3539 13789 24039 Re02.g1 0900 Pc1 3g00930 protein 3540 13790 24040 Re02.g1 091 0 Uncharacterized protein 3541 13791 24041 Re02.g1 0920 Predicted protein 3542 13792 24042 Re02.g1 0930 Uncharacterized protein 3543 13793 24043 Re02.g 10940 Uncharacterized protein 3544 13794 24044 Re02.g1 0950 ENTH domain protein 3545 13795 24045 Re02.g1 0960 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 3546 13796 24046 Re02.g1 0970 40S ribosomal protein S 11 3547 13797 24047 Re02.g1 0980 Uncharacterized protein 3548 13798 24048 Re02.g1 0990 C6 transcription factor, putative 3549 13799 24049 Re02.g1 1000 hypothetical protein 3550 13800 24050 3 1273 32763 Re02.g1 10 10 hypothetical protein 3551 13801 24051 Re02.g1 1020 Putative uncharacterized protein 3552 13802 24052 Re02.g1 1030 BZIP transcription factor, putative 3553 13803 24053 Re02.g 11040 Endo mannanase, GH76 family 3554 13804 24054 3 1274 32764 Cell wall integrity signaling protein Re02.g1 1050 Lsp1/Pil1 , putative 3555 13805 24055 Re02.g1 1060 DNA excision repair protein Rad2 3556 13806 24056 Re02.g1 1070 WD repeat protein 3557 13807 24057 15-hydroxyprostaglandin Re02.g1 1080 dehydrogenase, putative 3558 13808 24058 Endo beta 1,4 glucanase Re02.g1 1090 EC=3.2. 1.4 EC=3.2. 1.4 3559 13809 24059 3 1275 32765 Re02.g1 1100 Uncharacterized protein 3560 1381 0 24060 Re02.g1 1110 Uncharacterized protein 3561 1381 1 24061 3 1276 32766 Re02.g1 1120 Integral membrane protein 3562 1381 2 24062 3 1277 32767 Re02.g1 1130 Uncharacterized protein 3563 1381 3 24063 Re02.g1 1140 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 3564 13814 24064 Re02.g1 1150 Methyltransferase, putative 3565 1381 5 24065 Re02.g1 1160 Putative uncharacterized protein 3566 1381 6 24066 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate Re02.g1 1170 5-kinase 3567 1381 7 24067 Re02.g1 1180 Pyruvate kinase EC=2.7.1 .40 3568 1381 8 24068 Re02.g1 1190 Putative uncharacterized protein 3569 1381 9 24069 3 1278 32768 Re02.g1 1200 Uncharacterized protein 3570 13820 24070 Re02.g1 12 10 Predicted protein 3571 13821 24071 Re02.g1 1220 Putative uncharacterized protein 3572 13822 24072 Re02.g1 1230 Serine/threonine protein kinase 3573 13823 24073 Re02.g 11240 Uncharacterized protein 3574 13824 24074 Re02.g1 1250 hypothetical protein 3575 13825 24075 Re02.g1 1260 Putative uncharacterized protein 3576 13826 24076 Isocitrate dehydrogenase LysB Re02.g1 1270 EC=1 .1.1 .87 3577 13827 24077 Re02.g1 1280 Uncharacterized protein 3578 13828 24078 Re02.g1 1290 Dipeptidase, putative 3579 13829 24079 Re02.g1 1300 Putative uncharacterized protein 3580 13830 24080 NAD dependent Re02.g1 13 10 epimerase/dehydratase, putative 3581 13831 24081 Re02.g1 1320 Putative uncharacterized protein 3582 13832 24082 Re02.g1 1330 Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase 3583 13833 24083 Methionine aminopeptidase Re02.g 11340 EC=3.4.1 1.1 8 3584 13834 24084 Re02.g1 1350 MFS multidrug transporter 3585 13835 24085 Re02.g1 1360 hypothetical protein 3586 13836 24086 Re02.g1 1370 EF hand domain protein 3587 13837 24087 mRNA splicing factor (Prp1 7), Re02.g1 1380 putative 3588 13838 24088 Re02.g1 1390 ABC transporter 3589 13839 24089 3 1279 32769 Re02.g1 1400 Aminotransferase, putative 3590 13840 24090 Re02.g1 1430 C6 transcription factor, putative 3591 13841 24091 Re02.g 11440 GPI anchored protein, putative 3592 13842 24092 3 1280 32770 Long-chain fatty acid transporter, Re02.g1 1450 putative 3593 13843 24093 Re02.g1 1460 Putative uncharacterized protein 3594 13844 24094 3 1281 32771 Re02.g1 1470 ZZ type zinc finger protein 3595 13845 24095 Fungal specific transcription factor, Re02.g1 1480 putative 3596 13846 24096 Sreptomyces cyclase/dehydrase Re02.g1 1490 family protein 3597 13847 24097 Re02.g1 1500 Putative uncharacterized protein 3598 13848 24098 Re02.g1 15 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 3599 13849 24099 3 1282 32772 GPI transamidase component PIG- Re02.g 11520 S, putative 3600 13850 241 00 Re02.g1 1530 Uncharacterized protein 3601 13851 241 0 1 IZH family channel protein (Izh3), Re02.g 11540 putative 3602 13852 241 02 Re02.g 11550 Putative uncharacterized protein 3603 13853 241 03 Re02.g 11560 Actin binding protein 3604 13854 241 04 Re02.g1 1570 Uncharacterized protein 3605 13855 241 05 3 1283 32773 Re02.g1 1580 hypothetical protein 3606 13856 241 06 3 1284 32774 Re02.g1 1590 hypothetical protein 3607 13857 241 07 Re02.g1 1600 Uncharacterized protein 3608 13858 241 08 Monosaccharide-P-dolichol Re02.g1 16 10 utilization protein, putative 3609 13859 241 09 Re02.g1 1620 hypothetical protein 361 0 13860 241 10

RNA polymerase II mediator complex component Med8, Re02.g1 1630 putative 361 1 13861 241 11 Re02.g 11640 Uncharacterized protein 361 2 13862 241 12 3 1285 32775 LaeA-like methyltransferase, Re02.g1 1650 putative 361 3 13863 241 13 Re02.g1 1660 Uncharacterized protein 3614 13864 241 14 Re02.g1 1670 hypothetical protein 361 5 13865 241 15 Re02.g1 1680 hypothetical protein 361 6 13866 241 16 Re02.g1 1690 hypothetical protein 361 7 13867 241 17 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re02.g1 1700 EC= 361 8 13868 241 18 Re02.g1 17 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 361 9 13869 241 19 Re02.g1 1720 Mating locus protein, putative 3620 13870 241 20 3 1286 32776 Re02.g1 1730 Mating-type protein MAT1-2 3621 13871 241 2 1 Re02.g 11740 C2H2 transcription factor 3622 13872 241 22 Re02.g1 1750 Uncharacterized protein 3623 13873 241 23 Re02.g1 1760 hypothetical protein 3624 13874 241 24 Re02.g1 1770 Putative uncharacterized protein 3625 13875 241 25 Re02.g1 1780 Putative uncharacterized protein 3626 13876 241 26 3 1287 32777 Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase, Re02.g1 1790 class I 3627 13877 241 27 Re02.g1 1800 Putative uncharacterized protein 3628 13878 241 28 Patatin family phospholipase, Re02.g1 18 10 putative 3629 13879 241 29 Re02.g1 1820 Pc1 6g07530 protein 3630 13880 241 30 Re02.g1 1830 Uncharacterized protein 3631 13881 241 3 1 26S proteasome regulatory subunit Re02.g 11840 Rpn2, putative 3632 13882 241 32 Catalytic activity: acyl-CoA + ETF Re02.g1 1850 <=> 2 EC=1 .3.99.1 3 3633 13883 241 33 Transcription elongation factor Re02.g1 1860 SPT5 3634 13884 241 34 mRNA capping nucleoside- Re02.g1 1870 triphosphatase, putative 3635 13885 241 35 Re02.g1 1880 Acyltransferase, putative 3636 13886 241 36 Pantetheine-phosphate Re02.g1 1890 adenylyltransferase family protein 3637 13887 241 37 3 1288 32778 Re02.g1 1900 WD repeat protein 3638 13888 241 38 Re02.g1 19 10 F-box domain protein 3639 13889 241 39 Re02.g1 1920 Retinal dehydrogenase 2 3640 13890 24140 Re02.g1 1930 Uncharacterized protein 3641 13891 24141 Re02.g 11940 Uncharacterized protein 3642 13892 24142 Re02.g1 1950 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 3643 13893 24143 Re02.g1 1960 Peroxiredoxin PRX1 3644 13894 24144 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g1 1970 Fragment 3645 13895 24145 Calcium homeostasis protein Re02.g1 1980 Regucalcin, putative 3646 13896 24146 Re02.g1 1990 hypothetical protein 3647 13897 24147 Re02.g1 2000 3-phytase A 3648 13898 24148 Re02.g1 201 0 Phytase EC=3. 1.3.8 3649 13899 24149 3 1289 32779 Re02.g1 2020 hypothetical protein 3650 13900 241 50 Re02.g1 2030 Glutathione S-transferase, putative 3651 13901 241 5 1 Function: Rattus norvegicus CLN2 Re02.g 12040 is a lysosomal protease Precursor 3652 13902 241 52 3 1290 32780 Re02.g1 2050 Uncharacterized protein 3653 13903 241 53 GPI-anchored cell surface Re02.g1 2060 glycoprotein, putative 3654 13904 241 54 Oligosaccharyltransferase subunit Re02.g1 2070 ribophorin II, putative 3655 13905 241 55 3 1291 32781 Re02.g1 2080 Putative uncharacterized protein 3656 13906 241 56 Function: brIA has a direct role in Re02.g1 2090 the regulation of cell cycle genes 3657 13907 241 57 Re02.g1 2 100 Uncharacterized protein 3658 13908 241 58 Re02.g1 2 110 Pc1 8g02850 protein Precursor 3659 13909 241 59 3 1292 32782 Short chain dehydrogenase, Re02.g1 2 120 putative 3660 1391 0 241 60 Cytochrome P450 pisatin Re02.g1 2 130 demethylase, putative 3661 1391 1 241 6 1 3 1293 32783 Re02.g1 2140 Lysophospholipase Plb1 3662 1391 2 241 62 3 1294 32784 Re02.g1 2 150 Putative uncharacterized protein 3663 1391 3 241 63 Phospho-2-dehydro-3- Re02.g1 2 160 deoxyheptonate aldolase, class II 3664 13914 241 64 Re02.g1 2 170 Putative uncharacterized protein 3665 1391 5 241 65 Re02.g1 2 180 Uncharacterized protein 3666 1391 6 241 66 Putative enzymes related to aldose Re02.g1 2 190 1-epimerase 3667 1391 7 241 67 Re02.g1 2200 Aldo-keto reductase family protein 3668 1391 8 241 68 Telomere length regulator protein Re02.g1 221 0 (Ri ), putative 3669 1391 9 241 69 Re02.g 12220 Synembryn 3670 13920 241 70 DUF757 domain protein

Re02.g1 2230 (AFU. orthologue AFUA_4G0881 0) 3671 13921 241 7 1 Re02.g 12240 Pc1 8g031 00 protein 3672 13922 241 72 Re02.g 12250 Putative uncharacterized protein 3673 13923 241 73 Re02.g 12260 Putative uncharacterized protein 3674 13924 241 74 Re02.g1 2270 CDK-activating kinase assembly 3675 13925 241 75 factor MAT1 Re02.g1 2280 Uncharacterized protein 3676 13926 241 76 Re02.g1 2290 Protein kinase 3677 13927 241 77 Re02.g1 2300 Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 2 3678 13928 241 78 Re02.g1 231 0 Similar to An04g03800 3679 13929 241 79 GPI anchored cell wall protein, Re02.g1 2320 putative 3680 13930 241 80 3 1295 32785 Re02.g1 2330 PAP2 domain protein 3681 13931 241 8 1 Re02.g 12340 Putative uncharacterized protein 3682 13932 241 82 Molybdenum cofactor sulfurase Re02.g1 2350 protein (HxB), putative 3683 13933 241 83 Re02.g1 2360 60S ribosomal protein L25, putative 3684 13934 241 84 mRNA splicing protein (Prp39), Re02.g1 2370 putative 3685 13935 241 85 Re02.g1 2380 DEAD/DEAH box helicase, putative 3686 13936 241 86 Re02.g1 2390 Aminopeptidase 3687 13937 241 87 Re02.g 12400 High affinity methionine permease 3688 13938 241 88 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re02.g1 241 0 (Pdd7p), putative 3689 13939 241 89 Re02.g 12420 hypothetical protein 3690 13940 241 90 Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase, Re02.g 12430 putative 3691 13941 241 9 1 Re02.g 12440 Putative ATPase 3692 13942 241 92 C2H2 transcription factor (Seb1 ), Re02.g 12450 putative 3693 13943 241 93 Re02.g 12460 hypothetical protein 3694 13944 241 94 Re02.g 12470 Thioredoxin, putative 3695 13945 241 95 Re02.g 12480 Diphthamide biosynthesis protein 4 3696 13946 241 96 Cytochrome c peroxidase Ccp1 , Re02.g 12490 putative EC=1 .11.1.5 3697 13947 241 97 Re02.g1 2500 Putative uncharacterized protein 3698 13948 241 98 GTPase activating protein for Ar , Re02.g1 251 0 putative 3699 13949 241 99 Re02.g 12520 Uncharacterized protein 3700 13950 24200 Re02.g1 2530 Mannosyltransferase 3701 13951 24201 3 1296 32786 L-ornithine aminotransferase Car2, Re02.g 12540 putative EC=2.6.1 .13 3702 13952 24202 Re02.g 12550 Uncharacterized protein 3703 13953 24203 Re02.g 12560 PLAC8 family protein 3704 13954 24204 Re02.g1 2570 Uncharacterized protein 3705 13955 24205 Re02.g1 2580 hypothetical protein 3706 13956 24206 3 1297 32787 Re02.g1 2590 Putative uncharacterized protein 3707 13957 24207 Re02.g1 2600 Putative uncharacterized protein 3708 13958 24208 Secretory component protein shr3, Re02.g1 261 0 putative 3709 13959 24209 3 1298 32788 Re02.g 12620 pH response protein PalF 371 0 13960 2421 0 Re02.g1 2630 Predicted protein 371 1 13961 2421 1 3 1299 32789 Re02.g 12640 Putative uncharacterized protein 371 2 13962 2421 2 Re02.g 12650 WD repeat protein 371 3 13963 2421 3 Re02.g 12660 Putative uncharacterized protein 3714 13964 24214 Re02.g1 2670 Uncharacterized protein 371 5 13965 2421 5 Re02.g1 2680 hypothetical protein 371 6 13966 2421 6 C6 sexual development Re02.g1 2690 transcription factor NosA 371 7 13967 2421 7 Re02.g1 2700 SAM and PH domain protein 371 8 13968 2421 8 NACHT and Ankyrin domain Re02.g1 271 0 protein 371 9 13969 2421 9 Re02.g1 2720 Autophagy protein Apg5, putative 3720 13970 24220 Re02.g1 2730 Uncharacterized protein 3721 13971 24221 Re02.g 12740 hypothetical protein 3722 13972 24222 Alpha/beta hydrolase family Re02.g1 2750 protein, putative 3723 13973 24223 3 1300 32790 Re02.g1 2760 Pantothenate transporter, putative 3724 13974 24224 Re02.g1 2770 WD repeat protein 3725 13975 24225 Maleylacetate reductase, putative Re02.g1 2780 EC=1 .3.1 .32 3726 13976 24226 Diphthamide biosynthesis protein Re02.g1 2790 Dph2, putative 3727 13977 24227 Re02.g1 2800 Uncharacterized protein 3728 13978 24228 Re02.g1 281 0 Uncharacterized protein 3729 13979 24229 3 1301 32791 Polarized growth protein (Boi2), Re02.g1 2820 putative 3730 13980 24230 Re02.g1 2830 MIZ zinc finger domain protein 3731 13981 24231 RNA binding protein (Rbm8A), Re02.g 12840 putative 3732 13982 24232 Re02.g1 2850 Glycosyl hydrolase, putative 3733 13983 24233 3 1302 32792 ATPase inhibitor, mitochondrial, Re02.g1 2860 putative 3734 13984 24234 Re02.g1 2870 hypothetical protein 3735 13985 24235 Re02.g1 2880 14-3-3 family protein ArtA, putative 3736 13986 24236 Re02.g1 2890 hypothetical protein 3737 13987 24237 Re02.g1 2900 BZIP transcription factor, putative 3738 13988 24238 Re02.g1 291 0 Nucleoporin Nsp1 , putative 3739 13989 24239 Re02.g1 2920 Uncharacterized protein 3740 13990 24240 Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase family Re02.g1 2930 protein 3741 13991 24241 Re02.g 12940 Alpha-amylase, putative 3742 13992 24242 3 1303 32793 Re02.g1 2950 Bax Inhibitor family protein 3743 13993 24243 Re02.g1 2960 Protein cgil 2 1 3744 13994 24244 Structure-specific endonuclease Re02.g1 2970 subunit slx4 3745 13995 24245 Re02.g1 2980 hypothetical protein 3746 13996 24246 Cyclic nucleotide-binding domain Re02.g1 2990 protein 3747 13997 24247 Re02.g1 3000 Putative uncharacterized protein 3748 13998 24248 Re02.g1 301 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3749 13999 24249 Re02.g1 3020 Kinesin family protein 3750 14000 24250 Re02.g1 3030 Peptide methionine sulfoxide 3751 14001 24251 reductase Re02.g 13040 Polyketide synthase, putative 3752 14002 24252 Re02.g1 3050 Putative uncharacterized protein 3753 14003 24253 Re02.g1 3060 Polyketide synthase 3754 14004 24254 Re02.g1 3070 Uncharacterized protein 3755 14005 24255 Re02.g1 3080 Similar to An07g07550 3756 14006 24256 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re02.g1 3090 TYA 3757 14007 24257 Glycosyl hydrolases family 16 Re02.g1 3 100 protein 3758 14008 24258 3 1304 32794 Aspergillus niger contig Re02.g1 3 110 An1 1c021 0, genomic contig 3759 14009 24259 3 1305 32795 OPT family Small oligopeptide Re02.g1 3 120 transporter Fragment 3760 1401 0 24260 Fructosyl amine: oxygen Re02.g1 3 130 oxidoreductase 3761 1401 1 24261 3 1306 32796 Re02.g1 3140 Uncharacterized protein 3762 1401 2 24262 Re02.g1 3 150 Alkaline phosphatase Pho8 3763 1401 3 24263 Re02.g1 3 160 Putative uncharacterized protein 3764 14014 24264 Vacuolar ABC heavy metal Re02.g1 3 170 transporter (Hmt1 ), putative 3765 1401 5 24265 Re02.g1 3 180 hypothetical protein 3766 1401 6 24266 Re02.g1 3 190 WD repeat protein 3767 1401 7 24267 Re02.g1 3200 Uncharacterized protein 3768 1401 8 24268 Re02.g1 321 0 Cactin, putative 3769 1401 9 24269 Re02.g 13220 Forkhead domain protein 3770 14020 24270 Ribosomal protein L34 protein, Re02.g1 3230 putative 3771 14021 24271 Re02.g 13240 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 3772 14022 24272 Re02.g 13250 MYB DNA-binding domain protein 3773 14023 24273 Re02.g 13260 Cytochrome c subunit Vb, putative 3774 14024 24274 3 1307 32797 Re02.g1 3270 Nucleoside transporter, putative 3775 14025 24275 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g1 3280 An07g07370 3776 14026 24276 Re02.g1 3290 Uncharacterized protein 3777 14027 24277 Re02.g1 3300 Putative uncharacterized protein 3778 14028 24278 Re02.g1 331 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3779 14029 24279 Re02.g1 3320 Putative uncharacterized protein 3780 14030 24280 Re02.g1 3330 Putative uncharacterized protein 3781 14031 24281 Re02.g 13340 hypothetical protein 3782 14032 24282 3 1308 32798 Re02.g1 3350 Putative uncharacterized protein 3783 14033 24283 Re02.g1 3360 Uncharacterized protein 3784 14034 24284 Re02.g1 3370 Translation factor pelota, putative 3785 14035 24285 Re02.g1 3380 Pc1 8g01 690 protein 3786 14036 24286 Re02.g1 3390 Putative uncharacterized protein 3787 14037 24287 Re02.g 13400 40S ribosomal protein S 19 3788 14038 24288 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g1 341 0 An1 8g041 70 EC=3. 1.3.33 3789 14039 24289 Re02.g 13420 Mitochondrial dihydroxy acid 3790 14040 24290 dehydratase, putative Re02.g 13430 Uncharacterized protein 3791 14041 24291 3 1309 32799 Peroxisome biosynthesis protein Re02.g 13440 (Peroxin-2), putative 3792 14042 24292 Acid phosphatase PHOa Re02.g 13450 (AFlLorthologue AFUA G03570) 3793 14043 24293 3 13 10 32800 Re02.g 13460 Putative uncharacterized protein 3794 14044 24294 Re02.g 13470 Uncharacterized protein 3795 14045 24295 Re02.g 13480 Uncharacterized protein 3796 14046 24296 Similar to 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid Re02.g 13490 dioxygenase 3797 14047 24297 Re02.g1 3500 Putative uncharacterized protein 3798 14048 24298 Re02.g1 351 0 Importin 11 3799 14049 24299 Re02.g1 3530 Predicted protein 3800 14050 24300 Re02.g 13540 Vanillin dehydrogenase, putative 3801 14051 24301 GPI anchored serine-threonine rich Re02.g 13550 protein 3802 14052 24302 3 13 11 32801 Re02.g 13560 Uncharacterized protein 3803 14053 24303 Re02.g1 3570 Uncharacterized protein 3804 14054 24304 Re02.g1 3580 hypothetical protein 3805 14055 24305 Re02.g1 3590 Putative uncharacterized protein 3806 14056 24306 Re02.g1 3600 hypothetical protein 3807 14057 24307 Re02.g1 361 0 Acid phosphatase, putative 3808 14058 24308 Re02.g 13620 Putative uncharacterized protein 3809 14059 24309 4-carboxymuconolactone Re02.g1 3630 decarboxylase, putative 381 0 14060 2431 0 Re02.g 13640 Uncharacterized protein 381 1 14061 2431 1 C2H2 finger domain-containing Re02.g 13650 protein 381 2 14062 2431 2 Re02.g 13660 UPF01 36 domain protein 381 3 14063 2431 3 3 13 12 32802 Re02.g1 3670 MFS transporter, putative 3814 14064 24314 Re02.g1 3680 Putative uncharacterized protein 381 5 14065 2431 5 Re02.g1 3690 Uncharacterized protein 381 6 14066 2431 6 Re02.g1 3700 DUF726 domain protein 381 7 14067 2431 7 Cyclohexanone 1,2- Re02.g1 371 0 monooxygenase 381 8 14068 2431 8 Re02.g1 3720 Predicted protein 381 9 14069 2431 9 Re02.g1 3730 hypothetical protein 3820 14070 24320 Re02.g 13740 C6 finger domain protein, putative 3821 14071 24321 Re02.g1 3750 Uncharacterized protein 3822 14072 24322 Re02.g1 3760 Uncharacterized protein 3823 14073 24323 Re02.g1 3770 hypothetical protein 3824 14074 24324 Extracellular developmental signal Re02.g1 3780 biosynthesis protein FluG 3825 14075 24325 Mannosylphosphorylation protein Re02.g1 3790 (Mnn4), putative 3826 14076 24326 3 13 13 32803 Re02.g1 3800 C6 transcription factor, putative 3827 14077 24327 Oligosaccharyl transferase subunit Re02.g1 381 0 Dad1 , putative 3828 14078 24328 mRNA splicing factor RNA helicase Re02.g1 3820 (Prp1 6), putative 3829 14079 24329 Re02.g1 3830 Prefoldin subunit 2, putative 3830 14080 24330 CCAAT-binding factor complex Re02.g 13840 subunit HapC 3831 14081 24331 Re02.g1 3850 Acetamidase regulatory protein 3832 14082 24332 Re02.g1 3860 Putative uncharacterized protein 3833 14083 24333 Re02.g1 3870 Uncharacterized protein 3834 14084 24334 Re02.g1 3880 Alpha/beta hydrolase, putative 3835 14085 24335 Re02.g1 3890 Spo7-like protein 3836 14086 24336 Re02.g1 3900 Uncharacterized protein 3837 14087 24337 3 1314 32804 Re02.g1 391 0 Uncharacterized protein 3838 14088 24338 Re02.g1 3920 Predicted protein 3839 14089 24339 3 13 15 32805 Re02.g1 3930 hypothetical protein 3840 14090 24340 Re02.g 13940 Uncharacterized protein 3841 14091 24341 3 13 16 32806 Re02.g1 3950 Putative uncharacterized protein 3842 14092 24342 Re02.g1 3960 DNA replication licensing factor 3843 14093 24343 Translation regulator (Cya5), Re02.g1 3970 putative 3844 14094 24344 Signal recognition particle subunit Re02.g1 3980 SRP68 3845 14095 24345 Cytochrome P450 sterol C-22 Re02.g1 3990 desaturase, putative 3846 14096 24346 Re02.g14000 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 3847 14097 24347 Mitochondrial translation initiation Re02.g1401 0 factor IF-2, putative 3848 14098 24348 Re02.g14020 Uncharacterized protein 3849 14099 24349 Re02.g14030 TBC domain protein 3850 141 00 24350 Re02.g 14040 hypothetical protein 3851 141 0 1 24351 3 13 17 32807 Re02.g14050 Yip1 domain family 3852 141 02 24352 Re02.g14060 Putative uncharacterized protein 3853 141 03 24353 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re02.g14070 factor elF-5A 3854 141 04 24354 GARP complex subunit (Sac2), Re02.g14080 putative 3855 141 05 24355 FAD dependent oxidoreductase, Re02.g14090 putative 3856 141 06 24356 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re02.g141 00 encoded by An01 g14430 3857 141 07 24357 Re02.g141 10 hypothetical protein 3858 141 08 24358 3 13 18 32808 Re02.g141 20 hypothetical protein 3859 141 09 24359 Re02.g141 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 3860 141 10 24360 3 13 19 32809 Re02.g14140 C2H2 transcription factor, putative 3861 141 11 24361 Re02.g141 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 3862 141 12 24362 Re02.g141 60 hypothetical protein 3863 141 13 24363 Re02.g141 70 Adenylosuccinate lyase, putative 3864 141 14 24364 Re02.g141 80 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase B, putative 3865 141 15 24365 Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid- Re02.g141 90 coenzyme A transferase 3866 141 16 24366 EC= Aryl-alcohol oxidase; vanillyl- Re02.g14200 alcohol oxidase EC=1 .1.3.38 3867 141 17 24367 Alpha methylacyl-CoA racemase, Re02.g1421 0 putative 3868 141 18 24368 Re02.g 14220 Uncharacterized protein 3869 141 19 24369 Re02.g14230 Uncharacterized protein 3870 141 20 24370 Fungal specific transcription factor, Re02.g 14240 putative 3871 141 2 1 24371 Isocitrate/isopropylmalate Re02.g 14250 dehydrogenase 3872 141 22 24372 Re02.g 14260 C6 finger domain protein, putative 3873 141 23 24373 Re02.g14270 Polyadenylate-binding protein 3874 141 24 24374 Re02.g14280 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 3875 141 25 24375 Re02.g14290 50S ribosomal protein YmL27 3876 141 26 24376 Small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein Re02.g14300 complex subunit Utp14, putative 3877 141 27 24377 Re02.g1431 0 Endo-1 ,3-beta-glucanase Engll 3878 141 28 24378 3 1320 3281 0 Calcium ion transporter Vcx1 , Re02.g14320 putative 3879 141 29 24379 Plasma membrane phosphate Re02.g14330 transporter Pho87, putative 3880 141 30 24380 Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family Re02.g 14340 protein 3881 141 3 1 24381 Re02.g14350 40S ribosomal protein S8 3882 141 32 24382 Dedicator of cytokinesis domain Re02.g14360 protein, putative 3883 141 33 24383 3 1321 3281 1 Exocyst complex component Sec3, Re02.g14370 putative 3884 141 34 24384 Re02.g14380 Putative uncharacterized protein 3885 141 35 24385 Re02.g14390 hypothetical protein 3886 141 36 24386 Re02.g 14400 Uncharacterized protein 3887 141 37 24387 3 1322 3281 2 Cytochrome P450 Re02.g1441 0 monooxygenase, putative 3888 141 38 24388 3 1323 3281 3 Re02.g 14420 Phosphoglycerate mutase, putative 3889 141 39 24389 Mitochondrial 37S ribosomal Re02.g 14430 protein YmS-T 3890 14140 24390 Re02.g 14440 Transposase 3891 14141 24391 Re02.g 14450 Putative uncharacterized protein 3892 14142 24392 Re02.g 14460 Putative uncharacterized protein 3893 14143 24393 Re02.g 14470 Putative uncharacterized protein 3894 14144 24394 3 1324 32814 Siderophore biosynthesis protein, Re02.g 14480 putative 3895 14145 24395 Re02.g 14490 60S ribosomal protein L30, putative 3896 14146 24396 Re02.g14500 Cyclin (Pcl1 ), putative 3897 14147 24397 Re02.g1451 0 hypothetical protein 3898 14148 24398 C-8 sterol isomerase (Erg-1 ), Re02.g 14520 putative 3899 14149 24399 Re02.g14530 PP-loop ATPase superfamily 3900 141 50 24400 protein, putative Re02.g 14540 Putative uncharacterized protein 3901 141 5 1 24401 Ras guanyl-nucleotide exchange Re02.g 14550 factor RasGEF, putative 3902 141 52 24402 Re02.g 14560 HIT finger domain protein, putative 3903 141 53 24403 Re02.g14570 Putative uncharacterized protein 3904 141 54 24404 Re02.g14580 NifU-related protein 3905 141 55 24405 Re02.g14590 PSP1 domain protein 3906 141 56 24406 Re02.g14600 Ribosomal protein L 15 3907 141 57 24407 Re02.g1461 0 Ubiquitin-protein ligase 3908 141 58 24408 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc- Re02.g 14620 containing, putative 3909 141 59 24409 Re02.g14630 Uncharacterized protein 391 0 141 60 2441 0 RING finger domain protein, Re02.g 14640 putative 391 1 141 6 1 2441 1 Transcriptional regulator Ngg1 , Re02.g 14650 putative 391 2 141 62 2441 2 Nitrogen permease regulator Npr2, Re02.g 14660 putative 391 3 141 63 2441 3 Re02.g14670 hypothetical protein 3914 141 64 24414 Re02.g14680 Putative uncharacterized protein 391 5 141 65 2441 5 Re02.g14690 Uncharacterized protein 391 6 141 66 2441 6 Re02.g14700 Predicted protein 391 7 141 67 2441 7 Re02.g1471 0 Predicted protein 391 8 141 68 2441 8 Re02.g14720 Predicted protein 391 9 141 69 2441 9 Re02.g14730 Urease EC=3.5. 1.5 3920 141 70 24420 Re02.g 14740 HMG box protein, putative 3921 141 7 1 24421 NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 2 Re02.g14750 EC=1 .6.2.2 3922 141 72 24422 Re02.g14760 60S ribosomal protein L20 3923 141 73 24423 Re02.g14770 Putative uncharacterized protein 3924 141 74 24424 Re02.g14780 Putative uncharacterized protein 3925 141 75 24425 Regulator of gluconeogenesis Re02.g14790 Rmd5, putative 3926 141 76 24426 Re02.g14800 Sin3 complex subunit 3927 141 77 24427 Mitochondrial intermembrane space translocase subunit Tim1 0, Re02.g1481 0 putative 3928 141 78 24428 Re02.g14820 Putative uncharacterized protein 3929 141 79 24429 Re02.g14830 Uncharacterized protein 3930 141 80 24430 3 1325 3281 5 Re02.g 14840 Putative uncharacterized protein 3931 141 8 1 24431 Re02.g14850 Putative uncharacterized protein 3932 141 82 24432 Peroxisomal ABC transporter Re02.g14860 (PXA1), putative 3933 141 83 24433 General stress response phosphoprotein phosphatase Re02.g14870 Psr1/2, putative 3934 141 84 24434 Re02.g14880 Protein phosphatase 1 3935 141 85 24435 Re02.g14890 Putative uncharacterized protein 3936 141 86 24436 3 1326 3281 6 Re02.g14900 Putative uncharacterized protein 3937 141 87 24437 Re02.g1491 0 Xylose reductase 3938 141 88 24438 Re02.g14920 Uncharacterized protein 3939 141 89 24439 Pre-rRNA processing protein Mrd1 , Re02.g14930 putative 3940 141 90 24440 Re02.g 14940 Dynein light chain type 1 3941 141 9 1 24441 Re02.g14950 Putative uncharacterized protein 3942 141 92 24442 Re02.g14960 Urea transporter (Dur3), putative 3943 141 93 24443 Translocon protein Sec61 beta, Re02.g14970 putative 3944 141 94 24444 Re02.g14980 Putative uncharacterized protein 3945 141 95 24445 Re02.g14990 Proliferating cell nuclear antigen 3946 141 96 24446 Re02.g1 5000 Calmodulin-binding protein Sha1 3947 141 97 24447 Re02.g1 501 0 MFS transporter, putative 3948 141 98 24448 Re02.g 15020 Putative uncharacterized protein 3949 141 99 24449 Re02.g1 5030 hypothetical protein 3950 14200 24450 Re02.g 15040 Putative uncharacterized protein 3951 14201 24451 Small monomeric GTPase SarA, Re02.g 15050 putative 3952 14202 24452 Serine/threonine protein Re02.g 15060 phosphatase PP1 , putative 3953 14203 24453 Re02.g1 5070 hypothetical protein 3954 14204 24454 Re02.g1 5080 Uncharacterized protein 3955 14205 24455 Re02.g1 5090 hypothetical protein 3956 14206 24456 Patatin-like phospholipase domain- containing protein NFIA 0 19760 Re02.g1 5 100 EC=3.1 .1 .- 3957 14207 24457 RNA polymerase III transcription factor TFIIIC subunit (Tfc4), Re02.g1 5 110 putative 3958 14208 24458 Re02.g1 5 120 hypothetical protein 3959 14209 24459 Re02.g1 5 130 SAM domain protein 3960 1421 0 24460 Re02.g1 5140 Putative uncharacterized protein 3961 1421 1 24461 Re02.g1 5 150 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 3962 1421 2 24462 Re02.g1 5 160 hypothetical protein 3963 1421 3 24463 3 1327 3281 7 Re02.g1 5 170 Uncharacterized protein 3964 14214 24464 Mitochondrial protein import protein Re02.g1 5 180 MAS5 , putative 3965 1421 5 24465 Re02.g1 5 190 Cytosine deaminase 3966 1421 6 24466 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase Re02.g 15200 EC=4.1 .1 .37 3967 1421 7 24467 Re02.g1 521 0 tRNA methyltransferase, putative 3968 1421 8 24468 60S acidic ribosomal protein P0, Re02.g 15220 putative 3969 1421 9 24469 GARP complex subunit Vps53, Re02.g 15230 putative 3970 14220 24470 Re02.g 15240 mRNA export factor mex67 3971 14221 24471 COPII-coated vesicle membrane Re02.g 15250 protein Erv46 3972 14222 24472 Re02.g 15260 PH domain protein 3973 14223 24473 3 1328 3281 8 tRNA splicing 2' Re02.g 15270 phosphotransferase 1 3974 14224 24474 Re02.g 15280 hypothetical protein 3975 14225 24475 Re02.g 15290 Uncharacterized protein 3976 14226 24476 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I, Re02.g1 5300 II, and III subunit Rpb6 3977 14227 24477 MFS monocarboxylate transporter, Re02.g1 531 0 putative 3978 14228 24478 N-acetyltransferase (Nat5), Re02.g 15320 putative 3979 14229 24479 Re02.g1 5330 Putative uncharacterized protein 3980 14230 24480 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re02.g 15340 factor 3 subunit A 3981 14231 24481 G-protein complex gamma subunit Re02.g 15350 GpgA 3982 14232 24482 C6 and C2H2 transcription factor, Re02.g 15360 putative 3983 14233 24483 Re02.g1 5370 Uncharacterized protein 3984 14234 24484 High affinity cAMP Re02.g1 5380 phosphodiesterase, putative 3985 14235 24485 Re02.g1 5390 hypothetical protein 3986 14236 24486 3 1329 3281 9 Re02.g 15400 hypothetical protein 3987 14237 24487 Re02.g1 541 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 3988 14238 24488 Re02.g 15420 hypothetical protein 3989 14239 24489 PHD finger and BAH domain Re02.g 15430 protein (Snt2), putative 3990 14240 24490 Re02.g 15440 hypothetical protein 3991 14241 24491 Re02.g 15450 hypothetical protein 3992 14242 24492 DNA-directed DNA polymerase Re02.g 15460 theta, putative 3993 14243 24493 Re02.g 15470 Similar to An01g04530 3994 14244 24494 3 1330 32820 Vacuolar assembly/sorting protein Re02.g 15480 VPS8 3995 14245 24495 Re02.g 15490 Endo-1 ,3(4)-beta-glucanase 3996 14246 24496 3 1331 32821 Re02.g 15500 Capsular associated protein 3997 14247 24497 Re02.g1 551 0 Nucleolar ATPase Kre33, putative 3998 14248 24498 Re02.g 15520 Disulfide isomerase, putative 3999 14249 24499 3 1332 32822 Re02.g 15530 F-box domain protein 4000 14250 24500 Re02.g 15540 Uncharacterized protein 4001 14251 24501 Re02.g 15550 ATP synthase subunit gamma 4002 14252 24502 Re02.g 15560 Topoisomerase I EC= .3. .74 4003 14253 24503 Epimerase/dehydratase family Re02.g 15570 protein 4004 14254 24504 3 1333 32823 Re02.g 15580 Putative uncharacterized protein 4005 14255 24505 Re02.g 15590 Putative uncharacterized protein 4006 14256 24506 Re02.g 15600 Calpain-like protease PalBory 4007 14257 24507 Peroxisomal carrier protein, Re02.g1 561 0 putative 4008 14258 24508 3 1334 32824 Re02.g 15620 Uncharacterized protein 4009 14259 24509 Probable endonuclease Icl3 Re02.g 15630 EC=3.1 .-.- 401 0 14260 2451 0 Re02.g 15640 Adenylate kinase 2 401 1 14261 2451 1 Re02.g 15650 DNA primase large subunit 401 2 14262 2451 2 Protein transport protein Sec23, Re02.g 15660 putative 401 3 14263 2451 3 Re02.g 15670 60S ribosomal protein L 12 4014 14264 24514 Re02.g 15680 Putative uncharacterized protein 401 5 14265 2451 5 Re02.g 15690 hypothetical protein 401 6 14266 2451 6 UDP-N- Re02.g1 5700 acetylglucosaminyltransferase 401 7 14267 2451 7 MYB family conidiophore Re02.g1 571 0 development protein FIbD, putative 401 8 14268 2451 8 Re02.g 15720 hypothetical protein 401 9 14269 2451 9 3 1335 32825 Re02.g1 5730 Predicted protein 4020 14270 24520 Re02.g 15740 Putative uncharacterized protein 4021 14271 24521 Re02.g 15750 Putative uncharacterized protein 4022 14272 24522 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g 15760 An01 g04930 EC= 4023 14273 24523 Re02.g1 5770 Putative uncharacterized protein 4024 14274 24524 Re02.g1 5780 Uncharacterized protein 4025 14275 24525 Re02.g1 5790 Putative uncharacterized protein 4026 14276 24526 Re02.g1 5800 C2H2 transcription factor, putative 4027 14277 24527 Re02.g1 581 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4028 14278 24528 Re02.g 15820 Uncharacterized protein 4029 14279 24529 Phosphotransferase enzyme family Re02.g1 5830 domain protein 4030 14280 24530 Re02.g 15840 Putative uncharacterized protein 4031 14281 24531 Re02.g 15850 Alpha/beta-Hydrolase 4032 14282 24532 Re02.g 15860 DUTPase (Dut), putative 4033 14283 24533 Re02.g1 5870 Pyridoxine kinase 4034 14284 24534 Re02.g1 5880 C6 transcription factor, putative 4035 14285 24535 Re02.g1 5890 Putative uncharacterized protein 4036 14286 24536 3 1336 32826 Re02.g1 5900 Putative uncharacterized protein 4037 14287 24537 Re02.g1 591 0 Calmodulin, putative 4038 14288 24538 Mitotic check point protein (Bub2), Re02.g 15920 putative 4039 14289 24539 Re02.g1 5930 Putative uncharacterized protein 4040 14290 24540 Re02.g 15940 WD repeat-containing protein 4041 14291 24541 Re02.g 15950 Uncharacterized protein 4042 14292 24542 6-phosphogluconolactonase, Re02.g 15960 putative 4043 14293 24543 Re02.g1 5970 Putative uncharacterized protein 4044 14294 24544 Re02.g1 5980 hypothetical protein 4045 14295 24545 Re02.g1 5990 RNA binding protein 4046 14296 24546 Cell cycle control protein (Cwf22), Re02.g1 6000 putative 4047 14297 24547 Re02.g1 601 0 Uncharacterized protein 4048 14298 24548 3 1337 32827 Re02.g1 6020 Uncharacterized protein 4049 14299 24549 Re02.g1 6030 Uncharacterized protein 4050 14300 24550 Re02.g 16040 Uncharacterized protein 4051 14301 24551 3 1338 32828 Re02.g1 6050 Helicase, putative 4052 14302 24552 3 1339 32829 F-actin capping protein beta Re02.g1 6060 subunit 4053 14303 24553 Re02.g1 6070 Uncharacterized protein 4054 14304 24554 Transcription initiation factor TFIID Re02.g1 6080 subunit, putative 4055 14305 24555 Re02.g1 6090 Uncharacterized protein 4056 14306 24556 Carboxylesterase-mitochondrial Re02.g1 6 100 37S ribosomal protein YmS2 4057 14307 24557 Re02.g1 6 110 Integral membrane protein 4058 14308 24558 Endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear Re02.g1 6 120 membrane proteinc Npl4, putative 4059 14309 24559 NADH-quinone oxidoreductase, Re02.g1 6 130 putative 4060 1431 0 24560 3 1340 32830 Re02.g1 6140 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 4061 1431 1 24561 Re02.g1 6 150 Class V chitinase, putative 4062 1431 2 24562 Re02.g1 6 160 Putative uncharacterized protein 4063 1431 3 24563 Re02.g1 6 170 Uncharacterized protein 4064 14314 24564 3 1341 32831 Re02.g1 6 180 Class V chitinase, putative 4065 1431 5 24565 Ankyrin repeat-containing protein, Re02.g1 6 190 putative 4066 1431 6 24566 Re02.g1 6200 Uncharacterized protein 4067 1431 7 24567 Re02.g1 621 0 hypothetical protein 4068 1431 8 24568 Re02.g 16220 hypothetical protein 4069 1431 9 24569 Re02.g1 6230 Predicted protein 4070 14320 24570 Re02.g 16240 hypothetical protein 4071 14321 24571 Re02.g 16250 Putative uncharacterized protein 4072 14322 24572 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g 16260 An08g03720 4073 14323 24573 Re02.g1 6270 hypothetical protein 4074 14324 24574 Re02.g1 6280 Uncharacterized protein 4075 14325 24575 Fatty-acid amide hydrolase, Re02.g1 6290 putative 4076 14326 24576 Re02.g1 6300 Zinc metallopeptidase, putative 4077 14327 24577 Re02.g1 631 0 Uncharacterized protein 4078 14328 24578 Re02.g1 6320 Predicted protein 4079 14329 24579 NAD dependent Re02.g1 6330 epimerase/dehydratase, putative 4080 14330 24580 Re02.g 16340 Putative uncharacterized protein 4081 14331 24581 ARP2/3 complex 34 kDa subunit , Re02.g1 6350 putative 4082 14332 24582 Re02.g1 6360 WD domain protein 4083 14333 24583 Re02.g1 6370 F-box domain protein 4084 14334 24584 3 1342 32832 Re02.g1 6380 Putative uncharacterized protein 4085 14335 24585 Re02.g1 6390 Putative uncharacterized protein 4086 14336 24586 3 1343 32833 Re02.g 16400 RRNA processing protein, putative 4087 14337 24587 Re02.g1 641 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4088 14338 24588 rRNA processing protein Pwp1 , Re02.g 16420 putative 4089 14339 24589 Re02.g 16430 Uncharacterized protein 4090 14340 24590 Re02.g 16440 Predicted protein 4091 14341 24591 Re02.g 16450 hypothetical protein 4092 14342 24592 Re02.g 16460 Putative uncharacterized protein 4093 14343 24593 RNA polymerase I specific transcription initiation factor RRN3 Re02.g 16470 superfamily 4094 14344 24594 Re02.g 16480 Lipase, putative 4095 14345 24595 3 1344 32834 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, Re02.g 16490 cytoplasmic 4096 14346 24596 Re02.g1 6500 Putative uncharacterized protein 4097 14347 24597 Re02.g1 651 0 Predicted protein 4098 14348 24598 Re02.g 16520 UDP-glucose,sterol transferase 4099 14349 24599 Re02.g1 6530 RTA1 domain protein, putative 4 100 14350 24600 Re02.g 16540 Uncharacterized protein 4 10 1 14351 24601 Re02.g 16550 Heat shock protein 90 4 102 14352 24602 Re02.g 16560 Uncharacterized protein 4 103 14353 24603 HLH transcription factor (PalcA), Re02.g1 6570 putative 4 104 14354 24604 Synaptic vesicle transporter SVOP Re02.g1 6580 and related transporters 4 105 14355 24605 Re02.g1 6590 hypothetical protein 4 106 14356 24606 Re02.g1 6600 Uncharacterized protein 4 107 14357 24607 NAD-binding Rossmann fold Re02.g1 661 0 oxidoreductase family protein 4 108 14358 24608 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g 16620 Fragment 4 109 14359 24609 Re02.g1 6630 NTF2 and RRM domain protein 4 110 14360 2461 0 Re02.g 16640 Similar to An09g06570 4 111 14361 2461 1 Re02.g 16650 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 112 14362 2461 2 MIND kinetochore complex Re02.g 16660 component Nn 4 113 14363 2461 3 Re02.g1 6670 Uncharacterized protein 4 114 14364 24614 Cyclin-dependent protein kinase Re02.g1 6680 PhoA EC=2.7.1 1.23 4 115 14365 2461 5 SIR2 family histone deacetylase, Re02.g1 6690 putative 4 116 14366 2461 6 3 1345 32835 Cation efflux family protein, Re02.g1 6700 putative 4 117 14367 2461 7 Re02.g1 671 0 Xylulokinase 4 118 14368 2461 8 Re02.g1 6720 tRNA exportin, putative 4 119 14369 2461 9 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g1 6730 An07g031 00 EC=3. 1.1. 1 4 120 14370 24620 Re02.g 16740 Separin 4 12 1 14371 24621 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g1 6750 Precursor 4 122 14372 24622 Mitochondrial carrier protein, Re02.g1 6760 putative 4 123 14373 24623 Re02.g1 6770 DNA N-glycosylase 4 124 14374 24624 Re02.g1 6780 Splicing factor u2af large subunit 4 125 14375 24625 Re02.g1 6790 Uncharacterized protein 4 126 14376 24626 Re02.g1 6800 Monooxygenase, putative 4 127 14377 24627 Nitrogen assimilation transcription Re02.g1 681 0 factor nit-4, putative 4 128 14378 24628 Re02.g1 6820 Uncharacterized protein 4 129 14379 24629 Re02.g1 6830 40S ribosomal protein S 13 4 130 14380 24630 Re02.g 16840 Uncharacterized protein 4 13 1 14381 24631 Re02.g1 6850 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 132 14382 24632 Re02.g1 6860 Uncharacterized protein 4 133 14383 24633 Re02.g1 6870 Pc06g02290 protein Precursor 4 134 14384 24634 COMPASS complex subunit Sd , Re02.g1 6880 putative 4 135 14385 24635 Transformer-SR ribonudeoprotein, Re02.g1 6890 variant 4 136 14386 24636 PHD finger domain protein, Re02.g1 6900 putative 4 137 14387 24637 Re02.g1 691 0 Predicted protein 4 138 14388 24638 Re02.g1 6920 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 139 14389 24639 Re02.g1 6930 Glycoprotease family protein 4140 14390 24640 3 1346 32836 Re02.g 16940 Ankyrin repeat-containing protein 4141 14391 24641 Re02.g1 6950 Uncharacterized protein 4142 14392 24642 Re02.g1 6960 Putative uncharacterized protein 4143 14393 24643 3 1347 32837 Re02.g1 6970 Uncharacterized protein 4144 14394 24644 Re02.g1 6980 Uncharacterized protein 4145 14395 24645 Re02.g1 6990 Zn(ll)2Cys6 transcription factor 4146 14396 24646 Cellular morphogenesis protein Re02.g1 7000 (Rax2), putative 4147 14397 24647 3 1348 32838 Re02.g1 701 0 hypothetical protein 4148 14398 24648 Re02.g1 7020 FACT complex subunit pob3 4149 14399 24649 Re02.g1 7030 Similar to Pc21g09640 4 150 14400 24650 Re02.g 17040 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 15 1 14401 24651 Re02.g1 7050 hypothetical protein 4 152 14402 24652 3 1349 32839 Re02.g1 7060 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 153 14403 24653 Re02.g1 7070 SAP domain protein, putative 4 154 14404 24654 Re02.g1 7080 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 155 14405 24655 Re02.g1 7090 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 156 14406 24656 Re02.g1 7 100 Predicted protein 4 157 14407 24657 Re02.g1 7 1 10 Predicted protein 4 158 14408 24658 Re02.g1 7 120 Uncharacterized protein 4 159 14409 24659 Malate/L-lactate dehydrogenase, Re02.g1 7 130 putative 4 160 1441 0 24660 Re02.g1 7140 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 16 1 1441 1 24661 3 1350 32840 Splicing factor 3B subunit 1, Re02.g1 7 150 putative 4 162 1441 2 24662 Re02.g1 7 160 Predicted protein 4 163 1441 3 24663 Putative fumarate reductase Re02.g1 7 170 flavoprotein subunit protein 4 164 14414 24664 Re02.g1 7 180 hypothetical protein 4 165 1441 5 24665 C2H2 conidiation transcription Re02.g1 7 190 factor FlbC 4 166 1441 6 24666 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re02.g1 7200 EC= 4 167 1441 7 24667 Re02.g1 721 0 hypothetical protein 4 168 1441 8 24668 Re02.g 17220 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 169 1441 9 24669 Re02.g1 7230 Uncharacterized protein 4 170 14420 24670 Re02.g 17240 Uncharacterized protein 4 17 1 14421 24671 Re02.g 17250 Uncharacterized protein 4 172 14422 24672 Putative uncharacterized protein Re02.g 17260 An03g01 0 10 Precursor 4 173 14423 24673 3 1351 32841 UV-damaged DNA binding protein, Re02.g1 7270 putative 4 174 14424 24674 Re02.g1 7280 Nonribosomal peptide synthase 4 175 14425 24675 Re02.g1 7290 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 176 14426 24676 3-hydroxyisobutyrate Re02.g1 7300 dehydrogenase 4 177 14427 24677 Cell morphogenesis protein Re02.g1 731 0 (PAG1 ), putative 4 178 14428 24678 NADPH-cytochrome P450 Re02.g1 7320 reductase EC=1 .6.2.4 4 179 14429 24679 3 1352 32842 Re02.g1 7330 RNA binding protein MSSP-2 4 180 14430 24680 Re02.g 17340 FAD synthetase, putative 4 18 1 14431 24681 Re02.g1 7350 DnaJ domain protein 4 182 14432 24682 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re02.g1 7360 DBP4 4 183 14433 24683 Re02.g1 7370 Uncharacterized protein 4 184 14434 24684 Re02.g1 7380 Amino acid permease, putative 4 185 14435 24685 Re02.g1 7390 C6 transcription factor, putative 4 186 14436 24686 Re02.g 17400 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 187 14437 24687 MATE efflux family protein Re02.g1 741 0 subfamily, putative 4 188 14438 24688 Re02.g 17420 Possible replication factor-a protein 4 189 14439 24689 Dead box ATP-dependent ma Re02.g 17430 helicase 4 190 14440 24690 Re02.g 17440 Pc21 g21 730 protein 4 19 1 14441 24691 Re02.g 17450 Predicted protein 4 192 14442 24692 Re02.g 17460 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 193 14443 24693 Re02.g 17470 Protein kinase (VPS1 5), putative 4 194 14444 24694 Re02.g 17480 Ser/Thr protein phosphatase 4 195 14445 24695 Re02.g 17490 Uncharacterized protein 4 196 14446 24696 Re02.g1 7500 Putative uncharacterized protein 4 197 14447 24697 Re02.g1 751 0 hypothetical protein 4 198 14448 24698 Re02.g 17520 hypothetical protein 4 199 14449 24699 Re02.g1 7530 hypothetical protein 4200 14450 24700 Re02.g 17540 Uncharacterized protein 4201 14451 24701 Re02.g 17550 hypothetical protein 4202 14452 24702 Re02.g 17560 hypothetical protein 4203 14453 24703 Re02.g1 7570 DENN domain-containing protein 4204 14454 24704 Re02.g1 7580 BTB/POZ domain protein 4205 14455 24705 3-oxoacyl-(Acyl-carrier-protein) Re02.g1 7590 reductase 4206 14456 24706 Re02.g1 7600 TBC domain protein, putative 4207 14457 24707 Re02.g1 761 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4208 14458 24708 3 1353 32843 Re02.g 17620 Ribosomal protein L26 4209 14459 24709 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re02.g1 7630 putative 421 0 14460 2471 0 Re02.g 17640 Putative uncharacterized protein 421 1 14461 2471 1 Re02.g 17650 C6 transcription factor, putative 421 2 14462 2471 2 Re02.g 17660 Putative uncharacterized protein 421 3 14463 2471 3 Re02.g1 7670 hypothetical protein 4214 14464 24714 Re02.g1 7680 Putative uncharacterized protein 421 5 14465 2471 5 Re02.g1 7690 hypothetical protein 421 6 14466 2471 6 Integral membrane channel Re02.g1 7700 protein, putative 421 7 14467 2471 7 Re02.g1 771 0 Aspartate carbamoyltransferase 421 8 14468 2471 8 Re02.g1 7720 Putative uncharacterized protein 421 9 14469 2471 9 Re02.g1 7730 Putative uncharacterized protein 4220 14470 24720 3 1354 32844 Re02.g 17740 Uncharacterized protein 4221 14471 24721 Re02.g1 7750 Uncharacterized protein 4222 14472 24722 Exocyst complex component Re02.g1 7760 Exo84, putative 4223 14473 24723 Mitochondrial import receptor Re02.g1 7770 subunit (Tom20), putative 4224 14474 24724 3 1355 32845 Cytosolic phospholipase A2, Re02.g1 7790 putative 4225 14475 24725 Re02.g1 7800 Uncharacterized protein 4226 14476 24726 Re02.g1 781 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4227 14477 24727 Re02.g1 7820 hypothetical protein 4228 14478 24728 Re02.g1 7830 Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 4229 14479 24729 Re02.g 17840 Reverse transcriptase, putative 4230 14480 24730 Re02.g1 7850 Uncharacterized protein 4231 14481 24731 Flavodoxin and radical SAM Re02.g1 7860 domain protein 4232 14482 24732 3 1356 32846 Re02.g1 7870 Uncharacterized protein 4233 14483 24733 Re02.g1 7880 Uncharacterized protein 4234 14484 24734 Re02.g1 7890 NUDIX domain protein 4235 14485 24735 TOR signaling pathway Re02.g1 7900 phosphatase SitA 4236 14486 24736 Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay Re02.g1 791 0 protein Upf3, putative 4237 14487 24737 Re02.g1 7920 Aldehyde dehydrogenase, putative 4238 14488 24738 EC=1 .2.1 .3 Double-strand break repair protein Re02.g1 7930 mus-23 4239 14489 24739 Re02.g 17940 F-box and WD domain protein 4240 14490 24740 Re02.g1 7950 Uncharacterized protein 4241 14491 24741 Re02.g1 7960 Signal peptidase I 4242 14492 24742 3 1357 32847 Re02.g1 7970 Uncharacterized protein 4243 14493 24743 Re02.g1 7980 hypothetical protein 4244 14494 24744 3 1358 32848 Re02.g1 7990 hypothetical protein 4245 14495 24745 3 1359 32849 Re02.g1 8000 Putative uncharacterized protein 4246 14496 24746 3 1360 32850 Histidine acid phosphatase, Re02.g1 801 0 putative 4247 14497 24747 3 1361 32851 TAM domain methyltransferase, Re02.g1 8020 putative 4248 14498 24748 Re02.g1 8030 Amino acid transporter, putative 4249 14499 24749 Putative short chain Re02.g 18040 dehydrogenase protein 4250 14500 24750 Re02.g1 8050 Uncharacterized protein 4251 14501 24751 Re02.g1 8060 General amidase, partial 4252 14502 24752 Re02.g1 8070 Uncharacterized protein 4253 14503 24753 3 1362 32852 Re02.g1 8080 Uncharacterized protein 4254 14504 24754 Endonuclease/reverse Re02.g1 8090 transcriptase, putative 4255 14505 24755 Re03.g0001 0 hypothetical protein 4256 14506 24756 Re03.g00020 hypothetical protein 4257 14507 24757 Re03.g00030 Putative uncharacterized protein 4258 14508 24758 Re03.g00040 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 4259 14509 24759 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re03.g00050 TYA 4260 1451 0 24760 Re03.g00060 hypothetical protein 4261 1451 1 24761 Re03.g00070 hypothetical protein 4262 1451 2 24762 Re03.g00080 Putative uncharacterized protein 4263 1451 3 24763 Re03.g00090 Uncharacterized protein 4264 14514 24764 Re03.g001 00 Putative uncharacterized protein 4265 1451 5 24765 Re03.g001 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 4266 1451 6 24766 Re03.g001 20 Uncharacterized protein 4267 1451 7 24767 Re03.g001 30 hypothetical protein 4268 1451 8 24768 3 1363 32853 Putative uncharacterized protein Re03.g00140 Fragment 4269 1451 9 24769 Re03.g001 50 hypothetical protein 4270 14520 24770 Vegetative incompatibility WD Re03.g001 60 repeat protein, putative 4271 14521 24771 Re03.g001 70 Uncharacterized protein 4272 14522 24772 Re03.g001 80 Transposon, putative 4273 14523 24773 Re03.g001 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 4274 14524 24774 Re03.g00200 Predicted protein 4275 14525 24775 3 1364 32854 Re03.g0021 0 hypothetical protein 4276 14526 24776 Re03.g00220 hypothetical protein 4277 14527 24777 Re03.g00230 Uncharacterized protein 4278 14528 24778 3 1365 32855 Re03.g00240 hypothetical protein 4279 14529 24779 Pogo transposable element, Re03.g00250 putative 4280 14530 24780 Re03.g00260 hypothetical protein 4281 14531 24781 Re03.g00270 hypothetical protein 4282 14532 24782 Re03.g00280 Putative uncharacterized protein 4283 14533 24783 Re03.g00290 Uncharacterized protein 4284 14534 24784 Re03.g00300 Putative uncharacterized protein 4285 14535 24785 3 1366 32856 Re03.g0031 0 Mucin-1 , putative 4286 14536 24786 Re03.g00320 Predicted protein 4287 14537 24787 3 1367 32857 Re03.g00330 hypothetical protein 4288 14538 24788 Re03.g00340 Putative uncharacterized protein 4289 14539 24789 2-(R)-hydroxypropyl-CoM Re03.g00350 dehydrogenase 4290 14540 24790 3 1368 32858 Re03.g00360 Uncharacterized protein 4291 14541 24791 MFS allantoate transporter, Re03.g00370 putative 4292 14542 24792 Re03.g00380 Amino acid permease, putative 4293 14543 24793 Re03.g00390 Putative uncharacterized protein 4294 14544 24794 Re03.g00400 Alcohol dehydrogenase, putative 4295 14545 24795 Re03.g0041 0 Uncharacterized protein 4296 14546 24796 3 1369 32859 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, Re03.g00420 putative 4297 14547 24797 Re03.g00430 T-complex protein 1 4298 14548 24798 Re03.g00440 Glycosyl hydrolase, putative 4299 14549 24799 3 1370 32860 Protein kinase and ribonuclease Re03.g00450 Ire1 , putative 4300 14550 24800 3 1371 32861 Re03.g00460 Uncharacterized protein 4301 14551 24801 Re03.g00470 Conserved serine-rich protein 4302 14552 24802 Branched-chain amino acid Re03.g00480 aminotransferase 4303 14553 24803 Puromycin resistance protein pur8, Re03.g00490 putative 4304 14554 24804 Formaldehyde dehydrogenase, Re03.g00500 putative 4305 14555 24805 Putative allantoate permease of the Re03.g0051 0 major facilitator superfamily 4306 14556 24806 Re03.g00520 hypothetical protein 4307 14557 24807 K homeostasis protein Kha1 , Re03.g00530 putative 4308 14558 24808 Re03.g00540 hypothetical protein 4309 14559 24809 Re03.g00550 hypothetical protein 431 0 14560 2481 0 Re03.g00560 Uncharacterized protein 431 1 14561 2481 1 Re03.g00570 Putative uncharacterized protein 431 2 14562 2481 2 Re03.g00580 Putative uncharacterized protein 431 3 14563 2481 3 Re03.g00590 Putative uncharacterized protein 4314 14564 24814 3 1372 32862 Re03.g00600 hypothetical protein 431 5 14565 2481 5 Re03.g0061 0 Monooxygenase, putative 431 6 14566 2481 6 Re03.g00620 hypothetical protein 431 7 14567 2481 7 3 1373 32863 Cell surface spherulin 4-like Re03.g00630 protein, putative 431 8 14568 2481 8 3 1374 32864 Re03.g00640 Thioredoxin II, putative 431 9 14569 2481 9 Re03.g00650 Uncharacterized protein 4320 14570 24820 Re03.g00660 Pc22g22430 protein Precursor 4321 14571 24821 Re03.g00670 MFS transporter 4322 14572 24822 Re03.g00680 hypothetical protein 4323 14573 24823 Re03.g00690 Uncharacterized protein 4324 14574 24824 Re03.g00700 Cysteine desulfurylase, putative 4325 14575 24825 Re03.g0071 0 hypothetical protein 4326 14576 24826 Re03.g00720 Uncharacterized protein 4327 14577 24827 Re03.g00730 Putative uncharacterized protein 4328 14578 24828 Integral membrane protein, Re03.g00740 putative 4329 14579 24829 Re03.g00750 C6 finger domain protein, putative 4330 14580 24830 Re03.g00760 Putative uncharacterized protein 4331 14581 24831 Re03.g00770 hypothetical protein 4332 14582 24832 Re03.g00780 Putative uncharacterized protein 4333 14583 24833 Re03.g00790 hypothetical protein 4334 14584 24834 Re03.g00800 VeA-like protein 4335 14585 24835 Re03.g0081 0 Uncharacterized protein 4336 14586 24836 Re03.g00820 Putative uncharacterized protein 4337 14587 24837 Re03.g00830 Protein kinase 4338 14588 24838 3 1375 32865 Re03.g00840 Putative uncharacterized protein 4339 14589 24839 MYB DNA-binding domain- Re03.g00850 containing protein 4340 14590 24840 Re03.g00860 C2H2 finger domain protein 4341 14591 24841 Re03.g00870 Putative uncharacterized protein 4342 14592 24842 Re03.g00880 Putative uncharacterized protein 4343 14593 24843 Re03.g00890 hypothetical protein 4344 14594 24844 3 1376 32866 Re03.g00900 hypothetical protein 4345 14595 24845 Re03.g0091 0 Uncharacterized protein 4346 14596 24846 Re03.g00920 hypothetical protein 4347 14597 24847 Re03.g00930 hypothetical protein 4348 14598 24848 Re03.g00940 Pc1 7g0031 0 protein 4349 14599 24849 Re03.g00950 Uncharacterized protein 4350 14600 24850 Re03.g00960 Putative uncharacterized protein 4351 14601 24851 Re03.g00970 hypothetical protein 4352 14602 24852 3 1377 32867 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re03.g00980 factor 3 subunit B 4353 14603 24853 Re03.g00990 SWIB/ domain protein 4354 14604 24854 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re03.g01 000 putative 4355 14605 24855 Re03.g01 0 10 DNA mismatch repair protein 4356 14606 24856 Re03.g01 020 WD repeat protein 4357 14607 24857 Re03.g01 030 Uncharacterized protein 4358 14608 24858 Re03.g01 040 hypothetical protein 4359 14609 24859 Secretion pathway protein Re03.g01 050 Sls2/Rcy1 , putative 4360 1461 0 24860 Re03.g01 060 Cytochrome C1/Cyt1 , putative 4361 1461 1 24861 Re03.g01 070 Uncharacterized protein 4362 1461 2 24862 Re03.g01 080 hypothetical protein 4363 1461 3 24863 Phospho-2-dehydro-3- deoxyheptonate aldolase Re03.g01 090 EC=2.5.1 .54 4364 14614 24864 Re03.g01 100 F-box domain protein 4365 1461 5 24865 Re03.g01 110 Pc22g 19300 protein 4366 1461 6 24866 3 1378 32868 Re03.g01 120 Putative uncharacterized protein 4367 1461 7 24867 Re03.g01 130 Putative uncharacterized protein 4368 1461 8 24868 Re03.g01 140 DUF221 domain protein, putative 4369 1461 9 24869 3 1379 32869 Glycogen debranching enzyme Re03.g01 150 Gdb1 , putative 4370 14620 24870 Glycerol 3-phosphate Re03.g01 160 dehydrogenase (GfdA), putative 4371 14621 24871 Re03.g01 170 Putative uncharacterized protein 4372 14622 24872 Re03.g01 180 Putative uncharacterized protein 4373 14623 24873 Molybdenum cofactor biosynthetic Re03.g01 190 protein (CnxF), putative 4374 14624 24874 Re03.g01 200 Uncharacterized protein 4375 14625 24875 Re03.g01 2 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 4376 14626 24876 Iron-sulfur protein subunit of succinate dehydrogenase Sdh2, Re03.g01 220 putative EC=1 .3.5.1 4377 14627 24877 3 1380 32870 Re03.g01 230 Pol Fragment 4378 14628 24878 Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, Re03.g01 240 putative 4379 14629 24879 Re03.g01 250 Oxidoreductase, putative 4380 14630 24880 3 1381 32871 Re03.g01 260 hypothetical protein 4381 14631 24881 Re03.g01 270 hypothetical protein 4382 14632 24882 Re03.g01 280 hypothetical protein 4383 14633 24883 Re03.g01 290 hypothetical protein 4384 14634 24884 Re03.g01 300 hypothetical protein 4385 14635 24885 Re03.g01 3 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 4386 14636 24886 Re03.g01 320 Putative uncharacterized protein 4387 14637 24887 Re03.g01 330 Alanyl-tRNA synthetase, putative 4388 14638 24888 3 1382 32872 Re03.g01 340 hypothetical protein 4389 14639 24889 Re03.g01 350 hypothetical protein 4390 14640 24890 Re03.g01 360 Putative uncharacterized protein 4391 14641 24891 Re03.g01 370 hypothetical protein 4392 14642 24892 3 1383 32873 Re03.g01 380 Carboxylesterase, putative 4393 14643 24893 Re03.g01 390 Predicted protein 4394 14644 24894 Re03.g01400 Uncharacterized protein 4395 14645 24895 5-Methylcytosine G/T mismatch- Re03.g0141 0 specific DNA glycosylase, putative 4396 14646 24896 Remark: protein of the patent is useful useful for diagnosis or Re03.g01420 vaccine production 4397 14647 24897 Re03.g01430 Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase 4398 14648 24898 Re03.g01440 Putative uncharacterized protein 4399 14649 24899 Re03.g01450 Uncharacterized protein 4400 14650 24900 Re03.g01460 Putative uncharacterized protein 4401 14651 24901 3 1384 32874 Re03.g01470 hypothetical protein 4402 14652 24902 3 1385 32875 Re03.g01480 Uncharacterized protein 4403 14653 24903 Re03.g01490 Putative pantothenate protein 4404 14654 24904 Re03.g01 500 Uncharacterized protein 4405 14655 24905 Re03.g01 5 10 Asparagine synthetase EC= 4406 14656 24906 Re03.g01 520 Uncharacterized protein 4407 14657 24907 3 1386 32876 Re03.g01 530 hypothetical protein 4408 14658 24908 Argininosuccinate synthase Re03.g01 540 EC= 4409 14659 24909 Re03.g01 550 Uncharacterized protein 441 0 14660 2491 0 Re03.g01 560 60S ribosomal protein L3 441 1 14661 2491 1 Re03.g01 570 Putative uncharacterized protein 441 2 14662 2491 2 Transcriptional corepressor Cyc8, Re03.g01 580 putative 441 3 14663 2491 3 Putative short-chain dehydrogenase reductase family Re03.g01 590 protein 4414 14664 24914 Re03.g01 600 hypothetical protein 441 5 14665 2491 5 Re03.g01 6 10 Uncharacterized protein 441 6 14666 2491 6 Re03.g01 620 hypothetical protein 441 7 14667 2491 7 Pre-rRNA processing protein Re03.g01 630 Rrp1 2, putative 441 8 14668 2491 8 Re03.g01 640 hypothetical protein 441 9 14669 2491 9 Re03.g01 650 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 4420 14670 24920 Re03.g01 660 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 4421 14671 24921 Re03.g01 670 Putative uncharacterized protein 4422 14672 24922 Re03.g01 680 RNA helicase/RNAse III, putative 4423 14673 24923 Proteasome subunit alpha type Re03.g01 690 EC= 4424 14674 24924 Re03.g01 700 RING finger domain protein 4425 14675 24925 Exocyst complex component Re03.g01 7 10 Exo70, putative 4426 14676 24926 Re03.g01 720 Phospholipase A2 (PlaA), putative 4427 14677 24927 3 1387 32877 Phosphoinositide phosphatase Re03.g01 730 Pten/Tep1 , putative EC=3. 1.3.48 4428 14678 24928 Re03.g01 740 Pentatricopeptide repeat protein 4429 14679 24929 Re03.g01 750 Uncharacterized protein 4430 14680 24930 3 1388 32878 Histone acetyltransferase type B Re03.g01 760 catalytic subunit 4431 14681 24931 Re03.g01 770 ZIP metal ion transporter, putative 4432 14682 24932 3 1389 32879 F-box and WD repeat-containing Re03.g01 780 protein 4433 14683 24933 Re03.g01 790 C6 transcription factor, putative 4434 14684 24934 Re03.g01 800 hypothetical protein 4435 14685 24935 Mitochondrial phosphate Re03.g01 8 10 transporter Pic2, putative 4436 14686 24936 Re03.g01 820 Uncharacterized protein 4437 14687 24937 Re03.g01 830 YagE family protein 4438 14688 24938 Re03.g01 840 Immediate-early protein, putative 4439 14689 24939 Re03.g01 850 Putative uncharacterized protein 4440 14690 24940 Pyrrol ine-5-carboxylate reductase Re03.g01 860 EC=1 .5.1 .2 4441 14691 24941 Voltage-gated chloride channel, Re03.g01 870 putative 4442 14692 24942 Re03.g01 880 Midasin 4443 14693 24943 Re03.g01 890 Putative uncharacterized protein 4444 14694 24944 Re03.g01 900 Putative uncharacterized protein 4445 14695 24945 Lectin family integral membrane Re03.g01 9 10 protein, putative 4446 14696 24946 3 1390 32880 Re03.g01 920 Uncharacterized protein 4447 14697 24947 cAMP-dependent protein kinase Re03.g01 930 type 2 4448 14698 24948 Stress activated MAP kinase Re03.g01 940 interacting protein, putative 4449 14699 24949 Putative uncharacterized protein Re03.g01 950 An02g04290 4450 14700 24950 Mitochondrial large ribosomal Re03.g01 960 subunit protein L 16, putative 4451 14701 24951 DNA replication factor C subunit Re03.g01 970 Rfc5, putative 4452 14702 24952 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly Re03.g01 980 protein Cox1 1, putative 4453 14703 24953 Re03.g01 990 Integral membrane protein 4454 14704 24954 Re03.g02000 Uncharacterized protein 4455 14705 24955 Re03.g0201 0 Uncharacterized protein 4456 14706 24956 Re03.g02020 Uncharacterized protein 4457 14707 24957 Re03.g02030 Uncharacterized protein 4458 14708 24958 Re03.g02040 WD repeat protein 4459 14709 24959 Glucan endo-1 ,3-alpha- Re03.g02050 glucosidase agnl , putative 4460 1471 0 24960 3 1391 32881 Glycoside hydrolase family 30 Re03.g02060 protein 4461 1471 1 24961 3 1392 32882 Re03.g02070 Predicted protein 4462 1471 2 24962 Required for respiratory growth Re03.g02080 protein 9, mitochondrial Precursor 4463 1471 3 24963 Intracellular protein transport Re03.g02090 protein 4464 14714 24964 Re03.g021 00 Protein kinase regulator 4465 1471 5 24965 Re03.g021 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 4466 1471 6 24966 Re03.g021 20 ATP synthase subunit 5 4467 1471 7 24967 Re03.g021 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 4468 1471 8 24968 Re03.g02140 Putative uncharacterized protein 4469 1471 9 24969 Re03.g021 50 hypothetical protein 4470 14720 24970 Re03.g021 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 4471 14721 24971 3 1393 32883 Re03.g021 70 Diphthamide biosynthesis protein 1 4472 14722 24972 Re03.g021 80 Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase 4473 14723 24973 Protein FMP21 , mitochondrial, Re03.g021 90 putative 4474 14724 24974 Acetylornithine aminotransferase, Re03.g02200 mitochondrial 4475 14725 24975 Re03.g0221 0 Uncharacterized protein 4476 14726 24976 Re03.g02220 Protein btnl 4477 14727 24977 Re03.g02230 hypothetical protein 4478 14728 24978 Re03.g02240 Uncharacterized protein 4479 14729 24979 Re03.g02250 hypothetical protein 4480 14730 24980 Re03.g02260 Putative uncharacterized protein 4481 14731 24981 Carnitine acetyl transferase Re03.g02270 EC=2.3.1 .7 4482 14732 24982 3 1394 32884 Re03.g02280 hypothetical protein 4483 14733 24983 Re03.g02290 Transposase 4484 14734 24984 Re03.g02300 Uncharacterized protein 4485 14735 24985 Re03.g0231 0 hypothetical protein 4486 14736 24986 Re03.g02320 Putative uncharacterized protein 4487 14737 24987 12-oxophytodienoate reductase, Re03.g02330 putative EC=1 .3.1 .42 4488 14738 24988 Re03.g02340 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 4489 14739 24989 Re03.g02350 MFS transporter, putative 4490 14740 24990 Re03.g02360 Uncharacterized protein 4491 14741 24991 Re03.g02370 Putative uncharacterized protein 4492 14742 24992 3 1395 32885 Re03.g02380 Thiolase-like protein 4493 14743 24993 Re03.g02390 Major facilitator superfamily 4494 14744 24994 Re03.g02400 Uncharacterized protein 4495 14745 24995 Re03.g0241 0 Uncharacterized protein 4496 14746 24996 Extracellular cell wall glucanase Re03.g02420 Crfl /allergen Asp F9 4497 14747 24997 3 1396 32886 Calcium-independent Re03.g02430 phospholipase A2-gamma 4498 14748 24998 Re03.g02440 Putative uncharacterized protein 4499 14749 24999 Re03.g02450 Putative uncharacterized protein 4500 14750 25000 Re03.g02460 Predicted protein Fragment 4501 14751 25001 Re03.g02470 Uncharacterized protein 4502 14752 25002 Re03.g02480 Uncharacterized protein 4503 14753 25003 Re03.g02490 Monooxygenase, putative 4504 14754 25004 Re03.g02500 Uncharacterized protein 4505 14755 25005 3 1397 32887 Re03.g0251 0 Uncharacterized protein 4506 14756 25006 Re03.g02520 Putative uncharacterized protein 4507 14757 25007 Re03.g02530 Uncharacterized protein 4508 14758 25008 Re03.g02540 Uncharacterized protein 4509 14759 25009 Re03.g02550 Predicted protein 451 0 14760 2501 0 Re03.g02560 Uncharacterized protein 451 1 14761 2501 1 Re03.g02570 Putative uncharacterized protein 451 2 14762 2501 2 Re03.g02580 Threonyl-tRNA synthetase 451 3 14763 2501 3 Re03.g02590 Uncharacterized protein 4514 14764 25014 Re03.g02600 MFS quinate transporter 451 5 14765 2501 5 Re03.g0261 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 451 6 14766 2501 6 Re03.g02620 Uncharacterized protein 451 7 14767 2501 7 Re03.g02630 hypothetical protein 451 8 14768 2501 8 3 1398 32888 L-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase Re03.g02640 EC=1 .1 .1 .12 451 9 14769 2501 9 Re03.g02650 hypothetical protein 4520 14770 25020 Re03.g02670 Uncharacterized protein 4521 14771 25021 Mitochondrial F 1F0-ATP synthase Re03.g02680 g subunit, putative 4522 14772 25022 Re03.g02690 ATP-dependent RNA helicase rok1 4523 14773 25023 Glucose-inducible SAM-dependent Re03.g02700 methyltransferase Rrg1 , putative 4524 14774 25024 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated Re03.g0271 0 protein Vps28, putative 4525 14775 25025 Ribosome assembly protein Noc2, Re03.g02720 putative 4526 14776 25026 Re03.g02730 Potassium transporter, putative 4527 14777 25027 3 1399 32889 Molybdopterin cofactor biosynthetic Re03.g02740 protein 4528 14778 25028 31400 32890 Re03.g02750 ABC ATPase, putative 4529 14779 25029 Re03.g02760 BTB/POZ domain protein 4530 14780 25030 BZIP transcription factor (LziP), Re03.g02770 putative 4531 14781 25031 tRNA processing endoribonuclease Re03.g02780 Trz1 , putative 4532 14782 25032 Re03.g02790 Acid phosphatase, putative 4533 14783 25033 Short chain Re03.g02800 dehydrogenase/reductase, putative 4534 14784 25034 31401 32891 Re03.g0281 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4535 14785 25035 Re03.g02820 Uncharacterized protein 4536 14786 25036 Function: RPS31 is a structural Re03.g02830 protein of the small ribosomal 4537 14787 25037 Dihydrouridine synthase family Re03.g02840 protein, putative 4538 14788 25038 Leucine carboxyl methyltransferase Re03.g02850 superfamily 4539 14789 25039 Re03.g02860 RING zinc finger protein, putative 4540 14790 25040 31402 32892 DNA repair helicase, putative Re03.g02870 EC=3.6.1 .- 4541 14791 25041 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Re03.g02880 EC= 4542 14792 25042 U4/U6 small nuclear Re03.g02890 ribonucleoprotein, putative 4543 14793 25043 snoRNP assembly factor Na , Re03.g02900 putative 4544 14794 25044 Re03.g0291 0 Uncharacterized protein 4545 14795 25045 31403 32893 Re03.g02920 Uncharacterized protein 4546 14796 25046 Re03.g02930 Putative uncharacterized protein 4547 14797 25047 Integral membrane protein, Re03.g02940 Mpv1 7/PMP22 family, putative 4548 14798 25048 Re03.g02950 Putative uncharacterized protein 4549 14799 25049 Re03.g02960 Histone H3 4550 14800 25050 Re03.g02970 Histone H4 4551 14801 25051 C2H2 transcription factor (Rpn4), Re03.g02980 putative 4552 14802 25052 Re03.g02990 Uncharacterized protein 4553 14803 25053 31404 32894 15-hydroxyprostaglandin Re03.g03000 dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 4554 14804 25054 Pentafunctional polypeptide Re03.g0301 0 (AroM), putative 4555 14805 25055 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 Re03.g03020 EC=3.1 .1 3.- 4556 14806 25056 Re03.g03030 Putative uncharacterized protein 4557 14807 25057 Re03.g03040 Uncharacterized protein 4558 14808 25058 Re03.g03050 WD repeat protein 4559 14809 25059 Re03.g03060 hypothetical protein 4560 1481 0 25060 Re03.g03070 Arsenical-resistance protein 4561 1481 1 25061 Re03.g03080 SET domain protein 4562 1481 2 25062 Extragenic suppressor of Re03.g03090 kinetochore protein 4563 1481 3 25063 SNF7 family protein (Cta1 ), Re03.g031 00 putative 4564 14814 25064 Re03.g031 10 Transporter protein smf2 4565 1481 5 25065 Re03.g031 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 4566 1481 6 25066 Re03.g031 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 4567 1481 7 25067 31405 32895 3-ketoacyl-coA thiolase Re03.g03140 peroxisomal A 4568 1481 8 25068 Re03.g031 50 DlpA domain protein 4569 1481 9 25069 Re03.g031 60 Uncharacterized protein 4570 14820 25070 Re03.g031 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 4571 14821 25071 Re03.g031 80 Histone acetyltransferase, putative 4572 14822 25072 Re03.g031 90 hypothetical protein 4573 14823 25073 Re03.g03200 Uncharacterized protein 4574 14824 25074 Re03.g0321 0 Uncharacterized protein 4575 14825 25075 Re03.g03220 EC= 4576 14826 25076 Remark: C. albicans 6C5 protein is Re03.g03230 also useful in diagnostic tests 4577 14827 25077 Re03.g03240 Uncharacterized protein 4578 14828 25078 Re03.g03250 DUF409 domain protein 4579 14829 25079 Proteasome activator subunit 4, Re03.g03260 putative 4580 14830 25080 Vacuolar ATPase 98 kDa subunit, Re03.g03270 putative 4581 14831 25081 Fructose-1 ,6-bisphosphatase Re03.g03280 Fbp1 , putative 4582 14832 25082 Re03.g03290 Putative uncharacterized protein 4583 14833 25083 Re03.g03300 Aha1 domain family 4584 14834 25084 Saccharopine dehydrogenase Re03.g0331 0 Lys9, putative EC=1 .5. 1.1 0 4585 14835 25085 Re03.g03320 Prenyltransferase, putative 4586 14836 25086 Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase Sct1 , putative Re03.g03330 EC=2.3.1 .1 5 4587 14837 25087 Re03.g03340 Putative uncharacterized protein 4588 14838 25088 Re03.g03350 Uncharacterized protein 4589 14839 25089 Cell surface receptor/MFS Re03.g03360 transporter (FLVCR), putative 4590 14840 25090 Re03.g03370 Dihydrodipicolinate synthetase 4591 14841 25091 Re03.g03380 Involucrin repeat protein 4592 14842 25092 Re03.g03390 Uncharacterized protein 4593 14843 25093 Re03.g03400 F-box and WD domain protein 4594 14844 25094 Rho guanyl nucleotide exchange Re03.g0341 0 factor, putative 4595 14845 25095 Aminotransferase, classes I and II, Re03.g03420 putative 4596 14846 25096 Thermatolerance membrane Re03.g03430 protein Dlt1 4597 14847 25097 31406 32896 Sucrase/ferredoxin-like family Re03.g03440 protein, putative 4598 14848 25098 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re03.g03450 putative 4599 14849 25099 3-ketosteroid reductase Re03.g03460 (AFlLorthologue AFUA_4G1 1500) 4600 14850 251 00 Mannose-1 -phosphate Re03.g03470 guanylyltransferase 4601 14851 251 0 1 31407 32897 Re03.g03480 Putative uncharacterized protein 4602 14852 251 02 Intermembrane space AAA Re03.g03490 protease IAP-1 4603 14853 251 03 Glycerol kinase, putative Re03.g03500 EC=2.7.1 .30 4604 14854 251 04 Re03.g0351 0 Uncharacterized protein 4605 14855 251 05 31408 32898 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated Re03.g03520 protein vps1 3 4606 14856 251 06 G-patch domain protein (TFIP1 1), Re03.g03530 putative 4607 14857 251 07 Re03.g03540 Superoxide dismutase EC=1 .15.1.1 4608 14858 251 08 31409 32899 Re03.g03550 Putative uncharacterized protein 4609 14859 251 09 GINS complex subunit Psf3, Re03.g03560 putative 461 0 14860 251 10 Re03.g03570 Putative uncharacterized protein 461 1 14861 251 11 Re03.g03580 Uncharacterized protein 461 2 14862 251 12 Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex subunit Re03.g03590 Kgd1 , putative EC=1 .2.4.2 461 3 14863 251 13 3141 0 32900 Re03.g03600 hypothetical protein 4614 14864 251 14 Re03.g0361 0 PHD finger domain protein 461 5 14865 251 15 Re03.g03620 Carboxylesterase type B 461 6 14866 251 16 3141 1 32901 Re03.g03630 Uncharacterized protein 461 7 14867 251 17 Re03.g03640 hypothetical protein 461 8 14868 251 18 Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase Re03.g03650 OrdA-like, putative 461 9 14869 251 19 3141 2 32902 Re03.g03660 hypothetical protein 4620 14870 251 20 3141 3 32903 Re03.g03670 Uncharacterized protein 4621 14871 251 2 1 Re03.g03680 Predicted protein 4622 14872 251 22 Re03.g03690 hypothetical protein 4623 14873 251 23 Re03.g03700 hypothetical protein 4624 14874 251 24 Leucine Rich Repeat domain Re03.g0371 0 protein 4625 14875 251 25 RNA polymerase II transcription Re03.g03720 factor related protein, putative 4626 14876 251 26 Re03.g03730 Putative uncharacterized protein 4627 14877 251 27 31414 32904 PHD finger domain protein (Ing1 ), putative (AFU orthologue Re03.g03740 AFUA_4G1 1660) 4628 14878 251 28 Re03.g03750 hypothetical protein 4629 14879 251 29 Oxidoreductase, short-chain Re03.g03760 dehydrogenase/reductase family 4630 14880 251 30 Re03.g03770 Uncharacterized protein 4631 14881 251 3 1 Re03.g03780 Uncharacterized protein 4632 14882 251 32 Re03.g03800 Putative uncharacterized protein 4633 14883 251 33 Re03.g0381 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4634 14884 251 34 Re03.g03820 hypothetical protein 4635 14885 251 35 Re03.g03830 Putative uncharacterized protein 4636 14886 251 36 Glycerol dehydrogenase (GldB), Re03.g03840 putative 4637 14887 251 37 Re03.g03850 Predicted protein 4638 14888 251 38 Re03.g03860 Putative uncharacterized protein 4639 14889 251 39 Re03.g03870 Putative uncharacterized protein 4640 14890 25140 Re03.g03880 Putative uncharacterized protein 4641 14891 25141 Re03.g03890 Uncharacterized protein 4642 14892 25142 Re03.g03900 Putative uncharacterized protein 4643 14893 25143 Re03.g0391 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4644 14894 25144 3141 5 32905 Re03.g03920 ATP binding protein, putative 4645 14895 25145 Cell cycle control protein (Cwf1 9), Re03.g03930 putative 4646 14896 25146 Re03.g03940 Glyoxylate reductase 4647 14897 25147 Re03.g03950 C6 finger domain protein, putative 4648 14898 25148 Re03.g03960 Formin binding protein, putative 4649 14899 25149 Tubulin-specific chaperone, Re03.g03970 putative 4650 14900 251 50 Re03.g03980 Splicing factor 3a subunit 2 4651 14901 251 5 1 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re03.g03990 putative 4652 14902 251 52 Re03.g04000 TIM complex component Tim54 4653 14903 251 53 Acetyltransferase catalytic subunit Re03.g0401 0 (NAT1), putative 4654 14904 251 54 Caffeine-induced death protein Re03.g04020 Cid2, putative 4655 14905 251 55 Formamidopyrimidine-DNA Re03.g04030 glycosylase, putative 4656 14906 251 56 Re03.g04040 Uncharacterized protein 4657 14907 251 57 Iron-sulfur cluster assembly Re03.g04050 associated protein Nar1 , putative 4658 14908 251 58 Metallothionein-I gene transcription Re03.g04060 activator 4659 14909 251 59 Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, Re03.g04070 putative 4660 1491 0 251 60 Re03.g04080 Uncharacterized protein 4661 1491 1 251 6 1 Phosphatidylinositol phospholipase Re03.g04090 C 4662 1491 2 251 62 Biotin-dependent 2-oxo acid dehydrogenases acyltransferase, Re03.g041 00 putative 4663 1491 3 251 63 3141 6 32906 Thermoresistant gluconokinase Re03.g041 10 family protein 4664 14914 251 64 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated Re03.g041 20 protein 26, putative 4665 1491 5 251 65 Endosomal peripheral membrane Re03.g041 30 protein 4666 1491 6 251 66 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Re03.g04140 (MmsB), putative 4667 1491 7 251 67 Re03.g041 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 4668 1491 8 251 68 3141 7 32907 Re03.g041 60 Uncharacterized protein 4669 1491 9 251 69 Re03.g041 70 TPR domain protein 4670 14920 251 70 Re03.g041 80 Histone deacetylase SIR2, putative 4671 14921 251 7 1 RNA methylase family UPF0020 Re03.g041 90 protein 4672 14922 251 72 Re03.g04200 HIT domain protein 4673 14923 251 73 Re03.g0421 0 G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-B 4674 14924 251 74 Re03.g04220 50S ribosomal protein L2 4675 14925 251 75 Re03.g04230 C6 transcription factor Prf, putative 4676 14926 251 76 Re03.g04240 WD repeat-containing protein 4677 14927 251 77 Re03.g04250 Putative uncharacterized protein 4678 14928 251 78 Re03.g04260 Uncharacterized protein 4679 14929 251 79 Re03.g04270 DNA replication helicase Dna2 4680 14930 251 80 Re03.g04280 Putative uncharacterized protein 4681 14931 251 8 1 Re03.g04290 Nitrilase, putitive 4682 14932 251 82 3141 8 32908 Exosome complex exonuclease Re03.g04300 exoribonuclease (Rrp44), putative 4683 14933 251 83 Re03.g0431 0 LIM domain protein 4684 14934 251 84 tRNA (guanine-N(7)-)- Re03.g04320 methyltransferase EC=2.1 .1 .33 4685 14935 251 85 ESCRT-II complex component Re03.g04330 (Vps25), putative 4686 14936 251 86 Re03.g04340 DNA repair protein Rtt1 07, putative 4687 14937 251 87 Re03.g04350 Toxin biosynthesis protein, putative 4688 14938 251 88 Re03.g04360 hypothetical protein 4689 14939 251 89 Re03.g04370 Alkaline phytoceramidase 4690 14940 251 90 Re03.g04380 Uncharacterized protein 4691 14941 251 9 1 Re03.g04390 SSS family solute:Na+ symporter 4692 14942 251 92 Re03.g04400 Uncharacterized protein 4693 14943 251 93 Re03.g0441 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4694 14944 251 94 3141 9 32909 Re03.g04420 Gibberellin 20-oxidase, putative 4695 14945 251 95 Re03.g04430 Uncharacterized protein 4696 14946 251 96 31420 3291 0 Re03.g04440 Putative uncharacterized protein 4697 14947 251 97 31421 3291 1 Re03.g04450 Cell differentiation protein rcdl 4698 14948 251 98 Re03.g04460 PHD finger domain protein 4699 14949 251 99 Re03.g04470 hypothetical protein 4700 14950 25200 Re03.g04480 hypothetical protein 4701 14951 25201 Re03.g04490 Uncharacterized protein 4702 14952 25202 Re03.g04500 Sulfate transporter family protein 4703 14953 25203 Conserved lysine-rich protein, Re03.g0451 0 putative 4704 14954 25204 Re03.g04520 Putative uncharacterized protein 4705 14955 25205 Re03.g04530 BZIP transcription factor CpcA 4706 14956 25206 31422 3291 2 Asparagine synthase related Re03.g04540 protein 4707 14957 25207 Guanine nucleotide exchange Re03.g04550 factor Vps9, putative 4708 14958 25208 Re03.g04560 Uncharacterized protein 4709 14959 25209 Re03.g04570 hypothetical protein 471 0 14960 2521 0 31423 3291 3 Re03.g04580 Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 471 1 14961 2521 1 Re03.g04590 Calcium transporter 471 2 14962 2521 2 Haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase, Re03.g04600 putative 471 3 14963 2521 3 Re03.g0461 0 Uncharacterized protein 4714 14964 25214 Re03.g04620 C6 transcription factor 471 5 14965 2521 5 Re03.g04630 Uncharacterized protein 471 6 14966 2521 6 Re03.g04640 Putative uncharacterized protein 471 7 14967 2521 7 31424 32914 Re03.g04650 FAD-binding protein 471 8 14968 2521 8 Re03.g04660 Uncharacterized protein 471 9 14969 2521 9 Re03.g04670 Uncharacterized protein 4720 14970 25220 Putative uncharacterized protein Re03.g04680 An01 g 10280 4721 14971 25221 31425 3291 5 Re03.g04690 Polyketide synthase Fragment 4722 14972 25222 Re03.g04700 Uncharacterized protein 4723 14973 25223 Re03.g0471 0 Pc1 3g 10900 protein 4724 14974 25224 Re03.g04720 Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase 4725 14975 25225 Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide Re03.g04730 oxidoreductase, putative 4726 14976 25226 Re03.g04740 HLH transcription factor, putative 4727 14977 25227 Re03.g04750 Nucleoside hydrolase, putative 4728 14978 25228 Re03.g04760 Uncharacterized protein 4729 14979 25229 31426 3291 6 COPII-coated vesicle protein Re03.g04770 SurF4/Erv29, putative 4730 14980 25230 Re03.g04780 Uncharacterized protein 4731 14981 25231 Vegetative incompatibility protein Re03.g04790 HET-E-1 4732 14982 25232 31427 3291 7 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re03.g04800 putative 4733 14983 25233 Re03.g0481 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4734 14984 25234 Re03.g04820 Putative uncharacterized protein 4735 14985 25235 31428 3291 8 Re03.g04830 Putative uncharacterized protein 4736 14986 25236 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re03.g04840 Lsm8, putative 4737 14987 25237 Re03.g04850 Uncharacterized protein 4738 14988 25238 Re03.g04860 Putative uncharacterized protein 4739 14989 25239 Re03.g04870 Ribosomal protein 4740 14990 25240 GNAT family acetyltransferase, Re03.g04880 putative 4741 14991 25241 Re03.g04890 Putative uncharacterized protein 4742 14992 25242 Re03.g04900 ADP-ribosylation factor, putative 4743 14993 25243 Re03.g0491 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4744 14994 25244 Re03.g04920 Putative uncharacterized protein 4745 14995 25245 Re03.g04930 Uncharacterized protein 4746 14996 25246 31429 3291 9 Cyanide hydratase/nitrilase, Re03.g04940 putative 4747 14997 25247 Re03.g04950 Pc1 2g02660 protein 4748 14998 25248 Re03.g04960 Putative amidohydrolase protein 4749 14999 25249 Re03.g04970 Acetamidase 4750 15000 25250 Re03.g04980 Ethanolamine kinase, putative 4751 15001 25251 Re03.g04990 CORD and CS domain protein 4752 15002 25252 Re03.g05000 Glutaredoxin domain protein 4753 15003 25253 31430 32920 HpcH/Hpal aldolase/citrate lyase Re03.g0501 0 family protein 4754 15004 25254 Re03.g05020 hypothetical protein 4755 15005 25255 Re03.g05030 hypothetical protein 4756 15006 25256 Re03.g05040 hypothetical protein 4757 15007 25257 31431 32921 Re03.g05050 hypothetical protein 4758 15008 25258 Re03.g05060 Uncharacterized protein 4759 15009 25259 Re03.g05070 hypothetical protein 4760 1501 0 25260 Re03.g05080 Uncharacterized protein 4761 1501 1 25261 Re03.g05090 Uncharacterized protein 4762 1501 2 25262 DUF1 688 domain-containing Re03.g051 00 protein 4763 1501 3 25263 Re03.g051 10 Uncharacterized protein 4764 15014 25264 31432 32922 Re03.g051 20 Uncharacterized protein 4765 1501 5 25265 Re03.g051 30 Uncharacterized protein 4766 1501 6 25266 Putative carbohydrate esterase Re03.g05140 family 5 protein 4767 1501 7 25267 31433 32923 Putative carboxylesterase family Re03.g051 50 protein (Secreted protein) protein 4768 1501 8 25268 31434 32924 Re03.g051 60 hypothetical protein 4769 1501 9 25269 31435 32925 Re03.g051 80 Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 4770 15020 25270 Re03.g051 90 hypothetical protein 4771 15021 25271 31436 32926 Re03.g05200 Endopolyphosphatase EC=3.6. 1.1 0 4772 15022 25272 31437 32927 Re03.g0521 0 Uncharacterized protein 4773 15023 25273 31438 32928 Re03.g05220 Putative uncharacterized protein 4774 15024 25274 Re03.g05230 hypothetical protein 4775 15025 25275 Monooxygenase FAD-binding Re03.g05240 protein 4776 15026 25276 31439 32929 Re03.g05250 Putative uncharacterized protein 4777 15027 25277 Endosomal cargo receptor (P24), Re03.g05260 putative 4778 15028 25278 31440 32930 Re03.g05270 Putative uncharacterized protein 4779 15029 25279 Myosin class II heavy chain (MHC), Re03.g05290 putative 4780 15030 25280 Re03.g05300 Predicted protein 4781 15031 25281 Re03.g0531 0 hypothetical protein 4782 15032 25282 Re03.g05320 60S ribosomal protein L37a 4783 15033 25283 Saccharopine dehydrogenase, Re03.g05330 putative 4784 15034 25284 Succinate:fumarate antiporter Re03.g05340 (Acr1 ), putative 4785 15035 25285 Actin monomer binding protein, Re03.g05350 putative 4786 15036 25286 Re03.g05360 Uncharacterized protein 4787 15037 25287 Re03.g05370 Pinin/SDK/memA domain protein 4788 15038 25288 Re03.g05380 Epoxide hydrolase 4789 15039 25289 Re03.g05390 Uncharacterized protein 4790 15040 25290 Re03.g05400 Putative uncharacterized protein 4791 15041 25291 Re03.g0541 0 CAF1 family ribonuclease, putative 4792 15042 25292 Re03.g05420 50S ribosomal subunit L30 4793 15043 25293 Re03.g05430 Uncharacterized protein 4794 15044 25294 Re03.g05440 Putative uncharacterized protein 4795 15045 25295 Re03.g05450 Uncharacterized protein 4796 15046 25296 Re03.g05460 Uncharacterized protein 4797 15047 25297 Re03.g05470 Predicted protein 4798 15048 25298 Re03.g05480 Uncharacterized protein 4799 15049 25299 Re03.g05490 Nuclear export protein Noc3 4800 15050 25300 Re03.g05500 Ribosome biogenesis protein NIP7 4801 15051 25301 Defective in neddylation Re03.g0551 0 protein 4802 15052 25302 Re03.g05520 Putative uncharacterized protein 4803 15053 25303 Re03.g05530 Uncharacterized protein 4804 15054 25304 Re03.g05540 Putative uncharacterized protein 4805 15055 25305 Re03.g05550 Uncharacterized protein 4806 15056 25306 Re03.g05560 Cell division control protein Cdc48 4807 15057 25307 Re03.g05570 Predicted protein 4808 15058 25308 Re03.g05580 Putative uncharacterized protein 4809 15059 25309 31441 32931 Re03.g05590 Uncharacterized protein 481 0 15060 2531 0 Re03.g05600 hypothetical protein 481 1 15061 2531 1 31442 32932 Re03.g0561 0 Uncharacterized protein 481 2 15062 2531 2 Re03.g05620 Uncharacterized protein 481 3 15063 2531 3 Re03.g05630 Uncharacterized protein 4814 15064 25314 MAPKKK cascade protein kinase Re03.g05640 regulator Ste50 481 5 15065 2531 5 Re03.g05650 Na+/H+ antiporter Nha1 481 6 15066 2531 6 Re03.g05660 Sorting nexin Mvp1 481 7 15067 2531 7 Re03.g05670 Uncharacterized protein 481 8 15068 2531 8 Re03.g05680 Uncharacterized protein 481 9 15069 2531 9 Re03.g05690 Putative uncharacterized protein 4820 15070 25320 GTP binding protein (SPG1 ), Re03.g05700 putative 4821 15071 25321 Re03.g0571 0 Uncharacterized protein 4822 15072 25322 C2H2 transcription factor (AmdX), Re03.g05720 putative 4823 15073 25323 MFS glucose transporter, putative Re03.g05730 (AFU orthologue AFUA_3G141 70) 4824 15074 25324 31443 32933 Re03.g05740 hypothetical protein 4825 15075 25325 31444 32934 Ceramide synthase membrane Re03.g05750 component (LAG1), putative 4826 15076 25326 Re03.g05760 Putative uncharacterized protein 4827 15077 25327 31445 32935 Re03.g05770 Alpha-amylase, putative 4828 15078 25328 31446 32936 Re03.g05780 Glucoamylase 4829 15079 25329 31447 32937 Re03.g05790 Putative uncharacterized protein 4830 15080 25330 31448 32938 Cullin binding protein CanA, Re03.g05800 putative 4831 15081 25331 Cullin binding protein CanA, Re03.g0581 0 putative 4832 15082 25332 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re03.g05820 EAA58284.1 4833 15083 25333 Re03.g05830 pH signal transduction protein PalH 4834 15084 25334 Re03.g05840 Putative uncharacterized protein 4835 15085 25335 Aspartic endopeptidase Re03.g05850 Pep1/aspergillopepsin F 4836 15086 25336 31449 32939 Re03.g05860 C6 transcription factor, putative 4837 15087 25337 UV radiation resistance protein Re03.g05870 (UVRAG), putative 4838 15088 25338 Re03.g05880 Uncharacterized protein 4839 15089 25339 Re03.g05890 Protein phosphatase 2C, putative 4840 15090 25340 Re03.g05900 SNF7 family protein 4841 15091 25341 Re03.g0591 0 Transmembrane GTPase Fzo1 4842 15092 25342 Re03.g05920 BRCT domain protein 4843 15093 25343 31450 32940 ATP-dependent DNA helicase PIF1 Re03.g05930 EC= 2 4844 15094 25344 Re03.g05940 YjeF_N domain protein 4845 15095 25345 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, Re03.g05950 putative 4846 15096 25346 Re03.g05960 Uncharacterized protein 4847 15097 25347 Carboxyphosphonoenol pyruvate Re03.g05970 mutase 4848 15098 25348 Re03.g05980 Putative uncharacterized protein 4849 15099 25349 Re03.g05990 Protein H0L1 , putative 4850 15 100 25350 Re03.g06000 hypothetical protein 4851 15 10 1 25351 Re03.g0601 0 Uncharacterized protein 4852 15 102 25352 Triosephosphate isomerase Re03.g06020 EC=5.3.1 .1 4853 15 103 25353 Mitochondrial distribution and Re03.g06030 morphology protein 10 4854 15 104 25354 60S acidic ribosomal protein PO, Re03.g06040 putative 4855 15 105 25355 U 1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re03.g06050 70 kDa 4856 15 106 25356 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein Re03.g06060 L43, putative 4857 15 107 25357 Re03.g06070 Uncharacterized protein 4858 15 108 25358 Re03.g06080 hypothetical protein 4859 15 109 25359 Re03.g06090 Putative uncharacterized protein 4860 15 110 25360 Ribosome biogenesis protein Rial , Re03.g061 00 putative 4861 15 111 25361 Re03.g061 10 3'-5' exoribonuclease 4862 15 112 25362 31451 32941 Vacuolar armadillo repeat protein Re03.g061 20 Vac8, putative 4863 15 113 25363 Re03.g061 30 FHA domain protein 4864 15 114 25364 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re03.g06140 alr2987 4865 15 115 25365 Re03.g061 50 Uncharacterized protein 4866 15 116 25366 Re03.g061 60 Uncharacterized protein 4867 15 117 25367 Re03.g061 70 hypothetical protein 4868 15 118 25368 Remark: belongs to the S30E Re03.g061 80 family of ribosomal proteins 4869 15 119 25369 Re03.g061 90 Vacuolar protein sorting vps1 6 4870 15 120 25370 Re03.g06200 Uncharacterized protein 4871 15 12 1 25371 Re03.g0621 0 Uncharacterized protein 4872 15 122 25372 EF-hand superfamily Re03.g06220 Ca2+modulated protein 4873 15 123 25373 Re03.g06230 Thioredoxin, putative 4874 15 124 25374 Re03.g06240 Kinesin family protein 4875 15 125 25375 31452 32942 Translation initiation factor eif-2b Re03.g06250 delta subunit 4876 15 126 25376 31453 32943 Re03.g06260 Apc1 3 domain protein 4877 15 127 25377 Re03.g06270 DNA polymerase alpha subunit B 4878 15 128 25378 Re03.g06280 CRAL/TRIO domain protein 4879 15 129 25379 Sn protein kinase complex Re03.g06290 subunit Snf4, putative 4880 15 130 25380 Re03.g06300 Uncharacterized protein 4881 15 13 1 25381 Re03.g0631 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4882 15 132 25382 31454 32944 BZIP transcription factor (Atf21 ), Re03.g06320 putative 4883 15 133 25383 31455 32945 Re03.g06330 MFS quinate transporter, putative 4884 15 134 25384 Re03.g06340 Arylsulfatase 4885 15 135 25385 Re03.g06350 Xaa-pro dipeptidase, putative 4886 15 136 25386 Re03.g06360 Putative uncharacterized protein 4887 15 137 25387 Re03.g06370 Iron transporter 4888 15 138 25388 Re03.g06380 Kelch repeat protein protein 4889 15 139 25389 Mitochondrial 3-hydroxyisobutyryl- Re03.g06390 CoA hydrolase, putative 4890 15140 25390 Mitochondrial 54S ribosomal Re03.g06400 protein YmL6 4891 15141 25391 Mitochondrial 54S ribosomal Re03.g0641 0 protein YmL35 4892 15142 25392 Mitochondrial inner membrane Re03.g06420 protease subunit 1, putative 4893 15143 25393 31456 32946 Re03.g06430 DUF1 264 domain protein 4894 15144 25394 Hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase, Re03.g06440 putative 4895 15145 25395 Putative uncharacterized protein Re03.g06450 An14g06350 4896 15146 25396 Re03.g06460 Putative uncharacterized protein 4897 15147 25397 Re03.g06470 hypothetical protein 4898 15148 25398 31457 32947 Re03.g06480 hypothetical protein 4899 15149 25399 Re03.g06490 hypothetical protein 4900 15 150 25400 Re03.g06500 hypothetical protein 4901 15 15 1 25401 Re03.g0651 0 hypothetical protein 4902 15 152 25402 Re03.g06520 NAD+ kinase, putative 4903 15 153 25403 Re03.g06530 BET3 family protein 4904 15 154 25404 Microfibrillar-associated protein Re03.g06540 MfaP1 , putative 4905 15 155 25405 Re03.g06550 Uncharacterized protein 4906 15 156 25406 Re03.g06560 Uncharacterized protein 4907 15 157 25407 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re03.g06570 SmD2, putative 4908 15 158 25408 Dihydroxyacetone kinase (DakA), Re03.g06580 putative 4909 15 159 25409 subunit CulD, Re03.g06590 putative 491 0 15 160 2541 0 Re03.g06600 Uncharacterized protein 491 1 15 16 1 2541 1 Phosphotidylinositol kinase Tell , Re03.g0661 0 putative 491 2 15 162 2541 2 Re03.g06620 Putative uncharacterized protein 491 3 15 163 2541 3 Re03.g06630 UPF0052 domain protein 4914 15 164 25414 C3HC4 type (RING finger) zinc Re03.g06640 finger containing protein 491 5 15 165 2541 5 Re03.g06650 DNA polymerase gamma 491 6 15 166 2541 6 Re03.g06660 Major royal jelly protein 491 7 15 167 2541 7 31458 32948 CorA family metal ion transporter, Re03.g06670 putative 491 8 15 168 2541 8 Re03.g06680 Putative uncharacterized protein 491 9 15 169 2541 9 DNA excision repair protein Re03.g06690 (Rad5), putative 4920 15 170 25420 Re03.g06700 Uncharacterized protein 4921 15 17 1 25421 Re03.g0671 0 hypothetical protein 4922 15 172 25422 GTP binding protein (GTPBP1 ), Re03.g06720 putative 4923 15 173 25423 U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (Lsm3), putative (AFU orthologue Re03.g06730 AFUA_5G1 2570) 4924 15 174 25424 Re03.g06740 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 4925 15 175 25425 N-acetylglucosaminyl- phosphatidylinositol deacetylase, Re03.g06750 putative 4926 15 176 25426 31459 32949 Re03.g06760 hypothetical protein 4927 15 177 25427 Arrestin (Or S-antigen), N-terminal domain protein (AFU orthologue Re03.g06770 AFUA_5G1 2530) 4928 15 178 25428 31460 32950 Re03.g06780 Uncharacterized protein 4929 15 179 25429 31461 32951 Re03.g06790 Putative uncharacterized protein 4930 15 180 25430 31462 32952 Stress response protein Rds1 , Re03.g06800 putative 4931 15 18 1 25431 31463 32953 Short chain Re03.g0681 0 dehydrogenase/reductase family 4932 15 182 25432 31464 32954 Re03.g06820 Pc21 g07730 protein 4933 15 183 25433 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate-6- Re03.g06830 semialdehyde decarboxylase 4934 15 184 25434 Re03.g06840 Uncharacterized protein 4935 15 185 25435 Re03.g06850 Cell cycle control protein 4936 15 186 25436 Re03.g06860 Uncharacterized protein 4937 15 187 25437 Re03.g06870 Putative uncharacterized protein 4938 15 188 25438 31465 32955 Re03.g06880 Ankyrin repeat protein 4939 15 189 25439 Re03.g06890 Putative uncharacterized protein 4940 15 190 25440 Re03.g06900 Uncharacterized protein 4941 15 19 1 25441 Re03.g0691 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 4942 15 192 25442 Re03.g06920 Putative uncharacterized protein 4943 15 193 25443 Re03.g06930 Similar to MFS sugar transporter 4944 15 194 25444 Re03.g06940 Reverse transcriptase, putative 4945 15 195 25445 Re03.g06950 Uncharacterized protein 4946 15 196 25446 Re03.g06960 Putative uncharacterized protein 4947 15 197 25447 Re03.g06970 Putative uncharacterized protein 4948 15 198 25448 Re03.g06980 Pc22g24560 protein 4949 15 199 25449 Re03.g06990 Putative uncharacterized protein 4950 15200 25450 Putative transferase caf17, Re03.g07000 mitochondrial EC=2.1 Precursor 4951 15201 25451 Re03.g0701 0 Decapping enzyme Dcp2, putative 4952 15202 25452 Re03.g07020 Putative uncharacterized protein 4953 15203 25453 Cytoplasmic tRNA 2-thiolation Re03.g07030 protein 2 4954 15204 25454 Integral membrane protein (Ptm1 ), Re03.g07040 putative 4955 15205 25455 31466 32956 Re03.g07050 Putative uncharacterized protein 4956 15206 25456 WD domain, G-beta repeat Re03.g07060 containing protein 4957 15207 25457 31467 32957 Mitochondrial oxaloacetate Re03.g07070 transporter (Oac), putative 4958 15208 25458 31468 32958 Re03.g07080 Uncharacterized protein 4959 15209 25459 Re03.g07090 Uncharacterized protein 4960 1521 0 25460 Re03.g071 00 hypothetical protein 4961 1521 1 25461 Re03.g071 10 hypothetical protein 4962 1521 2 25462 Re03.g071 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 4963 1521 3 25463 Re03.g071 30 Predicted protein 4964 15214 25464 31469 32959 Re03.g07140 Choline dehydrogenase 4965 1521 5 25465 Re03.g071 50 Uncharacterized protein 4966 1521 6 25466 31470 32960 Re03.g071 60 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 4967 1521 7 25467 Re03.g071 70 Uncharacterized protein 4968 1521 8 25468 Re03.g071 80 WD repeat protein 4969 1521 9 25469 Re03.g071 90 Uncharacterized protein 4970 15220 25470 Re03.g07200 Putative uncharacterized protein 4971 15221 25471 Re03.g0721 0 Uncharacterized protein 4972 15222 25472 Re03.g07220 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 4973 15223 25473 Re03.g07230 Putative uncharacterized protein 4974 15224 25474 rRNA processing protein (Ebp2), Re03.g07240 putative 4975 15225 25475 Re03.g07250 Putative uncharacterized protein 4976 15226 25476 Disulfide isomerase (TigA), Re03.g07260 putative 4977 15227 25477 31471 32961 Re03.g07270 XPG l-region protein 4978 15228 25478 Oxidoreductase, 20G-Fe(ll) Re03.g07280 oxygenase family, putative 4979 15229 25479 MYND domain protein (SamB), Re03.g07290 putative 4980 15230 25480 Re03.g07300 hypothetical protein 4981 15231 25481 31472 32962 Re03.g0731 0 hypothetical protein 4982 15232 25482 G protein complex beta subunit Re03.g07320 SfaD 4983 15233 25483 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re03.g07330 TYA 4984 15234 25484 Re03.g07340 hypothetical protein 4985 15235 25485 31473 32963 Re03.g07350 Phosducin, putative 4986 15236 25486 Transcription initiation factor Re03.g07360 subunit (TAF30), putative 4987 15237 25487 Ran-specific GTPase-activating Re03.g07370 protein 1, putative 4988 15238 25488 Re03.g07380 Uncharacterized protein 4989 15239 25489 Re03.g07390 Acetyl xylan esterase 4990 15240 25490 31474 32964 Re03.g07400 Uncharacterized protein 4991 15241 25491 31475 32965 Small oligopeptide transporter, Re03.g0741 0 OPT family 4992 15242 25492 Alpha-1 ,2-mannosyltransferase Re03.g07420 (Kre5), putative EC=2.4.1 .13 1 4993 15243 25493 Re03.g07430 PH domain protein 4994 15244 25494 Integral membrane protein, Re03.g07440 putative 4995 15245 25495 Rab small monomeric GTPase Re03.g07450 Rab7, putative 4996 15246 25496 Re03.g07460 Autophagy protein Apg1 6, putative 4997 15247 25497 Histone-lysine N- methyltransferase, H3 lysine-79 Re03.g07470 specific EC=2. 1.1 .43 4998 15248 25498 AdoMet-dependent rRNA Re03.g07480 methyltransferase spbl EC=2. .1 .- 4999 15249 25499 Re03.g07490 Putative uncharacterized protein 5000 15250 25500 Re03.g07500 Putative uncharacterized protein 5001 15251 25501 Re03.g0751 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5002 15252 25502 Re03.g07520 C2H2 transcription factor, putative 5003 15253 25503 Re03.g07530 DNA Iigase EC=6.5. 1.1 5004 15254 25504 Re03.g07540 Uncharacterized protein 5005 15255 25505 C6 transcription factor (NirA), Re03.g07550 putative 5006 15256 25506 Serine/threonine-protein Re03.g07560 phosphatase EC=3. 1.3.1 6 5007 15257 25507 Putative uncharacterized protein Re03.g07570 Fragment 5008 15258 25508 31476 32966 Dol-P-Man:Man(5)GlcNAc(2)-PP- Dol alpha-1 ,3-mannosyltransferase Re03.g07580 EC=2.4.1 .258 5009 15259 25509 Re03.g07590 Eukaryotic initiation factor 1A 501 0 15260 2551 0 Re03.g07600 Putative uncharacterized protein 501 1 15261 2551 1 Re03.g0761 0 Protein kinase c 501 2 15262 2551 2 Tubulin-specific chaperone D, Re03.g07620 putative 501 3 15263 2551 3 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re03.g07630 U 1a,U2b 5014 15264 25514 Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit D, Re03.g07640 putative EC= 501 5 15265 2551 5 31477 32967 Re03.g07650 mRNA splicing factor 501 6 15266 2551 6 Re03.g07660 Putative uncharacterized protein 501 7 15267 2551 7 Rho guanyl nucleotide exchange Re03.g07670 factor, putative 501 8 15268 2551 8 Re03.g07680 PP-loop family protein 501 9 15269 2551 9 Re03.g07690 WD repeat protein 5020 15270 25520 Re03.g07700 Putative uncharacterized protein 5021 15271 25521 Re03.g0771 0 DUF985 domain protein 5022 15272 25522 Re03.g07720 Autophagy-related protein 18 5023 15273 25523 Re03.g07730 Leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 5024 15274 25524 Protein tyrosine phosphatase Re03.g07740 Pps1 , putative 5025 15275 25525 Re03.g07750 Uncharacterized protein 5026 15276 25526 Re03.g07760 Uncharacterized protein 5027 15277 25527 Re03.g07770 Putative uncharacterized protein 5028 15278 25528 26S proteasome regulatory subunit Re03.g07780 rpn-1 5029 15279 25529 RI01 family protein kinase, putative (AFU orthologue Re03.g07790 AFUA_5G1 1730) 5030 15280 25530 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein Re03.g07800 L23, putative 5031 15281 25531 Lon protease homolog 2, Re03.g0781 0 peroxisomal EC=3.4.21 .- 5032 15282 25532 Re03.g07820 Hydroxymethylbilane synthase 5033 15283 25533 TOR signalling pathway regulator Re03.g07830 (TapA), putative 5034 15284 25534 Re03.g07840 RNase3 domain protein 5035 15285 25535 Re03.g07850 Dynein heavy chain 5036 15286 25536 Re03.g07860 Putative uncharacterized protein 5037 15287 25537 Oxidative stress protein Svf1 , Re03.g07870 putative 5038 15288 25538 60S ribosomal protein L 19, Re03.g07880 mitochondrial 5039 15289 25539 Re03.g07890 hypothetical protein 5040 15290 25540 Re03.g07900 Protein kinase, putative 5041 15291 25541 Mitochondrial carrier protein (Pet8), Re03.g0791 0 putative 5042 15292 25542 Re03.g07920 Uncharacterized protein 5043 15293 25543 Secretory pathway protein Ssp1 20, Re03.g07930 putative 5044 15294 25544 31478 32968 Re03.g07940 Uncharacterized protein 5045 15295 25545 Pre-mRNA splicing factor ATP- Re03.g07950 dependent RNA helicase Prp43 5046 15296 25546 Re03.g07960 Protein methyltransferase RmtC 5047 15297 25547 Glycerophosphocholine Re03.g07970 phosphodiesterase Gde1 Fragment 5048 15298 25548 Re03.g07980 hypothetical protein 5049 15299 25549 Re03.g07990 hypothetical protein 5050 15300 25550 Actin cytoskeleton organization Re03.g08000 protein (Cro1 ), putative 5051 15301 25551 Transcription factor TFIIH subunit Re03.g0801 0 Tfb4 5052 15302 25552 Re03.g08020 Asparaginase family protein 5053 15303 25553 Arp2/3 complex subunit (Arp3), Re03.g08030 putative 5054 15304 25554 Re03.g08040 tRNA(M5U54)methyltransferase 5055 15305 25555 Mitochondrial 37S ribosomal Re03.g08050 protein MRPS5 5056 15306 25556 31479 32969 Re03.g08060 Putative uncharacterized protein 5057 15307 25557 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re03.g08070 (Nrc-2), putative 5058 15308 25558 Re03.g08080 Uncharacterized protein 5059 15309 25559 Re03.g08090 Uncharacterized protein 5060 1531 0 25560 Re03.g081 00 Putative uncharacterized protein 5061 1531 1 25561 31480 32970 Re03.g081 10 MYB DNA binding protein 5062 1531 2 25562 TFIID and and SAGA complex Re03.g081 20 TAF10 subunit, putative 5063 1531 3 25563 Re03.g081 30 Ribosomal protein S 19, putative 5064 15314 25564 Re03.g08140 Inositol polyphosphate multikinase 5065 1531 5 25565 Re03.g081 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 5066 1531 6 25566 Re03.g081 60 Quinone oxidoreductase, putative 5067 1531 7 25567 31481 32971 Re03.g081 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 5068 1531 8 25568 mRNA cleavage and Re03.g081 80 polyadenylation factor CLP1 5069 1531 9 25569 Putative APSES transcription factor Re03.g081 90 (Eurofung) 5070 15320 25570 Re03.g08200 Putative uncharacterized protein 5071 15321 25571 Protein phosphatase type 2A Re03.g0821 0 protein 5072 15322 25572 Re03.g08220 Uncharacterized protein 5073 15323 25573 Re03.g08230 Urea active transporter, putative 5074 15324 25574 Re03.g08240 Uncharacterized protein 5075 15325 25575 Re03.g08250 Putative uncharacterized protein 5076 15326 25576 Ndc80 complex component Nuf2, Re03.g08260 putative 5077 15327 25577 Translation initiation factor elF-2B Re03.g08270 alpha subunit, putative 5078 15328 25578 Re03.g08280 hypothetical protein 5079 15329 25579 31482 32972 Re03.g08290 hypothetical protein 5080 15330 25580 Re03.g08300 Uncharacterized protein 5081 15331 25581 Re03.g0831 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5082 15332 25582 Re03.g08320 Thioredoxin 5083 15333 25583 Re03.g08330 MFS transporter 5084 15334 25584 Re03.g08340 Uncharacterized protein 5085 15335 25585 Re03.g08350 Pc21 g05600 protein 5086 15336 25586 Re03.g08360 Polyglutamate biosynthesis protein 5087 15337 25587 Re03.g08370 OTU-like cysteine protease 5088 15338 25588 Re03.g08380 D-amino acid oxidase EC= .4.3.3 5089 15339 25589 31483 32973 Re03.g08390 GATAfactor SREP 5090 15340 25590 Re03.g08400 hypothetical protein 5091 15341 25591 Re03.g0841 0 COPI-coated vesicle protein 5092 15342 25592 Re03.g08420 Uncharacterized protein 5093 15343 25593 Re03.g08430 Uncharacterized protein 5094 15344 25594 Re03.g08440 hypothetical protein 5095 15345 25595 Re03.g08450 Oxidoreductase 5096 15346 25596 Re03.g08460 Putative uncharacterized protein 5097 15347 25597 Re03.g08470 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 5098 15348 25598 Re03.g08480 hypothetical protein 5099 15349 25599 RAS small monomeric GTPase Re03.g08490 RasA 5 100 15350 25600 Molybdopterin binding domain Re03.g08500 protein 5 10 1 15351 25601 31484 32974 Re03.g0851 0 GMF family protein 5 102 15352 25602 Re03.g08520 hypothetical protein 5 103 15353 25603 Re03.g08530 hypothetical protein 5 104 15354 25604 Re03.g08540 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 105 15355 25605 Re03.g08550 hypothetical protein 5 106 15356 25606 Re03.g08560 hypothetical protein 5 107 15357 25607 31485 32975 Chromatin remodeling complex WSTF-ISWI, small subunit Re03.g08570 Fragment 5 108 15358 25608 Re03.g08580 Uncharacterized protein 5 109 15359 25609 Ribonuclease P complex subunit Re03.g08590 Pop4, putative 5 110 15360 2561 0 tRNA-splicing endonuclease Re03.g08600 subunit sen34 5 111 15361 2561 1 Re03.g0861 0 PAXNEB 5 112 15362 2561 2 DNA-directed RNA polymerases i, Re03.g08620 ii, and iii 145 kDa polypeptide 5 113 15363 2561 3 Thiamin pyrophosphokinase- Re03.g08630 related protein 5 114 15364 25614 Re03.g08640 DUF775 domain protein 5 115 15365 2561 5 Re03.g08650 Pc21 g05560 protein 5 116 15366 2561 6 Re03.g08660 hypothetical protein 5 117 15367 2561 7 Re03.g08670 MFS transporter, putative 5 118 15368 2561 8 Re03.g08680 C6 transcription factor 5 119 15369 2561 9 Re03.g08690 hypothetical protein 5 120 15370 25620 Re03.g08700 WD repeat protein 5 12 1 15371 25621 ATP dependent RNA helicase Re03.g0871 0 (Dbp7), putative 5 122 15372 25622 Re03.g08720 Pantoate-beta-alanine ligase 5 123 15373 25623 Re03.g08730 Acyltransferase, putative 5 124 15374 25624 Re03.g08740 PaxU 5 125 15375 25625 Re03.g08750 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 126 15376 25626 Re03.g08760 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 127 15377 25627 Re03.g08770 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 128 15378 25628 Re03.g08780 Uncharacterized protein 5 129 15379 25629 Re03.g08790 Predicted protein 5 130 15380 25630 Re03.g08800 Ammonium transporter MepA 5 13 1 15381 25631 Nucleoside diphosphatase (Ynd1 ), Re03.g0881 0 putative 5 132 15382 25632 31486 32976 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re03.g08820 U2, A 5 133 15383 25633 Re03.g08830 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 134 15384 25634 Re03.g08840 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 135 15385 25635 Re03.g08850 Uncharacterized protein 5 136 15386 25636 Re03.g08860 Predicted protein 5 137 15387 25637 Re03.g08870 hypothetical protein 5 138 15388 25638 Re03.g08880 DUF221 domain protein, putative 5 139 15389 25639 Re03.g08890 Putative uncharacterized protein 5140 15390 25640 Re03.g08900 DNA replication licensing factor 5141 15391 25641 31487 32977 Mcm6, putative Re03.g0891 0 Predicted protein 5142 15392 25642 Pyridoxamine phosphate oxidase, Re03.g08920 putative 5143 15393 25643 FAD dependent oxidoreductase Re03.g08930 superfamily 5144 15394 25644 Re03.g08940 Uncharacterized protein 5145 15395 25645 31488 32978 Stress response RCI peptide, Re03.g08950 putative 5146 15396 25646 31489 32979 Mitochondrion biogenesis protein Re03.g08960 (She9), putative 5147 15397 25647 Re03.g08970 hypothetical protein 5148 15398 25648 Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase Re03.g08980 EC=4.3.1 .24 5149 15399 25649 Re03.g08990 hypothetical protein 5 150 15400 25650 31490 32980 Voltage-gated chloride channel, Re03.g09000 putative 5 15 1 15401 25651 Re03.g0901 0 Predicted protein 5 152 15402 25652 31491 32981 Cytochrome b- complex subunit Re03.g09020 Rieske, mitochondrial EC=1 .10.2.2 5 153 15403 25653 31492 32982 Re03.g09030 Pentatricopeptide repeat protein 5 154 15404 25654 Re03.g09040 hypothetical protein 5 155 15405 25655 Re03.g09050 Phosphomevalonate kinase 5 156 15406 25656 Re03.g09060 Glucoamylase EC=3.2. 1.3 5 157 15407 25657 31493 32983 Alpha-amylase, putative Re03.g09070 EC=3.2.1 .1 5 158 15408 25658 31494 32984 Re03.g09080 Uncharacterized protein 5 159 15409 25659 Proteasome maturation factor Re03.g09090 Ump1 , putative 5 160 1541 0 25660 Re03.g091 00 37S ribosomal protein S 12 5 16 1 1541 1 25661 Alpha-1 ,2-mannosyltransferase Re03.g091 10 (Kre2), putative 5 162 1541 2 25662 31495 32985

