APS VICTORIA SEED LIST 2018 - March 2018 Update

All current members are entitled to six packets of seed from the list of available species, upon receipt of each quarterly edition of Growing Australian.

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write down a list of your six preferred species and then also include a further list of alternatives in case one or more species are no longer available. 2. Prepare a self-addressed envelope that includes postage. This envelope should preferably be DL size (22cm x 11cm) as it is difficult to fit seed pockets in anything smaller. The postage currently required is a $1 stamp or equivalent concession stamp. If requesting a seed that is of a Brachychiton species, then please provide $2 of postage due to the large size of its seeds. 3. Place both the list and self-addressed envelope in an envelope marked to APS Victoria Seed Bank, c/- Amy Akers, 28 Gretana Crescent, Frankston VIC 3199. 4. The Seed Bank Curator will send you 6 packets in order of your choice. If any of these have run out in the meantime, they will send you those species that are listed as alternatives by you.

Email enquiries can be directed to [email protected], however orders must still be made by post.

Additions for February 2018

Note: heights given are only a guide.

Genus Species Common Name Form Height (m) Acacia acinacea Gold-dust Wattle shrub 0.5–2.5 acuminata - shrub-tree to 12 adunca Wallangarra Wattle shrub-tree to 6 aneura Mulga shrub-tree to 18 aneura var. macrocarpa shrub-tree 1-5 aphylla Leafless Rock Wattle shrub to 2.5 argyrophylla Silver Mulga shrub 2–3 assimilis - shrub-tree 1–4 ausfeldii Ausfeld's Wattle shrub-tree 2–4 baileyana Cootamundra Wattle tree to 10 beckleri Barrier Range Wattle shrub 1–3 binata - shrub to 1 boormanii Snowy River Wattle shrub 2–4 brachybotrya Grey Mulga / Grey Wattle shrub 1–3 buxifolia Box-leaf Wattle shrub to 3 caerulescens Limestone Blue Wattle / Buchan tree 10–15 Blue Wattle cardiophylla Wyalong Wattle shrub-tree 2–4 cognata Narrow-leaf Bower Wattle shrub-tree 3–10 colei Cole's Wattle shrub 2–4 covenyi Blue Bush shrub-tree 6-7.5 cultriformis Knife-leaf Wattle shrub 3–4 curranii Curly-bark Wattle shrub to 3 denticulosa Sandpaper Wattle shrub-tree 0.5–15 difformis Drooping Wattle / Wyalong Wattle shrub-tree 1–6 extensa Wiry Wattle shrub to 2 floribunda White Sallow Wattle / Gossamer shrub-tree 2–8 Wattle genistifolia Spreading Wattle / Early Wattle shrub 1–3 gilbertii - shrub to 1 glaucoptera Clay Wattle / Flat Wattle shrub to 1.5 gracilifolia Graceful Wattle shrub 1–2 guinetii Guinet's Wattle shrub to 2 howittii Sticky Wattle tree 3–9 implexa Lightwood / Hickory Wattle tree 3–15 iteaphylla Willow-leaved Wattle, Flinders shrub 2–4 Range Wattle jibberdingensis Willow-leafed Wattle shrub-tree 1.5-4 lasiocalyx - shrub-tree 2–3.5 lasiocarpa - shrub 0.2–1.5 ligulata Small Cooba / Dune Wattle shrub-tree 2–3 maslinii merinthophora - shrub-tree 3–4 mucronata Variable Sallow Wattle shrub-tree 1–15 muelleriana Mueller's Wattle shrub-tree 1.5–8 myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle Red Stem Wattle shrub 0.5–3 nigricans - shrub 0.5–1.5 podalyriifolia Queensland Silver