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Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 523 Kayunga District Structure of Budget Framework Paper Foreword Executive Summary A: Revenue Performance and Plans B: Summary of Department Performance and Plans by Workplan C: Draft Annual Workplan Outputs for 2014/15 Page 1 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 523 Kayunga District Foreword The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 provides for enactment of the Local Government’s Act CAP 243. Article 77(1) of the Local government Act, CAP, 243, empowers local governments to formulate, approve and execute their budgets and Work plans. Also Section.35 of the Act confers planning Authority to the District Council and this is what has been done in the preparation of this Medium Term Expenditure Framework as a basis for annual planning and budgeting. This District has been facing a number of challenges in the process of delivering services to the people. Among these include, lack of Ambulance in the District hospital, Increasing population which do not match with the available resources, Deterioration of Road infrastructures especially during rainy seasons, Lack of enough permanent structures in Primary schools as a result of increasing enrolments in primary schools, high labour turnover especially in Health sector, lack of sanitation facilities in public places like Markets, schools. However, the District has tried through funding from the central Government and Implementing partners to overcome some of the challenges i.e. rehabilitate most of the Roads, Equip Health Units with drugs and other equipments, Recruit and motivate Medical doctors (7 Doctors) through Top-up allowances at Hospital and HCIV level and also acquired an Ambulance for the district hospital, Constructed staff houses for Health workers and Teachers, Facilitated OVC with school fees and health support through donor funding, Construction of Pit latrines in Rural Growth Centres and schools. We undertook a comprehensive stakeholder consultation exercise (Budget conference) involving Donors like SDS, MUWRP, the Central Government and the LLGs to ask people what they felt our priorities should be and this was one of the largest, and far-reaching, consultations in our history and many stakeholders gave us their views during the conference. These views have allowed our Technical staff and Councilors to be fully informed about the community needs. I would like to thank everybody who has taken part in the consultation and assure you that the entire process has been undertaken with the best interest of our communities at heart. l also wish to recognize the technical guidance rendered by the Directorate of Finance and planning to all other departments, which has led to successful preparations of the LGBFP. Besides that, i acknowledge that all of our services are important - and all of them have an impact somewhere for the people of Kayunga. But we are in a financial position where we have had to dramatically prioritize in order to ensure that the most vulnerable members of our community are protected and our most vital services continue to be delivered. Therefore, I call upon all the Development partners to support the District to improve on service delivery directly or indirectly. ENG. STEVEN DAGADA WATALA DISTRICT CHAIRPERSON KAYUNGA DISTRICT Page 2 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 523 Kayunga District Executive Summary Revenue Performance and Plans 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget September UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 702,927 163,853 761,279 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 1,886,638 443,779 2,235,719 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 17,964,242 4,969,056 21,236,588 2c. Other Government Transfers 563,940 122,159 2,279,200 3. Local Development Grant 501,618 125,405 541,445 4. Donor Funding 440,445 93,471 275,421 Total Revenues 22,059,810 5,917,723 27,329,652 Revenue Performance in the first quarter of 2013/14 The District budgeted for UGX 22,059,810,000/= for the FY 2013/2014. By end of Quarter 1(one), UGX 5,917,723,000/= had been realized. Of this, Shs 163,853,000 were revenue collections from Locally Raised sources, UGX 93,471,000 from Donor funds, UGX 122,159,000 from Uganda Road Fund while UGX 5,538,240,000 was received from Government grants. There was a good performance in Local revenue collections at District level to the tune of Shs 84,300,000 (216%) against a quarterly budget of Shs 39,093,250/=. This good performance was