Cotirt Review Set On Military Justice Klansmen Lose Their work on a summer By John P. MacKenzie voting project stirred anger Washinetoo Post Staff Writer in and around Philadelphia, The Supreme Court 'de- Miss. nied a hearing yesterday for seven men convicted in The three rights workers a 1964 plot were shot to death and to kill three civil right work- buried in an earthen dam on ers in . June 21, 1964, after they had * Without comm en t, the been arrested on a traffic court let stand the conspira- cy verdicts against the seven. charge, released and, ac- Jail terms under the ver- cording to court testimony, dicts range from three years rearrested for turning over for three of the men to the fb a lynch party that had 10-year maximum for Nesho- been assembled. ba County Deputy Sheriff Mississippi took no action Cecil Ray Price and Sam against the law enforcement Bowers Jr., who was im- officials or private, citizens, perial wizard of the White but the Justice Department Knight of the Ku Klux Klan. obtained initial indictments against 18 men charging a All that remains to nose violation of an 1870 law out the case is for the con- 'against conspiring to violate merciless plot to muraer victed men to file their ex- in d ivid ual constitutional pected petitions for recon- the three men." rights. Responding to the peti- sideration. If the court de- Federal Judge W. Harold clines, as it usually does, to tions of the convicted seven, Cox dismissed the case as the Justice Department said grant the petitions, the men a private, local crime be- will begin serving their the issues were unworthy yond the reach of federal of Supreme Court review. sentences. law, but in 1966 the Su- The victims of the gang It said Barnette's confession preme Court said the al- was clearly voluntary and killing were Mi c h a el leged involvement of the Schwerner, 23, and Andrew not made While in custody sheriff's office brought the and that any trial errors Goodman, 20, two white charges well within federal CORE volunteers from New must be deemed "harmless" jurisdiction. It ordered the to the defendants' rights. York, and James E. Chaney, indictment reinstated. a Negro from Meridian, Convicted along with Miss. Price and Bowers in Octo- ber, 1967, were , a former nightclub bouncer; Horace Doyle Bar- nette, a former salesman; Billy Wayne Posey, a Phila- delphia service station oper- ator, and Jimmy Snowden and Jimmy Arledge, truck drivers from Meridian. The all - white jury acquitted County Sheriff Lawrence Rainey and seven other de- fendants. It deadlocked as to three others. In the conspiracy case, Assistant Attorney General John 'Doar, the prosecu- tor who was in charge Of the Justice Department's civil rights division, Intro- duced a confession by Bar- nette to the FBI, as well as the testimony of three for- mer Klansmen turned FBI. informants. On appeal, the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said it found "ample proof of conspiracy and each ap- pellant's complicity in a calculated. cold-blooded and ALTON W. ROBERTS SAM BOWERS JR. HORACE D. BARNETTE Court Bars Appeal in Klan Plot PLOT, From Al

JIMMY SNOWDEN BILLY WAYNE POSEY . JIMMY ARLEDGE - Hearing is denied for seven convicted in 1964 klan plot to kill civil rights workers.