Newsletter, Vol 32 No 1, Summer 2001

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Newsletter, Vol 32 No 1, Summer 2001 ASLH NEWSLETTER .¿-fY FOÞ. n' ' '{q s"W.z-OO."' uæà5 PRESIDENT-ELECT Robert A. Gordon Yale UniversitY SECRETARY-TREASURER Walter F, Pratt, Jr. University of Notre Dame and Annual Meetin "Eallot l{ ÙoLUME 32, No. 1 sumtel2ool "- i lÈl Ð --- 1 2001 Annu¡lMeetlng,Chicago ' " " ' " " B¡llot.. """"""'3 NomlneeforPresldent'elect """3 NomineesforBo¡rdofDlrectors,' """"4 8 Nomlnees for Bo¡rd ofDlrectors (Gr¡düate student positlon) " " " " " NomlneesforNomlnatlngCommittee ' """"""'9 Annoutrcements ""'l0 Paull.MurPbYPrlze """""10 J.WillardHurstSummerlnstituteln LegalHistory " ' ' ' " " ll Law&HßtoryRevlew.. """"12 StudiesinleirlHistory """"12 series I 3 universlty of Texas Law Librrry lnaugurrtes Legrl Hlstory Publication ' ' H-Law. """14 of cnlifornia' vlslting scholars, center for the study of Law and socle$, university Berkeley Draftprogram..,..' lnformatlon¡boutlocatarrrngements """""30 34 Child Care for the meeting " " " UNCPressTltles ,.,.., """35 2001 Annual Meetlng. Chic¡go November 8'l l, The Society's thirty-first annual meeting will be held Thursday-Sunday, meeting are bound in the center in Chicago. Regisiration materials and the draft program for the Note th0t ofthis newsletter. Be sure to retum the registration forms by the dates indicated' 9-10t30. ,rlll b, , ,.t of nrorrar sotloor on sundry motoint. No"emb.t I ltrt. hdicate on the prs In rdditlon. plGsse n0le these soeclal event$. for whlch y0ü 0re asked to reglstr¡tion form your Planned attendance: Thursdry, November 8th 2:30-4;30 pm, Chicago Historicrl Soclety (self'guided tour) tgr : ëi , $ì, , åì,' l¡. 5;30-7r00 l)rì, ASLII rcccDti0n, Àllcgr.0 ll0tel Thc Socic{y is rtlso ùlosl ¡¡p|reciatlle oIfhc lìltallcial suppot t ptovùlctl by lhe,Ânrcrictitt lì, B¡r lìoùndafioD, DePl¡rìl l-aiv Soltool, Joh¡ Marshall Líìu'School, NoÍh\\'cslent 1..¡v School, ntlrl I'rid¡y, Novc¡ltDcr' 9rr' ofChicago Larv 8ll the [hiversily School. t: 7130-8:45 am, c0ù(iÌcDtâl brealfrst, Allcgro llotßl |t: lr l:00-2r00 prr, Tour 0f C00k CouIty Archivcs ];.[4!b! t. 4:00 pm, llcrrary Sessioü, Micl¡ael Sl0llehJ Dir.cctor, l\,fax,plarckJûst¡{ut fùr The ballot, bound ¡lt the ccntcr ofthis rÌcNslctter, reflects lhe lavomble 1,01e rcceiled by iì: Iuropì¡sche Rechtsgcschichfe, FlaÌkfurt fhe amcndl)relÌt to the Society's by-laws to create â posilion for a gradu¡ìle sluder)l ou the boärd ol 5il5 p¡n, Rcccptioù follonirg tÌe Plenary addr.css il directors. Biographics oflhe noniuecs iollow this paragraph, Mârìy thänks to the nominating (Tla[sportalion will bc providcd bchrcen thc Allcgro Hotel ¡ìnd thc conlmittee for lheir conscienlio!ìs workr M¿ry Dudziak, UliveLsity ofSoutbern Calìiorlìa, chair', li Unirersi(y 0f Chicago LarT School) Thor¡as Gallauis, Ohio State Uliversily, PhiliD HanùurgeL, Univcrsity ofCliicago, Sarah Hanley,lJriversity oflovâ, and Victonô Woestc, Arìrcricar Bar Foundtttion. i. Saturday, Novcnrber l0rr' ¡l li 7;30-8:45 âN, contirertal brcakfåst,,{llegÌo Iìotel NoMrNrE FoR PRESIDEN T-ELEcr I' l2:15-1;45 ptr, ânnn¡l luüchcor l:' Il,IRRY N. ScIuûìtR is the Stcfau Ricscnield Professor ofLarv and History, Unn'eisily ol lì Caìifbruia, Berkeley. Hejoined thc Boall HlllSchool ofLarv facrlty at thc