Wattle tree 3–7 pravissima Ovens Wattle shrub-tree 3–8 prominens Gosford Wattle tree 5–25 provincialis (syn. retinodes) - shrub-tree 5–10 pycnantha Golden Wattle shrub-tree 3–8 pycnantha 'Grampians Form' redolens - shrub 0.5–2 saligna Golden Wreath Wattle tree 2–6 spectabilis Mudgee Wattle shrub-tree 2–6 squamata - sub-shrub 0.15–0.6 stenophylla Eumong shrub-tree 1.5–6 suaveolens Sweet Wattle shrub 1–3 subcaerulea Blue-barked Acacia shrub 1–3 terminalis Sunshine Wattle shrub-tree to 6 trigonophylla - shrub 1-2.5 triquetra - shrub to 1.5 verniciflua Varnish Wattle shrub-tree 1–8 verticillata Prickly Moses shrub-tree to 10 vestita Hairy Wattle shrub 1–4 willdenowiana Grass Wattle shrub 0.3-0.6 williamsonii Whirrakee Wattle shrub to 2 Acaena echinata Sheep’s Burr perennial herb 0.25–0.40 Actinostrobus pyramidalis Swamp Cypress shrub 1–4 Actinotus helianthi Flannel Flower herbaceous shrub to 0.5 Agonis flexuosa Willow Myrtle tree 8–15 theiformis Summer Snowflakes shrub 0.5–2 Agrostocrinum scabrum Blue Grass Lily perennial herb to 1 Ajuga australis Austral Bugle perennial herb 0.2-0.5 Allocasuarina nana Stunted Sheoak shrub 0.5–2 Alphitonia excelsa Red Ash tree to 25 Alyogyne hakeifolia shrub to 3 huegelli Lilac Hibiscus shrub 1-3 Ammobium alatum Winged Everlasting Daisy annual or perennial to 1 Angophora costata Smooth-barked Apple tree 15–25 Anigozanthos flavidus Tall Kangaroo Paw perennial herb to 1 manglesii Mangles Kangaroo Paw perennial herb to 1 Aotus ericoides Common Aotus shrub to 2 Araucaria cunninghamii Hoop Pine tree to 50 Arthropodium strictum Chocolate Lily perennial herb 0.2–1 Astartea fascicularis False Baeckea shrub to 3 Austrostipa mollis Supple Spear-grass grass to 1 audax - shrub to 1 baueri Woolly Banksia shrub 0.5-2 baxteri Baxter's Banksia shrub 1.7-4 benthamiana Bentham's Banksia shrub 2–4 blechnifolia - prostrate shrub to 0.3 brownii Feather-leaved Banksia shrub to 4 canei Mountain Banksia shrub to 3 dryandroides Dryandra-leaved Banksia shrub 0.2-1 elderiana Swordfish Banksia shrub to 3 ericifolia Heath Banksia shrub-tree to 6 grandis Bull Banksia tree to 10 grossa - shrub to 1 laevigata ssp. fuscolutea - shrub 1-3 lanata Coomallo Banksia shrub to 3.5 laricina Rose Banksia shrub to 1.7 leptophylla var. leptophylla - shrub to 2 lindleyana Porcupine Banksia shrub to 3 media Southern Plains Banksia shrub to 10 meisneri - shrub to 2 occidentalis Red Swamp Banksia shrub-tree 3–7 pilostylis Marsh Banksia shrub 2–4 praemorsa (wine red fls.) Cut-leaf Banksia shrub to 4 praemorsa (yellow fls.) shrub to 4 prionotes Orange Banksia / Acorn Banksia shrub-tree 5–10 quercifolia Oak-leaved Banksia shrub to 3 repens Creeping Banksia prostrate shrub to 0.4 sceptrum Sprectre Banksia shrub to 5 serrata Saw Banksia shrub to 16 verticillata Granite Banksia shrub to 5 victoriae Woolly Orange Banksia shrub to 7 violacea Violet Banksia shrub to 1.5 ALSO SEE DRYANDRA Beaufortia schaueri Pink Bottlebrush shrub to 1.2 montana Mountain Rocket shrub 0.1–1.8 Billardiera erubescans Red Billardiera climber/scrambler stems to 4 scandens Common Apple-berry climber/scrambler stems to 3 Boronia ramosa - shrub to 0.6 stricta - shrub 0.6–2 Bossiaea