PORTLAND DAILY PRESS Established June 23, 1862. Vol. 10. „ PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING. ΑΡΡττ λ * " Terms '·" "—" J 1 $8.00 per annum. —.« vauj rreeii IJNSUKAJNUE. BONDS. Is published every day (Sundays bj MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. the exoepted) BUSINESS DIRECTOR^ Portland Publishing Co., THE DAILY ATLANTIC. Dissolution of Copartnership PRESS, At 109 Exchange Portland. Advertising Agency. Street, ATWELL & CO., 174$ Middle PORTLAND. GENTLEMEN, ments Street, Advertise- Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year In advance. inserted in papers in Maine Mutual Insurance partnership heretofore ut the and through· CentralRailroad THE existing under the country at the Comp'y, PLACE TO QET THEaameot publisher's lowes rates. IN The Maine State Prcse (ORGANIZED 1842.) C. P. APRIL 1871. KIMBALL Ac LABKIN, Agricultural TUESDAY, 4, 51 Wall corner OF Is Implements Λ Seed·. I» published Thcrhdav Morning at et., of New York. CO., IOWA. dissolved mutual SAWYER ft e\ery William, The by consent, Mr. Larkin retiring. WOODrORD, No. 119 St. $2.50 a if at a STYLISH business viil be Exchange year; paid in advance, $2.00 Marine and and ail continued by Mr. Kimball, The in France. Insures Aerainst Inland Bisks have bow built and equipped, 1b first-class manner, the affairs ot the Calendar year. Navigation ; late firm settled by him. Auctioneer. And will issue Policies Loss about C. P. KIMBALL. The fact that the Council of making payable in G. W. No. 327 Communal Kates of Advertisino.—One inch of space, England. GEO.G. LARKIN. HOLMES, Congress St. Auction Sales " Portland, March 1871. every Evening. Private Sales Paris Las reverted to tbe Cal- in length of column, constitutes a square'.** 180 Miles Garments Made 2», mr 31-3t during the day. Revolutionary of Railroad, endar in $1.60 per square daily first week. 75 cents lis Assets for the of its are calling a meeting for the 8th Germin- week three or Security Policies more thai which completes their ex- Agencies for per after; insertions, less, $1.00; $13,000,000.00 entire line, with the IS AT — Notice I Sewing machines. al (28th other after first SO Copartnership W. S. 158 March) brings up unpleasant memo· continuing every day week, ception ot laying the track on mllei, DYER, Middle St, tret H. H. Hay'». All The l*r«fll« of the revert to twenty-fire P. BEALS and kind» of ] lies of that cents. Cmpai; the ud arc IhUcl rpHOS.A Joseph T. hare Machine» for «ale and to let. frightful episode in Preach his- aaaared, BnnuUr, apaa which li already graded. thus open the this 17th day of Darling Rtpau ing, | Half three insertions or less, 75 cents; r"" " '""''"••«Ί the They under March formed a the of square, dariag Jeer, certiorate· far which are baaed, hear lag la- the name of copartnership tory, Reign Terror, when the names of one week, 50 cents per week after. tere·! a η til Bakers. $1.00; redeemed. First the months were Special one third additional. Line Across the State THOS. I». changed, with a Notices, Through FERNALO'S, BEALS Oc W. O.COBB, Ni. 12 Pearl Street. slight Under head of "Amusements," $2.00 per JOHN D. President. CO., I also in the time ef the T'rt'Hawr"· HBW"TT.3rt »τϊ*'c*^£eet. Jonas, trom north to WHERE CAN BE SEEN THE Manufacturers change seasons. week three insertions or less $1.50. Vice-Preet. Chaulks south, and, by making a alight detour or and Dealers square per ; Dikkm, Vlce-Prealdent, in The name of the committee Advertisements inserted in the "Maine J. I.OliHU, Secretary. at one point, they give Booksellers and Stationers. itself, Com- State Press" ( which has a Latest French and HOYT, FOGG & is of turbulence and large circulation J OHN W. Direct Goods BREED, <2 Middle Street. mune, suggestive blood- of the for MUNGEB, Correspondent, Ceamilcall»· Between 81. Laal· Styles of Cottage Chamber in every part State) $1.00 per square ALL Sets, for it was tbe Commune in and St. Paul. KINDS Οι shed, 1793 that for first and 50 cents per square for «fflce, ΙΟβ Fore Street, Portland. VnI insertion, March * I'rolu New ud Caw Seal Book-Binders. committed those crimes at which the each subsequent insertion. 18, 1871 dlm-eodllm&ir6w Y«rk and Beat·· Market·, Chain, Mpriug Bed·, WM. A. world TLlj line f Railroad will hare very tpeeial advan- Ac Ac. QUINCY. Room 11 Prtntei'· Address all communications to No. Ill Exchange Exeuange, grew the Commune was in tages lor bcth local and throngh business,^besides Street. pale. Originally PORTLAND PUBLISHING market street, Sturdivant SMALL ft the CO. such superior railroad connections as secure to Block, SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street. interests of order. Having been called In- WANTED. TO LET. will For and Summer Opposite the New Poet Office. It a large portion of the carrying trade ot the great Spring Wear! to existence by the electors of Paris and en- THOS P. Beats, Joseph I. Darling. Bonnet and Hat North-west. The Η. B. Bleachery. I a the BUSINESS iy Pleafe call and examine oar Mr Beals will be glad to see ail of his old custom- UNDERWOOD, No. larged by decree of Constituent Assem- CARDS. Wanted to Purchase. To goods before pur- 810i Confie·· Street. Let. chaslngeUewhere. ers, and we would solicit the patronage of our S. SAWYER ft it made commander of the Na- AN or Dear the line of Horse FIRST CO., Bleachert, 131 Middle bly, Lafayette tbe'Westbrook Cars, and fourth stories in Brick Block, Fore st. MORTGAGE friends, and will endeavor to give good satisfaction, itreet. | | V/ a «mail place from two to lonr acres tional containing THIRDopposite loot ot Exchange St., suitable for manu- mar 29dlw Guards, and BaiUy Mayor. Bat when of land, with small bnt good buildings, consisting ol Carpenters and SCHUMACHER facturing purposes, rent low. Inquire of W. A. i. 8. Builders. Lafayette was thrust aside and bad BROS,, House, Stable, &c. Enquire ot the subscriber at the DUR4N, 175 in the Block. WHITNEY ft Bailly to ap3tl FERNALD, MEANS, Pearl et, opposite the (Successors J. W.C. Morrison.) Clothing store oi Geo W.Blch&Co., 173 Fore St., 7 Per Ct. Gold Bonds NOTICE. Park. been hanged to a street or 01 tke lamp-post (α la iai»- address through the Post Office, Box 1961, Port- late firm of J. E. FERNALD & IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN For to or which are Issued upon this road are lu SON, Cement ttme!) the Commune land. CHARLES F. HOLDEN. Sale, Let Exchange tor limited, copartnership heretofore existing under the Drain and Water I Pipe, ran into the wildest Γβ8βίί]?1β'*,,1β 0nC® ,0Γ P»J" In adopting the' amount, apea a ment; and all persons indebted to said Revolutionary Calendar WANTED ftaiiked firm are re- ι Dye House. tbe seasons of Mathemetlcal Instruments, Drawing Paper, French To railraad, which is well located for quested to pay the aame before to spring and autumn were Lee. Majrl, elSer Tf P. IYMONDS» IndiaSt., J-adics' Cloaks cleansed made Plate Mirror*. Materials lor Wax Flower are one of the PORTLAND. the late partners, as all demands or to begin with the TAHCISTKB 31 Market business, very sal est forms or invest- remaining uncol- for one dollar. equinoxes, and of summer Making, etc. Manulacturers of all t/W\ PA INTERS to bur the ART OF LET- HAJjL,No Square. lected at that time will bf left w dyed XJ Portland, Me, the moat central and beatltul Hall ment. and winter t· with the solstices. The kinds ol OUVTitKlNO AND SIGN PAINTERS' MAN- Β. FOSTER'S I>TE HOUSE, No. 79 Middle ear begin for Partie·, and will STEVENS. JR. at., first with IT 4L—with copions Ulastrat'ons and Concerts, Lectures, &c, be let Parties desiring to secure a first class J" R- the corner of Exchange. year beginning the autnmnal designs apd on very reasonable terms. security, equi- Picture and Mirror emnplete mtfractions. Price Address based a Portland, March 21, 1871. FOREST nox, the succession of tbe months and Frames. |3.50, LY- Also, HCaiC tarnished for all upon railroad practically do"e, and in the mr23eo«··«ν> w ΙΟ. 128 ing work. Also lor Zell's A Middle Street. upon Chadbourn & Kendall name of august Exchange Popular Encyclopedia, market of THE James & Co., is dissolved Ν. corner Street, with mr29dlw prices February 1st, 1871 : Bailey by TARBOX, Federal and Market »ta. The embracing 123,000 subjects, 2,600 illustrations; X. LUCAS. limitation. James Is authorized to all division of the was a work for Bally collect year into twelve PORTLAND, MAINE. great experienced agents. Send for Cir- Dttt'rnc in Increased ann'l int. due· and pay all debt· of the Arm. months ot culars of either work. thirty «lays, with Ave additional mr28-lm HORACE KING, Publish- Exch'nge. upon Investm't JAMES BAILEY. Furniture and House which er, Thompsonvillle, Conn. mr8t4w TO Furnishing days they called «ans culottides. The LET. 6*s,'81, Coupon, $246.25 2.54 per cent. 62 & 64 Middle JAMES B. DODGE. ·' gold. Street, Goods. extra of our was 5-20's, '62, β per 222.60 2.53 " " day leap year also provided " " " cts., James Bailey will continue business at " the old BEN J. cor. and term of GAGE Wanted. '«4, 221.25 2.4'i » stand under the of ADAMS, Exchange and Federal it·. for, every four years was called a & u « « Mp. same James Bailey & Co. BATIS, »C5, 221.35 2.42 « " Oppwile New Pou Offlcc, Portlnnd, HOOPER ft Franciade. The Photograph Booms / " Portland, March EATON. No. 130 Street. Commune of 1798 did not ,"100D PANT MAKERS at 68 and 60 Middle St. ·' 29,1871. mr30-3w Exchange '65, "new" 210.00 2.37 '< OWKLL here with U J. T. LEWIS & « « " ft HOYT, No. U Preble Street. stop their changes In the calendar CO. '67, 210.00 2.37 « " , ; and Mar 17-dtl Rooms I « " " abolished the Flour, Grain, Provision Photograph ·βϋ, 215.00 2.38 " " WOODMAN ft WHITNEY, No. 56 St. they Sabbath and the " IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Notice. Exchange | septenary 10-40's, " ·· Copartnership of the Cerner of Ceairas and Centre Su. 198,75 2.3i arrangement week, making each week OF FOB Furniture and contain ten COMMISSION Subscriptions will be received in GOODS FES8ENDEN become· a partner in oar Upholstering. days, and the tenth MERCHANTS, •4 Portland firm dedicating G Ε jy τ s WHE best for WH. this day. CHAS. STAPLES & SON. DAVID W. DEANE, No. 89 Federal street, all day to pleasure. ISO light Photographing; the beet loca- by March kind» ot Washington Hi., I'kieag·. the neatest and Portland, 20,1871. mr24-lm Unholiterlng and Repairing done to I Tne best Inducements ever oflered. Address H. ,f lion; beat arranged rooms tor order. meaning of the names of the months H. W. GAGE. C. F. A. 2. Elm the business in the city, and much nearer the ground in the DAVIS. THE McKenney &Co.,No. street, Port- SWAN Sc MEN'S WEAR! E. Revolutionary calendar was as follows : CHARLES H. TRUE. mr3-îm land, Me. mrSltt than other photograph rooms. Please enquire of BABRETTj iiORD, Jr., 101 and 103 Federal St. Repairing SAMUEL or REMOVAL Σ ot all kind» done to order at ROLFE, Caraer middle and Plana abort notice. Vendemaire—Vintage month. w ·& jr τ ε n. mrl7eod3w GEO. M. HAKDINO, Esq. Street·, aid Brumaire—Month of Fogs. WOODMAN k WHITNEY, Ά. JT. PAY JEREMIAH Provisions and Groceries. Frimaire—Month of Frost. Manufacturers and dealers in the Finest and most To Let. SON, HOWE & CO., I. Nivose—Month T.JOHNSON, 135 Cumberland St., near Wllmot | of Snow. Fashionable LIST ot all TAILORS' Have and cor. the vacant tenements in the city, 39 Exchange Street. JTRIMMINGS. removed to St., Oxiord and Wllmot Street». Pluviôse—Month of Rain. A with all Information in EXPEBIEXjED To lib- necessary regard to them Km. 13β and Ventose—Month of BLACK Book-keeper. snob, can be found at This old established house, knowing the wants ot 138 Csmverriiil Street. Wind. WALNUT, ANeral salary. 351£ Congress st. ot whom pamphlets and full information Hair Goods and Toilet Ν. B. Rents entered on our list may the Eastern make it their aim to np Articles, month. Address "Business," Press Office. mr28dlw Iree of charge.1 Trade, keep j Germinal—Budding Mar 10-dlf·. be bad. PARLOR with Its growth. Merchants, Merchant Tailors and They wiil carry on the wholesale J. F. SHERRY, No. 9 Clapp'a Block, Congteaa St' Floreal—Flowery moth. W. B. RBATTUCE, opposite old Hall. Clothiers to this for a will find City Prairial—Grassy month. — looking city market, AND Boom to Let. Messidor—Month of here at all times the most desirable and best assort Produce Horse Harvests. CHAMBER PLEASANT Front Chamber and side room, to Tekasurkh, Country &GroceryBnsiness Shoeing. Thermidor—Hot month. with 39 Piae New ed stock to be found In Maine. as usual. will A let, Board, on Danforth St, near State. Street, Terk, They also have la connection with S. YOUNG, 187 Comm'l St. fïrtl Premium awarded at their | Fructidor—Month of Fruits. BOOK Enquire 59 Free St. mr7dtt other business a large stock of at NeK England Fair for Beit Hone Short. PAPERS. BBEWSTEB^SWEETλ Co —Ν. T. Keening Pott. FURNITURE, To Let. A FINE LINE OF and ©t new and original designs, and of tbe most superb ALSO, FLO U RI Jewelry Fine Watches. GOOD tenement within five minutes walk ot A BNER style and finish. 40 State to sell from, among which will be found some of the LOWELL·, 301 Congre» St reet. Agen for The last western Involves suicide ONE OF THE A Post-Office. Inquire of Dr. Street, Boston, Howard Watch tragedy New us φ Johnson, Dentist, choicest brands, all ot which will be sold Company. WOar Factory gives increased facilities No. 131-2 Free street. at jk small and and the end tor business. |ap4eod*2w· General Agents for these Bonds. Men's Goods ! advance from cost. insanity, is aot yet. In IT late Furnishing Portland, April 3d, 1871. e d2w manufacturers of Trunks, Valises lived John ph· ring Done te Older. and Best Selected Stocks To Greenfield, Ohio, S. Blackburn, Largest Let. Governments and other marketable securities re- and Nos. 52, 54 and 56 et. ^"Agents tor West's and Butterick's Reports ol Carpet Bags. forty-five years old, with a wife and five chil- Exchange large well-lighted STORE and ceived in exchange at the market DURAN ft TO BE FOUND IN THE No. 14 Bacement, highest rates. We JOHNSON, 1T1 Middle ft 116 Fed'l Sta. Ν. M. WOODMAN. GEO, A. WHITNEY. CITY, THE Exchange st. recomend Fashions. FREDERICK PROCTER, dren, a pork merchant of and to these bonds as as well as portly presence Feb 11-dtt Apply JOHN NEAL & entirely safe, March 13. dtl WOULD ADVISE EMBRACING ALL THI mrtdlm SON, profitable. Portland, ALL Near Greenfield 16 Exchange St. Masons and Builders. plethoric purse. lived Miss BREWSTER, SWEET & CO. H. E. Jane HAWKS & CRAG1N, Ieb7d&w3m GE1ÏTLEHIEI REDLON, 2331-2 Congre»» at. Mary Lovell, a niece of Blackburn'* Newest and Patterns brother's widow. "Her beauty of feature and (SUCCESSORS 10 WM. PAINE,) Styles To call and examine bli Splendid Stack of Organ dcinelodeon Merrill's wharf ! ARTHUR NOBLE manufacturers. | Form," we are told, "was something extraordi- AGBWTSFOR At IiOirest SMALL ft Prices. SIX PER CENT. KNIGHT, No. 154 Exchange Street. nary, and invariably attracted attention when « Has taken the Store Pantaloonings, t7*PlcM( Kiamiir. To Let. ·< :i. she visited Cincinnati. McPHAIL PIANOS, Call>nd Paper Hangings, Window Shade· Twenty-five years AND TBI CELEBRATED Vestings, and and Weather M old, light, perfectly symmetrical figure, pale large front offices in second of 78 Middle trips. story the stcre Street, JEO. L. LOTHROP ft No. hair loose TWOat head ot the Wharf. Also one Co., 153, Exchange Street. golden flowing over her shoulders, large Room in Recently occupied by Robert Dresser, and has just the rear, suitable for storage. GOLD Coatings, blue oval clear Rurdett Also received a good assortment of eyes, face, cemplexlon, she was Organs· HALL L. Warehouses for the Storage of Merchandise BONDS, Jut Received firme HewTerk sud BmMs, Photographers. in or otherwise. of that of which ALSO, DEALEB8 IN DAVIS, Bond, L. 8. DAVIS ft CO., No. «0 Middle itreet. type beauty Rosetti delights Good at which he is to make In Dockage, all times at reasonable rates. Free from prepared up the Best Styles. I. H. to Three at Government Tax. LAMSON, 152 Middle St.. eor. Croea. paint." years ago these parties be- 53 EXCHANGE ST. Apply the Wharfinger's Office,at the head of the Yiolins & Wharf, or ot DANA to be Melodeons,Gnitars, Strings mrl4-lm & CO., Ιο. 109 middle gan very intimate, and scandal natural- fe2td2mo Commercial street. CLOTHING street, Plumbers. Of the Best Qaality. AND ly followed. They cared little for talk, how- Portland and Osdensbnrs Railroad CP STAIBS. TAMES MILLER, 91 Federal Street. Every dee- To be Ken mr27-lm crlption of Water Fixture» and Call and examine the extensire stock of new ted. arranged and aet np In :ver, boldly persisted in their intimacy. Herds Grass Seed ! k NICE modern within five the belt manner. Tenement, minutes' Gentlemen's Goods ! Jobbing promptly attended to. Out on the Greenfield in «.A walk of City Hall. Price $265. Enqaire ot Furnishing THE road, Ross county," Sheet Music and Music Books. For Bale by the Car Lead or Smaller Lota, GEO. C. F Stucco a BYE, Also a Plasterer, Worker, Ac. says Greenfield correspondent of the New je21tf Corner cl Congress and Franklin sts. First Bonds. good assortment of |y Music sent by mail. Mortgage P. FEENEY, Cor. Cumberland and Franklin ST. JOHN SMITH, NEW GOODS ! Sta. York World, writing on the 23d inst^ la the 77 Middle Street, Portland· TO Real Estate Agents. farm of Hugh Milligan, a brother-in-law of nov9dSm Principal and Interest Payable BROADCLOTHS, Opened to-day by 270 Commercial Street. JL.ET. JOHN Ό· PROCTER, Ho., 93 Exchange Street. Blackburn. Milligan went to rest last CONVENIENT « early mr9 tf FRONT ROOM, with large in Gold. SB). R ni tfTk t, v« wi —* room in and about A the rear, with steam power. Tricots, W. C. night, nine o'clock thought he HOLMAN'S at thlB Enquire office. BECKETT, heard some one in the The Silver dm it h and Gold and barn-yard, at the sta- undersigned have mkullr t· offer French Silver General Insurance To Let for Coatings, 137 middle street. ble, but no attention to Agency, «ale the Bead· of I lie Portland and Plater. paid it, thinking that Pieces board, a front chamber on New et. the noise Central Me. High Ogdensbnrg Rnilroad nt ABE VEB¥ It. PEARSON, No. 22 uu might be caused some of his farm Block, Lewiston, Forty WITHAddress P. O. Box 1917. dc7tt Company 8TÏLI8D, Tempi· St., Congre·.: by the low AU Hnd$ Silver and Plated insurance effected in the New very price of 90 with ac- Cassimeres, Ware Repaired. bands cleaning the horses. before I^^Fire leading Which will VERY and Shortly on all kinds ot on To crued latere·* in be made up at as SEASONABLE, England companies, property Let, currency. midnight he was aroussd a violent knock- most favorable terms. and Store* on Pearl Street and low Silver and Plated Ware. by 'and Domestic Cum- PBICEM and in as GOOD BEASONABLE. nov21 D. HORACE Foreign HOU8E3berland Terrace «TTLB T|IT ABNER 301 * at the and on HOLMAN, Proprietor. by TI1IS road la now completed to West LOWELL, Congres* Street. ing door, opening it, Blackburn ^ seplff-ly J. L. FARMER. Baldwin, as any House in Portland. gy Please call aod tee then. F lease call and t and trains are to tbat pale as a spectre.his haLi all disheveled, his α· l/ΛΛίυΐ/ΙΤ running point, 33 mile* irom March bay them. Urn , lG-d3w mr27d2w Schools. To be Let, Portland. Beyond West Baldwin tbe road 1* graded eyes glaring with au unearthly and PHOTOGRAPHER, Te Ship and ENGLISH and FRENCH light, whole or part ot the to Fryebnrg, SO miles from and Captai·· Ship Owner». SCHOOL, 430 Congre·» It From block ot Brick Stores on Portland, tbe rail* with rushed Philadeldhia, THEPortland Pier. will be laid SEASON OF 1871Σ trembling excitement, in, and, to tbat point as early in the spring as LANE Λ ALLES'S Has opened a new and completely appointed CHEVIOTS, Apply at the Merchants National Bank. Stair Ballder. like a hunted-down woll, himself tbe weather will From flung pant- Jyl8tl permit. Fryebnrg the road B. r. LIBBY. Union 17> Street, up stair·. into a chair. "What's the I is nnder contract to Conway, N. H„ to which point Combined Steamer and Condenser. ing matter?" said FIRST-CLASS GALLERY To Let. trains will rnn in Stoves, Λ Blackburn advanced to IN July, 1871, Β. B. Furnaces Kitchen Ooodst Milligan. him, placed PORTLAND, Will be This Week. Store MARK The ROLLINS & BOND FOBBBS, Bs«., 3. Opened recently occnpled by road has thus far been built and equipped O.TOLMAN, 29 Market sq. nndcr Lancaster hall. one hind on his into bia BASEMENTBROTHERS. Possession given immediately thai highly endorses this Condenser:— theulder, glared No; 162 Middle 8k, oor, Grose St. of irom caah subscriptions to the Stock but Hare now in stock splendid new Wojlens for Enquire MARR BROTHERS, OTer Davis, Has- Capital ; to Gen- Bostos, Feb. 20,1871. Teas, Coffees, face, and hissed out, 'Hugh, Mary Jan· is ly ■ Motto—Good Work and Moderate Price·. CHAVBOU1ÏN Λ KENDALL. kell & Co, corner M«rket and Middle streets. complete it to Bartlett, Ν. and to tlemen's wear, comprising "I have examined the and Spices, Ac. H., provide addi- Condensing Cooking ). DEEMING & « ing dead iu Cliff Run. We walked down Irom (ebadtf Portland, Oct. Bth, 1870. ocStf ot Lane ft and think It to Co, India * 162* 164 Con press at! tional equipment for its increasing the Apparatus Allés, ought Ux k a horse and Mf.rcb 13-dlm business, French, English »d German be attached to the cooking stoves of all vessels. One Greenfield, wagon from here Company has issued bonds to the amount oi and drove DAILY PBEBB ΡΒΡΓΤΠΓ& HOUSE. TO $800,- ot suitable size will make pure water tor the whole Watches, Jewelry, Ac. down tbeie. She wanted me to LET. secured a crew. take 000, by mortgage ot its entire property to DIAGONALS, Β. B. FORBES." J, AMBROSE MERRILL, No. 139, Middle street. poison ; I wouldn't. She took it her- NOTICE. the For sale by MAYO ft Commission Mer- IN FLUENT following Trustees: TYLER, J.W, AH. H cor self, Hugh. I saw her the WM. M. MARKS, BLOCK, GRANITES, chants, 80 Commercial Boston. Manufactur- .MCDUFFEE, MIddle &Union aU. fling bottle away. Tbe best place In Portland to buy QFFICES WOODBURY street, She looked at me and DAVIS, TRICOTS, and ed by JOSEPH SARGENT 42 Clinton street, so, Hugh, said, 'Come Either Single or in Suif h. SAMUEL E. SPRING," Prices, S» and upwards, according to sise. I with me, John.' And then I saw her fall Tobacco & PLAIN For turther dead in Book, Oard and Job Printer. Cigar·, Pipes, These offices are the most desirable In the city WESTON F. MILLIKEN, CLOTHS, particulars app'y to LANE ft ALLES, the brushwood, I saw her tall dead, Sprimg 156 Cambridge Boeton. Mass. mrTdSm Geo. R. IS AT being pleasantly situated and heated by steam. We now offer these Bonds for Overcoating·, street, Davis & Co.'s stark «lead , Hugh. I saw her 1OO Desk sale and confidently My Qod, fall Exchange Struct, Also, room and desks ftirnished il desired, Trowwriap, dead Γ with an Ε. martdtt recommend them as a saie and profitable invest- And, unearthly laugh, Black- I»ΟIVCE, and BULLETIN. burn fell on PORTLAND. ment for these reasons: Fancy Vesting· ! Portable Steam prostrate the floor." ▲ party waa To which We invite Engines. No. SO St. Rooms to Let 1. Low Price. your attention, at immediately formed, and drove to Every description of Job Printing neatly Exchange I p. At the present value oi COMBINING the maximum oi speedily tOr the efficiency, dura- Cliff Run. and lowest He has bought out whole stock of Mr. 0. T. WO front Roomi to I be at 33? Congress street. Mr. X Also Boarders wanted at 38 Centre Corot weight says the "the In ad- prices. *λ St., more Interest in on tbe March 18-lsdtl and are correspondent, marshal, Tuero s customers am γμιιμΙμΙ make «II »t Free St. gold investment. price. They widely and We sue prepared le lee· la ·■■» I Orders from the country solicited, and promptly ajirl«2w favorably known, mat) vance of the rest of the party, saw the attended to. Ponce's store where they will find the beet stock in 2. Ample [Security. The entire mort- more than 800 in use. All firem t· body jaTdtf being warranted satlsikc- $IOO unj uunl deeired, ·■ inl ol Miss Lord. It was iu he market, and as cheap or cheaper than can the lyiuz a clamp of [they gage upon road when completed ory, or no sale. Descriptive on claa* la And anywhere else. To toJBart- "GENUINE" circulars sent ap- ·οΜ|Β(Μ Pertlaad, Cape Elisa- bushes on the bank of Let, lett paw-paw right the run. W. m By Don't the nnmber and street. will be only $12,500 per mile, a smaller plication. Address beth e> Wr.ibroob. Partie· CLIFFORD, forget dclOtf No. 99 Commercial St. Enquire ot JOHN deaireas ef With open, glassy eyes, the fixed stare of death incumbrance than other J C. HOADLEY ft baildia* eaa ala· STORECAMMETT, No. β Portland Pier. aprl*lw upon any railroad CO., Lawrence, Maes. be aceeaaaeadated with in them, distorted features, the at Julld6m Ion·*. parted lip· Counsellor Law, REMOVAL! to Maine, with a single exception, and lees covered with white froth, the white teeth be- ELIAS HOWE GEO. R. DAVIS & AND SOLICITOR Ο Deek Room to Let. than the value of its rails and equipment.' CO., tween like a ATENTS, Real Estate & grated together vice, and the remove 3. and Profitable .Hortgsge Brsben. white Has to office, first story. Give occupation Large (Local Easter Flowers! sep24tt tiny bands clenched together before PLEASANTAddress, P. O. Box Portland. Traflc. The her as if Mo· SO Middle 2117, business upon the line al- face, to blot out the terrible vista or Street, mrl0eod3w after W. F. CH1SAHI ready completed more than meets the expec- I would invite the attention ol those wishing flow- Genteel Suburban Residence life, the body of the unfortunate girl pre- BOYD BLOCK. an24 ers lor to collection. I have sented a fearlul tations of its most sanguine Mends, and se- Easter, my made it » tor Hale. spectacle. The strong men HAS KEHOVED HIS Tenements to Let. specialty to have suitable flowers lor Easter Decora- who lifted the cures beyond a doubt the interest on PINE two and a half on up body tenderly, bit their V. J. SCHUMACHER, (its tions, and with the variety ot plants now in I story House, the Ves» lips, A Τ from $4 to $12 per month, in Portland and bloom, A an da h road, so in with Stable through a mistaken ot Bonds. The line is tbe natural outlet |ot can make any design of Jrlowera that may be wanted called, Deering, feeling being thought A Cape Elisabeth. Enquire ot Ν. M. line orchard, and three lots of land ad- if Woodman, some of the finest lor thht occasion and in aa good taste ana M as attachedjjs unmanly they wept, and as the wagon start- FRESCO PAINTER. Tailoring Establishment 88 Oak Street, and J. C. WOO DM AH. waterpower |in the State, This property is ottered at a joining. bargain. Terms ed for home with the result janSdtt 144$ Exchange St. on the Presumpscot and Saco hither- REASONABLE ot payment, one thira cash, balance five again, freighted ot Store ot Messrs. A. Q. Schlotter- TO rivers, PRICES yearp. a dice at the Drug GEO. R. <& blasted lile, one could not in to unimproved on account of the difficulty of as can be had at any other place. DAVIS Co., help picturing beek & Co., Ίο old an3-2w Real Estate & Mortgage Brokers. his mind the scene that occurred in the reaching tbe sea-board. It taps tbe large In- my customers I will say, thanks lor past 303 Cngnu Sl„ Portland, Me., iavors. Send in your orders as as and gloomy Run the night before." Blackburn la Wo. 118 IVliddle NOTICE. terior navigation ot Lake Sebago and ita trib- early possible A 12-dtt One door above Brown, Street, you shall as usual receive your money's worth. First-Class Farm some to be Insane Jan 34 miles inland supposed by hopelessly ; utaries,over of waters, drains — With Under Falmouth C. F. BBTAHT, complete assortment of Farm- but be may have to assume a tremendous re- Hotel, a very large agricultural district on tbe 4/mS-A Inj Tools can be purchased for 8HEBIDAN & GBEFTITH8, dc30tl Miss LATHAM begs to inlorm her friend* and lying Woedford'a Canter, DeeHag, Maine. (3,- sponsibility. "The the writer con- shores of Lake and BOO, nearly one-hair Its actual value, Inquest," that she Sebago on the barks ot N.B.