|||||||||||||| USOO530852A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,308,512 Stoll et al. 45 Date of Patent: May 3, 1994 54 THIODIGLYCOLALKOXYLATE 4010606 10/1991 Fed. Rep. of Germany. DERIVATIVES, A PROCESS FOR THEIR 0213067 12/1983 Japan. PRODUCTION AND THEIR USE AS FABRIC 153309 3/1984 Japan. SOFTENERS 1097396 1/1968 United Kingdom . (75) Inventors: Gerhard Stoll, Korschenbroich; OTHER PUBLICATIONS Peter Daute, Essen; Ingo Wegener; Trofimov, Zh. Prikl. Khim., vol. 48, pp. 626-628 1975. Faize Berger, both of Duesseldorf, all Vogel & Krissman & Seifen, Öle, Fette, Wachse, vol. of Fed. Rep. of Germany 115, 1989, pp. 3-8 Article Unavailable. (73) Assignee: Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf J. Falbe, Surfactants in Consumer Products, Springer, Aktien, Duesseldorf, Fed. Rep. of 1987, pp. 87-90. Germany Vogel & Krussmann, Seifen, Öle, Fette, Wachse, vol. (21) Appl. No.: 961,683 III, 1985, pp. 567-574 1985. Primary Examiner-Paul Lieberman (22) PCT Filed: Jun. 28, 1991 Assistant Examiner-Michael P. Tierney 86) PCT No.: PCT/EP91/01213 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ernest G. Szoke; Wayne C. S371 Date: Mar. 5, 1993 Jaeschke; Real J. Grandmaison S 102(e) Date: Mar. 5, 1993 57) ABSTRACT The process of producing alkoxylated thiodiglycol sulf 87). PCT Pub. No.: WO92/00959 oxide derivatives and thiodiglycol sulfone derivatives PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 23, 1992 corresponding to formula I (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Jul. 7, 1990 (DE) Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 402,694 CH-CH-O-CH-CHR)-o-x, (I) (O)S 51) Int. Cl. ............................................ D06M 10/08 N 52 U.S.C. ...................................... 252/8.7; 252/8.6; CH-CH2-(O-CH-CHR)-O-X 252/8.9; 568/27; 568/28; 554/227; 560/263; 560/264 wherein X1 and X2 may be the same or different and 58 Field of Search ...............
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