aquifolium Water Bush shrub to 2 cinerea Showy Bossiaea shrub 1 m dentata Elegent Bossiaea shrub 1–2 eriocarpa Common Brown Pea shrub to 0.6 heterophylla Variable Bossiaea shrub to 1 ornata (large flowers) Broad-leaved Brown Pea shrub to 1 pulchella - shrub to 1.5 Brachychiton bidwillii Little Kurrajong tree 4–5 discolor Lacebark tree to 30 populneus Kurrajong tree to 20 x excellens Pink Bottle Tree tree Brachyloma preissii Globe Heath shrub to 1 Brachycome iberidifolia Swan River Daisy annual herb to 0.5 Brachysema latifolium Broad-leaved Brachysema prostrate trailing shrub Brunonia australis Blue Pincushion perennial herb to 0.5 celsissima Ivory Curl tree to 30 Bursaria spinosa Sweet Bursaria shrub-tree 5-10 Caesia parviflora Pale Grass-lily tufted perennial herb to 0.5 Callistemon brachyandrus Prickly Bottlebrush shrub 2–3 glaucus Albany Bottlebrush shrub 1–2 Callitris columellaris White / Murray River / Northern tree 4–12 Cypress-pine endlicheri Black Cypress-pine tree to 10 gracilis ssp. murrayensis Slender Cypress-pine tree to 20 preissii ssp. tree 1–9 rhomboidea Port Jackson Pine tree to 15 Calothamnus homalophyllus Murchison Clawflower shrub 0.6–3 pinifolius Dense Clawflower shrub 0.3-2 rupestris Cliff Net-bush /Mouse Ears shrub 1–4 validus Barrens Clawflower shrub 0.6-2 Calotis glandulosa Mauve Burr-daisy sprawling herb to 0.3 Calytrix flavescens Summer Starflower shrub to 1 tetragona (pink) Common Fringe-myrtle shrub 1-2 Carex fascicularis Tassel Sedge tufted perennial 0.6–1.5 Carpobrotus rossii Karkalla or Pig Face succulent groundcover – Cephalipterum drummondii Pompom Head annual herb to 0.5 Chamaescilla corymbosa Blue Stars / Blue Squill tuberous perennial herb to 0.2 Chamelaucium uncinatum (purple) Geraldton Wax shrub 2-3 Chorilaena quercifolia Karri Oak shrub 1-4 Chorizema cordatum Heart-leaved Flame Pea shrub/semi-climber to 1.5 diversifolium Climbing chorizema climber varium Limestone Pea trailing sub-shrub to 0.3 Chrysocephalum apiculatum Common Everlasting perennial herb to 0.6 Commersonia hermanniifolia - trailing sub-shrub stems to 1 Conostylis aculeata Prickly Conostylis tufted perennial herb to 0.6 Convolvulus angustissimus Australian Bindweed climber/scrambler to 0.1 Coronidium elatum - shrub to 2 Corymbia citriodora Lemon-scented Gum tree 20-40 eximia nana Dwarf Yellow Bloodwood tree 6-8 Craspedia variabilis Common Billy Buttons herb to 0.5 Crotalaria cunninghamii Green Birdflower shrub 1–3 Crowea angustifolia var. platyphylla Bush Crowea shrub 0.3-3.5 Cymbopogon ambiguus Australian Lemon-scented Grass grass to 1.8 Cynoglossum australe Australian Hound's-tongue herb to 0.75 Darwinia citriodora Lemon-scented Darwinia shrub 1-1.5 Daviesia benthamii ssp. acanthoclona - shrub to 2 cordata Bookleaf shrub 0.5–2 corymbosa Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea shrub to 2 umbellulata Bitter-pea shrub to 1 Dianella tasmanica Tasman Flax-lily clump forming perennial to 1.5 Dichopogon fimbriatus (Arthropodium) Nodding Chocolate-lily perennial herb to 1 Dillwynia floribunda Parrot Pea shrub to 2.5 Diplarrena moraea White Iris / Butterfly Iris perennial herb to 1 Diplolaena angustifolia Yanchep Rose shrub 0.3-1.5 