Re03.g091 20 Topisomerase II associated protein 5 163 1541 3 25663 UDP-glucose 4-epimerase Re03.g091 30 EC=5.1 .3.2 5 164 15414 25664 Oxidoreductase, short chain Re03.g09140 dehydrogenase/reductase family 5 165 1541 5 25665 Re03.g091 50 G-patch domain protein, putative 5 166 1541 6 25666 Re03.g091 60 Sec1 family superfamily 5 167 1541 7 25667 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re03.g091 70 SUV3 5 168 1541 8 25668 RNA helicase-like splicing factor Re03.g091 80 (HRH1 ), putative 5 169 1541 9 25669 Re03.g091 90 Uncharacterized protein 5 170 15420 25670 Re03.g09200 Uncharacterized protein 5 17 1 15421 25671 Re03.g0921 0 C6 transcription factor, putative 5 172 15422 25672 Sodium/calcium transporter, Re03.g09220 putative 5 173 15423 25673 Putative fructosyl amine:oxygen Re03.g09230 oxidoreductase protein 5 174 15424 25674 Re03.g09240 C6 zinc finger domain protein 5 175 15425 25675 Re03.g09250 Reverse transcriptase, putative 5 176 15426 25676 Re03.g09260 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 177 15427 25677 Re03.g09270 hypothetical protein 5 178 15428 25678 Pre-rRNA processing protein Esf1, Re03.g09280 putative 5 179 15429 25679 Re03.g09290 Uridine kinase EC=2.7. 1.48 5 180 15430 25680 Re03.g09300 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 18 1 15431 25681 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re03.g0931 0 subunit 5 182 15432 25682 Sister chromatid cohesion protein Re03.g09320 Mis4 5 183 15433 25683 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Re03.g09330 subunit 5 184 15434 25684 Deoxyhypusine hydroxylase Re03.g09340 EC=1 .14.99.29 5 185 15435 25685 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re03.g09350 18 kDa subunit, putative 5 186 15436 25686 31496 32986 Re03.g09360 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 187 15437 25687 Histone acetyltransferase (Esa1 ), Re03.g09370 putative 5 188 15438 25688 Re03.g09380 Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ce 5 189 15439 25689 Re03.g09390 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 190 15440 25690 Re03.g09400 Uncharacterized protein 5 19 1 15441 25691 Re03.g0941 0 Uncharacterized protein 5 192 15442 25692 Re03.g09420 Uncharacterized protein 5 193 15443 25693 Re03.g09430 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 194 15444 25694 Re03.g09440 Uncharacterized protein 5 195 15445 25695 31497 32987 Re03.g09450 hypothetical protein 5 196 15446 25696 Re03.g09460 RNA exonuclease 4 5 197 15447 25697 Re03.g09470 Putative uncharacterized protein 5 198 15448 25698 MRNA decapping hydrolase, Re03.g09480 putative 5 199 15449 25699 Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L3 Re03.g09490 EC=3.1 .2.1 5 5200 15450 25700 Re03.g09500 MT-A70 family 5201 15451 25701 Re03.g0951 0 hypothetical protein 5202 15452 25702 Re03.g09520 hypothetical protein 5203 15453 25703 Re03.g09530 Nucleoside-triphosphatase 5204 15454 25704 Re03.g09540 RNA binding protein Jsn1 , putative 5205 15455 25705 Re03.g09550 Signal transducer, putative 5206 15456 25706 Re03.g09560 Putative uncharacterized protein 5207 15457 25707 Cytoplasmic asparaginyl-tRNA Re03.g09570 synthetase, putative 5208 15458 25708 Differentiation regulator (Nrd1 ), Re03.g09580 putative 5209 15459 25709 Re03.g09590 Uncharacterized protein 521 0 15460 2571 0 Re03.g09600 Uncharacterized protein 521 1 15461 2571 1 Re03.g0961 0 hypothetical protein 521 2 15462 2571 2 Re03.g09620 hypothetical protein 521 3 15463 2571 3 Re03.g09630 Uncharacterized protein 5214 15464 25714 Re03.g09640 Uncharacterized protein 521 5 15465 2571 5 Siderochrome-iron transporter Re03.g09650 (MirC), putative 521 6 15466 2571 6 Re03.g09660 Cell division control protein 42 521 7 15467 2571 7 Re03.g09670 Agmatinase, putative 521 8 15468 2571 8 31498 32988 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] Re03.g09680 synthase 521 9 15469 2571 9 SAGA complex component Re03.g09690 (Sgf73), putative 5220 15470 25720 mRNA capping enzyme alpha Re03.g09700 subunit, putative 5221 15471 25721 Re03.g0971 0 DNA Iigase EC=6.5. 1.1 5222 15472 25722 Re03.g09720 Uncharacterized protein 5223 15473 25723 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re03.g09730 factor 5 5224 15474 25724 Thiamine biosynthetic bifunctional Re03.g09740 enzyme, putative 5225 15475 25725 Isochorismatase domain-containing Re03.g09750 protein 5226 15476 25726 Re03.g09760 Uncharacterized protein 5227 15477 25727 GDSL Lipase/Acylhydrolase family Re03.g09770 protein 5228 15478 25728 Re03.g09780 Uncharacterized protein 5229 15479 25729 Re03.g09790 Uncharacterized protein 5230 15480 25730 31499 32989 Re03.g09800 hypothetical protein 5231 15481 25731 Re03.g0981 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5232 15482 25732 Re03.g09820 Uncharacterized protein 5233 15483 25733 Exosome complex endonuclease 2/ribosomal RNA processing Re03.g09830 protein, putative 5234 15484 25734 Re03.g09840 P-type ATPase 5235 15485 25735 Re03.g09850 Putative uncharacterized protein 5236 15486 25736 Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Re03.g09860 transferase, putative 5237 15487 25737 Re03.g09870 Pc1 3g03730 protein 5238 15488 25738 Re03.g09880 Putative uncharacterized protein 5239 15489 25739 Re03.g09890 Uncharacterized protein 5240 15490 25740 3 1500 32990 Re03.g09900 Uncharacterized protein 5241 15491 25741 Re03.g0991 0 Uncharacterized protein 5242 15492 25742 Re03.g09920 Putative uncharacterized protein 5243 15493 25743 Re03.g09930 Uncharacterized protein 5244 15494 25744 3 1501 32991 Guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor, Re03.g09940 putative 5245 15495 25745 RING finger domain protein, Re03.g09950 putative 5246 15496 25746 Mitochondrial inner membrane Re03.g09960 nuclease Nuc1 , putative 5247 15497 25747 3 1502 32992 Re03.g09970 ZIP metal ion transporter, putative 5248 15498 25748 Re03.g09980 Putative uncharacterized protein 5249 15499 25749 Trafficking protein particle complex Re03.g09990 subunit 2/Sedlin, putative 5250 15500 25750 Isochorismatase family hydrolase, Re03.g1 0000 putative 5251 15501 25751 Re03.g1 001 0 Nuclear distribution protein NudE 5252 15502 25752 Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, putative Re03.g1 0020 EC=6.4.1 .2 5253 15503 25753 Re03.g1 0030 Uncharacterized protein 5254 15504 25754 Re03.g1 0040 hypothetical protein 5255 15505 25755 Re03.g1 0050 RING finger membrane protein 5256 15506 25756 Re03.g1 0060 Putative uncharacterized protein 5257 15507 25757 Re03.g1 0070 Putative uncharacterized protein 5258 15508 25758 3 1503 32993 Re03.g1 0080 Protein bimA 5259 15509 25759 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate Re03.g1 0090 acyltransferase (AtaAp), putative 5260 1551 0 25760 3 1504 32994 Glucan endo-1 ,3-beta-glucosidase, Re03.g1 0 100 putative 5261 1551 1 25761 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase Re03.g1 0 110 NpgA/CfwA 5262 1551 2 25762 Re03.g1 0 120 Pyridoxine 5263 1551 3 25763 3 1505 32995 Small subunit of nuclear cap- Re03.g1 0 130 binding protein complex 5264 15514 25764 Re03.g1 0140 Putative uncharacterized protein 5265 1551 5 25765 Re03.g1 0 150 Uncharacterized protein 5266 1551 6 25766 Re03.g1 0 160 Peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase 5267 1551 7 25767 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Re03.g1 0 170 subunit 5268 1551 8 25768 Re03.g1 0 180 50S ribosomal protein L14 5269 1551 9 25769 3 1506 32996 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase Re03.g1 0 190 set9 5270 15520 25770 Re03.g1 0200 Putative uncharacterized protein 5271 15521 25771 Re03.g1 021 0 Uncharacterized protein 5272 15522 25772 3 1507 32997 Re03.g1 0220 hypothetical protein 5273 15523 25773 3 1508 32998 Re03.g1 0230 Multicopper oxidase, putative 5274 15524 25774 3 1509 32999 Low-affinity glucose transporter Re03.g 10240 HXT3 5275 15525 25775 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re03.g1 0250 Mrh4, putative 5276 15526 25776 3 15 10 33000 GTP binding protein (Bud4), Re03.g1 0260 putative 5277 15527 25777 tRNA pseudouridine synthase, Re03.g1 0270 putative 5278 15528 25778 Transcription factor TFIIE complex Re03.g1 0280 alpha subunit, putative 5279 15529 25779 Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase, Re03.g1 0290 putative Fragment 5280 15530 25780 Acetyltransferase, Re03.g1 0300 CysE/LacA/LpxA/NodL family 5281 15531 25781 Prenyl cysteine carboxyl Re03.g1 031 0 methyltransferase Ste14 5282 15532 25782 Peroxisomal membrane protein Re03.g1 0320 Pex1 7, putative 5283 15533 25783 3 15 11 33001 Re03.g1 0330 Integral membrane protein 5284 15534 25784 Re03.g1 0340 WD repeat protein 5285 15535 25785 Re03.g1 0350 Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 5286 15536 25786 Re03.g1 0360 Uncharacterized protein 5287 15537 25787 Re03.g1 0370 hypothetical protein 5288 15538 25788 Re03.g1 0380 Glutathione S-transferase, putative 5289 15539 25789 3 15 12 33002 Orotidine 5'-phosphate Re03.g1 0390 decarboxylase PyrG 5290 15540 25790 MFS allantoate transporter, Re03.g1 0400 putative 5291 15541 25791 Re03.g1 041 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5292 15542 25792 Re03.g 10420 hypothetical protein 5293 15543 25793 Re03.g1 0430 Uncharacterized protein 5294 15544 25794 U3 small nucleolar Re03.g 10440 ribonucleoprotein IMP3 5295 15545 25795 Zinc-binding oxidoreductase ToxD, Re03.g 10450 putative 5296 15546 25796 Re03.g 10460 DnaJ domain protein, putative 5297 15547 25797 3 15 13 33003 Re03.g1 0470 Putative uncharacterized protein 5298 15548 25798 Re03.g1 0480 Malic enzyme 5299 15549 25799 Re03.g1 0490 Uncharacterized protein 5300 15550 25800 Re03.g1 0500 Uncharacterized protein 5301 15551 25801 Re03.g1 051 0 C6 transcription factor, putative 5302 15552 25802 Re03.g1 0520 MFS transporter, putative 5303 15553 25803 Re03.g1 0530 Putative uncharacterized protein 5304 15554 25804 3 1514 33004 MFS nicotinic acid transporter Re03.g 10540 Tna1 5305 15555 25805 Re03.g1 0550 Uncharacterized protein 5306 15556 25806 Short-chain dehydrogenase, Re03.g1 0560 putative 5307 15557 25807 MAK1 -like monooxygenase, Re03.g1 0570 putative 5308 15558 25808 Re03.g1 0580 Maltose permease, putative 5309 15559 25809 Re03.g1 0590 Putative uncharacterized protein 531 0 15560 2581 0 Re03.g1 0600 Uncharacterized protein 531 1 15561 2581 1 Tubulin-specific chaperone Rbl2, Re03.g1 061 0 putative 531 2 15562 2581 2 Re03.g1 0620 Predicted protein 531 3 15563 2581 3 Re03.g1 0630 Flotillin domain protein 5314 15564 25814 Putative uncharacterized protein Re03.g 10640 An02g1 1260 Precursor 531 5 15565 2581 5 3 15 15 33005

RNA polymerase II transcription factor Sill (Elongin) subunit A, Re03.g1 0650 putative 531 6 15566 2581 6 Re03.g1 0660 Uncharacterized protein 531 7 15567 2581 7 Re03.g1 0670 Uncharacterized protein 531 8 15568 2581 8 Re03.g1 0680 hypothetical protein 531 9 15569 2581 9 Re03.g1 0690 Amino acid transporter, putative 5320 15570 25820 Re03.g1 0700 hypothetical protein 5321 15571 25821 Re03.g1 071 0 Uncharacterized protein 5322 15572 25822 Re03.g1 0720 hypothetical protein 5323 15573 25823 Re03.g1 0730 hypothetical protein 5324 15574 25824 Re03.g1 0740 hypothetical protein 5325 15575 25825 3 15 16 33006 Re03.g1 0750 C6 finger domain protein, putative 5326 15576 25826 Re03.g1 0760 hypothetical protein 5327 15577 25827 Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family Re03.g1 0770 protein 5328 15578 25828 Re03.g1 0780 Involucrin repeat protein 5329 15579 25829 CorA family metal ion transporter, Re03.g1 0790 putative 5330 15580 25830 Phospholipid metabolism enzyme Re03.g1 0800 regulator, putative 5331 15581 25831 Re03.g1 081 0 hypothetical protein 5332 15582 25832 Re03.g1 0820 Putative uncharacterized protein 5333 15583 25833 Re03.g1 0830 Uncharacterized protein 5334 15584 25834 Re03.g1 0840 Putative uncharacterized protein 5335 15585 25835 Re03.g1 0850 Similar to An1 2g02300 5336 15586 25836 Re03.g1 0860 Putative uncharacterized protein 5337 15587 25837 3 15 17 33007 Re03.g1 0870 Glucosylceramidase 5338 15588 25838 3 15 18 33008 Re03.g1 0880 Ribosomal protein L 19 5339 15589 25839 Re03.g1 0890 Translational activator, putative 5340 15590 25840 ATP dependent RNA helicase, Re03.g1 0900 putative 5341 15591 25841 Re03.g1 091 0 hypothetical protein 5342 15592 25842 Re03.g1 0920 hypothetical protein 5343 15593 25843 Re03.g1 0930 hypothetical protein 5344 15594 25844 Re03.g1 0940 APSES transcription factor StuA 5345 15595 25845 Re03.g1 0950 Uncharacterized protein 5346 15596 25846 Putative pyruvate carboxylase Re03.g1 0960 protein 5347 15597 25847 Re03.g1 0970 O-methyltransferase, putative 5348 15598 25848 Re03.g1 0980 Uncharacterized protein 5349 15599 25849 Patatin-like serine hydrolase, Re03.g1 0990 putative 5350 15600 25850 Competence/damage-inducible Re03.g1 1000 CinA family protein, putative 5351 15601 25851 Cytosolic Re03.g1 10 10 hydroxymethyltransferase, putative 5352 15602 25852 3 15 19 33009 Re03.g1 1020 Uncharacterized protein 5353 15603 25853 3 1520 3301 0 Re03.g1 1030 hypothetical protein 5354 15604 25854 Integral membrane protein, Re03.g1 1040 putative 5355 15605 25855 Re03.g1 1050 Uncharacterized protein 5356 15606 25856 Re03.g1 1060 Acyl-CoA synthetase, putative 5357 15607 25857 Ras small monomeric GTPase Re03.g1 1070 RasB 5358 15608 25858 Re03.g1 1080 AMP-binding enzyme, putative 5359 15609 25859 Re03.g1 1090 BolA domain protein 5360 1561 0 25860 Re03.g1 1100 SNARE domain protein 5361 1561 1 25861 Re03.g1 1110 C6 transcription factor 5362 1561 2 25862 Nicotinate Re03.g1 1120 phosphoribosyltransferase 5363 1561 3 25863 PHD finger domain protein, Re03.g1 1130 putative 5364 15614 25864 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III Re03.g1 1140 subunit Rpc34 5365 1561 5 25865 Re03.g1 1150 Heat shock protein (Sti1 ), putative 5366 1561 6 25866 Re03.g1 1160 Nuclear migration protein, putative 5367 1561 7 25867 Re03.g1 1170 Putative uncharacterized protein 5368 1561 8 25868 3 1521 3301 1 Re03.g1 1180 Uncharacterized protein 5369 1561 9 25869 Re03.g1 1190 hypothetical protein 5370 15620 25870 Re03.g1 1200 Putative uncharacterized protein 5371 15621 25871 MRNA splicing factor RNA helicase Re03.g1 12 10 (Cdc28), putative 5372 15622 25872 Re03.g1 1220 Protein kinase, putative 5373 15623 25873 Re03.g1 1230 hypothetical protein 5374 15624 25874 Re03.g1 1240 hypothetical protein 5375 15625 25875 Nonribosomal siderophore peptide Re03.g1 1250 synthase, putative 5376 15626 25876 Re03.g1 1260 L-ornithine N5-oxygenase SidA 5377 15627 25877 Re03.g1 1270 Palmitoyltransferase EC=2.3.1 .225 5378 15628 25878 Cyclin-dependent protein kinase complex component (Pcl8), Re03.g1 1280 putative 5379 15629 25879 Re03.g1 1290 hypothetical protein 5380 15630 25880 3 1522 3301 2 Re03.g1 1300 hypothetical protein 5381 15631 25881 Re03.g1 13 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 5382 15632 25882 Re03.g1 1320 Vacuolar H+/Ca2+ exchanger 5383 15633 25883 Cystathionine beta-synthase, Re03.g1 1330 putative 5384 15634 25884 Short chain Re03.g1 1340 dehydrogenase/reductase, putative 5385 15635 25885 Re03.g1 1350 Uncharacterized protein 5386 15636 25886 Beta-1 ,6-glucan boisynthesis Re03.g1 1360 protein (Knh1 ), putative 5387 15637 25887 Re03.g1 1370 Putative uncharacterized protein 5388 15638 25888 Mitochondrial inner membrane Re03.g1 1380 protease atp23 EC=3.4.24.- 5389 15639 25889 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re03.g1 1390 (Ark1 ), putative 5390 15640 25890 TOR signaling pathway protein Re03.g1 1400 TipA, putative 5391 15641 25891 Ubiquinol-cytochrome C Re03.g1 141 0 chaperone, putative 5392 15642 25892 Leukotriene A-4 hydrolase Re03.g1 1420 homolog EC= 5393 15643 25893 Probable Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase Re03.g1 1430 pepP EC=3.4.1 1.9 5394 15644 25894 Re03.g1 1440 Putative uncharacterized protein 5395 15645 25895 Re03.g1 1450 hypothetical protein 5396 15646 25896 Re03.g1 1460 5-oxo-L-prolinase, putative 5397 15647 25897 RNA polymerase II transcriptional Re03.g1 1470 coactivator, putative 5398 15648 25898 Re03.g1 1480 PX domain protein 5399 15649 25899 Re03.g1 1490 Thioesterase family protein 5400 15650 25900 Re03.g1 1500 DDHD domain protein 5401 15651 25901 Actin-bundling protein Sac6, Re03.g1 15 10 putative 5402 15652 25902 Re03.g1 1520 Uncharacterized protein 5403 15653 25903 Re03.g1 1530 O-acyltransferase 5404 15654 25904 Re03.g 11540 O-acyltransferase 5405 15655 25905 Putative RNA binding protein SwoK Re03.g1 1550 (Eurofung) 5406 15656 25906 3 1523 3301 3 Re03.g1 1560 Pc1 3g05530 protein 5407 15657 25907 Re03.g1 1570 60S ribosomal protein L 18 5408 15658 25908 Gamma-glutamyl phosphate Re03.g1 1580 reductase EC=1 .2. 1.41 5409 15659 25909 COP9 signalosome complex Re03.g1 1590 subunit 3 541 0 15660 2591 0 Re03.g1 1600 Uncharacterized protein 541 1 15661 2591 1 Re03.g1 16 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 541 2 15662 2591 2 Re03.g1 1620 Putative uncharacterized protein 541 3 15663 2591 3 Re03.g1 1630 Putative uncharacterized protein 5414 15664 25914 Re03.g1 1640 Putative uncharacterized protein 541 5 15665 2591 5 Re03.g1 1650 Putative uncharacterized protein 541 6 15666 2591 6 3 1524 33014 Re03.g1 1660 Putative uncharacterized protein 541 7 15667 2591 7 Re03.g1 1670 Uncharacterized protein 541 8 15668 2591 8 Re03.g1 1680 Putative uncharacterized protein 541 9 15669 2591 9 Re03.g1 1690 hypothetical protein 5420 15670 25920 Re03.g1 1700 hypothetical protein 5421 15671 25921 Re03.g1 17 10 hypothetical protein 5422 15672 25922 Re03.g1 1720 hypothetical protein 5423 15673 25923 Re03.g1 1730 Putative uncharacterized protein 5424 15674 25924 Re03.g1 1740 Uncharacterized protein 5425 15675 25925 Re03.g1 1750 hypothetical protein 5426 15676 25926 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal Re03.g1 1760 hydrolase EC=3.4. 19.1 2 5427 15677 25927 Replication protein A 70 kDa DNA- Re03.g1 1770 binding subunit 5428 15678 25928 Re03.g1 1780 Uncharacterized protein 5429 15679 25929 Re03.g1 1790 Nuclear division Rft1 protein, 5430 15680 25930 putative Re03.g1 1800 hypothetical protein 5431 15681 25931 Oligosaccharyl transferase subunit Re03.g1 18 10 (Gamma) 5432 15682 25932 3 1525 3301 5 Re03.g1 1820 Uncharacterized protein 5433 15683 25933 Re03.g1 1830 hypothetical protein 5434 15684 25934 Re03.g1 1840 Uncharacterized protein 5435 15685 25935 Ubiquitin activating E 1 enzyme-like Re03.g1 1850 protein 5436 15686 25936 Deoxycytidylate deaminase, Re03.g1 1860 putative 5437 15687 25937 Imidazole glycerol phosphate Re03.g1 1870 synthase subunit hisF EC=4. 1.3.- 5438 15688 25938 Re03.g1 1880 Uncharacterized protein 5439 15689 25939 Re03.g1 1890 Yippee family protein 5440 15690 25940 Re03.g1 1900 Putative uncharacterized protein 5441 15691 25941 Re03.g1 19 10 Uncharacterized protein 5442 15692 25942 Re03.g1 1920 DUF907 domain protein 5443 15693 25943 3 1526 3301 6 Re03.g1 1930 hypothetical protein 5444 15694 25944 Re03.g1 1940 Uncharacterized protein 5445 15695 25945 Chromatin remodeling and histone acetyltransferase complexes Re03.g1 1950 subunit 5446 15696 25946 Re03.g1 1960 Uncharacterized protein 5447 15697 25947 Re03.g1 1970 Uracil DNA N-glycosylase, putative 5448 15698 25948 Protein disulfide isomerase Pdi1 , Re03.g1 1980 putative 5449 15699 25949 3 1527 3301 7 Re03.g1 1990 Autophagy protein Atg22, putative 5450 15700 25950 Re03.g1 2000 hypothetical protein 5451 15701 25951

RNA polymerase II holoenzyme/mediator complex Re03.g1 201 0 component Rgr1 , putative 5452 15702 25952 Heterogeneous nuclear Re03.g1 2020 ribonucleoprotein HRP1 5453 15703 25953 Re03.g1 2030 TBC domain 5454 15704 25954 Dimethyladenosine transferase, Re03.g1 2040 putative EC=2.1 .1 .- 5455 15705 25955 mRNA splicing factor (Prp1/Zer1 ), Re03.g1 2050 putative 5456 15706 25956 Transcriptional co-activator Re03.g1 2060 (Hfi1/Ada1 ), putative 5457 15707 25957 Re03.g1 2070 Putative uncharacterized protein 5458 15708 25958 Re03.g1 2080 Uncharacterized protein 5459 15709 25959 NAD dependent glutamate Re03.g1 2090 dehydrogenase, putative 5460 1571 0 25960 Re03.g1 2 100 hypothetical protein 5461 1571 1 25961 Re03.g1 2 110 Transposon, putative 5462 1571 2 25962 Re03.g1 2 120 hypothetical protein 5463 1571 3 25963 Re03.g1 2 130 Uncharacterized protein 5464 15714 25964 Re03.g1 2140 Putative uncharacterized protein 5465 1571 5 25965 PHD finger and JmjC domain Re03.g1 2 150 protein, putative 5466 1571 6 25966 Pre-mRNA branch site protein p14, Re03.g1 2 160 putative 5467 1571 7 25967 Re03.g1 2 170 Putative uncharacterized protein 5468 1571 8 25968 3 1528 3301 8 Re03.g1 2 180 Uncharacterized protein 5469 1571 9 25969 Re03.g1 2 190 Uncharacterized protein 5470 15720 25970 Carnitinyl-CoA dehydratase, Re03.g1 2200 putative 5471 15721 25971 Re03.g1 221 0 Hexokinase Kxk, putative 5472 15722 25972 Re03.g1 2220 Putative uncharacterized protein 5473 15723 25973 Re03.g1 2230 Uncharacterized protein 5474 15724 25974 Re03.g 12240 Putative uncharacterized protein 5475 15725 25975 3 1529 3301 9 Re03.g1 2250 Ammonium transporter MeaA 5476 15726 25976 Re03.g1 2260 hypothetical protein 5477 15727 25977 Calcium/mangenease P-type Re03.g1 2270 ATPase, putative 5478 15728 25978 Double-strand-break repair protein Re03.g1 2280 rad21 5479 15729 25979 Re03.g1 2290 Putative uncharacterized protein 5480 15730 25980 Re03.g1 2300 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 5481 15731 25981 Re03.g1 231 0 Riboflavin kinase, putative 5482 15732 25982 Re03.g1 2320 Putative uncharacterized protein 5483 15733 25983 Transcription activator of Re03.g1 2330 gluconeogenesis acuK 5484 15734 25984 Re03.g1 2340 hypothetical protein 5485 15735 25985 Re03.g1 2350 IdgA domain protein 5486 15736 25986 Oligosaccharyl transferase subunit Re03.g1 2360 (Alpha), putative 5487 15737 25987 3 1530 33020 Vacuolar transporter chaperone Re03.g1 2370 (Vtc4), putative 5488 15738 25988 DNA replication licensing factor Re03.g1 2380 Mcm4, putative 5489 15739 25989 Re03.g1 2390 Uncharacterized protein 5490 15740 25990 Arginine N-methyltransferase Re03.g1 2400 (Rmt2), putative 5491 15741 25991 Re03.g1 241 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5492 15742 25992 3 1531 33021 Re03.g 12420 Prohibitin, putative 5493 15743 25993 Polyadenylation factor subunit Re03.g1 2430 CstF64, putative 5494 15744 25994 C-5 cytosine-specific DNA Re03.g 12440 methylase, putative 5495 15745 25995 NADH-ubiquinone dehydrogenase Re03.g 12450 24 kDa subunit, putative 5496 15746 25996 Re03.g 12460 Putative uncharacterized protein 5497 15747 25997 Re03.g1 2470 Adenosine deaminase 5498 15748 25998 Re03.g1 2480 Epoxide hydrolase 5499 15749 25999 Re03.g1 2490 Protein SUA5 5500 15750 26000 Re03.g1 2500 Putative uncharacterized protein 5501 15751 26001 Re03.g1 251 0 Protein dopey 5502 15752 26002 Re03.g1 2520 Putative uncharacterized protein 5503 15753 26003 3 1532 33022 Re03.g1 2530 HIT finger domain protein, putative 5504 15754 26004 Glycerol:H+ symporter (Gup1 ), Re03.g 12540 putative 5505 15755 26005 Re03.g1 2550 Cytochrome P450, putative 5506 15756 26006 3 1533 33023 Phosphoethanolamine N- Re03.g1 2560 methyltransferase, putative 5507 15757 26007 Re03.g1 2570 Alternative oxidase EC=1 5508 15758 26008 Re03.g1 2580 Putative uncharacterized protein 5509 15759 26009 Re03.g1 2590 Similar to An14g04490 551 0 15760 2601 0 3 1534 33024 GNAT family acetyltransferase, Re03.g1 2600 putative 551 1 15761 2601 1 Re03.g1 261 0 Uncharacterized protein 551 2 15762 2601 2 Re03.g1 2620 hypothetical protein 551 3 15763 2601 3 3 1535 33025 ACN9 family domain containing Re03.g1 2630 protein, putative 5514 15764 26014 3 1536 33026 Re03.g 12640 Putative uncharacterized protein 551 5 15765 2601 5 Re03.g1 2650 hypothetical protein 551 6 15766 2601 6 Re03.g1 2660 Putative uncharacterized protein 551 7 15767 2601 7 Re03.g1 2670 Putative uncharacterized protein 551 8 15768 2601 8 Re03.g1 2680 Putative uncharacterized protein 551 9 15769 2601 9 Re03.g1 2690 Putative uncharacterized protein 5520 15770 26020 MFS monosaccharide transporter, Re03.g1 2700 putative 5521 15771 26021 ER membrane protein (Pkr1 ), Re03.g1 271 0 putative 5522 15772 26022 Predicted: nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase isoform Re03.g1 2720 X2 5523 15773 26023 Re03.g1 2730 Uncharacterized protein 5524 15774 26024 Anaphase-promoting complex Re03.g1 2740 subunit ApcB, putative 5525 15775 26025 Re03.g1 2750 Putative uncharacterized protein 5526 15776 26026 Re03.g1 2760 Putative uncharacterized protein 5527 15777 26027 Re03.g1 2770 hypothetical protein 5528 15778 26028 Re03.g1 2780 hypothetical protein 5529 15779 26029 Putative alcohol dehydrogenase Re03.g1 2790 protein 5530 15780 26030 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re03.g1 2800 (Hrh1 ), putative 5531 15781 26031 Mitochondrial carrier protein, Re03.g1 281 0 putative 5532 15782 26032 Re03.g1 2820 F-box protein (Pof7), putative 5533 15783 26033 Re03.g1 2830 Transcription factor RfeD, putative 5534 15784 26034 Re03.g1 2840 Uncharacterized protein 5535 15785 26035 3 1537 33027 Re03.g1 2850 hypothetical protein 5536 15786 26036 Re03.g1 2860 Endo-1 ,4-beta-xylanase 5537 15787 26037 EC=3.2.1 .8 Re03.g1 2870 Putative uncharacterized protein 5538 15788 26038 Re03.g1 2880 Uncharacterized protein 5539 15789 26039 3 1538 33028 Glucose-methanol-choline (Gmc) Re03.g1 2890 oxidoreductase, putative 5540 15790 26040 Protein kinase domain-containing Re03.g1 2900 protein 5541 15791 26041 Taurine catabolism dioxygenase Re03.g1 291 0 TauD, TfdA family protein 5542 15792 26042 Re03.g1 2920 Uncharacterized protein 5543 15793 26043 Re03.g1 2930 hypothetical protein 5544 15794 26044 Re03.g1 2940 Uncharacterized protein 5545 15795 26045 Re03.g1 2950 Putative uncharacterized protein 5546 15796 26046 3 1539 33029 Re03.g1 2960 Extracellular serine-rich protein 5547 15797 26047 3 1540 33030 Re03.g1 2970 60S ribosomal protein L 10 5548 15798 26048 Re03.g1 2980 Putative uncharacterized protein 5549 15799 26049 Re03.g1 2990 Uncharacterized protein 5550 15800 26050 3 1541 33031 Re03.g1 3000 Uncharacterized protein 5551 15801 26051 Re03.g1 301 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5552 15802 26052 Re03.g1 3020 RecQ family helicase MusN 5553 15803 26053 Re03.g1 3030 Putative uncharacterized protein 5554 15804 26054 Re03.g1 3040 Prolyl aminopeptidase EC=3.4.1 1.5 5555 15805 26055 Re03.g1 3050 Tyrosine decarboxylase, putative 5556 15806 26056 Re03.g1 3060 Kelch repeats protein, putative 5557 15807 26057 Re03.g1 3070 KH domain RNA binding protein 5558 15808 26058 Re03.g1 3080 Putative uncharacterized protein 5559 15809 26059 Re03.g1 3090 Putative uncharacterized protein 5560 1581 0 26060 3 1542 33032 Putative alpha-l-rhamnosidase Re03.g1 3 100 protein 5561 1581 1 26061 3 1543 33033 Re03.g1 3 120 Uncharacterized protein 5562 1581 2 26062 3 1544 33034 Glutamine dependent NAD+ Re03.g1 3 130 synthetase, putative 5563 1581 3 26063 Re03.g1 3140 Putative uncharacterized protein 5564 15814 26064 Re03.g1 3 150 hypothetical protein 5565 1581 5 26065 Re03.g1 3 160 hypothetical protein 5566 1581 6 26066 Re03.g1 3 170 Uncharacterized protein 5567 1581 7 26067 Proteasome subunit beta type Re03.g1 3 180 EC= 5568 1581 8 26068 Nuclear pore complex subunit Re03.g1 3 190 Nup1 59 5569 1581 9 26069 Re03.g1 3200 Uncharacterized protein 5570 15820 26070 Re03.g1 321 0 hypothetical protein 5571 15821 26071 TAM domain methyltransferase, Re03.g1 3220 putative 5572 15822 26072 Re03.g1 3230 hypothetical protein 5573 15823 26073 Re03.g 13240 Metallopeptidase Mip1 5574 15824 26074 Re03.g1 3250 Mitochondrial protein, putative 5575 15825 26075 3 1545 33035 Golgi reassembly stacking protein, Re03.g1 3260 putative 5576 15826 26076 Re03.g1 3270 Methylase 5577 15827 26077 Transcription initiation factor TFIID, Re03.g1 3280 subunit TAF1 5578 15828 26078 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re03.g1 3290 cbkl 5579 15829 26079 Re03.g1 3300 FK506-binding protein 1A 5580 15830 26080 DNA damage repair protein Mus42, Re03.g1 331 0 putative 5581 15831 26081 Re03.g1 3320 NRPS-like enzyme 5582 15832 26082 Re03.g1 3330 Uncharacterized protein 5583 15833 26083 Re03.g1 3340 C6 transcription factor, putative 5584 15834 26084 Re03.g1 3350 C6 finger domain protein, putative 5585 15835 26085 Re03.g1 3360 hypothetical protein 5586 15836 26086 Re03.g1 3370 Uncharacterized protein 5587 15837 26087 Re03.g1 3380 tRNA methyltransferase, putative 5588 15838 26088 Re03.g1 3390 Assimilatory sulfite reductase 5589 15839 26089 Protein fmp52-1 , mitochondrial Re03.g1 3400 Precursor 5590 15840 26090 Re03.g1 341 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5591 15841 26091 Re03.g 13420 Putative uncharacterized protein 5592 15842 26092 Proteasome subunit alpha type Re03.g1 3430 EC= 5593 15843 26093 Re03.g 13440 Pc1 2g08440 protein 5594 15844 26094 Putative uncharacterized protein Re03.g 13450 An1 1g06740 5595 15845 26095 Re03.g 13460 Uncharacterized protein 5596 15846 26096 U 1 snRNP splicing complex Re03.g1 3470 subunit (Luc7), putative 5597 15847 26097 GPI transamidase component Re03.g1 3480 Gpi1 6, putative 5598 15848 26098 3 1546 33036 Re03.g1 3490 Uncharacterized protein 5599 15849 26099 Re03.g1 3500 Putative uncharacterized protein 5600 15850 261 00 Re03.g1 351 0 hypothetical protein 5601 15851 261 0 1 Flavin-containing monooxygenase, Re03.g1 3520 putative 5602 15852 261 02 Re03.g1 3530 hypothetical protein 5603 15853 261 03 3 1547 33037 Re03.g 13540 hypothetical protein 5604 15854 261 04 Re03.g1 3550 Carboxylesterase 5605 15855 261 05 3 1548 33038 Nuclear membrane fusion protein Re03.g1 3560 Kar5 5606 15856 261 06 Re03.g1 3570 60S ribosomal protein L6, putative 5607 15857 261 07 3 1549 33039 Re03.g1 3580 3'(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase 5608 15858 261 08 Re03.g1 3590 VHS domain protein 5609 15859 261 09 Re03.g1 3600 Uncharacterized protein 561 0 15860 261 10 Re03.g1 361 0 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 561 1 15861 261 11 Re03.g1 3620 Putative uncharacterized protein 561 2 15862 261 12 Re03.g1 3630 Putative uncharacterized protein 561 3 15863 261 13 Re03.g 13640 Ubiquitin-like protein ATG12 5614 15864 261 14 Re03.g1 3650 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme h 561 5 15865 261 15 Re03.g1 3660 Uncharacterized protein 561 6 15866 261 16 Re03.g1 3670 Putative uncharacterized protein 561 7 15867 261 17 Re03.g1 3680 Predicted protein 561 8 15868 261 18 Re03.g1 3690 hypothetical protein 561 9 15869 261 19 3 1550 33040 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate Re03.g1 3700 hydroxymethyltransferase PanB 5620 15870 261 20 Re03.g1 371 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5621 15871 261 2 1 Protein kinase essential for the Re03.g1 3720 initiation of DNA replication 5622 15872 261 22 Metallopeptidase family M24, Re03.g1 3730 putative 5623 15873 261 23 Putative flavin-nucleotide-binding Re03.g1 3740 protein 5624 15874 261 24 SIR2 family histone deacetylase, Re03.g1 3750 putative 5625 15875 261 25 3 1551 33041 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase, Re03.g1 3760 putative 5626 15876 261 26 Re03.g1 3770 hypothetical protein 5627 15877 261 27 Re03.g1 3780 Protein kinase, putative 5628 15878 261 28 Re03.g1 3790 Glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase D 5629 15879 261 29 Re03.g1 3800 hypothetical protein 5630 15880 261 30 Sensor histidine kinase/response Re03.g1 381 0 regulator, putative 5631 15881 261 3 1 Re03.g1 3820 Putative uncharacterized protein 5632 15882 261 32 3 1552 33042 Re03.g1 3830 hypothetical protein 5633 15883 261 33 Re03.g1 3840 Putative uncharacterized protein 5634 15884 261 34 Re03.g1 3850 hypothetical protein 5635 15885 261 35 Re03.g1 3860 Putative uncharacterized protein 5636 15886 261 36 Re03.g1 3870 5637 15887 261 37 Re03.g1 3880 Putative uncharacterized protein 5638 15888 261 38 Re03.g1 3890 WD repeat protein 5639 15889 261 39 Re03.g1 3900 Autophagy protein Atg 3, putative 5640 15890 26140 BTB domain and ankyrin repeat Re03.g1 391 0 protein 5641 15891 26141 Re03.g1 3920 Putative uncharacterized protein 5642 15892 26142 Vacuolar sorting-associated protein Re03.g1 3930 (Vps27), putative 5643 15893 26143 Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase, Re03.g1 3940 putative 5644 15894 26144 Re03.g1 3950 Predicted protein 5645 15895 26145 Re03.g1 3960 Nucleoside transporter, putative 5646 15896 26146 RNA binding effector protein Re03.g1 3970 Scp160, putative 5647 15897 26147 Re03.g1 3980 Uncharacterized protein 5648 15898 26148 3 1553 33043 Re03.g1 3990 Putative uncharacterized protein 5649 15899 26149 Re03.g14000 Cytochrome b5, putative 5650 15900 261 50 Sexual development Re03.g1401 0 serine/threonine kinase PakA 5651 15901 261 5 1 Re03.g14020 Class E vacuolar protein-sorting 5652 15902 261 52 machinery protein hsel Re03.g14030 Putative uncharacterized protein 5653 15903 261 53 PAB-dependent poly(A)-specific Re03.g14040 ribonuclease subunit pan2 5654 15904 261 54 Re03.g14050 Uncharacterized protein 5655 15905 261 55 Elongation factor Tu GTP binding Re03.g14060 domain protein 5656 15906 261 56 Hsp70 chaperone BiP/Kar2, Re03.g14070 putative 5657 15907 261 57 3 1554 33044 Re03.g14080 DUF967 domain protein 5658 15908 261 58 Re03.g14090 Uncharacterized protein 5659 15909 261 59 Re03.g141 00 Alcohol dehydrogenase, putative 5660 1591 0 261 60 Re03.g141 10 hypothetical protein 5661 1591 1 261 6 1 3 1555 33045 Re03.g141 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 5662 1591 2 261 62 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re03.g141 30 TYA 5663 1591 3 261 63 Re03.g14140 Reverse transcriptase, putative 5664 15914 261 64 Re03.g141 50 Reverse transcriptase, putative 5665 1591 5 261 65 Re03.g141 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 5666 1591 6 261 66 Re03.g141 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 5667 1591 7 261 67 Re03.g141 80 Reverse transcriptase, putative 5668 1591 8 261 68 Re03.g141 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 5669 1591 9 261 69 Re03.g14200 hypothetical protein 5670 15920 261 70 Re03.g1421 0 Predicted protein 5671 15921 261 7 1 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re03.g14220 putative 5672 15922 261 72 Re03.g14230 Putative uncharacterized protein 5673 15923 261 73 Re03.g 14240 Uncharacterized protein 5674 15924 261 74 Re03.g14250 Phosphotransferase family protein 5675 15925 261 75 Re03.g14260 Reverse transcriptase, putative 5676 15926 261 76 Glycoside hydrolase family 18 Re03.g14270 protein Fragment 5677 15927 261 77 3 1556 33046 Re03.g14280 hypothetical protein 5678 15928 261 78 Re03.g14290 Uncharacterized protein 5679 15929 261 79 3 1557 33047 Re03.g14300 hypothetical protein 5680 15930 261 80 Re03.g1431 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5681 15931 261 8 1 Re03.g14320 Transposase 5682 15932 261 82 Whole genome shotgun sequence assembly, scaffold 69, strain Re03.g14330 Mel28 5683 15933 261 83 Re03.g14340 Uncharacterized protein 5684 15934 261 84 3 1558 33048 Re03.g14350 Transposase 5685 15935 261 85 Re03.g14360 Uncharacterized protein 5686 15936 261 86 Re03.g14370 Uncharacterized protein 5687 15937 261 87 3 1559 33049 Re03.g14380 Short-chain dehydrogenase 5688 15938 261 88 Re03.g14390 FAD binding domain protein 5689 15939 261 89 Re03.g14400 RNAse III, putative 5690 15940 261 90 Re03.g1441 0 Glycosyl hydrolase, putative 5691 15941 261 9 1 3 1560 33050 Re03.g 14420 hypothetical protein 5692 15942 261 92 3 1561 33051 Glycoside hydrolase family 78 Re03.g14430 protein 5693 15943 261 93 3 1562 33052 Re03.g 14440 Amino acid transporter 5694 15944 261 94 Re03.g 14450 hypothetical protein 5695 15945 261 95 Re03.g 14460 Putative uncharacterized protein 5696 15946 261 96 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re03.g14470 encoded by An02g09280 5697 15947 261 97 Re03.g14480 Ran exchange factor Prp20/Pim1 5698 15948 261 98 Aspartate aminotransferase Re03.g14490 EC=2.6.1 .1 5699 15949 261 99 Putative FAD linked oxidase Re03.g14500 domain protein 5700 15950 26200 Re03.g1451 0 Uncharacterized protein 5701 15951 26201 Polyketide synthase modules and Re03.g14520 related proteins 5702 15952 26202 Re03.g14530 Uncharacterized protein 5703 15953 26203 3 1563 33053 Re03.g 14540 Uncharacterized protein 5704 15954 26204 3 1564 33054 Re03.g14550 Putative uncharacterized protein 5705 15955 26205 Re03.g14560 Putative uncharacterized protein 5706 15956 26206 U6 snRNA phosphodiesterase Re03.g14570 EC=3.1 .4.- 5707 15957 26207 Re03.g14580 Putative uncharacterized protein 5708 15958 26208 Re03.g14590 Uncharacterized protein 5709 15959 26209 Re03.g14600 hypothetical protein 571 0 15960 2621 0 Re03.g1461 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 571 1 15961 2621 1 Re03.g14620 Putative uncharacterized protein 571 2 15962 2621 2 Peroxisomal membrane protein Re03.g14630 (Pex1 3), putative 571 3 15963 2621 3 3 1565 33055 Re03.g 14640 Oxidoreductin 5714 15964 26214 3 1566 33056 Re03.g14650 Uncharacterized protein 571 5 15965 2621 5 Re03.g14660 Predicted protein 571 6 15966 2621 6 Re03.g14670 Uncharacterized protein 571 7 15967 2621 7 3 1567 33057 Re03.g14680 DUF455 domain protein 571 8 15968 2621 8 Re03.g14690 Cytochrome P450 571 9 15969 2621 9 Re03.g14700 Autophagy protein Apg6, putative 5720 15970 26220 Myb-like DNA-binding domain Re03.g1471 0 protein 5721 15971 26221 Cysteine synthase, putative Re03.g14720 EC=2.5.1 .47 5722 15972 26222 Re03.g14730 COG1 565 domain protein 5723 15973 26223 Re03.g14740 Uncharacterized protein 5724 15974 26224 3 1568 33058 Re03.g14750 Putative uncharacterized protein 5725 15975 26225 Re03.g14760 Uncharacterized protein 5726 15976 26226 Re03.g14770 hypothetical protein 5727 15977 26227 Re03.g14780 Putative uncharacterized protein 5728 15978 26228 Major facilitator superfamily Re03.g14790 transporter 5729 15979 26229 Re03.g14800 Choline transporter Hnm1 , putative 5730 15980 26230 Re03.g1481 0 Uncharacterized protein 5731 15981 26231 Aspartic protease pepl Re03.g14820 EC= 8 Precursor 5732 15982 26232 3 1569 33059 Nuclease S 1 EC=3. 1.30.1 Re03.g14830 Precursor 5733 15983 26233 3 1570 33060 Re03.g14840 Uncharacterized protein 5734 15984 26234 3 1571 33061 Re03.g14850 Uncharacterized protein 5735 15985 26235 Re03.g14860 GABA permease, putative 5736 15986 26236 Re03.g14870 Uncharacterized protein 5737 15987 26237 Re03.g14880 Uncharacterized protein 5738 15988 26238 Re03.g14890 hypothetical protein 5739 15989 26239 Re03.g14900 MFS transporter, putative 5740 15990 26240 Re03.g1491 0 Secretory lipase, putative 5741 15991 26241 3 1572 33062 Re03.g14920 HHE domain protein 5742 15992 26242 Re03.g14930 Uncharacterized protein 5743 15993 26243 Re03.g14940 hypothetical protein 5744 15994 26244 C4-dicarboxylate transporter/malic Re03.g14950 acid transport protein, putative 5745 15995 26245 Re03.g14960 MFS transporter, putative 5746 15996 26246 Re03.g14970 Putative uncharacterized protein 5747 15997 26247 Re03.g14980 Uncharacterized protein 5748 15998 26248 Re03.g14990 Uncharacterized protein 5749 15999 26249 Pre-mRNA splicing helicase, Re03.g1 5000 putative 5750 16000 26250 DNA mismatch repair protein Re03.g1 501 0 Msh1 , putative 5751 16001 26251 Re03.g1 5020 Ureidoglycolate hydrolase, putative 5752 16002 26252 Re03.g1 5030 Aldo-keto reductase 5753 16003 26253 Re03.g 15040 hypothetical protein 5754 16004 26254 Re03.g1 5050 Uncharacterized protein 5755 16005 26255 Re03.g1 5060 hypothetical protein 5756 16006 26256 Re03.g1 5070 Peptide transporter MTD1 5757 16007 26257 Re03.g1 5080 NmrA family protein 5758 16008 26258 3 1573 33063 Re03.g1 5090 Putative uncharacterized protein 5759 16009 26259 Phosphoglycerate mutase family Re03.g1 5 100 protein, putative 5760 1601 0 26260 3 1574 33064 Sulfatase domain-containing Re03.g1 5 110 protein 5761 1601 1 26261 3 1575 33065 Re03.g1 5 120 Predicted protein 5762 1601 2 26262 Re03.g1 5 130 Beta-1 ,3-glucanosyltransferase 5763 1601 3 26263 3 1576 33066 Re03.g1 5140 C6 finger domain protein, putative 5764 16014 26264 Re03.g1 5 150 hypothetical protein 5765 1601 5 26265 Re03.g1 5 160 Predicted protein 5766 1601 6 26266 Re03.g1 5 170 Putative uncharacterized protein 5767 1601 7 26267 3 1577 33067 Re03.g1 5 180 Uncharacterized protein 5768 1601 8 26268 Re03.g1 5 190 Uncharacterized protein 5769 1601 9 26269 Re03.g1 5200 Uncharacterized protein 5770 16020 26270 Re03.g1 521 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5771 16021 26271 Oxidoreductase, short-chain Re03.g 15220 dehydrogenase/reductase family 5772 16022 26272 Re03.g1 5230 Putative uncharacterized protein 5773 16023 26273 Polygalacturonase (Pectinase), Re03.g 15240 putative 5774 16024 26274 3 1578 33068 Re03.g 15250 Uncharacterized protein 5775 16025 26275 3 1579 33069 Re03.g 15260 Putative uncharacterized protein 5776 16026 26276 Re03.g1 5270 Zinc-binding oxidoreductase 5777 16027 26277 2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3- Re03.g1 5280 dehydrogenase 5778 16028 26278 3 1580 33070 Re03.g1 5290 Uncharacterized protein 5779 16029 26279 Re03.g1 5300 hypothetical protein 5780 16030 26280 Re03.g1 531 0 Putative cyclase 5781 16031 26281 Re03.g1 5320 Uncharacterized protein 5782 16032 26282 Pheromone-regulated membrane Re03.g1 5330 protein, putative 5783 16033 26283 Re03.g 15340 Uncharacterized protein 5784 16034 26284 3 1581 33071 Re03.g1 5350 Uncharacterized protein 5785 16035 26285 3 1582 33072 Re03.g1 5360 Uncharacterized protein 5786 16036 26286 Re03.g1 5370 L-lysine 2,3-aminomutase, putative 5787 16037 26287 Re03.g1 5380 Predicted protein 5788 16038 26288 Re03.g1 5390 Putative uncharacterized protein 5789 16039 26289 NADPH-dependent FMN reductase Re03.g 15400 Lot6, putative 5790 16040 26290 Re03.g1 541 0 Uncharacterized protein 5791 16041 26291 Re03.g 15420 Putative uncharacterized protein 5792 16042 26292 Cytochrome P450 Re03.g 15430 monooxygenase, putative 5793 16043 26293 3 1583 33073 Monocarboxylate permease, Re03.g 15440 putative 5794 16044 26294 Re03.g 15450 Uncharacterized protein 5795 16045 26295 Re03.g 15460 C6 transcription factor, putative 5796 16046 26296 Re03.g 15470 hypothetical protein 5797 16047 26297 Re03.g 15480 Choline dehydrogenase 5798 16048 26298 Re03.g 15490 Putative uncharacterized protein 5799 16049 26299

