Topical Treatment of Common Superficial Tinea Infections ANDREW WEINSTEIN, M.D., M.P.H., and BRIAN BERMAN, M.D., PH.D. University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida

Tinea infections are superficial fungal infections caused by three species of fungi collec- tively known as dermatophytes. Commonly these infections are named for the body part affected, including (general skin), (groin), and tinea pedis (feet). Accurate diagnosis is necessary for effective treatment. Diagnosis is usually based on his- tory and clinical appearance plus direct microscopy of a potassium hydroxide preparation. Culture or histologic examination is rarely required for diagnosis. Treatment requires attention to exacerbating factors such as skin moisture and choosing an appropriate anti- fungal agent. Topical therapy is generally successful unless the infection covers an exten- sive area or is resistant to initial therapy. In these cases, systemic therapy may be required. Tinea corporis and cruris infections are usually treated for two weeks, while tinea pedis is treated for four weeks with an azole or for one to two weeks with allylamine medica- tion. Treatment should continue for at least one week after clinical clearing of infection. Newer medications require fewer applications and a shorter duration of use. The pres- ence of inflammation may necessitate the use of an agent with inherent anti-inflamma- tory properties or the use of a combination antifungal/steroid agent. The latter agents should be used with caution because of their potential for causing atrophy and other steroid-associated complications. (Am Fam Physician 2002;65:2095-102. Copyright© 2002 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

inea infections are superficial fun- are not typically amenable to topical therapy, gal infections caused by the three they will not be discussed in this article. genera of dermatophytes, Tri- It is important to note that nondermato- chophyton, Microsporum and phytes and yeasts may infect the sites men- Epidermophyton.1 Commonly, tioned above. For example, tinea unguium is theT infections caused by these organisms are only a subset of the onychomycoses, which named for the sites involved. refers include other types of fungal infections of the to a dermatophyte infection of the head, tinea nails. Similarly, tinea corporis refers only to barbae affects the beard area, tinea corporis dermatophyte infection of the skin and not occurs on the body surface, tinea manuum is other superficial fungal infections such as can- limited to the hands, tinea pedis to the feet, and didiasis. Although is com- tinea unguium infects the toenails. These names monly called a tinea, it is caused by the non- do not distinguish between species (for exam- dermatophyte Malassezia furfur (also referred ple, tinea capitis may be caused by Trichophy- to as Pityrosporum orbiculare and Pityrospo- ton or Microsporum genera). rum ovale) and is not a true tinea infection.4 With some pertinent exceptions, dermato- is typically confined to the superficial Epidemiology keratinized tissue2 and, thus, can often be Because tinea infections are highly com- treated with topical antifungal medications.3 mon, it is likely that the primary care physi- Because these agents do not penetrate hair or cian will frequently treat affected patients. The nails, tinea capitis, , and tinea estimated lifetime risk of acquiring dermato- unguium usually require systemic therapy. phytosis (tinea infection) is between 10 and This article focuses on the diagnosis and treat- 20 percent.5 In the United States, dermatophy- ment of tinea infections with topical medica- tosis is second only to as the most fre- tions. Because tinea capitis and tinea unguium quently reported skin disease.6 The majority

MAY 15, 2002 / VOLUME 65, NUMBER 10 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 2095 Trichophyton rubrum is the most common pathogen causing dermatomycoses, including tinea pedis, tinea corporis, and tinea cruris.

of superficial fungal infections are tineas and, of those, the most common are tinea pedis, tinea corporis, and tinea cruris.7 Trichophyton rubrum is the most likely agent in these der- FIGURE 1. Tinea cruris with bilateral scaly matomycoses. T. rubrum accounted for patches on the inner thighs, sparing the penis. 76.2 percent of all superficial fungal diseases in a representative sample of the U.S. popula- tion.8 With the exception of tinea capitis (in which Trichophyton tonsurans was the most likely etiologic agent), T. rubrum was the most common dermatophyte isolated in all superfi- cial fungal diseases studied.8

