From the desk of the Executive Editor Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing INNOVATION IS KEY TO CREATING JOBS OVER THE NEXT DECADE

The future of the world’s socio-economic balance to the fast growing economies of Asia and Africa. lies in creating more jobs. The world needs 600 million jobs by 2020 - the majority of them must The young people in schools and tertiary TanSriLimkokwing be created in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. institutions all over the world are where the founder limkokwing. innovative raw materials reside. How we shape net/blog/ That’s the verdict of the 2013 World Development their minds and hearts to break new ground, Report (WDR) which says these jobs need to be create innovative new products and solutions for @limkokwing created if countries want to keep their current their countries will be instrumental to the story of growth rates. Interestingly, almost the same how the innovation and job creation story will play number of youths - 621 million - are neither out in the coming years. working nor studying right now. At home, we must must make innovative education This data gives us a snapshot of the world’s available to as many as possible, if we most pressing problem today: a high youth are to build a nation where innovative business population+high unemployment - a worrying and entrepreneurship are not just concentrated situation mirrored in every part of the world. in urban centres. This is fundamental to building The WDR says 200 million are unemployed socio-economic wealth throughout the country. currently, 75 million of them under the age of 25. We must aim to grow the innovative mindset The challenge can seem overwhelming for any exponentially if we want to even have a fighting government, perhaps because there may be chance to grow ’s offering of innovative a pervasive belief that new technology and products and services in the global economy. innovation shrink job creation; that companies will downsize to become more lean and more Many of our own home-grown entrepreneur- productive, to make a bigger profit in a fiercely innovators are wooed by Asian and African competitive global market. countries because our development model and our challenges mirror what they are But this is a myth. going through. But too many continue to look at Western models of innovation to provide The facts show that technology and innovation are direction. What can we do to better utilize our the creators of new jobs. According to the 2013 own world-class innovation business models? Global Job Creation survey of 600 of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, 74% say it is That is the emphasis in this issue - our first for due to innovation that they have increased their 2013. We spotlight home grown heroes as well workforce this past year. as pay special attention to the innovative ideals and transformative products that are coming out For the world’s top entrepreneurs, technology works of the East. hand in hand with innovative business models. It helps them stay resilient yet flexible to market They are the game changers in a world that is changes; the most potent of which is the shift being rebalanced. away of the axis of global competition from the US

2 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 3 CREDITS Vol 2 May - August 2013 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP TABLE OF CONTENTS About Innovation Leadership Innovation Leadership is a quarterly magazine published by the Limkokwing Univer- sity of Creative Technology for corporate leaders, managers, aspiring executives and decision makers in the private and public sectors discussing a myriad of corporate and leadership interests. In driving the national innovation agenda forward, Limkokwing University created Innova- tion Leadership to bridge the gap between Corporate Malaysia and Government and also serve as a platform to disseminate timely information to readers from all strata of society 16 22 35 31 66 94 on the importance of innovation in the formulation of government policies, effective leader- ship, brand development and in facing challenges in the global marketplace.

Executive Editor Enquiries Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Since its inception in 2009, W3D has Dr Limkokwing won over 100 awards internationally, Advertising enquiries most from the top web awards orga- Editorial Team [email protected] nization in the US. W3D is dominated Faridah Hameed by dedicated team players who are Dato Raja Aznil Raja Hisham Publisher all alumni below 30 years of age. For Dato' Dania Abdul Wahab Limkokwing University of Creative Technology them winning is all in a day’s work to Michael Pan Sin Inovasi 1-1, Jalan Teknokrat 1/1, Executive Editor's Message : Cover Story: 3D Paradigm Shift game wins MSC come up with some amazing stuff. Ambi Mathe 63000 Cyberjaya, Darul Ehsan, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing Re-Inventing Education in Africa 29 honours 59 Along the way, these young men and Dato’ Tiffanee Marie Lim Malaysia Innovation is key to creating jobs over US Innovation leadership award for Global Trends women have placed the country on the Tel: (+603) 8317 8888 the next decade 03 Limkokwings transformational The Silicon Valleys of the World 63 same pedestal as world-class names Contributors Fax: (+603) 8317 8988 education 27 Boom Tube: How Viki is Creating the such as DreamWorks, Paramount, Ann Tan Innovasi Negara The Mandela factor 33 Globa Hulu 69 Levi’s, Walt Disney, Nissan, Pizza Hut, Comments & Correspondence Emily Loh Energising the Nation for Inclusive Innovators talk strategy 73 FIAT, Hewlett-Packard, Alcatel Lucent, The publisher welcomes the views of its Elaine Lim Innovation 09 W3D's Slew of U.S. wins showcase Jugaad: Lessons in Frugal Innovation 77 Mattel, Pepsi, MTV, Samsung, Yahoo! readers. Letters may be sent by post, fax or Nurris Ishak Address by Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Asian-led Web Creativity 35 Government Designed for New Times 81 among other distinguished brands.. e-mail. All correspondence should include Dr Limkokwing at the launch of the Transforming Learning through the writer's full name, email address and campaign 13 Home Grown Heroes mEducation 87 Art Director / Designer telephone number. Lum Weng Wah Game On with MOL 43 Pushing Boundaries 95 Copyright Transforming Public Education Carpe Diem with Masatu 47 World's first university fashion label 99 Monkorr Raymond Mgba All rights reserved. No part of this publication Ideas: The most valued global currency 17 Cloud Growing in Asia 51 may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system Explore, Experiment and Experience: We're ready for the App Economy, Marketing or transmitted in any form or by any means, PERMATA's innovative generation 23 but are the operators? 55 Sehrish Aleem electronic, photocopying, recording or other- wise, without the prior written permission of the Website Management publisher. 09 Centre for Content Creation

4 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 5 "The rise of innovation to the top of the agenda of all advanced and advancing countries has resulted in a profound shift in the nature of global competition." Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing

6 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 7 INNOVATE THE NATION INNOVATE THE NATION Energising the Nation "Innovate the Nation is to provide an for Inclusive Innovation optimal environment and ecosystem that is supportive, vibrant and inclusive. I am confident it will help to maitream innovation and inspire people of all walks of life to embrace innovation." YBDatuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus JohnityOngkili Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation speak- ing at the launch of Inovasi Negara, 12 March 2013

something that comes naturally to This is one reason why the Malay- the layman living in urban centres, people engaged creatively in their sian layman has to be on board the the suburbs and the rural heartland. work or their pastimes. Prime Minister’s aspiration to up- The Ministry of Science, Techno- Tan Sri Limkokwing welcomes Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation YB Datuk Seri Panglima scale the economy. Participation of logy and Innovation working Dr Maximus Ongkili to the launch of the Inovasi Negara campaign. Innovation is not a new phenom- people on the ground is needed for through the Malaysian Foun- enon because it is through the in- widespread conversion to get peo- dation for Innovation (Yayasan novative abilities of people long ple out of comfort zones and into Inovasi Malaysia) and the Lim- The global meltdown has turned has done to the music industry upscale to benefit from the push kokwing University of Creative dead that the world has arrived at mainstream activities. The desire to many economies upside down, or Amazon has done to book- government is giving to the inno- Technology are piecing together this stage of its development. innovate seldom occurs to people forcing governments and industry stores then you can appreciate the vation agenda. But where is the a roadmap to harness the en- who are in their comfort zones. In- to rethink their future and reevalu- change innovation brings to in- common man in all these? What is ergy of the people on the ground. ate their priorities, forcing people dustries and even to communities. being done to help the Malaysian What has brought so much focus novators are almost always found In launching the programme the out of their comfort zones. It is into this feverish arena that on the ground grasp how innova- to innovation today is the ease at the cutting edge, where they Minister of Science, Technology Malaysia is pitching itself into. The tion is going to impact his or her life? with which people are able to put deploy resources and create mech- and Innovation, Datuk Seri Pan- We have to innovate. There is no country is now racing to catch up ideas to work. Technology ad- anisms to push the boundaries. glima Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili question about it. When we look with the developed countries and Innovation as a concept is difficult vancement and the increased con- said there was a need for constant at how the world has changed and the roadmap to achieve transforma- to comprehend for most people. It nectivity of the global community Inovasi Negara is designed to get the communications to enable continu- how innovation in the various sec- tion is already seriously underway. can be interpreted in so many ways have given wings to new ideas. innovation agenda right down to ous understanding of innovation. tors has been traumatic to the bot- according to the lifestyle, the pas- tomline of many companies, it be- Engaging the layman to join sion and the capability of an individ- comes a do or die situation. the innovation revolution. Now ual because innovative is pervasive. The Innovate the Nation programme is to get the innovation agenda everybody is touting innovation. right down to the layman living in urban centres, the suburbs and Breakthrough innovation is ren- Experts are flying in to assist indus- From nuclear science to child- dering established business mod- tries make the transition. Industry care and from the factory floor the rural heartland. els obsolete. Look at what iTunes is revisiting its priorities so it can to kitchen tables, innovation is


“Clearly we need to charge up on creativity and loosen up on compliance and conformity. We need to revamp or remove the rules and regula- tions that have become stumbling blocks. We need to bring everyone from everywhere in the country on board.”

YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing President, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology 12 March 2013

"We are dealing with ordinary • The second – enable – will be • The fifth – upscale – is to people and it is important that we through the conduct of workshops facilitate upward mobility by pro- understand the concept, believe in held throughout the country to viding 100 scholarships for stu- it and of course, participate in it.” get as many people as possible to dents to take up creativity-driven initiate efforts to create innovative programmes in Design Innovation, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Lim- solutions. Acceleration centres will Production Innovation, Software kokwing explained that Inovasi be set up to facilitate this endeavor. Engineering, Digital Media and Negara will be implemented in five • The third – empower – will be to Business Innovation. Dr Ongkili meets with students from various schools in the Klang Valley who participated in the parts to connect, enable, empower, train 10,000 young people to en- Inovasi Negara campaign launch. reward and upscale. large the base of young innovators. The training for 10,000 people • The fourth – encourage – is to may include micro-enterprise rapid progress. It is significant to be in the region of RM500 million. ment organisations. YIM began its • The first part – connect – recognize 300 innovators annually owners to upscale their knowledge point out that a study of develop- That’s the goal. Another area of work in earnest and spent much of will be through a nationwide from both rural and urban sectors that will enable them to move their ing economies indicated that a 10 focus within the Innovate The 2011 and 2012 harvesting, nur- advocacy capaign to promote who have created innovative solu- businesses forward. The use of the per cent rise in Internet penetra- Nation roadmap is grassroots inno- turing and promoting the culture inclusive innovation. tions worthy of recognition. Internet is especially significant for tion correlates with a 1 to 2 per vation. The Malaysian Foundation of creativity and innovation and cent increase in GDP growth. for Innovation or Yayasan Inovasi providing institutional support in Malaysia has done some sterling scouting grassroots innovations for With easy access to open-source work in sourcing out grassroot commercialization purposes. software, cheap microchips and innovation, travelling deep into The Innovate The Nation pro- wide-open collaboration on the In- Malaysia’s heartland to discover gramme will engage grassroot ternet small scale entrepreneurs can that innovation is alive and doing innovators to be the catalyst to think big and take a great global leap well as people become resourceful engage, empower and encourage forward. They just need the know in making their lives a little easier others on the ground to develop how. And that is what the training and a little better. a creative mindset and a problem- will ignite in these entrepreneurs. solving attitude. The results, we know will be YIM was established by the govern- astounding. Just imagine that if ment in January 2010 to promote There will be an annual celebra- every one of the 10,000 entre- and inculcate creativity and inno- tion of grassroot innovators whose preneurs is able to upgrade his/ vation among all Malaysians, spe- work will be showcased and 300 of Limkokwing University president Tan Sri Limkokwing presents the Innovation Leadership award to the her business by an added value of cifically targeting children, youths, the most outstanding innovators Minister Dr Ongkili. On the Minister's right is Chairman of the University Council Tan Sri Dato' Seri RM50,000 then the combined women, rural folk as well as people presented with awards. Dr Aseh Che Mat. value to the national economy will with disabilities and non-govern-

10 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 11 "We are not short of talent, and the leadership to make it happen. We must first ensure that innovation is made prevalent in every sector of industry and every corner of the country. The administration itself must embrace innovation pervasively to stay compatible and be able to inspire and facilitate innovation across all Ministries and agencies. In so many ways we have come a long way". Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing

of global competition. Economic Towards becoming a high-income one of the most creative and inno- advantage no longer depends on and developed nation by 2020, vative nations on earth. To ensure natural resources, cheap raw innovation will be further strength- long-term success, we must build materials, trade of goods and ser- ened and made pervasive in all social and institutional ecosystems InnovateAddress by Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing the at the launch Nation of the campaign, 12 March 2013 vices or giant factories. Instead, sectors and segments of society.” that will engineer innovative lead- To begin, may I extend a warm wel- kind presence and the presentation We are much encouraged that the creativity and innovation are now ership at all levels in the country, come to each and everyone. I know he will be making in a while. As we Minister is here. His personal support driving the new economy and As we know it, it is the innovation and in all sectors of the economy. how hard it is to find time these days know, the Minister is a passionate for this public-private-partnership re-invigorating the old economy. gap that sharply divides the world and I thank you for the time you advocate of inclusive or grassroot in- project means a lot to us, and will Creativity and innovation now into rich and poor countries. It is a In classrooms and boardrooms; have set aside for us. Now, allow me novations. Largely because of him go a long way to ensure its success. drive the fastest growing econo- divide between countries with the in factories and fisheries, in urban to thank Yang Berhormat Datuk Seri and his Ministry, much progress The rise of innovation to the top mies in the world, and reshaping capacity to innovate and those sim- centers and the rural heartland. Dr Maximus Ongkili, whose Minis- has been made in the building of of the agenda of all advanced and the global economy. Our Prime ply with no or little capacity to do try is a major driving-force of change awareness and the generation of advancing countries has resulted Minster is determined that Malay- so. Advanced countries, already the Whether it is grassroot or high-end in- and innovation in the country, for his innovations in recent years. in a profound shift in the nature sia will not be left behind in the richest in the world, are pulling away novation, enabling ecosystems must coming new world economy. In a to higher levels of innovation while be in place, to pervasively encourage recent speech, he said and I quote: countries in the developing world ground-breaking concepts and new "To ensure inclusive development, continue to struggle just to keep pace. directions. We must be prepared to Advanced countries, already the richest in the world, are pulling away the Government will continuously It is just common sense that to con- re-set our criteria to benchmark ex- to higher levels of innovation while countries in the developing world plan and implement programmes tinue competing effectively in today’s cellence, so as to ensure compatibility continue to struggle just to keep the pace. and initiatives centered on knowl- global marketplace, we must work to with future demands for innovation. edge, creativity and innovation. transform this country to become We must reduce the rigidity of com-


the human capital, cultural capital, social capital and institutional sup- Unless the public and private sectors work as one team, and share port essential to create this ecosys- tem. Unless the public and private INNOVASI NEGARA ROADMAP the same vision, transformation to a high-income economy by 2020 sectors work as one team, and share may not happen as quickly as we would like to envisage. the same vision, transformation to a To connect, we will be running a nationwide high-income economy by 2020 may not happen as quickly as we would advocacy campaign to promote inclusive inno- like to envisage. Today, we are very pliance and conformity to encour- made prevalent in every sector of in- do, and some distance to cover. vation. pleased the Innovation Minister is age pervasive application of creativ- dustry and every corner of the country. We are now ranked 32nd in the here to officiate the launch of the ity in human capital development. The administration itself must world according to Global Innova- INOVASI NEGARA programme, To enable, we will be conducting workshops embrace innovation pervasively to tion Index in 2012. While we are which in itself is an innovative pub- We must design and engineer an stay compatible and be able to inspire relatively strong in financial sup- throughout the country to get as many people lic-private-partnership initiative. education system to fully develop the and facilitate innovation across all port and economic infrastructure, as possible to initiate on efforts aimed at creating potential of our people, no matter Ministries and agencies. In so many we need to make stronger and faster INOVASI NEGARA is an effort de- innovative solutions. Acceleration centres will be where they are in the country. Thanks ways we have come a long way. progress in other innovation impera- signed by the University, and driven to new technology, in the near tives. In regulatory environment, we set up to facilitate this endeavour. jointly with Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia future, the blind will be able to see, It is projected that by 2050, Malaysia stand at 70th, in education we stand to reach the grassroots, right here in the deaf will be able to hear, and the will be the 21st largest economy in at 74th, in knowledge creation we the most high-tech part of the coun- To empower, we will be delivering training pro- disabled will be able to drive and dive. the world. Malaysia is ranked 12th in stand at 65th and in creative output try to everywhere else, including the Advanced nations are aggressively the world for business friendliness as we are at 62nd. Clearly, we need to grammes to empower 10,000 young people rural heartland of the country. increasing their innovation lead so well as in biodiversity. We are ranked charge up on creativity and loosen annually. This will generate an enlarged base of as to widen their competitive lead. 14th in global business competitive- up on compliance and conformity. The programme is estimated to cost With no exception, the world's most ness: the highest placing among de- Clearly, we need to strengthen our young innovators throughout the country. some RM30 million annually to advanced economies have built veloping economies in Asia. And we enabling ecosystems. We need to re- implement. Its implementation will empowering policies and enabling are poised to overtake Hong Kong vamp or remove the rules and regu- To encourage, we will be recognising 300 be carried out in five parts. (see box) systems designed to fast-track devel- as the most preferred IPO destina- lations that have become stumbling innovators annually across the country, from both opment of future-focused education tion in Asia.We are ranked 14th in blocks. We need to bring everyone Going online and on mobile, we and cutting-edged innovation. To natural gas reserve and 28th in oil from everywhere in the country on- urban and rural sectors, who have created innova- will be able to connect with some 25 effectively compete with these coun- production. Malaysia is placed 24th board. We want everyone to be in- million Malaysians, practically every- tive solutions worthy of recognition. tries, Malaysia must transform to be in trade enabling, 20th in global cluded, and everyone to feel included. one we want to reach in the country. an innovation-driven economy. peace and standing as the 10th most With the guidance and unwavering To facilitate upward mobility, we have set friendly country in the world. The private sector and the Govern- support of MOSTI, the encourage- We are not short of talent, and the ment must team up to identify the aside 100 scholarships for students to take up ment of MOSTI Minister, and the leadership to make it happen. We However, in creativity and innova- outcomes we must achieve, and supportive leadership of the Prime creativity driven programmes in Design Inno- must first ensure that innovation is tion ranking, we have some work to design the platforms that will build Minister himself, I can see no reason vation, Product Innovation Creativity in Soft- not to fully attain the goals we have set out to achieve. ware Engineering, Digital Media and Business We must reduce the rigidity of compliance and conformity to encour- Innovation. age pervasive application of creativity in human capital development. On that note, I thank you once again for your show of support by being here. We shall work on this together.

