
REVIEW JORI E. MAY, MD MARISA B. MARQUES, MD VISHNU V.B. REDDY, MD RADHIKA GANGARAJU, MD Department of Medicine, Department of , Department of Pathology, Department of Medicine, University of University of Alabama, University of Alabama, Birmingham University of Alabama, Birmingham Alabama, Birmingham Birmingham

Three neglected numbers in the CBC: The RDW, MPV, and NRBC count

ABSTRACT he complete count (CBC) T is one of the most frequently ordered lab- The complete count (CBC) is one of the most oratory tests in both the inpatient and outpa- frequently ordered laboratory tests, but some values tient settings. Not long ago, the CBC required included in the test may be overlooked. This brief re- peering through a and counting view discusses 3 potentially underutilized components the red blood cells, white blood cells, and of the CBC: the distribution width (RDW), . These 3 numbers are still the primary the mean volume (MPV), and the nucleated purpose of the test. red blood cell (NRBC) count. These results have unique Now, with automated counters, the CBC diagnostic applications and prognostic implications that report also contains other numbers that delin- can be incorporated into clinical practice. By understand- eate characteristics of each cell type. For ex- ing all components of the CBC, providers can learn more ample: about the patient’s condition. The is the aver- age volume of red blood cells. Providers use it KEY POINTS to classify as either microcytic, normo- The RDW can help differentiate the cause of anemia: eg, cytic, or macrocytic, each with its own differ- a high RDW suggests -defi ciency anemia, while a nor- ential diagnosis. mal RDW suggests . Studies also suggest that The differential count a high RDW may be associated with an increased rate of provides absolute counts and relative percent- all-cause mortality and may predict a poor prognosis in ages of each type of leukocyte. For example, several cardiac diseases. the absolute count is an important measure of immunocompetence. But other values in the CBC may be over- The MPV can be used in the evaluation of thrombocy- looked, even though they can provide im- topenia. Furthermore, emerging evidence suggests that portant information. Here, we highlight 3 of high MPV is associated with worse outcomes in cardio- them: vascular disorders. • The red blood cell distribution width (RDW) An elevated NRBC count may predict poor outcomes in • The (MPV) a number of critical care settings. It can also indicate a • The (NRBC) serious underlying hematologic disorder. count. In addition to describing their diagnostic utility, we also discuss emerging evidence of their potential prognostic signifi cance in he- matologic and nonhematologic disorders. By incorporating an awareness of their value in clinical practice, providers can maximize the doi:10.3949/ccjm.86a.18072 usefulness of the CBC.


Figure 1. A: Example of a normal red blood cell distribution width (RDW) of 13.5% (red line) in a patient with a normal complete blood cell count. B: Example of an increased RDW of 28.8% in a patient with iron defi ciency shortly after initiation of iron supplemen- tation.

■ RED BLOOD CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH hemorrhage or rapid , as the acute The RDW is a measure of variation (anisocy- drop in results in increased pro- tosis) in the size of the circulating red cells. duction of , which are larger than The RDW The term “width” is misleading, as the value mature erythrocytes. Because a range of disorders can elevate is not derived from the width of the red blood measures the RDW, reviewing the , but rather from the width of the distribu- smear is an important next step in the di- variation tion curve of the corpuscular volume (Figure agnostic evaluation, specifi cally looking for in size, 1). Therefore, a normal RDW means that the reticulocytes, microspherocytes, and other not size itself cells are all about the same size, while a high abnormal red blood cells contributing to the RDW means they vary widely in size. RDW elevation. The RDW can be calculated either as a A normal RDW is less diagnostically use- coeffi cient of variation, with a ful. It indicates the red blood cells are of uni- of 11% to 16% depending on the laboratory, form size, but they may be uniformly small or or, less often, as a standard deviation, with a large depending on how long the anemia has reference range of 39 to 46 fL. persisted. Since red cells circulate for only The RDW can differentiate about 120 days, patients who have severe between causes of anemia iron-defi ciency anemia for months to years are A high RDW is often found in nutritional de- expected to have a normal rather than a high RDW, as their red cells of normal size have all fi ciencies of iron, , and folate. This information is helpful in differentiating the been replaced by microcytes. A low RDW is not consistently associated cause of , as a high RDW with any hematologic disorder. suggests iron-defi ciency anemia while a nor- mal RDW suggests thalassemia.1 In iron defi - RDW may have prognostic value ciency, the RDW often rises before the mean Emerging data suggest that the RDW may also corpuscular volume falls, serving as an early have prognostic value in nonhematologic dis- diagnostic clue. eases. In a retrospective study of 15,852 adult The RDW can also be high after recent participants in the Third National Health and