Re03.g1 5500 Cellobiohydrolase II EC=3.2. 1.91 5800 16050 26300 3 1584 33074 Re03.g1 551 0 Cytochrome P450, putative 5801 16051 26301 Re03.g 15520 Uncharacterized protein 5802 16052 26302 3 1585 33075 Dihydrodipicolinate synthase-like Re03.g1 5530 protein 5803 16053 26303 Re03.g 15540 ABC transporter 5804 16054 26304 Mandelate racemase/muconate Re03.g 15550 lactonizing enzyme family protein 5805 16055 26305 2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3- Re03.g 15560 dehydrogenase, putative 5806 16056 26306 Re03.g1 5570 Uncharacterized protein 5807 16057 26307 Re03.g1 5580 Putative uncharacterized protein 5808 16058 26308 Re03.g1 5590 Putative uncharacterized protein 5809 16059 26309 Re03.g1 5600 Uncharacterized protein 581 0 16060 2631 0 Re03.g1 561 0 hypothetical protein 581 1 16061 2631 1 Re03.g 15620 hypothetical protein 581 2 16062 2631 2 Glucose-methanol-choline Re03.g1 5630 oxidoreductase 581 3 16063 2631 3 Re03.g 15640 Catalase 5814 16064 26314 Re03.g 15650 Antigenic cell wall protein 581 5 16065 2631 5 3 1586 33076 Re03.g 15660 Putative uncharacterized protein 581 6 16066 2631 6 Re03.g1 5670 hypothetical protein 581 7 16067 2631 7 Re03.g1 5680 Mrspl 581 8 16068 2631 8 3 1587 33077 Re03.g1 5690 Putative uncharacterized protein 581 9 16069 2631 9 3 1588 33078 Re03.g1 5700 Uncharacterized protein 5820 16070 26320 Re03.g1 571 0 Oxalate decarboxylase oxdC 5821 16071 26321 Re03.g1 5720 C6 transcription factor, putative 5822 16072 26322 Re03.g1 5730 Putative uncharacterized protein 5823 16073 26323 3 1589 33079 Re03.g 15740 Uncharacterized protein 5824 16074 26324 Re03.g1 5750 hypothetical protein 5825 16075 26325 3 1590 33080 Putative multidrug resistance Re03.g1 5760 protein fnxl protein 5826 16076 26326 Putative uncharacterized protein Re03.g1 5770 An02g 12940 5827 16077 26327 Re03.g1 5780 Predicted protein 5828 16078 26328 Re03.g1 5790 hypothetical protein 5829 16079 26329 Re03.g1 5800 hypothetical protein 5830 16080 26330 3 1591 33081 Re03.g1 581 0 Beta-hexosaminidase EC=3.2.1 .52 5831 16081 26331 3 1592 33082 Peroxisomal targeting receptor Re03.g1 5820 pex5, putative 5832 16082 26332 Re03.g1 5830 Nucleic acid-binding protein 5833 16083 26333 Re03.g 15840 C6 transcription factor, putative 5834 16084 26334 RNA interference and gene Re03.g1 5850 silencing protein (Qde2), putative 5835 16085 26335 Re03.g1 5860 Putative uncharacterized protein 5836 16086 26336

Re03.g1 5870 RNA polymerase II subunit 7 5837 16087 26337 Re03.g1 5880 Uncharacterized protein 5838 16088 26338 Re03.g1 5890 ATP synthase subunit alpha 5839 16089 26339 3 1593 33083 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Re03.g1 5900 dehydrogenase 5840 16090 26340 Re03.g1 591 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5841 16091 26341 Re03.g1 5920 DUF850 domain-containing protein 5842 16092 26342 Re03.g1 5930 Uncharacterized protein 5843 16093 26343 3 1594 33084 Re03.g 15940 DNA repair/transcription protein 5844 16094 26344 Re03.g1 5950 Uncharacterized protein 5845 16095 26345 Re03.g1 5960 Putative uncharacterized protein 5846 16096 26346 Re03.g1 5970 Uncharacterized protein 5847 16097 26347 3 1595 33085 Re03.g1 5980 Putative uncharacterized protein 5848 16098 26348 Ribosome biogenesis protein Re03.g1 5990 Noc4, putative 5849 16099 26349 Mitochondrial ATPase subunit Re03.g1 6000 ATP4, putative 5850 16 100 26350 Re03.g1 601 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5851 16 10 1 26351 Re03.g1 6020 hypothetical protein 5852 16 102 26352 Re03.g1 6030 Pheromone response protein, 5853 16 103 26353 putative Re03.g1 6040 hypothetical protein 5854 16 104 26354 Re03.g1 6050 BZIP transcription factor, putative 5855 16 105 26355 Re03.g1 6060 hypothetical protein 5856 16 106 26356 Re03.g1 6070 Uncharacterized protein 5857 16 107 26357 Re03.g1 6080 Uncharacterized protein 5858 16 108 26358 Re03.g1 6090 Putative uncharacterized protein 5859 16 109 26359 Re03.g1 6 100 COP9 signalosome subunit CsnD 5860 16 110 26360 Fumarate reductase Osm1 , Re03.g1 6 110 putative EC=1 .3. 1.6 5861 16 111 26361 3 1596 33086 Re03.g1 6 120 Uncharacterized protein 5862 16 112 26362 Protein phosphatase PP2A Re03.g1 6 130 regulatory subunit B 5863 16 113 26363 Re03.g1 6140 Transcription factor (Sin3), putative 5864 16 114 26364 Acetyl-coA hydrolase Ach1 , Re03.g1 6 150 putative 5865 16 115 26365 Re03.g1 6 160 Uncharacterized protein 5866 16 116 26366 Re03.g1 6 170 Putative uncharacterized protein 5867 16 117 26367 3 1597 33087 Re03.g1 6 180 Uncharacterized protein 5868 16 118 26368 Re03.g1 6 190 Putative uncharacterized protein 5869 16 119 26369 Re03.g1 6200 Putative uncharacterized protein 5870 16 120 26370 Probable beta-glucosidase btgE Re03.g1 621 0 EC=3.2.1 .21 Precursor 5871 16 12 1 26371 3 1598 33088 Re03.g1 6220 hypothetical protein 5872 16 122 26372 Re03.g1 6230 hypothetical protein 5873 16 123 26373 Re03.g 16240 hypothetical protein 5874 16 124 26374 Function: Hnm1 of S. cerevisiae is the unique coline permease in Re03.g1 6250 yeast 5875 16 125 26375 3 1599 33089 Re03.g1 6260 Putative Choline transport protein 5876 16 126 26376 Re03.g1 6270 hypothetical protein 5877 16 127 26377 Re03.g1 6280 WD repeat protein 5878 16 128 26378 Re03.g1 6290 Chitin synthase F EC=2.4. 1.16 5879 16 129 26379 Re03.g1 6300 hypothetical protein 5880 16 130 26380 3 1600 33090 Chitin synthase activator (Chs3), Re03.g1 631 0 putative 5881 16 13 1 26381 Re03.g1 6320 Alcohol dehydrogenase 5882 16 132 26382 Re03.g1 6330 Dehydrogenase 5883 16 133 26383 Re03.g1 6340 Dihydrodipicolinate synthetase 5884 16 134 26384 Re03.g1 6350 Palmitoyltransferase EC=2.3.1 .225 5885 16 135 26385 Re03.g1 6360 DNA mismatch repair protein 5886 16 136 26386 Re03.g1 6370 Putative uncharacterized protein 5887 16 137 26387 Re03.g1 6380 Uncharacterized protein 5888 16 138 26388 3 1601 33091 Re03.g1 6390 hypothetical protein 5889 16 139 26389 3 1602 33092 Re03.g1 6400 C6 transcription factor, putative 5890 16140 26390 Re03.g1 641 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 5891 16141 26391 Re03.g 16420 Putative uncharacterized protein 5892 16142 26392 Re03.g1 6430 Endoglucanase Cel5C 5893 16143 26393 3 1603 33093 Re03.g 16440 hypothetical protein 5894 16144 26394 3 1604 33094 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re03.g 16450 putative 5895 16145 26395 Re03.g 16460 OPA3 domain protein 5896 16146 26396 Re03.g1 6470 Myosin I MyoA/Myo5 5897 16147 26397 Re03.g1 6480 Putative uncharacterized protein 5898 16148 26398 Re03.g1 6490 Zinc/cadmium resistance protein 5899 16149 26399 3 1605 33095 Manganese ion homeostasis (Fr), Re03.g1 6500 putative 5900 16 150 26400 Pogo transposable element, Re03.g1 651 0 putative 5901 16 15 1 26401 Re03.g1 6520 Tyrosinase 5902 16 152 26402 3 1606 33096 Re03.g1 6530 hypothetical protein 5903 16 153 26403 Re03.g 16540 hypothetical protein 5904 16 154 26404 3 1607 33097 Re03.g1 6550 hypothetical protein 5905 16 155 26405 3 1608 33098 Re03.g1 6560 hypothetical protein 5906 16 156 26406 3 1609 33099 Re03.g1 6570 Putative uncharacterized protein 5907 16 157 26407 S-adenosyl-L-methionine- Re03.g1 6580 dependent methyltransferase 5908 16 158 26408 MFS monosaccharide transporter, Re03.g1 6590 putative 5909 16 159 26409 Re03.g1 6600 Salicylate hydroxylase 591 0 16 160 2641 0 3 16 10 331 00 Re03.g1 661 0 Pc20g 10680 protein 591 1 16 16 1 2641 1 Re03.g1 6620 Glutathione S-transferase, putative 591 2 16 162 2641 2 Re03.g1 6630 Lipase EC=3. 1.1.3 Fragment 591 3 16 163 2641 3 Re03.g 16640 Methyltransferase, putative 5914 16 164 26414 Putative anhydro-n-acetylmuramic Re03.g1 6650 acid kinase protein 591 5 16 165 2641 5 Re03.g1 6660 Putative sugar transporter protein 591 6 16 166 2641 6 3 16 11 331 0 1 Re03.g1 6670 Uncharacterized protein 591 7 16 167 2641 7 Re03.g1 6680 hypothetical protein 591 8 16 168 2641 8 Re03.g1 6690 hypothetical protein 591 9 16 169 2641 9 3 16 12 331 02 Re03.g1 6700 Oxalate decarboxylase 5920 16 170 26420 3 16 13 331 03 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re03.g1 671 0 factor 3 subunit D 5921 16 17 1 26421 Re03.g1 6720 Putative uncharacterized protein 5922 16 172 26422 Re03.g1 6730 Uncharacterized protein 5923 16 173 26423 Arsenite resistance protein Ars2, Re03.g1 6740 putative 5924 16 174 26424 CCAAT-binding transcription factor Re03.g1 6750 subunit HAPB 5925 16 175 26425 Re03.g1 6760 hypothetical protein 5926 16 176 26426 Re03.g1 6770 Kinesin family protein 5927 16 177 26427 Re03.g1 6780 Putative uncharacterized protein 5928 16 178 26428 Re03.g1 6790 hypothetical protein 5929 16 179 26429 3 1614 331 04 Re03.g1 6800 DUF821 domain protein 5930 16 180 26430 Re03.g1 6820 BCS1 -like ATPase, putative 5931 16 18 1 26431 Re03.g1 6830 Predicted protein 5932 16 182 26432 Re03.g1 6840 Predicted protein 5933 16 183 26433 Re03.g1 6850 Type I phosphodiesterase / 5934 16 184 26434 nucleotide pyrophosphatase family protein EC=3.1 .4.1 Re03.g1 6860 hypothetical protein 5935 16 185 26435 Re03.g1 6870 hypothetical protein 5936 16 186 26436 3 16 15 331 05 Re03.g1 6880 Uncharacterized protein 5937 16 187 26437 HLH transcription factor (Hpa3), Re03.g1 6890 putative 5938 16 188 26438 Re03.g1 6900 Predicted protein 5939 16 189 26439 Re03.g1 691 0 Oxidoreductase, putative 5940 16 190 26440 Re03.g1 6920 Uncharacterized protein 5941 16 19 1 26441 Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase Re03.g1 6930 family protein 5942 16 192 26442 Re03.g1 6940 Uncharacterized protein 5943 16 193 26443 Transcription initiation factor TFIID Re03.g1 6950 subunit 7, putative 5944 16 194 26444 Bromodomain associated domain Re03.g1 6960 protein 5945 16 195 26445 Re03.g1 6970 pH-signaling protein PalC, putative 5946 16 196 26446 Re03.g1 6980 Uncharacterized protein 5947 16 197 26447 Alpha- 1,6-mannosyltransferase Re03.g1 6990 subunit, putative 5948 16 198 26448 Re03.g1 7000 Protein kinase, putative 5949 16 199 26449 Re03.g1 701 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5950 16200 26450 Re03.g1 7020 Uncharacterized protein 5951 16201 26451 Re03.g1 7030 Exonuclease 5952 16202 26452 Re03.g1 7040 Thioredoxin, putative 5953 16203 26453 Re03.g1 7050 Uncharacterized protein 5954 16204 26454 Mitochondrial deoxynucleotide Re03.g1 7060 carrier protein, putative 5955 16205 26455 Re03.g1 7070 Tubulin subunit alpha-2 5956 16206 26456 Re03.g1 7080 hypothetical protein 5957 16207 26457 Mechanosensitive ion channel Re03.g1 7090 family 5958 16208 26458 Re03.g1 7 100 hypothetical protein 5959 16209 26459 3 16 16 331 06 Serine threonine protein kinase, Re03.g1 7 110 putative 5960 1621 0 26460 Re03.g1 7 120 hypothetical protein 5961 1621 1 26461 3 16 17 331 07 Re03.g1 7 130 Malate permease 5962 1621 2 26462 Re03.g1 7140 hypothetical protein 5963 1621 3 26463 Re03.g1 7 150 Uncharacterized protein 5964 16214 26464 Re03.g1 7 160 Uncharacterized protein 5965 1621 5 26465 Rho GTPase activator (Lrg1 1), Re03.g1 7 170 putative 5966 1621 6 26466 Re03.g1 7 180 hypothetical protein 5967 1621 7 26467 Re03.g1 7 190 Uncharacterized protein 5968 1621 8 26468 Complex: the P. patens RPN1 0 is Re03.g1 7200 part of the 26S proteasome 5969 1621 9 26469 Re03.g1 721 0 Trappc4 protein 5970 16220 26470 Re03.g1 7220 C2H2 finger domain protein 5971 16221 26471 Re03.g1 7230 MFS transporter 5972 16222 26472 Re03.g 17240 ABC multidrug transporter, putative 5973 16223 26473 Re03.g1 7250 Putative uncharacterized protein 5974 16224 26474 Re03.g1 7260 Beta-xylosidase EC=3.2.1 .37 5975 16225 26475 3 16 18 331 08 Re03.g1 7270 hypothetical protein 5976 16226 26476 Re03.g1 7280 hypothetical protein 5977 16227 26477 Re03.g1 7290 Uncharacterized protein 5978 16228 26478 Re03.g1 7300 hypothetical protein 5979 16229 26479 3 16 19 331 09 Re03.g1 731 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 5980 16230 26480 Re03.g1 7320 Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase 5981 16231 26481 Re03.g1 7330 Uncharacterized protein 5982 16232 26482 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re03.g1 7340 LSM2 5983 16233 26483 Re03.g1 7350 hypothetical protein 5984 16234 26484 DNA repair protein Pso2/Snm1 , Re03.g1 7360 putative 5985 16235 26485 UMTA methyltransferase family Re03.g1 7370 protein 5986 16236 26486 Re03.g1 7380 Putative uncharacterized protein 5987 16237 26487 Cytochrome P450 benzoate 4- Re03.g1 7390 monooxygenase, putative 5988 16238 26488 Re03.g1 7400 hypothetical protein 5989 16239 26489 Re03.g1 741 0 Uncharacterized protein 5990 16240 26490 Putative glycoside hydrolase family Re03.g 17420 39 protein 5991 16241 26491 3 1620 331 10 Re03.g1 7430 Gibberellin 20-oxidase, putative 5992 16242 26492 C6 transcription factor (Leu3), Re03.g 17440 putative 5993 16243 26493 Small oligopeptide transporter, Re03.g 17450 OPT family 5994 16244 26494 Re03.g 17460 Cytochrome B2, putative 5995 16245 26495 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase Re03.g1 7470 EC=1 .1 .1 .169 5996 16246 26496 Re03.g1 7480 Putative uncharacterized protein 5997 16247 26497 Re03.g1 7490 DUF636 domain protein 5998 16248 26498 Purine nucleoside permease, Re03.g1 7500 putative 5999 16249 26499 3 1621 331 11 Similar to FAD binding domain Re03.g1 751 0 protein 6000 16250 26500 Re03.g1 7520 Uncharacterized protein 6001 16251 26501 Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 2, Re03.g1 7530 putative 6002 16252 26502 3 1622 331 12 Re03.g 17540 L-xylulose reductase 6003 16253 26503 Re03.g1 7550 Similar to An1 5g07820 6004 16254 26504 3 1623 331 13 Re03.g1 7560 Uncharacterized protein 6005 16255 26505 3 1624 331 14 Re03.g1 7570 Uncharacterized protein 6006 16256 26506 3 1625 331 15 Re03.g1 7580 Uncharacterized protein 6007 16257 26507 3 1626 331 16 Re03.g1 7590 Uncharacterized protein 6008 16258 26508 Re04.g0001 0 hypothetical protein 6009 16259 26509 Re04.g00020 Putative uncharacterized protein 601 0 16260 2651 0 Re04.g00030 hypothetical protein 601 1 16261 2651 1 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re04.g00040 TYA 601 2 16262 2651 2 Re04.g00050 Predicted protein 601 3 16263 2651 3 Re04.g00060 Putative uncharacterized protein 6014 16264 26514 Putative uncharacterized protein Re04.g00070 Fragment 601 5 16265 2651 5 Putative glycosyl transferase family Re04.g00080 8 protein 601 6 16266 2651 6 Glycosyltransferase family 8 Re04.g00090 protein 601 7 16267 2651 7 Polygalacturonase 2 EC=3.2.1 .15 Re04.g001 00 Precursor 601 8 16268 2651 8 3 1627 331 17 Re04.g001 10 Uncharacterized protein 601 9 16269 2651 9 Re04.g001 20 Uncharacterized protein 6020 16270 26520 Re04.g001 30 Uncharacterized protein 6021 16271 26521 Re04.g00140 Uncharacterized protein 6022 16272 26522 Re04.g001 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 6023 16273 26523 3 1628 331 18 Re04.g001 60 hypothetical protein 6024 16274 26524 Re04.g001 70 Uncharacterized protein 6025 16275 26525 Re04.g001 80 hypothetical protein 6026 16276 26526 Re04.g001 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 6027 16277 26527 Re04.g00200 PQ loop repeat protein 6028 16278 26528 Re04.g0021 0 Conserved serine-rich protein 6029 16279 26529 Re04.g00220 Uncharacterized protein 6030 16280 26530 Re04.g00230 Uncharacterized protein 6031 16281 26531 Re04.g00240 Steroid monooxygenase 6032 16282 26532 Re04.g00250 Beta-lactamase family protein 6033 16283 26533 Re04.g00260 C6 transcription factor AlcR 6034 16284 26534 Re04.g00270 Putative uncharacterized protein 6035 16285 26535 Re04.g00280 Malate/L-lactate dehydrogenase 6036 16286 26536 Stress response protein (Ish ), Re04.g00290 putative 6037 16287 26537 3 1629 331 19 DNA damage response protein Re04.g00300 (Dap1 ), putative 6038 16288 26538 Re04.g0031 0 Similar to An1 6g04440 6039 16289 26539 Re04.g00320 hypothetical protein 6040 16290 26540 Serine/threonine protein kinase Re04.g00330 (Prp4), putative 6041 16291 26541 Re04.g00340 hypothetical protein 6042 16292 26542 Protein serine/threonine kinase Re04.g00350 (Rani ), putative 6043 16293 26543 Re04.g00360 Uncharacterized protein 6044 16294 26544 3 1630 331 20 3-oxoacyl-(Acyl-carrier-protein) Re04.g00370 reductase, putative 6045 16295 26545 Re04.g00380 Uncharacterized protein 6046 16296 26546 Re04.g00390 Predicted protein 6047 16297 26547 Haemolysin-lll channel protein Re04.g00400 Izh2, putative 6048 16298 26548 Re04.g00410 Putative uncharacterized protein 6049 16299 26549 Re04.g00420 Uncharacterized protein 6050 16300 26550 Dolichol-phosphate Re04.g00430 mannosyltransferase 6051 16301 26551 Re04.g00440 Uncharacterized protein 6052 16302 26552 Re04.g00450 Uncharacterized protein 6053 16303 26553 Transcription factor TFIIIC complex Re04.g00460 subunit Tfc6 6054 16304 26554 Re04.g00470 hypothetical protein 6055 16305 26555 31631 33121 Re04.g00480 Uncharacterized protein 6056 16306 26556 Re04.g00490 hypothetical protein 6057 16307 26557 Re04.g00500 Serine/threonine protein kinase 6058 16308 26558 RNA polymerase II mediator Re04.g00510 complex protein Nut2, putative 6059 16309 26559 Re04.g00520 Integral membrane protein 6060 16310 26560 Re04.g00530 Putative uncharacterized protein 6061 16311 26561 31632 33122 Probable zinc metalloprotease Re04.g00540 PMAA_024220 EC=3.4.-.- 6062 16312 26562 Ubiquitin ligase complex F-box Re04.g00550 protein GRR1, putative 6063 16313 26563 AMP-binding domain protein, Re04.g00560 putative 6064 16314 26564 31633 33123 Re04.g00570 60S ribosomal protein L16 6065 16315 26565 Re04.g00580 Phosphoesterases 6066 16316 26566 Re04.g00590 DnaJ domain protein 6067 16317 26567 Re04.g00600 hypothetical protein 6068 16318 26568 AP-1 adaptor complex subunit Re04.g00610 gamma, putative 6069 16319 26569 Re04.g00620 O-acyltransferase 6070 16320 26570 Re04.g00630 Putative uncharacterized protein 6071 16321 26571 31634 33124 Re04.g00640 Uncharacterized protein 6072 16322 26572 Re04.g00650 Putative uncharacterized protein 6073 16323 26573 31635 33125 Re04.g00660 BAG domain protein 6074 16324 26574 Re04.g00670 Putative uncharacterized protein 6075 16325 26575 Re04.g00680 Glutaredoxin Grx1, putative 6076 16326 26576 Re04.g00690 Putative uncharacterized protein 6077 16327 26577 Re04.g00700 Uncharacterized protein 6078 16328 26578 Re04.g00710 Putative uncharacterized protein 6079 16329 26579 Re04.g00720 Elongation factor 1-alpha 6080 16330 26580 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Re04.g00730 subunit 6081 16331 26581 Re04.g00740 Ankyrin repeat protein 6082 16332 26582 Re04.g00750 Alpha-L-rhamnosidase B, putative 6083 16333 26583 31636 33126 Extracellular exo- Re04.g00760 polygalacturonase, putative 6084 16334 26584 31637 33127 Re04.g00770 Putative uncharacterized protein 6085 16335 26585 Re04.g00780 Uncharacterized protein 6086 16336 26586 31638 33128 Re04.g00790 Uncharacterized protein 6087 16337 26587 Re04.g00800 hypothetical protein 6088 16338 26588 Re04.g0081 0 hypothetical protein 6089 16339 26589 Glucose-methanol-choline (Gmc) Re04.g00820 oxidoreductase, putative 6090 16340 26590 Re04.g00830 Uncharacterized protein 6091 16341 26591

RNA polymerase II mediator Re04.g00840 complex subunit Soh1 , putative 6092 16342 26592 Re04.g00850 Putative uncharacterized protein 6093 16343 26593 Re04.g00860 Putative uncharacterized protein 6094 16344 26594 3 1639 331 29 Re04.g00870 PHD transcription factor, putative 6095 16345 26595 Re04.g00880 hypothetical protein 6096 16346 26596 Re04.g00890 Sigma-70 region 2 family protein 6097 16347 26597 Re04.g00900 Sugar transporter 6098 16348 26598 3 1640 331 30 Re04.g0091 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6099 16349 26599 Re04.g00920 hypothetical protein 6 100 16350 26600 C6 transcription factor (Mut3), Re04.g00930 putative 6 10 1 16351 26601 Re04.g00940 Oxidoreductase, putative 6 102 16352 26602 pH-response transcription factor Re04.g00950 pacC/RIM1 0 1 6 103 16353 26603 Forkhead transcription factor Re04.g00960 Fkh1/2, putative 6 104 16354 26604 Fungal specific transcription factor, Re04.g00970 putative 6 105 16355 26605 NAD binding Rossmann fold Re04.g00980 oxidoreductase, putative 6 106 16356 26606 Dihydrodipicolinate synthetase Re04.g00990 family protein 6 107 16357 26607 Re04.g01 000 Oxidoreductase, zinc-binding 6 108 16358 26608 Re04.g01 0 10 Uncharacterized protein 6 109 16359 26609 Re04.g01 020 Uncharacterized protein 6 110 16360 2661 0 Re04.g01 030 Microtubule associated protein 6 111 16361 2661 1 Re04.g01 040 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 112 16362 2661 2 Re04.g01 050 RTA1 domain protein, putative 6 113 16363 2661 3 PHD finger domain protein, Re04.g01 060 putative 6 114 16364 26614 Re04.g01 070 QDE-2-interacting protein 6 115 16365 2661 5 Transcription regulator PAB1642, Re04.g01 080 putative 6 116 16366 2661 6 Calcium-translocating P-type Re04.g01 090 ATPase(PMCA-type),putative 6 117 16367 2661 7 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex Re04.g01 100 subunit 5 6 118 16368 2661 8 Re04.g01 110 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 119 16369 2661 9 3 1641 331 3 1 Re04.g01 120 Dynactin Arp1 p62 subunit R02 6 120 16370 26620 Re04.g01 130 40S ribosomal protein S7e 6 12 1 16371 26621 RAB GTPase Vps21/Ypt51 , Re04.g01 140 putative 6 122 16372 26622 Re04.g01 150 Acetate kinase, putative 6 123 16373 26623 D-xylulose 5-phosphate/D-fructose 6-phosphate phosphoketolase, Re04.g01 160 putative 6 124 16374 26624 Re04.g01 170 Uncharacterized protein 6 125 16375 26625 3 1642 331 32 Short chain dehydrogenase Re04.g01 180 reductase family 6 126 16376 26626 Re04.g01 190 RTA1 domain protein, putative 6 127 16377 26627 Re04.g01 200 Uncharacterized protein 6 128 16378 26628 Re04.g01 2 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 129 16379 26629 Clustered mitochondria protein Re04.g01 220 homolog 6 130 16380 26630 Re04.g01 230 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 13 1 16381 26631 Re04.g01 240 Ferric-chelate reductase, putative 6 132 16382 26632 3 1643 331 33 Re04.g01 250 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 133 16383 26633 Zinc knuckle transcription factor/splicing factor MSL5/ZFM 1, Re04.g01 260 putative 6 134 16384 26634 Re04.g01 270 Uncharacterized protein 6 135 16385 26635 ATP dependent RNA helicase Re04.g01 280 (Dbp8), putative 6 136 16386 26636 Re04.g01 290 Uncharacterized protein 6 137 16387 26637 Re04.g01 300 hypothetical protein 6 138 16388 26638 Re04.g01 3 10 Glutaminase, putative 6 139 16389 26639 3 1644 331 34 Telomere and ribosome associated Re04.g01 320 protein Stm1 6140 16390 26640 BZIP transcription factor (MeaB), Re04.g01 330 putative 6141 16391 26641 Re04.g01 340 Amine oxidase 6142 16392 26642 Peroxisomal membrane protein Re04.g01 350 receptor Pex1 9, putative 6143 16393 26643 Re04.g01 360 Uncharacterized protein 6144 16394 26644 Re04.g01 370 Uncharacterized protein 6145 16395 26645 Re04.g01 380 Cell wall protein, putative 6146 16396 26646 3 1645 331 35 Re04.g01 390 Uncharacterized protein 6147 16397 26647 Re04.g01400 VanZ domain protein, putative 6148 16398 26648 3 1646 331 36 Re04.g0141 0 Bromodomain protein 6149 16399 26649 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re04.g01420 factor 2c 6 150 16400 26650 Re04.g01430 CFIA complex component Rna14 6 15 1 16401 26651 Re04.g01440 Histone chaperone asfl 6 152 16402 26652 SNARE-dependent exocytosis Re04.g01450 protein (Sro7), putative 6 153 16403 26653 Re04.g01460 Uncharacterized protein 6 154 16404 26654 Re04.g01470 THUMP domain protein 6 155 16405 26655 Re04.g01480 Pyruvate decarboxylase 6 156 16406 26656 MAP kinase kinase kinase (Bck1 ), Re04.g01490 putative 6 157 16407 26657 Re04.g01 500 Golgi complex component Cog3, 6 158 16408 26658 putative Mitochondrial protein Fmp25, Re04.g01 5 10 putative 6 159 16409 26659 Re04.g01 520 rRNA processing protein Nop9 6 160 1641 0 26660 Re04.g01 530 Similar to An1 3g01 270 6 16 1 1641 1 26661 Re04.g01 540 Uncharacterized protein 6 162 1641 2 26662 Re04.g01 550 Uncharacterized protein 6 163 1641 3 26663 Re04.g01 560 DNA ligase I, putative 6 164 16414 26664 Re04.g01 570 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 165 1641 5 26665 Re04.g01 580 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 166 1641 6 26666 Putative acetolactate synthase Re04.g01 590 protein 6 167 1641 7 26667 Re04.g01 600 CP2 transcription factor 6 168 1641 8 26668 Re04.g01 6 10 hypothetical protein 6 169 1641 9 26669 Re04.g01 620 hypothetical protein 6 170 16420 26670 3 1647 331 37 Vacuolar assembly protein, Re04.g01 630 putative 6 17 1 16421 26671 Re04.g01 640 YagE family protein 6 172 16422 26672 Re04.g01 650 Ribonuclease T2 family, putative 6 173 16423 26673 Re04.g01 660 C2H2 transcription factor 6 174 16424 26674 Re04.g01 670 Ubiquitin 6 175 16425 26675 Re04.g01 680 Endochitinase 6 176 16426 26676 Re04.g01 690 Uncharacterized protein 6 177 16427 26677 Re04.g01 700 Proteasome subunit alpha type 6 178 16428 26678 3 1648 331 38 Re04.g01 7 10 hypothetical protein 6 179 16429 26679 Remark: Homology is mainly based Re04.g01 720 on repetitive sequences 6 180 16430 26680 Re04.g01 730 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 18 1 16431 26681 BZIP transcription factor (AtfA), Re04.g01 740 putative 6 182 16432 26682 Re04.g01 750 Transthyretin domain protein 6 183 16433 26683 Re04.g01 760 ATPase get3 EC=3.6.-.- 6 184 16434 26684 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re04.g01 770 factor 3 subunit E 6 185 16435 26685 Mitochondrial large ribosomal Re04.g01 780 subunit L49, putative 6 186 16436 26686 3 1649 331 39 ARID/BRIGHT domain protein Re04.g01 790 (SWI1 ), putative 6 187 16437 26687 Proteasome regulatory particle Re04.g01 800 subunit Rpt3, putative 6 188 16438 26688 Aspartic endopeptidase Pep2 Re04.g01 8 10 EC= 6 189 16439 26689 3 1650 33140 RNA Polymerase II CTD Re04.g01 820 phosphatase Fcp1 , putative 6 190 16440 26690 Re04.g01 830 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 19 1 16441 26691 Re04.g01 840 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 192 16442 26692 Re04.g01 850 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 193 16443 26693 Re04.g01 860 Predicted protein 6 194 16444 26694 Re04.g01 870 Putative uncharacterized protein 6 195 16445 26695 Re04.g01 880 Arginase, putative 6 196 16446 26696 Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) Re04.g01 890 amidotransferase, B subunit 6 197 16447 26697 Re04.g01 900 Uncharacterized protein 6 198 16448 26698 Re04.g01 9 10 Uncharacterized protein 6 199 16449 26699 Re04.g01 920 Uncharacterized protein 6200 16450 26700 Mitochondrial methylglutaconyl- Re04.g01 930 CoA hydratase 6201 16451 26701 Re04.g01 940 Catalytic protein Fragment 6202 16452 26702 Re04.g01 950 hypothetical protein 6203 16453 26703 Re04.g01 960 Uncharacterized protein 6204 16454 26704 Aspergillus niger contig An14c01 30, genomic contig Re04.g01 970 Precursor 6205 16455 26705 3 1651 33141 Re04.g01 980 Lipase/esterase, putative 6206 16456 26706 3 1652 33142 Re04.g01 990 Putative uncharacterized protein 6207 16457 26707 Re04.g02000 Putative uncharacterized protein 6208 16458 26708 Taz1-interacting factor 1 (TAF1), Re04.g0201 0 putative 6209 16459 26709 Re04.g02020 Uncharacterized protein 621 0 16460 2671 0 Re04.g02030 hypothetical protein 621 1 16461 2671 1 3 1653 33143 Re04.g02040 Uncharacterized protein 621 2 16462 2671 2 Re04.g02050 Uncharacterized protein 621 3 16463 2671 3 Re04.g02060 Putative uncharacterized protein 6214 16464 26714 Homoserine dehydrogenase Re04.g02070 EC=1 .1. 1 .3 621 5 16465 2671 5 3 1654 33144 Re04.g02080 Putative uncharacterized protein 621 6 16466 2671 6 Re04.g02090 Putative uncharacterized protein 621 7 16467 2671 7 Re04.g021 00 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 621 8 16468 2671 8 Re04.g021 20 DUF221 domain protein, putative 621 9 16469 2671 9 Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, Re04.g021 30 class II 6220 16470 26720 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal Re04.g02140 hydrolase EC=3.4. 19.1 2 6221 16471 26721 Saccharopine dehydrogenase Re04.g021 50 Lys1 , putative 6222 16472 26722 Re04.g021 60 Uncharacterized protein 6223 16473 26723 Re04.g021 70 Uncharacterized protein 6224 16474 26724 FAD binding domain-containing Re04.g021 80 protein 6225 16475 26725 Oxysterol binding protein (Osh5), Re04.g021 90 putative 6226 16476 26726 Re04.g02200 Predicted protein 6227 16477 26727 Re04.g0221 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6228 16478 26728 Re04.g02220 Predicted protein Fragment 6229 16479 26729 Re04.g02230 Uncharacterized protein 6230 16480 26730 Re04.g02240 Aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase 6231 16481 26731 3 1655 33145 Re04.g02250 Pc1 2g03750 protein 6232 16482 26732 Re04.g02260 Uncharacterized protein 6233 16483 26733 Re04.g02270 Uncharacterized protein 6234 16484 26734 Re04.g02280 Uncharacterized protein 6235 16485 26735 Re04.g02290 Uncharacterized protein 6236 16486 26736 Re04.g02300 Uncharacterized protein 6237 16487 26737 Re04.g0231 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6238 16488 26738 Re04.g02320 Aldo/keto reductase, putative 6239 16489 26739 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Re04.g02330 RI01 EC=2.7.1 1.1 6240 16490 26740 Re04.g02340 Uncharacterized protein 6241 16491 26741 Re04.g02350 ABC multidrug transporter, putative 6242 16492 26742 Putative isoflavone reductase Re04.g02360 family protein 6243 16493 26743 3 1656 33146 Re04.g02370 Uncharacterized protein 6244 16494 26744 3 1657 33147 Bicyclomycin resistance protein, Re04.g02380 putative 6245 16495 26745 Beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, Re04.g02390 putative 6246 16496 26746 Re04.g02400 Uncharacterized protein 6247 16497 26747 Re04.g0241 0 Galactose-proton symport 6248 16498 26748 Re04.g02420 hypothetical protein 6249 16499 26749 Re04.g02430 Allantoate permease, putative 6250 16500 26750 Re04.g02440 Uncharacterized protein 6251 16501 26751 Re04.g02450 Putative uncharacterized protein 6252 16502 26752 Re04.g02460 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 6253 16503 26753 Re04.g02470 RNA exonuclease Rex2, putative 6254 16504 26754 Phosphoglucomutase PgmA Re04.g02480 EC= 6255 16505 26755 NAD binding Rossmann fold Re04.g02490 oxidoreductase, putative 6256 16506 26756 Re04.g02500 FAD binding domain protein 6257 16507 26757 Re04.g0251 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6258 16508 26758 Re04.g02520 Uncharacterized protein 6259 16509 26759 3 1658 33148 Re04.g02530 Putative uncharacterized protein 6260 1651 0 26760 Re04.g02540 hypothetical protein 6261 1651 1 26761 3 1659 33149 Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Re04.g02550 synthase, putative 6262 1651 2 26762 Glutamate carboxypeptidase Tre2, Re04.g02560 putative EC=3.4.1 7.21 6263 1651 3 26763 Re04.g02570 Transcription initiation protein 6264 16514 26764 Re04.g02580 Putative uncharacterized protein 6265 1651 5 26765 Re04.g02590 Putative uncharacterized protein 6266 1651 6 26766 Re04.g02600 Uncharacterized protein 6267 1651 7 26767 Re04.g0261 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6268 1651 8 26768 Re04.g02620 Uncharacterized protein 6269 1651 9 26769 Re04.g02630 Putative uncharacterized protein 6270 16520 26770 Re04.g02640 hypothetical protein 6271 16521 26771 Re04.g02650 Putative uncharacterized protein 6272 16522 26772 Clathrin-coated vesicle protein, Re04.g02660 putative 6273 16523 26773 Re04.g02670 Nuclear transport factor 2 6274 16524 26774 Re04.g02680 Putative uncharacterized protein 6275 16525 26775 Re04.g02690 Putative uncharacterized protein 6276 16526 26776 Re04.g02700 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 6277 16527 26777 3 1660 331 50 Re04.g0271 0 Putative chitinase 6278 16528 26778 3 1661 331 5 1 Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family Re04.g02720 protein 6279 16529 26779 3 1662 331 52 TAM domain methyltransferase, Re04.g02730 putative 6280 16530 26780 Re04.g02740 C6 transcription factor, putative 6281 16531 26781 Re04.g02750 Monooxygenase 6282 16532 26782 Re04.g02760 Uncharacterized protein 6283 16533 26783 Re04.g02770 Uncharacterized protein 6284 16534 26784 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc- Re04.g02780 containing, putative 6285 16535 26785 Re04.g02790 Uncharacterized protein 6286 16536 26786 Re04.g02800 Uncharacterized protein 6287 16537 26787 Re04.g0281 0 LIM domain protein 6288 16538 26788 Myo-inositol-phosphate synthase, Re04.g02820 putative EC=5.5. 1.4 6289 16539 26789 Re04.g02830 Formaldehyde dehydrogenase 6290 16540 26790 Re04.g02840 hypothetical protein 6291 16541 26791 Mitochondrial intermembrane space translocase subunit Tim9, Re04.g02850 putative 6292 16542 26792 Rho GTPase activator (Sac7), Re04.g02860 putative 6293 16543 26793 GPI-anchor biosynthesis protein Re04.g02870 (Pig-F), putative 6294 16544 26794 3 1663 331 53 Re04.g02880 Uncharacterized protein 6295 16545 26795 Re04.g02890 hypothetical protein 6296 16546 26796 Re04.g02900 DNA helicase, putative 6297 16547 26797 Re04.g0291 0 Uncharacterized protein 6298 16548 26798 Re04.g02920 Predicted protein 6299 16549 26799 Re04.g02930 Uncharacterized protein 6300 16550 26800 Re04.g02940 DNA repair protein, putative 6301 16551 26801 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Re04.g02950 (UbcJ), putative 6302 16552 26802 Re04.g02960 hypothetical protein 6303 16553 26803 3 1664 331 54 Cellobiohydrolase 1 catalytic Re04.g02970 domain EC=3.2.1 .91 EC=3.2.1 .91 6304 16554 26804 3 1665 331 55 Re04.g02980 hypothetical protein 6305 16555 26805 Re04.g02990 MFS transporter, putative 6306 16556 26806 Re04.g03000 Similar to An1 3g0241 0 6307 16557 26807 Aspergillus niger contig Re04.g0301 0 An14c01 00, genomic contig 6308 16558 26808 Re04.g03020 hypothetical protein 6309 16559 26809 Re04.g03030 Reverse transcriptase, putative 631 0 16560 2681 0 Re04.g03040 hypothetical protein 631 1 16561 2681 1 Re04.g03050 Uncharacterized protein 631 2 16562 2681 2 Re04.g03060 Uncharacterized protein 631 3 16563 2681 3 Re04.g03070 Uncharacterized protein 6314 16564 26814 Re04.g03080 Uncharacterized protein 631 5 16565 2681 5 Re04.g03090 Reverse transcriptase, putative 631 6 16566 2681 6 Re04.g031 00 Multicopper oxidase, putative 631 7 16567 2681 7 3 1666 331 56 Re04.g031 10 Uncharacterized protein 631 8 16568 2681 8 Re04.g031 20 hypothetical protein 631 9 16569 2681 9 NADP(+)-dependent Re04.g031 30 dehydrogenase, putative 6320 16570 26820 3 1667 331 57 Extracellular GDSL-like Re04.g03140 Iipase/acyl hydrolase 6321 16571 26821 3 1668 331 58 1,3-beta-glucanosyltransferase Re04.g031 50 Gel1 6322 16572 26822 3 1669 331 59 Re04.g031 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 6323 16573 26823 Re04.g031 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 6324 16574 26824 AflR-like C6 zinc cluster Re04.g031 80 transcription factor, putative 6325 16575 26825 Re04.g031 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 6326 16576 26826 Actin polymerization protein Bzz1 , Re04.g03200 putative 6327 16577 26827 ATP dependent RNA helicase Re04.g0321 0 (Dbp5), putative 6328 16578 26828 Re04.g03220 Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase 6329 16579 26829 Re04.g03230 GTP cyclohydrolase II, putative 6330 16580 26830 Re04.g03240 Uncharacterized protein 6331 16581 26831 Re04.g03250 Uncharacterized protein 6332 16582 26832 Re04.g03260 hypothetical protein 6333 16583 26833 Re04.g03270 TPR repeat protein 6334 16584 26834 Re04.g03280 Uncharacterized protein 6335 16585 26835 Re04.g03290 hypothetical protein 6336 16586 26836 Re04.g03300 Hexose transporter 6337 16587 26837 3 1670 331 60 GAF domain nucleotide-binding Re04.g0331 0 protein 6338 16588 26838 Re04.g03320 NAD+ kinase Utr1 , putative 6339 16589 26839 Re04.g03330 Pc20g0581 0 protein 6340 16590 26840 Re04.g03340 FAD-binding protein DIMINUTO 6341 16591 26841 Re04.g03350 Pc20g05840 protein 6342 16592 26842 Re04.g03360 HLH transcription factor, putative 6343 16593 26843 Re04.g03370 Uncharacterized protein 6344 16594 26844 Short chain dehydrogenase/oxidoreductase, Re04.g03380 putative 6345 16595 26845 Re04.g03390 Putative uncharacterized protein 6346 16596 26846 AP-1 adaptor complex subunit Re04.g03400 sigma, putative 6347 16597 26847 Re04.g0341 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6348 16598 26848 Re04.g03420 hypothetical protein 6349 16599 26849 Re04.g03430 Uncharacterized protein 6350 16600 26850 3 1671 331 6 1 Re04.g03440 Uncharacterized protein 6351 16601 26851 Glycoside hydrolase family 10 Re04.g03450 xylanase 6352 16602 26852 3 1672 331 62 Re04.g03460 Putative uncharacterized protein 6353 16603 26853 Re04.g03470 Uncharacterized protein 6354 16604 26854 Re04.g03480 Uncharacterized protein 6355 16605 26855 3 1673 331 63 Re04.g03490 Uncharacterized protein 6356 16606 26856 Re04.g03500 Allergen, putative 6357 16607 26857 Re04.g0351 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6358 16608 26858 Re04.g03520 COPII-coated vesicle protein 6359 16609 26859 Re04.g03530 Protein kinase, putative 6360 1661 0 26860 Integral peroxisomal membrane Re04.g03540 peroxin, putative 6361 1661 1 26861 Re04.g03550 Uncharacterized protein 6362 1661 2 26862 60S ribosomal subunit biogenesis Re04.g03560 protein Nop1 6, putative 6363 1661 3 26863 Re04.g03570 ZIP Zinc transporter 6364 16614 26864 3 1674 331 64 Re04.g03580 Putative uncharacterized protein 6365 1661 5 26865 3 1675 331 65 Re04.g03590 Uncharacterized protein 6366 1661 6 26866 Alpha-1 ,6 mannosyltransferase Re04.g03600 subunit (Mnn9), putative 6367 1661 7 26867 3 1676 331 66 Alpha-1 ,6 mannosyltransferase Re04.g0361 0 subunit (Mnn9), putative 6368 1661 8 26868 3 1677 331 67 Re04.g03620 hypothetical protein 6369 1661 9 26869 Re04.g03630 hypothetical protein 6370 16620 26870 Re04.g03640 Putative uncharacterized protein 6371 16621 26871 Re04.g03650 O-methyltransferase, putative 6372 16622 26872 Re04.g03660 Cytochrome P450 6373 16623 26873 Re04.g03670 Putative endochitinase 6374 16624 26874 3 1678 331 68 Re04.g03680 Cyclohexanone monooxygenase 6375 16625 26875 Re04.g03690 Trichothecene efflux pump 6376 16626 26876 Putative gluconate 5- Re04.g03700 dehydrogenase protein 6377 16627 26877 Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2- Re04.g0371 0 alpha-mannosidase 6378 16628 26878 Re04.g03720 Putative uncharacterized protein 6379 16629 26879 Re04.g03730 Putative uncharacterized protein 6380 16630 26880 Re04.g03740 Uncharacterized protein 6381 16631 26881 3 1679 331 69 Similar to Uncharacterized MFS- type transporter C 1271 .10c acc. Re04.g03750 no. 094343 6382 16632 26882 Re04.g03760 Uncharacterized protein 6383 16633 26883 3 1680 331 70 Re04.g03770 Uncharacterized protein 6384 16634 26884 Zinc-binding alcohol Re04.g03780 dehydrogenase 6385 16635 26885 Re04.g03790 Uncharacterized protein 6386 16636 26886 3 1681 331 7 1 Dihydrodipicolinate synthetase Re04.g03800 family protein 6387 16637 26887 Re04.g0381 0 Protein kinase, putative 6388 16638 26888 Gamma-cysteine synthetase Re04.g03820 regulatory subunit, putative 6389 16639 26889 Re04.g03830 Aldo-keto reductase, putative 6390 16640 26890 Re04.g03840 Pc20g 10680 protein 6391 16641 26891 Re04.g03850 Uncharacterized protein 6392 16642 26892 Re04.g03860 Uncharacterized protein 6393 16643 26893 Alcohol dehydrogenase Re04.g03870 superfamily zinc-containing 6394 16644 26894 Re04.g03880 Putative uncharacterized protein 6395 16645 26895 Benzoate 4-monooxygenase Re04.g03890 cytochrome P450, putative 6396 16646 26896 3 1682 331 72 Efflux pump antibiotic resistance Re04.g03900 protein, putative 6397 16647 26897 Re04.g0391 0 Cytochrome P450, putative 6398 16648 26898 Integral membrane protein Pth 11- Re04.g03920 like, putative 6399 16649 26899 Re04.g03930 Putative uncharacterized protein 6400 16650 26900 Re04.g03940 hypothetical protein 6401 16651 26901 Re04.g03950 Putative uncharacterized protein 6402 16652 26902 Re04.g03960 Predicted protein 6403 16653 26903 Endosomal sorting complex protein Re04.g03970 TSG1 0 1, putative 6404 16654 26904 Re04.g03980 BAR adaptor protein RVS167 6405 16655 26905 Cysteine desulfurase, Re04.g03990 mitochondrial 6406 16656 26906 3 1683 331 73 Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase Re04.g04000 subfamily 6407 16657 26907 Re04.g0401 0 hypothetical protein 6408 16658 26908 Re04.g04020 Putative uncharacterized protein 6409 16659 26909 Putative uncharacterized protein Re04.g04030 Fragment 641 0 16660 2691 0 Re04.g04040 L-lysine 2,3-aminomutase, putative 641 1 16661 2691 1 Re04.g04050 hypothetical protein 641 2 16662 2691 2 Re04.g04060 Putative uncharacterized protein 641 3 16663 2691 3 Re04.g04070 Uncharacterized protein 6414 16664 26914 Re04.g04080 Putative uncharacterized protein 641 5 16665 2691 5 Re04.g04090 Pc1 2g08960 protein 641 6 16666 2691 6 Re04.g041 00 C-4 methylsterol oxidase 641 7 16667 2691 7 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re04.g041 10 EC= 641 8 16668 2691 8 Re04.g041 20 hypothetical protein 641 9 16669 2691 9 Re04.g041 30 Uncharacterized protein 6420 16670 26920 Re04.g04140 hypothetical protein 6421 16671 26921 3 1684 331 74 Re04.g041 50 C6 transcription factor, putative 6422 16672 26922 Re04.g041 60 hypothetical protein 6423 16673 26923 Re04.g041 70 Uncharacterized protein 6424 16674 26924 Re04.g041 80 Putative uncharacterized protein 6425 16675 26925 Re04.g041 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 6426 16676 26926 Re04.g04200 hypothetical protein 6427 16677 26927 Re04.g0421 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 6428 16678 26928 3 1685 331 75 Re04.g04220 Isoflavone reductase family protein 6429 16679 26929 Homeobox transcription factor, Re04.g04230 putative 6430 16680 26930 Re04.g04240 Reverse transcriptase, putative 6431 16681 26931 Homeobox transcription factor, Re04.g04250 putative 6432 16682 26932 Putative uncharacterized protein An02g08270 EC=1 .4.3.4 Re04.g04260 EC=1 .5.3.1 1 Precursor 6433 16683 26933 Re04.g04270 Putative uncharacterized protein 6434 16684 26934 Re04.g04280 Putative uncharacterized protein 6435 16685 26935 Re04.g04290 Uncharacterized protein 6436 16686 26936 Re04.g04300 Putative uncharacterized protein 6437 16687 26937 Re04.g0431 0 Fatty acid oxygenase, putative 6438 16688 26938 Re04.g04320 Dynactin Arp1 p25 subunit 6439 16689 26939 Re04.g04330 Trehalose synthase 6440 16690 26940 Re04.g04340 ADP-ribosylation factor 6 6441 16691 26941 Re04.g04350 Putative uncharacterized protein 6442 16692 26942 Methionine synthase, vitamin-B1 2 Re04.g04360 independent, putative 6443 16693 26943 Re04.g04370 Uncharacterized protein 6444 16694 26944 DNA replication licensing factor Re04.g04380 Mcm2, putative 6445 16695 26945 Metaphase-anaphase transition Re04.g04390 protein (Mlo2), putative 6446 16696 26946 Re04.g04400 Uncharacterized protein 6447 16697 26947 Re04.g0441 0 hypothetical protein 6448 16698 26948 Re04.g04420 Mis1 2-Mtw1 family protein 6449 16699 26949 Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase Re04.g04430 Psd2, putative 6450 16700 26950 Re04.g04440 MFS glucose transporter, putative 6451 16701 26951 3 1686 331 76 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Re04.g04450 ssn3 EC=2.7.1 1.22 EC=2.7.1 1.23 6452 16702 26952 Re04.g04460 Putative uncharacterized protein 6453 16703 26953 APSES transcription factor, Re04.g04470 putative 6454 16704 26954 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re04.g04480 B 18 subunit, putative 6455 16705 26955 Glutamate-cysteine ligase Gcs1 , Re04.g04490 putative 6456 16706 26956 Re04.g04500 Putative uncharacterized protein 6457 16707 26957 Re04.g0451 0 hypothetical protein 6458 16708 26958 Putative uncharacterized protein Re04.g04520 An02g0961 0 6459 16709 26959 3 1687 331 77 Re04.g04530 Ankyrin repeat domain protein 6460 1671 0 26960 Putative umta methyltransferase Re04.g04540 family protein 6461 1671 1 26961 Re04.g04550 Cytochrome P450 52A1 6462 1671 2 26962 3 1688 331 78 Re04.g04560 Uncharacterized protein 6463 1671 3 26963 Re04.g04570 Uncharacterized protein 6464 16714 26964 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B Re04.g04580 (MDR/TAP), member 1 6465 1671 5 26965 Re04.g04590 Predicted protein 6466 1671 6 26966 3 1689 331 79 Similar to solid-state culture Re04.g04600 specific protein 6467 1671 7 26967 Similar to solid-state culture Re04.g0461 0 specific protein 6468 1671 8 26968 Re04.g04620 Alcohol dehydrogenase, putative 6469 1671 9 26969 Re04.g04630 Cytochrome P450 6470 16720 26970 3 1690 331 80 Re04.g04640 hypothetical protein 6471 16721 26971 3 1691 331 8 1 Hybrid NRPS/PKS enzyme, Re04.g04650 putative 6472 16722 26972 Metallophosphoesterase domain- Re04.g04660 containing protein 6473 16723 26973 von Willebrand domain-containing Re04.g04670 protein 6474 16724 26974 GNATfamily acetyltransferase, Re04.g04680 putative 6475 16725 26975 Re04.g04690 LRP1 6 family protein 6476 16726 26976 Mitochondrial inner membrane Re04.g04700 protease subunit Imp2, putative 6477 16727 26977 Re04.g0471 0 PH domain protein 6478 16728 26978 Re04.g04720 Uncharacterized protein 6479 16729 26979 Re04.g04730 Cation transporting ATPase 6480 16730 26980 Glycerol-3-phosphate 0 - acyltransferase, putative Re04.g04740 EC=2.3.1 .1 5 6481 16731 26981 Thermophilic desulfurizing enzyme Re04.g04750 family protein 6482 16732 26982 Vacuolar segregation protein Re04.g04760 (Pep7), putative 6483 16733 26983 3 1692 331 82 Potassium ion channel Yvc1 , Re04.g04770 putative 6484 16734 26984 3 1693 331 83 Putative eukaryotic translation Re04.g04780 initiation factor 2 alpha subunit 6485 16735 26985 Re04.g04790 Sulfate transporter, putative 6486 16736 26986 Re04.g04800 Uncharacterized protein 6487 16737 26987 Remark: N-terminally truncated ORF due to the end of contig Re04.g0481 0 Fragment 6488 16738 26988 Re04.g04820 Putative uncharacterized protein 6489 16739 26989 Efflux pump antibiotic resistance Re04.g04830 protein, putative 6490 16740 26990 Re04.g04840 Uncharacterized protein 6491 16741 26991 Re04.g04850 Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 6492 16742 26992 3 1694 331 84 Re04.g04860 Uncharacterized protein 6493 16743 26993 Re04.g04870 Putative uncharacterized protein 6494 16744 26994 Re04.g04880 C2H2 finger domain protein 6495 16745 26995

RNA polymerase II Elongator complex associated protein Kti1 2, Re04.g04890 putative 6496 16746 26996 Re04.g04900 Uncharacterized protein 6497 16747 26997 Re04.g0491 0 hypothetical protein 6498 16748 26998 Re04.g04920 hypothetical protein 6499 16749 26999 Re04.g04930 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 6500 16750 27000 Re04.g04940 Uncharacterized protein 6501 16751 27001 Re04.g04950 Putative uncharacterized protein 6502 16752 27002 Terpene synthase metal binding Re04.g04960 domain protein 6503 16753 27003 Re04.g04970 Putative uncharacterized protein 6504 16754 27004 Re04.g04980 Putative fad dependent protein 6505 16755 27005 3 1695 331 85 Re04.g04990 hypothetical protein 6506 16756 27006 3 1696 331 86 Putative c6 zinc finger domain Re04.g05000 protein 6507 16757 27007 Re04.g0501 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6508 16758 27008 Re04.g05020 Putative uncharacterized protein 6509 16759 27009 Re04.g05030 Putative uncharacterized protein 651 0 16760 2701 0 3 1697 331 87 Re04.g05040 Putative uncharacterized protein 651 1 16761 2701 1 3 1698 331 88 CCR4-NOT transcription complex Re04.g05050 subunit 7 651 2 16762 2701 2 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re04.g05060 EC= 651 3 16763 2701 3 Re04.g05070 Putative uncharacterized protein 6514 16764 27014 3 1699 331 89 Re04.g05080 hypothetical protein 651 5 16765 2701 5 Re04.g05090 Putative uncharacterized protein 651 6 16766 2701 6 Re04.g051 00 C6 zinc finger domain protein 651 7 16767 2701 7 Protein-tyrosine phosphatase, Re04.g051 10 putative 651 8 16768 2701 8 Re04.g051 20 hypothetical protein 651 9 16769 2701 9 3 1700 331 90 Re04.g051 30 Uncharacterized protein 6520 16770 27020 Re04.g05140 Glutathione peroxidase 6521 16771 27021 Recombination hotspot-binding Re04.g051 50 protein (Translin), putative 6522 16772 27022 Re04.g051 60 Pre-mRNA splicing factor Dim1 6523 16773 27023 Re04.g051 70 60S ribosomal protein L22, putative 6524 16774 27024 Re04.g051 80 RNA exonuclease Rex3, putative 6525 16775 27025 3 1701 331 9 1 Re04.g051 90 Lipase/serine esterase, putative 6526 16776 27026 Re04.g05200 Pc22g1 5 180 protein 6527 16777 27027 Re04.g0521 0 Propionyl-CoA carboxylase 6528 16778 27028 Re04.g05220 Phosphatidyl synthase 6529 16779 27029 Re04.g05230 Putative uncharacterized protein 6530 16780 27030 3 1702 331 92 Re04.g05240 Putative uncharacterized protein 6531 16781 27031 V-type ATPase, C subunit family Re04.g05250 protein 6532 16782 27032 Re04.g05260 DUF1 7 13 domain protein 6533 16783 27033 3 1703 331 93 G protein complex alpha subunit Re04.g05270 GanA 6534 16784 27034 Re04.g05280 Predicted protein 6535 16785 27035 Guanine nucleotide exchange Re04.g05300 factor, putative 6536 16786 27036 Re04.g0531 0 DIL and Ankyrin domain protein 6537 16787 27037 Re04.g05320 hypothetical protein 6538 16788 27038 Re04.g05330 Uncharacterized protein 6539 16789 27039 Re04.g05340 Putative uncharacterized protein 6540 16790 27040 Re04.g05350 Putative uncharacterized protein 6541 16791 27041 Elongation of fatty acids protein, Re04.g05360 putative 6542 16792 27042 Re04.g05370 Cytochrome P450, putative 6543 16793 27043 3 1704 331 94 Re04.g05380 TBC domain protein, putative 6544 16794 27044 Conidiophore development protein Re04.g05390 HymA 6545 16795 27045 S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase superfamily Re04.g05400 domain-containing protein 6546 16796 27046 Re04.g0541 0 Uncharacterized protein 6547 16797 27047 Re04.g05420 Vesicular fusion ATPase, putative 6548 16798 27048 Re04.g05430 hypothetical protein 6549 16799 27049 Re04.g05440 Uncharacterized protein 6550 16800 27050 Re04.g05450 hypothetical protein 6551 16801 27051 Sensor histidine kinase/response Re04.g05460 regulator, putative 6552 16802 27052 Sensor histidine kinase/response Re04.g05470 regulator, putative 6553 16803 27053 Re04.g05480 Allantoicase Ale, putative 6554 16804 27054 Re04.g05490 Seryl-tRNA synthetase 6555 16805 27055 Re04.g05500 Cytochrome b561 6556 16806 27056 Re04.g0551 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6557 16807 27057 Re04.g05520 hypothetical protein 6558 16808 27058 C6 finger domain protein Acr-2, Re04.g05530 putative 6559 16809 27059 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re04.g05540 putative 6560 1681 0 27060 Re04.g05550 hypothetical protein 6561 1681 1 27061 Re04.g05560 Putative uncharacterized protein 6562 1681 2 27062 Re04.g05570 DUF250 domain membrane protein 6563 1681 3 27063 Re04.g05580 Putative uncharacterized protein 6564 16814 27064 Transcription initiation factor Re04.g05590 TFIIIB, Brf1 subunit 6565 1681 5 27065 Copper resistance-associated P- Re04.g05600 type ATPase, putative 6566 1681 6 27066 Re04.g0561 0 Endonuclease MUS81 6567 1681 7 27067 Re04.g05620 Uncharacterized protein 6568 1681 8 27068 3 1705 331 95 Re04.g05630 C6 transcription factor, putative 6569 1681 9 27069 Re04.g05640 hypothetical protein 6570 16820 27070 Re04.g05650 Uncharacterized protein 6571 16821 27071 Clathrin-coated vesiclec protein Re04.g05660 (Bud7), putative 6572 16822 27072 Re04.g05670 Histone transcription regulator 3 6573 16823 27073 Re04.g05680 Kinesin family protein 6574 16824 27074 Re04.g05690 Uncharacterized protein 6575 16825 27075 Re04.g05700 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 6576 16826 27076 Re04.g0571 0 Uncharacterized protein 6577 16827 27077 T-complex protein 1, gamma Re04.g05720 subunit, putative 6578 16828 27078 Zn-dependent hydrolase/oxidoreductase family Re04.g05730 protein, putative 6579 16829 27079 3 1706 331 96 Mitochondrial chaperone BCS1 , Re04.g05740 putative 6580 16830 27080 Re04.g05750 hypothetical protein 6581 16831 27081 3 1707 331 97 Re04.g05760 Predicted protein 6582 16832 27082 3 1708 331 98 GTPase activating protein (Gyp3), Re04.g05770 putative 6583 16833 27083 Re04.g05780 hypothetical protein 6584 16834 27084 3 1709 331 99 Re04.g05790 Predicted protein 6585 16835 27085 Re04.g05800 Conserved proline-rich protein 6586 16836 27086 Re04.g0581 0 Uncharacterized protein 6587 16837 27087 Re04.g05820 Uncharacterized protein 6588 16838 27088 Re04.g05830 Putative uncharacterized protein 6589 16839 27089 Signal peptidase complex catalytic Re04.g05840 subunit sec1 1 EC=3.4.21 .89 6590 16840 27090 3 17 10 33200 Re04.g05850 Uncharacterized protein 6591 16841 27091 Re04.g05860 Putative uncharacterized protein 6592 16842 27092 Re04.g05870 Uncharacterized protein 6593 16843 27093 Re04.g05880 Putative uncharacterized protein 6594 16844 27094 Re04.g05890 hypothetical protein 6595 16845 27095 Re04.g05900 Uncharacterized protein 6596 16846 27096 Re04.g0591 0 Uncharacterized protein 6597 16847 27097 Re04.g05920 Putative uncharacterized protein 6598 16848 27098 Extracellular serine-threonine rich Re04.g05930 protein 6599 16849 27099 3 17 11 33201 Re04.g05940 Uncharacterized protein 6600 16850 271 00 Re04.g05950 hypothetical protein 6601 16851 271 0 1 3 17 12 33202 Re04.g05960 Putative uncharacterized protein 6602 16852 271 02 Re04.g05970 Predicted protein 6603 16853 271 03 Re04.g05980 Methyltransferase, putative 6604 16854 271 04 Deacetylase complex subunit Re04.g05990 Sds3, putative 6605 16855 271 05 Re04.g06000 Similar to An02g09030 6606 16856 271 06 Re04.g0601 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6607 16857 271 07 Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, Re04.g06020 putative 6608 16858 271 08 Re04.g06030 Putative uncharacterized protein 6609 16859 271 09 1,3-beta-glucanosyltransferase, Re04.g06040 putative 661 0 16860 271 10 3 17 13 33203 Protein kinase domain-containing Re04.g06050 protein 661 1 16861 271 11 Re04.g06060 AT DNA binding protein, putative 661 2 16862 271 12 Re04.g06080 Actin-related protein R07, putative 661 3 16863 271 13 Re04.g06090 Rad2-like endonuclease, putative 6614 16864 271 14 Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase Re04.g061 00 family protein 661 5 16865 271 15 ATP-dependent rRNA helicase Re04.g061 10 spb4 661 6 16866 271 16 Re04.g061 20 hypothetical protein 661 7 16867 271 17 Re04.g061 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 661 8 16868 271 18 Re04.g06140 Ribosomal protein S 15, putative 661 9 16869 271 19 Re04.g061 50 40S ribosomal protein S O 6620 16870 271 20 Re04.g061 60 Uncharacterized protein 6621 16871 271 2 1 Re04.g061 70 Rho-like small GTPase, putative 6622 16872 271 22 Re04.g061 80 Pseudouridylate synthase 3 6623 16873 271 23 Re04.g061 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 6624 16874 271 24 3 1714 33204 Re04.g06200 Ubiquitin-like modifier HUB1 6625 16875 271 25 Ribose-phosphate Re04.g0621 0 pyrophosphokinase 6626 16876 271 26 Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit d, Re04.g06220 putative EC= 6627 16877 271 27 Re04.g06230 Nucleolar protein 58 6628 16878 271 28 Re04.g06240 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 6629 16879 271 29 Re04.g06250 Uncharacterized protein 6630 16880 271 30 Re04.g06260 Uncharacterized protein 6631 16881 271 3 1 Re04.g06270 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 6632 16882 271 32 Re04.g06280 Stomatin family protein 6633 16883 271 33 Pathogenesis associated protein Re04.g06290 Cap20, putative 6634 16884 271 34 Re04.g06300 hypothetical protein 6635 16885 271 35 Re04.g0631 0 hypothetical protein 6636 16886 271 36 Re04.g06320 60S ribosomal protein L27 6637 16887 271 37 Re04.g06330 Predicted protein 6638 16888 271 38 Re04.g06340 Uncharacterized protein 6639 16889 271 39 Re04.g06350 DUF887 domain protein 6640 16890 27140 Re04.g06360 SWI-SNF complex subunit 6641 16891 27141 Proteasome regulatory particle Re04.g06370 subunit (RpnF), putative 6642 16892 27142 Small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein Re04.g06380 complex subunit 6643 16893 27143 Short-chain Re04.g06390 dehydrogenase/reductase family 6644 16894 27144 protein, putative Re04.g06400 PHD finger domain protein 6645 16895 27145 Re04.g0641 0 Uncharacterized protein 6646 16896 27146 Re04.g06420 Riboflavin synthase, alpha subunit 6647 16897 27147 Re04.g06430 Uncharacterized protein 6648 16898 27148 ATP-dependent rRNA helicase rrp3 Re04.g06440 EC=3.6.4.- 6649 16899 27149 Re04.g06450 Phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase 6650 16900 271 50 Re04.g06460 Uncharacterized protein 6651 16901 271 5 1 3 17 15 33205 Histone H4 arginine Re04.g06470 methyltransferase RmtA 6652 16902 271 52 Re04.g06480 Putative uncharacterized protein 6653 16903 271 53 Trimethyllysine dioxygenase, Re04.g06490 putative 6654 16904 271 54 Proteasome regulatory particle Re04.g06500 subunit Rpt5, putative 6655 16905 271 55 Re04.g0651 0 Uncharacterized protein 6656 16906 271 56 Re04.g06520 hypothetical protein 6657 16907 271 57 cAMP-dependent protein kinase- Re04.g06530 like, putative EC=2.7.1 1.1 3 6658 16908 271 58 Re04.g06540 Nuclear localization protein NPL6 6659 16909 271 59 Re04.g06550 hypothetical protein 6660 1691 0 271 60 Re04.g06560 Cyclin-like protein 6661 1691 1 271 6 1 Phosphoglycerate mutase family Re04.g06570 domain protein 6662 1691 2 271 62 3 17 16 33206 Re04.g06580 Dor1 -like family protein 6663 1691 3 271 63 Re04.g06590 Putative uncharacterized protein 6664 16914 271 64 Re04.g06600 Cyclin, putative 6665 1691 5 271 65 Re04.g0661 0 Uncharacterized protein 6666 1691 6 271 66 Ubiquinone/menaquinone Re04.g06620 biosynthesis-related protein 6667 1691 7 271 67 Fructosyl amino acid Re04.g06630 oxidasesarcosine oxidase, putative 6668 1691 8 271 68 3 17 17 33207 RNA polymerase I and III transcription factor complex Re04.g06640 component Tbp, putative 6669 1691 9 271 69 Electron transfer flavoprotein- Re04.g06650 ubiquinone oxidoreductase 6670 16920 271 70 Pre-RNA splicing factor Srp2, Re04.g06660 putative 6671 16921 271 7 1 Dihydroneopterin aldolase domain Re04.g06670 protein 6672 16922 271 72 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re04.g06680 putative 6673 16923 271 73 Re04.g06690 Uncharacterized protein 6674 16924 271 74 Re04.g0671 0 hypothetical protein 6675 16925 271 75 3 17 18 33208 Re04.g06720 hypothetical protein 6676 16926 271 76 Re04.g06730 Uncharacterized protein 6677 16927 271 77 Re04.g06740 Peroxisomal membrane anchor 6678 16928 271 78 3 17 19 33209 protein (Pex14), putative Re04.g06750 Putative uncharacterized protein 6679 16929 271 79 ATP-binding cassette transporter, Re04.g06760 putative EC= 6680 16930 271 80 3 1720 3321 0 Re04.g06770 Acid phosphatase, putative 6681 16931 271 8 1 Re04.g06780 Putative uncharacterized protein 6682 16932 271 82 Ccr4-Not transcription complex Re04.g06790 subunit 6683 16933 271 83 Cell division control protein Re04.g06800 (Cdc1 5), putative 6684 16934 271 84 Re04.g0681 0 hypothetical protein 6685 16935 271 85 Re04.g06820 hypothetical protein 6686 16936 271 86 Re04.g06830 UPF01 32 domain protein 6687 16937 271 87 DASH complex subunit Duo1 , putative (AFU orthologue Re04.g06840 AFUA_3G1 0260) 6688 16938 271 88 Re04.g06850 Uncharacterized protein 6689 16939 271 89 Re04.g06860 DNA replication protein, putative 6690 16940 271 90 Re04.g06870 Uncharacterized protein 6691 16941 271 9 1 Re04.g06880 Galactokinase 6692 16942 271 92 Re04.g06890 Acetolactate synthase EC=2.2. 1.6 6693 16943 271 93 3 1721 3321 1 Re04.g06900 RING finger domain protein 6694 16944 271 94 Re04.g0691 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6695 16945 271 95 3 1722 3321 2 Function: Rho2 GTPase regulates the synthesis of alpha-D-glucan Re04.g06920 EC=1 .1 .1 .1 5 6696 16946 271 96 Re04.g06930 Stress response protein NST1 6697 16947 271 97 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated Re04.g06940 protein 35 6698 16948 271 98 C6 transcription factor GliZ-like, Re04.g06950 putative 6699 16949 271 99 Re04.g06960 hypothetical protein 6700 16950 27200 Re04.g06970 Uncharacterized protein 6701 16951 27201 7-dimethylallyltryptophan synthase Re04.g06980 EC=2.5. 1.80 EC=3.4.1 1.1 7 6702 16952 27202 Re04.g06990 MFS transporter, putative 6703 16953 27203 Nitrogen assimilation transcription Re04.g07000 factor NirA 6704 16954 27204 Similarity to unknown aldolases Re04.g0701 0 and adducins EC=1 6705 16955 27205 Re04.g07020 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 6706 16956 27206 Re04.g07030 Uncharacterized protein 6707 16957 27207 Re04.g07040 Uncharacterized protein 6708 16958 27208 3 1723 3321 3 Re04.g07050 Uncharacterized protein 6709 16959 27209 Succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate Re04.g07060 reductase, flavoprotein subunit 671 0 16960 2721 0 3 1724 33214 Re04.g07070 hypothetical protein 671 1 16961 2721 1 Re04.g07080 FAD dependent oxidoreductase, 671 2 16962 2721 2 3 1725 3321 5 putative Re04.g07090 MFS sugar transporter, putative 671 3 16963 2721 3 Re04.g071 00 DnaJ and TPR domain protein 6714 16964 27214 Re04.g071 10 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 671 5 16965 2721 5 Re04.g071 20 hypothetical protein 671 6 16966 2721 6 Re04.g071 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 671 7 16967 2721 7 Re04.g07140 Putative uncharacterized protein 671 8 16968 2721 8 Re04.g071 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 671 9 16969 2721 9 Re04.g071 60 Tannase/feruloyl esterase 6720 16970 27220 Function: PVA is used for the enzymatic hydrolysis of penicillin V Re04.g071 70 EC=3.1 Precursor 6721 16971 27221 3 1726 3321 6 Re04.g071 80 hypothetical protein 6722 16972 27222 3 1727 3321 7 MAP kinase kinase (Mkk2), Re04.g071 90 putative 6723 16973 27223 Re04.g07200 Protein transport protein Sec39 6724 16974 27224 3 1728 3321 8 Re04.g0721 0 Uncharacterized protein 6725 16975 27225 Re04.g07220 Predicted protein 6726 16976 27226 TBP associated factor (Mot1 ), Re04.g07230 putative 6727 16977 27227 Re04.g07240 Putative uncharacterized protein 6728 16978 27228 Re04.g07250 Erythromycin esterase, putative 6729 16979 27229 Re04.g07260 Putative uncharacterized protein 6730 16980 27230 Inositol phospholipid biosynthesis Re04.g07270 protein Scs3, putative 6731 16981 27231 Re04.g07280 Beta-glucosidase 6732 16982 27232 3 1729 3321 9 Re04.g07290 Uncharacterized protein 6733 16983 27233 Re04.g07300 Putative uncharacterized protein 6734 16984 27234 Short chain Re04.g0731 0 dehydrogenase/reductase, putative 6735 16985 27235 Re04.g07320 C6 transcription factor, putative 6736 16986 27236 Vacuolar sorting receptor (Mrl1 ), Re04.g07330 putative 6737 16987 27237 3 1730 33220 Function: the erg-3 protein from N. crassa reduces the C14=C1 5 Re04.g07340 double bond of 4 EC=1 .1 .-.- 6738 16988 27238 Re04.g07350 Putative uncharacterized protein 6739 16989 27239 Re04.g07360 Uncharacterized protein 6740 16990 27240 Re04.g07370 Putative uncharacterized protein 6741 16991 27241 3 1731 33221 Re04.g07380 Uncharacterized protein 6742 16992 27242 3 1732 33222 Re04.g07390 hypothetical protein 6743 16993 27243 Re04.g07400 Putative uncharacterized protein 6744 16994 27244 Splicing factor 3B subunit 10 Re04.g0741 0 (SF3b1 0), putative 6745 16995 27245 TRNA-specific adenosine Re04.g07420 deaminase, putative 6746 16996 27246 Re04.g07430 Putative uncharacterized protein 6747 16997 27247 Re04.g07440 Protein phosphatase 6748 16998 27248 Re04.g07450 40S ribosomal protein S3, putative 6749 16999 27249 Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, Re04.g07460 beta subunit 6750 17000 27250 Protein phosphatase PP2A Re04.g07470 regulatory subunit A 6751 17001 27251 Re04.g07480 Putative uncharacterized protein 6752 17002 27252 Capsule-associated protein CAP1 , Re04.g07490 putative 6753 17003 27253 3 1733 33223 Re04.g07500 Glycogenin 6754 17004 27254 Re04.g0751 0 Cysteine dioxygenase 6755 17005 27255 Re04.g07520 GTP binding protein, putative 6756 17006 27256 Re04.g07530 Putative uncharacterized protein 6757 17007 27257 Re04.g07540 Uncharacterized protein 6758 17008 27258 Re04.g07550 PXA domain protein 6759 17009 27259 Re04.g07560 Uncharacterized protein 6760 1701 0 27260 Mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme family protein Re04.g07570 EC=4.2.1 .6 6761 1701 1 27261 Re04.g07580 Uncharacterized protein 6762 1701 2 27262 Re04.g07590 40S ribosomal protein S 12 6763 1701 3 27263 Histone deacetylase complex Re04.g07600 subunit (Hos4), putative 6764 17014 27264 3 1734 33224 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4- Re04.g0761 0 dehydrogenase, putative 6765 1701 5 27265 3 1735 33225 Re04.g07620 Putative uncharacterized protein 6766 1701 6 27266 Re04.g07630 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase 6767 1701 7 27267 Similarity to hypothetical protein Re04.g07640 CAD1 1794.1 6768 1701 8 27268 Re04.g07650 Uncharacterized protein 6769 1701 9 27269 UDP-Glc/Gal endoplasmic reticulum nucleotide sugar Re04.g07660 transporter 6770 17020 27270 Re04.g07670 Uncharacterized protein 6771 17021 27271 3 1736 33226 Re04.g07680 Transcription factor SipA3, putative 6772 17022 27272 Re04.g07690 Ribosome biogenesis protein Kri1 6773 17023 27273 UMTA methyltransferase family Re04.g07700 protein 6774 17024 27274 Re04.g0771 0 ADP/ATP carrier protein 6775 17025 27275 Re04.g07720 hypothetical protein 6776 17026 27276 Re04.g07730 Putative uncharacterized protein 6777 17027 27277 3 1737 33227 Re04.g07740 CAIB/BAIF family enzyme 6778 17028 27278 Re04.g07750 Uncharacterized protein 6779 17029 27279 Re04.g07760 Putative uncharacterized protein 6780 17030 27280 Re04.g07770 Alpha/beta hydrolase, putative 6781 17031 27281 Re04.g07780 Catechol dioxygenase, putative 6782 17032 27282 tRNA splicing 2' Re04.g07790 phosphotransferase 1 6783 17033 27283 Re04.g07800 Uncharacterized protein 6784 17034 27284 Re04.g0781 0 rRNA-processing protein efgl 6785 17035 27285 Re04.g07820 F-box domain protein 6786 17036 27286 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re04.g07830 putative 6787 17037 27287 Re04.g07840 TBC domain protein, putative 6788 17038 27288 Re04.g07850 Putative uncharacterized protein 6789 17039 27289 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc- Re04.g07860 containing, putative 6790 17040 27290 Re04.g07870 KH domain RNA-binding protein 6791 17041 27291 Re04.g07880 Predicted protein 6792 17042 27292 Re04.g07890 Predicted protein 6793 17043 27293 Re04.g07900 Putative uncharacterized protein 6794 17044 27294 3 1738 33228 Re04.g0791 0 hypothetical protein 6795 17045 27295 3 1739 33229 Re04.g07920 hypothetical protein 6796 17046 27296 Re04.g07930 Equisetin synthetase, putative 6797 17047 27297 Re04.g07940 Uncharacterized protein 6798 17048 27298 Re04.g07950 O-methyltransferase, putative 6799 17049 27299 Aspartate aminotransferase Re04.g07960 EC=2.6.1 .1 6800 17050 27300 Re04.g07970 Uncharacterized protein 6801 17051 27301 Re04.g07980 Uncharacterized protein 6802 17052 27302 Re04.g07990 Uncharacterized protein 6803 17053 27303 Re04.g08000 Uncharacterized protein 6804 17054 27304 Re04.g0801 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6805 17055 27305 Re04.g08020 Putative uncharacterized protein 6806 17056 27306 Re04.g08030 hypothetical protein 6807 17057 27307 3 1740 33230 Re04.g08040 hypothetical protein 6808 17058 27308 Protein-tyrosine phosphatase, Re04.g08050 putative 6809 17059 27309 S-adenosylmethionine-dependent Re04.g08060 methyltransferase, putative 681 0 17060 2731 0 Re04.g08070 Uncharacterized protein 681 1 17061 2731 1 Re04.g08080 Protein yippee-like 681 2 17062 2731 2 3 1741 33231 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re04.g08090 putative 681 3 17063 2731 3 3 1742 33232 Re04.g081 00 Putative uncharacterized protein 6814 17064 27314 3 1743 33233 Ribosome biogenesis protein Re04.g081 10 RLP24 681 5 17065 2731 5 Mitochondrial DnaJ chaperone Re04.g081 20 (Tim14), putative 681 6 17066 2731 6 3 1744 33234 Fungal specific transcription factor Re04.g081 30 domain protein 681 7 17067 2731 7 Respiratory chain complexes Re04.g08140 assembly protein real 681 8 17068 2731 8 3 1745 33235 Re04.g081 50 DUF1 295 domain protein 681 9 17069 2731 9 Re04.g081 60 DNA topoisomerase EC=5.99. 1.2 6820 17070 27320 Re04.g081 70 hypothetical protein 6821 17071 27321 3 1746 33236 Re04.g081 80 MFS sugar transporter, putative 6822 17072 27322 Re04.g081 90 hypothetical protein 6823 17073 27323 3 1747 33237 Re04.g08200 Uncharacterized protein 6824 17074 27324 Re04.g0821 0 Ku family DNA helicase, putative 6825 17075 27325 SNARE complex subunit (Vam7), Re04.g08220 putative 6826 17076 27326 Re04.g08230 Putative uncharacterized protein 6827 17077 27327 Re04.g08240 Uncharacterized protein 6828 17078 27328 Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase Dps1 , Re04.g08250 putative 6829 17079 27329 HAD superfamily hydrolase, Re04.g08260 putative 6830 17080 27330 Re04.g08270 F-box domain protein 6831 17081 27331 Re04.g08280 Coatomer subunit gamma 6832 17082 27332 Re04.g08290 Phosducin family protein 6833 17083 27333 Re04.g08300 Uncharacterized protein 6834 17084 27334 Re04.g0831 0 Casein kinase I, putative 6835 17085 27335 Cell polarity protein (Teal ), Re04.g08320 putative 6836 17086 27336 Meiotic regulator-interacting Re04.g08330 protein, putative 6837 17087 27337 Re04.g08340 Uncharacterized protein 6838 17088 27338 Re04.g08350 Uncharacterized protein 6839 17089 27339 3 1748 33238 Re04.g08360 Putative uncharacterized protein 6840 17090 27340 3 1749 33239 Re04.g08370 hypothetical protein 6841 17091 27341 Re04.g08380 Uncharacterized protein 6842 17092 27342 3 1750 33240 Re04.g08390 Uncharacterized protein 6843 17093 27343 Re04.g08400 Uncharacterized protein 6844 17094 27344 Leucine Rich Repeat domain Re04.g0841 0 protein 6845 17095 27345 Re04.g08420 hypothetical protein 6846 17096 27346 3 1751 33241 Mitochondrial genome Re04.g08430 maintenance protein Mgr2, putative 6847 17097 27347 Cytoplasm to vacuole targeting Re04.g08440 Vps64, putative 6848 17098 27348 Re04.g08450 Uncharacterized protein 6849 17099 27349 Re04.g08460 Uncharacterized protein 6850 17 100 27350 3 1752 33242 Re04.g08470 Putative uncharacterized protein 6851 17 10 1 27351 Re04.g08480 UDP-glucose 6852 17 102 27352 Re04.g08490 Uncharacterized protein 6853 17 103 27353 Re04.g08500 MYB DNA-binding domain protein 6854 17 104 27354 Re04.g0851 0 Pc1 2g16300 protein 6855 17 105 27355 Re04.g08520 Hsp70 chaperone (BiP), putative 6856 17 106 27356 Actin cortical patch protein Sur7, Re04.g08530 putative 6857 17 107 27357 Re04.g08540 Uncharacterized protein 6858 17 108 27358 Re04.g08550 37S ribosomal protein Rsm22 6859 17 109 27359 Mitotic spindle biogenesis protein Re04.g08560 Spc1 9, putative 6860 17 110 27360 Re04.g08570 Predicted protein 6861 17 111 27361 3 1753 33243 Re04.g08580 Uncharacterized protein 6862 17 112 27362 Allantoinase Dal1 , putative Re04.g08590 EC= 6863 17 113 27363 Re04.g08600 Putative uncharacterized protein 6864 17 114 27364 3 1754 33244 Re04.g0861 0 Prefoldin subunit 3 6865 17 115 27365 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re04.g08620 factor 3 subunit K 6866 17 116 27366 Re04.g08630 Uncharacterized protein 6867 17 117 27367 Re04.g08640 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 6868 17 118 27368 Re04.g08650 Uncharacterized protein 6869 17 119 27369 3 1755 33245 Re04.g08660 PDCD2_C domain protein, putative 6870 17 120 27370 Re04.g08670 Prenylcysteine lyase 6871 17 12 1 27371 3 1756 33246 UDP-glucose:sterol Re04.g08680 glycosyltransferase EC=2.4. 1.1 73 6872 17 122 27372 Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, Re04.g08690 cytosolic, putative 6873 17 123 27373 Re04.g08700 Uncharacterized protein 6874 17 124 27374 Phosphoglycerate mutase, 2,3- Re04.g0871 0 bisphosphoglycerate-independent 6875 17 125 27375 Re04.g08720 KE2 family protein 6876 17 126 27376 Vacuolar sorting ATPase Vps4, Re04.g08730 putative 6877 17 127 27377 Spindle-pole body protein (Pcp1 ), Re04.g08740 putative 6878 17 128 27378 Re04.g08750 Regulatory factor Sgt1 6879 17 129 27379 Re04.g08760 AMMECR1 family protein 6880 17 130 27380 Calcium/calmodulin dependent Re04.g08770 protein kinase, putative 6881 17 13 1 27381 Re04.g08780 hypothetical protein 6882 17 132 27382 Re04.g08790 Putative uncharacterized protein 6883 17 133 27383 Re04.g08800 DNA polymerase EC= 6884 17 134 27384 Cytochrome c oxidase protein 20, Re04.g0881 0 mitochondrial 6885 17 135 27385 Re04.g08820 Putative uncharacterized protein 6886 17 136 27386 Pre-rRNA processing nucleolar Re04.g08830 protein Sik1 , putative 6887 17 137 27387 T-complex protein 1, zeta subunit, Re04.g08840 putative 6888 17 138 27388 Histone acetyltransferase (MysT1 ), Re04.g08850 putative 6889 17 139 27389 Re04.g08860 RNA binding protein, putative 6890 17140 27390 Re04.g08870 Pc1 2g1 591 0 protein 6891 17141 27391 Camp independent regulatory Re04.g08880 protein 6892 17142 27392 Re04.g08890 Uncharacterized protein 6893 17143 27393 3 1757 33247 Re04.g08900 Uncharacterized protein 6894 17144 27394 Re04.g0891 0 Uncharacterized protein 6895 17145 27395 3 1758 33248 Re04.g08920 Pre-mRNA-splicing factor cwc24 6896 17146 27396 Nuclear migration protein (ApsA), Re04.g08930 putative 6897 17147 27397 Re04.g08940 Putative uncharacterized protein 6898 17148 27398 3 1759 33249 Re04.g08950 Uncharacterized protein 6899 17149 27399 Re04.g08960 SH3 domain signalling protein 6900 17 150 27400 Re04.g08970 Putative uncharacterized protein 6901 17 15 1 27401 Re04.g08980 Uncharacterized protein 6902 17 152 27402 RNA 3'-terminal phosphate Re04.g08990 cyclase, putative 6903 17 153 27403 Re04.g09000 Putative c6 transcription protein 6904 17 154 27404 Re04.g0901 0 Uncharacterized protein 6905 17 155 27405 Re04.g09020 hypothetical protein 6906 17 156 27406 Re04.g09030 MFS multidrug transporter 6907 17 157 27407 Re04.g09040 Inositol 5-phosphatase, putative 6908 17 158 27408 Re04.g09050 AMP dependent CoA ligase 6909 17 159 27409 Re04.g09060 Putative uncharacterized protein 691 0 17 160 2741 0 3 1760 33250 Oxidoreductase, short-chain Re04.g09070 dehydrogenase/reductase family 691 1 17 16 1 2741 1 Re04.g09080 Uncharacterized protein 691 2 17 162 2741 2 3 1761 33251 GTPase activating protein (Gyp2), Re04.g09090 putative 691 3 17 163 2741 3 Rho guanyl nucleotide exchange Re04.g091 00 factor, putative 6914 17 164 27414 Re04.g091 10 Uncharacterized protein 691 5 17 165 2741 5 Re04.g091 20 Phenylacetyl-CoA ligase, putative 691 6 17 166 2741 6 Re04.g091 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 691 7 17 167 2741 7 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re04.g09140 B 12 subunit, putative 691 8 17 168 2741 8 CCR4-NOT core complex subunit Re04.g091 50 Ca , putative 691 9 17 169 2741 9 Re04.g091 60 Uncharacterized protein 6920 17 170 27420 Re04.g091 70 Amine oxidase 6921 17 17 1 27421 Re04.g091 80 Putative uncharacterized protein 6922 17 172 27422 Re04.g091 90 hypothetical protein 6923 17 173 27423 Re04.g09200 Putative uncharacterized protein 6924 17 174 27424 Re04.g0921 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 6925 17 175 27425 Re04.g09220 Catechol O-methyltransferase 6926 17 176 27426 NAD binding Rossmann fold Re04.g09230 oxidoreductase, putative 6927 17 177 27427 Re04.g09240 HPP family protein 6928 17 178 27428 ATP-binding cassette sub-family F Re04.g09250 member 2 6929 17 179 27429 Proteasome regulatory particle Re04.g09260 subunit Rpt2, putative 6930 17 180 27430 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, Re04.g09270 putative 6931 17 18 1 27431 Re04.g09280 Cyclin Cel l , putative 6932 17 182 27432 Re04.g09290 WD repeat protein 6933 17 183 27433 Re04.g09300 DUF803 domain membrane protein 6934 17 184 27434 Probable xyloglucan-specific endo- beta-1 ,4-glucanase A Re04.g0931 0 EC=3.2.1 .1 5 1 Precursor 6935 17 185 27435 3 1762 33252 Re04.g09330 Putative uncharacterized protein 6936 17 186 27436 Re04.g09340 Uncharacterized protein 6937 17 187 27437 Re04.g09350 GRAM domain protein 6938 17 188 27438 Re04.g09360 Integral membrane protein 6939 17 189 27439 Re04.g09370 RNP domain protein 6940 17 190 27440 Re04.g09380 Zinc finger protein gcsl 6941 17 19 1 27441 Re04.g09390 Ribosome-releasing factor 2 6942 17 192 27442 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated Re04.g09400 protein vps1 7 6943 17 193 27443 Re04.g0941 0 Uncharacterized protein 6944 17 194 27444 Re04.g09420 Predicted protein 6945 17 195 27445 Ctr copper transporter family Re04.g09430 protein 6946 17 196 27446 3 1763 33253 Re04.g09440 Putative uncharacterized protein 6947 17 197 27447 Re04.g09450 hypothetical protein 6948 17 198 27448 Re04.g09460 Phosphate transporter 6949 17 199 27449 Re04.g09470 hypothetical protein 6950 17200 27450 Re04.g09480 Putative uncharacterized protein 6951 17201 27451 Re04.g09490 Uncharacterized protein 6952 17202 27452 Re04.g09500 Tho2 protein 6953 17203 27453 Homoserine O-acetyltransferase, Re04.g0951 0 putative EC=2.3.1 .175 6954 17204 27454 Re04.g09520 hypothetical protein 6955 17205 27455 Re04.g09530 SAP domain-containing protein 6956 17206 27456 Re04.g09540 DUF300 domain protein, putative 6957 17207 27457 COP9 signalosome subunit 6 Re04.g09550 (CsnF), putative 6958 17208 27458 Re04.g09560 Putative uncharacterized protein 6959 17209 27459 Re04.g09570 Putative uncharacterized protein 6960 1721 0 27460 NADPH-dependent FMN/FAD Re04.g09580 containing oxidoreductase, putative 6961 1721 1 27461 Re04.g09590 Alpha-amylase 6962 1721 2 27462 3 1764 33254 Alpha-1 ,3-glucan synthase, Re04.g09600 putative 6963 1721 3 27463 3 1765 33255 Re04.g0961 0 Carboxypeptidase S 1, putative 6964 17214 27464 3 1766 33256 Poly polymerase (Poly[ADP-ribose] Re04.g09620 synthetase) 6965 1721 5 27465 Re04.g09630 DUF500 domain protein 6966 1721 6 27466 Electron transfer flavoprotein, beta subunit, putative (AFU orthologue Re04.g09640 AFUA_5G07300) 6967 1721 7 27467 Re04.g09650 Molecular chaperone 6968 1721 8 27468 Re04.g09660 Putative uncharacterized protein 6969 1721 9 27469 Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase, Re04.g09670 small subunit EC= 6970 17220 27470 GTP binding protein (Gtp1 ), Re04.g09680 putative 6971 17221 27471 Cell cycle control protein (Cwf2), Re04.g09690 putative 6972 17222 27472 Re04.g09700 Protein kinase (Gcn2), putative 6973 17223 27473 Re04.g0971 0 Uncharacterized protein 6974 17224 27474 Re04.g09720 Uncharacterized protein 6975 17225 27475 Serine/threonine-protein Re04.g09730 phosphatase EC=3. 1.3.1 6 6976 17226 27476 Transcription elongation factor Re04.g09740 SPT4 6977 17227 27477 Re04.g09750 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase 6978 17228 27478 Re04.g09760 Integral membrane protein 6979 17229 27479 Re04.g09770 Putative uncharacterized protein 6980 17230 27480 Re04.g09780 Pc21 g 17830 protein 6981 17231 27481 Re04.g09790 MFS sugar transporter, putative 6982 17232 27482 Re04.g09800 hypothetical protein 6983 17233 27483 Re04.g0981 0 Predicted protein 6984 17234 27484 Re04.g09820 Putative uncharacterized protein 6985 17235 27485 Glutathione synthetase, putative Re04.g09830 EC= 6986 17236 27486 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase, Re04.g09840 putative 6987 17237 27487 Re04.g09850 SNF2 family helicase 6988 17238 27488 Re04.g09860 Putative uncharacterized protein 6989 17239 27489 Re04.g09870 Uncharacterized protein 6990 17240 27490 Filamentation protein (Rh ), Re04.g09880 putative 6991 17241 27491 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re04.g09890 subunit B 17.2 6992 17242 27492 Re04.g09900 Uncharacterized protein 6993 17243 27493 Low-temperature viability protein Re04.g0991 0 Itv1 6994 17244 27494 Ribosome biogenesis GTPase Re04.g09920 Lsg1 , putative 6995 17245 27495 Re04.g09930 Glycosyl transferase, putative 6996 17246 27496 Re04.g09940 UDP-glucose dehydrogenase 6997 17247 27497 Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family Re04.g09950 protein 6998 17248 27498 Re04.g09960 Function: in S . cerevisiae BNS1 6999 17249 27499 Re04.g09970 Sad1/UNC domain protein 7000 17250 27500 3 1767 33257 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re04.g09980 putative 7001 17251 27501 Re04.g09990 Uncharacterized protein 7002 17252 27502 Re04.g1 0000 C6 finger domain protein, putative 7003 17253 27503 Vacuolar protein sorting protein Re04.g1 001 0 DigA 7004 17254 27504 Re04.g 10020 50S ribosomal subunit L7, putative 7005 17255 27505 Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase Re04.g1 0030 family protein 7006 17256 27506 Re04.g 10040 Beta-lactamase family protein 7007 17257 27507 Re04.g 10050 MAP kinase kinase kinase SteC 7008 17258 27508 Re04.g 10060 Elongation factor EF-2 7009 17259 27509 Re04.g1 0070 Putative uncharacterized protein 701 0 17260 2751 0 Re04.g1 0080 hypothetical protein 701 1 17261 2751 1 Re04.g1 0090 Putative uncharacterized protein 701 2 17262 2751 2 Re04.g1 0 100 Putative uncharacterized protein 701 3 17263 2751 3 C2H2 transcription factor (AmdA), Re04.g1 0 110 putative 7014 17264 27514 Re04.g1 0 120 Putative uncharacterized protein 701 5 17265 2751 5 Re04.g1 0 130 Uncharacterized protein 701 6 17266 2751 6 Re04.g1 0140 Uncharacterized protein 701 7 17267 2751 7 Re04.g1 0 150 Putative uncharacterized protein 701 8 17268 2751 8 Re04.g1 0 160 60S ribosomal protein L8, putative 701 9 17269 2751 9 DNA repair and transcription factor Re04.g1 0 170 Ada, putative EC=2. 1.1.63 7020 17270 27520 Re04.g1 0 180 BAR domain protein 7021 17271 27521 RSC complex subunit (Sth1 ), Re04.g1 0 190 putative 7022 17272 27522 Re04.g 10200 hypothetical protein 7023 17273 27523 Membrane biogenesis protein Re04.g1 021 0 (Yop1), putative 7024 17274 27524 Re04.g 10220 Putative uncharacterized protein 7025 17275 27525 Peroxisomal matrix protein importer Pex3-Penicillium Re04.g 10230 chrysogenum 7026 17276 27526 Re04.g 10240 MFS transporter, putative 7027 17277 27527 Re04.g 10250 Putative uncharacterized protein 7028 17278 27528 Re04.g 10260 Predicted protein 7029 17279 27529 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase Re04.g 10270 HemA EC=2.3.1 .37 7030 17280 27530 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase Re04.g 10280 (Ino80), putative 7031 17281 27531 Re04.g 10290 Alcohol dehydrogenase 7032 17282 27532 Re04.g1 0300 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 7033 17283 27533 3 1768 33258 Re04.g1 031 0 Transposase 7034 17284 27534 Re04.g 10320 Sucrose transporter, putative 7035 17285 27535 Sexual development transcription Re04.g1 0330 factor SteA 7036 17286 27536 Re04.g 10340 hypothetical protein 7037 17287 27537 Re04.g 10350 Uncharacterized protein 7038 17288 27538 Re04.g 10360 5-proFAR isomerase 7039 17289 27539 Re04.g1 0370 hypothetical protein 7040 17290 27540 Re04.g1 0380 Putative uncharacterized protein 7041 17291 27541 Re04.g1 0390 Histone acetyltransferase 7042 17292 27542 Re04.g 10400 Succinyl-CoA ligase alpha-chain 7043 17293 27543 DNA damage and replication Re04.g1 041 0 checkpoint protein Rfx1 , putative 7044 17294 27544 Re04.g 10420 Uncharacterized protein 7045 17295 27545 Re04.g 10430 SUMO activating enzyme 7046 17296 27546 Integral membrane protein (Ytp ), Re04.g 10440 putative 7047 17297 27547 3 1769 33259 Re04.g 10450 DNA repair protein Swi5/Sae3, 7048 17298 27548 putative Re04.g 10460 ABC multidrug transporter Mdr1 7049 17299 27549 Re04.g 10470 hypothetical protein 7050 17300 27550 Probable RPL39-60S large subunit Re04.g 10480 ribosomal protein L39.e 7051 17301 27551 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex SCF Re04.g 10490 subunit sconC 7052 17302 27552 Re04.g 10500 Predicted protein 7053 17303 27553 Alpha 1,2-mannosyltransferase Re04.g1 051 0 Smp3, putative 7054 17304 27554 3 1770 33260 Nucleotide excision repair protein Re04.g 10520 RAD23 7055 17305 27555 Re04.g 10530 Uncharacterized protein 7056 17306 27556 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re04.g 10540 factor 6 7057 17307 27557 Re04.g 10550 SET and WW domain protein 7058 17308 27558 Re04.g 10560 hypothetical protein 7059 17309 27559 Re04.g 10570 Putative uncharacterized protein 7060 1731 0 27560 Calcium/calmodulin dependent Re04.g 10580 protein kinase, putative 7061 1731 1 27561 Re04.g 10590 Uncharacterized protein 7062 1731 2 27562 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re04.g 10600 putative 7063 1731 3 27563 3 1771 33261 BAR adaptor protein RVS16 1, Re04.g 10620 putative 7064 17314 27564 Re04.g 10630 Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, putative 7065 1731 5 27565 3 1772 33262 Re04.g 10640 Uncharacterized protein 7066 1731 6 27566 Re04.g 10650 RNA processing factor 1 7067 1731 7 27567 Re04.g 10660 Glycyl-tRNA synthetase 7068 1731 8 27568 Re04.g 10670 Putative uncharacterized protein 7069 1731 9 27569 Re04.g 10680 Protein kinase (Chm1 ), putative 7070 17320 27570 Mitochondrial NADH kinase POS5, Re04.g 10690 putative 7071 17321 27571 Re04.g1 0700 Acyltransferase, putative 7072 17322 27572 RNA polymerase II transcription Re04.g1 071 0 elongation factor (Ctr9), putative 7073 17323 27573 Re04.g 10720 Homoserine kinase 7074 17324 27574 Re04.g1 0730 Uncharacterized protein 7075 17325 27575 Re04.g 10740 Calcium channel subunit Midi 7076 17326 27576 3 1773 33263 Re04.g 10750 Uncharacterized protein 7077 17327 27577 Re04.g 10760 Putative uncharacterized protein 7078 17328 27578 Re04.g1 0770 hypothetical protein 7079 17329 27579 Re04.g1 0780 hypothetical protein 7080 17330 27580 Re04.g1 0790 hypothetical protein 7081 17331 27581 Microsomal signal peptidase Re04.g1 0800 Spc12, putative 7082 17332 27582 Ubiquitin ligase subunit HrtA, Re04.g1 081 0 putative 7083 17333 27583 Re04.g 10820 Uncharacterized protein 7084 17334 27584 1,3-beta-glucan biosynthesis Re04.g1 0830 protein, putative 7085 17335 27585 Re04.g 10840 NTP binding protein, putative 7086 17336 27586 Re04.g 10850 GDP-mannose transporter 7087 17337 27587 Re04.g 10860 Uncharacterized protein 7088 17338 27588 Re04.g1 0870 Putative uncharacterized protein 7089 17339 27589 Pseudouridylate synthase family Re04.g1 0880 protein 7090 17340 27590 Re04.g1 0890 Uncharacterized protein 7091 17341 27591 3 1774 33264 Re04.g1 0900 Putative uncharacterized protein 7092 17342 27592 Re04.g1 091 0 Uncharacterized protein 7093 17343 27593 3 1775 33265 Eukaryotic peptide chain release Re04.g 10920 factor subunit 1 7094 17344 27594 Re04.g1 0930 Uncharacterized protein 7095 17345 27595 25S rRNA adenine-N(l ) Re04.g 10940 methyltransferase EC=2. 1.1 .- 7096 17346 27596 Re04.g 10950 60S ribosomal protein L23 7097 17347 27597 Mitochondrial intermembrane space translocase subunit Tim1 0, Re04.g 10960 putative 7098 17348 27598 Cell cycle control protein Re04.g1 0970 Cwf14/Bud31 , putative 7099 17349 27599 Re04.g1 0980 Forkhead box protein L2 7 100 17350 27600 Re04.g1 0990 Aspartokinase 7 10 1 17351 27601 Re04.g1 1000 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 102 17352 27602 Hemoglobin and proliferation Re04.g1 10 10 regulated protein 7 103 17353 27603 Inosine triphosphate Re04.g 11020 pyrophosphatase EC=3.6. 1.1 9 7 104 17354 27604 Re04.g1 1030 Class V myosin (Myo4), putative 7 105 17355 27605 Nucleosome assembly protein Re04.g 11040 Nap1 , putative 7 106 17356 27606 Re04.g 11050 P-type ATPase, putative 7 107 17357 27607 Re04.g 11060 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 108 17358 27608 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Re04.g1 1070 bur-1 7 109 17359 27609 D-3-phosphoglycerate Re04.g1 1080 dehydrogenase 7 110 17360 2761 0 Re04.g1 1090 Seryl-tRNA synthetase 7 111 17361 2761 1 Rheb small monomeric GTPase Re04.g1 1100 RhbA 7 112 17362 2761 2 Re04.g1 1110 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 113 17363 2761 3 Cytosine deaminase-uracil phosphoribosyltransferase fusion Re04.g1 1120 protein 7 114 17364 27614 Transcription elongation factor, Re04.g1 1130 putative 7 115 17365 2761 5 Re04.g1 1140 40S ribosomal protein S 1 7 116 17366 2761 6 Mitochondrial import inner Re04.g1 1150 membrane translocase subunit 7 117 17367 2761 7 TIM 17, putative Re04.g1 1160 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 118 17368 2761 8 Re04.g1 1170 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 119 17369 2761 9 Re04.g1 1180 Retrovirus polyprotein, putative 7 120 17370 27620 Re04.g1 1190 Uncharacterized protein 7 12 1 17371 27621 Re04.g1 1200 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 122 17372 27622 Re04.g1 12 10 Uncharacterized protein 7 123 17373 27623 Re04.g 11220 Transposon, putative 7 124 17374 27624 Re04.g1 1230 Uncharacterized protein 7 125 17375 27625 Re04.g 11240 Uncharacterized protein 7 126 17376 27626 Re04.g 11250 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 127 17377 27627 Re04.g 11260 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 128 17378 27628 Re04.g1 1270 Hexose carrier protein 7 129 17379 27629 Re04.g1 1280 Uncharacterized protein 7 130 17380 27630 Re04.g1 1290 Uncharacterized protein 7 13 1 17381 27631 DNA-directed RNA polymerases Re04.g1 1300 N/8 kDa subunit superfamily 7 132 17382 27632 Re04.g1 13 10 Uncharacterized protein 7 133 17383 27633 Re04.g 11320 Uncharacterized protein 7 134 17384 27634 D-lactate dehydrogenase Re04.g1 1330 (Cytochrome) 7 135 17385 27635 Re04.g 11340 Xylitol dehydrogenase 7 136 17386 27636 Re04.g 11350 Ras family GTPase (Rab4b) 7 137 17387 27637 Re04.g 11360 BZIP family transcription factor 7 138 17388 27638 Re04.g1 1370 hypothetical protein 7 139 17389 27639 Membrane bound cation Re04.g1 1380 transporter, putative 7140 17390 27640 Re04.g1 1390 Putative uncharacterized protein 7141 17391 27641 Re04.g1 1400 Putative uncharacterized protein 7142 17392 27642 Polysaccharide synthase Cps1 , Re04.g1 141 0 putative 7143 17393 27643 3 1776 33266 Re04.g 11420 F 1-ATP synthase assembly protein 7144 17394 27644 3 1777 33267 Oxysterol binding protein (Osh1 ), Re04.g1 1430 putative 7145 17395 27645 Re04.g 11440 hypothetical protein 7146 17396 27646 3 1778 33268 Re04.g 11450 Predicted protein 7147 17397 27647 3 1779 33269 Re04.g 11460 Malic enzyme 7148 17398 27648 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc- Re04.g1 1470 containing 7149 17399 27649 Re04.g1 1480 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 150 17400 27650 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase Re04.g1 1490 (Swr1 ), putative 7 15 1 17401 27651 Re04.g 11500 Uncharacterized protein 7 152 17402 27652 Re04.g1 15 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 153 17403 27653 L-PSP endoribonuclease family Re04.g 11520 protein (Hm ), putative 7 154 17404 27654 Re04.g 11530 Uncharacterized protein 7 155 17405 27655 Re04.g 11540 hypothetical protein 7 156 17406 27656 Re04.g 11550 Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 7 157 17407 27657 1 Re04.g1 1560 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 158 17408 27658 3 1780 33270 Re04.g1 1570 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 159 17409 27659 U5 snRNP complex subunit, Re04.g1 1580 putative 7 160 1741 0 27660 Putative uncharacterized protein Re04.g1 1590 An1 2g00380 7 16 1 1741 1 27661 cAMP-dependent protein kinase Re04.g1 1600 pathway protein (Som1 ), putative 7 162 1741 2 27662 Re04.g1 16 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 163 1741 3 27663 Re04.g1 1620 Uncharacterized protein 7 164 17414 27664 Re04.g1 1630 Uncharacterized protein 7 165 1741 5 27665 Re04.g1 1640 hypothetical protein 7 166 1741 6 27666 Re04.g1 1650 Uncharacterized protein 7 167 1741 7 27667 Re04.g1 1660 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 168 1741 8 27668 Ribosomal small subunit assembly Re04.g1 1670 protein 7 169 1741 9 27669 Re04.g1 1680 Pc1 6g05520 protein 7 170 17420 27670 Re04.g1 1690 Uncharacterized protein 7 17 1 17421 27671 Re04.g1 1700 Uncharacterized protein 7 172 17422 27672 Re04.g1 17 10 Reverse transcriptase, putative 7 173 17423 27673 Re04.g1 1720 hypothetical protein 7 174 17424 27674 Meiotic recombination protein Re04.g1 1730 d 7 175 17425 27675 Zinc knuckle domain-containing Re04.g1 1740 protein 7 176 17426 27676 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine Re04.g1 1750 pyrophosphorylase 7 177 17427 27677 Cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis- Re04.g1 1760 trans isomerase 7 178 17428 27678 Streptococcal hemagglutinin Re04.g1 1770 protein, putative 7 179 17429 27679 Re04.g1 1780 hypothetical protein 7 180 17430 27680 Re04.g1 1790 40S ribosomal protein S24 7 18 1 17431 27681 Re04.g1 1800 Uncharacterized protein 7 182 17432 27682 Re04.g1 18 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 7 183 17433 27683 Re04.g1 1820 Similar to An1 2g0231 0 7 184 17434 27684 Ran-binding protein (RanBPM), Re04.g1 1830 putative 7 185 17435 27685 Re04.g1 1840 Uncharacterized protein 7 186 17436 27686 Re04.g1 1850 Uncharacterized protein 7 187 17437 27687 Membrane associated DnaJ Re04.g1 1860 chaperone, putative 7 188 17438 27688 3 1781 33271 RNA polymerase I subunit Rpa43, Re04.g1 1870 putative 7 189 17439 27689 Toxin biosynthesis protein (Tri7), Re04.g1 1880 putative 7 190 17440 27690 3 1782 33272 Re04.g1 1890 Uncharacterized protein 7 19 1 17441 27691 Re04.g1 1900 Monodehydroascorbate/ferredoxin 7 192 17442 27692 reductase Re04.g1 19 10 Gh61 isozyme a EC=3.2. 1.4 7 193 17443 27693 3 1783 33273 Re04.g 11920 hypothetical protein 7 194 17444 27694 Re04.g1 1930 MFS transporter 7 195 17445 27695 Re04.g 11940 Amino acid permease, putative 7 196 17446 27696 Re04.g 11950 Uncharacterized protein 7 197 17447 27697 Arrestin (Or S-antigen) domain Re04.g 11960 protein 7 198 17448 27698 Re04.g1 1970 Triacylglycerol lipase, putative 7 199 17449 27699 Re04.g1 1980 Predicted protein 7200 17450 27700 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly Re04.g1 1990 protein 7201 17451 27701 3 1784 33274 Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase Re04.g1 2000 family protein 7202 17452 27702 Re04.g1 201 0 F-box domain protein 7203 17453 27703 Re04.g 12020 Putative uncharacterized protein 7204 17454 27704 Re04.g1 2030 hypothetical protein 7205 17455 27705 Re04.g 12040 Uncharacterized protein 7206 17456 27706 Re04.g 12050 Pc21 g221 50 protein Precursor 7207 17457 27707 3 1785 33275 Re04.g 12060 Putative uncharacterized protein 7208 17458 27708 Re04.g1 2070 Uncharacterized protein 7209 17459 27709 Re04.g1 2080 Uncharacterized protein 721 0 17460 2771 0 Re04.g1 2090 Uncharacterized protein 721 1 17461 2771 1 3 1786 33276 Re04.g1 2 100 C6 zinc finger domain protein 721 2 17462 2771 2 Re04.g1 2 110 Uncharacterized protein 721 3 17463 2771 3 Re04.g1 2 120 Uncharacterized protein 7214 17464 27714 Re04.g1 2 130 hypothetical protein 721 5 17465 2771 5 Re04.g1 2140 Putative uncharacterized protein 721 6 17466 2771 6 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Re04.g1 2 150 EC= 721 7 17467 2771 7 Re04.g1 2 160 DUF1 7 16 domain protein 721 8 17468 2771 8 TOM core complex subunit Tom6, Re04.g1 2 170 putative 721 9 17469 2771 9 Exosomal 3'-5' exoribonuclease Re04.g1 2 180 complex, subunit Rrp44/Dis3 7220 17470 27720 Re04.g1 2 190 Uncharacterized protein 7221 17471 27721 Re04.g 12200 Putative uncharacterized protein 7222 17472 27722 Re04.g1 221 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7223 17473 27723 Molybdopterin synthase sulfur Re04.g 12220 carrier subunit 7224 17474 27724 Re04.g 12230 Putative uncharacterized protein 7225 17475 27725 Re04.g 12240 Integral membrane protein 7226 17476 27726 3 1787 33277 Re04.g 12250 Uncharacterized protein 7227 17477 27727 Re04.g 12260 Putative uncharacterized protein 7228 17478 27728 Re04.g 12270 Uncharacterized protein 7229 17479 27729 Putative uncharacterized protein Re04.g 12280 An04g04700 EC=2. 1.1.6 7230 17480 27730 Re04.g 12290 hypothetical protein 7231 17481 27731 Re04.g1 2300 Uncharacterized protein 7232 17482 27732 Re04.g 12320 MFS transporter Fmp42, putative 7233 17483 27733 Re04.g1 2330 Putative uncharacterized protein 7234 17484 27734 Re04.g 12340 Acetamidase, putative 7235 17485 27735 U2 auxiliary factor small subunit, Re04.g 12350 putative 7236 17486 27736 Re04.g 12360 Putative uncharacterized protein 7237 17487 27737 Re04.g1 2370 hypothetical protein 7238 17488 27738 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase PIB1 , Re04.g1 2380 putative 7239 17489 27739 C6 transcription factor (War1), Re04.g1 2390 putative 7240 17490 27740 Alpha-glucosidase, putative Re04.g 12400 EC=3.2.1 .3 7241 17491 27741 3 1788 33278 Re04.g1 241 0 Uncharacterized protein 7242 17492 27742 Re04.g 12420 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 7243 17493 27743 Re04.g 12430 C6 finger domain protein 7244 17494 27744 O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase, Re04.g 12440 putative EC=2.5.1 .49 7245 17495 27745 Re04.g 12450 Putative uncharacterized protein 7246 17496 27746 Re04.g 12460 Aspartate kinase, putative 7247 17497 27747 Acetyl-CoA--deacetylcephalosporin C acetyltransferase, putative Re04.g 12470 EC=2.3.1 .31 7248 17498 27748 Re04.g 12480 Nitrilase, putative 7249 17499 27749 3 1789 33279 Re04.g 12490 Uncharacterized protein 7250 17500 27750 Re04.g 12500 Plasma membrane iron permease 7251 17501 27751 3 1790 33280 Re04.g1 251 0 Fet3 ferroxidase-like protein 7252 17502 27752 3 1791 33281 Re04.g 12520 Uncharacterized protein 7253 17503 27753 Re04.g 12530 C6 transcription factor, putative 7254 17504 27754 UTP-glucose-1-phosphate Re04.g 12540 uridylyltransferase Ugp1 , putative 7255 17505 27755 Re04.g 12550 hypothetical protein 7256 17506 27756 AMID-like mitochondrial Re04.g 12560 oxidoreductase, putative 7257 17507 27757 3 1792 33282 Membrane bound C2 domain Re04.g 12570 protein (Vp 5), putative 7258 17508 27758

