Information for Residents of North Algona Wilberforce and Sebastopol Ward of Bonnechere Valley

Container recyclables must be placed loose inside All , organic material and garbage must the Municipal Depot bins. Return all liquor, wine, be taken to your Municipal Depot. Complete beer purchased at the LCBO to the Beer waste management information and details Store for a refund. available on your Township’s Website. ✔ RECYCLABLES MUST BE EMPTY AND RINSED Hazardous and Electronic Waste accepted at the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre year round.


Aluminum cans & plates Aerosol (empty) Cardboard cans & tin cans INFORMATION

Paper recycling must be placed loose inside the Municipal Depot bins. & drink Egg cartons (plastic & white Styrofoam) &

Cardboard (2 ft x 3ft (0.61 x 0.91 m), Plastic (ONLY fl attened and/or bread, produce, bundled) outside , blue Books (soft & hard cover- newspaper bags & remove hardcovers and grocery/retail bags- discard with garbage) Paint cans (METAL, stuff all bags into one) EMPTY/DRY, removed)


Cereal, tissue, frozen & Magazines, food, cracker boxes junk mail catalogues & phone books (remove Styrofoam – (*New – White plastic) Plastic bottles, , ONLY) plates, cups, meat trays, tubs & lids rigid packaging. Remove & tape. No Styrofoam packing peanuts.

Paper bags Plastic bakery, Newspapers & fl yers produce & clam shell (including glossy) Paper (colored & white) & Plastic food containers packaging fi le folders (, applesauce)

DO NOT PUT IN RECYCLING ✘ Containers fi lled with liquid ✘ Medical waste Shredded paper (in Wrapping (non-metallic)/ Toilet & paper towel ✘ Sharps & Needles (dispose of at your local pharmacy) a clear ) tissue paper & greeting cards rolls (empty) RECYCLING Garbage must be placed in specially marked bags or bags To absorb moisture, reduce odours, and help keep with stickers adhered. Available at your Township Offi ce. material from freezing, wrap food waste in newspaper, paper bags, or other compostable (i.e. cereal, frozen food, etc.).

ALL FOOD Baked goods

Candy & chip wrappers Bones Blister packaging/ Breads, grains, cereal & pasta bubble-wrap CD/VHS/DVDs & cases Cooking grease/fat (solidifi ed) Cooking oil (small amounts-use paper or yard waste to absorb) products

Candles & cork Clementine Eggs & eggshells Cereal/cracker box liners & cookie bags Fish (including shellfi sh) & meat Fruits, vegetables & peelings Kitchen scraps & plate scrapings Nuts & shells

Coffee pods (K-Cups, Coat hangers (plastic) Diapers & diaper wipes Tassimo T-discs) FOOD-SOILED PAPER Coffee grounds & fi lters Drink trays & paper egg cartons Dryer sheets/lint Florist foam Flower & planting Furnace fi lters Facial tissues & paper towel pots/trays bags Muffi n liners Paper plates & napkins

Food packaging (deli Light bulbs Paper coffee & cold drink meat, hot dog wrappers) (incandescent) Pet food bags cups (plastic lids & straws removed) Paper take-out containers Plastic cutlery Pizza boxes Rags & unusable clothing Tea bags Waxed & brown butcher paper

Plastic wrap (Paper towel, Toys Sandwich bags pop, water cases) PLANT WASTE Fresh cut fl owers ✔ Ashes (place cooled ashes ✔ Plastic bags which contained House plants & soil in a combustible container wood pellets, soil, salt, shavings, – i.e. box, bag) etc. ✔ Cigarette butts ✔ Pet waste/cat DO NOT PLACE THESE ITEMS IN ORGANICS ✔ ✔ Photographs Dishes/ceramics ✘ No plastics of any kind (including plastic bags claiming to be ✔ Disposable mop/dust sheets ✔ Pool noodles biodegradable or compostable) ✔ Styrofoam packing peanuts & ✘ Plastic wrap ✔ Feminine hygiene products colored Styrofoam packaging ✘ Diapers ✔ ✘ Garden hose & clothesline ✔ Vacuum bags Kitty litter ✘ Pet waste ✔ Mirrors/Glass (broken - wrapped in cardboard/newspaper, ✘ Plastic & glass containers marked broken glass) ✘ Ashes