PORTLAND PRESS. Established June 23, 1862. Vol* 1Q> PORTLAND, FRIDAY Terms $8.00 per annum,, in advance. 'I'll·. « — — — »uiiu jLFuii rra» j IJNSUKAJNUJi. BONDS. MISCELLANEOUS. ihePnbU8hed eVery day <3·*»·*· ·"·*·«> by MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE Portland Publishing Co., DAILY PRESS. ATLA Ί* TIC. Copartnership Notice / Advertising Agency. At 109 Exchange Portland. ATWELL A PORTLAND. Street, P. CO., 174* Middle Street, Advertise- BEALS and Joseph T. Darling have ments inserted in Terms a Tear in advance. GENTLEMEN, papers in Maine and Dollars Eight THOS.this 17th day ofMarch formed a copartnership ut the through- Mutual Insurance CentralRailroad under the country at the lowed rates. name of publisher's Comp'y, THE PLACE TO GET The Maine State Pre*» (ORGANIZED IK THOS. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1871. 1842.) OF IOWA. P. DEALS &c CO., Agricultural Implements Λ Seeds. SI Wall corner CO., IAWYERA No. in Ki. la published every Thtrsdav Morning at »t., of William, New York. Manufacturers of and Dealers in WOOnrOKD, bange St. in at a STYLISH $2.50 a year; if paid advance, $2.00 have »ow built and Letter froui Sekrc. Injures Aerainst Marine and Inland equipped, in flrst-claes [manner, Auctioneer. year. Navigation Risks about French and Chamber 27tb, 1871. And will issue Policies Cottage Sets, 3. W. HOLMES, No. 327 Anctlon Sebec, March, making Loss in ALL CongressSt. Sale· Rates or Auvertisinq.—One inch of space, payable England. KINDS OF Private Sales the 1o the Editor : " every Evening. daring day. of the Pre»* in length of column, constitute· a square." 180 Miles Railroad, Garments Made Wood and Cane Beat of Chair·, Spring Bed·, Either from the unwise of the early $1.50 per square daily first week. 78 cents &c &c. policy Its Assets for the which the ex" Agencies for Machine*. per week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; of its Policies are more than competes their entire line, with Sewing >wners of the water at Sebec Security $13,000,000.00 IS AT market W. 8. power village, first 50 ■ ot street, Bturdivant DYER, 158 Middle over Η. Η. All continuing every other day after week, ·-♦·♦» ception laying the track on twenty-five mllei, Block, St, Hay'». Opposite the New kinds of Machine» for tale and to let. >r some other cause, not easily comprehend- cents. The Profit· of (be which is thus open the Poet Office. Rrpan ing. \ Company revente Ike Rnnrrd, anil are divided nnnually, upon already graded. They Tiios P. Half square, three insertions or less, 75cents; the Premiums Beats, Joseph T. ed by a temporary resident, it bas Increased terminated the certificates Tor which nre Mr Darling. one week. 50 cents per week after. during ]nr, inned, hearing in" Beata will be elad to Bakers. $1.00; teres! nntil First Line Across the Stite see all of his old custom- >ut little in or business for one third additional. redeemed. Throngh ers, and we would N. 12 very popnlation Special Notices, FERNALD'S, solicit the patronage of our O.COBB, No. Pearl Street. head of " W. H. H. friends, and will endeavor to he last It at the outlet Under Amusements," $2.00 per Moore, 2d Vk«-Prent. trom north to detour mar give good satisfaction, twenty years. being J. I). John D. Jones, President. south, and, by making a slight WHERE CAN BE SEEN THE 29dlw square per week ; three insertions or less $1.50. Hkwlett.îxI Vtce-Preat. f is some twelve miles in Charles Dikhii, Vice-President. at one point, they give Booksellers and Stationers. Sebec lake, which Advertisements inserted in the "Maine J. H.OHAFMA*, Secretary. IV State Press" has a Ο C ÎOYT, FOGO A 92 Middle and fed by over twenty ponds of more (which large circulation Direct Oelamaleali*· Between St. I.··!· Latest Goods Ε BREED, Street. îngth of JOHN W. Styles of T_I in every part the State) for $1.00 per square MUNGEB, Correspondent, r less it afford a wa- and Ht. Pnnl. copartnership heretofore magnitude, never-failing for first insertion, and 50 cents per square for existing under the Book-Binders. Office, Ιββ Fore Street, Portland. THEArm name ol er of as mills each insertion. March From New Verb and I!anion [VM. A. power, capable runniug many subsequent 13, 18Î1 dlm-eod tlm<&w6w Τ till line f Railroad will hare very special advan- Market*, QUINCY. Room 11 Prlotei's Address all communications to STEVENS & HIBRILL, No. Ill Exchange Street." Exchange, s could be erected on both sides ol the stream tages tor b«th local and through business, besides PORTLAND is by mutual consent dissolved. SMALL· & PUBLISHING CO. such railroad as will secure to 8HACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street. of a mile. superior connections All persons.having demands against the Bald firm jrajquarter For and are to the WANTED. TO LET. it a large portion of the carrying trade ol the great Spring Summer Wear! requested present same at once lor pay- M ANUFACT σΒΙΝΟ. and all indebted said Bonnet and Hat North-west. The ment; persons to firm ore re- Bleachery.