Re04.g 12580 Haloacid dehalogenase, type II 7259 17509 27759 Re04.g 12590 Uncharacterized protein 7260 1751 0 27760 MFS peptide transporter Ptr2, Re04.g 12600 putative 7261 1751 1 27761 Re04.g1 261 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7262 1751 2 27762 Re04.g 12620 Cap binding protein 7263 1751 3 27763 Integral membrane protein, Re04.g 12630 Mpv1 7/PMP22 family, putative 7264 17514 27764 3 1793 33283 Re04.g 12640 Ribosomal protein S5 7265 1751 5 27765 Re04.g 12650 hypothetical protein 7266 1751 6 27766 Re04.g 12660 Putative uncharacterized protein 7267 1751 7 27767 Re04.g 12670 Opsin, putative 7268 1751 8 27768 Re04.g 12680 Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 7269 1751 9 27769 Re04.g 12690 UPF01 83 domain protein 7270 17520 27770 Kinesin family protein (BimC), Re04.g1 2700 putative 7271 17521 27771 Re04.g1 271 0 Uncharacterized protein 7272 17522 27772 Re04.g 12720 Uncharacterized protein 7273 17523 27773 Re04.g1 2730 Putative uncharacterized protein 7274 17524 27774 Re04.g 12740 RPEL repeat protein 7275 17525 27775 Re04.g 12750 hypothetical protein 7276 17526 27776 Transl in-associated factor TraX, Re04.g 12760 putative 7277 17527 27777 Re04.g1 2770 Putative uncharacterized protein 7278 17528 27778 3 1794 33284 Re04.g1 2790 hypothetical protein 7279 17529 27779 Re04.g1 2800 Uncharacterized protein 7280 17530 27780 Re04.g1 281 0 Uncharacterized protein 7281 17531 27781 Re04.g 12820 Putative uncharacterized protein 7282 17532 27782 Re04.g1 2830 Squalene synthase 7283 17533 27783 Re04.g 12840 DnaJ domain protein 7284 17534 27784 Re04.g 12850 Putative uncharacterized protein 7285 17535 27785 Re04.g 12860 Putative uncharacterized protein 7286 17536 27786 DNA damage response protein Re04.g1 2870 RcaA 7287 17537 27787 Re04.g1 2880 Uncharacterized protein 7288 17538 27788 Re04.g1 2890 GPI mannosyltransferase 1 7289 17539 27789 3 1795 33285 Re04.g1 2900 Salicylate hydroxylase 7290 17540 27790 3 1796 33286 Heat shock protein Hsp30/Hsp42, Re04.g1 291 0 putative 7291 17541 27791 Re04.g1 2930 Putative uncharacterized protein 7292 17542 27792 Re04.g 12940 hypothetical protein 7293 17543 27793 Re04.g 12950 hypothetical protein 7294 17544 27794 Re04.g 12960 Uncharacterized protein 7295 17545 27795 Glycoside hydrolase family 79 Re04.g1 2970 protein 7296 17546 27796 3 1797 33287 Re04.g1 2980 Uncharacterized protein 7297 17547 27797 Re04.g1 2990 Uncharacterized protein 7298 17548 27798 Re04.g1 3000 Uncharacterized protein 7299 17549 27799 MFS monocarboxylate transporter, Re04.g1 301 0 putative 7300 17550 27800 Re04.g 13020 Putative uncharacterized protein 7301 17551 27801 Molybdopterin cofactor sulfurase, Re04.g1 3030 putative 7302 17552 27802 Re04.g 13040 hypothetical protein 7303 17553 27803 Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase Re04.g 13050 OrdA-like, putative 7304 17554 27804 3 1798 33288 Re04.g 13060 Guanine deaminase, putative 7305 17555 27805 Re04.g1 3070 Uncharacterized protein 7306 17556 27806 Re04.g1 3080 hypothetical protein 7307 17557 27807 Re05.g0001 0 Uncharacterized protein 7308 17558 27808 Re05.g00020 D-hydantoinase 7309 17559 27809 Re05.g00030 Putative dehydrogenase reductase 731 0 17560 2781 0 protein Fungal specific transcription factor Re05.g00040 domain-containing protein 731 1 17561 2781 1 Re05.g00050 DEHA2F00396p 731 2 17562 2781 2 3 1799 33289 Re05.g00060 Putative uncharacterized protein 731 3 17563 2781 3 Re05.g00070 Allantoate permease, putative 7314 17564 27814 Re05.g00080 Uncharacterized protein 731 5 17565 2781 5 Re05.g00090 G protein-coupled receptor GprD 731 6 17566 2781 6 Re05.g001 00 hypothetical protein 731 7 17567 2781 7 Re05.g001 10 hypothetical protein 731 8 17568 2781 8 Re05.g001 20 Uncharacterized protein 731 9 17569 2781 9 Re05.g001 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 7320 17570 27820 Re05.g00140 Uncharacterized protein 7321 17571 27821 Oxidoreductase, 20G-Fe(ll) Re05.g001 50 oxygenase family, putative 7322 17572 27822 Re05.g001 60 Uncharacterized protein 7323 17573 27823 3 1800 33290 O-acetylhomoserine (Thiol)-lyase, Re05.g001 70 putative EC=2.5.1 .49 7324 17574 27824 Re05.g001 80 CatA, catalase 7325 17575 27825 Re05.g001 90 hypothetical protein 7326 17576 27826 Re05.g00200 Putative uncharacterized protein 7327 17577 27827 3 1801 33291 Re05.g0021 0 hypothetical protein 7328 17578 27828 3 1802 33292 Re05.g00220 LipA and NB-ARC domain protein 7329 17579 27829 Re05.g00230 Putative uncharacterized protein 7330 17580 27830 Re05.g00240 Uncharacterized protein 7331 17581 27831 Re05.g00250 Putative uncharacterized protein 7332 17582 27832 3 1803 33293 Re05.g00260 hypothetical protein 7333 17583 27833 Re05.g00270 Putative uncharacterized protein 7334 17584 27834 Re05.g00280 DEHA2F1 641 2p 7335 17585 27835 Re05.g00290 Uncharacterized protein 7336 17586 27836 3 1804 33294 Re05.g00300 Uncharacterized protein 7337 17587 27837 3 1805 33295 Re05.g0031 0 hypothetical protein 7338 17588 27838 Re05.g00320 hypothetical protein 7339 17589 27839 Re05.g00330 Predicted protein 7340 17590 27840 Re05.g00340 Putative uncharacterized protein 7341 17591 27841 Re05.g00350 Amine oxidase 7342 17592 27842 Nuclear condensin complex Re05.g00370 subunit Smc4, putative 7343 17593 27843 Re05.g00380 Uncharacterized protein 7344 17594 27844 Re05.g00390 CCCH zinc finger domain protein 7345 17595 27845 40S ribosomal protein S20, Re05.g00400 putative 7346 17596 27846 3 1806 33296 Re05.g0041 0 CUE domain protein 7347 17597 27847 Delta 6-fatty acid desaturase/delta- Re05.g00420 8 sphingolipid desaturase 7348 17598 27848 Re05.g00430 Phosphoglucomutase, putative 7349 17599 27849 Re05.g00440 Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase 7350 17600 27850 MFS monosaccharide transporter, Re05.g00450 putative 7351 17601 27851 Re05.g00460 Putative uncharacterized protein 7352 17602 27852 Re05.g00470 hypothetical protein 7353 17603 27853 Re05.g00480 Uncharacterized protein 7354 17604 27854 CCR4-NOT transcription complex, Re05.g00490 subunit 3 7355 17605 27855 D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase Re05.g00500 EC=3.1 .-.- 7356 17606 27856 3 1807 33297 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Re05.g0051 0 Cpr7, putative 7357 17607 27857 Re05.g00520 Formamidase FmdS 7358 17608 27858 Re05.g00530 Transmembrane protein UsgS 7359 17609 27859 Re05.g00540 Uncharacterized protein 7360 1761 0 27860 Re05.g00550 Pc20g04850 protein 7361 1761 1 27861 Re05.g00560 Nuclear protein (Sgd1 ), putative 7362 1761 2 27862 Re05.g00570 Putative uncharacterized protein 7363 1761 3 27863 Re05.g00580 Putative uncharacterized protein 7364 17614 27864 3 1808 33298 Re05.g00590 Putative uncharacterized protein 7365 1761 5 27865 Re05.g00600 Mfs s p sugar h+ symporter 7366 1761 6 27866 Re05.g0061 0 NADH dehydrogenase 7367 1761 7 27867 Re05.g00620 Uncharacterized protein 7368 1761 8 27868 Re05.g00630 Uncharacterized protein 7369 1761 9 27869 Re05.g00640 Uncharacterized protein 7370 17620 27870 Ubiquinone biosynthesis protein Re05.g00650 Coq7, putative 7371 17621 27871 60S ribosomal protein L27a, Re05.g00660 putative 7372 17622 27872 Re05.g00670 Pc20g05050 protein 7373 17623 27873 3 1809 33299 Re05.g00680 hypothetical protein 7374 17624 27874 Re05.g00690 hypothetical protein 7375 17625 27875 Catalytic activity: chsl of A. nidulans catalyzes the alpha- 1 Re05.g00700 EC=2.4.1 .16 7376 17626 27876 Integral membrane protein

Re05.g0071 0 (AFU. orthologue AFUA_2G01 860) 7377 17627 27877 Re05.g00720 hypothetical protein 7378 17628 27878 Re05.g00730 Putative uncharacterized protein 7379 17629 27879 Re05.g00740 Sulfate transporter, putative 7380 17630 27880 Re05.g00750 Putative uncharacterized protein 7381 17631 27881 Cutinase transcription factor 1 Re05.g00760 alpha, putative 7382 17632 27882 Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase family Re05.g00770 protein 7383 17633 27883 Small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein Re05.g00780 complex subunit Utp1 5, putative 7384 17634 27884 Re05.g00790 Uncharacterized protein 7385 17635 27885 Re05.g00800 Uncharacterized protein 7386 17636 27886 Conserved serine proline-rich Re05.g0081 0 protein 7387 17637 27887 Re05.g00820 Putative uncharacterized protein 7388 17638 27888 Re05.g00830 Uncharacterized protein 7389 17639 27889 Re05.g00840 Pre-mRNA splicing factor 7390 17640 27890 Re05.g00850 hypothetical protein 7391 17641 27891 Re05.g00860 Uncharacterized protein 7392 17642 27892 Re05.g00870 hypothetical protein 7393 17643 27893 Phosphoglycerate mutase family Re05.g00880 protein 7394 17644 27894 Re05.g00890 Putative uncharacterized protein 7395 17645 27895 Non-classical export protein Re05.g00900 Nce1 02, putative 7396 17646 27896 3 18 10 33300 Re05.g0091 0 Aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase 7397 17647 27897 Re05.g00920 C6 transcription factor, putative 7398 17648 27898 Re05.g00930 Sucrase/ferredoxin domain protein 7399 17649 27899 Re05.g00940 hypothetical protein 7400 17650 27900 3 18 11 33301 Re05.g00950 MFS transporter, putative 7401 17651 27901 Re05.g00960 Acid sphingomyelinase, putative 7402 17652 27902 3 18 12 33302 Arabinan endo-1 ,5-alpha-L- Re05.g00970 arabinosidase EC=3.2. 1.99 7403 17653 27903 3 18 13 33303 Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family Re05.g00980 oxidoreductase, putative 7404 17654 27904 Probable alpha-fucosidase A Re05.g00990 EC=3.2.1 .51 Precursor 7405 17655 27905 3 1814 33304 Re05.g01 000 Predicted protein 7406 17656 27906 Re05.g01 0 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 7407 17657 27907 Re05.g01 020 Putative uncharacterized protein 7408 17658 27908 DUF1 264 domain-containing Re05.g01 030 protein 7409 17659 27909 Re05.g01 040 Pc1 3g07060 protein 741 0 17660 2791 0 Re05.g01 050 Putative uncharacterized protein 741 1 17661 2791 1 Re05.g01 060 hypothetical protein 741 2 17662 2791 2 Re05.g01 070 hypothetical protein 741 3 17663 2791 3 Re05.g01 080 RING finger domain protein 7414 17664 27914 Re05.g01 090 Putative uncharacterized protein 741 5 17665 2791 5 Re05.g01 100 Zn2Cys6 transcription factor 741 6 17666 2791 6 Major facilitator superfamily Re05.g01 110 transporter 741 7 17667 2791 7 Re05.g01 120 Phosphoglycerate mutase, putative 741 8 17668 2791 8 Re05.g01 130 hypothetical protein 741 9 17669 2791 9 Re05.g01 140 hypothetical protein 7420 17670 27920 Re05.g01 150 Putative uncharacterized protein 7421 17671 27921 Re05.g01 160 Catechol dioxygenase 7422 17672 27922 Re05.g01 170 Regulatory protein SUAPRGA1 7423 17673 27923 3 18 15 33305 Translation machinery-associated Re05.g01 180 protein, putative 7424 17674 27924 Re05.g01 190 Exonuclease 7425 17675 27925 Re05.g01 200 Putative uncharacterized protein 7426 17676 27926 3 18 16 33306 Re05.g01 2 10 Amino acid transporter, putative 7427 17677 27927 Re05.g01 220 hypothetical protein 7428 17678 27928 Re05.g01 230 Putative uncharacterized protein 7429 17679 27929 3 18 17 33307 Re05.g01 240 DNA primase EC=2.7.7.- 7430 17680 27930 Re05.g01 250 hypothetical protein 7431 17681 27931 Re05.g01 260 hypothetical protein 7432 17682 27932 3 18 18 33308 Re05.g01 270 Putative uncharacterized protein 7433 17683 27933 Sexual development protein Re05.g01 280 (LsdA), putative 7434 17684 27934 3 18 19 33309 Re05.g01 290 7435 17685 27935 Zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase, putative Re05.g01 300 (AFlLorthologue AFUA_8G02430) 7436 17686 27936 Re05.g01 3 10 hypothetical protein 7437 17687 27937 Re05.g01 320 Bcs1 AAA-type ATPase, putative 7438 17688 27938 Re05.g01 330 Uncharacterized protein 7439 17689 27939 Re05.g01 340 Putative uncharacterized protein 7440 17690 27940 Re05.g01 350 Coatomer subunit alpha, putative 7441 17691 27941 Re05.g01 360 Sulfhydryl oxidase EC=1 .8.3.2 7442 17692 27942 Re05.g01 370 Transcriptional regulator, putative 7443 17693 27943 Putative uncharacterized protein Re05.g01 380 An1 6g02490 7444 17694 27944 Tubulin-specific chaperone c, Re05.g01 390 putative 7445 17695 27945 Tripeptidyl peptidase SED3 Re05.g01400 Fragment 7446 17696 27946 Proteasome regulatory particle Re05.g0141 0 subunit (RpnL), putative 7447 17697 27947 Re05.g01420 Uncharacterized protein 7448 17698 27948 Re05.g01430 Predicted protein 7449 17699 27949 Re05.g01440 Putative uncharacterized protein 7450 17700 27950 Re05.g01450 Putative uncharacterized protein 7451 17701 27951 Translation repressor/antiviral Re05.g01460 protein Ski3, putative 7452 17702 27952 Re05.g01470 Glycosyl hydrolase 7453 17703 27953 Re05.g01480 C6 transcription factor, putative 7454 17704 27954 Re05.g01490 Uncharacterized protein 7455 17705 27955 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re05.g01 500 subunit GRIM-1 9 7456 17706 27956 tRNA m(1 )G methyltransferase Re05.g01 5 10 domain containing protein 7457 17707 27957 Vacuolar import and degradation Re05.g01 520 protein 7458 17708 27958 Re05.g01 530 Uncharacterized protein 7459 17709 27959 Endosome-associated ubiquitin Re05.g01 540 isopeptidase (AmsH), putative 7460 1771 0 27960 Re05.g01 550 Uncharacterized protein 7461 1771 1 27961 3 1820 3331 0 Re05.g01 560 Predicted protein 7462 1771 2 27962 Re05.g01 570 hypothetical protein 7463 1771 3 27963 Re05.g01 580 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 7464 17714 27964 Re05.g01 590 Predicted protein 7465 1771 5 27965 Re05.g01 600 Uncharacterized protein 7466 1771 6 27966 Re05.g01 6 10 Predicted protein Fragment 7467 1771 7 27967 Re05.g01 620 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 7468 1771 8 27968 Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] Re05.g01 630 EC=1 .1 .1 .42 7469 1771 9 27969 3 1821 3331 1 Re05.g01 640 C 1 tetrahydrofolate synthase 7470 17720 27970 Re05.g01 650 NRPS-like enzyme, putative 7471 17721 27971 Putative uncharacterized protein Re05.g01 660 An09g02320 7472 17722 27972 Re05.g01 670 Putative uncharacterized protein 7473 17723 27973 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re05.g01 680 EC= 7474 17724 27974 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re05.g01 690 factor 3 subunit I 7475 17725 27975 Re05.g01 700 Multiprotein-bridging factor 1 7476 17726 27976 Re05.g01 7 10 hypothetical protein 7477 17727 27977 Re05.g01 720 SH3 domain protein 7478 17728 27978 Re05.g01 730 Putative uncharacterized protein 7479 17729 27979 Re05.g01 740 Translational initiation factor 2 beta 7480 17730 27980 Re05.g01 750 Uncharacterized protein 7481 17731 27981 Re05.g01 760 hypothetical protein 7482 17732 27982 Re05.g01 770 hypothetical protein 7483 17733 27983 Re05.g01 780 Putative uncharacterized protein 7484 17734 27984 Re05.g01 790 hypothetical protein 7485 17735 27985 3 1822 3331 2 Re05.g01 800 hypothetical protein 7486 17736 27986 Glycine-rich RNA-binding protein, Re05.g01 8 10 putative 7487 17737 27987 Cation transport protein ChaC, Re05.g01 820 putative 7488 17738 27988 Re05.g01 830 Putative uncharacterized protein 7489 17739 27989 Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family Re05.g01 840 protein, putative 7490 17740 27990 Calcium binding modulator protein Re05.g01 850 (Alg2), putative 7491 17741 27991 Re05.g01 860 MFS drug transporter, putative 7492 17742 27992 Re05.g01 870 SRF-type transcription factor RImA 7493 17743 27993 Morphogenesis protein (Msb1 ), Re05.g01 880 putative 7494 17744 27994 Re05.g01 890 Putative uncharacterized protein 7495 17745 27995 Cystathionine beta-synthase (Beta- Re05.g01 900 thionase), putative 7496 17746 27996 Mitochondrial phosphate carrier Re05.g01 9 10 protein 7497 17747 27997 Re05.g01 920 Putative uncharacterized protein 7498 17748 27998 Re05.g01 930 Putative uncharacterized protein 7499 17749 27999 Acetyltransferase, GNATfamily Re05.g01 940 family 7500 17750 28000 Re05.g01 950 60S ribosomal protein L33 7501 17751 28001 Glucose-6-phosphate 1- Re05.g01 960 dehydrogenase EC=1 .1.1.49 7502 17752 28002 Re05.g01 970 Sucrose transport protein, putative 7503 17753 28003 Re05.g01 980 Putative uncharacterized protein 7504 17754 28004 3 1823 3331 3 Re05.g01 990 Putative uncharacterized protein 7505 17755 28005 Re05.g02000 hypothetical protein 7506 17756 28006 Re05.g0201 0 ThiJ/Pfpl family protein 7507 17757 28007 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase, Re05.g02020 putative 7508 17758 28008 tRNA dihydrouridine synthase Re05.g02030 (Smm1 ), putative 7509 17759 28009 Re05.g02040 Inorganic diphosphatase, putative 751 0 17760 2801 0 3 1824 33314 Re05.g02050 Putative uncharacterized protein 751 1 17761 2801 1 Re05.g02060 Uncharacterized protein 751 2 17762 2801 2 Re05.g02070 Uncharacterized protein 751 3 17763 2801 3 Re05.g02080 Putative uncharacterized protein 7514 17764 28014 Succinate dehydrogenase, Re05.g02090 flavoprotein subunit 751 5 17765 2801 5 Proteasome regulatory particle Re05.g021 00 subunit Rpt1 , putative 751 6 17766 2801 6 Re05.g021 10 T-complex protein 1 subunit delta 751 7 17767 2801 7 Re05.g021 20 Mercuric reductase 751 8 17768 2801 8 Pheromone maturation dipeptidyl Re05.g021 30 aminopeptidase DapB 751 9 17769 2801 9 Transcriptional activator of ethanol Re05.g02140 catabolism AlcS 7520 17770 28020 Remark: the A. niger ORF is N- terminally truncated due to the Re05.g021 50 contig border Fragment 7521 17771 28021 Glycosyl transferase, group 1 Re05.g021 60 family protein 7522 17772 28022 3 1825 3331 5 Endo alpha-1 ,4 Re05.g021 80 polygalactosaminidase, putative 7523 17773 28023 Re05.g021 90 hypothetical protein 7524 17774 28024 Re05.g02200 Uncharacterized protein 7525 17775 28025 UDP-glucose 4-epimerase Re05.g0221 0 EC=5.1 .3.2 7526 17776 28026 Re05.g02220 Putative uncharacterized protein 7527 17777 28027 Re05.g02230 hypothetical protein 7528 17778 28028 Re05.g02240 Pc20g06220 protein 7529 17779 28029 Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent Re05.g02250 taurine dioxygenase 7530 17780 28030 Re05.g02260 Transporter 7531 17781 28031 Re05.g02270 Putative uncharacterized protein 7532 17782 28032 Phosphoinositide-specific Re05.g02280 phospholipase C, putative 7533 17783 28033 Re05.g02290 Uncharacterized protein 7534 17784 28034 Re05.g02300 Uncharacterized protein 7535 17785 28035 Re05.g0231 0 GABA permease GabA 7536 17786 28036 Peroxisome biosynthesis protein Re05.g02320 (PAS8/Peroxin-6), putative 7537 17787 28037 Re05.g02330 Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 7538 17788 28038 Re05.g02340 Putative uncharacterized protein 7539 17789 28039 Similarity corresonds only to the N- Re05.g02350 terminal region 7540 17790 28040 Re05.g02360 PX domain protein 7541 17791 28041 Re05.g02370 Uncharacterized protein 7542 17792 28042 Re05.g02380 hypothetical protein 7543 17793 28043 Amino acid permease family Re05.g02390 protein, putative 7544 17794 28044 3 1826 3331 6 Re05.g0241 0 hypothetical protein 7545 17795 28045 Re05.g02420 Putative uncharacterized protein 7546 17796 28046 tRNA (guanine(37)-N1)- Re05.g02430 methyltransferase EC=2. 1.1 .228 7547 17797 28047 Polymerase (RNA) II (DNA Re05.g02440 directed) polypeptide D 7548 17798 28048 Re05.g02450 Protein kinase, putative 7549 17799 28049 C6 transcription factor (OTam), Re05.g02460 putative 7550 17800 28050 Re05.g02470 Uncharacterized protein 7551 17801 28051 Re05.g02480 Uncharacterized protein 7552 17802 28052 Re05.g02490 Uncharacterized protein 7553 17803 28053 Re05.g02500 Aspartyl aminopeptidase 7554 17804 28054 Re05.g0251 0 Uncharacterized protein 7555 17805 28055 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex Re05.g02520 component Pdx1 , putative 7556 17806 28056 Re05.g02530 Uncharacterized protein 7557 17807 28057 Structural maintenance of Re05.g02540 protein 7558 17808 28058 Re05.g02550 Uncharacterized protein 7559 17809 28059 Re05.g02560 hypothetical protein 7560 1781 0 28060 3 1827 3331 7 Re05.g02570 hypothetical protein 7561 1781 1 28061 Re05.g02580 Uncharacterized protein 7562 1781 2 28062 Re05.g02590 Uncharacterized protein 7563 1781 3 28063 Re05.g02600 Putative uncharacterized protein 7564 17814 28064 Re05.g0261 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7565 1781 5 28065 Re05.g02620 MRS7 family protein 7566 1781 6 28066 Re05.g02630 NUDIX domain protein 7567 1781 7 28067 3 1828 3331 8 Re05.g02640 Putative uncharacterized protein 7568 1781 8 28068 Re05.g02650 Alpha-mannosidase 7569 1781 9 28069 Re05.g02660 Putative uncharacterized protein 7570 17820 28070 F-box and JmjC domain protein, Re05.g02670 putative 7571 17821 28071 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re05.g02680 factor 4, putative 7572 17822 28072 Re05.g02690 Putative uncharacterized protein 7573 17823 28073 Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase Re05.g02700 family protein 7574 17824 28074 Re05.g0271 0 Checkpoint protein kinase, putative 7575 17825 28075 Re05.g02720 Cell wall protein, putative 7576 17826 28076 3 1829 3331 9 Re05.g02730 Putative uncharacterized protein 7577 17827 28077 Re05.g02740 Putative uncharacterized protein 7578 17828 28078 Re05.g02750 Putative uncharacterized protein 7579 17829 28079 Short-chain dehydrogenase/oxidoreductase, Re05.g02760 putative 7580 17830 28080 3 1830 33320 Re05.g02770 Putative uncharacterized protein 7581 17831 28081 Re05.g02780 Putative uncharacterized protein 7582 17832 28082 Re05.g02790 Putative uncharacterized protein 7583 17833 28083 Re05.g0281 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7584 17834 28084 ATP-dependent Clp protease, Re05.g02820 proteolytic subunit ClpP 7585 17835 28085 Re05.g02830 Uncharacterized protein 7586 17836 28086 3 1831 33321 Re05.g02840 Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase 7587 17837 28087 Re05.g02850 Argininosuccinate lyase 7588 17838 28088 Re05.g02860 Uncharacterized protein 7589 17839 28089 Re05.g02870 Uncharacterized protein 7590 17840 28090 Re05.g02880 Putative uncharacterized protein 7591 17841 28091 Re05.g02890 Nucleolin protein Nsr1 , putative 7592 17842 28092 Re05.g02900 Glucosyltransferase 7593 17843 28093 Cytochrome c oxidase copper Re05.g0291 0 chaperone Cox1 7, putative 7594 17844 28094 3 1832 33322 Re05.g02920 Ran GTPase activating protein 1 7595 17845 28095 Re05.g02930 Transcription elongation factor S-ll 7596 17846 28096 Re05.g02940 Uncharacterized protein 7597 17847 28097 3 1833 33323 Re05.g02950 Uncharacterized protein 7598 17848 28098 Re05.g02960 Uncharacterized protein 7599 17849 28099 3 1834 33324 Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase Re05.g02970 EC=4.3.1 .24 7600 17850 281 00 Re05.g02980 Putative uncharacterized protein 7601 17851 281 0 1 Re05.g02990 Endo xylanase, putative 7602 17852 281 02 3 1835 33325 Lipid A export ATP- Re05.g03000 binding/permease protein msbA 7603 17853 281 03 Re05.g0301 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7604 17854 281 04 Re05.g03020 Solute carrier family 2 7605 17855 281 05 3 1836 33326 Re05.g03030 Putative uncharacterized protein 7606 17856 281 06 Re05.g03040 C6 transcription factor, putative 7607 17857 281 07 Re05.g03050 5-oxoprolinase, putative 7608 17858 281 08 Plasma membrane H+ATPase Re05.g03060 Pma1 EC= 7609 17859 281 09 Re05.g03070 Putative pectin methylesterase 761 0 17860 281 10 3 1837 33327 Re05.g03080 hypothetical protein 761 1 17861 281 11 Re05.g03090 Uncharacterized protein 761 2 17862 281 12 Re05.g031 00 Pc22g 17680 protein 761 3 17863 281 13 Re05.g031 10 Pc22g 17670 protein 7614 17864 281 14 Re05.g031 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 761 5 17865 281 15 Re05.g031 30 Pc22g 17630 protein 761 6 17866 281 16 Re05.g03140 Putative uncharacterized protein 761 7 17867 281 17 Re05.g031 50 Predicted protein 761 8 17868 281 18 Re05.g031 60 Uncharacterized protein 761 9 17869 281 19 Cytochrome P450, putative Re05.g031 70 (Eurofung) 7620 17870 281 20 3 1838 33328 Metallo-beta-lactamase Re05.g031 80 superfamily protein 7621 17871 281 2 1 Re05.g031 90 ABC1 domain protein 7622 17872 281 22 Re05.g03200 Putative uncharacterized protein 7623 17873 281 23 Re05.g0321 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7624 17874 281 24 Re05.g03220 Predicted protein 7625 17875 281 25 Re05.g03230 hypothetical protein 7626 17876 281 26 Re05.g03240 Uncharacterized protein 7627 17877 281 27 Re05.g03250 Putative uncharacterized protein 7628 17878 281 28 Re05.g03260 Putative uncharacterized protein 7629 17879 281 29 Re05.g03270 Putative uncharacterized protein 7630 17880 281 30 Re05.g03280 Predicted protein 7631 17881 281 3 1 Re05.g03290 Putative uncharacterized protein 7632 17882 281 32 Re05.g03300 hypothetical protein 7633 17883 281 33 MYB DNA-binding domain- Re05.g0331 0 containing protein 7634 17884 281 34 Re05.g03320 Putative uncharacterized protein 7635 17885 281 35 Re05.g03330 Putative uncharacterized protein 7636 17886 281 36 Re05.g03340 Pc1 7g0031 0 protein 7637 17887 281 37 Re05.g03350 hypothetical protein 7638 17888 281 38 Re05.g03360 Putative uncharacterized protein 7639 17889 281 39 Re05.g03370 Uncharacterized protein 7640 17890 28140 Re05.g03380 Putative uncharacterized protein 7641 17891 28141 Re05.g03390 Predicted protein 7642 17892 28142 Re05.g03400 Uncharacterized protein 7643 17893 28143 Similar to short-chain Re05.g0341 0 dehydrogenase/reductase SDR 7644 17894 28144 3 1839 33329 Re05.g03420 Predicted protein 7645 17895 28145 Re05.g03430 Putative uncharacterized protein 7646 17896 28146 ER-Golgi SNARE complex subunit Re05.g03440 (Sed5), putative 7647 17897 28147 Re05.g03450 hypothetical protein 7648 17898 28148 3 1840 33330 Re05.g03460 Potassium channel, putative 7649 17899 28149 Re05.g03470 Uncharacterized protein 7650 17900 281 50 pH-response regulator protein Re05.g03480 pall/RIM9 7651 17901 281 5 1 3 1841 33331 Ribose-phosphate Re05.g03490 pyrophosphokinase 3 7652 17902 281 52 Re05.g03500 hypothetical protein 7653 17903 281 53 Exo-beta-1 ,3-glucanase, putative Re05.g0351 0 EC=3.2.1 .39 7654 17904 281 54 3 1842 33332 Re05.g03520 Putative uncharacterized protein 7655 17905 281 55 Re05.g03530 Putative uncharacterized protein 7656 17906 281 56 3 1843 33333 Re05.g03540 Putative uncharacterized protein 7657 17907 281 57 Re05.g03550 Uncharacterized protein 7658 17908 281 58 Re05.g03560 hypothetical protein 7659 17909 281 59 3 1844 33334 Putative fad dependent Re05.g03570 oxidoreductase superfamily protein 7660 1791 0 281 60 Re05.g03580 Putative uncharacterized protein 7661 1791 1 281 6 1 Re05.g03590 Uncharacterized protein 7662 1791 2 281 62 Re05.g03600 Multidrug resistance protein Fnx1 7663 1791 3 281 63 Re05.g0361 0 Uncharacterized protein 7664 17914 281 64 Re05.g03620 hypothetical protein 7665 1791 5 281 65 Re05.g03630 Putative uncharacterized protein 7666 1791 6 281 66 3 1845 33335 Re05.g03640 Uncharacterized protein 7667 1791 7 281 67 3 1846 33336 Permease of the major facilitator Re05.g03650 superfamily 7668 1791 8 281 68 Re05.g03660 Uncharacterized protein 7669 1791 9 281 69 3 1847 33337 Re05.g03670 Uncharacterized protein 7670 17920 281 70 Re05.g03680 G-patch domain protein, putative 7671 17921 281 7 1 Re05.g03690 Oligo-1 ,6-glucosidase 7672 17922 281 72 Molybdopterin synthase catalytic Re05.g03700 subunit 7673 17923 281 73 Re05.g0371 0 Protein SC01 7674 17924 281 74 Re05.g03720 Putative uncharacterized protein 7675 17925 281 75 Re05.g03730 Putative uncharacterized protein 7676 17926 281 76 Re05.g03740 Uncharacterized protein yael 7677 17927 281 77 Re05.g03750 Putative uncharacterized protein 7678 17928 281 78 Re05.g03760 Uncharacterized protein 7679 17929 281 79 SD08430p (AFU orthologue Re05.g03770 AFUA_3G07290) 7680 17930 281 80 Re05.g03780 Putative uncharacterized protein 7681 17931 281 8 1 Re05.g03790 Putative uncharacterized protein 7682 17932 281 82 Multidomain presynaptic cytomatrix Re05.g03800 related protein 7683 17933 281 83 Re05.g0381 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7684 17934 281 84 Re05.g03820 Putative uncharacterized protein 7685 17935 281 85 3 1848 33338 Re05.g03830 hypothetical protein 7686 17936 281 86 Re05.g03840 Putative uncharacterized protein 7687 17937 281 87 Re05.g03850 Putative uncharacterized protein 7688 17938 281 88 Re05.g03860 Polysaccharide deacetylase 7689 17939 281 89 3 1849 33339 DEAD/DEAH box RNA helicase, Re05.g03870 putative 7690 17940 281 90 Re05.g03880 Putative uncharacterized protein 7691 17941 281 9 1 Catalytic activity: ATP + pantothenate <=> ADP + D-4'- Re05.g03890 phosphopantothenate EC=2.7. 1.33 7692 17942 281 92 Re05.g03900 Putative uncharacterized protein 7693 17943 281 93 PhosphatidylinositohUDP-GlcNAc Re05.g0391 0 transferase PIG-C 7694 17944 281 94 Glycosyl hydrolase, family 18, Re05.g03920 putative 7695 17945 281 95 3 1850 33340 Re05.g03930 Glutamine synthetase bacteria 7696 17946 281 96 Re05.g03940 Putative uncharacterized protein 7697 17947 281 97 Re05.g03950 Brain chitinase and chia, putative 7698 17948 281 98 3 1851 33341 Succinate-semialdehyde Re05.g03960 dehydrogenase, putative 7699 17949 281 99 Re05.g03970 Putative uncharacterized protein 7700 17950 28200 3 1852 33342 Re05.g03980 Putative uncharacterized protein 7701 17951 28201 Sensor histidine kinase/response Re05.g03990 regulator, putative 7702 17952 28202 Re05.g04000 MFS transporter, putative 7703 17953 28203 Re05.g0401 0 hypothetical protein 7704 17954 28204 3 1853 33343 Re05.g04020 hypothetical protein 7705 17955 28205 Re05.g04030 Similar to An08g1 1200 7706 17956 28206 Re05.g04040 hypothetical protein 7707 17957 28207 Re05.g04050 hypothetical protein 7708 17958 28208 Re05.g04060 UPF001 6 domain protein, putative 7709 17959 28209 3 1854 33344 Myb-like DNA-binding protein, Re05.g04070 putative 771 0 17960 2821 0 Re05.g04080 Putative uncharacterized protein 771 1 17961 2821 1 Re05.g04090 Predicted protein 771 2 17962 2821 2 3 1855 33345 Re05.g041 00 Vacuolar carboxypeptidase Cps1 771 3 17963 2821 3 3 1856 33346 Re05.g041 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 7714 17964 28214 Re05.g041 20 Predicted protein 771 5 17965 2821 5 Re05.g041 30 Alpha-L-fucosidase 2, putative 771 6 17966 2821 6 Re05.g04140 Putative uncharacterized protein 771 7 17967 2821 7 3 1857 33347 Re05.g041 50 hypothetical protein 771 8 17968 2821 8 Re05.g041 60 Uncharacterized protein 771 9 17969 2821 9 Re05.g041 70 Uncharacterized protein 7720 17970 28220 Re05.g041 80 Uncharacterized protein 7721 17971 28221 Re05.g041 90 hypothetical protein 7722 17972 28222 Re05.g04200 Uncharacterized protein 7723 17973 28223 Re05.g0421 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7724 17974 28224 Re05.g04220 Putative uncharacterized protein 7725 17975 28225 Re05.g04230 Predicted protein Fragment 7726 17976 28226 Re05.g04240 Putative uncharacterized protein 7727 17977 28227 3 1858 33348 Re05.g04250 Annexin ANXC4 7728 17978 28228 Re05.g04260 Uncharacterized protein 7729 17979 28229 Re05.g04270 Cell division protein Sep4a 7730 17980 28230 Re05.g04280 hypothetical protein 7731 17981 28231 3 1859 33349 Re05.g04300 Uncharacterized protein 7732 17982 28232 Re05.g0431 0 Uncharacterized protein 7733 17983 28233 Re05.g04320 Putative uncharacterized protein 7734 17984 28234 Re05.g04330 40S ribosomal protein S9 7735 17985 28235 Re05.g04340 60S ribosomal protein L21 7736 17986 28236 Mitochondrial carrier protein Re05.g04350 (Rim2), putative 7737 17987 28237 Re05.g04360 Conserved fungal protein 7738 17988 28238 3 1860 33350 Re05.g04370 hypothetical protein 7739 17989 28239 Re05.g04380 hypothetical protein 7740 17990 28240 Re05.g04400 hypothetical protein 7741 17991 28241 Re05.g0441 0 Alpha/beta hydrolase fold protein 7742 17992 28242 Extracellular proline-serine rich Re05.g04420 protein 7743 17993 28243 Re05.g04430 RRM domain protein 7744 17994 28244 Re05.g04440 Protein translocase, putative 7745 17995 28245 Re05.g04450 Putative uncharacterized protein 7746 17996 28246 Re05.g04460 hypothetical protein 7747 17997 28247 Re05.g04470 Putative uncharacterized protein 7748 17998 28248 3 1861 33351 Re05.g04480 Sorting nexin-3 7749 17999 28249 Re05.g04490 MYB DNA-binding domain protein 7750 18000 28250 Re05.g04500 Uncharacterized protein 7751 18001 28251 3 1862 33352 Re05.g0451 0 Uncharacterized protein 7752 18002 28252 40S ribosomal protein S4, putative Re05.g04520 (AFU orthologue AFUA_3G06840) 7753 18003 28253 Re05.g04530 Transposase 7754 18004 28254 Aspartate-semialdehyde Re05.g04540 dehydrogenase 7755 18005 28255 Similar to Levodione reductase Re05.g04550 acc. no. Q9LBG2 7756 18006 28256 Re05.g04560 Oxidoreductase, FAD-binding 7757 18007 28257 Re05.g04570 Putative uncharacterized protein 7758 18008 28258 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Re05.g04580 (Sad-1 ), putative 7759 18009 28259 3 1863 33353 Re05.g04590 Uncharacterized protein 7760 1801 0 28260 3 1864 33354 Re05.g04600 Ribosomal protein L37 7761 1801 1 28261 Re05.g0461 0 Uncharacterized protein 7762 1801 2 28262 Re05.g04620 DNA polymerase EC= 7763 1801 3 28263 Re05.g04630 MFS sugar transporter, putative 7764 18014 28264 C6 transcription factor (Gal4), Re05.g04640 putative 7765 1801 5 28265 Re05.g04650 Putative uncharacterized protein 7766 1801 6 28266 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A, Re05.g04660 mitochondrial 7767 1801 7 28267 Re05.g04670 DNA lyase, putative 7768 1801 8 28268 Re05.g04680 hypothetical protein 7769 1801 9 28269 Re05.g04690 Uncharacterized protein 7770 18020 28270 Alpha mating-type protein MAT1- 1- Re05.g04700 1 7771 18021 28271 Cytoskeleton assembly control Re05.g0471 0 protein Sla2, putative 7772 18022 28272 Re05.g04720 PH domain-containing protein 7773 18023 28273 Ankyrin repeat domain protein, Re05.g04730 putative 7774 18024 28274 Ubiquitin thiolesterase (OtuB1 ), Re05.g04740 putative 7775 18025 28275 Re05.g04750 COP9 signalosome subunit 2 7776 18026 28276 (CsnB), putative Re05.g04760 Putative uncharacterized protein 7777 18027 28277 Re05.g04770 Rho GTPase Rho3 7778 18028 28278 Re05.g04780 Octanoyltransferase EC=2.3.1 .1 8 1 7779 18029 28279 Pyridoxamine phosphate oxidase, Re05.g04790 putative 7780 18030 28280 Re05.g04800 Uncharacterized protein 7781 18031 28281 Re05.g0481 0 hypothetical protein 7782 18032 28282 Re05.g04820 NIPSNAP family protein 7783 18033 28283 3 1865 33355 Re05.g04830 Aminoalcoholphosphotransferase 7784 18034 28284 Re05.g04840 40S ribosomal protein S27 7785 18035 28285 Re05.g04850 hypothetical protein 7786 18036 28286 Re05.g04860 Methyltransferase, putative 7787 18037 28287 Re05.g04870 Uncharacterized protein 7788 18038 28288 Proteasome regulatory particle Re05.g04880 subunit (RpnE), putative 7789 18039 28289 Re05.g04890 Dihydrofolate reductase 7790 18040 28290 Re05.g04900 Uncharacterized protein 7791 18041 28291 Re05.g0491 0 Uroporphyrin III methyltransferase 7792 18042 28292 Re05.g04920 Putative uncharacterized protein 7793 18043 28293 Deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase, Re05.g04930 putative 7794 18044 28294 Re05.g04940 Quinone oxidoreductase 7795 18045 28295 Re05.g04950 Putative uncharacterized protein 7796 18046 28296 Ribosomal assembly complex Re05.g04960 component Ipi3, putative 7797 18047 28297 3 1866 33356 Re05.g04970 Putative uncharacterized protein 7798 18048 28298 Re05.g04980 Putative uncharacterized protein 7799 18049 28299 Lipoyl synthase, mitochondrial Re05.g04990 EC=2.8.1 .8 Precursor 7800 18050 28300 Re05.g05000 Phosphoserine phosphatase 7801 18051 28301 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'- Re05.g0501 0 phosphosulfate reductase 7802 18052 28302 Sulfate adenylyltransferase Re05.g05020 EC= 7803 18053 28303 2-heptaprenyl-1 ,4-naphthoquinone Re05.g05030 methyltransferase, putative 7804 18054 28304 Re05.g05040 Putative uncharacterized protein 7805 18055 28305 Re05.g05050 Putative uncharacterized protein 7806 18056 28306 Re05.g05060 Pc1 3g 12490 protein 7807 18057 28307 Re05.g05070 Putative uncharacterized protein 7808 18058 28308 Re05.g05080 hypothetical protein 7809 18059 28309 Re05.g05090 Putative uncharacterized protein 781 0 18060 2831 0 Re05.g051 00 hypothetical protein 781 1 18061 2831 1 Re05.g051 10 Similar to An1 1g09830 781 2 18062 2831 2 Iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis Re05.g051 20 protein Isd , putative 781 3 18063 2831 3 Re05.g051 30 Pc20g07750 protein 7814 18064 28314 Re05.g05140 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 781 5 18065 2831 5 3 1867 33357 (Ash1 ), putative Re05.g051 50 Palmitoyltransferase EC=2.3.1 .225 781 6 18066 2831 6 Re05.g051 60 Uncharacterized protein 781 7 18067 2831 7 Re05.g051 70 Protein mannosyltransferase 1 781 8 18068 2831 8 Re05.g051 80 Pre-mRNA splicing factor, putative 781 9 18069 2831 9 Re05.g051 90 hypothetical protein 7820 18070 28320 GDP/GTP exchange factor Sec2p, Re05.g05200 putative 7821 18071 28321 DsDNA-binding protein PDCD5, Re05.g0521 0 putative 7822 18072 28322 Ubiquinone biosynthesis protein Re05.g05220 coq4, mitochondrial Precursor 7823 18073 28323 3 1868 33358 Re05.g05230 Putative uncharacterized protein 7824 18074 28324 Re05.g05240 Putative uncharacterized protein 7825 18075 28325 Re05.g05250 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase 7826 18076 28326 Exosome-associated protein, Re05.g05260 putative 7827 18077 28327 Re05.g05270 Uncharacterized protein 7828 18078 28328 Re05.g05280 Uncharacterized protein 7829 18079 28329 COX1 assembly protein Shy1 , Re05.g05290 putative 7830 18080 28330 Re05.g05300 Putative uncharacterized protein 7831 18081 28331 Re05.g0531 0 Similar to An1 1g1 0000 7832 18082 28332 Re05.g05320 Putative uncharacterized protein 7833 18083 28333 Re05.g05330 L-lysine 2,3-aminomutase, putative 7834 18084 28334 Re05.g05340 RNA binding protein 7835 18085 28335 Re05.g05350 Rho GTPase Rac, putative 7836 18086 28336 Re05.g05360 Putative uncharacterized protein 7837 18087 28337 Oxidoreductase, short chain Re05.g05370 dehydrogenase/reductase family 7838 18088 28338 Re05.g05380 hypothetical protein 7839 18089 28339 Re05.g05390 C6 transcription factor, putative 7840 18090 28340 Re05.g05400 hypothetical protein 7841 18091 28341 Re05.g0541 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7842 18092 28342 3 1869 33359 Rho GTPase activator (Rgd1 ), Re05.g05420 putative 7843 18093 28343 Re05.g05430 MFS amine transporter, putative 7844 18094 28344