14 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 15 TRANSFORMING PUBLIC EDUCATION TRANSFORMING PUBLIC EDUCATION THE MOST VALUED :GLOBAL CURRENCY IDEASMalaysia’s Minister of Higher Education YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin tells Innovation Leadership that the country’s ability to place the nation on the map will depend on how well we can produce and export innovation.

Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin with Limkokwing University president Tan Sri Dr Limkokwing at the launch of Malaysia's first ever Digital Innovation Centre in 2012.

to fulfil the industry’s requirements. delivery of academic programmes of Graduate Employability Blue- Hence, Higher Education Institu- and extra curricula activities. Thus, print, Modul Asas Pembudayaan tions (HEI) must be responsive to the roles of HEI to enhance gradu- Keusahawanan (Basic Entrepre- these changes. Historically, academ- ate employability are embedded neurship Modules), Internship or ic institutions have tended to serve into two main components: cur- Industrial Training Programmes, as institutions for moral and intel- riculum and co-curriculum. The and collaborative programmes lectual development as well as cen- main and fundamental questions with the relevant industries. tres of civilisation. With rapid eco- to be answered by us are whether There are also a number of co- nomic development, they are now those two components are able to curriculum programmes that have The Higher Education Minister Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin (center in red tie) says "Enterprise more utilitarian with emphasis on help develop graduates with strong been introduced by HEI including Creation" is a priority area for the government. professional training. Their prime characters. Various measures have Informal Training; Entrepreneur- task is to ensure that education and been initiated by the Ministry ship Programme; Industry Part- Unemployment is the world’s increasingly it is necessary for stu- Other contributing factors towards training is market driven and re- of Higher Education to enhance nership; International Internship fastest rising concern. Some dents to gain other important skills the unemployment include economic sponsive to the changing needs of graduate employability over the Programmes; and finally through countries are already seeing the which will enhance their prospects factors, the influx of graduates in the various sectors of an economy. last few years. The programmes Inculcating Positive Values. We are repercussions of young people’s of employment. the job market, and their own lack and initiatives aim to mitigate the also currently looking at developing For HEI graduates, being employ- frustrations with protests and of adaptability to the changing problems of unemployed gradu- more education products to further As far as employment is concerned, able means having the qualities enhance student mobility such demonstrations for jobs. How do ates. These initiatives among others market needs. needed to maintain employment the issue of graduate employabil- are the introduction of soft skills as exchange programmes, study you see this playing out for Ma- and progress in the workplace. Em- ity has always been associated with This scenario has limited the gradu- modules to embed communica- abroad and credit transfers. laysia in 2013? ployability from the perspective of graduate marketability and compe- ates’ opportunity to infiltrate the tion skills, leadership and team What is a clear trend is that gov- HEI is therefore about producing Today’s challenging economic situ- tency. Part of the on-going debate job market, taking into account building as well as reporting skills ernment cannot provide enough graduates who are capable and able, ation means that it is no longer suf- on graduate employability is the that the country is in constant need into the student’s curriculum of jobs for the growing number of and these impacts upon all areas ficient for a new graduate to have lack of certain decisive factors that of human capital that is competent, studies, establishment of Graduate graduates, which is why entre- of university life, in terms of the knowledge of an academic subject; fail to meet employers' demands. industrious, of high quality and able Employability Taskforce, launching preneurship is being emphasized.


But industry leaders - not just in researchers, students, the alumni strategy to enhance students’ pro- Malaysia, but around the world - and industry. Another pre-requisite pensity and desire to be entrepre- have long been talking about the is a conducive ecosystem support- neurs. Research reveals that enter- disconnect between education ing entrepreneurial development of prises founded by individuals with systems and market needs. It is a both the students and staff of IHLs. university degrees built on and re- gap that continues to be a chal- lated to innovation, tend to grow Such a policy initiative is necessary lenge - what are some innovative due to increasing interest in many faster than enterprises founded by ideas that the Ministry is looking countries to foster an entrepreneur- non-academically qualified. And at to address this? The progress of ship culture through university these enterprises generate new jobs this country, over the last four de- education. Consequently, entrepre- and often new innovative products, cades was possible because our en- neurship courses have become one services and markets. As such, en- trepreneurs are very, very vibrant. of the fastest-growing disciplines trepreneurship education has be- One of our main challenges now is throughout the world. The expo- come an important part of both how to increase the level of this “en- nential growth of entrepreneurship industrial and educational policies terprise creation” and whether we as a field of research is evident in in many developed countries. can continue to cultivate a strong terms of the number of researchers, It is indeed another milestone, culture of entrepreneurship in every articles, conferences and journals. another innovation achieved by sphere of Malaysian society. Many associations and collabora- the Ministry of Higher Education Such challenges require the Ministry tions have emerged worldwide. through close cooperation with the to intervene by repositioning some Entrepreneurship education can National Centre for Entrepreneur- of its strategic policy directions. influence a young individual’s mo- ship in Education (NCEE), UK to Our HEIs must be seen as relevant tivation to strive for something recognise the most entrepreneurial Limkokwing University students award the Minister a plaque to acknowledge him as an Innovator & Transformer. to Malaysia’s economic needs. Our that might otherwise seem impos- university of the year. I am glad to note that the Entrepreneurship role goes beyond entrepreneurship sible. Inspired, self-confident, tal- How do we make educators more Aside from teaching and learning, that will have a real and foreseeable Unit of the Ministry has admin- education per se. Our universities ented entrepreneurial graduates innovative? Most universities are the hallmark of a university is to impact on communities. and its communities must be part of istered and managed the whole are critical to national growth. staffed by career academicians carry out Research and Develop- what I call ‘the making of Malaysia’s process successfully, together with As such, the Ministry will continue They are more likely to start and who have the most prolonged ment (R & D) and Innovation ac- enterprise’. Thus we need to pro- NCEE and the secretariat of our to inspire and promote excellent lead dynamic new enterprises and and sustained contact over a pe- tivities which leads to improving mote holistic policy development National Entrepreneurship Coun- post graduate studies in order to social ventures as well as have the riod of years with students. How the discovery of new knowledge, in entrepreneurship education. capacity to transform the orga- cil of Higher Education (NECHE). meet the growing demands and de- do we change their mind-set and the commercialisation of products nizations they lead and manage. velopment of the modern era. On The introduction of Entrepreneur- The Ministry is proud to intro- approach to teaching, projects produced and wealth creation. Through entrepreneurship educa- a positive note, the number of post ship Development initiative for our duce the Entrepreneurial Awards and examinations? tion programmes, IHLs can ex- Thus, if we are to expect a strength- graduates courses in public IHLs, IHLs in 2010, I believe is a progres- to act as a catalyst for the creation pose students to an environment We live in an era where the economy ened R&D. IHLs should continue which include Advanced Diploma, sive move. The policy aims to pro- of a conducive environment and is based on knowledge, and where Masters and PhD, now stand at that fosters entrepreneurial mind- to become the hub of innovation, duce graduates with entrepreneur- a holistic entrepreneurship devel- sets, behaviours and capabilities to ideas are the most valued currency. It 1,620 for all academic programmes. ial mind-set and capabilities and opment in local institutions of capable of producing excellent re- deal with an increasingly complex is no surprise then that in this new At the same time, the private IHLs to increase the number of graduate higher learning (IHLs). The main search projects, state-of-the-art and uncertain world. It is no lon- environment, education has evolved are offering up to 850 courses, both entrepreneurs besides nurturing award, Entrepreneurial University technology as well as product in- ger enough to train students for a into a commodity. Our ability to at Masters and PhD level, 671 entrepreneurial academics and re- of the Year Award, which is adapted novation patents for commerciali- career. Instead, IHLs must prepare compete on the global scale will programmes for Masters and the searchers. The Ministry recognises from Times Higher Education is sation. Research carried out for its students to work in a dynamic, rap- depend on the places we cultivate remaining 179 courses for PhD. that the success of this policy is also meant to give recognition to own sake may be well and good, idly changing entrepreneurial and knowledge and ideas - our universi- very much dependent on the sup- IHLs with excellent achievement in but universities can no longer risk However, the graduate students at global environment. ties and higher education institutions. port and engagement of different terms of promoting entrepreneur- Our ability to place the nation on being just ivory towers insulated these private IHLs are still small. stakeholders, including the top Entrepreneurship education has ship education and entrepreneurial the map will depend on how well we from the rest of society. We need to Based on the current statistics in management of IHLs, academics, also been identified as an effective development in their institutions. can produce and export innovation. place more focus on R & D work 2012, there are only 203 and 2,841


graduate students for both PhD for Industrial MyPhD. The Minis- It is our aim amongst the IHLs to ment and a holistic entrepreneursh- The higher education sector is cen- As the Minister of Higher Educa- and Masters programmes. In com- try has been granted a bigger alloca- produce, wholesome graduates who ship development in local institu- tral to the Government’s economic tion, it is my responsibility to en- parison, public IHLs have a big- tion for next year, which translates not only excel academically but also tions of higher learning (IHLs). and social transformation pro- sure that we are able to produce graduates who have 21st century ger number of graduate students; to about RM199 million; RM115 innovative, resilient, and competi- At present, only 23% of Malay- grammes. This is because the New skills which are creative and inno- 2,169 and 14,813 respectively for million for My Master and another tive, have an entrepreneurial spirit, sia’s current workforce is highly Economic Model (NEM) is fun- vative, and higher education insti- both Masters and PhD. RM84 million for both MyPhD are able to contribute positively to skilled. Prime Minister Datuk damentally based on the revitalisa- tution as the hub of innovation of and Industrial MyPhD. our society and become successful Seri Najib Razak said this num- tion, through education, of society We should also encourage IHLs to the country. individuals. Knowledge creation ber must rise to 37% by 2015 if it at large. By this we mean that in a develop a talent pool of high-level There are now about ½ a million and accumulation has become one is to become a developed nation high value economy, the role of a intellectuals in post graduate stud- tertiary students in the coun- In this regard, Limkokwing Uni- of the major factors in economic by 2020. We are no longer in a highly educated and sophisticated ies which includes their lecturers try. There have been a few pro- versity’s initiatives towards provid- development and is increasingly marathon; we are in the sprint to workforce becomes ever more criti- to spur the growth of research and grammes launched to fast-track ing quality education to produce putting us at the core of the coun- the finish line. How do we close cal. As outlined by the NEM, our innovation in the country. In this the innovative mind-set of college innovative and entrepreneurial hu- try’s competitive advantage, which that gap in real tangible terms? Higher Education sector needs to regard, the Ministry has introduced students such as Genovasi, which man resource, creating successful is determined by the ability to in- create an eco-system for innovation; pathways from R&D to innovation the MyBrain15 programme. Un- is looking at a small elite group. Today’s global economy has wit- novate in a continuous manner. increase local talent; retain and ac- and commercialisation, and engag- der this initiative, the Government Wouldn’t it be more widespread nessed increased competition be- cess global talent; as well as estab- ing with communities are highly aims to produce a total of 60,000 and effective if the existing tertia- Student competitions like NST- tween nations to survive on the lish stronger enabling institutions. commendable and indeed in line Malaysian PhD holders by 2023. ry structure is utilized to embed Peugeot Design Competition; global stage. To survive in such a with the goals of NEM. The country requires a large pool of such programmes so it can reach Imagine Cup Competition; RO- competitive environment, nations PhDs to give impetus for sustain- more people? BOCON - are all about explo- have to develop themselves especial- These aims are reiterated in the 10th These efforts complement the vari- able growth of our economy. ration, application, creativity, Malaysia Plan with its emphasis on No doubt that the success of a na- ly with regard to human capital de- ous initiatives that the Ministry is expansion and dissemination of the role of the higher education sec- There are three schemes under this tion in the future is highly depen- velopment, in order to ensure that embarking upon under the 10th knowledge. These are clear efforts tor as the major generator of highly programme namely MyMaster, dent on the efforts of all parties in they have the necessary resources to Malaysia Plan in innovative human that provide avenue for students skilled employable graduates. MyPhD and Industrial MyPhD. nurturing human capital which compete at the international level. capital development. to innovate and apply their passion Under the MyBrain15 Programme, is highly innovative, outstand- and imagination into helping solve the Ministry aims to sponsor ing, competitive and having value real-world problems while gaining 40,000 students for MyMaster, added skills which can contribute invaluable experience outside the 5,000 students for MyPhD and to the further development of the classrooms. 500 students for Industrial MyPhd. nation and guarantee the stability It will be implemented in the next of the economy. Competitions keep them com- five years with a total budget of petitive, and there is no doubt that The Ministry of Higher Education RM780 million. competition keeps the minds stim- always places greater attention to ulated and constantly in an active As at November 12, 2012, a total the quality of graduates produced learning mode. Aimed at encourag- of 8,767 students have been offered by institutions of higher learning ing secondary and tertiary educa- a place for MyMaster, 1,381 for (IHLs) in the country. We have tion students to try their hand at MyPhD and 93 for Industrial PhD, to aggressively partake in knowl- automotive design, the competition involving an allocation of RM130 edge creation and accumulation at entices them to sustain their inter- million for the three programmes higher level which has become one est for better, bigger endeavours in (RM80 million for MyMaster and of the major factors in economic the future. RM50 million for both MyPhD development and is increasingly at and Industrial MyPhD). For 2013, the core of a country’s competitive The Ministry is also proud to intro- the Ministry has set a target of 8,000 advantage, which is itself deter- duce the Entrepreneurial Awards to students for MyMaster, 1,000 stu- mined by the ability to innovate act as a catalyst for the creation of a "Research carried out for its own sake may be well and good, but universities can no longer risk being just dents for MyPhd and 100 students in a continuous manner. conducive and innovative environ- ivory towers insulated from the rest of society," says Dato Seri Khaled (far right).

20 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 21 Explore, Experiment and Experience PERMATA ’s innovative generation PERMATA Negara is a government-backed programme for innovative early childhood edu- cation for the rural and urban poor. The Prime Minister’s wife YBhg. Datin Seri Paduka Rosmah Mansor - as the patron and driving force of PERMATA - talks to Innovation Leader- ship magazine about the successes, challenges and expanding the model to the Middle-East.

Datin Seri Paduka Rosmah Mansor (centre) flanked by Limkokwing students after being conferred the Honorary Doctor of Innovation in Human Capital Development in 2011.

The PERMATA Negara pro- the local agencies and residents, teachers are up to speed about 3E-component (explore, experiment PERMATA Negara: center’s differentiated learning ap- gramme has been rolled out nation- and the growing demand for Early innovative teaching techniques? proach. Mostly, the students of the and experiential-learning) highlight- i. Injecting the importance of ECEC ally to 656 centres involving more Childhood Education and Care, our center have developed a particular Innovation as we all know in this new ed as one of the uniqueness of the in children’s brain and mental develop- than 27,000 children. This is a big Prime Minister has reached out to learning style through their previous era covers not only on the develop- PERMATA Negara programme. ment upon achieving the long-term achievement over a four-year peri- the people within Borneo to provide government schools, which focus on ment of physical and solid products goal of producing first class human od. How many more centres will be more PERMATA Centres, hence To ensure such innovation is being teacher-centered approach in the class- but also extends to the innovation of capital by year 2020. added in 2013 and in which areas? the promised development of 8 new continuously implemented across room. Coming into the center with services provided. ii. Getting parents’/guardians’ coop- projects in the region. The the board, it is of utmost importance such learning culture, the students feel The 656 centres not only cover the eration in the 4-hours mandatory districts targeted are Penampang, The PERMATA Negara programme apprehensive about the new learning Prime Minister’s Department, but that constant revamping of mod- involvement with the children due to Kudat, Ranau, Kimanis, Sandakan, environment provided in the centre. have also been rolled out to respective has been constructed to be in line ules are being conducted through hectic schedules, job shifts and inflex- Kota Kinabalu, Batu Sapi and Pu- counterparts involving the Ministry with this new trend by combining lat- seminars and workshops with the ible working environment. ii. To shift the mindset of the students tatan, on top of the existing five cen- est advancements in technology, facts, of Rural and Regional Development, help from PERMATA Negara’s iii. Providing optimum service due from exam-oriented/rote-memori- tres in Kota Belud, Tuaran, Papar, research and findings involving not the Department of National Unity lecturers, mentors and trainers, to the very limited sources of teach- zation to inquiry-based learning or Matunggong and Beaufort. only the subject matter experts, but and National Integration (JPNIN), and also inputs from other parts of ers specifically with Early Childhood research-based learning. The centre also the real-time practitioners within the Family Development Founda- PERMATA is about innovat- the world. Education background. promotes inquiry-based learning be- tion of Terengganu (YPKT), other ing early childhood education. the Early Childhood Education and cause the aim is to mould and produce PERMATA Pintar: various government agencies and What specific steps have been Care industry to provide the best and What have been the top 3 challenges thinkers in the future. Thus, to change recently, the Ministry of Defence. taken to ensure that the curricu- up-to-date education service. The in- you have faced in implementing this i. To shift the mainstream/traditional their mindset, which has been shaped With the continuous support from lum is innovative and that the novation efforts take into account the programme? learning styles of the students to the to be exam-oriented for at least nine


YABhg Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor receiving an Honorary Doctorate for "Extraordinary Leadership in Transformational Human Capital Development" from the University’s Royal Chancellor, DYMM Sultanah Pahang Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom DK, witnessed by the Prime Minister YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak and Tan Sri Dato' Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing. years, is a great challenge specifically for entire nation.ii. The low-demand of ing the programme to other targeted mentors to conduct the programme as compared to those who have not used in the classroom in delivering the instructors. male participant. housing areas. effectively. enrolled in the programme. the curriculum. iii. To receive more financial sup- iii. Scouting for and getting talented iii. To conduct trainings for qualified What kind of feedback have parents PERMATA Pintar: PERMATA Seni: port from the public and private and highly capable candidates who staff as to encourage the conduct and given re the Permata programme Overall, parents are satisfied with The programme has enabled talented sectors especially in running the fulfill the PERMATA Seni criterion. running of programme by themselves about how their children have im- youths to express their capabilities center as well as for students’ schol- in the future. proved after undergoing the Per- the PERMATA Pintar Educational PERKASA Remaja: Programme. Among others, they and unearth talents in the field of arships. Apart from running the mata programme? arts. But most importantly, through PERMATA Insan: favour the curriculum structure im- centre as a school, another role is to i. To create mass awareness to ensure the programme, these youths are of- PERMATA Negara: plemented by the centre. The center garner financial support from vari- that the programme reaches out to at- i. Promoting and encouraging partici- fered first class seats to trainings and applies compacting and accelerating ous sources. risk youths. Currently, the programme pation into the programme. To-date, there are very minimal, al- classes by some of the renowned local most zero negative feedback about approach which allows students to mentors and industry practitioners. PERMATA Seni: is limited among at-risk youths at the ii. The conduct and implementation the programme as most parents have learn new topics beyond the SPM Lembah Pantai housing area only. of the Ujian Kecenderungan Agama PERKASA Remaja: i. Learning sessions are conducted pe- testified to the effectiveness of the pro- level curriculum In addition, both USIM-1. riodically (weekly) and centrally, mak- ii. To get a better location/premise for gramme in developing independent, parents and students seem to prefer In terms of entrepreneurship, most ing it impossible to reach out to the the Activity Centre, as well as extend- iii. Employing the right teachers and self-motivating and brighter children the differentiated learning approach of the youths are able to do their own