—I can send flowers to in the State "has failed to patrons has removed to Room No. 10, any place Κ*3Η2>°( will he exchanged lor goo 1 Port- cludes, ascertain what poison PLASTERERS, the Osslpee and Saco rivers, and so they can have them tresh and in order. Leeds and Farminffton B. R. Co. Brown's Miss penetrates Machine good M^B^B^B^Iaod property. Should the pur- the dead cirl took, and rumors are afloat that Block, formerly occupltd by Bailey, mr28tt the heart of the White Mountain* at Sewing chaser need a loan on the we will lurnlch PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL and will be to Conway property, unless a further Is made th* SPECIAL· MEETING. pleased receive pupils in Drawing and f2000 lor five years. investigation and Bartlett, the most popular summer re- AXI) This larm Is situated judgment of Judge the well-known ITDOOO & m IC WORKERS, FECIAL meeting of the stockholders of the Painting. in the town ot Brunswick. Lynch, AST sorts of tbe region. near bchool House criminal of the AS Leeds and Farmington Railroad Conrtpany will REFERENCESΗ. Β. Brown; Cyrus Davis; Fred. Me., and Church; coutalns 90 authority west, will be passed *0. 6 SOOTIl ST., MR. 4. acres ot excellent land; 30 in will cut TOO on the PORTLAND, be holien at the office of H. M. Pay son, Portland, at F. Hale Prospective connection·* This wood, Blackburn, cause of the Greenfield mr2tf BUTTERICK'S cords, nearly enough .o pay lor the larm balance In ygf Prompt attention paid to ail kindeot Jobbing 3 o'clock p. m., road is to form partot a trunk line from Lake ; tragedy." line. soil, tree Irom stones, cuts 30 tons ot bar, can η our apr22dtf to Tharoday, April β, 1871, Cbamplain the seabord. Its sister corpo- foode made to cut double the amount, with little ex- To eee if the stockholders will as it Is one-half mile from The heman A. Crane. Horace A. Crane. Geo. Allen, Jr. vote to issue mort- ration In Vermont, is rapidly building the Patterns of pense only sea shore where State Constabulary Investiga- gage bonds on their road under of the act U. S. of can be obtained. Will authority Sanitary Commission. Western division ot tbe Garments, plenty dressing keep six tion.—Iii ot the of road, ftom S wan ton — oxen and the State & Legislature Maine, approved Feb. 10,1871. AT — Goods ! cows, horse. Apples enough tor family police investigation la Ή. A. CRANE CO., eee to use. To it the stockholders will vote to sell their the Connecticut Biver, and the entire line Spring Good supply ot water Irom two never-tailing Boston one day last week Edward road with its to the wells. One and a half house Johnson, franchise, rolling stock, etc., the Complclionlof Sargical Memoir·, ι when completed, will be the shortest connec- 173 Middle story with L, shed and Androscoggin Railroad Co. St., Up Stairs. tool houses, all in excellent Good barn a stone mason who was in the GENERAL tion between tbe repair. 40xS0, by trade, busi- And to transact any other business that may Ogdeniburg, great dis- large assortment of claphoarded and painted, wl'b shed 18x50. Build· legal- NOW READY. PLIM.HKK Sc BECJSIVBD,[> goods ness four or five jears testified that ly come before them, tributing point of the lakes, and tide water. WILDER, JUSTtor Spring overcoats, , Vesting?, anil Pan- ings are worth more than Is asked for the whole ago, h· JOS. fobl3-dtt General iarm. The tools will be Commission Merchants, ILSLEY, Clerk. We offer these Bonds tor the present in denomina- Agent· taloons. farming sold it wanted. knew of money being paid to State Consta- Portland, March 27ih, 1871. mr28td Memoirs This property Is situated wtthln 1 1-2 miles of Oak Surgical of the War of the Rebellion. tions of $1000 or bles For the purchase and sale $500,-at ± OK llill station, ou the Ρ & Κ R Κ. by persons in the liquor business. Con- Vol. 2 containing: SALE. A. to GEO. E, WEBB, Free St. Apply R. DAVIS & CO stable with visited his For Ν ale ! I. Analysis of tour hundred and record TLTJ*. Ï A apMt Real Estate and Brokers. Billings, Couch, hous· Cotton, Rice, Grain, Hay, Produce, thirty-nine .*-* va»vv{f Avi/f JL'f€M,&f~O9V FIRST elk!· itock ot Gloves and email Mortgage ed amputations in the contiguity ot the lower Boiaery, Bf^A'gus copy. one Sunday ; had some cider In the A wares, ia prime order. In store 307 cellar and AND at foot of Preble at extremity. Congress St., et, · bargain. Store to let. For terms apply at Store. mr22dtf also a jug of cherry mm, which he kept Cur BUILDINGSInquire ot W. A. COLEMAN, By Stephen Smith, M. D. in Currency. For .Rent. Merchandise of Every Description. or on the or at hi· own use. Premiae», St. Julian Hotel. mrt9-3t II. PER WEEK to male or female. ι^λΐ ε.;»r.ii χ οι aye rooms ou private Was then summoned Investigations upon the nature, causes,and treat- farther φ OR and lure l'rebie Street. ment ot Any information will be gladly given by 1000 Address u, Lif»r Ajl A la® two at Woodford's before for denied Hospital Gangrene,as it prevailed in the $25 Agents Wanted, far Male.—Located ou a Cottages Corner, West· Billings keeping liquor: οβ BAY ST., the subscribers. with two F. A. SHATTDCK & good tiiorougbfhre ; brook. GEO. ». DAVIS Λ PROPOSALS Confederate Armies, ΙϋβΙ-1865. Btamps, CO., established cash business. CO., keepiag a bail bouse ; was told him that Me. many years; doing good Jn2ltt Real Estate and by Augusta, Good store with desirable tenement attached. Sat- Mortgage Brokers. the fine FOB FVELi forage, and htbaw. By Joseph Jones, M. D., would be (14; paid the money and Savannah, Georgia. Profetsor of In the Medical isfactory reason· tor selling. Particulars, ΤΑ Γ LOB laid $10 on the that he did Chemistry Department J. B. BROWN & & CO., 20 State St., Boston. table, remarking or Consignments and orders solicited. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, ot the University 01 Louisiana; formerly SONS, FAIRFIELD ap3-3t French not want to be at that time Refers [term letdon to & Second U. M. Department of tte in the H0ÏÏSE, and S annoyed; Billings by Messrs. DANA CO., District, East, Surgeon Provisional Army or 219 Fancy deeds Stare Language but rortlaiKl. dc2'6mo Bolton, March the Commercial street, Portland. far PROF. relused to take the money, subseqmentlf t.l,» Matt., 30,1«7I. Confederate States. MILLINKBVSale.—Very desirably located, nice tene- J. C. L. nOBAZAIH'* A t_ ÎA Λ. I-l »- -!#. Λ ment well EALED in triplicate, with a copy ol With five 1 50. FOB attached, established, regular run ot first- proposals chromolithographie plates, Vol. 8vo 6 BALE ALSO BY class this occurred J. 11. this advertisement attached, will be received bj customers; owner obliged to eell on account of the flue at the police court; last HO OPE S .ui- .αϊ __.li 9 A'al/uilr η m Af Mnnnnw N.B.—Vol. ®KNDAL,L'8 MILLS, ill health. New Class for the 11, I, Surgical Memoir·, contain· three Particulars, TAYLOR & CO., 20 State Study of French ; was afterwards fined 955, although b· treatises by I)r. on the wounds st, Boston. May tor the delivery of Lidell, ot blcod ves- SWAN & BY RANDALL ap3-3t lor hi» own use ; al- ιΓμτΓ, sels, etc, 10 plates. 6 BARRETT, ANDREWS, Will begin on April 17th. Îearept liquor only Billings 2D Corde ol Kindling Wood, Pysemla, Price, SO. TIOABDING HOUSE far cen- UPHOLSTERER Sale.—Very to visited his place a few weeks age and said 100 Corde ol Hard Wood, Published and ior sale Late of the Gardiner Maine Hotel at Dam- _E> trally located, tail ot good paying boarders, Xg~ The list will be kept open until the 13th. by Corner Middle and Plum sts. Hotel,the he wanted to see him privately In fa» JVos. 31 <£ 33 Free Street, 900,000 Pounds ot best Antoracite Goal, ariscotta, and Columbian House, Bath. everything In perlect order; lease, low rent: best ot regard Pounds of HUBD Λ New reasons tor TERMS $10. his called upon to 35,136 Oats, HOUGHTON, York, Dec 30-dtf _·«■ A- good Stable islconnected with the given Belling. Particulars, TAYLOB & being testify against him MANUFACTURER Or 40,992 Pounds of Livery CO., 20 State St., Boston. denied to that Hay, (Timothy) THE K1VERSIDE PKESS, Cambridge. House. mrMdU ap3-3t Apply at B8 Spring street, from 1 p. m. till 3 p. m (Billings) ; Billings be had ever 25,010 Pounds ot Straw, CHANCE to bay a good house on easy any day but Tuesdays. sold a of liquor In his Suits, Lounges, Sphin« at Fort The certes of the Commission Memoirs apl-2w glass life; Billings the· Parlor Bkdb, Preble, Portland, Maine, Sanitary RAREterms. In perteut order, with all necessary bim and witness bad to commence and to continue Is comprised of left not seen him tlno* Mattresses delivery July 1,1871, Hard and White Pine Timber conveniences. Splendid neighborhood. Best or wi- as be until June 1872. until to-day. John may required 30, I. Historical Memoirs. C.J. Little. 1 Vol. 3 SO. On ll» and water closets, etc. Convenient to cars, etc. Assessors5 Notice. Jennings testified that Patent Bed Lounge·, En- Separate must be made lor each item ol band and sawed to dimensions. Officer to HcDonougli proposals II. Statistical Memoirs. B. A. Gould. 1 Vol. 6 60, A bargain is offered it applied lor Immediately. Par- Billings, whom, in answer to ft 4c. supplies above mentioned, two res- HARD Assessors ot or ameled Chair·, guaranteed by III. Medical Memoirs. Edited by Austin Flint, PINE PLANK, ticulars, TAYLOB & CO., 20 State St., Boston Mass the City Portland hereby question, be said he could afford to ponsible persons, and subject to the usual require- 1 Vol. β 80. Baby give notice to all liable to taxation In pay 9400 done. Fnrnl- M.D. Carriages. HARD 1»HE persons a a ty-AU kind· of Repairing neatly ments, which PINE FLOOBING AND STEP- year for with auy farther information may be Memoirs, Edited said city, that will be in session every secular license, Billings replied to hi* ore boxed and matted. oc25-'(ii}T,TABtt 0 IV. Surgical by F. H. Hamil- they that he »alne^ by aPPHcatlon to this office. M.D. 2 Vols. 13 to. BOARDS, for sale by day, from the first to the fifteenth day ot April next, thought he could afford to ft °'der of the ton, Largest NOTICE. pay $50 ♦ Chiei Quartermaster, Stock, at their room in Hall, from ten to since he was Ot the Latt. Department or all o< these volnmes can be Inclusive, City month, as much business jT g. Any obtained of the twelve o'clock in the forenoon and from three to nve doing CHANDLER, direct or STETSON & POPE, •IrnΗ Ε Portland Dry Dock and Ware-House Co." as any two anil Quartermaster U. ». Publishers through any Bookseller. Beet o'clock in the tor the of liquor dealers in the Chief Army, 2w Styles, X have leased their Docks and other in aiternoon, purpose receiving city. Qoaiterma»ter 2d Dist. ol the East. mr23 W^arf and corner ot Ε Street, property lists ol the and estates taxable In ™ty. Robert a who declar- for mtoU-6t Dep't Dock, first, Cape Elizabeth to James £. Simpson for one polls Sieinberg, bar-keeper, Every Lowest Prices. year And all such are n-.titledJ®'}1 to make ed that Something Necessary mr29eod1j Office, 10 State Street, Boston. from Jan. 1.1871, to Jan. and said persons hereby he was not afraid ef the state consta- I, 1872, during and to «aid assessors, true and peitect lists ot Wholesale and Retail ! time the Company will not be tor bring bles, created House ! Lost! and Flowers ! responsible any all their and estates and all estates real and considerable amusement by hto Keeper Plants debts contracted in their name or on their polls also account, held by them as guardian, executor, admin- statements about of to Offi- JFOM SALE. unless authorized or the President or personal payments money tbe new and Im- approved by istrator. trustee or otberwise, as on the first cer The subscriber having purchased Prices Reasonable. Iron and Wood Carta ! the company. CtlAS. A.LAMBABD, day ot Monroe, giving him $5 a week for nearly ot Exchange and Congress su Boy's Axel April next, and be prepared to make oath to the a proved to No. 4 Eiu, ,t Qae 94 President P. D. Dock and Ware-bouse Co. year and making payments also to Officer· medium sized, open-iaceii Uola 10,000 Plants In variety, suitable lor be£- Inch Weedwertk Beard Plaaer truth otthe same. Watch Tim «ΓΛ.Ϊ Thrllty WBEELBABBOWR, By hi? L. D. M. SWEAT, ot Nute and the latt»r bow to he rewarded or tor One 14 Attorney, And when estates persons deceased have llough, informing Bed Renovator «,11 suitably by leaving rte at ding house culture Inch Sehcnck Board Plaaer aad 1871. been SteamFeather ,2ml ïh Portland, January 28th, jn30tt divided during the past or have secrete the matter ''bauline with the beds In Cape Post Office. ror29*iw Base, Rubber and Foot Balls! year, changed hands of payments by right to cleanse Portland, matcher, trom the fcUzabeth, Falmouth, and Cumberland, Camellias, any cause, executor, administrator, or othsr him up once in a while cozily, but not very Westbrook, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, One Doable Plaaer. FOK SALE person interested, is warned to be would recommend to all those beds 01 Picked Clapboard hereby give notice of man jm h» used a· an agent baviDg Up. White such ; and in default ot otten ; one wh pulowflι which tor length ol Roses, The change such notice will be have been in use any EAR Portland Light, a nearly new jy Orders by Mail or Stage solicited. above Machines are in good running conditio! hold under the law to he said was to Ireland, time, that as \] dory, xh, and Sch. GREYHOUND, of Newburyport, the tax assessed going they can be cleansed and made as light the same Orange Blossoms, will be sold at a ot pay although ,l,b1' 1ΛΙ owner can have by proving proper!> bargain. Inquire BO tone, new measurement. Kxtra well such estate ha* been Samuel had been in the al1 who hav® new anu *m" WM. C. CHAR. DAT, ». & CO., mr24tf BETHEL STBaM MILL CO. mPiJ wholly distributed and pild Atkins, SSJLif a.8 and paying charge?. KEkne, A ζ AM fourni in Ac.-Can be used over. to Officer Beds renovated and re- alias, mail8fod6w sails, rigging, $10 occasionally fnîiïï SSÏ0*1 te»tity. mr3i*3t Bremen, Maine. 94 Exchange Ml. iffluLV in Mackerel Flebing With verry little Any person who ing said that ÏÎ11 Inciud- neglects to comply with this be was but Kaymond Price*2-0« I'er bed, Calla Lillies, ppy notice, will be doomed in nrosecuted, înr3Slow«o?«faT· οί ,eathe"· The "p,·19· a tax according to the laws Patrick Cairns testified to and ,Γ lor.tm8iŒff, and be barred ot the to make other Flowers Express Wagon! »iState, rights ap- to Officers Waterman, 97 lOO mar21dlm Newburyport. plication to the money Cop»- Portland. St. Luke's suitable for al1 LOADS County Commissioners tor any abate- giving " Employment Society ocasions and In ment ol bis some one else for Mr. Andrew·. A"mio"mtl,t WM. W. RUBY. at short arranged any design taxes, unless be shows that he was un- fand and te notice. C. OF FOB SALE. Bale! able to oner tuch lnrnished deserving sewing-women a F.BKVANT, For lists within the time hereby ap- Woodford's Me. pointed of every Friday afternoon at 2 1-2 o' Post Office Corner, Deerlng, large covered 2nd hand 12 feet lone Twenty Working and —The ticking the clock at the Can- PROFESSOR WORKheretolore, address, Me. Preble Street 44 Wagon Driving Hcries, IIENCKEN, clock. Room in Government Building,over tb Cars pass the Portland, Garden Loam ONE Inches wide, 2 Inch axle, newly tired and fi " S. B. BECKETT, ) from city nursery every lorty minutes. mrl3tl uioroueh Observatory can be heard in Saa Berlin, Mayor'· Office. repair, built by J. S. & E. A. Abbot, Con SAWYER'S STABLE, STEPHEN K. DYER, | Asfessors bridge a WM. C. more Iltb, 18.1. Jnlltf at .iJL·.·en the Editor qf the Prett: of about. lie is Sew Loan The United PORTLAND. Frye we are chiefly concerned ^ Some time ago, perhaps so long that it is too States. Proposals ■. 1871. ..#♦». ■ has no hes- SPRING 1871. First Mortgage new to his position aud evidently indent to notice, "Anti-Monopolist" wrote a IMPOBTAHT CIKOULAB. »r baiMing a i*irr at fl·* Tloulh of Hennebùnk APIUL 1871. the scorn and con- in he declared that Subscriptions now Birer, Mailt, TUESDAY. 4, itation in showing plainly letter to the Argus, which opek—Certificates ready of the con- [TILL l>c received at this office,until ten o'clock A « he naturally feels for politicians the monopolists, whoever they may be, TRBA8URY Depahtmblt 1 tempt V M., ou Thursday, the 4th day of May neat ; tbe of the State. _ .. Washington, Feb. 28 lH7i ί The Carnirnl of Rmife. class. comment his example trolled the railroad legislation Public notice is r to be an extension ot the one on the western Greenleaf l,We hereby given that h« PORTLAND books will β or the mouth and to be man th«m Ihe writer then went on to show that all the >pened on the 6th oligarch about 150 feet, (more or at which in his day nent.in this country — Tliis ghastly (estival, every to all aentlemeu position,assuring ind in and— 9,) in length, and bnilt in strict with were in- Europe, lor subscriptions to the National MILLINERY conformity this members of the Railroad Committee under plans to be seen in tbis office; and to be has a against the Kepublicau the will heartily appreciate Loan, the act approved July 14.1870 eiiiltl<>ri comple- who grievance that public on or before the first ol in tome line, either con- •An Act to Authorize the ol the day August next. President is The terested particular Refunding Nsîttnn AT will state party or a griulge against Grant, new way ol treating political parasites. il Debt." and the act In amendment thereof Jitfders tbe price per running foot of or Senator Holland armnw-pp work ostentatious should Mr. who structed contemplated. Ed January 20,1871. completed; it being understood that tbe an earnest and assistant, letter was returned to Viafofield itractor is to the to be an man, The proposed loan comprises three classes of bonds prepare foundation, furnish all was at first supposed impartial ■ ROCHESTER be entirely β it'slaetory to its conductors—for was thus enabled to make the following namely: stone, and perform ail the work required in its was Boon found that liis was the ex- Bonds to the and, ibat the stone must bo tbeir own way. but it job First. amount of Ave hundred mil- istruction; farther, they have cverj thing in on his assailant: COCrIA and durable which points tension of the Androscoggin road to the Grand lions oi dollars, payable in coin, at the pleasure of HASSAN'S, strong quality, (specirren of seeu nor aie its the after ten RAILROAD be iurnished, it ana tbe work and *ma- General Grant is not there, Bath, March 30,1871. in- United States, years from the date of HI.'" required); Tiuok road at Danville! An immense job their and bearing Interest ialmustbe, in all respects, satisfactory to the discordant voices T. issue, payable quartcily In OUST received direct, a large invoice ok ceremonies disturbed by any Mr. Ο. Gheknlkaf. at the rate of Ave cent glneer in charge. in deed! lu Senator Neally,"Anti-Monopolist" coin, per per annum. Whi'e Mr. Sunnier Sir: Λ portion of the Maine delegation Second. Bonds to the amount of three ΓΙιο uiulersigneii reserves the right to reject all from the White Ilouse. hundred Is which in Congress have returned to me your very gen- at first thought he had a just man without any millions of dollars, payable.in coin, at the nis opinion are not favorable to tbo the pleasure also the bid ot in his is hiuj, even before reptesenl- letters lo them under date of March of the United alter tilleen years vernment; any person who, denouncing tlemanly axe to on the committee's useful States, Irom the will not to sharpen and 7 CENT. lief, faithfully a id promptly perform tbe as of crimes me to render ol their Issue, bearing interest PER ami doubtless desire yen date atives of nations, guilty 15lb, the Boston payable atract. foreign in lur- stone, but alas he was in favor of In coin, at the rate of lour and a ba'f while in the their sincere thanks for your kindness quarterly per Payments will be made monthly : and 20 per cent. which deserve impeachment, and Maine extension! It seem a bit cent per annum. AND Ill be reserved uut 11 tne whole & IMPORTED work them such valuable information, may just HITS BONNETS. therefrom, is niahing Bonds to the amonnt ol seven hundred before the world ,he in that to Third. and be forfeited in the event of the non- Senate »nd persists doubtless wish me to in lor m you owing that should, in In at tlie mpleted; paradoxical "Anti-Monopolist" mil lions ot dollars, payable coin, pleasure lfl M mont of t.be contract iu tbe time and mauutr a of the of their at the present him as leader Ku Klux, or in importance presence bis satisfaction at ot t ie United States, aller thirty years Irom the date describing muFt res- another place, express deep BONDS (oilid. time at the National Capitol, they of their issue, and bearing Interest, payable quarter- to as a deliberate as a over the ALSO ferrous desiring make proposals are requested other words being murderer, a few weeks but if abso- the success of this project victory rate ot lour cent annum. pectfully beg delay, ly In coin, at the per per call on the undersigned, at bis office in Morton his own house and to his will at ouce abandon the of ses- to the loae will have In while in personal lutely necessary they monopolists and about the only one the Subscriptions prclerence lock, on Congress street, for forms ot same, and leave South- him to be annexation ot San Domingo, and was the fiiend of the following order, namely: r more definite information, it desired; and, on friends he declares another Tiberi- sion. Flench of Somerset, that be first made for lalcrcM ern in the hands of those n.urderous tint. Subscriptions may Payable April aa4 OcMktr, ft*· the (which are required to be in loyalists of two hundred snsmltting bids, which is to say that lie is a monster of Ku and to ex-Gov. Coburn. This certainly is a crime, five per cent bona* to ihe amount ·' will endorse thereon us, gangs, known as the Kluxs, repair be All OtnnBHi Tax! ipticate,) they please "Propo- millions ot of which there will reserved, the as the one in the dollars; New Is for building a pier at |the Mouth of Kennebunk in while this at and reinstate but a very that part of wickedness unsurpassed history; city once, yourself general lor one ball lor subscribers in this coun- Styles! twenty days, Spring iver." GEO. ΓΗΟΜ, leader of the party, and crown you in eountries. Denominations Schurz of Missouri, happy in having Republican country where A. and P. Coburn do business try and one halt' tor subscribers foreign $200, $500, $1000, Lieut. Col. ot Engineers, Senator as the defender ot ils amounts of each champion pritciples. and have their whole lives—so Second. Subscriptions tor equal ÏBOM Tbe subscriber oflers these Bond· Bv't Brig. Gen'l U. S. A. that State over to the Copperheads, is The of the been made spent geueral class ot THE BEST IliNlIVACTVBEBR. to blscustomrn given principles party, baviug bonds, and tbe public believing them a >afe and S. Engikebb Orfick, of of that it extends to all honorable and honest Third. tor amounts ot bonds well pi his of the Republican sacred by the precious blood hundreds Subscriptions equal Ing security. Portland, Maine, April 4tb, 1871. W by bitter arraignment interest at ihe rate ot four and a half per thousands of the best of the land, they are de- men of all If in- bearing Price tor tbe present 05 and accrued Interest, his best to transfer all parties. "Anti-Monopolist" cent., and ot bonds interest at the rate ot administration, doing sirous to make any sacrifice necessary to save bearing ALSO, Atlantic & St. Lawrence Kallroait tends by the term friend, to mean tool, and five per cent. (f Bond· re- to while the New York the party, even if necessary to reinstate your- ceived at par In exchange lor tbe above. the States them; in- Fourth. Subscriptions for any five per cent, bonds Proposals self as the custodian of those which from what we know of that writer, we are that Charles principles, that not be subscribed tor in the λ of which it is enough to say may preceding jjiiiiuu χ«η;ΛΐΛϋΐ/ιτ wx For dredging ia the Keanebrc Hirer, We.» Su>i, you have ever so toell defended, especially in pub- clined to believe that he does not appreciate classes. and tbe New York ILL A. Dana is its editor, lic, when yuu so earnestly proclaimed that you to favored the When a subscription is made, the subscriber will [X* be received at t ils office until 10 o'clock any difference, consolidation, ν r A. whose colun.is are about had fought rebels and copperheads for years, be required to deposit two per cent, of the amouut H. M. PAYSON M. on Thursday, the 4th, day ot May next. Evening Post, Boston & Mnine extension and the Brooks & in or ot the United or 1st, for a channel below and by would for years to come, undoubted- thereof coin currency States, through Hinckley's Sboalj divided between efforts to strike down in binds ot the class to be exchanged, to be account- BANKER AND tallowell, Maine, requiring 10,000 cubic yards equally ly, pardoning your slight weakness at a time Bangor branch, three very important matters, BROKER, more or ed for by the Uovei nment when the new bonds are less) ot dreidh mu t be msde tor the above two items. Bidders Republican party pons, as may be desired by subscribers. Registered ler irom Nervous Debit ty, Lose of Manhood, Sc.' to be forwarded to them a certified ed in railroads for Sïwall sill state the per cubic to bo measured in lican are and unscrupulous have caused just action. of Old- nondS will be issued ot the denominations ot $50, pointing out price yard party, unceasing Ward at onr recent he scows, which will also include the deporting of copy ol the vole of Four, town is accused because be has in seve- $100, $600, $1,000, $5.000 and $10,000; and coupon while aoted as it understood that tbe in their assaults upon tbe President; election, vix: bonds ol each denomination except the last two. THE ΠΕΑΜ OF MEM -4X BG. he material required, being muuicipal to done will not exceed the am- «1.