Nutrition Examination Survey (1988–1994), a higher RDW was associated with a higher risk of death, with the all-cause mortality rate increasing by 23% for every 1% increment in RDW.2 This correlation is particularly prominent in cardiac disorders. In 2 large retrospective studies of patients with symptomatic heart failure, a higher RDW was a strong predictor of morbidity and death (hazard ratio 1.17 per 1-standard deviation increase, P < .001), even stronger than more commonly used variables such as ejection fraction, New York Heart As- sociation functional class, and renal function.3 In a retrospective analysis of 4,111 pa- Figure 2. Giant platelets (thin arrows), nor- tients with myocardial , the degree mal sized platelets (dotted arrows), and a of RDW elevation correlated with the risk of nucleated red blood cell (thick arrow) in a repeat nonfatal , coro- patient with myelofi brosis and extensive extramedullary hematopoiesis. nary death, new symptomatic heart failure, and .4 It is hypothesized that high RDW may In contrast, the MPV is low in patients refl ect poor integrity from al- with due to tered content, which in turn has hypoplasia, as malfunctioning deleterious effects on multiple organ systems cannot maintain the total platelet mass, and and is therefore associated with adverse out- any platelets produced remain small. This dis- comes.5 tinction can be obscured in the setting of sple- Currently, using the RDW to assess prog- nomegaly, as larger platelets are more easily nosis remains investigational, and how best to sequestered in the and the MPV may In anemia, interpret it in daily practice requires further therefore be low or normal. a high RDW study. The MPV can also be used to differenti- ate congenital thrombocytopenic disorders, suggests iron ■ MEAN PLATELET VOLUME which can be characterized by either a high defi ciency, The MPV, ie, the average size of platelets, is MPV (eg, , Bernard- while a normal reported in femtoliters (fL). Because the MPV Soulier syndrome) or a low MPV (eg, Wis- varies depending on the instrument used, kott-Aldrich syndrome) (Figure 2). RDW suggests each laboratory has a unique reference range, MPV may have prognostic value thalassemia usually about 8 to 12 fL. The MPV must be Evidence suggests that the MPV also has po- interpreted in conjunction with the platelet tential prognostic value, particularly in vascu- count; the product of the MPV and platelet lar disease, as larger platelets are hypothesized count is called the total platelet mass. to have increased hemostatic potential. Using the MPV to fi nd the cause In a large meta-analysis of patients with of thrombocytopenia coronary disease, a high MPV was asso- The MPV can be used to help narrow the ciated with worse outcomes; the risk of death differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. or myocardial infarction was 17% higher in For example, it is high in thrombocytopenia those with a high MPV (the threshold ranged resulting from peripheral destruction, as in from 8.4 to 11.7 fL in the different studies) immune thrombocytopenic . This is than in those with a low MPV.6 because as platelets are lost, In a study of 213 patients with non-ST- production increases and new, larger platelets segment elevation myocardial infarction, the are released from healthy megakaryocytes in risk of signifi cant coronary artery disease was an attempt to increase the total platelet mass. 4.18 times higher in patients with a high MPV