24 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 25 TRANSFORMING PUBLIC EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARD FOR LIMKOKWING EDUCATIONY business from the skills they learned dom of Saudi Arabia. Could you to the entire nation, especially target- and acquired through the Komuniti tell us specifically which areas of col- ing those in the rural and suburban PERKASA program. After joining laboration Permata will be working areas. US Innovation Leadership PERKASA Remaja, parents found that on with them and what innovations their children have various talents, es- you will be looking at to further For PERMATA Pintar: To produce Award for Limkokwing’s pecially in culinary and fine arts, as well strengthen the Permata programme? gifted and talented students who are as photography. These teenagers have able to link knowledge to practice, to i. Pen Green Centre – collaboration in also grown better in managing their be leaders in their own field, creative transformational education curriculum/module building. daily lives, time and relationships with and innovative in developing new turing Carmazzi, who is also a best- not only their family but those around ii. John Hopkins University – PER- ideas, socially competent, respon- selling author and ranked one of the them. The youths now spend more MATA pintar summer camp. sible citizens and entrepreneurs who Top 10 most influential leadership leisure time at home rather than hang- gurus in the world. When confer- iii. Mawhibah Foundation of King- will contribute to the new economic ing out with their friends, and some ring the award, Carmazzi called Tan dom of Saudi Arabia – PERMATA model of the country. of the female youths have turned for Sri Limkokwing an extraordinary Insan exchange programme, in terms the better religiously by wearing hijab For PERMATA Seni: Nurturing, leader who creates environments of education implementation and de- on top of praying 5 times a day. These softening and polishing talents and that benefit a lot of people. livery and information-sharing. teenagers have such high respect for skills, apart from providing a solid During his acceptance speech, Tan themselves and others around, and are In October 2012, it was reported platform for the talented and gifted to Sri Limkokwing spoke of how seen to be more confident and modest. that Permata Negara is to cooperate grow in a professional manner. much the award means to him as with the Qatar Education Founda- “it comes from a country where tion to develop an Asian early child- For PERMATA Insan: To provide PERMATA Insan: innovation has driven its global hood education programme to en- the best in Islamic education by success and its enterprises lead in Parents have expressed their utmost sure that everyone has access to good enrolling the enhanced and en- many ways, changing, leading and gratitude since the commencement of education. Could YBhg Datin Seri riched PERMATA Insan Module, inspiring the world with stunning the programme as they have seen dra- elaborate what this cooperation will National Education Curriculum new ideas.” matic improvements in their children’s involve and what are its aims? and University Curriculum, on "Research carried out for its own sake may be well and good, but universities can no longer risk being just ivory towers insulated from overall performance academically, so- The Qatar Education Foundation top of the mandatory attendance The lecture series was organized by the rest of society," says Dato Seri Khaled (far right). business publication The Leaders cially and spiritually. It has been said came to PERMATA in efforts to seek of camps being conducted twice a International, featuring Carmazzi that these youths have not only been expertise within the Early Childhood year, as a preparation to sit for the The new year got off to a dynamic others, but create organisations, cre- who spoke on ‘Innovational Lead- able to conduct themselves with good Education and Care industry which SPM exam. start for Limkokwing University ate systems, platforms for people to ership’, and the Founder, President manners, but have also proven to be has boomed in Malaysia and being founder president Tan Sri Dato Sri add value to themselves,” said ALDA For PERKASA Remaja: To prioritize and Professor of Leadership Stud- able to relate to the Al-Quran and Ha- effectively implemented throughout Paduka Dr Limkokwing when he Executive Director Arthur Carmazzi on programme enrollment to partici- ies at the Institute for Leadership diths with the current global situation the nation upon achieving education was honoured with the Transforma- who presented the award. pants from the Lembah Pantai neigh- and Global Education (ILGE) Dr. and peer pressure. Other than that, excellence starting from the early ages. tional Innovation award from a US- bourhood, involved in committing of- “This award is not just about be- John Keenan who talked about parents request for the mentors to be of PERMATA Negara and Qatar Educa- based organization in February. fences particularly in illegal motorcycle ing an innovative leader, it’s about ‘Emerging Trends in Leadership the same gender when it comes to one- tion Foundation have mutually agreed racing. The award was conferred by the making a difference in the world, and Management Education and on-one coaching/mentoring session. to develop an Early Childhood Educa- American Leadership Development and this organisation has made a Development’ tion curriculum and programme suit- At the recent World Innovation What is for YBhg Datin Seri, the Association (ALDA), an internation- great difference in people across The event also saw a collaboration Summit for Education YBhg Datin able for Asian countries, which will most important milestone or success al leadership development network the world,” added Carmazzi during sealed between ALDA, The Lead- Seri said that Permata is collaborat- later on be rolled out to Saudi Arabia for Permata to-date? based in the United States. the Lecture Series on Innovational ers International and Limkokwing ing with international partners such as a start. Leadership held at the Limkokwing It has to be in achieving first class hu- “We have met a lot of great leaders, University in building innovational as Centre for Talented Youth, John What is the medium-term vision for Cyberjaya campus. man capital, in line with our Prime people who have made a great im- leadership in the next generation Hopkins University, Pen Green Permata going forward? Centre, Early Childhood Education Minister’s National Mission towards an pact around the world, but once in The award presentation took place through activities, seminars, talks and Care (ECEC) in the UK and For PERMATA Negara: To imple- innovative nation, and realizing one of a while, there are some exceptionally as part of ALDA’s ‘Lecture Series on and workshops to be held through- Mawhibah Foundation of King- ment a full-fledged ECEC curriculum the targeted 10th Malaysian Plan goals. great leaders who don’t just inspire Innovational Leadership’ event fea- out the world.


munications campaigns both in with African leaders to discuss mall in the city centre. In true his home country of Malaysia Smart Partnerships in 2007, Limkokwing style, there were and abroad, but he sees educa- his positive vision of Africa cap- unique full-page advertisements tion as the ultimate game changer. tured the attention of government in the local newspaper to drum heads who invited him to set up a “Educating the young mind must up excitement. Locals also looked campus in their countries. be the most important responsi- on wide-eyed and took notice of the urgency in which the cam- bility in the world,” said Tan Sri Botswana: Education hub of Limkokwing at the 17th Confer- Africa pus was set up. At that time, the ence of Commonwealth Education Within six months of getting the Botswana government had been Ministers in 2009, where he cited green light from the Botswana talking for years of setting up a educational deprivation as the government, he set up a campus second public university and it main perpetuator of poverty. The of the university he founded – was only expected to be com- widening wealth inequity in sub- the Limkokwing University of pleted in five years’ time in 2010. Saharan African, stressed Tan Sri Creative Technology– in Botswa- “I was concerned that the country Limkokwing, is the “new apart- na’s capital city Gaborone in 2006. was struggling to organise its heid”. He means business too, There was a palpable buzz even educational infrastructure that matching his talk with action. before the University opened its needed to cater to an increasing Re-inventing At the Langkawi Dialogues doors in a renovated shopping number of students who were education for Africa Tan Sri Limkokwing is a man on a mission to transform tertiary education in Africa. Over the last 19 years, he has moved mountains to bring his brand of transformative education to thousands of young people in Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. by Ann Tann

THERE is no doubting Tan Sri force in the world. Sooner or later, their campaign in South Africa’s Limkokwing's unique love for Africa. they will dominate the world.” first fully democratic election in 1994 to opening his university’s “Africans are among the best He has a vision of Africa; one doors in Malaysia to thousands of athletes in the world. Onstage, the squarely on a different side of this young Africans from the 1990s. best composers, actors, and per- continent the rest of the world has (see sidebar on page 33) formers are Africans. They are tall, pigeonholed as a ‘dark continent’. big and strong. In many areas of hu- Ensuring no place for “a new man endeavour, they beat the rest Time and again, he has translated apartheid” of the world,” he says passionately. that belief and vision into plans Tan Sri Limkokwing made his and action – from working with name in advertising but he is an “In 20 years’ time, Africans will Nelson Mandela and the African educationist at heart. He is the Limkokwing Botswana students learn on the latest technological software ensuring they have the largest and youngest work- National Congress (ANC) on creator of many successful com- have skills that are globally marketable.


looking to build their skills,” says of education doesn’t work for poor campuses are learning on the latest Tan Sri Limkokwing. Today, the and emerging economies,” he ex- computers using the latest software Botswana campus is already a re- plains. “They are at a different stage that are used in our campus in Ma- gional hub for creative education, at- in their development. Besides every laysia and London for example. We tracting students from 16 countries country is different and we needed are innovating program content - from Zimbabwe, Malawi, Ghana, to look at what each country’s vision and delivery all the time - we want India, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, was for its future and align our pro- our graduates to be entrepreneurs Nigeria, Zambia, Namibia, Dji- grams and content to their needs. because that’s where the promise of bouti, Lesotho, Guyana, Swaziland, That is what makes us different.” the future is for most countries." Pakistan and Tonga Island. He is not just focused - he is tire- The university has awarded schol- Creating a relevant model of less - in his quest to make the world arships worth RM200 million education for Africa. more equitable by redefining what A long-time advocate of the it means to be educated for young (US$64.1 million) to Asian and Afri- need for East-West integration people in some of the poorer parts can students in the form of full tuition in education, Tan Sri Limkok- of Asia and Africa. “Technology is scholarships and partial subsidies of wing makes a riveting case that a the game changer,” Tan Sri Lim- fees. In African campuses, the schol- purely Western model of educa- kokwing says. “It has opened up the arships are 50% less than it is in Ma- tion is obsolete in today’s world. world to Africa and Africa to the laysia and London for degree, associ- “Parachuting in a Western model world. These young people at our ate degree and certificate programs.

Limkokwing graduates from the African campuses are so confident that many of them choose to be come entrepreneurs rather than employees.

Malaysia’s University of Father of Innovation in Creative expand his university footprint Innovation Education in Malaysia, in the re- throughout Africa; and on his ra- In 2012, in recognition of Lim- gion and in fact globally. I think dar are university campuses in Ke- kokwing University’s leadership the record speaks for itself,” said the nya, Uganda, Nigeria, Sierra Leone in the teaching and inculcating of Minister. and Rwanda - all scheduled to be innovative content and delivery, open within the next 18 months. Malaysia’s Ministry of Higher He earned the title for translat- Education conferred the university ing his vision of creative education “I want to do as much as I can to the title Malaysia’s University of into a global university that spans bring education to those who need Innovation, the only such univer- three continents, with campuses it within the shortest possible time. sity to be so honoured. In 2009, in Botswana, Cambodia, China, Malaysia’s Minister of Science, Indonesia, Lesotho, Malaysia, The world is constantly changing. Technology and Innovation Datuk Swaziland and United Kingdom. With new inventions and innova- Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili named Over 30,000 students from more tion the change is happening very Tan Sri Limkokwing the Father than 150 countries are study- rapidly. To be able to think creatively of Innovation in Creative Education. ing in Limkokwing University. is to be equipped with the most im- During a visit to the Botswana campus in late 2012, Tan Sri Limkokwing was 'mobbed' by students who wanted to hear his words of wisdom. “The title is truly deserved…the Tan Sri Lim is on a mission to portant survival tool for the future.”


was life changing for him on so many levels; the months he would spend traversing the coun- try was a turning point in his life. It contained many life lessons in communication and peace from the charismatic Mandela, and lessons in gratitude and humility from the South African people. The South African experience had lit a fire in Limkokwing that everyone had a role to play in the universal story of hope and a On June 19 2008, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology bestowed better future. He was filled with an Honourary Doctorate of Humanity upon Dr. Nelson Mandela. Tan Sri gratitude for the opportunities Limkokwing personally presented the honour at the Mandela Foundation he had. And he wanted that for in Johannesburg. Mandela, who was already 90 years old, could not attend the ceremony. He was represented by his close friend, Achmat Dangor, every young person on the planet. who had fought for independence together with him. While Tan Sri Limkokwing’s role in the 1994 South African elections may be a footnote in the history The Mandela Factor books, his role over the last 19 years By Faridah Hameed in transforming education for young and in Africa When the world erupted with the is too humble to acknowledge Tan Sri Limkokwing. “When is surely the stuff of legend itself. celebration of Nelson Mandela’s it, the posters on shanty town he showed up to speak, half a win in South Africa’s first demo- walls, speaks volumes about his million people would show up. cratic election in 1994, few people creative genius in being on the “He’s a very clever communi- knew that Tan Sri Limkokwing money about a message that cator and a rousing orator. He played a key role in the voter would emotionally resonate with could move quickly from one Note: This article is partially excerpted education campaign. South Africans and the world. level to the next. “He reads his from the upcoming book TRANS- game very well in any situation, FORM AFRICA which chronicles He was the mind behind the “Politically, he was like a god to in front of any audience. His the story of the education movement iconic campaign image of smiling the black South Africans, and eyes and mind are very sharp.” started by Tan Sri Limkokwing in Mandela surrounded by children the white South Africans had Africa and how it is transforming the of all races. Though Limkokwing a healthy respect for him,” says To be a part of that historic event world’s most populous youth continent. The iconic "A BETTER LIFE FOR ALL" was conceptualized and designed by Tan Sri Limkokwing for ANC.

A PERSONAL NOTE FROM MANDELA When news of the African National Congress’ (ANC) win reached Malaysia’s Prime Minister Dr Mahathir “It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I write to thank you and your team for the tremendous con- - who was leading a Malaysian delegation in Zimbabwe at that time, it was Tan Sri Limkokwing who tribution you have given our election campaign. Your untiring efforts on our behalf have touched the arranged a private meeting between the two long-time friends so that Dr Mahathir could offer Nelson hearts of us all and you have shown true friendship and solidarity with the people of South Africa in our Mandela his congratulations in person. Introducing the Malaysian delegation to Mandela, Dr Mahathir endeavour to transform South Africa into a free, just and democratic country. The size and magnitude of was suddenly stopped by Mandela just as he was about to introduce Limkokwing. Mandela turned to Dr your contribution will have a very meaningful impact on the outcome of the election and, on behalf of Mahathir and said: “Let me introduce you to a South African,” as he smiled at Limkokwing. the people of South Africa, I thank you”. 32 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 33 ASIAN-LED WEB CREATIVITY ASIAN-LED WEB CREATIVITY

In the world of web excellence, a home grown com- W3D’S SLEW OF U.S. WINS pany makes its mark on the global stage as a prolific SHOWCASE ASIAN-LED WEB award winner up against world-class names. CREATIVITY By Faridah Hameed.

When one talks of internet and social which is part of the Limkokwing low 30 years of age and for them For the man leading this multi-award That he says has been the reason the company's structure and deliverables. media wizardry, often it is American University of Creative Technology winning is all in a day’s work to come winning team of young tech-savvy team has attracted the cream of the As the only son and heir apparent companies like Google and Face- group. This website and all other up with some amazing stuff. under 30s web and video maestros, crop of young talent who want to of Limkokwing University founder book that dominate the conversation. websites under the Limkokwing Along the way, these young men the achievements reflect his passion make their mark professionally in Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr Limkokwing Network are designed, developed to showcase Asian web and media many may think that he had the unit But right here in Malaysia, we have and women have placed the coun- the global web space. W3D strives and maintained by W3D. excellence as on par - and in many a company that has been breaking try on the same pedestal as world- to create visually stunning websites handed to him on a silver platter and cases - or even better than the West. all kinds of records in cyberspace Since its inception in 2009, the class names such as DreamWorks, that are embedded with informa- had all the financial resources to get globally and certainly on track to W3D has won over 100 awards Paramount, Levi’s, Walt Disney, Instrumental to the team’s achieve- tion, functionality, usability, accessi- it going. living up to its name - World Wide internationally, most from the top Nissan, Pizza Hut, FIAT, Hewlett- ment - says Vice President, IT System bility and user-friendliness. He is amused by this, pointing out Web Domination (W3D). web awards organization in the US. Packard, Alcatel Lucent, Mattel, & Integration, Dato' Timothy Lim When Dato Timothy took over the that when he took over CCC, it was W3D is the web team under the W3D is dominated by dedicated Pepsi, MTV, Samsung, Yahoo! Kok Wing Jr. - is that the talent em- day-to-day management of the unit, not turning a profit and was located in Centre for Content Creation (CCC) team players who are all alumni be- among other distinguished brands. ployed must have the right mindset. he solidified and streamlined the a cramped space, with very few talent.


that what was left was hard-core cre- ative people,” he admits with a grin, words that are reminiscent of every young tech start up founder.