Λ Andrew Johnson in the United States con- ner in which you have presented myself to the bill through that will, in time, harmonize the GEO.TIIOM, new bonds of the with whom the Lieut. Col. ot Engineer?, Maine delegation, in justice to you, 1 can con- interests of Aroostook. agents subscrip- BrtSçtHÎÏÏJfiF* Richard>0D. " »·. tributes his best that the Hate IIUUS Hm IllitUO. Bv'fc Brig. Gen'l U. ti. A. ditliyramhicof ceive no better manner of reciprocating your Now it strikes us that when the COGIA ai" Maiy^'al^il wkteito?d. U. S. Engineer Office. presiding In the United States the National Banks are au- HASSAN'S may want either iu hideousness or than one of your let- nothing kindneti, by publishing thorised to receive anft 187J. 6t ters to with this in the Bath officers of the next Legislature come to make subscriptions, subscriptions Portland, Maine, April 4th, not a word of not a syllable them, Daily may also be made at the office of the Treasurer of DUD. rage, complaint, Times. Mo9t Bailroad it would be well Kespectlully Yours, up the Committee, the United States, or of any Assistant Treasurer, or ol defence, not even a whisper of reviling James W. Wakefield. for them to call the members of their respec- the designated depositaries at Buffalo. Ν. Y. ; Chi- Proposals comes from the aud man who cago, III.,; Cincinnati, Ohio; Louisville, Ky.; Mo- In this city, April 2, Louisa Jennie, daughter ot strong patient branches to their rooms and ask them sev- BONNET The have carried the elec- tive bile, Ala. ; and Pittsburg, Penn. BOOMS! Lend&II and Alice Foote. aped 3 weeks 4 days. For removing Obetruction* in Bnllivnn has been thus assailed and Republicans city llatiie ot Robert foully outraged. eral questions like the following: "Does any P. S.—This Department and ?ts own Loan Agents In Deering, April 1, J., dangbter River, Elaine, tion in Danville and Ilarrodsburg, Ky. are now ready to receive the United States Five- and Alice Chase, aged β months 25 days. ( Boston No grander sight has been witnessed for cen- railroad tun or near town?" "Is be received at tills office, until 10 o'clock through jour twenty Bonds and to pay the gold interest thereon papers please copy ] Frederick Douglass denies the statement A. on the 4th ot next; turies. He bides his time aud he cau afford residence near lino of to irom which date the new bonds will bear (Funeral Tuesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from WILL M., Thursday, .lay May your any contemplated May 1, •NO. 13» MIDDLE For three «tone above the made that be pronounces the of interest. A scrip certificate, calling tor the Bonds STREET. 145 Congress street 1st. removing piers to. at the He people Hayti railroad?" "is it that the "fall»" to a of ten feet at mean low water; and He, least, keeps peace. may possible people you on the 1st May, will be issued at once in exchange lu Georgetown, March 31, Mrs. Charlotte, widow depth inferior to those of San He : depositing the same upon the shore in such place as the will not that Domingo. says will ever ask for a charter?" "Do lor the old Bonds. GEORGE S. BOUTWELL, ot L. B. Mains aired 57 years. remember, country forget, represent wile and manner as the Engineer in charge may direct, If am San and am of In Detroit, Mich., April 2, Mrs. Frances, of I for annexing Domingo know of the Secretary Treasury· the work to be on or before the first this is not the first time that he has had to you anything railroad-building, Chas. Merrill, Esq., formerly ot Portland. completed day not lor aiiuexing Hayti it is because one is in Iioaii Agents in New England. ot August next. encounter the (he costs and the benefits to be derived?" "Do misconceptions, jealousies favor of being annexed while theotber is not. BOSTON, MASS. 2nd. For the blasting and removal ot Hatcher's know of the needs of the State in the "falls" to a of six feet at mean and the hates of men whom his own superi- When the sball desire to be you anything Blake, Brothers, Kidder, Peabody & Co. DIPABTIRE OF OCEAN STEA91ERS Rock, depth Haytien people Sweet & & low water, and depositing t*ame upon the shore in to this Mr. Garnett sball not in this respect?" "Do you believe in railroads Brewster, Co., Lee, Higglnson Co, ority or his virtue has offended. It has not joined country, Beck Brothers. Page, Richardson & Co. All the New of Shawls I NAME. WHERE FROM. DESTINATION. such place and mauner as the Engineer in charge find me with all tbe negro haters and anyway?" The member that could reply neg- Vila & Co. Spring 4 may direct, the work to be completed on or before faded from the of his joiaing Foote&French, Spencer, Styles City ol Limerick...New York..Liverpool Apl yet memory country- the flrwt of November next. bids must murderers of tbe colored race in opposing tbe to all these to "An- Head & Perkins, Stone & Downer. Colorado New York..Liverpool Apl 5 day Separate men atively questions according be made tor each of the above named items. that after he had taken Forts Henry and measure. Hubbard, Brothers & Co, Walker & Merriam. Missouri New York. .Havana Apl 6 would be an reserves the to all ti-Monopolist's" theory, ornament Tower, Giddings & Torrey. Ville de Paris New York. .Havre Apl 6 The undersigned right reject Donaldson and the of Nashville had fatt- bids in his are not favorable for the city on the Bailroad Committee. P. M. Maine. Tripoli New York..Liverpool Apl β which, opinion, Blake, Bangor, also the bid of anv i»erson who will not en into his the first considerable suc- Nemkr 1ι·ι«Ι flluil·. H. P. New Bed Mass. Austrian Portland...Liverpool Apl β government, hands, Next the writer assails the Railroad Commis- Burt, tord, in his belief, and pertorm the The that P. Bissell & Conn. Angua New York. .Glasgow Apl t! faithfully promptly cesses achieved b» the national arms in the statement telegraphed yesterJay George Co, Hartford, contract. sioners for in the interest of the Elton " City of Brooklyn... New York.. Liverpool Apl β being monop- Banking Company, Waterbury, be on seven vessels are to be fitted out at once at " 12 Payments will made the completion ot each war of the an order was H. Bunnell, New Haven, Wisconsin New York.. Liverpool Apl rebellion, prepared olists and dancing attendance at the 41 15 Legisla- Goods. Prussian Job. is now E. S. Scranton & New Portland...Liverpool Apl Brooklyn navy yard, contradicted. Co., Haven, to make are by his immediate lor bis removal ture. With but one of the have Spring Australia New York. .Glasgow Apl 15 Persons desiring proposals requested superior Commissioners mar30 3teod of to call on the at his office in Alorton L. M. Bigelow & Co., wholesale groccrs Moro Castle New York.. Havana. „.... Apl 15 undersigned from the command ot the which we any but the on for ot and army by Milwaukee have failed. Their liabilities are acquaintance; respecting all, City oi Merlda New York. .VeraCrus Apl 18 Block, Congress street, forms same, and on such lesults bad been and facts ate that Col. Wildes was at Augusta but Nestorian Portland Liverpool Apl 22 for more definite information, if desiied; accomplished, by said to be heavy and assets light. transmitting their bids, (which must be in duplicate) soon afterwards the twice during the session, onca stopping over they will please indorse (hereon "Proposals tor im- which, important victory Two sharp shocks of earthquake were felt at one to meet the other BONDS fllaiaiirs Alamt April 4. proving Sullivan River, Maine." members of tbo of Corinth was won—that duriDg the seige of San Francisco night Sunday night, frightening tbe 5..Ί8 I Moon sels 5 30 AM GEO. THOM, and once down in the îeturn· Prints. Bun riles Board, Lieut. Col. of Engineers. Vicksburg the murmurs for his removal were hut no harm. morning San Sets 6.29 | High water 10.Ml AM people doing Spring Style Bv't Gen'l I/. S. A. ing at night. Messrs. Blake and Corser spent State of Maine 6's Brig. loud and constant -that in the Wildeiness The treasurer of the French relief fund in U. S. Engineer Office, about the same time and then on busi- Portland 6's 6t and through the entire campaign which end- Philadelphia has received $30,000 and will send there, City Portland, Maine, April 4th, 1871. ness official. This is attend- " MAKINE NEWS. ed in the of the sur- out worth of flour this week. The rest strictly daLcing Belfast 6's capitulation Richmond, $20,000 ALL OFFERING ance with a vengeance I St. " 6's AT render of Lee and the restoration of the ot tbe money will be divided amoug the sufler- Louis PORT OV PORTLAND. UNION The people of Maine, with a legislature like HOTEL, Union, there were no seasons when the faint- ers in Âlsace and Lorraine. Portland & Ogdensburg It, R. that of last have no A boiler in Uriah year, cause lor alarm from Monday. April NO. 12 TEMPLE hearted and the false were not at McCalland's distillery, on Gold 6's STREET, caiping in railroad matters. Prices for ARRIVED. tbe Ohio liver at McCall's Brown monopolies Any general " tlie [Million ! and the were not his landing, co., Portland Λ Rochester Steamer New Brunswick, Pike, Boston tor East- Perlland, Maine, him, malignant plotting bill of consolidation could have com- hardly and St John. NB. humiliation and And Ohio, exploded yesterday, damaging the build- Currency 7's port disgrace. they will re- manded more and There wps no A H Curtis, Merrlman, Boston. On the European and American Plan. Fare ing and killing and nine yeas najs. AT Brig Begu'ar that no sixjpersons wounding Maine Central B. It. 7's Sch Eliza Β Beard, (Br) Price, Boston. *1 .50 per day. Lodging 75 aud 50 cents. member, too, taking notice ot théfee combination of companies strong enough to Currency others, two of wbom have since died. The loss Sch Congress, York, Salem. L. B. F. ZITKOV. aud enemies he at Portland & Kennebec K. R. ap4dtf By maligners kept steadily his is carry any measure. SchLetmraM, (Br) Peck, St John, NB, with box $15,000. shooks to Geo S Hunt. work, bearing nothing, heeding nothing but Tt is quite probable that the failure of some Currency 6's Thennmberof deaths in New York last Seh City Point. Orchard, Bootbbay. M. L. A. the calls of duty; that when the hour pet scheme or railroad trick before the Atcliieon, Topeka & Santa Fe Sch Margaret, Clark, Millbridge tor Boston. great week was 566, an increase of 40. legisla- COGIA Sch Kockland for Salem. of struck he took no airs ture was the cause of that R.R: Gold 7's HASSAN'S, Mary Hall, Wallace, victory him- this cry against upon Dulutli expects a Pittsburg firm to erect an body CLEARED. annual meeting of tbe Mercantile Library self as a but the a cry more of rage than actual alarm' Central Iowa R. Gold 7's THEAuoclatlon for choice ot officers, will be held at conqueror, gave credit to bis iron and machine at once and a revengeful K., Steamer Chase, Mulligan, Halifax, NS—John Por- foundry shop their comer ot E. U. M. & Cedar teous. Rooms, Congres» ana Temple street·, generals and the army ; that declining to visit blast furnace very soon. Burlington Rapids 129 Middle Steamer Chesapeake, Johnson, New York—Hen- Tuesday Krrniag, April 11, at 7 J «'clack Richmond and receive an ovation at the The Eu Klux debate is to run on A R. R., Gold 7's Fox. capi- two days correspondent from Aroostook informs Street, ry Report of the Director! at 7J o'clock. Polls open more Brig C II Kennedy, Dodge, Havana—J D Lord. at g o'clock. Per tal of the dead he uuostenta- in tbe House before any vote is taken. us that Hon. Parker P. our West Wisconsin R. R., Gold 7 'a Order, confederacy, Burleigh, compe- AND 4-til A. Tbe Calvin " " apr CUSHING, Secretary. tiously and as only a great man could, returned Presbyterian church, oae of the tent Land Agent, has employed a surveying Northern Pacific 7 3-10 MEMORANDA. finest in St. Sell Bancroft, from Machias for New to Washington and there at once and John, Ν. B., was burned Sunday party and will commence work the latter part •FOR BALE BY Elvira, York, quietly sprang aleak during tbe gale ol tbe 25tb, and pot M. C. M. A. morning by an Loss of this or as soon as the employed himself in the routine discharge of incendiary. $15,000. montb, travelling in β Temple Street. back to Maebias 27tb, where abe was to discharge S WA Ν & and on ter The New York the Lake Champlain is clear of ice. Navigation the woods will admit. will in the first BARRETT, go the railway repairs. members ot the Maine Charitable Mechanic duties pertaining to his office. _His fellow They Herald her as arrived at her of destina- the Lake reports port THEAsssociation are requeued to meet at tbe Free through has been resumed. place make some alterations on the I on citizens will bear these things in their necessary 100 Middle Street. tion the 1st. St., Baptist Church, this TUESDAY, April 4th, at hearts, Cordoza The scbr asbore near Swan's is tbe Judge of New York has decided the main road leading from Caribou village to leb8sneodSm reported Island, 9 o'clock p. m. to attend the Funeral ot Brother and they will feel that, whether bis Francis Nelson, ot St George. Sue misstayed and judgment Broad « bill of the New Sweden. Thomas Hammond. Fer Order of the President, ay-widening legislature con- They will then commence lo- of Dress went on while trying to beat through York Nairows. Goods. It L. F. PINCiRKK. has been 01· in to ac- apri Secretary. right wrong regard] the Opening will not come off nntil next ran ot tides. stitutional and has a and Spring She high appointed commission cating roads surveying lots in New Swe- JVfiff Κ S MO Γ SE ▲ D Whidden, Moore, from quisition of San Domingo, he has been "clear of James Brig Cornwall!», NS, consisting L. Hennessey, W. B. Astor den and Township No. 14, B. 3,for the Swedish lor Havana, which pat info Grand Turk 13th alt. dis- Pictou in his ON EUROPEAN PLAN. Mining Company. great office," that he has done ot there and took in a load of nothing and A. T. Stewart. colonists, who are expected to arrive about the shirks rfjyn sim wjls posed cargo light Office ot the Secretary ot tne for for Portland, and proceeded about tbe 22d. Pictou Miming lucre, nothing for ambition and The in the of the San first of The news from Sweden is 187 Washington St., Boston. Company, nothing delay report Domingo May. very Sch Helen M Waite, from Calais lor New York, 1871. Good 75 «ente and ▲ngusta, Maine, April 3d, for but all for bis her Commissioners was in Mr. Thomas our single rooms, $1.00 per day. which got ashore on Execution Kock. came off revenge, country, pros- consequence of tbe dis- encouraging. informs corres- night annual ot the stockholders of Bill of fare the lowest of any hotel in the city. ot the 30tb, without damage. meeting this perity and her glory, that he has consciously agreement of the Commissioners as to whether pondent that that his Qottenburg agent writes VParties coming to Boston, will find the Parks THEcompany, lor ibe election ot directors and tor House the most the transaction of such other business aa sball in no in fact or in violated certain expressions shall be embodied. Mr. under a recent "that he is fiom centrally located, quiet, and orderly DOMESTIC PORT». prop- way, thought, the date, occupied house in the city. TURNER BROTHERS, erly come betore them, will be held at tbe office ot Wade GALYESTOtf-Ar 25th ult, brig M Louise Miller* the In on Constitution or the laws of his country, and refuses to sign what Messrs. Howe and morning till evening answering letters aud has oc'28sn6mtt*8 BOYNTON & CO., Proprietors. company Brunswick, the first Tuesday o! Starrett, Cardiff. May next, at 9 o'clock a. m. that he has White have written, and those gentlemen Ce- been compelled to employ a clerk to assist March SSd. NEW ORLEANS— Ar 28th. Liv- attempted nothing lor which he "Buy Ifle, and I'll do yen Gond·"—DR. ship Owego, Post, ap4,7,10 JOHN L. IIODSDON, Secretary. cline to Mr. him." There is some prospect that the large LANG Wednesday, erpool : barque J S Winslow, Davis, Matanzas. had not the well considered and sign Wade's report uuless their LEY'S ROOT AND HERB BITTERS. No returned approved number of who are now on the Having just from the New York and Boston with a full line of Dress Goods Cld 29th, barque Abbie Ν tor immigrants drugu, no nothing deleterious, but Silh s Markets, Spring Franklin, Holbrook, Lost. own is Tbe is that poisons, nothing and Shawls, we shali be to show our Havre. of other incorporated. probability will additional for loots and as prepaired customers all that is new and desirable from botl precedents administrations than his way require help locating good healthy herbs, such Sarsaparilla, markets. Great in tbe bargains* Silks. Thanking our friends for their liberal in the we t< Below ?8fh, barque Ukraine, tm Exchange and State street*, one Pen- report will not be transmitted to roads and lots. Wild Cherry, Yellow Dock, Prickly Ash, merit patronage past, hope Melclier, Havana; own. And so they will not doubt that when Congress surveying Thorongh- a continuation of the same. sch Hattie Ε Sampson, Sherman, do. BETWEENsion check given to James Burns, payable in wort, Mandrake, Rhnbarb, Dandelion, &c., so com- until late to day or Wednesday. Slu tm SW Pass27tb. barque Es;ella. Baltimore. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by the hour of has passed and the lacts are pounded as to reach the fountains of disease, and ab- passion SAVANNAH—Cld 28tb, sch Virginia, for leaviifg the same at this office. ap4dtf Mews. solutely cure all Humors, Liver and Bilious Dinea- Our Motto Suiall, — 8,tate "ONE SC. iuiij unuersioou oy me people, as will he, Apbil Magazines. Old and 2iew adheres Co and PRICE ONLY.** Bucksvlile, they ees, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. tiveness, Scrofula, Ar 29th, Richard Wood, Cronstadt. all difficulties from a diseased stomach or im- ship III, his character as a magistrate and his with praiseworthy spirit to its determination arising Ar Lost! integrity ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY blood. of unrivalled success has 2d, ship Nunquara Dormio, Cousins, Liverpool. pure Twenty years Sid F Β Black between Pearl street aud as a will be not not to make its aDDearauce till it ran Λη «η nvniroHMiem tnhothA hnet medicine in the world 27th, barqne Fay. Crape Veil, Dr. man, only unharmed,lor they There" were twelve alarms of fire during the ltobinson's; the tinder will be rewarded GEO. Ο. GOODWIN & CO.. Boston, and all drag- TURNER CHARLESTON—Ar 31st, scbs Bei^j Reed, Grego- A bv leav- are unharmed but honestly on the day of its date. We caD well year ending March 1st, 1871, in Lewiston and ing it at No 147 Middle St. now, unsullied by even a gists. feb27eneodl6w BROTHERS, ry, Norfolk; May Oay, Adams, hockport; John Mc- ap4dtt Auburn. losses about 873 000 Adam, Boston; Samuel Fish. ot afford to wait beyond the usual time for so Aggregate Willard, Teel, Belfast; suspicion wrong. about four-fiftbs insured. The chief fire was 13 cor. C Ε Helller, Mitchell. New York. a as Old and New. our Clapps Block, and Elm Ste· Tenants Wanted The world will admire and wonder when it good magazine It is the destruction. June 12th of Central Block— Congress WILMINGTON—Ar 30th, sch Chiloe, Loe, from ma22sn2w two Tenements at C. with- conviction that it witb The fol- insured for 4a,COO. TEGETNE St George. Me. Ferry VilUge, E., understands that all improves age. in three minutes' walk ot the Steam this storm ol denuncia- RICHMOND—Ar 30tb, sch Corvo, Pickering, from FOR Ferry Land- lowing is the table of contents for Post 44 G. A. B., Auburn, received their house iu rent low. ot tion and had April:—Old For 4UILLAI TOOTH WASH is the best ar- Rockland. ing; good repair; Enquire opprobrium its origin in the uniforms on Tbe were fur- Is Sold by all Sale B. A. No 1 Gait Block. and New; Two College Friends—Fred W. Thursday. cape DruggistsI ticle lor cleansing and preserving tbe Teeth. BALTIMORE—Cld 30lb, brigs Adaline Richard- ap4d2w JONES, fact that upon a question of international law nished by a Lewinton firm, aud tbe swords mt20eo|? Α Π "Convent Life Unveiled," by a Ar at Delaware Breakwater 31st, barqne 11 F Hus- X\Xj Ά17 Edith question upon which every first class states- Stowe; Reminiscences of Brook Farm; Our The Stearns-Sampson case is to be carried day next, April Ath. Previous to that time Ο'Gorman, Escaped Nun 200 sey, Ulmer. from Liverpool. whose disclosures are and Price man and able L. P. and np to the tall court the we will soil our WHOLE STOCK at For Tone thrilling startling. every publicist in Europe auil Pilgrimage (II)—Miss Hale; Church by defendant, Mr. prices Sale. NEW YORK—Ar 31st, scbs Rocket, Ware, Calais; $1.50. Conn. pub. Hartford Ct. —OF Co., apr4tlw State in W. Sampson. ▲ new Earl, Ferguson, Ellsworth ; May Day, Adams, Rock- America are with the President and against America—Henry Bellows; Son- wo-story French-root on HOUSE Spring port; Portland; net—II. L. Zerub The Journal records the death of Mr. Chas. above MariaRoxana, Palmer, Challenge, the and that α decision of it in ac- Spencer; Throop's Experi- of all Cost. street, Brackett, containing bath room and Bennett, do; CE and Mt Senator, E. Avery of Sidney. Mr. \. served in the late Regardless CHESTNUT COAL J McConvllle, Eaton, Hope, ment (II)—Mrs. A. D. I. other modern conveniences. on Hall, Rockland ; Jos Henry, New Zea- cordance with the views of the latter would Whitney; Waitiig— wounded and taken Enquire the prem- A Kenniston; war;was prisoner and suf- Nice Article fer Spring Vie ! land, Cook ; Ζ Snow, Tborndike ; Mise H. R. Talk about fered all ises* or at No. 25 Emery street. Exeter, Kennedy, have iu one of the most sa- Hudson; the Tea-Table the tortures that neglected wounds, and Julia Newell, Mclntyre, Rockland; J placed jeopardy DAVIS Ac OO. mar8sNtt FOR 8ALEjLOW BT McAdam, OPENING! There is starvation, and tbe brutalities J. Α. 1ΈΝΝΕΥ. from Boston lor Isaac cred of the nation. The (HI). the usual variety in the edito- diet, of rebel Willard, Charleston; Overton, rights President prison officials could well inflict. From 1867 Achorn, Fall River ; C W Dexter, Nason, Provi- rial departments. Roberts (Brothers, EANDALL, McALLISTEK 4 00., dence. would not consent to recognize a principle Boston). till 1870 be was Assistant Messenger of the The April number of the New England House. LOOK AT PRICES! βΟ Commercial Street, Ar 1st, barque H A Blanchard, Hardy, Cardenas ; THIS DAY ! which would preclude this from de- Made 1 H D Stover. Pierce, Matansas; brig San Par- country Historic and PENOBSCOT Ready mrlCsn2w Opposite New Cos to m House. Carlos, Genealogical Register and Antiqua- COUNTY. Trimming· ΙΟ cent·· Clothing ker, do 11 days; schs Η Τ Townsecd, Folsom, Lagu- AT ciding for itself when it should or should not Kate rian Journal contains a sketch of the late The Bangor':Whig says the maple sugar Glove· 5 cento per pair. na; walker, Warren, Jacksonville; Robin. extend to other in Strout, Millbridge; Calvin, Clark, Uncle powers the rights of Senator makers that section of the State, say that Ilonier ΙΟ cento. Gents. Lepreaux; belliger- Fessenden's liie with a fine portrait. y Furnishing Goods. Silver & Nickel Tom, Clara 145 Middle Street. this has not been a season for and Gold, Look, Addison; Sawyer, Branscomb, ancy. A nation which does not reserve Ibis The good them, Linen Collar· 1© cento· Kendiick and sketch is from the pen of Capt. George H. the of and Calais; Fish, Mary Shields, Rich, do; surrenders high price sugar syrup seems to cor- A Ρ Stimpson. Eastport; power a part of its Preble of the United roberate their statements. Coneto at Importer'· Price·. Stimpeon, Jason, Cook. sovereignty, State* Navy. There are HATS AMD CAPS. PLATING. Eden; Viola, Stabl, and Five Sisters, Ma- NEW STYLES is Peterson, and no longer independent. That Presi- several other articles of interest is in at chias; Abner Taylor, and special to Hay selling Bangor $20 to $24 for Come and See our Prices. The Pendleton, Presto, Drew, the best balance ol our stock of Winter Uoeds will be The subicrilier it on do; Crosoe, Robinson, and Wm Jones, do; dent Grant, new to political life and unedu- Maine readers, among them one on the "Land- qualities. Eggs are selling at 15 to 17 carrying the bnainess of Elec- Ingalls, (Old at Elvira, Bancroft, and Alaska, Clark, do; Richmond, Ladies' and Misses' cents. η tro-Plating with Gold, Silver or as be Hate, cated in the arts of statesmanship should dif- Titles at Pemaquid," by John Johnston, and AVIS Λ CO., Nickel, may Guptili, Rockland; S Wilder, Smitli, do; Zampa, Tbe Whig says a who Less than Auction Prices ! desired, and be would Invite the patronage of those Jewett. Gloucester. fer from the Senate's chairman of the Isles of Shoals in the gentleman returned No. ΙΟ the Com- year lG53by Charles on from tbe ('Inpp'M Block, Congre·· street· vrhe wish from FLOWERS, RIBBONS, Saturday region about tbe upper THE GOODS MUST may to have article· replated or repaired. Below, barque Ironsides, Tapley, Leghorn G5 mittee Tuttle. (Published the BE SOLD. on Foreign Relations was too bad, but quarterly by New Passadumkeag, report* that ice (formed there "Show He pays particular attention to tbe of days. tV Cases, Desks, Boxes and other Furni- plating Old 1st, sbipj Ssml Thompson, he England No. last week strong enough to bear teams it. ture for sale. Steel Larrabee, Liverpool LACK that should differ and be right was intoler- Historic-Genealogical {Society, upon mr31dlwsn Knives, Ste. He also manufactures the Ivanhoe, Herriwan, and Alice Buck, tor GOODS, AC., 18 Cold did it. M. C. RICH Blanchard, Somerset street, Bos nights New Stir son, able. Mr. Sumner's amour had been to·.) &\C O., Lifhtalsg Poli.h, for cleaning Silver Plated Orleans; barques Walter. Liverpool; propre Tbe learns For Moth and Ellen, Buenos Gal- AT Whig that Collector Wingate Patches, Freckles, Goods, Glass, Tin and Brass. Tucker, Avres; Casco, Gardiner, wounded. The offense was The Red who has been 81 Middle veston ; Cbalmette, Talbot, New Orleans; Mary unpardonable by Republic—The Government seriously ill of an affection of Street. All work brig tbe Tau, une Perry»· moth and Freckle Lotion. waranted, and articles returned within EPennell. Eaten. Savannah: schs Emilv Curtis. or men. Hence this ol Victory or throat, is better, and bas a fair of jn31snto gods fete the re- Saturday.