minerals Article Tourmaline Composition of the Kı¸slada˘gPorphyry Au Deposit, Western Turkey: Implication of Epithermal Overprint Ömer Bozkaya 1,* , Ivan A. Baksheev 2, Nurullah Hanilçi 3, Gülcan Bozkaya 1, Vsevolod Y. Prokofiev 4 , Yücel Özta¸s 5 and David A. Banks 6 1 Department of Geological Engineering, Pamukkale University, 20070 Denizli, Turkey;
[email protected] 2 Department of Geology, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 119991 Moscow, Russia;
[email protected] 3 Department of Geological Engineering, Istanbul University-Cerrahpa¸sa,Avcılar, 34320 Istanbul, Turkey;
[email protected] 4 Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119017 Moscow, Russia;
[email protected] 5 TÜPRAG Metal Madencilik, Ovacık Mevki Gümü¸skolKöyü, Ulubey Merkez, 64902 U¸sak,Turkey;
[email protected] 6 School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK;
[email protected] * Correspondence:
[email protected]; Tel.: +90-258-296-3442 Received: 13 August 2020; Accepted: 4 September 2020; Published: 7 September 2020 Abstract: The Kı¸slada˘gporphyry Au deposit occurs in a middle Miocene magmatic complex comprising three different intrusions and magmatic-hydrothermal brecciation related to the multiphase effects of the different intrusions. Tourmaline occurrences are common throughout the deposit, mostly as an outer alteration rim around the veins with lesser amounts disseminated in the intrusions, and are associated with every phase of mineralization. Tourmaline mineralization has developed as a tourmaline-rich matrix in brecciated zones and tourmaline-quartz and/or tourmaline-sulfide veinlets within the different intrusive rocks. Tourmaline was identified in the tourmaline-bearing breccia zone (TBZ) and intrusive rocks that had undergone potassic, phyllic, and advanced argillic alteration.