The Language List - Version 2.4, January 23, 1995 Collected information on about 2350 computer languages, past and present. Available online as: Maintained by: Bill Kinnersley Computer Science Department University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045
[email protected] Started Mar 7, 1991 by Tom Rombouts <
[email protected]> This document is intended to become one of the longest lists of computer programming languages ever assembled (or compiled). Its purpose is not to be a definitive scholarly work, but rather to collect and provide the best information that we can in a timely fashion. Its accuracy and completeness depends on the readers of Usenet, so if you know about something that should be added, please help us out. Hundreds of netters have already contributed to this effort. We hope that this list will continue to evolve as a useful resource available to everyone on the net with an interest in programming languages. "YOU LEFT OUT LANGUAGE ___!" If you have information about a language that is not on this list, please e-mail the relevant details to the current maintainer, as shown above. If you can cite a published reference to the language, that will help in determining authenticity. What Languages Should Be Included The "Published" Rule - A language should be "published" to be included in this list. There is no precise criterion here, but for example a language devised solely for the compiler course you're taking doesn't count. Even a language that is the topic of a PhD thesis might not necessarily be included.