U.S. Department of State Unclassified
[email protected] http://hiu.state.gov HUMANITARIAN INFORMATION UNIT Somalia: Drought and Displacement DJI. Gulf of Aden DJI. Gulf of Aden Awdal Somaliland Bari Awdal Somaliland Bari Sanaag Sanaag Woqooyi Puntland Woqooyi Puntland Galbeed Area disputed Galbeed Area disputed between Somaliland Togdheer between Somaliland UNHCR identied safe Togdheer and Puntland areas of return and Puntland Sool Internally displaced Sool ETHIOPIA persons (IDP) due to Nugaal drought (Nov ’16 - Feb ’17) Nugaal IPC acute food insecurity phase Somali refugee (Feb - May 2017) returnees* ETHIOPIA (1 Jan ’16 - 17 Mar ’17) 3: Crisis Mudug 30k Mudug 4: Emergency 20k Areas with less than 50% normal Provisional administrative line 15k Provisional administrative line Oct-Dec 2016 rainfall 10k Galguduud INDIAN 5k Galguduud INDIAN OCEAN OCEAN Bakool Hiiraan Bakool Hiiraan KEN. SOMALIA KEN. SOMALIA An estimated 1.1 million IDPs Gedo Gedo currently live in Somalia, with Shabeellaha As a result of below average Shabeellaha Dhexe Dhexe about 192,000 additional people have Bay April-June 2016 rains followed by a Bay been displaced since November 2016 failed October-December 2016 rainy due to drought. Most people displaced by Jubbada Jubbada Mogadishu season in many areas, over 2.9 million Dhexe Mogadishu recent drought left rural parts of Bay, Dhexe people in Somalia face acute food Shabeellaha Banaadir Shabeellaha Banaadir Mudug, and Lower Shabelle and settled in Hoose insecurity and will need emergency food Hoose urban areas. IOM and other UN agencies aid in the coming months. In most areas, estimate that the number of IDPs, a highly October-December 2016 rainfall was late, vulnerable group in Somalia, will rise to 3 million Jubbada erratic, and below average.