and a high troponin level than in patients adults. During , the common with a normal MPV and a high troponin.7 The myeloid progenitor cell fi rst differentiates into authors suggested that a high MPV may help a ; subsequently, the identify patients at highest risk of signifi cant in the nucleus of the proerythroblast gradually coronary artery disease who would benefi t from condenses until it becomes an orthochromatic invasive studies (ie, coronary angiography). erythroblast, also known as a nucleated red This correlation has also been observed in cell (Figure 2). Once the nucleus is expelled, other forms of vascular disease. In 261 patients the cell is known as a , which ulti- who underwent carotid angioplasty and stent- mately becomes a mature erythrocyte. ing, an MPV higher than 10.1 fL was associat- Healthy newborns have circulating ed with a risk of in-stent more than NRBCs that rapidly disappear within a few 3 times higher.8 weeks of birth. However, NRBCs can return The MPV has also been found to be higher to the circulation in a variety of disease states. in patients with type 2 than in con- Causes of NRBCs trols, particularly in those with microvascular Brisk hemolysis or rapid blood loss can cause complications such as retinopathy or microal- 9 NRBCs to be released into the blood as eryth- buminuria. ropoiesis increases in an attempt to compen- Conversely, in patients with , a low sate for acute anemia. MPV appears to be associated with a poor Damage or stress to the marrow also prognosis. In a retrospective analysis of 236 causes NRBCs to be released into the periph- patients with esophageal cancer, those who eral blood, as is often the case in hematologic had an MPV of 7.4 fL or less had signifi cantly diseases. In a study of 478 patients with hema- shorter overall survival than patients with an tologic diseases, the frequency of NRBC posi- MPV higher than 7.4 fL.10 tivity at diagnosis was highest in patients with A low MPV has also been associated with chronic myeloid (100%), acute leu- an increased risk of venous thromoboembo- kemia (62%), and myelodysplastic syndromes lism in patients with cancer. In a prospective 13 The MPV (45%). NRBCs also appeared at higher fre- observational cohort study of 1,544 patients, quencies during in other hema- is far from the 2-year probability of venous thromboem- tologic conditions, such as hemophagocytic a perfect bolism was 9% in patients with an MPV less lymphohistiocytosis. than 10.8 fL, compared with 5.5% in those The mechanism by which NRBCs are clinical metric with higher MPV values. The 2-year overall expelled from the is unclear, survival rate was also higher in patients with though studies have suggested that infl am- high MPV than in those with low MPV, at mation or or both cause increased 64.7% vs 55.7%, respectively (P = .001).11 hematopoietic stress, resulting in the release But the MPV is far from a perfect clinical of immature red cells. Increased concentra- metric. Since its measurement is subject to tions of infl ammatory ( 6 signifi cant laboratory variation, an abnormal and ) and in the value should always be confi rmed with evalua- plasma and decreased arterial partial tion of a peripheral blood smear. Furthermore, tension have been reported in patients with it is unclear why a high MPV portends poor circulating NRBCs.14,15 prognosis in patients without cancer, whereas Because they are associated with hemato- the opposite is true in patients with cancer. logic disorders, the fi nding of NRBCs should Therefore, its role in prognostication remains prompt evaluation of a peripheral smear to as- investigational, and further studies are essen- sess for abnormalities in other cell lines. tial to determine its appropriate usefulness in 12 The NRBC count and prognosis clinical practice. In critically ill patients, peripheral NRBCs ■ can also indicate life-threatening conditions. NUCLEATED RED BLOOD CELL COUNT In a study of 421 adult intensive care pa- NRBCs are immature red blood cell precur- tients, the in-hospital mortality rate was 42% sors not present in the circulation of healthy in those with peripheral NRBCs vs 5.9% in


those without them.16 Further, the higher the croses, emboli are released in the systemic NRBC count and the more days that NRBCs circulation causing micro- and macrovascular were reported in the CBC, the higher the risk occlusions and multiorgan failure. The largest of death. case series in the literature reports 58 patients In adults with acute respiratory distress with bone marrow necrosis with fat embolism syndrome, the fi nding of any NRBCs in the syndrome.22 peripheral blood was an independent risk At our institution, we have seen 18 pa- factor for death, and an NRBC count higher tients with this condition in the past 8 years, than 220 cells/μL was associated with a more with the frequency of diagnosis increasing than 3-fold higher risk of death.17 with heightened awareness of the disorder. Daily screening in patients in surgical in- We have found that leukoerythroblastosis is tensive care units revealed that NRBCs ap- often an early marker of this unrecognized peared an average of 9 days before death, syndrome and can prompt emergency red cell consistent with an early marker of impending exchange, which is considered to be lifesaving 22 decline.18 in this condition. In another study,19 the risk of death within These examples and many others show 90 days of hospital discharge was higher in that the presence of NRBCs in the CBC can NRBC-positive patients, reaching 21.9% in serve as an important clinical warning. those who had a count higher than 200 cells/ ■ OLD TESTS CAN STILL BE USEFUL μL. The risk of unplanned hospital readmis- sion within 30 days was also increased. The CBC provides much more than simple cell counts; it is a rich collection of informa- Leukoerythroblastosis tion related to each blood cell. These days, The combination of NRBCs and immature with new diagnostic tests and prognostic tools white blood cells (eg, , metamyelo- based on molecular analysis, it is important to cytes) is called leukoerythroblastosis. not overlook the value of the tests clinicians Leukoerythroblastosis is classically seen in have been ordering for generations. myelophthisic in which hematopoi- The RDW, MPV, and NRBC count will not The fi nding etic cells in the marrow are displaced by fi bro- likely provide defi nitive or fl awless diagnostic of NRBCs sis, tumor, or other space-occupying processes, or prognostic information, but when under- should prompt but it can also occur in any situation of acute stood and used correctly, they provide readily marrow stress, including critical illness. available, cost-effective, and useful data that evaluation In addition, leukoerythroblastosis appears can supplement and guide clinical decision- of a peripheral in a rare complication of sickle cell hemoglo- making. By understanding the CBC more fully, binopathies: bone marrow necrosis with fat providers can maximize the truly complete na- smear embolism syndrome.20,21 As the marrow ne- ture of this routine laboratory test. ■

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