RNA polymerase II mediator Re05.g05440 complex component Srb8, putative 7845 18095 28345 Re05.g05450 Putative uncharacterized protein 7846 18096 28346 Putative translation initiation factor Re05.g05460 protein 7847 18097 28347 Re05.g05470 Putative uncharacterized protein 7848 18098 28348 Re05.g05480 Putative uncharacterized protein 7849 18099 28349 3 1870 33360 Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, Re05.g05490 putative 7850 18 100 28350 Re05.g05500 Putative uncharacterized protein 7851 18 10 1 28351 Putative extracellular serine-rich Re05.g0551 0 protein 7852 18 102 28352 3 1871 33361 Re05.g05520 Reverse transcriptase, putative 7853 18 103 28353 Re05.g05530 Uncharacterized protein 7854 18 104 28354 Re05.g05540 Predicted protein 7855 18 105 28355 3 1872 33362 Complex I intermediate associated Re05.g05550 protein (Cia30), putative 7856 18 106 28356 Re05.g05560 Cystathionine gamma-synthase 7857 18 107 28357 Re05.g05570 Predicted protein 7858 18 108 28358 Re05.g05580 Putative uncharacterized protein 7859 18 109 28359 Re05.g05600 Exo-polygalacturonase, putative 7860 18 110 28360 3 1873 33363 Re05.g0561 0 Monooxygenase 7861 18 111 28361 3 1874 33364 Re05.g05620 Uncharacterized protein 7862 18 112 28362 Re05.g05630 Uncharacterized protein 7863 18 113 28363 3 1875 33365 Re05.g05640 Uncharacterized protein 7864 18 114 28364 Re05.g05650 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 7865 18 115 28365 3 1876 33366 Re05.g05660 Non-ribosomal peptide synthetase 7866 18 116 28366 Re05.g05670 Predicted protein 7867 18 117 28367 Re05.g05680 Putative uncharacterized protein 7868 18 118 28368 Re05.g05690 Methionyl-tRNA synthetase 7869 18 119 28369 3 1877 33367 Re05.g05700 Uncharacterized protein 7870 18 120 28370 Re05.g0571 0 hypothetical protein 7871 18 12 1 28371 3 1878 33368 Re05.g05720 Putative uncharacterized protein 7872 18 122 28372 3 1879 33369 Re05.g05730 hypothetical protein 7873 18 123 28373 3 1880 33370 Re05.g05740 Putative uncharacterized protein 7874 18 124 28374 Anaphase-promoting complex Re05.g05750 subunit Apc5, putative 7875 18 125 28375 3 1881 33371 Phosphoribosyl-aminoimidazole- Re05.g05760 succinocarboxamide synthase 7876 18 126 28376 Hexaprenyl pyrophosphate Re05.g05770 synthetase Coq1 , putative 7877 18 127 28377 3 1882 33372 Proteasome regulatory particle Re05.g05780 subunit (RpnC), putative 7878 18 128 28378 Re05.g05790 Putative uncharacterized protein 7879 18 129 28379 Transcription initiation factor TFIID Re05.g05800 subunit 12, putative 7880 18 130 28380 Re05.g0581 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7881 18 13 1 28381 Multicopy suppressor of stt4 Re05.g05820 mutation 7882 18 132 28382 Re05.g05830 Histone H 1 7883 18 133 28383 Re05.g05840 Flap endonuclease 1 EC=3.1 7884 18 134 28384 3 1883 33373 Fungal specific transcription factor, Re05.g05850 putative 7885 18 135 28385 Re05.g05860 Uncharacterized protein 7886 18 136 28386 3 1884 33374 Re05.g05870 Maltose phosphorylase, putative 7887 18 137 28387 3 1885 33375 Re05.g05880 Uncharacterized protein 7888 18 138 28388 Re05.g05890 Putative uncharacterized protein 7889 18 139 28389 Re05.g05900 Iterative type I polyketide synthase 7890 18140 28390 Cytochrome B-245 heavy chain, Re05.g0591 0 putative EC=1 .6.3.1 7891 18141 28391 Re05.g05920 Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase, 7892 18142 28392 putative Re05.g05930 Pc20g07930 protein 7893 18143 28393 Re05.g05940 Glyoxalase family protein 7894 18144 28394 3 1886 33376 RNA processing protein Emg1 , Re05.g05950 putative 7895 18145 28395 Sister chromatid cohesion Re05.g05960 acetyltransferase Eco1 , putative 7896 18146 28396 Sister chromatid cohesion Re05.g05970 acetyltransferase Eco1 7897 18147 28397 Re05.g05980 Uncharacterized protein 7898 18148 28398 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re05.g05990 factor subunit elF2A, putative 7899 18149 28399 Re05.g06000 Putative uncharacterized protein 7900 18 150 28400 20S cyclosome subunit Re05.g0601 0 (APC1/BimE), putative 7901 18 15 1 28401 Re05.g06020 Transcription factor Rba50 7902 18 152 28402 Re05.g06030 Putative uncharacterized protein 7903 18 153 28403 Re05.g06040 IFRD domain protein 7904 18 154 28404 Probable beta-galactosidase E Re05.g06050 EC=3.2.1 .23 Precursor 7905 18 155 28405 3 1887 33377 Re05.g06060 Anterior fat body protein, putative 7906 18 156 28406 Re05.g06070 Putative allantoin transport protein 7907 18 157 28407 Putative uncharacterized protein Re05.g06080 An04g04860 7908 18 158 28408 3 1888 33378 Re05.g06090 Uncharacterized protein 7909 18 159 28409 3 1889 33379 Re05.g061 00 Cutinase, putative 791 0 18 160 2841 0 3 1890 33380 Re05.g061 10 hypothetical protein 791 1 18 16 1 2841 1 Re05.g061 20 Uncharacterized protein 791 2 18 162 2841 2 3 1891 33381 Re05.g061 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 791 3 18 163 2841 3 Krueppel c2h2-type zinc finger Re05.g06140 protein, putative 7914 18 164 28414 L-PSP endoribonuclease family Re05.g061 50 protein (Brt1 ), putative 791 5 18 165 2841 5 Re05.g061 60 Lipase, putative 791 6 18 166 2841 6 Re05.g061 70 hypothetical protein 791 7 18 167 2841 7 Re05.g061 80 Putative uncharacterized protein 791 8 18 168 2841 8 Transcription elongation factor Re05.g061 90 SPT6, putative 791 9 18 169 2841 9 Oxysterol binding protein (Osh3), Re05.g06200 putative 7920 18 170 28420 Re05.g0621 0 Uncharacterized protein 7921 18 17 1 28421 3 1892 33382 Re05.g06220 hypothetical protein 7922 18 172 28422 3 1893 33383 Re05.g06230 Pc1 8g01 840 protein 7923 18 173 28423 Re05.g06240 hypothetical protein 7924 18 174 28424 3 1894 33384 Re05.g06250 Uncharacterized protein 7925 18 175 28425 Re05.g06260 Uncharacterized protein 7926 18 176 28426 3 1895 33385 Re05.g06270 Uncharacterized protein 7927 18 177 28427 3 1896 33386 Re05.g06280 Putative uncharacterized protein 7928 18 178 28428 Re05.g06290 Predicted protein 7929 18 179 28429 3 1897 33387 Re05.g06300 hypothetical protein 7930 18 180 28430 Re05.g0631 0 Pc21 g09450 protein 7931 18 18 1 28431 Re05.g06320 Uncharacterized protein 7932 18 182 28432 Re05.g06330 Pc21 g09460 protein 7933 18 183 28433 Re05.g06340 Uncharacterized protein 7934 18 184 28434 Re05.g06350 Pc21 g09480 protein 7935 18 185 28435 Re05.g06360 Putative uncharacterized protein 7936 18 186 28436 Re05.g06370 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 7937 18 187 28437 Re05.g06380 Putative uncharacterized protein 7938 18 188 28438 GPR1/FUN34/YaaH-class plasma Re05.g06390 membrane protein 7939 18 189 28439 Re05.g06400 Putative uncharacterized protein 7940 18 190 28440 Re05.g0641 0 Amino acid permease, putative 7941 18 19 1 28441 Re05.g06420 Uncharacterized protein 7942 18 192 28442 Re05.g06430 Uncharacterized protein 7943 18 193 28443 Re05.g06440 Putative uncharacterized protein 7944 18 194 28444 Re05.g06450 Putative uncharacterized protein 7945 18 195 28445 Re05.g06460 Uncharacterized protein 7946 18 196 28446 Glucose-methanol-choline Re05.g06470 oxidoreductase 7947 18 197 28447 Re05.g06480 Putative uncharacterized protein 7948 18 198 28448 Re05.g06490 Uncharacterized protein 7949 18 199 28449 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re05.g06500 putative 7950 18200 28450 Re05.g0651 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 7951 18201 28451 Re05.g06520 Uncharacterized protein 7952 18202 28452 RNA binding protein Rnp24, Re05.g06530 putative 7953 18203 28453 Re05.g06540 Uncharacterized protein 7954 18204 28454 Re05.g06550 Uncharacterized protein 7955 18205 28455 Re05.g06560 Uncharacterized protein 7956 18206 28456 3 1898 33388 Re05.g06570 Putative uncharacterized protein 7957 18207 28457 Re05.g06580 hypothetical protein 7958 18208 28458 3 1899 33389 Re05.g06590 Uncharacterized protein 7959 18209 28459 Re05.g06600 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase I 7960 1821 0 28460 3 1900 33390 Re05.g0661 0 ZZ type zinc finger domain protein 7961 1821 1 28461 Re05.g06620 Acid phosphatase 7962 1821 2 28462 3 1901 33391 Re05.g06630 Cation diffusion facilitator, putative 7963 1821 3 28463 Re05.g06640 Predicted protein 7964 18214 28464 Re05.g06650 Predicted protein 7965 1821 5 28465 Re05.g06660 Putative uncharacterized protein 7966 1821 6 28466 Re05.g06670 Putative uncharacterized protein 7967 1821 7 28467 3 1902 33392 Alpha.alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase subunit Tps2, putative Re05.g06680 EC=2.4.1 .1 5 7968 1821 8 28468 Re05.g06690 hypothetical protein 7969 1821 9 28469 Re05.g06700 hypothetical protein 7970 18220 28470 Re05.g0671 0 hypothetical protein 7971 18221 28471 Re05.g06720 hypothetical protein 7972 18222 28472 Re05.g06730 hypothetical protein 7973 18223 28473 3 1903 33393 Pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine Re05.g06740 dehydratase family protein 7974 18224 28474 3 1904 33394 C6 transcription factor (Fcr1 ), Re05.g06750 putative 7975 18225 28475 Re05.g06760 Aldose 1-epimerase, putative 7976 18226 28476 Nicotinate-nucleotide Re05.g06770 pyrophosphorylase 7977 18227 28477 Anucleate primary sterigmata Re05.g06780 (ApsB), putative 7978 18228 28478 Re05.g06790 Putative uncharacterized protein 7979 18229 28479 Re05.g06800 Sec7 domain protein 7980 18230 28480 Integral membrane protein, Re05.g0681 0 putative 7981 18231 28481 Re05.g06820 Putative uncharacterized protein 7982 18232 28482 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase Re05.g06830 EC=1 .1 .1 .169 7983 18233 28483 3 1905 33395 MFS monocarboxylate transporter, Re05.g06840 putative 7984 18234 28484 RAS small monomeric GTPase, Re05.g06850 putative 7985 18235 28485 Re05.g06860 hypothetical protein 7986 18236 28486 Re05.g06870 Phospholipase D 1 (PLD1 ), putative 7987 18237 28487 Re05.g06880 Uncharacterized protein 7988 18238 28488 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re05.g06890 CHL1 7989 18239 28489 Chitin synthase activator (Chs3), Re05.g06900 putative 7990 18240 28490 Re05.g0691 0 Pc20g08260 protein 7991 18241 28491 Remark: the S. pombe homolog scp3 is related to spindle poison Re05.g06920 sensitivity 7992 18242 28492 Re05.g06930 RSC complex subunit 7993 18243 28493 OTU-like cysteine protease, Re05.g06940 putative 7994 18244 28494 Re05.g06950 Putative uncharacterized protein 7995 18245 28495 Re05.g06960 Condensin complex subunit 1 7996 18246 28496 Re05.g06970 Cell cycle protein kinase, putative 7997 18247 28497 Protein-L-isoaspartate 0 - Re05.g06980 methyltransferase EC=2. .1 .77 7998 18248 28498 Re05.g06990 DnaJ and TPR domain protein 7999 18249 28499 3 1906 33396 Putative uncharacterized protein Re05.g07000 Fragment 8000 18250 28500 Re05.g0701 0 Mitochondrial citrate transporter 8001 18251 28501 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re05.g07020 DHH1 8002 18252 28502 Re05.g07030 DNA repair protein Rad1 8 8003 18253 28503 Glutamate carboxypeptidase, Re05.g07040 putative 8004 18254 28504 Re05.g07050 60S ribosomal protein L20, putative 8005 18255 28505 3 1907 33397 Re05.g07060 Putative uncharacterized protein 8006 18256 28506 Cystathionine gamma-synthase, Re05.g07070 putative 8007 18257 28507 Re05.g07080 Putative uncharacterized protein 8008 18258 28508 Nuclear envelope pore membrane Re05.g07090 protein, putative 8009 18259 28509 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal Re05.g071 00 hydrolase, family 1 protein 801 0 18260 2851 0 Re05.g071 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 801 1 18261 2851 1 Putative uncharacterized protein Re05.g071 20 An1 1g 11280 EC=2.3.1 .61 801 2 18262 2851 2 Re05.g071 30 Histone H2A 801 3 18263 2851 3 Re05.g07140 Histone H2B 8014 18264 28514 Autophagy cysteine endopeptidase Re05.g071 50 Atg4, putative 801 5 18265 2851 5 Re05.g071 60 Pc20g08620 protein 801 6 18266 2851 6 Re05.g071 70 J domain containing protein 801 7 18267 2851 7 Re05.g071 80 F-box domain protein 801 8 18268 2851 8 Re05.g071 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 801 9 18269 2851 9 Re05.g07200 Putative uncharacterized protein 8020 18270 28520 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re05.g0721 0 putative 8021 18271 28521 Re05.g07220 Putative uncharacterized protein 8022 18272 28522 Re05.g07230 Uncharacterized protein 8023 18273 28523 Re05.g07240 Putative uncharacterized protein 8024 18274 28524 Re05.g07250 Putative uncharacterized protein 8025 18275 28525 Re05.g07260 Putative uncharacterized protein 8026 18276 28526 Re05.g07270 Uncharacterized protein 8027 18277 28527 3 1908 33398 Re05.g07280 Tryptophan-tRNA ligase 8028 18278 28528 Purine nucleoside phosphorylase Re05.g07290 EC= 8029 18279 28529 Nucleolus protein required for cell Re05.g07300 viability, putative 8030 18280 28530 CCAAT-binding factor complex Re05.g0731 0 subunit HapE 8031 18281 28531 3 1909 33399 Exocyst complex component Re05.g07320 Sec1 5 8032 18282 28532 Re05.g07330 hypothetical protein 8033 18283 28533 Re05.g07340 hypothetical protein 8034 18284 28534 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re05.g07350 EC= 8035 18285 28535 Re05.g07360 Meiosis protein MEI2, putative 8036 18286 28536 Re05.g07370 Putative uncharacterized protein 8037 18287 28537 Re05.g07380 Pc1 3g01 930 protein Precursor 8038 18288 28538 Similarity to YBL028c of S. Re05.g07390 cerevisiae 8039 18289 28539 Re05.g07400 MIZ zinc finger protein 8040 18290 28540 Re05.g0741 0 BET3 family protein 8041 18291 28541 Malate dehydrogenase Re05.g07420 EC=1 .1.1 .37 8042 18292 28542 Re05.g07430 60S ribosomal protein L28 8043 18293 28543 Re05.g07440 Splicing factor 3b subunit 4 8044 18294 28544 Re05.g07450 TOM complex component Tom7 8045 18295 28545 Mitochondrial folate carrier protein Re05.g07460 Flx1 , putative 8046 18296 28546 C2H2 type zinc finger containing Re05.g07470 protein 8047 18297 28547 Transcriptional repressor Re05.g07480 TupA/RocA, putative 8048 18298 28548 Re05.g07490 Sterol delta 5,6-desaturase ERG3 8049 18299 28549 Re05.g07500 Uncharacterized protein 8050 18300 28550 3 19 10 33400 Re05.g0751 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8051 18301 28551 Re05.g07520 Putative uncharacterized protein 8052 18302 28552 Re05.g07530 Cap binding protein 8053 18303 28553 Re05.g07540 hypothetical protein 8054 18304 28554 Glycogen synthase kinase (Skp1 ), Re05.g07550 putative 8055 18305 28555 Mitochondrial import receptor Re05.g07560 subunit (Tom40), putative 8056 18306 28556 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase, putative Re05.g07570 EC=3.1 .3.46 8057 18307 28557 Re05.g07580 Ubiquitin-related modifier 1 8058 18308 28558 RNA polymerase II Elongator Re05.g07590 subunit 8059 18309 28559 Re05.g07600 ABC transporter, putative 8060 1831 0 28560 Re05.g0761 0 Uncharacterized protein 8061 1831 1 28561 Re05.g07620 Protein rail 8062 1831 2 28562 Re05.g07630 Putative uncharacterized protein 8063 1831 3 28563 Re05.g07640 Uncharacterized protein 8064 18314 28564 Re05.g07650 Uncharacterized protein 8065 1831 5 28565 Re05.g07660 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 8066 1831 6 28566 Re05.g07670 Xanthine dehydrogenase 8067 1831 7 28567 Re05.g07680 FAD binding domain protein 8068 1831 8 28568 Re05.g07690 Acetamidase 8069 1831 9 28569 Dehydrogenase with different Re05.g07700 specificitie 8070 18320 28570 Re05.g0771 0 Polysaccharide deacetylase 8071 18321 28571 Re05.g07720 Monooxygenase, putative 8072 18322 28572 Re05.g07730 Uncharacterized protein 8073 18323 28573 Re05.g07740 Mitochondrial GTPase 8074 18324 28574 Re05.g07750 Cytokinesis protein sepA Fragment 8075 18325 28575 Re05.g07760 Similar to An1 5g00400 8076 18326 28576 Re05.g07770 Bas1 , putative 8077 18327 28577 Re05.g07780 Homoaconitase LysF 8078 18328 28578 Re05.g07790 Uncharacterized protein 8079 18329 28579 Cytochrome c mitochondrial import Re05.g07800 factor (Cyc2), putative 8080 18330 28580 Re05.g0781 0 Amino acid transporter 8081 18331 28581 Re05.g07820 Activator 1 37 kDa subunit 8082 18332 28582 Histidine acid phosphatase family Re05.g07830 protein 8083 18333 28583 3 19 11 33401 Re05.g07840 Ferric-chelate reductase, putative 8084 18334 28584 3 19 12 33402 Re05.g07850 Formate dehydrogenase 8085 18335 28585 Re05.g07860 Putative uncharacterized protein 8086 18336 28586 3 19 13 33403 Re05.g07870 Uncharacterized protein 8087 18337 28587 3 1914 33404 Re05.g07880 Leucyl-tRNA synthetase 8088 18338 28588 3 19 15 33405 Sucrase/ferredoxin-like family Re05.g07890 protein Fmi1 , putative 8089 18339 28589 Re05.g07900 Aspartic protease EC= 8090 18340 28590 3 19 16 33406 Putative UDP-GlcNAc: N- Re05.g0791 0 acetylglucosaminyltransferase 8091 18341 28591 Re05.g07920 CaaX prenyl proteinase Reel 8092 18342 28592 Re05.g07930 hypothetical protein 8093 18343 28593 Re05.g07940 Serine-rich protein, putative 8094 18344 28594 Re05.g07950 Alpha/beta hydrolase fold protein 8095 18345 28595 Re05.g07960 MBOATfamily protein, putative 8096 18346 28596 Putative uncharacterized protein Re05.g07970 An1 5g00460 8097 18347 28597 Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family Re05.g07980 protein 8098 18348 28598 Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase Re05.g07990 domain protein 8099 18349 28599 Re05.g08000 ABC drug exporter AtrF 8 100 18350 28600 3 19 17 33407 Re05.g0801 0 hypothetical protein 8 10 1 18351 28601 Camp independent regulatory Re05.g08020 protein 8 102 18352 28602 Re05.g08030 Uncharacterized protein 8 103 18353 28603 Re05.g08040 hypothetical protein 8 104 18354 28604 Re05.g08050 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 105 18355 28605 Mitochondrial translation optimization protein (Mto1 ), Re05.g08060 putative 8 106 18356 28606 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5- methylthiopentene dioxygenase Re05.g08070 EC=1 .13.1 1.54 8 107 18357 28607 Maintenance of mitochondrial Re05.g08080 morphology protein 1 8 108 18358 28608 Re05.g08090 Uncharacterized protein 8 109 18359 28609 3 19 18 33408 Transcription factor TFIIIB Re05.g081 00 component, putative 8 110 18360 2861 0 Histone ubiquitinationc protein Re05.g081 10 (Bre1 ), putative 8 111 18361 2861 1 Re05.g081 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 112 18362 2861 2 Re05.g081 30 Molecular chaperone (ABC1 ), 8 113 18363 2861 3 putative Putative uncharacterized protein Re05.g08140 An1 5g00920 Precursor 8 114 18364 28614 3 19 19 33409 Re05.g081 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 115 18365 2861 5 Sn kinase complex beta-subunit Re05.g081 60 Gal83, putative 8 116 18366 2861 6 tRNA N6-adenosine threo nyIca rbamoyItra nsfe rase Re05.g081 70 EC=2.3.1 .- 8 117 18367 2861 7 Re05.g081 80 SET domain protein 8 118 18368 2861 8 Histone acetyltransferase complex Re05.g081 90 component Epl1 , putative 8 119 18369 2861 9 Re05.g08200 Calcineurin regulatory subunit CalA 8 120 18370 28620 Re05.g0821 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 12 1 18371 28621 Re05.g08220 37S ribosomal protein S9 8 122 18372 28622 3 1920 3341 0 Elongation factor 1 gamma Re05.g08230 domain-containing protein 8 123 18373 28623 Re05.g08240 NIF domain protein 8 124 18374 28624 Re05.g08250 rRNA biogenesis protein rrp36 8 125 18375 28625 Re05.g08260 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 126 18376 28626 3 1921 3341 1 Re05.g08270 hypothetical protein 8 127 18377 28627 3 1922 3341 2 Re05.g08280 Chitin synthase G 8 128 18378 28628 Putative uncharacterized protein Re05.g08290 An09g04000 EC= 9 8 129 18379 28629 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A Re05.g08300 EC=1 .9.3.1 8 130 18380 28630 3 1923 3341 3 Bromodomain associated domain Re05.g0831 0 protein 8 13 1 18381 28631 Re05.g08320 Uncharacterized protein 8 132 18382 28632 Re05.g08330 Uncharacterized protein 8 133 18383 28633 Re05.g08340 Rad51 family DNA repair protein 8 134 18384 28634 Pyridoxal-phosphate dependent Re05.g08350 enzyme, putative 8 135 18385 28635 Ketol-acid reductoisomerase Re05.g08360 EC=1 .1.1 .86 8 136 18386 28636 3 1924 33414 Isochorismatase family protein Re05.g08370 family 8 137 18387 28637 Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase Re05.g08380 family protein 8 138 18388 28638 Heat shock protein Hsp30/Hsp42, Re05.g08390 putative 8 139 18389 28639 Re05.g08400 DNA repair protein Rex1 , putative 8140 18390 28640 Re05.g0841 0 Uncharacterized protein 8141 18391 28641 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re05.g08420 putative 8142 18392 28642 Re05.g08430 Uncharacterized protein 8143 18393 28643 Re05.g08440 Intradiol ring-cleavage dioxygenase 8144 18394 28644 Carboxy-cis.cis-muconate cyclase, Re05.g08450 putative 8145 18395 28645 Re05.g08460 Alpha/beta hydrolase, putative 8146 18396 28646 Re05.g08470 Uncharacterized protein 8147 18397 28647 Re05.g08490 Adenylosuccinate lyase 8148 18398 28648 Re05.g08500 General substrate transporter 8149 18399 28649 Putative alpha-l- Re05.g0851 0 arabinofuranosidase a protein 8 150 18400 28650 3 1925 3341 5 Re05.g08520 Chromate ion transporter, putative 8 15 1 18401 28651 Re05.g08530 hypothetical protein 8 152 18402 28652 Re05.g08540 hypothetical protein 8 153 18403 28653 3 1926 3341 6 Re05.g08550 Uncharacterized protein 8 154 18404 28654 Re05.g08560 Glycolate oxidase 8 155 18405 28655 Re05.g08570 Catalase B EC=1 .11.1.6 Precursor 8 156 18406 28656 3 1927 3341 7 Re05.g08590 Uncharacterized protein 8 157 18407 28657 Re05.g08600 Reverse transcriptase, putative 8 158 18408 28658 Re05.g0861 0 Uncharacterized protein 8 159 18409 28659 3 1928 3341 8 Similar to Probable beta- Re05.g08620 glucosidase A acc. no. Q2UUD6 8 160 1841 0 28660 3 1929 3341 9 Re05.g08630 Uncharacterized protein 8 16 1 1841 1 28661 Re05.g08640 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 162 1841 2 28662 3 1930 33420 Re05.g08650 Uncharacterized protein 8 163 1841 3 28663 Re05.g08660 Uncharacterized protein 8 164 18414 28664 Re05.g08670 C6 transcription factor, putative 8 165 1841 5 28665 Cytochrome P450 phenylacetate 2- Re05.g08680 hydroxylase, putative 8 166 1841 6 28666 3 1931 33421 Re05.g08690 Cytochrome P450, putative 8 167 1841 7 28667 Re05.g08700 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 168 1841 8 28668 Re05.g0871 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 169 1841 9 28669 Re06.g0001 0 hypothetical protein 8 170 18420 28670 Re06.g00020 Uncharacterized protein 8 17 1 18421 28671 3 1932 33422 Re06.g00030 Beta-glucosidase 8 172 18422 28672 3 1933 33423 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re06.g00040 putative 8 173 18423 28673 Re06.g00050 Uncharacterized protein 8 174 18424 28674 3 1934 33424 Re06.g00060 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 8 175 18425 28675 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold Re06.g00070 containing protein 8 176 18426 28676 Re06.g00080 hypothetical protein 8 177 18427 28677 Re06.g00090 Choline transport protein, putative 8 178 18428 28678 Re06.g001 00 Similar to O-methyltransferase 8 179 18429 28679 Re06.g001 10 Hexose carrier protein 8 180 18430 28680 3 1935 33425 Re06.g001 20 Uncharacterized protein 8 18 1 18431 28681 Re06.g001 30 Uncharacterized protein 8 182 18432 28682 3 1936 33426 Re06.g00140 Uncharacterized protein 8 183 18433 28683 3 1937 33427 Re06.g001 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 184 18434 28684 Dimethylaniline monooxygenase, Re06.g001 60 putative 8 185 18435 28685 3 1938 33428 Re06.g001 70 Uncharacterized protein 8 186 18436 28686 mRNA 3'-end-processing protein Re06.g001 80 YTH1 8 187 18437 28687 Re06.g001 90 Predicted protein 8 188 18438 28688 Metallo-beta-lactamase Re06.g00200 superfamily protein 8 189 18439 28689 Re06.g0021 0 Predicted transporter 8 190 18440 28690 Re06.g00220 Acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 8 19 1 18441 28691 Re06.g00230 Uncharacterized protein 8 192 18442 28692 Re06.g00240 Sugar transporter, putative 8 193 18443 28693 Re06.g00250 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 194 18444 28694 3 1939 33429 Re06.g00260 Predicted protein 8 195 18445 28695 Re06.g00270 hypothetical protein 8 196 18446 28696 Re06.g00280 Oligopeptide transporter, putative 8 197 18447 28697 Re06.g00290 Putative uncharacterized protein 8 198 18448 28698 3 1940 33430 Re06.g00300 Allantoate permease 8 199 18449 28699 FAD-dependent pyridine Re06.g0031 0 nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase 8200 18450 28700 Re06.g00320 Cytochrome P450 8201 18451 28701 3 1941 33431 Re06.g00330 Uncharacterized protein 8202 18452 28702 Re06.g00340 Putative uncharacterized protein 8203 18453 28703 3 1942 33432 Re06.g00350 DUF221 domain protein, putative 8204 18454 28704 Re06.g00360 GPI-GlcNAc transferase subunit P 8205 18455 28705 Cell differentiation and Re06.g00370 development protein Fsr1/Pro1 1 8206 18456 28706 Re06.g00380 DNA repair protein rad14 8207 18457 28707 Re06.g00390 Putative uncharacterized protein 8208 18458 28708 tRNA and rRNA cytosine-C5- Re06.g00400 methylase 8209 18459 28709 Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family Re06.g0041 0 protein 821 0 18460 2871 0 Re06.g00420 hypothetical protein 821 1 18461 2871 1 Re06.g00430 Putative uncharacterized protein 821 2 18462 2871 2 Glycoside hydrolase family 27 Re06.g00440 protein 821 3 18463 2871 3 3 1943 33433 Re06.g00450 Uncharacterized protein 8214 18464 28714 Re06.g00460 hypothetical protein 821 5 18465 2871 5 MATH and UCH domain protein, Re06.g00470 putative 821 6 18466 2871 6 Re06.g00480 Uncharacterized protein 821 7 18467 2871 7 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, Re06.g00490 putative 821 8 18468 2871 8 Re06.g00500 Uncharacterized protein 821 9 18469 2871 9 Re06.g0051 0 Uncharacterized protein 8220 18470 28720 3 1944 33434 Re06.g00520 Putative uncharacterized protein 8221 18471 28721 3 1945 33435 Re06.g00530 Uncharacterized protein 8222 18472 28722 ARP2/3 complex subunit Ar 8, Re06.g00540 putative Fragment 8223 18473 28723 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re06.g00550 factor 3, gamma subunit, putative 8224 18474 28724 Re06.g00560 DUF455 domain protein 8225 18475 28725 Re06.g00570 Heat shock transcription factor 8226 18476 28726 Re06.g00580 Uncharacterized protein 8227 18477 28727 Re06.g00590 R3H domain protein, putative 8228 18478 28728 Re06.g00600 hypothetical protein 8229 18479 28729 Re06.g0061 0 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 8230 18480 28730 Re06.g00620 hypothetical protein 8231 18481 28731 Re06.g00630 hypothetical protein 8232 18482 28732 Re06.g00640 Histone H2A.Z 8233 18483 28733 Re06.g00650 hypothetical protein 8234 18484 28734 Phosphate transporter (Pho88), Re06.g00660 putative 8235 18485 28735 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Re06.g00670 dehydrogenase EC=1 .2. .12 8236 18486 28736 Re06.g00680 Histone deacetylase hdal 8237 18487 28737 N-arginine dibasic convertase NRD1 and related Zn2+-dependent Re06.g00690 endopeptidases 8238 18488 28738 Re06.g00700 Complex: in human 8239 18489 28739 Re06.g0071 0 Uncharacterized protein 8240 18490 28740 Similar to Sugar transporter STL1 Re06.g00720 acc. no. P39932 8241 18491 28741 3 1946 33436 Similar to Anhydro-N- acetylmuramic acid kinase acc. no. Re06.g00730 Q2JK57 8242 18492 28742 Re06.g00740 Lipase 8243 18493 28743 3 1947 33437 Re06.g00750 Putative uncharacterized protein 8244 18494 28744 Re06.g00760 Predicted protein 8245 18495 28745 Re06.g00770 Dephospho-CoA kinase 8246 18496 28746 Flavin-containing amine oxidase, Re06.g00780 putative 8247 18497 28747 Thioredoxin reductase Trr1/Trr2, Re06.g00790 putative 8248 18498 28748 Re06.g00800 Uncharacterized protein 8249 18499 28749 Pheromone processing Re06.g0081 0 endoprotease Kex2 8250 18500 28750 3 1948 33438 Vacuolar targeting protein Atg24, Re06.g00820 putative 8251 18501 28751 Monooxygenase involved in Re06.g00830 coenzyme Q 8252 18502 28752 Histidyl-tRNA synthetase, Re06.g00840 mitochondrial 8253 18503 28753 Re06.g00850 Putative uncharacterized protein 8254 18504 28754 Re06.g00860 Uncharacterized protein 8255 18505 28755 Re06.g00870 Uncharacterized protein 8256 18506 28756 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal Re06.g00880 hydrolase EC=3.4. 19.1 2 8257 18507 28757 Re06.g00890 Uncharacterized protein 8258 18508 28758 3 1949 33439 Re06.g00900 Uncharacterized protein 8259 18509 28759 3 1950 33440 Re06.g0091 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8260 1851 0 28760 Re06.g00920 Dynactin subunit 8261 1851 1 28761 Re06.g00930 Uncharacterized protein 8262 1851 2 28762 Re06.g00940 hypothetical protein 8263 1851 3 28763 Re06.g00950 Cytochrome P450 8264 18514 28764 Re06.g00960 Uncharacterized protein 8265 1851 5 28765 Re06.g00970 Uncharacterized protein 8266 1851 6 28766 Methyl malonate-semialdehyde Re06.g00980 dehydrogenase, mitochondrial 8267 1851 7 28767 3 1951 33441 Re06.g00990 Calnexin 8268 1851 8 28768 3 1952 33442 Methylthioribulose-1 -phosphate Re06.g01 000 dehydratase EC=4.2. 1.1 09 8269 1851 9 28769 Re06.g01 0 10 Similar to human sorting nexin-1 8270 18520 28770 Re06.g01 020 Uncharacterized protein 8271 18521 28771 Re06.g01 030 Pc22g02750 protein 8272 18522 28772 3 1953 33443 Ubiquitination network signaling Re06.g01 040 protein, putative 8273 18523 28773 Re06.g01 050 hypothetical protein 8274 18524 28774 Re06.g01 060 Uncharacterized protein 8275 18525 28775 Re06.g01 070 LYR family protein 8276 18526 28776 SAM binding motif containing Re06.g01 080 protein 8277 18527 28777 Re06.g01 090 Uncharacterized protein 8278 18528 28778 Re06.g01 100 Transcription factor, putative 8279 18529 28779 Re06.g01 110 Lysophospholipase, putative 8280 18530 28780 tRNA (Adenine-N(1 )-)- Re06.g01 120 methyltransferase 8281 18531 28781 3 1954 33444 Phosphoserine phosphatase, Re06.g01 130 putative 8282 18532 28782 Re06.g01 140 Phosphoesterase 8283 18533 28783 Re06.g01 150 Putative uncharacterized protein 8284 18534 28784 Re06.g01 160 Putative uncharacterized protein 8285 18535 28785 3 1955 33445 Copper-transporting ATPase, Re06.g01 170 putative 8286 18536 28786 COP9 signalosome subunit 7 Re06.g01 180 (CsnG), putative 8287 18537 28787 Re06.g01 190 RGS domain protein 8288 18538 28788 Histone acetyltransferase (Gcn5), Re06.g01 200 putative 8289 18539 28789 Re06.g01 2 10 Uncharacterized protein 8290 18540 28790 Re06.g01 220 DNA repair protein Rad50 8291 18541 28791 Re06.g01 230 Predicted protein 8292 18542 28792 Phosphoribosyl-aminoimidazole Re06.g01 240 carboxylase 8293 18543 28793 Re06.g01 250 hypothetical protein 8294 18544 28794 Re06.g01 260 hypothetical protein 8295 18545 28795 Re06.g01 270 Uncharacterized protein 8296 18546 28796 Re06.g01 280 YagE family protein 8297 18547 28797 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re06.g01 290 putative 8298 18548 28798 Re06.g01 300 hypothetical protein 8299 18549 28799 Re06.g01 3 10 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3- 8300 18550 28800 methyltransferase Re06.g01 320 Putative uncharacterized protein 8301 18551 28801 Re06.g01 330 Putative uncharacterized protein 8302 18552 28802 Re06.g01 340 Putative uncharacterized protein 8303 18553 28803 Re06.g01 350 Uncharacterized protein 8304 18554 28804 CaaX farnesyltransferase beta Re06.g01 360 subunit Rami 8305 18555 28805 Re06.g01 370 C6 finger domain protein 8306 18556 28806 Re06.g01 380 Polyubiquitin UbiD/Ubi4, putative 8307 18557 28807 RING and UBP finger domain Re06.g01 390 protein, putative 8308 18558 28808 Potassium/sodium efflux P-type Re06.g01400 ATPase, fungal-type, putative 8309 18559 28809 Re06.g0141 0 Uncharacterized protein 831 0 18560 2881 0 Re06.g01420 hypothetical protein 831 1 18561 2881 1 3 1956 33446 Aspartate aminotransferase Re06.g01430 EC=2.6.1 .1 831 2 18562 2881 2 DNA binding protein SART-1, Re06.g01440 putative 831 3 18563 2881 3 Mitochondrial peptidyl-tRNA Re06.g01450 hydrolase Pth2, putative 8314 18564 28814 Re06.g01460 Putative uncharacterized protein 831 5 18565 2881 5 3 1957 33447 Re06.g01470 Uncharacterized protein 831 6 18566 2881 6 3 1958 33448 Re06.g01480 Homocitrate synthase 831 7 18567 2881 7 Glutamate decarboxylase/sphingosine Re06.g01490 phosphate lyase 831 8 18568 2881 8 Mitochondrial 54S ribosomal Re06.g01 500 protein YmL33 831 9 18569 2881 9 Exocyst complex component Sec6, Re06.g01 5 10 putative 8320 18570 28820 Re06.g01 520 Uncharacterized protein 8321 18571 28821 Mitochondrial chaperone Frataxin, Re06.g01 530 putative 8322 18572 28822 Putative uncharacterized protein Re06.g01 540 An04g061 50 8323 18573 28823 Transcription regulator BDF1 , Re06.g01 550 putative 8324 18574 28824 Small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex component (Utp5), Re06.g01 560 putative 8325 18575 28825 Re06.g01 570 WD domain-containing protein 8326 18576 28826

Geranylgeranyl transferae type II Re06.g01 580 alpha subunit 8327 18577 28827 Re06.g01 590 GTPase activating protein 8328 18578 28828 Re06.g01 600 Putative uncharacterized protein 8329 18579 28829 Re06.g01 6 10 Predicted protein 8330 18580 28830 3 1959 33449 Re06.g01 620 Uncharacterized protein 8331 18581 28831 Re06.g01 630 hypothetical protein 8332 18582 28832 Re06.g01 640 Putative uncharacterized protein 8333 18583 28833 Re06.g01 650 Uncharacterized protein 8334 18584 28834 Re06.g01 660 Uncharacterized protein 8335 18585 28835 Histone acetylase complex subunit Re06.g01 670 MRG1 5-2 8336 18586 28836 Re06.g01 680 Putative uncharacterized protein 8337 18587 28837 Iron-sulfur cluster assembly Re06.g01 690 accessory protein Isa1 , putative 8338 18588 28838 Conserved membrane protein, Re06.g01 700 putative 8339 18589 28839 Re06.g01 7 10 Vesicle transport v-snare protein 8340 18590 28840 Re06.g01 720 RuvB-like helicase 1 EC= 2 8341 18591 28841 Re06.g01 730 50S ribosomal protein L24 8342 18592 28842 3 1960 33450 Alpha- 1,6-mannosyltransferase Re06.g01 740 subunit 8343 18593 28843 Steroid alpha reductase family Re06.g01 750 protein 8344 18594 28844 Re06.g01 760 Fatty acid oxygenase 8345 18595 28845 Ubiquitin-protein ligase (Tom1), Re06.g01 770 putative 8346 18596 28846 Phosphoribosyl diphosphate synthase isoform 4 Re06.g01 780 (AFlLorthologue AFUA_4G1 0790) 8347 18597 28847 Re06.g01 790 40S ribosomal protein S6 8348 18598 28848 Re06.g01 800 Uncharacterized protein 8349 18599 28849 3 1961 33451 HMG box transcriptional regulator, Re06.g01 8 10 putative 8350 18600 28850 3 1962 33452 Re06.g01 820 SNF2 family helicase 8351 18601 28851 Re06.g01 830 Putative uncharacterized protein 8352 18602 28852 Alpha-aminoadipate reductase Re06.g01 840 large subunit, putative 8353 18603 28853 Re06.g01 850 Uncharacterized protein 8354 18604 28854 Re06.g01 860 Xanthine dehydrogenase 8355 18605 28855 Re06.g01 870 Uncharacterized protein 8356 18606 28856 Re06.g01 880 Putative uncharacterized protein 8357 18607 28857 Re06.g01 890 hypothetical protein 8358 18608 28858 Re06.g01 900 hypothetical protein 8359 18609 28859 Re06.g01 9 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 8360 1861 0 28860 Kynurenine aminotransferase, Re06.g01 920 glutamine transaminase K 8361 1861 1 28861 Re06.g01 930 AAA family ATPase, putative 8362 1861 2 28862 Re06.g01 940 Uncharacterized protein 8363 1861 3 28863 Cell division control protein Cdc31 , Re06.g01 950 putative 8364 18614 28864 ADAM family of metalloprotease Re06.g01 960 ADM-B 8365 1861 5 28865 3 1963 33453 Re06.g01 970 DNA polymerase iota, putative 8366 1861 6 28866 Re06.g01 980 Putative uncharacterized protein 8367 1861 7 28867 Re06.g01 990 C2 domain protein 8368 1861 8 28868 Re06.g02000 Putative uncharacterized protein 8369 1861 9 28869 Re06.g0201 0 Acetate--CoA ligase 8370 18620 28870 Re06.g02020 Nucleoporin SONB, putative 8371 18621 28871 Re06.g02030 MFS transporter, putative 8372 18622 28872 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, Re06.g02040 subunit F, putative EC= .6.5.3 8373 18623 28873 3 1964 33454 Re06.g02050 Uncharacterized protein 8374 18624 28874 3 1965 33455 Re06.g02060 Glycerate dehydrogenase 8375 18625 28875 Re06.g02070 Phosphoglycerate mutase, putative 8376 18626 28876 Re06.g02080 Putative uncharacterized protein 8377 18627 28877 Oligopeptide transporter, OPT Re06.g02090 family, putative 8378 18628 28878 Benzoate 4-monooxygenase Re06.g021 00 cytochrome P450, putative 8379 18629 28879 Re06.g021 10 SH3 domain protein 8380 18630 28880 Cell division protein kinase (Ctk1 ), Re06.g021 20 putative 8381 18631 28881 Re06.g021 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 8382 18632 28882 Re06.g02140 M protein repeat protein 8383 18633 28883 Re06.g021 50 Ribosome biogenesis protein Nhp2 8384 18634 28884 Re06.g021 60 NRPS-like enzyme 8385 18635 28885 Re06.g021 70 hypothetical protein 8386 18636 28886 Re06.g021 80 Transketolase EC=2.2. 1.1 8387 18637 28887 Acetate regulatory DNA binding Re06.g021 90 protein FacB 8388 18638 28888 Re06.g02200 SET domain protein 8389 18639 28889 Re06.g0221 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8390 18640 28890 Re06.g02220 GTP-binding protein 8391 18641 28891 Re06.g02230 Uncharacterized protein 8392 18642 28892 Re06.g02240 Putative uncharacterized protein 8393 18643 28893 Re06.g02250 hypothetical protein 8394 18644 28894 Re06.g02260 hypothetical protein 8395 18645 28895 Re06.g02270 Putative uncharacterized protein 8396 18646 28896 NADH-dependent flavin Re06.g02280 oxidoreductase, putative 8397 18647 28897 Re06.g02290 Spermidine synthase 8398 18648 28898 Prohibitin complex subunit Phb1 , Re06.g02300 putative 8399 18649 28899 3 1966 33456 Re06.g0231 0 Uncharacterized protein 8400 18650 28900 Re06.g02320 Predicted protein 8401 18651 28901 Re06.g02330 Predicted protein 8402 18652 28902 Re06.g02340 Putative uncharacterized protein 8403 18653 28903 Re06.g02350 Putative Sugar transporter STL1 8404 18654 28904 3 1967 33457 Putative anhydro-n-acetylmuramic Re06.g02360 acid kinase protein 8405 18655 28905 Cell wall proline rich protein, Re06.g02370 putative 8406 18656 28906 Re06.g02380 Uncharacterized protein 8407 18657 28907 Phosphotyrosyl phosphatase Re06.g02390 activator 8408 18658 28908 Re06.g02400 Putative uncharacterized protein 8409 18659 28909 Re06.g0241 0 Nuclear protein, putative 841 0 18660 2891 0 Re06.g02420 Uncharacterized protein 841 1 18661 2891 1 Re06.g02430 hypothetical protein 841 2 18662 2891 2 Re06.g02440 Tubulin gamma chain 841 3 18663 2891 3 Re06.g02450 DCG1 -like protein, putative 8414 18664 28914 Re06.g02460 Aflatoxin B 1-aldehyde reductase 841 5 18665 2891 5 Re06.g02470 hypothetical protein 841 6 18666 2891 6 Putative uncharacterized protein Re06.g02480 An1 8g01 090 EC=3.1 .1.5 Precursor 841 7 18667 2891 7 3 1968 33458 Putative aldehyde dehydrogenase Re06.g02490 protein 841 8 18668 2891 8 Re06.g02500 hypothetical protein 841 9 18669 2891 9 3 1969 33459 Re06.g0251 0 Reverse transcriptase, putative 8420 18670 28920 Re06.g02520 Uncharacterized protein 8421 18671 28921 Re06.g02530 3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase 8422 18672 28922 Re06.g02540 Salicylate hydroxylase 8423 18673 28923 3 1970 33460 Re06.g02550 hypothetical protein 8424 18674 28924 Re06.g02560 Uncharacterized protein 8425 18675 28925 Re06.g02570 Uncharacterized protein 8426 18676 28926 Re06.g02580 Uncharacterized protein 8427 18677 28927 Re06.g02590 hypothetical protein 8428 18678 28928 Re06.g02600 Uncharacterized protein 8429 18679 28929 Re06.g0261 0 DUF6 domain protein, putative 8430 18680 28930 3 1971 33461 Re06.g02620 Arp2/3 complex subunit 8431 18681 28931 NAD binding domain of 6- Re06.g02630 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 8432 18682 28932 Re06.g02640 hypothetical protein 8433 18683 28933 Re06.g02650 BZIP transcription factor, putative 8434 18684 28934 Re06.g02660 GTP cyclohydrolase II, putative 8435 18685 28935 Re06.g02670 SAGA complex component 8436 18686 28936 Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase Re06.g02680 EC=5.3.1 .8 8437 18687 28937 Re06.g02690 hypothetical protein 8438 18688 28938 Re06.g02700 Putative uncharacterized protein 8439 18689 28939 Re06.g0271 0 Allantoate permease, putative 8440 18690 28940 Re06.g02720 Putative uncharacterized protein 8441 18691 28941 3 1972 33462 NAD dependent Re06.g02730 epimerase/dehydratase, putative 8442 18692 28942 Putative uncharacterized protein Re06.g02740 An1 1g01 270 8443 18693 28943 Re06.g02750 hypothetical protein 8444 18694 28944 Putative uncharacterized protein Re06.g02760 An1 1g01 260 8445 18695 28945 Re06.g02770 Predicted protein 8446 18696 28946 Re06.g02780 Putative uncharacterized protein 8447 18697 28947 Re06.g02790 Putative uncharacterized protein 8448 18698 28948 Re06.g02800 hypothetical protein 8449 18699 28949 Re06.g0281 0 Uncharacterized protein 8450 18700 28950 Re06.g02820 hypothetical protein 8451 18701 28951 Re06.g02830 hypothetical protein 8452 18702 28952 Re06.g02840 hypothetical protein 8453 18703 28953 1-phosphatidylinositol-4,5- Re06.g02850 bisphosphate phosphodiesterase 1 8454 18704 28954 Re06.g02860 Coatomer subunit epsilon, putative 8455 18705 28955 Re06.g02870 hypothetical protein 8456 18706 28956 Re06.g02880 Putative transporter 8457 18707 28957 Re06.g02890 Putative uncharacterized protein 8458 18708 28958 Re06.g02900 Amidohydrolase, putative 8459 18709 28959 NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase, putative Re06.g0291 0 (AFlLorthologue AFUA_7G001 80) 8460 1871 0 28960 Nonsense transcript regulator, Re06.g02920 putative 8461 1871 1 28961 U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein IMP4, Re06.g02930 putative 8462 1871 2 28962 Re06.g02940 BRCT domain protein 8463 1871 3 28963 N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate Re06.g02950 isomerase 8464 18714 28964 Re06.g02960 Nucleoporin (Nup1 84), putative 8465 1871 5 28965 Re06.g02970 4-coumarate-CoA ligase, putative 8466 1871 6 28966 3 1973 33463 Re06.g02980 hypothetical protein 8467 1871 7 28967 Re06.g02990 hypothetical protein 8468 1871 8 28968 3 1974 33464 G-protein complex alpha subunit Re06.g03000 GpaA/FadA 8469 1871 9 28969 Re06.g0301 0 Predicted protein 8470 18720 28970 Re06.g03020 hypothetical protein 8471 18721 28971 Re06.g03030 Smr domain protein 8472 18722 28972 Re06.g03040 hypothetical protein 8473 18723 28973 Geranylgeranyl diphosphate Re06.g03050 synthase 8474 18724 28974 Re06.g03060 Cell division control protein 14 8475 18725 28975 Re06.g03070 Uncharacterized protein 8476 18726 28976 Mitochondrial outer membrane Re06.g03080 protein (Sam35), putative 8477 18727 28977 Re06.g03090 Uncharacterized protein 8478 18728 28978 Re06.g031 00 DUF543 domain protein 8479 18729 28979 Re06.g031 10 Uncharacterized protein 8480 18730 28980 Re06.g031 20 hypothetical protein 8481 18731 28981 Re06.g031 30 Uridine permease Fui1 , putative 8482 18732 28982 Re06.g03140 Putative uncharacterized protein 8483 18733 28983 Remark: probable zinc-finger Re06.g031 50 protein 8484 18734 28984 Re06.g031 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 8485 18735 28985 Re06.g031 70 C2H2 transcription factor 8486 18736 28986 Re06.g031 80 hypothetical protein 8487 18737 28987 Re06.g031 90 Possible dual specificity protein 8488 18738 28988 phosphatase 3 Re06.g03200 Uncharacterized protein 8489 18739 28989 SNF2 family helicase/ATPase Re06.g0321 0 PasG 8490 18740 28990 Re06.g03220 Cytoskeletal adaptor protein SagA 8491 18741 28991 Re06.g03230 hypothetical protein 8492 18742 28992 Re06.g03240 Putative uncharacterized protein 8493 18743 28993 Re06.g03250 Putative uncharacterized protein 8494 18744 28994 Re06.g03260 Uncharacterized protein 8495 18745 28995 Re06.g03270 Cullin 8496 18746 28996 Re06.g03280 Phosphorylase EC=2.4. 1.1 8497 18747 28997 Re06.g03290 hypothetical protein 8498 18748 28998 G protein complex alpha subunit Re06.g03300 GpaB 8499 18749 28999 Re06.g0331 0 MAP kinase SakA EC=2.7.1 1.24 8500 18750 29000 Re06.g03320 Putative uncharacterized protein 8501 18751 29001 Re06.g03330 Laccase iv 8502 18752 29002 3 1975 33465 Related to non-hemolytic Re06.g03340 phospholipase C 8503 18753 29003 3 1976 33466 Re06.g03350 Putative uncharacterized protein 8504 18754 29004 Re06.g03360 ABC fatty acid transporter, putative 8505 18755 29005 3 1977 33467 Cell wall biogenesis protein Mhp1 , Re06.g03370 putative 8506 18756 29006 Re06.g03380 60S ribosomal protein L5 8507 18757 29007 Re06.g03390 Epoxide hydrolase, putative 8508 18758 29008 Re06.g03400 Putative uncharacterized protein 8509 18759 29009 Re06.g0341 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 851 0 18760 2901 0 Re06.g03420 Predicted protein 851 1 18761 2901 1 Re06.g03430 Cell surface protein Mas1 , putative 851 2 18762 2901 2 3 1978 33468 Re06.g03440 Putative uncharacterized protein 851 3 18763 2901 3 Re06.g03450 Nitrate transporter CrnA 8514 18764 29014 Re06.g03460 Nitrite reductase NiiA 851 5 18765 2901 5 Re06.g03470 Nitrate reductase 851 6 18766 2901 6 Gamma-tubulin complex Re06.g03480 component GCP6, putative 851 7 18767 2901 7 Re06.g03490 Putative uncharacterized protein 851 8 18768 2901 8 Isocitrate dehydrogenase, NAD- Re06.g03500 dependent 851 9 18769 2901 9 Exocyst complex component Sec5, Re06.g0351 0 putative 8520 18770 29020 Re06.g03520 Putative uncharacterized protein 8521 18771 29021 Re06.g03530 Uncharacterized protein 8522 18772 29022 Adenylyl cyclase-associated Re06.g03540 protein 8523 18773 29023 PfkB family carbohydrate kinase Re06.g03550 (Mak32), putative 8524 18774 29024 Re06.g03560 Putative uncharacterized protein 8525 18775 29025 Mitochondrial 54S ribosomal Re06.g03570 protein YmL3 8526 18776 29026 Re06.g03580 PBSP domain protein 8527 18777 29027 Re06.g03590 Putative uncharacterized protein 8528 18778 29028 3 1979 33469 Nonribosomal siderophore peptide Re06.g03600 synthase SidC 8529 18779 29029 Re06.g0361 0 Uncharacterized protein 8530 18780 29030 Re06.g03620 Uncharacterized protein 8531 18781 29031 Re06.g03630 Multidrug resistance protein 1, 2, 3 8532 18782 29032 3 1980 33470 Re06.g03640 hypothetical protein 8533 18783 29033 Re06.g03650 Rho GTPase activator Rga 8534 18784 29034 Re06.g03660 Uncharacterized protein 8535 18785 29035 Re06.g03670 Putative uncharacterized protein 8536 18786 29036 Mannosylphosphate transferase Re06.g03680 (Mnn4), putative 8537 18787 29037 3 1981 33471 Re06.g03690 Zinc metalloproteinase, putative 8538 18788 29038 3-ketoacyl-CoA ketothiolase (Kat1 ), Re06.g03700 putative 8539 18789 29039 Re06.g0371 0 Heat shock protein Hsp88 8540 18790 29040 Re06.g03720 Chitin synthase class V I 8541 18791 29041 Re06.g03730 RNA-binding La domain protein 8542 18792 29042 Stress responsive A/B barrel Re06.g03740 domain protein 8543 18793 29043 RNA binding protein Re06.g03750 Ligatin/Tma64, putative 8544 18794 29044 Re06.g03760 Putative uncharacterized protein 8545 18795 29045 Membrane-tethered transcription Re06.g03770 factor (SPT23), putative 8546 18796 29046 3 1982 33472 Re06.g03780 Uncharacterized protein 8547 18797 29047 Putative cytochrome p450 Re06.g03790 monooxygenase protein 8548 18798 29048 Similarity: belongs to the GAL4 Re06.g03800 zinc binuclear cluster family 8549 18799 29049 Re06.g0381 0 Oleate delta-1 2 desaturase 8550 18800 29050 DNA repair protein (Rad57), Re06.g03820 putative 8551 18801 29051 Re06.g03830 Putative uncharacterized protein 8552 18802 29052 Re06.g03840 hypothetical protein 8553 18803 29053 Re06.g03850 hypothetical protein 8554 18804 29054 Re06.g03860 Sexual development activator VeA 8555 18805 29055 Nuclear RNA binding protein, Re06.g03870 putative 8556 18806 29056 Re06.g03880 Predicted protein 8557 18807 29057 Re06.g03890 GABA permease, putative 8558 18808 29058 Re06.g03900 Maltose permease, putative 8559 18809 29059 Re06.g0391 0 Jumonji family transcription factor 8560 1881 0 29060 Re06.g03920 Carnitine acetyl transferase 8561 1881 1 29061 Re06.g03930 Putative uncharacterized protein 8562 1881 2 29062 Re06.g03940 hypothetical protein 8563 1881 3 29063 Re06.g03950 Putative uncharacterized protein 8564 18814 29064 3 1983 33473 Re06.g03960 Pantothenate transporter, putative 8565 1881 5 29065 Re06.g03970 Similar to An01g02260 8566 1881 6 29066 Re06.g03980 C6 transcription factor, putative 8567 1881 7 29067 Re06.g03990 DUF255 domain protein 8568 1881 8 29068 Re06.g04000 WD repeat protein 8569 1881 9 29069 G2/M phase checkpoint control Re06.g0401 0 protein Sum2, putative 8570 18820 29070 Re06.g04020 Acyl CoA binding protein, putative 8571 18821 29071 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, Re06.g04030 putative EC=1 .6.5.3 8572 18822 29072 Re06.g04040 Nucleoporin, putative 8573 18823 29073 Re06.g04050 Predicted protein 8574 18824 29074 Re06.g04060 Transcription factor iws-1 8575 18825 29075 Re06.g04070 Uncharacterized protein 8576 18826 29076 Re06.g04080 Uncharacterized protein 8577 18827 29077 3 1984 33474 Interferon-induced GTP-binding Re06.g04090 protein Mx, putative 8578 18828 29078 Re06.g041 00 Uncharacterized protein 8579 18829 29079 Re06.g041 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 8580 18830 29080 Re06.g041 20 hypothetical protein 8581 18831 29081 Re06.g041 30 Uncharacterized protein 8582 18832 29082 Re06.g04140 Protein SEY1 EC=3.6.5.- 8583 18833 29083 Re06.g041 50 C6 finger domain protein, putative 8584 18834 29084 Re06.g041 60 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 8585 18835 29085 Re06.g041 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 8586 18836 29086 Re06.g041 80 Putative uncharacterized protein 8587 18837 29087 Re06.g041 90 Elongation factor Tu 8588 18838 29088 Translation initiation factor IF3, Re06.g04200 putative 8589 18839 29089 3 1985 33475 Re06.g0421 0 Nucleoside diphosphatase Gda1 8590 18840 29090 3 1986 33476 Re06.g04220 Uncharacterized protein 8591 18841 29091 Translation initiation factor elF4E, Re06.g04230 putative 8592 18842 29092 Putative glycoside hydrolase family Re06.g04240 18 protein 8593 18843 29093 3 1987 33477 Re06.g04250 Predicted protein 8594 18844 29094 Re06.g04260 Arginine rich protein 8595 18845 29095 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re06.g04270 14 kDa subunit, putative 8596 18846 29096 Re06.g04280 Cation efflux family protein family 8597 18847 29097 RING finger ubiquitin ligase (Tul1 ), Re06.g04290 putative 8598 18848 29098 3 1988 33478 Re06.g04300 Glycine cleavage system H protein 8599 18849 29099 3 1989 33479 Re06.g0431 0 37S ribosomal protein Mrp1 7 8600 18850 291 00 Re06.g04320 Acyl-CoA thioesterase 8601 18851 291 0 1 Re06.g04330 Putative uncharacterized protein 8602 18852 291 02 3 1990 33480 Re06.g04340 Putative uncharacterized protein 8603 18853 291 03 Re06.g04350 Uncharacterized protein 8604 18854 291 04 Re06.g04360 Pc1 2g1 5 150 protein 8605 18855 291 05 Re06.g04370 Arrestin domain protein 8606 18856 291 06 Re06.g04380 hypothetical protein 8607 18857 291 07 Re06.g04390 Putative uncharacterized protein 8608 18858 291 08 Nuclear and cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNA-binding Re06.g04400 protein publ 8609 18859 291 09 Re06.g0441 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 861 0 18860 291 10 Glutamine amidotransferase, Re06.g04420 putative 861 1 18861 291 11 Mitochondrial dynamin GTPase Re06.g04430 (Msp1 ), putative 861 2 18862 291 12 Re06.g04440 Alternative NADH-dehydrogenase 861 3 18863 291 13 Re06.g04450 hypothetical protein 8614 18864 291 14 Re06.g04460 Mucin, putative 861 5 18865 291 15 3 1991 33481 Putative capsular associated Re06.g04470 protein 861 6 18866 291 16 Re06.g04480 Transposase 861 7 18867 291 17 Re06.g04490 50S ribosomal subunit protein L 15 861 8 18868 291 18 3 1992 33482 Re06.g04500 Protein kinase, putative 861 9 18869 291 19 Re06.g0451 0 SH3 domain protein, putative 8620 18870 291 20 Re06.g04520 Uncharacterized protein 8621 18871 291 2 1 Re06.g04530 PQ loop repeat protein 8622 18872 291 22 3 1993 33483 Serine palmitoyltransferase 2, Re06.g04540 putative EC=2.3.1 .50 8623 18873 291 23 Re06.g04550 Acetoacetyl-CoA synthase 8624 18874 291 24 Re06.g04560 Mitochondrial processing peptidase 8625 18875 291 25 Mitochondrial import receptor Re06.g04570 subunit tom22 8626 18876 291 26 Re06.g04580 Putative uncharacterized protein 8627 18877 291 27 Re06.g04590 Putative uncharacterized protein 8628 18878 291 28 Phosphatase-like protein (PTPLA), Re06.g04600 putative 8629 18879 291 29 3 1994 33484 Re06.g0461 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8630 18880 291 30 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re06.g04620 SmD3, putative 8631 18881 291 3 1 Re06.g04630 Uncharacterized protein 8632 18882 291 32 Homeobox transcription factor Re06.g04640 (RfeB), putative 8633 18883 291 33 Haloacid dehalogenase-like Re06.g04650 hydrolase, putative 8634 18884 291 34 Re06.g04660 Transcription factor RfeF, putative 8635 18885 291 35 Signal recognition particle protein, Re06.g04670 putative 8636 18886 291 36 3 1995 33485 Re06.g04680 Uncharacterized protein 8637 18887 291 37 Re06.g04690 Putative uncharacterized protein 8638 18888 291 38 Re06.g04700 Dienelactone hydrolase, putative 8639 18889 291 39 Re06.g0471 0 Uncharacterized protein 8640 18890 29140 Re06.g04720 Transcription factor AmyR 8641 18891 29141 Glucoamylase EC=3.2. 1.3 Re06.g04740 Precursor 8642 18892 29142 3 1996 33486 Re06.g04750 Alpha-amylase 8643 18893 29143 3 1997 33487 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re06.g04760 EC= 8644 18894 29144 Homeobox transcription factor, Re06.g04770 putative 8645 18895 29145 Re06.g04780 C6 zinc finger domain protein 8646 18896 29146 Re06.g04790 FAD binding domain protein 8647 18897 29147 Re06.g04800 Class I alpha-mannosidase 8648 18898 29148 Re06.g0481 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8649 18899 29149 Re06.g04820 Calmodulin 8650 18900 291 50 Re06.g04830 SNARE complex subunit 8651 18901 291 5 1 Re06.g04840 Uncharacterized protein 8652 18902 291 52 Re06.g04850 Clathrin light chain 8653 18903 291 53 Re06.g04860 Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37 8654 18904 291 54 Re06.g04870 ABC multidrug transporter Mdr2 8655 18905 291 55 Re06.g04880 Nucleoside transporter family 8656 18906 291 56 Re06.g04890 Putative uncharacterized protein 8657 18907 291 57 Mitochondrial distribution and Re06.g04900 morphology protein 34 8658 18908 291 58 Re06.g0491 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8659 18909 291 59 Re06.g04920 UbiE/COQ5 methyltransferase 8660 1891 0 291 60 Re06.g04930 Putative uncharacterized protein 8661 1891 1 291 6 1 Re06.g04940 Uncharacterized protein 8662 1891 2 291 62 Re06.g04950 Putative uncharacterized protein 8663 1891 3 291 63 3 1998 33488 Cell wall biogenesis protein Re06.g04960 Ecm1 5, putative 8664 18914 291 64 Re06.g04970 Putative uncharacterized protein 8665 1891 5 291 65 Re06.g04980 Putative uncharacterized protein 8666 1891 6 291 66 Re06.g04990 hypothetical protein 8667 1891 7 291 67 Re06.g05000 Uncharacterized protein 8668 1891 8 291 68 3 1999 33489 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re06.g0501 0 EC= 8669 1891 9 291 69 Re06.g05020 hypothetical protein 8670 18920 291 70 Re06.g05030 Uncharacterized protein 8671 18921 291 7 1 Re06.g05040 Kynureninase 2 EC=3.7. 1.3 8672 18922 291 72 Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase Re06.g05050 pyrrole 2,3-dioxygenase 8673 18923 291 73 Putative uncharacterized protein Re06.g05060 Fragment 8674 18924 291 74 Histone acetyltransferase subunit Re06.g05070 (Yaf9), putative 8675 18925 291 75 Re06.g05080 Uncharacterized protein 8676 18926 291 76 Re06.g05090 SYF2 splicing factor domain 8677 18927 291 77 protein Re06.g051 00 Putative uncharacterized protein 8678 18928 291 78 Re06.g051 10 Uncharacterized protein 8679 18929 291 79 Re06.g051 20 Uncharacterized protein 8680 18930 291 80 Re06.g051 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 8681 18931 291 8 1 Re06.g05140 50S ribosomal protein L 12 8682 18932 291 82 Re06.g051 50 hypothetical protein 8683 18933 291 83 32000 33490 Re06.g051 60 hypothetical protein 8684 18934 291 84 T-complex protein 1, theta subunit, Re06.g051 70 putative 8685 18935 291 85 Re06.g051 80 hypothetical protein 8686 18936 291 86 Re06.g051 90 hypothetical protein 8687 18937 291 87 Re06.g05200 hypothetical protein 8688 18938 291 88 Re06.g0521 0 hypothetical protein 8689 18939 291 89 von Willebrand and RING finger Re06.g05220 domain protein 8690 18940 291 90 Re06.g05230 Spap14e8.04 protein 8691 18941 291 9 1 Pyruvate dehydrogenase E 1 component alpha subunit, putative Re06.g05240 EC=1 .2.4.1 8692 18942 291 92 32001 33491 Re06.g05250 Uncharacterized protein 8693 18943 291 93 Mitochondrial 37S ribosomal Re06.g05260 protein NAM9 8694 18944 291 94 Re06.g05270 Putative uncharacterized protein 8695 18945 291 95 Re06.g05280 hypothetical protein 8696 18946 291 96 Re06.g05290 DNA repair protein Rad26, putative 8697 18947 291 97 Re06.g05300 Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 8698 18948 291 98 Re06.g0531 0 Cyclin, putative 8699 18949 291 99 Glutathione-S-transferase theta, Re06.g05320 GST, putative 8700 18950 29200 Phosphotransferase enzyme family Re06.g05330 protein 8701 18951 29201 Re06.g05340 Armadillo repeat protein 8702 18952 29202 Cyclin-dependent protein kinase Re06.g05350 regulator Pho80 8703 18953 29203 32002 33492 Re06.g05360 hypothetical protein 8704 18954 29204 tRNA-specific adenosine-34 Re06.g05370 deaminase subunit Tad3, putative 8705 18955 29205 Re06.g05380 Predicted protein 8706 18956 29206 Re06.g05390 Uncharacterized protein 8707 18957 29207 Export control protein CHS7-like, Re06.g05400 putative 8708 18958 29208 Re06.g0541 0 Predicted protein 8709 18959 29209 Dienelactone hydrolase family Re06.g05420 protein 871 0 18960 2921 0 Re06.g05430 Alcohol dehydrogenase 871 1 18961 2921 1 Re06.g05440 Putative uncharacterized protein 871 2 18962 2921 2 32003 33493 Re06.g05450 Uncharacterized protein 871 3 18963 2921 3 Re06.g05460 Pathway: STS1 of S. pombe is 8714 18964 29214 involved in ergosterol biosynthesis RING finger domain protein Re06.g05470 (Rn O), putative 871 5 18965 2921 5 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal Re06.g05480 hydrolase EC=3.4. 19.1 2 871 6 18966 2921 6 Re06.g05490 Ribonuclease H, putative 871 7 18967 2921 7 Re06.g05500 Na/H antiporter, putative 871 8 18968 2921 8 Re06.g0551 0 Pantothenate transporter, putative 871 9 18969 2921 9 Re06.g05520 Dimethylaniline monooxygenase 8720 18970 29220 32004 33494 Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent Re06.g05530 taurine dioxygenase 8721 18971 29221 Re06.g05540 Mitochondrial cytochrome b2 8722 18972 29222 32005 33495 Re06.g05550 Uncharacterized protein 8723 18973 29223 Re06.g05560 Uncharacterized protein 8724 18974 29224 Re06.g05570 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase 1 8725 18975 29225 Re06.g05580 Thioredoxin, putative 8726 18976 29226 Re06.g05590 hypothetical protein 8727 18977 29227 Re06.g05600 Pc22g 16670 protein 8728 18978 29228 Re06.g0561 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8729 18979 29229 32006 33496 Re06.g05620 Putative uncharacterized protein 8730 18980 29230 Re06.g05630 hypothetical protein 8731 18981 29231 Re06.g05640 SPX domain protein 8732 18982 29232 Re06.g05650 Uncharacterized protein 8733 18983 29233 Re06.g05660 Uncharacterized protein 8734 18984 29234 Re06.g05670 Uncharacterized protein 8735 18985 29235 Re06.g05680 Uncharacterized protein 8736 18986 29236 32007 33497 Dihydroxy acid dehydratase, Re06.g05690 putative 8737 18987 29237 Re06.g05700 Cytochrome P450 8738 18988 29238 Re06.g0571 0 RNA1 2 protein, putative 8739 18989 29239 Re06.g05720 Putative uncharacterized protein 8740 18990 29240 Glutamate synthase Glt1 , putative Re06.g05730 EC=1 .4.1 .14 8741 18991 29241 Re06.g05740 Putative uncharacterized protein 8742 18992 29242 Re06.g05750 V-SNARE 8743 18993 29243 Re06.g05760 hypothetical protein 8744 18994 29244 Molecular chaperone Hsp70 Re06.g05770 EC=1 .3.1 .74 8745 18995 29245 Re06.g05780 Mitochondrial carrier protein 8746 18996 29246 Autophagy-related protein 8 Re06.g05790 Precursor 8747 18997 29247 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Re06.g05800 EC= 8748 18998 29248 Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, Re06.g0581 0 putative EC=1 .3.3.3 8749 18999 29249 Microtubule binding protein Re06.g05820 HOOK3, putative 8750 19000 29250 Re06.g05830 Uncharacterized protein 8751 19001 29251 32008 33498 Re06.g05840 mRNA complex 8752 19002 29252 component Pcf1 1, putative Catalytic activity: dimeric dihydrodiol dehydrogenases Re06.g05850 EC=1 .3.1 .20 8753 19003 29253 Re06.g05860 Adenylate kinase EC= 8754 19004 29254 26S proteasome regulatory particle Re06.g05870 subunit Rpn8, putative 8755 19005 29255 32009 33499 Re06.g05880 Uncharacterized protein 8756 19006 29256 Re06.g05890 Putative uncharacterized protein 8757 19007 29257 Re06.g05900 Peroxin 16 8758 19008 29258 Re06.g0591 0 Uncharacterized protein 8759 19009 29259 Re06.g05920 Cupin domain protein 8760 1901 0 29260 Re06.g05930 Putative uncharacterized protein 8761 1901 1 29261 3201 0 33500 Cell polarity protein (Alp1 1), Re06.g05940 putative 8762 1901 2 29262 Re06.g05950 Putative uncharacterized protein 8763 1901 3 29263 Re06.g05960 MYB DNA-binding domain protein 8764 19014 29264 Re06.g05970 hypothetical protein 8765 1901 5 29265 3201 1 33501 Re06.g05980 hypothetical protein 8766 1901 6 29266 Re06.g05990 hypothetical protein 8767 1901 7 29267 Re06.g06000 Uncharacterized protein 8768 1901 8 29268 Re06.g0601 0 F-box domain protein 8769 1901 9 29269 Re06.g06020 Zinc knuckle domain protein 8770 19020 29270 Re06.g06030 Uncharacterized protein 8771 19021 29271 Re06.g06040 Putative uncharacterized protein 8772 19022 29272 Re06.g06050 Uncharacterized protein 8773 19023 29273 Re06.g06060 Uncharacterized protein 8774 19024 29274 Cytokinesis regulator (Byr4), Re06.g06070 putative 8775 19025 29275 Re06.g06080 hypothetical protein 8776 19026 29276 Re06.g06090 Uncharacterized protein 8777 19027 29277 Re06.g061 00 hypothetical protein 8778 19028 29278 3201 2 33502 ER lumen protein retaining Re06.g061 10 receptor 8779 19029 29279 Re06.g061 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 8780 19030 29280 Re06.g061 30 PSP family protein 8781 19031 29281 Re06.g06140 Uncharacterized protein 8782 19032 29282 Re06.g061 50 Nucleolar RNAse III, putative 8783 19033 29283 Re06.g061 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 8784 19034 29284 Re06.g061 70 hypothetical protein 8785 19035 29285 Re06.g061 80 hypothetical protein 8786 19036 29286 Re06.g061 90 hypothetical protein 8787 19037 29287 Re06.g06200 Putative uncharacterized protein 8788 19038 29288 Re06.g0621 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8789 19039 29289 Re06.g06220 Putative uncharacterized protein 8790 19040 29290 Re06.g06230 Putative uncharacterized protein 8791 19041 29291 Re06.g06240 Uncharacterized protein 8792 19042 29292 Re06.g06250 Uncharacterized protein 8793 19043 29293 Re06.g06260 Putative uncharacterized protein 8794 19044 29294 Re06.g06270 Putative uncharacterized protein 8795 19045 29295 Putative uncharacterized protein Re06.g06280 Fragment 8796 19046 29296 Re06.g06290 hypothetical protein 8797 19047 29297 Re06.g06300 hypothetical protein 8798 19048 29298 Re06.g0631 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8799 19049 29299 Re06.g06320 Putative uncharacterized protein 8800 19050 29300 Re06.g06330 Putative uncharacterized protein 8801 19051 29301 Re06.g06340 hypothetical protein 8802 19052 29302 Re06.g06350 hypothetical protein 8803 19053 29303 SWIRM domain protein Fun1 9, Re06.g06360 putative 8804 19054 29304 Putative uncharacterized protein Re06.g06370 An07g 10420 8805 19055 29305 Extracellular metalloprotease AO09001 2001 025 EC=3.4.24.- Re06.g06380 Precursor 8806 19056 29306 3201 3 33503 Transcription elongation complex Re06.g06390 subunit (Cdc68) 8807 19057 29307 Mitochondrial carrier protein, Re06.g06400 putative 8808 19058 29308 Re06.g0641 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8809 19059 29309 Re06.g06420 Protein O-mannosyl transferase 881 0 19060 2931 0 Re06.g06430 Secretion related GTPase SrgD 881 1 19061 2931 1 Re06.g06440 Uncharacterized protein 881 2 19062 2931 2 Re06.g06450 Uncharacterized protein 881 3 19063 2931 3 Re06.g06460 Uncharacterized protein 8814 19064 29314 Re06.g06470 Predicted protein 881 5 19065 2931 5 32014 33504 Pumilio-family RNA binding repeat Re06.g06480 protein 881 6 19066 2931 6 Re06.g06490 Putative uncharacterized protein 881 7 19067 2931 7 RNA polymerase II transcription Re06.g06500 initiation protein 881 8 19068 2931 8 Re06.g0651 0 Aminopeptidase, putative 881 9 19069 2931 9 Re06.g06520 GTP-binding protein yptl 8820 19070 29320 Re06.g06530 hypothetical protein 8821 19071 29321 Peroxisomal membrane protein Re06.g06540 Pmp47 8822 19072 29322 Re06.g06550 WD repeat protein 8823 19073 29323 Re06.g06560 WW domain protein, putative 8824 19074 29324 Re06.g06570 Putative uncharacterized protein 8825 19075 29325 3201 5 33505 Re06.g06580 AMP-binding enzyme, putative 8826 19076 29326 Re06.g06590 Putative uncharacterized protein 8827 19077 29327 Re06.g06600 Arginine transporter, putative 8828 19078 29328 Re06.g0661 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8829 19079 29329 Re06.g06620 O-acetylhomoserine (Thiol)-lyase 8830 19080 29330 Re06.g06630 RNA binding protein Nrd1 8831 19081 29331 Re06.g06640 Citrate synthase 8832 19082 29332 Re06.g06650 Mitochondrial DNA replication 8833 19083 29333 protein (Yhm2), putative Re06.g06660 Function: HOL1 of S. cerevisiae 8834 19084 29334 Re06.g06670 Uncharacterized protein 8835 19085 29335 3201 6 33506 Re06.g06680 Putative uncharacterized protein 8836 19086 29336 Re06.g06690 Uncharacterized protein 8837 19087 29337 3201 7 33507 Re06.g06700 Uncharacterized protein 8838 19088 29338 Re06.g0671 0 Uncharacterized protein 8839 19089 29339 Ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase Re06.g06720 complex core protein 2 8840 19090 29340 3201 8 33508 DNA directed RNA polymerase III Re06.g06730 subunit Rpc82, putative 8841 19091 29341 Re06.g06740 Putative uncharacterized protein 8842 19092 29342 3201 9 33509 Re06.g06750 Tubulin alpha- 1 subunit 8843 19093 29343 32020 3351 0 Re06.g06760 UBA/TS-N domain protein 8844 19094 29344 Re06.g06770 Pc22g09270 protein 8845 19095 29345 Re06.g06780 Glycosyl hydrolase, putative 8846 19096 29346 32021 3351 1 Putative plasma membrane atpase Re06.g06790 protein 8847 19097 29347 Re06.g06800 hypothetical protein 8848 19098 29348 Re06.g0681 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 8849 19099 29349 Re06.g06820 Uncharacterized protein 8850 19 100 29350 Origin recognition complex subunit Re06.g06830 Orc5, putative 8851 19 10 1 29351 Re06.g06840 RNA-binding protein, putative 8852 19 102 29352 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III Re06.g06850 subunit RET1 8853 19 103 29353 Re06.g06860 Uncharacterized protein 8854 19 104 29354 Re06.g06870 Uncharacterized protein 8855 19 105 29355 Ubiquitin fusion degradation protein Re06.g06880 Ufd1 , putative 8856 19 106 29356 Re06.g06890 Putative uncharacterized protein 8857 19 107 29357 AAA family ATPase Rvb2/Reptin, Re06.g06900 putative 8858 19 108 29358 Re06.g0691 0 Paramyosin, putative 8859 19 109 29359 Re06.g06920 Uncharacterized protein 8860 19 110 29360 32022 3351 2 Re06.g06930 Pc22g21 850 protein 8861 19 111 29361 Re06.g06940 Putative uncharacterized protein 8862 19 112 29362 Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase Re06.g06950 family protein 8863 19 113 29363 Re06.g06960 MFS multidrug transporter, putative 8864 19 114 29364 C2H2 type zinc finger domain Re06.g06970 protein 8865 19 115 29365 Re06.g06980 O-methyltransferase, putative 8866 19 116 29366 Re06.g06990 Putative uncharacterized protein 8867 19 117 29367 Re06.g07000 Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 8868 19 118 29368 32023 3351 3 Re06.g0701 0 hypothetical protein 8869 19 119 29369 Re06.g07020 Uncharacterized protein 8870 19 120 29370 Re06.g07030 Protein RTA1, putative 8871 19 12 1 29371 Re06.g07040 Putative uncharacterized protein 8872 19 122 29372 Ankyrin repeat domain containing Re06.g07050 protein 8873 19 123 29373 Re06.g07060 Uncharacterized protein 8874 19 124 29374 Re06.g07070 hypothetical protein 8875 19 125 29375 32024 33514 Re06.g07080 hypothetical protein 8876 19 126 29376 Re06.g07090 Putative beta-mannosidase B 8877 19 127 29377 Re06.g071 00 Alpha-glucosidase 8878 19 128 29378 Re06.g071 10 Predicted protein 8879 19 129 29379 Re06.g071 20 Similar to An14g02830 8880 19 130 29380 Re06.g071 30 Uncharacterized protein 8881 19 13 1 29381 Re06.g07140 Sugar transporter 8882 19 132 29382 Re06.g071 50 hypothetical protein 8883 19 133 29383 32025 3351 5 Re06.g071 60 Uncharacterized protein 8884 19 134 29384 Re06.g071 70 hypothetical protein 8885 19 135 29385 Re06.g071 80 hypothetical protein 8886 19 136 29386 Re06.g071 90 hypothetical protein 8887 19 137 29387 Re06.g07200 hypothetical protein 8888 19 138 29388 Re06.g0721 0 Uncharacterized protein 8889 19 139 29389 Re06.g07220 Putative uncharacterized protein 8890 19140 29390 Re06.g07230 hypothetical protein 8891 19141 29391 Re06.g07240 hypothetical protein 8892 19142 29392 Re06.g07250 hypothetical protein 8893 19143 29393 Re06.g07260 Uncharacterized protein 8894 19144 29394 Re06.g07270 hypothetical protein 8895 19145 29395 Re06.g07280 Putative uncharacterized protein 8896 19146 29396 Re06.g07290 ARS binding protein Abp2, putative 8897 19147 29397 Re06.g07300 Putative uncharacterized protein 8898 19148 29398 Re06.g0731 0 Acid phosphatase, putative 8899 19149 29399 32026 3351 6 Re06.g07320 Putative uncharacterized protein 8900 19 150 29400 Ribosome biogenesis protein Re06.g07330 BRX1 8901 19 15 1 29401 Re06.g07340 Putative uncharacterized protein 8902 19 152 29402 Re06.g07350 F-box domain protein 8903 19 153 29403 Re06.g07360 Uncharacterized protein 8904 19 154 29404 Re06.g07370 Putative uncharacterized protein 8905 19 155 29405 Re06.g07380 Uncharacterized protein 8906 19 156 29406 32027 3351 7 Re06.g07390 Isochorismatase family protein 8907 19 157 29407 Re06.g07400 Putative uncharacterized protein 8908 19 158 29408 Alpha-galactosidase/alpha-n- Re06.g0741 0 acetylgalactosaminidase 8909 19 159 29409 32028 3351 8 Re06.g07420 Putative uncharacterized protein 891 0 19 160 2941 0 Re06.g07430 Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase 891 1 19 16 1 2941 1 Re06.g07440 Uncharacterized protein 891 2 19 162 2941 2 Re06.g07450 Putative uncharacterized protein 891 3 19 163 2941 3 Re06.g07460 hypothetical protein 8914 19 164 29414 Re06.g07470 Zinc-binding oxidoreductase CipB 891 5 19 165 2941 5 Aspergillus niger contig Re06.g07480 An02c031 0, genomic contig 891 6 19 166 2941 6 32029 3351 9 Re06.g07490 AlphaN-acetylglucosamine 891 7 19 167 2941 7 transferase Re06.g07500 Putative mfs transporter protein 891 8 19 168 2941 8 Re06.g0751 0 hypothetical protein 891 9 19 169 2941 9 Re06.g07520 Short chain dehydrogenase 8920 19 170 29420 32030 33520 Re06.g07530 Allantoin permease, putative 8921 19 17 1 29421 Re06.g07540 Putative uncharacterized protein 8922 19 172 29422 Re06.g07550 Uncharacterized protein 8923 19 173 29423 Re06.g07560 Adenylate-forming enzyme AfeA 8924 19 174 29424 Re06.g07570 Putative xylose transporter 8925 19 175 29425 Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent Re06.g07580 sulfonate dioxygenase 8926 19 176 29426 Re06.g07590 Uncharacterized protein 8927 19 177 29427 Re06.g07600 Dioxygenase-like protein 8928 19 178 29428 Putative monooxygenase-like Re06.g0761 0 protein 8929 19 179 29429 Putative trihydroxytoluene Re06.g07620 oxygenase protein 8930 19 180 29430 Re06.g07630 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 8931 19 18 1 29431 Re06.g07640 Putative uncharacterized protein 8932 19 182 29432 Re06.g07650 Uncharacterized protein 8933 19 183 29433 Re06.g07660 Uncharacterized protein 8934 19 184 29434 Re06.g07670 Uncharacterized protein 8935 19 185 29435 Major facilitator superfamily Re06.g07680 transporter 8936 19 186 29436 Dimethylaniline monooxygenase, Re06.g07690 putative 8937 19 187 29437 32031 33521 Re06.g07700 Putative uncharacterized protein 8938 19 188 29438 32032 33522 Re06.g0771 0 Fungal specific transcription factor 8939 19 189 29439 Glycoside hydrolase family 88 Re06.g07720 protein 8940 19 190 29440 Re06.g07730 Putative uncharacterized protein 8941 19 19 1 29441 32033 33523 Re06.g07740 Uncharacterized protein 8942 19 192 29442 Re06.g07750 Uncharacterized protein 8943 19 193 29443 Re06.g07760 Putative uncharacterized protein 8944 19 194 29444 Re06.g07770 Putative sugar transporter protein 8945 19 195 29445 Re06.g07780 Predicted protein 8946 19 196 29446 32034 33524 Re06.g07790 Putative uncharacterized protein 8947 19 197 29447 32035 33525 Re06.g07800 Uncharacterized protein 8948 19 198 29448 32036 33526 Putative uncharacterized protein Re06.g0781 0 Fragment 8949 19 199 29449 Re06.g07820 Uncharacterized protein 8950 19200 29450 Re06.g07830 Uncharacterized protein 8951 19201 29451 Fungal specific transcription factor Re06.g07840 domain-containing protein 8952 19202 29452 Re06.g07850 Putative uncharacterized protein 8953 19203 29453 Re06.g07860 Predicted protein 8954 19204 29454 Re07.g0001 0 hypothetical protein 8955 19205 29455 Re07.g00020 Putative uncharacterized protein 8956 19206 29456 Re07.g00030 Putative uncharacterized protein 8957 19207 29457 An06g021 50 Precursor Re07.g00040 hypothetical protein 8958 19208 29458 Putative uncharacterized protein Re07.g00050 Fragment 8959 19209 29459 Re07.g00060 Putative uncharacterized protein 8960 1921 0 29460 Putative uncharacterized protein Re07.g00070 Precursor 8961 1921 1 29461 32037 33527 Re07.g00080 Putative uncharacterized protein 8962 1921 2 29462 Re07.g00090 Ankyrin repeat-containing protein 8963 1921 3 29463 Re07.g001 00 Uncharacterized protein 8964 19214 29464 Re07.g001 10 Uncharacterized protein 8965 1921 5 29465 Re07.g001 20 Phenylacrylic acid decarboxylase 8966 1921 6 29466 Re07.g001 30 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase 8967 1921 7 29467 Quinate utilisation oxidoreductase Re07.g00140 QutH 8968 1921 8 29468 32038 33528 Re07.g001 50 Uncharacterized protein 8969 1921 9 29469 Re07.g001 60 Uncharacterized protein 8970 19220 29470 Inositol monophosphatase QutG, Re07.g001 70 putative 8971 19221 29471 Re07.g001 80 Quinic acid utilization activator 8972 19222 29472 Re07.g001 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 8973 19223 29473 Re07.g00200 Putative uncharacterized protein 8974 19224 29474 32039 33529 Re07.g0021 0 Pc1 2g09320 protein 8975 19225 29475 Re07.g00220 O-methyltransferase, putative 8976 19226 29476 Re07.g00230 Oxidoreductase 8977 19227 29477 Re07.g00240 MFS general substrate transporter 8978 19228 29478 Related to prenyl cysteine carboxyl Re07.g00250 methyltransferase 8979 19229 29479 32040 33530 Re07.g00260 Cholinesterase 8980 19230 29480 32041 33531 Re07.g00270 Uncharacterized protein 8981 19231 29481 Re07.g00280 Putative uncharacterized protein 8982 19232 29482 Re07.g00290 Putative uncharacterized protein 8983 19233 29483 Re07.g00300 Uncharacterized protein 8984 19234 29484 32042 33532 Re07.g0031 0 Pc21 g14580 protein Precursor 8985 19235 29485 32043 33533 Re07.g00320 Uncharacterized protein 8986 19236 29486 Re07.g00330 Putative uncharacterized protein 8987 19237 29487 32044 33534 Re07.g00340 Putative uncharacterized protein 8988 19238 29488 32045 33535 Similarity to hypothetical protein YER1 75c -Saccharomyces Re07.g00350 cerevisiae 8989 19239 29489 Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent Re07.g00360 taurine dioxygenase 8990 19240 29490 Re07.g00370 Putative uncharacterized protein 8991 19241 29491 Re07.g00390 Putative uncharacterized protein 8992 19242 29492 Re07.g00400 Uncharacterized protein 8993 19243 29493 Re07.g0041 0 Uncharacterized protein 8994 19244 29494 Re07.g00420 hypothetical protein 8995 19245 29495 Re07.g00430 hypothetical protein 8996 19246 29496 Re07.g00440 Uncharacterized protein 8997 19247 29497 32046 33536 MFS sugar transporter, putative Re07.g00450 Fragment 8998 19248 29498 Re07.g00460 MFS sugar transporter, putative 8999 19249 29499 Re07.g00470 hypothetical protein 9000 19250 29500 Re07.g00480 Putative uncharacterized protein 9001 19251 29501 Re07.g00490 Uncharacterized protein 9002 19252 29502 Re07.g00500 Putative uncharacterized protein 9003 19253 29503 Re07.g0051 0 Uncharacterized protein 9004 19254 29504 Re07.g00520 Uncharacterized protein 9005 19255 29505 Re07.g00530 Putative uncharacterized protein 9006 19256 29506 Re07.g00540 Putative uncharacterized protein 9007 19257 29507 Re07.g00550 Putative uncharacterized protein 9008 19258 29508 Re07.g00560 Predicted protein 9009 19259 29509 32047 33537 Re07.g00570 Putative uncharacterized protein 901 0 19260 2951 0 Re07.g00580 Predicted protein 901 1 19261 2951 1 Re07.g00590 Putative uncharacterized protein 901 2 19262 2951 2 Re07.g00600 Putative uncharacterized protein 901 3 19263 2951 3 Tripeptidyl-peptidase (TppA), Re07.g0061 0 putative 9014 19264 29514 32048 33538 Glycoside hydrolase family 79 Re07.g00620 protein 901 5 19265 2951 5 32049 33539 Re07.g00630 NmrA-like family protein 901 6 19266 2951 6 Re07.g00640 hypothetical protein 901 7 19267 2951 7 Re07.g00650 hypothetical protein 901 8 19268 2951 8 Re07.g00660 hypothetical protein 901 9 19269 2951 9 Re07.g00670 Aquaporin 9020 19270 29520 Re07.g00680 GABA permease, putative 9021 19271 29521 Re07.g00690 Uncharacterized protein 9022 19272 29522 Re07.g00700 Uncharacterized protein 9023 19273 29523 Re07.g0071 0 Fungal specific transcription factor 9024 19274 29524 Re07.g00720 ABC transporter-like protein 9025 19275 29525 Re07.g00730 hypothetical protein 9026 19276 29526 32050 33540 Re07.g00740 Putative uncharacterized protein 9027 19277 29527 Re07.g00750 Putative uncharacterized protein 9028 19278 29528 32051 33541 Re07.g00760 Uncharacterized protein 9029 19279 29529 Re07.g00770 Sugar transporter, putative 9030 19280 29530 Re07.g00780 Putative uncharacterized protein 9031 19281 29531 32052 33542 Re07.g00790 3-phytase B 9032 19282 29532 32053 33543 Re07.g00800 hypothetical protein 9033 19283 29533 32054 33544 Re07.g0081 0 hypothetical protein 9034 19284 29534 32055 33545 Re07.g00820 Uncharacterized protein 9035 19285 29535 Re07.g00830 Predicted protein 9036 19286 29536 Re07.g00840 Putative uncharacterized protein 9037 19287 29537 Re07.g00850 Nitrilase 9038 19288 29538 Re07.g00860 hypothetical protein 9039 19289 29539 Re07.g00880 Uncharacterized protein 9040 19290 29540 32056 33546 Re07.g00890 hypothetical protein 9041 19291 29541 Cell wall glycosyl hydrolase Dfg5, Re07.g00900 putative 9042 19292 29542 32057 33547 Re07.g0091 0 Amidase 9043 19293 29543 32058 33548 Re07.g00920 hypothetical protein 9044 19294 29544 Re07.g00930 hypothetical protein 9045 19295 29545 Re07.g00940 hypothetical protein 9046 19296 29546 Re07.g00950 BZIP transcription factor, putative 9047 19297 29547 Chromatin remodeling complex Re07.g00960 subunit (Arp5), putative 9048 19298 29548 Re07.g00970 Uncharacterized protein 9049 19299 29549 Re07.g00980 Uncharacterized protein 9050 19300 29550 Re07.g00990 Got1 -like family protein 9051 19301 29551 Re07.g01 000 NACHT domain protein 9052 19302 29552 32059 33549 Re07.g01 0 10 Profilin 9053 19303 29553 Re07.g01 020 hypothetical protein 9054 19304 29554 32060 33550 Re07.g01 030 Putative uncharacterized protein 9055 19305 29555 Re07.g01 040 DEAD/DEAH box helicase, putative 9056 19306 29556 Re07.g01 050 Uncharacterized protein 9057 19307 29557 Re07.g01 060 MGMT family protein 9058 19308 29558 Re07.g01 070 Uncharacterized protein 9059 19309 29559 Serine protein kinase Sky1 , Re07.g01 080 putative 9060 1931 0 29560 Re07.g01 090 hypothetical protein 9061 1931 1 29561 Phosphoric ester hydrolase, Re07.g01 100 putative 9062 1931 2 29562 Mitochondrial cytochrome b2, Re07.g01 110 putative 9063 1931 3 29563 Ras-like GTP-binding protein, Re07.g01 120 putative 9064 19314 29564 Re07.g01 130 Uncharacterized protein 9065 1931 5 29565 32061 33551 Re07.g01 140 Uncharacterized protein 9066 1931 6 29566 Nuclear envelope protein Brr6, Re07.g01 150 putative 9067 1931 7 29567 Re07.g01 160 Uncharacterized protein 9068 1931 8 29568 Acetoacetyl-coenzyme A Re07.g01 170 synthetase 9069 1931 9 29569 Putative acetoacetyl-synthase Re07.g01 180 protein 9070 19320 29570 32062 33552 Alpha.alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase subunit, putative Re07.g01 190 EC=2.4.1 .1 5 9071 19321 29571 Re07.g01 200 Amino acid permease 9072 19322 29572 Re07.g01 2 10 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 9073 19323 29573 Putative phthalate transporter Re07.g01 220 protein 9074 19324 29574 32063 33553 DUF1 2 12 domain membrane Re07.g01 230 protein 9075 19325 29575 Re07.g01 240 hypothetical protein 9076 19326 29576 6-phosphofructokinase Re07.g01 250 EC=2.7.1 .1 1 9077 19327 29577 Re07.g01 260 Putative uncharacterized protein 9078 19328 29578 Re07.g01 270 Conserved mitochondrial protein 9079 19329 29579 Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid- coenzyme A transferase Re07.g01 280 EC= 9080 19330 29580 Re07.g01 290 Putative uncharacterized protein 9081 19331 29581 Re07.g01 300 Putative uncharacterized protein 9082 19332 29582 Re07.g01 3 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 9083 19333 29583 32064 33554 Re07.g01 320 hypothetical protein 9084 19334 29584