—A [prospect ane week. Rooms to those who wish to βιγιμγ, caruenas; L JNewton, Gray, Jacksonville; Sunday dispatch recovery. It Is the reliable and open | may Low Prices! are only harmless Remedy known Darius Eddy, Hopkins, bangor. venges in which Illustrated the crimes ol from Paris says: witness the process of electro-plating. WASHINGTON COUNTY. for removing Brown discoloration. Sold by drug- SALEM STONINGTON—Ar 31st, ech Rath Thomas, Dodge ET* WHOLES AI.K OM.Y ! our modern Tiberius of the clref of the Fighting has been going on since Portland lor New York. Ku yesterday At tbe annual town meeting at it gists everywhere. Depot 4· Bond St. evening at various poiuts. lu the Place Macliias, N. 1>. STEVENS, BOSTON—Ar 1st, sells Mt De- Klux of the Isles, to whose de la was voted, without opposition, to the Valparaiso, Somes, compared sins, Concorde this was exempt PURE sert; Sarah, McKenney, Bath. J. JE. morning cannonading dis- :apitol stock of a woolen not JViEJflEB. those ot the Ku Κ lux leaders of the audible, the sound factory costing Pimples on the Face. Room No. 6 Printers Cld 1st, achs Aurora Borealls, Hamm,for Portland ; Caroli- tinctly coming from the di- less than thousand and to be built Exchange, rection of The fiffy dollars, For Comedones, Black Worms J V Wellington, Parker, New York. nas, scarlet are Neuilly. fortress of Mont Va- within two from or Grubs, Pimply though they may be, white as lerien years, taxation fora term of No. Ill Exchange Street. ie'.ttt Sid 1st, sch Cameo, McCarty, Beltast. opened on the columns of the Eruptions, and Blotched on the fkee WHITE nationals «η years. disfignr&tions LEAD! Ar 3d, brig Wm R Sawyer. Pinkbam. Machlaa for Re-Gild those Old Frames I which were on Courbevoic and Cue gn°w. marching kept At annual Perry'· Comedone and Pimple Bemedy New York; scha Trader, llix, Rockland ; up a continuous fire mr several the town meeting in East Machi- Kossuth, The Diaaflection of an honrs to pre- It is Invaluable to the afflicted. IN ANY SPRING Thomas, Portland. Ex-Postuiaater. vent them froui » the usual democratic was thrown. Prepared only by QUANTITY, establishing themselves there. majority Br. Cld 3d, sch· Τ Β Harris, (Brl INSTRUCTIVE The Republicans elected one C. B. Perry, 4· Boad Qulnlan, Portland; COliBESI'ONDKNCE. The fighting at Courbevoie was sharp. The selectman and tDermotologiat, Lamartine, Black, Bangor. are ,he school committee. Ht., Ν. Y. Sold At 155 While arc The public arc not unfamiliar with the fre- reports conflicting as to which side fired by Druggists everywhere. Middle Street. SALEM—Ar 1st, sch Richmond, Dow, Portland you rt*use-cleaning, the Ieb27an d&w 4moe OVERCOATS ! for New York. first eliot. The nationals were at The Eastport Sentinel s the friends quently recurring [phcuonena of office first say many GEO GLOUCESTER—Ar hold- driven into >f H. — 1st, sch Farnham Courbevoie, where they maintained Lient, ltemak, of 5th Artillery, stationed at KNIGHT, IN Arrival, ers who receive mr28sntf Boothbay. startling revelations concern- themselves for a time protected bv the bouses. fort Sullivan, while ihey will be glad to learn COME AND Aient. Put Your Pictures in Good Order ! were at last if SEE US. ing the weakness* wickedness anil niaWmim They shelled eut by Fort Valerien his promotion to a firs': lieutonancv. will re- and FOREIGN PORTS fell back to tbo at 1 ;re» mat it will necessitate bis The Ladies ot Strut New and Beautiful of the witli bridge Neuilly, wbere removal to High Church have been at Styles. Ar at to 22d party which they have im- a hot work the lew Shanghae prey nit, abip Oolden State, acted, they kept up fusiiade. From this posi- mother post. past weeks, preparing sorno Bice New York. tion to show their friends and things Equa to (he Finest Custom Delano, HAVE THOSE mediately upou their retirement they were again forced to retreat and final- the public. Work. Sid in 10th compulsory Edwin Norwood of Eastport was drowned Malaga ult, brig F H Todd, Magnlre, υ nnuuicw luiu me cny ana suut the New York. to private life. A pretty correct estimate is gates, larch 24th, by the of a email WelaeadiT aad Thursday, Apr. 5th & GUNS AT f lie Versailles did not capsising Ashing eih, At Corocoa 16th sch tor troops attempt to follow. ■oat, a in From 3 to 10 o'clock P. nit, Starlight, Blatcbford, these sudden conver- &.n daring pqiiall Eastport harbor. His M., New York next Mirrors commonly put upon estimate, probably exaggerated, puts tbe rother was day. Re-Gilded ! tops of with him in the boat, but wasres- The Circle Rooms in the roar ol the Church Smith's One Price At Matanzas sion aud the real animus of the the national guards at 200. The Got- will be Goods and Store, 23d, barqnes W Ε Anderson, Galll- persons who ued in a exhausted lor the exhibition and Sporting son. trnment troops phot the very State. opened sole of Fishing Tackle, for Philadelphia; Sarah Ε Kingsbury, for New prisoners as rebels. Mary κ experience them is. generally ^understood. Fbe popular indignation Bare Middle York; brigs J Bickmore, Henley, lor do; against tbe Versailles Planta, Picture·, Faner Article· of Pawder, Shot, [Cap·, Cartridge., | Packet Street. and Uoniery. for do, Grovemment is terrific. all Children*· Cbase, Dolan, Mary C Correry, But it is not open that the The nationals threat- kiud·, Catlery» SciMara, rrrgsntt Kya Ν Or SportΜΐι»η, Mor- spirit animating in to Clothing, Bazar·, Skate·, Pi>k-| •lohnsou, Johnson, do; Frame those attack Versailles. SPECIAL Apron·, Ac. and for Philadelphia, Pictures these is disclosed so and so com- NOTICES iif Iran·, HacUnUt·' Fine ton, Ueo Hnrnl.am Staples. patriots fully There was a serious Amusements to the Tool·, lor tolt'more. Julla FCar | tjjis morn- (y please Children ol all Acelta Thurlow, White, Slowed in from 7 to 70. ages Solid Κ mer y all size·. North ol Cape away somecloset anil ically as in the case of C. T. ing between tbe government and the years Wheel·, H AI I'C ney, Ualllson, and Angelia, Leigbton, being tpnled' Greenleaf,Esq.,late troops A well stocked Fish in L!omraunists. About two thousand of Pond, a shady place. postmaster of the na- DR. DiYEIS (^"Refreshments at all hours. COPPER FACED Turk to 22d ult, brig A D Wblil- Bath, who, upon being superse- •ional guards marched on STAMPS, Hsîdeta Grand prey ded by J. Vf, Courbevoie.and were las removed his Office to tbe > Not the least ot the attractions is Art Wakefield, Esq., became a con- net by geus and Depart· IVEŒTABLE* SICILIAN ult. brigs ÏOU d'armes, gardes forestière. ment, which is under the direction ot (For marking Clothing) one stamp answers for a ^iV^riohnNiiJ'aoth Beauty, Shields, WANT AJI servative and The of tbe 'orner el CONGRESS & two young sch in Lhe late election captain latter galloped up, waving BROWN «TH., lccal artists. whole family. and Maud *Pot?e^ Shields, Philadelphia; Kith, municipal lis ver the store of Come Come HAIR Portland. was run as a cap, intending to address the Mr. Abner Lowell ; wbero be if One, All. Admission Ida J, Walib, Democratic Communists, 111 IQcis. ap3sn4t _ candidate for alder- irben a zouave with that β in ΗΓ" Wholesale and Retail. JM icwMirror for man in one body shot him dead. attendance every day lrom 11J o'clock A.M. at New Yoik.l your Rooms of the wards V action Boarders JSJMEWERi jper steamer Main, Drawing against Mr. Wakefield general followed, in which the > 1 o'clock "Wanted. geus P. M.—Unless unavoidably detained of the "GOLDEN RIFLE," Is the best 17th, from Liver- who was Jthe l'armes took five one PLEASANT ROOMS to with Sign article eyer known to Off Point Lynas Dlrigo, 8taples, THIS SPRING!; Bcpublican prisoners, 76 years sewbcre let, board at 36 A res. nominee for that shot old, by ordinary professional duties. street. Free «8 Exchange St., G. L. nnnl lor Buenos y office. 10m a vhom they The BAILEY. immediatley. guns of I m RESTORE GRAY HAIR im Newport I7tb, Virginia Daie, Skolfleld, for correspondence (published in ^ort Valerian the aprtsn eod ap3gnd2w Mrs. A. D, ^gld Bath swept road, and tbe Com- REEVES. Galveston. the Times we gather that aunists fled. of the T· ila on the 15tli of | Twenty-five insurgent* Don't Fail to Sec Original Youthful Celer. Ar at Queenstown 20tb, Cardenas, Ke'ley, Carde- TEBVBODV «OEM Mr. rere killed and wounded. V Ε Ε Τ I Mrs. Bibber TO] March, Greenleaf addressed tlie many Tbe engage- G Ν Ε î It will following prevent the hair from tailing out. at Feb note to Hon. oents was over at one o'clock. Tbe national Tbe Blind Clairvoyant. It will cost you lor ηίΑΓ Rangoon 1, Penang, White, Slngaoore. iW. 1*. member Seed Potatoes ! Scrofulous nothing Makee the Hair smooth and and does not Ar at Coruna 12th Frye, of Con° uards still hold Porte Maillot. Battalions of Humors. examination glossy, ult, Stockton, Griffin, from Mew his | during the llrst week ; atter whLU][ebe tain the skin as others. York. gresH from district: are the is The HALE'S rtillery hurrying up, rappel beating, ly VEGETINE has cured cases will resume her usual All ot Ar at Cadiz 13th nit, ml Scrotal· many of price. her medicines are Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail. Brunswick, Fltts, New York. When 1 left the Post Office, the the ramparts are being manned. Tbe ol fire, ten, and twenty years' Cld at HavTO IStb, Kepublioan EARLY where the has had standing, purely vegetable, her treatment new. It Beware of numerous which are sold Proteus, Murphy, Cardiff. majority ill this city was last ;reatest excitement prevails. ROSE, patient many physicians, tried entirely preparations FOR AIJL THF.* F ΤΠΠΤΟβ. tiflO, lall it ol the known niter are sick wish to ipon our dwindled down to and got UK« ef many remedies, and, you you be cured. Délaye are dang- reputation. [Per steamer mar2S η 71 14'2, hard work to the EARIIED or trying the Sibeila, at New York.] get The Broee'a No. 4. VEGETINE, the common remark Is, "It erous t. P. Ν. H. Proprietors. that. Last the | Orient is a new college paper to be pub- acts dif- ; avail yourselves of this Hours HALL & CO. Na«bua, Sid Im spring Démocrate carried the ferently, works differently,from any opportunity. ^Liverpool 18th, John S Han Doane, lur ished ■ROMPIC, " medicine I have from 10 a m For mrleodlm is, city. Last Monday the every alternate week the students of No. 9. ever taken." VEGETINE will till 9 pm. Boom No 7 Brown et. sale by all druggists. Matanzas; 20th, barque Helen lor Republican majority by | cleanee Scrofula Angler. Staph-s, où a fnll vote was seventeen. Jowdoin ■GKRLESN, « from the system. Try». mr2Tsn lm Portland; MarclaGreenleat, Given, Philadelphia. College. It is a very neatly printed No. β. Cld 1LLAN LINE. Now.this whole thing bas been ittle 18lb, Deltthaven, Freese, New Orleans. brought quarto, and the first number FOR BALE BY Valuable Hotel Property for Ent lor ldg CARRYINO THE CANADIAH about by the of is extremely Batchelor'» llair \ 20th, Llje Houghton, Morton, fbr Port- unpopularity Postmaster reditable to the Dye. MB. GEO. W. MABSTON, land. ANI) UNITED8ΤΛ3Έ8 Wakefield. lie meddles with amateur journalists who con- This Hair Is the best Sale. MAIL. every body's KENDALL Λ splendid Dye in the Passed Strait· or 12. Old uct it. The world; Having returned from will be to re- through Funca Feb Do- business. He of our local editorial matter is WHITNEY. the true and Europe, happy got possession paper prepared with only perlect Dye; harmless, THE tavorite Summer Rcsoit, known as minion, Morse, from Port Gamble tor Adelaide. a year he onsiderablo Portland, AjiriUtb. 'II. reliable,In- ceive in Sid tm Genoa I· ago;without provocation commenced care, and its is dlw&w4wsn itantaueous; no disappointment; no rupils Piano, Organ, and Harmony, aftiV the GLEN HOUSE, situated at the loot ot 14th ult, Nellie May, Blair, Leghorn. ■wnirri Baoitrd l.ondoadrrry Β·4 an spirit admirable, ridiculous Ar at assault upon me'when I bad no idea ot do- 'he absence of a tints; Washington, and at the commencement Llsbou 14th, Veio. New York. Linrpml. Briar· Ticket* granit* at disposition to remedies the ill effects ofbad dyes; March 7tb. Orders left at Stockbrtdge's Music Stor · Staples, ing that I was "a broken "twig" the fac- I. invigorates and ot road to the summit, will be Sldfm Bremerhaven 18th, Martha Bowker,Good· Rcduccd Kal··· anything, dqjvu pol- K. solt an-1 ihe carriage Ity, characteristic of KIMBALL, jre3 tlie hair eautilul black or No. 156 Street. for sale, with the laod. burn. Shields. TUS itician," &(·.., &c., but I showed by carry.ng the many college papers, brown.— Exchange Ieb23sn offered together cou- annot be too Bold all and SMt about one thousand Ar at Montevideo Feb Ham- city the by Druggists Perftamers, and tlining acres, (welltim- 1, Messenger, Lenvitt, AaMrian Capt. Democrats have gaioed ϋΰΟ voles siuce highly commended. The alum- MANUFACTURER OF properly Stables and Straraahip Wtlif., be has had of at Batcbelor's 16 ered ) all the Outbuildings, Mill on the burg. possession of the Post Office. Bowdoin we are spplled Wig Factory, Bond TO El\ ill leave thin port lor on The will, confident, give the st.N.T Inae/also the Furniture, Staging, Mountain Car- LlTcrjiool. SATURDAT. peuple demand nterprise the generous June 9-187Oswdlyr&w PHIL 8th, alter the nrriral ol the his removal, or the lie- support it deserves, tttges, Horses, &c. apoKKN. Immediately publican party is erms 82 a Carriages and STORAGE and on Hons contains iome two ara ot the pretlonaday from Montreal. lirokeu up in this city, unless year, siu^Ie copies IS cent». Com- Sleighs, Wharfage Custom Xke House hundred and twenty b«;is removed " Rtisli ton's Whart. to Feb lat 0 25 Ion 291 from before luuiratious addressed to The Cherry Pectoral Apply LYNCH, BARKER A Co. ye rooms capable of accomodating between four 15, N, W, ship Anuie Sise, To he followed the on aniee ne'it September. I guar- I Βιιιηι- 13 Troche· sï» and by Nestoriao, Capt. Alrd, vo* this Orient, Preble St, We. be found to all ocl6tt 139 Crding Γ has nauseat- haying t old ont their the time and in Hold or T'OtiDilrel t,,at miw'ral),e Indianapolis, lorged indorsements on cubeb lace ot sale will be herearter March 28, lat 31 22. Ion 78 52, brig II Ο Plilnney, Payable tt»ei|uivalent. Thl^'h ing, unpleasant, taste; very soothing and act in trade to Bean call all de- given. or Cabin i>a*MWe to " with ates drawn by himself, to tbe amount of sev- Brothers, up «m having Any person desirous tiom Matanzas lor New York. B^-For Crelght apply sSte "·« [ike aehaim. Also Rushton's of seeing the which A. No. » India St. DelegaUon. To Let. (F. V.) Cod Liver them to exhibit for settle- 1 in property, H. & ΑΙΧΛΝ. al thousand dollars, which be negotiated af- Oil, mands against tbe same thorough repair, or to make L NUMBER of small or r lirait» on lor small amount», »e- No. 28 Brackett et. by ate payment. 'al Cummings. sight England inr2iteed2w* mouth Hotel, Portland, Maine. 10 Druggists generally. ocMsn-dtwCm March 1871. endlw* O'CLOCK. ρ * Portland, 27^ Portland, Match 13,1871. mrlS-is 8 JAS. L. FARMER, 3> India St, Portland Institute and Pnblie l.ibrnry Brtet Jelling·. every citizen by securing their liberty under nASMACHUSBTTS. circle The allouai meeting of tbe Portiaud Insti- law. ENTERTAINMENTS. PKESS. The ladies of the High street cburcb BOSTON ITEMS. ALCTlOiN SALES. THE Presi- BY During gome remarks in to tbe offer attraction· to all who attend their tute was he.d yesterday afternoon,the TELEGRAPH opposition Boston, April superior bi'.l Mr. of in from 3.—Cbarles Lenox Remcnd of the dent John in the chair. Owing to Biggg Delaware, quoting (colored) has been APRIL 1871. fair at the Circle Booms in the rear Neal, Esq. TO THE DAILY PRESS. tbe Ku Klux of late appointed Inspector ia the at Auc- TUESDAY, 4, raeiubors portion Senator Sumner's Boston Custom House. Furniture, Carpets, Ac., See ad- their being but a few of the present speech on San him musk; hall. church on Wednesday and Thursday. Domingo, by mistake called The Boston Board of was not read. The the late Trade, after tion. vertisement in notices. the report of tha Director* Senator. Some gentleman asked what and several LOWELL & SIMMOND9 MANAOEBS. special XLlId OOHGBESB—Firit Session. he meant meetings lengthy discussions on the sub- Α Γ to Monday afternoon next by "late Senator" and Mr. Briggs re- 18 EXCHANGE ST. CITY AND The ladies of the Second Parish church give meeting adjourned that ject of the shipping interest, ONLY. SALESROOM, VICINITY plied he had made a but perhaps adopted to-day TUBBiS NIGHTS af- 4 when it is hoped that every Life mistake, the following a vote of 1 ># a fair and festival at the vestry Wedneslay at o'clock, the Republicans and resolutions, by 31 to 25: (>2.?;aet··»·, ΛΪΓ 4"'. A. M., we shall aell consider Mr. Sumner dead That the TI'EHDAV, WUD.KENDAV, & TBIIHi· *ck advertising patrons are member that can make it conve- intend to Resolved, construction of p.ji !°'<». Ulass and Ware, Monday morning 20th and 2lst and the From the report Librarian, X. B. shipowners Mr. under the tariff of duties upon foreign Stage, Cutlery, Kitchen?°" (Jrokery tent in on the 19th, insts., and merchants for the ereetion of a Hoar ol wished to without imports Furniture, &c. Saturday, (not Sunday.) Choate, whose term of office commenced asking Mass., say and upon articles of enter- on exhibition on and after May that the foreign production aprl-td F. Q. UA1LEV paintings will he one month less than a light-house oa the Jersey coast at Berwick question cnrpse had buried the under- » CO., Auctioneer». Tg^Free Religious Notices must be' sent in ai 1st, 1870—just year ago— taker. ing into the'r construction. IdAGfilR as the 15th at the studio on Free street. we learn that the has been for Bay. [Laughter.] That all articles of early Friday noon. inet., Library open Mr. Resolved, foreign product Three Houses uml Lots at of books and as Mr. Wilsou introduced a bill to the Biggs resuming said tbat Mr. Sumner Aucilou. We are informed Dr. French that a boy the delivery a free prohibit needed tor subsistence on board vessels by readiug reteution called tbe President the head of the Ku-Klux. engag- Thursday, April 6lh, a· 3 e'cl«>ck New room nine hours a for 283 clos- ofsoldiers'discharges by claim agents ol MITCHELL fm.wk »h«U Adverli«eiiiPnli'T«-Dfiy· on Fore day days, ed in trade or sailing or sell tlie one and a halt aged about ûfleeen years, residing being and Mr. Dawes wished to know whether that foreign repairing ON «tory house, 29 Montreal ed only on and The attorneys. or vessels should be allowed Supported by the house last. Snndays legal holidays. was the reason steamships sailiog brilliant street. Said contains 8 room», street died very euddenly on Saturday nuraher of Mr. Cole introduced a bill authorizing a lease whv Mr. Biggs would not help young Actor, goo^ closet* AUCTION COLUMN. aggregate volumes issued during tbe down to be withdrawn free of from the bonded aiid attic. Brick cellar. Plentv ot water on the when all of the l'raisedo reservation to Francisco put the Ku-Klux. dnly Hotel He seemed to be in his usual health period was 31.197 a of San warehouses. Mr. lot is a good woodshed and stable. Lot 10x86 leet. Property... .1. s. Webb. making daily average for a Mr. Wlfl. without 110 the public park. Biggs replied no; that the Democratic HARRIS Also the oae and a half stor? house, 27 Montreal at once he laid down and apparently issues; monthly average varies greatly, was not Resolved, Tbatall vessels ot foreign construc- entertainment column. Mr. Stewart ottered a resolution party only anxious to down tbe And a FULL street ; said house contains 7 rooms, had however, that of March more than 3500 directing pot tion or under a whloh be COMPANY of good closets, died. When the Dr. arrived the boy being the of the Ku-Klux but other foreign may pur- ot water. On the lot is a Old Folks Concert... Hall. pain against 1800 in 1870. The number ol Secretary Interior to inlorm the Sen- any fanaticism. They flag, &c; plenty good stable and .City June, ate were the of chased or owned by citizens of the United woodshed Lot 40x8C leet. borrowers was under what laws individuals and corpora- party law and order and he was as SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. expired. 5006, the number in any much States should be entitled to under the Eminent Aleo a bouse No 21 iu full largest lions are allowed to bold clos- opposed to the Ku-Klux as register Artists the two and halt stoiy Wa'uiK A bunch of beautiful Mayflowers one month being and the smallest 339. public lands and any member laws Metropolitan Removal... .Dr Da vela. 530, ing them to settlement. of tbe radical party. and protection of the flag of the United Tmniay Evening, April street; said house contain* leu rooms, good closen Seed Uizabeth on Sat- Besides life-members and subscribers States. 4th, and attics. Krick cellar. ot hard and sott Potatoes Kendall & Whitney. bloom was plucked at Cajv persons A bill the Plenty of almost have beeu admitted to the authorizing conveyance of the EVENING SESSION. The beautilul Domestic Drama, in 3act·, entitled water. Lot 40 χ H6 it. NEW ADVKRTI8KMKNT COLUMN. last. every age Mint at Resolved, That in making contracts for the This urday who tbe of the insti- building Dahlonega, Ga., to the trus- <\t the property is all situated in as pleasant and rooms, sought advantages tees of the eveuing session Messrs. Duke and foreign mail service ol the Un'ted States Proposals lor in Kennebec River. Schumacher Bros., iesue tomorrow a cata- North Georgia Agricultural Col- Winchester pref- healthy locations as there are in the and to any Dredging for the sake of reterence, study, or rec- made speeches against tbe bill,and erei.ce should be given to vessels owoed cit- names city, Proposals i »r Stone Pier, Kennebunk River. tutive lege was passed, and Mr. Sherman's resolution Mr. by LITTLE BAREFOOT. wishing to purchase a pleasant and quiet in of in their gallery, prepared by reation ; even children under fourteen years ol McKee addressed the Honse in defence of izens of the United Pale °ft"ere Proposais tor Removing Obstrucions Sulll7an logue paintings of instruction to the States; provided the De- u a most favorable op|>ortunity. have been Judiciary Committee was the southeru and in Maooik ΐ-'ίη?6' River. Mr. C. F. who remains age admitted, when tidily dressed, Bepublicans support of partment is satisfied that such service will be AMRY, The Little Barefoot,. Mitchell. fc£ ^ peremptory as the owner is to 'Davis, Superinten- taken up on which Mr. Blair was entitled to the bill. leave the o.'11State. going M. C. M. A L. F. Pingree. as the library law excluding them was constru- performed by them as well and at as low rates dent of the manufacturing the floor. Wednesday Ereaiaf, April &tk, Terms and Piclou Mining Co John L. department. ed as for his After spcecbes by Messrs. and Mc as easy made known at Hodgdon. by the Librarian intended protec- Mr. Vaughan by others. mrJUil sale. Allan Line... .Steamship Austrian. Wm. No. 11 has Blair quoted from the debates in Con- and in lavoi It K. o. B ULKY & Allen, Exchange street, tion, ratber than to limit the usefulness of the Henry against, Beattv of the bill* was voted to send a of the Maggie Mitchell's celebrated Play, called the CO Au.t'ra. Lost... .Check. gress when tbe 14th amendment was under copy resolutions received a lot of of fresh This class has outnumbered the Bouse adjourned. to each member of Lost... .Veil. just maple candy from library. largely to show the Congress. Farm at tbe to tbe care ol consideration, construction placed Auction. M.L. A A. Cusblng. the woods, and a most delicious which regular subscribers, adding it its authors and SUICIDE. 50 Jones. article, wear tear upon by supporters, and PEARL OF acres, mote or ot the la- Tenante Wanted... .H.A. the officers, and increasing the and SAVOY, alab leas, Zitkov. he is at a low and which is held that it was laid down at the time CONNECTICUT ELECTION. Worcester. April 3.—John Elder larm. In Union Hotel. ...L. B. F. selling price, going of the books, but their demeanor has been quiet plainly of Keeler,'69 years the Windham, wlih that the only power of legislation which Con- age, attempted to kill himself in this Or a Mother's buildings thereon. off quickly. "Children for it." and have been very studious. city Prayer. A 17. m. District Court. cry they generally held under it was to to-day by a MO that when we gress prevent any viola- shooting pistol ball into bis brain. 3 The Rev. Tbe librarian think· consider He uow the Mowing Machines, JUDGE FOX PRESIDING. Mr. Moulton, former pastor of Cas- tions of its provisions. Under color of State is living but cannot survive MARIE, Pearl, Maggie Mitchell how many seek tbe library it is important it is long. 1 Two Horse Wagon, co street was in law tbe measure which was now was Marshall Jewell Elected Governor. 1 Monday.—Francis Dennison, assignee in bank- church, the city yesterday. that tbe reading matter should be well select- proposed Thursday Eveaing, April 6lli, Baggage Wagon, an assumption of the power of Congress to 1 Baggage ruptcy ot Daniel Hanscom, petitioner for disallow- Our old lriend Joshua Dunn, Esq., is to re- ed. During the past mar 1035 volumes have CALIFORNIA. Maggie Mitchell*» Great Wagon, new, punish the violation of State law. Tbe design Specialty, 1 Jersey Bull, ance of the claim ot Brown Brothers & Barton ceive a under the late act of been added to the Library, 619 by gill and 416 MOB PROHIBITION. pension Congress, of this legislation was to carry out the designs The Ox Wheel#, Wheel Rakes,&c„ the estate of said by purchase. Of the donors 325 volumes were Congressional San 3.—A On the A pi II at against bankrupt. Hearing In for his services in the war of 1812, in which he of that remorseless set ot scoundiels, "carpet- Oelega- Francisco, April party of row- premises, Saturday. 