
Advanced Placement European History: Mrs. Matyskiel SUMMER Reading Assignments 2020-2021

WELCOME to A. P. European History!!!! So that you have time to digest some history on your own time and at your own speed, there IS summer reading with accompanying study guides. These will be your first 2 grades in the course. Please purchase (you should be able to write in the book!!) or check-out the following books and make sure you get the accompanying study guides which are available on the school website:

The , Niccolo Machiavelli Candide, [Two skinny but VITAL books for understanding Modern European History!!!]

The due date is Wednesday, August 12, 2021 (the 3rd day of school). Also expected: All students should have a working knowledge of Modern European geography. If there are any questions please contact me at [email protected]

Please submit a WORD document to Turnitin.com. You will have to enroll yourself with the following information: Enrollment Key: Ilovehistory Class ID: 25031673 Please use your school district EMAIL for REMIND & Turnitin.com….you’re going to be using it a lot!! Save the personal email for colleges and universities.

*****ALSO, please enroll in the REMIND A. P. European History course: Text 81010 with the message @apeuy

You’re a small group this year which should work well this year!!! LOTS of personal attention! ☺ PLEASE do NOT wait until the week before school to start these assignments! Get it done NOW as you know how quickly summer passes . . . especially for SENIORS!

Mrs. Matyskiel [email protected] name______

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1532)

Please answer completely the following questions.

1. What was Machiavelli’s purpose in writing The Prince? To whom was it dedicated?

2. Machiavelli states that “it is customary for those who wish to gain the favour of a prince to endeavor to do so by offering him gifts of those things which they hold most precious.” WHAT was Machiavelli’s “most precious possession” and how did he acquire it?

3. Machiavelli states that for a monarch who takes over a new possession there are many difficulties. To whom should the prince look for support and why?

4. When new provinces share the same nationality and language as the prince’s homeland, “it is very easy to hold them”. If differences exist in language and customs, what advice does Machiavelli give to the new ruler?

5. acquire power by a number of methods: by good fortune, ability, villainy, or by “the favour of his fellow citizens.” If you are Machiavelli’s “villain-prince,” why should you commit all your cruelties at once?

6. Why does a man, who comes to power with the help of the nobles, find it more difficult to stay in power?

7. Discuss Machiavelli’s positive and negative views on the use of troops.

8. “Generosity leads to your being both . . . [hated and despised].” Machiavelli’s argument/logic of this premise.

9. According to Machiavelli, is it better for a prince to be loved or feared? WHY?

10. “The ends justify the means.” What does Machiavelli mean by this?

11. What is meant by the term “Machiavellian”?

12. What does Machiavelli mean when he recommends that the ruler must be both a lion and a fox?

13. What five (5) qualities must a prince possess or seem to possess?

14. “Rulers should delegate responsibility for unpopular actions, while taking personal responsibility for those that win favor. And once again I conclude a ruler should treat the powerful with respect, but at all costs he should avoid being hated by the people.” Evaluate Machiavelli’s logic/strategy in this statement.

15. “A ruler who is more afraid of his subjects than of foreign power should build fortresses; but a ruler who is more afraid of foreign powers than of his subjects should do without them.” Support this assertion.

16. HOW should flatterers/sycophants be shunned by a prince?

17. According to Machiavelli, WHY have Italian Princes lost their states?

Candide Study Guide

Please answer the following questions completely. (You’ll need a separate sheet of paper.)

1. Why is the 18th century called the "century of Voltaire?"

2. Identify the following places/characters AND how each functions in the book: [2-part questions!!!!!]

A. Westphalia B. Cunegonde C. Pangloss D. Anabaptist E. Old Woman F. Cacambo G. Oreillons H. Eldorado I. Martin

3. Voltaire ranks as one of literature's greatest satirists. A. Define satire. B. Give three (3) examples of satire in the book: 1. 2. 3.

4. Cite evidence to support that Voltaire's attack on religion was not limited to Christianity.

5. Define irony. What is ironic in Voltaire's account of the Inquisition?

6. What does Voltaire mean (central to the understanding of the novella) when he says that "All is for the best . . . in the best of all possible worlds?"

7. Define picaresque novel.

8. In a well-organized essay, discuss this quotation: "We must all cultivate our gardens." HOW does this give resolution to the novel? What does this mean?