Introduction to Lohengrin (R.Wagner): so¬ .¦.er r ;-: lippg: prano solo. Keel (Adam); maSs, Mozart's f '±% CHRISTMAS CAROLS Twelfth, entire; offertory, Adeste Fideles (Novello); Veni Creator, alto solo (Monti); HP! organ postlude, Hommage a Mozart. Mor- "I Want to Be the Jeweler Who Connies Into Yomr Mind First." ceau symphonic (J. Baptiste Calkin, Op. (>">). 'qv Celebration of the Festival At tile lOUW o'clock mass the following pro¬ Joyous gram will be rendered: Organ preiude, pas¬ a With Glad Music. torale (J. Griton): mass, St. Theresa's, for man. three voices equal (La Hache); offertory, Adeste Fideles (Novello): postlude, introduc¬ tion to third act of Lohengrin (R.Wagner): 0 Salutaris. soprano solo (Giorsa); Tantum ELABORATE SERVICES OF SONG Ergo (Aiblinger). The Is composed of the following singers: Soprano soloist, Mrs. Armand Gumprecht; alto soloist. Miss Virg:e ; The Wetzel; tenor soloist, Mr. Al.-Fennell; basso Delight of soloist, Mr. Frank Reeside. Chorus.So¬ Augmented in the Various pranos. Misses Maggie Sweeney, Rose Kear- 1 ey, Mary Harnedy, Rett* Wetzel, Mary Churches. Kearney. Josephine Clements and Iren» Rntwisle; altos, Masses Helen Doering, Katie Present Cnlyinit:! Doering, Janie ITlmer and Dora Collins; ma tenor, Mr. Al. Fennell; bassos, Messrs. programs prepared Michael Scanlon, Frank Reeside and Chas. .Tf he is a Kelly; organist and director, Mr. Armand smoker he will appreciate a present of |jg Gumprecht a box of fine cigars more than anything else you , Holy Name of Jesus, corner 11th and K ttreets northeast. Rev. Thomas Kervick. . could him. But want to him the best. Chriitmas, the most and give you give ||B joyous signifi- pastor..Solemn high mass at .% o'clock; If you 'nail time to around and brand cant festival of the Christian year, will be celebrant. Rev. Father Fitzgerald; deacon. go sample every celebrated in the churches this with Rev. is enhanced when the selection off the is made from a stock on the market your choice would be .Sjj year Father Kervick; subdeacon. Rev. Mr. gift of all the pomp and ceremony that usually Rose, s. J. There will be low masses at T, so exquisite as mine. The slimmest books can characterizes its observance, and the pow¬ S, and late mass at 10 o'clock. At the 5 Jewelry pocket purchase erful o'clo-k mass the choir will render the Misa here of taste and whilst on ETi lessons from the pulpits will be em¬ Pro Pace (La Hache); Venl Creator (Wei- gifts beauty, the other hand, my diamonds M "White phasized by the magnificent music which gand): Ave Maria, (Gounod); Adeste Fid"ie- and gems run up to the value of a ransom. the Sear^CSarars.1 will and prince's During past precede follow them. The great (Novello): clarionet solo by Emanuel Diaz. not masters of harmony have found their The members of the choir are: Sopranos week all the world-and his wife has visited this little store==visited and They are wild.of high bite the M-sdames H. F. Getz. J. Eekert, Misses tongue.and represent the very finest grade of sweetest themes in the divine Inspiration Mary llessler, Anna Doyle, Louise Frizzel!, applauded and purcEniased. fi have been very busy and until Christmas Havana that springs from the birth of the Savior, Laura Groves, Agnes Sauter, May and Ella Cigars. The equal of any imported cigar, and their most exquisite melodies will be McNamara; altos, Mesciames J. Ruppert. J. Day the rush will continue. I! know I have many things that you would yet much lower in price. tendered by a thousand throats that will Wheeler, Bishop and Somers, Misses B. Wil¬ in as Christmas or New Year's to iind new in son, R. Huck and M. Thyson; tenors, Thos. delight giving presents, and, anyway, You could not go in a power the influence surround¬ James G. possibly astray sending ing them. is for¬ Turpin. Duncan, Houlehan: bassos, look at them will give you whether or not.