8th, 1871, lea bestowed by Hon. Joseph Howard,117 by Hon. dies arrested a drunken Indian at FANOHOm! oVIocka. m. JOHN O. W1NSHIP, Auctioneer. progress. to his baggers" and their aiders and abettors, and Visalia last fought, bled and—run so well—according John Lynch, 49 by Mrs. P. G. S. Ten Broeck. tion and him until OLIVER POPE. W. C. Crosby. continno Gen. Grant in power. It tinchanged. night hanged he confessed thai own account. Glad of his remuneration 29 Miss S. M. Cummings, 45 John Neal, perpetually THE CRICKET. Windham, March 31st, 1871. ap3*lwdAw just by by was a coarse for the the be obtained bis liquor trom a whc 28 the American Unitarian 22 very easy men whom Chinaman, Muperior Court· in this by Association, South had was seized and choked with hit FANCHON, MACOIE MITCHELL. respect. Prof. H. W. repudiated to manufacture stories immediately by Brown Thurston, 16 by Long- Both and was Hotel at Public Auction. GODDARD, J., PRESIDING. of outrages to further their efforts to back Branches of the cue, only saved from being bung : WFor lull particulrrs see Property Mr. J. G. Cloud man has just finished at his fellow, 21 by John A. S. Daua.ll by Mrs. Wm. get Legislature by Programmes. The ot into power. The system of tbe rally of a better class of citizens who were just be sold at North Brldgton, commencing following assignments Jury trials has been studio on a fine in J. 8 the U. S. War 5 government Orcbeftra SI Exchange street, portrait Tbom, by Department, by under which the South is ruled is tbe Republican. in time to save his life. Chairs, ; Parqaett, 75 cents: Admis- WILLTuctday, April 11,1871, al ten o'clock made by tho judge lor the week : Dr. H. T. 0 Hon. Hamilton disgrace sion, 50 cents. ▲ m., and continu» until ail the Hôte oil of a little of Mr. Cummings, by of our Hot weather continues. is sold, son, lately deceased, age. This carpet bag system is perfect- The Yo Semito trail Sale ol seats commence at known as the TUESDAY, APRIL 4. Visit, and tbe remainder by others in donations Hawea & Cragin's Sat- Wyomegoniic House, together It is said to be a remarka- ly infamous, by which adventurers is open, and parties are into the 1st. with the Washington Libby. ol 4 oue Tbe strangers, going valley. uiday morning, April mr;W.—Buineil wholly portrait they are. The projects of tbe radical year. Twenty-one towns in Fair and Festival. Long Sebago Lake navigation* and al. vs. Wilson and als. 3L party New Haven MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. connected the P. & Ο. Η. without but a cast to work fiom. are so that must be county show a of 831 for by ft. with Portland, ruak- }55.—Gunnison vs.Thornton and al. anything Tlio committee the of books alarming something done. gain lug one ot the most upou purchase Tbe are Jewell over last He is Ladies of tlie Second Parish Church will hold desirable routes in the country 206.—Ward vs. Stuart. 1C will be seen reference to the Librari- people clamoring for revenue reform year. probably elected. Cincinnati, April 3.—Cincinnati elects for the and at the by recommended scientific and works of reference a Fair and Festival at their Wednes- tourist; centre ot the route from '^96.—White and als. vs. and a red'ictiou ot which Kendrick, Democrat, for in Uie 2d Davis, Republican, mayor about 2000 ma- THE Vestry, the O. T. to Tcague. be in to others.— taxes, by millions Congress, by the P. & Ο. K. R. via three vs. an's report at the library meeting that the sub- should purchased preference is and Cleveland Afternoon Bridgtou 3T2.—Gilbert Hoyt and ais. are wrung from them for the benefit of the district, probably elected by a small majority. jority Pelton, Republican by day nnd Evening, April 5th. miles trcm Bridgton Centre,1J troiu Harrison vs. Among those purchased— souie of which have village, 291.—Weutfvortli, compl't, Merrill. scriptions and fines amounted to $880.47, while are 1500 majority. The Democrats elect Useful and articles for alio Ice Creams and 5 miles trom Watertord. Also within been mentioned in the Pbess—were plunderers. They searching very closely Hautfohd, April 3.—Avon gives 110 for the.mayor fancy sale; live min- APRIL 5. alieady iito the and of Sandusky by 63 The and refreshments of all kinds. utes' walk of Steamboat WRDNESDAR, the Treasurer's report makes the m $971.(54. corruptions venality of the radi- Jewell, 96 lor English ; Berlin, Jewell majority. Republicans landing, Church, Academy, tbe concluding volumes of Alliboue's Diction- 234, Admission tree. Post Office and Stores; all a and al. vs. Willard. cal party. The rank and file are carry Wooster, Alliance, Massilon, and Come one, come all. making good location 223.—Relloy The difference of $91.17 is to the fact of Barlow & on Manu- falling away English 224; Blooinfield, Jewell 114, English Elyra for summer boarders and students. 282.—True and ala. vs. Currier. owing ary Authors, Babbage from aud Akron, and the Democrats Canton and Lima. Apr3-td House two it, something desperate must be re- 184; Bristol, Jewell 373, English stories and 295.—H rank I in vs. McDonald. that Mr.Choate was not librarian factures and Machinery, Cressey's Encyclo- 432; Canton, The Democrats Toledo high, large commodious, and good stable, during April, sorted to to save it. Alluding to the recon- English East Jewell carry by 2300 majority, cistern aud well water in abundance. 300. vs. Roberts and Trs. of Civil Jobusou's Jewell270, 186; Hartford, THE All in good -Quinby setved but eleveu months. pedia Engineering, Physi- struction acts, Mr. Blair «aid that whenever East repair. 312.—Lord vs. Stuart. 1870, having cal Atlas in four folio volumes. 333, English 301; Windsor, Jewell 218, Mu.ipratt's the an TBLKUIIAPHII) ITEMS. For terms ot sale and list ot see 301.—Groves vs. We learn that Messrs. Benson and Supreme Court had opportunity to pass English 197; Enfield, Jewell 422, articles, posters. compl't, Puringtou. Clement, Cliemifctry. Nicbol's Cyclopedia of Natural English 313; βΓ"1Ι sale to take upon any question connected with them it had Farming ton. Jewell 231, A Washington dispatch says government Ancient stormy, place next tair day. THURSDAY, APRIL G. Goodridge have bonght a fine built Science, Stephens book oi the farm, and oth- English 209; Oranby, Harmony Society S. F. sloop yasht invariably pronounced them Jewell 182, English 170; New Jewell will send two vessels to the fishing grounds PKRRY, 253.—Bradbury vs, Stiinpvon and als. and Trs. ers of a similar character. The popular clam- unconstitutional, BritaiD, Will repeat bv special request Ibe J.W. PERRY, the past year by Joseph W.Dyer, Esq., and and Congress, knowing that were uncon- 934, English 792; Jewell this summer for the protection of American 272.—Richardson vs. Portland Publishing Co. or has been for fiction. A large number of they Plainville, 174, Eng- JOS. W. PERRY. are her fitted in stitutional passed an act to prevent tbe Su- lish 101; Hill, Jewell citizens. North 3j8.—Long vs. Woodman and al. having np elegant style, with novels comprising mainly tbe earlier writings Rocky 103, English 87; Bridgton, April 3,1871. preme Court from its re- Simsbury, Jewell 179, 158 The weather ap4tt&std 1. S. Auctioneer. FRIDAY, APRIL 7. Bleeping accommodations for four in the cabin, of Wilkie Collins, Anthony Trollope, Mrs. passing directly upon English ; Southing- reports icceived at Washington OLD FOLKS WEBB, construction measures. He said the Demo- ton, Jewell 361, English 395; South yesterday are the foundation for the 249.—Stevenson vs. Com. Ins. Co. which will be finished in black Trollope.'Mrs. Oliphant, many of whose works Windsor, prediction handsomely cratic party while it believed tbe acts to be un- Jewell 153, English Jewell that weather will 250.—Hambien vs. Same. were ou tbe shelves, have been pur- 211; Suffield, 327, cloudy on Tuesday be expe- Sale walnut. Tbo is about the of the already constitutional did not as had English West of Forfeited Goods. 269.—Crockett vs. Crockett. yacht tonnage chased. The librarian thinks that standard intend, been 331; Hartford, Jewell 173, Eng- rienced trom Pennsylvania to the to Mississippi CONCERT and al. vs. "Alarm" and a charged, overthrow them by force. The lish 117; Weathersfield, Jewell with t 276.—Tyler Bruce and al. will be decided addition to the authors complete works should be secured 272, English Valley, threatening and rainy weather in Collector's Office, ) 277.—McLaughlin and al. vs. same. only measures which tbe Democratic 192; Windfor, Jewell 227, English Wind- New York and the District of Portland & yacht fleet. rather than those publications that enjoy a party 269; Eastern States. Falmouth, } 307.—Fogg aam'x, vs. Fogg. would resort to were constitutional measures. sor Locks, 35 for Portland. March 1871. brief popularity without possessing any litera- majority English. Strong, Next 25, > We mentioned some time ago that the Odd Mr. Scott here interposed and from Rep., is elected to Congress in tbe 1st district. Thursday Evening, following described merchandise been merit. few of the last class have quoted torteited having City Affair·. Fellows would celebrate their 52nd ry Very the "Brodbead letter" of Mr. Blair thai COMMERCIAL, THE lor violation ot the Revenue Laws ot this anniversary been those novels have tbe Nobwich, April 3.—As far as heard from April 6th) United purchased although President elect should of States, public notice ot the seizure of said, -LUO lOgUlitl UlUUtUI) IXICCUU^ UI 1)11(3 Dumu on tbe 26th of this month. The dispose the carpet-bag this district Jewell about the same ma- merchandise programme been procured for which there was a great gives Keeelpi· by Kailraada and having been given, and no claim te the governments by force. Hteamboalt, Α Φ Ρ ■ Φ V TT All · same ot Mayor and Aldermen was beld last evening. will include demand. Fiction is demanded more than all jority as last year. Starkweather, for Con- having been madeitwill be sold at public auc- probably a procession and a hall Mr. Blair said he was not Portland « Kknnebeo Railboad—114 AJh M. at ni lia Λίαββοι nf litprnliirp mmhinprl aav in the Democratic has about 1500 pkg! VIA JL tion, the office of the United States 198 Jurors—John Ambroee gress, majority. Norwich gives 4 cars JL1 XX 11 JU Appraiser, Blake, Giddings, at the City Hall in tbe party and the Democrat was not Mr. mdse, shingles, 3 do box shcoks, 1 do hoop>, 1 Forei street, in this city, on Baker evening. the of seventy cent.; next party Jewell 1501, English 1242; New Jew- do do H. H. Wednesday, April 1»» Jobu Gilkey, George aud E. Russell pioponioD per and he the London, bbls, i goods, 21 bbls beans, 41 od bbls Tickets 25 cts. SoliI at A. D. 1871, at II o'clock A. to wit: Officer J. B. Gribbcn arrested a fellow Blair, repeated Démocratie ell Χ'· paru irolffht W Rmtnn the u«nal M„ Barbour were drawn for by comes "Juvenile than voyages party 729, English 732; Lebanon, Jewell for Reserved places. Tickets β bottles 1 doz. asltraverse iarors the Literature; never threatened use nvpr- 250,Eng- Seat* 35 ct·. 1275cigars; brandy: 5 yds. to violent means to lish Jewell Music Sold at W. Q. razors; term of tbe the name of Thomas after- aud Travels followed by and Histo- 129; Bozrab, 102, English East G baud Stoie. Twumbl)'. Λ--J J ΚΛΠ. TLMCljU UltCl KUSUUl 11)3. April Supreme Judicial Court. Murphy yesterday Biography turow ttie unconstitutional acts of 82; |Tbunk Railway—199 cans milk, 40( J ΐμΜίΟΟ from Neither Burke or Bacrn have been called Congress. Lyme, Jewell 141, English bbls. 1 cat 1 l)uors open at 6.30. woolen yarn; 14 doz. prs. 15 lbs. solo Proposition tbe heirs of the late Joseph noon for tbe larceny of a coat containing some ry. Blair had believed and did believe 136; Woodstock, flour, paper, H. H. goods, 2 do potatoes. Concert at 8 o'clock. stockings; the room. He, that the Jewell 1 do 3 do 2 ap4td 1 shawl. Tbaxter, offering to of all their for or read at Of Addison, Cole- 390; English 166; Stonington, Jewell Intbs, oats, do beef, 1 do seed, 2 do peas, 2 leather; paisley dispose right vKiuuuiv xuu cum uciuukcu ιυ u car- President having taken au oath to the ISRAEL pujitrs. and Mrs. Jameson two volumes each support oxu| Îiugiiou uwu) uvv»l>li| OO won OU do liay, 2 do sundries; East, 800 bbls flour WASHBURN, Jr., and title to the property on Market square to ridge coDStitntion should to W, XiDgllSD j Shipments stand that oath, whether Jewell I ; to 2 OLD mr25aprl,8 Collector. the for the sum of $2000 was referred to penter who while be was at work bung it up have been taken. Of DeQuincy and Carlyle on- Putnam, 324, English 140; Voluntown, carjeundriee Shipments Europe, cars seed,S de FOLKS' city against Congress or against individuals, for he Jewell peas, 2 cars provisions. the Committee on Claim?. and went and it. When be re- ly four or five volumes. Hawthorne has been 120, English 85; Hampton, Jewell 122, away forget believed Congress in violating the const:tution Main· Central Government A communication was received from the much read. The author for wbom there has English 74; Sterling, Jewell 111, English 73; Railway—197 cnscs mdse,70 Sale. turned the coat was missing. was no more than a mob. He has said that Mis dowels. 30 bdls 20 beams Solicitor in relation to tbe been tbe most unvarying demand is Griswold, Jewell 248, Enelish handles, of yarn, 2( UK undersigned will offer lor sale at public auc·· City Valuation Irving. the army should be made to undo its work of 154; Thompson, pkgs sundries. Commissioner elected last Λ drunken woman who committed a distur- among has had one faithful Jewell 309, English 148; Jewell Τ tlon, on the premises in Cornish, York County year. Tbe Solicitor Grot», historians, and he ?aid so now. Mr. Blair Franklin, 84, CONCERT ! Fronde has had most usurpation then Jewell Steameb Montreal from Boston—16 bbls. Maine, on the IIth day ot Julv 1871, at ten o'clock is of opinion that, as tbe matter was not com- bance on Commercial street was picked up by reader. the while Ban- reviewed English 73; Windham, 460, English at length the situation of affairs in Jewell phosphate ot lime, 60 boxes cheese, 20 firkins butter, A.m, a tract ot land acquired by the United States pleted last year, there is to tbe the croft's series ia rarely broken by the absence of 301; Plainfield, 317; English 195; Sa- 3 hhds. nothing prevent police yesterday afternoon put in a cart and North Carolina under Gov. Holden's adminis- Jewell molasses, 40 bag· oyitjrs, 5 bdls gas pipe, 26 Newbury Street Church Cboir *ill Irorn John Jamesou, late Additional Paymaster If. Council from in tbe matter a volume from the shelf. Willi*' of lem, 83, English 78; North do 49 Concert at their §ive a City proceeding as History tration, which he condemned in unmeasured Stonington, iron, kegs lead, 10 do soda, 4 stores and ware, Church, on S. A, and containing eighty-six actes, being the farm as conveyed to the station. Portland is the most book in Jewell 240, 15 bbls. ITbe see Placed ou file and or- popular those al- English 157; Lisbon, Jewell 61, rum,.35 hhds. 15 dressed and homestead oi said Jameson. they may proper. terms, and proceeded farther to comment se- sngar, hogs, 25 colla dered to be sent down. Ahorse to a Mr. milk coves. are left to undisturbed English 66; Preston, Jewell coidage, 3 sewing 20 bbls Terms: One-third balance in one and two belonging Noyes, Tlie|poeti enjoy verely on the of the South Carolina 185, English 259; machinas, oranges, 42 pkga Thursday Even inn, April Cash, A in their well shaded retreats such neutrality Colchester, Jewell lurniture, 1 wagon, CO 12 4 casks Gtfc, 1871. years with note and communication was received from II. VV. on tbe took on Fed- quiet except at 262, English 265; Sprague, churns, trunks, oil, interest, mortgsge. dealer, residing hill, Irigbt Legislature, quoting length from Republi- Jewell II empty beer 120 to For further at or Hersey, Esq., Treasurer and as the poetic frenzy may have driven to dra- 77, English 161; Ola Lyme, Jewell 117, barrels, pkgs order. For Cana- particulars enquire mis office ot Collector, stating eral street to a can papers to support his statemeuts. da and up country, 58 bdls 7 bales ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. Nathan U. S. Maine. that be bad appointed Arthur M. yesterday afternoon, owing matic writing. Woe to such unfortunates so English 129; Waterford, Jewell 193, English steel, rags, 22 bbls Webb, Attorney, Portland, Sawyer Dep- Mr. Sherman admitted tbat the Legislature phosphate ot lime, 1 ton pi* iron, 11 bdls IS EVEKETT C. BAN Collector and wheel of tbe wagon coming wbicb out often as the dispenses its charities.— 215; Ledyard, Jewell 180, English leather, FIELD, uty submitting his bond. Tbe off, spilt public of South Carolina had behaved 160; Lyme, pkgs machinery, 1 hhd molasses, 9 bdls steel, β bales I Solicitor ot the Treasury. bond was Then are to be down ehamefully, Jewell 132, English Jewell 50 S approved. tbe driver,and the last «een of that boree be they pnlled by hands, and be would ask the Senator what 104; Brooklyn, 190, cotton, green hides, 10 bdls paper, 100 pkgs to or- ANTIQUARIAN UPPER Washington, D. C., March '.'β,1871. mr29Wlaw4in A and and remedy he English Jewell der. communication was received from the As- was ungentle,globed ungloved, to for it. Did 115; Kellingby, 493, English turning up India streot at a 2.40 pace. proposed be favor general amnes- at the close sessors the passage of an ordi- gentleβ put up in strange and left, 324; Eastford, Jewell 122, English 80; Ashlord, Steameb Chesafeabe from ot the Concert. recommending Tbe borse is about four companionship ty? Because if he did he (Sherman) would Jewell New Yobk— U. K. HUNT, nance who intends years old and valued at as their heads. 137, English 153. 118 bales rags, 4 do wool, 11 requiring every person to likely otherwise, standing upon agree. Did he to take the bags cocoanuts, 30 bag! Doors a a probably propose 157 do 10 do open at Concert build to tile plan of the proposed thousand dollars. Several changes have been made tbe past SECOND DISPATCH. apples, seed, rice, 1255 hr cheats 280 7, to~commence at 8 Oommiaaion Merchant and building. suffrage from the negroes? Because if he did boxes and 35 mats 13 tea, o'clock, Aaotioneer Also a communication certain recom- and others needed. The Public Docu- do, hhds tobacco. 7 tes 8 apC-4t making Λ fine spring day yesterday. The thermome- year that would be a lor but if the New 3.—A. B. 30 do, pi- in subject debate; Haven, April Woodward, anos, boxes cheese, 109 do soap, 25 do 30 do mendations tbe matter of a new valuation. ments have been removed to another room and is sugar, O. 316 Congress st., will stll every eveniog ter indicated 44° at 10 a. m., and 55 at 3 p. m. Senator proposed no remedy he bad certainly Republican, elected Senator over E. A. tobacco, 60 do starch, 171 do lead, 12 largo Are It] Both communications were referred to a joint arranged in order. The Reviews have been 10 brick, XI large assortment ot Staple and Fancy Uoods. no right to bring these matters in here. Woodward, Democrat, in the 12th district boiler tubes, 65 bdls paper, 18 do 10 do of Easter Sunday falls this year on the 9th of takeu from the where were by leather, Goods will be sold during the in lots to sui special committee, consisting Aldermen lower.shelves they Mr. Blair said he bad to about 100 carpeting*. 100 kegs soda, 7 bbls 11 do Ν 3 day do it. He had a majority. The figures in the Palla- tripe, W, at wholesale Cash advanced on tu Winsbip and McCarthy on tbe part of this the of Lee's surrender. much exposed to injury and put where more do varnish, 2 do oysters, 20 do 1 Saturday IHrcliasers prices. April, anniversary right to arraign this body for dowu dium office give Kellogg about 75 syrup, head light, 3 Niglit of not limited. Board. accessible. Tbe bound volumes of newspapers striking majority. casks paint, 1 do clay, 1 do 500 utscriptious goods. Consignments Yesterday was the 88th anniversary of the the very vital principle of tree for Returns to the Palladium show Jewell's glass, pkgs sundries. February llt 1868. dtl Peimission was granted Edward Waite to have been removed because people injured government; Promenade Concert / birth of destroying local Belt-government. election by about 500 and erect two wooden on Smith street. Washington Irving. them by employing them as a foot-stool. majority, Kellogg's New Werk Ntack a·* Msaer buildings Mr. Sawyer corroborated the statement of election to Congress by 9 mark··. Communication from Moses Gould et in All who have books, magazines, or news- Tbe subscriptions the past eleven months majority. NEW Yobk, April 3 — als., Mr. Sherman. Every one voted in South Car- The followingis the vote for Qovernor in the Morning,— Gold opened LANCASTER relation to a central and ask- amounted to $768,00, tbe fines to $112.47 mak- at HOD. Money at 4 per cent. The HALL, passenger depot papers, which tbey do not need, would encour- olina; and Mr. said there were not towns of New Haven and Sterling Exchange next ot the coarse will jy je w a total Sawyer Middlesex 1093 @ take place ing for a committee from the Council to be ing of $880.47. over counties; 1101. City and a 2500 in the State debarred from New Haven Jewell The are with read. The and Al- age promote worthy object by sending holding county—New Haven, 3720, following the forenoon quotations of South- Saturday Evening:, joined them,was Mayor From the Treasure's report, Mr. J. W. Sy- office the 14th amendment. The ern : April 8th. them to tbe room of the by position of English 5267; Bethany, Jewell 82, States securities Tickets 50 cts. dermen Senter, Merrill and; King were ap- reading Portland Fra- English No Dancing to commence at 8 monds, we get the summary for the the Democratic party in South Carolina was 145; Branford, Jewell 205, Che- Tennessee 6's postponement. o'clock. on the part of this with such as 3531-2 street. following English 332; 66 mr9ft pointed Board, ternity,^. Congress such that no considérable number woald ac- shire, Jewell 233, Tennessee new the Common Council year ending April 2d, 1871. English 216; Derby, Jewell 6e, 651 ICE COMPANY. may join. Tbe reading room of the Portland fraternity cept the proffer of office. They were influenc- 652, English 625; East Jewell Virginia 6's 73Î Tbe of W. H. H. as TOTAL· RECEIPTS. Haven, 295, Eng- resignation Loring po- ed by the attitude of the Democratic in lish 226; Jewell Virginia 69, new Ι.,Α. R. A. was presents a very cozy appearance, and party Guiltord, 309, English 249; 731 liceman received and accepted, and ihe already Balance la April 2, (174 5G MiBSOUri6s / The a of Treasury 1870, the North aud the Brodbead letter to reluso of- Hamden, Jewell 201, English 311; 82| THE subscribers having secured stock Mayor nominated Clement P. Blake to fill the contains quite a collection of books, newspap- Keceived tor Lite Membership 50 00 fice for Madison, Louisiana (is, old ·' sentiment of Mr. Blair for principles. 233, English 217. 69| vacancy. The Board confirmed the nomina- frnm City of Portland 1000 00 Alabama 8s 102 ers, and magazines. The floor is carpeted,and " " Mr. Sawyer—Sentiment. tion. anni'l subscriptions and floes, 97t 64 Hartford, April 3.—One hundred and seven Georgia 6s 82 I Irish American several Mr. It was and North Relief Association engravings adorn the walls. Catalogues 6 78 Blair—Principles. principles, towns give a net pain for Jewell of 186 over Carolina 0's, new 262 A. A Howe was appointed was special police- he glad the Democratic party adhered to last North Carolina 6s, old WILL GIVE PURE man without Mr. Froncis was admitted a member year. Strong, Rep., is elected to 46) THEIR pay. Murphy 98 in ot the loaves and Congress South Carolina old ICE, $2202 principle spite fishes. He in the 1st and Starkweather in the 6s, 72 Communication from the of Chestnnt street M. on 3d district. South are City Assessors, E. cburcli, Sunday TOTAL· EXPENDIIUKES. was glad the Democratic party refused to Carolina 6s, new 61J EIGHTH prepared 10 fnmlja stating that bad Mr. H. H. Kendrick, Dem., will be elected GRAND they appointed morning last. Boole $387 87 share the plunder with the carpet baggers.— probably to New Yobk, April 3—Evening.—Gold closed firm Rich Assistant Assessor in tbe 2d in Periodicals Congress in the 2d and in and at I Ward, A 1(1904 Mr. Blair continued in bis review of the condi- Baruum, Dem., the steady 110)@ lOj, sales by the Treasury dur- Hotels, or F. B. who declined welcome feature in tbe exercises of tbe Furniture 11 4th district. The State is the current Families, Stores,\anri ·» Streets, Bridges to cause tbe tor from Massachusetts—Mr. Sumnnr With- English 4516; Portland county, Jewell 2003, day heavv Vn»A Vmt t-11 eeribers for the arrest of the person who, in tbe inarieu ueciine on lavorlte τ»—J necessary repairs to be made in tbe sidewalk brook, vu entered and a lot of securities stol- out Mr. Blair gave way and tbe English 1700; Total vote, Jewell 45,789, Eng- shares. Increased actiT- concluding ■»u and the failure ot D H. ou India street was referred to tbe Committee ! several Atlantic & St. Lawrence name of Cogia Hassan, our Trade Mark, Seuate went into executive session and then iu,vi>, uewen s maturity, 110. Towns >^,1"· jnoney Secretary Bouiwell CHANDLER, Prompte». en, including to fulfil popular expectation· in his on Streets, &c. swindled the of 30th. adjourned. to hear from; Darien, April operation·, Refreshments served in the Ante Rooms Railroad bonds and five coupons cut from a people Brunswick,Match Columbia, Hebroo, are the reasons assigned lor the decline. by Reed. Λ communication was received from tbe City HOUSE. Union, Warren and Ilartland. These towns The Geo. C. Robinson & Co., following were the closing quotations: Floor Director, James E. Marsha1!. Engineer transmitting a profile of the grade of bond issued by this city. It will also be re- voting an last year, Jewell's will Thb House met at 11 o'clock this majority Western Union Co ·ηι Aids: R. H. Parker; John Luit·; Ε. II- from to Portland street. Prorietors of tLe Cogia Hassau Store. morning. be 104. is Telegraph Coleman; High street, Congress membered tbat in February, 1870, a broker in Mr. of .New alluded to the Kellogg, Republican, elected in the Pacific Mau Ε J. Lisk; T. B. Sheehan; Β. K. Max- Laid tbe table for the Roosevelt, York, 2d district 20 ..ι;....;.;.;..;;;; «J McDouough, upon present. New York sent tbe Eastern Com- laudation of tbe by majority. The Senate will Ν. Y. Central and Hudsou River consolidated. ime Paquet; F. Ο. Riely. by Express A Pleasant Suburban about frequent negro for their devo- stand 13 ! Ml An order was passed for tbe of Residence, tion Republicans to 8 Democrats. The Ν Central & Hudson River consolidated fST" Clothing checked free. apCtJ appointment to a broker in tbis tbree Atlantic & to tbe Union, and said tbe fact was that scrip. 914 a committee oa new wooden buildings. Messrs. pany city minutes ride from to sell House is Republican by a small twenty City Hal), during the rebellion they indirectly did all majority. Erie Simonton aud Senter were appointed. St. Lawrence bonds, one of tbe denomination New Acril preferred 42* King, or exchange for a house in town. Thirteen they could towards breaking up the Union by York, 3.