


his farm near the state line south of Monroe, TOPICS OF THE TIMES. MICHIGAN NEWS. aud stopping the engine, as the passengers say his head upon a small roll of carpeting, sent a J C. Charoth, mayor of Baton Rouge, who drove to Monroe, and exchanged it for a $325 NEWS OF THE WEEK. he could have done, he reversed the brakes and ball through his brain. A note was found stat- rig belonging to J. M. Sterling. They ar leaped off, letting tbe engine go crashing started the first daily paper in Louieiana out AW ARBOR DEMOCRAT A. V. Monroe, a well-to-do farmer of Coop- ing that he (deceased) was all ready for bis of New Orleans, the Baton Rouge Reporter in THE King of Siam, who is only a boy of believed to be Toledo thieves en route for De WASHINGTON. broadside into the middle of the passenger coffin. When the news was carried to his 1849, has jast died aged 57. er township, Kalamazoo county, recently train There were eighteen persons in the car, PUBLISHED EVERY 1KIDAY twenty years, has allowed his finger committed suicide by cutting his throat witi trolt. A CLERK'S INVENTION. parents the ecene was heartrending The cause —AT— The Pontiac asylum is overcrowded and ther and the scene was frightful. Men, women and of the rash act is unknown. e was a young Fr the pension list just published it is a razor at his residence in the presence of his A. H. Doan, a clerk in the Pension Office hildren were knocked out of their seats in learned that several persons who have been nails, it is said, to grlw until they aro family, it was a most ghastly spectacle. He are 300 more patients at the Kalamazoo asylum has invented a method of displaying weather man of fine business qualifications and irre- than the accommodations provide for. It wil every direction, and few escaped being man- proachable character. ctead several years are drawing their pensions ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN more than a foot in length. This deform- went to the buttery, got up on a chair, reach signals in the country for the benefit of farmers gled, bruised or scalded. The car took fire in- with surprising regularity. ed for the razor, took it in his left hand anc be two years before the northern asylum i TWO NOTORIOUS BURGLARS. which may be adopted by the Signal Service stantly and was wi apped in flames almost be- A. F. Blundell manager of the Nebraska ity reduces the monarch to a state of drew it across bis throat with such force anc ready for occupancy, and meantime the appli Bureau. It provides for a system of the signa fore the passengers could be gotten out. It John Irving and John Walsh, two of the most purpose that the neck was almost severed from cations for admission are unusually numerous notorious burglars in the United States.shot and lelephone company,has absconded with $1,400 BY JOHN L BURLEIGH. absolute helplessness, and for that flags to be known as farmers' signal flags, was entirely consumed. Most of thj passengers of the company's money. his bodv, the blade cracking against the Representative Bixby has been chosen cit. which are to be displayed from the sides ol were bespattered with blood and soot, but mi- killed each other in a saloon in New York City H. E. H. BOWERS, Editor. reason, probably, the Siamese regard bone. Then he got down and ran about the recorder of Adrian in place of Recorder Nix United States mail cars which pass rapidly and raculous as it may seem, no one was killed. the other day. They had a bitter quarrel, and It cost Missouri $10,000 to vindicate Colonc room, a great stream of blood spurting out, om, deceased. continuously over the country on the great once before attempted to take each other's rrank James. long nails as one of the peculiar attri- and finally he fell exhausted and died before network of tracks. The flags will signal in- ONE UNFORTUNATE'S STORY. life. San Francisco is trying to prevent the land- butes of sovereignty. his horror stricken family. He has before Hudson will have a Y. M. C. A., $400 having formation as follows: White, meaning clear The People's Paper had symptoms of insanity, and once attempt- been subscribed toward its organization. Helyn Leonard, the young woman wh o shot TO AVENGE HIS SISTER'S HONOR. lug of lepers from the Sandwich islands. weather; blue flag, fair weather; red, doubtful and seriously wounded Mrs. Clarence Smith, ed to drown himself. His family are all growr Capt. Smith's hardware store at Middleville weather, and black stormy weather, or high Crice Lisehy, colored United States mail Oae hundred and twenty-nine life convicts THE bill granting the right of suffrage up. He was one of the earliest settlers of In New York city several weeks ago, was con- carrier at Nashville, Tenn., met Tin. MeBride, e en ed the prison in Joliet TERMS: Barry county, was burnt recently. S. B. Smith winds. Signals can be ordered up from Wash- victed of assault In the second degree and ?«« 'f« > II'-since in Washington Territory appears to be Cooper, was highly respected aud was a man Charles Bundy, and Archie, son of Thomas ington by telegraph, and the cost of the entire colored, charged him with seducing his sister. 1868, and fifty-three are still t of prominence. He was in very romfortable Welsh, formerly of were killed by the sentenced to the penitentiary for three and a MeBride gave Lisehy the lie, upon which he $1.50 PER ANNUM. system, It is said, will be insignificant. half years. The young woman became an or- Foreign capitalists have ju»! bought a large in a fair way to become a law. Wycircumstanceo- , but his delusion was that his falliDg wall, Silas A. Geer injured and wil." shot him in the right arm. The arm was am- tract of timber land in southeastern Arkansas, If paid at the end of six months, or family would soon come to want. probobly die. phan early, was educated in a convent in Cana- putated and MeBride bled to death. oming and Utah now have woman CONCERNING MICHIGAN. da, later was a governess in Cuba, and later said to contain 460,000,000 feet of timber. suffrage, but the operation of the law in Pat Cavanaugh, a member of the fire depart- Mr. Steams' wind engine and pump works at The postofHce department has ordered the still became identified with a wealthy man TORTURED AND ROBBED. Two Republican and two Democratic mem- $1.OO In Adavaa.ce. ment of Muskegon, while under the influence 3rand Haven, including planing mill, ware- following star schedules to go into effect Octo- here, who abandoned her. She charged the Masked men entered the house of Edward oers of the new congress have died since their Office, Rooms 6 aud 7, Opera House those Territories has not been such as of liquor forced an entrance into the house of IOUSO, paint shop and lumber yard, has been ber 24: Route from Butler to Quincy—Leave abandonment to the influence of the woman McLaughlin In Joliet, 111., tortured the farmer election. to make it desirable to extend the actMrs. J. P. Magoon, getting in at a window. A lestroyed by fire also, two dwelling Butler Wednesdays and Saturdays at 11:00 a. whom sheshot. Then followed arrest, impris- and his wife until they disclosed the hiding- One hundred thousand children [ wheat appears to be very unsatisfactory to N. W. Fitzgerald, pension claim agent, late- States if provided with a certificate Issued by the quarterly return required of national banks lature to enact a dog tax law aiid a fence law • The best house in the city for Washtenaw A few nights azo, five head of cattle were he producers. The ten cenls off makes a y airaigned and fined in the Washington po- the Chinese government Identifying him as en- Fitch lost in speculation about $80,000 of the at its next session. J THB trustees of the Garfield Nationa.1 stolen from the farm of Alexander Paul, of considerable difference in the activity of trade. couhty people. Fine rooms, well furnished. lice court for an assault, has brought a libel gaged in other pursuits than that of laborer. bank's money aud fled, but was captured, Trichinosis still continues to spread in Sax- Everything strictly first class. Monument Association invite an inter Austin township, Sanilac county. The news Many of the business men and those most suit against the Cincinnati Commercial Ga- The steamer Rio Janeiro, which arrived at San brought black last August and since then has of the theft was brought to Bay City and the nterested in State Fair matters In the interioi zette company and its Washington correspond- Francisco the other day, brought 132 been constructively under arrest, although Alexander Dumas, the author, is 3eriously national competion, open to all artists, chief of M 'ice captured the thief and recover- ent, H. V. Boynton, for $100,000, and another Jhinamen for San Francisco, 77 of permitted to live at a hotel instead of being J. M. MARTIN, >f Michigan are advocating the permanent lo ill, and his life is despaired of. TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office—Opera House for a design for a monument in honor ed the cauli: si;*, miles out of town. When ation of the State Fair grounds at Detroit or suit against the St. Louis Globe-Democrat aud yhom held traders' certificates issued by of- oekedinjail. The United Sta;es marshallj A Block, P*ed previously, were restored to the roll mak- he usual banquet. For the first time since 1874, Jupiter was ob- rom November 10, 1883, to embrace Haire, which resulted in his arrest. Investigation served a few nights ago without a satellite. The Louis, is still unsolved, and the father pal Church at Philadelphia recently. kVtxford Co., Mich., between Manton and ng 38,958 pensions added during the year, an AFTER ONE HUXDRED TEARS. •xcess of 10,645 o^ er the preceding year. The disclosed that Zora had left his employ and re- nrst time this remakable circumstance was is issuing circulars yet to different parts Clark Rawlson, an energetic young citixen of Valton, without change of distance. 5The celebration of the centennial of the dis- turned to the home of her father, in a village noticed was in 1681, and it will not occur O. C. JENKINS, Hillsdale, son of the editor of the HilJsdsle Since Charlotte has had to pay for one or ivtrage annual value of each pension is $106 and the aggreeate aunual value anding ot Washington's army was celebrated near Liueoln, and on the day preceding her again until July. 1891. URGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South of the country giving a description of Standard, will soon open an eating house, tt two broken legs, the city fathers are mending fit Newburg, N. Y. October 18. The city was death wi-nt to Lincoln, and p:iid a visit to Main Street, opposite tho First National Bank the Lake Shore depot in that city. By the new of all pensions $32,245,192, an Near Connelsville, Pa., Miss Uurran and S tho girl, with her portrait, The case the sidewalks. Locking the barn door after ncrease of $2,904,090. The amount paid for hronged with visitors, and decked out in her Jarpenter's office, remaining with him an hour Ann Arbor, Mich. deal in railroad affairs in that place, ttje situa- the horse has been stolen. gayest attire. A procession four miles long, alone. lie was the only person she visited, so three children named Dan and Mary Farrel is a pathetic onu, in every respect, The tion will be a good one for the business. pensions is $6t ,064,009, exceeding the aunual and Alice King were struck by a railroad train, ralue by several million dollars. The bulk of laraded the city, and halted in front of Wash- !ar as known. As to the nature of her visit ogton'e headquarters, where the exercises of Carpenter related a story plainly denied by the killing two of the children and badly injuring ANTON EISELE, girl has been missing now for two Wm. Lcnnou, baggage-master for the Miehi Down Iu Qrand Klicr. his excess was on account of arrears of pen- Miss Curran and the other child. gan Southern railroad at Lansing, but whose sions, covering the period prior to the allow- he day took.plaee. Eloquent addresses were de- lacts subsequently disclosed. It was also dij- EALER IN MONUMENTS and Gravestones months. Unless she is in the power of The third car from tho end of a long north- ivered by Senator Bayard and William M. :overcd that the dead girl was euclente, and Julian Hawthorne's daughter, 11 years of D manufactured from 'Knnesseo and Italian .amil; reside at Ann Arbor, rtcciyed fatal iu- ance of claims. The appropriation for salary Marble and Scotch and American Granite Shop uries by falling; under the cars of the Detroit, ward bound freight train on the Grand Rapid3 Ivarts. A hallelujah cborus was given after ;he testimony of various parties tended to age, runs a mile in seven minutes three times a unscrupulous persons, or is dead, she and fees to pension agents was exhausted, and week for exercise. Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Ann Arbor., irand Haven & Milwaukee railway at Ionia. not injurious to human life. He says that tho made have greatly increased, and that the UEtii of the range, and brought with him 10 case againet him, as everything in the way Another explosion of coal damp took place A rich deposit of ore is said to have been FF1CE AND DISPENSARY, believe that it is not in her po-vcr to notion that it is unhealthy to slecpin a room irescnt condition calls for immediate action by in the WarucMffe- Carltou mine while an ex- Corner Washington and Fifth Streets, peeiaiens taken from all the located mining Congress. He says the business has attracted f preparation for entering Indian territory discovered in northern Wisconsin. o containing plants is 6h«cr nonteuse. ropcrtles. To a reporter of the Mining Jour- ploring party was searching for bodies of vie. Ann Arbor, Mich. communicate with her parents. ,0 it many ignorant and unscrupulous persons and marching to Oklahoma has been heralded Alegno, near Brescia, Italy, has been almost tJ&c will soon hava an electric fire alarm al he expressed the opinion that the M'nneso- many ways, and that he invariably notified the ,1ms of the first explosion. Several explor- whose only object seems to be to procure ap- ers were injured. It is feared that two were entirely destroyed by fire. One thousand per- system. a Iron Company will find it impossible to plications from pensioners, and then assid- Jnited States attorney and asked"him to inter- sons are homeless. S. B. THOMPSON, Miss JENNIE COLLINS, SO well known lake a harbor at Agdta Bay, owing to the great cre, if he proposed to, when they reached the silled. An explosion took place in L'MIV Pit A six-lr.ch pipe funk in the c»nter of the uously dun the claimants until a $10 fee is se- colliery near Stoke-upon-Trent while '.h<" min- The anniversary of the surrender of But- A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, and Solicitor in Chan- in connection with Baffin's Bower, in ;rcat 40 foot well at the Adrian waterworks ipth of water, and thinks that Duluth will be ured, and thereafter practically abandon the tate line, and not wait till they reached Okla- XI eery; 3'J years experience. Divorce and IC most available-shipping point for the ore loma. ers were trying to extinguish a fire. Six were epyne was celebrated at Schuylerville, N. Y., Criminal Cases a specially. All legal business Boston, has just sent out her thirteenth ipouts a clear stream of excellent water. The ase like a squeezed orange. oiled and three wounded. Oct. 17 with imposing ceremonies. quietly and privately done. Office, Broadway, water supply question at Adrian is solved. om this district— thus making a< railroad haul IS ALL G8LD THAT GLITTERS i. ' ninety-five miles. The railroad company A MICHIGAN MAN'S LUCK. Official returns from Iowagive Sherman, Re- Lower Town. Particular attention paid to obtain- annual report. She gives many pitiful Ex-Senator Swift, of Ishpeming, has been CANADA'S NEW GOVERNOR ing pensions and back pay for soldiers. P. O. ready has grading one for thiity miles and Joseph T. Hall, of Michigan, has been ap- Intense excitement prevails at Lisbon, D. T., arrived safely in Quebec on the 22,1 of October, publican, a majority over Kinne, Democrat, for