Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

High Peak Borough Council & Glossop Creative Trust

This MoU is an agreement made between the following parties:

Party A

Organisation Name High Peak Borough Council

Address Town Hall, Market Place, , , SK17 6EL

Party B

Organisation Name Glossop Creative Trust

Address Glossop Gasworks, Arundel St., Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 7AB


1.1. Glossop Creative Trust (GCT) and High Peak Borough Council (HPBC) share a desire to see Glossop develop and fulfil its potential as a creative hub, seeking to nurture and grow the local economy with a dedicated focus on the wealth of creative talent that already exists within the area. 1.2. GCT and HPBC recognise the added value that a co-ordinated and consistent approach will bring. 1.3. GCT and HPBC recognise that there are many key stakeholders and commit to an, inclusive and consultative yet ambitious approach to their work. 1.4. This is a five-year MoU with the option to extend for a further suggested five years at the 3 year review point.(June 2023) Further to this an initial 12 month review will be undertaken and the option for either party to request a review at any given 12 month period if necessary.


Party A commits to:

2.1. Recognise GCT as the community strategic lead organisation for the development of Glossop as a creative hub. 2.2. Consult and engage with GCT on matters relevant to the development of Glossop as a creative hub. 2.3. Work with GCT on strategic projects within the town to develop Glossop such as the Glossop Halls. 2.4. Support bids made by GCT, in pursuit of its strategy when appropriate. 2.5. Assist GCT to develop links with other relevant bodies or potential funders such as the LEP and the ACE. 2.6. Consider requests for support from GCT (e.g. financial, licencing, etc) as an investment in the future of Glossop. 2.7. Representation of a lead councillor and officer at GCT meetings where appropriate in an observational capacity.

Party B commits to:

2.8. Develop its aims and objectives taking into consideration local relevant strategies and align with HBPC’s key documents. 2.9. Work with HPBC on strategic projects within the town such as the Glossop Halls. 2.10. Engage with and take account of the views of the wide range of local stakeholders e.g. local ward members/councillors, local organisations, groups and networks. 2.11.Share its outcomes and successes with HPBC.


3.1. The aims of HPBC in this respect are set out in the documents: HPBC’s “Growth Strategy for the High Peak”, Corporate Plan 2019 – 2023. 3.2. The aims of the GCT are set out in the “Creative Glossop Framework” and GCT Strategic Plan. 3.3. The shared vision is underpinned by HPBC’s “Creative Industries Assessment (2017)”.


4.1. All the documents set out in Section 3 above may be reviewed and changed from time to time. 4.2. Successive or supplementary documents may be produced from time to time. 4.3. Each party undertakes to consult with the other on any further relevant documents. 4.4. This Memorandum of Understanding can be changed at any time with the agreement of both parties.


5.1. This is a non-binding MoU developed and agreed to reflect a common interest in the development of Glossop as a creative hub. 5.2. Either party can raise with the other party any instances where it is felt that actions or proposals do not accord with the intent of this MoU. 5.3. In the event of disagreement over actions or interpretations, both parties will use their best endeavours to resolve amicably any issues. 5.4. There will be no further recourse beyond the above.

The parties affirm to know, understand and agree to all articles of this MoU as negotiated together.


Signature: ______Signature: ______

Name: ______Name: Duncan Wright

Position: ______Position: Chair, Glossop Creative Trust

Date: ______Date: ______