Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 57, No. 1, P. 151–163, 2005 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE QUATERNARY SEDIMENTARY ROCKS IN THE EASTERN BUCHAREST AREA ANDREI BALA1, VICTOR RAILEANU1, NICOLAE MANDRESCU1, ION ZIHAN2, EUGEN DANANAU2 1 National Institute of Research and Development for Earth Physics, P.O. Box MG-2, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania,
[email protected] 2 “Prospecþiuni” S.A., str. Caransebeº, nr. 1, Bucharest, Romania (Received October 4, 2004) Abstract. New seismic measurements are performed in the eastern Bucharest area with the purpose of defining better the physical properties of the shallow sedimentary rocks. A high resolution seismic profile, 600 m in length, was carried out in the area, as well as down-hole seismic measurements in two boreholes drilled at the ends of the profile. Computing and interpretation of the data lead to the conclusion that shallow sedimentary rocks can be considered weak and very weak in the area, down to 70 m depth. Seismic wave velocity values and bulk density values presented in the paper associated with local geology are useful primary data in the seismic microzonation of Bucharest City. This work was performed in the frame of the CERES Contract no. 34/11.11.2002, funded by the Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania. Key words: seismic profile, down-hole seismic measurements, seismic microzonation. 1. GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE BUCHAREST AREA Bucharest is situated in the central part of the Romanian Plain, a transitional area between the piedmont plains from the north and the Danube River to the south [1]. Some local plains can be distinguished in the city area: Bãneasa – Pantelimon, Giuleºti – Floreasca, Vergului and Cotroceni – Vãcãreºti (Fig.