instances of the straits to which work- over the Vennillion iron district in Minresota •ointed to a $1,000 clerkship in the War De- over tbe discovery of gold. H W. Griswold, Governor of 25,127. No change in the com box 2318, Ann Arbor. Mich. and says the district is rich in ore. It is bis on has been laid on six miles of this distance. despite grave fears that an attempt would be t the Breitung and Stone mines considerable larment. This is the second appointment of , made the discovery on his place made to assassinate him. Canadian detectives plexion of the Legislature ing women are reduced by the keen opinion that the iron will find its outlet at l)u- near here two months ago. He had 130 samples ork has been done in every way of building. rom Michigan to the classified departmental discovered a plot against his life and at, once Two thousand dollars were stolen from the WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. vth, it Dot being practicable to make a harbor f rvice under the new law. assayed and the result showed from $20 to $250 competition of trade, which keep wages at Agate bay. F. E. Broeherton Is just down from hi3 ex- took precautionary measures for bis safety. safe of the Canadian express office at Port 1IA.NOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instruc- per ton. The matter was kept quiet until Hope, Ont. down. In the course of the past year, orations on Section 9 just eist of Sundav NEWS NOTES The oath of office was taken in Quebec, after 1 tion Books, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, &c, .A large frame barn belonging to "Wesley akf, where he reportshaving a rery fine show Griswold had secured all the land in the vicin- cheap at Wilsey's Music Rooms, east side Public ity. There is great excitement in that part of which the vice-regal party left for Ottawa. William H. Vandcrbilt was driving in Cen- she says, five young women in whom J. Post, in township of Argentine, Genesee f first-class ore! He reports a great deal of PIIILADELPHfA STREET-CAR ASOIDENT. Square, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largest and county, burned recently. It contained 300 the country. Crowds are leaving for the scene tral Park New York, the other day when his best Stock of Musical Goods ever brought into she was particularly interested died of etivlty iu the way of exploration ail along the The jury iu the Philadelphia street car acci- of the discovery. veliide collided with one driven by RobertBon- bushels of wheat, a quantity of oats and hay, cge, from the south end of Lake Agogeebic lent returned a verdict declaring the Union Washtenaw County. Violin and Guitar Strings a and most of tbe implements of the farm. It BITS OF JiEWN, ner. Vanderbilt was thrown from his seat aud specialty. N. B.—It w'U be to your interest to consumption, and one committed sui- the Montreal River. Tbe latest, important Passenger Railway censurable for runniDg seriously injured. call before purchasing anything in the Music s supposed to have been fired by some tramp >assenger cars with one person iu the capacity "'»"«*«?• The drought lost 16,000,000 bushels ot corn cide by drowning—all under twenty- who had taken refuge for tbe night. Inaured nd is on section 18, town 47, range 46, where linn. ardon, Vaughn aud Moore have struck a vein if driver and conductor; Peter Schultz,driver A platform crowded with spectators watch, to Kansas, but she will have 190,300,000 after Missionary Shaw, whom the French treated five years of age. "They could earn for $700. if the car, was crimiaally censurable. Frank mg the scrub races at Harvard, on the Charles au a gail. of 4,000,000 over last year. so outrageously at Tamatave, has obtained an f very rich, red hematite. river, broke down Several persons were se- ' , . . ' indemnity of $12,000 against the French gov- Abstracts of Titles on Real Estate- from three to four dollars per week. It Owo6so has 33 manufacturlrtj concerns, and Total lake shipments last week were as fol- 3ird, engineer of the train, was criminally Baltimore is to have a permanent exposition a prospect of more. censurable for ruuning the train, aud the Phil- riously injured, having legs and arms broken. ernment. Most of the injured are Harvard men. A building constructed of brick, iron and marble, HAVE a complete compilation of the Official would be impossible for them to get adelphia & Reading Railroad Company for to cost $500,000. Mrs. Miller, mother of the poet, Joaquln Record* of Washtenaw County to date, inclu The wheat crop of Michigan for 1883, will Gross tons. student named Mead, cl South Boston, class of I average 12 bushels to the acre. scheduling their time at a faster rate of speed Miller, a woman 60 years old, has married Alli- ding all Tax Titles, Executions, any incumbrance twenty-one of the plainest meals for less ort of E^canaba 54.285 within the city limits than allowed by the ordi- '82, had bis skull fractured. The crews were Misses Alice and Annie Longfellow, daugh- son, her farm hand, aged 22, at Portland, Ore- on Real Estate, that is of Record in the Registers than three dollars, consequently they The inhabitants of Corunna are greatly ex- ort of Marquette 23^557 nance. Tbe railroad company was also censur- getting into line for the start. About 150 stu- ters of the poet, have gone abroad to study.. gon. office, is shown by my books. Office, in the fiice cited over the finding of the skeleton of an ort of L'Anse 1,006 dents had crowded to the front of the two bal- of the secretary of the Washtenaw mutual i i ed for employing an incompetent fireman. Six young ladies art students in the London had to resort to one meal, or a meal and enormous mustodou. The discovery was made ort of St. Ignace 4,400 comes which stand out from the river front of college of chemistry, preparing themselves to Elder Palmer is announced to have returned ance eowpanv, in the basement of the A CIVIL RIGHTS CASE. the Harvard boat-house, aboutan eaual num- h>mL iimo-mcta house. C. H. MANLY. Ann Arbor. Mich a half, a day." Exhaustion and con-on the farm of A. Frazer. A ditch was b.iaa: boat-house, about an equal num become druggists. to Salt Lake City with 30 fools gathered in duir, when a round hard substance was (struck Total 83,249 Theresa W. B. King (colored) wa3 refused ber on each balcony. All were pressing for- Michigan and Indiana, and full of wrath at the sumption soon followed. One item in which prove 1 to be a tu.-k. about U feet long. For the corresponding week last year the admission to public school No. 5,Brooklyn,and ward to see the race, when both balconies Already several hints of improper pensions reception which the people of the east accord Further search revealed a rib, p^irt of the. jaw directed to attend colored school No. 1. She gave way, precipitating many into the river, have been reported to the officials since the the saints. the work of Boffin's Bower shows its hipments were 8,427 tons less. Of the last pension list was published The Ann Arbor Savings Bank bones, and several teith. One of teeth was cek's output th i mines of Marquette County, ipulledfora mandamus to compel principal while mafly others standing on the lower bal- James Kelley, a veteran switchman at Cleve- (Organized 1809, under the General Banking -.aw usefulness to this unfortunate class. 4x8 inches on the crowu, aud the emannel a deluding ttiose having no outlet save by way Gallagher to admit her to No. 5. Chief Justice cony were pinned down and bruised by the Rev. Joseph Cook was badly beaten by a land, was saying his prayers at his post, Tues- ,3l this state) has now, including capital t -ock, For nine years it has furnished free quarter of an inch thick, the root of the tooth : Escanaba, contributed 58,757, and tuose of Ni'l6on of the city court, Brooklyn, after full fall of the upper balcony upon tnem. Fortu- gang of roughs who boarued a train ou which day evening, when a train came along and 4«tc., etc., jeing 18 inches long. [enominee and Florence Counties 24,492 tons, arguuent, refused the writ. The general term nately there was but half a tide, so that those he was traveling to fill a lecture engagement. struck him dead. VVJSll $500,000 ASSETS. dinners to women out of employment Judge Geddcs, of Leoav-'oe countv, has ap- f the entire season's output of the district, of the city court affirmed that decision and who fell into tbe river escaped with a wetting. Twenty-three horses belonging to a Cincin- p to and including the 10th, lust., 1,137,654 now the court of appeals has affirmed the low- As quickly as possible the upper platform was The original draft of the civil rights act, during the hard part of the winter. pointed Joscphus M. Rober'son, of Blissfidd. a nati brewery were instantly killed, by inhaling which has just been declared unconstitutional, pedal commissioner to straighten, clean out, i where from tbe mines of Marquette Couu- er courts. Two points were principally argu- raised »Ld several men were released in a more the fumes of heated ammonia. ", BUS), 576 tons from those of the Meuominoe ed, one that the exclusion was iu violation' of or less injured condition and carried into the was made uy the late Senator Charles Sumner Butfiliensmon.!t>i,'ardians, Trustees, Ladies and During the past year ti,150 weals were widen add deepen the river Raisin from the For the week ending Octobor 13, the issue of of Massachusetts. .".her persons willflW fhis Bank a junction of its two branches in the township of ouut-y, while those of Florence, Wis., and the fourteenth amendment to (he constitution boat-house. furnished, and in many eases this din- araga contributed 59,617 and 12,474 tons res- of the United States, and the other that it was standard silver dollars was 439.999: for the At the burning of Hue, Tonquin, ac 'ording Raisic, Lenawee county, to its outlet in Lake OPPOSED TO HOWARD. corresponding period last year 72,(K)J were ner was the only meal they had daring Erie. ectlvelj.—Marquette Mining Journal. opposed to the civil rights act of New York to a French officer's story in the Paris Figaro, SAFE AND CONVENIENT passed in 1873. The defendant contended that A report from the East having reached Salt issued. the French massacred the flying natives"and ISHacse at which to make Deposits saw rjo business1. the day. _ In the United States court at Grand RapiJs,. It was not in violation of either, and that equal Lake City that Sumner Hcward, Speaker of the Hon. Benj. ButterwortL has accepted the butchered the wounded. Mr?. Sophia Williams has sued the MuskegOU last Michigan House, was to be sppointed facilities forthc education of a child were afford position of commission of patents Mr. Jesse James, wlfa of the favorite cut- booming company to recover $20,000 for pine New Somewhere. In the colored schools, and consequently there Chief Justice of Utah, the members of the Salt Lake bar, numbering thirty, held a meet- Gov, Morray of Utah, In speaking of the throat of Missouri, is exhibiting her skill as «, A.X intimate personal friend of Sena- cut in 1879 by J. H. Norton from a large tract was no discrimination against her in assigning Mormon problem, urges congress to take stepi Interest is Aitowed on All Savings Deposits of laud owned by her iu Martim towuship, ravelers Magizine. ing and passed resolutions opposing the noml target shooter at a Bowery museum,where she tor Anthony visited Washington recent- her to such colored school. immediately to secure good government aud is a great favorite with the hoodlums. Of «,OOandupww,'i, according to the rules Mecosta county, aud floated in the Little Mus it was on the first train out of Joppa, nation. Howard was formerly Unite! States ly. He said that the Soiiator was look- RAN FRANCISCO SHAKEN. District Attorney of Utah. He occupied that net rely upon time and railroads to effect re- the \Mak and w*te#m#£ compounded semi-annu kegon river. The logs win." floated down the ud the pilgrims had only just pulled orm. Emma Clark, the Detroit girl arrested iu illy. ing forward with some Jo^ patience to river to Muekegon by the booming company An earthquake occurred in San Francisco a position when John D. Lee was convicted and Cleveland for theft of money from one John and disposed of to ,I."H. Skeels & Co., of Chi- ltd peas out of their shoes when the fat few nights ago. It w as the heaviest experienc- executed. Qne of 1he chief movers wis a Mor The New York courts have given Charles Flanagan, who dreamed that she stole it, has Money to Loan in Sums of $23 the reassembling of Congress, when he cago. Norton admits all t'.ie premises but tuned up. ed since 186S. Buildings rocked, metalic roof- mon church attorney. }ooke,a 13-year-old boy,a $5,000,verdiet against sued htm for $10,000 damages. ng were cracked and many persons rushed half iis employers, in whose machinery he lost tiire. S5.00O, hopes to be able to take his seat in the ownership of the land. He claims to hold tax "I say, dog of a conduotor, why don't THROUGH A BRIDOE. A cyclone in Texas blew a freight train off titles on it that were sufficient to give him the ou put the cow-catcher on the rear end dressed from their houses and hotels. The fingers. the,track completely demolishing it. See«r«d by Unlccumbered Heal K»tat# a*d Her Senate Chamber, where for a quarter right to cut the timber. The result of the suit recollection of its being within one day of the A train due at Glens Falls, N. Y., from irood securitiea. In spite of William K. Vanderbilt's losses, he Those who want clerkships in the state de- of a century hehas been a familiar figure. will fall upon Skeels &Co., who gave an indem- f this train and keep the cows off?" bnniversary of the earthquake of 1S68 seemed Albany, went through the bridge over Glens has $8,000,000 and the old man to fall back on nity bond to the booming company when that The other passeDgers roared, arid the toincrease the fears, and many people walked Falls, a feeder to Cbamplaln Canal, eighty partment must be accomplished linguists. DIBEUTOIt?— Christian Mack, W. W. Wines "1 want to go to Washington and die the streets all night in preference to returning rods north of Fort Edward. The engine cross- Alleged, that Gov. Crittendenof Missouri is Lieut. Garlington is exonerated from all W. I). Hnrriuian, William nenble, It. A. Ben, corporation delivered to them the logs, which at Sheik shook his sides and repeated o be Indicted for the illegial practices by in the harness," it is said, has been a were at once cut and put upon the market. to the houses. Earthquakes are reported to ed the bridge, but the biggage and passenger blame for the failure of the Greily relief expe- iDanlel Hiscock and W. B. Smith lis joke, whereat the passengers roared have occurred during the night and morning ears went down into the water, and are a total which the grasp of the law was loosened from dition. .OFFICERS—Christian Mnc't. President; VV frequent remark of Mr. Anthony since Cedar Springs invites capitalists to come again, and a woman of Samaria, who at several places along the coast. Tbe weath- wreck. About twenty passengers were the throats of the gamblers of St. Louis. v* Wines. Vice-Presid'-nt: <'. 