Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 183

Maximum Principles and Sharp Constants for Solutions of Elliptic and Parabolic Systems

Gershon Kresin Vladimir Maz'ya

American Mathematical Society

Maximum Principles and Sharp Constants for Solutions of Elliptic and Parabolic Systems

Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 183

Maximum Principles and Sharp Constants for Solutions of Elliptic and Parabolic Systems

Gershon Kresin Vladimir Maz'ya

American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Ralph L. Cohen, Chair Benjamin Sudakov MichaelA.Singer MichaelI.Weinstein

2010 Subject Classification. Primary 35A23, 35B50, 35J47, 35K40; Secondary 31B10, 35J30, 35Q35, 35Q74. The text was translated from Russian by Tatiana O. Shaposhnikova.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kresin, Gershon, author. Maximum principles and sharp constants for solutions of elliptic and parabolic systems / Gershon Kresin, Vladimir Mazya p. cm. — (Mathematical surveys and monographs ; volume 183) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8218-8981-7 (alk. paper) 1. Inequalities (Mathematics) 2. Maximum principles (Mathematics) I. Mazya, V. G., author. II. Title.

QA295.K85 2012 515.983–dc23 2012020950

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Introduction 1

Part 1. Elliptic Equations and Systems 7

Chapter 1. Prerequisites on Operators Acting into Finite Dimensional Spaces 9 1.1. Introduction 9 1.2. Linear bounded operators defined on spaces of continuous vector- valued functions and acting into Rm or Cm 10 1.3. Linear bounded operators defined on Lebesgue spaces of vector-valued functions and acting into Rm or Cm 17 1.4. Comments to Chapter 1 20

Chapter 2. Maximum Modulus Principle for Second Order Strongly Elliptic Systems 21 2.1. Introduction 21 2.2. Systems with constant coefficients without lower order terms 23 2.3. General second order strongly elliptic systems 33 2.4. Comments to Chapter 2 52

Chapter 3. Sharp Constants in the Miranda-Agmon Inequalities for Solutions of Certain Systems of Mathematical Physics 55 3.1. Introduction 55 3.2. Best constants in the Miranda-Agmon inequalities for solutions of strongly elliptic systems in a half-space 58 3.3. The Lam´e and Stokes systems in a half-space 64 3.4. Planar deformed state 69 3.5. The system of quasistatic viscoelasticity 71 3.6. Comments to Chapter 3 75

Chapter 4. Sharp Pointwise Estimates for Solutions of Elliptic Systems with Boundary Data from Lp 77 4.1. Introduction 77 4.2. Best constants in pointwise estimates for solutions of strongly elliptic systems with boundary data from Lp 79 4.3. The Stokes system in a half-space 83 4.4. The Stokes system in a ball 85 4.5. The Lam´e system in a half-space 87 4.6. The Lam´esysteminaball 91 4.7. Comments to Chapter 4 92


Chapter 5. Sharp Constant in the Miranda-Agmon Type Inequality for Derivatives of Solutions to Higher Order Elliptic Equations 93 5.1. Introduction 93 5.2. Weak form of the Miranda-Agmon inequality with the sharp constant 94 5.3. Sharp constants for biharmonic functions 98 5.4. Comments to Chapter 5 104

Chapter 6. Sharp Pointwise Estimates for Directional Derivatives and Khavinson’s Type Extremal Problems for Harmonic Functions 105 6.1. Introduction 105 6.2. Khavinson’s type extremal problem for bounded or semibounded harmonic functions in a ball and a half-space 110 6.3. Sharp estimates for directional derivatives and Khavinson’s type extremal problem in a half-space with boundary data from Lp 117 6.4. Sharp estimates for directional derivatives and Khavinson’s type extremal problem in a ball with boundary data from Lp 131 6.5. Sharp estimates for the gradient of a solution of the Neumann problem in a half-space 145 6.6. Comments to Chapter 6 148

Chapter 7. The Norm and the Essential Norm for Double Layer Vector-Valued Potentials 151 7.1. Introduction 151 7.2. Definition and certain properties of a solid angle 154 7.3. Matrix-valued operators of the double layer potential type 161 7.4. Boundary integral operators of elasticity and hydrodynamics 173 7.5. Comments to Chapter 7 197

Part 2. Parabolic Systems 201

Chapter 8. Maximum Modulus Principle for Parabolic Systems 203 8.1. Introduction 203 8.2. The Cauchy problem for systems of order 2 205 8.3. Second order systems 217 8.4. The parabolic Lam´e system 230 8.5. Comments to Chapter 8 235