* Won't box or a package of them to your gentleman friend Washington peculiarjy W. H. Parker, M. T. Byrne. Joseph Mulliare, pleasure you purchase tunate in the character of its church sing¬ Wm. G. Dunne, R. Riordan, S. Mockabee, you accept this invitation as a one to for Christmas, and whoever he is he will be forced ers. and Christmas clay the various choirs E. L. A. G. Cox; organist. Miss Lucy Byrne; personal you? to admit that taste and in Will be augmented strong choruses, directress. Miss Mary Kessler. your judgment selecting by St. ISth near M while in or¬ Augustine's (colored). stock of Silver Articles is still and offers them is the very best. many churches there will be street northwest. Rev. Paul Griffith, pas¬ My Sterling large wide chestral accompaniments. This is especial¬ tor.Five o'clock mass.Weber's mass in G selection for you. The "DAVISON"' watch requests your inspec¬ ly true of the Roman Catholic, PrSkestant irajor. Eleven o'clock mass.Kyrie, Gloria. tion. Here's a hint! Never walk on F street without at Episcopal and Lutheran churches. Below Credo, Sanctus.Hayden's third mass; Bene¬ the looking will be found the programs arranged for dlctus, Agnus Dei, Gounod's mass of St. beauty of my window. Their retail are° the Cecilia; Vent Creator, Handel's, W. T. prices leading churches: Benjamin; offertory. Adeste Fideles; o 3 for 25c. 15c. straight. lioiuan Catholic. Salutaris, by R. Wagner, arranged by ioc. for St. corner I and North Austin Pierce; Tantum Ergo, by Marzo, straight. 3 50c. Aloysius, Capitol tenor solo and The 2 streets, Rtv. Cornelius S. chorus, Geo. Lemon. for 25c. 20c. and 25c. straight. Gillespie, J., pas¬ members of the choir are:¬ tor..Solemn high mass will be celebrated prano, Mrs. Martina Irving; alto, Mrs. La- Co EL hrlstmis morii'ng at 3 o'clock by Rev. vinia Lofton: tenor, Mr. J. I. Jackson; bass. BAYIS0N, Aloysius Brosnan, S. J. with Rev. Father Mr. W. T. Benjamin. Sopranos.Mrs. Mar¬ tina Irving. Mrs. Anna Swann, Mrs. Susie The box are: O'Connell, S. J. as deacon, and Rev. Mr. Green. Misses Carrie Hawkins, Julia John¬ prices Coyle, S. J., as subdeacon. The music will JEWELER, White son. Mary Simms. Clara Wheeler, Mary Seal "Cabinets" (box of 25) $5 00 be as follows: Before mass, Adeste Fideles, Weldon, Mrs. Lulu Prather, Mrs. T. W. White Seal "JefTersons" (box of 25) $4.00 by Novella. The mess will be La Haehe's! Short. Altos.Mrs. Lavinia Lofton, Mrs. F St. itiree \oiced. sung by a chorus c.f male Agnes Lemon, Mrs. Broughton, Misses Of course, I am \ hho§ White Seal "Perfectos" (box of 25) $4.00 voices; at the offertory, Noel, by Gounod, Marie James, Carrie Johnson, Lizzie a bass solo will be rendered by Mr. James Parkam. Tenors.Messrs. J. Jackson. open every evening. White Seal V*. J; "Delmonicos" (box of 25) $3-5° ivolan. , George Lemon, Duvall. U m. femith. After-dinuer shopping . White Seal "Aristocrats'' (box of Solemn high pontlflcial mass will be cele- Bassi -Messrs. W. T.. Benjamin, T. I,. Ben¬ 25) $3 25 a.' ,!.' °'c'ock hy his'eminence Car¬ jamin. John Cole. Chasiey.Radcliffe.<>r parties are quite popular ttiis Xinns. White Seal "Gladstones" of dinal Satclli. 