Mediator of RNA polymerase II Re07.g01 330 transcription subunit 17 9085 19335 29585 IMP-specific 5'-nucleotidase 1 Re07.g01 340 EC=3.1 .3.- 9086 19336 29586 Re07.g01 350 Uncharacterized protein 9087 19337 29587 Re07.g01 360 Putative uncharacterized protein 9088 19338 29588 Patatin-like serine hydrolase, Re07.g01 370 putative 9089 19339 29589 Re07.g01 380 Putative uncharacterized protein 9090 19340 29590 Re07.g01 390 Putative uncharacterized protein 9091 19341 29591 32065 33555 Re07.g01400 hypothetical protein 9092 19342 29592 Vesicle-mediated transport protein Re07.g0141 0 (Imh1 ), putative 9093 19343 29593 Plasma membrane channel protein Re07.g01420 (Aqy1 ), putative 9094 19344 29594 32066 33556 Re07.g01430 Na+/K+ ATPase, alpha subunit 9095 19345 29595 Sterol 24-c-methyltransferase, Re07.g01440 putative 9096 19346 29596 Pre-RNA splicing factor Slt1 1, Re07.g01450 putative 9097 19347 29597 Mitochondrial zinc maintenance Re07.g01460 protein 1, mitochondrial Precursor 9098 19348 29598 Ribosome associated DnaJ Re07.g01470 chaperone Zuotin, putative 9099 19349 29599 Aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase Re07.g01480 Aad14, putative 9 100 19350 29600 Re07.g01490 Uncharacterized protein 9 10 1 19351 29601 32067 33557 Re07.g01 500 hypothetical protein 9 102 19352 29602 32068 33558 Probable endo-beta-1 ,4-glucanase Re07.g01 520 celB EC=3.2. 1.4 Precursor 9 103 19353 29603 32069 33559 Re07.g01 530 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 104 19354 29604 Re07.g01 540 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 105 19355 29605 Re07.g01 550 Uncharacterized protein 9 106 19356 29606 Re07.g01 560 High affinity methionine permease 9 107 19357 29607 Re07.g01 570 hypothetical protein 9 108 19358 29608 Re07.g01 580 Uncharacterized protein 9 109 19359 29609 32070 33560 Re07.g01 590 hypothetical protein 9 110 19360 2961 0 Re07.g01 600 Uncharacterized protein 9 111 19361 2961 1 Serine peptidase, family S28, Re07.g01 6 10 putative 9 112 19362 2961 2 32071 33561 Re07.g01 620 Chlorohydrolase family protein 9 113 19363 2961 3 EC= Glycine dehydrogenase Re07.g01 630 EC=1 .3.1 .74 9 114 19364 29614 Re07.g01 640 MFS transporter, putative 9 115 19365 2961 5 32072 33562 Re07.g01 650 hypothetical protein 9 116 19366 2961 6 Re07.g01 660 Pc22g041 50 protein 9 117 19367 2961 7 Re07.g01 670 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 118 19368 2961 8 32073 33563 Re07.g01 680 C6 zinc finger domain protein 9 119 19369 2961 9 MFS monocarboxylate transporter, Re07.g01 690 putative 9 120 19370 29620 Re07.g01 700 Cupin domain protein 9 12 1 19371 29621 Re07.g01 7 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 122 19372 29622 Aromatic-L-amino-acid Re07.g01 720 decarboxylase 9 123 19373 29623 Re07.g01 730 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 124 19374 29624 32074 33564 Re07.g01 750 DNA repair protein Nse1 , putative 9 125 19375 29625 FAD dependent oxidoreductase Re07.g01 760 superfamily 9 126 19376 29626 Short-chain Re07.g01 770 dehydrogenase/reductase, putative 9 127 19377 29627 Re07.g01 780 Hexokinase XprF 9 128 19378 29628 Chromatin remodeling complex Re07.g01 790 subunit (Arp9), putative 9 129 19379 29629 Re07.g01 800 hypothetical protein 9 130 19380 29630 Re07.g01 8 10 C2H2 finger domain protein 9 13 1 19381 29631 Re07.g01 820 Fascidin domain containing protein 9 132 19382 29632 32075 33565 Re07.g01 830 Uncharacterized protein 9 133 19383 29633 Re07.g01 840 MFS transporter 9 134 19384 29634 Re07.g01 850 Similar to An1 3g01 980 9 135 19385 29635 Re07.g01 860 Uncharacterized protein 9 136 19386 29636 Re07.g01 870 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 137 19387 29637 SNF7 family protein Fti1/Did2, putative (AFU orthologue Re07.g01 880 AFUA_3G04060) 9 138 19388 29638 Re07.g01 890 BZIP transcription factor HacA 9 139 19389 29639 32076 33566 rRNA processing protein Bystin, Re07.g01 900 putative 9140 19390 29640 Re07.g01 9 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 9141 19391 29641 (S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase, Re07.g01 920 putative 9142 19392 29642 Re07.g01 930 Uncharacterized protein 9143 19393 29643 Glutamyl-tRNA amidotransferase, Re07.g01 940 A subunit, putative 9144 19394 29644 Mitochondrial enoyl reductase, Re07.g01 950 putative 9145 19395 29645 Re07.g01 960 Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family 9146 19396 29646 32077 33567 Pyruvate dehydrogenase E 1 beta Re07.g01 970 subunit PdbA, putative 9147 19397 29647 32078 33568 Re07.g01 980 Uncharacterized protein 9148 19398 29648 GNAT family acetyltransferase, Re07.g01 990 putative 9149 19399 29649 Re07.g02000 Uncharacterized protein 9 150 19400 29650 N2,N2-dimethylguanosine tRNA Re07.g0201 0 methyltransferase 9 15 1 19401 29651 Re07.g02020 Uncharacterized protein 9 152 19402 29652 Fatty acid synthase alpha subunit Re07.g02030 FasA 9 153 19403 29653 Fatty acid synthase beta subunit, Re07.g02040 putative EC=2.3.1 .38 9 154 19404 29654 Re07.g02050 Transcription initiation factor IIF 9 155 19405 29655 S-M checkpoint control protein CID1 and related Re07.g02060 nucleotidyltransferases 9 156 19406 29656 Re07.g02070 Uncharacterized protein 9 157 19407 29657 Re07.g02080 Uncharacterized protein 9 158 19408 29658 Re07.g02090 Predicted protein 9 159 19409 29659 Re07.g021 00 Lipase/serine esterase, putative 9 160 1941 0 29660 Re07.g021 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 16 1 1941 1 29661 Actin cytoskeleton organization and Re07.g021 20 biogenesis protein, putative 9 162 1941 2 29662 Re07.g021 30 SnoRNA binding protein 9 163 1941 3 29663 Re07.g02140 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 164 19414 29664 Re07.g021 50 DUF652 domain-containing protein 9 165 1941 5 29665 32079 33569 Re07.g021 60 Transposase 9 166 1941 6 29666 Re07.g021 70 Transposon, putative 9 167 1941 7 29667 Re07.g021 80 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 168 1941 8 29668 Re07.g021 90 hypothetical protein 9 169 1941 9 29669 Re07.g02200 hypothetical protein 9 170 19420 29670 Re07.g0221 0 hypothetical protein 9 17 1 19421 29671 Re07.g02220 hypothetical protein 9 172 19422 29672 Re07.g02230 hypothetical protein 9 173 19423 29673 Re07.g02240 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 174 19424 29674 32080 33570 Re07.g02250 hypothetical protein 9 175 19425 29675 32081 33571 Re07.g02260 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 176 19426 29676 Re07.g02270 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 177 19427 29677 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re07.g02280 putative 9 178 19428 29678 C-4 methyl sterol oxidase Erg25, Re07.g02290 putative 9 179 19429 29679 Re07.g02300 Uncharacterized protein 9 180 19430 29680 Re07.g0231 0 Rab GTPase SrgA, putative 9 18 1 19431 29681 Re07.g02320 Predicted protein 9 182 19432 29682 Re07.g02330 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 183 19433 29683 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re07.g02340 TYA 9 184 19434 29684 Re07.g02350 AAA family ATPase, putative 9 185 19435 29685 Inositol kinase kinase (UvsB), Re07.g02360 putative EC=2.7.1 1.1 9 186 19436 29686 tRNA specific adenosine Re07.g02370 deaminase 9 187 19437 29687 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re07.g02380 2 1 kDa subunit, putative 9 188 19438 29688 Re07.g02390 Pc1 3g05650 protein 9 189 19439 29689 FGGY-family carbohydrate kinase, Re07.g02400 putative 9 190 19440 29690 Re07.g0241 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 19 1 19441 29691 32082 33572 Re07.g02420 Uncharacterized protein 9 192 19442 29692 Protein tyrosine phosphatase Re07.g02430 (Pyp1 ), putative 9 193 19443 29693 Cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein cox1 6, mitochondrial Re07.g02440 Precursor 9 194 19444 29694 Re07.g02450 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 195 19445 29695 32083 33573 Re07.g02460 Riboflavin-specific deaminase 9 196 19446 29696 Calcium permease family Re07.g02470 membrane transporter 9 197 19447 29697 Proteasome regulatory particle Re07.g02480 subunit Rpt6, putative 9 198 19448 29698 Re07.g02490 Putative uncharacterized protein 9 199 19449 29699 Re07.g02500 Putative uncharacterized protein 9200 19450 29700 Ubiquitin fusion degradation protein Re07.g0251 0 (Ufd1 ), putative 9201 19451 29701 Rab GTPase interacting factor, Re07.g02520 Golgi family membrane protein 9202 19452 29702 Outer membrane protein, OMP85 Re07.g02530 family 9203 19453 29703 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Re07.g02540 Ubc6, putative 9204 19454 29704 Re07.g02550 Uncharacterized protein 9205 19455 29705 Re07.g02560 Cytochrome C 1 heme lyase 9206 19456 29706 Re07.g02570 ABC1 family protein 9207 19457 29707 Re07.g02580 Uncharacterized protein 9208 19458 29708 Re07.g02590 Putative uncharacterized protein 9209 19459 29709 Re07.g02600 Flocculation suppression protein 921 0 19460 2971 0 Re07.g0261 0 Predicted protein 921 1 19461 2971 1 Succinyl-CoA synthetase beta Re07.g02620 subunit, putative EC=6.2. 1.5 921 2 19462 2971 2 Short chain Re07.g02630 dehydrogenase/reductase, putative 921 3 19463 2971 3 C4-dicarboxylate/malic acid Re07.g02640 transporter 9214 19464 29714 Xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl Re07.g02650 transferase Xpt1 , putative 921 5 19465 2971 5 Re07.g02660 Putative uncharacterized protein 921 6 19466 2971 6 Re07.g02670 Uncharacterized protein 921 7 19467 2971 7 Re07.g02680 Uncharacterized protein 921 8 19468 2971 8 Re07.g02690 Putative uncharacterized protein 921 9 19469 2971 9 Re07.g02700 Putative uncharacterized protein 9220 19470 29720 Conserved leucine-rich repeat Re07.g0271 0 protein 9221 19471 29721 Re07.g02720 Uncharacterized protein 9222 19472 29722 32084 33574 Re07.g02730 Actin family protein 9223 19473 29723 Re07.g02740 Putative uncharacterized protein 9224 19474 29724 Re07.g02750 IBR domain-containing protein 9225 19475 29725 Re07.g02760 Uncharacterized protein 9226 19476 29726 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA Re07.g02770 dehydrogenase, putative 9227 19477 29727 32085 33575 Re07.g02780 Mating-type switching protein swil 9228 19478 29728 Re07.g02790 Uncharacterized protein 9229 19479 29729 Re07.g02800 Putative uncharacterized protein 9230 19480 29730 Re07.g0281 0 Uncharacterized protein 9231 19481 29731 Re07.g02820 Uncharacterized protein 9232 19482 29732 32086 33576 Re07.g02830 Uncharacterized protein 9233 19483 29733 MFS transporter, SP family, Re07.g02840 sugar:H+ symporter 9234 19484 29734 Re07.g02850 Glucanase 9235 19485 29735 Re07.g02860 Predicted protein 9236 19486 29736 Re07.g02870 Putative uncharacterized protein 9237 19487 29737 Re07.g02880 Predicted dehydrogenase 9238 19488 29738 TFIIH and nucleotide excision repair factor 3 complexes subunit Re07.g02890 (Tfb2), putative 9239 19489 29739 Re07.g02900 Putative uncharacterized protein 9240 19490 29740 Re07.g0291 0 DEAD helicase superfamily protein 9241 19491 29741 THO complex subunit Tho1 , Re07.g02920 putative 9242 19492 29742 Homeobox transcription factor, Re07.g02930 putative 9243 19493 29743 Copper resistance protein Crd2, Re07.g02940 putative 9244 19494 29744 AP-2 adaptor complex subunit Re07.g02950 alpha, putative 9245 19495 29745 Alanine racemase family protein, Re07.g02960 putative 9246 19496 29746 Re07.g02970 hypothetical protein 9247 19497 29747 Re07.g02980 hypothetical protein 9248 19498 29748 Re07.g02990 Uncharacterized protein 9249 19499 29749 Re07.g03000 AN1 zinc finger protein 9250 19500 29750 Re07.g0301 0 Thymidylate synthase EC=2. 1.1.45 9251 19501 29751 Queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase Re07.g03020 EC= 9252 19502 29752 Re07.g03030 Uncharacterized protein 9253 19503 29753 Re07.g03040 hypothetical protein 9254 19504 29754 Re07.g03050 Putative uncharacterized protein 9255 19505 29755 Re07.g03060 hypothetical protein 9256 19506 29756 Re07.g03070 Uncharacterized protein 9257 19507 29757 Re07.g03080 Uncharacterized protein 9258 19508 29758 32087 33577 Myo-inositol-1 (Or 4)- Re07.g03090 monophosphatase 9259 19509 29759 Re07.g031 00 Putative uncharacterized protein 9260 1951 0 29760 32088 33578 Re07.g031 10 Chitin synthase B EC=2.4. 1.16 9261 1951 1 29761 Re07.g031 20 Integral membrane protein 9262 1951 2 29762 32089 33579 Re07.g031 30 LysM domain-containing protein 9263 1951 3 29763 Nuclear pore complex protein Re07.g03140 (Son A), putative 9264 19514 29764 Re07.g031 50 TAM domain methyltransferase 9265 1951 5 29765 Re07.g031 60 Uncharacterized protein 9266 1951 6 29766 Re07.g031 70 Uncharacterized protein 9267 1951 7 29767 Re07.g031 80 hypothetical protein 9268 1951 8 29768 Re07.g031 90 hypothetical protein 9269 1951 9 29769 Mitochondrial ATPase (Afg1 ), Re07.g03200 putative 9270 19520 29770 Re07.g0321 0 Uncharacterized protein 9271 19521 29771 Re07.g03220 ABC transporter 9272 19522 29772 Re07.g03230 C6 transcription factor, putative 9273 19523 29773 32090 33580 Similarity to EST SEQ ID NO:4295 Re07.g03240 from patent WO200056762-A2 9274 19524 29774 Re07.g03250 hypothetical protein 9275 19525 29775 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re07.g03260 putative 9276 19526 29776 Protein kinase activator Bem1 , Re07.g03270 putative 9277 19527 29777 Re07.g03280 SAC3/GANP domain protein 9278 19528 29778 Vacuolar protein sorting protein Re07.g03290 (Vps36), putative 9279 19529 29779 Conserved serine-threonine rich Re07.g03300 protein 9280 19530 29780 32091 33581 Re07.g0331 0 Uncharacterized protein 9281 19531 29781 Re07.g03320 hypothetical protein 9282 19532 29782 Re07.g03330 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 9283 19533 29783 32092 33582 Re07.g03340 Ammonium transporter, putative 9284 19534 29784 Re07.g03350 Putative uncharacterized protein 9285 19535 29785 Re07.g03360 RING finger protein (Zin), putative 9286 19536 29786 Re07.g03370 Cystathionine beta-lyase MetG 9287 19537 29787 Fungal specific transcription factor Re07.g03380 domain protein 9288 19538 29788 Re07.g03390 hypothetical protein 9289 19539 29789 GPI-anchor biosynthetic protein Re07.g03400 (Mcd4), putative 9290 19540 29790 32093 33583 Chromosome segregation protein Re07.g0341 0 (Pcs1 ), putative 9291 19541 29791 Membrane-spanning ATPase, Re07.g03420 putative 9292 19542 29792 32094 33584 Re07.g03430 LysM domain protein, putative 9293 19543 29793 Re07.g03440 Uncharacterized protein 9294 19544 29794 32095 33585 Re07.g03450 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase 9295 19545 29795 Re07.g03460 Histidinol-phosphatase 9296 19546 29796 Re07.g03470 Pc1 3g061 30 protein 9297 19547 29797 32096 33586 Re07.g03480 Putative uncharacterized protein 9298 19548 29798 Ribosome biogenesis protein Re07.g03490 (Rrs1 ), putative 9299 19549 29799 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein Re07.g03500 DAP3, putative 9300 19550 29800 32097 33587 Re07.g0351 0 Uncharacterized protein 9301 19551 29801 Re07.g03520 Ferric-chelate reductase, putative 9302 19552 29802 Re07.g03530 Cysteine synthase 9303 19553 29803 32098 33588 Putative mfs drug transporter Re07.g03540 protein 9304 19554 29804 Re07.g03550 hypothetical protein 9305 19555 29805 Re07.g03560 hypothetical protein 9306 19556 29806 Re07.g03570 hypothetical protein 9307 19557 29807 32099 33589 Re07.g03580 hypothetical protein 9308 19558 29808 Transcriptional regulator Re07.g03590 PacG/VIB-1 9309 19559 29809 Re07.g03600 hypothetical protein 931 0 19560 2981 0 Re07.g0361 0 Beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase 931 1 19561 2981 1 Glucosamine-6-phosphate Re07.g03620 isomerase 931 2 19562 2981 2 Re07.g03630 Choline oxidase (CodA), putative 931 3 19563 2981 3 Re07.g03640 Uncharacterized protein 9314 19564 29814 N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate Re07.g03650 deacetylase 931 5 19565 2981 5 Re07.g03660 DUF895 domain membrane protein 931 6 19566 2981 6 Re07.g03670 Pol Fragment 931 7 19567 2981 7 Re07.g03680 Putative uncharacterized protein 931 8 19568 2981 8 Re07.g03690 Galactoside O-acetyltransferase 931 9 19569 2981 9 Re07.g03700 Uncharacterized protein 9320 19570 29820 321 00 33590 Re07.g0371 0 Uncharacterized protein 9321 19571 29821 Re07.g03720 hypothetical protein 9322 19572 29822 C6 transcription factor (Ct B), Re07.g03730 putative 9323 19573 29823 Re07.g03740 Pc1 3g08550 protein 9324 19574 29824 Re07.g03750 Putative uncharacterized protein 9325 19575 29825 Re07.g03760 Sugar transport protein 9326 19576 29826 321 0 1 33591 Re07.g03770 Predicted protein 9327 19577 29827 Re07.g03780 Pc24g00420 protein 9328 19578 29828 Re07.g03790 Putative uncharacterized protein 9329 19579 29829 321 02 33592 Re07.g03800 Putative uncharacterized protein 9330 19580 29830 Re07.g0381 0 Uncharacterized protein 9331 19581 29831 Re07.g03820 Uncharacterized protein 9332 19582 29832 321 03 33593 Re07.g03830 Uncharacterized protein 9333 19583 29833 321 04 33594 Re07.g03840 Uncharacterized protein 9334 19584 29834 Sodium/calcium transporter, Re07.g03850 putative 9335 19585 29835 Re07.g03860 Uncharacterized protein 9336 19586 29836 321 05 33595 Re07.g03870 Putative uncharacterized protein 9337 19587 29837 Re07.g03880 MFS transporter 9338 19588 29838 321 06 33596 Re07.g03890 Putative uncharacterized protein 9339 19589 29839 Re07.g03900 Protein sip5 9340 19590 29840 Re07.g0391 0 Uncharacterized protein 9341 19591 29841 Re07.g03930 Uncharacterized protein 9342 19592 29842 Actin cytoskeleton protein (VIP1 ), Re07.g03940 putative 9343 19593 29843 Re07.g03950 hypothetical protein 9344 19594 29844 Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay Re07.g03960 protein (Nmd5), putative 9345 19595 29845 Re07.g03970 Putative uncharacterized protein 9346 19596 29846 Re07.g03980 Putative uncharacterized protein 9347 19597 29847 Mitochondrial Hsp70 chaperone Re07.g03990 (Ssc70), putative 9348 19598 29848 Putative uncharacterized protein Re07.g04000 An1 6g051 20 9349 19599 29849 Re07.g0401 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9350 19600 29850 AMP-binding enzyme (Fum1 6), Re07.g04020 putative 9351 19601 29851 Re07.g04030 Putative uncharacterized protein 9352 19602 29852 321 07 33597 Re07.g04040 hypothetical protein 9353 19603 29853 Re07.g04050 Putative uncharacterized protein 9354 19604 29854 Re07.g04060 hypothetical protein 9355 19605 29855 Re07.g04070 hypothetical protein 9356 19606 29856 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re07.g04080 factor 3 subunit G 9357 19607 29857 Re07.g04090 Purine-cytosine permease 9358 19608 29858 40S ribosomal protein S29, Re07.g041 00 putative 9359 19609 29859 Oxidoreductase, 2-nitropropane Re07.g041 10 dioxygenase family, putative 9360 1961 0 29860 Re07.g041 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 9361 1961 1 29861 Re07.g041 30 Putative uncharacterized protein 9362 1961 2 29862 Re07.g04140 Uncharacterized protein 9363 1961 3 29863 Re07.g041 50 Putative uncharacterized protein 9364 19614 29864 Re07.g041 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 9365 1961 5 29865 Re07.g041 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 9366 1961 6 29866 Mandelate racemase/muconate Re07.g041 80 lactonizing enzyme family protein 9367 1961 7 29867 Re07.g041 90 Putative uncharacterized protein 9368 1961 8 29868 Re07.g04200 Predicted protein 9369 1961 9 29869 Re07.g0421 0 hypothetical protein 9370 19620 29870 Re07.g04220 Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase 9371 19621 29871 Re07.g04230 Putative uncharacterized protein 9372 19622 29872 321 08 33598 Re07.g04240 Uncharacterized protein 9373 19623 29873 Re07.g04250 Putative uncharacterized protein 9374 19624 29874 321 09 33599 Re07.g04260 Putative uncharacterized protein 9375 19625 29875 Re07.g04270 Uncharacterized protein 9376 19626 29876 Re07.g04280 Uncharacterized protein 9377 19627 29877 Superoxide dismutase copper Re07.g04290 chaperone Lys7, putative 9378 19628 29878 Re07.g04300 PB1 domain protein, putative 9379 19629 29879 Function: Tto1 can transpose autonomously through reverse transcription EC= EC= EC= Re07.g0431 0 EC= 9380 19630 29880 Re07.g04320 SNARE protein (Ufe1), putative 9381 19631 29881 Re07.g04330 Aspartate transaminase 9382 19632 29882 RING finger domain protein, Re07.g04340 putative 9383 19633 29883 321 10 33600 Re07.g04350 Putative uncharacterized protein 9384 19634 29884 Re07.g04360 Putative uncharacterized protein 9385 19635 29885 Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase family Re07.g04370 protein 9386 19636 29886 Re07.g04380 Serine/threonine protein kinase 9387 19637 29887 Re07.g04390 Pc22g 19390 protein 9388 19638 29888 321 11 33601 Re07.g04400 Uncharacterized protein 9389 19639 29889 Re07.g0441 0 Biotin apo-protein ligase, putative 9390 19640 29890 Re07.g04420 Uncharacterized protein 9391 19641 29891 Re07.g04430 HVA22 domain membrane protein 9392 19642 29892 321 12 33602 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re07.g04440 factor subunit elF-4F, putative 9393 19643 29893 Universal stress protein family Re07.g04450 domain protein 9394 19644 29894 Re07.g04460 Putative uncharacterized protein 9395 19645 29895 Re07.g04470 hypothetical protein 9396 19646 29896 321 13 33603 Re07.g04480 Flavohemoprotein 9397 19647 29897 Re07.g04490 hypothetical protein 9398 19648 29898 Re07.g04500 Uncharacterized protein 9399 19649 29899 Re07.g0451 0 Uncharacterized protein 9400 19650 29900 Re07.g04520 Uncharacterized protein 9401 19651 29901 321 14 33604 Re07.g04530 Putative uncharacterized protein 9402 19652 29902 321 15 33605 DNA repair protein Rhp26/Rad26, Re07.g04540 putative 9403 19653 29903 Re07.g04550 Protein kinase Yak1 , putative 9404 19654 29904 Eukaryotic translation initiation Re07.g04560 factor 3 subunit C 9405 19655 29905 Re07.g04570 hypothetical protein 9406 19656 29906 ELL complex subunit Eap30, Re07.g04580 putative 9407 19657 29907 Re07.g04590 60S ribosomal protein L7, putative 9408 19658 29908 Re07.g04600 Uncharacterized protein 9409 19659 29909 Peroxisomal multifunctional beta- oxidation protein (MFP), putative Re07.g0461 0 EC=4.2.1 .1 07 941 0 19660 2991 0 Re07.g04620 Uncharacterized protein 941 1 19661 2991 1 Re07.g04630 Rab geranylgeranyl transferase 941 2 19662 2991 2 Re07.g04640 Uncharacterized protein 941 3 19663 2991 3 Re07.g04650 Putative uncharacterized protein 9414 19664 29914 DNA mismatch repair protein Re07.g04660 MSH3 941 5 19665 2991 5 Re07.g04670 Complex: RPS28B 941 6 19666 2991 6 DNA mismatch repair protein Msh3 Re07.g04680 Fragment 941 7 19667 2991 7 Re07.g04690 Short-chain dehydrogenase 941 8 19668 2991 8 Alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc- Re07.g04700 containing 941 9 19669 2991 9 Multidrug resistance-associated Re07.g0471 0 protein, putative 9420 19670 29920 321 16 33606 Re07.g04720 Uncharacterized protein 9421 19671 29921 Re07.g04730 Uncharacterized protein 9422 19672 29922 Re07.g04740 Putative uncharacterized protein 9423 19673 29923 Re07.g04750 Uncharacterized protein 9424 19674 29924 Re07.g04760 hypothetical protein 9425 19675 29925 O-methylsterigmatocystin Re07.g04770 oxidoreductase, putative 9426 19676 29926 Re07.g04780 Uncharacterized protein 9427 19677 29927 Re07.g04790 Pc1 2g02140 protein 9428 19678 29928 Re07.g04800 Putative uncharacterized protein 9429 19679 29929 Re07.g0481 0 Uncharacterized protein 9430 19680 29930 321 17 33607 Dimethylaniline monooxygenase Re07.g04820 (N-oxide forming) 9431 19681 29931 Re07.g04830 Mannose-binding lectin 9432 19682 29932 Re07.g04840 Uncharacterized protein 9433 19683 29933 Re07.g04850 Pfs domain-containing protein 9434 19684 29934 Re07.g04860 Putative uncharacterized protein 9435 19685 29935 Re07.g04870 Uncharacterized protein 9436 19686 29936 321 18 33608 TfdA family oxidoreductase, Re07.g04880 putative 9437 19687 29937 Re07.g04890 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 9438 19688 29938 Re07.g04900 Putative uncharacterized protein 9439 19689 29939 Re07.g0491 0 Predicted protein 9440 19690 29940 Re07.g04920 Uncharacterized protein 9441 19691 29941 Putative short-chain Re07.g04930 dehydrogenase reductase protein 9442 19692 29942 Related to 0 - methylsterigmatocystin Re07.g04940 oxidoreductase 9443 19693 29943 321 19 33609 Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family Re07.g04950 oxidoreductase, putative 9444 19694 29944 Re07.g04960 Uncharacterized protein 9445 19695 29945 Re07.g04970 Uncharacterized protein 9446 19696 29946 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re07.g04980 putative 9447 19697 29947 Re07.g04990 Predicted protein 9448 19698 29948 Re07.g05000 Putative uncharacterized protein 9449 19699 29949 Re07.g0501 0 hypothetical protein 9450 19700 29950 Re07.g05020 TBC domain protein, putative 9451 19701 29951 Re07.g05030 Beta-glucuronidase 9452 19702 29952 321 20 3361 0 Re07.g05040 Uncharacterized protein 9453 19703 29953 Re07.g05050 Predicted protein 9454 19704 29954 Re07.g05060 Putative uncharacterized protein 9455 19705 29955 Putative uncharacterized protein Re07.g05070 Fragment 9456 19706 29956 Re07.g05080 Putative uncharacterized protein 9457 19707 29957 Re07.g05090 Putative uncharacterized protein 9458 19708 29958 Re07.g051 00 hypothetical protein 9459 19709 29959 Re07.g051 10 C6 transcription factor, putative 9460 1971 0 29960 Re07.g051 30 Uncharacterized protein 9461 1971 1 29961 Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, Re07.g05140 putative 9462 1971 2 29962 NF-X1 finger transcription factor, Re07.g051 50 putative 9463 1971 3 29963 Re07.g051 60 hypothetical protein 9464 19714 29964 Re07.g051 70 Uncharacterized protein 9465 1971 5 29965 Re07.g051 80 Uncharacterized protein 9466 1971 6 29966 Re07.g051 90 Vacuolar calcium ion transporter 9467 1971 7 29967 Ca2+/H+ antiporter VCX1 and Re07.g05200 related proteins 9468 1971 8 29968 Re07.g0521 0 Vacuolar calcium ion transporter 9469 1971 9 29969 Re07.g05220 Endoglucanase, putative 9470 19720 29970 321 2 1 3361 1 Re07.g05230 Putative uncharacterized protein 9471 19721 29971 Re07.g05240 RTA1 domain protein, putative 9472 19722 29972 Re07.g05250 Uncharacterized protein 9473 19723 29973 Re07.g05260 Putative uncharacterized protein 9474 19724 29974 Re07.g05270 Sulfhydryl oxidase EC=1 .8.3.2 9475 19725 29975 321 22 3361 2 Re07.g05280 Putative uncharacterized protein 9476 19726 29976 321 23 3361 3 F 1F O ATP synthase assembly Re07.g05290 protein Atp 1 , putative 9477 19727 29977 Re07.g05300 BEM46 family protein 9478 19728 29978 Proteasome subunit beta type Re07.g0531 0 EC= 9479 19729 29979 Cyclin-dependent protein kinase Re07.g05320 complex component, putative 9480 19730 29980 Re07.g05330 hypothetical protein 9481 19731 29981 Re07.g05340 Putative uncharacterized protein 9482 19732 29982 Re07.g05350 DUF453 domain-containing protein 9483 19733 29983 Re07.g05360 hypothetical protein 9484 19734 29984 Re07.g05370 Putative uncharacterized protein 9485 19735 29985 Re07.g05380 hypothetical protein 9486 19736 29986 Re07.g05390 Ulp1 protease family protein 9487 19737 29987 Rho guanyl nucleotide exchange Re07.g05400 factor, putative 9488 19738 29988 Telomerase reverse transcriptase, Re07.g0541 0 putative EC= 9489 19739 29989 Cycloheximide resistance protein, Re07.g05420 putative 9490 19740 29990 Re07.g05430 Monoxygenase, putative 9491 19741 29991 321 24 33614 Re07.g05440 Cytochrome P450, putative 9492 19742 29992 321 25 3361 5 Glucose-methanol-choline Re07.g05450 oxidoreductase 9493 19743 29993 Re07.g05460 Uncharacterized protein 9494 19744 29994 Re07.g05470 Putative uncharacterized protein 9495 19745 29995 Re07.g05480 Uncharacterized protein 9496 19746 29996 Re07.g05490 MFS general substrate transporter 9497 19747 29997 Re07.g05500 hypothetical protein 9498 19748 29998 Re07.g0551 0 Uncharacterized protein 9499 19749 29999 Re07.g05520 Oxidoreductase, putative 9500 19750 30000 Re07.g05530 Uncharacterized protein 9501 19751 30001 321 26 3361 6 Re07.g05540 Glycosyl hydrolase, putative 9502 19752 30002 Re07.g05550 Uncharacterized protein 9503 19753 30003 Re07.g05560 Uncharacterized protein 9504 19754 30004 Re07.g05570 Uncharacterized protein 9505 19755 30005 Re07.g05580 Reverse transcriptase, putative 9506 19756 30006 Re07.g05590 Uncharacterized protein 9507 19757 30007 Re07.g05600 Putative uncharacterized protein 9508 19758 30008 Re07.g0561 0 Uncharacterized protein 9509 19759 30009 Re07.g05620 Uncharacterized protein 951 0 19760 3001 0 321 27 3361 7 Re07.g05630 Uncharacterized protein 951 1 19761 3001 1 Re07.g05640 Uncharacterized protein 951 2 19762 3001 2 Re07.g05650 Uncharacterized protein 951 3 19763 3001 3 Re07.g05660 hypothetical protein 9514 19764 30014 321 28 3361 8 ATP synthase subunit ATP9, Re07.g05670 putative 951 5 19765 3001 5 321 29 3361 9 Beta-1 ,6 glucan synthetase (Kre6), Re07.g05680 putative 951 6 19766 3001 6 Re07.g05690 Putative uncharacterized protein 951 7 19767 3001 7 321 30 33620 Re07.g05700 Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 951 8 19768 3001 8 Re07.g0571 0 Uncharacterized protein 951 9 19769 3001 9 Re07.g05720 Putative uncharacterized protein 9520 19770 30020 Re07.g05730 hypothetical protein 9521 19771 30021 Re07.g05740 MFS sugar transporter, putative 9522 19772 30022 Phosphoglycerate mutase family Re07.g05750 protein 9523 19773 30023 Re07.g05760 Ribonucleoprotein, putative 9524 19774 30024 Re07.g05770 Fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase 9525 19775 30025 Vacuolar morphogenesis protein Re07.g05780 AvaB, putative 9526 19776 30026 Re07.g05790 Putative uncharacterized protein 9527 19777 30027 Re07.g05800 Uncharacterized protein 9528 19778 30028 Re07.g0581 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9529 19779 30029 Re07.g05820 Putative uncharacterized protein 9530 19780 30030 Malate dehydrogenase Re07.g05830 EC=1 .1.1 .37 9531 19781 30031 Re07.g05840 Protein transport protein BOS1 9532 19782 30032 Probable alpha-galactosidase D Re07.g05850 EC=3.2.1 .22 Precursor 9533 19783 30033 321 3 1 33621 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, Re07.g05860 dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase 9534 19784 30034 Guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor Re07.g05870 (Sec7), putative 9535 19785 30035 Re07.g05880 Siroheme synthase Met8, putative 9536 19786 30036 Ribose phosphate Re07.g05890 diphosphokinase Prs1 , putative 9537 19787 30037 321 32 33622 Re07.g05900 Uncharacterized protein 9538 19788 30038 Re07.g0591 0 Uncharacterized protein 9539 19789 30039 Re07.g05920 Uncharacterized protein 9540 19790 30040 Re07.g05930 Uncharacterized protein 9541 19791 30041 Re07.g05940 hypothetical protein 9542 19792 30042 Re07.g05950 Uncharacterized protein 9543 19793 30043 Translation elongation factor eEF- Re07.g05960 3, putative 9544 19794 30044 Re07.g05970 Putative uncharacterized protein 9545 19795 30045 321 33 33623 Re07.g05980 Putative uncharacterized protein 9546 19796 30046 Putative copper-translocating p- Re07.g05990 type atpase protein 9547 19797 30047 Re07.g06000 Putative uncharacterized protein 9548 19798 30048 321 34 33624 Re07.g0601 0 hypothetical protein 9549 19799 30049 Re07.g06020 Putative uncharacterized protein 9550 19800 30050 Re07.g06030 Glucanase, putative 9551 19801 30051 APSES transcription factor (MbpA), Re07.g06040 putative 9552 19802 30052 Re07.g06050 Title: questionable ORF 9553 19803 30053 Re07.g06060 Putative uncharacterized protein 9554 19804 30054 Re07.g06070 Sugar transporter family protein 9555 19805 30055 Re07.g06080 hypothetical protein 9556 19806 30056 GPI maturation protein (Bst1 ), Re07.g06090 putative 9557 19807 30057 Re07.g061 00 Uncharacterized protein 9558 19808 30058 321 35 33625 Re07.g061 10 hypothetical protein 9559 19809 30059 Re07.g061 20 hypothetical protein 9560 1981 0 30060 Re07.g061 30 Uncharacterized protein 9561 1981 1 30061 321 36 33626 Re07.g06140 Pc1 3g02260 protein 9562 1981 2 30062 Re07.g061 50 Uncharacterized protein 9563 1981 3 30063 DEAD/DEAH box helicase, putative

Re07.g061 60 (AFU. orthologue AFUA_7G05530) 9564 19814 30064 321 37 33627 Re07.g061 70 Uncharacterized protein 9565 1981 5 30065 RSC complex subunit (RSC8), Re07.g061 80 putative 9566 1981 6 30066 Chromosome transmission fidelity Re07.g061 90 protein 18 9567 1981 7 30067 Re07.g06200 hypothetical protein 9568 1981 8 30068 Electron transfer flavoprotein alpha Re07.g0621 0 subunit, putative 9569 1981 9 30069 Re07.g06220 Putative uncharacterized protein 9570 19820 30070 NAD-binding Rossmann fold Re07.g06230 oxidoreductase family protein 9571 19821 30071 Re07.g06240 hypothetical protein 9572 19822 30072 Secreted beta-glucosidase sunl Re07.g06250 EC=3.2.1 .- Precursor 9573 19823 30073 321 38 33628 Re07.g06270 hypothetical protein 9574 19824 30074 Re07.g06280 Transcription factor Tos4, putative 9575 19825 30075 Re07.g06290 Snrnp and snornp protein 9576 19826 30076 Re07.g06300 Uncharacterized protein 9577 19827 30077 Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay Re07.g0631 0 factor (Upf2), putative 9578 19828 30078 Intermembrane space import and Re07.g06320 assembly protein 40 9579 19829 30079 Thiamine pyrophosphokinase, Re07.g06330 putative 9580 19830 30080 Re07.g06340 Putative uncharacterized protein 9581 19831 30081 Re07.g06350 Mitochondrial carrier protein 9582 19832 30082 Re07.g06360 Putative uncharacterized protein 9583 19833 30083 Re07.g06370 Septin AspB 9584 19834 30084 Mitochondrial carrier protein, Re07.g06380 putative 9585 19835 30085 Re07.g06390 C6 zinc finger domain protein 9586 19836 30086 Re07.g06400 Histone H4.2 9587 19837 30087 Protein phosphatase regulatory Re07.g0641 0 subunit Ga , putative 9588 19838 30088 Re07.g06420 Predicted protein 9589 19839 30089 Re07.g06430 Putative uncharacterized protein 9590 19840 30090 Re07.g06440 hypothetical protein 9591 19841 30091 Re07.g06450 SH3 domain protein 9592 19842 30092 Re07.g06460 Annexin 9593 19843 30093 Re07.g06470 EBP domain protein, putative 9594 19844 30094 Re07.g06480 Putative uncharacterized protein 9595 19845 30095 Re07.g06490 hypothetical protein 9596 19846 30096 Re07.g06500 Putative uncharacterized protein 9597 19847 30097 Re07.g0651 0 Uncharacterized protein 9598 19848 30098 Re07.g06520 Putative uncharacterized protein 9599 19849 30099 Re07.g06530 Similar to An02g05020 9600 19850 301 00 54S ribosomal protein L31 , Re07.g06540 mitochondrial, putative 9601 19851 301 0 1 Re07.g06550 Tafazzin 9602 19852 301 02 ATP-dependent RNA helicase Re07.g06560 dbp9 EC= 3 9603 19853 301 03 Re07.g06570 Putative uncharacterized protein 9604 19854 301 04 Re07.g06580 Putative uncharacterized protein 9605 19855 301 05 Re07.g06590 Uncharacterized protein 9606 19856 301 06 Re07.g06600 hypothetical protein 9607 19857 301 07 Re07.g0661 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9608 19858 301 08 Re07.g06620 Uncharacterized protein 9609 19859 301 09 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Re07.g06630 chk2, putative 961 0 19860 301 10 Re07.g06640 Putative het-s domain protein 961 1 19861 301 11 321 39 33629 Re07.g06650 NRPS-like enzyme, putative 961 2 19862 301 12 Re07.g06660 Uncharacterized protein 961 3 19863 301 13 Glycoside hydrolase family 3 Re07.g06670 protein 9614 19864 301 14 Re07.g06680 Uncharacterized protein 961 5 19865 301 15 Putative uncharacterized protein Re07.g06690 Fragment 961 6 19866 301 16 Re07.g06700 Arginyl-tRNA synthetase 961 7 19867 301 17 Re07.g0671 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 961 8 19868 301 18 Re07.g06720 Uncharacterized protein 961 9 19869 301 19 Re07.g06730 Putative uncharacterized protein 9620 19870 301 20 Chromosome segregation protein Re07.g06740 SudA, putative 9621 19871 301 2 1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Re07.g06750 RI01 9622 19872 301 22 Re07.g06760 Uncharacterized protein 9623 19873 301 23 Probable E3 ubiquitin ligase Re07.g06770 complex SCF subunit sconB 9624 19874 301 24 Probable arabinan endo-1 ,5-alpha- L-arabinosidase B EC=3.2.1 .99 Re07.g06780 Precursor 9625 19875 301 25 32140 33630 Re07.g06790 hypothetical protein 9626 19876 301 26 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal Re07.g06800 hydrolase EC=3.4. 19.1 2 9627 19877 301 27 Re07.g0681 0 Autophagy protein Atg20, putative 9628 19878 301 28 Re07.g06820 hypothetical protein 9629 19879 301 29 32141 33631 Re07.g06830 HEAT repeat protein 9630 19880 301 30 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Re07.g06840 TIM23, putative 9631 19881 301 3 1 Re07.g06850 Putative uncharacterized protein 9632 19882 301 32 Re07.g06860 Uncharacterized protein 9633 19883 301 33 Dihydroxy acid dehydratase Ilv3, Re07.g06870 putative EC=4.2. 1.9 9634 19884 301 34 Re07.g06880 hypothetical protein 9635 19885 301 35 32142 33632 Re07.g06890 Uncharacterized protein 9636 19886 301 36 Re07.g06900 Uncharacterized protein 9637 19887 301 37 Re07.g0691 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9638 19888 301 38 Re07.g06920 Uncharacterized protein 9639 19889 301 39 Re07.g06930 Putative uncharacterized protein 9640 19890 30140 Re07.g06940 hypothetical protein 9641 19891 30141 32143 33633 Re07.g06950 Putative uncharacterized protein 9642 19892 30142 Re07.g06960 hypothetical protein 9643 19893 30143 32144 33634 Re07.g06970 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 9644 19894 30144 32145 33635 Re07.g06980 Putative uncharacterized protein 9645 19895 30145 Re07.g06990 Conidiation protein Con-6, putative 9646 19896 30146 Re07.g07000 Predicted protein 9647 19897 30147 Efflux pump antibiotic resistance Re07.g0701 0 protein 9648 19898 30148 Re07.g07020 Putative uncharacterized protein 9649 19899 30149 Putative panthothenate kinase/uridine kinase-related Re07.g07030 protein 9650 19900 301 50 Re07.g07040 Putative uncharacterized protein 9651 19901 301 5 1 Re07.g07050 Putative uncharacterized protein 9652 19902 301 52 32146 33636 Re07.g07060 Uncharacterized protein 9653 19903 301 53 Kinesin family protein (KlpA), Re07.g07070 putative 9654 19904 301 54 Re07.g07080 Actin-binding protein, putative 9655 19905 301 55 Re07.g07090 Alcohol dehydrogenase, putative 9656 19906 301 56 Re07.g071 00 Putative uncharacterized protein 9657 19907 301 57 Re07.g071 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 9658 19908 301 58 Re07.g071 20 hypothetical protein 9659 19909 301 59 32147 33637 Re07.g071 30 hypothetical protein 9660 1991 0 301 60 Re07.g07140 hypothetical protein 9661 1991 1 301 6 1 Re07.g071 50 hypothetical protein 9662 1991 2 301 62 Re07.g071 60 hypothetical protein 9663 1991 3 301 63 Re07.g071 70 Uncharacterized protein 9664 19914 301 64 Putative CCAAT-box-binding Re07.g071 80 transcription factor (Eurofung) 9665 1991 5 301 65 Re07.g071 90 DNA polymerase epsilon subunit C 9666 1991 6 301 66 Re07.g07200 Predicted protein 9667 1991 7 301 67 32148 33638 Re07.g0721 0 hypothetical protein 9668 1991 8 301 68 Re07.g07220 hypothetical protein 9669 1991 9 301 69 32149 33639 Re07.g07230 hypothetical protein 9670 19920 301 70 Re07.g07240 Putative uncharacterized protein 9671 19921 301 7 1 Re07.g07250 Uncharacterized protein 9672 19922 301 72 Re07.g07260 Similar to An1 2g02300 9673 19923 301 73 Re07.g07270 Uncharacterized protein 9674 19924 301 74 Re07.g07280 hypothetical protein 9675 19925 301 75 Re07.g07290 Uncharacterized protein 9676 19926 301 76 Re07.g07300 hypothetical protein 9677 19927 301 77 Re07.g0731 0 hypothetical protein 9678 19928 301 78 Re07.g07320 Peptide transporter MTD1 9679 19929 301 79 Re07.g07330 hypothetical protein 9680 19930 301 80 Re07.g07340 hypothetical protein 9681 19931 301 8 1 Re07.g07350 Uncharacterized protein 9682 19932 301 82 321 50 33640 Re07.g07360 Putative uncharacterized protein 9683 19933 301 83 Re07.g07370 Uncharacterized protein 9684 19934 301 84 Re07.g07380 Putative uncharacterized protein 9685 19935 301 85 Re07.g07390 MFS transporter, putative 9686 19936 301 86 Re07.g07400 FAD binding domain protein 9687 19937 301 87 321 5 1 33641 Re07.g0741 0 4-coumarate-CoA ligase 9688 19938 301 88 Glucosamine-phosphate N- Re07.g07420 acetyltransferase 9689 19939 301 89 321 52 33642 Re07.g07430 hypothetical protein 9690 19940 301 90 Re07.g07440 hypothetical protein 9691 19941 301 9 1 321 53 33643 Re07.g07450 Putative uncharacterized protein 9692 19942 301 92 Re07.g07460 Multidrug resistance protein fnxl 9693 19943 301 93 Re07.g07470 Putative uncharacterized protein 9694 19944 301 94 321 54 33644 Re07.g07480 hypothetical protein 9695 19945 301 95 Re07.g07490 Putative uncharacterized protein 9696 19946 301 96 Re07.g07500 Sugar transporter STL1 9697 19947 301 97 Re07.g0751 0 Gluconolactonase 9698 19948 301 98 Re07.g07520 Ankyrin, putative 9699 19949 301 99 Re07.g07530 Maltose permease, putative 9700 19950 30200 Putative adp-ribosylation crystallin Re07.g07540 j 1 protein 9701 19951 30201 Re07.g07550 Uncharacterized protein 9702 19952 30202 321 55 33645 Re07.g07560 Putative uncharacterized protein 9703 19953 30203 Glutamine-serine rich protein MS8, Re07.g07570 putative 9704 19954 30204 Flavin containing polyamine Re07.g07580 oxidase, putative 9705 19955 30205 321 56 33646 Re07.g07590 Putative uncharacterized protein 9706 19956 30206 Re07.g07600 FAD-binding oxidoreductase 9707 19957 30207 Re07.g0761 0 Uncharacterized protein 9708 19958 30208 Re07.g07620 Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 9709 19959 30209 Re07.g07630 Uncharacterized protein 971 0 19960 3021 0 Re07.g07640 Uncharacterized protein 971 1 19961 3021 1 321 57 33647 Re07.g07650 Similar to An01g1481 0 971 2 19962 3021 2 321 58 33648 Re07.g07660 Uncharacterized protein 971 3 19963 3021 3 321 59 33649 Re07.g07670 Carboxylesterase type B Fragment 9714 19964 30214 321 60 33650 Re07.g07680 Reverse transcriptase, putative 971 5 19965 3021 5 Re07.g07690 Putative uncharacterized protein 971 6 19966 3021 6 Re08.g0001 0 hypothetical protein 971 7 19967 3021 7 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re08.g00020 putative 971 8 19968 3021 8 Re08.g00030 Putative uncharacterized protein 971 9 19969 3021 9 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re08.g00040 TYA 9720 19970 30220 Small oligopeptide transporter, Re08.g00050 OPT family protein 9721 19971 30221 Re08.g00060 Putative uncharacterized protein 9722 19972 30222 Nitrogen assimilation transcription Re08.g00070 factor nirA 9723 19973 30223 Re08.g00080 Putative uncharacterized protein 9724 19974 30224 Re08.g00090 Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase 9725 19975 30225 Re08.g001 00 Uncharacterized protein 9726 19976 30226 Re08.g001 10 Amidohydrolase 9727 19977 30227 Re08.g001 20 Uncharacterized protein 9728 19978 30228 Methyltransferase LaeA-like, putative (AFU orthologue Re08.g001 30 AFUA_8G01 930) 9729 19979 30229 Re08.g00140 Predicted protein 9730 19980 30230 Re08.g001 50 hypothetical protein 9731 19981 30231 Re08.g001 60 Putative uncharacterized protein 9732 19982 30232 Re08.g001 70 Putative uncharacterized protein 9733 19983 30233 Re08.g001 80 Monooxygenase, putative 9734 19984 30234 Re08.g001 90 Cupin domain containing protein 9735 19985 30235 Re08.g00200 Putative uncharacterized protein 9736 19986 30236 Putative Zn(ll)2Cys6 transcription Re08.g0021 0 factor (Eurofung) 9737 19987 30237 Putative uncharacterized protein Re08.g00220 An08g04690 9738 19988 30238 Re08.g00230 UPF0075 domain protein 9739 19989 30239 Re08.g00240 Hexose carrier protein 9740 19990 30240 Re08.g00250 Pc1 2g08700 protein 9741 19991 30241 Re08.g00260 Putative uncharacterized protein 9742 19992 30242 Ubiquinone biosynthesis Re08.g00270 methlytransferase Coq5, putative 9743 19993 30243 Putative sugar phosphate isomerase involved in capsule Re08.g00280 formation 9744 19994 30244 Nicotinamide mononucleotide Re08.g00290 adenylyl transferase 9745 19995 30245 Ubiquitin-protein ligase Ufd4, Re08.g00300 putative 9746 19996 30246 321 6 1 33651 Re08.g0031 0 Thioesterase family protein 9747 19997 30247 Sister chromatid separation protein Re08.g00320 (Src1 ), putative 9748 19998 30248 Re08.g00330 Adenylate cyclase AcyA 9749 19999 30249 Re08.g00340 hypothetical protein 9750 20000 30250 Re08.g00350 Pc20g03680 protein 9751 20001 30251 Re08.g00360 Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 9752 20002 30252 Phosphoglycerate mutase family Re08.g00380 protein 9753 20003 30253 Re08.g00390 Uncharacterized protein 9754 20004 30254 Re08.g00400 Putative uncharacterized protein 9755 20005 30255 Re08.g0041 0 Similar to aquaporin 3 9756 20006 30256 Glycerol kinase, putative Re08.g00420 EC=2.7.1 .30 9757 20007 30257 Putative methyltransferase type 11 Re08.g00430 protein 9758 20008 30258 Re08.g00440 Uncharacterized protein 9759 20009 30259 321 62 33652 Cytochrome P450 alkane Re08.g00450 hydroxylase, putative 9760 2001 0 30260 321 63 33653 Nuclear polyadenylated RNA- Re08.g00460 binding protein Nab2, putative 9761 2001 1 30261 321 64 33654 Re08.g00470 Protoporphyrinogen oxidase 9762 2001 2 30262 Re08.g00480 Putative uncharacterized protein 9763 2001 3 30263 Ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase Re08.g00490 complex, subunit X, putative 9764 20014 30264 321 65 33655 Ubiquitin-protein ligase E3 Re08.g00500 component 9765 2001 5 30265 Re08.g0051 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9766 2001 6 30266 Re08.g00520 hypothetical protein 9767 2001 7 30267 Re08.g00530 Uncharacterized protein 9768 2001 8 30268 321 66 33656 Re08.g00540 hypothetical protein 9769 2001 9 30269 321 67 33657 Re08.g00550 hypothetical protein 9770 20020 30270 Re08.g00560 hypothetical protein 9771 20021 30271 Re08.g00570 hypothetical protein 9772 20022 30272 Re08.g00580 hypothetical protein 9773 20023 30273 Re08.g00590 Uncharacterized protein 9774 20024 30274 Re08.g00600 Putative uncharacterized protein 9775 20025 30275 Re08.g0061 0 WD repeat protein 9776 20026 30276 Sphingomyelinase family protein, Re08.g00620 putative 9777 20027 30277 Re08.g00630 Thiamine thiazole synthase 9778 20028 30278 Re08.g00640 Pc21 g04790 protein 9779 20029 30279 321 68 33658 Re08.g00650 Retrograde regulation protein 2 9780 20030 30280 Re08.g00660 hypothetical protein 9781 20031 30281 Aspergillus niger contig Re08.g00670 An01 c0080, genomic contig 9782 20032 30282 Re08.g00680 MFS transporter 9783 20033 30283 Re08.g00690 Putative uncharacterized protein 9784 20034 30284 Re08.g00700 Uncharacterized protein 9785 20035 30285 DNA-directed RNA polymerase Re08.g0071 0 EC= 9786 20036 30286 Proteasome subunit beta type Re08.g00720 EC= 9787 20037 30287 Re08.g00730 hypothetical protein 9788 20038 30288 Re08.g00740 Uncharacterized protein 9789 20039 30289 Re08.g00750 Putative uncharacterized protein 9790 20040 30290 Re08.g00760 Putative uncharacterized protein 9791 20041 30291 Re08.g00770 GMC oxidoreductase, putative 9792 20042 30292 Re08.g00780 Uncharacterized protein 9793 20043 30293 Pogo transposable element, Re08.g00790 putative 9794 20044 30294 Re08.g00800 Predicted protein 9795 20045 30295 321 69 33659 Re08.g0081 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9796 20046 30296 Re08.g00820 Uncharacterized protein 9797 20047 30297 Re08.g00830 hypothetical protein 9798 20048 30298 Gag/polymerase/env polyprotein, Re08.g00840 putative 9799 20049 30299 Re08.g00850 Uncharacterized protein 9800 20050 30300 Re08.g00860 Putative uncharacterized protein 9801 20051 30301 Re08.g00870 Uncharacterized protein 9802 20052 30302 Re08.g00880 Putative uncharacterized protein 9803 20053 30303 321 70 33660 Re08.g00890 Uncharacterized protein 9804 20054 30304 Re08.g00900 Uncharacterized protein 9805 20055 30305 321 7 1 33661 Re08.g0091 0 hypothetical protein 9806 20056 30306 Re08.g00920 CwfJ domain protein 9807 20057 30307 HEAT repeat protein (DRIM), Re08.g00930 putative 9808 20058 30308 Mitochondrial import protein Zim1 7, Re08.g00940 putative 9809 20059 30309 SCF ubiquitin ligase subunit CulC, Re08.g00950 putative 981 0 20060 3031 0 GINS DNA replication complex Re08.g00960 subunit Sld5, putative 981 1 20061 3031 1 Cell cycle control protein tyrosine Re08.g00970 phosphatase Mih1 , putative 981 2 20062 3031 2 Re08.g00980 Tartrate dehydrogenase 981 3 20063 3031 3 Re08.g00990 DNA polymerase V, putative 9814 20064 30314 Re08.g01 000 MOSC domain 981 5 20065 3031 5 Pyroglutamyl peptidase type I, Re08.g01 0 10 putative 981 6 20066 3031 6 Re08.g01 020 Putative uncharacterized protein 981 7 20067 3031 7 Checkpoint protein kinase (SldA), Re08.g01 030 putative 981 8 20068 3031 8 DNA (Apurinic or apyrimidinic site) Re08.g01 040 lyase, endon uclease 981 9 20069 3031 9 Nucleotide-sugar transporter, Re08.g01 050 putative 9820 20070 30320 Re08.g01 060 hypothetical protein 9821 20071 30321 Re08.g01 070 Glycosyl hydrolase, putative 9822 20072 30322 Re08.g01 080 Uncharacterized protein 9823 20073 30323 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating Re08.g01 090 EC=1 .1 .1 .44 9824 20074 30324 Re08.g01 100 RNP domain protein 9825 20075 30325 Re08.g01 110 hypothetical protein 9826 20076 30326 Re08.g01 120 Putative uncharacterized protein 9827 20077 30327 Re08.g01 130 Uncharacterized protein 9828 20078 30328 Oxidoreductase, 20G-Fe(ll) Re08.g01 140 oxygenase family 9829 20079 30329 Re08.g01 150 Cell division control protein 2 9830 20080 30330 Re08.g01 160 Calpain-like protein 9831 20081 30331 Re08.g01 170 Putative uncharacterized protein 9832 20082 30332 Re08.g01 180 hypothetical protein 9833 20083 30333 Re08.g01 190 Putative uncharacterized protein 9834 20084 30334 Re08.g01 200 Uncharacterized protein 9835 20085 30335 Re08.g01 2 10 hypothetical protein 9836 20086 30336 Phosphoglycerate mutase family Re08.g01 220 protein 9837 20087 30337 Re08.g01 230 HECT domain protein 9838 20088 30338 Re08.g01 240 C2H2 finger domain protein, 9839 20089 30339 putative Re08.g01 250 hypothetical protein 9840 20090 30340 DUF21 and CBS domain protein Re08.g01 260 (Mam3), putative 9841 20091 30341 321 72 33662 Re08.g01 270 Putative uncharacterized protein 9842 20092 30342 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase Re08.g01 280 subunit beta 9843 20093 30343 Re08.g01 290 Integral membrane protein 9844 20094 30344 Re08.g01 300 Uncharacterized protein 9845 20095 30345 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate Re08.g01 3 10 dioxygenase 9846 20096 30346 Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase Re08.g01 320 (HmgA), putative 9847 20097 30347 Re08.g01 330 Uncharacterized protein 9848 20098 30348 Re08.g01 340 Reverse transcriptase, putative 9849 20099 30349 Re08.g01 350 Fumarylacetoacetase 9850 201 00 30350 321 73 33663 Maleylacetoacetate isomerase Re08.g01 360 MaiA 9851 201 0 1 30351 Alpha- 1,2-mannosidase family Re08.g01 370 protein, putative 9852 201 02 30352 321 74 33664 Re08.g01 380 C6 transcription factor, putative 9853 201 03 30353 Cytomegalovirus gH-receptor Re08.g01 390 family protein, putative 9854 201 04 30354 LaeA-like methyltransferase, Re08.g01400 putative 9855 201 05 30355 Re08.g0141 0 hypothetical protein 9856 201 06 30356 Re08.g01420 Uncharacterized protein 9857 201 07 30357 Re08.g01430 Uncharacterized protein 9858 201 08 30358 321 75 33665 Re08.g01440 Putative uncharacterized protein 9859 201 09 30359 Re08.g01450 Cytochrome P450, putative 9860 201 10 30360 321 76 33666 Re08.g01460 Putative uncharacterized protein 9861 201 11 30361 321 77 33667 NADH-dependent flavin Re08.g01470 oxidoreductase, putative 9862 201 12 30362 Cytochrome P450 Re08.g01480 monooxygenase, putative 9863 201 13 30363 321 78 33668 Re08.g01490 Asparaginase, putative EC= 9864 201 14 30364 Re08.g01 500 Putative uncharacterized protein 9865 201 15 30365 Re08.g01 5 10 hypothetical protein 9866 201 16 30366 Re08.g01 520 hypothetical protein 9867 201 17 30367 Re08.g01 530 hypothetical protein 9868 201 18 30368 Re08.g01 540 Putative uncharacterized protein 9869 201 19 30369 Re08.g01 550 hypothetical protein 9870 201 20 30370 321 79 33669 Re08.g01 560 hypothetical protein 9871 201 2 1 30371 Re08.g01 570 hypothetical protein 9872 201 22 30372 Chaperonin complex component, Re08.g01 580 TCP-1 epsilon subunit 9873 201 23 30373 Re08.g01 590 Heterochromatin protein, putative 9874 201 24 30374 Re08.g01 600 Uncharacterized protein 9875 201 25 30375 Re08.g01 6 10 Function: the function of CTR86 of 9876 201 26 30376 321 80 33670 S. cerevisiae is not yet clear Re08.g01 620 Putative uncharacterized protein 9877 201 27 30377 Re08.g01 630 Uncharacterized protein 9878 201 28 30378 Re08.g01 640 Uncharacterized protein 9879 201 29 30379 Mannose-1 -phosphate Re08.g01 650 guanylyltransferase, variant 9880 201 30 30380 Re08.g01 660 Dynamin family protein 9881 201 3 1 30381 Re08.g01 670 Lysine-tRNA ligase EC=6. 1.1 .6 9882 201 32 30382 Re08.g01 680 hypothetical protein 9883 201 33 30383 Cytochrome oxidase assembly Re08.g01 690 factor COX1 5 9884 201 34 30384 Re08.g01 700 Putative uncharacterized protein 9885 201 35 30385 Re08.g01 7 10 Putative uncharacterized protein 9886 201 36 30386 Re08.g01 720 mRNA cap methyltransferase 9887 201 37 30387 Chromosomal organization and DNA repair protein Mms21 , Re08.g01 730 putative 9888 201 38 30388 Mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier Re08.g01 740 protein, putative 9889 201 39 30389 Re08.g01 750 hypothetical protein 9890 20140 30390 Re08.g01 760 hypothetical protein 9891 20141 30391 Re08.g01 770 hypothetical protein 9892 20142 30392 Re08.g01 780 Uncharacterized protein 9893 20143 30393 Re08.g01 790 hypothetical protein 9894 20144 30394 Re08.g01 800 Uncharacterized protein 9895 20145 30395 Putative aldo keto reductase Re08.g01 8 10 protein 9896 20146 30396 Phosphoenol pyruvate Re08.g01 820 carboxykinase AcuF EC=4.1 .1 .49 9897 20147 30397 Re08.g01 830 hypothetical protein 9898 20148 30398 Re08.g01 840 Uncharacterized protein 9899 20149 30399 Re08.g01 850 hypothetical protein 9900 201 50 30400 Plasma membrane antiporter, Re08.g01 860 putative 9901 201 5 1 30401 321 8 1 33671 Peroxisomal biogenesis factor Re08.g01 870 (PEX1 1), putative 9902 201 52 30402 MFS phospholipid transporter Re08.g01 880 (Git1 ), putative 9903 201 53 30403 Re08.g01 890 hypothetical protein 9904 201 54 30404 Proteasome regulatory particle Re08.g01 900 subunit (RpnG), putative 9905 201 55 30405 Alanine aminotransferase, putative Re08.g01 9 10 EC=2.6.1 .2 9906 201 56 30406 Re08.g01 920 hypothetical protein 9907 201 57 30407 Copper fist DNA binding domain Re08.g01 930 protein 9908 201 58 30408 Re08.g01 940 hypothetical protein 9909 201 59 30409 Re08.g01 950 C6 finger domain protein, putative 991 0 201 60 3041 0 Re08.g01 960 Putative uncharacterized protein 991 1 201 6 1 3041 1 Chromatin remodeling complex Re08.g01 970 subunit Fragment 991 2 201 62 3041 2 Re08.g01 980 Uncharacterized protein 991 3 201 63 3041 3 321 82 33672 Re08.g01 990 Smr domain protein 9914 201 64 30414 Methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase Re08.g02000 SeIR, putative 991 5 201 65 3041 5 Stromal membrane-associated Re08.g0201 0 protein 991 6 201 66 3041 6 Catabolite repressor protein Re08.g02020 (CreC), putative 991 7 201 67 3041 7 Re08.g02030 Mitochondrial GTPase 991 8 201 68 3041 8 DUF500 and SH3 domain protein Re08.g02040 (AFlLorthologue AFUA_6G07880) 991 9 201 69 3041 9 Telomere silencing protein Zds1 , Re08.g02050 putative 9920 201 70 30420 Re08.g02060 Putative uncharacterized protein 9921 201 7 1 30421 Re08.g02070 hypothetical protein 9922 201 72 30422 Re08.g02080 Putative uncharacterized protein 9923 201 73 30423 321 83 33673 Carbon catabolite repression Re08.g02090 protein CreD, putative 9924 201 74 30424 Re08.g021 00 PH domain protein 9925 201 75 30425 GNAT family acetyltransferase, Re08.g021 10 putative 9926 201 76 30426 Re08.g021 20 Putative uncharacterized protein 9927 201 77 30427 Re08.g021 30 Lactoylglutathione lyase 9928 201 78 30428 Re08.g02140 Uncharacterized protein 9929 201 79 30429 Re08.g021 50 Uncharacterized protein 9930 201 80 30430 Fe-containing alcohol Re08.g021 60 dehydrogenase, putative 9931 201 8 1 30431 Re08.g021 70 Uncharacterized protein 9932 201 82 30432 Re08.g021 80 BYS1 domain protein, putative 9933 201 83 30433 321 84 33674 Re08.g021 90 Uncharacterized protein 9934 201 84 30434 321 85 33675 Re08.g02200 MFS quinate transporter 9935 201 85 30435 321 86 33676 Re08.g0221 0 hypothetical protein 9936 201 86 30436 Re08.g02220 Transposase 9937 201 87 30437 Putative o-methyltransferase Re08.g02230 protein 9938 201 88 30438 Re08.g02240 hypothetical protein 9939 201 89 30439 321 87 33677 Re08.g02250 hypothetical protein 9940 201 90 30440 Peroxisomal membrane protein Re08.g02260 (PmpP24), putative 9941 201 9 1 30441 Ribosome biogenesis protein, Re08.g02270 putative 9942 201 92 30442 Re08.g02280 Uncharacterized protein 9943 201 93 30443 Radical s-adenosyl methionine Re08.g02290 domain containing protein 2 9944 201 94 30444 321 88 33678 Re08.g02300 Uncharacterized protein 9945 201 95 30445 Re08.g0231 0 hypothetical protein 9946 201 96 30446 321 89 33679 Re08.g02320 Ribonuclease P complex subunit 9947 201 97 30447 Pop2, putative Re08.g02330 Casein kinase, putative 9948 201 98 30448 Re08.g02340 Valyl-tRNAsynthetase 9949 201 99 30449 Re08.g02350 Uncharacterized protein 9950 20200 30450 Re08.g02360 Ankyrin repeat protein 9951 20201 30451 Re08.g02370 Uncharacterized protein 9952 20202 30452 Re08.g02380 Putative uncharacterized protein 9953 20203 30453 Re08.g02390 Uncharacterized protein 9954 20204 30454 321 90 33680 Re08.g02400 hypothetical protein 9955 20205 30455 Re08.g0241 0 Uncharacterized protein 9956 20206 30456 321 9 1 33681 Re08.g02420 Uncharacterized protein 9957 20207 30457 Re08.g02430 Similar to An1 2g0231 0 9958 20208 30458 Re08.g02440 Putative uncharacterized protein 9959 20209 30459 Re08.g02450 Predicted protein 9960 2021 0 30460 Re08.g02460 Putative uncharacterized protein 9961 2021 1 30461 321 92 33682 Re08.g02470 hypothetical protein 9962 2021 2 30462 321 93 33683 Re08.g02480 hypothetical protein 9963 2021 3 30463 Re08.g02490 Putative uncharacterized protein 9964 20214 30464 321 94 33684 Re08.g02500 Putative uncharacterized protein 9965 2021 5 30465 Re08.g0251 0 Nucleolar protein 12 9966 2021 6 30466 Re08.g02520 hypothetical protein 9967 2021 7 30467 Transcriptional regulatory protein Re08.g02530 DEP1 9968 2021 8 30468 Re08.g02540 Uncharacterized protein 9969 2021 9 30469 mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor Re08.g02550 complex subunit 9970 20220 30470 Re08.g02560 hypothetical protein 9971 20221 30471 D-mandelate dehydrogenase, Re08.g02570 putative 9972 20222 30472 Re08.g02580 hypothetical protein 9973 20223 30473 Oxidoreductase, short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family, Re08.g02590 putative 9974 20224 30474 Oligosaccharyl transferase subunit Re08.g02600 (Stt3), putative 9975 20225 30475 321 95 33685 COP9 signalosome subunit 8 Re08.g0261 0 (CsnH), putative 9976 20226 30476 Re08.g02620 Putative uncharacterized protein 9977 20227 30477 321 96 33686 Re08.g02630 Dynein intermediate chain, putative 9978 20228 30478 Similar to putative non-ribosomal Re08.g02640 peptide synthase 9979 20229 30479 Re08.g02650 MFS transporter, putative 9980 20230 30480 Re08.g02660 Uncharacterized protein 9981 20231 30481 321 97 33687 Re08.g02670 Mannosyltransferase Pmtl 9982 20232 30482 NCS1 nucleoside transporter family Re08.g02680 protein 9983 20233 30483 Re08.g02690 Putative uncharacterized protein 9984 20234 30484 Re08.g0271 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9985 20235 30485 Re08.g02720 Putative uncharacterized protein 9986 20236 30486 Re08.g02730 Pirin, putative 9987 20237 30487 321 98 33688 Re08.g02740 Putative uncharacterized protein 9988 20238 30488 Misfolded glycoproteins Re08.g02750 degradation protein Yos9, putative 9989 20239 30489 321 99 33689 Cytoskeleton assembly control Re08.g02760 protein Sla1 , putative 9990 20240 30490 Cytochrome P450 alkane Re08.g02770 hydroxylase, putative 9991 20241 30491 32200 33690 Re08.g02780 Sulfonate biosynthesis enzyme 9992 20242 30492 Re08.g02790 Integral membrane protein 9993 20243 30493 32201 33691 Re08.g02800 PWWP domain protein 9994 20244 30494 Re08.g0281 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 9995 20245 30495 32202 33692 Re08.g02820 Uncharacterized protein 9996 20246 30496 Re08.g02830 Uncharacterized protein 9997 20247 30497 Re08.g02840 DnaJ domain protein 9998 20248 30498 32203 33693 Re08.g02850 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 9999 20249 30499 Re08.g02860 hypothetical protein 10000 20250 30500 Re08.g02870 Predicted protein 10001 20251 30501 Re08.g02880 hypothetical protein 10002 20252 30502 Re08.g02890 Uncharacterized protein 10003 20253 30503 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4- Re08.g02900 dioxygenase Bna1 , putative 10004 20254 30504 Re08.g0291 0 No p protein, putative 10005 20255 30505 Serine/threonine protein kinase, Re08.g02920 putative 10006 20256 30506 s n- ,2-diacylglycerol Re08.g02930 cholinephosphotransferase 10007 20257 30507 32204 33694 Re08.g02940 Uncharacterized protein 10008 20258 30508 Re08.g02950 Uncharacterized protein 10009 20259 30509 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re08.g02960 SmG 1001 0 20260 3051 0 Re08.g02970 Putative uncharacterized protein 1001 1 20261 3051 1 Re08.g02980 Uncharacterized protein 1001 2 20262 3051 2 Re08.g02990 hypothetical protein 1001 3 20263 3051 3 Re08.g03000 Putative uncharacterized protein 10014 20264 30514 32205 33695 Re08.g0301 0 hypothetical protein 1001 5 20265 3051 5 Re08.g03020 Uncharacterized protein 1001 6 20266 3051 6 Bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase, Re08.g03030 putative 1001 7 20267 3051 7 C2H2 finger domain protein, Re08.g03040 putative 1001 8 20268 3051 8 Re08.g03050 hypothetical protein 1001 9 20269 3051 9 Re08.g03060 hypothetical protein 10020 20270 30520 Re08.g03070 hypothetical protein 10021 20271 30521 Re08.g03080 hypothetical protein 10022 20272 30522 Re08.g03090 Putative uncharacterized protein 10023 20273 30523 Re08.g031 00 Putative uncharacterized protein 10024 20274 30524 Re08.g031 10 COP9 signalosome subunit 1 10025 20275 30525 (CsnA), putative Re08.g031 20 DSBA family oxidoreductase 10026 20276 30526 Short chain dehydrogenase family Re08.g031 30 protein 10027 20277 30527 Re08.g03140 Putative uncharacterized protein 10028 20278 30528 Re08.g031 50 hypothetical protein 10029 20279 30529 Re08.g031 60 hypothetical protein 10030 20280 30530 32206 33696 Re08.g031 70 hypothetical protein 10031 20281 30531 32207 33697 Re08.g031 80 hypothetical protein 10032 20282 30532 32208 33698 Re08.g031 90 hypothetical protein 10033 20283 30533 Re08.g03200 RRNA processing protein, putative 10034 20284 30534 Re08.g0321 0 Uncharacterized protein 10035 20285 30535 Re08.g03220 Uncharacterized protein 10036 20286 30536 Re08.g03230 Predicted protein 10037 20287 30537 Re08.g03240 Uncharacterized protein 10038 20288 30538 Re08.g03250 Amino acid transporter 10039 20289 30539 Re08.g03260 Uncharacterized protein 10040 20290 30540 32209 33699 Re08.g03270 RING finger protein 10041 20291 30541 3221 0 33700 Re08.g03280 hypothetical protein 10042 20292 30542 Re08.g03290 Uncharacterized protein 10043 20293 30543 Re08.g03300 Putative uncharacterized protein 10044 20294 30544 Re08.g0331 0 MFS transporter, putative 10045 20295 30545 3221 1 33701 Re08.g03320 MFS quinate transporter, putative 10046 20296 30546 Nonribosomal peptide synthase, Re08.g03330 putative EC=5.1 .1.11 EC=5. 1.1.1 3 10047 20297 30547 Re08.g03340 hypothetical protein 10048 20298 30548 Re08.g03350 ABC multidrug transporter, putative 10049 20299 30549 Re08.g03360 Predicted protein 10050 20300 30550 3221 2 33702 Re08.g03370 CCCH zinc finger protein 10051 20301 30551 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III Re08.g03380 subunit RPC8 10052 20302 30552 Re08.g03390 Cystathionine gamma-lyase 10053 20303 30553 Re08.g03400 Transposase 10054 20304 30554 Re08.g0341 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 10055 20305 30555 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase Re08.g03420 178 kDa subunit 10056 20306 30556 Re08.g03430 Putative uncharacterized protein 10057 20307 30557 Re08.g03440 Uncharacterized protein 10058 20308 30558 Putative uncharacterized protein Re08.g03450 An1 6g08780 10059 20309 30559 Re08.g03460 Predicted protein 10060 2031 0 30560 Re08.g03470 hypothetical protein 10061 2031 1 30561 Re08.g03480 hypothetical protein 10062 2031 2 30562 Re08.g03490 hypothetical protein 10063 2031 3 30563 Re08.g03500 Uncharacterized protein 10064 20314 30564 Oxidoreductase, short-chain Re08.g0351 0 dehydrogenase/reductase family 10065 2031 5 30565 Re08.g03520 hypothetical protein 10066 2031 6 30566 Re08.g03530 Uncharacterized protein 10067 2031 7 30567 Re08.g03540 Uncharacterized protein 10068 2031 8 30568 40S ribosomal protein S 15, Re08.g03550 putative 10069 2031 9 30569 3221 3 33703 Re08.g03560 Uncharacterized protein 10070 20320 30570 Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase, Re08.g03570 large subunit EC= 6 10071 20321 30571 Re08.g03580 Putative uncharacterized protein 10072 20322 30572 Re08.g03590 Transposon, putative 10073 20323 30573 Re08.g03600 Uncharacterized protein 10074 20324 30574 Re08.g0361 0 G-patch domain protein, putative 10075 20325 30575 Re08.g03620 Triacylglycerol lipase, putative 10076 20326 30576 32214 33704 rRNA maturation protein (Nop14), Re08.g03630 putative 10077 20327 30577 Re08.g03640 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 10078 20328 30578 3221 5 33705 Re08.g03650 Pc21 g 1 40 protein 10079 20329 30579 Re08.g03660 Pentatricopeptide repeat protein 10080 20330 30580 Translocation protein (Sec66), Re08.g03670 putative 10081 20331 30581 3221 6 33706 Re08.g03680 AAA family ATPase, putative 10082 20332 30582 Cleavage and polyadenylation Re08.g03690 specificity factor subunit A, putative 10083 20333 30583 Re08.g03700 LMBR1 domain protein, putative 10084 20334 30584 Re08.g0371 0 Uncharacterized protein 10085 20335 30585 Re08.g03720 Putative uncharacterized protein 10086 20336 30586 Re08.g03730 ZIP family zinc transporter, putative 10087 20337 30587 Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, Re08.g03740 putative 10088 20338 30588 3221 7 33707 U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Re08.g03750 component 10089 20339 30589 Re08.g03760 Uncharacterized protein 10090 20340 30590 Re08.g03770 C6 finger domain protein 10091 20341 30591 Re08.g03780 Uncharacterized protein 10092 20342 30592 Re08.g03790 Ribosome recycling factor, putative 10093 20343 30593 Re08.g03800 Heat shock protein SSB 10094 20344 30594 Re08.g0381 0 Uncharacterized protein 10095 20345 30595 Cyclin-dependent kinase regulatory Re08.g03820 subunit 10096 20346 30596 Re08.g03830 Uncharacterized protein 10097 20347 30597 Re08.g03840 Uncharacterized protein 10098 20348 30598 3221 8 33708 Re08.g03850 Uncharacterized protein 10099 20349 30599 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Re08.g03860 EC=5.2.1 .8 10 100 20350 30600 Alanyl-tRNA synthetase, Re08.g03870 cytoplasmic 10 10 1 20351 30601 Re08.g03880 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 102 20352 30602 Re08.g03890 hypothetical protein 10 103 20353 30603 Re08.g03900 Uncharacterized protein 10 104 20354 30604 Re08.g0391 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 105 20355 30605 Re08.g03920 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 106 20356 30606 Re08.g03930 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 107 20357 30607 Re08.g03940 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 10 108 20358 30608 3221 9 33709 Re08.g03950 hypothetical protein 10 109 20359 30609 Re08.g03960 Reverse transcriptase, putative 10 110 20360 3061 0 Re08.g03970 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 111 20361 3061 1 Re08.g03980 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 112 20362 3061 2 Re08.g03990 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 113 20363 3061 3 Re08.g04000 hypothetical protein 10 114 20364 30614 Re08.g0401 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 115 20365 3061 5 Re08.g04020 AMP deaminase 10 116 20366 3061 6 Re08.g04030 hypothetical protein 10 117 20367 3061 7 Re08.g04040 hypothetical protein 10 118 20368 3061 8 Re08.g04050 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 119 20369 3061 9 Re08.g04060 hypothetical protein 10 120 20370 30620 Variant SH3 domain containing Re08.g04070 protein 10 12 1 20371 30621 Re08.g04080 Predicted protein 10 122 20372 30622 32220 3371 0 Dynamin-like GTPase Dnm1 , Re08.g04090 putative 10 123 20373 30623 Re08.g041 00 hypothetical protein 10 124 20374 30624 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine Re08.g041 10 transporter YEA4 10 125 20375 30625 Re08.g041 20 Pc1 6g01 160 protein 10 126 20376 30626 Re08.g041 30 Pc1 6g01 150 protein 10 127 20377 30627 Protein phosphatase type 1 complex subunit Hex2/Reg1 , Re08.g04140 putative 10 128 20378 30628 Re08.g041 50 hypothetical protein 10 129 20379 30629 RNA binding protein Tma22, Re08.g041 60 putative 10 130 20380 30630 Re08.g041 70 Uncharacterized protein 10 13 1 20381 30631 Re08.g041 80 rRNA-processing protein cgrA 10 132 20382 30632 Mitochondrial ornithine carrier Re08.g041 90 protein AmcA/Ort1 , putative 10 133 20383 30633 Re08.g04200 Uncharacterized protein 10 134 20384 30634 Vacuolar protein sorting protein, Re08.g0421 0 putative 10 135 20385 30635 32221 3371 1 Re08.g04220 Uncharacterized protein 10 136 20386 30636 Re08.g04230 hypothetical protein 10 137 20387 30637 Re08.g04240 Uncharacterized protein 10 138 20388 30638 Putative undecaprenyl diphosphate Re08.g04250 synthase 10 139 20389 30639 Re08.g04260 Putative uncharacterized protein 10140 20390 30640 Re08.g04270 Repressor protein 10141 20391 30641 Re08.g04280 C6 transcription factor, putative 10142 20392 30642 Re08.g04290 hypothetical protein 10143 20393 30643 Putative acetyl xylan esterase Re08.g04300 protein 10144 20394 30644 32222 3371 2 Re08.g0431 0 hypothetical protein 10145 20395 30645 Re08.g04320 Polyamine transporter, putative 10146 20396 30646 Re08.g04330 hypothetical protein 10147 20397 30647 Re08.g04340 O-methyltransferase, putative 10148 20398 30648 32223 3371 3 Re08.g04350 Uncharacterized protein 10149 20399 30649 Re08.g04360 Uncharacterized protein 10 150 20400 30650 Re08.g04370 hypothetical protein 10 15 1 20401 30651 32224 33714 Re08.g04380 hypothetical protein 10 152 20402 30652 Re08.g04390 hypothetical protein 10 153 20403 30653 Re08.g04400 hypothetical protein 10 154 20404 30654 Re08.g0441 0 hypothetical protein 10 155 20405 30655 Re08.g04420 hypothetical protein 10 156 20406 30656 Re08.g04430 hypothetical protein 10 157 20407 30657 32225 3371 5 Re08.g04440 hypothetical protein 10 158 20408 30658 Similarity to hypothetical transcriptions regulator Re08.g04450 CAB91400.2 10 159 20409 30659 32226 3371 6 Re08.g04460 Uncharacterized protein 10 160 2041 0 30660 Re08.g04470 Transketolase, putative 10 16 1 2041 1 30661 Re08.g04480 Alcohol dehydrogenase, putative 10 162 2041 2 30662 Re08.g04490 Guanylate kinase 10 163 2041 3 30663 Re08.g04500 Pc14g00200 protein 10 164 20414 30664 Re08.g0451 0 Uncharacterized protein 10 165 2041 5 30665 Re08.g04520 hypothetical protein 10 166 2041 6 30666 Putative hydrolase or acyltransferase of alpha/beta Re08.g04530 superfamily 10 167 2041 7 30667 Na/K ATPase alpha 1 subunit, Re08.g04540 putative 10 168 2041 8 30668 Re08.g04550 Predicted protein 10 169 2041 9 30669 Re08.g04560 Potassium transporter, putative 10 170 20420 30670 Re08.g04570 hypothetical protein 10 17 1 20421 30671 Re08.g04580 Reverse transcriptase, putative 10 172 20422 30672 Re08.g04590 Terpene synthase family protein 10 173 20423 30673 Re08.g04600 Cytochrome P450, putative 10 174 20424 30674 Re08.g0461 0 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 175 20425 30675 32227 3371 7 Re08.g04630 hypothetical protein 10 176 20426 30676 Re08.g04640 Predicted protein 10 177 20427 30677 Zinc binding dehydrogenase, Re08.g04650 putative 10 178 20428 30678 Re08.g04670 Uncharacterized protein 10 179 20429 30679 Putative taurine catabolism Re08.g04680 dioxygenase 10 180 20430 30680 Re08.g04690 Rhamnogalacturonase, putative 10 18 1 20431 30681 32228 3371 8 Re08.g04700 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 182 20432 30682 32229 3371 9 Re08.g0471 0 Uncharacterized protein 10 183 20433 30683 Re08.g04720 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 184 20434 30684 Re08.g04730 Predicted protein 10 185 20435 30685 Re08.g04740 Uncharacterized protein 10 186 20436 30686 32230 33720 Re08.g04750 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 187 20437 30687 Glutamic protease eqolisin Re08.g04760 EC= 9 10 188 20438 30688 32231 33721 Re08.g04770 hypothetical protein 10 189 20439 30689 Re08.g04780 Glycoside hydrolase family 20 10 190 20440 30690 32232 33722 Re08.g04790 Uncharacterized protein 10 19 1 20441 30691 Re08.g04800 TfdA family taurine dioxygenase 10 192 20442 30692 Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetate Re08.g04820 dioxygenase 10 193 20443 30693 Re08.g04830 Secreted protein 10 194 20444 30694 32233 33723 Re08.g04840 Uncharacterized protein 10 195 20445 30695 Re08.g04850 Uncharacterized protein 10 196 20446 30696 32234 33724 Re08.g04860 Maltose permease, putative 10 197 20447 30697 32235 33725 Re08.g04870 Putative uncharacterized protein 10 198 20448 30698 Re08.g04880 FAD binding domain protein 10 199 20449 30699 32236 33726 Re08.g04890 Putative uncharacterized protein 10200 20450 30700 Re08.g04900 Uncharacterized protein 10201 20451 30701 Re08.g0491 0 Pc22g08620 protein 10202 20452 30702 Re08.g04920 C6 transcription factor, putative 10203 20453 30703 Re08.g04930 Disulfide oxidoreductase, putative 10204 20454 30704 Re08.g04940 Putative transporter MCH4 10205 20455 30705 Monocarboxylate permease Re08.g04950 homologue, mch4 10206 20456 30706 Re08.g04960 Major facilitator superfamily 10207 20457 30707 32237 33727 Re08.g04970 hypothetical protein 10208 20458 30708 Re08.g04980 FAD dependent oxidoreductase 10209 20459 30709 Putative uncharacterized protein Re08.g04990 AO090005000062 1021 0 20460 3071 0 Similar to monooxygenase FAD- Re08.g05000 binding 1021 1 20461 3071 1 Re08.g0501 0 hypothetical protein 1021 2 20462 3071 2 Re1 0.g0001 0 Cytochrome P450, putative 1021 3 20463 3071 3 Re1 0.g00020 Terpene synthase family protein 10214 20464 30714 Re1 0.g00030 hypothetical protein 1021 5 20465 3071 5 Re1 0.g00040 hypothetical protein 1021 6 20466 3071 6 Re1 0.g00050 hypothetical protein 1021 7 20467 3071 7 Re1 0.g00060 Potassium transporter, putative 1021 8 20468 3071 8 Re1 0.g00070 Predicted protein 1021 9 20469 3071 9 Re1 0.g00080 hypothetical protein 10220 20470 30720 32238 33728 Re1 0.g00090 Na+/K+ ATPase, alpha subunit 10221 20471 30721 Re1 1.g0001 0 hypothetical protein 10222 20472 30722 Re1 1.g00020 hypothetical protein 10223 20473 30723 e 11.g00030 Putative uncharacterized protein 10224 20474 30724 Re1 1.g00040 Reverse transcriptase, putative 10225 20475 30725 Putative uncharacterized protein Re1 1.g00050 Fragment 10226 20476 30726 Re1 1.g00060 Uncharacterized protein Fragment 10227 20477 30727 Transposon-encoded proteins with Re1 1.g00070 TYA 10228 20478 30728 Re11.g00080 Putative uncharacterized protein 10229 20479 30729 Re12.g00010 hypothetical protein 10230 20480 30730 Viral A-type inclusion protein Re12.g00020 repeat protein 10231 20481 30731 Re12.g00030 Reverse transcriptase, putative 10232 20482 30732 Re12.g00040 Reverse transcriptase, putative 10233 20483 30733 Re12.g00050 hypothetical protein 10234 20484 30734 Re12.g00060 Putative uncharacterized protein 10235 20485 30735 Re12.g00070 Reverse transcriptase, putative 10236 20486 30736 32239 33729 Re12.g00080 Reverse transcriptase, putative 10237 20487 30737 Re12.g00090 Reverse transcriptase, putative 10238 20488 30738 Re12.g00100 Putative uncharacterized protein 10239 20489 30739 Endonuclease/reverse Re13.g00010 transcriptase, putative 10240 20490 30740 Re13.g00020 Putative uncharacterized protein 10241 20491 30741 Re13.g00030 hypothetical protein 10242 20492 30742 Re13.g00040 hypothetical protein 10243 20493 30743 Pyruvate dehydrogenase E 1 component alpha subunit, Re13.g00050 mitochondrial 10244 20494 30744 32240 33730 Re14.g00010 hypothetical protein 10245 20495 30745 Re14.g00020 Uncharacterized protein 10246 20496 30746 Re14.g00030 C6 transcription factor 10247 20497 30747 Re14.g00040 Putative uncharacterized protein 10248 20498 30748 Re14.g00050 Putative uncharacterized protein 10249 20499 30749 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B Re14.g00060 (MDR/TAP), member 1 10250 20500 30750

Detailed description of the invention

Throughout the present specification and the accompanying claims, the words

"comprise" and "include" and variations such as "comprises", "comprising", "includes"

and "including" are to be interpreted inclusively. That is, these words are intended to

convey the possible inclusion of other elements o r integers not specifically recited, where the context allows.

The articles "a" and "an" are used herein to refer to one o r to more than one (i.e. to one o r at least one) of the grammatical object of the article. By way of example, "an

element" may mean one element o r more than one element.

The term "derived from" also includes the terms "originated from," "obtained from," "obtainable from," "isolated from," and "created from," and generally indicates that

one specified material find its origin in another specified material o r has features that can

be described with reference to the another specified material. A s used herein, a substance (e.g., a nucleic acid molecule or polypeptide) "derived from" a microorganism preferably means that the substance is native to that microorganism. The present invention provides polynucleotides encoding polypeptides, e.g. enzymes which have the ability to modify, for example degrade, a carbohydrate material. A carbohydrate material is a material which comprises, consists of or substantially consists of one or more carbohydrates. Enzymes are herein a subclass of polypeptides. Substrate (also called feedstock, lignocellulosic material, biomass) herein is used to refer to a substance that comprises carbohydrate material, which may be treated with enzymes according to the invention, so that the carbohydrate material therein is modified. The substrate may be pretreated or non-pretreated substrate. In addition to the carbohydrate material the substrate may contain any other component, including but not limited to non-carbohydrate material and starch. The present invention provides DNA of Rasamsonia emersonii. This DNA contains nucleotide sequences or polynucleotides such as genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. The present invention also relates to polypeptides having preferably biological activity which comprise an amino acid sequence encoded by a nucleotide sequence. For example polypeptides of the invention such as enzymes, may have the ability to modify, for example degrade, a carbohydrate material. A carbohydrate material is a material which comprises, consists of or substantially consists of one or more carbohydrates. Enzymes are herein a subclass of polypeptides. The present invention will be exemplified by the degradation of lignocellulosic material. These examples are used to show in more detail part of the invention. The present invention may be used in other fields as well, for example, in the preparation of a food product, in the preparation of a detergent, in the preparation of an animal feed, in the treatment of pulp or in the manufacture of a paper or in the preparation of a fabric or textile or in the cleaning thereof, Typically, a polynucleotide of the invention encodes a polypeptide having preferably biological activity and having an amino acid sequence according to SEQ ID NO: SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, or a sequence which is a variant thereof, typically functionally equivalent to the polypeptide having the sequence of SEQ ID NO: SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, or a sequence which is a fragment of either thereof. A polypeptide of the invention may have biological activity. A polypeptide of the invention may have one or more alternative and/or additional biological activities, for example one of the other biological activities mentioned herein. Carbohydrate in this context includes all saccharides, for example polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, disaccharides or monosaccharides. According to one aspect of the invention the use of the polypeptide of the inventionis provided and as well as compositions useful in industrial processes. Despite the long term experience obtained with these processes, the polypeptide, such as an enzyme, according to the invention may feature a number of significant advantages over enzymes currently used. Depending on the specific application, these advantages may include aspects such as lower production costs, higher specificity towards the substrate, reduced antigenicity, fewer undesirable side activities, higher yields when produced in a suitable microorganism, more suitable pH and temperature ranges, non-inhibition by hydrophobic, lignin-derived products or less product inhibition or, in the case of the food industry a better taste or texture of a final product as well as food grade and kosher aspects. Advantageously the polypeptide of the invention or the amended expression of the polypeptide of the invention may have a yield increasing effect on top of or in a composition preferably an enzyme composition designed for for example (feedstock) hydrolysis such as the compositions produced by TEC-147, TEC-210 or 4E mix (see Examples) or other suitable compositions including commercial compositions such as Celluclast ® combined with Novozyme 188 (obtainable from Novozymes, Denmark or Sigma-Aldrich®, USA), Accellerase ® 1000 (obtainable from Genencor, USA or Sigma- Aldrich®, USA), and Methaplus ® (obtainable from DSM, Netherlands). This yield increasing effect may be shown by replacing part of the enzyme composition by an equal amount (on protein) of a composition of the invention. This yield increasing effect may also be shown as an increase (in %) of activity of the enzyme composition which increase is higher than the increase (in %) of added polypeptide according to the invention (in protein). This yield increase is even possible in case of feedstock such as corn stover. This yield increase can be shown for example as an increase of the amount of glucose released during a fixed reaction (hydrolysis) period of time compared to the situation without the addition of the present composition or polypeptide, or this yield increase can be shown as an similar amount of glucose production with a lower dosage of the 4E or TEC-210 compared to the situation without the addition of the present composition or polypeptide to the regular dosage of the 4E or TEC-21 0. According to a preferred embodiment the polypeptide of the invention is a "thermostable" polypeptide. In another preferred embodiment, the polynucleotide according to the invention encodes a "thermostable" polypeptide. Herein, "thermostable" polypeptide means that the polypeptide has a temperature optimum of 60 °C or higher, for example 70 °C or higher, such as 75 °C or higher, for example 80 °C or higher such as

85 °C or higher. In general the temperature optimum will be lower than 95 °C. The temperature optimum is the optimum activity of the polypeptide measured during one hour at optimum pH conditions. According to a preferred embodiment the polypeptide of the invention has a pH optimum in between pH 2 and pH 8 . Preferably, the polypeptide has a pH optimum of 6 or lower, more preferably 5 or lower, for example 4.5 or lower, such as 4 or lower, for example 3.5 or lower. Preferably, the polypeptide has a pH optimum of 2 or higher, preferably 2.5 or higher. The pH optimum is the optimum activity of the polypeptide measured during 48 hours at optimum temperature conditions. The present invention relates to DNA of Rasamsonia emersonii. This DNA contains nucleotide sequences such as genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. The present invention therefore also relates to regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. These regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences may be used to influence processes which take place in the (host) cell. For example a promoter sequence may be used to increase the expression of a desired protein or polypeptide.

Suitable carbohydrate materials

Lignocellulolytic or lignocellulosic materials or biomass are abundant in nature and have great value as alternative energy source. Second generation biofuels, also known as advanced biofuels, are fuels that can be manufactured from various types of biomass. Biomass is a wide-ranging term meaning any source of organic carbon that is renewed rapidly as part of the carbon cycle. Biomass is derived from plant materials but can also include animal materials. The composition of lignocellulosic biomass varies, the major component is cellulose (in general 35-50%), followed by xylan (in general 20-35%, a type of hemicellulose) and lignin (in general 10-25%), in addition to minor components such as proteins, oils and ash that make up the remaining fraction of lignocellulosic biomass. Lignocellulosic biomass contains a variety of carbohydrates. The term carbohydrate is most common in biochemistry, where it is a synonym of saccharide. Carbohydrates (saccharides) are divided into four chemical groupings: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. In general, monosaccharides and disaccharides, which are smaller (lower molecular weight) carbohydrates, are commonly referred to as sugars. A non-starch carbohydrate suitable for modification by an enzyme composition produced using the invention or a polypeptide of the invention is lignocellulose. The major polysaccharides comprising different lignocellulosic residues, which may be considered as a potential renewable feedstock, are cellulose (glucans), hemicelluloses (xylans, heteroxylans and xyloglucans). In addition, some hemicellulose may be present as glucomannans, for example in wood-derived feedstocks. The enzymatic hydrolysis of these polysaccharides to soluble sugars, for example glucose, xylose, arabinose, galactose, fructose, mannose, rhamnose, ribose, D-galacturonic acid and other hexoses and pentoses occurs under the action of different enzymes acting in concert. Lignin fills the spaces in the cell wall between cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin components, especially in xylem tracheids, vessel elements and sclereid cells. It is covalently linked to hemicellulose and, therefore, crosslinks different plant polysaccharides, conferring mechanical strength to the cell wall and by extension the plant as a whole. Lignin is a highly hydrophobic crosslinked aromatic polymeric material that is formed by different monolignol monomers, which can be methoxylated to various degrees. There are three monolignol monomers, methoxylated to various degrees: p- coumaryl alcohol, coniferyl alcohol, and sinapyl alcohol. These lignols are incorporated into lignin in the form of the phenylpropanoids p-hydroxyphenyl (H), guaiacyl (G), and syringyl (S), respectively. Biodegradation of lignin is a prerequisite for processing biofuel from plant raw materials. Lignin can be degraded by applying different pretreatment methods, or by using ligninases or lignin-modifying enzymes (LME's). The improving of lignin degradation would drive the output from biofuel processing to better gain or better efficiency factor, for example by improving the accessibility to the (hemi)cellulosic components or by removing lignin-(hemi)cellulose linkages in oligosaccharides released by the action of (hemi)cellulases.

