Newsletter, Vol 32 No 1, Summer 2001
ASLH NEWSLETTER .¿-fY FOÞ. n' ' '{q s"W.z-OO."' uæà5 PRESIDENT-ELECT Robert A. Gordon Yale UniversitY SECRETARY-TREASURER Walter F, Pratt, Jr. University of Notre Dame and Annual Meetin "Eallot l{ ÙoLUME 32, No. 1 sumtel2ool "- i lÈl Ð --- 1 2001 Annu¡lMeetlng,Chicago ' " " ' " " B¡llot.. """"""'3 NomlneeforPresldent'elect """3 NomineesforBo¡rdofDlrectors,' """"4 8 Nomlnees for Bo¡rd ofDlrectors (Gr¡düate student positlon) " " " " " NomlneesforNomlnatlngCommittee ' """"""'9 Annoutrcements ""'l0 Paull.MurPbYPrlze """""10 J.WillardHurstSummerlnstituteln LegalHistory " ' ' ' " " ll Law&HßtoryRevlew.. """"12 StudiesinleirlHistory """"12 series I 3 universlty of Texas Law Librrry lnaugurrtes Legrl Hlstory Publication ' ' H-Law. """14 of cnlifornia' vlslting scholars, center for the study of Law and socle$, university Berkeley Draftprogram..,..' lnformatlon¡boutlocatarrrngements """""30 34 Child Care for the meeting " " " UNCPressTltles ,.,.., """35 2001 Annual Meetlng. Chic¡go November 8'l l, The Society's thirty-first annual meeting will be held Thursday-Sunday, meeting are bound in the center in Chicago. Regisiration materials and the draft program for the Note th0t ofthis newsletter. Be sure to retum the registration forms by the dates indicated' 9-10t30. ,rlll b, , ,.t of nrorrar sotloor on sundry motoint. No"emb.t I ltrt. hdicate on the prs In rdditlon. plGsse n0le these soeclal event$. for whlch y0ü 0re asked to reglstr¡tion form your Planned attendance: Thursdry, November 8th 2:30-4;30 pm, Chicago Historicrl Soclety (self'guided tour) tgr : ëi , $ì, , åì,' l¡. 5;30-7r00 l)rì, ASLII rcccDti0n, Àllcgr.0 ll0tel Thc Socic{y is rtlso ùlosl ¡¡p|reciatlle oIfhc lìltallcial suppot t ptovùlctl by lhe,Ânrcrictitt lì, B¡r lìoùndafioD, DePl¡rìl l-aiv Soltool, Joh¡ Marshall Líìu'School, NoÍh\\'cslent 1..¡v School, ntlrl I'rid¡y, Novc¡ltDcr' 9rr' ofChicago Larv 8ll the [hiversily School.
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