15. Iliscock, Cashier there and start a national bank. aboard. Three passengers were instantly kill- Iowa has just discovered that 6he has re- Miss Emily Faithful is again ou her way to he rallied from his severe illness of last va3 going down to have her sandals er is oppressive. the United States on a lecturing tour. Cbaunjeey W. Calkins, superintendent of the c 1, and the others seriously injured. ceived 200,000 acres of public lands more than summer. "While Senator Anthony is c an lalf soled and heeled, observed between SHOVERS OF THE QUEER. >elon£ed to her, and when the thing is settled An insurrection led by women was suppress- poor for 4i' S county, has been arrested for Secret service officials report the arrest at IN THE BANK'S FAVOR. Set You! Property Insured Bylikely to die suddenly any day," said sending paupers to JCcnt county to be cared her screams of merriment that "it was up there will be a great shaking of titles in ed in Portugal. iretty good." Grand Forks, D. T., of three men supposed to In tbe suit of the Muskegon, Mich., National some eases. his friend, "it is fairly probable that his for. have been engaged in printing and circulating bank against the Northwestern mutual life in- The word "obey" has been stricken from the Mra. L. H. Stevens, having twice mar»i>'d "When I came up froni Jerusalem," spurious ten-dollar silver certificates. The The Brooklyn bridge has settled four feet marriage service by a Methodist congregation C. H, MILLEN, surance company of Milwaukee for the re- since its opening. desire to come t» Washington and enter the same man, has just secured her second di- onlinued the fat Sheik, emboldened bv chase made by the secret service was a pro- sovery of $20,000 Insurance ou the life of Erwin in Canada. INSURANCE AGENT formally upon his fifth term of service vorce from him at Grand Rapids, $1,500 being lis former success. "I stopped at the longed one. It was learned that various par- Comstock, formerly cashier of the bank, Trains leaye Toledo, some by Ann Arbor Butterworth, the new commissioner <.S pat- No 4 Soul!' Maiu St., Ann Arbor. will be gratified. His friends all hope awarded her. She lived with her husband in estauraut for dinner. What do i ties on the line of the Northern Pacific Railwav he jury rendered a verdict of $22,905 for the ,ime, some by Columbus, some by Chicago, and ents, is 44 years old. all, 14 years. hink they had?" had been victimized, and following the clue >anK. The insurance company sought to prove some by Toledo time. Co'i. Bob Ingersol says of the supreme court so and ii£ speni3 to expect it. There is the Federal detectives were led to suspect a hat Comstock was an habitual drunkard and Charles Dudley Warner, one of America's decision on the civil rights bill: "It gives away The oldest agency in the city. Established a Members of the Peninsular club at Grand man named James McGovern, a timber explor quarter of a century ago. Representing the fol- no man in the feenalp now who was a Rapids, of which deceased was a member, All hands gave it up with suppressed hat his death was caused by bis own act. most charming serial writers, will contribute to one of the great principles for which the civil enthusiasm. er who made his headquarters at Duluth,Minn. he November Century an article on the "Bull war was fought." lowing flrst-class companies. member of it when he wasp worn, March ire circulating subscription papers among the Three or four bills were heard of at Grand POLITICAL. Hotaelns. Co., of N. Y., * 7,000,000 jusiness men of the city for a monument to 'Boot leg far steak!" roared the Sheik Fight," with illustrations drawn from Hie by The widow of Prof. Morse, inventor of the "4. 1859, and of the eight Senators who Forks, D. T., where they had been passed by a Robert Blum. Continental Ins. Co , of N. Y. 4,207,206 he late J. Morgau Smith, the eminent Cosgre- 'and doughnuts made of rubber! What saloon-keeper named Chas. Chambers, who had THE RESULT OF AN OPERATOR'S NEGLECT". telegraph, lives with her children in an elegant Niagara Ins. Co., of N. Y,, 1,735,563 began their first term of service on that ;ational pastor. It is proposed to raise $1,500 lo you think the pie was composed of?" recently removed from Duluth and A terrible awident occurred on the East W. K. Lewis, a prominent Democratic poli rural home in the suburbs of Pougbkeepsie Girard Ins. Co., of Pljila.. 1,132,486 or the purpose. started a grocery in partnership with McGo"- Tennessee, Virginia* Georgia Railroad. Two ;ician ef West Virginia and a member of the Prof. Morse's son by a former wife was not re- day, he and Wiljard Saulsbury, of Dele- The woman of Samaria gave it np egislature killed a man in a quarrel over some membered in his will. Orient Ins. Co., of Hartford, 1,419,522 ^Patrick Cavanaugh, of Muskegou whom (J. eru. Chambers was immediately jailed at reigbt trains, while running at a high speed, ware, are the only survivors. Robert mploring the Sheik to be merciful. Dulutb, and a man named Walters, also put collided, four miles west of Cleveland, which jame both laid claim to in the woods aud fled. I An avalanche on the island of Sicily resulted .Commercial Union of London 12,000,000 (.Collins took for a burglar, and shot, died the in the death of five mer.. Toombs and James Chesnut, jr., ofother day. •'Spider webs, as hard as iron in theunder suspicion, was taken to St. Paul. By resulted in the death of Engineer John Barley, Edward G. Walker, the colored man whom rust!"protested the fat Sheik, and the searching the grocery all the paraphernalia for Tiremau Wm. Campett and Brakeman Lee Gov. Butler appointed justice of Charleston, Twelve bodies of victims of the Wharncllff South Carolina, who are both living, According the latest reports, only nine Mieh- yell of laughter told him that he hac carrying on counterfeiting was discovered, and Gehmen. A telegraph order was sent to and whose appointment the execntive coun- colliery disaster have been recovered. Rates low, Losses liberally ad'ust" were sworn in on the same day, but ;an cooperative insurance companies have also four copper plates for printing five and Cleveland ordering the west bound train to cil refused to confirm because he had been ar- Roger Minot Sherman, assistant United and promptly paid, •endered cheir reports to the state commisslon- made another ten strike. ten dollar bills on the bank of Montreal. The await the arrival of the east hound train at raigned In court on a charge of drunkenness, States district attorney, has applied for a Toombs had served one term of six years :r of insurance as required by the law of 1SS3, Abba Hassan approached the Sheik latter plates are fine ones, and mortised in Jleveland, but the operator neglected to de- says the charge is false, and that the records divorce from his wife, rue Florence Baglvould forbear being funny any longer. turned over to the district attorney at St Paul. to either engineer. The engines were nearly construction of a road through the Yellowstone recuperate. lrVU4 uwJ prepaid to any address their Benjamin also is yet living and he be- ing; National accident, Detroit; People's acci- - CATALOGUE "That's all right," persisted the Detectives relate that Chambers is a fine pen- demolished and several cars were damaged. Park. Fred. Williams has been convicted of the gan a new term in the Senate, March dent, Kalamazoo; Sons of industry, Detroit" man, and formerly employed in the Canadian The dead and wounded were taken care oi as Union M. A., Battle Creek. Sheik, "but just as we rounded the George Stellwagner, only 21 years old, has murder of Thomas Skobin near Medford, wenU leuits, Caps, lfclu, 4, 1859, but was not sworn until the fol- Pacific railroad offices. Walters is a native of well as possible. It was nearly daylight before Wis., in September, 1SS2, upon purely circum- , EpmluW, Cap-tamp* Michael Holland, a brakeman on the Chicago hore of Galilee, the conductor noticed Quebec, where his mother lives. McGovern the news of the accident was made known at been sentenced by a New York court to 12 SUDds. pfuiu Www'fi WatTj. and years imprisonment in the penitentiary for rob- stantial evidence. l'H»u, Sundry #»"0 -Gtutfit*, ltepabi" lowing day. He was first elected for & Grand Trunk railroad fell from a car a a tramp on tho train. He put him off at (tame from Montreal, where he is known to be Cleveland. The operator was one of the most Material*, ftko lot-iudas lnatruotop sod fc. the term which he began March 4, 1853. Charlotte the other, and both legs were cut of four stations, and at the fifth, by therespectably connected, his brother having held trustworthy on the line. bing passengers on the Rockaway railroad in ITIOLEDO, ANN ARBOR & O. T. H. li. jrcises for Amateur Hand*, «ad V*$ at the knees. high municipal and government positions. August last. 'A Ciiwea Baud Musiv beard of my father, there was the tramp BLAINE AND LINCOLN. Simon Cameron, Daniel Clark of New Ed. Crum, living in Vergennes, three mile John C. New, assistant secretary of the JOLUMBU3 TIME I • I • f\ fa people are always on Hie lookout northwest of Lowell, committed 6Uicide thi again. Then the conductor kicked him A FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT. The republican county convention held at treasury is of the opinion that President Ar- Hampshire, Clingman of North Caro- Norfolk, Va., the other day unanimously pass- Through time table in effect June 10th, 1883. I %• I for chances to increase their other morning by hanging himself in his barn off, and at the next station there sat Mr. Trougert, a section boss on the Milwau- thur will be his own successor. HH I JV I" earnings, and in time become lina, Jefferson Day)s, LymanTrumbull, ed resolutions declaring Blaine their choice for He ate his breakfast as usual, went out to thi the tramp on the back platform of the kee & St Paul Road, hisvife and baby accom- Mr. Dike, a Vermont divine, who has been GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. || | ^f 1B wealthy. Those who do not im Hannibal HauiHn, Yulee, IJarlan, Doo- barn, shortly after calling to his wife with soim president and Lincoln for vice-president. When prove their opportunities remain in poverty, last car. -where are you going?' asked panied by his daughter, Mra. Trougert and her the vote was taken the colored delegates rose gathering statistics, says that the number ot We offer a great chance to make money. \Ve remarks about his chores or work, and that wa husband and child were riding on a hand car divorces in the nortern states has more than little, Gwin and Henry M. Rice, of Min- the last seen or heard of him alive. At nin the conductor. 'I have kicked you off in their seats and sent up cheer after cheer. ! want many men, women, boys and girls to work this train nine times.' 'I'm going to near Waukan, Wis. The hat of Mrs. Trougert Congressman Desendorf was a prominent fac- doubled ia the last 20 or 30 >ears. STATIONS. for us right in their own localities Any one can nesota are, the only other o'clock he was found hanging by his neck fron blew offi, and iu attempting to grasp it her ba- A son of Senator Vorhees, of Indiana, who

Express . 1 do the work properly from the first start. The a beam in the barn, dead. Justice Hunter, o tor in the convention, and his and Mauone's m s survivors of that Senate, which num- Jerusalem, if raypant s hold out!" re- by slipped out of her hands in front of the car. relations ta the convention give it almost a has for sometime been living in N ew York, has- H business will pay more than ten times ordinary Lowell, was summoned to hold an inquest. Th plied the tramp. The child caught in the gear wheels and was b -u I'M Lv Toledo Ar U) UIAM 5 SH r.v wages. E rpensive outfits furnished free. No bered sixty-two members. verdict of tbe jury was in accord with the abov national importance, when the situation of become deranged, and has been sent to a place 5 25 " 8 40 " Manhatten Jet !) 54 " 5 13 " instantly killed. The car was thrown from of safety. 6 33 " 8 47 " L Alexis Jet. 1144 " 5 04 " one who engages fails to make money rapidly. facts. He was the son of Abraham Crum, o Abba Hassafi stroked his stomach and parties at Washington is considered. 0 08 " 9 29 " Monroe Jet. SI 10 " 4 26 " You can devote your whole time to the work, or the track, and those upon it hurled some dis- Vereennes, one of the first settlers of Ken yelled with delight, while the woman of tance. Both women were probably fatally in Charles E. Burdette, a brother of the humor 6 14 " a to " Dundee 8 00 " 4 18 " lOnly your spare moments. Full information and ist, sailed for Yura, India, a few days ago, to 6 2S " '.I 51 " Aiallla 8 50 " 4 05 " M that is needed sent free. Address From statistics gathered by the Drain- county. Samaria remarked to a prodigal son on jured, and the other child will die. STRANGE SUICIDE. engage in missionary work. 42 " io ot; •' Milan 8 3T " 3 50 " STINSON&CO. Portland. Me The supreme court isnowwrestlini; with th his way home that if the fat Sheik DADLY BRUISED. 6 56 " 10 19 '• Urania 8 20 •• age Journal it appears that on July 1 auestioE of the governor's rieht to remov There was a startling sensation in Upper San- Senator Bayard does not regard Gen. Butler 7 05 '• 10 X " Plttstiold 8 08 " a;s m28 •••• g\ am f\ •• not, life is sweeping by ; go and there were 1,934 tile factories in this Trustee Willson from the Flint" Institution. didn't stop befere long, she would have A train on the Southwest Road was ap- dusky, Ohio, a few nights ago, in the deliberate ae a true Democrat, and says the Democratic 1 17 '• 10 85 " Ar Ann Arbor 1 56 " ;i 15 " suicide of Fowler Berry, senior partner 8 00 " 11 20 " !Ar South Lyon L.V 7 20 " 2 40 ' 1JI I* I dare, before you die, something eountry, mostly at the west, with capi The recent heavy rains have done wonder to get her corsets half soled with her proaching Lemount station, four miles north Darty cannot trust a man whoso treacherously W\ r Jk I mighty and sublime ; leave be tal of |6,3S9,281, and employing 12,107 sandals. of UniontownPenn., when it was run into by of the dry goods firm of Berry and, so it pays back in jokes as nothing about his business, and was running lady of that city. About eix o'clock in the startled the crossers on the bridge. She lost Ann Arbor wild Michigan (Jen K'y, at Soulh l.yon fay. Reader, if you want business at which you visors. He has held the office already 15 year at a rapid rate toward the crossing, when h« evening he walked into his store, and after all Ler top-galJant mast. The same day a three- with Detroit, Lansing & Northern K'y. an make great bay all the lime, write for the also given, and they show a great in- and gives the best of satisfaction. old as Christianity for the steam travel- saw a collision would be inevitable unless he were gone to supper, bolted the front door, masted vessel also struck the bridge and shiv- II. W. A8H1.BV, Sup't particulars to H. HAI.LEIT & Co., 1'oi-tlanid, M crease in this business since that time. Thieves stole Richard Trabbic's horse fiD lers of the day of civilization checked up. Instead of staying at his post went to the carpet room up stain, ana, laying ered her timbers, as the tailors say. \V. H BB-iNJTT, Oen'l Pass. Agent. The Jury System. FBOM the tone of the democratic press O. L. MATTHEWS- RAILROADS. in Ohio, it is safe to infer that Hon. Geo. Jtnn Jfrbor MR. EDITOR- I have heard good law- Attorney at Law and Notary Public ICTTIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. - MAO Pendleton will be re-elected to the Uni- M UN'E yers say that the whole system of trial HAS BEEN PROVED Real Kstatr, Insurance and Loan Ageneu ted States senate. Time Table tnklna effect .Tune 10th,189S. FRIDAY OCTOBER 26, 1883. by jury as practiced in this country, is a The SUREST CURE for Deeds, mortgage! and other papers carefully GOING KAST. complete farce. Now I do not propose rawn. Have houses and lots for sale or rent, AT the consecration of the Rev. Dr. KIDNEY DISEASES. r too exchange for farm property, also farms to arcue either for or against this propo- lale. Property looked after by the year.ta.ves entered Second CXam matter at the l>n*t Etenry C. Potter, assistant bishop of New Does alamo back, or disordered urine indi- 'i.r sMM*. * * i«/i>ci ij IWMTU inter oy ine year.iaxes kin Stool New Life insurance attended to. and rents collected i oate that you are a victim ? THEN DO NOT niii Insurance attended io. and rents collected Ofice at Ami Arbor, Mich. sition, but I do propose to criticise some- • . •easonabl i . • . . . . J L 1 Ie rates* . HavYT .*. e cit* . y property , thai t STATIONS York, forty bishops and six hundred £ HESITATE; uao Kidney-Wort at once, (drug- is given by using BROWN'S what the present mode of convening ju- Rista recommend it)and it will speedily over- he bought, on long time so thai a small sum clergymen took part in the ceremonies. come the disease and restore healthy action. dded to what you now pay out for rents will For President io 1884, FoT c IRON BITTERS. In the •v.v.