Chapter 9. Maximum Modulus Principle for Parabolic Systems with Zero Boundary Data 237 9.1. Introduction 237 9.2. The case of real coefficients 238 9.3. The case of complex coefficients 246 9.4. Comments to Chapter 9 249

Chapter 10. Maximum Norm Principle for Parabolic Systems without Lower Order Terms 251 10.1. Introduction 251 10.2. Some notation 255 CONTENTS vii

10.3. Representation of the constant K(Rn,T) 256 10.4. Necessary condition for validity of the maximum norm principle for the system ∂u/∂t − A0(x, t, Dx)u = 0 259 10.5. Sufficient condition for validity of the maximum norm principle for the system ∂u/∂t − A0(x, t, Dx)u = 0 262 10.6. Necessary and sufficient condition for validity of the maximum norm principle for the system ∂u/∂t − A0(x, Dx)u = 0 264 10.7. Certain particular cases and examples 269 10.8. Comments to Chapter 10 275 Chapter 11. Maximum Norm Principle with Respect to Smooth Norms for Parabolic Systems 277 11.1. Introduction 277 11.2. Representation for the constant K(Rn,T) 280 11.3. Necessary condition for validity of the maximum norm principle for the system ∂u/∂t − A(x, t, Dx)u = 0 284 11.4. Sufficient condition for validity of the maximum norm principle for the system ∂u/∂t − A(x, t, Dx)u = 0 with scalar principal part 288 11.5. Criteria for validity of the maximum norm principle for the system ∂u/∂t − A(x, Dx)u = 0. Certain particular cases 291 11.6. Example: criterion for validity of the maximum p-norm principle, 2

List of Symbols 307 Index 313


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Point Sets

Ω domain in Rn with closure Ω and boundary ∂Ω1 n+1 QT Ω × (0,T]inthespaceR 1 ΓT parabolic boundary of the cylinder QT , where ΓT = {(x, t) ∈ ∂QT :0≤ t 0 in 3 Rn+1 Rn × Rn+1 T layer (0,T]in 4 Sn−1 unit sphere in Cn centered at 0 16 n−1 n S− lower hemisphere {x ∈ R : |x| =1,xn < 0} 24 n Br ball in R with radius r centered at 0 27 Rn { ∈ Rn } +(ν) half-space x :(x, ν) > 0 , where ν is a unit n-dimensional vector 27 Sn−1 unit sphere in Rn centered at 0 27 B unit ball in Rn centered at 0 34 n Br(y)ballinR with radius r centered at y 44 Rn O O∈ +( ) tangent space to ∂Ω at a point ∂Ω77 D disk |z| < 1 in the complex plane C 148 C+ upper half-plane of the C 149 B Borel set in Rn with interior int B, closure B, boundary ∂B and complement CB = Rn\B 154 ∂∗E reduced boundary of a set E ⊂ Rn 157 ΠT set D×(0,T], where D is either a bounded domain in Rn or D = Rn 205 ST cylindrical , where ST = ∂Ω × (0,T] 237 B unit ball of a generalized norm 252 Sm−1 unit sphere of the generalized norm 253


n−1 eσ n-dimensional unit vector joining the origin to σ ∈ S 56 exy n-dimensional unit vector joining the point x to point y 56 ei unit vector of the i -th coordinate axis 60 rxy n-dimensional vector joining the point x to point y with the length rxy 154 Conv S convex hull of a vector set S 255 Span S linear span of a vector set S 256

Set Functions

B B⊂ Rn ∈ Rn ω(x, ) solid angle at which a set ∂ + is seen from x + 24 n Hk k-dimensional Hausdorff measure in R 154 n mesn Lebesque measure in R 154 P (B) perimeter of the set B in the sense of Caccioppoli and De Giorgi 155 n ωD(p, B) solid angle at which the set B∩∂D is seen from p ∈ R 156 ΨD(p, B) matrix-valued set function 161



Γ(α) Gamma-function 3 E(k) complete elliptic integral of the second kind 57 B(α, β) Beta-function 85 Jν (x) Bessel function of the first kind 100 F (α, β; γ,x) hypergeometric Gauss function 108 K(k) complete elliptic integral of the first kind 109 D(k) complete elliptic integral 109 W (q) vector-valued double layer potential 153 (n) W κ (q) vector-valued elastic/hydrodynamic double layer potential 153 E(ϕ, k) elliptic integral of the second kind 154 B χB characteristic function of a Borel set 155