—The Times' Connecti- Harlem. EMERALDS* A committee on water and hydrants was or- others wbicb cut .128 of $1000 and tbe of $500 eacb, and convenient for feeding tbe armies opposed to tbe Government special says that the Republicans have Beading dered. Messrs. King and Senter were rooms, light airy; very and gained five members in 103] appoint- to be the stolen bonds. About tbe same in tbe erection of defensive works. He the Legislature. Michigan Central 121 run ed with such as the Common Council proved one or two with a may· families, Sebago water, large opposed tbe bill, that it would break Lake Shore & Southern time that the hou«e of Mr. Longfellow was en- saying Michigan 9t>2 join. stable, good yard rcom, peveral fruit trees and down all State authority, create a new class of Illinois Central 134 A. harbor committee was ordered to be tered the residence of Mr. J. M. Kimball in b^oreign. Cleveland & ap- bushes. Three minutes walk from the Roch- offences, sweep away the safeguard of law, Pittsburg 113± Messrs. Merrill and Senter were Chicago & North Western Grand Hall f pointed. ap- this city was robbed, and it happened tbat namely, the habeas corpus, and try and Pre ■«* 87 EILIiXIDFt on the of this Board. ester and fen from the Ogdensburg railroad punish Chicago & North Western 95 pointed part men drum-bead court martial instead of preferred OF tbe articles stolsn was a wallet by by MARRSHL ll'MABOS RESTORED. Chicago Λ Rock Island AT Fonr ballots were bad for a Chairman of the among belong- stations, near churches and school.'. Address due of law. What 113 process may be done in tbe March Pittsburg & Fort Wayne Board resulting in no election. The votes ing to Mi. Gage, of tbe firm of Strout & Gage. be done in his London, 3.—Marshal McMahon lias 99 Weiitbrook, at the Press Office. tf. Soutlvniay own State, and this been were divided the members. Mr. Mc- appointed Commander-in-Chief of the FLUENT HALL. among Last week a pocket-book was found in the at the discretion of the President. Domestic on one French army. The commune has issued a lYlarkem. & Iron ! Carthy ballot received three votes. Five minutes befoie this a Ob the 01 vault at tbe Commercial House wbich con- Carriages of all kind:, new and iecond noon, being con- couched in the New York, April 3.—Cotton Ev.nlng Stillingia An order for Commercial from proclamation following lang- heavy ; sales 7338 paving street, tinuation of tbe recess from Saturday, the bales; Middling uplands 15}c. State street to tbe west end of the Keunebec tained five coupons cut from a city bond which hand can be bought for the next thirty days at uage: State and Flour—sales *000 bbls: House adjourned till noou. Western steady; State 6 00 7 Easter '7 "Attacked the Versailles we Ohio 6 ® 15; Round Monday, Apr. 10, /.! depot, with cobble stone, at an estimated ex- to be tbe same coupons which were very low at 13 and 16 Exchange street, called the by government hoop 70 @ 7 35 ; Western 6 00 7 proved prices, The Speaker House tn order at a 6 @ 55 ; South- of was tabled. bave mission to protect the city and count ern 90 @ 900. Wheat—sales pense 814,062, stolen from Mr. were re- as Mr. is the business ou ac- noon, and after by the and 35,000 bush.; White FLOOR The Great American Blood Purifier! LoDgfellow. They Taylor giving up prayer Chaplain the aid of citizens." State 1 80@2 Amber Western 1 DIRECTOR, PETEH O'CoKNoit. Aid. McCarthy called lrom tbe table tbe or- of tbe of upon 02; 60 @ 1 66 ; Whir* were of ill Call and see him. reading journal Saturday the House 1 70. Corn and der the Treasurer not to stored to tbe family and redeemed by the count health. RADIDALISM OF THE Michigan heavy lower; sales 41,000 Aids, instructing City pay resumed tbe consideration of the bill to en- COMMUNE. bush. New ; Mixed Western 80 @ 83c. Oats firmer. E. Brady, M any salaries voted by the School Committee to City Treasurer yesterday. Iwmai31 Ohio and Cunningham, force tbe provisions of the 15th Amendment. The Paris commune have issued a decree ar- Western 67@ 72ic. Pork New Peter Creaj?an. A. Composed of Stillingia( Queen's Root) tneir executive committee, and moved that it Mess dull; McMulion, We learn from Mr. Cram, the proprietor of Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts, said the debate raigning Thiers, Favre.Vicard, Dufaure, Sim- 21 00; prime 18 00 @ 18 50. Lard at 11 @ 12c. J.Crowley, M. Frost Weed, Ash Yel· be referred to tbe Committee ou Public In- Use nothing but the Lightning Polish for Butter Ohio 12 Cullinan, Prickly Berries, bad been progressing for nearly a and on and Pothuan before a tribunal of and steady ; @ 20c ; State 20 @ 4Cc. Whis- M.Davis, P.C.Davis, low which was done. the Commercial House, since writing tbe week, people Western A. Lark Dock Root, Pipsissewa, Man- struction, cleaning Silver and Silver-Plated Goods, Brit- his in was to ask tbe key steady; Iree 92c. Rice quiet; Caro- H, in, John object rising gentleman ordering their properties seized. A nother de- lina 8é. Keeuan, Tbe Committee on Drains and Sewers were above, that the coupons were not fished out of 8i @ Sugar firm ; Muscovado 9| @ 9Jc ; fair A. P. Jennings. drake, Cardamon Seeds, 4c., and Glass. Manufactur- having charge of the bill whether he could not cree pronounces the separation of church and to to consider the annia, Brass, Copper good refining 'J'a9|c. Naval Tur- combined with directed expediency of giving the vault of that as the vault has not some Stores—Spirits TICKETS, $1 AO, admitting tient and ladies. Mu- Iron in its hotel, 111 Ex- indicate time when the discussion should State, suppresses religious bodies and abolish- pentine firm at 52c. Rosin at 2 a notice before ed by N. D. Stevens, silver plater, quiet 65(5)2674. sicjby Band. check- preliminary establishing any close so that the House could es Raymond's Quadrille Clothing purest form. been cleaned since last July. He says tbat proceed to the national property. Petroleum steady ; crude 13Jc ; refined 23Jcc. Tallow edlree. 1 drains or sewers under the new law. change St., Room 5. It gives them inïtantly a details of tbe bill. steady at 9c. Apr3-dtl Cuba. 8J @ As an Order» the on Mr. who found them in a pile of ma- alterative or blood purifier, this Passed—Directing committeo Jordan, beautiful without to the most Mr. said there was Freights to Liverpool Cotton pre- polish injury rorter,'of Virginia, thirty LIGHTHOUSE moderate·y active; paration Is far superior to or laying out new streets to enquire the expense nure which be un his farm, does not RESTORED. 5-16@3-8d. Wheat 5J@6id. Sarsapariila any spread delicate surface. If satisfactiou is not given Republican members from tbe Southern States other medicine or combination of medicine· uf revising the grade of Newbury fix- 3.—The at New street; know what vault he took the pocket-book from. and thus far only three of them had been beard Havana, April lighthouse Cape York, April 3.—Cattle known to the medical profession. It permeate· the ol licenses for circuses at the will be refunded. tf was for the market.—Receipts ing price $40; money in favor of tbe hill. Gentlemen distant from Cruz, which destroyed by insurgents two week 6523 Cattle, 2*,447 Sheep and every part of the system, attacks disease where- Swine. Lambs, sleight of band, negro minstrels. &c., $5 per where the have been years ago is again illuminated. 1,413 Cattle on Friday lc lower than ever loeated, diiving it out and it. Magoib Mitchell.—All our readers who in- outrages committed expe- at lully destroying; theatres for a sidewalk in under Fluent's is opening of the were a OXYGEN AIR The diseases for which It Is day; $2 per night; Webster, Hall, prepared rienced in the HATTI. week, though to-day little especially recom- tend to visit tbe Theatre wbo Do4HHculty obtaining floor. To aud were front of No. 07 Commercial street; to-night—and all kinds of Ice better, prices nearly up to the old figures. mended, are: authorizing to furnish Pastry, Cake, cut Southern members off might peril tbe bill. Advices from Hayti to the 1st insL announce Poor to medium 12 344 the Treasurer to the lots in does not—who have not secured their seats bad grades @ 13Jc; good and tat 13} Congress Street, City exchange Cream and all kinds of Dishes Mr. Dawes said he desired to cut off that there is much feeling the Presi- @ 132c; choice SYPHILITIC & MERCURIAL owned J. Oysters; Fancy nobody against 14} @ 15}c. Sheep aud Lambs firm DISEASES, Evergreen Cemetery by W. Taber better be about it tbis We don't from section. He was at because the and at last week's Established for the cure morning. say for and at the any surprised the îe- dent Secretary favors annexation. steady quotations ; common to fair ot FEMALE COMPLAINTS, DROPSY, and D. W. Kensall; to pay Richardson Wbarf , private public parties, mark of the from President'j life 0@6}c; fair to good 15 tbis as a mere matter of we mean it.— gentleman Virginia that if The is threatened. Some 6i@6£c. Lambs @ 22c. LIVER Co. $500 additional to the sum of $1000 hereto- form; shortest notice. Swine dull andjc lower than last CATARRH, RHEUMATISM, COMPLAINT janlleodtf Southern members should not have an oppor- merchants have purchased the steam- week; live Hogs BRONCHITIS, ASTPMA, fore iu in for land When the company were here some of Haytien 7 @ 7i ; dressed do 8i @ 9Jc. DISEASES or the SKIN, DYSPEPSIA. appropriated, payment full, Adelpbi tunity to speak the bill would be imperilled. er Hornet and the crew bave to New taken in the extension of Centre Sawyer & 119 Exchange St., gone ERYSIPELAS, LOSS OF street—pro- our citizens who attended the last performance Woodford, His only object was to come to an understand- Fork. Chicago, April 3.—Flour firm; extra APPETITE, vided said withdraw 5 90@6 50 Wheat active Spring CONS UMPTI Company the they have Peters Food for restoring cana- as to a time for and higher at 52i@ 223 for ON, SALT RIIEUM, INDIGESTION, said, "why did'nt you let us know what a good prepared ing terminating general debate. No. 2. Oa ,1 ο iIia 97Ih All Ilint ara hîpIt and nfHinled an evening session, and that tbe House will unconstitutional, the test case shoulders 7]@7jc; clear rib sides atlCc; clear into the of discontinuing a ΟΛΛΙΙϋα^ η λ tfvâA MièM.nll «ίηΙ,Λ.Ιπ 1 4 Letters VJ. J-.V-/IX.1. expediency portion meet to-morrow at 11 o'clock and that on Wed- being that of Collector Buffi ngton against sides 11. Whiskey in fair demand at 87c. otinqu.ry promptly answered aud treat- ΠVJT, of the street at a at or near the will do well to give her a call. Her cares are ment sent if desired. point Ogdens- be about it at once. The of "Little Bare- nesday the House will consider tbe Judge Dary of the Barnstable (Mass.) Toledo, Ό., Wheat ad- Address, Clerk to play morning county April(3.—Flour steady. burg depot; directing the City notify wonderful. mar21-eodlw bill under tbe Probate Court. Xbe Court No. 1 Red Wabash at 21 foot" resembles "Fancbon" in ten minutes rule, and that the Supreme affirms vancing; 148; No 45. Corn Messrs. John Fox and Joseph B. Brazier, that slightly plot, for the High Mixed low do &j?othccarg, amendments be decided as in the Committee judgment full amount claimed, holding advancing; 60; 59. Oats higher; Dr. J. P. their services as Valuation Commissioners will "Little Amri" a sort of Cinderilla em- Vicks' Flower Seeds and Floral Guide for No. No. 'ί 54c. Wines 83 BROW ER, PORTLAND, ME., U. S. A. being of the Whole. that the judicial power of States is exempt lS6c; High J. not be directing the Committee on from taxation. Ν et 3.—Cotton 344 c«|tfw required; ployed in a family as servant and is badly treat- flalo at Sjwjer & Woodford's, 119 Exchauge Mr. Kinse'la of Ν. H., opposed the bill as All the thirteen States were in Uelbans, April quiet; Mid- Sirrrti Porllaaff, Bf Streets, Sidewalks, &c., to consider the expe- and possession of this and dling uplands 14ic. PRICE, $1.00. Six Bottle· for $5.00 ed by the daughter of the house wbo is engag- St marl6-eod2w unnecessary unwarranted, and Mr. Van power exercising it at Dra. E. Clark, J. M. and C. 11. Ban of concrete or for tbe the time of — Cumtnlngs diency substituting brick, followed on the eamo side. He the ot the constitution Charleston, April 1. Cotton quiet; Middling ed to a rich farmer named bat Trump argued adoption give permission to refer to them in tiae-stoue sidewalk in Green street: directing young Peace, Old in and it is not that of uplands 13jc. regard to the Picture Frames of every description. earnestly favor of a general amnesty as the pretended any grant it remedial the same committee to confer with the Select- becomes attracted to Amri and marries was made power of "Oxygen Air, as administered Peace 5 only just atd statesmanlike for to the general government by that Savannah, April 3.—Cotton quiet; Middling up- men of the town of Frames regilded. At Schumacher Brothers, policy Congress 14c. Dr. J. P. Deering, to see whether her. to exercise towards tbe Sonth. instrument. lands. by Browet, 334 Congress street. Physi- arrangements cannot be made for Deeriiig Block. It ν 3.—Cotton cians widening Ellis H. Brooks of Ν. Υ,, referred to tbe evi- is, therefore, one of the sovereign powers Mobil·, April steady ; Middling up- supplied with Oxygen or Oxygenated Water. Deenug's so that lands dc3 t.t.« bridge foot passenger-way s dence of in most ol tho States vested in the States by their constitution, 14jc. BONDS can be School Committee.—A special meeting outrages lately established; directing the City Solici- BUSINESS NOTICUS. in rebellion, and characterized the conspiracy which remains unaltered and unimpaired, and tor to prepare and an was held evening. Messis. Frank Noyes of '•nil· market·. report amendment to the last, as in character aud in form. the general as that charter so that each political military government, government For Sale. city ward shall elect one and M. Frank were elected members of the occur is of States. The Croasdale's ot the P. Β biggs' Pile Remedies are a success, tf. They on:y where violence promises to independent the supremacy Super-Phosphate, niember School of the Ρ·ηΙ··4 Λ »'« Committee; establishing Kiot and Pierce. render a district democratic. In a case where general government therefore cannot be MANUFACTURED BY Horheftier, the grade of High street Board in place of Messrs. according to the re- either is dominant do not maintained. Central Vtwa, (*old, l>i and of the on was direct- BRioos'Allavautor cores Caiarrb. tf. party strongly they WATTDON Sc CLARK, PhiMclphia. port profile City Engineer; direct- The Committee Assignments Cook the Committee on prevail. Republicans only are the victims.— County, *»· ing btreets, &c., to a reference to the NEW VWK, We are now to sell this Standard Fer- advertise ed to revise list with locatiug Thv Briggs' Throat and Lung Healer, tf. Constitutional power exists in the nation to prepared Cincinnati.. 7-30'n l'or lor building a «tune tiliser at a Greatly Reduced Price to meet proposais walk on its or Davis daring attempt at bobbeby. Monument street. two gentlemen elected. oitizens, if, as Jefferson the times. Quality guaranteed to be equal to that lit. Loai*. §?| as he em- Get Briggs" Corn aud Bunion Remedies Protectiust proclaimed at Selma, that if State sov- New 3.—A was of any Super-Phosphate in the market. fetitions Presented and Referred—Of Jesse Application of Mr. G. G. Additon to Yobk, April daring attempt Wanted.. of ereignty is to triumph the State demands pro- made to-day to rob the Central Park Savings' Eedlon for damage by change grade of Ox- a9 a teacher of music was read and or- Slate of Maine ployed no tection foi her citizens maltreated in^labama Bask on 3d the CONANX Sc, HAND, Bead»,.. lord street; of Jolin Harrison, lor Dr. Sage's Catarbr Remedy is Patent avenue. Three men entered damage by dered on file. and and claims the aid ot tbe national bank about tiovernmeiil Bond·, of of Fore street; of E. True et. Medicine gotten up to the Va., noon, most of the employees being Wholesale and for change grade humbug dupo ig- for this The bag absent at Grocers, Agents for sewer in Hanover street (referred of Miss Sarah E. Bounds of government purpose. carpet and after rte front als with Application and nor is it as lunch, locking norant credulous, represented has been made the pretext of slaughter. It door bound aud the teller, Mr. power); of F. H. Delano, for permission to for a situation as teacher was gagged paying OBOASDALE'S il. Concord,Ν. H., of rare aud sub- must be the of of the new and Unseed SUPER-PHOSPHATE, M, a wooden ou of being "composed precious symbol expulsion Ellison, proceeded to rifle the safes. Dr. Oil 32£@32£ 5s. PAYSON, erect building Indiastreet; referred to the Committee on barbarism. Oiir is not from central- one the door — to erect a stable ou Boyd Applications. from the four corners of the danger Holden, of the directors, finding Liverpool, April l 5 P. M.—Cotton dull and 133 Commercial Mlmt, BANKKK AND George Smith, street; The stances, brought an- BROKKB, Executive Committee was instructed to ization. The Ku-Klux mystery threatens locked broke it when the fled sales 10,000 baies. of Mary J. Stafford, lor permission to remove seven times across the Great open, burglars unchanged; apil 32 the earth, carried archy. Charges are not of executive usurpa- through the rear and PORTLAND, ME. Exchange St., Portland. a building on Fore street to the rear of the lot improve sewerage of No.l on eseaped. lebl7eod3m Primary of Saharah on the backs of fourteen tion but of tbe of Congress and of The late CommonwealthFire But·· w3m aud to erect a uew one ou the site; of B. S. Monument street. Desert tyranny Directors of the Mack LI··. the under the Con- Insurance a com- for remueeration sustained and brought across the Atlantic Ocean despotism by people acting Company have appointed Sales at the Broken' Board, 3 Miles, foriojuries camels, had restored every mittee to of April VISIT the to arrest a stitution, yet Congiess negotiate for the re-insurance the Maine State Sixes by bini iu aiding police prison- Te Dkuji on two Jt is a simple, mild, soothing, full of we receiv- ships." State to representation. The opponents company'a risks. of fraud Vermont Central 9»3 er· ot Thos. Lynch et. als., for sewer iu Milk I-andumus.—Yesterday outstaning Eeports 1st mortgage Bonds 87 Atlantic & St. Lawrence ed from the a perfect specific lor Chron- the proposed bill revive the old heresy of vio- in the Union Pacific j of Jeremiah Dow et. als., for sewer be- publisher, Mr. 156 pleasant Remedy, recent maugement are rumored to-day, Railroad 261 street; Stockbridge, in the and lence under a southern snn as the Union Pacific R R sixes tween line of the and of W. Exchange st-eet, a of ical Nasal Catarrh, "Cold bead," chivalry. Secretary of the company being charged 811 the city Deering; copy Te Deum The same amendments were Union Pacific SCHUMACHER composed R. V. now employed with raising since first by Land Grant. Sevens 72 i H. for to remove a G. Walter kindred diseases. The Pierce, $10,000 January Boston and RAILROAD. Fessenden, permission by Goold, organist at St Luke's proprietor, to prove that Congress was guilty for saving means of the Maine Railroad IBM of F. Fessenden that a altered checks on company's wooden buildiug; por- The author has caught the M. of Buffalo^. Y., offers a reward of $500 the Union and restoring the States. The alter- funds. eastern Haiiroau tion ot Mellen street be ; of H. B. inspiration of that D., Portland.Saco S '21J 13 KOTH KRH' may graded cure. For sale native to tbe proposed was The Portsmouth Railroad 136 & of for grand old hymn and expressed it in for a case of Catarrh he cannot legislation hopeless nail manufacturers ol the United States Extended Second Bonds. H.M.Hart, lor compensation $50 noble har- limited sheer exhaustion or Mortgage Sent anarchy, only by have decided on a further advance of 25 per damages to their building its being over- mony, inspiring, tender and sweet. It by most druggists everywhere. by mail, by win tbe exercise of doubtful powers by the Presi- cent, per in the mill of nails addional that flowed; ol J. H. H. for damages for a with lovers of the sole keg Seeo'i'l Bonds ot the At. Harking*, prove favorite correct sacred ceDts. Address dent. will tbe ordered a The Extended Mortgage postpaid,'for sixty Complete pacification require month ago. Railroad Injuries sustained by falling on the ice on Ex- The the Souther· and GUNS, 1 antic and St. Lawrence Company, due music, wo predict. piece is dedicated to proprietor as above. hearty co-operation of people The REVOLVERS, change Street ; of E. et. als., for sew- Uaytien government being considered April 1, 1671. and payatde in boston, will be paid FineArtGalJery! er on Btanwood, legislation can conditions. The Sen- Beckett Bev. Mr. Boot, of St. Paul's and will provide unstable, has from 200 to 450. on at the Naff·Ik National Rank, street; of Win. H. Chase et. als., church, PERFUME. ate committee has let the the Ku- gold advanced Rifles, aid Pocket Knives presentation for sewer in PHALON'S NEW light upon There were on Hunting in B«tM. The bonds payable in Portland wil| Ceder street; of for a sidewalk be sung the choir of that church on Easter several recently, & on by "1 Klux mystery. The joint committee will con- the be at the β··ηρ··τ>· Office ia Portlaad. DE Ε RING Maple street; of John for LOVE YOU." Dominican frontier. In one, a general, FISHING TACKLE, paid BLOCK, Uurns, damages morning. tinue to work but will be only tbe head light The COUPON· irorn the bonds payable in Bos- a defective of "I LOVE YOU." snpposed to be was killed. at the Natiaaal iwlnmu? 7 sewer; John ot national power to crush but continued vio- Baez, ton, due April 1st, «ill be paid rOXORBM BTBEET, Powder, Shot, Skate· and Sled», in Varitey, lore. i' ΐϊ J Β Brown street, Irom Harper's Bazaar.—The number for the "I LOVE YOU." lence. The law will be City Rank, Haalaa, as hereto Gongf. "S proposed preventive; II so apl-tw » be and NEW UAilPSIUBS. Parties th. bonds can, they desire, ,FrJT 8t.r*et may graded has been received at "I LOVE YOU." educational remedial. Its effect is limited to holding ot J, Heseltine et week, richly illustrated, ,Τ. B. the same lor other bonds ot the company, paved; ale., lor sidewalk WEATHER ON MOUNT WASHINGTON. LUCAS, exchange it η of#®· H. Messrs. Fessecden "I LOVE tbe present exigency. and INTEREST payable in STER- bpruce street; Drummond lor sew- the periodical depot of YOU." PRINCIPAL, M. C. M. on Green of Let Democrats cease tbeii devices to fire tbe Summit Mount via Little GO Exclinnge near LING In LONDON. ENGLAND, A. er street; Jonathan Eastman for also D. Went- "I LOVE Washington, street, Middle. MONEY, (GOLD) Lancaster Hall; by YOU." let the for P. M. or In at the of tne holder, on damages by a'tcrlug the grado of Bros., Southern heart; Southerp people ton, April 3.—Observation taken at 7 PORTLAND, option ANNUAL Smith street. THE to HEETINQ in books, stationery, &c., 39T MOST LASTING their own sake and tbe honor of the Union Barometer 29 72; thermome- To Let. application to the undeisigned. or the Company's Adjourned. wortli,dealers PERFUME. change plus J3; annual THE MOST down lawlessness and the ter 23 ; 86; Bankers, Messrs. Swan & Barrett, Portland, meeting of the Maine corner of Oak street. This journal FRAGRANT help trample Repub- change plus 8; relative humidity chauic Charitable Me Congress, BOUQUET moral wind hour. Messrs. Ροοτκ & Preach, Boston. THE Association, tor the There were five at lican party will consecrate all influen- 8W; velocity of wind 3 miles per Trensnrer. election oi officer* baptisms Chestnut street of the lead of all others, and is a THE SWEETEST OF PERFUMES. Since By order, CHAS. E. BAKRKTT, mii] 111·, transaction or other Fashiun|takes ces and all the power ol government to protect 5 p. m* the summit has been enveloped A|iply to JOHN NEAL & Office Atlantic St. Lawrence R. R. Co.. at the business, will be beUl on SON, & Library on Thar» church Sunday. welcome visitor to the circle. mar7-eod3mos of in clouds and now mrGdlm 16 Koom, lav evening. April β parlor the weak and to perpetuate equal rights it is snowing. Exchange st. Portland, March its, 1871. nir!t7ieed3w apltd L. 1 K.PINGREE, Secretary. HOTELS. REAL ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. BONDS. MEDICAL. IiAITROAPS. STEAMERS. βΤΓΆΜΤϋΙΐΡ. House for gale. The Business Hotel Directory* TWO STORY BRICK Index, D& J. B. Gold Loan 1 HOUSE, westetly part QI7 PARK ROW, Ν. Y. lor Jan. HCGHKis, flew ""-30 State,at wbicb of the 14 contains liât ot I OàH BB V07ND AT H» Accidents. Embracing the leading Hotels in tbe A oily, containing looms, (well arranged J / 30,000 Business West Insure ror two lam.fles if Opportunities, and South. Against CUNARD the be found. drsired,) cemented cellar flour, i pages monthly only BO cts. > LINE NSIDE LDfETO BANGOR. Daily Prête mnyi '^ays brick a well ol year. Jn25-4wt ! Permanent ! cistern, good water, mrnace, range PRIVATE Ma te ! Profitable WLEDICAL ROOMS Insurance Tickets. Alfred- with a good stable. Lot 4» ΛΟΝΤ8 WANTED FOB Passengers OF MAIL STEAMERS Tfci*· Trip· Per Week! KfJKfiWt0ïe,herby 100 feet. Terms tavorable. Ko. lé Preble Street, II. «oding, proprietor. OOUKTV Houes, Richard Inqalre of JOHN O. PROCTER, Neil the Prebl» M»·— FOB First COOKE & mr25d3w The Railway A»urance Co., Trip 0f the Season! JAY CO., Real Estate Broker, 93 Exchange et. Paaacnger Λ A. ïonng, t ropri- QUEENSTOWN A YD MVIJBPOOL. Ofler tor Sale at Par and Accrued Interest tie Elm Home, Cowl, st.'V". Hartfard, Can·a·., Issues Registered General Ac- FREE cidentciuent ΤΠΕ STEAMER LOVE Tickets or trom ooe to tmrty ΠΒ1Τ MORTGAGE Policies,insuring « Proprietor. Wharf In,-*.MUI1W«IUIUN wuu ire day», againet or death any ac- hotel. Davie Paire, for Sale. AND ITS VOTARIES. BOntfUlf O&dét tbi personal injury, by FBOH BOSTON CITY OF Jffiï' Property ifflictioA of irivmte diseases, whether clQent. Every traveler sbonld have an Accident BICHHOn», in TSsing from Zand Grant Gold Bondβ AagMla, common ot the Burnham Whart by Dr. Jno. B, ElUs. jnpaie eonneotion or the terrible rlos of self-ebuM. Ticket. For sale at office 491-2 Exchange street. SIBERIA, Saturday, April 8. Fore street low Large Sales, Immense Profits CAPT. ONE»THIRDproperty, extending from to revelations and Deroting his en tir· time to that partlonlar branch ol TARIKA, 2·. DENNISON, — Slate St. Hariieou Stupendous Thursday, April leave 0P14K Moose, Buiker,Pro water mark. For of startling disclosures, IF. fill Railroad Wharf loot .ie. Auouita particulars inquire Oneida and its the medical pro/Melon, he feel» warranted In On* a. D. LITTLE £ ALEPPO, 27. Cor.! mr23-3w community mysteries. The whole CO., Thursday, April IOND A Y.IWEDN ES I )A Y y prie JOHN O. PKOCÎER, 93 Exch'g st. laid bare and its àjmaixe a Onna is ait whether of S Λ Μ Α 4. J?;® |<^t,eTer suhJect hideousness exposed to uni- Casks, loo· Ceueral ΚIA, Thursday, May t to or on arrival **' House, T. B. Bailaid, or Pa«aea|er Ticket o'clock, or Oo'cUu-w» ρ «τ Cushnoo Proprietor. versal execration. Written in the Interests or Handing recently oontroctod, entirely reinoTing th< Age···! SIBERIA, Thursday, May 11. ciock p. m. ι?