PORTLAND DAILY PRESS Established June 23, 1862. Vol. 10. „ PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING. ΑΡΡττ λ * " Terms '·" "—" J 1 $8.00 per annum. —.« vauj rreeii IJNSUKAJNUE. BONDS. Is published every day (Sundays bj MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. the exoepted) BUSINESS DIRECTOR^ Portland Publishing Co., THE DAILY ATLANTIC. Dissolution of Copartnership PRESS, At 109 Exchange Portland. Advertising Agency. Street, ATWELL & CO., 174$ Middle PORTLAND. GENTLEMEN, ments Street, Advertise- Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year In advance. inserted in papers in Maine Mutual Insurance partnership heretofore ut the and through· CentralRailroad THE existing under the country at the Comp'y, PLACE TO QET THEaameot publisher's lowes rates. IN The Maine State Prcse (ORGANIZED 1842.) C. P. APRIL 1871. KIMBALL Ac LABKIN, Agricultural TUESDAY, 4, 51 Wall corner OF Is Implements Λ Seed·. I» published Thcrhdav Morning at et., of New York. CO., IOWA. dissolved mutual SAWYER ft e\ery William, The by consent, Mr. Larkin retiring. WOODrORD, No. 119 St. $2.50 a if at a STYLISH business viil be Exchange year; paid in advance, $2.00 Marine and and ail continued by Mr. Kimball, The in France. Insures Aerainst Inland Bisks have bow built and equipped, 1b first-class manner, the affairs ot the Calendar year. Navigation ; late firm settled by him. Auctioneer. And will issue Policies Loss about C. P. KIMBALL. The fact that the Council of making payable in G. W. No. 327 Communal Kates of Advertisino.—One inch of space, England. GEO.G. LARKIN. HOLMES, Congress St. Auction Sales " Portland, March 1871. every Evening. Private Sales Paris Las reverted to tbe Cal- in length of column, constitutes a square'.** 180 Miles Garments Made 2», mr 31-3t during the day. Revolutionary of Railroad, endar in $1.60 per square daily first week. 75 cents lis Assets for the of its are calling a meeting for the 8th Germin- week three or Security Policies more thai which completes their ex- Agencies for per after; insertions, less, $1.00; $13,000,000.00 entire line, with the IS AT — Notice I Sewing machines. al (28th other after first SO Copartnership W. S. 158 March) brings up unpleasant memo· continuing every day week, ception ot laying the track on mllei, DYER, Middle St, tret H. H. Hay'». All The l*r«fll« of the revert to twenty-fire P. BEALS and kind» of ] lies of that cents. Cmpai; the ud arc IhUcl rpHOS.A Joseph T. hare Machine» for «ale and to let. frightful episode in Preach his- aaaared, BnnuUr, apaa which li already graded. thus open the this 17th day of Darling Rtpau ing, | Half three insertions or less, 75 cents; r"" " '""''"••«Ί the They under March formed a the of square, dariag Jeer, certiorate· far which are baaed, hear lag la- the name of copartnership tory, Reign Terror, when the names of one week, 50 cents per week after. tere·! a η til Bakers. $1.00; redeemed. First the months were Special one third additional. Line Across the State THOS. I». changed, with a Notices, Through FERNALO'S, BEALS Oc W. O.COBB, Ni. 12 Pearl Street. slight Under head of "Amusements," $2.00 per JOHN D. President. CO., I also in the time ef the T'rt'Hawr"· HBW"TT.3rt »τϊ*'c*^£eet. Jonas, trom north to WHERE CAN BE SEEN THE Manufacturers change seasons. week three insertions or less $1.50. Vice-Preet. Chaulks south, and, by making a alight detour or and Dealers square per ; Dikkm, Vlce-Prealdent, in The name of the committee Advertisements inserted in the "Maine J. I.OliHU, Secretary. at one point, they give Booksellers and Stationers. itself, Com- State Press" ( which has a Latest French and HOYT, FOGG & is of turbulence and large circulation J OHN W. Direct Goods BREED, <2 Middle Street. mune, suggestive blood- of the for MUNGEB, Correspondent, Ceamilcall»· Between 81. Laal· Styles of Cottage Chamber in every part State) $1.00 per square ALL Sets, for it was tbe Commune in and St. Paul. KINDS Οι shed, 1793 that for first and 50 cents per square for «fflce, ΙΟβ Fore Street, Portland. VnI insertion, March * I'rolu New ud Caw Seal Book-Binders. committed those crimes at which the each subsequent insertion. 