X locally compact Hausdorff space 9 n [Cv(X)] space of continuous n-component real vector-valued functions on X which vanish at infinity 9 n [Cv(X)] space of continuous n-component complex vector-valued functions on X which vanish at infinity 9 (X , A,μ) space with a measure 9 [Lp(X , A,μ)]n Lebesque space of real vector-valued n-component functions on (X , A,μ)9 [Lp(X , A,μ)]n Lebesque space of complex vector-valued n-component functions on (X , A,μ)9 Rn n-dimensional Euclidean space 10 Cn n-dimensional unitary space 10 n [Bb(X)] space of real vector-valued functions with n components which are Borel and bounded on X 10 n [Bb(X)] space of complex vector-valued functions with n components which are Borel and bounded on X 10 n [Cb(X)] space of real vector-valued functions with n components which are continuous and bounded on X 10 n [Cb(X)] space of complex vector-valued functions with n components which are continuous and bounded on X 10 MR(BX ) space of all finite signed regular Borel measures on σ-algebra BX of Borel of X 10 MC(BX ) space of all finite complex regular Borel measures on σ-algebra BX of Borel subsets of X 10 [C(K)]m space of real continuous vector-valued functions with m components on a compact K in Rk 22 [C(K)]m space of complex continuous vector-valued functions with m components on a compact K in Rk 22 [Ck(Ω)]m space of real m-component vector-valued functions with continuous derivatives up to order k in Ω 33 LIST OF SYMBOLS 309

[Ck(Ω)]m space of complex m-component vector-valued functions with continuous derivatives up to order k in Ω 33, 49 [Ck(Ω)]m space of complex m-component vector-valued functions with continuous derivatives up to order k in Ω 33, 49 [Ck,α(Ω)]m×m space of real (m × m)-matrix-valued functions whose elements have continuous derivatives up to order k and satisfy the H¨older condition with exponent α on Ω33 [Ck,α(Ω)]m×m space of complex (m × m)-matrix-valued functions whose elements have continuous derivatives up to order k and satisfy the H¨older condition with exponent α on Ω33, 49 k C0 (G) space of real functions with continuous derivatives up to order k with compact support in G 33 C0(G) space of real continuous functions with compact support in G 33 l m [Wp(Ω)] of m-component vector-valued l functions on Ω with each component in Wp(Ω) 33 ˚ l m [Wp(Ω)] Sobolev space of m-component vector-valued ˚ l functions on Ω with each component in Wp(Ω) 33 [Lp(G)]m space of real vector-valued functions p u =(u1,...,um) for which |u| is integrable on G ⊂ Rn 79, 131 p Rn Rn h ( +) Hardy space of harmonic functions on + which can be represented as the Poisson integral 117 hp(B) Hardy space of harmonic functions on B which can be represented as the Poisson integral 132 BV (Rn) space of locally integrable functions on Rn whose gradients (in the distributional sense) are finite vector-valued charges on Rn 155 (k,1) m [C (ΠT )] space of real m-component vector-valued functions on ΠT whose derivatives with respect to x up to order k and first derivative with respect to t are continuous 205 k,α Rn m [Cb ( )] space of real m-component vector-valued functions on Rnwith continuous and bounded derivatives up to order k which satisfy the uniform H¨older condition with exponent α 205 k+α,α/2 Rn+1 m [Cb ( T )] space of real m-component vector-valued functions with derivatives up to order k Rn+1 with respect to x which are bounded in T and satisfy the uniform H¨older condition with exponent α with respect to the parabolic distance 205 310 LIST OF SYMBOLS

˚ m [C(QT )] space of m-component vector-valued functions from m [C(QT )] vanishing on ST 237


Dx (∂/∂x1,...,∂/∂xn)23 A0(Dx) principal homogeneous part of the operator A(Dx)23 F [ · ] 26 Δ Laplace operator 29 grad gradient 29 div divergence 29 C0(Dx) principal homogeneous part of the operator C(Dx)30 A(x, Dx) linear differential operator of the second order with real (m × m)-matrix-valued coefficients defined on Ω33 A0(x, Dx) principal homogeneous part of the operator A(x, Dx)33 A(Dx) linear differential operator of the second order whose coefficients are real constant (m × m)-matrices 33 [A, B] commutator of operators A and B 34 C(x, Dx) linear differential operator of the second order with complex (m × m)-matrix-valued coefficients defined on Ω49 C(Dx) linear differential operator of the second order whose coefficients are complex constant (m × m)-matrices 50 | | β β β 1 βn ··· Dx ∂ /∂x1 ...∂xn , where β =(β1, ,βn) is a multi-index of the order |β| = β1 + ···+ βn 93 P (Dx) of order 2 with constant complex coefficients 93 P0(Dx) principal homogeneous part of P (Dx)93 Δ2 biharmonic operator 98 F −1[ · ] inverse Fourier transform 100 (n) Tκ matrix-valued integral operator generated by the vector-valued elastic/hydrodynamic (n) double layer potential W κ (q) 153 P(x, t, Dx) linear differential operator of order 2 with real (m × m)-matrix-valued coefficients defined on ΠT 205 P0(x, t, Dx) principal homogeneous part of the operator P(x, t, Dx) 205 L(x, t, Dx) linear differential operator of order 2 with complex (m × m)-matrix-valued coefficients defined on ΠT 215 LIST OF SYMBOLS 311