^u uw ...int/ r"u infn pay out lor reins win rymen for our circuit court, and to show | <|#IJAC °mplainta peculiar ecurre you aa hom homee o off you your rown own. II represen represent tth thee You can secure anytbiugat the Store GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT HANCOCK. L(iUlvd« to your sex, such as pain Winter it strengthens and Jorthwestern National Insurance company, and A.M. A.M. P .1 ». P.II if I can, ihat the law is not complied THE Funeral of General James B. and weaknesses, Kidney-Wort is unsurpassed, lie Mechanic* and Traders of N. Y. Losses will Chicago clep i 06 8 W I 00 with in doing BO. Steadman, the soldier, editor and politi- as it will act promptly and safely. warms the system; in the be promptly adjusted and paid. Money to loan Tn i . 17 '.' US I 12 THE leaders and organs of the republi- Eitherflex. Incontinence, retention of urine, at six (H) per cent. -, 55 10 5 m The first provision of law to which I cian, which occurred in Toledo Monday, brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull dragging Spring it enriches the blood Office o i oan party are fond of showing wherein pains, all Bpeedily yield to its curative power. •orOffic. Miche ove. r Kinsey & Search's slore, Ann Ar- 5 If, and conquers disease; in the ir. Mich 8 II wish to call the readers attention, re- was the largest ever held in the city. 4S- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price «1. WM. ARNOLD,: Tolleston » •-'( the grand old party has reformed itself ; -, m Summer it gives tone to the 8 33 10 17 III is it :,•> but the masses of the party are fast quires the supervisor and township clerk The procession was over four miles long. Sam. B. Rovenaugn Poner 8 58 i, KIDNEY-WORT nerves and digestive organs; Tlie Je^weler, Michigan Cits •j a n ••' ooming to conclusion that it has notto act jointly in returning to the county Is now taking tin. Sew Huffalo 9 17 11 I 00 A Itlessiug to all Mankind. Coffee-tinted lace is the latest. The Tli ee O;ik5 HI 02 ill done and never can do what no party clerk the names of suitable persons from in the Fall it enables the A> cry's Id 1)5 In these times when our newspapers ladies wear it to the theatre. It matches In the wajr-of JEWELRY, GOLD and a ilien li. i., I SB their township to act as jurymen when system to stand the shock Dayton in :?1 ever accomplished. It will improve and are flooded with patent medicine adver- their escorts' breath. SILVER WATCHKS, FINK CHAINS, Buchnafln called for that purpose, but the practice tisements, it is gratifying to know to of sudden changes. 01 Nilea repent out of power and in sackcloth In the City at RINGS and BRACELETS, Pi.kagon u m and ashes. Its abuses will be reformed to n great extent at least, lias been for procure that will certainly cure you. If you are bilious, blood out of order, liver ADVANCED SCIENCE. In no way can disease be lienwood only when another party takes its place. the supervisor to assume the whole re- r>K. MOSES DAME'S (of tho old Murray Hill Drag Prices io Suit the Times, )ct::uli'i' 11 :.s 2 S7 inactive, or generally debilitated, there II 55 3 18 sponsibility, and return the names of Store, New York City), DOUBLE TREATMENT for so surely prevented as by Ground Floor Gallery. Solid Silverware, P.M. For all the republican talk about civil is nothing in the world that will cure Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever, &c Being the com- Wftttawsn service reform during Grant's two terms, such persons as he sees fit, without con- you so quickly as Eleetrio Bitters. They bined use of Dame's Balsam Drops (Pine Balsami, keeping the system in per- GOODRICH BLOCK, ' 10 III sulting the township clerk. The objec- are a blessing to all mankind, and can Ac.), taken internally, and the local application of fect condition. BROWN'S iumaeon I 58 with Grant as its advocate theoretically East Side of the Best Plated Goods, etc., 12 53 tion to this practice, aside from the vio- be had for only fifty cents a bottle of Dame's Inhaling Powder (not patent medicines, as IRON BITTERS ensures per- Anguftta ] m while practically he was debauching the Eberbach & Son. tho formula is on every package). It is indorsed lation of law, will appear before I finish and prescribed by the Medical Profession. A neat fect health through the AT BARQA.IN8.- service, what did it accomplish? After NKW COURT Maralisll Arr I -''I this article. Again the law requires that Catfish ought to catch wharf rats. and convenient Pocket Package, with both Medi- 10 3 31 "> 02 10 00 Hayes' promises of reform in the civil cines inclosed, price 75c Dame's 25c. (Balcftm changing seasons, it disarms 8 40 no person over 60 years old shall be re- GRIGGS' GLYCEIUNE SALVE.—The best 5 26 service, and orders issued only to be vi- Drops) Kidney Cure, for Catarrh of the Bladder the danger from impure iinji SI II turned as juryman. I call attention to on earth can truly be said of Griggs' and all Urinary Diseases. These aro sold and 7 25 6 10 10 64 olated, what reforms were accomplished? Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for positively warranted oy Druggists, or sent by mail water and miasmatic air, Is doing a lanre business in the Jitie of lat:kson Junct. 8 2111 ao Leon) . 7 42 this merely to show that the supervisor, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and upon receipt of price. TUB Jlo.ts DAKS CO., «32 None, as everybody knows. In Garfield's and it prevents Consump- : 48 in III Danbury, Conn. i ill ItlSCri I 02 r 57 as a rule, pays no attention to the law all ohm- sores. Will positively cure 6 :>i brief term Conkling's partisans were tion, Kidney and Liver Dis- 1 1H S 10 10 28 on the subject. I have thought ••mo- piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Sat- r 08 ousted to give way to those of Blaine. isfaction guaranteed or money refunded Can the policeman who chases and ease, &c. Delhi 8 21 10 38 times that it might be a question wheth- TOBACCO AND ami te»t your eyes, :md selec Arm \i-li >r i m 7 2S 11 S2 The claim that the party has instituted 0 nly 25 cents. For sale by Eberbaoh A catches a Chinese criminal be said to be Vpsilanti 7 f.i 12 03 er the judge himself does his whole duty the Asiatic oollarer? Denti •'• reforms, only means, when sifted, that Son. H. S. Berlin, Esq., of the GLASSES THAT PIT, and pay Dp Ian Wayne •) un< i ion i: 05 80B when he sees these aged Michigan patri- !l iJO criminality has become so open and fla- Everv man has three characters—that well-known firm of H. S. cy prici'. Best Pobble Glasses, clear a! hettrl'Orn i; 0(1 i 8 20 A.M. archs filing into the jury box, in viola- BprftigireJta 6 201 B 35 10 CI grant that it can not be i?nored. Dis- which he exhibits, that which he has and City Scavenger. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le tion of law, without a word of protest that which he thinks he has. crystal, and WARRANTED. Detroit Arr (1 :W li 50'10 20 12 10i 6 W 8 a) X 00 missals follow, but new disclosures fol- The undersigned offers his services as Droit Building, Washing- GOING WEST. low these, and the public is continually on his part. No doubt, as a rule, they GRAVE ROBBERS.—Of all classes of Scavenger. Vaults, Cesspools, &c, clean- make excellent jurymen, for people the professional grave robbers ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th, In fact he is GIVING GOODS advised of enough to show that more re- are the most despised. He robs us of ed to order or by the season, at reasona- 1881: mains behind. Grantism was followed "Their heads are silver'd o'er with age our dear friends for a few dollars. Howble prices. House drains made to order. AWAY. If you don't believe it STATIONS. by Hayes and fraud, by the reward of And lone experience has made them sage." different is the new grave robber, Dr. Gentlemen : I take pleas- 36 South Main Street, Vaults made. Orders may be left at 47 ure in stating that I have used the vile tools by which the fraud was But the law is against them and should Bigelow'g Positive Cure, which robs South Thayer street, or made through ask him. graves of thousands of consumptives. Brown's Iron Bitters for ma- ANN ARBOR, - MICH PMPM M I'M consummated and the induction into either be enforced or repealed. I hope laria and nervous troubles, This unequaled remedy for coughs, colds the postoffice. Work will be done as Detroit 2 il The great Summer Appetizer,.$1.00 •!• political and looked better. Bad as was ties, but as a rule, by the time his term Men are geese, women are ducks, and eompanyiiig the same, and there being no« • -: HI :. 57 Have your druggist order, if he has to keep in stock all kinds 2 :;i; t> 1(1 the Zack Chandler rule which ushered expires they will correct themselves and birds of a feather flock together. A Texas hen has set for three days on claimed to be aue on said note and mortgage Duwag)9o t) 22 not in stock, of the sum of seven thousand two hundred and sev PokagoD I 86 AM in Hayes, and detestible aa was the cor- send some fool in his place. Every color of the Diamond Dyes is a nest full of hail stones and hatched on enty-ftve dollars (.37.275.) Notice is therefor NUea .. 13 8 B 157 hereby given, that said mortgage will bo fore Buchanan 7 19 I OB rupt carpetbag ring that demanded and perfect. See the samples of the colored CHARLES F. RISLEY, NEW YORK SMOKERS' ARTICLES! nayton I II But I must get back to the jury ques- cloth at the druggists. Unequalled for a cyclone. She has not been seen since closed on Saturday, the tenth day of Novembei Gniien I 18 received payment for its services, it was An eminent historian traces baseball And tho choicest Brands of Chow- A. D, 1883, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of tha ATI rj a tion. Now the law rovides that if any brilliancy. back to the time when Rebecca went " Have you seen my dear Love?" sings dav, by saleat public auction to the highest bic 1 hreeoaks r «; i :;•» at least, low and sordid as it was, a ring ing and Smoking Tobacco, Ci- der. at the south front door of the Court Housi N.'iv Buffalo I ' S00| • 66 person shall request the supervisor t<> It is amusing to watch a cross-eyed down to the well with a pitcher and newspaper poetess. We have. He wa i -a :, 1.- 330 garettes, etc., etc. in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Was] ii. I 11 y of political adventurers. The worst caught Isaac. tenaw, (said Court House being the place i ( ... ., e 50 4 00 return him as juryman he shall not be minister read the grand old hymn, " I eating peanuts with another girl. i; it state was reached when a low, sordid, returned, and if any person shall make will lead you with mine eye.' holding the Circuit Court for said county), of th • i a 29 I. 25 — THE BEST— mortgaged premises described in said nuKTtgagi Tolleston 1 .1 II and corrupt gang of contractors secured " What is bred in the bone, will never or so much thereof as ma.> be necessary io sa Gibson's 6 15 application for him he shall be ruled out JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Hammonn ft d control of what was left of a great party. out of the flesh." But rheumatism, piles, DO~YOUTfr isfy the amount due on said mortgage, wit ii io 7 : 5 20 all the same. Is this law enforced? How Manufacturers of reasonable costs and expenses; which mortgage Twen malaria, constipation and all other con- J 50 6 0 Such was the end of reform within the many supervisors can answer this ques- premises are described in said mortgage -is fu tinents from derangements of the func- PAPER ? FIVE GENT CIGAR lows: All those certain pieQAa or parcels of Ian party. tion in the affirmative? And yet what a tions of the liver, kidneys and bowels situatein the township of Pittffield.in the count If nafc, and you are about to subscribe for one IN THE CITY. of \\ a.shtenaw aforesaid, and described as fo wise provision of law. What a grand will " out of the flesh" without fail, af- we invite your attention to the Thanking those who have patronized me for the lows, to wit- The west iialf of the west half < ter the thorough use of Kidney-Wort, Stone Sewer Pipe past 28 years in saloon business, I invite them the south-east quarter, and the east half of th uplifting thought. Rule out says the the cure for all such diseases. east half of the south-west quarter, and the eas GEN. JAMES B. STEEDMAN, who won law, yes rule out the man who would and all others, who indulge in the weej, to call half of the west half of the south-east qtiar&er i imperishable honor at Chickamauga, In a game of cards a good deal de- IDR-AJEUST TILE. and see me. section number thirty-two (32), in townshl died at his home in Toledo, on Thursday crowd himself in, unbidden, where he pends on good playing, and good playing ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT number three, south of range six I'ii east, <<>i HKNBY BINDKK, taining one hundred anil twenty acres of lain afternoon, aged 65 years. He was born may sit in judgment on the frailties of depends on a deal. All our Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, an juore or less. ^fBRAIN^NERVEF^^S of tomsual strength and light weight, which ma And respectfully inform you that No. 3 South Main St., ANJN ARBOR. in Northumberland county, Pa., where humanity. No need of his undergoing "A GOD-SEND."—The children of Isra- tonally reduces the breakage and expense ol Dated August 15,1888. Positively cures Nipht Losses. SpcimatoiTnea, he resided until 1837, and then went to the chatechism of the jury box, for he is el were once, fed by manna, sent from transportation. SOPHKONIA E. WHEELER Impotency, Nervous Debility, leuei.rrhea Bar- The ditching for this class of tilingislessexper It is the People's Paper Jlortgagee and assigne renness; and for all weakness of the generative Ohio as a contractor on the Wabash and condemned already. The law condemns Heaven. This was an undoubted case E. D. KINNE. organs in either sex It is an Unfailing and Posi- sive. as they do not require to be laid below frost Attorney for mortgagee andasslgnee. tive Cure. Tones up the debilitated system, ar- Erie canal. In 1843 he was elected to the of "God-sond." The amelioration of hut only deep enough to escape the plow. IT PUBLISHES FULL REPORTS OF ALL him and common sense condemns him, human ills and ailments has been often While this is more economical it also aid* rests an involuntary discharges, re ves Biental Ohio legislature. In 1849 he organized and why should the supervisor violate obtaining#abetter "fall" or grade-to the drain. J. HOFFSTETTER Notice to Creditors. gloozn and despondency.and restores wotiderfuJ and accompanied a gold-hunting expe- undertaken, and as often failed. Ely's IMPORTANT EVE& TS power to the weakened organs. With eaeh or- his own conscience and oath of office by Cream Bairn, however, "has been weigh- P1ATEOF MITJHIGAN, County ot Washtenai rterof twelve packages, accompanied wtth five dition to California, returned in 1850, ed in the balance and not found want- A full assortment of -Jl sizes, for Rale ia sin fa Washtenaw county. It gives a concise anil in Oss.