dampieri Feather Duster shrub to 1.5 Disphyma crassifolium Round-leaved Pigface succulent groundcover – Dodonaea boroniifolia Fern-leaf Hop-bush shrub to 2 sinuolata Feathery Hop-bush shrub 1-3 stenozyga Desert Hop-bush shrub to 1.5 Doryanthes excelsa Gymea Lily perennial herb to 1.5 palmeri Spear Lily perennial herb 1–3 Dracophyllum secundum - shrub to 1 Dryandra armata (now ) Prickly Dryandra shrub to 3 carlinoides (now Banksia carlinoides) Pink Dryandra shrub to 1.5 cirsioides (now Banksia cirsioides) - shrub to 2 conferta (now Banksia densa) - shrub 1–2 cuneata (now Banksia obovata) Wedge-leaved Dryandra shrub to 3 formosa (now ) Showy Dryandra shrub 2–5 hewardiana (now Banksia - shrub 2–4 hewardiana) obtusa (now Banksia obtusa) Shining Honeypot prostrate trailing shrub to 0.3 plumosa (now Banksia plumosa) - shrub to 1.5 praemorsa (now ) Urchin Dryandra shrub 2–4 pulchella (now Banksia bella) Silver Wongan Dryandra / Wongan shrub 1–2 Dryandra serratuloides (now Banksia - shrub 0.3–1 serratuloides) squarrosa ssp. squarrosa (now Banksia Pingle shrub 1.5–2.5 squarrosa ssp. squarrosa) tenuifolia (now Banksia tenuifolia) - shrub 0.5–2 Elaeocarpus reticulatus Blueberry Ash shrub-tree to 30 Eremaea purpurea Purple-flowered Eremaea shrub to 2 Eucalyptus albida White-leaved Mallee mallee/small tree to 5

balladoniensis Balladonia Mallee mallee/tree 2.5–10 caesia ssp. magna - tree to 15 cernua Red-flowered Moort mallee 1–3 cinerea Silver-leaved Stringybark tree 6–15 cordata Heart-leafed Silver Gum tree 5–30 cornuta Yate tree 1.5–20 desmondensis Desmond Mallee mallee/small tree 1–4.5 dolichorhyncha Fuchsia Gum mallee/small tree to 3 erythrocorys Illyarrie tree 4–8 gillii Curly Mallee mallee/small tree 2–7 gunnii Cider Gum tree 10–25 haemastoma Scribbly Gum tree 5–15 kingsmillii Kingsmill's Mallee mallee/small tree 1.5–8 kruseana Bookleaf Mallee mallee 2–3.5 latens 'Moon Lagoon' Narrow-leaved Red Mallee mallee 2–4 macrocarpa Mottlecah mallee/shrub to 4 orbifolia Round-leaved Mallee mallee/shrub to 6 ovata Swamp Gum tree 8–25 pauciflora Snow Gum / White Sallee shrub-tree 6–20 preissiana Bell-fruited Mallee mallee/shrub 2–5 pyriformis Pear-shaped Mallee mallee/shrub 2–5 radiata ssp. robertsonii Narrow-leaved peppermint tree to 30 sepulcralis Blue Weeping Gum mallee/shrub 3–6 sideroxylon 'Rosea' Mugga / Red Ironbark tree 10–30 tricarpa Red Ironbark tree 25-35 woodwardii Lemon-flowered Gum tree 6–15 youngiana Large-fruited Mallee mallee/shrub 4–12 ALSO SEE CORYMBIA Euchilopsis linearis Swamp Pea prostrate to shrub 0.1–1.2 Gastrolobium celsianum (Brachysema lanceolatum) - prostrate to shrub to 1.2 dilatatum - shrub to 1 grandiflorum Wallflower Poison shrub to 3 spinosum Prickly Poison shrub to 3.5 tetragonophyllum Brother-Brother shrub to 1.5 Geijera linearifolia Oilbush shrub-tree 1–3 Glischrocaryon aureum Common Popflower tufted perennial 0.2–1 Glycine clandestina Twining Glycine twining shrub or climber 0.3-2 Gompholobium scabrum - shrub 0.5-2.5 venustum Handsome Wedge-pea shrub 0.1–0.9 Goodia lotifolia Golden Tip shrub 1.5–2.5 Gossypium sturtianum Sturt's Desert Rose shrub to 2 'Candelabra' (white) - shrub to 3 leucopteris White Plume Grevillea