L0(x, t, Dx) principal homogeneous part of the operator L(x, t, Dx) 215 A0(x, t, Dx) principal homogeneous part of the operator A(x, t, Dx) 256 A(x, t, Dx) linear differential operator of the second order with real (m × m)-matrix-valued coefficients defined on ΠT 280

Other Symbols

∇ku gradient of order k of a function u 1, 93 ∇u gradient of u 3 n ωn area of the unit sphere in R 3 BX σ-algebra of Borel subsets of X 9 |·| the length of a vector in Euclidean or unitary space 10 (·, ·) inner product of vectors in Euclidean or unitary space 10 |·|| | variation of a scalar or vector-valued measure 10, 12  real part 16, 148  imaginary part 16, 149 δij Kronecker delta 64 p ·p the norm in L -space 79, 131 ∂u/∂ derivative of u in the direction of a unit vector 105 n−1 Λp(u) best approximation of a function u on S n−1 by a constant in the norm of Lp(S ) 108 dx distance from the point x to the boundary of domain 116 QD(u; x) characteristics of bounded or semibounded functions in a domain D⊂Rn 116 n oscD (u) oscillation of a function u on a domain D⊂R 148 essL essential norm of a linear bounded operator L acting on a Banach space B 151 n vn volume of the unit ball in R 154 dist(p, B) distance from a point p toasetB 154 R(L) Fredholm radius of a linear bounded operator L acting on a Banach space B 197 CL continuity degree of a linear bounded operator L acting on a Banach space B 198 d[(x, t), (x,t)] parabolic distance between the points (x, t) and (x,t)inRn+1 203 ||| · ||| norm in the Minkowski sense (generalized norm) 252 ||| · ||| ∗ dual generalized norm 252 [v1,...,vm](m × m)-matrix whose columns are m-component vectors v1,...,vm 256 ∅ empty set 292


m-bipyramid, 5, 255, 272, 275 operator, 176 m-crosspolytope, 255, 275 Bitsadze, A.V., 29, 52, 298 m-parallelepiped, 5, 269, 274 Border, K.C., 20, 297 m-polytope, 255, 264, 265, 272 Borel, E., 114, 148, 298 m-pyramid, 5, 255, 272 Borel σ-algebra, 10 Agmon, S., 24, 37, 75, 80, 90, 95, 97, 100, finite regular measure, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 104, 297 24, 56 Aizenberg, L., 149, 297 function, 10, 12, 15, 16 Akhmerov, R.R., 198, 305 set, 9, 24, 56, 65, 151, 152, 154–156, 158, Akilov, G.P., 20, 300 161–163, 170, 233 Albinus, G., 75, 76, 297 Borel-Carath´eodory inequality, 148 Alexandrov, A.D., 53, 297 Boundary Alexandrov-Bakelman maximum principle, integral equations, 4, 64, 151, 183, 200, 53 299, 305 Alikakos, N., 276, 297 integral operators, 4, 151, 153, 198, 200, Aliprantis, C.D., 20, 297 300 Amann, H., 276, 297 Boussinesq matrix, 174 Angell, T.S., 200, 297 Brychkov, Yu.A., 109, 121, 138, 139, 144, Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to 304 elliptic systems, 77 Burago, Yu.D., 151, 152, 199, 200, 298 Atkinson, F.V., 198, 297 Burchuladze, T.V., 64, 91, 173, 174, 177, Auscher, P., 249, 297 183, 301 Auxiliary algebraic inequality, 124 Burckel, R.B., 149, 298 Aytuna, A., 149, 297 Burgeth, B., 148, 298 Busemann, H., 260, 298 B´enilan, Ph., 249, 297 Bakelman, I.J., 53, 297 Caccioppoli, R., 151, 155 Banach, S., 20 Cannarsa, P., 75, 298 Banach space, 10, 151, 197, 198 Carath´eodory, C., 114, 148, 304 Barth´elemy, L., 249, 297 Carleman, T., 199, 298 Basheleishvili, M.O., 64, 91, 173, 174, 177, Carleman’s estimate of essential norm, 199 183, 301 Cartwright, M.L., 148, 298 Bates, P.W., 276, 297 Cauchy Bazaliˇı, B.V., 200, 297 inequality, 37, 66, 130 Bebernes, J.W., 276, 298 problem for parabolic system of higher Beckenbach, E.F., 252, 298 order, vi, 203, 205, 206, 210, 212, 216, Bellman, R., 252, 298 235 Bessel function of the first kind, 100, 232 problem for parabolic system of the Beta-function, 85, 139 second order, 40, 218, 219, 220, 228, Betti identity, 178, 179, 180 230, 233, 239, 240, 256, 257, 261, 280, Biharmonic 283, 286 equation, 94, 99, 102, 104 Chichinadze, R., 85, 91, 298 function, 3, 94, 98, 99, 101 Chueh, K.N., 276, 298