Clinical Manifestations Clinical presentation is the most important clue to accurate diagnosis and treatment. The anthrophilic dermatophytes (commonly iso- lated from human infection) are the most common source of human dermatomycoses. FIGURE 2. Tinea pedis presenting with toe- web maceration and minimal inflammation. A These tend to evoke a limited host response presentation like this may be accompanied by and are less likely to be accompanied by severe a dermatophytid (“id”) reaction. inflammation or to clear spontaneously.9 Occasionally, severe inflammation is a com- ponent of . This is particu- TINEA CRURIS larly true in the case of tinea infections caused Because it affects the groin area, tinea cruris by zoophilic species (commonly isolated from is also known as “jock itch.” It is characterized animal infection). The most common of these by red scaling plaques on the medial thighs and is Microsporum canis. inguinal folds (Figure 1). The plaques are typi- cally bilateral but usually spare the penis and TINEA CORPORIS scrotum, in contrast to .10 Many Tinea corporis refers to tinea anywhere on people with tinea cruris have coincident tinea the body except the scalp, beard, feet, or hands. pedis, and it has been postulated that the tinea This lesion presents as an annular plaque with cruris is spread by hand from the tinea pedis.11 a slightly raised and often scaly, advancing border and is commonly known as ringworm. TINEA PEDIS Each lesion may have one or several concen- Tinea pedis, or athlete’s foot, is the most tric rings with red papules or plaques in the common dermatophyte infection (Figure 2). center. As the lesion progresses, the center may Its etiology is closely tied to the use of occlusive clear, leaving post-inflammatory hypopig- footwear.12 Most commonly, tinea pedis pre- mentation or hyperpigmentation. sents with toe-web maceration.13 This fairly

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Tinea pedis infection may present as maceration between the toes or as widespread erythema, hyperkeratosis, and scaling of the feet.

Because other entities may mimic tinea infec- tion, treatment should not be initiated on the basis of clinical presentation alone. In most cases, a simple potassium hydroxide (KOH) FIGURE 3. Moccasin distribution of tinea pedis with inflammation. preparation with mycologic examination under a light microscope can confirm the presence of dermatophytes. Occasionally, cul- ture media (including indicator media) or his- tologic examination may be useful in making the diagnosis. A Wood’s light is not helpful in diagnosing tinea infections of the skin and is mainly used to identify fungal elements in hairs infected with Microsporum, which is a less common dermatophyte. The latter fluo- resce green under Wood’s light. This light may also be helpful in diagnosing erythrasma by its coral-red fluorescence when this condition is part of the differential diagnosis of a tinea skin condition.14

FIGURE 4. Tinea pedis with marked erythema KOH Preparation of the first and second toes. for Direct Microscopy The KOH preparation, a relatively simple subtle presentation is contrasted with the moc- diagnostic method with excellent positive pre- casin distribution affecting the soles and lateral dictive value, is used to visualize the hyphae feet that is often seen in patients with that characterize dermatophytes. Additional T. rubrum infection (Figure 3). In the latter confirmatory tests are rarely needed for the cases, the feet tend to be hyperkeratotic with diagnosis of tinea.15 The KOH helps dissolve scale and some erythema (Figure 4). In some the epithelial tissue, allowing the hyphae to be cases of tinea pedis, a dermatophytid (also seen on microscopy. known as “id”) reaction may occur in which Because the organisms live in the superficial small vesicles or pustules appear at distant keratinized tissue, a sample of scale should be sites. The may be the only manifes- visualized under low or medium power. Scale tation of an otherwise asymptomatic web- is collected from the active border of a lesion. space maceration and usually resolves with This is done by scraping the lesion with the treatment of the primary fungal infection. edge of a rounded scalpel blade or the edge of a glass slide. The debris is collected on another Diagnosis slide and concentrated in the middle. If a vesi- The clinical suspicion of dermatophytosis cle is being examined, it may be unroofed, and can be confirmed with diagnostic tests. that material can be examined.