shrub 1–4 monticola Holly-leaf Grevillea shrub to 1.5 polybotrya - shrub 1–4 rhyolitica Deua Flame shrub 0.5-2 robusta Silky Oak tree 10–30 triloba - shrub 1–2 Guichenotia ledifolia - spreading shrub 0.4-1.5 macrantha Large-flowered Guichenotia shrub 0.2-1.5 archaeoides - shrub 4–6 arida - shrub 1–5 brownii - shrub to 2.5 bucculenta Red Pokers shrub to 4.5 cinerea Ashy Hakea shrub 2–3 costata Ribbed Hakea shrub 0.3–2 dactyloides Finger Hakea shrub 1–7 decurrens Bushy Needlewood shrub to 5 francisiana Grass-leaf Hakea shrub-tree 3–6 hookeriana - shrub 1–5 laurina Pincushion Hakea shrub-tree 3–8 lehmanniana Blue Hakea shrub 0.5–2 leucoptera Silver Needlewood shrub-tree 2–5 minyma Watjula / Nyintirpa shrub 1.2–3 pandanicarpa ssp. pandanicarpa - shrub 1–2 petiolaris Sea Urchin Hakea shrub-tree 2–6 propinqua - shrub 1–2 recurva shrub-tree 1–6 scoparia - shrub-tree 1.2-3 sericea (pink form) Bushy Needlewood / Silky Hakea shrub 2–5 stenophylla - shrub-tree to 5 undulata Wavy-leaved Hakea shrub 1–3 victoria Royal Hakea shrub to 3 Hardenbergia comptoniana Wild Sarsaparilla climber stems to 2 comptoniana (mauve flowers) climber stems to 2 violacea (white flowers) Purple Coral-pea climber or prostrate shrub stems to 2 (mauve/pink flowers) Hibbertia dentata Twining Guinea Flower climber stems to 2 scandens Climbing Guinea Flower climber stems to 4 Hibiscus geranioides Dwarf Native Hibiscus shrub to 0.8 heterophyllus Native Rosella shrub-tree 3-6 trionum Flower-of-an-Hour annual or perennial to 1 Hovea acanthoclada Thorny Hovea shrub 0.6–2 elliptica Tree Hovea shrub-tree 0.6-3 lanceolata Lance-leaf Hovea shrub 1–2 pungens Devil's Pins shrub 1–2 Hybanthus floribundus Shrub Violet shrub 0.2–2 Hymenosporum flavum Native Frangipani shrub-tree to 20 Hypocalymma angustifolium White Myrtle shrub to 1.5 cordifolium - shrub 0.5–1.5 Indigofera australis Austral Indigo shrub 0.5–2 cuneatus shrub 0.5-2.5 dubius Pincushion Coneflower shrub to 1.5 Isotoma axillaris Rock Isotome perennial herb to 0.5 Jacksonia scoparia Dogwood shrub-tree 2–4 Jasminum lineare Desert Jasmine shrub 1–2 Kennedia beckxiana Cape Arid Kennedia woody climber carinata - prostrate creeper eximia - prostrate creeper lateritia Augusta Kennedia twining shrub or climber 2-4 macrophylla August Kennedia woody climber microphylla - protate shrub nigricans Black Coral-pea woody climber procurrens Purple Running Pea prostrate or climbing shrub prorepens - prostrate or shrub 0.05–0.6 prostrata Running Postman prostrate creeper prostrata (climbing form) Running Postman climber retrorsa - climber rubicunda Dusky Coral-pea climber to 4 Kunzea parvifolia Violet Kunzea shrub to 1.5 pulchella (red fl.) Granite Kunzea shrub 0.6-3 recurva - shrub to 2 inermis Chittick spreading shrub-tree to 6 orbifolia ssp. orbifolia Round-leafed Honeysuckle shrub to 3.5 Lavatera plebeia Australian Hollyhock erect perennial to 2 Laxmannia gracilis Slender Wire Lily erect herb to 0.4 Lechenaultia biloba Blue Leschenaultia shrub to 0.5 Leptorhynchos squamatus Scaly Buttons herb to 0.4 Leptospermum continentale Prickly Tea-tree shrub to 2 erubescens Roadside Teatree shrub to 2 juniperinum Prickly Tea-tree shrub 2–3 luehmannii