CCC today is structured into three departments: Website, Film & TV and Animation. It is the software arm of company - employing 60 staff of which almost 80 per cent are alumni. Of this, 70 per cent are foreign - all alumni of the univer- sity. It also comprises the IT arm of the University which oversees all the hardware needs of the university’s 12 campuses around the world. With technology moving so fast, the team at CCC is on their toes to main- tain the University’s cutting edge in- Dato Timothy Lim (left) is the fearless leader of the young tech-savvy W3D team that has stamped its global novative presence on the Web. They Limkokwing's Mobile Academy's goal is to reach 100 million people dominance with over 100 wins for web creativity and innovation. are currently working on V8 (version from around the world. 8) of the website aimed to act more easy life - a 9 to 5 life. Join us if you 80 per cent of students from all over Limkokwing University is a globalized university, with 80 as a platform featuring more alumni want a challenge. the world. “For every 10 job applica- success stories. per cent of students from all over the world. “For every 10 job “Our job applications are open to tions I receive, six are from our for- “We look at page views, time spent eign graduates.” applications I receive, six are from our foreign graduates.” all, but we find that alumni have the on the site to understand the flow Limkokwing creative culture and are The bottom line, he adds, is that “When I took over, CCC was lan- comprises the IT arm of the Univer- As the only son and heir apparent and adjust to that,” he says. “When technically very sound. I would like to “there’s just a plain shortage of guishing from a lack of stability and sity which oversees all the hardware of Limkokwing University founder we had the older version of the web- increase the percentage of Malaysians locals” who have the abilities, but focus. But that was a plus for me be- needs of the university’s 12 campuses Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr Limkokwing site, the About page was the first thing in CCC but the current mix bodes prefer to work in Singapore or cause it gave me a lot of freedom to around the world. many may think that he had the people saw but we looked through well for the global working environ- Hong Kong because of higher sal- do what I wanted to do with it. The With technology moving so fast, the unit handed to him on a silver the flow data, we discovered that it’s aries and better benefits. unit had diminished to an extent that platter and had all the financial ment and global mindset of the staff. team at CCC is on their toes to main- not the first thing people looked at. “It’s a situation every tech company what was left was hard-core creative resources to get it going. “A mixed environment is critical if tain the University’s cutting edge in- They went to the Courses page. So in in Malaysia faces. There is no way we people,” he admits with a grin, words novative presence on the Web. They He is amused by this, pointing out Version 7 which is the current ver- we want to produce work of inter- national quality,” he says bluntly. can compete with the salaries being of- that are reminiscent of every young are currently working on V8 (version that when he took over CCC, it was sion, we have made the courses more “You want to be able to understand fered in Singapore and Hong Kong.” tech start up founder. 8) of the website aimed to act more not turning a profit and was located in prominent.” the different mindsets and values of as a platform featuring more alumni a cramped space, with very few talent. “Personally, I would like to see a CCC today is structured into three Finding the right talent people from all over the world if you success stories. more 50-50 ratio of Malaysians and departments: Website, Film & TV “When I took over, CCC was lan- “From the beginning, we have been want to be able to produce work that foreigners so we have a nice balance. and Animation. It is the software arm “We look at page views, time spent guishing from a lack of stability and non-negotiable about having people resonates with universal values as well of company - employing 60 staff of on the site to understand the flow focus. But that was a plus for me be- with a similar mindset,” explains as specific socio-cultural values as we "Also, I’d like to see more women in which almost 80 per cent are alum- day-to-day management of the unit, cause it gave me a lot of freedom to Dato Timothy in his first ever exten- do for some clients.” the team and I think that will hap- ni. Of this, 70 per cent are foreign he solidified and streamlined the do what I wanted to do with it. The sive interview on CCC. “I tell people Also, he adds, Limkokwing Univer- pen soon as we’re seeing more wom- - all alumni of the university. It also company's structure and deliverables. unit had diminished to an extent don’t come to CCC if you want an sity is a globalized university, with en studying multimedia and IT.”


From mid-2011 till now, the Lesotho High Commission website In 2012, the University's website regis- has been visited by close to 4,000 visitors from 106 countries. tered 260 million hits from 222 countries Entrepreneurship platform because many clients approach the needs can be met not just for now, and territories worldwide, a feat believed A key mission for CCC - evidenced University directly to develop multi- but in the long-term.” to be unmatched by others. media projects.” by its prolific award wins - is to be a But dealing with clients who don’t of the classroom, amplifying the doing so on foreign soil has given them model and platform for multimedia The overarching philosophy in understand the internet and web student learning experience such many sleepless nights, particularly in and web entrepreneurship for stu- business development is to try space has its challenging moments, as students being able to see each the run up to a campus opening. dents and the public. and follow the customer’s require- admits Dato Timothy wryly. other’s work not just in Malaysia, “In Africa, things move slowly be- ment. But internally, the philoso- but in other campuses as well. This This they do by holding true to the “They have a lack of interest in un- cause the local suppliers are small phy is to take the long view. also includes access to a huge ar- four guiding principles - Innova- derstanding the space, that’s what and they work at a slower pace,” he tion, Culture, Education and Busi- chive of previous students’ work. “We take into account what the cus- concerns me. Also some of the says. “ Logistically, things are very ex- ness and Philanthropy - a reflection Another major achievement is the tomer wants, but at the same time, older clients sometimes look at the pensive because the flow of products of the mission of the University’s Mobile Academy which was the we take the long view. That means Internet and Web grudgingly. They is through Europe, Middle East and founder Tan Sri Limkokwing. brainchild of Tan Sri Limkokwing. ignoring current trends.” have never depended on the Web South Africa. “It came out of discussions we had to build their business. I can un- “Currently the University is our big- “Our start point isn’t looking at the with Tan Sri, of his mission to make Initially, things were very difficult, gest client,” explains Dato Timothy. technology,” he explains. “We try derstand their logic, but they have education accessible anytime any- but luckily now, we have finally “It often acts as the agency as well, to look at needs and how best those us younger people to advise them where for anyone who wanted to found a few core partners who can learn,” Dato Timothy explains. “The match us internationally.” and they could be more open.” Academy content is free and it’s The new Lesotho High Commision home page won the U.S. Davey Awards. In fact, it was Dato Timothy and his He sees a similar trend with govern- available on the mobile phone. Es- ment agencies. sentially, if you have a Smartphone, team that brought Acer to Lesotho, opening up the market for the com- “These agencies need to make chang- you can have access. The content has puter company to provide laptops es. Facebook and Twitter are a good been distilled from our courses into for Limkokwing students there. start and show good intention, but bite-sized knowledge.” they could do better in communicat- The CCC team, he adds, is working The team has also notched another ing and interacting with the public,” on the second version of the Acad- milestone for Lesotho by setting up he says. “Within government agen- emy, which is going to be SMS com- a spanking new website for the Le- cies, they have young people who patible and will be integrated with sotho High Commission in Kuala the main platform. understand FB and Twitter and they Lumpur. should be trusted to handle it.” Making a web and mobile foot- print in Africa The website was designed by a group Making education accessible to made up of three Malaysians, one the world Limkokwing University has a strong Mauritian and a Mosotho student presence on the African continent - With innovation as its core guiding studying at the University. principle, the CCC team lives and with campuses in Botswana, Lesotho CCC's Associate Director, Michael breathe to develop platforms and and Swaziland with several more applications designed to reflect inno- scheduled to open this year. Pan Sin says his team took two months vative learning for young people, as As his team is instrumental in set- to complete the website once it was ap- well as for the world. ting up the hardware (read: getting proved. CCC has developed a student por- the latest PCs, Macs and laptops for The first challenge to designing the tal which is a game changer in how the students as well as organizing the website was the lack of information, as students learn. It is an extension internet access), it is no surprise that well as the fact that most of them had


no knowledge of the country known as my country’s most valued partner Not social media! as Lesotho. “The result of our research in human capital development— When asked about the Univer- showed that most embassy or high Limkokwing University,” she says. sity’s future plans to be more commission websites were presented Record breaking numbers on integrated in social media, Dato in a very boring way,” he says. the Web Timothy doesn’t mince his words. Since the www.lesothokualalumpur. CCC’s ability to sync creativ- “I hate the term social media!" org website was launched in April ity with a carefully implemented he says. I’m just waiting for the 2011, it has won four international online presence across various so- day the term is dropped. I see no awards—three Davey Awards and cial mediums on the internet has separation between the web and one from the Web Marketing Asso- been instrumental to its record- social. It’s common sense! ciation in the United States. breaking numbers on the Web. “When it comes to the Web, Some of the categories that the In 2012, Limkokwing University’s forget about 5-year plans. Think website competed in include tour- official website registered 260 mil- only of the overall objective and ism, best practices and homepage. lion hits from 222 countries and think of particular products as The website won the silver award territories worldwide, a feat be- add-ons." for all three categories. Since it was lieved to be unmatched by others. Finally, what is his most impor- launched in the middle 2011 till Yet another achievement has been tant piece of advice to budding now, the website has been visited the online success of the 1Malay- tech entrepreneurs? by close to 4,000 visitors from 106 sia song produced by the Univer- Trying to be the Facebook be- countries. sity in 2011 to promote national cause of the fame or money is a harmony and patriotism. Just The High Commissioner of The very bad idea, he says. one year after the song was offi- Kingdom of Lesotho Ntsebe Ko- cially uploaded on YouTube, the “Tech companies are in the lime- kome said the website for the Leso- video exceeded 500,000 views light because of how they are tho High Commission in Malaysia with people from all over the accelerating change in their in- provides vital information to its on- world commenting on it. dustries. Technology is all about line visitor for investment and travel people. purpose. As of January 2013, the song has gone past 4.2 million hits from “This is a high point for my country 179 countries as the song appears The fundamental goal is to enrich because these awards bring attention to cross international borders people’s lives. It is about enabling to the opportunities that are available seamlessly. But wait, that’s not all. people. For a lot of people, it is in Lesotho. an extension of a person’s mind What makes this even more a collective hive of knowledge. “I am very happy to have mooted the amazing is that this is a patriotic Technology is just an enabler. In idea to build this website and I feel song which normally wouldn’t the end, it’s a numbers game.” that no one could have done such a attract this kind of attention sterling job in designing the website from the online community. “I hate the term social media!" he says. I’m just waiting for the day the term is dropped. I see no separation between the web and social. It’s common sense!” 40 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 41 STAYING AHEAD OF THE CURVE STAYING AHEAD OF THE CURVE Ganesh Kumar Bangah Few people can claim to have founded and listed a company, and made Chief Executive Officer by 23. Ganesh Kumar Bangah is one of them. has built a multi-million The Group CEO of MOL Global were willing to use their credit cards charging. “There was this game that Pte Ltd’s tale is one of perseverance to make online payments. We de- everyone was playing. It was free-to- dollar company by spot- and persistence. The savvy Internet cided to leverage our partnerships play but I had a hunch that would entrepreneur was often ahead of his with the cyber cafés and convert change soon. So I went to the game time but found commercial success them into payment centres. Bear in publisher in Korea and got the ex- ting trends and meeting in online gaming payment services. mind there were no wifi outlets back clusive rights for the game in South Still an undergraduate when he then and Internet penetration was East Asia. When it went pay-to-play, needs, and constantly started out, he managed to con- not as wide yet; these were the first gamers had to buy our points to pay vince Tan Sri Vincent Tan of Berjaya connected centres.” for access to the game.” Group to back his vision and turned The cyber cafés were required to pre- He had hit a sweet spot. The new innovating to stay ahead that investment into a multi-million buy a certain amount of points from business model made the points, ringgit company. Bangah, which they could resell to now known as MOLPoints, the on- of the game. A computing enthusiast, Bangah their customers and earn a 10 per line currency of choice for gamers – began by selling a cyber café man- cent profit. The points became the a position Bangah has continued to agement software he had developed currency by which customers could strengthen by partnering with over By Emily Loh together with a partner. In the dot- transact online without worrying 200 online games and content pub- com bubble of the 2000s, he de- about fraud and security. lishers from around the world. GAME ON With MOL

cided to give it away in exchange for the rights to control the first screen But e-commerce was a new con- The World of MOL Global viewed by patrons thus enabling cept during the early 2000s, which Today, the MOL Global empire him to control eyeballs. But he soon meant there was a limited market for generates over US$150 million in found out making money from on- the points. revenue per annum, processing ap- line advertising in pre-Google Ad- So Bangah did what any astute en- proximately RM1.58bil worth of Words days was not at all easy, even trepreneur would do – he created transactions. It was recognised as when one owned prime real estate one for them, first by selling reload one of Asia Pacific’s fastest growing among a captive audience. coupons online and then later, on- technology companies in the De- He then switched his focus to the line gaming. His big break came loitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pa- payment business instead. “The In- when he rightly predicted that a then cific Awards in 2005 and 2006, and ternet was just growing in popular- hugely popular cyber café-based won a Merit Award for the Best E- ity at the time but not many people game from Korea would soon start Commerce Application in the MSC


Malaysia Asia Pacific ICT Awards. in every vertical in which it operates, if we could get one to two per cent cards using mobile phones, tablets are all from the IT space, and they Bangah estimates that the company no single one mounts a considerable of their members to become MOL and other smart devices through the are consumer-facing companies, not ranks among the top five leaders in challenge because none has the ex- members it would be quite substan- MOLCube chip card reader. business-to-business ones.” games payment globally. tensive distribution that Bangah has tial.” He has made good on that by Payment is made by entering the While Malaysia does have several MOL Global offers seven key prod- built up over the last 11 years. increasing the MOL membership amount on the phone. The pay- successful business-to-consumer IT ucts and services under subsidiaries to two million within the four years This was further enhanced when in ment card is then inserted into the MOL AccessPortal Sdn Bhd and companies, Bangah says they must 2009, MOL Global acquired pio- since acquiring Friendster. Friendster: MOLPoints (online mi- reader and the customer signs on the be made into icons like Apple so that neer social networking site Friend- cropayment system), MOLReloads Leadership through constant screen. A receipt can even be printed the general public will see IT as a ster for a reported US$100million. (electronic prepaid distribution in- innovation or sent via SMS or email. growth industry. “Then parents will Bangah said in a media statement, frastructure), MOLCards (multi- As a payment platform business, At the press conference announcing send their kids to study computer application prepaid cards), MOLPay "The merger with Friendster will Bangah says innovation comes from this partnership, Bangah had said, science again. Otherwise what you (online payment system for micro- continue to transform the social constantly understanding trends and “With MOLCube, the merchants will see is the conundrum we are in merchants), Friendster (social gam- networking industry, combining a meeting those trends, and creating that we can reach and secure will be now, where nobody wants to study ing network), Friendster Hotspots highly intuitive and successful so- new products. many. If we reach 50,000 merchants, computer science because they think (free wireless Internet service) and cial media site and online market- we estimate we can process RM1bil they can’t get jobs.” Friendster iCafe (cyber café manage- ing channel with an integrated pay- MOL Global has a strong engineer- worth of transactions easily.” ment system). ment platform and content network ing and R&D team spread out be- “We need to move faster if we want tween and the Phil- Growing more talent to stay relevant. The problem is that MOLPoints is the leading business, which includes games, goods, gifts, ippines that constantly updates and by the time we turn plans and initia- accounting for about one-third of music and video." While Bangah’s assessment on the upgrades their platforms. tives into reality, they are already out sales and 80 per cent of profits. Elaborating on the purchase Bangah level of innovation in Malaysia is a The reload business is significant adds, “We did not buy Friendster “Our success comes from having positive one, he feels not enough is of date.” although Bangah says margins are to compete with Facebook. MOL come into the market early enough being done to create that incubation Next Stop: World domination very thin. Its fastest growing business was at the time mainly a Malaysian and constantly innovating so that environment. “The issue is not the Bangah will be keeping busy from is MOLPay, which makes up only brand while Friendster is a global competitors can’t come into the mar- lack of innovation but rather how now until 2014 with various cross- 20 per cent but has a potential the one; owning it would help raise ket,” he says. “I always believe that if we can spur that spirit and support it border acquisitions, having just com- Group CEO is keeping a keen eye the profile of our brand. Plus it had we don’t invest in new things then without being a barrier to it.” on. intellectual properties which have potentially other people could invest pleted one in the United States. He has a thing or two to say about since given us reasonable financial in them and then they will become “We are targeting the Middle East The company’s dominance comes the talent situation in the technology returns.” The portfolio of social net- our biggest competitor.” via Turkey, North America via USA from having both content and industry in Malaysia too. “There is working patents were sold to Face- and Brazil, and Vietnam, in addition channel, an imperative as content One of the key innovations that never enough and it is never right,” providers and channel partners are book for USD40million. The deal to bolstering our Southeast Asian the company will be rolling out in he laughs. “You go to any country only willing to enter into partner- also includes advertising, a partner- 2013 is MOL Cube, a device that markets.” ship for payments for virtual goods, and you will be told the same thing.” ship when both are present. This is allows credit card transactions to be More acquisitions will be on the further strengthened by its complete and cash. His main concern is that informa- processed over the mobile phone. card, he says, as MOL Global gears payment universe encompassing tion technology (IT) is seen as a Friendster’s 115 million community MOL Global subsidiary, MOL Ac- up for an initial public offering in online and offline channels, which was another reason for the acquisi- support industry in this country cessPortal Sdn Bhd, has entered into 2014 (MOL AccessPortal Berhad include 600,000 physical retail pay- tion. “MOL has good monetiza- a joint-venture with Soft Space In- rather than a leading one. “When which was listed in 2000 was sub- ment channels across 80 countries, tion. At the time of the (Friendster) ternational Sdn Bhd to form MOL- people talk about careers in IT, they sequently taken private by Tan Sri 88 online banks in nine countries, purchase, we had 200,000 mem- Cube Sdn Bhd. Small and medium think about being a programmer or Vincent Tan). and major international payment bers out of which six per cent spent enterprises – even pasar malam ven- working for companies in second- systems like PayPal and Moneygram. RM150 a month. Friendster had dors and hawkers – will be able to ary industries. But if you look at the His next goal? To make MOL Glob- While the company has competitors 100 million members. We thought accept payments via credit and debit biggest companies in the world they al into a US$1 billion company.


CARPE DIEM WITH MASATU! By Nurris Ishak Masatu's Steven Low says not many Malaysian companies are into Mobile Apps because they don't see the potential yet.

These days, the world is indeed at tions available for downloads have only limited to phone calls, emails the palm of your hands. also increased, numbering in the and text messages. Well, perhaps not quite literally, but hundreds of thousands, if not mil- But of course, one can only do so with the smartphone, you could be lions. It seems as if the possibilities much networking in the virtual stuck in a traffic jam and virtually for mobile applications available is world before craving actual, real travel the world through the gadget only limited to one’s imagination. life, face-to-face human interac- in the palm of your hands. The average smartphone can con- tion. Needless to say, smartphones have nect the user to social networking Driving social activities sites such as Facebook, Twitter, revolutionized the communica- Enter Masatu, a social networking tions technology, combining ad- Google+ and Skype among others, allowing the user to keep in touch mobile application developed by vanced computing capability and Agmo Studio. Literally translated connectivity in a palm-sized gadget. with their friends at all times, no matter where they may be, open- as “That Moment”, the award-win- As the phones gained popular- ing new communication avenues ning mobile application enables the ity, the amount of mobile applica- which might have otherwise been user to organize private and public

80 per cent of the world’s population are connected via mobile phones, and out of five billion mobile phones in the world, 1.08 billion of them are smartphones.