313 314 INDEX

Cialdea, A., 249, 298 Donath, G., 286, 299 Classical maximum modulus principle for Double layer elliptic systems, 2, 21,22, 36, 43, 44, 46, elastic potential, 153, 183, 184, 199, 301 47, 50, 51, 53, 55 harmonic potential, 167, 200, 297, 299, parabolic systems, 203, 204, 205, 209, 304 214, 217, 219, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, harmonic vector-valued potential, 183 229, 235, 243, 301 hydrodynamic potential, 153, 183, 184, the gradient of biharmonic functions in a 188, 301 half-plane, 94,98 logarithmic potential, 198 the Lam´e system in a half-space, 3, 55, vector-valued potential, 4, 56, 151, 152, 57, 66 165 the Stokes system in a half-space, 3, 55, Douglis, A., 24, 37, 75, 80, 90, 95, 97, 100, 57, 66 104, 297, 298, 305 the stress tensor of the planar deformed Dunford, N., 12, 14, 15, 20, 298 state in a half-plane, 55, 58, 69 Cohn, D.L., 10, 12–14, 17, 20, 298 Earnshaw, S., 298 Commutator, 34 Edwards, R.E., 20, 298 Eidel’man, S.D., 206, 208, 209, 211, 218, Complete elliptic 221, 230, 235, 239–242, 256, 280, 282, integral of the first kind, 109, 143 283, 287, 298, 299 integral of the second kind, 57, 68, 75, Elliptic 90, 153, 187 equation of higher order, vi, 2, 75, 93, integral, 109, 143 297 Condition (L), 254, 267, 269–274 equation with complex coefficients, 51, 52 Conley, C.C., 276, 298 integral of the second kind, 154, 190 Continuity degree of an operator, 198 system with a scalar principal part, 43, Contractivity of a semigroup, 4, 249, 302 47, 52, 226 Convex Elschner, J., 200, 299 body with compact closure, 5, 252, 255, Elster, K.-H., 286, 299 264, 265, 269, 271, 273, 274, 276, 277 Essential norm of domain, 152, 153, 166, 170, 171, 173, boundary integral operators of elasticity 187, 188, 199, 299 theory and hydrodynamics, 4, 153, hull, 255 154, 190, 193, 195, 301 Conway, E., 276, 298 bounded operator, 4, 151, 198 Cosner, C., 276, 298 matrix-valued integral operator of double Costabel, M., 200, 298 layer potential type, 2, 4, 151, 152, Curve with bounded rotation, 198 153, 166, 167 Cylindrical the double layer potential, 200, 299 body, 5 Extremal directions for harmonic fields, 3 surface, 237, 269 Fabes, E.B., 200, 299 de Figueiredo, D.G., 52, 299 Federer, H., 151, 157, 161, 163, 166, 184, De Giorgi, E., 151, 155, 157, 298 299 Diestel, J., 12, 298 Fichera, G., 75, 90, 299, 304 Dirac function, 82, 174 Fichera’s maximum principle, 75 Dirichlet problem for Fourier transform, 26, 99, 100, 175–177, biharmonic equation, 99, 100 211, 230, 261 elliptic system, 4, 24, 31, 35, 39, 55, 59, Fraenkel, L. E., 2, 299 61, 65, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82 Fredholm, I., 183, 197, 199, 200, 300 high order elliptic equation, 95, 96, 297 Fredholm the Lam´e system, 87, 88, 91, 173, 183 mapping, 35 the Stokes system, 83, 84, 92, 174, 183 radius, 4, 192, 193, 197–200, 299, 303 Djakov, P., 149, 297 Friedman, A., 275, 299 Domain with Fulks, W., 276, 298 angular point, 4, 185, 190, 191 Fundamental conic point, 4, 151, 153, 154, 193, 303 matrix of solutions of the Cauchy edge, 4, 151, 153, 154, 186, 195, 199, 297 problem, 206, 216, 230, 235, 239, 257, piecewise smooth boundary, 178, 200, 281, 286, 298 299, 302 solution of the biharmonic operator, 176 INDEX 315