In addition, pectins and other pectic substances such as arabinans may make up considerably proportion of the dry mass of typically cell walls from non-woody plant tissues (about a quarter to half of dry mass may be pectins). Cellulose is a linear polysaccharide composed of glucose residues linked by β- 1,4 bonds. The linear nature of the cellulose fibers, as well as the stoichiometry of the β- linked glucose (relative to a) generates structures more prone to interstrand hydrogen bonding than the highly branched olinked structures of starch. Thus, cellulose polymers are generally less soluble, and form more tightly bound fibers than the fibers found in starch. Hemicellulose is a complex polymer, and its composition often varies widely from organism to organism and from one tissue type to another. In general, a main component of hemicellulose is β- 1 ,4-linked xylose, a five carbon sugar. However, this xylose is often branched at 0-3 and/or 0-2 and can be substituted with linkages to arabinose, galactose, mannose, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid or by esterification to acetic acid (and esterification of ferulic acid to arabinose). Hemicellulose can also contain glucan, which is a general term for β-linked six carbon sugars (such as the β-

( 1 ,3)(1 ,4) glucans and heteroglucans mentioned previously) and additionally glucomannans (in which both glucose and mannose are present in the linear backbone, linked to each other by β-linkages). The composition, nature of substitution, and degree of branching of hemicellulose is very different in dicotyledonous plants (dicots, i.e., plant whose seeds have two cotyledons or seed leaves such as lima beans, peanuts, almonds, peas, kidney beans) as compared to monocotyledonous plants (monocots; i.e., plants having a single cotyledon or seed leaf such as corn, wheat, rice, grasses, barley). In dicots, hemicellulose is comprised mainly of xyloglucans that are 1,4- -linked glucose chains with 1,θ-β-linked xylosyl side chains. In monocots, including most grain crops, the principal components of hemicellulose are heteroxylans. These are primarily comprised of 1,4- -linked xylose backbone polymers with 1,3 -a linkages to arabinose, galactose, mannose and glucuronic acid or 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid as well as xylose modified by ester-linked acetic acids. Also present are β glucans comprised of 1,3- and 1,4-β- linked glucosyl chains. In monocots, cellulose, heteroxylans and β-glucans may be present in roughly equal amounts, each comprising about 15-25% of the dry matter of cell walls. Also, different plants may comprise different amounts of, and different compositions of, pectic substances. For example, sugar beet contains about 19% pectin and about 2 1% arabinan on a dry weight basis. Accordingly, an enzyme composition produced using the invention or a composition of the invention may be tailored in view of the particular feedstock (also called substrate) which is to be used. That is to say, the spectrum of activities in a composition of the invention may vary depending on the feedstock in question. Enzyme combinations or physical treatments can be administered concomitantly or sequentially. The enzymes can be produced either exogenously in microorganisms, yeasts, fungi, bacteria or plants, then isolated and added to the lignocellulosic feedstock or lignocellulosic material. Alternatively, the enzymes are produced, but not isolated, and crude cell mass fermentation broth are added to the feedstock. Alternatively, the crude cell mass or enzyme production medium or plant material may be treated to prevent further microbial growth (for example, by heating or addition of antimicrobial agents), then added to the feedstock. These crude enzyme mixtures may include the organism producing the enzyme. Alternatively, the enzyme may be produced in a fermentation that uses feedstock (such as corn stover) to provide nutrition to an organism that produces an enzyme(s). In this manner, plants that produce the enzymes may serve as the lignocellulosic feedstock and be added into lignocellulosic feedstock.

Enzymatic activity Endo-1 ,4- -glucanases (EG) and exo-cellobiohydrolases (CBH) catalyze the hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose to cellooligosaccharides (cellobiose as a main product), while β-glucosidases (BGL) convert the oligosaccharides, mainly cellobiose and cellotriose to glucose. Xylanases together with other accessory enzymes, for example a-L- arabinofuranosidases, feruloyl and acetylxylan esterases, glucuronidases, and β- xylosidases) catalyze the hydrolysis of part of the hemicelluloses. Pectic substances include pectins, arabinans, galactans and arabinogalactans. Pectins are the most complex polysaccharides in the plant cell wall. They are built up around a core chain of a(1 ,4)-linked D-galacturonic acid units interspersed to some degree with L-rhamnose. In any one cell wall there are a number of structural units that fit this description and it has generally been considered that in a single pectic molecule, the core chains of different structural units are continuous with one another. Pectinases include, for example an endo-polygalacturonase, a pectin methyl esterase, an endo-galactanase, a β-galactosidase, a pectin acetyl esterase, an endo- pectin lyase, pectate lyase, a-rhamnosidase, an exo-galacturonase, an exo- polygalacturonate lyase, a rhamnogalacturonan hydrolase, a rhamnogalacturonan lyase, a rhamnogalacturonan acetyl esterase, a rhamnogalacturonan galacturonohydrolase, a xylogalacturonase, an oarabinofuranosidase. The principal types of structural unit are: galacturonan (homogalacturonan), which may be substituted with methanol on the carboxyl group and acetate on 0-2 and 0-3; rhamnogalacturonan I (RGI), in which galacturonic acid units alternate with rhamnose units carrying ( 1 ,4)-linked galactan and ( 1 ,5)-linked arabinan side-chains. The arabinan side-chains may be attached directly to rhamnose or indirectly through the galactan chains; xylogalacturonan, with single xylosyl units on 0-3 of galacturonic acid

(closely associated with RGI); and rhamnogalacturonan II (RGII), a particularly complex minor unit containing unusual sugars, for example apiose. An RGII unit may contain two apiosyl residues which, under suitable ionic conditions, can reversibly form esters with borate. As set out above, a polypeptide of the invention will typically have biological activity. However, a polypeptide of the invention may have one or more biological activities set out above in addition to or alternative to that activity. Also, a composition of the invention as described herein may have one or more of the biological activities mentioned above in addition to that provided by the polypeptide of the invention.

Polynucleotide sequence The invention provides genomic polynucleotide sequences comprising the gene encoding the protein or polypeptide of the invention as well as its coding sequence. Accordingly, the invention relates to an isolated polynucleotide comprising the genomic nucleotide sequence according to the coding nucleotide sequence according to SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 and to variants, such as functional equivalents, of either thereof. In particular, the invention relates to an isolated polynucleotide which is capable of hybridizing selectively, for example under stringent conditions, preferably under highly stringent conditions, with the reverse complement of a polynucleotide comprising the sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500. More specifically, the invention relates to a polynucleotide comprising or consisting essentially of a nucleotide sequence according to SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500. The invention also relates to an isolated polynucleotide comprising or consisting essentially of a sequence which encodes at least one functional domain of a polypeptide according to SEQ ID NO: SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240 or a variant thereof, such as a functional equivalent, or a fragment of either thereof.

In one embodiment, the protein or polypeptide of the invention nucleic acid of the invention is at least 70%, at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, at least 90%, at least 91%, 92%, 93%, 94%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, or more homologous to a nucleic acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 or the complement thereof. The term "gene" as used herein refers to a segment of a nucleic acid molecule coding for a polypeptide chain, that may or may not include gene regulatory sequences preceding and following the coding sequence, e.g. promoters, enhancers, etc., as well as intervening sequences () between individual coding segments (). It will further be appreciated that the definition of gene can include nucleic acids that do not encode polypeptide, but rather provide templates for transcription of functional RNA molecules such as tRNAs, rRNAs, etc. A nucleic acid molecule of the present invention, such as a nucleic acid molecule having the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 or a variant thereof, such as a functional equivalent, can be isolated using standard molecular biology techniques and the sequence information provided herein. For example, using all or a portion of the nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 as a hybridization probe, nucleic acid molecules according to the invention can be isolated using standard hybridization and cloning techniques (e. g., as described in Sambrook, J., Fritsh, E. F., and Maniatis, T. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual.2nd, ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1989). Moreover, a nucleic acid molecule encompassing all or a portion of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 may be isolated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using synthetic oligonucleotide primers designed based upon the sequence information contained in SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500. A nucleic acid of the invention can be amplified using cDNA, mRNA or alternatively, genomic DNA, as a template and appropriate oligonucleotide primers according to standard PCR amplification techniques. The nucleic acid so amplified can be cloned into an appropriate vector and characterized by DNA sequence analysis. Furthermore, oligonucleotides corresponding to or hybridizable to a nucleotide sequence according to the invention can be prepared by standard synthetic techniques, e.g., using an automated DNA synthesizer.

In a preferred embodiment, an isolated nucleic acid molecule of the invention comprises the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500. In another preferred embodiment, an isolated nucleic acid molecule of the invention comprises a nucleic acid molecule which is the reverse complement of the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 or a variant, such as a functional equivalent, of either such nucleotide sequence. A nucleic acid molecule which is complementary to another nucleotide sequence is one which is sufficiently complementary to the other nucleotide sequence such that it can hybridize to the other nucleotide sequence thereby forming a stable duplex. The term "cDNA" (complementary DNA) is defined herein as a DNA molecule which can be prepared by reverse transcription from a mRNA molecule. In prokaryotes the mRNA molecule is obtained from the transcription of the genomic DNA of a gene present in a cell. In eukaryotic cells genes contain both exons, i.e. coding sequences, and introns, i.e. intervening sequences located between the exons. Therefore in eukaryotic cell the initial, primary RNA obtained from transcription of the genomic DNA of a gene is processed through a series of steps before appearing as mRNA. These steps include the removal of sequences by a process called splicing. cDNA derived from mRNA only contains coding sequences and can be directly translated into the corresponding polypeptide product. The term "complementary strand" can be used interchangeably with the term "complement". The complement of a nucleic acid strand can be the complement of a coding strand or the complement of a non-coding strand. When referring to double- stranded nucleic acids, the complement of a nucleic acid encoding a polypeptide refers to the complementary strand of the strand encoding the amino acid sequence or to any nucleic acid molecule containing the same. As used herein, the term "hybridization" means the pairing of substantially complementary strands of oligomeric compounds. One mechanism of pairing involves hydrogen bonding, which may be Watson-Crick, Hoogsteen or reversed Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding, between complementary nucleotide bases (nucleotides) of the strands of oligomeric compounds. For example, adenine and thymine are complementary nucleic acids which pair through the formation of hydrogen bonds. Hybridization can occur under varying circumstances. "Stringency hybridization" or "hybridizes under low stringency, medium stringency, high stringency, or very high stringency conditions" is used herein to describe conditions for hybridization and washing, more specifically conditions under which an oligomeric compound will hybridize to its target sequence, but to a minimal number of other sequences. So, the oligomeric compound will hybridize to the target sequence to a detectably greater degree than to other sequences. Guidance for performing hybridization reactions can be found in

Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. (1989), 6.3.1-6:3.6. Aqueous and non-aqueous methods are described in that reference and either can be used. Stringency conditions are sequence-dependent and will be different in different circumstances. Generally, stringency conditions are selected to be about 5°C lower than the thermal melting point (Tm) for the oligomeric compound at a defined ionic strength and pH. The Tm is the temperature (under defined ionic strength and pH) at which 50% of an oligomeric compound hybridizes to a perfectly matched probe. Stringency conditions may also be achieved with the addition of destabilizing agents such as formamide. Examples of specific hybridization conditions are as follows: 1) low stringency hybridization conditions in 6X sodium chloride/sodium citrate (SSC) at about 45°C, followed by two washes in 0.2X SSC, 0.1% SDS at least at 50°C (the temperature of the washes can be increased to 55°C for low stringency conditions); 2) medium stringency hybridization conditions in 6X SSC at about 45°C, followed by one or more washes in 0.2X SSC, 0.1% SDS at 60°C; 3) high stringency hybridization conditions in 6X SSC at about 45°C, followed by one or more washes in 0.2X SSC, 0.1% SDS at 65°C; and 4) very high stringency hybridization conditions are 0.5M sodium phosphate, 7% SDS at 65°C, followed by one or more washes at 0.2X SSC, 1% SDS at 65°C. In general, high stringency conditions, such as high hybridization temperature and optionally low salt concentrations, permit only hybridization between sequences that are highly similar, whereas low stringency conditions, such as low hybridization temperature and optionally high salt concentrations, allow hybridization when the sequences are less similar. One aspect of the invention pertains to isolated nucleic acid molecules that encode a polypeptide of the invention or a variant, such as a functional equivalent thereof, for example a biologically active fragment or domain, as well as nucleic acid molecules sufficient for use as hybridization probes to identify nucleic acid molecules encoding a polypeptide of the invention and fragments of such nucleic acid molecules suitable for use as PCR primers for the amplification or mutation of nucleic acid molecules. Moreover, an "isolated nucleic acid fragment" is a nucleic acid fragment that is not naturally occurring, for example recombinant, as a fragment and would not be found in the natural state. The term "naturally-occurring" as used herein refers to processes, events, or things that occur in their relevant form in nature. By contrast, "not naturally-occurring" refers to processes, events, or things whose existence or form involves the hand of man. Generally, the term "naturally-occurring" with regard to polypeptides or nucleic acids can be used interchangeable with the term "wild-type" or "native". It refers to polypeptide or nucleic acids encoding a polypeptide, having an amino acid sequence or polynucleotide sequence, respectively, identical to that found in nature. Naturally occurring polypeptides include native polypeptides, such as those polypeptides naturally expressed or found in a particular host. Naturally occurring polynucleotides include native polynucleotides such as those polynucleotides naturally found in the genome of a particular host. Additionally, a sequence that is wild-type or naturally-occurring may refer to a sequence from which a variant or a synthetic sequence is derived. As used herein, a "synthetic" molecule is produced by in vitro chemical or enzymatic synthesis. It includes, but is not limited to, variant nucleic acids made with optimal codon usage for host organisms of choice. The term "recombinant" when used in reference to a cell, nucleic acid, protein or vector, indicates that the cell, nucleic acid, protein or vector, has been modified by the introduction of a heterologous nucleic acid or protein or the alteration of a native nucleic acid or protein, or that the cell is derived from a cell so modified. Thus, for example, recombinant cells express genes that are not found within the native (non-recombinant) form of the cell or express native genes that are otherwise abnormally expressed, under expressed or not expressed at all. The term "recombinant" is synonymous with "genetically modified". The term "isolated polypeptide" as used herein means a polypeptide that is removed from at least one component, e.g. other polypeptide material, with which it is naturally associated. Thus, an isolated polypeptide may contain at most 10%, at most 8%, more preferably at most 6%, more preferably at most 5%, more preferably at most 4%, more preferably at most 3%, even more preferably at most 2%, even more preferably at most 1% and most preferably at most 0,5% as determined by SDS-PAGE of other polypeptide material with which it is natively associated. The isolated polypeptide may be free of any other impurities. The isolated polypeptide may be at least 50% pure, e.g., at least 60% pure, at least 70% pure, at least 75% pure, at least 80% pure, at least 85% pure, at least 80% pure, at least 90% pure, or at least 95% pure, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, 99.5%, 99.9% as determined by SDS-PAGE or any other analytical method suitable for this purpose and known to the person skilled in the art. An "isolated polynucleotide" or "isolated nucleic acid" is a polynucleotide removed from other polynucleotides with which it is naturally associated. Thus, an isolated polynucleotide may contain at most 10%, at most 8%, more preferably at most 6%, more preferably at most 5%, more preferably at most 4%, more preferably at most 3%, even more preferably at most 2%, even more preferably at most 1% and most preferably at most 0,5% by weight of other polynucleotide material with which it is naturally associated. The isolated polynucleotide may be free of any other impurities. The isolated polynucleotide may be at least 50% pure, e.g., at least 60% pure, at least 70% pure, at least 75% pure, at least 80% pure, at least 85% pure, at least 90% pure, or at least 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, 99.5%, 99.9% pure by weight. The term "substantially pure" with regard to polypeptides refers to a polypeptide preparation which contains at the most 50% by weight of other polypeptide material. The polypeptides disclosed herein are preferably in a substantially pure form. In particular, it is preferred that the polypeptides disclosed herein are in "essentially pure form", i.e. that the polypeptide preparation is essentially free of other polypeptide material. Optionally, the polypeptide may also be essentially free of non-polypeptide material such as nucleic acids, lipids, media components, and the like. Herein, the term "substantially pure polypeptide" is synonymous with the terms "isolated polypeptide" and "polypeptide in isolated form". The term "substantially pure" with regard to polynucleotide refers to a polynucleotide preparation which contains at the most 50% by weight of other polynucleotide material. The polynucleotides disclosed herein are preferably in a substantially pure form. In particular, it is preferred that the polynucleotide disclosed herein are in "essentially pure form", i.e. that the polynucleotide preparation is essentially free of other polynucleotide material. Optionally, the polynucleotide may also be essentially free of non-polynucleotide material such as polypeptides, lipids, media components, and the like. Herein, the term "substantially pure polynucleotide" is synonymous with the terms "isolated polynucleotide" and "polynucleotide in isolated form".

The term "nucleic acid" as used in the present invention refers to a nucleotide polymer including at least 5 nucleotide units. A nucleic acid refers to a ribonucleotide polymer (RNA), deoxynucleotide polymer (DNA) or a modified form of either type of nucleic acid or synthetic form thereof or mixed polymers of any of the above. Nucleic acids may include either or both naturally-occurring and modified nucleic acids linked together by naturally-occurring and/or non-naturally occurring nucleic acid linkages. The nucleic acid molecules may be modified chemically or biochemically or may contain non- natural or derivatized nucleic acid bases, as will be readily appreciated by those of skill in the art. Such modifications include, for example, labels, methylation, substitution of one or more of the naturally occurring nucleic acids with an analog, internucleotide modifications such as uncharged linkages (e.g., methyl phosphonates, phosphotriesters, phosphoramidates, carbamates, etc.), charged linkages (e.g., phosphorothioates, phosphorodithioates, etc.), pendent moieties (e.g., polypeptides), intercalators (e.g., acridine, psoralen, etc.), chelators, alkylators, and modified linkages (e.g., alpha anomeric nucleic acids, etc.) The term nucleic acid is also intended to include any topological conformation, including single-stranded (sense strand and antisense strand), double-stranded, partially duplexed, triplex, hairpinned, circular and padlocked conformations. Also included are synthetic molecules that mimic nucleic acids in their ability to bind to a designated sequence via hydrogen bonding and other chemical interactions. Such molecules are known in the art and include, for example, those in which peptide linkages substitute for phosphate linkages in the backbone of the molecule. A reference to a nucleic acid sequence encompasses its complement unless otherwise specified. Thus, a reference to a nucleic acid molecule having a particular sequence should be understood to encompass its complementary strand, with its complementary sequence. The complementary strand is also useful, e.g., for antisense therapy, hybridization probes and PCR primers. The term "nucleic acid", "nucleic acid molecule" and "polynucleotide" can be used interchangeably herein. A "substitution", as used herein in relation to polypeptides or nucleic acids, denotes the replacement of one or more amino acids in a polypeptide sequence or of one or more nucleotides in a polynucleotide sequence, respectively, by different amino acids or nucleotides, respectively Another embodiment of the invention provides an isolated nucleic acid molecule which is antisense to a nucleic acid molecule encoding the polypeptide of the invention, e.g., the coding strand of a nucleic acid molecule encoding the protein of the invention. Also included within the scope of the invention are the complementary strands of the nucleic acid molecules described herein. Unless otherwise indicated, all nucleotide sequences determined by sequencing a DNA molecule herein were determined using an automated DNA sequencer and all amino acid sequences of polypeptides encoded by DNA molecules determined herein were predicted by translation of a DNA sequence determined as above. Therefore, as is known in the art for any DNA sequence determined by this automated approach, any nucleotide sequence determined herein may contain some errors. Nucleotide sequences determined by automation are typically at least about 90% identical, more typically at least about 95% to at least about 99.9% identical to the actual nucleotide sequence of the sequenced DNA molecule. The actual sequence can be more precisely determined by other approaches including manual DNA sequencing methods well known in the art. As is also known in the art, a single insertion or deletion in a determined nucleotide sequence compared to the actual sequence will cause a frame shift in translation of the nucleotide sequence such that the predicted amino acid sequence encoded by a determined nucleotide sequence will be completely different from the amino acid sequence actually encoded by the sequenced DNA molecule, beginning at the point of such an insertion or deletion. The term "deletion", as used herein, denotes a change in either amino acid or nucleic acid sequence in which one or more amino acid or nucleotide, respectively, are absent as compared to the parent, often the naturally occurring, amino acid or nucleic acid sequence. The term "insertion", also known as the term "addition", denotes a change in an amino acid or nucleic acid sequence resulting in the addition of one or more amino acid or nucleotide, respectively, as compared to the parent, often the naturally occurring, amino acid or nucleic acid sequence. The person skilled in the art is capable of identifying such erroneously identified bases and knows how to correct for such errors for example by sequencing the relevant gene of TEC-101 or the genome of TEC-101 (CBS 127450) as described in WO201 1/000949. A nucleic acid molecule according to the invention may comprise only a portion or a fragment of the nucleic acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 (or of a variant of either thereof), for example a fragment which can be used as a probe or primer or a fragment encoding a portion of a protein of the invention. The nucleotide sequence determined from the cloning of gene encoding the protein of the invention and cDNA allows for the generation of probes and primers designed for use in identifying and/or cloning other family members of the protein of the invention, as well as homologues from other species. The probe/primer typically comprises a substantially purified oligonucleotide which typically comprises a region of nucleotide sequence that hybridizes preferably under highly stringent conditions to at least from about 12 to about 15, preferably from about 18 to about 20, preferably from about 22 to about 25, more preferably about 30, about 35, about 40, about 45, about 50, about 55, about 60, about 65, or about 75 or more consecutive nucleotides of a nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 or of a variant, such as a functional equivalent, of either thereof. Probes based on nucleotide sequences encoding the protein of the invention can be used to detect transcripts or genomic sequences corresponding to the protein of the invention encoding the same or homologous proteins for instance in other organisms. In preferred embodiments, the probe further comprises a label group attached thereto, e.g., the label group can be a radioisotope, a fluorescent compound, an enzyme, or an enzyme cofactor. Such probes can also be used as part of a diagnostic test kit for identifying cells which express a protein of the invention. The polynucleotides herein may be synthetic polynucleotides. The synthetic polynucleotides may be optimized in codon use, preferably according to the methods described in WO2006/077258 and/or PCT/EP2007/055943, which are herein incorporated by reference. PCT/EP2007/055943 addresses codon-pair optimization. Codon-pair optimization is a method wherein the nucleotide sequences encoding a polypeptide have been modified with respect to their codon-usage, in particular the codon-pairs that are used, to obtain improved expression of the nucleotide sequence encoding the polypeptide and/or improved production of the encoded polypeptide. Codon pairs are defined as a set of two subsequent triplets (codons) in a coding sequence. Those skilled in the art will know that the codon usage needs to be adapted depending on the host species, possibly resulting in variants with significant homology deviation from SEQ ID NO: 1 or 20500 but still encoding the polypeptide of the invention.

The term "expression" includes any step involved in the production of the polypeptide including, but not limited to, transcription, post transcriptional modification, translation, post-translational modification, and secretion. The invention further relates to a nucleic acid construct comprising the polynucleotide as described before. The term "nucleic acid construct" is herein referred to as a nucleic acid molecule, either single- or double-stranded, which is isolated from a naturally occurring gene or which has been modified to contain segments of nucleic acid which are combined and juxtaposed in a manner which would not otherwise exist in nature. The term nucleic acid construct is synonymous with the term "expression cassette" when the nucleic acid construct contains all the control sequences required for expression of a coding sequence, wherein said control sequences are operably linked to said coding sequence. The term "coding sequence" as defined herein is a sequence, which is transcribed into mRNA and translated into a transcriptional activator of a protease promoter of the invention. The boundaries of the coding sequence are generally determined by the ATG start codon at the 5'end of the mRNA and a translation stop codon sequence terminating the open reading frame at the 3' end of the mRNA. A coding sequence can include, but is not limited to, DNA, cDNA, and recombinant nucleic acid sequences. Preferably, the nucleic acid has high GC content. The GC content herein indicates the number of G and C nucleotides in the construct, divided by the total number of nucleotides, expressed in % . The GC content is preferably 56% or more, 57% or more, 58% or more, 59% or more, 60% or more, or in the range of 56-70% or the range of 58-65%. Preferably, the DNA construct comprises a promoter DNA sequence, a coding sequence in operative association with said promoter DNA sequence and control sequences such as:- one translational termination sequence orientated in 5' towards 3' direction selected from the following list of sequences: TAAG, TAGA and TAAA, preferably TAAA, and/or- one translational initiator coding sequence orientated in 5' towards 3' direction selected from the following list of sequences: GCTACCCCC; GCTACCTCC; GCTACCCTC; GCTACCTTC; GCTCCCCCC; GCTCCCTCC; GCTCCCCTC; GCTCCCTTC; GCTGCCCCC; GCTGCCTCC; GCTGCCCTC; GCTGCCTTC; GCTTCCCCC; GCTTCCTCC; GCTTCCCTC; and GCTTCCTTC, preferably GCT TCC TTC, and/or one translational initiator sequence selected from the following list of sequences: 5'-mwChkyCAAA-3'; 5'-mwChkyCACA-3' or 5'-mwChkyCAAG-3', using ambiguity codes for nucleotides: m (A/C); w (A/T); y (C/T); k (G/T); h (A/C/T), preferably 5'-CACCGTCAAA-3' or 5'-CGCAGTCAAG-3'. In the context of this invention, the term "translational initiator coding sequence" is defined as the nine nucleotides immediately downstream of the initiator or start codon of the open reading frame of a DNA coding sequence. The initiator or start codon encodes for the AA methionine. The initiator codon is typically ATG, but may also be any functional start codon such as GTG. In the context of this invention, the term "translational termination sequence" is defined as the four nucleotides starting from the translational stop codon at the 3' end of the open reading frame or nucleotide coding sequence and oriented in 5' towards 3' direction.

In the context of this invention, the term "translational initiator sequence" is defined as the ten nucleotides immediately upstream of the initiator or start codon of the open reading frame of a DNA sequence coding for a polypeptide. The initiator or start codon encodes for the AA methionine. The initiator codon is typically ATG, but may also be any functional start codon such as GTG. It is well known in the art that uracil, U, replaces the deoxynucleotide thymine, T, in RNA.

Homology and identity The terms "" or "sequence identity" are used interchangeably herein. For the purpose of this invention, it is defined here that in order to determine the percentage of sequence homology or sequence identity of two amino acid sequences or of two nucleic acid sequences, the sequences are aligned for optimal comparison purposes. In order to optimize the alignment between the two sequences gaps may be introduced in any of the two sequences that are compared. Such alignment can be carried out over the full length of the sequences being compared. Alternatively, the alignment may be carried out over a shorter length, for example over about 20, about 50, about 100 or more nucleic acids/based or amino acids. The sequence identity is the percentage of identical matches between the two sequences over the reported aligned region. A comparison of sequences and determination of percentage of sequence identity between two sequences can be accomplished using a mathematical algorithm. The skilled person will be aware of the fact that several different computer programs are available to align two sequences and determine the identity between two sequences (Kruskal, J. B. (1983) An overview of sequence comparison In D. Sankoff and J. B. Kruskal, (ed.), Time warps, string edits and macromolecules: the theory and practice of sequence comparison, pp. 1-44 Addison Wesley). The percent sequence identity between two amino acid sequences or between two nucleotide sequences may be determined using the Needleman and Wunsch algorithm for the alignment of two sequences. (Needleman, S. B. and Wunsch, C. D. (1970) J. Mol. Biol. 48, 443-453). Both amino acid sequences and nucleotide sequences can be aligned by the algorithm. The Needleman-Wunsch algorithm has been implemented in the computer program NEEDLE. For the purpose of this invention the NEEDLE program from the EMBOSS package was used (version 2.8.0 or higher, EMBOSS: The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (2000) Rice, P. LongdenJ. and BleasbyA Trends in Genetics 16, (6) pp276—277, http://emboss.bioinformatics.nl/). For protein sequences EBLOSUM62 is used for the substitution matrix. For nucleotide sequence, EDNAFULL is used. The optional parameters used are a gap-open penalty of 10 and a gap extension penalty of 0.5. The skilled person will appreciate that all these different parameters will yield slightly different results but that the overall percentage identity of two sequences is not significantly altered when using different algorithms. After alignment by the program NEEDLE as described above the percentage of sequence identity between a query sequence and a sequence of the invention is calculated as follows: Number of corresponding positions in the alignment showing an identical amino acid or identical nucleotide in both sequences divided by the total length of the alignment after subtraction of the total number of gaps in the alignment. The identity defined as herein can be obtained from NEEDLE by using the NOBRIEF option and is labeled in the output of the program as "longest-identity". The nucleic acid and protein sequences of the present invention can further be used as a "query sequence" to perform a search against public databases to, for example, identify other family members or related sequences. Such searches can be performed using the NBLAST and XBLAST programs (version 2.0) of Altschul, et al. (1990) J. Mol. Biol. 215:403—10. BLAST nucleotide searches can be performed with the NBLAST program, score = 100, wordlength = 12 to obtain nucleotide sequences homologous to nucleic acid molecules of the invention. BLAST protein searches can be performed with the XBLAST program, score = 50, wordlength = 3 to obtain amino acid sequences homologous to protein molecules of the invention. To obtain gapped alignments for comparison purposes, Gapped BLAST can be utilized as described in Altschul et al., (1997) Nucleic Acids Res. 25(17): 3389-3402. When utilizing BLAST and Gapped BLAST programs, the default parameters of the respective programs (e.g., XBLAST and NBLAST) can be used. See the homepage of the National Center for Biotechnology Information at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.

Vectors An expression vector comprises a polynucleotide coding for a polypeptide, operably linked to the appropriate control sequences (such as a promoter, and transcriptional and translational stop signals) for expression and/or translation in vitro, or in the host cell of the polynucleotide. Certain vectors are capable of directing the expression of genes to which they are operatively linked. Such vectors are referred to herein as "expression vectors". In general, expression vectors of utility in recombinant

DNA techniques are often in the form of plasmids. The expression vector may be any vector (e.g., a plasmid or virus), which can be conveniently subjected to recombinant DNA procedures and can bring about the expression of the polynucleotide. The choice of the vector will typically depend on the compatibility of the vector with the cell into which the vector is to be introduced. The vectors may be linear or closed circular plasmids. The vector may be an autonomously replicating vector, i. e., a vector, which exists as an extra-chromosomal entity, the replication of which is independent of chromosomal replication, e.g., a plasmid, an extra- chromosomal element, a mini-chromosome, or an artificial chromosome. Alternatively, the vector may be one which, when introduced into the host cell, is integrated into the genome and replicated together with the chromosome(s) into which it has been integrated. The integrative cloning vector may integrate at random or at a predetermined target locus in the chromosomes of the host cell. The vector system may be a single vector or plasmid or two or more vectors or plasmids, which together contain the total DNA to be introduced into the genome of the host cell, or a transposon. The vectors preferably contain one or more selectable markers, which permit easy selection of transformed cells. Another aspect of the invention pertains to vectors, including cloning and expression vectors, comprising a polynucleotide of the invention encoding a protein of the invention or a functional equivalent thereof and methods of growing, transforming or transfecting such vectors in a suitable host cell, for example under conditions in which expression of a polypeptide of the invention occurs. As used herein, the term "vector" refers to a nucleic acid molecule capable of transporting another nucleic acid to which it has been linked. Thus in a further embodiment, the invention provides a method of making polynucleotides of the invention by introducing a polynucleotide of the invention into a replicable vector, introducing the vector into a compatible host cell, and growing the host cell under conditions which bring about replication of the vector. The vector may be recovered from the host cell. Suitable host cells are described below. One type of vector is a "plasmid", which refers to a circular double stranded DNA loop into which additional DNA segments can be ligated. Another type of vector is a viral vector, wherein additional DNA segments can be ligated into the viral genome. The terms "plasmid" and "vector" can be used interchangeably herein as the plasmid is the most commonly used form of vector. However, the invention is intended to include such other forms of expression vectors, such as cosmid, viral vectors (e.g., replication defective retroviruses, adenoviruses and adeno-associated viruses) and phage vectors which serve equivalent functions. Vectors according to the invention may be used in vitro, for example for the production of RNA or used to transfect or transform a host cell. A vector of the invention may comprise two or more, for example three, four or five, polynucleotides of the invention, for example for overexpression. The recombinant expression vectors of the invention comprise a nucleic acid of the invention in a form suitable for expression of the nucleic acid in a host cell, which means that the recombinant expression vector includes one or more regulatory sequences, selected on the basis of the host cells to be used for expression, which is operably linked to the nucleic acid sequence to be expressed. The term "operably linked", "operatively linked" or "in operative association" as used herein refers to two or more nucleic acid sequence elements that are physically linked and are in a functional relationship with each other. For instance, a promoter is operably linked to a coding sequence if the promoter is able to initiate or regulate the transcription or expression of a coding sequence, in which case the coding sequence should be understood as being "under the control of" the promoter. Generally, when two nucleic acid sequences are operably linked, they will be in the same orientation and usually also in the same reading frame. They usually will be essentially contiguous, although this may not be required. A vector or expression construct for a given host cell may thus comprise the following elements operably linked to each other in a consecutive order from the 5'-end to 3'-end relative to the coding strand of the sequence encoding the polypeptide of the first invention: ( 1 ) a promoter sequence capable of directing transcription of the nucleotide sequence encoding the polypeptide in the given host cell ; (2) optionally, a signal sequence capable of directing secretion of the polypeptide from the given host cell into a culture medium; (3) a DNA sequence of the invention encoding a mature and preferably active form of a polypeptide having preferably biological activity; and preferably also (4) a transcription termination region (terminator) capable of terminating transcription downstream of the nucleotide sequence encoding the polypeptide. The term "mature polypeptide" or "mature form of a polypeptide" is defined herein as a polypeptide in its final form and is obtained after translation of a mRNA into polypeptide and post-translational modifications of said polypeptide. Post-translational modification include N-terminal processing, C-terminal truncation, glycosylation, phosphorylation and removal of leader sequences such as signal peptides, pro-peptides and/or prepro-peptides as defined herein by cleavage. Downstream of the nucleotide sequence according to the invention there may be a 3' untranslated region containing one or more transcription termination sites (e. g. a terminator). The terminator can, for example, be native to the DNA sequence encoding the polypeptide. However, preferably a yeast terminator is used in yeast host cells and a filamentous fungal terminator is used in filamentous fungal host cells. More preferably, the terminator is endogenous to the host cell (in which the nucleotide sequence encoding the polypeptide is to be expressed). In the transcribed region, a ribosome for translation may be present. The coding portion of the mature transcripts expressed by the constructs will include a translation initiating AUG at the beginning and a termination codon appropriately positioned at the end of the polypeptide to be translated. Enhanced expression of the polynucleotide of the invention may also be achieved by the selection of heterologous regulatory regions, e. g. promoter, secretion leader and/or terminator regions, which may serve to increase expression and, if desired, secretion levels of the protein of interest from the expression host and/or to provide for the inducible control of the expression of a polypeptide of the invention. It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the design of the expression vector can depend on such factors as the choice of the host cell to be transformed, the level of expression of protein desired, etc. The vectors, such as expression vectors, of the invention can be introduced into host cells to thereby produce proteins or polypeptides, encoded by nucleic acids as described herein (e.g. proteins of the invention, mutant forms of proteins of the invention, fragments, variants or functional equivalents thereof. The vectors, such as recombinant expression vectors, of the invention can be designed for expression of proteins of the invention in prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. For example, proteins of the invention can be expressed in bacterial cells such as E. coli, insect cells (using baculovirus expression vectors), filamentous fungi, yeast cells or mammalian cells. Suitable host cells are discussed further in Goeddel, Gene Expression Technology: Methods in Enzymology 185, Academic Press, San Diego, CA (1990). Representative examples of appropriate hosts are described hereafter. Appropriate culture mediums and conditions for the above-described host cells are known in the art. The recombinant expression vector can be transcribed and translated in vitro, for example using T7 promoter regulatory sequences and T7 polymerase. For most filamentous fungi and yeast, the vector or expression construct is preferably integrated in the genome of the host cell in order to obtain stable transformants. However, for certain yeasts also suitable episomal vectors are available into which the expression construct can be incorporated for stable and high level expression, examples thereof include vectors derived from the 2µ and pKD1 plasmids of Saccharomyces and Kluyveromyces, respectively, or vectors containing an AMA sequence (e.g. AMA1 from Aspergillus). In case the expression constructs are integrated in the host cells genome, the constructs are either integrated at random loci in the genome, or at predetermined target loci using homologous recombination, in which case the target loci preferably comprise a highly expressed gene. Accordingly, expression vectors useful in the present invention include chromosomal-, episomal- and virus-derived vectors e.g., vectors derived from bacterial plasmids, bacteriophage, yeast episome, yeast chromosomal elements, viruses such as baculoviruses, papova viruses, vaccinia viruses, adenoviruses, fowl pox viruses, pseudorabies viruses and retroviruses, and vectors derived from combinations thereof, such as those derived from plasmid and bacteriophage genetic elements, such as cosmids and phagemids. The term "control sequence", "regulatory element" or "regulatory sequence" can be used interchangeably with the term "expression-regulating nucleic acid sequence". The term as used herein refers to nucleic acid sequences necessary for and/or affecting the expression of an operably linked coding sequence in a particular host organism or in vitro. When two nucleic acid sequences are operably linked, they usually will be in the same orientation and also in the same reading frame. They usually will be essentially contiguous, although this may not be required. The expression-regulating nucleic acid sequences, such as inter alia appropriate transcription initiation, termination, promoter, leader, signal peptide, pro-peptide, prepro-peptide, or enhancer sequences; Shine- Delgarno sequence, repressor or activator sequences; efficient RNA processing signals such as splicing and polyadenylation signals; sequences that stabilize cytoplasmic mRNA; sequences that enhance translation efficiency (e.g., ribosome binding sites); sequences that enhance protein stability; and when desired, sequences that enhance protein secretion, can be any nucleic acid sequence showing activity in the host organism of choice and can be derived from genes encoding proteins, which are either homologous or heterologous to the host organism. Each control sequence may be native or foreign to the nucleic acid sequence encoding the polypeptide. When desired, the control sequence may be provided with linkers for the purpose of introducing specific restriction sites facilitating ligation of the control sequences with the coding region of the nucleic acid sequence encoding a polypeptide. Control sequences may be optimized to their specific purpose. The control sequence may be an appropriate promoter sequence, a nucleic acid sequence, which is recognized by a host cell for expression of the nucleic acid sequence. The promoter sequence contains transcriptional control sequences, which mediate the expression of the polypeptide. The promoter may be any nucleic acid sequence, which shows transcriptional activity in the cell including mutant, truncated, and hybrid promoters, and may be obtained from genes encoding extracellular or intracellular polypeptides either homologous or heterologous to the cell. The term "promoter" is defined herein as a DNA sequence that binds RNA polymerase and directs the polymerase to the correct downstream transcriptional start site of a nucleic acid sequence encoding a biological compound to initiate transcription. RNA polymerase effectively catalyzes the assembly of messenger RNA complementary to the appropriate DNA strand of a coding region. The term "promoter" will also be understood to include the 5'-non-coding region (between promoter and translation start) for translation after transcription into mRNA, cis-acting transcription control elements such as enhancers, and other nucleotide sequences capable of interacting with transcription factors. The promoter may be any appropriate promoter sequence suitable for a eukaryotic or prokaryotic host cell, which shows transcriptional activity, including mutant, truncated, and hybrid promoters, and may be obtained from polynucleotides encoding extra-cellular or intracellular polypeptides either homologous (native) or heterologous (foreign) to the cell. The promoter may be a constitutive or inducible promoter. Preferably the promoter is an inducible promoter. More preferably the promoter is a carbohydrate inducible promoter. Carbohydrate inducible promoters that are preferably used are selected from a starch-inducible promoter (i.e. a promoter inducible by starch, a monomer, a dimer, a oligomer thereof, such as for example a maltose-inducible promoter, an isomaltose-inducible promoter), a cellulose-inducible promoter (i.e. a promoter inducible by cellulose, a monomer, a dimer and/or oligomer thereof, such as for example a cellobiose-inducible promoter, a sophorose-inducible promoter), a hemicellulose inducible promoter (i.e. a promoter inducible by hemicellulose, a monomer, a dimer, and/or a oligomer thereof, such as e.g. a xylan-inducible promoter, an arabionose-inducible promoter, a xylose-inducible promoter), a pectin-inducible promoter (i.e. a promoter inducible by pectin, a monomer, a dimer and/or an oligomer thereof such as for example a galacturonic acid-inducible promoter, a rhamnose- inducible promoter), an arabinan-inducible promoter (i.e. a promoter inducible by arabinan, a monomer, a dimer, and/or an oligomer thereof such as for example an arabinose-inducible promoter), a glucose-inducible promoter, a lactose-inducible promoter, a galactose-inducible promoter. Other inducible promoters are copper-, oleic acid- inducible promoters.

Promoters suitable in filamentous fungi are promoters which may be selected from the group, which includes but is not limited to promoters obtained from the polynucleotides encoding A . oryzae TAKA amylase, Rhizomucor miehei aspartic proteinase, Aspergillus gpdA promoter, A . niger neutral alpha-amylase, A . niger acid stable alpha-amylase, A . niger or A . awamori glucoamylase (glaA), A . niger or A . awamori endoxylanase (xlnA) or beta-xylosidase (x/nD), T. reesei cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI), R. miehei lipase, A . oryzae alkaline protease, A . oryzae triose phosphate isomerase, A . nidulans acetamidase, Fusarium venenatum amyloglucosidase (WO 00/56900), Fusarium venenatum Dania (WO 00/56900), Fusarium venenatum Quinn (WO 00/56900), Fusarium oxysporum trypsin-like protease (WO 96/00787), Trichoderma reesei beta-glucosidase, Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase I, Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase II, Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase I, Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase II, Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase III, Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase IV, Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase V , Trichoderma reesei xylanase

I, Trichoderma reesei xylanase II, Trichoderma reesei beta-xylosidase, as well as the NA2-tpi promoter (a hybrid of the promoters from the polynucleotides encoding A . niger neutral alpha-amylase and A . oryzae triose phosphate isomerase), and mutant, truncated, and hybrid promoters thereof. Other examples of promoters are the promoters described in WO2006/092396 and WO2005/1 00573, which are herein incorporated by reference. Even other examples of the use of promoters are described in WO2008/098933 and co-pending patent application no. EP12172605. Preferred carbohydrate inducible promoters which can be used in filamentous fungi are Rasamsonia promoters such Rasamsonia emersonii beta-glucosidase, Rasamsonia emersonii cellobiohydrolase I, Rasamsonia emersonii cellobiohydrolase II, Rasamsonia emersonii endoglucanase IV(GH61), Rasamsonia emersonii acetyl xylan esterase promoter, A . oryzae TAKA amylase, A . niger neutral alpha-amylase, A . niger acid stable alpha-amylase, A . niger or A . awamori glucoamylase (glaA), A . niger or A . awamori endoxylanase (xlnA) or beta-xylosidase (x/nD), T , Trichoderma reesei beta-glucosidase,

Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase I, Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase II,

Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase I, Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase II, Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase III, Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase IV,

Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase V, Trichoderma reesei xylanase I, Trichoderma reesei xylanase II, Trichoderma reesei beta-xylosidase, as well as the NA2-tpi promoter (a hybrid of the promoters from the polynucleotides encoding A . niger neutral alpha- amylase and A . oryzae triose phosphate isomerase) as defined above. Also promoters disclosed in WO2009150195 can be used, these promoters direct expression in a wide range of industrially relevant species, both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. When the polynucleotide sequences of the invention are applied in combination with selection marker genes it is possible to perform selectable cloning in a laboratory host and use the same construct in the final host. Examples of such promoters from Gram-positive microorganisms include, but are not limited to gnt (gluconate operon promoter); penP from Bacillus licheniformis; glnA (glutamine synthetase); xylAB (xylose operon); araABD (L-arabinose operon) and Pspac promoter, a hybrid SP01/lac promoter that can be controlled by inducers such as isopropyl^-D-thiogalactopyranoside [IPTG] ((Yansura D.G., Henner D.J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 1984 81(2):439-443). Activators are also sequence-specific DNA binding proteins that induce promoter activity. Examples of such promoters from Gram-positive microorganisms include, but are not limited to, two-component systems (PhoP-PhoR, DegU-DegS, SpoOA-Phosphorelay), LevR, Mry and GltC. (ii) Production of secondary sigma factors can be primarily responsible for the transcription from specific promoters. Examples from Gram-positive microorganisms include, but are not limited to, the promoters activated by sporulation specific sigma factors: aF, σΕ , G and σΚ and general stress sigma factor, σΒ. The σΒ-mediated response is induced by energy limitation and environmental stresses (Hecker M, Volker U. Mol Microbiol. 1998; 29(5):1 129-1 136.). (iii) Attenuation and antitermination also regulates transcription. Examples from Gram-positive microorganisms include, but are not limited to, trp operon and sacB gene (iv) Other regulated promoters in expression vectors are based the sacR regulatory system conferring sucrose inducibility (Klier AF, Rapoport G . Annu Rev Microbiol. 1988;42:65-95). Suitable inducible promoters useful in bacteria, such as Bacilli, include: promoters from Gram-positive microorganisms such as, but are not limited to, SP01-26, SP01-15, veg, pyc (pyruvate carboxylase promoter), and amyE. Examples of promoters from Gram-negative microorganisms include, but are not limited to, tac, tet, trp-tet, Ipp, lac, Ipp-lac, laclq, T7, T5, T3, gal, trc, ara, SP6, λ-PR, and λ-PL.

Additional examples of promoters useful in bacterial cells, such as Bacilli, include the a-amylase and SPo2 promoters as well as promoters from extracellular protease genes. Another example of a suitable promoter is the promoter obtained from the E. coli lac operon. Another example is the promoter of the Streptomyces coelicolor agarase gene (dagA). Another example is the promoter of the Bacillus lentus alkaline protease gene (aprH). Another example is the promoter of the Bacillus licheniformis alkaline protease gene (subtilisin Carlsberg gene). Another example is the promoter of the Bacillus subtilis levansucrase gene (sacB). Another example is the promoter of the Bacillus subtilis alphaamylase gene (amyF). Another example is the promoter of the Bacillus licheniformis alphaamylase gene (amyL). Another example is the promoter of the Bacillus stearothermophilus maltogenic amylase gene (amyM). Another example is the promoter of the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens alpha-amylase gene (amyQ). Another example is a "consensus" promoter having the sequence TTGACA for the "-35" region and TATAAT for the "-10" region. Another example is the promoter of the Bacillus licheniformis penicillinase gene (penP). Another example are the promoters of the Bacillus subtilis xylA and xylB genes. Preferably the promoter sequence is from a highly expressed gene. Examples of preferred highly expressed genes from which promoters may be selected and/or which are comprised in preferred predetermined target loci for integration of expression constructs, include but are not limited to genes encoding glycolytic enzymes such as triose-phosphate (TPI),glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenases (GAPDH), phosphoglycerate kinases (PGK), pyruvate kinases (PYK or PKI), alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH), as well as genes encoding amylases, glucoamylases, proteases, xylanases, cellobiohydrolases, β-galactosidases, alcohol (methanol) oxidases, elongation factors and ribosomal proteins. Specific examples of suitable highly expressed genes include e. g. the LAC4 gene from Kluyveromyces sp., the methanol oxidase genes (AOX and MOX) from Hansenula and Pichia, respectively, the glucoamylase (glaA) genes from A . niger and A . awamori, the A . oryzae TAKA-amylase gene, the A . nidulans gpdA gene and the T. reesei cellobiohydrolase genes.

Promoters which can be used in yeast include e.g. promoters from glycolytic genes, such as the phosphofructokinase (PFK), triose phosphate isomerase (TPI), glyceraldehyde-3 -phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD, TDH3 or GAPDH), pyruvate kinase (PYK), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) promoters from yeasts or filamentous fungi; more details about such promoters from yeast may be found in (WO 93/03159). Other useful promoters are ribosomal protein encoding gene promoters, the lactase gene promoter (LAC4), alcohol dehydrogenase promoters (ADHI, ADH4, and the like), and the enolase promoter (ENO). Other promoters, both constitutive and inducible, and enhancers or upstream activating sequences will be known to those of skill in the art.

The promoters used in the host cells of the invention may be modified, if desired, to affect their control characteristics. Suitable promoters in this context include both constitutive and inducible natural promoters as well as engineered promoters, which are well known to the person skilled in the art. Suitable promoters in eukaryotic host cells may be GAL7, GAL10, or GAL1, CYC1, HIS3, ADH1, PGL, PH05, GAPDH, ADC1, TRP1, URA3, LEU2, EN01, TPI1, and AOX1. Other suitable promoters include PDC1, GPD1, PGK1, TEF1, and TDH3. Examples of carbohydrate inducible promoters which can be used are GAL promoters, such as GAL1 or GAL10 promoters. All of the above-mentioned promoters are readily available in the art. Transcription of the DNA encoding the polypeptides of the present invention by higher eukaryotes may be increased by inserting an enhancer sequence into the vector. Enhancers are cis-acting elements of DNA, usually about from 10 to 300 bp that act to increase transcriptional activity of a promoter in a given host cell-type. Examples of enhancers include the SV40 enhancer, which is located on the late side of the replication origin at bp 100 to 270, the cytomegalovirus early promoter enhancer, the polyoma enhancer on the late side of the replication origin, and adenovirus enhancers. The control sequence may also be a suitable transcription terminator sequence, a sequence recognized by a filamentous fungal cell to terminate transcription. The terminator sequence is operably linked to the 3' terminus of the nucleic acid sequence encoding the polypeptide. Any terminator, which is functional in the cell, may be used in the present invention. The control sequence may also be a terminator. Preferred terminators for filamentous fungal cells are obtained from the genes encoding A . oryzae TAKA amylase, A . niger glucoamylase (glaA), A . nidulans anthranilate synthase, A . niger alpha- glucosidase, trpC gene and Fusarium oxysporum trypsin-like protease. The control sequence may also include a suitable leader sequence, a non- translated region of a mRNA which is important for translation by the filamentous fungal cell. The leader sequence is operably linked to the 5' terminus of the nucleic acid sequence encoding the polypeptide. Any leader sequence, which is functional in the cell, may be used in the present invention. Preferred leaders for filamentous fungal cells are obtained from the genes encoding A . oryzae TAKA amylase and A . nidulans triose phosphate isomerase and A . niger glaA. Other preferred sequences are isolated and/or disclosed in WO2006/077258. Other control sequences may be isolated from the Penicillium IPNS gene, or pcbC gene, the beta tubulin gene. All the control sequences cited in WO 01/21779 are herewith incorporated by reference. The control sequence may also be a polyadenylation sequence, a sequence which is operably linked to the 3' terminus of the nucleic acid sequence and which, when transcribed, is recognized by the filamentous fungal cell as a signal to add polyadenosine residues to transcribed mRNA. Any polyadenylation sequence, which is functional in the cell, may be used in the present invention. Preferred polyadenylation sequences for filamentous fungal cells are obtained from the genes encoding A . oryzae TAKA amylase, A . niger glucoamylase, A . nidulans anthranilate synthase, Fusarium oxysporum trypsin-like protease and A . niger alpha-glucosidase. When the polypeptide according to the invention is to be secreted from the host cell into the cultivation medium, an appropriate signal sequence can be added to the polypeptide in order to direct the de novo synthesized polypeptide to the secretion route of the host cell. The person skilled in the art knows to select an appropriate signal sequence for a specific host. The signal sequence may be native to the host cell, or may be foreign to the host cell. As an example, a signal sequence from a protein native to the host cell can be used. Preferably, said native protein is a highly secreted protein, i.e. a protein that is secreted in amounts higher than 10% of the total amount of protein being secreted. The signal sequences preferably used according to the invention are for example: pmeA. As an alternative for a signal sequence, the polypeptide of the invention can be fused to a secreted carrier protein, or part thereof. Such chimeric construct is directed to the secretion route by means of the signal sequence of the carrier protein, or part thereof. In addition, the carrier protein will provide a stabilizing effect to the polypeptide according to the invention and or may enhance solubility. Such carrier protein may be any protein. Preferably, a highly secreted protein is used as a carrier protein. The carrier protein may be native or foreign to the polypeptide according to the invention. The carrier protein may be native of may be foreign to the host cell. Examples of such carrier proteins are glucoamylase, prepro sequence of alpha-Mating factor, cellulose binding domain of Clostridium cellulovorans cellulose binding protein A , glutathione S- transferase, chitin binding domain of Bacillus circulans chitinase A 1, maltose binding domain encoded by the malE gene of E. coli K12, beta-galactosidase, and alkaline phosphatase. A preferred carrier protein for expression of such chimeric construct in Aspergillus cells is glucoamylase. The carrier protein and polypeptide according to the invention may contain a specific amino acid motif to facilitate isolation of the polypeptide; the polypeptide according to the invention may be released by a special releasing agent. The releasing agent may be a proteolytic enzyme or a chemical agent. An example of such amino acid motif is the KEX protease cleavage site, which is well-known to the person skilled in the art. A signal sequence can be used to facilitate secretion and isolation of a protein or polypeptide of the invention. Signal sequences are typically characterized by a core of hydrophobic amino acids, which are generally cleaved from the mature protein during secretion in one or more cleavage events. Such signal peptides contain processing sites that allow cleavage of the signal sequence from the mature proteins as they pass through the secretory pathway. The signal sequence directs secretion of the protein, such as from a eukaryotic host into which the expression vector is transformed, and the signal sequence is subsequently or concurrently cleaved. The protein can then be readily purified from the extracellular medium by known methods. As an alternative for a signal sequence, the polypeptide of the invention can be fused to a secreted carrier protein, or part thereof. Such chimeric construct is directed to the secretion route by means of the signal sequence of the carrier protein, or part thereof. In addition, the carrier protein will provide a stabilizing effect to the polypeptide according to the invention and or may enhance solubility. Such carrier protein may be any protein. Preferably, a highly secreted protein is used as a carrier protein. The carrier protein may be native or foreign to the polypeptide according to the invention. The carrier protein may be native of may be foreign to the host cell. Examples of such carrier proteins are glucoamylase, prepro sequence of alpha-Mating factor, cellulose binding domain of Clostridium cellulovorans, cellulose binding protein A , glutathione S- transferase, chitin binding domain of Bacillus circulans chitinase A 1, maltose binding domain encoded by the malE gene of E. coli K12, beta-galactosidase, and alkaline phosphatase. A preferred carrier protein for expression of such chimeric construct in Aspergillus cells is glucoamylase. As an alternative for secretion of the polypetide of the invention into the medium, the protein of the invention can be fused to a localisation sequence to target the protein of the invention to a desired cellular compartment, organel of a cell, or membrane. Such sequences are known to the person skilled in the art and include organel targeting sequences, such as peroxisomal transit sequences, nuclear localization sequences, endoplasmic reticulum retention signals, mitochondrial transit sequences and chloroplast transit sequences, and membrane localization/anchor sequences such as stop transfer sequences and GPI anchor sequences. Alternatively, the protein of the invention is fused to another protein that has preferably biological activity. An example hereof is a hybrid polypeptide whereby the polypeptide of the invention is fused to a CBH1 . Optionally, the protein of the invention is flanked on the C-terminal and/or the N-terminal side by an amino acid motif that facilitates identification, isolation and/or purification. Such amino acid motif may be β- galactosidase, alkaline phosphatase, GFP, RFP, polyarginine-tag, polyhistidine-tag, FLAG-tag, myc-tag, VSV-tag, HA-tag, and Protein A . Preferably, a fusion protein of the invention is produced by standard recombinant DNA techniques. For example, DNA fragments coding for the different polypeptide sequences are ligated together in-frame in accordance with conventional techniques, for example by employing blunt-ended or stagger-ended termini for ligation, restriction enzyme digestion to provide for appropriate termini, filling-in of cohesive ends as appropriate, alkaline phosphatase treatment to avoid undesirable joining, and enzymatic ligation. In another embodiment, the fusion gene can be synthesized by conventional techniques including automated DNA synthesizers. Alternatively, PCR amplification of gene fragments can be carried out using anchor primers, which give rise to complementary overhangs between two consecutive gene fragments which can subsequently be annealed and reamplified to generate a chimeric gene sequence (see, for example, Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, eds. Ausubel et al. John Wiley & Sons: 1992). Moreover, many expression vectors are commercially available that already encode a fusion moiety (e.g., a GST polypeptide). A nucleic acid encoding the protein of the invention can be cloned into such an expression vector such that the fusion moiety is linked in-frame to the protein of the invention.


In a preferred embodiment, the polynucleotides of the present invention as described herein may be over-expressed in a microbial strain of the invention compared to the parent microbial strain in which said gene is not over-expressed. Over-expression of a polynucleotide sequence is defined herein as the expression of the said sequence gene which results in an activity of the polypeptide encoded by the said sequence in a microbial strain being at least 1. 1 , at least 1.25 or at least 1.5-fold the activity of the polypeptide in the parent microbial; preferably the activity of said polypeptide is at least 2-fold, more preferably at least 3-fold, more preferably at least 4-fold, more preferably at least 5-fold, even more preferably at least 10-fold and most preferably at least 20-fold the activity of the polypeptide in the parent microbial. The vector may further include sequences flanking the polynucleotide giving rise to RNA which comprise sequences homologous to eukaryotic genomic sequences or viral genomic sequences. This will allow the introduction of the polynucleotides of the invention into the genome of a host cell. An integrative cloning vector may integrate at random or at a predetermined target locus in the chromosome(s) of the host cell into which it is to be integrated. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, an integrative cloning vector may comprise a DNA fragment which is homologous to a DNA sequence in a predetermined target locus in the genome of host cell for targeting the integration of the cloning vector to this predetermined locus. In order to promote targeted integration, the cloning vector may be preferably linearized prior to transformation of the host cell. Linearization may preferably be performed such that at least one but preferably either end of the cloning vector is flanked by sequences homologous to the target locus. The length of the homologous sequences flanking the target locus is preferably at least about 0.1 kb, such as about at least 0.2kb, more preferably at least about 0.5 kb, even more preferably at least about 1 kb, most preferably at least about 2 kb. Preferably, the parent host strains may be modified for improved frequency of targeted DNA integration as described in WO05/095624 and/or WO2007/1 15886. Vector DNA can be introduced into prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells via conventional transformation or transfection techniques. As used herein, the terms "transformation" and "transfection" are intended to refer to a variety of art-recognized techniques for introducing foreign nucleic acid (e.g., DNA) into a host cell, including calcium phosphate or calcium chloride co-precipitation, DEAE-dextran-mediated transfection, transduction, infection, lipofection, cationic lipid-mediated transfection or electroporation. Suitable methods for transforming or transfecting host cells can be found in Sambrook, et al. (Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ,ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1989), Davis et al., Basic Methods in Molecular Biology (1986) and other laboratory manuals.

The person skilled in the art knows how to transform cells with the one or more expression cassettes and the selectable marker. For example, the skilled person may use one or more expression vectors, wherein the one or more cloning vectors comprise the expression cassettes and the selectable marker. Transformation of the mutant microbial host cell may be conducted by any suitable known methods, including e.g. electroporation methods, particle bombardment or microprojectile bombardment, protoplast methods and Agrobacterium mediated transformation (AMT). Preferably the protoplast method is used. Procedures for transformation are described by J.R.S. Fincham, Transformation in fungi. 1989, Microbiological reviews. 53, 148-170. Transformation may involve a process consisting of protoplast formation, transformation of the protoplasts, and regeneration of the cell wall in a manner known per se. Suitable procedures for transformation of Aspergillus cells are described in EP 238 023 and Yelton et al., 1984, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 8 1:1470- 1474. Suitable procedures for transformation of Aspergillus and other filamentous fungal host cells using Agrobacterium tumefaciens are described in e.g. De Groot et al., Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of filamentous fungi. Nat Biotechnol.

1998, 16:839-842. Erratum in: Nat Biotechnol 1998 16:1074. A suitable method of transforming Fusarium species is described by Malardier et al., 1989, Gene 78:147156 or in WO 96/00787. Other methods can be applied such as a method using biolistic transformation as described in: Christiansen et al., Biolistic transformation of the obligate plant pathogenic fungus, Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei. 1995, Curr Genet. 29:100-102.

Yeast may be transformed using the procedures described by Becker and Guarente, In

Abelson, J. N. and Simon, M. I., editors, Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology,

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 194, pp 182-187, Academic Press, Inc., New York; Ito et a/., 1983, Journal of Bacteriology 153: 163; and Hinnen et al., 1978, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 75: 1920.

In order to enhance the amount of copies of the polynucleotide coding for the compound of interest or coding for a compound involved in the production by the cell of the compound of interest (the gene) in the mutated microbial host cell, multiple transformations of the host cell may be required. In this way, the ratios of the different polypeptides produced by the host cell may be influenced. Also, an expression vector may comprise multiple expression cassettes to increase the amount of copies of the polynucleotide(s) to be transformed. Another way could be to choose different control sequences for the different polynucleotides, which - depending on the choice - may cause a higher or a lower production of the desired polypeptide(s). The cells transformed with the selectable marker can be selected based on the presence of the selectable marker. In case of transformation of (Aspergillus) cells, usually when the cell is transformed with all nucleic acid material at the same time, when the selectable marker is present also the polynucleotide(s) encoding the desired polypeptide(s) are present. For stable transfection of mammalian cells, it is known that, depending upon the expression vector and transfection technique used, only a small fraction of cells may integrate the foreign DNA into their genome. In order to identify and select these integrants, a gene that encodes a selectable marker (e.g., resistance to antibiotics) is generally introduced into the host cells along with the gene of interest. Preferred selectable markers include, but are not limited to, those which confer resistance to drugs or which complement a defect in the host cell. A selectable marker is a gene which allow for selection of cells transformed with such gene and which provides for biocide or viral resistance, resistance to heavy metals, prototrophy to auxotrophs, and the like. The selectable marker may be introduced into the cell on the expression vector as the expression cassette or may be introduced on a separate expression vector. Preferred selectable markers include, but are not limited to, those which confer resistance to drugs or which complement a defect in the host cell. They include e. g. versatile marker genes that can be used for transformation of most filamentous fungi and yeasts such as acetamidase genes or cDNAs (the amdS, niaD, facA genes or cDNAs from A . nidulans, A . oryzae or A . niger), or genes providing resistance to antibiotics like G418, hygromycin, bleomycin, kanamycin, nourseothricin, methotrexate, phleomycin orbenomyl resistance (benA). Alternatively, specific selection markers can be used such as auxotrophic markers which require corresponding mutant host strains: e. g.URA3 (from S. cerevisiae or analogous genes from other yeasts), pyrG or pyrA (from A . nidulans or A . niger), argB (from A . nidulans or A . niger) or trpC. In a preferred embodiment the selection marker is deleted from the transformed host cell after introduction of the expression construct so as to obtain transformed host cells which are free of selection marker genes. Other markers include ATP synthetase, subunit 9 (oliC), orotidine-5'- phosphatedecarboxylase (pvrA), the bacterial G418 resistance gene (this may also be used in yeast, but not in fungi), the ampicillin resistance gene (E. coli), the neomycin resistance gene (Bacillus) and the E. coli uidA gene, coding for β-glucuronidase (GUS). The term selectable marker extends to a marker gene used for screening, i.e. marker gene that, once introduced into a host cell confers to the cell a visible phenotype and causes the cell look different. An example of marker for screening is the gene coding for the Green fluorescent protein which causes cells glow green under UV light.

Expression of proteins in prokaryotes is often carried out in E. coli with vectors containing constitutive or inducible promoters directing the expression of either fusion or non-fusion proteins. Fusion vectors add a number of amino acids to a protein encoded therein, e.g. to the amino terminus of the recombinant protein. Such fusion vectors typically serve three purposes: 1) to increase expression of recombinant protein; 2) to increase the solubility of the recombinant protein; and 3) to aid in the purification of the recombinant protein by acting as a ligand in affinity purification. Often, in fusion expression vectors, a proteolytic cleavage site is introduced at the junction of the fusion moiety and the recombinant protein to enable separation of the recombinant protein from the fusion moiety subsequent to purification of the fusion protein. As indicated, the expression vectors will preferably contain selectable markers. Such markers include dihydrofolate reductase or neomycin resistance for eukaryotic cell culture and tetracyline or ampicillin resistance for culturing in E. coli and other bacteria. Vectors preferred for use in bacteria are for example disclosed in WO-A1- 2004/074468, which are hereby enclosed by reference. Other suitable vectors will be readily apparent to the skilled artisan. For secretion of the translated protein into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, into the periplasmic space or into the extracellular environment, appropriate secretion signal may be incorporated into the expressed polypeptide. The signals may be endogenous to the polypeptide or they may be heterologous signals. The protein of the invention may be expressed in a modified form, such as a fusion protein, and may include not only secretion signals but also additional heterologous functional regions. Thus, for instance, a region of additional amino acids, particularly charged amino acids, may be added to the N-terminus of the polypeptide to improve stability and persistence in the host cell, during purification or during subsequent handling and storage. Also, peptide moieties may be added to the polypeptide to facilitate purification The invention provides an isolated polypeptide having the amino acid sequence according to SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, and an amino acid sequence obtainable by expressing the polynucleotide of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500 in an appropriate host. Also, a peptide or polypeptide comprising a variant of the above polypeptides, such as a functional equivalent, is comprised within the present invention. The above polypeptides are collectively comprised in the term "polypeptides according to the invention" As used herein, the terms "variant, "derivative", "mutant" or "homologue" can be used interchangeably. They can refer to either polypeptides or nucleic acids. Variants include substitutions, insertions, deletions, truncations, transversions, and/or inversions, at one or more locations relative to a reference sequence. Variants can be made for example by site-saturation mutagenesis, scanning mutagenesis, insertional mutagenesis, random mutagenesis, site-directed mutagenesis, and directed-evolution, as well as various other recombination approaches. Variant polypeptides may differ from a reference polypeptide by a small number of amino acid residues and may be defined by their level of primary amino acid sequence homology/identity with a reference polypeptide. In general related polypeptides may have several essential amino acids in common (which are sometimes referred to as motif). The identity of those essential amino acids can be identified from the alignment of related polypeptides. Mutating of one or more of the essential amino acids may change the properties of the polypeptide such as substrate specificity, thermostability or change of pH optimum. Mutating of one or more of the non-essential amino acids may have smaller effect on the properties of the polypeptide such as substrate specificity, thermostability or change of pH optimum. Preferably, variant polypeptides have at least 70%, at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, at least 90%, at least 91%, at least 92%, at least 93%, at least 94%, at least 95%, at least 96%, at least 97%, at least 98%, or even at least 99% amino acid sequence identity with a reference polypeptide. Methods for determining percent identity are known in the art and described herein. Generally, the variants retain the characteristic nature of the reference polypeptide, but have altered properties in some specific aspects. For example, a variant may have a modified pH optimum, a modified substrate binding ability, a modified resistance to enzymatic degradation or other degradation, an increased or decreased activity, a modified temperature or oxidative stability, but retains its characteristic functionality. Variants further include polypeptides with chemical modifications that change the characteristics of a reference polypeptide. With regard to nucleic acids, the terms refer to a nucleic acid that encodes a variant polypeptide, that has a specified degree of homology/identity with a reference nucleic acid, or that hybridizes under stringent conditions to a reference nucleic acid or the complement thereof. Preferably, a variant nucleic acid has at least 70%, at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, at least 90%, at least 91%, at least 92%, at least 93%, at least 94%, at least 95%, at least 96%, at least 97%, at least 98%, or even at least 99% nucleic acid sequence identity with a reference nucleic acid. Methods for determining percent identity are known in the art and described herein. As used herein, the term "polypeptide" refers to a molecule comprising amino acid residues linked by peptide bonds and containing more than five amino acid residues. The amino acids are identified by either the single-letter or three-letter designations. The term "protein" as used herein is synonymous with the term "polypeptide" and may also refer to two or more polypeptides. Thus, the terms "protein", "peptide" and "polypeptide" can be used interchangeably. Polypeptides may optionally be modified (e.g., glycosylated, phosphorylated, acylated, farnesylated, prenylated, sulfonated, and the like) to add functionality. Polypeptides exhibiting catalytic activity may be referred to as enzymes. It will be understood that, as a result of the degeneracy of the genetic code, a multitude of nucleotide sequences encoding a given polypeptide may be produced. The term "a polypeptide having biological activity" refers to a polypeptide which is encoded by a polynucleotide or a series of polynucleotides (contiguous or non contiguous) and has an activity or function on other compounds or on organisms. For example an enzyme (for example a lipase) has a catalytic effect (for example on lipids). A signal sequence has a function on its corresponding or fused polypeptide such as a mature protein. Examples of use of the polypeptide or polynucleotide of the invention can be found in the production of a desired protein such as an enzyme which is industrially useful or by the use of the polypeptide or polynucleotide of the invention to affect directly and indirectly processes within the cell which may result in an industrial advantage for example by an improved, more efficient, or more pure production of a desired product such as an enzyme by the cell. These proteins or polypeptides having biological activity can be for example categorized according to FunCat (Ruepp, A et al, Nucleic Acids Research, 2004, vol. 32, no. 18, p. 5539) in proteins involved in the metabolism (metabolism, energy, storage protein), information pathways (cell cycle and DNA processing, transcription, protein synthesis, protein fate [folding, modification and destination], protein with binding function or cofactor requirement [structural or catalytic], protein activity regulation), transport (cellular transport, transport facilitation and transport routes), perception and response to stimuli (cellular communication/signal transduction mechanism, cell rescue, defense and virulence, interaction with the cellular environment, interaction with the environment [systemic], transposable elements, viral and plasmid proteins), developmental processes (cell fate, development [systemic], biogenesis of cellular components, cell type differentiation, tissue differentiation, organ differentiation), localization (subcellular localization, cell type localization, tissue localization, organ localization, ubiquitous expression), experimentally uncharacterized or hypothetical (or conserved hypothetical) proteins (classification not yet clear-cut, and unclassified proteins). An example of a protein or polypeptide having biological activity in an industrial application is an enzyme. Enzymes are used in the chemical industry and other industrial applications when specific catalysts are required. Enzymes in general are limited in the number of reactions they have evolved to catalyze and their deactivation at high temperatures. As a consequence, protein engineering is an active area of research and involves attempts to create new enzymes with novel properties, either through rational design or in vitro evolution. These efforts have begun to be successful, and a few enzymes have now been designed to improve enzymatic reactions. For designing it is essential to have starting sequences from useful microorganisms especially thermophilic microorganisms like fungi. Enzymes can be categorized using their (EC number) which is a numerical classification scheme for enzymes, based on the chemical reactions they catalyze. As a system of enzyme nomenclature, every EC number is associated with a recommended name for the respective enzyme. Strictly speaking, EC numbers do not specify enzymes, but enzyme-catalyzed reactions. If different enzymes (for instance from different organisms) catalyze the same reaction, then they receive the same EC number (Moss, G.P. "Recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee". International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology on the Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes by the Reactions they Catalyse) .By contrast, UniProt identifiers uniquely specify a protein by its amino acid sequence. Top-level EC numbers: EC 1 () To catalyze oxidation/reduction reactions; transfer of H and O atoms or electrons from one substance to another. EC 2 () Transfer of a functional group from one substance to another. The group may be methyl-, acyl-, amino- or phosphate group. EC 3 (Hydrolases) Formation of two products from a substrate by hydrolysis. EC 4 () Non-hydrolytic addition or removal of groups from substrates. C-C, C-N, C-0 or C-S bonds may be cleaved EC 5 (Isomerases) Intramolecule rearrangement, i.e. isomerization changes within a single molecule. EC 6 (Ligases) Join together two molecules by synthesis of new C-O, C-S, C-N or C-C bonds with simultaneous breakdown of ATP. A preferred polypeptide having biological activity is a polypeptide such as an enzyme, more preferably is an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase or is capable to alter or influence the expression of an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase and most preferably is a carbohydrate degrading enzyme and/or carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme, preferably has an activity mentioned in Table 1.

The polypeptide of the invention is preferably an enzyme such as an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase or is capable to alter or influence the expression of an enzyme such as oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase, preferably is an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase or is capable to alter or influence the expression of an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase, more preferably is an oxidoreductase or hydrolase or is capable to alter or influence the expression of an oxidoreductase or hydrolase and most preferably has the activity mentioned in Table 1. A polypeptide which is capable to alter or influence the expression of another polypeptide may be, but is not limited to, a polypeptide having transcriptional activation activity, or having transcription repressing activity (transcriptor factor or repressor) or a polypeptide having saccharide transporter activity. By a polypeptide having transcriptional activation activity or transcriptional activator is meant a polypeptide which has the capability to activate transcription from a specific promoter or a set of promoters, for example a cellulase promoter, said activator being necessary for the initiation of transcription of the matching protein (such as cellulase(s)) encoding sequence to which the promoter(s) is (are) operably linked to. By a polypeptide having transcriptional repressing activity or transcriptional repressor is meant a polypeptide which has the capability to repress transcription from a specific promoter or a set of promoters, for example a cellulase promoter, said repressor being necessary for the regulation of transcription of the matching protein (such as cellulase(s)) encoding sequence to which the promoter(s) is (are) operably linked to. By a polypeptide having saccharide transporter activity or saccharide transporter is meant a polypeptide which has the capability to transport saccharides between the extracellular environment across the plasma membrane and the host cell. Transporters may influence processes like expression in multiple ways, for example the saccharide transport via saccharide transporters may influence induction of cellulases. By saccharides is meant all saccharides including mono-, di-, oligo- and polysaccharides. Direct or indirect measurement of the activity of the polypeptide of the invention is a useful way to determine the activity of the polypeptide of the invention. The biological activity of a polypeptide which is capable to alter or influence the expression of a polypeptide can be determined by measuring the expression, or is preferably determined indirectly through measurement of the activity of the expressed polypeptide such as a cellulase as for example described in the example section herein for determination of the cellulase activity using corn stover as substrate. The polypeptide of the invention or polypeptide produced using the invention may be comprised in a composition. Preferably, the composition is enriched in such a polypeptide. By "enriched" is meant that the polypeptide in the composition is increased, for example with at least a factor of 1. 1 , preferably 1.5, more preferably 2 on protein compared to the composition without the overexpressed polypeptide of the invention or polypeptide produced using the invention. The composition may comprise a polypeptide of the invention or polypeptide produced using the invention as the major enzymatic component, e.g., a mono-component composition. Alternatively, the composition may comprise multiple enzymatic activities. The polypeptide compositions may be prepared in accordance with methods known in the art and may be in the form of a liquid or a dry composition. For instance, the polypeptide composition may be in the form of a granulate or a microgranulate. The polypeptide to be included in the composition may be stabilized in accordance with methods known in the art. The dosage of the polypeptide composition of the invention or produced using the invention and other conditions under which the composition is used depend on the ultimate use of the composition. The term "polypeptide fragment" is defined herein as a polypeptide having one or more amino acids deleted from the amino and/or carboxyl terminus of the parent polypeptide or a homologous sequence thereof. The term "prepro-peptide" is defined herein as a signal peptide and propeptide present at the amino terminus of a polypeptide, where the propeptide is linked (or fused) in frame to the amino terminus of a polypeptide and the signal peptide is linked in frame (or fused) to the amino terminus of the propeptide region. The term "signal peptide" is defined herein as a peptide linked (fused) in frame to the amino terminus of a polypeptide and directs the polypeptide into the cell" secretory pathway. A pro-peptide may be present between the signal peptide and the amino terminus of the polypeptide. The term "pro-peptide" is an amino acid sequence linked (fused) in frame to the amino terminus of a polypeptide having biological activity, wherein the resultant polypeptide is known as a proenzyme or propolypeptide (or a zymogen in some cases), A propolypeptide is generally biologically inactive and can be converted to a mature active polypeptide by catalytic or autocatalitic cleavage of the propeptide from the propolypeptide. The enzyme or polypeptide of the invention or polypeptide produced using the inventioncan be recovered and purified from recombinant cell cultures by methods known in the art. Most preferably, high performance liquid chromatography ("HPLC") is employed for purification. Polypeptides of the invention or polypeptides produced using the inventioninclude naturally purified products, products of chemical synthetic procedures, and products produced by recombinant techniques from a prokaryotic or eukaryotic host, including, for example, bacterial, yeast, higher plant, insect and mammalian cells. Depending upon the host employed in a recombinant production procedure, the polypeptides of the invention or polypeptides produced using the invention may be glycosylated or may be non-glycosylated. In addition, polypeptides of the invention or polypeptides produced using the invention may also include an initial modified methionine residue, in some cases as a result of host-mediated processes. The invention also features biologically active fragments of the polypeptides according to the invention. Biologically active fragments of a polypeptide of the invention include polypeptides comprising amino acid sequences sufficiently identical to or derived from the amino acid sequence of the protein of the invention (e.g., the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240), which include fewer amino acids than the full length protein but which exhibit at least one biological activity of the corresponding full-length protein. Typically, biologically active fragments comprise a domain or motif with at least one activity of the protein of the invention. A biologically active fragment of a protein of the invention can be a polypeptide which is, for example, about 10, about 25, about 50, about 100 or more amino acids in length or at least about 100 amino acids, at least 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 amino acids in length, or of a length up the total number of amino acids of polypeptide of the invention.

Moreover, other biologically active portions, in which other regions of the protein are deleted, can be prepared by recombinant techniques and evaluated for one or more of the biological activities of the native form of a polypeptide of the invention. The invention also features nucleic acid fragments which encode the above biologically active fragments of the protein of the invention. In another aspect of the invention, improved polypeptides of the invention are provided. Improved polypeptides of the invention are polypeptides wherein at least one biological activity is improved. Such polypeptides may be obtained by randomly introducing mutations along all or part of the coding sequence of the polypeptide of the invention, such as by saturation mutagenesis, and the resulting mutants can be expressed recombinantly and screened for biological activity. For instance, the art provides for standard assays for measuring the activity of the polypeptide according to the invention and thus improved proteins may easily be selected. Improved variants of the amino acid sequences of the present invention leading to an improved biological activity may be obtained by the corresponding genes of the present invention. Among such modifications are included: 1. Error prone PCR to introduce random mutations, followed by a screening of obtained variants and isolating of variants with improved kinetic properties 2 . Family shuffling of related variants of the genes encoding the polypeptide according to the invention, followed by a screening of obtained variants and isolating of variants with improved kinetic properties Variants of the genes of the present invention leading to an increased level of mRNA and/or protein, resulting in more biological activity may be obtained by the polynucleotide sequences of said genes. Among such modifications are included: 1. Improving the codon usage in such a way that the codons are (optimally) adapted to the parent microbial host. 2 . Improving the codon pair usage in such a way that the codons are (optimally)adapted to the parent microbial host 3 . Addition of stabilizing sequences to the genomic information encoding the polypeptide according to the invention resulting in mRNA molecules with an increased half life Preferred methods to isolate variants with improved catalytic properties or increased levels of mRNA or protein are described in WO03/010183 and WO03/0131 1. Preferred methods to optimize the codon usage in parent microbial strains are described in PCT/EP2007/05594. Preferred methods for the addition of stabilizing elements to the genes encoding the Polypeptide according to the invention of the invention are described in WO2005/059149. In a preferred embodiment the protein of the invention has an amino acid sequence according to SEQ ID NO: SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240. In another embodiment, the polypeptide of the invention is substantially homologous to the amino acid sequence according to SEQ ID NO: SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240 and retains at least one biological activity of a polypeptide according to SEQ ID NO: SEQ ID NO:

20501 to 32240, yet differs in amino acid sequence due to natural variation or mutagenesis as described. In a further preferred embodiment, the protein of the invention has an amino acid sequence encoded by an isolated nucleic acid fragment capable of hybridizing to a nucleic acid according to SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500, preferably under highly stringent hybridization conditions. Accordingly, the protein of the invention is preferably a protein which comprises an amino acid sequence at least 70%, at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, at least 90%, at least 91%, 92%, 93%, 94%, 95%, 9695%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 97%, 98%, 99% or more homologous to the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240 and, typically, retains at least one functional activity of the polypeptide according to SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240. According to one aspect of the invention the polypeptide of the invention may comprise the amino acid sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240 or an amino acid sequence that differs in 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10, 11 or 12 amino acids from the amino acid sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240SEQ ID NO: and whereby the polypeptide still has the activity or function of the polypeptide of the invention. The skilled person will appreciate that these minor amino acid changes in the polypeptide of the invention may be present (for example naturally occurring mutations) or made (for example using r-DNA technology) without loss of the protein function or activity. In case these mutations are present in a binding domain, , or other functional domain of the polypeptide a property of the polypeptide may change (for example its thermostability) but the polypeptide may keep its biological activity. In case a mutation is present which is not close to the active site, binding domain, or other functional domain, less effect may be expected. Functional equivalents of a polypeptide according to the invention can also be identified e.g. by screening combinatorial libraries of mutants, e.g. truncation mutants, of the polypeptide of the invention for the biological activity of the polypeptide of the invention. In one embodiment, a variegated library of variants is generated by combinatorial mutagenesis at the nucleic acid level. A variegated library of variants can be produced by, for example, enzymatically ligating a mixture of synthetic oligonucleotides into gene sequences such that a degenerate set of potential protein sequences is expressible as individual polypeptides, or alternatively, as a set of larger fusion proteins (e.g. for phage display). There are a variety of methods that can be used to produce libraries of potential variants of the polypeptides of the invention from a degenerate oligonucleotide sequence. Methods for synthesizing degenerate oligonucleotides are known in the art (see, e.g., Narang (1983) Tetrahedron 39:3; Itakura et al. (1984) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 53:323; Itakura et al. (1984) Science 198:1056; Ike et al. (1983) Nucleic Acid Res. 11:477). The term "degenerate nucleic acid sequence" or "degenerate (oligo)nucleotide sequence" denotes a sequence of nucleic acids that includes one or more degenerate codons (as compared to a reference nucleic acid molecule that encodes a polypeptide). Degenerate codons contain different triplets of nucleic acids, but encode the same amino acid residue (i.e., GAU and GAC triplets each encode Asp). The codon degeneracy refers to the nature of the genetic code permitting variation of the nucleic acid sequence without affecting the aminoacid sequence of an encoded polypeptide. The skilled artisan is well aware of the "codon-bias" exhibited by a specific host cell in usage of nucleic acid codons to specify a given amino acid. In addition, libraries of fragments of the coding sequence of a polypeptide of the invention can be used to generate a variegated population of polypeptides for screening a subsequent selection of variants. For example, a library of coding sequence fragments can be generated by treating a double stranded PCR fragment of the coding sequence of interest with a nuclease under conditions wherein nicking occurs only about once per molecule, denaturing the double stranded DNA, renaturing the DNA to form double stranded DNA which can include sense/antisense pairs from different nicked products, removing single stranded portions from reformed duplexes by treatment with S 1 nuclease, and ligating the resulting fragment library into an expression vector. By this method, an expression library can be derived which encodes N-terminal and internal fragments of various sizes of the protein of interest. Several techniques are known in the art for screening gene products of combinatorial libraries made by point mutations of truncation, and for screening cDNA libraries for gene products having a selected property. The most widely used techniques, which are amenable to high through-put analysis, for screening large gene libraries typically include cloning the gene library into replicable expression vectors, transforming appropriate cells with the resulting library of vectors, and expressing the combinatorial genes under conditions in which detection of a desired activity facilitates isolation of the vector encoding the gene whose product was detected. Recursive ensemble mutagenesis (REM), a technique which enhances the frequency of functional mutants in the libraries, can be used in combination with the screening assays to identify variants of a protein of the invention (Arkin and Yourvan (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:781 1-

7815; Delgrave et al. (1993) Protein Engineering 6(3): 327-331 ). In addition to the gene sequence encoding the protein of the invention shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500, it will be apparent for the person skilled in the art that DNA sequence polymorphisms may exist within a given population, which may lead to changes in the amino acid sequence of the protein of the invention. Such genetic polymorphisms may exist in cells from different populations or within a population due to natural allelic variation. Allelic variants may also include functional equivalents. Fragments of a polynucleotide according to the invention may also comprise polynucleotides not encoding functional polypeptides. Such polynucleotides may function as probes or primers for a PCR reaction.

Methods of inactivation As used herein the expression "inactivated mutant" or "inactivated cell" means a genetically engineered or a classical mutated cell having a gene which inactivated by a non-reversible inactivation, the inactivation includes inactivation in the protein-coding region. Inactivation of a microbial host cell in the production of the protein of the invention is herein defined as a phenotypic feature wherein the cell, due to modification in the genome: a) produces less of the protein of the invention as compared to the parent microbial host cell that has not been modified in its genome according to the invention, when analyzed under substantially identical conditions. Inactivation of a gene of a microbial host cell may be a result of a change or modification in a polynucleotide sequence in the genome of the cell. Inactivation includes any method that prevents the functional expression of a selected protein, wherein the gene or the gene product is unable to carry out its function. Modification can be introduced by classical strain improvement, random mutagenesis followed by selection. Modification may be accomplished by the introduction (insertion), substitution or removal

(deletion) of one or more nucleotides in a nucleotide sequence. This modification may for example be in a coding sequence or a regulatory element required for the transcription or translation of the polynucleotide. For example, nucleotides may be inserted or removed so as to result in the introduction of a stop codon, the removal of a start codon or a change or a frame-shift of the open reading frame of a coding sequence. The modification of a coding sequence or a regulatory element thereof may be accomplished by site-directed or random mutagenesis, DNA shuffling methods, DNA reassembly methods, gene synthesis (see for example Young and Dong, (2004), Nucleic Acids Research 32, (7) electronic access http://nar.oupjournais.Org/cai/reDrint/32/7/e59 or Gupta et al. (1968), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA, 60: 1338-1344; Scarpulla et al. (1982), Anal. Biochem. 121: 356-365; Stemmer et al. (1995), Gene 164: 49-53), or PCR generated mutagenesis in accordance with methods known in the art. Examples of random mutagenesis procedures are well known in the art, such as for example chemical (NTG for example) mutagenesis or physical (UV for example) mutagenesis. Examples of directed mutagenesis procedures are the QuickChangea site-directed mutagenesis kit (Stratagene Cloning Systems, La Jolla, CA), the The Altered Sites ® II in vitro Mutagenesis Systems' (Promega Corporation) or by overlap extension using PCR as described in Gene. 1989 Apr 15;77(1 ):51-9. (Ho SN, Hunt HD, Horton RM, Pullen JK, Pease LR "Site-directed mutagenesis by overlap extension using the polymerase chain reaction") or using PCR as described in Molecular Biology: Current Innovations and Future Trends. (Eds. A.M. Griffin and H.G.Griffin. ISBN 1-898486-01 -8;1 995 Horizon Scientific Press , PO Box 1, Wymondham, Norfolk, U.K.). Preferred methods of modification or inactivation are based on techniques of gene replacement, gene deletion, or gene disruption.