Digital time capsule Malaysia LRT, Malaysia Food and ates’ from Malaysia’s Multime- Beverage, Offline Mural dia Development Corporation Masatu also has a digital time- Map, MyPLUS Highway, My- (MDeC) Integrated Content capsule, which allows the user to Gold Price and Malaysia 4D. surprise their friends by hiding a Development – Developer Assis- message or an image which can “Unofficially, we’ve been around tance Programme (ICONdap), a only be accessed by their friends for the past two to three years, but programme which provides fund- or contacts within a specific time we registered as a company after ing assistance to technical gurus frame and at a specific location. we collaborated with MYEG and and creative geniuses with inno- received funding from them in ear- vative ideas and concepts to cre- “The digital method allows the ly 2012. We’re a small team, there’s ate content for online and mobile user to geo-point the location of only the four of us in the develop- applications. The programme also the time capsule. To unlock the ment team and we have three ad- helps them to turn the ideas into time capsule, one would have to be ministrative staff which we share proof of concept and prototypes. Literally translated as “That Moment”, the award-winning mobile application enables within 500 metres of the location with MYEG,” said Low. at a particular moment of time to users to organize private and public events, invite their friends to join their activities and “We’re still working together with be able to see the secret message or MDeC to create an ‘eco-system’ to discover social activities happening in their area. image hidden there,” said Low. Challenge of growing the encourage more mobile develop- Masatu is the winner of MYEG business ers to come forward and investors events, invite their friends to join / Masatu or public. If you set your tings. You can also tag your Face- Make the Pitch 2011 – a reality Low added that as a start-up com- to come in to develop the mobile their activities and discover social event to private, only those whom book friends and upload the album show hosted by NTV7 that fea- pany, they have had to face a num- industry community,” said Low. activities happening in their area. you have invited will be able to see directly from Masatu to your Face- tures innovative ideas from Malay- ber of challenges, namely in terms your event, and if you set it to pub- book account, followed by posting “Masatu enables you to capture sian entrepreneurs. of getting investors and funding your life moment in a fun and cool lic, then all those within the vicin- on your Facebook Timeline with “The MDeC and MSC pro- Masatu has also won the MSC and developing the business. way. It encourages users to socialize ity will be able to see your event,” just one touch. gramme is very helpful in the de- Malaysia Asia Pacific ICT Awards “As a company which focuses on with their friends in real life as well as said Low. velopment of the mobile industry “The beautiful part is that you will (APICTA) 2012 (Best Media and mobile application, we cannot ap- allowing them to discover the activ- Those who attend your event can community. It is an ongoing pro- always have the complete set of Entertainment category) and the ply the traditional way of market- ities that are happening near them cess. I hope this programme will give their feedback, exchange com- photos for all your precious mo- Silver Award from the Asean ICT ing to sell our products. We face at that particular moment of time,” go on. The government has also ments and share photos of the ments,” said Low. Awards. It was also appointed as the global competition and we have to said Steven Low, Agmo Studio’s event with their friends and other been very helpful to us in terms of Masatu supports location-based official social media app for Asian keep ourselves up-to-date with the business development manager. Masatu users. networking basis, as they would discovery where you can discover Business NGO Forum 2012. technology. It’s both challenging, recommend us to companies who Upload photos in bulk on past, present and future activities and interesting. “It’s a social-activity mobile appli- “It took us three months to devel- need mobile developers.” around you using the Masatu map cation. For example, let’s say you Masatu op the app. We started in Febru- “The Mobile application business or augmented reality. Augmented ary last year and we launched the is very new, and even though you The future looks bright for Agmo would like to invite your friends When you have a number of reality is where you can use your app in May. So far, we have over can see that there are an increas- Studios. to a gathering. You can create the people taking pictures using their phone’s camera and scan your sur- 3,500 users, and most of them are ing number of companies focus- event on Masatu, pinpoint the lo- own camera phones or cameras, “We are in the midst of develop- roundings, and if there is (or was) Malaysians. But it’s available on ing on mobile applications in the cation of your gathering, specify getting them to share their photos ing apps which would encourage an activity in your vicinity, a notifi- iTunes for iOS devices and An- US, locally not too many people the time frame and insert an image after the event has ended is always local communities to share infor- cation of the event will pop out on droid Market for Android devices are so into it as yet because some of your gathering. a challenge. However, Masatu en- mation on community activities, your screen. and it’s free,” said Low. of them can’t see the potential for “You can invite your friends and ables you to upload photos in bulk as well as a few other mobile ap- mobile applications,” he said. set the privacy settings for your and allows you to customize your You can then click on it and get the Agmo Studio has also developed plications, so look out for our new event to either private, limited to album i.e name, date and time details of the event such as the time, lo- other mobile applications such as Both Agmo Studio director, Tan products on Apple App Store and friends and contacts on Facebook as well as your album’s privacy set- cation, description and its participants. the My Home Loan Calculator, Aik Keong and Low are ‘gradu- Android Market!” said Low.


36 percent of companies surveyed are “currently us- ing” cloud computing and 40 percent are “currently planning” to use cloud in the coming year.

Dubbed the VMware Cloud In- believe that by failing to pursue dex, the online-based survey que- cloud initiatives their companies ried 4,799 senior IT practitioners risk falling behind their competi- across Asia Pacific (including Ja- tors, Barnes noted. pan) in September 2012. Comis- sioned by the cloud and virtualiza- Malaysian trends, tion player, the countries covered challenges faced in the survey included Australia, The Malaysia-specific survey re- Singapore, India, Taiwan, Indo- sults were encouraging as 36% of nesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Ko- companies surveyed are “current- rea, Thailand, and China, and the ly using” cloud computing and survey is in its third year running. 40% are “currently planning” to use cloud in the coming year. In Malaysia, the survey polled 49 CLOUD computing has attained senior influencers of IT in mul- Barnes pointed out that the wider adoption and more compa- tinationals, 44 in local/regional above cumulative figure of 76% nies are open to its use in enter- companies, and 16 in public sec- (36%+40%) was above the re- prises across Asia, although there tor organizations, or a total 109 gional average of 74%. “Seven in are still some challenges arising IT professionals. Barnes said that 10 respondents also believe that from companies adopting the across Asia Pacific generally, the cloud computing makes their cloud, according to a new study maturity of cloud computing has jobs less complex,” he added. by Forrester Research. progressed, noting that 74% of respondents view the cloud as top Notwithstanding this, the VM- Michael Barnes (pic), vice presi- priority or highly relevant to their ware Cloud Index study also re- dent and research director of For- respective organizations. vealed some significant challenges rester Research, said that 75% of for those who have adopted or are Asia Pacific organizations have a “This percentage rises to 88% for about to adopt the cloud. • More companies, including those in Malaysia, are strong understanding of cloud very large organizations of over embracing the cloud in Asia Pacific, according to a computing. 10,000 employees and stands at The first had to do with lack of about 68% for small organiza- control over employee access to new study by Forrester Along with this, 67% believe tions of fewer than 500 employ- non-sanctioned, third-party ap- that their IT organizations are ees,” he said. plications, while the second had With adoption comes new challenges: Skills to deal ready to run the company’s to with the reliable and affordable • most strategic apps in either a Also interesting was the fact that broadband infrastructure needed with cloud implementation; and broadband private or hybrid cloud environ- nearly 80% of respondents be- for the cloud computing to thrive. ment, but the higher adoption lieve that the cloud can help them Barnes said that while 56% of infrastructure cost and reliability rates also brings with it new compete more effectively in the Malaysia respondents believe that challenges, the analyst noted. marketplace, and that nearly 70% their organizations currently have


“As customers leverage cloud computing to fuel their growth, IT needs to be equipped to plan, develop and deploy cloud solutions that are aligned to the organi- zation’s needs,” said Si. the skills and infrastructure neces- quirements and this is not an is- sary to create and manage a pri- sue. However, if you’re talking vate cloud, only 19% believe that about public connectivity, public they are successfully managing Internet access, then it’s subjective the use of cloud-based services and will depend on how the pub- within the organization. lic views this.”

Asked why this was so, Barnes Asked if he believed this cost acknowledged that the survey did of connection would go down not explore this question in an in future, the CEO of Telekom in-depth manner. But he added Malaysia’s wholly-owned man- that this could be attributed to aged service provider said, “This the fact that senior executives in is subject to many things such as the survey felt that they did not infrastructure costs, where the have control over what applica- services are located, and whether tions their employees use, includ- they are offshore or on onshore. ing those popular ones offered If they are offshore, the cost will by third-party, app-based public be much higher.” Barnes noted cloud providers such as Dropbox. that while respondents in these three countries cited broadband cloud adoption over the tradi- Laurence Si, country manager infrastructure issues as their of VMware Malaysia, said that tional challenges of data privacy, main concerns, this does not organizations need to be agile security and sovereignty usually mean that the traditional issues not only with technology, but cited as barriers to adoption. Ah- of data sovereignty, privacy and with their people. That is why mad Azhar Yahya (pic, courtesy security weren’t present. VMware organizes enablement of Oracle Flickr stream), CEO of platforms throughout the year to VADS, noted that there are still “Companies are still concerned help customers stay at the fore- challenges of broadband con- with such issues; it’s just that for front of the latest industry devel- nectivity especially in the area of these countries, the survey re- opments, he added. local access. vealed these challenges as the most pertinent.” But perhaps more worrying was Also a panelist at the press brief- the fact that along with Thailand ing, Ahmad Azhar said there were and Indonesia, Malaysian survey two connectivity types: "The Article and photos reproduced with permission respondents cited access to reli- first is between data centers and from Digital News Asia www.digitalnewsasia. able and affordable broadband private clouds. These are pretty com as a key concern and barrier to much driven by customers re-


WE’RE READY FOR THE APP ECONOMY, For a vendor that makes its money “We have been telling operators here that they will selling software and hardware to tel- lose out if they do not deliver, as the consumer has BUT ARE THE OPERATORS? cos which provide the services that choice with Mobile Number Portability. The con- smartphone and tablet users need, sumer will go to the operator that gives them the ERICSSON BELIEVES THAT BROADBAND UBIQUITY IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO AFFORD- the data that Ericsson shared point- best possible experience.” ABILITY. SEES OUT-OF-THE-BOX THINKING LEADING TO SMA RT PARTNERSHIPS TO ed to one inescapable mega trend: TAP RISING DATA USAGE. by Karamjit Singh As more powerful smartphones and tablets hit the market and more The key take away from recent re- And with some industry analysts al- tion of 28 million. Afrizal Abdul consumers adopt them, data usage search conducted by Ericsson, via its ready calling this the App Economy, Rahim (pic, bottom right), head of will keep shooting through the roof, Ericsson ConsumerLab, will come Ericsson’s research showed that the ConsumerLab South-East Asia & to the glee of vendors like Ericsson as no surprise: There will be strong top three app groups popular with Oceania for Ericsson, adds a caveat which provide the pipes, microwave growth in the smartphone and tab- Malaysian smartphone users were however. “While we ask them about dishes, base stations and software let markets in Malaysia. entertainment, gaming, TV and a 6-month horizon, the reality is that that power the networks that deliver video apps. Focusing its research on the esti- the decision to buy or upgrade will this data wirelessly to a consuming While these numbers look unusu- mated 63% Internet users in Ma- likely be made over an 18-month group that is increasingly mobile. ally high versus some other research laysia (according to government period.” that Digital News Asia (DNA) has As Steven Tai, Head of Strategy data) and their stated interest to covered in the past, Ericsson is only The Malaysian portion of the results & Marketing for Ericsson Ma- get a smartphone or tablet over looking at the portion of Malaysians came out of an online survey of 500 laysia & Sri Lanka states: “Tele- the next six months, smartphone who are already online, be it via fixed consumers aged 16-60. This was communications operators need He shares that his own experience traveling to neighboring countries has penetration has the potential to or mobile broadband. Research part of a survey of 58 countries cov- to ensure that their networks are seen him enjoy a richer experience on his smart devices with faster respon- rise from 47% to 73% and tablet done by other parties takes into ac- ering a total of 47,577 people carried tablet - and smartphone-ready, penetration from 14% to 48%. count the entire Malaysian popula- out by market research firm TNS. delivering superior coverage, siveness. He attributes this to the stronger focus on quality in these countries. speed and reliability and able to “We have been telling operators here that they will lose out if they do not de- handle the demands of continued liver, as the consumer has choice with Mobile Number Portability. The con- strong mobile data growth.” sumer will go to the operator that gives them the best possible experience.” Tai elaborates that experience here means latency, throughput and even sensitivity of the network with the various devices. Operators must ensure their networks are smart device-ready, and are capable of delivering superior coverage, speeds and reliability. How can operators best capitalize on this fast-growing segment? “They need smart offerings – and a smart network,” says Tai. Afrizal describes it as having networks that are smart, scalable, simple and with Steven Tai, Head of Strategy & Marketing for Ericsson Malaysia and Sri Lanka says operators in Malaysia need superior performance. "smart offerings and a smart network." With him is Afrizal Abdul Rahim.



“With online banking so popular, what’s to prevent a bank from partnering with a telco and offering to subsidize or pay fully for customers’ Internet usage?”

Picking up on this theme of superior can then offer consumers packages smart – for example, via the con- performance, Tai feels that the net- that are affordable, simple to use cept of sachet pricing. works in Malaysia are just not there and relevant to them. Innovative business models can also yet in terms of quality. The recent “I could just be someone who help to make broadband more af- Malaysian Communications and uses social networks. I don’t want fordable, they contend. “With on- Multimedia warning that it is con- to pay for anything else and don’t line banking so popular, what’s to sidering imposing mandatory qual- want your unlimited networks. prevent a bank from partnering with ity standards is seen as the clearest As a mobile operator, will you be a telco and offering to subsidize or signal yet that the regulator is losing able to meet my needs?” He calls pay fully for customers’ Internet us- patience with operators too. this sachet pricing. age,” poses Afrizal. “Smart networks, which are user- Already one telco, DiGi, is offer- This would encourage Internet service and content-aware, call for ing a plan called Facebook Zero banking, which benefits the bank, a holistic approach to network ar- where it does not charge the and the telco gets its revenue, but chitecture with policy controls that consumer an Internet plan for in return offers a special package to enable differentiated services and any traffic to that particular so- the bank. No bank has done this optimization of network resources.” cial network site. Tai calls this an yet, Tai says, noting that this re- The urgency for a smart network is “acquisition strategy” as the con- quires out-of-the-box thinking by even more pressing with LTE (Long- sumer is wooed to try more ser- both banks and telcos. Term Evolution) on the horizon be- vices which they have to pay for. Both men seem confident that such cause, as Tai notes, “the experience of This is an important concept smart partnerships will happen other markets shows that once you because Afrizal and Tai both sooner rather than later. have LTE networks and ready de- strongly believe that ubiquity vices, the data traffic literally doubles depends on affordability, even in the space of a few months.” Karamjit Singh is the editor of in developed nations, much less Digital News Asia (DNA). To Afrizal, smart offerings go hand developing ones. And a key fac- This article is reproduced with in hand with these smart net- tor to making mobile broadband DNA's kind permission. works. In other words, the telcos more affordable is to make it

“I could just be someone who uses social networks. I don’t want to pay for anything else and don’t want your unlimited networks. As a mobile operator, will you be able to meet my needs?”


Limkokwing University students win the Best of 3D ‘PARADIGM SHIFT’ Tertiary Student Project in Creative Multimedia Award. VIDEO GAME WIN A 3D action shooter multiplayer in different timelines and dimen- IDE and many other advanced HONOURS AT APICTA 2012 game - developed by a team of Lim- sions in a beautifully composed technical programmes. kokwing University students - won environment. Based on the idea of Meanwhile, students from the Fac- the Best of Tertiary Student Project changing space-time continuum by ulty of Information Technology won (Creative Multimedia) category at utilizing next generation video game the Merit Award under the “Best of the MSC Malaysia Asia Pacific ICT technologies, the students developed Research and Development” award Awards (MSC Malaysia APICTA) this game with the aim of extending for their Augmented Reality (AR) 2012 last November - Malaysia’s top the boundaries of design and visual location-based Service Platform ICT event recognizing creativity and art video game development in Ma- which helps to locate Qibla direc- innovation excellence. laysia. tion, halal restaurants and mosques Called Paradigm Shift, the video- The game requires players to rush for Muslims travelers. game was developed by a team of and collect portal keys as fast as pos- The aim of MSC Malaysia APICTA 26 students led by Teh Yong Quan, sible to be able to open the next time is to provide recognition to out- Tamara Astari, Yuen Wai Leong, warp portal that will enable them to standing achievements of individu- Muhammad Shafiq Romli, Nabilah travel to the 3rd and 4th dimensions als, students, entrepreneurs, SMEs Raihan and Mohd Azlan Abu Has- to experience the amazing world. and organizations with operations in san - all majoring in Games Art and Those players who do not cross the Malaysia who have contributed to Games Technology. They developed portal within the stipulated time the development of the MSC Ma- this videogame over a one-year pe- perish once the door of the next laysia initiatives or in building appli- riod as part of their final project. portal closes. This very interesting cations and services for the benefit and challenging game is developed of Malaysia. It recognises creativity, A thrilled Yuen admitted that devel- with the highest standards of qual- oping the game “was a challenge for innovation, and excellence in Ma- ity hence matching industrial stan- laysian ICT. all of us, but it was not impossible as dards. we have the best tools and the sup- Held at the Sime Darby Conven- port of the lecturers all the time. We The Paradigm Shift is powered by tion Centre, the ceremony saw the have been cultivated to think cre- Unreal Engine 3.0 via Unreal de- finalists of MSC Malaysia APICTA atively and I am very happy. I also velopment kit. Assets are developed 2012 receive awards from Science, had endless support from my family mainly with 3DS Max, Zbrush, Technology and Innovation Minis- and friends”. coding languages have also been ter Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maxi- used on Unreal Script with nFringe The game features multiple worlds mus Johnity Ongkili.

"The game features multiple worlds in different timelines Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, YB Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili (second from right) with winners of the Paradigm Shift video game at the MSC APICTA 2012 awards. and dimensions in a beautifully composed environment."

