DANISH JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY 2021, VOL 10, 1-7, https://doi.org/10.7146/dja.v10i0.124251 1 Finding poetry in the ground – a kenning of silver from Neble, Zealand Peter Pentz1 1 The National Museum of Denmark, Frederiksholms Kanal 12, 1220 København K, Denmark (
[email protected]) Abstract ARTICLE HISTORY Received A circular pendant or brooche found near Neble, Zealand, is interpreted as a double-sided 04 February 2021; amulet, decorated respectively on one side as a shield and as a wheel on the reverse. This Accepted dual iconography is suggested as a material reference to the kenning shield-wheel, known 06 May 2021 from Snorri Sturluson´s Skáldskaparmál. KEYWORDS Miniature shields, Kenning, Ekphra- sis, Amulets In recent years, the comparable nature of Viking where guests were received and feasts were held. art, poetry, myths and cognition have been inten- Shields and woven or embroidered decorative wall sively studied (e.g. Hedeager 2011; Andrén 2000; hangings, like the Oseberg tapestries, adorned the Domeij Lundborg 2006; Price 2010 and 2014; walls and were probably intended to motivate the Lund 2017). More specifically, it has been point- performers (Clunies Ross 2007, 163). ed out that the complicated composition of poetry The shield poems were one of the most high-sta- seems to have much in common with the concept tus genres of skaldic art. In manuscripts of Snorri of art that is found in the animal ornamentation Sturluson´s Edda, the high status of such poems and non-figurative patterns of the Viking Age (Lie is evident from the extensive attention devoted to 1952; Andrén 2000, 11; Stavnem 2014, Mundal this poetry and the practitioners of ekphrasis.