1 he otiicers of the mass will and organist.Prof. Anton Gloetzner. ^The (box 50) $6.00 be: Archpnest. Rev. C. Gillespie. S.t).; dea¬ sermon at It o'clock will be by Rev. Chas. A A A AAA 4AAAAAAAil White Seal "Panetelas" (box of 50) cons of honor. Rev. M. C. Dolan, S. J., and H. McKenna, O. P. $>50 Peters, S. J.: deacon of the St. Stephen's Church. Pennsylvania ave¬ White Seal of ,, "Imperials" (box 50) $5-5° mass. Rev. P. J. McGinney, S. j.; subdea¬ nue find 2.»th street. Rev. .1. J. Dougherty, tion after mass, O Salutaris. by Marston; son, G. H. Michaelsen, Bryan Morse and L°oker. Charles Cropley. White Seal of con, Rev. Mr. Scott, S. J.; master of cere- pastor..Solemn high mass will be cele¬ Tan turn Ergo, by Faure, and Laudate Do- (on this occasion) Harry W. Hughes of pI^S; Minniok.,Wm-Joseph Flynn, Dr. F. S "Regalias" (box 50) $4.50 s- J- The sermon brated at 5 o'clock, when the following mi num. by Cassarini. The solos will be sus¬ Wheeling:, W. Va.; organist and choirmas¬ Barbarinp'^s and Mr. Frost; bassos, R Lea White Seal "n?1?*'v. ill be delivered°'G?rmun'by Rev. Aloysius Bros- music will be rendered: Introit. Cantigue tained at both services by'Mrs. Zaidee R. ter, Harry J. Head. "Conchas" (box of 50) solo and Cox, Reginald Locker, Roy Kirkland E {; $3-75 the mass there will be di Noel, Gounod, for tenor; Kyrie Smith, soprano; Mrs. M. X. Martin, contral¬ St. Paul's Church. 2:'.d street near Wash¬ Sanford Kirkland and - rUtv Gloria in Durand's second solemn H. Bea11, benediction cf the most blessed sacrament. Excelsis, to; VVm. Burnett, tenor; L. E. Gannon, ington Circle, Rev. Alfred Harding, rector; Phililf1MXV'Vle The choir will he as- I he choir will render the new mass, Messc mass In G; before the sermon. Venl Cre¬ baritone, and John H. Nolan, basso, sup¬ Rev. Dr. F. M. Gibson and Rev. Frank i .tin .Hun"n8'on. Lock-wood, Emily Solennelle, in D, by Prof. F. dl- ator Spiritus, arranged from H. F. Grant; ported by a chorus of twenty voices. Miss . Fanciulll, and Credo. Dur¬ Prescott, assistant ministers..Services on ItovM \tMar.vMattie Cropley, Misses Cook and White "Plots" lrine I:and- ThIs 'I'-iss is solo for soprano quartet; Jennie Glennan, organist, and J- E. Gan¬ Christmas day will be as follows: ^te\ens, Miss Mrs. Ross Seal aod . L Early Dodson. "Quarts." t0 ';s eminence. Cardinal Satolll. and's second solemn mass In G; at the of¬ non, director. celebration of the holy communion at 7:.">0 and j W. E. ii?-.the \ eni Fideles. Novello s .Miss Kearney, altos; Mlddleton Creator will be suns before th« fertory, Adeste arrange¬ St. Dominic's, corner of Oth and E streets a.m.; matins and nigh celebration at 11 a. ar.d Charles as- We have also these White Seal in a ment Sanctus. Benedlctus and Del. organ'st director; Cropley, put Cigars up packages sermon, tenor solo and quartet; at Agnus southwest. Rev. F. W. Linahan. pastor.. m.; evensong at 4:.*{«> p.m. At the 11 o'clock 4 p m' th" Sunday of and 10 in tin foil to them fresh. the offertory, Eece Annuncio \'ol>:s, bass Durand's second soh-mn mass in G; reces¬ Solemn high masses will be celebrated at 5 service ths following program of music srhoni of?r,*V;'lnlSLthe parish, assisted by the choir. 5 keep solo and chori's. Both of these composi¬ sional. Dielman's Christmas Hymn. The and 11 o'clock and low masses at 7 and 'J will be rendered by the vested choir, witn SC.