School Cost Rises New Stark Co
****************ECRWSS***** PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Elmwood, Illinois Permit No. 13 Friday Carrier Route Presort May 21, 2021 The Prairie News RURAL BOXHOLDER Vol. 19, No. 17 LOCAL P.O. BOXHOLDER Hot news tip? “The Voice of Stark and eastern Henry counties” Want to advertise? Serving the fine communities of Wyoming, Toulon, Bradford, Duncan, Galva, LaFayette, Stark, Speer, FREE! Call (309) 286-2185 Castleton, -Bishop Hill, Camp Grove, Princeville, Edelstein, Laura, West Jersey, Monica, Elmira, Modena, Saxon, Lawn Ridge, Broadmoor, Compliments of Elmore, Lombardville, Milo and rural customers at Kewanee and Williamsfield. Our Fine Advertisers! GRADUATION 2021 School cost rises New Stark Co. school price tag up $1 million By JOHN A. BALLENTINE done and showed the soil at the For The Prairie News school site is soft. That requires WYOMING – There was bad longer and larger foundation news Monday evening for the supports, which increases con- Stark County School Board at struction costs, as well. its monthly meeting when the School Superintendent Brett school’s engineer, Farnsworth Elliott, in an email, said, “We Group, and construction man- have several options to consider; ager, CORE, gave a 50-minute using stimulus funds toward the school renovation update. [$1 million] deficit in lieu of “Our goal was $15 million and pursuing a new gym; making now we’re over $16 million,” cuts where needed; [and thirdly] CORE representative Caleb use part of the $5 million in Wyss said in regards to the cost working cash that we can ac- of a new school. cess.” Market prices for oil-based Elliott also emailed, “Once we products and steel required for receive solid numbers from the the new school’s construction Health Life Safety survey on the Graduates take have increased from February Wyoming Sports Complex, and through April from 13 to 20 per- from CORE regarding bid costs, center stage cent, Wyss said.
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