MAY 15, 2002 / VOLUME 65, NUMBER 10 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 2097 growth.17 A dermatophyte test medium Gentle heating may enhance detection of fungal elements (DTM) indicator can also be used. The latter on potassium hydroxide testing. has the added advantage of a phenol indicator that turns red in the alkaline environment pro- duced by dermatophytes.18 Although DTM has the advantage of simplicity, it has a high rate of The slide should be covered with a cover false-positive and false-negative results.1 slip, and KOH (5 to 20 percent) should be All media require collection of an adequate added to the side of the cover slip, allowing sample of infected material. Scale may be col- capillary action to draw the KOH to the scaly lected in a manner similar to that used for the sample. The preparation may be heated gently KOH preparation or with a cotton swab. The over a flame to highlight the fungal elements. swab must first be moistened with sterile If dimethyl sulfoxide has been added to the water and then rubbed vigorously over the KOH, heating is not required. active border of the lesion. This method is best During examination of the sample, the con- used when the lesion is not scaly or when the denser of the microscope should be in the use of a blade or slide is impractical.19 The down position. The presence of septate physician performing the culture must com- hyphae confirms the diagnosis of tinea. The ply with stricter CLIA regulations. Performing examiner should make sure that hyphae are cultures requires a level of certification that being seen rather than the edge of an epithe- necessitates a laboratory inspection. lial cell. It is helpful to visualize the hyphae crossing the path of more than one cell. HISTOPATHOLOGIC EVALUATION If clinical decisions are to be made based on When the diagnosis of a dermatophyte microscopic examination, practitioners must infection remains in question after office test- comply with Clinical Laboratory Improve- ing or failure to respond to treatment, biopsy ment Amendments (CLIA) regulations. Per- specimens may be submitted to a pathologist forming KOH examinations requires a for evaluation. Fungal staining with periodic Provider–Performed Microscopy (PPM) cer- acid–Schiff highlights fungal elements.17 tificate. Obtaining the latter requires comple- tion of paperwork and does not require a site Treatment inspection. The American Academy of Derma- Most tinea corporis, cruris, and pedis infec- tology publishes a handbook with directions tions can be treated with topical agents. for compliance with the PPM regulation.16 Consideration should be given to systemic treatment when lesions covering a large body- Culture surface area fail to clear with repeated treat- Mycologic culture is rarely indicated in the ment using different topical agents.3 In treat- diagnosis of tineas other than tinea unguium ing dermatophytosis, the physician must also and tinea capitis. In some cases, even though address environmental factors that lead to or clinical suspicion is high, diagnosis may be a exacerbate tinea infection and select an appro- challenge. Culture, while relatively simple to priate topical therapy for the infection. perform, requires one to four weeks to grow and clinical expertise to interpret the result. The NONPHARMACOLOGIC MEASURES most common medium used for isolating der- Because fungi thrive in moist warm envi- matophytes is Sabouraud’s peptone-glucose ronments, patients should be encouraged to agar.1 Various formulations of this medium are wear loose-fitting garments made of cotton or commercially available; some have additives synthetic materials designed to wick moisture that inhibit bacterial and nondermatophyte away from the surface. Socks should have sim-

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ilar properties. Areas likely to become infected will provide clinical and mycologic cure, should be dried completely before being cov- symptomatic relief, and low relapse rate, along ered with clothes. Patients should also be with ease of use. In addition to specific anti- advised to avoid walking barefoot and sharing fungal properties, some preparations have garments.

NONSPECIFIC AGENTS TABLE 1 A variety of traditional agents without spe- Common Antifungal Medications and Their Forms cific antimicrobial function are still in use, including Whitfield’s ointment and Castel- Rx or Solution Gel or lani’s (carbol fuchsin solution) paint. The effi- Agent OTC or spray* Lotion† Cream‡ ointment§ Powder* cacy of these preparations has not been well Tolnaftate OTC Yes Yes Yes Yes No quantified. (Tinactin) Haloprogin Rx Yes No Yes No No ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS (Halotex) The antifungal agents can be grouped by Ciclopirox (Loprox; Rx Lacquer Yes Yes No No structure and mechanism of action. The two Penlac||) principal pharmacologic groups are the azoles Clotrimazole OTC Yes Yes Yes No No and the allylamines. Polyenes (amphotericin B (Lotrimin) [Fungizone] and nystatin [Mycostatin]) are Miconazole OTC Yes Yes Yes No Yes not discussed in this article because this group (Micatin) of compounds is not effective in the treatment Ketoconazole Rx Shampoo No Yes No No of dermatophyte infections. Other agents that (Nizoral) do not fit into the two main groupings are tol- Sulconazole Rx No No Yes No No naftate (Tinactin), haloprogin (Halotex), (Exelderm) 3 ciclopirox (Loprox) and butenafine (Mentax). Oxiconazole Rx No Yes Yes No No Because there are few direct comparisons of (Oxistat) individual topical agents, it can be difficult to Econazole Rx No No Yes No No justify the choice of one preparation over (Spectazole) another. This choice is made less clear because Butenafine Rx No No Yes No No several genera and species may produce the (Mentax) same clinical condition. When treating a der- Naftifine (Naftin) Rx No No Yes Yes No matophyte infection, it is unlikely that the Terbinafine Rx Yes No Yes No No physician will know the infecting species. In (Lamisil) general, tinea corporis and tinea cruris require Clotrimazole/BMD Rx No No Yes No No once- to twice-daily treatment for two weeks. (Lotrisone) Tinea pedis may require treatment for four 3 weeks. Treatment should continue for at least Rx = prescription; OTC = over-the-counter; BMD = betamethasone dipropionate. one week after symptoms have resolved.17 Some *—Powders and sprays may be used to prevent reinfection. of the newer agents require only once-daily †—Use lotions in intertriginous or hairy areas and on oozing lesions. application and shorter courses of treatment, ‡—Use creams on non-oozing and moderately scaling lesions. and are associated with lower relapse rates. §—Use ointments on hyperkeratotic lesions. The application area should include normal ||—Ciclopirox lacquer (Penlac) is approved for treatment of but skin about 2 cm beyond the affected area. has limited efficacy. Guidelines regarding the optimal vehicle of Adapted with permission from Diehl KB. Topical antifungal agents: an update. treatment (e.g., cream, ointment, gel, or Am Fam Physician 1996;54:1689. lotion) are given in Table 1.20 Ideally, an agent