58 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 59 60 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 61 SILICON VALLEYS OF THE WORLD Silicon Valley doesn't own the monopoly on being a tech development and startup hot spot: Meet the equivalent, exciting places on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. We all hear endlessly about the goings on in Silicon Valley, whether it be news about novel startups with a mis- sion to change the world, the investors that back the projects, or the political machinations that go on in this well-known hotbed of technological innovation. But far across the globe there are plenty of places that are also bubbling with excitement, innovation, entrepreneurial fervor and cash. Often they're the very places where the actual Silicon Valley's products actually get mass-produced. Meet some of Asia's tech innovation hotspots. Singapore Singapore is often feted as "Asia's As an example of its growing im- work with existing names that are Silicon Valley" because of its his- portance, recently a new incuba- famous from currently successful tory as a popular place to set up an tor fund, Golden Gate Ventures, is enterprises like YouTube. international business, its location, trying to spend its US$10 million its low friction to doing business to bring successful Singaporean en- As another example, Business Insid- and its cosmopolitan nature. trepreneurs to Silicon Valley itself to er recently covered the interesting

by Kit Eaton


ment itself kicked things off in road and rail (Seoul is 50 minutes by 2003 with an economic review high-speed train) but it's also where that decided Singapore should much of South Korea's science and China And Shenzhen become an "entrepreneurial na- technology development happens. China may not be the first place you that the startup culture is beginning in the world, attracting billions in in- tion" that is keen to take the think of in terms of startup activity- to spread to other parts of China. vestment, often from foreign firms. kind of risks you need to start in- Everything from biotech firms to -tight government control and giant Big name firms like Huawei have novative new businesses. green science happens here, and mega-corps probably come to mind. Perhaps the best-known high-tech facilities in the area, alongside huge it's home to the Korea Advanced But the nation is quite definitely concentration in China is the Shen- manufacturing facilities owned by The status of the nation as a great Institute of Science and Technol- sponsoring entrepreneurial spirit. zhen Hi-Tech Industrial Park. Be- companies like Foxconn. place to be an entrepreneur isn't ogy, which develops robots we cover The annual two-day ChinaBang fore 1979 it was just a small village universally accepted, however, and from time to time. These firms and conference, held in early 2012 in in Guandong Province nearish to But there's also a quiet but grow- some voices suggest it's due to a lot educational research establishments Beijing, resulted in 16 firms that Hong Kong. Then it became the ing startup culture and another of hype. Some suggest that the cul- spin off young companies from time TechCrunch notes are ones to keep first of China's Special Economic Startup Weekend was scheduled ture really doesn't support entrepre- to time, and events like the Daejeon an eye on. Zones--regions which are afforded for November 9th last year in the an extra degree of freedom and in- city. And there are ongoing efforts neurial risk-taking, and that angel Startup Weekend help. The statistics show that Beijing is vestment compared to other parts of like the HAXLR8R startup incu- story of social messaging service investors are too wary of risk. home to most of the nation's startups the nation--and it has flourished. Its bator, trying to stir up interest in Bubble Motion. CEO Tom Clay- It's a 54-hour "intense" affair where (some 5,100-plus companies) but now one of the fastest-growing cities entrepreneurial activity. ton explained that his company That doesn't seem to worry billion- participants try to build a mobile was already split 50-50 between aire Facebook cofounder Eduardo or web product in one sitting, and the Valley and Singapore, with Saverin who, slightly controversially, which promotes networking and ac- management in the U.S. and all chose to make his official home in tually new companies. the technical parts of the business Singapore just before the Facebook Recently Bosch invested US$100 the other side of the Pacific. After IPO. He's reportedly keen to invest million in the city to build high- the financial slowdown in 2008 in startups in the nation, and is said tech diesel cars, and earlier this year the company decided that consoli- to be promoting a more Silicon Val- a group of 28 prominent compa- dating operations in one place was ley-style of investment. nies formed a new 30 billion won better, and rather than scrabbling (US$26 million) fund called Daek- among other startups for money dock Investment to spur growth of in Silicon Valley it decided Singa- Korea's Daejeon startups here. Korea also has Digital pore was a better option--not least Media City, which is billed as the because it was cheaper to operate and Digital first "high tech complex" for digital from there. tech in the world. As the BBC noted, there are in- teresting efforts by private and Media City Built on a landfill site near Seoul government bodies in Singapore Daejeon, according to its Wikipedia from 2002, and covering over six to push its tech start-up status. entry, was just a small village at the million square feet, it's home to This includes programs like that start of the 20th Century, but the ar- firms like LG Telecom and facili- run by the Joyful Frog Digital rival of the railways quickly formed it ties like the Korean Film Archive. Incubator, which partnered with into a transportation hub. Now the It's also the site for the Digital the large SingTel telco to fund a city of 1.5 million people, roughly Media City Landmark building, 100-day program where entre- centrally located in South Korea, currently under construction and preneurs are mentored and then is sometimes called Korea's Silicon due to be the third tallest in the pitch to investors. The govern- Valley. It's still a transport hub for world at completion in 2015.





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Japan While you may think of Japan main- ence City--which was modeled on, nese entrepreneurs are taking their ly in terms of mega-corporations like among other places, Palo Alto--seem Japanese education and expertise to Sony--undoubtedly high-tech, but successful efforts at concentrating Silicon Valley itself to try to get their hardly a startup--the nation quite business and education into small ideas off the ground. SAVINGS ON BUSINESS SOLUTION definitely has a startup scene. Back regions. Tokyo itself is a startup hub, in April the New Tech Japan Night with efforts like the Open Network Other sources point out that some IV saw a list of innovative new Japa- Lab (a very Y Combinator-like in- Taiwanese investment firms are tar- BUNDLED PRODUCTS & SERVICES nese firms presenting their ideas and cubator/investor) serving to boost geting Japan as a hotbed of inno- attracting media interest. startups in the city.Some doubts have vation, with the Taiwan Industrial been cast on Japan's risk-averse en- Technology Research Institute pull- Japan has made some big efforts at trepreneurial spirit, especially in the ing together two funds. The $100 INCREASE BRAND AWARENESS promoting innovation in science and aftermath of the earthquake disaster million Golden Asia Fund, in partic- technology, and the Kansai Science in 2011--with the Huffington Post ular, is reportedly aimed at investing City (near Kyoto) and Tsukuba Sci- commenting that some young Japa- in smart Japanese firms. DealsBIZJUMBO.COM just get better when competition exist This article is reproduced with the kind permission of Fast Company magazine. An online marketplace for entrepreneurs, business owners & professionals. A product by 66 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 67 BOOM TUBE


and music videos. Launched almost (the company was originally found- two years ago, the site now has 12 ed in South Korea and is now based million users, up from 7 million in Singapore), but also shows from nine months ago. Greece, India, and Argentina. The startup’s latest coup last year Historically, crossing borders has is a deal to power a video site for been challenging for the TV in- Renren, the massive Chinese so- dustry. Popular U.S. shows tend cial network, which will include to get licensed in “tier 1” coun- shows from TNT and the Cartoon tries, like Europe, but not in the Network.Not all shows on Viki are rest of the world. And shows from available in all geographies. Content “tier 2” countries, like those south- owners can specify where they want east Asia, rarely make it to “tier 1” their programs shown, to avoid, for markets, like the U.S. and Europe. example, series being available in ar- eas where they already have licensing That’s because it’s time-consuming agreements. and expensive to hammer out li- HOW VIKI IS CREATING THE GLOBAL HULU Still viewers around the world (Viki censing agreements for each indi- A key ingredient in the success of CEO and co-founder Razmig vidual market. And it’s basically cost- E.B. Boyd the startup, which raised US$20 Hovaghimian tells Fast Company prohibitive to get shows translated million in October from heavy the site has users in every country into languages anywhere but in the hitters like Greylock Partners and on the planet except certain parts of most lucrative markets. As a result, Andreessen Horowitz, has been a central Africa) now have access to libraries of programming around the Wikipedia-style approach to getting tons more programming than ever world have languished on the shelf. shows translated into local languag- before. People in Asia, for example, Viki, which is also backed by BBC es. Namely, it lets the fans do the can finally watch Law & Order, Worldwide and Korea’s SK Planet subtitling.The site currently offers the new Bionic Woman series, and (a subsidiary of SK Telecom), is Studios around the world churn out ber of markets abroad, which means Now that’s changing, thanks to Viki, BOOM TUBE thousands of shows from produc- BBC’s David Copperfield, while helping with both of those prob- reams of TV shows. But until now, producers have left piles of money, a Hulu-style video site that was cre- ers in over 50 countries to viewers viewers in the States get not only a lems. Content owners only have to it’s has been inefficient for them to in the form of international advertis- ated in 2007 to break down barriers around the world, as well as movies wide variety of Asian programming do business with a single partner, get their shows aired in a large num- ing revenue, on the table. in the international TV trade.


Viki. And the startup is providing unteers devote countless hours to productions for the company’s cable translate what,” Hovaghimian says. the translations for free--by relying maintaining pages on subjects im- channels. It was there that he learned Then, when the new content goes on an army of volunteers who have portant to them. about the challenges of spreading live on Viki, translations in 10 to 20 happily pounded out subtitles in “They’re passionate about these content overseas and started think- 156 languages. shows,” Hovaghimian says. “They ing about ways to knock down bar- Part of their motivation is Viki’s community, which includes want to be the first to discover them. riers. simply their enthusiasm for tens of thousands of people around They love the fact that tons of people While the fact that content owners the content itself, the same the world, operates much the way are watching [their translations].” don’t have to pay anything to get way Wikipedia volunteers Wikipedia’s does. Volunteers dedi- their shows translated is a selling devote countless hours to cate themselves to the shows or point, more important, Hovaghim- Another driver is the desire to master maintaining pages on subjects genres they care most about. ian says, is the level of quality being new languages. In fact, Viki emerged important to them. The community self-polices to in part from another project that generated.The community’s dedi- ensure that translations are accu- cation is also helping battle piracy. Hovaghimian, a native of Egypt, languages are usually complete within rate. (“They fight over participles,” When pirates get a hold of shows, it started while an MBA school stu- 24 hours. That takes the wind out of Hovaghimian says.) usually takes them about 72 hours dent at Stanford, which involved pirates’ sails. “The pirate doesn’t have for them to get shows translated into And the strongest and most dedicat- getting people to create subtitles for an incentive to create subtitles for the ed volunteers rise to become leaders YouTube videos in order to foster local languages. Hovaghimian says content,” Hovaghimian says. All of of individual channels to keep every- language learning. the Viki community can usually do which means Viki is generating new them in a day. thing humming smoothly. After graduating in 2007, Hovaghi- revenue streams for content owners. Part of their motivation is simply mian went to NBC Universal, where Fans start organizing themselves CPMs vary per show and market, their enthusiasm for the content he worked on researching new mar- once they learn about upcoming Hovaghimian says, but can get as itself, the same way Wikipedia vol- kets and arranging international co- lineups, deciding “who’s going to high as US$50-US$100 in the most lucrative instances. More importantly, however, is the fact that, no matter how much producers earn, it’s all gravy. “For content own- ers, it’s expanding the size of the pie,” Hovaghimian says. “They’re building new markets for their content in plac- es it wasn’t traveling before.”

Photos from top to bottom: i. Viki Home Page screenshot ii. Viki Music screenshot iii. Super Junior screenshot

Viki co-founder and CEO Razmig Hovaghimian reviews product changes with engineers (left to right) Huy Nguy- Article reproduced with kind permission en of Vietnam, Cristobal Viedma of Spain and Jason Grendus of Canada. A truly international start-up like its from Fast Company magazine. Photos content and community, Viki's 45 employees represent 20 different countries courtesy of Viki.


Four hundred R&D and innova- pabilities do we need to succeed?’ Strategy is innovation tion leaders recently gathered at and to really thoughtfully map that Dr. Vijay Govindarajan of Dartmouth the Industrial Research Institute’s out. Then you can start to ask, ‘Who College advanced the concept of has those capabilities?’ And of course, (IRI) Annual Meeting in Indian beyond-the-core activities in his invariably what we would find as we Wells, California, for a conversa- keynote by dividing business ac- did this is that many of the capabilities tion on global innovation strategy tivities into three boxes. Box 1 and execution. With a cross- we were seeking in the people that we would need to deliver this ini- activities are about managing the section of every industry present, present; Box 2 activities are aimed the meeting’s themes - front end tiative just weren’t available, they at selectively forgetting the past; innovation and innovation ex- didn’t exist, and we would have to and, Box 3 activities involve creat- ecution in a global ecosystem - go out and find them.” ing the future. His formulaic ex- captivated attendees’ attention. Grabbing hold of this notion of planation argues that strategy and Energizing the first day of the “beyond-the-core” activities and innovation are inextricably linked. meeting, David Edwards, CTO the development of an on-the- of Avery Dennison, talked about ground learning culture, Ashish “Strategy is not about celebrating “beyond-the-core” business ac- Chaterjee of Procter & Gam- the past,” says Govindarajan, tivities. His ideas instantly struck ble spoke about his company’s a chord. Connect+Develop initiative. A 10-year program under As he explained, most businesses Chaterjee’s directorship, understand where their core Connect+Develop was competencies lie, but experiments started as a way to identify run beyond the core are what consumer needs in emerg- make the difference between real ing markets. success and failure in the global His team would visit areas marketplace. After all, foreign where new facilities were being ventures are always “beyond-the- established. They would speak core” activities. What became with the people on the ground, crucial to Avery Dennison’s success learn their culture, their ideas, in several of their international their capabilities, and then look ventures, he argued, was the in- for gaps in their available goods stillation of a learning culture and services which P&G could aimed at identifying the skill potentially fill. For instance, in sets needed to run new projects discussing Naturella™, a brand of abroad. “it’s not about celebrating the pres- As innovation leaders in industry gather to discuss the front and back sanitary napkins originating in ent. It’s really about leadership in end of innovation in a global context, a common theme emerges. “One mistake that we kept mak- Brazil, Chaterjee remarked that Whether expanding to a neighboring country or across oceans, ing,” Edwards said, “is that when there was “a complete change the future... Earning that leader- ship is what strategy is all about. entering a foreign market is always a “beyond-the-core” activity you start an initiative, there’s a in the way we manufacture the One thing we know: ‘future’ is full requiring the development of new competencies. One solution: real temptation... to start saying product simply because of local ‘well, who’s available?’ And that’s insight. And, the different value of unknown; ‘future’ constantly Identify skills first, not people. absolutely the wrong way to curve forced us into a new manu- changes. Therefore, if you want to think about this. As you start to facturing platform that has en- be a leader in the future, you have look at these complex initiatives, abled us to successfully enter 30+ to adapt to change. Adapting to the first place to start is, ‘What ca- markets [with this product].” change is also known as innvation.


Box 3 activities are central to in- Stereotypes lower novation. Without such planning preparedness and foresight, an organizaion cannot survive in the long-run. To place these ideas in con- text, though, several discus- Govindarajan also briefly re- sions at the meeting centered ferred to his new book, “Re- on the rising status of China verse Innovation,” a New York in technology patent filings observations that show that world’s number one patent filer Growth: Here, There, and Ev- Times and Amazon best-sell- and high-end manufactur- China’s business laws are in fact globally. But many organizations erywhere,” was part of an ongo- er, and a concept which was ing. Langdon Morris, Director changing. stick to this stereotype that IP is ing dialogue about how indus- named one of the ten big ideas of Innovation at PwC, argued unsafe in China and refuse to of the decade by the Harvard A 2011 study by Thompson Re- try advances given these global that knowledge of Chinese phi- deal with its products or services. Business Review. He touched uters listed the top 100 global shifts. It is clear that a new un- losophy and history has helped What Lindsay argues is that the on how companies are begin- Theinnovators fear and notmany one of them industries have of cannibalizingderstanding of strategy high- is re- his firm create better relation- world of industry, as a result, ning to understand the value of came from China. Lindsay there- quired, on-the-ground expertise ships with Chinese companies. is largely unprepared for the op- producing low-cost/low-value endfore began brands, to research the he subject says, is being put to restis invaluable, as success and brand canni - One of the highest complaints portunities China’s patent fil- Therefore, strategy equals inno- products for emerging markets. and found that Foxconn/Honhai balization for reverse innovation to stem from doing business ings will herald. He fears that vation. If there is no innovation storiesPrecision, a insilent reverse innovation innovation graduallyventures emerge. are becoming part of a in a company, there is no strat- in China is the lack of protec- partner of Apple, actually holds many opportunities may pass us new normal. This comes in opposition to the egy in that company either.” tion surrounding patents. Mor- three times as many U.S. patents by if we do not adjust to this traditional avenue of innovating ris argues that Chinese culture reality. It is also becoming apparent that Govindarajan explained that as Apple. high-cost/high-value products handles every business interac- China’s rise is not a fluke event, some of the organizations he “Beyond-the-core for developed markets and then tion on a case-by-case basis; i.e. It also has 50 times more U.S. but rather a gradual acceleration worked with would place the innovation” scaling those products down over getting a feel for the organiza- patents as some of the other of the inherent momentum that bulk of their activities in Box 1 time to meet the needs of the tion’s luster before deciding how companies on Reuter’s top 100 The focus on global strategy its society is capable of building (i.e. managing the present) and lower end. His concept of reverse to proceed with a venture. He list. He found similar patent and execution brought a new given the right conditions. then declare it as strategy. What innovation lined up well with argues that firms who approach holdings by Lenovo and Huawei; catch-phrase heard throughout they failed to grasp, he said, is the overall meeting theme by China with a more solid grasp of both Chinese organizations. the duration of the meeting. that strategy has nothing to do highlighting how local insight in Chinese customs and philosophy He contacted Reuters to make “Beyond-the-core innovation,” with Box 1 activities; it resides developing markets have begun receive a more accommodating the necessary corrections and coined by David Edwards early entirely in Box 3 (i.e. creating to generate sizeable returns for welcome. found them accommodating. on, was integrated into almost the future). Moreover, in order industry. The fear many indus- Jeff Lindsay, Head of Intellectual Some he spoke with made com- every presentation and conversa- to create the future, organiza- tries have of cannibalizing high- Property at Asia Pulp & Paper, ments that China could not be tion which took place thereafter. tions must selectively forget past end brands, he says, is being put in explaining the stereotypes of considered a fair subject of in- As many attendees agreed, the success so as not to get stuck in a to rest as success stories in reverse China as a copier, or thief, and novation expertise because of the days of building an organization routine way of solving problems. innovation gradually emerge. predominant stereotypes sur- vertically and then outsourcing Therefore, he notes, Box 2 and not an innovator, offered a few rounding its business culture. external competencies is fading. In fairness, he states, China did Companies are integrating and not have any patent laws on the building horizontal linkages books until 1984. Since then, around the world. The 2012 however, China has become the IRI Annual Meeting, “Driving

This article is reproduced with kind permission from


One of the highest complaints to stem from doing business in China is the lack of protection surrounding patents. NATIONAL INNOVATION JUGAAD FRUGAL INNOVATION

Resourcefulness amid serious constraints is known in India as ‘Jugaad.’ In this article, Accenture’s Mitali Sharma suggests this simple concept - which gave birth to a US$2,500 car, a US$12 solar lamp, and a life-saving incubator made from car parts - might be the antidote to the complexity plaguing your innovation process. By Mitali Sharma

