April 04,1871
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS Established June 23, 1862. Vol. 10. „ PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING. ΑΡΡττ λ * " Terms '·" "—" J 1 $8.00 per annum. —.« vauj rreeii IJNSUKAJNUE. BONDS. Is published every day (Sundays bj MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. the exoepted) BUSINESS DIRECTOR^ Portland Publishing Co., THE DAILY ATLANTIC. Dissolution of Copartnership PRESS, At 109 Exchange Portland. Advertising Agency. Street, ATWELL & CO., 174$ Middle PORTLAND. GENTLEMEN, ments Street, Advertise- Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year In advance. inserted in papers in Maine Mutual Insurance partnership heretofore ut the and through· CentralRailroad THE existing under the country at the Comp'y, PLACE TO QET THEaameot publisher's lowes rates. IN The Maine State Prcse (ORGANIZED 1842.) C. P. APRIL 1871. KIMBALL Ac LABKIN, Agricultural TUESDAY, 4, 51 Wall corner OF Is Implements Λ Seed·. I» published Thcrhdav Morning at et., of New York. CO., IOWA. dissolved mutual SAWYER ft e\ery William, The by consent, Mr. Larkin retiring. WOODrORD, No. 119 St. $2.50 a if at a STYLISH business viil be Exchange year; paid in advance, $2.00 Marine and and ail continued by Mr. Kimball, The in France. Insures Aerainst Inland Bisks have bow built and equipped, 1b first-class manner, the affairs ot the Calendar year. Navigation ; late firm settled by him. Auctioneer. And will issue Policies Loss about C. P. KIMBALL. The fact that the Council of making payable in G. W. No. 327 Communal Kates of Advertisino.—One inch of space, England. GEO.G. LARKIN. HOLMES, Congress St. Auction Sales " Portland, March 1871. every Evening. Private Sales Paris Las reverted to tbe Cal- in length of column, constitutes a square'.** 180 Miles Garments Made 2», mr 31-3t during the day.
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