solution of the Laplace equation, 41 extremal problem for harmonic functions, 105, 300 Gauss, C.F., 299 hypothesis, 105, 106, 108 Gauss-Green theorem, 161, 179, 299 sharp inequality for the first derivative of Gegelia, T.G., 64, 85, 91, 173, 174, 177, analytic function, 149 183, 298, 301 type extremal problems for harmonic Germain, P., 71, 299 functions, vi, 3, 105–107, 110, 117, Gilbarg, D., 53, 116, 299 131, 150 Gohberg, I.Ts., 198, 200, 299 Khimchenko, B.N., 53, 235, 300 Grachev, N.V., 200, 299 Kimura, M., 235, 300 Gradshtein, I.S., 100, 142, 232, 299 Kinematic coefficient of viscosity, 56, 64, Green’s 78, 83 function, 27, 95, 96, 300 Kleinman, R.E., 200, 297 matrix, 38, 206, 208, 210, 211, 220, 235, Kozlov, V. A., 200, 300 257, 260, 305, 306 Kr´al, J., 151, 199, 200, 297, 300 Krasovskiˇı, Ju.P., 82, 300 H¨older’s Kratz, W., 92, 300, 301 condition, 33, 34 Krein, M.G., 198, 200, 299 inequality, 19, 85, 89, 147, 252 Kresin, G., 5, 56, 69, 115, 150, 301, 302 uniform condition, 203, 205, 206, 238, Kuiper, H.J., 276, 301 251, 277 Kupradze, V.D., 64, 91, 173, 174, 177, 183, H¨ormander, L., 40, 174, 300 301 Hadamard, J., 299, 303 Ladyzhenskaya, O.A., 64, 175, 183, 241, 301 Hadamard’s real-part theorem, 3, 148, 149 Lam´e Hadamard-Borel-Carath´eodory constants, 56, 64, 78, 87, 173 inequality, 149 system in a ball, v, 29, 30, 77, 78, 79, 89, type inequality, 114 91 Hansen, J., 200, 299 system in a half-space v, 3, 32, 55–57, 64, Hardy space of harmonic functions, 75, 78, 87, 88 in a ball, 132 Landau, E., 301, 302 in a half-space, 117 Landau type inequality, 115 Harnack inequality, 114 Landau, L.D., 105, 302 Hausdorff measure, 154 Landkof, N.S., 200, 302 Hessian of the norm, 278, 286 Langer, M., 249, 302 Hile, G., 52, 150, 299 Lankaster, P., 293, 302 Hoff, D., 276, 298 Lemmert, R., 276, 302 Hong, C.W., 52, 299 Lenhart, S., 52, 302 Hopf, E., 300 Levi, E.E., 302 Hudyaev, S.I., 200, 306 Lewis, J.E., 200, 299 Hypergeometric Gauss function, 108, 137, Lifshitz, E.M., 105, 302 139, 143, 144 Lindel¨of, E., 148, 302 Lindel¨of’s inequality Ingham, A. E., 149, 300 in a disk, 114, 149, 150 Invariant sets for parabolic and elliptic in a half-plane, 149 systems, 269, 276, 296–298, 301, Lipschitz 304–306 boundary values of a , Isometric isomorphism, 10, 17 150, 299 domains, 76, 298, 299, 305, 306 Jensen, J.L.W.V., 149, 300 Locally compact Hausdorff space, 2, 9, 10 Jodeit, M., 200, 299 Lopatinskiˇı, Ya.B., 24, 200, 302, 305 L´opez-G´omez, J., 2, 52, 302 Kakutani, S., 20, 300 Kamenskiˇı, M.I., 198, 305 Makintyre, A.J., 149, 302 Kamynin, L.I., 53, 235, 300 Marcus, A.S., 198, 299 Kantorovich, L.V., 20, 300 Maremonti, P., 76, 302 Kelvin-Somigliana matrix, 174 Marichev, O.I., 109, 121, 138, 139, 144, 304 Khavinson, D., 105, 148, 300 Markov, A.A., 20, 302 Khavinson’s Matrix of fundamental solutions of the 316 INDEX

