Headteacher: Mrs Thompson Telephone: 01373 887390 NEWSLETTER Please see our website - www.berkleyschool.co.uk Friday 21st May 2021 sch.030@educ..gov.uk KEY INFORMATION: PRAYER /BIBLICAL REFERENCE :  Upcoming Inset Days 28/05/21, 23/07/21  Owls– 8.40am and 3.15pm (siblings) MAINTAINING GENEROUS EARS  Badgers 8.50am and 3.05pm (siblings) Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor  Squirrels 9am and 2.55pm (siblings) will himself call out and not be answered.  Rabbits 9.05 and 2.45pm (Siblings)

Dear Families, we are nearly at the end of another term and it has been wonderful to have the school full of children , to hear their laughter, see their playful ideas and to observe them all engaged in their learning across the school. This week has been a wet and windy one and I am sure you can not wait for a change to more stable weather. The children however are not fazed by the weather and they embrace the time to be together. I hope you all have a lovely, restful weekend as we have an action packed last week planned. Squirrels class, remember you will be visiting and not arriving at school on Monday morning! We will be thinking of you. Take a look at what Owls have been doing this week: The class have done an impressive job with a competition they have entered. Mrs Langton spoke to them about Help the Hero’s. This is a national competition to design the next issue of stamps for Help the Heroes. We will find out soon if they win. No confidential information was handed out in this process.

Mrs S Thompson

In our School and with the love of God, we care, enjoy, celebrate, aspire and learn together. COLLECTIVE WORSHIP

This week we heard about Jesus and the tax payer, a man who changed his views and ways to give back to his community. We thought about why Jesus whose him an dhow it would have made him feel. PARENTS/ COMMUNITY We still need a few more pinch grip coat hangers to hang our big books in the library. If you have any spare please bring into school next week. Thank you Save the date: 2nd July - Sports Day Community event coming soon BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday for today Sully! Happy birthday to Toby, Sophia and Arun, have a great weekend.

UPDATES We would like to advise you that if your child wears sunglasses to school they will be asked to not run around in them at break times for safety reasons. Please ensure that your child has a raincoat with them everyday as our lovely British weather is very unpredictable. Thank you

The Week ahead - School Meals Week 3 (Don’t forget to your account in credit)

Date Time Event

Monday All day Squirrels Trip to Nunney Castle 24th After school - 4.15pm Football After School Club—Squirrels

After school - 4.15pm Dramakarma—Owls www.dramakarma.co.uk/berkley/ Tuesday Afternoon Rabbits Trip to Church Farm—Please ensure they have wellies 25th After school - 4.15pm Fun Club - Badgers & Owls E-safety Day

Weds After School- 4.15pm Active Journeys - Rabbits 26th

Thursday Rabbits visit to Church—Please wear something smart 27th After School – 4.15pm Football After School Club - Badgers & Owls

Friday INSET DAY 28th

On a Thursday we dedicate the assembly to celebrating the successes and wow moments of the week. The children come home with a certificate for their efforts in particular areas. All the adults also have the opportunity to mention a child from any class who has made a difference to their week or who they have spotted doing something wonderful. These children receive a sticker on the day. We link our rewards to the skills they have demonstrated through out the week and we value each child equally.

HEADTEACHER AWARD I have really noticed a more mature attitude developing in Koden and I’ve observed him working beautifully.


For w/c 17.05.21 Attendance Absences 97% 3% Learning time lost: 17.5Days


Classes Rabbits Squirrels Badgers Owls

W/c 17.05.21 97.50% 97.48% 93.58% 97.94%

REMINDERS: Lunches Week 3

Squirrels Class Don’t forget to take (9am - 9.20am)and pick up (2.30—3pm) your children from Nunney Castle on Monday. Football club will still be going ahead at school. INSET DAY Friday 28th May Berkley uniform is available on-line. Please copy the link if you wish to order any uniform. https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/berkley Please email the school office to report a positive Covid test. Our school email is [email protected]. Please use this for all correspondence. Don’t forget to keep checking our website for all the latest information regarding Berkley School. Please keep reminding the children to keep washing their hands. https://www.berkleyschool.co.uk/ Date for your Diary Bag2school - 10th June Sports Day - 2nd July

Useful numbers and websites Emergency numbers Somerset Emergency Duty Line (out of hours) 0300 123 2327 (evenings and weekends) For any family in Somerset, you can speak to a social worker outside of office hours to report if you are worried about a child or if you feel in crisis and need urgent support. Somerset Direct to report a safeguarding concern: 0300 123 2224 [email protected] If you are worried about a child or young person who could be in danger, please contact this number or call the police. If you are experiencing domestic abuse: Call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000247 or visit www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk or contact somerset survivors on 0800 69 49 999, open 8am-8pm Monday-Friday and 9am-1pm Saturday & Sunday. Other useful numbers and websites

Citizen Advice: www.citizenadvicemendip.org.uk (response within 4 days) Somerset Telephone Advice:03 444 889 623 Free, confidential information and advice to assist people with money, legal, consumer and other problems. Fair : Tel: 01373 488578 Mobile 07714 587129 (open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am –1pm) Local food bank providing food parcels and vouchers for local takeaways (in person or delivered) Young Minds: http://youngminds.org.uk/ The UK’s leading charity committed to improving emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Kooth: http://www.kooth.com A digital mental health support service. It gives children and young people easy access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors. Chat Health: http://chathealth.nhs.uk/ Offers quick and confidential support to young people between the ages of 11 and 19. It’s safe and easy for you to speak to a qualified health professional. Just send a message, you don’t have to give your name. Dis- creet and quick. It only takes one message to start making a difference. You’ll get confidential advice from trained health staff in your area. YMCA Brunel Group: Support & Advice—YMCA Brunel Group (ymca-bg.org) Online and physical support group and advice for 10-19 year olds. **************************************************************************************************** CAP Debt Centre Manager This has been established by Holy Trinity Church (Frome) in partnership with Christians Against Poverty, a debt charity based in Bradford West Yorkshire since 1996. Based on pre-pandemic statistics, out of 70 parents, 9 would be over borrowed of whom 2 would have unmanageable debt. We have no data for the present day, but I am sure that the situation is worse not better. CAP offers a solution FREE for those who are in unmanageable debt and Phil Gray has been trained as a coach to work alongside families who find themselves in difficulty within the BA11 and BA3 postcode areas. There is a freephone number (0800 328 0006) to ring to register as a client but he can be contacted prior, if that would be preferable, at [email protected] or on 07496 516089. There is also a website to visit capdebthelp.org **************************************************************************************************** School nurse info: https://www.somerset.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/what-is-a-school-nurse/