What can companies in the de- More than cutting costs resources for R&D. They need veloped world learn from in- an alternate approach and Ju- Jugaad has been the source of gaad inspires offerings that are novators who make irrigation breakthroughs that have im- economical for the consumer pumps from bicycles or solar ov- proved the lives of millions in and the supplier, without having ens from old suitcases? the developing world. to sacrifice margin. Quite a bit, as it turns out. Perhaps the most illustrative of Second, the practice has long Jugaad is a Hindi colloquialism these offerings is the “Car Parts been considered an “antidote” that refers to constraint-based Infant Incubator,” which takes to the complexity of India, a innovation. While it may also advantage of locally available country of perpetually shifting be a way of life in India, where replacement car parts, familiar cultures and profound scarcity. “inventing what you need by us- automobile design, and globe- Now the same principles can ing only what you have” is an spanning automotive supply help address issues faced by mul- imperative, it also has been the chains to create a life-altering tinationals whose capacity for medical device. The baby warm- source of breakthroughs that breakthroughs has been stifled er sells for 5% of the cost of a have improved the lives of mil- by rigid internal processes, long traditional incubator, and might lions beyond India in the devel- R&D cycles, and above all else, save as many as 2.4 million in- oping world. multiple layers of complexity. fants per year in the developing In business, Jugaad (pronounced world. This alternate approach to inno- “joo-gaardh”) suggests an open- vation is an excellent disruptor of The creators of these products ness to improvisation and out- rigid legacy processes because it shared an ambition beyond side ideas in a search for the sim- democratizes innovation, strip- merely slashing costs and fea- plest route to solving a complex ping away extraneous features tures. They sought to make high- problem. Jugaad is often men- and processes, while opening value products that solved fun- tioned in tandem with “frugal the door to ideas from uncon- damental customer needs, while innovation,” which involves the ventional sources. The result is working with local economic delivery of exceptional customer a clean slate, and a chance to realities and constraints. value to low-income customers. re-orient innovation around the Increasingly, however, businesses Creating a clean slate customer. oriented toward mature econo- Frugal innovation and Jugaad prin- With increased frequency, major mies are using principles of Ju- ciples are especially important in corporations are embracing these gaad/frugal innovation to foster a today’s economy, for two reasons. approaches and self-imposing creative tension they feel will lead First, corporations adversely af- constraints around innovation. to game-changing innovations. fected by the slow economy lack They might restrict R&D funds

76 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 77 JUGAAD FRUGAL INNOVATION or artificially compress a win- dow of opportunity - regard- less, the goal is to foster creative solutions, quick experimenta- tion and flexible processes that revolve around the end user. Putting Jugaad into practice Arriving at this “clean slate” in- volves the following: •Making customers the North Star. Staying close to and understand- practitioners innovate around themselves, so they rely on part- ing customers is the first step in it. Companies that folllow this ners to achieve faster commercial- designing viable projects. Just as approach are highly adaptable, ization. Instead of focus groups, it is not about being cheapest, the and willing to rethink their they experiment and pilot in a fastest or most glamorous tech- business model to pursue options small shop or market. Large cor- nologically advanced products, that add value for customers. porations should be similarly agile. Jugaad is about creating value The value is derived from exper- Abundant resources might change in the eyes of the customer imentation, and the feedback how a company goes about its which may be based on factors gathered as a result of staying business, but not necessarily its beyond price. close to customers. Also, frugal chances of success. •Introducing Constraints: thinking permeates these com- The bottom line is that in a hyper- Whether it’s a resource or time panies’ processes. competitive world, social media constraint, the truism that “ne- Consequently, they tend to in- and other tech have raised expec- cessity is the mother of inven- novate around internally focused tion” is constant. processes to maintain the cus- tations for agility. tomer focus. •Coming to grips with open If companies are to experiment with sourcing. For example: Review boards the principles of Jugaad, business There are many smart people in large corporations often re- leaders will have to step forward, out there. Most of them don’t sult in the death of an idea by clearly authorize a break with tradi- work for you. Winning in the “a hundred reviews,” with each tion, rethink processes and explicitly future requires acknowledging management layer adding its allow for more creative independence great ideas will come from out- own interpretation and changes from corporate control to achieve side the company. to an idea until the outcome is a commercial success. diluted incremental change. •Valuing flexibility and agility How can your organization in- •Emphasizing commercialization: over structure. crease its R&D ROI from adopt- If a process is focused internally Entrepreneurs can’t wait for full- ing such clean slate approaches and not on the customer, Jugaad blown market strategies to reveal that challenge the status quo?

This article is reproduced with kind permission from

78 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 79 GOVERNMENT DESIGNED GOVERNMENT DESIGNED The intense pressure for reform, combined with a new operating environment, makes innovation a critical capability. In this effort, governments can draw ment is inadequate. Those that have enduring across the public, private, heavily on the mission-driven mind- achieved sustainable and significantly and nonprofit sectors, such as em- set of employees—a real comparative higher levels of government perfor- ploying best practices in technology advantage for the public sector over mance did so by explicitly design- and operations, organization and hu- the private sector. Too often leaders ing and executing multiyear reforms man resources, and budgeting and insufficiently tap into this valuable that push beyond everyday initiatives finance, as well as operating across asset. And leaders can do far more to designed to improve management geographic and stakeholder bound- mine information on what is work- capability. In our research, we iden- aries and making use of large data ing elsewhere. International peers, tify 40 such programs that have been sets for better performance and pol- often trying to solve exactly the same enacted around the world in the past icy. Other capabilities will be specific problems, provide invaluable road two decades. There were a number to the government sector, including maps and lessons. Unlike the private of objectives these programs were risk management in regulation and GOVERNMENT DESIGNED sector, where companies spend mil- designed to achieve: significant fis- client differentiation for welfare-to- lions of dollars trying to understand cal consolidation, better outcomes work interventions. secret competitor strategies and across multiple public services, and FOR NEW TIMES replicate them, the public sector is economic growth (exhibit). Increasingly, the intense pressure for In a fraught world, policy mamkers cannot allow partisan divides to get in the way of reform, combined with a new oper- an open environment, and thereby Analyzing these programs and inter- crucial reforms. By drawing on successful strategies employed elsewhere And adaptation easier to mine for successful practices viewing the leaders involved reveals ating environment, makes innova- to current needs, government can-and must-do better. By Diana Farrel and lessons learned. a valuable set of lessons for other tion a critical capability. In many ar- Government by design government leaders facing major eas, government agencies around the Rarely has the need for effective the size and role of the state to how and minds of the public—at the ex- challenges. The first is being clear world are reimagining how services Political leaders rarely campaign for government been greater than best to stimulate growth; from pro- pense of making progress. and ambitious about what the gov- are delivered (for example, through office on a platform of government now—and rarely has the ability to found and surging demographic ernment is trying to achieve. Many one-stop shops and e-portals) by It is in times like these that govern- effectiveness. For some it fails to cap- produce it been more constrained. imbalances to tackling growing un- transformations achieved what ap- providing greater data availability ment matters most. ture their imagination or, they sus- After the recent wave of storms and employment and welfare bills; from peared to be impossible targets. Swe- and through mobile services that al- pect, the imagination of voters. For disasters—both natural and finan- deciding on the extent and nature of Our research shows it is possible to den, for example, moved from an low citizens to get instant help and others, tackling the bureaucracy is cial—the need for leadership and a regulation necessary to protect the make huge strides in addressing criti- 11 percent deficit to a fiscal surplus support. They are also migrating to perceived as high risk and low reward concerted response from national public to forging a new relationship cal challenges, even without resolu- in the 1990s, having been close to a new paradigm where nonstate ac- compared with passing new laws in capitals is acute. Adding to the pres- between citizens and government tion of the many ideological and default and an International Mon- tors—private companies, nonprof- policy dilemmas. From government the legislature. Yet few succeed with- sure, many governments are manag- services. Thus, many governments etary Fund (IMF) bailout. A second its, and citizens themselves—play spending to tax collection, education out achieving some reform. Many ing the implications of an unprece- confront a daunting paradox: an ex- lesson is the need to make big—not an increasingly important role in improvement to health outcomes, departing presidents, prime minis- dented degree of fiscal and monetary panded set of major policy impera- incremental—shifts in the amount designing and executing policies and and welfare reform to job creation, ters, and cabinet secretaries reflect on intervention. They are preoccupied tives in a constrained and almost pre- of time, energy, and resources re- services. with the urgent tasks of getting banks carious fiscal position. we see the potential for meaningful how the engine of government itself quired. On average, the programs in improvement, to do more and better was at the very heart of their successes our sample lasted for six years, with a Finding answers to the solvable to lend again and demonstrating fis- On these subjects, however, there is with less. What is needed is govern- or failures. staff of 1,300 involved in each. management questions cal credentials to the bond markets. little agreement. The policy debate is The crisis mode of the past few years ment management by design, built What it takes becoming more polarized at arguably to fit these difficult times: govern- Fit for purpose Governments that are willing to re- endures in several countries, while in the worst possible time. There is a real ment that identifies the most critical, To truly transform government re- form and build these crucial capabili- others there is no more than cautious Beyond this clear focus and invest- risk that in the face of big choices and solvable problems, reorganizes where quires fresh thinking and a substan- ment of time and resources, govern- ties are better able to achieve major optimism. much disagreement, paralysis reigns. necessary to deliver the right solu- tial investment of both resources and ment by design also means investing breakthroughs in the most funda- Leaders must confront long-term, Leaders thus spend their energy on tions, and abandons the tools and political capital: business-as-usual in those capabilities needed for suc- mental policy areas, even in the ab- fundamental questions too: from policy fights and battles for the hearts approaches that no longer work. or modest or occasional improve- cess. Some of these are common and sence of new policy or legislation.


Many governments are now adapting vocational education to better fit employment prospects, for example, by involving employers more closely in both its design and delivery.

Fiscal management to establish priorities and clear paths Drawing on benchmarks from dif- Take fiscal management, arguably to deficit reduction. Almost without ferent governments, we estimate a the most daunting of all issues today. exception, the spending reviews un- potential to save 5 to 10 percent of According to the IMF, most govern- cover huge opportunities for improv- operational costs through overhead ments in countries that are members ing effectiveness, decreasing costs, categories without compromis- of the Organisation for Economic and increasing revenue by improving ing core programs. This represents Co-operation and Development the efficiency of administrative, non- a savings in the range of 0.3 to 0.7 (OECD) need to improve their defi- core activities. percent of GDP—some 10 percent cits by 4 percent or more of GDP to To size the prize, consider that our of the adjustment that countries are required to make in order to achieve achieve long-term debt targets. Of global bench-marking research indi- their long-term debt targets. This is course much of this involves policy cates that operational expenditures a significant contribution, given that debate. Entitlement reform, public- represent 35 to 40 percent of total it requires no compromise on core spending reductions, and increased government expenditure; on aver- programs, no reduction in social taxation are highly charged political age, 19 percent of GDP for OECD programs, and no additional costs to issues. countries. Within that operational taxpayers. And it ultimately sets the expenditure, roughly a third is spent However, operational reforms de- stage for better policy implementa- on overhead functions, representing OECD countries uncovered wide and rigorous performance tracking. able or outflow of accounts pay- signed to improve efficiency can tion in the future. make a meaningful difference now 6 to 7 percent of GDP in OECD variability not only in the perfor- And these savings apply only to di- able can yield meaningful im- and set the stage for more successful countries. Tax collection mance of tax authorities across rect taxes. provements. countries but also within countries policy implementation over time. To date, we have reviewed ten Meanwhile, as governments grapple Balance-sheet management Jobs In particular, spending reviews un- with increasing social obligations across different functions - submis- countries that have conducted Beyond undertaking spending re- Along with fiscal management, un- dertaken agency by agency—even and projected declines in the rela- sions processing, examinations, such spending reviews during views and improving tax collection employment dominates the land- if initially focused only on non- tive size of labor workforces, tax ad- collections, and taxpayer service. the past five years and discovered to manage the operating budget, scape across most of the OECD. core functions such as technology, ministrations are under even more governments have a major oppor- that there is currently little stan- Here, too, exist fundamental differ- procurement, or travel—can yield dardization in approach. Several pressure to collect every dollar of tax We estimate that, in aggregate, the tunity to take an end-to-end capi- ences in ideology and vision on how meaningful savings that will increase governments have imposed top- payable. tax administrations in our study can tal-management approach to their to solve rising unemployment risk credibility and flexibility as fiscal con- down spending cuts, from the They need to ensure that every dollar collect an additional US$86 billion balance sheets at both the agency stasis. Stimulus programs and other straints increase. Similarly, improved center to agencies, while others they spend collecting taxes yields the in direct tax revenues if they adopt and government-wide level to im- tax collection, drawing on interna- have developed a bottom-up un- maximum benefit for citizens. Tax the practices of the top third. Four prove fiscal health. legislative actions to increase growth tional best practices, can produce real major design elements stand out and create jobs may or may not get derstanding of the potential sav- administrations also have broader This includes identifying and revenue growth within the existing as avenues for achieving improve- ings opportunities. Of those us- significance: the interface and effec- measuring material risks, incorpo- through legislatures, but other gov- tax structure. ments: proactive demand manage- ing a bottom-up approach, New tiveness of a tax administration often rating the knowledge of risk into ernment interventions to improve ment that smooths tax collection Spending reviews Zealand and Denmark have used becomes a watermark of public con- operations, and ensuring the in- demand, supply, and the matching across the year and avoids the end- clear baselines and intragovern- fidence in a government. tegrity of the internal assessments of skills to jobs can significantly im- A number of governments are tak- of-year bottleneck, sophisticated ment or external benchmarks to over time. prove the jobs picture. ing a more strategic and evidence- In this quest, tax administrations taxpayer segmentation to prioritize estimate the savings potential— based approach to achieving fiscal can learn a great deal from one an- which taxpayers to target with which Even simple approaches to chang- Many governments are now adapt- even though this is clearly an op- sustainability by launching multiyear other. But our in-depth research at approaches, streamlined operations, ing the inflow of accounts receiv ing vocational education to better fit spending reviews. These reviews help portunity to drive success. federal tax administrations in 15

82 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 83 GOVERNMENT DESIGNED employment prospects, for example, emphasis on outcome-based regula- mance about the right levers to use by involving employers more closely tion and on predicting, preparing for, for improvement—be it better use of in both its design and delivery. Em- and mitigating “tail risk.” pupil data, revision of standards and ployment agencies are doing a better The most significant assaults on the curricula, or a deeper professionaliza- job of matching supply and demand public’s sense of safety and security tion of teaching careers. Likewise, the by improving their market informa- have come from events that previ- escalation of health care costs across tion and by producing more com- ously seemed unlikely. Tail events are all systems is provoking significant prehensive, specific, and up-to-date difficult to predict because they often political debate. data on vacancies, job seekers, and require multiple things to go wrong. Yet the best systems are already be- required qualifications. They are also Examples include the attacks of Sep- ginning to make progress in health segmenting the job-seeker popula- tember 11, Hurricane Katrina’s dam- care productivity through a number tion to better understand which seg- age to the New Orleans levees, the of steps, such as the prediction of ments can be processed in quick and financial crisis of 2008–09, and the patients most at risk and the adop- automated ways and which merit recent earthquake and tsunami in tion of subsequent prevention strate- deeper intervention and support. Japan and the nuclear-power-plant gies, delivery of care at home and in Regulation and enforcement meltdown that followed. But bet- capital-light settings rather than in After a series of catastrophic events, ter risk-based systems can improve hospitals, and technology innova- government bodies that protect the governments’ ability to prevent and tions to boost clinician effectiveness and efficiency. Government services public—such as industry regula- respond to such events. can and should build on examples of tors, law enforcement, and disaster- Core public services success around the world. preparedness agencies—are being In fact, across core public services— more closely scrutinized with regard in areas such as infrastructure, educa- There is a real prize for govern- to their actions, their impact, and tion, health care, and policing—gov- ments that can make progress even their overall effectiveness. But they ernment by design can also enhance as the policy and fiscal environments are not necessarily receiving larger outcomes and manage costs. In these threaten to thwart action. But to budgets. In stark terms, society is ask- areas, the political discourse is often win, governments must adapt to fit ing whether regulators are most ef- dominated by significant and legiti- the challenges of today, in part by ap- fectively anticipating the next threat mate ideological differences. plying best practices from around the and protecting the public. world. Despite that, governments that focus As with unemployment, the policy on what really works operationally In challenging times, the govern- debate on this issue can become in driving outcomes can reap gains. ment we need is rarely the govern- quickly polarized around the trade- Governments that systematically ment we inherit. Instead, govern- off between more protection for embrace the latest proven project- ment must be deliberately designed the public and consumers and the management approaches and tools and managed to make progress on potentially negative impact of more can dramatically improve the value solvable problems. aggressive regulation for economic of infrastructure investments, at the growth. same time reducing errors and time This article is reproduced with to completion. Agencies can make great progress by kind permission from the McKinsey focusing on optimal resource alloca- In education, for example, school Center for Government. It is part tion and redesigning how they orga- systems can learn from peers at a of an Anthology of articles which nize and plan. They can place more similar stage of evolution or perfor- can be found online at their website.