η Northern Pacific Railroad Co- Civil- of disease from the 'rain from Boston, Kipress Com' House, G. A. & H. Cony, Proprietors. FOM SALE. ization, Christianity and Pablic lregs system, and maUnr a i.tr Feb2f os6w Morality. Send tor piaiuvm Swls Cabin Oold. circulars and terms. U. 8. Co hot and otrna. $80 ('•mmrtiring nomimj, a First Mansion House, Augusta Me., W, M. Publishing the 3_ These bond» are secure·!, first, by Ibayct jn25-4wt 411 He would call attention of the afflicted to the Steerage $30 Currency. at anJ*0]*. Proprietor. modern-built Brick House in a desirable Rroame St.. N. Y. ir Bangor, touching Rockland 11„„„. ga*>e ou the Railroad itself, lis rolling stoek, act of hi* and well-earned ANEW three minutes' walk longstanding reputation Reduced. Rates. Jamden, Belfast, Searsport, equipments ; second, bv a First location,wiihin otCity Hall. nrniahlaf sufflclsnt assurance of hi· Sandy Poilit"· nwirî" Mori/2fJtv-TwoTwey For of «kill and sua· FKOn NEW IfOBK ,ort, Wlnterport and Hampden. entire Land Grant, beintf more than ■an(*r> particulars inquire MINNESOTA: less. Thousand Acres 11 Land to ea« h mile>o Harbiman iOHRl C. Roturnlng, will leave Bangor, every S House. J. E. Mairiman & Co., Prop's PROCTER, On WEDNESDAYS, On Thursdays and Sat- Monday The tree from United mr21d3w Its Resource· and Caatloa 10 For WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at Bonds are »»rin- 93 Exchange street. Pngras-Itt UtPaUii. yatpjfci as morning, β Phobbcot Exchange. A. Woodward, Proprietor Beanty, California, as follows: urdavs, follows: the above named o^uJk F.Mp 11 and lutere-tare Healthful»·· sad and lu euchingat landing·, arriving at Fertility, At- Oreriaad via. Caeilc ABYSSINIA.. ..March 29 CALABRIA..March 30 cennect traction· aad su a Bailraad. ^rtland in time to with G o'clock Ρ M. - Seven ami Three- Advantage* Has·· far «ssasaasîitïïrssaraw JAVA Β SAMARIA April 1 ex. at Tbe «te Bath FOR Immigrantu—A new Book Or by Steamer via. Panama to San April iress Train for Boston. Se^l-tnLuaUv. SALE.! free af coat,Ml Francisco, RUSSIA 12 TRIPOLI April 6 Bath Pro- complied irom official sources and Through Tickets tor sale at REDUCED April For further particulars inquire of ROSS &. ot $100, «500, Hotel, Washington St.C. M. Plummet, published by di- CUBA April 19 PARTHIA April 20 STUB- 'eThe7a"C,™ueI/inK°,en"mi..ati,.uS pi ietor. rection of Governor Horace Austin. BATED, by )IVANT. 179 Commercial Sr., or «ι ni ac VALUABLE PROPERTY. CHINA 26 BATAVIA....April 29 q 00t) and $10,000. Its title indicates its contents. unucu wiui doot April CYRUS General the are Messre. Sagadahoc John s, It exhibits the in- nostrums W. I>. SCOTIA β 8TURDIVANT, Agent. The Trustees under Mortgage Jay House, Mllilken, Pioprietor. ducements odered sndToure-alle, purpa-t ig to be the beet In LITTLE At CO., May 3 ALGERIA May Portland March 20,1871. dtl and J. by Minnesota to persons the world, JAVA 13 Cooke of Philadelphia, Edgar Thomson, Biddeford. new her wonderlul seeking which are not only seless, bat MaylO ABYSSINIA.... May of the Pennsylvania Central liailroad Co. A Great homes, resources, unexampled always Injurious. UNION TICKET OFFICE President Bargain and 5he unfortunate sëaw I be pabtiouub Carrying Carrying Cabin Pacific 7-3D Uiddeefobd House, F.Atkinson, progress, magnificent lutnre. It tells bow and In selecting Ttiese Northern Bonds will at all times under Ms physician, as It is i. lamentable oodjtwtwls-tostf 491-2 Exchange street Only Cabin Passengers and Steerage Passengers be e where, the "Homestead" to obtain free yet lncontroyerti' gamariscotta & oetore maturity, receivab at Ten Per Ceut. Pre- Dining Rooms, Shaw's Block,Lane.& Young, Pro- I Ν Cumberland Mills Ville, Westbrook, Me. Tbe Law, m« act, that man* syiihllltlc J Waldoboro in homes andjree farm», "without and without patients ere made mis· mium (or 1,10,) exchange lor the Con pany's lands f-prietors, i Property known as the Hanscomb Place, for aale money arableeraDie withwiui im«Orain -d coiisurutions FIBST CABIN. FIHST CAB!!», price." It is Just what man— constitutions by maltreatment at their Ό west cash price. Biddeferd Ρ·ο1. now at a great Bargain, described as loilows: A every Vaimer, Me- SingleTicket. ...$130 Oold Oold First Trip Mar. 95. chanic, and from lnexperlenoea physicians in general practice : for Single Ticket.. $80 Commencing In addition to their absolute these new two house with Tradesman, Laborer—who desires to Return Tickets.. safety, Btnds V ates F. story ell, very pleasant located, better rtlea point geueraUy conceded by the PORTLAND i ROCHESTER 260 Gold Return Tickets. 150 Oold an income House, Yates, Proprietor. a well a his condition should caietullv read. bestwphiiogra- yield larger, we believe, than any other good ol water, large garden and orchard with that the study end of SECOND CABIN. Ellsworth House. G. L. Thi9 book will be sent to any address in Amcrica management these oosie first-class security. Persons United States Evans, Proprietor. 25 good growing Iruit trees, and room for 10 or 12 «•■—J should engross the Single Ticket. ...f AO Gold Steamer "C ha·. H«i|b< holding or iree of or other on whole time of those who ι SPRING ARRANGEMENT. | stebbaoi. 6-20's can, bv them into Northern Pa- mere. Europe, postage expense, appli- be Return Tickets.. 180 Gold I··»*' ALDEN WINCHKN- couverling H cation to E. PAGE Commissioner ot Immi- would competent and successful in their treat- | $30 Currency. increase their income ALSO DAVIS, cure. The will leave the eifice, yearly one-third, and Beeihbay. lor the State of ICC ment and Inexperienced On and after PREPAID STEERAGE BACH, Master, still have a gration Minnesota, No. Broad- general practi- Saturday, April PASSAGES perfectly reliable investment. Three sewing machines, a tailors table tioner, having neither nor 1,1871, From west side of Atlantic Wharf, Bootouay Palmer catting 4x8lt, way, New York, where all Inlormation in to opportunity time to mak- will run as follows: Liverpool, Glasgow, Queenstown, or HOW TO AiKT THEM.—Your nearest Bank or House, Duiey, Proprietor. beds, bedsteads, regard himself with mgCÎHStraiaB Derry, foot ol India chairs, tablée, stands, stoves, dishes, the State will be cheerlu'ly given. tebOftw acquainted their pathology, oommonly Passenger trains leave Portland to Boston or New York, Street, every Banker will ihese Bonds in desired and a one of dally,(Sundays ex· supply any buieaus, &c., &c., score of articles such as are pursue· system treatment, in most cases msk· oepted) lor and $34 CURRENCY. IATURDAY at 7 o'clock A. M. for Damarisootta amount, and ot an Ban·», used in Sprlngvale intermediate Stations, at ν needed denomination. Portons house-keeping will be sold low lor cash. Free to Book T.lt A. M, 2.00 P. M. Passengers booked to all parts of the New ouching at Boothbav and Hodgsdon's Mille, ·η<1 wishing to stocks or other bonds tor these, λ m KBlOAN Hanover ft. S. Kice Now is your time. of on the Agents. Eng- at β foi exchange House, Proprietor Inquire HANSCOM Leave Portland tor Saeo Blver at land States. very WEDNESDAY, o'clock A. M. Wal- can do so with anv will allow tbe or will send a handsome 6.1S P. M. of our Agents, who Parker House, School St. H. D. Parker & plaoe, ot F. M. BAY ESQ., Prospectus of our New Leave for Dratts issued tor £1 and iobox·, touching at Bootlibuy and Round Pond. s. Co., Illustrated Bible Man Springvale Portland and intermediate upwards. highest current priée for all marketable securiti· Proprietors. Me. WE Family containing over 200 (JeaSaeiae·. stations at 9 * EbYUBHING—will leave Damariscotta ever> Saccaraipa, fine A1 who have committed 30, A. M. Those living in localities remote irom Banks, may Dated the ci March 1871. mrl4tf Scripture Illustrations to any Book free an exoees ot any ma» at7 o'clock A. and Waldoboro* Revere Bowdoin lbth, Agent, It be Leave Saco River tor Portland at B.30 For and Cabin or >I0NT>4 Τ, M, every send or other Bonds, dirccfly to us ex- House, Square, Bultiucb, Bing- ot charge. Address hither the solitary, ylce of yonth, or the tins· A. M. and Freight Steerage Passage apply at money, by & 3.40 P.M. ΓΒίDAT at β o'clock A. M., touching at Interme- we back Northern Pacific Bonds ham, Wnsley Co., Proprietors. fe?3-4wt National »2 rebuke of conn press,and will send Publishing Co., Phlla Pa. misplaced deuce In matnrer reus. TBE,COMPANY'S OFFICE. SO STATE STREET, liate landings, connecting with the Boston Boats at at our own and without cost fo investor. For 8t. James Hotel—J. P. M. WM. Ή. JEJilUS, •BU »Οβ AK ABT'DOTB IB SI1SOH. Freight train with passenger ear lisk, Stetson, Proprietor. attach- * BOSTON. Portland, and with the Boston and Maine and East- further information, call on TUe Paine and and ed leave Springvale for Portland ate.19 pamphlets, maps, etcy Tremont House, Tremont St. General Agents Wanted. Aches, Lassitude and Nervous A. M. JA9IE8 irn Railroad*, arriving in Portland in season lor pas- or or of t'ie Banks or Brigham, Wrisley Prostration that follow Leave Portland for ALEXANDER, Ag'l, address the undersigned, any t'S Co., Proprietors. Groesbeek's may Impure Coition Springvale at 12.30 P. M. OR IN PORTLAND TO tenders to take the afternoon train lor Boston. Bankers to sell this Loan. and Loan Calculating Machine, rapid, ac- are the Barometer to the whole Stages connect as follows : employed Real Estate Agent. curate. system. T. dp-Through Tickets sold at the offices ol the Bos- FIR reliable, simple. Easily operated, Do not wait for the At Oorham tor West HcOOWAN. and cheap that Is sure to mi- (lorham, Standisb, and No. :ou and Maine, and Eastern Railr and on board FOR SALE BY Bryant»· Peaè. beautiful. Giving instantaneous adaitione or tad?, House·, L«l> nod Far dim fer Sale· low: do not wait for Unsightly Diners, foi Limington, Daily. Ihe Boston Boate. Bryant's PONt H subtractions, taking Irum one to five colnmns ol Disabled At Buxton Centre tor West Pacific Rail Steamship Company's DURE—Ν. Β. Crockett, Proprie- He would reter parties abroad to the fig- Limbs, for Loss of Beauty Buxton, Bonny Freight and passengers taken as low as BREWSTER, SWEET & following ures at a time, carrying and its own and Eagle, by any CO., tor. named ot this city: Hon. Geo. F. borrowing tens, and Complexion. Limington, daily. Dther route. gentlemen Shep- hundreds, etc, without ihe least on Through Line YV H. Hon. thought the At Saco River, for Limerick, Parsons- For further of 40 STATF ley, Hon. A. Clapp, Benjamin Kings- part ot the operator. Address ■·* Ksuny ïksiwetalisa Veatlfy ·· nil fleld Newflela, particulars inquire STREET, BOSTON, Hon. Hon. John and Ossipee, ATWOOD & Bethel. bury, Jr., Woodbury Davis, Lynch, ZIEGLER & kyVahsft; BiferisaceÎ At trl-weekly. HARRIS, CO., McCUKDY, Springfield, Mass. Center Waterborough for Parsona- TO CALIFORNIA, mrl8dtt 145 Commercial General for New Chandler House, F. s. Chandler & Co., Prop'ra. fe23-4wt Young men troubled with •TTÎ,fftf,ni in sleep -hi Limerick, St. Agent* Maine, Hamp- Portland. Nov 1, 1870. noltf field, daily. oomplaint generally the result of a bad CBINA AND JAPAN. Ohapman House, S. H. Chapman, Proprietor. habit In At Springvale lor Santord Lebanon ehire and ÎflRunehnwtlH. foauu—treated and a Corner,E. (Lit- $10 Made irom SO Cents. scientifically perfect onre war- tle River So. E. Farm tor Sale or Hxchantre ranted or no charge made. Falls). Lebanon, Rochester and TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS International PORTLAND AGENTS: lirldgton Center, He Rochester. Go. For Hardly a day passes but we are consulted one 01 Steamship _ property. In by Cumberland House, Marshal Proprietor City Falmouth, more men with the THOS. QUINBY, Superintendent. ■· HI* PATgON, JJ Exchange Ml., Bacon, four mile· Irom contains young above disease· some of March 27, 1871. All Cnrrji·*; lb· Vailed Hlues .Malia Calais and St. Portland, whom are as weak and emaciated as dtt Eastport, John, 40 «ores, cuts 21) to 25 tons : though they had W. E. WOOD, OT Me. ■Hl^W hay feb23-4w the consumption, and their Exchange St., Hunawirk, lwo story House, 13 by friends are supposed te fl£0i. At So. Windham daily tor via. rplendid Steamship* England, Capt. E. Field, will Ocean Hod β λ—J, P. Chamberlain, Proprietor. dress Hudson River Bridgton Ray· will leave Pier No. 42, North River, loot of Canal ■leave Kaiiroad Wire Mills. 70 w'm St.. cr t •timon will appear, or the color will be of a this milk· mond and Naples. St., Whart, loot of For or to ue&rDorn st. at 12 o'clock noon, on the Sth and 21st ol State street, MONDAY and Sale Let. umcago. mr8t4wl lab hoe. again changing to a dark and turbid At White Rock for Great every every THURSDAY BONDS, appear· daily Falls and month when those tall on at 6 o'clock m. for Can· tek. tarorable the ■no·. There are North Standish. (except days Sunday, and p. Kastport and St. John. Re- trrmi John Bucknam place, bo man; men whs die of thli on dlfflcnlty, then the preceding Saturday,) tor ASPIN turning will leave St. John aud on JomaiBB House—P. ONcalled, situate In Falmouth on the Fore aide Ignorant of the can··, which lathe At Steep Palls daily for WALL, Eastport the Durgin, Proprietor THE Limington. connecting, via. Panama Railway, with one ot the same days. road. The property consist 01 a one bouse and noon) iTAO· or ibimhij. At Baldwin daily for Falls ON A COMPLETED story vuiiiii. Effingham via No Company's Steamships from Panama tor SAN- ty Connecting at Eastport with Steamer ROAD, Daaiariacatta. three acres of land. For farther particulars apply to I ou warrant a perfect rare In inch and a cans, At FRANCISCO, touching at MANZANILLO. QUËEN, tor St. Andrews and Calais and with FREE OF M. CONANT & (Oil and health; restoration of the Baldwin daily for Ν. t. TAX. Main* Sanborn & HAND, ulnar; organ·. Freedom, H., via inipamuiCBVi tuv «1st CUUUVCI8 HI JTtUUUDa Willi Ν. B. & C. tor Woodstock Hotel, Jacobs, rruprietors. mr27 153 Commercial GEORGE WOODS ORGANS Penonf who cannot Corakli. Keazar Fall· and Railway and Honltor. St., Portland. peraonaU; ooruult the Dr., Porter, and Tuesdays, Steamers tor South Pacific and Central Ameri- stations. •an do ao b; writing, In a a Thursday? ana Saturday· lor ©O AND ACCRUED INTEREST Dawatiacotla plain manner, descrip- Osslpee Centre. oak Ports. Those ol the Sth touch at Manzax- Connecting at St. John with tbe Stsairer EM- 91111· Farm tor Hale or Exchange tor Meal FOR PURITY OF tion of their disease», and the At E. Baldwin, and TONE, POWER, VARIETY aprroprlate remedial Tueadaya, Thursday· rtLO. PRESS lor Digbv and Annapolis, thence rail to Θα μαβί s< otta Alexander McAllliter in will be forwarded lmm eJ Saturday·, (returning alternate lor by Hoes·, Instate Portland, OF AND ELEGANCE ate);. day·.) Se· For Japan ami China. Steamer AMERICA leaves Windsor and Halilax. and with the K. ·& N. A. IX CURRENCY. Proprietor. EXPRESSION, 1A11 correspondence bago, South and Centre. in Falmouth ten miles from Portland. itrlctly aiw #11 Bridgton Bridgton San Francisco, Feb. 1st, 1870. aaiiway iur oneuiac ana intermediate station». OF DESIGN AND FINISH THEY fee ret α rue 1, If deelred. At W. Baldwin dally tor No. Ν. Farm about one hundred acres well Conway, H., One hnndred pounds baggage allowed each adult. Hfrreight received on of until 4 ot Danville Jucll··. SITUATEDcontaining Addreu: OB. J. B. Tla Hiram, Brown field, days sailing divided into field, p, hture, and wood lands. Has a HOQHBL Fryeburg, Denmark, Baggage Masters accompany baggage and clock P. M. Ci.akk's ; No. M Preble Street. Lorell and East Fryeburg. through, DiKiio Hall, Grand Trunk Railway FINE YOUNG ORCHARD which with good care ABE attend to ladles and children without male protec- mrl71slw tf A. R. j UNRIVALLED ■•zt door to the Preble Passengers by these and the 12.30 m. STUBBS, Agent. Cedar Id» Depot, M. W. Clark, Proprietor. would pay interest on the investment. in Houae, Portland, Me, atages by p. tors. Baggage received on the dock the before Burlington, Bap Buildings ΛΓ~ Bend a for Olronlar. .rain trom W. Baldwin arrive In Portland In day good t or particulars to or Stamp seaaon Muling, from and repair, apply address, to connect with the 3 m. ti aln steamboats, railroads, passengers DUieU. RUFUS STANLEY, p. tor Boston. win prefer to send down early. & Minnesota Β. B. Blectic Medical Tickets lor sale at Ticket Office of P. &. Κ. Β. E. Spring Arrangement, Androscoggin rarl0-3w No. 192 Fore Street, Portland, Me. Infirmary, An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and House, L.D. Kidder, ProDrtetor. The Most Thoroughly Constructed TO THB LAI>IH8. SAM'L J.ANDERSON, Pres't attendance free. SIarch 10th. December 26,1β70. dc28tt Commencing Mouse lor Sale. Made. DB. HUGHES invitee all wk For or tickets or further The ot κ ad Las Organs particularly Ladle·, freight passage informa- completion tins given lo these Fariaiaelan. need a medloal to call at his tion at tne Bonds ONE and a hal C A It A PA. CO., placing , New Now led In efficacy and superior virtue In all 1« Bread Street, or on the same basis, tor or in- Garhaas. Styles Beady regulating Boston, temporary permanent Vernal· Irregnlarltle·. Their action li W. D. LITTLE Se AND vestment, with Governments or any other s iptdflo ami Alteration ot CO., MAC HI AS. curity. Gorhah II. B. $4000 oertain of relief in a «hort Trains. nl3tt These bonds are a first and House, Jobnson, Proprietor. producing time. ja 49» Exchange St.. Portland only mortgage on a j buy a good dwelling-house, 8 ΤιΑΠΙΚΒ will And it Invaluable In all rai road that has cost double the amount 01 the is- containing Circulars c ntaining new Music free. to oaaaa of ok WILLroom·, a good stable, and lot Apply •traction· altar all other reraedlea hare ONE TRIP PER sue, and which commands, without all Ureal FalUt Ν. Η. 10x80, centrally Agents, Music Dealers, or been tried In WINTER FALL RIVER LINE, WEEK. competition, located on Cumberland st. Tain. It u purely vegetable, ARRANGEMENT. the traffic ot Northern Iowa at ·ι Southern Minne- Great Falls Hotel, O. A. containing nothing la tot Fro't, Proprietor. Inquire oi JOHN C. PROCTER. Iheleait Injurious to the and be New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,Wash sota—shortening the distance from St. Paul to Chi- health, may tana The tavoilte Hiram. le'iOu 03 Exchange Street. With perfect safety at all time·. H— On and after Oct ington, and all the principal point· Steamer L Ε WIS cago 45 miles, »nd to St. Louis more than 90 miles. GEO. WOODS & Monday, 31, 1870, Τ Ο Ν Charles Doe ri Mt. Cutler CO., I Bent to an part of the with foil Train· will run aa follows : Sooth and Capt. η*, will The net earnings are in excess ot House—Hiram Baston, Proprietor. nountry, direction· Weet, Sonth-West, leave already largely b; addressing DB. Ptesenger train at 7.10 A. H. tor (until farther notice) Railroad interest on the and no doubt exists that Three Story House lor Sale or Ex- HUQHE8, South Pari· and Via. Vail Bivrr nl bonds, they 130 Tremont Janl.UMd&w. Mo. 1* Preble intermediate atation·. Taialei) Newport. •Wharf, Portland, every will more than double within the Kendall's Mill·. Street, Street, Portland. Arriving at South Paris at Friday ensuing year. change. 8,30 A.M. Cabin, $5,00; Deck $4,00. Baggage checked 'Evening. at 10 o'clock, or on arrival Λ contract has been secure.» with the nt Express Train Chicago, Kendall's Mills Hotel, Randall Andrews, Pro- GOOD 3 story brick bouse, very locat- BOSTON. mr24-4ff Mall Train at all through and transferred in Ν Τ tree ofcharge. from Boston, for Rockland, Cam- Burling on, and Railroad centially DB. M. J. (stopping station·) for Island York den, Quiucy Company oblig»t- prietor. A ed, containing 12 finished rooms, tor sale on la- JOURDAIN, Pond, with mail New trains leave the Old Colony and New- Heiiast,Searsport,C*stlne, Deer Isle. the la»ter to Invest 50 cent, ot connecting night train for Quebec, So. West Sedgwick, ing per gross earnings vorable terms, or exchanged for other peopkiktok or thi Montreal and the at 1.10 Ρ M. port Railway Depot, corner ot South and Κ nee land Harbor, (Mt. Desert,) Millbridge, Jones- derived trom traffic with the ^edar City property. Agents Wanted tor the West, and Burlington, Rap- Lawlun, Apply to WM, H. JKRRIS, Accomodation tor South Paris and streets,daily, (Sundays excepted, ) as follows : at 4.3A port Machlaspert. ids and Minnesota Road in the bonds ct this com- Intermediate Ρ will leave OeWitt House, Lewiston. mrlt*3w Real Estate and Loan agent, Parisian of •tatlone at 5.30 P. M. M, arriving in Fall River 40 minutes in advance el I Returning Macbiasport every Tuesday pany. This arrangement is a strong guarantee ol Wateroouse&Meilen, the regalar Steamboat which leave* Boston morning at 5 at the the Proprietors. Gallery Anatomy,Boston, Passenger trains will arrive as follow·: Train, o'clock, touching above namei' bonds, and establishes a large sinking lund for of the just published a new edition ot hie lectures, From South Paris and at 3 39 Ρ M, connecting at Fall River with the landings. their Farm tor or Lewiston, at 8.15 A M. redemption Sale Kxcbange! HAScontaining most valuable information on tbe From new and magnificent steamers Pbovidskc·. ! For tnrther particulars ol The l.inacrlcb. Montreal, Quebeo.Oorhaia. and at Capt. inqnlre convertibility privilege in these bonds enables For In causes, consequences and treatment ot diseases of 210. Ρ M Bangar Β. M. A. Simmons.— K<5SS & them Limerick City property. Falmouth, H miles the Simmons, Bristol, Capt. STURDIV^NT, to be exchanged for stock, at par, at any time. House. A. M. Davis, Proprietor. from contains 20 WAR IN EUROPE reproductive system, with remarks on These steamers are the fastest and most 1T9 Portland; acres, one History , Accomodation from South reliable Commercial or large at 7 P. Street, This secures to the holdei, at his a share in Ii contains over lOO line ot Battle I and the various causes of tbe loss of with Paris, M. boats on the built option, .story House, woodshed and bain, 180 bushels engraving· manhood,, IT Car· on all Sound, expressly lor speed, CYRUS STURDIVANT, Uen'l anv excess of over the Scenes full instructions tor its Sleeping nlgbt Trains. safety Agent. earnings interest obligation. Mechanic fall·. Kaluwin's gathered last year. Wood for the and incidents in tbe War. and is the only complete restoration; ■nd comfort. This line connects with all the South- Portland, Feb. 2S, 1871. Au ot enough also a on feb29tl exchange Government securities tor these Κ AO LE Ν H tamily, Apply to AUTHENTIC and OFFICIAL history ol that great chapter venereal infection, and the means trn Boats and Railroad Lines from New York bonds returns Hotel, Peakes, Proprietor. | the Clfhe are not /oing 9$ per cent, interest, instead ot 5 per WM. H. conflict. of cure, being most comprehensive work on the Company responsible tor baggage to West and South, and convenient to the California which is all JERRIS, ever any amount cent., that Governments pay at pieeent mrl4*3w Real Estate and Loan Published in both English and Qennan. subject yet published, comprising 160 pages.— exceeding #50 ln.value (and that person- Steamers. besides an Tapie·· Agent. Mailed to al) unless notice Is and CMABD LINE. price, leaving immediate gain of about 20 /"Ί λ ΠΦΤΛΜ Interior histories are being free any address for 25 cents. Address, given, paid tor at the rat· of "T· Hhippen mf this with per cent, in lor Elm Nathan Π •ne paieeoger for $600 Freight." Line, price reinvestment. House, Chnrcb & Sons, Proprietors V7 U 1 lUll circulated. See that the every additional value. Its new and extensive depht accommodations inBos- All marketable Securities A Good Brick House lor Sale at a book Dr. Jourdain's C. J. BR f THE MAIL STEAMER taken in exchange tree yon buy contains lOO One engravings and Consulting Office, DOM8, Managing Dint*r. Son, and lar;e pier inNew for the ot Commission aud Low Price. 31 Hnncecli B. BAILM Y. Local York, (exclusively Express charges. Ν orrldgewack. maps. Send for circulars & see onr terms, and a Street, Beat··, IHaae. Superintendent. business ot the Line), is supplied with facilities tor full of Portland, Oct. 24th "7 DanroRTn D. well built house, No. 12 Middle Street, con- description tbe work. Address, NAT'L J-inl4dlyr ocCTslw-ostl freight and passenger business which cannot be sur- "SIBERIA/ House, Dantortb, Proprietor. PUBLISHING HENRY CLE ITS & Co·, THEtaining ten finished rooms gas, and Sebago wa- CO., Phil, Pa. mr24Mw passant. Freight always taken at low rates and for- WILL SAIL t sr. convenient to Steamers and Q. warded with NnAiuta. Very T. Depot. dispatch. 39[WaU 8iieet(Ncw York, The house is In good order and will be sold low. If You are West Nsw York Express Train leaves Boston at 1 JO Ρ DIRECT FROM Somerset Hotel, Ε /own & Hilton. Proprietor·. Apply to Wm.H. JERRIS Real Estate and Loan 1 Going M: goods arrive In New York next morulng about t BOSTON FOB SALE BT Cought Cough, Cough A M. New FOR Agent. mil3tf ! Procure Tickets by the Freight leaving York reaches Boston on CORNS the at 9.4B A flank Hrldf t*m. Why will you Cough when you can be so easily re- CORNS, following day M. Banks and Bankers Lite has its temptations, sorrows and and Generally, Wyomeqonio Λ Wool at a lieved using trials, For tickets, berths and staterooms, apply at the Queenstown & House, Ο. H. Perry, Proprietor. Tannery Shop Bargain by the greatest ot all, not it will Safest, Beat and Host Sellable Boutes I leb23 WAS It although dangerous,yet sompany's office at No 3 Old State House, corner of Liverpool AKER'S Tannery, at Yarmouth Falls, ten miles be readily admitted, that Corns, Bunions, Ingrow- and ON 1 THROUGH TICKETS Washington State streets,and at Old Colony and Nartk WMka·. Β irom Portland. The buildings consist ot ing Nails and other ailments of the feet are a source ^ Newport Railroad Depot, corner ef South and Knee- 8th bouse 20x60 stab e Dr. Well's Carbolic Tablets? ot great In vain SATURDAY, April, 1871. Nemaskkt House, W. W. Stanley. dwelling feet, 26x60, clapboarded ; annoyanee. you scrape, cut and From POBTLAND. via BOSTON, to all points in land streets, Boston. Finishing Room, two stories Mgb, 25x15; two other dig at them, at every changing atmosphere will tbe WEST, SOUTH AND Thev ore a suie cure for Sore Hoarse they NOBTH-WEST, furnish- Steamers leave New York daily, CaMa, buildings, one 32x52, the other with Throat, Cold, still send their piercing darts lorth like flashes ot ed at tbe (Sundays excep- $80 ««M. 22x35; together Catarrh and all Diseases ol the lewnl rale·, with choice ot at ed) from Plea SO forth loot of Chamber Narway. tools and fixtures. 