Encouraging knowledge and enhancing the study of Asia iias.asia 8884 The Newsletter The Focus Online Resources for Asia Scholars The Portrait A virtual exhibition for remote times The Study Explaining low crime Japan 2 Contents In this edition of the Focus From the Director is a free 3 Imagining the university The Newsletter periodical published by IIAS. in the post-COVID world As well as being a window into Online the institute, The Newsletter also links IIAS with the The Study community of Asia scholars and the worldwide public 4 What kind of history can we resources interested in Asia and Asian studies. The Newsletter bridges write of the Song dynasty? the gap between specialist Christian de Pee knowledge and public discourse, 5 Explaining low crime Japan and continues to serve as for Asia a forum for scholars to share Laura Bui research, commentary and 6-7 Sex and trade in seventeenth century opinion with colleagues in academia and beyond. Siam: Osoet Pegu and her Dutch lovers Wil O. Dijk scholars Postal address 8 Knock, knock! The great success PO Box 9500 of ideophones in Korean journalism 2300 RA Leiden Sonja Zweegers and The Netherlands Cristina Bahón-Arnaiz Alessandra Barrow 9 Creative ways to help believers: Visitors Indonesian female Islamic leaders Rapenburg 59 Leiden offer COVID-19 relief to families No one has escaped the effects of the T +31 (0) 71-527 2227 under pressure COVID-19 pandemic; we were forced
[email protected] Mirjam Künkler and Eva F. Nisa indoors, sequestered to our ‘home 10-11 Indonesia in ‘3D’: development, Colophon dictatorship and democracy offices’.