MAY 15, 2002 / VOLUME 65, NUMBER 10 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 2099 antibacterial and anti-inflammatory proper- tive bacteria. It has been shown to be more ties that may influence their efficacy. Combi- effective than the nonprescription agent clotri- nation therapy (antifungal plus steroid) can mazole (Lotrimin) in the treatment of tinea be considered when inflammation is an issue. pedis.25 It requires twice-daily application. Combination agents should not be used when Ciclopirox 8 percent lacquer (Penlac), which the diagnosis is in question because that may was approved for treatment of onychomycosis lead to their overuse or to adverse effects. in late 1999, has limited efficacy. In two trials of The mechanism of action may have an daily application to infected toenails for effect on efficacy. The newer agents have 48 weeks, complete cure was achieved in fungicidal activity, which may translate into 5.5 and 8.5 percent of patients. Only the latter higher cure rates and lower relapse rates. Clin- was statistically significant compared with ical judgment with regard to prior treatments placebo. Partial clearance was also low (12 per- and complicating conditions (bacterial cent in the more successful trial). Penlac growth or intense inflammation), along with requires daily application for up to 48 weeks knowledge of the agent’s properties, will help and monthly follow-up for nail debridement.26 guide the choice of therapy. When inflamma- Butenafine. This agent is similar in structure tion is a salient clinical feature, it must be con- to that of the allylamines. Butenafine is fungi- sidered in the selection of a treatment option. cidal for dermatophytes in vitro.27 It is applied Tolnaftate. This narrow-spectrum antifun- once daily and, after four weeks of use, is asso- gal has no antibacterial or anticandidal activ- ciated with high cure rates and a long disease- ity.21 It is effective in most dermatophytoses free interval.28 and for treatment of tinea versicolor.22 It is Azoles. This class includes many over-the- available as an over-the-counter medication counter and prescription preparations. Mem- and requires twice-daily application. bers of this class include clotrimazole, econa- Haloprogin. Introduced after tolnaftate, zole (Spectazole), ketoconazole (Nizoral), haloprogin combines equivalent efficacy with miconazole (Micatin), oxiconazole (Oxistat), a broadened fungal spectrum (including and sulconazole (Exelderm). These agents yeasts).23 It is associated with higher rates of have broad-spectrum activity, including activ- irritant dermatitis.24 It is applied twice daily. ity against some gram-positive bacteria. Keto- Ciclopirox. This broad-spectrum agent is conazole,29 sulconazole and oxiconazole30 effective against dermatophytes, yeasts, and require only once-daily application because of some bacteria.3 It has in vitro antibacterial their long durability in the superficial layers of activity against gram-negative and gram-posi- the skin. Clotrimazole, miconazole, and econazole require twice-daily application. Allylamines. Naftifine (Naftin) and terbina- fine (Lamisil) are applied once-daily and The Authors remain active in the skin for up to one week ANDREW WEINSTEIN, M.D., M.P.H., is a resident in the Department of Dermatology after application.31,32 Both agents have fungi- and Cutaneous Surgery at the University of Miami School of Medicine. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Cham- cidal activity in vitro, but the clinical signifi- paign and a master of public health degree from Florida International University, Miami. cance of this point is uncertain.33,34 Terbina- BRIAN BERMAN, M.D., PH.D., is professor in the departments of Dermatology and fine has been compared with ketoconazole Cutaneous Surgery, and Internal Medicine at the University of Miami School of Medi- and miconazole. Terbinafine was more effica- cine. He received his medical and postdoctoral degrees from New York University cious after one week than ketoconazole was School of Medicine, New York. He completed residency training in dermatology at 35 New York University School of Medicine. after two weeks. In addition, one week of terbinafine was found to be as effective as four Address correspondence to Brian Berman, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Dermatology 36 and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami School of Medicine, P.O. Box 016250 weeks of miconazole. Evidence also suggests (R-250), Miami, FL 33101. Reprints are not available from the authors. that terbinafine may be effective in curing

