Nunney Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Mrs Angela Pearce Hazel Orchard Cottage, Conduit Square, Pilton, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. BA44DZ Telephone 07752936709 Email
[email protected] Minutes of the Meeting of the Nunney Parish Council held at Dallimore Mead Hall on Tuesday 3rd April at 7.30pm. Present: Cllrs Lisa Ramsay (Chairman), Cliff Garrod, Ron Warwick, Russell Sadler, Pia McGee, Sue Ellis, Sheelagh Capstick-Dale, Simon Forrester In attendance: Angela Pearce (Parish Clerk). Also Present: Nina Richards and Roisin McDermott (MDC Officers) 1 member of the public 7.30pm Public Question Time There were no questions raised. 98.17 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given. Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given. LGA 1972 s85(1) Apologies were received from Ken Lloyd (Personal) Frances Haydon (Work) RESOLVED:-To approve the apologies with reasons given. 99.17 Declarations of Interest. Members to declare any interests they may have in agenda items RESOLVED:-There were no declarations of interest. 100.17 Minutes of Nunney Parish Council Meetings held on Monday 5th March 2018 To confirm and sign as a correct record, the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 5th March 2018. RESOLVED:-That the minutes of the Council Meetings held on Monday 5th March 2018, and previously circulated be taken as read, agreed and signed as a true record by The Chairman. 101.17 Mendip District Council – Housing Survey Report from Nina Richards of MDC on recent housing survey carried out in the village. RESOLVED:-Nina Richards and Roisin McDermott of MDC update The Council on the recent housing survey carried out in the village, which identified that 10 affordable houses were needed.