Universiry i[ 1980, 6:00-8:00 pnt, reccption, AllA Muscnnt 0fl-ary, AllA ßüildirg (traDsporta{i0û after service as P|olessor ofHistory ¿ìt D¡flnor¡tlr aDd as pro!idcd) Colìege Professor oIArneLicatr lìistory t: at UC Sa¡r Diogo iI La Jolla, A gradualeoiColunbia College i| Colurnbia Urriversity, he holds i:, fhe MA and PhD in history fioN Comell University. llis seNice to {h€ society has inclLrded trvo Sunday, November I l'h tcr'r¡s ou Lhe board ofdircctors as well as conlributions to thcjounal. lìis is an honoLary fellorv ofthe Socicty, l{e selvcd for eight yearc as chair of the ,lur ispludence aud Social Policy doctolal 7r30-8;45 aÛ¡, c0nlineItal brcakfísl, Allegr0 ll0tel program at Borkelcy, and has direcled gradtìîle strÌdel)ls ìn legal history both in JSP aud ir the Hislory Deparlmenl. H9 cunentìy teachcs Aììrelicau legal listory cou|ses, including a senrilar li on ,Alìrerican fedgrâljsnl, aud courscs on history and corlenlporary aDalysis oloceân law Hc Special thanks for all fheir exçellent rvork in ar¡argi[g tho al]¡rual neeting go t0 Vicky sewed for six years as Associate DeaD oflloaìt I.lall, wâs chrir 0fthe UC Berkcley faculty Woestg oI lhe Aùoricat) Bar Foundation, chair.ofthe Local AnaDgenìents Coln¡ùittec, alrl to se¡rale, \yas foundìug directot oft¡c inlornationiìl conference series knorv¡ as "'lhe Berkeley I BillNovak, Ilistory, U¡iversity ofChicago, clrair oftho prograììr ConlnÌittoe. lheother Semumr on Federalism," and seffes curen{ly as ac{ing director of the CenfeL ior the Slirtly of ììlenrbors oflhe Local Anitnge¡tenls Countit{ee are Ben Brown, JohD Marshall Law School li l,aw ârìd Socie{y, direclor ofBoalt's Sho Salo Research Progran in Japarese and US Larv, ald a David Monison, Illi[ois Canìp¿igr lor PoljticalRelbrn, Süe Shcri<ìan-Walke¡ Norlheasten ii Drember ofthc Bancroft Library's iaculty connnì{tec. Hehasalsobeenchair'0ftheUCBeìkeley Illrloìs UnìveLsity, aud Stephen Siegcl, DePaulLaw Sohool. The otl)ermenbers ofthe plograrr a¡d UC syste[wide faculty Iibtaly con u il lees, lho Jefierson Lectures colrlllrttce, and oLhel.UC it Comnrillee are Mary Sarah Bildel, Law, Bo$or College, Ilorvard Gillrlan, poljlicâl Scionce, Scnate commillees; and cùrrel]tly he chairs lhe i:: Caìifomìî Sea Crant College Program board. He Univerrity ofSoLrtlrem Califomia, Julius Kirshner, IIist0ry, University ofChicago, Dan KlernaÙ, was awarded an honorary doctoLale in larvs by Uppsalâ Uniyeßily, S$,eden, ir 1998;wìs iì Lâ\y, Uliversity ofSoulhern Califonria, Felicia Kombluh, History, Duke Uliver.sity, Kcn Djstingujshed Fulbrighl Lecturer i1l ,4ustÍìlia; has lu,ice held GuggcDheiD fellorvships; rLud also l.:. Ledford, Hislory, Case Wesleút Reselye Unilerstl),, l\,larja Elen¡ i\4¡flIìe/. Histor1,, Ânrencan held fellowslrip a|aLds fronr SSRC, ACLS, the JapaD Society lor the Plomotior ofscience; the Bar Foundalìon, Jcuuiler Mnookin, Law, Uriverrity olVirginia, Dalia Tsuk, Law U¡iversitv of f Rockefeller Foundatìon; and NEH. lle rvas tn'ice a felìow oflhc Ce¡ler for Advalced Study in Arrzona, Bulhrm Wclkc. History. I ìrivcrsity of l\4rn¡csor¿. I\4jchrcl Willrich. Hisrory. ßrarrdeis i: the BclavioralSciences. Ìrr public and prolessìoualseryice, he lìâs been Ihe president oltlrc New UDiversity. Togctlle¡, lhey have all tvorked hard to produce ù41at looks to be a superb