^.00J t,lcir Christmas carols. tions are the work of Prof. Fanciulli, who following memners of the choir will sing o'clock. At 5 o'clock the music v. *11 be orchestral accompaniment: Processional, wii' ,B >\.I1 d:rect at this service: Soprani.M£*. \N D. Allen. Christ Church. G street between 6th ard A "Pint" BEfidJe (5) White Seal Cigars, <6oc. personally their rendition. An Weber's mass in G, Veni Creator, Giorza; Adeste Fideles; reading (hymn 4'.»); Venite >th streets southeast. Rev. Gilbert F. Wil¬ orchestra of twenty-five selected musicians Misses Theresa Machen, J. A. Carey. Susie Gradual, Date Sonitum Pastores; off?rtory, and Glorias, in E, Havergal; Te Deum and liams. rector..Processional. Adeste FldelN- A "Quart" Bumdie WMte Seal $n. Will assist the choir and render appropriate McD«rmott. Annie Flynn. Mary Heitman, Adeste Fideles, Novello. The sermon will Benedjptus in Eb. Barrett; Introit. And the (10) Cigars, music at the craduale Mesdamcs Stalky ant P. P. Mdlett. be G'or'as. »>y Gerrish: ft and at the reces¬ preacheJ by Rev. C. H. McKenr.a, O. P. Glory of the Lord Shall lie Revealed, open¬ r,;'.0' ®uckiy 8 Festival; Jubilate Deo. sional. 1 lie is Alti.Miss Edith C. E. Dessez, It , "White Seal" on sale at choir composed of the fol- McCoy. Mr£ At o'clock the choir will render Mozart's ing chorus of the Messiah, llandel; com¬ I .f i amf: pIJffnnslat- ,"ia and i»>; Gloria T'bl Cigars Mrs. Misses Margaret Gowane, JPIary Macdon- twelfth mass Adesfe No- munion the St. 'I;, Soloists.soprano, Gll- offertory, Fideles, service, Cecilia Mass in F by Pleyel; offertory. Psalm 21. as arrange! Arlington Hotel. Rothschild's, 14th and I. Kh!v.S-rhSmetrs: iilto- M:ss rauime ald Mrs. A. B. Hines. Mis*s Eleanor vello; gradual, Sit Nomen Domini Bene dic¬ (Messe Sollennelle) by ; by Oreatorex; succeeding- the benediction SI\\hittak.r,mrn-Bfrry:tenor. Mr. Phil Baer; basso, len. Cora Trodden. Minnie Heitman. Tenor! tum, Cagliero. The mass will le fo'lowei by hymn 51; . Sing. O of -Messrs. 1>. A. W. VV. Allen. Gil¬ Daughter the Glor.a in Excelsis. This order of music John Chamberlin's. \V. R. Ramsey, 489 Pa. Ave. NoIan; chorus.sopranos, Mrs. O'Brien, benediction of- the blessed sacrament, at Zion, Xaylor; recessional, The Snow Lay t\ill be next Sondav. The mem¬ XI bert J. Gannori. Frank J. Mulhall. L. F. which on given again K '' RuPPert, Miss the music will be O Salutaris, Curto; the Ground, Warren. This recessional bers of the choir are as follows: Principal Hamilton House. Concordia Club. Mamie \Vm,e',Laekstadt.Vs',Rose L. Connor, Pearl Randolph. Bassi- Messrs. O. V. Tantum Ergo, Hattersley. The choir will be is traditional in this been Alex. Cnrl parish, having quartet Mrs. Lilian White, soprano; Miss Columbia Sittings, Cecilia V. Connor, Eleanor C T. W. Gross. GlUen, Reidi, composed of the following ladies and gentle¬ sur.g every Christmas for many years. Th:- I.aura alto: Mr. James S. Smith Helphenstine's. Athletic Club. Burgess Mrs. Schort, Misses Nellie Corr'- Robert W. Campbell. Organist.Mrs. xla!'>" men: Sopranos. Misses Mollis Mar¬ choir, under the direction of Mr. Donald K^hlert. (UimIt Cochran Ilotel) F. Wright, tenor: Mr R J. Lowry. bass. Chorus choir,' ?.rtn a"1* M-nn:0 Milligan; altos, Misses Gillen. Director.Mr. Lucius Randolph, garet Kelly, Alice Kerr, Fanny Campbell, B. MacLeod, organist and choirmaster, is Miss Bertha Kahlert. Miss A. D. C. Murrav H. Hoyle & Co., 4th & Whiteside & Walton, 1921 Marj E. Triplet}. Mamie McGuire. Kate jr. . Angela Healy, Rosie Carraher, Alice Healy composed as follows: Sopranos, Charles Miss Nellie Miss Nettie .ac.iey. clara Kubel, Mrs. Helen M Tur- 2d and c streets northeast. and Mary A. Browne; altos. Misses Bell, Willie Clarence Ben¬ MacNulty, Denham, E. sts. Pa. ave. St. Joseph's, Rosie Freiss, Kelsey, Goss' M'ss Iretie Gibbons, Miss Cap. Augustus C. Taylor; tenors, Rev V F. Sohmitt. pastor.There w.U be Rabbitt, Maggie Coleman, Bernie Fitzgerald, jamin Rollins, George Bickford, Frank Llllie; n? £Bureht and Miss pre¬ Messrs.v" /,:rt( arl mass r> Mamie Virginia XaUy; E. C. Reed, 611 st. E. V. F st. -\anten, Sherman T. liighr solemn high at o'clock, celebrated Mondian, Mary Hendiey and Hilda Morgan, John Bonnell, John liarbaugh, centor. James S. Smith; organist, J. Fulton 15th Lawrence, 1014 '. R'lpp'Tt, Bart. Lynch ami r>r. Smart- by the pastor, to be followed by low mass: Edwards; tenors, Messrs. A. L. Condry; Williamson Smith, Arthur Rittenhouse, itscnards. A. L. Pa. av, Sam L. '.assosI Messrs. 