Bronze-barked Tea-tree shrub to 5 obovatum River Tea-tree shrub to 2 petersonii Lemon-scented Tea-tree shrub-tree to 5 rupestre Alpine Tea-tree prostrate to shrub 0.5-1.5 squarrosum Peach-blossom Tea-tree shrub 1–4 Leucophyta brownii Cushion Bush shrub to 1 Leucopogon melaleucoides Beard Heath shrub 0.7–1 Libertia paniculata Branching Grass-flag tufted perennial to 0.6 Lomandra longifolia Spiny-headed Mat-rush tufted perennial to 1 spicata Orange Lomandra tufted perennial to 0.8 Lotus australis Australian Trefoil perennial herb to 0.6 Maireana appressa Grey Bluebush shrub to 0.70 brevifolia Short-leaf Bluebush shrub 0.6–1 triptera Three-wing Bluebush shrub 0.2–0.6 Marianthus erubescens - twining shrub or climber 1–4 granulatus - twining shrub or climber 1–5 Melaleuca alternifolia Narrow-leaved Paperbark shrub-tree 2.5–14 citrina Rock Wattle-myrtle shrub 1–5 cordata Heart-leaf Honey-myrtle shrub 0.3–3 diosmatifolia Rosy Paperbark shrub to 2 filifolia Wiry Honey-myrtle shrub 0.4–2 huegelii Chenille Honey-myrtle shrub-tree 1–5 lanceolata Moonah/Black Paperbark shrub-tree 1-8 lateritia Robin Redbreast Bush shrub 0.7–3 leptospermoides - shrub 0.3–3 linariifolia Snow-in-Summer shrub-tree 2–10 macronychia - shrub 2–5 megacephala - shrub 0.5–3 nesophila Showy Honey-myrtle shrub 1–3 pulchella Claw Flower shrub 0.2–2 radula Graceful Honey-myrtle shrub 0.3–5 squarrosa Scented Paperbark shrub-tree 0.5–10 subfalcata - shrub to 3 thymifolia Thyme Honey-myrtle shrub 0.3–1.5 trichophylla - shrub 0.2–1.5 violacea Purple Honey-myrtle shrub 0.1-1 wilsonii Violet Honey-myrtle / Wilson's shrub 0.5–2.5 Honey-myrtle Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass grass to 0.7 Microseris lanceolata Murrnong / Yam Daisy herb to 0.4 Minuria cunninghamii Bush Minuria shrub to 0.4 denticulata Woolly Minuria perennial herb to 0.3 Mirbelia dilatata Holly-leaved Mirbelia shrub 0.5-3 oxylobioides Mountain Mirbelia shrub 1–3 rubiifolia Heathy Mirbelia shrub to 0.5 Oreomyrrhis eriopoda Australian Carraway perennial herb to 0.4 Orthrosanthus laxus Morning Iris perennial herb to 0.5 multiflorus Morning Flag / Morning Iris Tufted perennial herb to 2 Oxylobium arborescens Tall Oxylobium shrub to 2 ellipticum Common Oxylobium / Common shrub 0.5–2 Shaggy-pea Ozothamnus ferrugineus Tree Everlasting shrub 2–5 obcordatus Grey Everlasting shrub to 1.5 Pandorea jasminoides Bower Vine woody climber jasminoides 'Lady Di' Bower Vine woody climber pandorana Wonga Wonga Vine woody climber pandorana 'Ruby Bells' Wonga Wonga Vine woody climber Patersonia occidentalis (blue flowers & white Long Purple-flag Tufted perennial herb to 0.5 flowers) umbrosa ssp. xanthina Purple Flag Tufted perennial herb to 0.9 fastigiata - shrub to 1.5 linearis Pixie Mops shrub to 0.8 serruriae Prickly Petrophile prickly shrub to 1.5 squamata - shrub to 3 Phymatocarpus maxwellii - shrub to 2.5 Pimelea ferruginea Pink Rice Flower shrub to 1 humilis Dwarf Rice-flower shrub to 0.5 spectabilis Bunjong shrub 0.5–2 sylvestris - shrub 0.3-2 Platylobium formosum Handsome Flat-pea shrub to 2.5 Poa labillardierei Common Tussuck-grass tufted perennial to 1.2 Podolepis jaceoides Showy Copper-wire Daisy perennial