Root Cellars Rock Food Skills Workshops A Resource for Community Organizations in Newfoundland & Labrador Picking: Edible Wild Plants Prepared by: Food Security Network of Newfoundland and Labrador Sarah Ferber, Root Cellars Rock Project Coordinator 44 Torbay Road, Suite 110 St. John’s, NL A1A 2G4 Phone: 709.237-4026 Fax: 709.237.4231
[email protected] With funding support from: Provincial Wellness Grant Program, Health Promotion and Wellness Division, Department of Health and Community Services Job Creation Partnership Program, Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment 2012 Preface The 4Ps of local food are planting, picking, preparing, and preserving. Together they encompass how to grow food, harvest it, make healthy meals from it, and preserve it for future use. Based upon the 4Ps, these workshops were created by the Food Security Network of Newfoundland and Labrador (FSN) as part of the Root Cellars Rock project. They are intended to assist community groups across the province in fostering knowledge, capacity, and engagement with healthy, traditional food skills in their communities. The workshop kit outlines what community groups will need to know in order to successfully host their own workshops on the 4Ps. These workshops have been created in consultation with the Root Cellars Rock Advisory Committee and other local food champions from across the province. The inspiration behind the workshops was the ongoing success and growth of community-based food security initiatives province-wide and a need identified by those groups for Newfoundland and Labrador focused resources. FSN surveyed community-based food security groups to find out what topics were of most interest to them and how they thought the workshops should be designed.