1... O'Hare, J. Mawdsiey,' the last service will be a high mass at lu William Marsden, J. L. Flynn, Thomas Ray Randall, Marshall White; altos, Alex. Shultze, 455 Willett, 930 F. A. G. J. bo followed of the Churen of the Aseension.corner 12th street Aeff, Daley, Murray, F. White* li- o'clock, to by benediction Barr, M. Casey and Arthur Campbell; bas- Long, Harry Boss, Mrs. Oertel and Miss and Massachusetts avenue. Rev. John H. Warwick's, 13th nr. Pa. av. brarian Mr. A Xeff; organist and director, blessed sacrament. The music at the ear.y sos, Messrs. John Caugher, William Gra¬ Ball; tenors, William D. McFaiiand. Chas. Elliott. S. T D.. rector; Rev. Wm. Tavloe Mr. J. Kubel. mass will be as follows: Hymn, With Glory ham. John Keating, J. C. Werress and T. A. H. Soran, W. T. Reed. J. Stuart tail and he -and 1235 Pa. Ave. St. 10th Lit the Air. Gloria. La Miss J. C. T. Snyder, assistant minister.-There will headquarters, Patrick's, street between F and Midnight Kyrie; Browne; organist, Barbara Bischoff. Ballou; basses, C. Belt, G. F. D. celebration of the holy communion at an Pastor..Solemn high Jeal* Credo; Sanctus; Benedlctus. Rosewig; Immaculate Conception, corner Sth and X Rollings, Warren S. Young. George G. early hour, when the music will be rendered miimass will-n°rnbe celebrated at r> o'clock by Agnus Del. Seo in in Hvmn The woman took the money and made Mr. Win Bateman. Percy Leach. William Gorman. obligato. Middl J. Baptiste Calkin's service G. n StulY OIHcer. n alio; At benediction, Bassini's O Salutaris will be C. ton; hymn No. 53, Avison; Kyrie, before sermon. While Watched the promise; then Grant rode on some fif¬ D. McFarland.m"? J}ont,?srifro-SIaina.tenor; Mr. Bernard A. Ryan Henry Caylor. Jennings, O'Loughlin; Miss Gloria Tibi, No. Shepherds Edmnnd Kirke in New York Sun. teen miles to where the Miss Isabel and sung by Mrs. Smith; Tantum Ergo, by Frost; Wagner: hymn 5S, Their Flocks by Night; tune, St. Martin's; army was to go basso. M. Louise Boone, organist' Daisy Joyce, organist directress. Goeb, full choir. The choir is as follows: St. Louis (Reiner); Offertory, Sing. O An anecdote was related to me into camp for the Mariano The choir will be assisted at the late mass u. Tansur. Offertory anthem. The Angei amusing night. There the various Signor Maina, musical director' by Sopranos, Miss Annie Grant (soloist). Mrs. Heavens, in B flat, Simper, recessional No. Gabriel Was Sent From God, Henry Smart; one of Gen. Grant's staff officers. The regiments were notified of a full parade at Mr. Frank Gohegan, violinist. 