—Notice is hereby given, that by an orde dollars, we will send our guarantee to refund and in 1851 became a memder of the pub- returning him? But whether the law is teresting summary of of the Probate Court for the county, of Wafehfc the money if the treat! I dues cot effect a enforced or not, the man who originated ing." It is a sovereign, speedy, certain quantities, or car load l"tp, at the Daw, made on the 25tb day of September, A. 1 cure. It is the cheapest and b"st medicine in lic works of Ohio. During Mr. Bucha- and pleasant cure for catarrh and cold THE WORLD'S NEWS, 18S8, six months from that date were allowt the market. Full particulars in pamphlet, which nan's administration he was congression- it ought to have a monment erected to in the head. Thousands of persons have for creditors to present their claims against tl we mail free to any address. Sow bj all drug- Foreign, American, Congressional, Western an estate of Jesse W Bradford, lateof said count} gists. One package ">IV: six for 12.50, oi-sent by al printer. In 1861 he was commissioned his memory fifty feet hich, and if he had attested this fact. " Ely's Cream Balm Northern. It prints. deceased, and that all creditors of said decease mail on receipt of price, by addressing the colonel of the 4th Ohio infantry, served applied the same principle to all town- is n God-seml," wrote Airs. M. A. Jack- SR YARD arc rniuired to present their claims to said Prt Magnetic Medicine Co., Deti )it. Mich. son of Portsmouth, N. H., on May 22d, 1HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN, bate court, at the Probate office in the citj c ^VChiaranteea issued in Ann Arbor byC K. in West Virginia, took part in the battle ship, county and state officers he ought JAS. TOLBERT. Agent. Ann Arbor, for examination and a!io\\;i iirr. o Holmes Cook's Hotel Block. of Philippi, and subsequently joined 1882. "I hud catarrh for three years; 3otled down for brief reading, and KITSS a fu, Has improved his or before the 25thday of March next, and tha to have a monument as high as that on had tried nearly all remedies, but to no "Tile, the Greatest Labor-Saving synopsis of the doings of the Legislature. such claims will be heard before said court Buell in Kentucky. He was commission- Machine of the Age." on Wednesday, the 86th dav of December j an ed brigadier general of volunteers July Bunker's Hill. Of course such a law, if purpose. Two or three times a week my It chronicles on Tuesday, the 25th flay of March next, at te nose would bleed quite freely, and I o'clock in die forenoon < J1 eaoli of said days 17, 1862, and was distinguished in theenforced, would have its drawbacks. No To the E&ttoTOf The C&ictiffu Ttilmnr. ALL THE HAPPENINGS OF ANN ARBOR JAMES E, HARKI.MS, thought the sores in it would never heal. DWIGHT, 111., March Ifi.—One of the strongest Dated. Ann Arbor. Sept. eS, A. D. lt<83. battle of Perryville. In July, 1863, he doubt some of our present uble board of The county seat, Riving full and accurate reports "WILLIAM D. HABKIMAN, Your Balm has cured me." This prepa- and m >st convincing facts that I have yet seen Judge of Probate. Manufacturer and Dealer in Si \ i, Tin and was placed in command of a division in supervisors would be at home like my- ration is not a liquid or a snuff, and is of the Circuit Court, Political Meetings, Farmers Granger's reserve corps, and it was at with regard to tile drainage is brought out in Clubs, University and School Matters, Eto., Etc Sheel Iron Ware, Pumps and Fun a<>s. Far-: self husking their frost-bitten corn in- easily applied. Can you, reader, afford the December report of the Agricultural Depart- Estate of Surah (*row. tit-nl.-ir attention paid to putting up the head of this force that he so oppor- stead of being here at Ann Arbor trans- to experiment with injurious snuffs and IT IS FEARLESS TATE OF MICHIGAN, C« nufy of Washtenaw tunely came to the relief of Thomas at injections when a pleasant and certain ment of Illinois. It is this: S ss. At a session of tho probate court forth acting business for the county. If no ACRKAGK. In its denunciation of monopolies, and all other county of Washtenaw, hokleuat UK'probaie of Chickamauga when it seemed as if noth- cure is at hand? Acreage in corn in Livingston County, burdens that weigh upon the People; and shows fice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday ing could stay the rebel tide that had all person should have office who asked for 1881 268,597 up all frauds regardless of who it hits. 1 An exchange has an elaborate article Acreage in corn in Logan County, 1881. . 140,859 the 10th day of October, in the year oiu< tiiousan day surged against " the rock of Chick- it, you and I, Mr. Editor, might not have publishes eight hundred and eighty-three. for amateur vocalists, " How to begin to PLACE OF BUSINESS JVfsent, William D. Harriman, Judge of Pro amauga." At the head of his division the pleasure which we now have of meet- sing." How to get them to quit is still Livingston over Logan 127,738 A. GOOD S'lORY bate. I am also the sole ageot for the combined the gallant Steedman rolled back the ing and talking with our excellent county YIELD. In the matter of the estate of Sarah (.row, a *n unsolved problem. Yield of corn in Livingston County, 1881. .6,983,522 Every week, and has interesting articles 'or the non-resident insane person. rebel horde, Thomas' army was saved, officers in their official capacity. Even Yield of corn in Logan County, 188a 5,070,924 young. On reading anv afforded the south to a learned judge, one of them asked a J. Wm. Hangsterfer sells choice Mixed BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, same, for the purpose of recording, within twen- Oto order with exact cost, 216 pages—large show that she is as magnanimous as she brother juryman who the plaintiff was I hive not been troubled with rheuma- Candy at 12c a pound. Choice broken AND ty days from the time when such written re- ones — 3,3O0 illustrations — a whole tism and kidney complaint since using And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Qualitv ques* shall have been served upon him. proved herself to be oourageous. She and which the defendant in the case, Fruit Candy at 15c a pound. Old Fash- picture gallery. Contains information will demonstrate, we have no doubt, them, and I consider myself cured. SEC. 8. If such grantor shall neglect or refuse gleaned from "the markets of the world. and he wanted to know what in the d—1 ion Molasses Candy at 20c a pound. All to record such deed, or deliver the same to such that while she could never have been EDWARD D. BURNHAM. kinds of Caramels at 25c a pound, at No. grantee, after having been requested so to do, as No oilier price-book in existence contains driven by duress into doing what was they had to do with the case anyway. 5 Huron street and 36 State street. provided in the preceding section, within the as in :eli information. Sent free to any ad- clearly wrong, that she will not be SHOP AND STORE time above limited, he shall be liable to said dress upon receipt of postage (7 cts). Let us For his part he was bound to give a ver- G. Schiappacasse sells Pure Cream grantee, h>s heirs, representatives or assigns, in tempted by the removal of all restraint dict according to the law and the evi- the penal sum ol one hundred dollars damages; hear from you, or visit us when in our city. into doing anything that is less than Candy. 26 and 28 East Washington :s< and also for all actual damages occasioned by Near Exposition Buildings. Respectfully dence, and the plaintiff and the defend- CARTER'S For a plate of Shell Oysters, either such neglect or refusal to the person or persons right. ANN ARBOR. - MICMIQAN entitled thereto, to be recovered in an action on ant might both go to h—1 for anything raw or stewed, go to G. Sctiiappacasse's, the case, with costs of suit. ITTLE on Huron street, two doors east of the MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. AMONG the thousands of guesses at he cared. He seemed to think they were TIVOLI BEER, Approved June 1. 1881. 837 & 229 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, II» Farmers and Mechanics bank. " what did it," none has hitten closer to some mysterious lobby members of the IVER J. Wm. Hangsterfer keeps constantly the-bullseye than that of Edward L. court. Now I have no doubt but that Commissioners' Aoticc. PILLS. eleven persons employed in manuf>ictur- TATE OF MICHIGAN, Comity Of Washte- Burris, who presided Friday evening juryman was a warm supporter of the ing confectionery, and sells the Candy The only kind on TAP in tbe City. S naw, ss. Tile undersigned having liet-n ap- at Retail and Wholesale prices, at No. 5 pointed by the Probate Court for said county. EBER8ACH&S0N last, at the opening meeting of the cam- supervisor who sent him there. Is there Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust paign in New York. The Sun says " he any remedy for this state of things? It Huron street and 36 State street. all claims and demands of all persons agalpst Dealers in the estate of Philip Winegar. late of said county spoke with enthusiasm and vim of theis folly in the extreme, no doubt, for a 100 CITY LOTS FOR SALE—All those deceased, hereby give notice that six months democratic victory in Ohio and of theclod-hopper to undertake to solve a CURE who want to purchase cheap ci iy lots are from date are allowed, by order of said Probate requested to call on E. J. Johnson, No. Court, for creditors to present their claims Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci- against the estate of said deceased, and that Drugs, Medicines coming victory of the democracy in this question which has puzzled the best dent to a bilioaa state of the system, such as Diz- 9 North Main street. Also houses and they will meet at the office of the Judge of Pro- state in vindication of the administration lawyers and judges of the state, but if I zineBS, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, lots for sale. E. J. JOHNSON. bate, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, And a fine lot of P:iin in the Side, f the best The undersigned has opened a AND 1 quakes, the like of which has not been his complete control of his own sworn HEAD Scranton Coal, and is now ready to take coal and wood yard at the foot of seen for many years, for many decades, assessment roll. He meakly submitted, Ache they wonldbealmost priceless to those who orders for fali and winter. Price from ure ChemiccJs of our own importation. perhaps not for centuries. There was Buffer fromlhis distressing complaint; but fortu- $6.90 to 87.15, according to the amount Huron street, and next to the Toledo and he would do so in this case. The nately their goodness does no t end here, and thoso A full line of the terrible upheaval at Ischia, the who once try them will find these little pills valu- wanted. Office at Johnson.s hat store, railroad. Prices as low as the low- average supervisor will hang on to his able in so many ways that they will not be willing and at the foot of Huron street next to dreadful convulsion in Java and the sur- office like a dog to a root, and nothing to do without them. But after all sick bead the Toledo road. est. Orders left at the oilice at the lEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS rounding islands, the awful calamity re- short of a discontinuence of his per di- yard,or at my residence in the rear At list prices. ported from Asia Minor, and then there em allowance will ever cause him will- of the Duffy block opposite the ope- was the cataclysm in Ohio on the 9th ACHE J. HOFFSTETTER'S, ingly to release his hold. WYNKOT. I» the bane of eo many lives that here is where wn ra house, will be promply iittended instant. If twenty thousand survivors make our great boast. Our pills euro it whilo are suffering from the effects of the Asia Ann Arbor, Oct. 24, 1883. others do not. to. Are conliall> inviteil to examine our stock as Carter's Littlo livrr Pills are very email and quality and pi ires. Minor earthquake, think of the misery very easy to t.'ikc. Onoor two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or EBERBACH & SON. of the more than three hundred thou- THE republican leaders in search of an purge, but by their gentle action please all who ;«i South St., Proprietor. sand survivors of the late Ohio upsha- usethrm. In vT:;l8 jitxT) erntn; five for $1. 8old issue to try to appear happy in the hope by druggists, every where, or sent by mail. I«K mm f\ A WEEK, made at home, by the in king. W* # • 1 ilnstrious. Uest business now before of reviving a race question, which no CARTER MEDICINE CO, New York, Jm I M the public. CapitaT not needed; we longer deludes the black man. With WORTH SENDING FOR! ADVERTISING %if I tm "ill start you. Men, women, boys 1 THE eminent republican fossils who Dr. J. n. SCHENCK has Junt published m book on oontracts made forT.TI.S PAPER, which is kept and Kii'ls wanted everywhere f* work for us that for shelter against the democratic C, F. BURK1IARDT, j on filewit h LORD & THOMAS, Son is the lime. You can work In spare time or think to stay advancing democracy with give your whole attention to the business. >'o gale they are like a man out in a West HOLE8ALE and Retail'manufacturer of DISEASES OF THE LUNGS ANN ARBOR, MICH, Advertising Agents, Chicajjo, ill ft revival of the race sectional issue, real- Harness and Collars, Saddles other business will pay you nearly as well. No India cyclone with a re-covered parasol. anwd Bridles. Also dealer InTrunks, valu- «N0 HOW TO CURE THLJVI Aicciif • wunlrd. ••> » I»u.f INIIIIO aril. in (all I" make enormous pay by engag- ize the orator's figure of damming up which Is offered FREE, postpaid,to all applicants. & QP a week in your own tOWD. Terms and $5 A WEEK 12a da a t WmirVw IIOISKIKH.I1 \KTI; ing at once. Cosily outfits and terms free- They have really failed to measure the es, Whips. Blankets, BrtMhen, &c.,&c Repair- It Contains valuable information for all who tmpj 'One C71 - t i home easily OEfes mid PLATFORM KAMII/S Money made fast, easily and honorably. the Nile with bullrushes. ing 'lon<> neatly. No, 4 Huron street, themselves afflicted with,or liable to any disease of 4>DO outfits free. Address II. Hallett & Co,.J> / / made. Costly outSts free. Address True SCALE. Walghl gp lo !» H-s. Prioa, Address TRUE r. J. H. 8CIIENCK * RON, Philadelphia. Pa. iStcti* if you wish English or Gentian Book.) F & A. tm. The juvenile tempei ance union meets IVrnonal Mention. The paradox of paradoxes is that in every Tuesday afternoon in Crop •>'•• I rank Bancroft is tending bar in Yp the marriage ceremony the woman T^SABBOR COMMANDEKY NO. 18K.T. hall. At the last meeting the cluldre doesn't get in any more talk than the A'tieeular (-'""clave held the first Tuesday were addressed by Dr. Conway. silanti. VISIT * Sitof each month al theAsylum, In Masonic Hiram Kittredge is visiting in Alpena man. J'li .,7 r.80 o'clock. W. 1>. HARRIMAK, K. •', Cornelius Gillispie of the sixth ward Excited Thousands. "„" \ Ti'LCHARD. Recorder. was taken to Pontinc by offioer Gidle, county. Herbert Randall left for New York All over the land are going into ecsta- I rENAW CHAPTER, No. «, R. A. M.