due to increased mobilization in some Revenue sources like: land related activities which brought in Shs 12,020,000, Disposal of old Assets which fetched 19,887,000 and Local Service Tax Shs 28,100,250. All the budgeted quarterly Government releases were received as planned. However, Shs 23,400,000 for Gratuity to Political Leaders was not directly remitted to our General Fund Account. By end of September, Shs 5,491,473,000 had been spent by end of the first quarter of FY 2013/14. UGX 3,732,647,000 was spent on staff salaries while UGX 1,177,462,000 was spent on recurrent expenditure non wage. UGX 515,094,000 was spent on development projects and UGX 66,271,000was spent on donor funded activities. Planned Revenues for 2014/15 In total, the District Local Government has budgeted to receive UGX 27,329,652,000/= for this FY 2014/15. The District plans to collect Shs 761,279,000/= from locally raised sources of which Shs 188,500,000 will be collected at District level, while UGX 572,779,000 is to be collected from the Lower local Governments of Kayunga S/C, Kayunga Town council, Kayonza, Kitimbwa, Bbaale, Busaana, Nazigo, Kangulumira and Galiraya. There is an increase in this year’s local revenue budget by shs 24,324,000/= due to plans to collect Revenue from Property Rates. Likewise, Shillings 26,568,373,000/= has been budgeted for this FY 2014/15 from Central Government Transfers of which shs 20,246,127,000/= will be direct transfers by Ministry of finance while Shs 2,279,200,000/= will come from Other Government departments like UBOS, URF, UNEB, etc. The increase in the FY’2014/15 budget is due to the budget provision of Shs 727,051,000 to cater for the national Population and Housing Census 2014 and the increased budget for Road Fund especially to cater for Repairs and mantainance of the District Road Equipments. Similarly, shs 275,421,000/= is to be received from Donors. However, there is a decline in the Donor grants due to budget cuts of 40% by the SDS project. Expenditure Performance and Plans 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end Sept 1a Administration 905,963 185,213 1,212,598 2 Finance 380,108 107,656 403,490 3 Statutory Bodies 784,200 131,879 807,841 4 Production and Marketing 1,304,039 274,121 831,929 Page 3 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 523 Kayunga District Executive Summary 2013/14 2014/15 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end Sept 5 Health 3,654,727 819,042 3,890,332 6 Education 12,894,770 3,575,106 16,602,843 7a Roads and Engineering 845,804 156,859 1,115,015 7b Water 625,017 145,053 643,017 8 Natural Resources 100,649 20,270 115,099 9 Community Based Services 368,512 55,968 770,750 10 Planning 131,441 18,746 872,159 11 Internal Audit 64,579 12,566 64,579 Grand Total 22,059,810 5,502,480 27,329,652 Wage Rec't: 14,001,325 3,732,646 17,713,969 Non Wage Rec't: 4,686,723 1,193,985 6,898,194 Domestic Dev't 2,931,316 509,578 2,442,067 Donor Dev't 440,445 66,271 275,421 Expenditure Performance in the first quarter of 2013/14 By end of September, Shs 5,491,473,000 had been spent by end of the first quarter of FY 2013/14. UGX 3,732,647,000 was spent on staff salaries while UGX 1,177,4 62,000 was spent on recurrent expenditure non wage. UGX 515,094,000 was spent on development projects and UGX 66,271,000was spent on donor funded activities. Activities implemented includes inspection of schools revenue mobilization and collection. Carried out internal assessment of LLGs . Paid retention to contractors who implemented works for FY 2012/13. District roads were periodically maintained. Planned Expenditures for 2014/15 The District plans to spend a total of Shs 27,329,651,000 of which Shs 17,713,004,000 will go to staff salaries for all categories of Staff, Shs 6,899,159,000/= to Recurrent expenditures Non-wage, UGX 2,442,067,000 will be spent in Development activities while UGX 275,421,000 will cater for Donor funded activities. The difference in planned expenditures for FY 2014/15 from that of FY 2013/14 is due to the budget provision of Shs 727,051,000/= from UBOS to cater for the National Housing and Population Census 2014 and the increased budget for uganda Road fund especially to cater for Mechanical Road Imprest. Medium Term Expenditure Plans Major priorities for the FY 2013/14are; construction of Primary schools at Nyiize C/U, Namusaala C/U, Kisombwa C/U. There will be also construction/Remodeling of Nakatovu HCII. We shall continue with periodic mantainace of District Roads totaling to 309kms. In Health, we shall construct Mortuaries’ in Bbaale and Kangulumira HCIVs.