57, Mendelssohn. choir is by to which the officers Mr ,Wm' Combs! Henry Jordan, Miss Marguerite Wrenn. The composed baritone and tenor solos, quartet fuli incident occurred early in the war, when were to see that ;T.p1°S,S\rMrS'^*sses Jennie Mudd B--»s- St. Mary's (German), 5th street near H Mrs. Rose Bennett. Miss Susie Lewis, Miss of Masters Bur iside. Ke»\ Brown, Carter, chorus. meter doxologv; all the m?n attended. This was so unusual Carrie Wood, Margaret Dwyer northwest. Rev. George Glaab, Ascription, long he was in command of an expedition a 2% tic, Y* pastor..Sol¬ Carrie McGill, Miss Cecilia Gillis, Miss French, MeAuley, Cragin, Middleton, For- Gu.l Franc; Sanetug. from Calkin's service thing with a force on the march that it Adelaide Borbeck, Rosa Cayee K r CnV emn high mass will be celebrated in St. Gillis and Mrs. O. Bean Scheif- the confederates in southwestern created a decided Roberta II. Cook; altos. ker, Swift, Luekett, Tietlett, n of communion. Bread of the against sensation, many suppos¬ A- "--.'p Train"' Mary's Church Christmas at*'5 o'clock a. Mrs. R. P. Barnard (soloist). Miss Tacie fer and Lewis, Misses Halley, Bullman, \\orld,, in.hvmn Dr. J. S. B. Hodges- Arkansas. He was on a march of more ing the enemy was upon them. The pa¬ M?sseseHamA3 IV-Foulkt'. , in spite of any An^. Musch^fr,o?eUanM!uschertRosa Hum' northwest. Rev. James F. Mackin. pastor.. ris and Tmtum Churchill, George Cornwell, anthem. Noel, o Sins to he accosted the mistress of the house with statements to the Mack,Amelia Chew. Metdames" The lir3t mass will be celebrated at 5 Ergo,Laudamus,Gregorian. Walter Cox, Claude Edmonds. Don Ed¬ a demand for food for himself and his contrary, supports the Julia?, ne3^ir,nleClifton, Julia The solo at the offertory will be sung by John God. Ch. Gounod; interlude. Pastorale in F idea Thornton. Alice I.o-'a-i o'clock. The music will be 'rendered by the monds, Edwards, Abram Frye, Bertie first movement, J. S. Fuirua staff. To her inquiry as to who lie was, he general of the Monroe doctrine. It is Laura Waters; alios. Misses \r irv \r,7l i !' Miss Lizzie Branson. The choir is com¬ Granville Lester Bach; postlude ' choir, assisted by Miss Cecilia Murphy and of the Misses Emma Bean and Annie Frye, Guss, Heywood, in G minor, lik. 4, No. 7. J S Bach The answered, "Brigadier General Grant," and not the doctrine itself which is resented in Mary Fen-.vick, Bessie Fletcher rf.h directed by Madam The late mass posed Stanley Heywood, Ablgate Lipscomb, Ellis at the sound of that name all the members Great but the claim Florence Daly. Green, sopranos: Jennie Bean and May choir is as follows: Mr. Jas. W. Chenev. or- Britain, is made thai Queenanr tenors Samuet will be at 11 o'clock, at which Right Rev. McLeod, William Pickles, Carlyle Shelley, and of the family present Hew about with won¬ it does not appl^ to the Venezuelan dispute 'vi!2^S;Middle ton, \\ m. Shedrick, Chas Kdelin- Keane will The musical Branson, altos; Messrs. Millard, Harmon Henry Talmadge (soloist), Therrett giinisL choirmaster; sopranos, Mrs." Hat- as a-nn, Bishop preach. and Edward Davis, R. J. Green and Towles; tie Meads Smith (solo). Miss Annietta U derful alacrity, serving up all they had in it stands. This seems to be the whole bassos, Aloysius Brown rr»Q a program \Nill be as follows: Battsman s bassos; tenors, Messrs. Ballinger, Gcisberg, I. C. the with of of the British contention, and it Samuel Mockabee; Messrs. George M. Cas¬ Kinfc, Mrs. Uertha B. Lipscomb. Miss Laura house, profuse expressions loy¬ is confi¬ mass,Veni Creator. Karst; Christmas hymn Brown, Walter Brown and Wm. N. Lang- Miss Bessie S. alty. They were all women, the men being dently expected in the best-informed quar¬ for offertory, Deilman. The Gregorian per and E. T. Davis are director and or¬ tree; bassos, Messrs. H. O. Edmonds, Wm. Bangs Driver. Miss dertrude with the of confederates that ters that an amicable ganist, respectively. ' Elinore l\ Simonds away body arrangement will be and C stroets -^uth- chant vesper service.Adeste Fideles, No¬ R. Bushby, C. N. Wake. Odell Whipple, R. (solo). MissMl.