~ tâT" Please quested to the same before to either of Ϊ. IS. UN A woolen mill of moderate dimensions, BUSINESS CARDS. call and examine onr goods before pur- pay May 1, 1>ERWOOD,No. 310J Congres» Street. Wanted to Purchase. To Lee. chasing elsewhere. the lata partners, as all demands remaining uncol- wned the Messrs. Robinsons, is now un- FIRST MORTGAGE lected at that by or near the line of the Weetbrook Horse time Trill be left tor collection. Cars, ΊΓ AHTCASTISR HALL)No31 Market Carpenters and Builders. in in a a tour acres Square, B. STEVENS, JR. mployed, but will be put operation JOHN ON email place containing from two to -U Portland, Me, the most central and beatiiul Hall WHITNEY A MEANS. of with but J. R. MERRILL. Pearl st, opposite the P«k. KINSMAN, land, small gooa buildings, consisting ot for Parties, Concerts, and will be A. hort time. Messrs. Ljavett <fc Weston, of of Lectures, &c, let 8, Portland, March 1671. DEALER IN Houso, Stable, Ac. Enquire the subscriber at the on very reasonable terms. 7 Per FEMALD, 21, mr23eodtomyl £tore of Geo W. Rich & 173 Fore Ct. Gold Bonds Dement Drain îangor have purchased the saw mill formerly Clothing Co., St., Also, MUSIC furnished for all occasions, both Of and Water or address the Post Box which are the late firm of J. E. FEUNALD & The (Pipe, Gas & through Office, 1951, Port- Brass and String Band, and Violin, Cornet and Pi- issued upoa tbis road are limited, I· SON, undersigned having purchased the stock, and Chimneys Ac. iwned by the Messrs. Morrisen, and have got Water Fixtures, land. CHARLES P. HOLDEN. ano tor Private Parties. amount to taken the office formerly occupied Stevens & Mer- (16,000 per mile (wbiie many roads issue by r. W. STOCKWELL A CO.. 28 and 163 >ut a March 30 dtf Apply to J rill, will continue to do a general Lumber business. Dantortt large quantity of lumber to be manufac- RUBBER ΠΟβΕ, COLE, trom (20,000 to and are offered at 90 91 Middle orders received Ν. M. Perkins A Arc., BraM (40,000,) aad Having superior facilities for we Street, by Co., 16 Brown street, or at the Hall. St., A. glazing sash, intend and Kendall A *red into shingles, latbs, accrued interest, in keeping a good assortment ot connec- Whitney. clapboards, pickets, currency. Windows, in _ 128 mrl5 lm tion with timber Ac. is Exchange Street, The most experienced financiers that Vint Doors, Sashes and Blinds. We have on wards, There some ezcclllent PAIITERS To Let agree hand and are reciving Dye House. MAINE. to a Shingles, Clapboards, Laths, limber in the of the PORTLAND, Pleasant Woodford'· IHertange Band·, limited amount, η pen a &c., which we shall sell at the lowest vicinity mill, much of itreet, Corner, tirst-class market prices. r.SYMONDS, India St., Τ adits'Cloaks cleansed or mr28-lm French Roof ten finished railroad, which in Also a lot of seasoned WANTED ON Home, (10) rooms, plenty wa- well located <bt Black Walnut of superior dyed for one dollar. ivhicli is clear pine, which might be worked ter, large garden with fruit trees, grape etc. are one ot ihe PORT LAND. quality. We hope by fair to merit a contin- fine·, business, very sat est forms of invest- dealing rOSTER'S DYE 79 to Stable and otber out-bultdlngs complete, 8. H. uance ot the tavors of eur friends and the HOUSE, No. Middle «t., ear ip good advantage. The general impress- GAGE & PAINTERS to tlie ment. public. the eorner of DAVIS, ΚΠΠ bay ART OF LET- DOTKN, Office Cross St. Mill oi Adam, J. K. MERRILL & CO. Exchange. on O WATERING AMD SIGN PlaSing is that more bm Iness will be done by the PAINTERS· MAN- House. mr25tf Parties desiring to secure a first class security, Portland, March 21,1871. mi23eodimyl roREST CITY DYE HOUSE, S15 Congres· it. UAL—with copious Illustrât on* and and nids here designs based upon a railroad this year, tban has been done for and Provision compute instructions. Price *3.50, Address LY- practically do"e, and In the Flour, Grain, FORD House to Let. bands ot Dissolution ot Dentists. leveral &BOYCE, 10 Broad St., orÀ. WILLIAMS leading capitalists who have a large pe- Olothe, Copartnership. years past. & CO., 135 Mass. ek House to copartnership heretofore existing under the 1 >RS. EVANS A Washington St., Boston, St®99 ?r'c^ Let. Inquire at 133 cuniary and business interest in its success, will do STROUT, 8 Clapp Block, Con, Β STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD.
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