18, 1871 dlm-eodllm&ir6w Y«rk and Beat·· Market·, Chain, Mpriug Bed·, WM. A. world TLlj line f Railroad will hare very tpeeial advan- Ac Ac. QUINCY. Room 11 Prtntei'· Address all communications to No. Ill Exchange Exeuange, grew the Commune was in tages lor bcth local and throngh business,^besides Street. pale. Originally PORTLAND PUBLISHING market street, Sturdivant SMALL ft the CO. such superior railroad connections as secure to Block, SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street. interests of order. Having been called In- WANTED. TO LET. will For and Summer Opposite the New Poet Office. It a large portion of the carrying trade ot the great Spring Wear! to existence by the electors of Paris and en- THOS P. Beats, Joseph I. Darling. Bonnet and Hat North-west. The Η. B. Bleachery. I a the BUSINESS iy Pleafe call and examine oar Mr Beals will be glad to see ail of his old custom- UNDERWOOD, No. larged by decree of Constituent Assem- CARDS. Wanted to Purchase. To goods before pur- 810i Confie·· Street. Let. chaslngeUewhere. ers, and we would solicit the patronage of our S. SAWYER ft it made commander of the Na- AN or Dear the line of Horse FIRST CO., Bleachert, 131 Middle bly, Lafayette tbe'Westbrook Cars, and fourth stories in Brick Block, Fore st. MORTGAGE friends, and will endeavor to give good satisfaction, itreet. | | V/ a «mail place from two to lonr acres tional containing THIRDopposite loot ot Exchange St., suitable for manu- mar 29dlw Guards, and BaiUy Mayor. Bat when of land, with small bnt good buildings, consisting ol Carpenters and SCHUMACHER facturing purposes, rent low. Inquire of W. A. i. 8. Builders. Lafayette was thrust aside and bad BROS,, House, Stable, &c. Enquire ot the subscriber at the DUR4N, 175 in the Block. WHITNEY ft Bailly to ap3tl FERNALD, MEANS, Pearl et, opposite the (Successors J. W.C. Morrison.) Clothing store oi Geo W.Blch&Co., 173 Fore St., 7 Per Ct. Gold Bonds NOTICE. Park. been hanged to a street or 01 tke lamp-post (α la iai»- address through the Post Office, Box 1961, Port- late firm of J. E. FERNALD & IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN For to or which are Issued upon this road are lu SON, Cement ttme!) the Commune land. CHARLES F. HOLDEN. Sale, Let Exchange tor limited, copartnership heretofore existing under the Drain and Water I Pipe, ran into the wildest <x March 30-dtf amount to 116,000 per mile (wblie roads THE.firm name ot cesses under a House. many issue 91 Chimneys *e. Varennes and ARTISTS9 MATERIALS I trom to Middle Robespierre,BUiaud LOT of land $20,000 $40,000,) and are oflered at 90 and St*f mum.'; STEVENS êc J. W. STOCKWKLL ft CO.. » and 1« Τallien, and made France Oil fronting on Pearl and Vine sts, OEBBILL, red with the blood Ger- A near Coitom lut 44x71 accrued interest, in is mutual consent erder» reeeired Ν. M. of her ehildren. Psiatiifi, American, Engliah, House: ; good 1 .cation for currency. mrlS ltn by dissolved. Street, by Perkins ft Co., The name Commune PAINT a machine or The All persona and Kendall ft Wbltner. very man, and French Chromo·, Steel ERS Joiner'» and paint fhop. most experienced financiers agree that Pint having demands against the said firm became hateful to mankind. ap2dti W. SHEA, 27 Pearl et. Engraving·, Lithograph·, ISengaxe Bead·, to a limited mnn'f.'ïlîrfÎn ®>Γβ8βίί]?1β'*,,1β 0nC® ,0Γ P»J" In adopting the' amount, apea a ment; and all persons indebted to said Revolutionary Calendar WANTED ftaiiked firm are re- ι Dye House. tbe seasons of Mathemetlcal Instruments, Drawing Paper, French To railraad, which is well located for quested to pay the aame before to spring and autumn were Lee. Majrl, elSer Tf P. IYMONDS» IndiaSt., J-adics' Cloaks cleansed made Plate Mirror*. Materials lor Wax Flower are one of the PORTLAND. the late partners, as all demands or to begin with the TAHCISTKB 31 Market business, very sal est forms or invest- remaining uncol- for one dollar. equinoxes, and of summer Making, etc. Manulacturers of all t/W\ PA INTERS to bur the ART OF LET- HAJjL,No Square. lected at that time will bf left w dyed XJ Portland, Me, the moat central and beatltul Hall ment. and winter t· with the solstices. The kinds ol OUVTitKlNO AND SIGN PAINTERS' MAN- Β. FOSTER'S I>TE HOUSE, No. 79 Middle ear begin for Partie·, and will STEVENS. JR. at., first with IT 4L—with copions Ulastrat'ons and Concerts, Lectures, &c, be let Parties desiring to secure a first class J" R- the corner of Exchange. year beginning the autnmnal designs apd on very reasonable terms. security, equi- Picture and Mirror emnplete mtfractions. Price Address based a Portland, March 21, 1871. FOREST nox, the succession of tbe months and Frames. |3.50, LY- Also, HCaiC tarnished for all upon railroad practically do"e, and in the mr23eo<Uomyl CITY DTE HOUSE, 315 Congress it. their FORD «S BOYCE, 10 Broad or A. occasions, both with St., WILLIAMS Brass and String and hand* ot who Cloths, correspondenee the Gregorian SALESROOM ft PICTURE GAL LE & CO., 136 Has·. Band, Violin, Cornet and Pi- leading capitaliste have a large pe- Tbe calendar, BY, Washington St., Boston, ano lor Private Parties. undersigned having purchased the stock and which we. observe, were as follows : mar 17-1m cuniary and business interest In Its will NO.
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