- a.Anna Mrs. R. L. Town- Grant was pursuing. The lieutenant and reached. cast' 1RevrS.IC'°(rrr,^ vello; O Salutaris. Mozart; Tantum Ergo. B. Mitchell, C. T. Dudley, F. P. Dewey, JLo» Nixon, his squad feasted to their hearts' content hlgh mass shend. Miss A. E. Tichenor, Miss Mae D win' b'e celebrate,rat°5~??'lo?kn Lroff. The choir is composed of forty Beverly Towles and Theodore Dessc-z; as¬ ,iss Bertha Dawson; tenors. Mr F and then demanded what was to pay. Gold to He Taken From Ocean Saml. Tne musical program will be as follows- voices, assisted Misses and St. Michael and All Angels' Church, cor¬ sisted by Miss Bessie P. Miss was the of by Esputa Mitchell, « Clements (solo). Dr. .1. Walter HolinesI "Nothing," prompt reply the From the Los offertoriuin.' Wood; organist, Miss Mary Byrne; orches¬ ner li2d and F streets. Rev. C. W. Bisp- Draper and Miss Caulflcld, sopranos, and nils tress of the house, protesting that as Angeles Herald. Adwte1 FMotes Mrs. E. M. worth, Mr. Harry S. Childs (librarian Mr tfNotilIomPlete):' tra accompaniment; directress, Madam J. ham, rector..The Christmas season will McLeod, Miss Talmadge and she was a loyal woman she could not think The Pacific Beach Mix ing and Gounod Harry L. Murdoch, Dr. H. MacNamee- Dredging reth! ^'arranged). Esputa Daly. open with a full choral midnight commu¬ Miss Theresa Dudley, altos. bassos. Sir. Charles E. Rice (solo), Mr W of accepting pay from the defenders of the Company is the name of a corporation re- well-known clarionet soloist, will St. Matthew's, Rhode Island avenue near e' With this Lieut. Wicklleld and eral play'sev- nion service on Christmas eve, processional St. John's Church, corner O street and Po- Abbott, Mr. Clarence Zepp and Col. Cecil country. cently formed in thff city for the purpose selections during the service The Connecticut avenue, Rev*. Thomas S. Lee, tcmac avenue, Rev. E. his "staff" v.ent on their way rejoicing. choir is composed as at 11:30 p.m. The vested choir of Georgetown, Charles of exploiting the gold fields which it is follows: Director Fu pastor..High mass will be celebrated at 5 forming Buck, rector..Service at 11 a.m. Proces¬ E',lph;>ny. G street Gen. Grint had halted his forces a- few claimed exist in the sand gene French; organist. Miss N R Kearon- o'clock. The music to be rendered will be thirty men and boys will render the follow¬ between miles back for a brief but soon along certain por- sional Hymn, 50, J. Reading; Venite, Good- 13thvnhUJ,^and Hth?!£».streets northwest. Rev R II rest, he re- tions of the shore of the ocean sopranos, Misses Hattie Ritebi,. ,,,°"' follows: Before the Adeste sumed his march, and about the time that between tista, K. Allen. M. mass, Fideles, ing music: Processional, O Come All Ye enough; Gloria Patri, C. B. Clark; Te Deum, McKim. rector..The re will be morning Redondo and Santa Mon'ca. The corpora- Stuart. N Bolder k Mc" Novello* a arrangement; during the mass, Faithful; solo, Oh, Holy Night, Mr. It. L. J. E. West; Benedictus, Introit and II a.m. the lieutenant was well out of sight and Caffery, M. A. \in Stanier; prajer holy communion at and tion has a lease on a mile and a third McMahon, Boffan F Kyrie[ Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Keeling; communion service. Stammers in Hymn, 58, Averson; Kyries, Woodward; at 7:30 a m" Tho hearing he rode up to this dwelling, and. on the which Mahon. M. Daly, Mrs. Mehler- altos La mass for mal» Principal halting at the fence in front of the door- frontage ocean, it proposes to L Dei, comprising Hache'3 E flat; offf-rtory, Sing, Oh. Heavens. Tours; Gloria