ORIGIN OF BAUXITE Selected papers reprinted from Geonotes and the Journal of the Geological Society of Jamaica IER IC LIBRRRY the Geological Society of Jamaica JM 1977.01 1977 1 Netherlands f ORIGIN OF BAUXITE Selected papers reprinted from Geonotes and the Journal of the Geological Society of Jamaica Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information, as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils. The purpose is to make a safe depository for endangered documents and to make the accrued information available for consultation, following Fair Use Guidelines. Every effort is taken to respect Copyright of the materials within the archives where the identification of the Copyright holder is clear and, where feasible, to contact the originators. For questions please contact
[email protected] indicating the item reference number concerned. Published by the Geological Society of Jamaica 1977 i7yoo REFERENCES Anon., 1965- The handbook of Jamaica. Govt. Printing Office, Kingston, 920p. Corbel, J., 1959- Erosion on terrain calcaire - vitesse d'erosion et morphologie. Annales de Geogr., n.366, pp.97-120. Funnell, B.M., 1964. The Tertiary period (in The Phanerozoic Time-scale) suppl. of Quat. J. Geol. Soc. London, V.120S, pp.179- 192. Holdridge, L.R., 1959- Simple methods for determining potential evapo- transpiration from temperature data. Science, v.130, p. 572. Khosla, A.N., 1952. Inter-relation of surface and ground water. Proc. International Symposium on Desert Research (jerusalem), pp. 568-582. Schwarzenbach, G., 1957- Complexometric titrations (trans, and revised by H. Irving), 132p. London. Scientific Research Council of Jamaica, 1963. The rainfall of Jamaica. Sinclair, I.G.L., 1966.