— Wednesday, having been committed t sy over Dr. King's New Discovery foi i\ Regular convocation al Masonic II.ill "ii the asylum-by Judge Hammm. Monday. Monday evenings on or preceding each lull Consumption. Their unlooked for re- Soon. Visiting com John O'Hara, Jr., who contested hi Mack & S 'baud's store is now heatec covery by the timly use of this great life fat tier's will and appealed from the de by steam. saving remedy, causes them to go nearly "I. BOATH. Sec'y. cision of the judge of probate, has v it li [>r. |j. I). White has moved over E wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to TTfii I>KN RULE LODOE So. 158, F .V A.. MM.. drawn the suit and paid the coats. D;ilIV's store. positively cure severe coughs, colds, (-TRaeular moetinesai Masonic Hall. Thurs- asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarse- ^ eveningWMMIIKSOs iU or before thB lull of the moon. The pomological soeietv will hole Pat lioonoy'u combination stopped a BENUENJJ p WATTg w M their monthly meeting Nov. 3. The «ub the St. J aim <'. ness, loss of voice, or any affection of the The Famous One Price Clothing House! N n. GATJB, Beo'y. ject for discussion will be the biismes C. E. Solmes of Toledo, was in thethroat und lungs. Trial bottles free at of season work among the tne-i in Xo Eberbach old iver. Prepared in dry and liquid form. Savings bank policies are as fine a con- riend. Geo. darken. tract as any company in the Uniteu Some people have no more sense than IS. F. J States issues. Rev. Mr. Wolf of Fremont, O., has o ask a man who is addressed by the ti- Rheumatic Has the Largest and Handsomest seen in the city several da\ s counseling le of "Colonel " in what war he was. Hurz & Allison, art publishers of Chi- doctor in regard to his eyes. cago, has the thanks of THE DEMOCRAT The scarlet, cardinal, red, old gold, for a beautiful and faithful likeness of Dr. Jas. H. Contvay, who is doing tem- avy blue, seal brown, Diamond Dyes Monday Eva., Oct. 29, 1883. Patrick O'Donnell -the avenger. A live erance work in this city, mikes his ive perfect results. Any fashionable agent could sell hundreds of copies in eadquarters at the Cook house. olor, 10 cents. The Greatest Blood Purifier Known! this city and vicinity. H. W. Hawley of the Register, was a elegate. to Delta Upsilon fraternity con- It is said that Chinamen never clialk A positive cure for Rheumatism to»' l its various forms, viz: Chronic, HARRY WILLIAMS At the temperance meeting held in lieir queues when playing billiards. Silver &c Plated ^Waice, IE-bo., Firemen's hall Sunday afternoon, 894 ention in Marietta, O., this week. Acute, Inflammatory, SCIATICA, and MUSCULAB BHEUMATISM H. 0. Waldron, who is in the office of HE GAVE TTP HIS CRUTOHES IN THKEE NEURALGIA and G OUI'. ' MANCHESTER & JENNINGS' persons i-igned the pledge. The speaker, •VEEKS. Rheumatic Syrup Co,; BTr- nmmTin In the County I have alto added to iny stock a full and elegant line o Dr. Conway, who is now holding a series tie secretary of sfate, with headquarters An icfatlible remedv for diseases of the SKIN and BLOOD, such ;is IkilJiK, t Lansing, was in the city the last of EB, N. Y., March 22, 1882. I wish' to of meetings, is said to be an eloquent ay to the public, I have had the rheu- RINGWORM, ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, PIMPLES, champion of the cause. iie week. natism for fifteen years; some of the BLOTCHES, &c., &o. , GOLD PENS * PENCILS, lihas. Adams of Litchfield, Conn., who Howard Stephenson, one of the cir- ime had to use crutches to get around, tt restores the diseased Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, and dissolves and SPECIALTY COMF1 \ Y ! came here last week to visit his sister, uit court commissioners of this county, nd the past winter could not ge' out of apeM fram the Wood tdl the aoid Poison or " Urate of Lime " contained therein, Of the Celebrated make of MABIE, TODD & BARD, which I am bound Mrs Henry W. Rogers, died suddenly oors for weeks at a time. Have used vhich is the sole cause of all Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains. Manufactured by about resigning the office to engage to sell, and will give you n bargain in this line. Call and see them. Tuesday morning of apoplexy, the very business in Chicago. 11 remedies I could hear of and doctored RHEUMATIC SYRUP CO., ROOHBBTKS, N. Y. For sale everywhere. Send for 1 day he intended to start for his home. Mr. Luther James and his nephew, vith different physicians to no purpose, fyeumi'tie Si/nip r,,.: BUTLER, N. Y., Match 10, 1882. STAR ARTISTS! His remains were taken east for burial. Ir. Babcock, returned the first of the nd could get no relief until I commen- IB- IE . ^KT_A_TTS3 ed taking your Syrup. I had taken but (rents 1 take this opportunity to express niy gratitnde for what your Rheumatic Mrs. John Taylor of Whitmore Lake, eek from a four weekB visit to Boston Syrnp has dene for inc. Alter Buffering over one year with the rheumatism in my nd other New England cities. wo bottles before I could see a change. 10 South Main Street, - - ANN ARBOR. aged 35 years, and daughter of Mrs. Continuing its rise a few weeks, find my- shoulders, so I could hardly get my co.ct on without help, a friend induced me to Tin- show to please tiie people, Smith of Northfield, died Wednesday of Jos. Farall returned to Mt. Pleasant ry one bottle of Rheumatic Syrup. After taking it I could see such a decided a complication of diseases alter an ill- londny. Ho couldn't get along without elf walking without crutch or cane, Don't fall fcose e them. ^y one troubled with rheumatism iiftnga that I eoininurd iis use a short time and it cured me. ness of four months. Funeral to-day at live paper, and subscribed and paid bould take Rheumatic Syrup and be ten o'clock from the Catholic church in r THK DEMOCUAT for one year. ured, for it is a positive cure. J. B. F. WAGNER * BR. AilniHsi" i. 76, 50"and 33 cents. No extra charge Northfield, Bishop Edw >rd De Schwemitz of the MANUFACTURERS OF for Reserved Seats, now on sale at Bliss & Son's On the night that the Lyceum theitre loravian church, Beihaleam, Pa., was Rheumatic Syrup Co.: SonTH Bux- jewelry store. was destroyed by lire iu Chicago, the the city last week, the guest of his EK, March 10, '82. Gents—This is to Manchester & Jennings comedy compa- ousin, E. K. Frueauff. He left for the ertify that I have had rheumatism for ny was playing to a crowded house. est Friday on his official vacation tour. Friends of THE DEMOCRAT, wbQ have business everal years; at times so I could not FIRSMLASS WORK OHLY at the Probate Court, will please request Judge The company lost all of their wardrobes aise my hand to my head, nor get my Harriman to send thoir Printing t<> this office. which have neen replenished with hand- Next Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, oat on witliout help. I commenced some new ones. Irs. Laura G. Fixen of the Minnesota aking your Syrup, and had taken it WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OP Tlie farmers living on the Gcddesburgh V. C. T. U., is to speak in the Baptist ut a short time when it began to help JOTTINGS. road have given iJOO days work toward hurch on temperance. The ladj comes ae. I have taken two bottles ami nm improving the highway, and without ighlv recommended by Frances E. Wil- s wall as ever. I think it has no equal any expense to the township. Tbi* is a s a rheumatic cure. ISKAEL J. CLAPI1. D. W. Voorhees in university hall tof ard, 'president of the N. W. C. T. U.» hint for farmers in other localities to do Lons. Geo. S. Barnes, Jno. B. Finch, Philadelphia ladies are learing base- night as well and we would then have better Ira. Ellen Foster, Supt. of the _N. AV. C. all; one of them has caught her lius- The first National bank is to have a roads, where now they are quite impas- '. U., and others of equal prominence. and out several times alread y. large plate-glass front. sable. Carriages and Wagons Win. Morton, a resident of this city for Infants and Children. Meeting of the Grand. Army of the Some of the officers who have had n t township since 18(i5, died Wednes- HORSE SHOEING and REPAIRING of all kinds. CARRIAGE PAINTING Republic this evening. their accounts cut and slashed, think What gives our Children rosy cheeks, A SPECIALTY. Give us a call before purchasing. We charge noth- ay at the ago of 71 years, leaving a wife THE NEW PATENT CastoriapromofresTMg'fstioii What cures their fevers, makes them sleep ; The sidewalk so long needed is being the supervisors should commence at nd live children, Dr. J. W., E. J., and and overcomes Flatulency, Oonstipa- 'Tig Castoria. ing to show our work. Shop on Second Street, between home and not draw full pay for days Washington and Liberty, Ann Arbor, Michigan. • rebuilt on Catherine street. liss M. E. and W. H. JUorton, and Mrs. tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, and When babies fret and cry by turns. Louis Habb of Freedom, died Tues- they did not work. Hut it is custom Emerson of Wisconsin. Mi. M. was Feverishness. It insures health and What cures their colic, kills their worms. F. WAGNER & BRO you know, and so it has been tlie custom DUST-PROOF day night ut the age of 42 years. orn in county Armagh, Ireland, March natural sleep, without morphine. Hot Castoria. of officers to charge. In fact there has 0, 1812, and came to this country with What quickly cures Constipation, The Homeopathic Medical Journal is been charging all around. is parents when three years of age, and tern Winding Open Face Case, Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion, to be published at the Register office. But Castoria. Entertainments and lectures for 1888- ocated in Wisconsin, where he remain- MANUFACTURED RY TirlK " Castoria is so well adapted to Children that Eobert Youngs of Stony Creek, is I recommend it as superior to any prescription Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, 81, under the auspices of the Students d until 1865, when he removed to this known to me." II. A. ARCHER, M. J)., Castor Oil and Paregoric, and learning tlie Saline baud how to toot. lecture association: Lecturers, Senator lace. He afterwards purchased a farm 82 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hail Castoria! GREAT BARGAINS! J. F. Stabler ef Foster, sold last week D. W. Voorhees, iVIatthew Howard, Prof. ear this city where he lived at the time to S. S. Curry of Marqnette, a 8280 Moses Coit Tyler, Hon. Henry Watter- f his death. WALTHAM, MASS. horse. son, Hon. Emery A. Storm, ltev. T. De The YpsilantiaD furnishes its readers CENTAUR LINIMENT—an absolute cure for Kheuma- Since the first of October Edward Witt Talmage. Concerts, by the Emma ith the following list of attractions to This case is formed in one solid piece, tism, Sprains, Burns, Galls, &c. The most Powerful and Pene- Duffy has received three car loads of Thursby and Minnie Hauk companies. e given in the Ypsilanti opera house ithout joint or seam, opening in front trating Pain-relieving and Healing Remedy known to man. sugar. Constable Palmer came here yesterday urmg the present season. "Hoop of nly, thus avoiding the usual Cup, and Two valuable Beadle hounds belong- and arrested three parties in the fifth bid " by Union Square company; Col- eouring greater strength and durability. er's "lights o' London", Frederick ing to T. P. Leonard, have diod within ward Cor malicious injury to a building, These Watches are all ••; '••'/<"". The a few days. and took them to Ypsilanti. The officer Varde; M. B. Curtis in "Sam'l of Po- evidently wanted to make a little busi- n"; Wilbur Opera Company; Tourists ezel, into which an extra strong crystal Albert Kayle of Ypsilanti, died Satur- peeialty Company; Jennie Calef in day. He had been night policeman for ness, for the owner of the property re- fitted with an especially prepared fused to make a complaint. No wonder Little Muffitf; Gardner's "Karl" coin- ater-proof cement, is attached to the over 20 years. any; Owin Fawcett in "Dodging"; FURNITURE! the supervisors are cutting certain bills. The corrected time card of the Toledo Flying Dutchman"; Bertha Wei by; ase by screwing it thereon, and thus FOR CHINA, Watches and road will lie found on the fourth page of The Chicago Inter-O cean speaks m Girl that I Love"; "Only a Miner's orms an air-tight junction with the body to-day's paper. the highest terms of Manchester Jk Jen- )aughter." f the case, which is proof against dust Crockery. Glassware and We now have telephone connection ings comedy company, that during their Field-day sports are to be held on the nd moisture. visit there they received a generous wel- with Ho well, the line being completed air grounds to-morrow. They will con- To railroad men, travelers, miners, Jewelry! Monday afternoon. come from a large and enthusiastic audi- st of a ten mile walk, catch-as-ciich- Lamps, Those attending the entertainment in ence. This organization, symmetrical an wrestle, hop, skip and jump, throw- iinbermen and others who are almost CARPETS k OIL CLOTHS. the opera house next Monday evening in strength and pleasing in personate, ng base ball, boxing heavy weight, oustantly exposed and who have to AND THE FINEST LINE OF present a programme of varied excel- ianding broad jump, mile walk, bicycle will be well repaid. lence. lake frequent reference to the watch, We have recently added to our Furniture Business ace half mile, mile run, lawn tennis, aese qualities are of the utmost, import- A. Y. MoLnrvre of Monreville, propos- The university rnlander requires a five es to put in 500 cordfl of wood in the ght -weight betting, three-legged race, hee. market this winter. cent stamp, tlie Argonaut two cents, ug of war '80 vs. '87, 100 yards dash, a Large and Complete Stock of Chronicle two cents, and the Buletin a o lar and elbow wrestling, deep kick, Manager Keech is having tlie tele- one cent stamp, whon mailed through ndian club swinging, one-fourth mile The following letters tell phone poles painted. Let tlu> telegraph J. H* k Son, the postoffice. It would be well for the in, fancy bicycling, clay pigeon shoot- their own story : company do the same. students to make a note of this and then lg and hurdle race. IN THE CITY, AT THE LOWEST 46 South Main Street, Dealers in Wednesday evening Pat Rooney's com- they will have no occasion to swear be- " VALDOSTA, GEORGIA, July 20, 1882. PRICE HOUSE. the Leading Carpets, Mats, Oil Cloths, &c* bination furnished considerable fun for cause the papers do uot reach their des- " I sold oneof your Patent Doat-Proof the boys at the Grand. tination. Real Estate Sales. lases about ten months ago, and the Co to C. M. Harris to Wallace k Clarke, ther day it came back to me with the O''r Stock is Entirely new and of the Latest and Most Desirable Pat- Wm. Lemon, who was killed by the By the carelessness of the contractor, roperty in Ypsilanti, 87,000. AMERICAN WATCHES 'rns and Designs. The Public are Cordially Invited to call and cars at Ionia last week, formerly lived who is building a public cistern near the equest to make it wind easier. On ex- Examine our Goods and get our Prices. in the town of Northfield. German church, in not putting up guards L. D. Ball to John Harris, 20 acres mination 1 found that the slem was c. 9, Webster, $800. STIMSON'S. In (4old and Silver Cases, in Stem Fred Stabler, who is shipping a large around the excavation, Tom ltiley, the Jemima Watts to Garry W. Densmore, usty, and I inquired into the cause of ANN STREET. amount of stock, pays the highest oash lamp lighter, and his horse fell in Mon- The gentleman stated to me that he and Key Winding, Manufactur- day night. The hole was several feet m t in Ypsilanti, $000. ed by the Leading Watch J. KECK * CO., price for hogs dead or alive. Conrad Krapf to F. G. Granprer, prop- vas starting some saw-logs that had Oomuanies Remember that Hon. 1). \V. Voorhees depth, and Riley was pretty well squezed rty in Ann Arbor, $1,430. odged in the bend of the river, when by the animal which fell on top of him. is chain caught in a bush ami threw SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. of Indiana, lectures tins evening in uni- It was with some difficulty that the John Harris to Adin F. Cashing, 25 For Sale Anil To Rent. versity hall on Thomas Jefferson. horse and rider were pulled out. ores, sec. 16, Webster, $850. iB watch into about twelve feet of John Taylor of Northfield, was thrown Consider Gushing to John C. Taylor, rater, and that he was about two hours The Manchester & Jennings specialty acres, sec. 17, Lima, $5,500. nding it. When he got it out it was Farms, Unimproved lands, and GOLD WATCH CHAINS. from his carriage on Ann street .Satur- company who will give an entertainment day and sustained slight injuries. Bridget Riley to Al! red Thomas, prop- (inning, and he thought all right. In City Property Of Standard Quality and Various Pat- at the opera house next Monday evening, rty in Ann Arbor, $1,000. terns. A Lares and Complete Assort- T. W. Root has a tax title on ten acres havo a well selected lot of specialties, bout three weeks he found that the Christopher Bower to Jas. Hogan, 160 tern was hard to turn and sent it to me. ment of of the finest land that was never s< en, in judiciously arranged programme, an en- ores, sec. 20, Bridgewater, $10,000. ALSO MONEY LOANED! Pleasant Lake, Freedom township. tire absence of anything offensive and John C. Taylor to Consider Cushman, I can say that the watch is all that Lace Pins, A. V. Bobison, in order to keep u|> an even excellence which thoroughly de- illage lots, Congden's third addition, lie company claims for it and rtvom- F. L. Parker, Dealer iu Real Es- with the times, has just received a new serves the liberal patronage it invites )b.elsea, $2,5(11). ICIHI ii to nil railroad and mill me.n. Ear Rines, hack from the east. It is a beauty. und recieves. This is the way the Free Lorenzo Beamans to Theresa Seamans, "B. W. BEN LEY." lale. Office: Main Street, opposite Several colored peopler from this place Press puts it, and the company which is 2 acres, sec. 25, townships of Ypsilanti Bracelets- attended the ball given in Saline last now in Detroit is playing to good house*. md Superior, 84,000. "CLINTON, IOWA, APKHI 20, 1881. tlie Court House, Ann Arbor Mich. Finger Rings, evening by their colored brethren. The following officers have been elec- John Campbell to Clara E. Doranoe, I wish you would send me a spring iroperty in Ann Arbor, $3,5(11). And Studs. Thos. Neat is going to erect a livery ted by the senior class, literary depart- or the Wm. Ellery Watch. * * By JU. IN. FITCH. bam in Ypsilanti 44x75, on Huron street. ment: Vice president, Miss Belle Hull, Jas. Hogan to .Uunson R. King, 74 he, way this Ellery is a watch I sold in Work has already been commenced. Hamburg; orator, A. S. Van Valken- ores, sees. 19 and 30, Bridgewater, $5,- your Screw Bezel Case to a farmer last HAIR-WORK' OF IVERY DESCRIPTION. URNITURE! (10. The reception to Dr. Conway Ssturdaj buig, Ypsilanti; historian, Hugh Brown, fall. The first of January he lost the I I siii- IN **tx. Silver Platefl Ware evening, in Cropsey's hall, called togeth- Rochester, Ind.; poet, Elmar Dwiggirs, Amelia Howard to Geo. W. Cadv, watch in the, woods, and found it this roperty in Ypsilanti, $1,000. Crimps, From the Most Reliable Manufacturers at er a goodly number of temperance peo- Rensselaer, Ind.; seer, Miss Jennie Em- week in about one foot of water. It hail Bottom Prices. The Repairing of Fin ple. * erson, Racine, Wis.; treasurer, P. N. Juliaett J. Wines to Arthur J. Mum- lain three months and over in snow anil Oiirlw, Sea. nery, Ann Arbor city property, $650. Watches is in Charge of Competent and A. H. Wood, who had worked for ,T. Lufkin, Normal I, 111.; secretary, Walter water, with but only slight injury to tlie Hair-Dressing for Brides, Skilled Workmen, at Fair Prices. Miller. Ann Arbor; marshal, Harry Bet- Mary Foster lo Richard P. Wanty, watch- only a hair-spring. A. I'olhemus off and on fox four years and ia sec. 22. Augusta, $4,000. Balls and Theatricals wed Friday aged 68 yeais, of a" lung ner, Mt. Carroll, III.; toastmaster, Wm. "C. S. RAYMOND.'