neetilg. lJau¡rshiLe Civil l.,ibclies Unron, president 0ith0 Agricultural His{ory Socìely, vice presideÛf ol ia ii the Calilomia Supreme Court Historical Socicty (also the Sociofy's Yearbook editotì, a trlìstee of thc Law & Society Association, chair oItlre College ßoard's Ad\'âuced Placcmenl Conlr]tittee iI I Anerican Ilislory and a l¡ember ofCEÈll's Achielement Tost Coìnniuce fol Aneiicaù lìistory; ii chaiÌofthe Nálionfll AssessmeDl ofEducation colìlììlillec ou I-lìstory and Ci!jcs; oD the fôLìndi¡lg corìnnìllee for Plojecl 87 oi Al.lA-APSA, neurlrer ofnu¡rerous AHA and 0All ìf colrnittces, ;:i i: ir)cluding (¡s cl)Âir) {hc l}ìllcrolì ând l.iLtlc(où,Gris\\'okl cont illecs; aìtd on cdìtotitl bolrds ot theAnuuâlMectìng.'lhisp¡stye¡ìrhcserlcdoûlhcC0ìÌnlittccorìllonors. Also this 1|rc lìrctclo\tliu olthc llt¿ritúI Calstitt ia ,a¡<lalso ofliel,lcrr¡ l/r,'r¡e.r'¡utìt Ilitkù.t,, l)âslye¿ll he scNed as Chair ofthe Willard llrrst Pdzc CoÌnÌitteo of thc Law & Society Associ¡liou. llo lle e¡it Legal llittot !, Ldr' ¡n Conteit,Bu:i¡ ess lIiJlol)r οl)i¿x,, aìld olhorjoünâis. llis a\rarded iì al lor co¡llibrtiorÌs p¡ogralìls \\,rìs rcce¡îly fcllo|ship lhe CeùfcI Adlauced Shrdy iu the Behaviotal Sciclccs, lo lot history tcacllers tlso ilclrrde dircctorships and co-rlirectoLships, as ir) P¡lo Allo, and will be Itf lhe Center durìrìg thc 2003-04 acadeuric ye¿r. wcll as lccturil]g, n threc suunuer NBll p'.ogìaÙrs lÌeld at UC Berkeley lor high school ilslructors; aìtd tcilcllillg in a Naliolìal Archives suutmer teîcheß, seuli¡tiìt. llis books include 'l'he l:l'ilson ltlni¡tistrutio u dC¡tilLibet!ie\ 19l7-2l;U.S. IìcotrcDic ll¡staty: Sclecre¿ 'l'[oì\t^s J. DA!ts is professor ofhistory and visitilìg prolessor of law at Aü?oua Slate Rerutittgs (ed.); Ohio Cau( Ìitt:/1CaseShub, (,1StL c Colcntìncìtt t¡tt¿ thc Dio,tot¡¡t,. lg2A,6l (two l¡]iversiq, iù Tenrpe. A Phi Bela Kâppa grådüflte ofFordharn Unilersily, he ca ed a M.A. aud edilionÐ; Z¡c O/./ Nat th\\'est (ed.)i Át¡¡eùctlt Etottoì,uc lhstotl (co-au. wrlI 11. FaLrlkner Ph.D. in United S{ales history and Afiìcan history frour Colurnbia Unìversity, a M.A. irì atñll.Vallet); Anßicûn L!\r utrl ¡he Cotßtiutriotral Orlcr'(co-ed. witli L. Ìried rnaD); 1,egal 'the jounrafisrn fion Ball Slate Uriversity in Muûcie, Indiana, and a J.D. fio¡r the U¡livcrsity at Cnlur, .unl thc Lc¿al lrot'es'io, {co-cJ. $ illì 1.. l.ricdt)tillì: ¿,¿x o/ rrc.ç.,r Calunit BLrffalo. Ilis books incluleTheNe\\, )'o t Conv¡rac), (Beacon Press, 1971),A Ruurot oflleyo : lleûtage ancl Lnergittg Challelges (ed.);'l'he State utt¿ Fteetlattt oÍ Co)út.lct (ed.); atld The 'Gt eût Neya Plot' i¡t Colotiol Ne¡, )'otk(Frce lLess/Macmillan, 1985; pb. University of IttetÁllierl Canlicts attl)tea Lat,, 1945-53 (ittpress). Hc also editcd and corrl¡ibùted ir: Massachusells Pross, 1990), ivhich rvoll the GusLa!us Mycrs oenter llonoral¡le Mentio¡ Arvard aúicles to the six-volulle Beùeley Seninar Series an Fetleralisttt,ilcludingFederalitnt ald llrc as one of the bcst books published i¡ l 9S5 on racial intolemnce irì the Unitcd Stales; and ,ht¿icial Mi]Í[.l]e \as D\tblislìed solnc 120 ar{icles, book chaplers, ard Doùographic shìdi€s ur joLurals ,,lhe ,4fi icatß tit Íhe l¡¡rciclrs: l llistory ol the Blttck,Dias2orn, iviLh MichaelL.
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