Tibi, Woodward; offertory anthem, ^music=icC3T^Un,l?nat the 11 a.m. service will be Festival treat as soon as proper facilities in the way Baptista, Arendes, M. Liufrio° >?rs j voices; at the offertory, Gounod's II Natali, It Came the O Heavens, at in G way, inquired if the good people there of felham; processional returning, Upon Sing, Simper; presentation Morning Service major, Dudley Buck- machinery, etc., can be placed upon the ^ t tenors, Messrs C baritone solo; after mass, organ volun¬ Midnight Clear. The choir consists of the of Praise God from Whom AH And the Would cook him a meal. I**r\\ right,S J. S'Iseff, C. J alms. Bless¬ Ir.trQit anthem, Glory of the Lcr'd." grounds. Already an analysis has been Richards, Duffy tary by Miss Jennie Glenn.fn; solemn high following: Sopranos, Joe Butterwortli, How¬ ings Flow; Sanctus, Woodward; Gloria in from Handel's Messiah; offertory an¬ "No," came a gruff female voice on the with the lassos, Messrs. R. W. Devereat v^V S' at 11 a.m. The inside of the closed door. "Gen. Grant and made, most promising results, mass progtim will be as ard Butterworth, Nelson Mourning, Arthur Excelsls, old chant; Euc-haristic Hymn, 225, them, Nazareth, Buck-Gounod. The choir and the company expects to an man, B. Atchison, M. Early, J J K^atin- follows: Before the mass Adeste Gus Neil Pierce his staff have Just been here, and eaten up develop A. Schulteis. At the Fideles, Thomas, Thompson, Eiker, Minnlck; Nunc Dimittis, Stainer. The choir is composed of a quartet, consisting of Mrs important mining industry. late mass.A Missa Novello, and during the mass, Kyrie, Gloria Levis, Guy Eiker, Willie McKim, Willie consists of Masters Charles Griffith, Nellie \\ ilson Sliircliffe, soprano; Miss Flor- all we had in the house, except one single Cantata.the junior choir will sing Rossi's in Excelsis in Harry pumpkin pie." Deo,Credo Unum Deuin, Sanc¬ Edwards, Stephen Ford, Glenn Morse, Middleton, Frank Smoot, Albert Gwynn, ence Stidham, contralto; Mr. William Caul- For Divorce. mass, and at the benediction Gloria's O tus et Benedlctus and Agnus Del. compris¬ Bryan Morse, Munroe Elliott, Arthur Den- Newton Middleton, John Ald'.n and Mr. G. Griffith. "Indeed!" said Grant. "What is your feaiutaris and Lambilotte's Tantum Ergo Alois Bart Barbarin, held. tenor, Berkeley !)£. me?" Mary V. Webster, through ing Schmld's jtew festival mass, ham, Douglas Sutherland, Clarence Chism, Smoot, N. Gwynn, Harry Howser, Clifford basso, and a chorus of ladles and gentle¬ Attorney Holy Trinity, corner 3«th and O streets its first Ten lltloifln Washington. At the of¬ Paul Maschmeyer; altos, John Eiker, Geo. Bangs, Worden Parris, Wilford Le under the direction of Mr. H. "Selvidge," replied the woman, now ven¬ Montgomery Blair, has filed a petition for Georgetown, Rev Wm. J. Jubilate Ptoach, men, Clous?h- to door. Scanlan, pastor.- fertory. Deq, by#piai>elll, a soprano Chase; tenors, Messrs. A. B. Mesny, R. L?e Roy Tucker, Perry Huntington, Percy Or- I^eighter, organist and choirmaster: Mlssea turing open the divorce from Edward Webster. The papers Larly mass will be celebrated at 5 o'clock solo and chorusf Before the sermon, Veni Juks Messrs. ..Well, madam, I want that pie," said in th# case are withheld from Longstreet, Rodier; basses, ton, Harry Kline, Norman Cruickshank; Cook, Dobbins, Didden, Dlxou, Gould, How¬ publication. The music will be as follows: Organ prelude, Creator, by Chadwick, and at the benedic- C. W. Moore, R. L. Keeling, Percy Thomp- altos, Hyde Barbarin, Will Waters and J. L. ell, Jones, Lewis, Mccdy, Muir, Pollock,