? a Specialty. Savidge, Spring Lake. Carrie J. Wilraot to Arthur J. Mum The above were very severe tests, and trouble. mery, property in Ann Arbor, $650. CATARRH The Detroit Evening Journal says: demonstrate beyond a doubt, that for Friday is a very busy day for the \Aihlitiijftal [.oral ml Sooond /'(li/'-l Hair-Jewelry Braided in any Pai'n CREAM BALM Dining Room and Kitchen Sets, postofflces cleaks. THE DEMOCRAT, H. \V. Williams, Manchester & Jennings any reasonable length of time during Main St. - - Ann Arbor. specialty company, opened at White's which a watch might be under water it has gained an envi" Courier, Argus and Journal beiae (nailed Teeth Extracted Without I'ani. one door south of Johnson's hat store. able reputation on that day. grand theatre, .Monday evening, to a would receive no injury whatever. E&-7 will not lie ratpoiwible '"/• any work left \\ herever know n, crowded house, and for a week's engage- In eighteen years of experience in the We make these cases in both gold and thirty r srery- IS NOT A wuten to compel] the laying of several ence and sends even one to bed in the. hat 1 am offering my customers an ana- For Sale by all First-Class Jewelers, iling in the In fact, I have one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks of Furni- new sidewalks. best of humor. esthetic that is safe and reliable. W. W L1 (J I I 1> 0 It NICHOLS. (Mice over Fall & Hen- ture ever brought to Ann Arbor. •" . The remains of Frankie, child of Dan- Herald: As usual, the Chelsea cornet Irick's clothing store, formerly Joe T. Grocery Line. HAY"FEVER S n Llff 'ei and Minnie Sheehan of Niles, were band took the first prize ($5(1), for music; Facobs, corner Mam and Washington KIDNEY-WORT wwuglit to this city for interment. Fu- at the Stockbridge lair last. week. The Apply by the little finger into the nostrils. It will neral Wednesday. streets. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF lie absorbed, effectually cleansing the nasal pas- band is in a prosperousjcondition ha sages of eatarrlial virus, causing healthy secre- 1 have an extensive stock of UNDERTAKERS' GOODS, to which Warren Baboock, the popular hotel ing about $(5(1 in its treasury. With .. Sunday school teacher. "Now, litlle In large amounts, and al tions, li allays Inflammation, protects the mom- le,c new instruments, it will have a first- CONSTIPATION. branal linings of the head from additional colds, proprietor at Milan, now runs a bus from ioy, who was MosesV" Little bay. "The No other disease is so prevalent in this coun- comptetnly heals the sores and restores the sense I give special attention. Night calls promptly attended to. «e cars to his house to accommodate his class outfit. Pin. Whitaker has opened 'eller what married the fat girl. *• try as Constipation, and no remedy Jiaa ever of taate and smell. Beneficial results are rea- a billiard room with three new tables, © equalled tlie celebrated Kidney- Wort as a Casli Prices lized by a few applications. Patrons and friends. Baeklen'g Arnica Salve. C cure. Whatever the cause, however obstinate the basement of the McKune bl<.ck. F The bait salve in the world for Cuts, (6 the ease, this remody will overcome it. Andean Bell at Low Figures. A Thorough Treatment Will Cure. A. W. Polhemus was attacked Satur- says it will lie conducted on temporally 05 p|| CC THIS distressing com- The large invoice of TEAS they Buy ami Sell, is day by some parties from Northfiild and principles and no carousing will be al- Bruises, Sores, doers, Salt Rlieum, Fe- rEkbQi plaint is very apt to be good proof that in Unequaled for COLD in the HEAD, Headache, "~M7 near being killed. He is eon- lowed. Kempf Bros, are again in thever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- complicated withconatipation. Kidney-Wort and deafness, or any kind of mucus lnembranai • tlie house. blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, 4 strengthens the weakened parts and quickly Quality and Price they Give Bargains. irritation. Send for circular. By mail, prepar- A. MUEHLIG., apple business. Not many are marketed, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re- t8 cures all kinds of Itles even when physicians ed. ~>0 cents a package — stamps received' Ho^VT/T' in university hall, the but U. D. Streeter and Wm. Campbell And medicines have before failed. They RoaS< their own O>fTVrs every week, and Sold hy all wholesale and retail druggists, V Voorhe [Uixod. It is guaranteed to givy perfect ) 42r C int prime articles are used. l ( IU rs< h He ls of here. The price paid is about $2 pei PRICE $1.1 USE I Druggists Sell aan,?ud ?forcibl •; ,e ' speaker' " . '"' eloquent barrel for a good article. 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach Their Bakery turns mil excellent Bread, Cakes CHEAP'V/ IN~O- 37 SoixtlbJi Street. & Sou. and Crackers. Call and ge* them. -inti« NewTVst&Btpnt KIDNEY-WORT FORSHEE & MCMACKIN,Cindnnati,O. COLOGNE CATHEDRAL. evening I received a message summon- After it was over, sho disappeared, no HUGGING AS A FINE ART. went in and tackled tho lady. She was PISO'SCURE has saved thousands. It is the best ing me to her side. Mr. Leson-e knew whither, nor could the ut- a real good looking, red faced woman, medicine in tho world for consumption. We should avoid remedies which tend A Dangerous Case. most efforts of lawyers or friends dis- to aggravate disease. FKANK II. WII-LARD. ter's illness was very violent and proved A Chicago Parent's Sensible Ad- of about forty, and after talking with To make others' wit appear more than one's • • * KOCHESTEK, June 1, 1S8S. " fatal in a few days. Whatever the cover her whereabouts. own, is a good rule in conversation; a neces- Gone Never to Return. In the City of Cologne Vice to a Blushing Lover. her about the crops, and a few things Years ago I was attacked with the mostlnte trouble in the family, it was one of With the exception of a handsome like, that, and complimenting her on her sary one, to let others take notice of your wit, GARDITEK, ME. -Mr. Daniel Grey, a anideathly pains in my back and eaJJ Tolls In deep and dolefdl tone, legacy to Rachel, her husband had left and never do it yourself.—Sir W. Temple. prominent lumber merchant writes mutual affection, for his dying eyes Milwaukee Sun. looks, I put my hand up to her face and The Cathedral's ancient bell. sought hers, his hand claspeu hers all his property—which was large—to patted it, and told her she was a fat A good man's prayers that his wife had severe rheumatic pains; "Extending to the end of my toosanij No one living now can tell until it was cold in death. As for herhi, s wife, in charge of a lawyer friend, A queer case has just come to light in little rascal. Have you ever been in a Will from the deepest dungeon climb heaven's so severe as to render her unable to to my brain! she neither ate nor slept during the with particular instrtictions in regard Chicago. A young man spent an even- hight sleep. From the first application of the "Which mado me delirious! By whose holy hand 'twas rung ing with his girl, and during the even- railroad accident? No? Ever been in And brings a blessing down. First, when consecrated hung. time his sufferings lasted, but was con-to his wife, which the lawyer kept se- a cyclone? No? Well, you don't know —J. Bailie. famous German Remedy, St Jacobs "From agony. stantly with him, allowing no one to as cret, while he spared neither time nor ing, while the family was present in Oil, she experienced unspeakable relief If that ancient bell could talk the parlor, he was as "demure and bland anything about it. I thought the chim- "Allen's Lung Balsam," a name familiar and "It took three men to hold me on m. To the people as they walk sist in anything she was able to do fo money in his endeavors to find his ney fell on me, but I guess it was only dear to thousands all over the country for itsand in two hours the pain had entirely bed at times! him. And when all was over, he: charge. and childlike as could be wished. The a mop, but it knocked me under a soothing, healing and restorative virtues; gone. "The Doctors tried in vain to i 'Neath the great Cathedral's spire agony was terrible to see It was witb Years passed with no tidings mother came into the room after the table, and the pail of dirty water she compounded from vegetables and entirely fre me. But to no purpose. Looking at Its cross afire, difficulty I persuaded her at length t from the wanderer, when, one bitter family had retired to get a handker- from all combinations of opium or other pois The deuce of diamonds is thoir ex- chief sho had left, and the young man had been using to mop the floor rolled ons, it meets the highest expectations of the in- pensiveness.—Waterloo Observer. "Morphine and other opiates Blazing, In the sun on high, leave her dead in order that the bodcold winter morning, T received a note over on me, and I saw her step on avalids, and their friends. For Coughs, Colds, "Had no effect! Like a comet in the sky, might be prepared for burial. from an intimate lady friend and ac- was seated in a chair in the middle of chair and reach for a gun that was Croup and Consumption and all other affections important. "After two months I wa3 given npt» About midnight 1 succeeded in per quaintance stating that she would the room, while the girl was seated on of the Throat and Lungs it stands unrivalled When you visit or leave New York City save die! Many secrets it had hurled a sofa, and nothing that the mother hanging on a couple of wooden hooks, and utterly beyond all competition. Baggage Expressage and Carriage Hire and Froti* Its belfry on the world. suading her to lie down, and, exhausted call for me in an hour, in company and I nappened to think of my horse, stop at the Grand Union Hotel opposite Grand "When my wife in body and mind, threw myself on thi with Dr. Bland, in order that we might could see in the actions of either led and I rushed out and cut the halter, It is a wise horse that noses his own Central Depot. heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitten Silent in its iron breast, bed bj her side and fell into an uneas' go with him to see a sick friend, her to think they were more than pass- fodder. Eleeant rooms fitted up at a cost of one mil- had done for her, she at once got anfl Many joys and sorrows rest. ing acquaintances, it seemed to herand it is lucky for me that I did, for I lion dollars, reduced to $1 and upwards per slumber, from which some slight noisi Wondering somewhat, as I knew of just had time to get into the wagon Penetrating Qualities. day. European Plan. Elevator. Restaurant gave me some. The first dose easedmy Silently, those lips of iron aroused me. Looking around, I sawnone of our friends being ill I soon made as though the young people had met supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and brain and seemed to go hunting through before, but there was no evidence that ahead of a yellow dog which had me by The penerating qualities of petroleum are Many mysteries environ. by the dim light Mrs. Lester, standing ready, and when the carriage arrived the pants. As I drove off I heard the well known to those who have any knowledge elevated railroad to all depots. Families can through my system for the pain. in front of the dresser with what ap stepped in at once. We wore driven to they were very well acquainted. All of its properties at all. The common wooden li"9 better for less money at the Grand Union "The second dose cased me so much that! Onee for Charlemagne it tolled; night, after he had gone, the girl com-gun, and all I could see was three men Hotel than at any other n'rst-ciass hotel in the One for holy HOdebold. peared to be a bottle in her hand. I a distant part of the city, tenanted by coming on a run from a wheat field barrel will not hold it, and it TUES through city. slept two hours, something I had not done fop spoke to her, asking if anything was the lowest class of people, and I supplained of a pain in her side, and in the stone jugs like flour through a sack; in fact, two months. Before I had used five bottles r Once it tolled, when Frederic's grace morning a doctor was called, and hewith pitch forks, and the dog in thethe penetrating properties of crude oil is what Louisiana instead of making 300,000 hogs- was well and at work,as hard as any man could, the matter. She seemed conf asod, and pose I looked my surprise, for Dr road sneezing and picking pieces of my makes it so valuable as a hair producer. Car- head of sugar, thinks It will be 150,000. for over three weeks; but I worked too hirj Buried, 'neath the altar place, found that two of the girl's ribs were for my strength, an J taking a hard cold, I » put her hand to her head, then replied Bland remarked: pants out of his teeth. I swear to youboline is nothing but crude oil deprived of its WOLCOTT, N. Y. , Aug. 2, 1882. M Holy kings he thither brought, that her head was aching badly. I of- "You will know all soon enough broken. How it was done nobody I was never so scared in my life, and I odor and color. taken with the most acute and painful rhenma- Which, in far Milan, he sought, knew. The girl could not tell for the Gentlemen—I have been a great suf- tism all through my system that was evir fered to get up, but she begged me toMrs. C . I cannot bear to to' ran the horse two miles, and then Mr. Spurgeon's publisher is said to have sold ferer with rheumatiism and constipa- known. I called the doctors again, and ittm lie still, and in a short time returned to you." life of her, though she blushed when 920,000 copies of "John Ploughman's Talk." several weeks, they left me a cripple oi Once it rang, in merry mirth, asked about it, and the mother looked took out a pocket mirror and looked at tion; have been almost helpless and un- crutches for life, as they said. I met a frlrai Over Frederic William's birth. bed and apparently fell asleep. After