to 0.7 Podolobium ilicifolium Prickly Shaggy-pea shrub to 3 Podotheca wilsonii - herb to 0.45 Polycalymma stuartii Poached Egg Daisy herb to 0.5 Prostanthera lasianthos Victorian Christmas-bush shrub-tree 2–8 Ptilotus drummondii Narrow-leaf Mulla Mulla perennial herb 0.5–0.8 spathulatus Cat's Paw / Pussy-tails prostrate perennial to 0.2 Pultenaea acerosa Bristly Bush-pea shrub to 0.6 daphnoides Large-leaf Bush-pea shrub 1–3 microphylla Spreading Bush-pea shrub myrtoides Swamp Pea shrub to 1.5 vrolandii Cupped Bush-pea shrub 0.5–2 Pycnosorus chrysanthes (Craspedia) Golden Billy-buttons herb to 0.6 globosus (Craspedia) Drumsticks Tufted perennial herb to 1.2 Regelia ciliata - shrub to 2 velutina Barrens Regelia shrub-tree 1-6 Rhodanthe chlorocephala Pink Paper-daisy annual 1-6 chlorocephala ssp. rosea Rosy Sunray annual herb to 0.6 manglesii Pink Sunray annual herb to 0.5 Richea scoparia Honey Richea shrub to 1.5 Ricinocarpus tuberculatus Wedding Bush shrub to 3 Rytidosperma geniculatum (Austrodanthonia) Kneed Wallaby-grass grass to 0.2 Scaevola crassifolia Thick-leaved Fan-flower shrub to 1.5 Schoenia cassiniana Schoenia annual herb to 0.4 filifolia ssp. subulifolia Showy Everlasting annual herb to 0.5 Senecio pinnatifolius Variable Groundsel annual or perennial to 1 Senna artemisioides Silver Cassia shrub to 2 artemisioides ssp. sturtii Dense Senna shrub to 1.5 odorata Fragrant Senna / Spreading Cassia shrub to 2.5 Sowerbaea juncea Rush Lily / Vanilla Lily perennial herb to 0.45 Sphaerolobium medium - shrub to 0.6 Spyridium globulosum Basket Bush shrub 2–5 Stackhousia monogyna Creamy Stackhousia / Creamy perennial herb to 0.7 Candles sinuatus Firewheel Tree tree 10-35 Stylidium graminifolium Grass Triggerplant tufted 0.1–0.2 Styphelia tenuiflora Common Pinheath shrub to 1 Swainsona formosa Sturt's Desert Pea prostrate, spreading galegifolia Smooth Darling-pea sub-shrub to 1 greyana Hairy Darling-pea shrub 0.6–1 maccullochiana Ashburton Pea annual herb 0.5–3 stipularis Orange Darling Pea spreading perennial to 0.3 shrub to 3 truncata Tasmanian Waratah shrub 2–3 Templetonia retusa (SA) & (WA) Cocky's Tongue shrub 1–2 Thomasia angustifolia Narrow-leaf Thomasia shrub to 1 petalocalyx Paper Flower shrub to 0.8 quercifolia Oak-leaved Thomasia shrub to 1 Thryptomene baeckeacea - spreading shrub to 1 Thysanotus multiflorus Many-flowered Fringe Lily perennial herb to 0.5 Trachymene coerulea Blue Lace Flower annual herb 0.1-2 Tricoryne elatior Yellow Rush-lily herb 0.1–0.4 Velleia trinervis - herb to 0.5 Verticordia huegelii - shrub to 1 plumosa Plumed Featherflower shrub to 1.5 Viminaria juncea Swishbush weeping shrub 1–4 Vittadinia gracilis Woolly New Holland Daisy perennial shrub 0.1–0.4 Wahlenbergia stricta Tall Bluebell perennial herb to 0.9 Waitzia nitida - annual herb to 0.4 Xanthorrhoea glauca Grass Tree 1-5 semiplana ssp. tateana Kangaroo Island Grass Tree / Tate's to 3 Grass Tree Xanthosia rotundifolia Southern Cross shrub to 0.8 Xerochrysum bracteatum Golden Everlasting annual to 0.8 papillosom Island Everlasting perennial herb 0.1–0.8 viscosum Sticky Everlasting annual or perennial 0.1–0.8 Xyris lanata - tufted perennial herb 0.4–1