Transforming mEducation solutions could revolutionize learning for more Learning than a billion students globally. through Technology is changing to tap its potential to enable and even our world in ways unimagi- transform education. The emerging nable even a decade ago. Mo- promise of mEducation bile technology in particular has We define mEducation as technology- mEducation begun to permeate our daily lives, enabled learning solutions available to providing unparalleled access to in- learners anytime, anywhere. Any portable formation. device, such as a tablet, laptop or mobile phone, that provides access to It is also raising the quality of educa- educational content through mobile tion and improving access to it. Early connectivity (2G, 3G, or 4G comple- initiatives in mobile education, or mented by mobile-based Wi-Fi) can “mEducation,” are already enhancing be a tool for mEducation. Mobile learning outcomes worldwide. With technology’s power to transform education growing availability and demand, is difficult to overstate, given the im- mEducation is poised to become a portance and impact of learning that US$70 billion market by 2020. takes place outside a traditional classroom environment. Mobile operators can seize this excit- ing opportunity and shape the mar- To view mEducation as “distance ket if they understand how new tech- learning using mobile technology” nologies and initiatives will impact misses the deeper point. mEducation education around the world—and if represents a profound shift in the way they can develop smart strategies and education is delivered and received. implement them quickly. The change is underway now; mEdu- cation has already achieved some success. THE POWER OF MOBILE IN In the United States, for instance, the CHANGING EDUCATION oral fluency of kindergartners in New Mexico tripled just 3 years after educators We rely on mobile technology for began using mobilebased computing many simple tasks, but we have yet devices to assess the progress of individual


students and tailor lessons to their of mEducation. Five trends create applications, and voice and text- product and solution archetypes egory will grow to around US$2 enhancing educational access and needs. This is just one example of a fertile environment to support based solutions. This is in turn of mEducation could be a US$38 billion over the same period. outcomes for learners and educa- mEducation’s tremendous potential. mEducation growth: attracting more investment into billion revenueopportunity by tors around the world. mEducation providers. 2020. Looking at the mEducation HOW MOBILE OPERATORS ENHANCING EDUCATIOAL Portable device form factors are market along three conventional CAN TAP THE MARKET The mEducation opportunity can OUTCOMES USING MOBILE rapidly evolving. Increased avail- THE M-EDUCATION PROD- dimensions—geographic, end- Depending on their aspirations be US$70 billion by 2020 TECHNOLOGY ability and penetration of smart UCT LANDSCAPE user segments and value chain and capabilities, mobile operators Growing consistently at about 7% Our research shows that mEduca- portable devices with advanced Although mEducation is a nascent components—we foresee the fol- can tap the potential of mEduca- per annum over the last decade, tion offers three advantages with functionalities, such as acceler- market, publishing houses, mo- lowing trends: tion in three ways: education spend has doubled the potential to improve educa- ometers that sense motion, will bile network operators and device from about US$2 trillion in 2000 tion delivery and thereby enhance lower costs and open a world of manufacturers have been focusing • Education spend will grow the • Ride the connectivity wave: to US$4 trillion in 2011 and is ex- learning outcomes: new possibilities for mEducation on it for years. We have classified fastest in developing Asia-Pacif- This is the immediate opportuni- pected to grow at 8% per annum solutions more than hundred commercial ic at a CAGR of 54% between ty for mobile operators and where to reach US$8 trillion by 2020. • It simplifies access to content mEducation offerings into seven 2011-20, while North America they have the most natural right The opportunity for mEducation and experts, overcoming tradi- A digital native and technology- product and solution archetypes: will remain the biggest market in to play. It will be worth approxi- will also grow rapidly over this de- tional constraints of time, loca- literate generation is fast emerg- (i) educational e-books and cours- absolute terms with a total annual mately US$4 billion in annual cade. tion and collaboration ing. We are adopting mobile so- es accessed through portable de- spend of US$15 billion for mE- revenue by 2020 lutions and devices in our lives at vices; ducation products and solutions We expect the total annual mar- • It personalizes education so- a faster pace. Children will adapt (ii) learning management systems by 2020 • Enable the mEducation ecosys- ket opportunity for mEducation lutions for individual learners, especially well to learning through (LMS) and authoring tools; • 75-80% of spending will tem: mEducation providers will to reach US$70 billion by 2020. helping educators customize the mobile devices (iii) game or simulation-based be in higher education and K-12, require a broad range of techni- mEducation products represent teaching process, using software learning tools; while corporate learning will ac- cal support and enablers such as US$38 billion of this figure, while and interactive media that adapt Governments are turning to the (iv) collaboration tools count for 10-20%, varying by IT, network, content, hosting and the remaining US$32 billion will levels of difficulty to individual potential of mEducation. Many (v) adaptive assessment services; market data management services. Mo- come from the sale of devices. students’ understanding and pace countries are promoting the use of (vi) test preparation support bile operators can develop their information and communications (vii) distance tutoring and home • In parallel with online educa- capabilities to offer this support, mEducation products will rep- • It addresses specific challenges technology in schools and invest- work support. tion spend, almost 90% of mE- tapping into a revenue pool of ap- resent a US$38 billion market that lower the efficiency of edu- ing in portable devices that enable ducation services will rely on proximately US$20 billion opportunity by 2020 cational systems worldwide. Case new ways of learning – all in a bid SIZING THE M-EDUCATION content-enabling platforms and Together, the seven archetypes of in point: MIT’s Education Col- to improve learning outcomes OPPORTUNITY software. Lead as an end-to-end mEduca- mEducation products will repre- laboration Services gives teachers The world is spending more on tion provider: MNOs can invest sent a US$38 billion annual revenue access to best practices. Mobile applications are increas- education than ever before. By The device opportunity alone will upfront and enter the market on opportunity in 2020 (Exhibit 4). ingly popular for educational 2020, we expect global spend to be worth US$32 billion by 2020. their own, providing the entire E-books and e-courses delivered THE REVOLUTION IS COM- content. More recently, mobile double to US$8 trillion. mEdu- With the anticipated growth in range of services that include in- over mobile networks and accessed ING device users are downloading edu- cation may address up to US$70 mEducation, manufacturers are house content and/or devices. on portable devices will continue The market for mEducation prod- cational apps at higher prices than billion of this market through likely to see rapid growth in de- This throws open the entire mE- to represent the biggest product ucts and services today is worth entertainment or gaming apps specialized product offerings and mand for dedicated devices for use ducation opportunity, worth ap- segment on the back of strong approximately US$3.4 billion—a a growing market for devices. in education. While most of the proximately US$70 billion. growth in developing regions. sliver of the US$4 trillion spent on Pilots are leading to viable prod- growth, around US$30 billion, This will be followed by game- and education globally. But students, ucts with commercial potential, mEducation products can rep- will be for B2B (educational in- mEducation, now at a tipping simulation-based tools, which will educators and e-learning players such as mobile-based learning resent a USD 38 billion market stitutions) solutions, we estimate point, offers significant opportu- emerge as the second significant are warming up to the potential management systems, game-based opportunity by 2020 The seven the B2C (individual learners) cat- nities for mobile operators, while category, on the back of strong


around 40%, followed by Europe tunity lies in three main compo- ing, games and simulation-based at 23% and developed Asia-Pacific nents of the value chain: content, applications are predominantly growth in developed regions. To- tion because of rapid economic Developing regions will also catch at 17%. platform and software, and con- content-heavy services, whereas gether, these two will account for development and a push to spend up in feature and smart portable nectivity. We define content as all services like adaptive assessment, almost 80% of the market. an increasing share of GDP on device penetration, propelling Higher education and K–12 will forms of lessons, concepts, tests learning management systems and education. Challenges in educa- those markets to grow even faster represent the biggest mEducation and assessments. Platform and authoring and collaboration tools Distance tutoring will emerge as tion vary significantly across de- as the population gains access to product opportunities across re- software include software and are predominantly platform-and a substantial category, particularly veloped and developing regions, and benefit from a broader variety gions: Global expenditure on ed- adaptive algorithms. We define software-heavy. in Asian countries such as South both in terms of access to educa- of mEducation solutions beyond ucation can be grouped into five connectivity as all data costs in- Korea, Japan and India, which tion and its quality. those available on basic phones. categories: preprimary, K-12, curred in receiving or sending in- The device opportunity alone will have a strong culture of supple- higher education, vocational, formation over mobile networks be worth US$32 billion by 2020 mentary education. Three trends This seems likely to change, however, as We therefore estimate the mE- and corporate learning. Across while using the mEducation Education already represents a will drive market growth for mE- per capita incomes grow in developing ducation market in developing all regions, 55% of total expendi- products. vibrant market opportunity for ducation products. regions, narrowing the gap in ed- regions to grow at 50 to 55% ture goes into the K-12 segment, device manufacturers. For ex- ucation spend per student. While CAGR between 2011 and 2020, 30% into higher education, and We estimate that connectivity will ample, educational institutes Developing Asia Pacific will grow countries like US and Japan spend compared to 25 to 30% for de- 15% into pre-school, vocational represent about 10% of the US$38 represent 10 to 15% of the total the fastest, while North America an average of US$10,000 to 15,000 veloped regions (Exhibit 5). At and corporate learning. billion value in 2020. The bulk of B2B sales for laptops, accord- will remain the biggest market for per student per year from kinder- an aggregate level, developed Almost 90% of the product op- the value lies in either the content ing to IDC. Many governments, mEducation products: garten through college, countries regions will still account for the portunity will be in content, plat- or the platform/software. Services such as Turkey, have committed Developing regions will drive like Mexico, Chile and Hungary bulk of the opportunity, with form and software: such as e-books and e-courses, to buying tablets for the class- most of the growth in mEduca- spend only US$2,000 to 5,000. North America accounting for The mEducation product oppor- test preparation, distance tutor- rooms. Dedicated devices, such


as LeapFrog’s LeapPad, are al- units by 2020. Despite the de- total app downloads from major ready generating millions of dol- creasing unit prices across all these app stores like Apple, Amazon, lars through mEducation.We es- devices, this represents a revenue Android and Blackberry App timate the B2B device market in opportunity of approximately World in 2011. education to be worth US$8 bil- US$30 billion by 2020. The lion today, with laptops represent- B2C space is seeing significant We expect that share to rise signifi- ing approximately 90%. Tablets activity in dedicated learning cantly, driving the education-spe- are the remaining market–and devices with players like Leap- cific B2C device opportunity to the fastest-growing category. Frog and Kibot, both built for approximately US$2 billion by 2020. young children. With growth in mEducation, de- vice manufacturers will also see This space could enjoy robust With potential to deliver US$70 rapid growth in the demand for growth akin to the emergence of billion by 2020, this market offers their devices. We expect the an- dedicated consoles for gaming. multiple opportunities for mobile nual B2B sales of laptops, tablets, The previously quoted Strategy operators who can identify cus- smartphones and e-book readers Analytics survey found that the tomers, develop education value to educational institutes to go up share of education apps is increas- added services and implement to a total of 80 to 100 million ing and accounted for 1.2% of them quickly.

This article is reproduced with kind permission from McKinsey on Society. This version combines the Executive Summary of the White Paper, with excerpts from Part 4 of the document. To read and download the full document, please visit meducation/

92 INNOVATION LEADERSHIP INNOVATION LEADERSHIP 93 DARE TO INNOVATE DARE TO INNOVATE Pushing bounderies Some of the world's most brilliant and creative minds came together in Kuala Lum- pur recently to push forward the innovation agenda.

this agenda,” said Minister of Sci- Another dialogue session centred on hibition 2012 and the Grassroots ence, Technology and Innovation “Connecting the World Through Innovation Exhibition 2012. Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Ongkili Innovation”, where panellists dis- cussed how innovation in digital WIF-KL 2012 was also supported communication and design can cre- by 10 satellite programmes which Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (left) at the launch of the WIFKL. With him is Datuk Seri The most interesting and excit- ate, connect and drive innovators. were executed through strategic ap- Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation. ing sharing of ideas was at the core component of the event, the Kuala Other sessions identified the chal- proaches in order to reach the target says business consulting firm Frost Movement 2012, spearheaded by Lumpur Innovation Forum (KLIF), lenges in science, technology and audiences, including at the grass- & Sullivan (USA) chairman David MOSTI in partnership with other innovations, and also emphasized where high-level stakeholders from roots level. Frigstad. ministries and government agencies, the need and urgency to innovate the public, private and civil society NGOs and strategic partners. and grow. Among the satellite programmes sector to share experience as well as Frigstad adds that CEOs all over WIF-KL centred on the theme are the Innovation Walk, YIM Kids discuss and deliberate on issues and the world are saying “Innovation, ‘Inclusive Innovation for Transfor- The key message from this forum Invent! Finale, Asia Grassroots In- strategies on inclusive innovation. APPLE’S phenomenal success is the Innovation, Innovation”, but the mation’, and focuses on addressing is that the global landscape has novation Design Competition and best evidence that visionary innova- great challenge is no one has been strategies to utilise innovation to Thought leaders and innovative changed tremendously, and innova- Forum, 21st Century Learning (In- able to figure out what is innovation increase the country’s productivity tion is the way to go, but no one re- thinkers participated actively in tion is the key driver in moving na- novation in Education), Anugerah because it’s complex and difficult and competitiveness, and reducing ally knows what that means exactly. three dialogues and roundtable tions up the value chain. The future PIALA CIPTA Dengan Inovasi Yo!, to execute. poverty and inequality. That was why the World Innovation think-tank sessions. belongs to those bold enough to Generation and Transform and Roll push the boundaries, and who dare Out Session, Cyber Security Malay- Forum (WIF-KL) held in Kuala About 1800 representatives from “In order to remain competitive, na- The first dialogue session was on “In- to improvise and innovate. sia Awards Conference & Exhibition Lumpur recently was so important. 50 countries were intrigued enough tions need to embark on transform- vent, Innovate, Commercialise”, with (CSM-ACE) 2012, International “The coolest thing that happened by this quest to converge at the ing their economy to a knowledge speakers who have created, nurtured The other two core events at WIF- Symposium on Accelerating Innova- last year was how Apple went from World Innovation Forum held here economy with innovation as its and encouraged a sustainable culture KL are the BioMalaysia Confer- tion in Developing Countries, TEDx being literally on the brink of bank- in November to discuss and delib- driver. ence 2012 and Nano Malaysia ruptcy to being the world’s richest erate on what drives innovation. of innovation such as senior consul- Merdeka Square and WIF-KL Inno- Summit 2012 were staged, along- company in a very short time of 15 The forum was jointly organised by “A cross-cutting, multi-prong and tant to the World Bank and Head of vation Awards Nite. side the World Innovation Exposi- years, with the fewest products. Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM) and contextually relevant policies and Global Knowledge and Innovation Twenty-five innovators were recog- “That’s 1000% evidence it’s the the Ministry of Science, Technology strategies are also needed in order to Practice Dr Vinod K. Goel, Direc- tion which includes the National nised at the WIF-KL Innovation way to go if you want to develop and Innovation (MOSTI). WIF-KL meet the needs of the people. tor of Energy Practice at the Global Innovation Conference & Exhibi- Awards Nite with various innovation a country or a company. Vision- is one of the main events of the Year WIF-KL 2012 provides a perfect Innovation Solution (UK) Dr Kevin tion (NICE) 2012, Nano Malaysia awards to recognise innovative and cre- ary innovation is the best strategy,” of Science and National Innovation platform for participants to discuss O’ Brien and David Fristad. Exhibition 2012, BioMalaysia Ex- ative efforts by enterprises, grassroots,


schools, universities, youths, tech- nologist and scientists, among others. Insights on Innovation Some of the awards presented were the National Innovation Awards, the “Innovation is how we create value as a country. We must ensure our citizens National Young Scientist Award, the are able to create value all the time. It is the fundamental contributor to our National Technologist Award, the dream of 2020.” – Wing K. Lee, CEO of YTL Communications, Malaysia. Most Innovative Information Secu- rity Company of The Year Award, “Cultural innovation takes time… but it has started (in Malaysia). The Most Innovative Information Secu- journey has begun. There are lots of success stories, but it needs to happen rity Professional of The Year Award, faster, it needs to happen quickly. Malaysia is racing quickly to get there.” - Bio-Innovation Awards, MIMOS Manoj Menon, Partner and Managing Director of Frost & Sullivan, Singapore. Prestigious Awards, CIPTA Awards and Grassroots Innovators Awards. “The bottomline is if you do not innovate, you do not have new con- cepts. I define innovation not just as inventing concepts but mov- “The Government’s recognition, along ing them forward in the growing market place. Without innova- with the various incentives for the in- tion, there is no way for your market to grow.”- Dr Kevin O’ Brien, ventors, are aimed to encourage and Director of Energy Practice at the Global Innovation Solution, UK. boost the confidence of our inventors to continue with even greater zeal to “Youths are embracing technology. Innovation comes naturally to them, but create innovative products and hence, they have to be empowered, be given the platform and resources. They also contribute to our country’s wealth,” need support from parents, educators and everyone else.” – Nurfarini Daing, said Ongkili who presented the awards. CEO of Youth Trust Foundation (myHarapan), Malaysia.

Limkokwing University was award- “Innovation means change, and change is the only constant in the world. ed the “Outstanding Leadership in So, with change comes improvement.” – Jolene Sim, Director of Mainstream New Media Globalisation of Brand Online Buzz, Malaysia. Malaysia” by MOSTI at WIF-KL.


By Tiffanee Marie Lim What is your dream? different because of who we are Limkokwing, who has the fore- As a kid growing up, you can’t on the inside. There is nothing sight to understand that when help but dream honestly about better than a shirt or jacket that people feel supported and encour- what it is that really want of our fits right, that you can depend on aged, innovation happens almost futures. Most of us have always wherever you go, and that’s what as a guarantee. (either secretly or not so secretly) we wanted to create for people. It is through his example that We began to seriously design Lim- thousands of people such as myself known what we want to do in life. kokwing Fashion Club about the are empowered. When you dream of being a fash- end of last year, and went to find ion designer, like I do, now I know, Now we have shot some beauti- factories to figure out how to do it. you have no idea what you’re get- ful photographs of our students in ting yourself into! The truth is On campus, we created a Fashion Fashion Club, and have begun to that it’s even better than you could Club, of students who love fash- promote it as best we can. Our stu- have imagined, because the feel- ion. Everyone can join. We hold dents look fantastic in it and have ing of having created something weekly fashion shows, and do started to respond. We cannot wait is overwhelming and powerful. photo shoots all the time, and we to take our project to the countries Fashion is something that liter- sit and have conversations about where Limkokwing already exists, ally changes our worlds everyday, ideas. We talk about what we and, to the best retailers and malls sometimes twice a day or more. It want, and who we want to speak in the world. I am certain if we run is the most extroverted art form, to, and how to make things fun. fast we will be able to achieve that. Our students win awards and and helps us become the person we Our students have given us this have created some amazing col- want to be. opportunity and we are grateful to lections, so there is so much tal- It provides us with confidence them for their boldness and cour- ent to draw from. Everything and poise, and style, and makes us age, and we hope the brand reflects around us on campus is designed think about ourselves, how we re- that. In character (to me) it is as- to support creativity, and the late to others, and where we’re go- pirational and vibrant and stylish, thinking behind naming the label ing with our time. with practical clothes and acces- Limkokwing Fashion Club was sories young people everywhere There really is nothing like it. Per- truly in tribute of our students. would like- such as basics that fit haps music might be the most The whole time, we had no idea well in quality materials, flatter- similar, in the way that it brings what we were doing was to be a ing fit jackets, and accessories with people together and inspires. world innovation. some spunk. As a fashion fan, I Fashion allows us to be the same, We were given an opportunity to couldn’t be more thrilled. Limkokwing University Associate Vice President and Fashion Club Creative Director, Dato’ Tiffanee Marie Lim and at the same time, completely create by the president, Tan Sri On to the next innovation! welcomes University Chancellor DYMM Sultanah of Pahang Sultanah Hajjah Kalsom to the launch of the label.