SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON PHOSPHATES SCOPE NEWSLETTER IN EUROPE NUMBER 41 Special edition Phosphate Recovery where do we stand today ? In preparation to the 2nd International Conference on Phosphorus Recovery for Recycling from sew-age and animal wastes, Noordwijkerhout (near Amsterdam) Holland, 12-14th March 2001. information :
[email protected] This SCOPE Newsletter is intended to provide an update of current developments into phosphorus recovery for recycling, in particular as a basis for discussion and progress for the 2nd International Conference on this subject in Holland, 12-14th March 2001. This Special Edition thus adds to existing information published regularly in the SCOPE Newsletter and in vol.20 n°7 of "Environmental Technology" July 1999 (presenting the main papers from the First International P-Recovery Conference, Warwick University UK, May 1998). Researchers and operators working on phosphorus recycling are invited to send us a summary to be included in a future SCOPE Newsletter and/or to be presented as a paper or poster at this Conference. CEEP EUROPEAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY COUNCIL Centre Européen d'Etudes des Polyphosphates Phoshate recovery conference programme and registration : SCOPE NEWSLETTER n° 41 CONTENTS Introduction : the phosphate industry's editorial Page 3 Chapter 1 Integrating P-recovery into waste water treatment : - possibilities for integrating P-recovery into biological P-removal municipal waste water treatment plants Page 4 Bernd Heinzmann, Berliner Wasser Betriebe, Germany - potential for P-recovery at Slough municipal waste water treatment plant, UK Page 6 Summary of an MSc project by Jasmin Jaffer, now at Thames Water.