Newton County, Mississippi, FROM: Marriage Records 1872-1952 38917 (2nd Ed.)Company MS AVAILABLE Compiled and Edited RESERVED. PublishingCarrollton,By VERSION
[email protected] William408; Harold Graham, Ed. Pioneer PRINT Box PO (662)237-6010 COPYRIGHT/ALL FROM: 38917 CompanyMS AVAILABLE RESERVED. PublishingCarrollton, VERSION
[email protected] RIGHTS 408; Copyright © 2013Pioneer by William Harold Graham, Ed. PRINTAll rights reserved. ThisBox book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Authorized copies are available from the author, Dr. Harold Graham, 17222 Highway 503, Decatur, MS 39301.PO (662)237-6010ISBN-10: 1-885480-52-0 COPYRIGHT/ALL Dedication This publication is dedicated to Martha Waltman, who stood at my elbow on many occasions and helped me feed quarters into the photocopy machine, to Myrtis Craft for her polite coercion to finish a project started in 1991, to J. P. and Floy Hurst for explaining the difference between a DOL and DOM, and not the least, to my wife Nancy for tolerating an absentee husband on those many visits to the courthouse. FROM: 38917 Company MS AVAILABLE RESERVED. Publishing Carrollton, VERSION
[email protected] 408; Pioneer PRINT Box PO (662)237-6010 COPYRIGHT/ALL Acknowledgements Many of the names in this publication are enhanced to compensate for their scanty recording in the original marriage documents. The compiler has depended on the resources of a number of other researchers and published records to make possible this enhancement process.