Lam´e system, 174, 175 Normal in the sense of Federer, 151, 157, Stokes system, 174, 175 163, 166 Matrix-valued Nystr¨om, K., 235, 304 integral operator, vi, 4, 151-153, 161, 183, 200 Optimization problem on the unit sphere, measure, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 3, 77, 90, 146 set function, 152, 161 Otsuka, K., 235, 300, 304 Maxwell medium, 58, 71, 72 Ouhabaz, E. M., 249, 297 Maz’ya, V., 5, 20, 56, 69, 76, 115, 150–152, Parabolic 182, 199, 200, 249, 298–303 equation with complex coefficients, 205, McLean, W., 174, 303 229, 238 McMullen, P., 255, 272, 303 Lam´e system, vi, 205, 230, 235, 304, 305 Measure of non-compactness, 4, 198 Paraf, A., 304 Medium with purely elastic behaviour Parametric estimates for the gradient of under volume compression, 58, 71, 72 harmonic functions, 110 Medkov´a, D., 200, 300, 303 Parton, V.Z., 64, 174, 177, 178, 304 Mellin transform, 200 Perimeter of a set in the sense of Mikhlin, S.G., 182, 302 Caccioppoli and De Giorgi, 151, 155, Minkowski, H., 251, 252, 303 161 Minkowski functional of a compact convex Perlin, P.I., 64, 174, 177, 178, 304 body, 5, 252, 272 Phelps, R.R., 260, 304 Miranda, C., 2, 47, 52, 75, 90, 94, 101, 104, Picone, M., 304 226, 303 Pini, B., 52, 304 Miranda inequality, 3, 94, 101 Plamenevskiˇı, B.A., 76, 302 Miranda-Agmon Poisson inequality, v, 21, 55, 58, 93–95 formula, 27, 65, 91, 111 maximum principle, 1, 2, 3, 55, 75, 76, integral, 106, 107, 117, 132 92, 93, 302 matrix, 81, 82 type maximum principle, vi, 3, 55, 93, Polya, G., 30, 53, 75, 304 297, 301 Positive-definite matrix, 1, 4, 21–24, 27, 32, weak form inequality, vi, 93-95 34, 36, 39, 41, 43, 46–48, 50–52, 204, Mitidieri, E., 52, 299, 303 205, 219, 222, 225, 227-229, 235, 238, Mitrea, I., 200, 303 243, 246, 248, 278-280, 284, 285, Molina-Meyer, M., 52, 302 291–293, 295 Moutard, T., 303 Potapov, A.S., 198, 305 Muskhelishvili, N.I., 69, 303 Principal part of a system, vii, 2, 4, 5, 22, 23, 33, 38, 43, 52, 204, 222, 226, 227, Natroshvili, D.G., 91, 303 243, 276, 288 Navier-Stokes system, 76, 302, 303, 305, Protter, M.H., 2, 52, 105, 148, 235, 275, 306 276, 299, 304 Netuka, I., 199, 299, 303 Prudnikov, A.P., 109, 121, 138, 139, 144, Neumann problem in a half-space, vi, 109, 304 145, 146, 300 Pseudostress tensor, 177, 178 Nikod´ym, O.M., 20, 303 Pucci, P., 2, 304 Nikol’skiˇı, S.M., 198, 303 Nirenberg, L., 24, 37, 53, 75, 80, 90, 95, 97, Rabotnov, Yu.N., 71, 304 100, 104, 297, 298, 304, 305 Radon, J., 4, 20, 151, 193, 197–199, 300, Non-weakly coupled systems, 52 304, 305 Norm Rajagopal, C.T., 149, 304 differentiable, 5,255, 271, 275, 284, Rathsfeld, A., 200, 304 dual, 188, 251–253 Real-part theorems, 148, 150, 301 generalized (in the Minkowski sense), 5, Redheffer, R., 276, 304 252, 255, 257-259, 277, 281, 282 Reduced boundary, 151, 157 of the integral operators of elasticity Reinhardt, R., 286, 299 theory and hydrodynamics, 153, 187, Rempel, S., 200, 305 188 Representation for the gradient of a twice continuously differentiable, 5, 277, biharmonic function in a half-space, 278, 285, 286, 295 99, 101 INDEX 317