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tinea pedis in as few as three applications.37 ing areas of thin skin and naturally occluded Naftifine has intrinsic anti-inflammatory body areas, such as the groin, axillae, breast, properties equivalent to members of the azole and face. Treatment of these areas should be class plus 1 percent hydrocortisone.38 Evi- avoided whenever possible. When the groin is dence suggests that the fungicidal activity of affected by dermatophytosis, the cream naftifine and its duration of activity result in should be used sparingly and only for two higher cure rates and a lower relapse rate.39 weeks. The recommended duration of treat- ment for tinea pedis is four weeks. This com- COMBINED STEROID/ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS bination should not be used in children In the United States, the only combination younger than 12 years. steroid/antifungal agent indicated for the treatment of dermatophytosis is clotrimazole- The authors indicate that they do not have any con- betamethasone (Lotrisone). This formulation flicts of interest. Sources of funding: none reported. combines an effective antifungal agent with a potent steroid. Patients who have sympto- REFERENCES matic inflammatory dermatophytosis with 1. Weitzman I, Summerbell RC. The dermatophytes. erythema, pruritus, and burning are optimally Clin Microbiol Rev 1995;8:240-59. treated twice daily with this combination. The 2. Dei Cas E, Vernes A. Parasitic adaptation of patho- genic fungi to mammalian hosts. Crit Rev Microbiol steroid component provides rapid sympto- 1986;13:173-218. matic relief while the slower-acting antifungal 3. Gupta AK, Einarson TR, Summerbell RC, Shear NH. agent eradicates the causative organism. An overview of topical antifungal therapy in der- matomycoses. A North American perspective. Inflammation typically occurs in tineas Drugs 1998;55:645-74. caused by zoophilic dermatophytes. 4. Roberts SO. Pityriasis versicolor: a clinical and The efficacy of this combination treatment mycological investigation. Br J Dermatol 1969;81: 315-26. has been demonstrated in two randomized 5. Drake LA, Dinehart SM, Farmer ER, Goltz RW, Gra- controlled studies,40,41 the first treating tinea ham GF, Hardinsky MK, et al. Guidelines of care for cruris and the second treating tinea cruris superficial mycotic infections of the skin: tinea cor- poris, tinea cruris, , tinea manuum, and and corporis. In each study, the combination tinea pedis. J Am Acad Dermatol 1996;34(2 pt was better than either of the components 1):282-6. alone in clearing the tinea infection. Because 6. Stern RS. The epidemiology of cutaneous disease. In: Freedberg IM, Fitzpatrick TB, eds. Fitzpatrick’s of these results, it is inferred that the steroid Dermatology in general medicine. 5th ed. New may enhance the antifungal activity of the York: McGraw-Hill, 1999:7-12. clotrimazole.40 7. Aly R. Ecology and epidemiology of dermatophyte infections. J Am Acad Dermatol 1994;31(3 pt 2): A steroid/antifungal preparation should be S21-5. used only when a diagnosis of fungal infection 8. Kemna ME, Elewski BE. A U.S. epidemiologic sur- has been confirmed, not when it is in ques- vey of superficial fungal diseases. J Am Acad Der- matol 1996;35:539-42. tion. An analysis of the use of this product 9. Dahl MV. Suppression of immunity and inflamma- found that nondermatologists are more likely tion by products produced by dermatophytes. J Am to use combination therapy.42 In the absence Acad Dermatol 1993;28(5 pt 1):S19-23. 10. La Touche CJ. Scrotal dermatophytosis. An insuffi- of fungi or inflammation, the added expense ciently documented aspect of tinea cruris. Br J Der- of this preparation is not justified. matol 1967;79:339-44. Because of the potent steroid component, 11. McAleer R. Fungal infection as a cause of skin dis- ease in Western Australia. Australas J Dermatol this medication provides rapid relief, but it 1980;21:25-46. must be used judiciously.43 Potential compli- 12. Philpot CM. Some aspects of the epidemiology of cations associated with long-term steroid use tinea. Mycopathologia 1977;62:3-13. 13. Habif TP. Superficial fungal infections. In: Clinical der- are atrophy, steroid-induced acne, , matology: a color guide to diagnosis and therapy. and striae. Caution must be used when treat- Habif TP, ed. 3d ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1996:362-408.

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