For example, in case of replacement of a polynucleotide, nucleic acid construct or expression cassette, an appropriate DNA sequence may be introduced at the target locus to be replaced. The appropriate DNA sequence is preferably present on a cloning vector. Preferred integrative cloning vectors comprise a DNA fragment, which is homologous to the polynucleotide or has homology to the polynucleotides flanking the locus to be replaced for targeting the integration of the cloning vector to this pre determined locus. In order to promote targeted integration, the cloning vector is preferably linearized prior to transformation of the cell. Preferably, linearization is performed such that at least one but preferably either end of the cloning vector is flanked by sequences homologous to the DNA sequence (or flanking sequences) to be replaced. This process is called homologous recombination and this technique may also be used in order to achieve (partial) gene deletion or gene disruption. For example, for gene disruption, a polynucleotide corresponding to the endogenous polynucleotide may be replaced by a defective polynucleotide, that is a polynucleotide that fails to produce a (fully functional) protein. By homologous recombination, the defective polynucleotide replaces the endogenous polynucleotide. It may be desirable that the defective polynucleotide also encodes a marker, which may be used for selection of transformants in which the nucleic acid sequence has been modified.

Alternatively or in combination with other mentioned techniques, a technique based on in vivo recombination of cosmids in E. coli can be used, as described in: A rapid method for efficient gene replacement in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans (2000) Chaveroche, M-K., Ghico, J-M. and d'Enfert C; Nucleic acids Research, vol 28, no 22. Alternatively, modification or inactivation, wherein said host cell produces less of or is deficient in the production of a protein such as the protein of the invention encoded by a polynucleotide may be performed by established anti-sense techniques using a nucleotide sequence complementary to the nucleic acid sequence of the polynucleotide. More specifically, expression of the polynucleotide by a host cell may be reduced or eliminated by introducing a nucleotide sequence complementary to the nucleic acid sequence of the polynucleotide, which may be transcribed in the cell and is capable of hybridizing to the mRNA produced in the cell. Under conditions allowing the complementary anti-sense nucleotide sequence to hybridize to the mRNA, the amount of protein translated is thus reduced or eliminated. An example of expressing an antisense- RNA is shown in Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2000 Feb; 66(2)775-82. (Characterization of a foldase, protein disulfide isomerase A , in the protein secretory pathway of Aspergillus niger. Ngiam C, Jeenes DJ, Punt PJ, Van Den Hondel CA, Archer DB) or (Zrenner R,

Willmitzer L, Sonnewald U. Analysis of the expression of potato uridinediphosphate- glucose pyrophosphorylase and its inhibition by antisense RNA. Planta. (1993); 190(2):247-52.). Furthermore, modification, downregulation or inactivation of a polynucleotide may be obtained via the RNA interference (RNAi) technique (FEMS Microb. Lett. 237 (2004): 317-324). In this method identical sense and antisense parts of the nucleotide sequence, which expression is to be affected, are cloned behind each other with a nucleotide spacer in between, and inserted into an expression vector. After such a molecule is transcribed, formation of small nucleotide fragments will lead to a targeted degradation of the mRNA, which is to be affected. The elimination of the specific mRNA can be to various extents. The RNA interference techniques described in WO2008/053019, WO2005/05672A1 , WO2005/026356A1 , Oliveira et al., "Efficient cloning system for construction of gene silencing vectors in Aspergillus niger" (2008) Appl. Microbiol and Biotechnol. 80 (5): 917-924 and/or Barnes et al., "siRNA as a molecular tool for use in Aspergillus niger" (2008) Biotechnology Letters 30 (5): 885-890 may be used for downregulation, modification or inactivation of a polynucleotide. The invention further provides a cell wherein the polynucleotide according to the invention is mutated or deleted from the genome to obtain lower or no expression of the polypeptide encoded by said polynucleotide compared to the cell wherein the polynucleotide of the invention is not mutated or deleted from the genome. Preferably, the downregulation, modification or inactivation in the genome of the microbial host cell used according to the invention is a modification in the genome on at least one position of at least one nucleic acid sequence encoding a protein of interest having at least 70% identity, even more preferably at least 75% identity, even more preferably at least 80% identity, even more preferably at least 85% identity, even more preferably at least 90% identity, for example at least 91% identity, for example at least 92% identity, for example at least 93% identity, for example at least 94% identity, for example at least 95% identity, for example at least 96% identity, for example at least 97% identity, for example at least 98% identity, for example at least 99% identity, for example 100% identity with a polypeptide according to SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240 and/or the modification in the genome of the microbial host cell in the method according to the invention is a modification resulting in the reduction of the amount of at least one mRNA having at least 60% identity, even more preferably at least 65% identity, even more preferably at least 70% identity, even more preferably at least 75% identity, even more preferably at least 80% identity, even more preferably at least 85% identity, even more preferably at least 90% identity, for example at least 91% identity, for example at least 92% identity, for example at least 93% identity, for example at least 94% identity, for example at least 95% identity, for example at least 96% identity, for example at least 97% identity, for example at least 98% identity, for example at least 99% identity, for example 100% identity with an mRNA according to SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500. Therefore inactivation of a microbial host cell may be measured by determining the amount and/or (specific) activity of the protein of the invention produced by the microbial host cell modified in its genome and/or it may be measured by determining the amount of mRNA transcribed from a gene encoding the protein of the invention and/or it may be measured by determining the amount of a product produced by the protein of the invention in a microbial host cell modified in its genome as defined above and/or it may be measured by gene or genome sequencing if compared to the parent host cell which has not been modified in its genome. Inactivation in the production of the protein of the invention can be measured using any assay available to the skilled person, such as transcriptional profiling, Southern blotting, Northern blotting, RT-PCR, Q-PCR, MALDI- TOF analysis, LC-MS, LC/MS-MS and Western blotting. The modification in the DNA sequence can also be determined by comparing the DNA sequence of the modified cell to the sequence of the non-modified cell. Sequencing of DNA and genome sequencing can be done using standard methods known to the person skilled in the art, for example using Sanger sequencing technology and/or next generation sequencing technologies such as lllumina GA2, Roche 454, and the like, as reviewed in Elaine R. Mardis (2008), Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Methods, Annual Review of Genomics and Human

Genetics 9 : 387-402. The modification in the RNA sequence can also be determined by comparing the RNA sequence of the modified cell to the sequence of the non-modified cell. Sequencing of RNA can be done using standard methods known to the person skilled in the art, for example using next generation sequencing technologies such as lllumina GA2, Roche 454, and the like, as reviewed in Pareek et al., 201 1 Sequencing technologies and genome sequencing, J Appl Genetics 52:413-435.

Host cells In the context of the present invention the "parent microbial host cell" and the "mutant microbial host cell" may be any type of host cell. The specific embodiments of the mutant microbial host cell are hereafter described. It will be clear to those skilled in the art that embodiments applicable to the mutant microbial host cell are as well applicable to the parent microbial host cell unless otherwise indicated. Provided also are host cells comprising a polynucleotide or vector of the invention. The polynucleotide may be heterologous to the genome of the host cell. The term "heterologous" as used herein refers to nucleic acid or amino acid sequences not naturally occurring in a host cell. In other words, the nucleic acid or amino acid sequence is not identical to that naturally found in the host cell. As used herein, the term "endogenous" or "homologous" refers to a nucleic acid or amino acid sequence naturally occurring in a host.

In another embodiment, the invention features cells, e.g., transformed host cells or recombinant host cells that contain a nucleic acid encompassed by the invention. A "transformed cell" or "recombinant cell" is a cell into which (or into an ancestor of which) has been introduced, by means of recombinant DNA techniques, a nucleic acid according to the invention. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are included, e.g., bacteria, fungi, yeast, and the like, especially preferred are cells from filamentous fungi, such as Aspergillus niger. As used herein, the terms "transformed" or "transgenic" with reference to a cell mean that the cell has a non-native (heterologous) nucleic acid sequence integrated into its genome or has an episomal plasmid that is maintained through multiple generations. The term is synonymous with the term "recombinant" or "genetically modified". A host cell can be chosen that modulates the expression of the inserted sequences, or modifies and processes the gene product in a specific, desired fashion. Such modifications (e.g., glycosylation) and processing (e.g., cleavage) of protein products may facilitate optimal functioning of the protein. Various host cells have characteristic and specific mechanisms for post- translational processing and modification of proteins and gene products. Appropriate cell lines or host systems familiar to those of skill in the art of molecular biology and/or microbiology can be chosen to ensure the desired and correct modification and processing of the foreign protein expressed. To this end, eukaryotic host cells that possess the cellular machinery for proper processing of the , glycosylation, and phosphorylation of the gene product can be used. Such host cells are well known in the art. If desired, a cell as described above may be used to in the preparation of a polypeptide of the invention or polypeptide produced using the invention. Such a method typically comprises cultivating a host cell (e. g. transformed or transfected with an expression vector as described above) under conditions to provide for expression (by the vector) of a coding sequence encoding the polypeptide, and optionally recovering the expressed polypeptide. Polynucleotides of the invention can be incorporated into a recombinant replicable vector, e. g. an expression vector. The vector may be used to replicate the nucleic acid in a compatible host cell. Thus in a further embodiment, the invention provides a method of making a polynucleotide of the invention by introducing a polynucleotide of the invention into a replicable vector, introducing the vector into a compatible host cell, and growing the host cell under conditions which bring about the replication of the vector. The vector may be recovered from the host cell.

Preferably the polypeptide is produced as a secreted protein in which case the nucleotide sequence encoding a mature form of the polypeptide in the expression construct is operably linked to a nucleotide sequence encoding a signal sequence. Preferably the signal sequence is native (homologous) to the nucleotide sequence encoding the polypeptide. Alternatively the signal sequence is foreign (heterologous) to the nucleotide sequence encoding the polypeptide, in which case the signal sequence is preferably endogenous to the host cell in which the nucleotide sequence according to the invention is expressed. Examples of suitable signal sequences for yeast host cells are the signal sequences derived from yeast a-factor genes. Similarly, a suitable signal sequence for filamentous fungal host cells is e. g . a signal sequence derived from a filamentous fungal amyloglucosidase (AG) gene, e. g . the A . niger glaA gene. This may be used in combination with the amyloglucosidase (also called (gluco) amylase) promoter itself, as well as in combination with other promoters. Hybrid signal sequences may also be used with the context of the present invention. Preferred heterologous secretion leader sequences are those originating from the fungal amyloglucosidase (AG) gene (glaA-both 18 and 24 amino acid versions e. g . from Aspergillus), the a-factor gene (yeasts e. g . Saccharomyces and Kluyveromyces) or the oamylase gene (Bacillus). The vectors may be transformed or transfected into a suitable host cell as described above to provide for expression of a polypeptide of the invention. This process may comprise culturing a host cell transformed with an expression vector as described above under conditions to provide for expression by the vector of a coding sequence encoding the polypeptide. A host cell as defined herein is an organism suitable for genetic manipulation and one which may be cultured at cell densities useful for industrial production of a target product. A suitable organism may be a microorganism, for example one which may be maintained in a fermentation device. A host cell may be a host cell found in nature or a host cell derived from a parent host cell after genetic manipulation or classical mutagenesis. A host cell may be a prokaryotic, archaebacterial or eukaryotic host cell. A prokaryotic host cell may, but is not limited to, a bacterial host cell. The term "bacterial cell" includes both Gram-negative and Gram-positive microorganisms. An eukaryotic host cell may be, but is not limited to, a yeast, a fungus, an amoeba, an algae, an animal, an insect host cell. An eukaryotic host cell may be a fungal host cell. "Fungi" include all species of the subdivision Eumycotina (Alexopoulos, C. J., 1962, In: Introductory Mycology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York). The term fungus thus includes among others filamentous fungi and yeast. "Filamentous fungi" are herein defined as eukaryotic microorganisms that include all filamentous forms of the subdivision Eumycotina and Oomycota (as defined by Hawksworth etal., 1995, supra). The filamentous fungi are characterized by a mycelial wall composed of chitin, cellulose, glucan, chitosan, mannan, and other complex polysaccharides. Vegetative growth is by hyphal elongation and carbon catabolism is obligatory aerobic. Filamentous fungal strains include, but are not limited to, strains of Acremonium, Aspergillus, Agaricus, Aureobasidium, Cryptococcus, Corynascus, Chrysosporium, Filibasidium, Fusarium, Humicola, Magnaporthe, Monascus, Mucor, Myceliophthora, Mortierella, Neocallimastix, Neurospora, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Piromyces, Phanerochaete Podospora, Pycnoporus, Rhizopus, Schizophyllum, Sordaria, Talaromyces, Rasamsonia, Thermoascus, Thielavia, Tolypocladium, Trametes and Trichoderma. Preferred filamentous fungal strains that may serve as host cells belong to the species Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium citrinum, Acremonium chrysogenum, Trichoderma reesei, Rasamsonia emersonii (formerly known as Talaromyces emersonii), Aspergillus sojae, Chrysosporium lucknowense, Myceliophtora thermophyla. Reference host cells for the comparison of fermentation characteristics of transformed and untransformed cells, include e.g. Aspergillus niger CBS1 20.49, CBS 513.88, Aspergillus oryzae ATCC16868,

ATCC 20423, IFO 4177, ATCC 101 1, ATCC 9576, ATCC1 4488-1 4491 , ATCC 11601 , ATCC12892, Aspergillus fumigatus AF293 (CBS101355), P. chrysogenum CBS 455.95, Penicillium citrinum ATCC 38065, Penicillium chrysogenum P2, Thielavia terrestris NRRL8126, Talaromyces emersonii CBS 124.902, Rasamsonia emersonii CBS393.64, Acremonium chrysogenum ATCC 36225, ATCC 48272, Trichoderma reesei ATCC 26921 , ATCC 56765, ATCC 26921 , Aspergillus sojae ATCC1 1906, Chrysosporium lucknowense ATCC44006 and derivatives of all of these strains. Particularly preferred as filamentous fungal host cell are Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88 and derivatives thereof. An eukaryotic host cell may be a yeast cell. Preferred yeast host cells may be selected from the genera: Saccharomyces (e.g., S. cerevisiae, S. bayanus, S. pastorianus, S. carlsbergensis), Kluyveromyces, Candida (e.g., C. revkaufi, C. pulcherrima, C. tropicalis, C. utilis), Pichia (e.g., P. pastoris), Schizosaccharomyces, Hansenula, Kloeckera, Schwanniomyces, and Yarrowia (e.g., Y. lipolytica (formerly classified as Candida lipolytica)). Prokaryotic host cells may be bacterial host cells. Bacterial host cell may be Gram negative or Gram positive bacteria. Examples of bacteria include, but are not limited to, bacteria belonging to the genus Bacillus (e.g., B. subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. licheniformis, B. puntis, B. megaterium, B. halodurans, B. pumilus,), Acinetobacter, Nocardia, Xanthobacter, Escherichia (e.g., E. coli (e.g., strains

DH 1 OB, Stbl2, DH5-alpha, DB3, DB3.1 ), DB4, DB5, JDP682 and ccdA-over (e.g., U.S. Application No. 09/518,188))), Streptomyces, Erwinia, Klebsiella, Serratia (e.g., S. marcessans), Pseudomonas (e.g., P. aeruginosa), Salmonella (e.g., S. typhimurium, S. typhi). Bacteria also include, but are not limited to, photosynthetic bacteria (e.g., green non-sulfur bacteria (e.g., Choroflexus bacteria (e.g., C. aurantiacus), Chloronema (e.g., C. gigateum)), green sulfur bacteria (e.g., Chlorobium bacteria (e.g., C. limicola), Pelodictyon (e.g., P. luteolum), purple sulfur bacteria (e.g., Chromatium (e.g., C. okenii)), and purple non-sulfur bacteria (e.g., Rhodospirillum (e.g., R. rubrum), Rhodobacter (e.g. R. sphaeroides, R. capsulatus), and Rhodomicrobium bacteria (e.g., R. vanellii)). Host cells may be host cells from non-microbial organisms. Examples of such cells, include, but are not limited to, insect cells (e.g., Drosophila (e.g., D. melanogaster), Spodoptera (e.g., S. frugiperda Sf9 or Sf21 cells) and Trichoplusa (e.g., High-Five cells); nematode cells (e.g., C. elegans cells); avian cells; amphibian cells (e.g., Xenopus laevis cells); reptilian cells; and mammalian cells (e.g., NIH3T3, 293, CHO, COS, VERO, C127, BHK, Per-C6, Bowes melanoma and HeLa cells). According to one embodiment of the invention, when the mutant microbial host cell according to the invention is a filamentous fungal host cell, the mutant microbial host cell may comprise one or more modifications in its genome such that the mutant microbial host cell is deficient in the production of at least one product selected from glucoamylase (glaA), acid stable alpha-amylase (amyA), neutral alpha-amylase (amyBI and amyBII), oxalic acid hydrolase (oahA), a toxin, preferably ochratoxin and/or fumonisin, a protease transcriptional regulator prtT, PepA, a product encoded by the gene hdfA and/or hdfB, a non-ribosomal peptide synthase npsE if compared to a parent host cell and measured under the same conditions. Therefore, when the mutant microbial host cell according to the invention is a filamentous fungal host cell the host cell may comprise one or more modifications in its genome to result in a deficiency in the production of the major extracellular aspartic protease PepA. For example the host cell according to the invention may further comprise a disruption of the pepA gene encoding the major extracellular aspartic protease PepA. When the mutant microbial host cell according to the invention is a filamentous fungal host cell the host cell according to the invention may additionally comprises one or more modifications in its genome to result in a deficiency in the production of the product encoded by the hdfA (Ku70) and/or hdfB (Ku80) gene. For example the host cell according to the invention may further comprise a disruption of the hdfA and/or hdfB gene. Filamentous fungal host cells which are deficient in a product encoded by the hdfA and/or hdfB gene have been described in WO 2005/095624 and PCT/EP201 3/055051 . When the mutant microbial host cell according to the invention is a filamentous fungal host cell the host cell according to the invention may additionally comprise a modification in its genome which results in the deficiency in the production of the non- ribosomal peptide synthase npsE. Such host cells deficient in the production of non- ribosomal peptide synthase npsE have been described in WO201 2/001 169 (npsE has a genomic sequence as depicted in SEQ ID NO: 35, a coding sequence depicted in SEQ ID NO: 36, the mRNA depicted in SEQ ID NO: 37 and the nrps protein depicted in SEQ ID NO: 38 of WO20 12/001 169). When the mutant microbial host cell according to the invention is a filamentous fungal host cell the host cell may additionally comprise at least two substantially homologous DNA domains suitable for integration of one or more copies of a polynucleotide encoding a compound of interest wherein at least one of the at least two substantially homologous DNA domains is adapted to have enhanced integration preference for the polynucleotide encoding a compound of interest compared to the substantially homologous DNA domain it originates from, and wherein the substantially homologous DNA domain where the adapted substantially homologous DNA domain originates from has a gene conversion frequency that is at least 10% higher than one of the other of the at least two substantially homologous DNA domains. These cells have been described in WO201 1/009700. Strains containing two or more copies of these substantially homologous DNA domains are also referred hereafter as strain containing two or more amplicons. Examples of host cells comprising such amplicons are e.g. described in van Dijck et al, 2003, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 28; 27-35: On the safety of a new generation of DSM Aspergillus niger enzyme production strains.

In van Dijck et al, an Aspergillus niger strain is described that comprises 7 amplified glucoamylase gene loci, i.e. 7 amplicons. Preferred host cells within this context are filamentous fungus host cells, preferably A . niger host cells, comprising two or more amplicons, preferably two or more glaA amplicons (preferably comprising 3, 4 , 5, 6 , 7 glaA amplicons) wherein the amplicon which has the highest frequency of gene conversion, has been adapted to have enhanced integration preference for the polynucleotide encoding a compound of interest compared to the amplicon it originates from. Adaptation of the amplicon can be performed according to any one of the methods described in WO201 1/009700 (which is here fully incorporated by reference). An example of these host cells, described in WO201 1/009700, are host cells comprising three glaA amplicons being a B a m W truncated amplicon, a Sa/I truncated amplicon and a BglW truncated amplicon and wherein the BamH \ amplicon has been adapted to have enhanced integration preference for a polynucleotide encoding a compound of interest compared to the B am W amplicon it originates from . Host cells comprising two or more amplicons wherein one amplicon has been adapted to have enhanced integration preference for a polynucleotide encoding a compound of interest compared to the amplicon it originates from are hereafter referred as host cells comprising an adapted amplicon . When the mutant microbial host cell according to the invention is a filamentous fungal host cell the host cell according to the invention may additionally comprises a modification of Sec6 1. A preferred SEC6 1 modification is a modification which results in a one-way mutant of SEC6 1; i.e. a mutant wherein the de novo synthesized protein can enter the ER via SEC6 1, but the protein cannot leave the ER via SEC6 1. Such modifications are extensively described in WO2005/1 23763. Most preferably, the SEC 61 modification is the S376W mutation in which Serine 376 is replaced by Tryptophan. Host cells according to the invention include plant cells, and the invention therefore extends to transgenic organisms, such as plants and parts thereof, which contain one or more cells of the invention. The cells may heterologously express the polypeptide of the invention or may heterologously contain one or more of the polynucleotides of the invention. The transgenic (or genetically modified) plant may therefore have inserted (e. g . stably) into its genome a sequence encoding one or more of the polypeptides of the invention. The transformation of plant cells can be performed using known techniques, for example using a Ti or a Ri plasmid from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The plasmid (or vector) may thus contain sequences necessary to infect a plant, and derivatives of the Ti and/or Ri plasmids may be employed. Alternatively direct infection of a part of a plant, such as a leaf, root or stem can be effected . In this technique the plant to be infected can be wounded, for example by cutting the plant with a razor or puncturing the plant with a needle or rubbing the plant with an abrasive. The wound is then inoculated with the Agrobacterium. The plant or plant part can then be grown on a suitable culture medium and allowed to develop into a mature plant. Regeneration of transformed cells into genetically modified plants can be achieved by using known techniques, for example by selecting transformed shoots using an antibiotic and by sub-culturing the shoots on a medium containing the appropriate nutrients, plant hormones and the like. The invention also includes cells that have been modified to express the polypeptide of the invention or a variant thereof. Such cells include transient, or preferably stable higher eukaryotic cell lines, such as mammalian cells or insect cells, lower eukaryotic cells, such as yeast and (e. g . filamentous) fungal cells or prokaryotic cells such as bacterial cells. It is also possible for the proteins of the invention to be transiently expressed in a cell line or on a membrane, such as for example in a baculovirus expression system. Such systems, which are adapted to express the proteins according to the invention, are also included within the scope of the present invention. According to the present invention, production of the polypeptide of the invention may be performed in an in vitro expression and translation system system. Such systems are known to the person skilled in the art (see Sambrook & Russell; Ausubel, supra), and may e.g. be a rabbit reticulo lysate based system. According to the present invention, the production of the polypeptide of the invention or polypeptide produced using the invention can be effected by the culturing of microbial expression hosts, which have been transformed with one or more polynucleotides of the present invention, in a conventional nutrient fermentation medium.

Polypeptide/Enzyme production The recombinant host cells according to the invention may be cultured using procedures known in the art. For each combination of a promoter and a host cell, culture conditions are available which are conducive to the expression the DNA sequence encoding the polypeptide. After reaching the desired cell density or titer of the polypeptide the culture is stopped and the polypeptide is recovered using known procedures. The fermentation medium can comprise a known culture medium containing a carbon source (e. g . glucose, maltose, molasses, starch, cellulose, xylan, pectin, lignocellolytic biomass hydrolysate, etc.), a nitrogen source (e. g . ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride, etc.), an organic nitrogen source (e. g. yeast extract, malt extract, peptone, etc.) and inorganic nutrient sources (e. g . phosphate, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, etc.). Optionally, an inducer (e. g . cellulose, pectin, xylan, maltose, maltodextrin or xylogalacturonan) may be included. The selection of the appropriate medium may be based on the choice of expression host and/or based on the regulatory requirements of the expression construct. Such media are known to those skilled in the art. The medium may, if desired, contain additional components favoring the transformed expression hosts over other potentially contaminating microorganisms. The fermentation can be performed over a period of from about 0.5 to about 30 days. It may be a batch, continuous or fed-batch process, suitably at a temperature in the range of 0-100°C or 0-80°C, for example, from about 0 to about 50°C and/or at a pH, for example, from about 2 to about 10. Preferred fermentation conditions are a temperature in the range of from about 20 to about 45°C and/or at a pH of from about 3 to about 9. The appropriate conditions are usually selected based on the choice of the expression host and the protein to be expressed. After fermentation, if necessary, the cells can be removed from the fermentation broth by means of centrifugation or filtration. After fermentation has stopped or after removal of the cells, the polypeptide of the invention may then be recovered and, if desired, purified and isolated by conventional means.

Polypeptide/enzyme compositions The invention provides a composition comprising a cellulase and/or a hemicellulase and/or a pectinase and/or ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme and optionally a polypeptide of the invention or polypeptide produced using the invention. Polypeptides of the composition can be produced by several processes and mixed into the optimal composition, or the polypetides of the composition can be made directly as mixture by one fermentation. When the polypeptide of the invention is a cellulase, a composition of the invention will typically comprise a hemicellulase and/or a pectinase and/or ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme in addition to the polypeptide of the invention. When the polypeptide of the invention is a hemicellulase, a composition of the invention will typically comprise a cellulase and/or a pectinase and/or ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme in addition to the polypeptide of the invention. When the polypeptide of the invention is a pectinase, a composition of the invention will typically comprise a cellulase and/or a hemicellulase and/or ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme in addition to the polypeptide of the invention. When the polypeptide of the invention is a ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme, a composition of the invention will typically comprise a cellulase and/or a hemicellulase and/or a pectinase in addition to the polypeptide of the invention. A composition of the invention or produced using the invention may comprise one, two or three or more classes of cellulase, for example one, two or all of a GH61 , an endo-1 ,4- -glucanase (EG), an exo-cellobiohydrolase (CBH) and a β-glucosidase (BGL). A composition of the invention may comprise a polypeptide which has the same enzymatic activity, for example the same type of cellulase, hemicellulase and/or pectinase activity as that provided by a polypeptide of the invention. A composition of the invention may comprise a polypeptide which has a different type of cellulase activity and/or hemicellulase activity and/or pectinase activity than that provided by a polypeptide of the invention or polypeptide produced using the invention. For example, a composition of the invention may comprise one type of cellulase and/or hemicellulase activity and/or pectinase activity provided by a polypeptide of the invention and a second type of cellulase and/or hemicellulase activity and/or pectinase activity provided by an additional hemicellulase/pectinase. Herein a carbohydrate degrading enzyme and/or carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme is any polypeptide which is capable of degrading and/or hydrolysing of carbohydrate or enhancing the degradation and/or hydrolysis of carbohydrate. Examples of carbohydrate degrading and/or carbohydrate hydrolysing enzymes are cellulase, hemicellulase and enzymes having cellulase enhancing activity (such as GH61 ) or hemicellulase enhancing activity. The enzyme or polypeptide of the invention may have a yield increasing effect on top of an enzyme composition designed for (feedstock) hydrolysis such as the compositions produced by TEC-147 or TEC-210 or 4E mix (see Examples). This yield increase is even possible in case of feedstock such as corn stover. This yield increase may be shown as an increase of the amount of glucose released during a fixed hydrolysis period of time compared to the situation without the addition of the present enzyme or enzyme composition. According to another possibility this yield increase may be shown as an similar amount of glucose production with a lower dosage of the 4E or TEC-210 compared to the situation without the addition of the present enzyme or enzyme composition to the regular dosage of the 4E or TEC-210. Herein, a cellulase is any polypeptide which is capable of degrading and/or hydrolysing of cellulose of cellulose. A polypeptide which is capable of degrading cellulose is one which is capable of catalysing the process of breaking down cellulose into smaller units, either partially, for example into cellodextrins, or completely into glucose monomers. A cellulase according of the invention or cellulase produced using the invention may give rise to a mixed population of cellodextrins and glucose monomers when contacted with the cellulase. Such degradation will typically take place by way of a hydrolysis reaction. Herein, a hemicellulase is any polypeptide which is capable of degrading and/or hydrolysing of hemicellulose or enhancing the degradation and/or hydrolysis of hemicellulose. That is to say, a hemicellulase may be capable of degrading or one or more of xylan, glucuronoxylan, arabinoxylan, glucomannan and xyloglucan. A polypeptide which is capable of degrading a hemicellulose is one which is capable of catalysing the process of breaking down the hemicellulose into smaller polysaccharides, either partially, for example into oligosaccharides, or completely into sugar monomers, for example hexose or pentose sugar monomers. A hemicellulase may give rise to a mixed population of oligosaccharides and sugar monomers when contacted with the hemicellulase. Such degradation will typically take place by way of a hydrolysis reaction. Herein, a pectinase is any polypeptide which is capable of degrading or pectin. A polypeptide which is capable of degrading pectin is one which is capable of catalysing the process of breaking down pectin into smaller units, either partially, for example into oligosaccharides, or completely into sugar monomers. A pectinase of the invention or a pectinase produced using the invention may give rise to a mixed population of oligosaccharides and sugar monomers when contacted with the pectinase. Such degradation will typically take place by way of a hydrolysis reaction. Herein, a ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme is any polypeptide which is capable of degrading or modifying lignin or degradation components thereof. A polypeptide which is capable of degrading or modifying lignin is one which is capable of catalysing the process of breaking down lignin into smaller units, either partially, for example into monophenolic compounds. A ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme of the invention or lignin-modifying produced using the invention may give rise to a mixed population of phenolic compounds when contacted with the lignin. Such degradation will typically take place by way of an oxidation reaction. Herein, a ligninase or a lignin- modifying enzyme may also be any polypeptide which is capable of degrading phenolic degradation products of lignin. A polypeptide which is capable of degrading phenolic degradation products of lignin is one which is capable of catalysing the process of breaking down phenolic degradation products of lignin into even smaller units, for example by catalysing a ring opening reaction of the phenolic ring. A ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme according to the invention may give rise to a mixed population of ring-opened degradation products of phenolic compounds when contacted with the phenolic degradation products of lignin. Such degradation will typically take place by way of an oxidation reaction. The a ligninase or a lignin-modifying enzyme may further be capable of breaking linkages between cellulose or hemicellulose and the lignin or degradation products thereof. Enzymes that can break down lignin include lignin peroxidases, manganese peroxidases, laccases and feruloyl esterases, and other enzymes described in the art known to depolymerize or otherwise break lignin polymers. Also included are enzymes capable of hydrolyzing bonds formed between hemicellulosic sugars (notably arabinose) and lignin. Ligninases include but are not limited to the following group of enzymes: lignin peroxidases (EC 1. 1 1.14), manganese peroxidases

(EC 1. 1 1. 1 .13), laccases (EC and feruloyl esterases (EC 3.1 . 1 .73). Accordingly, a composition of the invention or produced using the invention may comprise the polypeptide of the inventon and further any cellulase, for example, a GH61 , a cellobiohydrolase, an endo- - 1,4-glucanase, a β-glucosidase or a β-(1 ,3)(1 ,4)- glucanase. GH61 (glycoside hydrolase family 6 sometimes referred to EGIV) proteins are oxygen-dependent polysaccharide monooxygenases (PMO's) according to the latest literature. Often in literature these proteins are mentioned to enhance the action of cellulases on lignocellulose substrates. GH61 was originally classified as endoglucanase based on measurement of very weak endo-1 ,4- -d-glucanase activity in one family member. The term "GH61" as used herein, is to be understood as a family of enzymes, which share common conserved sequence portions and foldings to be classified in family 6 1 of the well-established CAZY GH classification system

(http://www.cazy.org/GH61 .html). The glycoside hydrolase family 6 1 is a member of the family of glycoside hydrolases EC 3.2.1 . GH61 is used herein as being part of the cellulases. A composition of the invention may comprise any hemicellulase, for example, an endo-xylanase, a β-xylosidase, a a-L-arabionofuranosidase, an a-D-glucuronidase, an cellobiohydrolase, a feruloyl esterase, a coumaroyl esterase, an a-galactosidase, a β- galactosidase, a β-mannanase or a β-mannosidase. A composition of the invention may typically comprise the polypeptide of the invention or a polypeptide produced using the invention and at least one cellulase and/or at least one hemicellulase and/or at least one pectinase (one of which is a polypeptide according to the invention). A composition of the invention may comprise a cellobiohydrolase, an endoglucanase and/or a β-glucosidase. Such a composition may also comprise one or more hemicellulases and/or one or more pectinases. One or more (for example two, three, four or all) of an amylase, a protease, a lipase, a ligninase, a hexosyltransferase or a glucuronidase may be present in a composition of the invention. "Protease" includes enzymes that hydrolyze peptide bonds (peptidases), as well as enzymes that hydrolyze bonds between peptides and other moieties, such as sugars (glycopeptidases). Many proteases are characterized under EC 3.4, and are suitable for use in the invention incorporated herein by reference. Some specific types of proteases include, cysteine proteases including pepsin, papain and serine proteases including chymotrypsins, carboxypeptidases and metalloendopeptidases. "Lipase" includes enzymes that hydrolyze lipids, fatty acids, and acylglycerides, including phospoglycerides, lipoproteins, diacylglycerols, and the like. In plants, lipids are used as structural components to limit water loss and pathogen infection. These lipids include waxes derived from fatty acids, as well as cutin and suberin. "Hexosyltransferase" (2.4. 1-) includes enzymes which are capable of transferring glycosyl groups, more specifically hexosyl groups. In addition to transfer of a glycosyl-group from a glycosyl-containing donor to another glycosyl-containing compound, the acceptor, the enzymes can also transfer the glycosyl-group to water as an acceptor. This reaction is also known as a hydrolysis reaction, instead of a transfer reaction. An example of a hexosyltransferase which may be used in the invention is a β- glucanosyltransferase. Such an enzyme may be able to catalyze degradation of

( 1 ,3)(1 ,4)glucan and/or cellulose and/or a cellulose degradation product. "Glucuronidase" includes enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of a glucoronoside, for example β-glucuronoside to yield an alcohol. Many glucuronidases have been characterized and may be suitable for use in the invention, for example β- glucuronidase (EC 3.2.1 .31 ), hyalurono-glucuronidase (EC 3.2.1 .36), glucuronosyl- disulfoglucosamine glucuronidase (3.2.1 .56), glycyrrhizinate β-glucuronidase (3.2.1 .128) or a-D-glucuronidase (EC 3.2.1 .139). A composition of the invention may comprise an expansin or expansin-like protein, such as a swollenin (see Salheimo et al., Eur. J. Biochem. 269 , 4202-421 1, 2002) or a swollenin-like protein. Expansins are implicated in loosening of the cell wall structure during plant cell growth. Expansins have been proposed to disrupt hydrogen bonding between cellulose and other cell wall polysaccharides without having hydrolytic activity. In this way, they are thought to allow the sliding of cellulose fibers and enlargement of the cell wall. Swollenin, an expansin-like protein contains an N-terminal Carbohydrate Binding Module Family 1 domain (CBD) and a C-terminal expansin-like domain. For the purposes of this invention, an expansin-like protein or swollenin-like protein may comprise one or both of such domains and/or may disrupt the structure of cell walls (such as disrupting cellulose structure), optionally without producing detectable amounts of reducing sugars. A composition of the invention may comprise the polypeptide product of a cellulose integrating protein, scaffoldin or a scaffoldin-like protein, for example CipA or CipC from Clostridium thermocellum or Clostridium cellulolyticum respectively. Scaffoldins and cellulose integrating proteins are multi-functional integrating subunits which may organize cellulolytic subunits into a multi-enzyme complex. This is accomplished by the interaction of two complementary classes of domain, i.e. a cohesion domain on scaffoldin and a dockerin domain on each enzymatic unit. The scaffoldin subunit also bears a cellulose-binding module (CBM) that mediates attachment of the cellulosome to its substrate. A scaffoldin or cellulose integrating protein for the purposes of this invention may comprise one or both of such domains. A composition of the invention may comprise a cellulose induced protein or modulating protein, for example as encoded by cipl or cip2 gene or similar genes from Trichoderma reesei I Hypocrea jacorina (see Foreman et al., J. Biol. Chem. 278(34) , 31988-31997, 2003). The polypeptide product of these genes are bimodular proteins, which contain a cellulose binding module and a domain which function or activity can not be related to known glycosyl hydrolase families. Yet, the presence of a cellulose binding module and the co-regulation of the expression of these genes with cellulases components indicates previously unrecognized activities with potential role in biomass degradation. A composition of the invention may be composed of a member of each of the classes of the polypeptides mentioned above, several members of one polypeptide class, or any combination of these polypeptide classes. A composition of the invention may be composed of polypeptides, for example enzymes, from ( 1 ) commercial suppliers; (2) cloned genes expressing polypeptides, for example enzymes; (3) complex broth (such as that resulting from growth of a microbial strain in media, wherein the strains secrete proteins and enzymes into the media; (4) cell lysates of strains grown as in (3); and/or (5) plant material expressing polypeptides, for example enzymes. Different polypeptides, for example enzymes in a composition of the invention may be obtained from different sources.

Use of the polypeptides The polypeptides and polypeptide compositions according to the invention may be used in many different applications. For instance they may be used to produce fermentable sugars. The fermentable sugars can then, as part of a biofuel process, be converted into biogas or ethanol, butanol, isobutanol, 2 butanol or other suitable substances. So by fermentable sugars is meant sugars which can be consumed by a microorganism or converted by a microorganism in another product. Alternatively the polypeptide of the invention or the polypeptide produced using the invention may be used as enzyme, for instance in production of food products, in detergent compositions, in the paper and pulp industry and in antibacterial formulations, in pharmaceutical products such as throat lozenges, toothpastes, and mouthwash. Some of the uses will be illustrated in more detail below. In the uses and methods described below, the components of the compositions described above may be provided concomitantly (i.e. as a single composition per se) or separately or sequentially. The invention also relates to the use of the polypeptide of the invention, the polypeptide produced using the invention, or composition produced using the invention and compositions in industrial processes. In principle, a polypeptide or composition of the invention or composition produced using the invention may be used in any process which requires the treatment of a material which comprises polysaccharide. Thus, a polypeptide or composition of the invention may be used in the treatment of polysaccharide material. Herein, polysaccharide material is a material which comprises or consists essential of one or, more typically, more than one polysaccharide. Typically, plants and material derived therefrom comprise significant quantities of non-starch polysaccharide material. Accordingly, a polypeptide of the invention or a polypeptide produced using the invention may be used in the treatment of a plant or fungal material or a material derived therefrom.

Lignocellulose An important component of plant non-starch polysaccharide material is lignocellulose (also referred to herein as lignocellulolytic biomass). Lignocellulose is plant material that comprises cellulose and hemicellulose and lignin. The carbohydrate polymers (cellulose and hemicelluloses) are tightly bound to the lignin by hydrogen and covalent bonds. Accordingly, a polypeptide of the invention or a polypeptide produced using the invention may be used in the treatment of lignocellulolytic material. Herein, lignocellulolytic material is a material which comprises or consists essential of lignocellulose. Thus, in a method of the invention for the treatment of a non-starch polysaccharide, the non-starch polysaccharide may be a lignocellulosic material/biomass. Accordingly, the invention provides a method of treating a substrate comprising non-starch polysaccharide in which the treatment comprises the degradation and/or hydrolysis and/or modification of cellulose and/or hemicellulose and/or a pectic substance. Degradation in this context indicates that the treatment results in the generation of hydrolysis products of cellulose and/or hemicellulose and/or a pectic substance, i.e. saccharides of shorter length are present as result of the treatment than are present in a similar untreated non-starch polysaccharide. Thus, degradation in this context may result in the liberation of oligosaccharides and/or sugar monomers. All plants contain non-starch polysaccharide as do virtually all plant-derived polysaccharide materials. Accordingly, in a method of the invention for the treatment of substrate comprising a non-starch polysaccharide, said substrate may be provided in the form of a plant or a plant derived material or a material comprising a plant or plant derived material, for example a plant pulp, a plant extract, a foodstuff or ingredient therefore, a fabric, a textile or an item of clothing. Lignocellulolytic biomass suitable for use in the invention includes biomass and can include virgin biomass and/or non-virgin biomass such as agricultural biomass, commercial organics, construction and demolition debris, municipal solid waste, waste paper and yard waste. Common forms of biomass include trees, shrubs and grasses, wheat, wheat straw, sugar cane bagasse, corn, corn husks, corn cobs, corn kernel including fiber from kernels, products and by-products from milling of grains such as corn, wheat and barley (including wet milling and dry milling) often called "bran or fiber" as well as municipal solid waste, waste paper and yard waste. The biomass can also be, but is not limited to, herbaceous material, agricultural residues, forestry residues, municipal solid wastes, waste paper, and pulp and paper mill residues. "Agricultural biomass" includes branches, bushes, canes, corn and corn husks, energy crops, forests, fruits, flowers, grains, grasses, herbaceous crops, leaves, bark, needles, logs, roots, saplings, short rotation woody crops, shrubs, switch grasses, trees, vegetables, fruit peels, vines, sugar beet pulp, wheat middlings, oat hulls, and hard and soft woods (not including woods with deleterious materials). In addition, agricultural biomass includes organic waste materials generated from agricultural processes including farming and forestry activities, specifically including forestry wood waste. Agricultural biomass may be any of the aforestated singularly or in any combination or mixture thereof. Further examples of suitable biomass are orchard primings, chaparral, mill waste, urban wood waste, municipal waste, logging waste, forest thinnings, short- rotation woody crops, industrial waste, wheat straw, oat straw, rice straw, barley straw, rye straw, flax straw, soy hulls, rice hulls, rice straw, corn gluten feed, oat hulls, sugar cane, corn stover, corn stalks, corn cobs, corn husks, prairie grass, gamagrass, foxtail; sugar beet pulp, citrus fruit pulp, seed hulls, cellulosic animal wastes, lawn clippings, cotton, seaweed, trees, shrubs, grasses, wheat, wheat straw, sugar cane bagasse, corn, corn husks, corn hobs, corn kernel, fiber from kernels, products and by-products from wet or dry milling of grains, municipal solid waste, waste paper, yard waste, herbaceous material, agricultural residues, forestry residues, municipal solid waste, waste paper, pulp, paper mill residues, branches, bushes, canes, corn, corn husks, an energy crop, forest, a fruit, a flower, a grain, a grass, a herbaceous crop, a leaf, bark, a needle, a log, a root, a sapling, a shrub, switch grass, a tree, a vegetable, fruit peel, a vine, sugar beet pulp, wheat middlings, oat hulls, hard or soft wood, organic waste material generated from an agricultural process, forestry wood waste, or a combination of any two or more thereof. Apart from virgin biomass or feedstocks already processed in food and feed or paper and pulping industries, the biomass/feedstock may additionally be pretreated with heat, mechanical and/or chemical modification or any combination of such methods in order to enhance enzymatic degradation.

Pretreatment Before enzymatic treatment, the feedstock may optionally be pre-treated with heat, mechanical and/or chemical modification or any combination of such methods in order to to enhance the accessibility of the substrate to enzymatic hydrolysis and/or hydrolyse the hemicellulose and/or solubilize the hemicellulose and/or cellulose and/or lignin, in any way known in the art. The pretreatment may comprise exposing the lignocellulosic material to (hot) water, steam (steam explosion), an acid, a base, a solvent, heat, a peroxide, ozone, mechanical shredding, grinding, milling or rapid depressurization, or a combination of any two or more thereof. This chemical pretreatment is often combined with heat- pretreatment, e.g. between 150 and 220 °C for 1 to 30 minutes.

Presaccharifation After the pretreatment step, a liquefaction/hydrolysis or presaccharification step involving incubation with an enzyme or enzyme mixture can be utilized. The pre saccharification step can be performed at many different temperatures but it is preferred that the presaccharification step occur at the temperature best suited to the enzyme mix being tested, or the predicted enzyme optimum of the enzymes to be tested. The temperature of the presaccharification step may range from about 10 °C to about 95 °C, about 20 °C to about 85 °C, about 30 °C to about 70 °C, about 40 °C to about 60 °C, about 37 °C to about 50 °C, preferably about 37 °C to about 80 °C, more preferably about 60-70 °C even more preferably around 65 °C. The pH of the presaccharification mixture may range from about 2.0 to about 10.0, but is preferably about 3.0 to about 7.0, more preferably about 4.0 to about 6.0, even more preferably about 4.0 to about 5.0. Again, the pH may be adjusted to maximize enzyme activity and may be adjusted with the addition of the enzyme. Comparison of the results of the assay results from this test will allow one to modify the method to best suit the enzymes being tested. The liquefaction/hydrolysis or presaccharification step reaction may occur from several minutes to several hours, such as from about 1 hour to about 120 hours, preferably from about 2 hours to about 48 hours, more preferably from about 2 to about 24 hours, most preferably for from about 2 to about 6 hours. The cellulase treatment may occur from several minutes to several hours, such as from about 6 hours to about 120 hours, preferably about 12 hours to about 72 hours, more preferably about 24 to 48 hours.

Saccharification The invention provides a method for producing a sugar from a lignocellulosic material which method comprises contacting a polypeptide of the invention or a polypeptide produced using the invention to a composition of the invention with the lignocellulosic material. Such a method allows free sugars (monomers) and/or oligosaccharides to be generated from lignocellulosic biomass. These methods involve converting lignocellulosic biomass to free sugars and small oligosaccharides with a polypeptide or composition of the invention or produced using the invention. The process of converting a complex carbohydrate such as cellulose or lignocellulose into sugars preferably allows conversion into fermentable sugars. Such a process may be referred to as "saccharification" or "hydrolysis". Accordingly, a method of the invention may result in the liberation of one or more hexose and/or pentose sugars, such as one or more of glucose, xylose, arabinose, galactose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, mannose, rhamnose, ribose and fructose. Accordingly, another aspect of the invention includes methods that utilize the polypeptide of composition or the invention described above together with further enzymes or physical treatments such as temperature and pH to convert the lignocellulosic plant biomass to sugars and oligosaccharides. While the composition has been discussed as a single mixture it is recognized that the enzymes may be added sequentially where the temperature, pH, and other conditions may be altered to increase the activity of each individual enzyme. Alternatively, an optimum pH and temperature can be determined for the enzyme mixture. The enzymes are reacted with substrate under any appropriate conditions. For example, enzymes can be incubated at about 25 °C, about 30 °C, about 35 °C, about 37 °C, about 40 °C, about 45 °C, about 50 °C, about 55 °C, about 60 °C, about 65 °C, about 70 °C, about 75 °C, about 80 °C, about 85 °C, about 90 °C or higher. That is, they can be incubated at a temperature of from about 20 °C to about 95 °C, for example in buffers of low to medium ionic strength and/or from low to neutral pH. By "medium ionic strength" is intended that the buffer has an ion concentration of about 200 millimolar (mM) or less for any single ion component. The pH may range from about pH 2.5, about pH 3.0, about pH 3.5, about pH 4.0, about pH 4.5, about pH 5, about pH 5.5, about pH 6 , about pH 6.5, about pH 7, about pH 7.5, about pH 8.0, to about pH 8.5. Generally, the pH range will be from about pH 3.0 to about pH 7 . For the production of ethanol an acidic medium is preferred, e.g. pH=4, whereas for the production of biogas neutral pH, e.g. pH=7 is desirable. Incubation of enzyme combinations under these conditions results in release or liberation of substantial amounts of the sugar from the lignocellulose. By substantial amount is intended at least 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95% or more of available sugar. The polypeptides, such as enzymes, can be produced either exogenously in microorganisms, yeasts, fungi, bacteria or plants, then isolated and added, for example, to lignocellulosic feedstock. Alternatively, the enzymes are produced, but not isolated, and crude cell mass fermentation broth, or plant material (such as corn stover), and the like may be added to, for example, the feedstock. Alternatively, the crude cell mass or enzyme production medium or plant material may be treated to prevent further microbial growth (for example, by heating or addition of antimicrobial agents), then added to, for example, a feedstock. These crude enzyme mixtures may include the organism producing the enzyme. Alternatively, the enzyme may be produced in a fermentation that uses feedstock (such as corn stover) to provide nutrition to an organism that produces an enzyme(s). In this manner, plants that produce the enzymes may themselves serve as a lignocellulosic feedstock and be added into lignocellulosic feedstock.

Fermentation of sugars The fermentable sugars can be converted to useful value-added fermentation products, non-limiting examples of which include amino acids, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, animal feed supplements, specialty chemicals, chemical feedstocks, plastics, solvents, fuels, or other organic polymers, lactic acid, and ethanol, including fuel ethanol. In particular the sugars may be used as feedstocks for fermentation into chemicals, plastics, such as for instance succinic acid and (bio) fuels, including ethanol, methanol, butanol synthetic liquid fuels and biogas. For instance, in the method of the invention, an enzyme or combination of enzymes acts on a lignocellulosic substrate or plant biomass, serving as the feedstock, so as to convert this complex substrate to simple sugars and oligosaccharides for the production of ethanol or other useful fermentation products. Sugars released from biomass can be converted to useful fermentation products such a one of those including, but not limited to, amino acids, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, animal feed supplements, specialty chemicals, chemical feedstocks, plastics, and ethanol, including fuel ethanol. Accordingly, the invention provides a method for the preparation of a fermentation product, which method comprises: a . degrading lignocellulose using a method as described herein; and b. fermentation of the resulting material, thereby to prepare a fermentation product. The fermentation may be carried out under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Preferably, the process is carried out under micro-aerophilic or oxygen limited conditions. An anaerobic fermentation process is herein defined as a fermentation process run in the absence of oxygen or in which substantially no oxygen is consumed, preferably about 5 or less, about 2.5 or less or about 1 mmol/L/h or less, and wherein organic molecules serve as both electron donor and electron acceptors. An oxygen-limited fermentation process is a process in which the oxygen consumption is limited by the oxygen transfer from the gas to the liquid. The degree of oxygen limitation is determined by the amount and composition of the ingoing gas flow as well as the actual mixing/mass transfer properties of the fermentation equipment used. Preferably, in a process under oxygen-limited conditions, the rate of oxygen consumption is at least about 5.5, more preferably at least about 6 and even more preferably at least about 7 mmol/L/h. A method for the preparation of a fermentation product may optionally comprise recovery of the fermentation product.


Fermentation and Saccharification may also be executed in Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) mode. One of the advantages of this mode is reduction of the sugar inhibition on enzymatic hydrolysis (Sugar inhibition on cellulases is described by Caminal B&B Vol XXVII Pp 1282-1290).

Fermentation products Fermentation products which may be produced according to the invention include amino acids, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, animal feed supplements, specialty chemicals, chemical feedstocks, plastics, solvents, fuels, or other organic polymers, lactic acid, and ethanol, including fuel ethanol (the term "ethanol" being understood to include ethyl alcohol or mixtures of ethyl alcohol and water). Specific value-added products that may be produced by the methods of the invention include, but not limited to, biofuels (including ethanol and butanol and a biogas); lactic acid; a plastic; a specialty chemical; an organic acid, including citric acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, itaconic acid and maleic acid; 3-hydoxy-propionic acid, acrylic acid; acetic acid; 1,3-propane-diol; ethylene, glycerol; a solvent; an animal feed supplement; a pharmaceutical, such as a β-lactam antibiotic or a cephalosporin; vitamins; an amino acid, such as lysine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, and aspartic acid; an industrial enzyme, such as a protease, a cellulase, an amylase, a glucanase, a lactase, a lipase, a lyase, an oxidoreductases, a transferase or a xylanase; and a chemical feedstock.

Biogas The invention also provides use of a polypeptide or composition a described herein in a method for the preparation of biogas. Biogas typically refers to a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter, for example non-starch carbohydrate containing material, in the absence of oxygen. Biogas originates from biogenic material and is a type of biofuel. One type of biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion or fermentation of biodegradable materials such as biomass, manure or sewage, municipal waste, and energy crops. This type of biogas is comprised primarily of methane and carbon dioxide. The gas methane can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen. Air contains 21% oxygen. This energy release allows biogas to be used as a fuel. Biogas can be used as a low-cost fuel in any country for any heating purpose, such as cooking. It can also be utilized in modern waste management facilities where it can be used to run any type of heat engine, to generate either mechanical or electrical power. The first step in microbial biogas production consists in the enzymatic degradation of polymers and complex substrates (for example non-starch carbohydrate). Accordingly, the invention provides a method for preparation of a biogas in which a substrate comprising non-starch carbohydrate is contacted with a polypeptide or composition of the invention, thereby to yield fermentable material which may be converted into a biogas by an organism such as a microorganism. In such a method, a polypeptide of the invention may be provided by way of an organism, for example a microorganism which expresses such a polypeptide.

Use of enzymes in food products

The polypeptides and compositions of the invention may be used in a method of processing plant material to degrade or modify the cellulose or hemicellulose or pectic substance constituents of the cell walls of the plant or fungal material. Such methods may be useful in the preparation of food product. Accordingly, the invention provides a method for preparing a food product which method comprises incorporating a polypeptide or composition of the invention during preparation of the food product. The invention also provides a method of processing a plant material which method comprises contacting the plant material with a polypeptide or composition of the invention or produced using the invention to degrade or modify the cellulose in the (plant) material. Preferably, the plant material is a plant pulp or plant extract, such as juices. The present invention also provides a method for reducing the viscosity, clarity and/or filterability of a plant extract which method comprises contacting the plant extract with a polypeptide or composition of the invention or produced using the invention in an

amount effective in degrading cellulose or hemicellulose or pectic substances contained in the plant extract. Plant and cellulose/hemicellulose/pectic substance-containing materials include plant pulp, parts of plants and plant extracts. In the context of this invention an extract from a plant material is any substance which can be derived from plant material by extraction (mechanical and/or chemical), processing or by other separation techniques. The extract may be juice, nectar, base, or concentrates made thereof. The plant material may comprise or be derived from vegetables, e. g., carrots, celery, onions, legumes or leguminous plants (soy, soybean, peas) or fruit, e. g., pome or seed fruit (apples, pears, quince etc.), grapes, tomatoes, citrus (orange, lemon, lime, mandarin), melons, prunes, cherries, black currants, redcurrants, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, pineapple and other tropical fruits, trees and parts thereof (e. g. pollen, from pine trees), or cereal (oats, barley, wheat, maize, rice). The material (to be hydrolysed) may also be agricultural residues, such as sugar beet pulp, com cobs, wheat straw, (ground) nutshells, or recyclable materials, e. g. (waste) paper. The polypeptides of the invention or the polypeptides produced using the invention can thus be used to treat plant material including plant pulp and plant extracts. They may also be used to treat liquid or solid foodstuffs or edible foodstuff ingredients, or be used in the extraction of coffee, plant oils, starch or as a thickener in foods. Typically, the polypeptides of the invention or the polypeptides produced using the invention are used as a composition/enzyme preparation as described above. The composition will generally be added to plant pulp obtainable by, for example mechanical processing such as crushing or milling plant material. Incubation of the composition with the plant will typically be carried out for at time of from 10 minutes to 5 hours, such as 30 minutes to 2 hours, preferably for about 1 hour. The processing temperature is preferably from about 10°C to about 55°C, e. g. from about 15°C to about 25°C, optimally about 20°C and one can use from about 10 g to about 300 g , preferably from about 30 g to about 70 g , optimally about 50 g of enzyme per ton of material to be treated. All of the enzyme(s) or their compositions used may be added sequentially or at the same time to the plant pulp. Depending on the composition of the enzyme preparation the plant material may first be macerated (e. g . to a pure) or liquefied. Using the polypeptides of the invention processing parameters such as the yield of the extraction, viscosity of the extract and/or quality of the extract can be improved.

Alternatively, or in addition to the above, a polypeptide of the invention or a polypeptide produced using the invention may be added to the raw juice obtained from pressing or liquefying the plant pulp. Treatment of the raw juice will be carried out in a similar manner to the plant pulp in respect of dosage, temperature and holding time. Again, other enzymes such as those discussed previously may be included. Typical incubation conditions are as described in the previous paragraph. Once the raw juice has been incubated with the polypeptides of the invention or the polypeptides produced using the invention, the juice is then centrifuged or (ultra) filtered to produce the final product. After treatment with the polypeptide of the invention or the polypeptide produced using the invention the (end) product can be heat treated, e.g. at about 100°C for a time of from about 1 minute to about 1 hour, under conditions to partially or fully inactivate the polypeptide(s) of the invention or the polypeptide(s) produced using the invention. A composition containing a polypeptide of the invention or a polypeptide produced using the invention may also be used during the preparation of fruit or vegetable purees. The polypeptide of the invention may also be used in brewing, wine making, distilling or baking. It may therefore be used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer. For example it may improve the filterability or clarity, for example of beers, wort (e.g. containing barley and/or sorghum malt) or wine. Furthermore, a polypeptide or composition of the invention may be used for treatment of brewers spent grain, i.e. residuals from beer wort production containing barley or malted barley or other cereals, so as to improve the utilization of the residuals for, e.g., animal feed. The protein may assist in the removal of dissolved organic substances from broth or culture media, for example where distillery waste from organic origin is bioconverted into microbial biomass. The polypeptide of the invention or the polypeptide produced using the invention may improve filterability and/or reduce viscosity in glucose syrups, such as from cereals produced by liquefaction (e.g. with a-amylase). In baking the polypeptide may improve the dough structure, modify its stickiness or suppleness, improve the loaf volume and/or crumb structure or impart better textural characteristics such as break, shred or crumb quality. The present invention thus relates to methods for preparing a dough or a cereal-based food product comprising incorporating into the dough a polypeptide or composition of the present invention or produced according to the present invention. This may improve one or more properties of the dough or the cereal-based food product obtained from the dough relative to a dough or a cereal-based food product in which the polypeptide is not incorporated. The preparation of the cereal-based food product according to the invention further can comprise steps known in the art such as boiling, drying, frying, steaming or baking of the obtained dough. Products that are made from a dough that is boiled are for example boiled noodles, dumplings, products that are made from fried dough are for example doughnuts, beignets, fried noodles, products that are made for steamed dough are for example steamed buns and steamed noodles, examples of products made from dried dough are pasta and dried noodles and examples of products made from baked dough are bread, cookies and cake. The term "improved property" is defined herein as any property of a dough and/or a product obtained from the dough, particularly a cereal-based food product, which is improved by the action of the polypeptide according to the invention relative to a dough or product in which the polypeptide according to the invention is not incorporated. The improved property may include, but is not limited to, increased strength of the dough, increased elasticity of the dough, increased stability of the dough, improved machinability of the dough, improved proofing resistance of the dough, reduced stickiness of the dough, improved extensibility of the dough, increased volume of the cereal-based food product, reduced blistering of the cereal-based food product, improved crumb structure of the baked product, improved softness of the cereal-based food product, improved flavour of the cereal-based food product, improved anti-staling of the cereal-based food product. Improved properties related to pasta and noodle type of cereal-based products are for example improved firmness, reduced stickiness, improved cohesiveness and reduced cooking loss. The improved property may be determined by comparison of a dough and/or a cereal-based food product prepared with and without addition of a polypeptide of the invention or a polypeptide produced using the invention. Organoleptic qualities may be evaluated using procedures well established in the baking industry, and may include, for example, the use of a panel of trained taste-testers. The term "dough" is defined herein as a mixture of cereal flour and other ingredients firm enough to knead or roll. Examples of cereals are wheat, rye, corn, maize, barley, rice, groats, buckwheat and oat. Wheat is I here and hereafter intended to encompass all known species of Triticum genus, for example aestivum, durum and/or spelt. Examples of suitable other ingredients are: the polypeptide or polypeptide composition according to the present invention, additional enzymes, chemical additives and/or processing aids. The dough may be fresh, frozen, pre-pared, or pre-baked. The preparation of dough from the ingredients described above is well known in the art and comprises mixing of said ingredients and processing aids and one or more moulding and optionally fermentation steps. The preparation of frozen dough is described by Kulp and Lorenz in Frozen and Refrigerated Doughs and Batters. The term "cereal-based food product" is defined herein as any product prepared from a dough, either of a soft or a crisp character. Examples of cereal-based food products, whether of a white, light or dark type, which may be advantageously produced by the present invention are bread (in particular white, whole-meal or rye bread), typically in the form of loaves or rolls, French baguette-type bread, pasta, noodles, doughnuts, bagels, cake, pita bread, tortillas, tacos, cakes, pancakes, biscuits, cookies, pie crusts, steamed bread, and crisp bread, and the like. The term "baked product" is defined herein as any cereal-based food product prepared by baking the dough. Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) can increase the viscosity of the digesta which can, in turn, decrease nutrient availability and animal performance. Adding specific nutrients to feed improves animal digestion and thereby reduces feed costs. A lot of feed additives are being currently used and new concepts are continuously developed. Use of specific enzymes like non-starch carbohydrate degrading enzymes could breakdown the fibre releasing energy as well as increasing the protein digestibility due to better accessibility of the protein when the fibre gets broken down. In this way the feed cost could come down as well as the protein levels in the feed also could be reduced. Non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) are also present in virtually all feed ingredients of plant origin. NSPs are poorly utilized and can, when solubilized, exert adverse effects on digestion. Exogenous enzymes can contribute to a better utilization of these NSPs and as a consequence reduce any anti-nutritional effects. Non-starch enzymes or enzyme compositions of the present invention can be used for this purpose in cereal-based diets for poultry and, to a lesser extent, for pigs and other species. A non-starch polypeptide/enzyme of the invention (of a composition comprising the polypeptide/enzyme of the invention or the polypeptide/enzyme produced using the invention) may be used in the detergent industry, for example for removal from laundry of carbohydrate-based stains. A detergent composition may comprise a polypeptide/enzyme of the invention or a polypeptide/enzyme produced using the invention and, in addition, one or more of a cellulase, a hemicellulase, a pectinase, a protease, a lipase, a cutinase, an amylase or a carbohydrase.

Use of enzymes in detergent compositions A detergent composition comprising a polypeptide or composition of the invention may be in any convenient form, for example a paste, a gel, a powder or a liquid. A liquid detergent may be aqueous, typically containing up to about 70% water and from about 0 to about 30% organic solvent or non-aqueous material. Such a detergent composition may, for example, be formulated as a hand or machine laundry detergent composition including a laundry additive composition suitable for pre-treatment of stained fabrics and a rinse added fabric softener composition, or be formulated as a detergent composition for use in general household hard surface cleaning operations, or be formulated for hand or machine dish washing operations.

In general, the properties of the enzyme should be compatible with the aselected detergent (for example, pH-optimum, compatibility with other enzymatic and/or non- enzymatic ingredients, etc.) and the enzyme(s) should be present in an effective amount. A detergent composition may comprise a surfactant, for example an anionic or non- ionic surfactant, a detergent builder or complexing agent, one or more polymers, a bleaching system (for example an H20 2 source) or an enzyme stabilizer. A detergent composition may also comprise any other conventional detergent ingredient such as, for example, a conditioner including a clay, a foam booster, a sud suppressor, an anti- corrosion agent, a soil-suspending agent, an an-soil redeposition agent, a dye, a bactericide, an optical brightener, a hydrotropes, a tarnish inhibitor or a perfume.

Use of enzymes in paper and pulp processing A polypeptide or composition of the present invention may be used in the paper and pulp industry, inter alia in the bleaching process to enhance the brightness of bleached pulps whereby the amount of chlorine used in the bleaching stages may be reduced, and to increase the freeness of pulps in the recycled paper process (Eriksson,

K. E. L , Wood Science and Technology 24 ( 1990)79-1 0 1; Paice, et al., Biotechnol. and

Bioeng. 32 (1988):235-239 and Pommier et al., Tappi Journal ( 989):1 87-191 ). Furthermore, a polypeptide or composition of the invention or a polypeptide or composition produced using the invention may be used for treatment of lignocellulosic pulp so as to improve the bleachability thereof. Thereby the amount of chlorine need to obtain a satisfactory bleaching of the pulp may be reduced.

A polypeptide or composition of the invention may be used in a method of reducing the rate at which cellulose-containing fabrics become harsh or of reducing the harshness of cellulose-containing fabrics, the method comprising treating cellulose- containing fabrics with a polypeptide or composition as described above. The present invention further relates to a method providing colour clarification of coloured cellulose- containing fabrics, the method comprising treating coloured cellulose-containing fabrics with a polypeptide or composition as described above, and a method of providing a localized variation in colour of coloured cellulose-containing fabrics, the method comprising treating coloured cellulose-containing fabrics with a polypeptide or composition as described above. The methods of the invention may be carried out by treating cellulose-containing fabrics during washing. However, if desired, treatment of the fabrics may also be carried out during soaking or rinsing or simply by adding the polypeptide or composition as described above to water in which the fabrics are or will be immersed.

Other enzyme uses In addition, a polypeptide or composition of the present invention can also be used in antibacterial formulation as well as in pharmaceutical products such as throat lozenges, toothpastes, and mouthwash.

The following Examples illustrate the invention:

EXAMPLES Experimental information Strains Aspergillus niger strain was deposited at the CENTRAAL BUREAU VOOR SCHIMMELCULTURES, Uppsalalaan 8 , P.O. Box 85167, NL-3508 AD Utrecht, The Netherlands on 10 August 1988 under the deposit number CBS 513.88. Rasamsonia (Talaromyces) emersonii strain was deposited at CENTRAAL BUREAU VOOR SCHIMMELCULTURES, Uppsalalaan 8, P.O. Box 85167, NL-3508 AD Utrecht, The Netherlands in December 1964 having the Accession Number CBS 393.64.

Other suitable strains can be equally used in the present examples to show the effect and advantages of the invention. For example TEC-1 0 1, TEC-147, TEC-192, TEC-

201 or TEC-210 are suitable Rasamsonia strains wich are described in WO201 1/000949. The "4E mix" or "4E composition" was used containing CBHI, CBHII,

EG4 and BG (30wt%, 25wt%, 28wt% and 8wt%, respectively, as described in WO201 1/098577, wt% on dry matter protein.

Rasamsonia (Talaromyces) emersonii strain TEC-1 0 1 (also designated as FBG

101 ) was deposited at CENTRAAL BUREAU VOOR SCHIMMELCULTURES, Uppsalalaan 8, P.O. Box 85167, NL-3508 AD Utrecht, The Netherlands on 30th June 2010 having the Accession Number CBS 127450.

Molecular biology techniques

In these strains, using molecular biology techniques known to the skilled person (see: Sambrook & Russell, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3rd Ed., CSHL

Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 2001 ), several genes were over expressed and others were down regulated as described below. Examples of the general design of expression vectors for gene over expression and disruption vectors for down-regulation, transformation, use of markers and selective media can be found in W01 99846772, W01 9993261 7, WO2001 121779, WO2005095624, WO2006040312, EP 635574B, WO2005100573, WO201 1009700, WO2012001 169 and WO201 1054899. All gene replacement vectors comprise approximately 1 - 2 kb flanking regions of the respective Open Reading Frame (ORF) sequences, to target for homologous recombination at the predestined genomic loci. In addition, A.niger vectors contain the A . nidulans b i directional amdS selection marker for transformation, in-between direct repeats. The method applied for gene deletion in all examples herein uses linear DNA, which integrates into the genome at the homologous locus of the flanking sequences by a double cross-over, thus substituting the gene to be deleted by the amdS gene. After transformation, the direct repeats allow for the removal of the selection marker by a (second) homologous recombination event. The removal of the amdS marker can be done by plating on fluoro-acetamide media, resulting in the selection of marker-gene-free strains. Using this strategy of transformation and subsequent counter-selection, which is also described as the "MARKER-GENE FREE" approach in EP 0 635 574, the amdS marker can be used indefinitely in strain modification programs.

Media and solutions: Potato dextrose agar, PDA, (Fluka, Cat. No. 70139): per litre: Potato extract 4 g ;

Dextrose 20 g ; Bacto agar 15 g ; pH 5.4; Sterilize 20 min at 120°C. Rasamsonia agar medium: per litre: Salt fraction no.3 15 g ; Cellulose 30 g ; Bacto peptone 7.5 g ; Grain flour 15 g; KH2P04 5 g ; CaCI2.2aq 1 g ; Bacto agar 20 g ; pH 6.0; Sterilize 20 min at 120°C. Salt fraction composition: The "salt fraction no.3" was fitting the disclosure of W098/37179, Table 1. Deviations from the composition of this Table were CaCI2.2aq 1.0 g/l, KCI 1.8 g/L, citric acid 1aq 0.45 g/L (chelating agent).

Shake flask media for Rasamsonia Rasamsonia medium 1: per litre: Glucose 20 g; Yeast extract (Difco) 20 g; Clerol FBA3107 (AF) 4 drops; MES 30 g ; pH 6.0; Sterilize 20 min at 120°C. Rasamsonia medium 2 : per litre: Salt fraction no.3 10 g; glucose 10 g ; KH2P04 5 g ; NaH2P04 2 g ; (NH4)2S04 5 g ; MES 30 g ; pH 5.4; Sterilize 20 min at 120°C. Rasamsonia medium 3: per litre: Salt fraction no.3 10 g ; cellulose 20 g; KH2P04 5 g; NaH2P04 2 g; (NH4)2S04 5 g; MES 30 g; pH 5.4; Sterilize 20 min at 120°C. Rasamsonia medium 4 : per litre: Salt fraction no.3 10 g ; cellulose 15 g ; glucose 5 g ; KH2P04 5 g ; NaH2P04 2 g ; (NH4)2S04 5 g; MES 30 g; pH 5.4; Sterilize 20 min at 120°C.

Spore batch preparation for Rasamsonia Strains were grown from stocks on Rasamsonia agar medium in 10 cm diameter

Petri dishes for 5-7 days at 40°C. For MTP fermentations, strains were grown in 96-well plates containing Rasamsonia agar medium. Strain stocks were stored at -80°C in 10% glycerol.

Chromosomal DNA isolation

Strains were grown in YGG medium (per liter: 8 g KCI, 16 g glucose. H20, 20 ml of 10% yeast extract, 10 ml of 100x pen/strep, 6.66 g YNB+amino acids, 1.5 g citric acid, and 6 g K2HP04) for 16 hours at 42°C, 250 rpm, and chromosomal DNA was isolated using the DNeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany).

Shake flask growth protocol of Rasamsonia Spores were inoculated into 100 ml shake flasks containing 20 ml of Rasamsonia medium 1 and incubated at 45°C at 250 rpm in an incubator shaker for 1 day (preculture 1) and 1 or 2 ml of biomass from preculture 1 was transferred to 100 ml shake flasks containing 20 ml of Rasamsonia medium 2 and grown under conditions as described above for 1 day (preculture 2). Subsequently, 1 or 2 ml of biomass from preculture 2 was transferred to 100 ml shake flasks containing 20 ml of Rasamsonia medium 3 or 4 and grown under conditions described above for 3 days.

Protein analysis Protein samples were separated under reducing conditions on NuPAGE 4-12% Bis-Tris gel (Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands) and stained. Gels were stained with either InstantBlue (Expedeon, Cambridge, United Kingdom), SimplyBlue safestain (Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands) or Sypro Ruby (Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands) according to manufacturer's instructions.

Total protein concentration determination with TCA-biuret method Concentrated protein samples (supernatants) were diluted with water to a concentration between 2 and 8 mg/ml. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) dilutions (0, 1, 2 , 5 , 8 and 10 mg/ml) were made and included as samples to generate a calibration curve. 1 ml of each diluted protein sample was transferred into a 10 ml tube containing 1 ml of a 20% (w/v) trichloro acetic acid solution in water and mixed thoroughly. Subsequently, the tubes were incubated on ice water for one hour and centrifuged for 30 minutes, at 4°C and 6000 rpm. The supernatant was discarded and pellets were dried by inverting the tubes on a tissue and letting them stand for 30 minutes at room temperature. Next, 4 ml BioQuant Biuret reagent mix was added to the pellet in the tube and the pellet was solubilised upon mixing. Next, 1 ml water was added to the tube, the tube was mixed thoroughly and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes. The absorption of the mixture was measured at 546 nm with a water sample used as a blank measurement and the protein concentration was calculated via the BSA calibration line.

Cellulase activity assays

In order to measure cellulase activity corn stover activity assays are performed. Cellulase activity is measured in supernatants (the liquid part of the broth wherein the cells were cultured) of an empty strain and the transformant:

Preparation of pre-treated, corn stover substrate.

Dilute-acid pre-treated corn stover was obtained as described in Schell, D.J., Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2003), vol. 105-108, pp 69-85. A pilot scale pretreatment reactor was used operating at steady state conditions of 190°C, 1 min residence time and an effective H2S04 acid concentration of 1.45% (w/w) in the liquid phase.

Assay 1: Microtiter plate (MTP) 2% unwashed acid pretreated corn-stover sugar-release assay in which supernatants are spiked on top of TEC-210 or 4E mix For each (hemi-)cellulase assay, the stored samples were analyzed twice; 100 µ Ι_ of sample (e.g. shake flask supernatant) and 100 µ Ι of a (hemi-)cellulase base mix [3.5 mg/g DM TEC-210 or a 4 enzyme mix at a total dosage of 3.5 mg/g DM consisting of 0,3 mg/g DM BG (9% of total protein 4E mix), 1 mg/g DM CBHI (30% of total protein 4E mix), 0,9 mg/g DM CBHII (25% of total protein 4E mix) and 1.3 mg/g DM GH61 (36% of total protein 4E mix)] was transferred to two suitable vials: one vial containing 800 µ Ι_ 2.5 % (w/ w) dry matter of the acid pre treated corn stover in a 50 mM citrate buffer, buffered at pH 4.5. The other vial consisted of a blank, where the 800 µ Ι_ 2.5 % (w/ w) dry matter, acid pre treated corn stover was replaced by 800 µ Ι_ 50 mM citrate buffer, buffered at pH 4.5. The assay samples were incubated for 72 hrs at 65 °C. After incubation of the assay samples, a fixed volume of D20 (with 0.5 g/L DSS) containing an internal standard, maleic acid (20 g/L) and EDTA (40 g/L), was added. The amount of sugar released, is based on the signal between 4.65 - 4.61 ppm, relative to DSS, and is determined by means of 1D 1H NMR operating at a proton frequency of 500 MHz, using a pulseprogram with water suppression, at a temperature of 27°C. The (hemi)-cellulase enzyme solution may contain residual sugars. Therefore, the results of the assay are corrected for the sugar content measured after incubation of the enzyme solution.

Assay 2 : Dose-response 2% unwashed acid pretreated corn stover sugar-release assay in MTP

Since glucose release by cellulases is not a linear function of the quantity of enzyme in the composition, in other words, twice the amount of enzyme does not automatically result in twice the amount of glucose at a fixed time point. Therefore the activity of the cellulose enzyme mixture has been assessed in a dose response based assay, in which the dosage is based on equal amount of protein per cellulose mixture tested. Overall cellulase activity of the mixture measured with unwashed acid pretreated corn stover as substrate. The frozen enzyme samples were thawed and a series of 6 dilutions was made ranging from undiluted in steps of two-fold up to 32-fold in 50 mM citrate buffer pH 4.5. 200 µ Ι of sample was transferred to a vial containing 800 µ of 2.5 % (w/w) dry matter of the acid pretreated corn stover in 50 mM citrate buffer, buffered at pH 4.5. Another 200 µ Ι sample was transferred to a vial, referred to as blank, containing 800 µ Ι of 50 mM citrate buffer, buffered at pH 4.5. In addition, a sugar background of corn stover was determined by incubating 800 µ 2.5 % (w/w) dry matter of the acid pretreated corn stover in 50 mM citrate buffer, buffered at pH 4.5 with 200 µ Ι of 50 mM citrate buffer. All vials were incubated for 72 hr at 65 °C. After incubation, 100 µ Ι of internal standard solution (20 g/L maleic acid, 40 g/L EDTA in D20) was added to the vials. All vials containing pretreated corn stover were centrifuged for 30 minutes at 5300g and, subsequently, 600 µ Ι of the supernatant was transferred to a new vial containing 400 µ Ι of H20/D20 9:1 .

The 1D 1H-NMR spectra were recorded on an Avance III Bruker operating at a proton frequency of 500 MHz, using a pulse program with water suppression, at a temperature of 27°C. Glucose quantification (arbitrary units) was performed based on the signal at 5.20 ppm, relative to 4,4-Dimethyl-4-silapentane sulfonic acid with relation to the internal standard signal at 6.30 ppm. The relative glucose release (AGIc) was calculated by correcting the glucose measured in the samples by the residual sugar present in the enzyme solution (measured from the blank) and the residual sugar present in the acid pretreated corn stover. Since the protein concentration of the samples was known the sugar release can be depicted as a function of protein mg/ml of the tested diluted sample versus the relative glucose release at time point 72 hours.

Example 1: Construction of A.niger expression vectors This example describes the construction of an expression construct for overexpression of the protein of the invention in A.niger. Genomic DNA of Rasamsonia emersonii strain CBS393.64 was sequenced and analysed. The genes with translated proteins are identified. Sequences of the R. emersonii gene, comprising the protein sequence, signal peptide sequence, genomic sequence and wild-type cDNA sequence and mature protein sequence are shown in sequence listings SEQ ID NO: 1 to 33730.

Construction of expression plasmids Sequences having SEQ ID NO: 10251 to 20500 are cloned into the pGBTOP vector (Fig. 1) using EcoRI and Pad sites, comprising the glucoamylase promoter and terminator sequence. The construction, general layout and use of such a vector is described in detail in W0199932617. The E.coli part is removed by A/oil digestion prior to transformation of A . niger CBS 513.88.

Transformation of A . niger and shake flask fermentations A . niger strain CBS513.88 is co-transformed with the expression constructs and an appropriate selection marker (amdS or phleomycin) containing plasmid according to method described in the experimental information section. Of recombinant and control A.niger strains a large batch of spores is generated by plating spores or mycelia onto PDA plates (Potato Dextrose Agar, Oxoid), prepared according to manufacturer's instructions. After growth for 3-7 days at 30 degrees Celsius, spores are collected after adding 0.01% Triton X-100 to the plates. After washing with sterile water about 107 spores of selected transformants and control strains are inoculated into 100 ml shake flasks with baffles containing 20 ml of liquid pre-culture medium consisting of per liter: 30 g maltose. H20 ; 5 g yeast extract; 10 g hydrolyzed casein; 1 g KH2P0 4; 0.5 g

MgS0 4.7H20 ; 0.03 g ZnCI2; 0.02 g CaCI2; 0.01 g MnS0 4.4H20 ; 0.3 g FeS0 4.7H20 ; 3 g Tween 80; 10 ml penicillin (5000 IU/ml)/Streptomycin (5000UG/ml); pH5.5. These cultures are grown at 34 degrees Celsius for 16-24 hours. 10 ml of this culture was inoculated into 500 ml shake flasks with baffles containing 100 ml fermentation medium consisting of per liter: 70 g glucose. H20 ; 25 g hydrolyzed casein; 12.5 g yeast extract; 1 g KH2P0 4; 2 g K2S0 4; 0.5 g MgS0 4.7H20 ; 0.03 g ZnCI2; 0.02 g CaCI2; 0.01 g

MnS0 4.4H20 ; 0.3 g FeS0 4.7H20 ; 10 ml penicillin (5000 IU/ml)/Streptomycin (5000UG/ml); adjusted to pH5.6. These cultures are grown at 34 degrees Celsius until all glucose was depleted (usually after 4-7 days). Samples taken from the fermentation broth are centrifuged (10 min at 5000 x g) in a swinging bucket centrifuge and supernatants collected and filtered over a 0.2 µ η filter (Nalgene) Supernatants are analysed for expression of the polypeptide of the invention by SDS-PAGE and total polypeptide measurements and assayed in an appropriate assay, such as a cellulase activity assay. In case of another (enzyme) activity a suitable assay can be used which are known in the art. A . niger supernatants containing polypeptide of the invention are spiked on top of TEC-210 or 4E-mix and analysed in a corn-stover activity assay. Spiking of the protein of the invention shows increased hydrolysis of corn stover compared to controls in which the protein of the invention is not spiked in.

Example 2 : Construction of a R. emersonii expression vectors. This example describes the construction of an expression construct for overexpression of the protein of the invention in R. emersonii. The expression cassette is targeted integrated into the RePepA locus as described in PCT/EP201 3/055051 . Two vectors are constructed according to routine cloning procedures for targeting into the RePepA locus. The insert fragments of both vectors together can be applied in the so-called "bipartite gene-targeting" method (Nielsen et al., 2006, Efficient PCR-based gene targeting with a recyclable marker for Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Genet Biol 43(1):54-64). This method is using two non-functional DNA fragments of a selection marker which are overlapping (see also WO20081 13847 for further details of the bipartite method) together with gene-targeting sequences. Upon correct homologous recombination the selection marker becomes functional by integration at a homologous target locus. As also detailed in WO 20081 13847, two different deletion vectors, Te pep.bbn and pEBA1006, were designed and constructed to be able to provide the two overlapping DNA molecules for bipartite gene-targeting. Te pep.bbn and pEBA1006 are described in PCT/EP201 3/055051 . The ccdB gene in vector Te pep.bbn is replaced by the protein of the invention- expression cassettes according to routine cloning procedures. R. emersonii promoter 2 , represented by SEQ ID NO: 33731 , is cloned upstream of the R. emersonii protein coding region with A .nidulans amdS terminator, generating construct pEBA. The A .nidulans amdS terminator sequence is represented by SEQ ID NO: 33732. A schematic representation of pEBA for overexpression of the Gene of interest (GOI, corresponding to SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240) being the protein of the invention is shown in Figure 3.

Example 3 : Overexpression of the protein of the invention in Rasamsonia emersonii Linear DNA of pEBA and pEBA1006 are isolated and used to transform Rasamsonia emersonii using method as described earlier in WO201 1/054899 in a Ku80 deletion strain obtained as described in PCT/EP201 3/055051 . The linear DNAs can integrate together into the genome at the RePepA locus, thus substituting the RePepA gene by the protein of the invention and ble gene. Transformants are selected on phleomycin media and colony purified and tested according to procedures as described in WO201 1/054899. Growing colonies are diagnosed by PCR for integration at the RePepA locus using a primer in the gpdA promoter of the deletion cassette and a primer directed against the genomic sequence directly upstream of the 5' targeting region. Candidate transformants in which RePepA is replaced by the protein of the invention/We cassettes are obtained. Spores of the protein of the invention-transformants are fermented in shake flasks as described in General methods for Rasamsonia emersonii. Supernatants are analysed for expression of the protein of the invention by SDS-PAGE and total protein measurements ¾64 -

and assayed in an appropriate assay, such as a cellulase activity assay. In case of another enzyme activity a suitable assay can be used which are known in the art.

Example 4 Construction of R. emersonii deletion vectors. This example describes the construction of vectors for deletion of the protein of the invention in R. emersonii. Two replacement vectors are constructed according to routine cloning procedures (see Figures 4 and 5). The insert fragments of both vectors together can be applied in the so called "bipartite gene-targeting" method as described in Example 2 . Upon correct homologous recombination the selection marker becomes functional by integration at a homologous target locus. The deletion vectors pEBADEL.1 and pEBADEL2 are designed as described in WO 20081 13847. The pEBADEL.1 construct comprises a -1200 bp 5' flanking region directly upstream of the ORF encoding the protein of the invention and the 5' part of the ble coding region driven by the A.nidulans gpdA promoter (Figure 4). The pEBADEL2 construct comprises the 3' part of the ble coding region, the A.nidulans trpC terminator, and a -1200 bp 3' flanking region directly downstream of the ORF encoding the protein of the invention (Figure 5).

Example 5 : Deletion of the ORF encoding the protein of the invention in Rasamsonia emersonii

Linear DNA of the deletion constructs pEBADEL.1 and pEBADEL2 are isolated and used to transform Rasamsonia emersonii using method as described earlier in WO201 1054899. These linear DNAs can integrate into the genome at the locus of the gene of the invention, thus substituting the ORF encoding the protein of the invention by the ble gene as depicted in Figure 6 . Transformants are selected on phleomycin media and colony purified and tested according to procedures as described in WO201 1054899. Growing colonies are diagnosed by PCR for integration at the correct locus using a primer in the gpdA promoter of the deletion cassette and a primer directed against the genomic sequence directly upstream of the 5' targeting region. Knock out strains in which the ORF encoding the protein of the invention is deleted are obtained. Deletion strains are fermented in shake flask as described in Example 3 . Supernatants are analysed by SDS-PAGE, total protein measurements and assayed in an appropriate assay, such as a cellulase activity assay. CLAIMS

A polypeptide which comprises (a) an amino acid sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240; (b) an amino acid sequence encoded by the nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500; (c) or a variant polypeptide, wherein the variant polypeptide (i) has at least 70% sequence identity with the sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240 or (ii) has an amino acid sequence that differs in 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 , 7 , 8 , 9, 10, 11 or 12 amino acids from the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240. A polypeptide according to claim 1 which has biological activity, preferably is a polypeptide such as an enzyme, more preferably is an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase or is capable to alter or influence the expression of an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase and most preferably is a carbohydrate degrading enzyme and/or carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme, preferably has an activity mentioned in Table 1. A polynucleotide having a nucleic acid sequence whereby the nucleic acid sequence is selected from the group consisting of: (a) a nucleic acid sequence having at least 70% identity with the nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500; (b) a nucleic acid sequence hybridizing with the complement of the nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1 to 20500; (c) a nucleic acid sequence encoding (i) the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, (ii) an amino acid sequence having at least 70% identity with the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240, or

(iii) an amino acid sequence that differs in 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 or 12 amino acids from the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 20501 to 32240; or (d) a nucleotide sequence which is the reverse complement of a nucleotide sequence as defined in (a), (b) or (c). A polynucleotide of claim 3 having a nucleic acid sequence coding for a polypeptide which has biological activity, preferably the polypeptide is a polypeptide such as an enzyme, more preferably is an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase or is capable to alter or influence the expression of an oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase or ligase and most preferably is a carbohydrate degrading enzyme and/or carbohydrate hydrolysing enzyme, preferably has an activity mentioned in Table 1. 5 . A nucleic acid construct or vector comprising the polynucleotide of claim 3 or 4 . 6 . A recombinant cell comprising the polynucleotide of claim 3 or 4 or a nucleic acid construct or vector of claim 5. 7 . A recombinant cell wherein the polynucleotide according to claim 3 or 4 is mutated or deleted from the genome to obtain lower or no expression of the polypeptide encoded by said polynucleotide compared to the cell wherein the polynucleotide according to claim 3 or 4 is not mutated or deleted from the genome. 8 . A recombinant cell according to claim 6 or 7 which is a fungal cell, preferably a fungal cell selected from the group consisting of the genera Acremonium, Agaricus, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, Chrysosporium, Coprinus, Cryptococcus, Filibasidium, Fusarium, Humicola, Magnaporthe, Mucor, Myceliophthora, Neocallimastix, Neurospora, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Piromyces, Panerochaete, Pleurotus, Schizophyllum, Talaromyces, Rasamsonia, Saccharomyces, Thermoascus, Thielavia, Tolypocladium, and Trichoderma. 9 . A recombinant cell according to any one of claims 6 to 8 wherein one or more

gene of the cell is deleted, knocked-out or disrupted in full or in part, or is lower or not expressed compared to the native or starting cell, preferably by altering the promoter and wherein optionally the gene encodes for a protease. 10. A recombinant cell wherein the polynucleotide according to claim 3 or 4 is overexpressed compared to the native or starting cell, preferably by altering the promoter or by introducing one or more copies of polynucleotide. 11. A method for the preparation of the polypeptide according to claim 1 or 2 which comprises cultivating a cell according to any one of the claims 6 to 9 under conditions which allow for expression of said polypeptide and, optionally, recovering the expressed polypeptide. 12. A composition comprising: (i) the polypeptide according to claim 1 or 2 and; (ii) a cellulase and/or a hemicellulase and/or a pectinase, preferably the cellulase is a GH61 , cellobiohydrolase, cellobiohydrolase I, cellobiohydrolase II, endo- - 1 ,4- glucanase, β-glucosidase or β-(1 ,3)(1 ,4)-glucanase and/or the hemicellulase is an endoxylanase, β-xylosidase, a-L-arabinofuranosidase, a-D-glucuronidase feruloyl esterase, coumaroyl esterase, a-galactosidase, β-galactosidase, β- mannanase or β-mannosidase. A method for the treatment of a substrate comprising cellulose and/or hemicellulose, optionally a plant material, which method comprises contacting the substrate with the polypeptide of claim 1 or 2 and/or a composition of claim 12. Use of the polypeptide of claim 1 or 2 and/or a composition of claim 12 to produce sugar from a lignocellulosic material A polynucleotide coding for a signal sequence having a sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 32241 to 33730 or having a sequence that differs 1, 2 or 3 amino acids from the sequence set out in SEQ ID NO: 32241 to 33730.