Riesz, F., 9, 20, 305 Strongly Rockafellar, R.T., 265, 305 coupled system, 5, 235 Rodkina, A.E., 198, 305 elliptic operator, 58, 61, 79, 81 Rogosinski, W.W., 149, 302 elliptic system, 2, 3, 21, 32, 33, 37, 55, Rossmann, J., 76, 200, 300, 302, 303 58, 77–79, 174, 237, 239, 301, 305, 306 Rus, I.A., 52, 305 parabolic system, 4, 5, 230, 237 Ruscheweyh, St., 305 Stys, T., 52, 235, 306 Ruscheweyh’s inequality, 114, 149 Sweers, G., 52, 303 Russo, R., 76, 302, 305, 306 System of quasistatic viscoelasticity, v, 3, Ryzhik, I.M., 100, 142, 232, 299 55, 58, 71 Sz´asz, O., 149, 306 Sabitov, K.B., 52, 305 Szeptycki, P., 52, 306 Sadowsky, B.N., 198, 305 Sand, M., 200, 299 Tartaglione, A., 76, 306 Sch¨auble, M., 286, 299 Taylor’s formula with the Lagrange Schaefer, C., 276, 305 remainder term, 124 Schaefer, P.W., 52, 276, 298, 302, 304, 306 Three parametric model, 58, 71, 72, 75 Schmidt, G., 200, 305 Titchmarsh, E.G., 148, 306 Schmitt, K., 276, 298 Trudinger, N.S., 53, 116, 299 Schulze, B.-W., 75, 305 Tucker, W., 200, 303 Schwartz, J.T., 12, 14, 15, 20, 298 Uhl, J.J., Jr., 12, 298 Seo, J.K., 200, 299 Uniformly Serrin, J., 2, 304 elliptic equation, 1, 51, 52 Shapiro, Z.Ya., 24, 305 parabolic equation, 275, 296 Shaposhnikova, T.O., 20, 303 parabolic system in the sense of Shelepov, V.Yu., 192, 200, 297, 305 Petrovskiˇı, 4, 5, 203, 215, 251, 256, 277 Shen, Z., 235, 305 Uraltseva, N.N., 241, 301 Sheppard, G.C., 255, 272, 303 Shilov, G.E., 176, 305 Variation of a measure, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 Sirakov, B., 52, 53, 305 Vector-valued measure, 9, 10, 12, 15 Smoller, J.A., 276, 298, 305 Verchota, G.C., 200, 306 Sobolev Viscoelastic medium, 71, 72, 75 imbedding theorem, 38, 97 Vogel, A.L., 200, 306 space, 33 Volpert, A.I., 200, 306 Sobolevskiˇı, P.E., 249, 303 Walter, W., 235, 276, 304, 306 Solid angle, iv, 24, 56, 65, 151, 154, 161, Wasowski, J., 52, 306 184, 199, 200 Weak maximum modulus principle, 1 Solonnikov, V.A., 24, 76, 80, 82, 241, 244, Weakly coupled 301, 305, 306 elliptic system, 52, 302, 303, 306 Sperb, R.P., 2, 306 parabolic system, 235, 276, 297, 305, 306 Spherical system, 1, 52 biangle, 186, 196 Weinberger, H.F., 2, 52, 105, 148, 235, 275, mean of order p, 77, 78, 86 276, 304, 306 segment, 186, 194 Wendland, W.L., 200, 300, 306 Stanoyevitch, A., 150, 299 Wheeler, L.T., 76, 306 Steinbach, O., 200, 306 Wildenhain, G., 305 Steinhaus, H., 20, 306 Witzgall, C., 251, 252, 306 Stieltjes’ integral, 20 Stoer, J., 251, 252, 306 Zaanen, A.C., 20, 306 Stokes Zalcman, L., 148, 306 function, 92 Zhou, C., 75, 235, 306 system in a ball, v, 85–87 system in a half-space, v, 3, 56–58, 64, 67, 68, 77, 78, 83, 84, Stress tensor of the planar deformed state, 55, 58, 69 Strichartz, R.S., 92, 306 Strong maximum modulus principle, 1

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For a complete list of titles in this series, visit the AMS Bookstore at The main goal of this book is to present results pertaining to various versions of the maximum principle for elliptic and parabolic systems of arbitrary order. In particular, the authors present necessary and sufficient conditions for validity of the classical maximum modulus principles for systems of second order and obtain sharp constants in inequalities of Miranda-Agmon type and in many other inequalities of a similar nature. Somewhat related to this topic are explicit formulas for the norms and the essential norms of boundary integral opera- tors. The proofs are based on a unified approach using, on one hand, representations of the norms of matrix-valued integral operators whose target spaces are linear and finite dimensional, and, on the other hand, on solving certain finite dimensional optimization problems. This book reflects results obtained by the authors, and can be useful to research math- ematicians and graduate students interested in partial differential equations.

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