1 he ness, Lungs, Throat lightning in and Routes, Hiver, ; Nleeragf, 930 LIPPMAN'S copper boileri, whole prop- and Bronchial Tubes. sharp, piercing, unrelentiug pain. tkeONLY UNION TICKET it, at3.no Ρ m. Currency. ■lm Main OFFICE, House, St W. W. Whltmarsh, Pre· erty, worth about $000 can be had tor a little more Tliev torment a person to a greater degree than oth- From the number ol Testimonials as to the Geo. Shivebick, Passenger and ■Jprletor. than halt Its and a vote or the great er affections. Dr. J. tbe well-known No. 40 1-2 Freight Agent. XW Passengers em balk at tLe value, by town last ol this Briggs, Chiro- Exchange Street, Canard Wbarl, is trom efficiency Invaluable medicine the following has sate and JAMES.F1SK, JR.. PreaUent East Boston. * year, exempt taxes tor ten years. podist produced reliable remedies. Al- W. ». LITTLE ti M. R. For is selected. leviator and CO., Aieate. SIMONS, Managing Director Narragansett For and GREAT Nor··· Mill*, VI. terms, &c., apply to W. H. JERRIS, Real Curative· Sold by Druggists. MarM-dtt Steamship Co. ftelght Cabin or Steerage Passage, apply Norton Estate Agent, Portland. mariSdlw* at the Company's Office, Mills Hoted—Frank Davis, Prop'r. 47 Jan. 1871. Nevi dlyr Wahpanseh Ave., Chicago, III., It, SO STATE "For the last ten I have been a sufler- STREET, BOSTON, Fine Suburban Residence tor Sale. years great Portland, Saco,& Portsmouth R. ft Old Orchard Beach. er lrom Irequent attacks ot Acite Bronchitis, and mr20-3w JAMES ALEXANDER, Agent. Ookham The subscriber offers for sale hia have never found to relieve mo lrom these House, Cbarles E. tiorham, Proprietor. anything WINTER modern-built residence on attacks until I tried Dr. Well's Carbolic Tablets." ΑΒΒΑΚβΒΜΒΝΤ. Ocean B. situated PILES, PILES, Cannot German A Bitters House, common there Sloney Scary, Proprietor. the eminence overlooking Wood- Elizabeth T. Boot, very affection, being but lew Boy It, BOSTON Old ORonABD persons who are not troubled with them at House, E. C. Staplts, Proprietor, ford's Corner, Westbrook. It con- some pe- riod ot their life. Tbe disease exists in Commencing: Monday, Dec. 1, '70. Russell R. S. talus 12 good-alaed room a. with an Don't let worthless articles be I small tumors For is House, Bonlster, Proprietor. fl Α ΤΤΦΤΠλΓ in the rcctum or about the which Priceless ! excellent cellar, is supplied with an abundance ol V1M U I lull. palmed oft on you, be .nr. you ai.us, are divided WBMK PASSENGER TBAINS leave Port- Sight into, first, those which are to a hard and soit water, and it is in a good state of re- get only Well's Carboli Tablets. owing distendnd 'and dally (Sundays excepted) for Great Geiman Bitters Oxfard. state of the veins ot the PHILAOELPHIA ■F"L1ppman's strengthens pair. There is a large stable on the premises. The For sale by W. F. Phillips & Co,, Portland, Me. part,and eecond, those which loston at β.15, and 8.40 a. M„ and 2.55 and 6.00 p.m. the debilitated. present the character a Lake House—AJbertG. grounds embrace two acres, laid J. Q KELLOGG, 34 Piatt St., Ν. Y.. Sole Agent. of solid tumor. When the Leave Boston tor Portland at 7.30 a. 12.00 Hinds,'.Proprietor. handsomely out, tumors are within the k„ k., Great and on which is a fin·- the SOLD B\ DRUGGISTS. Price 25 cts. a rectum, they are called inter- 3.00 and 6.00 P. M. Line. I^^Lippman's German Bitters strengthens vegetable garden, vegeta- box. nal Steamship the bles to be sold with the house. piles: when without, and around tbe anus, ex- Biddeford for Portland at 7.30 a. consumptive. Peak»· Ialaad. mr24-4w ternal. When «..—returning This is one ot the finest locations in the ot they discharge blood they are term- at 5.20 p. M. Great vicinity ed hlppdlnu nilea- ο "—Λ Q^Lipproan's German Bitters cures Kid- Union House—W. T. Jones, (] when Π0 blc"'1 Portsmouth Proprietor Portlano—within five minutes' walk of the horse- AGENTS WANTED FOB for Portland at 10.00 Α. Μ 2.30 and Leave eaoh ney Complaints· about 8.30 p. port eveiy cais, and afioiding a fine view ot the city, itching κ, and on Tuesday, Thursday and WednesdavMaturda? VP harbor, s BRIG OS' Pi at Saturday Lippman's Great German Bitters cures Fe- Partland. ocean, and the surrounding country. Price $9000 8.00 p.m. male Complaints. Adajjs (( by Druggists. The β.ΟΟ p. M. From House, Temple Su, Jobn Sawyer Pro'tr. One-third ot the purchase money may remain on «β» (Express) trains from Boston and Long Wharf, Boston, at 3 p.m. Portland run via Eastern Fioin e3P"Lippman's Great German an old albion mortgage it desired. Possession given immediately. Railroad Tuesday,Thurs- PineHtreet Wbart, Philadel- Bitters, House, 11T Federal Street, J. G. WONDERS and at German J onic. Perry1 Enquire ot SAM'L day Saturday, only at Biddeiord. phia, 10 a. m. Proprietor. JORDAN, ESQ. stopping Saco, —I P. S. A grove containing twe acrcs on Kennebnnk, Portsmouth, Newburyport, Salem ana Insurance one-ball the rate ol tail- gyLippman's Great Gfrman the most adjoining T.rnn on/1 η» *' — Bitters, American House, India St. J. H. the an OF THE ing vessels. delighttul and effective in the world. Dodge, Prop'r. south, also acre ot tillage land on the north, WORLD." THE DIAMOND will be sold with the it Over one GLASSES, Freight tor the West by the Penn. R. BRADLEY Cor. India and Com. premises, desired, aug'25-tf thousand illustrations. The largest, beet R. and South KS^Lippman's Greot German Bitters cures HOTEL, opposite HEADACHE,Hkadacïie.—Theie is in Diuueiora, South BerwicI by connecting lines &C., JvenneDunfc, forwarded ot and most attractive class ot tree "never well" tbe Grand Trunk Railway. selling, subscription book ever every society Manufactured by commission. people. published. One in sold 100 vast numbers who suffer with Headache Dover, Exeter,Haverhill and Lawrence. TEN OMMEROIAL Farm tor Sale. agent, Denver, Colorado, Neuralgia trains PASSAGE, DOLLARS. Great House, Cor. Fore and Cross in lonr M frem various couses. Over excittmant ot the ner- Freight each way S?*L;ppman's German Bi Iters gives a*, Streets, Offered copies days. One agent in ilwaukie sold daily (Sundays excepted). E. For or Chamberlain & at a great bargain; th vous in or FRANCIS T. & Freight Passage apply to appetite. Foss, Proprietors. 30 copies In 1-2 dav, and a large number from 20 to svstem, dissipation eating drinking, a gen CHASE, Superintendent, Spencer Co., Χ, Ύ., H Lamb Homestead farm in west eral condition oi the Portland, April 28, 1870. tf City tel, Corner of and 30 copies per day. Send tor with terms at unhealthy stomach or liver, Which are now VHITNEY A- By Lippman's Great German Bitters cures Liver Congress Green street, brook, three and half miles circulars, offered to the are pronounce RAHPSON, John P. Davis & Co. trom once. U. S. 411 constipation, &c. In lacr there are as all public, A|eau, Complaint. Portland on road to Address, PUBLISHING CO., nearly many Dy the celebrated Opticians ot the world to be th Jn23-ly 70 the Saccarappa. causes as sugersrs. Dr. J. Briggs' Allevantor is a Long Wharf, Bui··. Falmouth P. E. Broome St., Ν. Y. !et2l-8w Maine Ey*Lippman'e Great German Bi.ters gives tone Hotel, Wheeler, Proprietor. Said excellent farm consists ol pleasant an«i positive remedy lor the various kinds Central Railroad.. ηο«τ PEBVBCT, to digesiive organs. Portland 71 Green St. about seventy·five acres divided Into ot Headache Neuralgia. House, R. Potter, Prop'r. conviently Natural,Artificial help to the human eye ever know For mowing, pasture and wood land ; bas a well ol This wonderful has PORTLAND AND BANGOR tri 3 ... Lippman's Great German Bitters Preble House, Congress St. W. Μ. Lewis & good GUFFROY'SCOD LIVER DRAGEES. xemedy gladdened many a sad LINE· Halifax, Nova Scotia gives energy j Ce., water,a large barn,convient house and out buildings; ana weary heart, ami is still on its mission ot Great German Proprietors. A Box,CO tu 11-2 CO mercy. B3P*Lippman's Bitters cures Ner- has also a valuable orchard ot 150 voung trees in Dragees equal plots C.L.011,75cj Sold bj M. S. W HIT1IER. Junction of Free and ] Train· will leave Grand Trunk WEEKLY LINE. vousness. St. Lawrence ο Them Coated Ρ > Depot House, India St. J. O. Kidder. good bearing condition. Another valuable source ot Dragees(Sngar ll!«)of Congrefssts, KMMNONS cor. >at Portland for Auburn and Cod Liver u in aconceu· CHAPMAN, Middle Lewiston iardness and profit to the tarin is an excellent gravel hxiitect,coûtai ts and J. it. at 7.16 Α. Μ» 1.05 P. M. brilliancy. ttar-Lippniar.'a Great German Bitters the St. Julian Hotel, cor Middle and Plum Sts. G. belonging » trated form, al· the medical virtue* of Exchange sts, LUNT & Co, 348 Winter purifies and one trom whieb g Congress The Scientific on which blood. E. bed,the only one in the vicinity, 3 Cod Liver Oil. The varetne best remedy st., GF,i>. C. FRY E, cor. Franklin and Leave lor waterville, Kendaii's Principle thev aie con- Arrangement. Ward, Proprietor. Congress ets, Mills, Newport, itructed the core the town largely. Situated so near Portlana, o that can be used for Consomption, in XL MARK & DAVIS, cor. (Moosehead and brings or centre ot the lens direct Great 0. S. buys ® Congresb and North sts. and Dexter, Lake) Bangor, at 105 P. in SS^Lippman's German Bitters, the best Hotel, Junction ot Congress and Fed? **l Sts upon the main road trom the country to the 4 Its first stages. Debility, Scrofula, Con- M, ly front ot the eye, producing a clear and city, ~ Druggists Trade Connecting with the dlstlncv Fall Medicine. Burrelt & Ο stipation and Nervous Diseases. Are generally. supplied by W. H. European & North Ameri- Gibson, Co., Proprietors. this tarm otters inducements such as lew others can PHILLIPS & oan R. R. lor towns rislon, as In the natural, healthy and The 3 not unpleasant to take, never £ CO., J. W. PERKINS & CO., W. W. north and east. sight, prevent- SteamshlpsCHASE or CAR tf£r~lJppman'ti Great Geiman Walker otter to one desiring a farm either for or disagree ing all unpleasant such as Bitters regulates House, Opposite Boston Depot, Geo. auy profit, 5 with the stomach. Try them. β WHIPPLE & CO. Freight train leaves Portland tor sensations, glimmering LOTTA will leave iGait*· Wbart the Bowels. For ci ο· nol7-dly Bangor and in- ind ot Bridgham Jr Proprietor·! enjoyment. particulars inquire This Is thewav Physiciens er?n* of ttiem S termediate stations at 6.S5 A. M. wavering sight, dixiiness, Sc., peculiar to ail 'ever* SATURDAY. >t«P.n. G. «St L. P. ο Paris, Edgar Co., 111. April6,1 «70. » >thers In use. WW Lippman's Great German WARREN, Trains leave Lewiston and Auburn ^^■^^^^"^■weatber permitting tor Haliiax di- Bitters excites tho M Gents Pleas· send at once to for Portland mil6d&wti Saccarappa, M ; Rev. % and 7 hey arc mounted in the best rect, close Torpid Liver. Pari· Dill. * 8am'1 Newell. D.D.Paris.111, two boxes Poston at 6.20 A. M., 12.04 P. M. manner, la frames ol making connections with the Nova Ζ JELieskell's Salve he best of all materials 1er Scotia a· of your exoellent Cod-Liver r Magic Train trom and quality used foi that pur- Railway Co., Windsor, New Gieat Hubbard H.Huboard, • Dragee·, Bangor intermediate stations ia Truro, Olasgow and 0**Lippman's German Bitters will Hotel, Proprietor. are the best tbl in the ose. N. 8. give Tboy ng shape ο f » CURBS due in Portland at 2.10 P. from Pictou, Youthful Vigor. medicine father ever M.,and Lewiston my has nsed. Ό and Auburn at 8.10 A. M. O^Their finish and durability cannot Returning will leave Wharf, Ramud'i V. If. N*w*I.l. M. D. e only besurpas- Pryor'· Halifax, ev- HgfLippman's Great German Bitters cures De· Village. Farm for Sale. _ Yours, The try at 4 P. To be bad of and « only route by which Tuesday, M„ weather Oentral House, W. H. Smith Druggist· generally through tickets are sold Cable permitting. bility. Proprietor of the Wholesale Agents for the U, fc>. h to Bangor, Dexter and all CAUTION.-None genuine unless J-i passage, with State Tetter I Tetter 1 Tetter I iniermediate stations mark < bearing Meals Room, 18.00 The Homestead Farm of the m. rade P- extra. late Q|9 wARUd υυ.,late c east of the Kennebec and stamped on every trame. : Peter = River, baggage checked For be'ter remedy. ar*. Staples situated in CASCO, XI J1 Ward, Southerland & Co.. through. J. A. MERRILL Λ Co., farther particulars apply to L. "aoo House—J' T. Cleaves Λ near Sebago about one hundred O 130 William Stiut K. Y. m Atlantic or BILLINGS, Great German Son. Proprietor. Lake, containing Uj ITCH! ITCH! decl6tf EDWIN 139 Middle Street, Wharl, Hr"Lippman's IBIlttrs picvcnt acres, well divided into and lent by mail on cf lITCHt NOYES, 8upt. Tewelers and oct28tl Chills and JTeyer. field, pasture woodland, 13 receipt price. ^ Opticians, are sole Agents tor Port- JOHN PORTEOP8, a valuable lot ot and several hundred cords from whom Agent. j£a. Shu. timber, Scald and, Me., they caa only b· obtained. of hard wood near the shore ot the Lake. AZgjggUgMljpte for Cod Liver Oil. Eryslpeias, Head, Ringworms, Ulcer», Burns, FARK RRnrrpn These are not to at If ni ν » Retail at the : ι,λκκ House, J. standing Salt Chill goods suppllel Pedlers, any piicn Depots following Apoihec&rles Savage, Proprietor. A irood 1 l-'infnrv hnneo wo 11 flniclxvl a »rl mavlir Rlieum, Blains, .môme Frosted Scalds,Pimples, Blotches, aepl3d&wly new, witn convenient and bain. Said Limbe, Inflame ! Eyes, Files, and all obctuiiuuip uompany A. G. out-buildings tions or tbe Skin, Erup- OCHLOTTBBBBCK, (k*wlc|H, Farm will be told at a bargain for the purchaser if Reduction Tcrbek House. X. H. & of Prices Warranted to Cure or NEW ARRANGEMENT, 303 β t Hussey Co., Proprietors. applied tor anon. For terms anl further /| Money Refunded. The Garden ! ΟοηιηΜ tree particulars For sale all and Song Brewstee's Hotel. S. B. Brewster, Preprtetor. enquire on the premiies, 01 ot TO CONFORM TO by Druggists country stores. P. 17 market F. B. UEISK.ELL, Me. Detroit, Annual Male 40,000 ^emi- W eWEETHB, Square. Ε R. STAPLES, For Proprietor, Bangor, Chicago, Capita eekly Line I miiedlt&wti sale by C. F. Crosman & Co., C. W. & A aeries ol Munie Books Wholesale Mi· Andrew·, New Bnnwkk· Probate Office, Portland, Me. Geo. C. Gllkty adapted lo School· ol all Agent·. Reduction of Duties ! Co., Frye, Congress street.) jrades. Each book complete in itself. The Rail WàyHoteï,—Michael Steamers Clark, Proprie tor Sale. dc3-ly CALIFORNIA, BT DB. Dirige and will W. F. PBILtlPS & tor. Farm LOWELL MASON. 'until further Franconla, CO„ notice, run a* in a (And all point» via follow·: J. ». PERKINS Λ CO., Portland. Great bargain farm. The Oli- west, the The Hang Garde·. First Book. For beg'n- Leave Qalta Wharf, ver larm in two lers. with a o· MONDAY an forwarded to and from subscriber at Saco, or 292 Commercial 31 ui 33 and Papers, Pulpits Λ. OLIVER DITSON St Boston. lallux, St. Montreal, Quebec, Druggists. novlSeoiliwly St., Portland. Tm«t Slreci, New Y*rk. People are all discussing the subject and CO., John, and all part* of Maine. Saco. Mar Λ 1871. book, And ot the !HAS. H. DITSON & CO., New York. ire to Shipper· 7tb, P. O. Box ISC43. fe27t8w every man, woman and child wants to read read all.parti requested tend their freight to the | it. inr;»d2aw&wtc aa Steamer· mr7deodwlm JOSEPH HOBSCN. Tbe fierce war early 4 p. κ, on the dan long is ended, and honorable peace they leave Portlaad. t Science For freight or puaage to Agents secured, is true, the Bible literal, pure and West and North-West, apply Farm tor Sale. Wanted, both now HENRY FOX, liait'· MONTH: beautiful, satisfied, and firm iriends, Pullman's Palace and Wharf, Portland. & Melodeoits ! ffiO.TK* by the AMERICAN Go^'s work six actual Sleeping Bote! Cars ran J. F. AMES, Pier38 E. R. New Organs Ayer's BE Hoinectead of Clement M. Smitb, in Hollia, KNITTING days, days, not lond periods. through lrom Detroit to San York. <Κ)£ΔΟ MACHINE CO.. BOS- This book gives the cieamcf Francisco. May 8-dtf Τ is offered tor sale on favorable terms. or very science, making this TON, MASS., ST. LOUIS, MO. Ie27-8w its HT~fc'ares by toute always les» than by any WM. P. Apply to GEO. HOPKINS}, thrilling realities, beauties, wonders a.d spark- other route irom Maine. HASTINGS, ling gems a hundred a Norfolk mr27eod2w&w3w fj t> St gems hundred told more in- Tickets can be obtained at the and Baltimore and change to pell tbe teresting than fiction. Or··* Tmk Washington D, 0 OF Hair (tlOprr day) AGENTS WANTDD. OIBce, Preble and MANUFACTURE» celehrpted HOME opposite House, Depot. WANTED-AGENTSSHUTTLE SEWING MA- Experienced Agents will drop other books and se- oct3dtl Bteamahin Line. Vigor, Farm for Sale. CHINK. Haa the cure D. H. BLANCH AKD, "under-feed," makes the territory immediately. Address tor circular. Agent "lock stitch," on hoth ZIEGLER & PER^'ÏR For (alike aides,) and Is FOLLY 102 Maine St., Steamship· of thli Line (all FA It M with House, Barn and out licensed. Mass. McCURDY, Springfield 033J from end restoring Gray Hair to Buildings, The best and cheapest mr25i4w of Central with wo d lamlly Sewing Wliarf, Boston, TWICE A ι lenty ot and timber, 30 or 40 young Machine in the market. Adorées JULES CH. L. Ά WEEK for trees. Never wall of ·ού JOHNSON, MORAZA1X, NORFOLK and BAL its natural Apple tailing watej, g tlelu CLARK & CO., Boston, F.a., Chi- ΙΐΙΜΟΚΕ. and Color. lor or 3 miles Mass., Pittsburgh, FROM PABIS, Vitality crops grass, irom Ufddetord. For $775 cago, 111., or St. Louis. Mo. feb27-8w Profitable, Agents Wanted. Steamship#:— Possession at time. ol — given any Enquire D'Aubigne's of the Teacher ol the French A EATON & History Great Refotma- Language* HatUU. which HOOPER, CO. tion, in one dressing Agents, Male and Female F>R complete volume, illustrated. For Late Master ot Modern in the Provin- fSyAyrvL· Portland, March 10,1871, nirlOeodlm "The ot Languages is at once Light the World," a choice cial era ν «m, rt. ΤΛΟΚ (lut and fel- Training School, and υ rammar .. riruy, <ιμι. IlaUftt* agreeable, selling popular subscription books. Ex ling Work. Also for rapidly High Schools. Γ tra Zell's Popular St. John, Ν. B. "ifcCltUax," Cavt. Frank Af. Moves. and Inducements to agents. Information tree. embracing 125,000 Encyclopedia, healthy, effectual Address Am. subjects, with 2,500 Belereuces: Gen. J. M. stronc Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Wastinrten Book Co., 62 William St., Ν. T. a work for illustrations; Brown, J. W. Symonds, _[MAKE3TH^WEAK for feb23-8w great experienced agents. Send for cir- Esq. )y Steamer Lady of the Lake. the culars of either preserving work. from one p. to Freight forwarded from Norfbtk to Great Reduction Apply x. three o'clock p. u at 08 " Petersburg and hair. Faded or HORACE CAOTIOy.-AI1 genuine has the name PnwmA· river or rail: and the * gray IS NO HXIMBUS 1 KING, Publisher, Spring Street, or in writing P. O. Box 2059. Hichmond, by by yra. Tenn In prices ot clenslng and repalring,[clothlng, lower Q C mr29-4w tota (not Peruvian Bark,") blown In the elaù liir Line to all points in Virginia, hair is Thompson ville, Conn. ■eplOdly ® Tennessee, Ala soon restored han ever. I shall cleanse THIS By sending >0 CENTS witb age. pamphlet, sent free. J. p. tama and and over the color ot and L,Ff Dweuoau Georgia; Seaboard and Ko to Coats lor $1.00 height, eyes hair, you will receive, Proprietor, 36 Dey 8t., Ntew York. oie R. It to all pointe in North and its color return a correct by South Carolina original Pantator 75 and B0 eta. mail, picture of your future hus- Sold by ail DruggUta. the Bait, t Ohio R. R. to band or wife, with ST. >y Washington and ai & with the Vest for 37" name and date of mariiage. Ad- AUGUSTINE'S ilacee West. Organs Melodcons. gloss and dress W. P. O. DODD'8 Ladies' garments cleansed and with usual FOX, Drawer No. 24, Fuitonville. Through rate· to South and I cheap, my Ν. Y. given West. received the highest premium at tlie New Eng- I freshness of youth, promptness. Second-band clothing lor sale at lair 8w teb13t SCHOOL· FOR Fine Passenger acconodatinn·. Una and State Fair in 1869. I ateo have BOYS, BEND FOB A CATALOGUE. Fare Berth the exclu- Thin hair is thick· prices. 64 Federal Street, NERVINE including and Meal· $12 so· tlm» a. sive right 10 use tbe Wilcox sNo. 45 — 48 hours. Patent Bellows and ened, hair )units WILLIAM BROWN. Danforth St., Portland. OF îorlolk, To Baltimore 65 hour· Tremolo, which is pronounced by Judges to be the falling checked, and bald- Has relieved thousands ol Congh, Head For further information apply to best in use. ness Cold, Fever, All instruments manufactured by rfe oflen, though not cured Ache, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia with loss of appetite, Ber. Daaiel F. Saailh, Α. Portland. are fully warranted. Price list sent mail. Will always, Clothing Cleansed, Repaired Π., Heeler; Nursery |une2tf by its use. Diarrhoea, Constipation, Sleeplessness, all Nervous IHtaa P. &SVO sell to pay instalments. by can restore Female Weak· Mary Helm·, Λ AND by Nothing the and "Pressed JURUBEBAl aflections, ess, etc. Price 91. See aetata·!; IV· hair recommençât ions with each bottle. Rrr. If. W. Taylar Α. 15 C heitaut SI., l*orlland, Mr. where the follicles are What is it ? Root, Μ , BE SPECIAL LIST OF PHICEi, POB destroyed, In a Neat and Tasteful lawraetar la Draw Manner ! — BOSTON, dclSeodly or the Bead|what one.Draggin .ay.! Easter Term lag. — OF glands atrophied and Ic is a sure and perfect remedy f»r all begins Jan. 1, 1871. decayed. AT SHORT diseases ol the We have sold Dodd's Nervine tor tbe last six The But such as JiOlICE. LIVER AND years I Orna- new and euitettor remain can be saved for SPLEEN, ENLARGEMENT OR and can trutbtuliy say it has given satisfaction in pple Trees, Grape Fines, tea-«oft»» No Λ. A. OBSTRUCTION OF instance so tar as Lawrence's Capitalist is too usefulness this By DAVIS, 37β Congre·· street. INTESTINES, URINARY every we know. During the last Medlord Rum. mental Shrubs, Boses, and «ROOKS,4a3 Rich, by Instead UTERINE, Oit ABDOMINAL vear we have sold over MONTBEAXi, haying been fitted application. mr31eou3m ORGANS, POV- Nineteen Thousand npat great of JCRTi OR A WANT OF bottles, Small Fruits 1871. with a -ΛΓο the hair with a BLOOD, INTERMIT- and consider its Immense sale a suffi< iejt ot Oaniel /or large Farmer is too fouling pasty sedi- TENT OR REMITTENT proof Lawrence & SU" Poor, FEVERS. Its reliability, Gr.O. C. GOODWIN & Sons, Or visit our at Morrill's Corner, 111 ran Roo,a· it will it Avoid THE INFLAM- CO., Whole- grounds Peering, theseason às No ment, keep clean and Quacks. MATION OF LIVER, DROPSY, SLUG- sale Drugzl'tp, Boston. Sold by all Only manufacturer of nd select tieee, Ac., in the Nursery rows. Or what foUow»î*U'i,Ul vigorous. VICTIM of earl ν indiscretion, causing nervous OlSB CIRi ULATION OF THE Druggists, *t Τ o'clock Mechanic is too Poor Its occasional use BLOOD. ABS- ror&Mw just as well, call at our City Salesroom, at will the hair A debility, premature decay, Ac., having tried in CESSES. Whatl, Boston, every dav at β o'clock Ρ prevent TUMORS, JAUNDICE, SCROFULA MEΌ FORI) Λ ? a? vain everj advertised remedy, has a simple means DYSPEPSIA. AGUE RUM, Leadall Whitney'· Agricultural MBnoday· excepted.) the from gray or and f FEVER OR THEIR market reichwate/-catosetaôrbcommon priij '*Asu.bstUul|e.,orCB turning falling off, of selt-cur«, which he will send free to h s tellow- Sti J Warehouse, Square, of all, rich and poorm P w"1"' ,ne CONCOMITANTS THEA-NECTAll enjoy the reputation of Il« to™ eufl'erers. J. H 78 manufacturing will And a "•Ok, try. a slronle means coun" prevent baldness. Free Address, TUTTLE, Nassau-st.. Is a here you complete assortment ot Nur- 1.0ft for consequently Db. Wells having become aware ol the , Pare Black Tea with The comfortable provldine to ιΐ,ΐ \ New York. dc2J-6m exlraor- Beet Bum in the Staten ry Stock. One ol our ttrm will be at private > a d medicinal Green Tea flavor. the room Freight taken at oinal, closet, ~,m. from those deleterious substances nary properties of the South I ntss and healtii. «fford'ie b, neal" which Amciican Authorized rough the planting season to receive and L. Prices $9 to ftίλ ν called Warranted to suit all [Duly by State Licen«e.] fill or- BILLINOR, i Plant, tastes. irs. We shall endeavor to Agent, lars to ,or circa- make some and Coal Siiters· For sale The deal equarely with a'l May preparations dangerous everywhere, and lor superior qnallty and purity ot bo favor us with their 1,1889-dtt Patent Coal Sitter tbe best in sale wholesale only by the patrouage. Catalogues m «ν to the hair, the can thing LA (f RENCE'S MED RUM had FKEB, at our Boom, or at injurious Vigor MORRISON'Sthe market. Those in want of a Sitter will do Great Atlantic dfc Pacific FORD Sawyer & JURUBEBA, tor the rd's.No 119 Exchange st., who will Earth not well to call at loot of Cross sr. and exam- TEA CO past ha» made it keep Closet Dnly benefit but harm it. It wanted PettingiL's, forty-seven years, every- ete assortment οι our acorn! ine one tore sent a special commission to that to where known as will trees at their be purchasing any other kind, Kice country procure P.O box 55C6. 8 the standard rum. No pains on branch warp- for a it in its native and Church-,t.,N.T. mse Market at. opp. new P. HARRIS merely things tor Christmas or New Years present. purity, hating lound its wonder- C'lT Send for Thea Nectar Clr- be spared to maintain its purity and high reputa- 0. anitr 1I O. Co., dc20tf I ul curative properties to even exceed the cular. tion. The public is cautioned against imitations S. & L. 0, OODDAHD. tions termed its anticipa- and by great reputation, has concluded mr29|4w counterieits. HAIR to offer it to the ana I» 19 Doane DRESSING, Oorliam public, happy to state that he e^Order direct from us and we *ill St savings Bank. bas tor a perfected arrangements monthiv supply ot is'action. Please address orders by mail to m&ij- else can annual meetin? of this tor the this wonderlul Plant. He has BOSTON. nothing be found so desirable. corporation, spent much time ex- FORD, MASS., and orders by expies· or otherwise TUBeleci'on of oflleers for the ensuing year and perimenting and Investigating as to the moat oZ h bXrS to I to 107 State Boston, and they *ill receive CASSIMERES efficient The Oomb street, *>AR*·· Containing neither oil nor it does tbe fansact'on of any other legitimate will preparation from it, tor Magic not dye, business, popular use, and hu lor permanent black or brown. It contains no prompt attention, ■ HENRY TAYLOR & CO., 14 and 16 Fx. soil white be held at ihe Bank on at 3 some time used In his own poison, hang and lasts Saturday next, April 1, practice with most happy ~juc comb sent by mail for $1. Dealers supplied at itreet, Portland, for the State ot cambric, yet in. results the effectual medicine now Daniel Lawrence & Sous. Agent Maine.. long on the o'clock, p. presented to ?hc educed rates. Address Wm. Patton, Treasurer, | r«cSP0(lty hair, giving it a rich public as Mass. Jul9ite3m IHADBOURN