At last the carriage drew up at th myself and I was as white as your shirt able to dress myself alone. I, like and told him my case, and he said Hop Bitten this I must have slept soundly, for when door of a miserable house and w very wise as she looked at the doctor. Once it rang for Frederic's bride. The doctor made some inquiries set the bosom. Did I sell a machine? Thunder PILES! PILES! PILES! thousands of others, tried many reme- had cured him and would cure me. I poohe* And it tolled when Frederic died. I awoke it was daylight. alighted. The Doctor preceded up no! Never took a machine out of the Sure cure for Blind, Bleeding and Itching dies I had seen largely advertised, in at him, but lie was BO earnest I was induced to Dressing myselt quickly and quietly rickety flight of stairs and into a roon ribs and went away, and the girl pro- Piles. One box has cured the worse cases 20 use them again. In less than four week* 1 ceeded to recover. wagon. I thought I was lucky to the hope that I might find somo relief, threw away my crutches and went to work But no writer ever said to avoid disturbing my companion near the top of the house. Oh! get away alive, Every hill I came years standing. No one need suffer five min- lightly and kept on using the bitters for &it, Tolled that bell when countless dead That evening the young man called utes after using William's Indian Pile Oint- but never until I used the Rheumatic was about to leave the room, when mj wretched, wretched place. The bare to I looked back expecting to seement. It absorbs tumors, allays itching, acts Syrup did I find anything that seemed weeks, until I became as well as any man Hy- eyey fell on her face. It frightened me. dirty floor; the uncurtained, grim, and was astonished when informed of ing, and have been eo for six years since. It Died for men along the Rhine, the extent of the girl's injuries, and them grangers coming with pitchforks, as poultices, gives instant relief. Prepared or- to hit my case in the least, and I confess also cured my wife, who had been so for yea'i On the rock, in ancient time, The eye, half open, were blood-shotten windows; the broken, smoky grate but 1 guess she told them it wasly for piles itching of private parts nothing that when I did finally consent to try and has kept her and my children, well anA' while the whole countenance was flush-with just a handful of coals; the mas wondered how it could have happened, nothing serious. Well, I didn't make else. Mailed for $1. Frazier Medical Company, hearty with from two to three bottles per yeip. At the stake, and on the tree, though the mother watched his face Cleveland. your remedy I had no faith at all in its That all people might be free. ed almost to a purple hue. of rags, on which, in lieu of a bed, la another break until I had got about merits, but I was very happily disap- There ie no need to be sick at all if these bfe all that was left of our once beautifu close as he spoke and detected not only Chief Justice Coleridge was given a reception ters are used. J J. BERK, Ex-Supervisor, "Good heavens!" I exclaimed, "sh a blush but a profuse prespiration on eleven miles from there and then I went pointed. To-day I am entirely free from And ne poet ever sang is very sick." happy Annie Le3ter. to a house and enquired if they kept a by the Bar Association of Washington at the pain, and can dress myself alone, and "That poor invalid wife! That throughout Cologne, it rang She extended her hand to me. I too! his face. She had been a girl once her- dog, and a little woman told mo they home of Secretary Frelinghuysen. ''Sister! And hastily ringing the bell, I stooped self, and though she had never had any can get around better than I have for a "Mother I When, along the Rhine, men eried— and tried to arouse her. As I did so, the , while unbidden tears filled my eyes had no dog, and I went in. She asked The only scientific Iron Medicine that does long time, and I have used the medicine "Strike for liberty I" and died. h (smiled. ribs broken she had been hugged some. me if I was not well, and if I had fallen rot produce headache, &c, but gives to the "Or Daughter! fumes of alcohol surprised me. I did no It was a trying position for all of them. system all the benefits of iron without its bad less than four weeks, and can truthfully '•Can be made the picture of health! When, Oh old cathedral bell, know what to think, but I proceeded to "Do not cry now," she said, in The father was away on a trip to Wis- into a mud hole, and then 1 looked at effects, is Brown's Iron Bitters. say that it will do all and more than "With a few bottles of Hop Bitters! Shall your voice of freedom tell'. bathe her head in cold water and comb faint voice; "rather be glad that a mis my clothes, and that mop water had " Will you letjhem mtfferi consin, and when he came home the Some men are as covetous as if they were to you claim for it. I am, yours truly. the tangled locks away from her face erable life is about to end. I neve spoiled them. Then I thought of where JVMES WEIGHT. B- Careful! When, Oh bells, along the line would have returned but for that. It i matter had to be explained to him. He the dog took the mouthful out of my live forever; and others as profuse as if thej The genuine "Rough on CornB" is made only Of the wide and winding Rhine, While I was thus engaged, eld Rache wag told that the ribs just simply broke were to die the next moment.—Aristotle. HAy FBVEU. J can recommend Ely's Cream E. S. Wells (Proprietor of "Kough on Hats") ana I entered the room. only a question of hours, Doctor: isn themselves and neither the mother nor pants, and I kept my shoulders against Balm to all Hay-Fever sufferers. It is, in my laughing face of aman on labelB. 16c. &25c.Bottl Shall some sturdy patriot's hand, it?" the wall, and began to get solid with opinion, a sure cure. I was afflicted for 25 Frazer Axle Grease is best In tne world. "Justlether alone, Mrs, C—", shi the girl nor the young man could ac- Frazer Axle Grease Is best in the world. In the German Fatherland, said; "sho is drunk, and that is all then The Doctor bent his head. And sh her. I asked about her husband and years, and never before found cermaneat re- Fraxer Axle Grease is best in the world continued brokenly: count for it, and "yet all three of them she said he wag sick and then I went in lief.—W. II. IlASKras, Marshfield, Vt. DON'T DIE IN THE UOUSB. "Bough on K*U Strike a blow and make you free is about it. O you wretched creature!' blushed terribly. The father patted his ALLEN'S STINGING, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney nnd clears outrats. mice.tiles, roaches, bed-bugs, lie. To ring for Truth and Liberty! "I would have spared you, dea to sell a machine. Here was a little she continued, addressing the uncon girl on the head, told her she would be Urinary Complaints, cured by "Buchq-Palba." tl. MBNSMAN'S PBPTONIZKD BKKF TONIC, the oal friends, this, to you painful scene, bu woman that I could whip.if worse came preparation of beef containing tts entire nutritlo i scious woman, "couldn't you wait unti better when sho got over it and then The certain way to be cheated, is to fancy properties. It contains blood-making, forc«-gene- I have a favor to ask. I want to be bur- to worse, who had a husband who was one's self more cunning than others.—Chanon. atlngand life-sustaining properties; invaluable fo' THE FATAL PRESCRIPTION. he was under the ground to make you; called the young man into the library. INPIQEHTION, DYSPEPSIA, nervoua prostration, and ied near my—my husband." She pausei sick, and I regained confidence and told LUNG BALSAM! OTTAWA, III.—Dr. T. A. Smurr. says: shame known? Now," she cried, turn all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled The young mpn was so weak he could Brown's Iron Bitters give entire satisfaction." conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, ner. "AnOwer True Tale.'' ing to me, while tears streamed down and a thin stream of blood trickled from hardly walk, and when he sat down he her she was a daisy. I said to her that vous prostration, overwork, or acuto disease, pftrtlo her lips, I wiped it off and she went on it pained me to see a woman like her, Sense shines with a double luster when it is ularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. CAft. Arthur's Home Magazine. her wrinkled face, "you know the lift took out a handkerchief and mopped his A Good Family Remedy! WEI.I., HAZARD & Co., Proprietors, New Vork. 8ol4 he led, do you wonder he was changed still more faintly: "Near him, friends endowed with all the charms of her sex set in humility. An able and yet humble man by Drugets Us. You ask me why I am so opposed to not at his side, ah! no, not there, bu brow and wished he was dead. The doomed to wear her life out on a sandy THAT WILL CURE is a jewel worth a kingdom.- Penn. the use of alcohol in sickness. You tell 0 ma'am! if ever there was a saiut on father looked the young man over and "True dignity is never gained by place, earth, that poor man that lies a corps< at his feet. I killed him. Oh! I who lov farm, in a God-forsaken country, when And never lost when honors are withdrawn.'* me that good physicians have told you ed him so, I killed him as surely as if was sorry. He finally said: sho was calculated to adorn a mansion. that no substitute for pure liquor can be down-stairs was one." "Young man, I guess 1 can give you —Massinger. I was so surprised and horrified had driven a knife mto his heart. ODr I told her her hands were made for Coughs, Colds, Croup, A missionary just returned says he found. That is, nothing that will stim- Blanp!—thatfatal prescription of yours some points on hugging. You must playing the piano, instead of working Dr. Meredith, Den- Jeremiah Wrtsht of ulate as surely and as quickly. could scarcely speak. first learn that a girl is not constructed ist of Cincinatti WPS Marion county,W.Va., regards Johnson's Anodyne Liniment as "O Rachel!" 1 said at last, "I neve If it had not been for that, O my God!' in a bread foundry, or washing red thought to be in the C writes us that his wife beyond all price, and efficacious beyond I do not believe it. But 1 do believe on the same principle of an iron fence last stages of con-j ( \ had pulmonary con- dreamed of this; how long has it been She half raised up, but fell back ex flannel shirts for harvest hands, or fry- sumption ai sumption and was pro- any otnor medicine. It ii adapted to a it is the easiest to procure, and whpre a or a truss bridge. A girl is a delicate ml was in- yI I hausted, while the pallor of death settle ing pork for threshing machine pirates, ducedbyhlss friends to f nounced incurable by great variety of special cases, and is stimulant is required it is generally going on?" piece of meohanism, like a fine watch, try Allen's Lung Bal- their phvsieian when "Why, almost ever since baby died on her wasted features. and then I chucked her under the chin sam after the formula the use of Allen's the best pain killer in the world. given because it is pleasant to take. But full of little springs, wheels, jewels', and told her she reminded me of thewas shown "him . ~We NLiung Balsam entirely • the idea that the medical profession is She was so very feeble, you know," said "Doctor," she gasped, pushing awaj have his letter that It cured her. He writes the spoon he placed to her lips, "don'etc. The breaking of any one of them Princess Louise. I thought I heard a at once cured his that he and his neigh- There are 380 grand army posts in compelled to make use of alcohol is ab-Rachel, "that the doctor said sho must would cause her to cease keeping time cough and that he was bors think it the best the state of New York. ,c have wine every day. Of course, no try to prolong this misery." Sheraisei bedroom door squeak,as I had my hand able to resume his S medicine In the world. iurd. and necessitate her being taken to aon her chin, and she looked around and practice. The most dangerous ferers are ty- Just now, however, I will give you body thought of harm until it was too her dim eyes to his face. "I forgiv jeweler for repairs, In hugging a girl U late. Poor thing! she did try to break you," she said, "as I hope, to be forgiven said, loud enough to be heard in the phoid, billious, malarious and gastric. the story of a friend of mine, as one of You—you," she went on, a word at a you don't want to go at it as if you were next room, 'Nathan, here is a man you These all originate in the stomack.liver my reasons for condemning the use of herself of it, but it seemed she couldn't. raking and binding, or catching stur or bowels, and may be easily prevented. 1 thought Mr. Lester would go crazy time, while each laboring breath grev want to 'tend to,'and just then the door CONSUMPTION. liquor in the sick-room. shorter, "did not mean, but oh! thageon. I know where the family opened and Nathan came out in his One of Parson's Purgative Pills each You remember meeting at our house He would try to scold her sometimes sits up late with a young cou- Wm. C. nigges mer- night for a week will drive disease from but more times he would coax her. ] daily glass of \vine; it found its way t stocking feet, with a blue wamus on. chant of Bowling V Wm. A, Graham & just before you moved West a Mr. Les- ple and spoil* several prec- Well, he was tho healthiest invalid 1 Green, Vn. writes Co. wholesale drug- the system. have seen her get down on her knees the hidden taint in my blood. O m;ious hours of hugging, that April 4. 1881, that he gists, Zanesvillle, Ohio ter and his beautiful young wife. You father! What a heritage you loft you ever saw. He was about nineteen wants us to know that T wrii es us of tire cure of The"^Italians dry thought their prospects for happiness before him and promise, with tears run- unless the young man has a good head the Lung Balsam has Mathtas Freeman, a FOR and pulverize the ning down her cheeks, never to touch child; but it might nave never been feet high, and had a foot like cured his mother of well-known citizen ' ... .« E S bright, I know, as you remarked to me when left alone with the object of hisa fiddle box. He had heard every consumption after the I who had been afflicted pulp of potatoes. the stuff again, and I believe she meant awakened if it had not been for that— affections, he is liable to overdo the hysician had given with Bronchitis tn its Rheumatism Weuralaia, Sciatica, COMMONWEALTH, Wis., July 30, 1882.. at the time, that you had seldom met 1 tried so hard—1 have suffered so—a word I said, as he laid there on his sick Ker up as incurable. worst fjrm for twelve Lumbago, BauKache, Headscne, Toothache, with a couple who were so attractive it, for she loved her husband dearly." matter to try and makeup for lost time. bed, and—you say yon never was in a He says others know- O years. The LungBal- Sore Th roat, Sivci I i i» a*, s pa-:s! n s. Orui*e* DR. PKNGEIXY: "It seems strange, Rachel," said I, thousand deatbs—my husband's feet ing her case have tak- sam cured him as it Burnt, M'aW>. Front mien. Please send me one more bottle of your Zoa and a apparently so well suited to one remember, re—" He seems to want to hug up a lot ahead cyclone? Ever been struck by light- en the Balsam and has cured man; others (Ml ILL OTUElt BODILY PAI.Y9 ISO ACHES. Phora. The one bottle I have used has donf another. Mr. Lester and my husband "that loving him as she did, she would and grabs the girl as though he wanted been cured. He thinks N of Bronchitis. Bo'd by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Flay Centa a Lo:l wonders. I have been under doctors' care, ning or a pile driver, or run through a all so afflicted should Directions in 11 i.Hngiiftgcs. o had been intimate friends for years, and persist in doing what she knevy, or at Death sealed her Iip3, As the Doctor to break her in two, This is wrong. give it a trial. THE CHARLES A. VOUELER CO. more or less for five years. Have suffered bent to close the gazing eyes and fold stoae crusher? Then I can't explain it (Sa«.»ot« to A. VOOlXERiCtu blilmore. H